Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Utlhcrcd l.y Cnrrlcr In tny port of Ilio City.
TI i rtninvrn J Hui'tiemi Office..i. . . Nn. 41
'EIIIOMS1 Night Editor . . . . . : . . . NaSI
N , V. Plumbing Co.
C. H. Water \VorUn Co.
Ilctnovcd to 00 I'cnrl street ,
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coat.
( 'lull's ' chattel loans. 204 Sapp block.
IJurliDriitsdin.motidB\vatehos , holiday goods.
W. H. Paulson of the Western Iowa Busi
ness collect ) Is tlio father of twin boys , born
An Information .vas fllod In tbo district
court justeruoy charelng b'rank Harding
with Insanity.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Koth entertained a high
flvo party Monday evening at tbclr homo on
Seventh nvonuo.
M , W. Swain of Omalia will plvo a humor
ous talk tomorrow evening at tno Young
Men's Christian association rooms in the
Men-lain block.
The tombola given at tbo residence of John
N. Huldwln last evening for tbo bcneilt of
St. Paul's church was well patronized , and a
vpry enjoyiiblo tlmo was had.
O , \V. CJrahom , proprietor of the planing
mill at the corner of Second avotiuc and
Thirteenth street , was presented with u line
ofllro uhnlr yesterday morning by his em
W. C. Hlchards , deputy United States
titirBlial , was In the city yesterday , having
li chnrpo Albert Jackson , for boot legging.
1 i < was Indicted bv the grand ] ury at its lust
The case of Hccso against the Council
J luffs Transfer company , which has been on
trial for the last dav and u half In the supc-
j or court , wns given to the Jury yesterday
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
A meeting of Pottawattamlc tribe No. 21 ,
Improved order of Hcd Men , u ill bo held at
thu hall , corner Broadway nnd Main strcot ,
on the Uth lust , at 8 p. tn. All members and
visiting chl"fs are cordially invited to bo
All ladles who have any fancy work for
the Woman's Christian association hospital
will leave it at the residence of Mrs. ( juorgo
Phulps , corner Willow nvcnuo and Sixth
htrcct. Jellies and fruits will bo loft at the
Masonlu tcmplo asearlv today as possible.
Phillip U. Kceltup , nson of W. 3. Kcollno ,
of this city , lias turned up. it is said , in Cam-
bridirp , Massachusetts , on route for Hone
lulu. Ho ran nway from liotno some tlmo
ngo and this Is the 11 1st tlmo ho has been
heard from. Ills father is very anxious to
have him return borne , but ho refuses , say
ing ho prefers his present roving kind of
Ufa to going buck to the humdrum kind ho
used to lead when homo.
'J ho sitlo of property for taxes wont on
merrily yesterday , and but little was sold
that will provo any very pi eat bonanza to its
purchaser. In some cases lot * on the bottoms ,
upon which there are no improvements , were
sold to parties who were willing to pay the
taxes in retutn for an undivided ono one-
thousandth of the property , while in rtunv
cases ono two-hundrod-and-lliftlcth part
was all that wus required uy the eager land
Council Bluffs council , No. 1 , Commercial
Pilgrims of Ainorlcu , will give another party
at thu Hoyal Arcanum parlors on Thursday
evening , December 31. The following tire
tbo committees : Invitation K. H. Uaworlh ,
H. Franklin , A.V. . Johnson , Mr. Swallow
and W. J. D.ivcnport. Reception Henry
Coffeen , J. J. Jones , W. U. McCullough , Mrs.
J. E. Harkncss , Mrs. Oeorco Wise , ftirs. A.
W. Hobbs. Floor-G. A. Yancoy , W. B.
Lanlus ana W. A. Stcmkopf.
Grnncl holiday display of Fancy
Goods , Books and Novelties , Tliurbduy
evening. BOSTON S'umn ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Fresh oysters , 25o and UOo can , at C.
O. D. Brown's.
The Mocst in the City.
Gcorgo S. Davis , 200 Brand way , has
the nicest display of holiday good's up to
dnto in the city. Ho was' the first to
ehuw the public the beautiful things
bt ought out this year , and ho will domi
nate the trade on hta end of the btrcut.
Mandol & Kline will move their entire -
tire stock to Sioux City January 1.
Until that time you can buy furniture ,
stoves , carpets , at your own price.
T. J. Evans and J.1J. . Weaver left last
evening on a business trip to Oalcsburg , 111
J. P. Bouldcn , ono of tno most prosperous
farmers of this county , and who has resided
here for over forty years , will lea\o roxt
week for Fresno , Cnl. , whcro his two sons
are residing , and wnoro , too , ho oxpccts to
mil It o his permanent homo.
The largest stock of Japanese and
Chinese goods oust of San Francisco ,
'Frisco prices , at 317 Broadway.
Carman Feed and Fuel company ,
wholesale and retail hay , grain and
feed. Special prices on hay and grain
in car lots. 700 Main street , Council
willi IiiHiinlly.
John Anderson wfts arrested by Ofllcor
Claar night before last at his saloon on Broad
way , near the corner of Eighth strcot , appar
ently In an insuno condition. The complaint
was iniulo by his wlfo , who said that ho was
breaking the furnlturo in the house , threat-
culm : to kill her mid her child nua actint ; In
a rather boisterous fashion generally. By
thu tlmo ho was landed in the police station
hu was over his Hi of insanity and was pence-
able enough ,
A short time ago Anderson was brought
before tbo Insane commissioners ns the result
of n similar state of affairs. That time ,
however , ho had an unmistakable case of do-
llrlum trcmcns and was sent to St. Bernard's
hospital to sober up. Ho was then discharged
and wont to Bhilr , Nob. , to take the ICeoloy
tmitment. Ills treatment did not seem to
have much effect 'ipon him , for as soon as ho
lotiiruod ho burled himself In the ( lowing
bowl once raora und has bcon there over
i In co. Ho will be brought before the com.
mlssloucrs this morning for examination.
Cut Millinery PHocn.
Miss Ragedalo's millinery parlors , 837
Broadway , will have additional attrac
tions this week. $ lr > hats go for $ S ; $10
lints for $5 and $0 ; $5 hats for $2.50 and
$3 , and a nice hat for $1.50.
Cortlwi oil for Snlo ,
Tlry cord wood $2.23 per cord. Inquire
of David Lane , Lake Manawa.
Doll G. Morgan & Co. , druggists , 742
Broadway , are special agents for the fa
mous "Blush of Hones. "
Swnnson Mualo Co. , Masonlo tomplo.
Woolnoy'H Man
William Cupser , a young man who has
boon worktop at Taylor Woolsoy's restaurant
on upper Broadway for a month past , uls-
aproajcd yesterday morning together with
an overcoat valued at about $13 , anil u lady's
gold wntcb worth 1 10 , belonging to two of
the other employes of the restaurant named
Burl Brotz and Frank ShllTorll. The insUIng
properly was hanging In the hall up stairs.
Ills ubacrco was not discovered until ho tuui
been L-oiio several hours. Ho is supposed to
have KOIIO to Omaha.
Why pay 45o a quart for oysters when
you can got them for 80e at C , O. 1) .
i Don't forgot Tombola tonight.
Commercial men , Hotel Gordon the
best * U house In Council H lulls.
Tolekathuroa , perfectly cleaned and
seeded currants , the llnest thing in the
world at Slcad'n grocery , opposite the
Exhibition of the West rn Horticultural
.Society Opened Yesterday Afternoon ,
Great Hlinwlnt ; Made l > y Pnttnwatta-
inlo and MlllH County 1'omolu-
{ { Ists Inii'KCHt Orchards in
tlio World HcprcHcnted.
The fruit end vegetable exhibit of the
Western Horticultural association opened
yesterday aftorncon In the Merrlnra blocK.
A largo crowd witnessed It , but It Is hoped
that the attendance will bo still greater on
the following days. The admission is free ,
ana these who want to AGO what southwest
ern lowu can do In the way of raising fruits
will be blghly Interested In looking about the
The two counties from which most of the
exhibited articles come- are I'oltawattnmlo
and Mills. Tbo former county has nil Its
products arranged in ttio west end of the
room , while. Mills occupies the cast.
The tlrst thing that Mi-Ikes ono on en
tering Is a magnificent array of fruits and
flowers In the center of the room , the work
of L. A. Casper , D. J. Smith and B. S.
Hoover of this city. John Wilcox has quite
an array of produce from his Turin east of the
city , ono of the unique features of tils ex
hibit bolug a pair of arnica , the body of
which Is woven of small onions , while the
balance pans uro tilled wllh onions and
radishes. James Ualnbow . H. Kunns &
Son , Peter Wlo o , II. M. 1'routy , H. A.
Terry , F. Meiriam and O. J. Smith are
among the largest exhibitors.
Mills county also makes a good showing.
It la becoming better known each year as a
fruit rinsing bcctlon , Hon. John V. Stone
having one of the largest , if not the largest ,
apple orclmrd In the world. Some of the stories
told by the members of the Mills county del
egation with reference to the stretching out
of the fruit industry In their vicinity are
very largo , but are fully vouched for bv their
narratois. Dr. t > \ M. Powell , superintend-
nut of thu Institute for the Feeble Minded ,
has , next to Mr. Stone , the largest establish
ment in the county , in addition to an exten
sive orchard ut the state instituto. The
latter is cared for by J. W. Murphy , who is
also superintending the exhibit hero. Dur
ing the past year ovor2KH ( ) bushels of npples
were produced , and the orchard Is only in Its
Infancy , so that much greater returns nmy
bo looked for In the future. L. A. Williams ,
T. J. Moon , John Barber , also make largo
exhibits of their fruit products.
A ii coting in the afternoon was held at the
court house , at which several papers were
read nna considerable business transacted.
It was expected that the annual election of
oftlcers would take place , but on account of
lack of tlmo it was decided to postpone it
until this morning. A program wns pre
sented last evening , including an address of
welcome by Mayor Macrae and some Inter
esting papers , interspersed with musical
selections. Tbo exercises will open this
morning at 10 o'clock and three sessions will
bo held during the day ana evening. The
exhibit will bo open from 8 a. in. to 9 p. m.
hook at Tills Partial 1.1st anil Sec the
Prices Wo Ask You for Hooka
This Season.
Wuteh thcso columns closely and you
will llnd all the best works of standard
authors will bo furnished you by the
Boston store , Counc'll BlulTs , this season
at less than 0 nor cent of publishers'
prices. Below is a partial list of stand
ard works ; othots will follow :
Books In Sots Latest reprint of the
Encyclopedia Britannica , Allen edition ,
25 volumes , handsomely bound In grcon
cloth , $25. CO per sot.
With fl volumes American supple
ment , $30.00 per set.
Half Russia , 25 volumes , $30.00 per sot.
Half Russia , with 5 volumes American
supplement , $30.00 per sot.
lii double volumes in green cloth ,
$20.00 per sot.
15 double volumes , which includes
American supplement , $25.00 per sot.
The above are the greatest bargains
in encyclopaedia over oftorcd to the
public. Call and inspect the work for
Gcorgo Eliot's , 0 volumes , publishor'p
price $0.00 ; our price $1.)5. ! )
Thackeray's , 10 volumes , cloth , pub
lisher's price $10.00 ; our price $3.50.
Dickens , 15 volumes , cloth , publisher's
price $22.50 ; our price $3.95.
Scott's Wavorlcy Novels , 12 volumes ,
cloth , publisher's price $15.00 ; our price
Shakespeare's works , 4 volumes , half
morocco , publisher's price , $0.00 ; cut-
price , $2.25.
Gootho's Paust and dramatic works , 2
volumes , 12mo. , gilt cdgo , publisher's
price , $ ; t.OO ; our price , $1.50.
Gootho's Wilholm Meistor , 2 volumes ,
12 mo. , cloth , publisher's price , $3.00 ;
our price , 81.50.
Chambers' English Literature , 4 vol
umes , cloth , publisher's price , $0.00our ;
price , $3.00.
Elsie Series , by Martha Finloy , 17
volumes , cloth , publisher's price , S25.00 ;
our price , $12.60 , or 75o each.
- Mildred series and the Finloy library ,
by M. Finloy , 0 volumes , cloth , pub
lisher's price $3.60 , our price $4.75 per
set.Cooper's Leather Stocking talcs , 6
volumes , cloth , publisher's price , $5.00 ,
oui1 price S2.10 per sot.
George Ebor's works , 4 volumes , cloth ,
publisher's price $0.00. our price $ $3.50.
Hcsba Strotton's works , 0 volumes ,
cloth , publisher's price $0.00 , our price
Little Women series , by L. M. Alcott ,
8 volumes , cloth , $1.25 each.
TronHtircr'8 Hopntt.
Tbo following Is the statement of tbo city's
finances for the month of November accordIng -
Ing to tbo report of City Treasurer Klnun-
liau :
On Hand. Iru\\u.
General fund f 8K > 0 U
1'ollco fund JSM)7 ) 11
Intersection paving and
cradliiR 4,03504
Intersection sewer sinking. . . - ) , . .8 GO
Judgment fund fiS4 49
\Yixtorfuml ? , : as.3
Turk fund 3.VS 70
Park blnMnir fund 14 ! " 42
Library fund a.'lt 41 !
Curbing mm sidonnlk fund. . 3tot : : 07
IntciM'cuoiisower 10,087 4S
ItcdomptUm M 75 .
Oily brlilKo 4.UIU S3
funded ijobt 10.TJ5 54
( icneral Hewer 4.UIO 01
llond luiui 0,010 00
Total , . . . , t30C5K ; ! )
S-'poelal assessment sower. . . . * l.VOO 43
Special ahsctisinent paving . , 17.O.I 14
Special assobbinont Krudlng , . 4,178 M
. Tatnl tS-&ll 10
IlulaiHuon hiind JJ7.4K1 SO
Doll G. Morgan & Co. , druggists , 742
Broadway , are giving their customers
this season an elegant plush tollut t > ou
Every ono invited to the Tombola to
night. Admission 50 cents.
Tlio Snlo Will Ho Continued
For ono week loncor , teapots 1111 cd
with tea going at 5So , Lund Bros.
Memorial for Mrs. O. M. drown.
The Indies of the Women's Christian asso
ciation hospital have sot apart the reception
room , located on the north side of the hall In
the building , ns a memorial room for the late
Mrs , O. M. lirown , and It has beou beauti
fully lilted up b.v Captain Drown. Mr * ,
lirown'n piano , pictures , and parlor orna
ments bavo been turned over to the ladles
nd boeu ta t fully arranged In the room.
Ono of the chief ornaments will bo a line
crayon portrait of the deceased lady , which
Is now Doing made In Chicago , nrd It Is ex
pected to arrive In n day or t\vo Mrs. Drown
was ono of the foremost workers In the In-
tcroKtb of the association and the hospital
during her life , and It In very lilting that she
should bo thus honored and her nnmo and
good works kept before the public In so en
during a manner.
I'roopooti of Wnr.
The change which wns mentioned In TUB
DP.I : n any or two ago In the management of
the Grand hotel lias not yet been mode ,
owing to the excellence of N. W. Tnylor's
staying qualities , and Jmt now there seems
to bo jomo uncertainty as to when It will bo
mndo. C. U. Hannan , receiver of the
Klinball-Chnmp Investment company , sent
word to Mr. Taylor on Monday that ho had
loused the hotel to O. W. Clark ol Denver ,
nnd that he would bo expected to hand over
the kovs to the new proprietor at once. Mr.
Taylor did not sco fit to do so , and yesterday
the district court wns called uiion to Inter
fere. An order was Issued by Judge Smith ,
requiring Taylor to leave In three davs , or
stand the consequence * , which were painted
In the usual graphic colors of a court docu
ment. Mr. Taylor now states that he docs
not bellovo that nn order of the courts
amounts to any moro than an order ot a pri
vate citizen , and ho may pay some attention
to it , and than acaln ho may not. In talking
about the tnnttcr ho Is very backward about
saying anything as to bis leiral grounds for
holdlnc on to the place , but ho has consulted
un attorney , who advises him to tnlto the
stand bo bus. In the course of a few days ,
when the order af the court hni had time to
get In Its work , something Interesting may
take place. In the meantime Mr. Clnrlc Is
on the ground ready to take the management
of the hotel just as "soon as the receiver can
got rid of the man who now holds dowu the
otllco chair. _
The Old ami the New.
"Of courno It hurts , but you must grin nnd
bear It , " Is the old time consolation given to
persons troubled with rho'imailsm. "If you
will take the trotiblo to dampen n place of
flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and
bind U over the scat of p'lln your rheuma
tism wilt disappear , " Is the modern nnd
much more satisfactory advlco. 50 cent bottles
tles for sale b.v druggists.
Walnut block and Wyoming coal.
fresh mined , received daily. Thatcher ,
10 Main.
Grand holiday display of Fancy
Goods. Books and Novelties , Tliursdiiy
evening. BOSTON Sroun ,
Council BlulTs , la.
Try Caiman's for hard , and soft coal
and woo-J. 700 Main street.
To prevent fraud Ohio passed a law
requiring the inspection of maple sirup ,
and H. V. Slead , the grocery man , has
the only genuine stuff in the city , boating -
ing Crnln Bros. ' atlldavit and the Ohio
inspection btutnp.
Conferred With Prof. Groan.
Prof. W. M. Groan , principal of the Suou-
andoah Normal school , arrived iti the city
yesterday morning , and was mot by the
members of the committee appointed by the
Board of Trade to entertain him and talk
business during his stay hero. Ho was taken
for a rldo about the city , and was shown a
number of sites for the school , among others
the place known ts Bock's garden , on Upper
Broudwny , and the Jeffries land east of the
city , being selected by the committee us de
sirable locations. f
Mr. Croan could not express any opinion
as to where tbo school would llnnlly go. The
pcoplo of Shcnandoah are very anxious to
keep It where it is , us it is about all the town
has to keep , and a strong fight will undoubt
edly no made against Its removal. Prof.
Croan , however , believes that the growth of
the school Is hindered to a certain extent by
its being located in so small a town , nnd ho
Is willing , provided the necessary arrange
ments can be made , to strike out for a now
Hold. Ho will bo in the city again on Thurs
day , when another conference will bo hold.
Five Htiiulro : ! Million
will DO spent nt the "World's fair. " Now Is
the time to secure a hotel , boarding house or
other business to make a fortune. Address
James Pcarco & Co. , Traders bldg. , Chicago.
Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and now winter
goods. Satibfaction in every respect
Drs. Woodbuy , dentists , next to Grand
hotel ; line work a specialty.
Wo have our own vineyards in Califor
nia , Jarvls Wine company , Co. BlulTs.
Fresh bread , 2 leaves for oc , a * C. O
D. Brown's. _
Lilko Ijittlcinan.
Several months ngo n number of criminal
cases which had been tried in police court
and resulted In the lining of the defendants
were taken to the district court on appeal.
Contrary to the usual custom the cases were
entered on the docket and would bavo been
trlcu bud not the defendants pleaded guilty.
Since the plea nothing has bcon beard of the
eases nnd some guessing was done as to
whether anything moro would over como of
the cases. Yesterday notices were sent to
the various parties that unless the necessary
mouoy was forthcoming nt once they would
bo lines ted and put in jail and loft there to
servo out their lines. In accordance with
this picssinc invitation Frank Carroll
stopped up and paid his line of $ J5 and costs
for gambling , Joseph Welch , $15 for assault
and battery , and Phillip Belts , ? , " > for the
same offonsc. _
Cnllgrnph writing machine is the best for
telegraph purposes. Never out of order.
Jarvlswlld blaokborry h the bast.
Tombola tonight at Mrs. John Bald
win's , 114 Sixth strcot.
Teapots filled with tea 58e this week
at Lund Bros.
Fresh oysters received daily direct
from Baltimore at C. O. U. Brown's ,
Council BlulTs.
Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
The only kindergarten in the city is
in the Merriam block , next to the Young
Men's Christian association.
. Experi
enced teachers and only one-half usual
rates are charged.
DefonHU ot * KaiiHaw City's
lix-Clty Treasurer.
KV.NSAS CITV , Mo. , Doo. 8. Sensational
features marked the opening address of SV.
II. Wallace , attorney for ox-City Treasurer
William Pea Ice , who Is bomg tried in the
criminal court on the charge of embezzling
fJS.OJO of the city's money. Mr. Wallace
said ll'O dofonao proposed to show that the
city treasury was robbed by thu clerks In
the ofllco , all of whom had boon
In the habit of gambling. When Mr.
Peako needed money on his salary account
ho would take It from tbo cash drawer and
substitute a ttcuot. The dofnnso would show
that these tickets bad boon raised from
small to great auiounts. For Instance , ono
ticket for i r > had boon raised to $7-5 , and the
defense would show who had so raised the
tlckeu. All the clerks hod frequented a
well known gambling resort during their em
ployment In tbo city treasurer's oftlco. When
ihoy needed money they would abstract it
from the cash drawer nnd add the amount
stolen to ono of the city treasurer's tickets.
The evidence of the defense today wai confined -
fined to the proof that Mr. Pcako's character
was good. _ _
Kniillita Toniiilnr.
DKXVKII , Colo. , Deo. 8. Lieutenant Gov
ernor-elect S. C. Bestow of Iowa arrived In
Denver this morning , accompanied by Grand
Commander W. F. Cleveland and others , for
the purpose of selecting quarters for tbo Iowa
Knights Templar. The governor lays that a
larco delegation from Iowa will bo In attend-
nncu on the triennial conclave. The party
will remain In Denver for several days.
Spocltlo Oxygen cures catarrh. 510 Shecly
j t *
Thoj Declare the Nation in Favor of The i
I.rngtliy Address IfiHHf.d to tlio People
ple on tlio Kuhjcut They lix-
press Conlhloiico In ilio
1 'lit lire.
Dr.s MOINKS , In , Dec. 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BcK.I The prohibition state
central commlttco hold a mooting hero today.
Hov. B. A. Gllloy of Alnrcngo resigned as
stnto organizer and bo and Hov. Willis
Weaver of Coon Kaplds wore appointed to
aUoml the national committee meeting at
Chtcau'o , December 17. A prohibition bu
reau fui jwa was established , to bo con
ducted ( if Hov. W. A. Camtiboll , Thomas G.
Orwig , Mrs. C. V. Weaver , W. C3. EdltiRor
nml W. H. Boall. Permanent headquarters
of the party will bo established hero and the
next state convention will meet hero at a
tlmo to bo decided later.
An address to the peopio of Iowa was
adopted expressing the belief that a majority
of the pcoplo In tbo state and nation were In
favor of prohibition , but are divided by
cetty prejudices at the polls , and tinting the
organization of prohibition clubs , to bo com
pound of prohibitionists from all political
parties with a view to state control by the
prohibition party.
Its Territory.
Sioux OITV , la , Doc. 8. [ Special to Tim
Buu.J The Illinois Central Is seriously en
deavoring to became an actlvo factor In the
transmlnsourl region. TbatQcompany offered
A. S. Garrotson 15,000 a mile for the Sioux
City , O'Nuill ft Western road , commonly
called the Pacific Short Line , but tbo offer
was declined. Now It is understood that
negotiations are in progress whoruby the
Illinois Central may mulct ) a trafllc nrranco-
mqnt for the Parille Short Line to O'Neill ,
Nob. , and bullit thcnco Into the Black Hill ? ,
where the Central's great competitor , the
Chicago & Northwestern , already has a lino.
Tbo Central last year surveyed and located
u line from Sioux Ulty to the Black Hills via
Nlobrara. The western cart of the some
line can bo used by building from O'Nolll ' ,
and this is the purpose.
Moo ( J ( > KI | Question Italsrd.
LnMiiis , la. , Doo. 8. [ Special Telegram to
Tim BEE. I A democratic convention has
been called to moot Saturday , December 10 , to
nominate a candidate for representative from
this county to fill the vacancy cautod by the
resignation of Hon. M. U. Mills. The gov
ernor has not yet Issued hit proclamation for
a special election , and as this is a case with
out precedent In this btale and the statutes
not buing very clear on the point as to
whether Air. Mills could resign before the
meeting of the legislature , the action of the
governor is awaited with considerable in
terest. _
lowr.'s Medic I As. oelatlon.
CEDAU HUMDS , la. , Doc. 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BER.J Tuo soml-nnnnal meet
ing of the Iowa Union Medical association
was held hero this afternoon with a fair at
tendance. The ofllccrs of the association
uro : Dr. George H. Wilson. Tlpton , presi
dent : Dr. George Fullerton , Marion , and Dr.
D. C. Bioclitnan , Marcngo. vice presidents ;
Dr. A. B. Pooro , Cedar Huplds , secretary ,
and Dr. Carhart , Marion , treasurer. Drs. H.
Itistinc and A. B. Heed -of this city and Dr.
S. Spiccr af Tipton are censors.
Short < > ! ' IIK - I.
Mtsox CITT , la. , Doc. 8. O. D. Bucholcer ,
a largo owner of minim : Interests in Illinois
nnd u wholesale dealer whoso business cov
ers much of Iowa , todaysad ) there was not a
week's nuppl.v of coal in the * hands of dealers
in Iowa. Minors are working on half time
because of a scarcity The situation
Is not duo to the nogllgenco of the railways
but to tbo developments of the west and the
sudden demand for coal caused by cold
weather at a tlmo when cars are loaded with
gralu. _
Fntul Minn Dis istor.
WnAT CncKii , la. , Dec. 8. fSoecinl Tele
gram to TUB BEE. | A fatal accident at the
Vulcan mine today resulted in the death of
ono minor and crushlne of two others.
James Gundey nod several others were en
gaged In drawing pillars when the slate sud
denly fell , covering up Gundoy , who died
immediately after being taken out. Ctiarlos
Winters , a stepson of Gundoy' : , was also In
jured and a miner named Pmtorson.
Took Ills Krvongc.
LRMAHS , la. , Doc. 8. | Special Telegram to
Tun BEE.J .Tack Edlngor , a base ball plnyor ,
about a week ago committed an assault on a
woman. An account of the affair was given
In the Sontincl. Edlngcr left town uftor the
woman scrape , but came back to "do up" the
Sentinel editor today , Ho sneaked up bu-
behind J. L. Kroesori , city editor , knocked
him down and kicked him about the head ,
He then skipped town.
Now O. A. 11. Iln'l. '
Sioux Cmla. . , Doc. 8. [ Special to TUB
BUG. i B. F. Smith post , Grand Army of
the Republic , which is ono of the largest in
the state , will dedicate its elegant now hall
Thursday evening. Hon. C. L. Davidson ,
the state commander , will bo present to olll-
ciato , nnd delegations from neighboring posts
will attend. _
Iowa State Grange.
DBS MOINKS , la. , Dec. 8.- [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.u. ] The annual mooting
of the Iowa State grange began In this city
today with about thirty de-legates present.
More grangers are exoectod tomorrow. Tbo
sessions are secret. Only preliminary work
was douo today.
Overdose of Morphine.
Sioux CITV , la. , Dec. 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEI : . ] Mrs. John Hutchlngs
died today from on overdose of morphine ad
ministered by herself , whether with suicidal
Intent or accidentally is not known.
llcolcnlc Company in Trouble. .
KBOKUK , la. , Doc. 8. H. C. Helnor has
been appointed receiver of the Kcokuk Elec
tric. Strcot Hallway company. Helnor was
secretary of tbo concern.
DoWltt's Little Earlv Risen ; only pill to
euro sick headache and regulate the bowels.
ConncctloiiH of Nebraska
ItnllroiulH Suflor ? r m n Itlookadc.
The western railroads received notice last
week fioin most of tholri eastern connections
that the latter could not > receive any moro
consignments of grain ; nn/1 now they are no-
titled that the last avqil.ablo outlets east of
Chicago , the Pennsylvania and the Grand
Trunk , Imvo boon bloi-kaiiod. The western
lines took particular pains' for several months
previous to harvest tlma'togatliorliomo their
scattered rolling stork , i\id ) now they are en
forcing strict orders nottp , lot their cars getaway
away from their owu'illnos. They are of
necessity compelled to ( tlccHuo consignments
of grain for seaboard . .points , but are accept
ing shipments for Chicago and St. Louis.
The elevators at these points are not yet full ,
and so long n.i they have storage capacity to
lot tbo movomontof grain may continue- from
out the west. Local freight men are
In hones the worst of the difficulty will have
bcon passed by tbo first of the year.
Kntlo Donn.
The members of the Youni ; Ladles Sodal
ity of St. Phllomcna's cathedral are prepar
ing to give u musical and dramatic- entertain
ment at Phllomona't ball next Friday night.
ICorl Mere's charming opera , "Katlo Dean , "
m four acti , , will bo rendered , with too fol
io wing cast :
Katlo Doan , a ragpicker Miss Iloso Flanncry
I.udy. who adopts Kutlo..Mlss Nelllo llurluy
Middle McCuno . Miss hllcen U'UalliiKaii
Edward , J.iidy'n couchnmn . Trunk Wallace
Hnporlur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . Urno Deoxur
Duller . , . JUIIIOB Swift
I'ollcumun . . . . .Edward Doyle
( JnoruK . , . , . . . .
Kiro itucoril.
PATIEUSO.V , N. J. , Dee , 8. John Dunlap'i
slllt nillli burned this morning. Lois ,
SlOO.UVJi partially Insured.
AUttKXTKn A Hlt.tMt JUItV.
Good Citizens of Texan Placed tn .Tut )
lor ( ontoinpt.
S\x ANTONIO , Tox. , Dec. 8. There was
constdorablo ovcltomont caused hero today
b.v the nrrost of the grand Jury. The war
rants were sworn out yesterday In rnsponso
to notices sent them by the Miorlff nnd .ho
members of that body who came In and gave
themselves up. They were then taken to the
county Jail nnd placed In confinement. There
Is a line of tOO dancing over each member ,
which \vai Imposed by Judge Ivlne of the
Forty-fifth district court , who held they wore
In contempt In sorvlnp an attachment on him
whtto ho was on the bench. Attoruoy Frank
lin , acting In their behalf , loft hero tonight
for Tyler with a petition to the supreme
court in session there for a writ of habeas
If the petition bo prantod It will bo at loan
two days before the proceedings can bo
finished , nnd during that tlmo the grand jury
must remain tn Jail. There was an indigna
tion meeting held by those in sympathy with
the grand jury tonight nnrt speeches were
raado endorsing the steps they had taken.
The best Informed lawyers of the section
say that the action of Judge King is
endorsed. They say that the grand jurv had
no right to summon a Juduo on tlio bench to
appear as a malefactor , nnd that , tbo jumnon
should lie In jnll until they rot or piv their
linos. The town U on flni tonight , nnd thora
has been much talk by friends of the grand
Jurvmon who sny they shall bo released if
the county prison Is" torn down brick by
Ono Workman ICi led and Three
Others Itndly Injured.
BCFFAI.O , N. Y. , Dec. 8. Fire In the
planing mill of Leo , Holland & Co. this
morning caused an explosion of dust , which
toppled over a wail onto a number of work
men. Escaping steam enveloped the burled
workmen , killing ono nnd badly Injuring
three others. The name of the dead man is
Louis Loucsch.
Canada nnd tlio United btatcs are having
trouble otr the copyright law.
United Stales Einibnnt No. a hits liccn suc
cessfully launched at ll.itli , Mo. The vessel
luis been christened the Machlas.
Governor 1'ranclsof Missouri hasdcclclod to
call a spuoltit session of tbo state legislature
to provide for redlstrlotliu that stuto.
Sensational developments have occurred In
matters rotating to tbo Ilusbnoll fc Hiishnell
and Standard Investment company of fat.
At Oroonvllle , Miss. , rorestTlioinas , colnrnd
was ImiiKud at 1XV : for the murder of Hayward -
ward Hryunt. colored , at l.ako Washington In
Isoxenibor , 1830.
The men at Mare Island navy yard , On ! , , nro
working overtime to cot tbo cruiser Sin
ranclsco ready for sea Friday. Nothing
further Is linonn.
The supreme court of California has denied
thoiippllcutlonot Autor M. 11. Curtis , S.un'l
o' 1'osen , to bo udmittod to bail pcmlln- his
trial for murder.
Now Hlchland , Wisconsin , Is on flru and huln
bus been called for from St. I'.iul ( lie clep.irt-
inent. Thomossiiso lecolved presses n fear
lest the town be destioyed ,
JiulKu Achcson nf the United States court
fur 1'oiinsyivanla , has tiled an opinion giant-
Ing a now trial In thn lust "hut trimmings"
case In which tlio government was victorious.
Flro nrokoout In the city Jail of Columbus ,
O. . und did n small amount of dnniaKx. There
weio forty-onopr sonorscoiillnud In tlio btilhl-
Inx ut tlio time , but tliuy were all removed to
tbo county jail.
W. 11. 1)111 , jix-prcsldcnt of tlio defunct I'Mrst
National of Clcarfluld. I'a. , has buon arrested -
rested again elniruud with convcrt'nx $ io , 00
of tlio bank's fuiult , to his own use. He gave
ball In tlie Bum of i'.oeu.
Thohotibc of lopresentntlvesof South Caro-
llni lias p isscd u 1)111 prohibiting thu niauu-
facliuu and s.ile of Intoxicating liquors except
under curtain restrictions. Tbo .senate lias
yet to act on tlio measure.
In somu of the Kussian famine districts the
priests refuse to mairy peas ints who have no
means of subsistence. Is rife nmoiiR
thu fainlsliin'puoplo and thousand ! ! have
taken to incndlcanuy and robbery.
A severe btorm has been nignm In the vicin
ity of T.icomu , Wash. Many vessels have
been reported lost and sailors drowned , High
water In the 1'uyalliip r.ver h is added to the
work of dcsti notion caused bv the storm.
M. L. Stearns , governor of F orlda , d topped
dead this evening of lie.irt fuliuro at thu res
idence of his whe'a mother , Mrs. II. I ) . Walker
at I'alatlno biidxc , N. V. ( iovornoi Stoiirns
was Lorn In I/ouell , Me. , llftv-lwo yuars ajjo-
Governor Men lam of Minnesota has Issued
a circular letter usklng for contributions to
aid In relieving tbo d. stress In Knsila. A oom-
inlttuu has boon appointed to receive dona
tions and the aid of the metropolitan press
has been Invoked.
At a mooting of the stockholders of the
1'roducu National bank of I'hlludoiphla , I'a , ,
it Wiis decided bv u two-thirds vote to
liquidate the business of tlio Institution. Tbo
bank's business has not been too.l aim It was
decided to wlrd up Its alTalra , It being able to
pay all Us liabilities now.
Kim : of Greece Is sulTorliij from an
attack of ehlekenpox.
A Ilio In St. I'otorsuurz lias destroyed sev
eral largo warehouses and other buildings.
Miss Mary , the daucbturof Cornwallls West ,
has lu'en married ut London to Prince Huns
llclnrjch of I'icss.
The Dominion Miner. il company of Pudbury.
Out. , sold Its Illl//.ard and Wuitlilimton nickel
mines to un Kn llsb syndicate for J ' ,0 0U 0.
In spite of the protest of M. Itoclio.
the French minister of commerce , a titrltV of
„ ' ! > francs has been placed on rellncd
potroleiini ,
Thoclinnnol steamer Vlctoi la , which could
not miiko the port of Calais ilondiiy nl lii ,
nnd for the safety of whoso nassungurs fears
worn entertained , Ins turned up all right at
Ills now hello red that nil the dead have
been recovered from the St , lUlunnu mine In
Franco except six. These uro burle.l beneath
u Inuo blocn of rock , und twill take days of
hard labor to extricate them.
Tlio "Daisy Hopkins" casu will aenln occupy
tlio attention of thu ilrltlsb courts. U will ie
remembered that thu yoiinz girl was at ru-itod
.sometime aso unilur an ancient law for walk
ing on the streets In die day tlmo too with a
Cauibrldgu university student.
The earl of lio.uichamp , who Is secretary of
thu Christ church mission at I'oplnr a sub
urban parish of London , Is about to tnl.o up
h'a res. deuce amoni ; the east end poor for the
purpose of directing thu mission work a'nong
the unfortunates In that section of the city.
At the dcslro of Qiicon Victoria , the wed
ding of I'i'lticess Vlutorlu Mury of Tovk nml
the dukoot Cl.ircnco and Avondulu has been
arranged for March 111 thu twuntv-ul hth niiiil-
versary of the wodduig of the prince nnd
princess of Wales. The eoreinonylll take
place In bt. George's eliapol , Windsor.
The questions arlHlnpc from thu trial of thn
archlrs-hon of Alx threaten to make trouble
for thu French government. At a cabinet
meeting It wus announced that the minister
of Justice had received instructions to keep
the bishops and cluray within tbo limits of
Ihuir f unit Ions , but thorn has boon nothing
clone looking to u sepurutlon of church and
"Absolutely the Best Hade1 '
'A Delicious Medicated Con
fection" for the relief of Cousin.
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nml
for clearing the voice. I'or sale by
all Druggists anil Confectioners.
I'ackecl jn full two ounce packages ,
PriceS Cents. If you are unable to
procure the Pomona Couj-h Tablets
from your dealer semi us 8 cents in
stamps nnd receive a box by mail.
Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pomona Prult Juice
Tablets.DUQUETTE & GO , ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Will Sell at these Special Price ? from now until January 1st , 1892
Ax in I nster , Regular price 52.2. * ) . . . .Cut price $1.74
Motiotto | Itogulnr nnco 1.
velvet Hogular price 1.
velvet Uegular price
Body Brussels , Bigolow Itngnlnr price
Body BrusBols Hogular price
Body Brussels. Regular price
Tapestry Ih tinsels Regular price
Tapestry Brussels Hogular price
Tn pea try Brussels legulir ! : price
Ingrnln , it-ply , all wool I"gular ( price
Ingrain , Agra „ Kciruhir prlvo
Ingrain , extra mi per Regular price
Ingrain , all wool Kcgul tr price
Ing aln. C. C. , wool Illlor Regular price
Ingrain , Union Regular price
Ingrain , Cotton Regular price
Ilomp Regular price
Call early and make your selection before best patterns are sold
Special prices on Curtains , 1'orticres , Upholstery Goods , etc.
Prompt attention ulven to mail orders.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , BROADWAY 4OV
JANUARY i , ' 92 :
Peril. Per Ib.
Tenderloin 18c Rack . 12 jo
Short Loins Ho ) Whole Mutton . 8Jo
Loins , full 8c Hind Quarter . 10o
Rib Roast No 1 80 Logs . - . . lOo
Rib Roast No 2 7e Stows . Co
Roast Beef , Shoulder Co VEAL.
Rounds Whole Oc Logs . ] 0o
Shoulder Cod Boneless 5c Whole Veal . . . . . . 80
Sirloin Buts for Stonk 8e One-half Veal . : . 80
Top Sirloin for Steak 8c Hind quarter Veal . lOo
Rolls of Beef for Steak 8c Stow Veal . Go
Plaits Rolled for Roast 5c PORK.
Corned Beef Rumps 6c
Tenderloin . 12o
Corned Beef with bone ! ! e
Pork . 10d
lie Chops
Boiling Beef wi tli bone
Pork Loini . )
Boiling Beef Rumps ( boneless ) 5e o
Pork Shoulder . 7o
Spiced Beef cooked
Salt , Pork .
Jo )
Hind Quarter Beef ( steers ) Sc
Breakfast Bacon No. 1 . 12o
Hind Quartar Beef ( cows ) Ce
Breakfast Bacon No. 2 . 100
Foi-D Quarter Beef ( steers ) Oo
Beef 3o HAMS.
Fpro Quarter ( cows )
Side Beef ( steers ) 7o Extra Curotl . llo
Side Beef ( cows ) 5o Sugar Cured No. 1 . lOo
Loin and Porterhouse 12Jc Sugar Cured No. 2. . Oo
Single Pound . lOo
ICuttlo Rondet cd . 80
Kettle Rendered , 601b . 8o
Vemo lOc No. 2 Tierce . 71o
Bologna Co No. 2 COlb . 80
Liver Co Compound Tierce . 7o
Head Choose Oc Compound , COlb . 7o
Pork 8c Buttorlno and Olcomargarina . 20o
Don't fail to try the Newest Delicacy of the
Season , Green Bay Smoked White Fish.
All kinds nf DyoliiRand OloaiiliiK ( lone In the
lilKlicst Htylo ( if the art. Faihul and Hliilnud
fabrics inudo to look as | : riod a now. lloil
fa.ttliuiB cleaned by htoiini In ilrst-olu.-is man
ner. Work prompt ! v done anil dullvorod In nil
pints nf llio country. Bead fur urlco lint.
O. A. MAOI1AN , - - ritUPKinTOH.
101. ! Itro.idwiiy , Nnrthucstora Uupo"
L'ou.suii. liujtrd , IOWA.
rplll. louau mid furnlttliu uf a li.Vrooin h otol
-L to tradu for a 8l.liO IIDII U and lot. Ap ply
at unco tu Johnston & Van I'utton.
) Dining room waiter at Kiel's
w AVl'ii : > Mun to worU iihonl stable and
yard. Ai > ) dy atofllceof Leonard Everett.
TT1OK 8AL1) or cxuliiinge 10 ucrus Improved
-L.1 Innd ; tVi mllui from postolllco. Will take
vacant piopurty. drt'eimhlelda. Nicholson &
Co. , UIJ llroiuluuy , Council HltilTd.
SrilAYKD A InrKo rod row from realdonco
of tindi'iHlKiifdi llu of loft horn has been
aawod off : reiiMiimltlo reward nrlil be paid.
Apply to Leonard Kverott ,
W ANTEU-A "servant girl. Mr * . J. J.
lirown , 2.W Tth streut.
I WANT to buy atonic of urocurlL-s or boots
and shocNi will pay part cusli und part by
u 5 room house and In Omaha. U.b lice ,
Council HiiilTs.
' , : hir llxtnrcH and two pool
tables for uulo und bill dln fur runt , ( food
locution. IX U. Shuafu , over Ulltcor & I'usuy's
OK ti\lK OR r.XUHA.NCli-Two : and n
half acre farm , mlio fro n biiNlnus4 , C'otin-
cll lliulTH. Will taKti land , hor.oa or catvlo.
i : K. Muyno , II I'J ( Irondway
' ' 1'or rent In Ilro n hnlldlni ; , Main
and I'eurl Htreuti , Inivliu all the luteit
linpruvonicnU , huatud by ituam , elevator ,
closolH , etc. Apply to J , J. Drown , or llurKo
& L'lisixly , on premlbca.
I71AKMH , tfurden lands , IIOUHOH , lotn and
i ? bnslneis blouUa for Bale or runt. Day A.
"i I'eurl struut , Council UluIIn.
Bee Bureau of Claims
Equal with the Intoroit of tlimo hnvlni claim )
nRnliiattliOKOTormiieiitli tlmtor 1NVKNTO113 , wlio
often lese the betiullt of vulunblo Invention * bee inu
of the Incompetancy or Iniittontloa of tha nlturnj/J
employed to obtain lliolr patunti. Too muoli c.uo-
cannot bu oxorclsad 111 oinplorliu omipatont ni
rellnblo * ollo lord to procure ptitonis , for 1)13 ) viil
of a patent depend ) Kro illy , If not ontlroly , upon
care nnd skill of the attorney.
With the view of protuctliK tnrontorj fro n worth
lens or c.irolena nttornoy d , nnd of nojliu t'int m iron-
( Ions nro well protoctol by viUM p.itunti , THIS lijJU.
1IUIIU.VU Imi retained counsel oipurt la patent
practice ; and uro tharoforo prop raJ u
lilttuin patent * ,
Cuinlnct IttterfurancrH ,
t'tiimliiHtloni ,
trtnle mitrlm anil r j/r/r/if * . .
ami ilsfeu.l lnfi-Iii-jc > ii3H
HllltN , t'tC. , CtO.
If yon have nn Invention on hand semi Till ? II HU
IlUHICAl ) iinketch or photoitrnpli thereof , toiiothar
with a brlof description of tlio Important foiuuroi ,
nnd you will bo onoii advtaod i to tna ho it courdo to
purauo. Models are not nocoasary union the Inron *
thin Is ot a complicated nutura. If olhorj nro In-
frlnulnuon your rlxhti , or If you nra clnr oil wlia
InfrlnKoniunt by othori , inbuilt the matter to Tilt ?
lIUitHAUfor a rellnblo Ol'IMON before nctlnu on
the matter.
220 lieu Hulltlliif , Omaha , Xob.
I'cmms wlin Imvo lust property from Indlna
raids dliotild fl'u tliulr claims umlur tlio Indma
Dopra Int'on ' Act of March : ' , ISjl. The tlmo Is
limited , an 1 the olalnm are taken up by tha
court in the ordur In which thu are roolvo
Take Notice that all contracts entered Into
with attorneys pr'or ' to the Ast are : nado >
null and void. Information glvun und all
clulniH promptly uUumtod to hy the
VVO / * < llnllillnn
Or Council Bluffa ,
nillKOTimi-I. A. Mil or. R O. Olo.isnn , K. U
Khuuurt , II K. U rt , J , IX KdmumUon , Oliarlai
U. Iliumun. Tr.insiut nunoral b.inUlnif DnilJ
MCBS. |'st . uiiplt il and vurpluiot uny buux
lu tioulliwusttirn luwu.
T&Riif ON Tl'vli OE3OSir3
1'uld Up Capital $100,030
Oldoit organised tank tin ini cltr. Foreign anl
rtoineillo uiclMtuo anJ ojil sujjrltlli. IIUJJill
mllonllon | mlJ to collodion ) . Aoauunli of In-lUla-
uali , b inki , banker * anil oorporallua * .tolloluL
Uorr * i > oiiUonc < j In vital.
UKU. 1' . UANfOlln. I'roildaat.
A. W. UIUKVIAN. Caihlir.
A. Y. lllUU , Aitlilaak ClblM