THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY. DEOKMBEK 8. ISOl-TWELVE PAGES. SPBG1RL NOTICES , A DVKnTIBnMKNTH KOIl THKBK COLUMNS Awlllbelnkftninlll II'M p. m . for thn nien\ntt \ mid until 8'30 p. rn. , for thu morning or Sunday edl- All n < lTr > rtl imant * In thp'o columns I5rontn n Una Hr t Itmertlnn nnit 10 cent * n line tlinronfler , or 12 p r lln per tnontli. No nilrcrthomcnt tnki-n for IfMtlnnl'icenti for the flr lln erllon.Torms.eaMi In ilranci' . Count a'jont 7 words ( u the lino. Init ial * , niirp , urnilinlt , Me . ouch count am word. .All ndTorllrpitidntmnuiit run ronmviitlvi'ljr. Ailver- tUcrn.if \ rrquritlnK ft niinibfred rlifck. cnn hnvn their jpltfri ndilrmnoil ( n n niimbrrnl loiter In earn of IllK HF.I. . AiiRwrrn in niMri ) eil will bo ilellv- vrna on presentation of the cheek. IJHANCll OKKirKH AnVKHTIHINO KOHTI1KSK J column' ! will tin taken on Hid nboro eomllllwns nttlin foIlowlniitpiiidnCM lioiifi-i. who nrp nutlior- linl lo t ki' pi > rlol notices it tin1 inmo ratc mean lr hnil at the main ofllco : couth OmnliB Hrnnch oraro No. ! ra N street. 1 IMi > r Work John W I'rll , pliiirmnclM.lllli nml Manor ) Mrept , H If Vnrntwnrth. plnirmnrlM.ail.l Cumin * utrrct. W .1 ItiiRliiH. tilmrmnclxt. ni.V. IKih rtrrrt. r. K. ntlcrrlulil. | ilinniiitclnt , ITI9 Invcnworth Itterl. ' pluirmnrr. ! lth nnit Knrnnm. SITUATIONS \VANTI-JI ) . l..o n linn flmt time nnil I0 n linn thero- No nilTcrtliHMiicnt taken for leu tlmn Ji < - . SITUATION WANTKI ) IIV A I'HACTlrAf , pnglnncpr In mill or factory. cooil rufrronro. lilrons ( > W. . 110x378 , Hod ( Ink. la. 90S 8 * -TIIOHnrmil.V COMPKTV.NT IIOOKICKKI'MU J anrl salrsmnn. lumt'fr , rmMi ntiil door * . Mpnt tatnrenren. Address J J. euro UPC. M Bll-Jil * "T "wAlmTiJiPOSITION IN Till ! MANAOK- J mpnt of n llrnl HUM hotrl. In or out of Omiihn ; fnrnlnli nnj kind of Kiinrnnty. W. U. KIcM. The Worrlam. Wi7-'J * K HUM * . JIATKH- lien linn llri t tlmn Bml lOi-n line thpro- uflrr. Nu ailvrrtliif'tiiriil tnkt'ii for It-si than X" > c. T > -WANTKi > . AitKNTd. TO Ditrji TIIK THAW ! J > on commission KIISV selling specially. Address with references , Hosowater Ilrus. , Cleveland. O. TJ-KIHST CI.AHS PIANO I'l.AVKH. AIMWKHS J'riinmbers' Manning academy , ror. 18th nnil liar- noy streets. W. i : . Chambers. I'mp. .MIOU 11' T > lVl > I STUIOtrH HOY TO TAKK CAIIK 2 J'hor oi nnd nmko himself useful nround prem ises. Applv tinil Hour no corner tilth and Jackson , over drug ilorc. V87 T > IMMKDIAIJThv'TWO I'KHHONH TO UK- J ) colve Instructions to keen hooks ; uuud Mtna- lloni.J. H. Smith. TO New York l.lfe. MM. ! ' _ B WANTKI ) VOl'NC ' : MAN WHO WHITK.3 A good linnd. one who understands bookkeeping nnd knows thu grocery business. Hcferenco ro- quired. Address J 4. H. > e. .MBJ86 BYOTNTT VI-AN , ASSISTANT IIOOKKKKrifu. lloycr. Shelly Co. , Kxclianije building. South Omnlm , Neb. .MIOU 8' BW A NT Kl ) - A N KX I'KHI K.NCKI ) innkvr. HOT Dnuulas St. .MIIIS- f > \VANTKD-A SAI.KSMANTOSKI.I. OUH LINK .1 'of ( Iresf iiooilt ns n tddo linn on eommlsslon. Hchiiylklll Mills , llox ll'/J , I'lilludolphlu , I'n.MII38 MII38- -WANTKI ) . A HHKillT , ro.NSCIKNTIOUS boy. l.'i or Hiyenrn of nu-e , llrliiK with hli pnr- rnts : In hln own luindwrltlnc iKldresd , with refnr- cnces , llox No. .1 III. lieu olllco. M115U B WANTKI ) , A I.IVK KNKIIRKTIO I'AIITV IN every place to Introduce our woods. Wo have n now line that wl'l neil at every house nnd ace. nnd fluents can renp n harvest between now and the liolldnyn. WIN pny salnryof $7. ' > . .fe * month If . ] - . ' preferred , nnil furnish n team free. Address at onco. Htiindnrd M verwuro Co. . Huston. MIIHH. 1) WANTKI ) . AN KNKHOKTIC YOIINO .MAN J /to take nn Interest In business and work In the capacity of eeretnry and treasurer torn wholesale linn , fl.60n.ou eapllnl required. ITotlts } 2UX.UU yearly , inferences exchanged. Address .1 8. Hee. * l > WANTKI ) . SAIjKSMKN ON SA IAHY OH COM- J'iiilfnTcm lo linnille tlie new pntiMit chemical Ink erasing pencil : the greatest nvllliiif novelty ever produced. cntM's Ink thoroughly In two ttceonds ; no abrasion ol paper : 2UU te MID per cent profit : ono ticont's Allies iiiuoiinlcd to ( h''U In six days , another fill In two hours. Wennt ono ncnciiil agent in Rnch ttnte anil territory. For terms nnil lull par- tlculiirs ndilrcsa .Monroe Krr.eer .Mfg. Co. , I.a Trossc , WIs. 727 T ) OfH 1NIXJCKMKNTS AHK lKTTiU TII.X.V J over. We will AHSlKii the cxeluslvo rlcht tu sell the releliruted Tnjlor Adjustahlo J.ndleu * Sbou In the wholu or pnrt of this plate. 10 of uur nKcntH nreriik'O from ffi a dny to J.MKIO n yeiir ; no oilier shoe like It : Me profits ; easy to nnikn pales. Ad dress with 2c stamp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoo < o . l.ynn. MIIPV M'isS-IO' n-AOK.NTS WANTKI ) WH WANT MKN WHO are already traveling salesmen to carry our IntirU'attnic oil tmmplei ns n sldo line ; nnino refer ences nnd territory. .Manufacturers Oil C'o. . Cleve land , O. M5D7 ilSi * 11 0001) CITY OAXVASSKHS ; HALAUr I'AII ) J'weekly. MiiKcr Sewing .MnohliielSIIi Dnnglas st _ 6b7 11''I f ) WIIK AWAKIC WOHKKHS KVnllYWHKHU J'for tliu croiilest hook on earth , "Hliepp'B photo- l-Tnphs of the World. " coatlnKfll'O.tKX1 ' : muuimoth Hiiiiitrated rlrcidnrs nnd terms free ; unparalleled rnccos ; Mr. Tliumiis I. . Martin , Centcrvlllo , Tox. , rlenrcd J7II In Udnyv ; .Miss HOKO Adams , Woostor , O. . Sil In 40 minutes : Her. . ! : Howard Mmllson , Lyons. N. Y. . (101 In 7 hours ; u bonanza for the hull- iayn ! ; innKiiltlcent outfit only SI. Hooks on ereilll. I'rclcht pulil. Adilrcis , Clolm lllhle rubllshlni : Co. , No. 705 1 hcslnut street , Philadelphia. 1'a. 613-1)7' 1" ) WANTED. A VOI'XO AND NKAT COI.OHKI ) J'boy to tend door. Thn llostun Stnro. S50 I1ATK8 15o a line tint time nnd lOe aline there after No advertisement taken for lens than ' o. r-OlllL TO ASSIST IN HOUSUWOHK KOllKIl tioaril and room nnd KO to nchool. Call Pcople'ti HoardliiK home , optiOBlte overall factory. Ka. t Omaha. 1 < illlLFOHCIONlHAL : lIOfSHWOHK. APPLV after T p. m.MJI No'rth ISth street. 1VJ-8" ( -WANTKI 1 ) , TOMHIVT DCMAND FOH COMpetent - > - petent bookkeepers : two PITHOIIB to receive In- BtructloiiB and keep hooks. I'JJ ' New York Life. jij)3 ) 8 _ V'COMP1STKNT ( ilHL , 615 Piiutli ISth street. V' JIII7I4 * _ _ ? 1-\VANTR niMHDIATKLY - LAD1IW AND V > ounu tlil to work for us at tliolr liomoii iioou ) iiy. Bteady ; no palntliiK or canviiHidni ; : nome- Iliini ! iintlrely now. Send self addrcnBCd envelope to Kcliu .Man'f'K Co. , 4 Liberty aquare , lloxton , Muss. .MU45-IU * M tniiij. MrariiK ( sooi ) cooi ) , IN FAMILY oftno. Call iiiornlncs. roi sonthS.-th t. 101 " \ WANTI-l : ) AT 818 NOHTII IDTU STHF.KT . good alrl to do IlKht hounoirork. 1)S'J7 ) * ft I WILL PAY LADIKS A SALAHYOFSK ) Piil : v week to work for mo In their locality nt home ; Htht : uurk : Koud pay for part time ; write , \vlili bliunn. Mm. 11. K. tarrbiKton , lloxTU'Chicago. . 111. .Mi)77U' 7l WANTKII , A ( llllli TO ASSIST IN I.KiltT V honienork and to tnko care of child 3 years old. Kti Capitol incline. 1MU-7 11 w A NT1 ! ) .CO.M FKTKNT ( JIHL FOH UKNKUAL V lioimiMvork ; refcrencea rennlred. " Apply nt Hie lice ollleo. 877 7v WANTKI ) A FIHST CLASS SKHVANT ( ilHL v 1711 Di'UKhu tt. Hufereiice rc < | iibcd. Mm. K. Hone water 7 % . 1 WAXTKll A YOITNd (1IHI. TO TAKIJ CAIIK child three yearu. itffl I'npllol ave. UXI I'OH HIONT IKU'SKrt. HATKS .HI n linn llrst tlmo nml I On n line thoro- ufler. No udverlbement linteii fur limi tlniti 2.'ie. T ) KOlTTlKNT I HOOM yUAT. WrrflTlArTl 'and closet , near 17th nnd St. .Mary'H avenue , tla. Mlur Loan X Trunl Co. , 1st Hour N. V. l.lfo. KM I ) 1 \ 1-iiH tlKNT-fia.lX ) , I ) HOO.M .MODKHN 1'nil L'onvi'iilciii'CM , Kuod > iud , cliulcu nuliflibor- liomt. liomt.Mix Mix ) . II room huimo , with bum for twohorsos ; Pin'clnl terms. IIUIU 10 room trick house , all conveniencesburn for twi luirsus. S..uu. 8 ruuiu ihielMiiir , huth and fttrnaco. U''M Steam heated U-roum Hat. Mllli Lnth. { l.i.UU. : t rouniE mill Inilh , sttuni beat. Inquire .Nctlicrlon Hull , ikJjS 13th t. 881 O 1) ' 1WO VKUni.KdANT 7 HOOM COTTAOKH .1'alst iitreoi nenr Leavunwurth. now , modurn Will runt clieup tu good tenantii. lilubu Loan and 'J'runt eumpanr , HJtli and Dodno. Mij'.n u 1 \ SIX l.AHIiKHOOMS ; MODI-iHN UOUSK : VKUV J'convenient ; near lIuiKcum park. Address K M , Hee. W IIIIICK JIOUSKH. NOS. V7CW- Farnnm. Mncit holmes In the city. tilA.00 i month. NY .M. Uoiieri , IWl-IH'.M Fnriiam. M ; 7 \-NBW tMIOOM COTTA15KS , MODKUN 1M- J'provemcnts. "Slnnford Circles. " Apply as , Kliiuttur , ruum 4 , N.Y. Llfu bulldlnir. 73J 11-1. i A3-UlH\t 1IOU8KS , ilOtaflii HKST IlKS * 'Ideiifo llau In city. Mead Inv't Co. tu Heo bldif ra "I \ KOH Itl.'NT 1101 SI'.S AND n.ATr ) CKNTUAO J 'ly located. M to K5. n Bdeiulld | Hit. Call K. 0 llnrvln A Cu..a * > sheoly block. yiU "I' ) roil HKNT , N1NK UOmriToi'SK , wtili U buth K I and runvo If dolred. nil In KOOI ! con dition , lucaluil near Mih und til. .Mary's nvcnuo. 1'rli'o r a onuhlo : ipccliil turms k'lvon tu the right I'nrly Inqulra MCI Kurnam t. ur U. 11. Tischuck , l.'ee oilice. Ms'.M lKiiiHT IIOOM Hitici ; not'si : WITH .MOD- J 'cm Improvement' , curlier Will and liurd , ono block from Walnut Hill motor. itt.Uu , Wl N. Y. l.lfo. Tboo Olien TM 1)-rOU ) HKNTMtOOMHVl.l.l.tN ( > . I7T11 ANIJ 7-rooni roltago , 5S ) > Sownrd > t. , IM. Kldellty 'I runt Cuiupauy. lolt Kitrnam U in TVntU IIKNT , 'IIOITSK 10 HOOMS , Al.l. ilODKUN J-'linprcivenicnU , JOU.W per montli.a.M and I'urnam. I'.oler I. 'Ibomns. 733 -I.Altl > : LIST UF IIOl\SiS : , STOHKS AM ) U U ( or rout. Ueu J. I'aul , HUM K rn ui itrert JIIH3JIU DSTKAM IIKATKlTj llarker block. Toil D-FOH HKNT. H-HOO.M MODKHN COTTAOK , 3037 California St. , 118 per nionlli. 318 _ _ - . ( ) HOOM HOUHK. Mill DOIICAS D slrdet. Inqulro Hobcrt Hunter , Hoe olllco. D -INB ( FOUH HOOM FLAT. 8TKAM AND Adl mnilern convrnlences. cjcpllent order : one room lionai * . lleferencc.1 rdinlred , T. L. vnnDorn , room , 811 S. Kd utrcc-t. 'a _ " TFIU"NIHIIKI ; > COTTAUK FOH HUNT TO FAM- lly nllhout children. Terms reasonable. Call afternoon , 1813 WebMer Mrcet. MW7 8 I ) -(1-IlOO.M COTTAdK , 8W S. JIBT STHKBT. 917 1) ) -KOII HKNT , norm : N. K. con. ISTII AND Woh ter. 8 roonu , full cltr lot , price tfi.M. V. 1. ( inrrlnon , l.'ll Karnam. 7U7 -Toil "HKNT. TIIHKK OP Otll ; KI.KlAST ( huutcs In l.afnyetto 1'lnce. 41st aid Nelson sts. . atucoinplelpd and nro for rent , 7 and H rooms nnil every tnodnrii Improvement : price , f : < iUO ) anil ( .15.XI ( per month. Fidelity 'Irust company , Hill Ionium st. D-10 HOl'SKS. R TO 8 HOO.MS lIAl'll , I7.ib ( TO IIS.W. 1 he. O. K. Da l company. IU.VDII I'Oll Itlj.vr I'UKMHIIIOI ) UUOMS ItATKSl.V n Una first tlmp nnd I Do n line there- alter. No adTortlnc'inent tiikcn for lo tlmn Sic. HOO.MS , ' modern cunvcnlences. OJIh So. HHli street..Ml . .Ml 18-8' IiONKOH TWO NICK UOO.MH ; SUlTi : ; FHIKNIW I Van hoard. KM N. lillli street. MUS5U' 7/- TWO Fl'HNisHKIMOIlO.VK f.NFUUNIH 111:1) : ) 1 Brooms to rent nt IJUI S. 19tli street. M'.vtl-S' ' FlillNISIHCI ) HOOMH FOH OI.NTI.KMKN Ijonlr. Apply with lefercnec , SI2. ) Dodge St. niii-n _ _ _ 1,1--KOIt HKNT. 3 Dr.SlllAlli.i : HOO.MH h'OH l-'llght liouso keeping.V.'i St. .Mary'i iivennn. _ 1)10-7 ) * 1 ? KOIt HUNT. KlMl.VISIIHl ) HOO.MH ; OH. Foil Ijllght housekeeping ; I'll N. ISth street. Wtf 7' "iT-FlJllNISIIKI ) HOO.M , II.2J WKKIv , I'.rjs FAH 1 Jiiam. 1110 7' I.i-Tlli : ST. ri.AIH lib'IlOI'KAN IIOTKI , . roll. l-jithnnd | : lodc < . will mnke lo\v rules for rooms hy the week or month , with or without hoard , 735 I. ' ONI5 I.AItCK AND OVK SMAIiI. FUONT I 'room for rent nt 2lr. ( ' Dnnglm street. M.W It * I IJRN'ISIIIOI ) IIO01IS AND HOAUI ) . HATKS-I.V n line first time nnd 100 n line there after. No advertisement taken for le a tlmn 2. * > c- . 1 -HOOM-.MATK FOlTvoUNtiT Aliiv. .U.HO TWO or thrpo choice lioarder . 533 N. ! 3d. MI07-J7 "IfFlIltltiailKI ) UOO.M WITH IIOAHD.PUIVATK -I family , for two uentlemou , references rcqnlrcit. 4T.'Souiliaitli ; street. 'J.ij ' . ) ' F-TWO IIANDSOMK. I < AIIII ( < : SOl'TII IIOO.MS en suite : llratrluss tubte. Itofcreucescxclmnuetl. ISChlcnco street. M U.I 'J' r,1 1 HOOMH WITH IlOAHl ) . 2013 Douglas. 8121) 7 KOI ! KICNT ROOMS UXKUUXISIIKO HATKS lfo n line llrst thno nnd I9in line thero- utter. No ndrortlsiiment taken for lesi t Imn''Jc. - > VJ ll ht hoiuekeeulnK. 2S3J DiiUBlas. .M8U 8 * 1 t FHO.NT HOO.M8 , IIHICIC llUlMlMi. ) W f -l UNflTl INISHKIl HOO.MS FOU IIOL'SK- Jkcoplng. KOi Webster street. I'rlco , tll.M.Mm Mm HATK8 16e nllno tlrat time nnd lOcallno there after. No ndvertlsemciit taken for less than 2 > c. T.l- PULLMAN HinrSK , 1310 DODC.K. FOU GOOD I 1 board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo cation It cannot be excelled. .Mrs. Horn , proprietor. MO.I-J * FOll Ul'.NT-STOIJKS AM ) OI-'KICKS. ItATKS ISo nllno llrst llmo and lOo n line there- nftcr. No advertisement taken f . .r less than 2. > c. FOlTHKNT , rl'HK4 TOHYTll CK HUILDINfi , Awlth or without power , formerly occupied by The Hee Publishing Co. . QIC Knrnnm street. The build ing has n lire proof cement butomcnt , complete steam healing fixtures , water on all the lloors , gas. etc. Apply nt the office of The Hee. 1M3 1-DKSK HOOJI FOH HKNT ; STKA.M HK.vT , fJAS , J water In olllco , use of telephone. 520 Paxton blk. 1M7-7- 1 LAHK ( W'HOLKSALK STOHK FOH.MKHLY 1 occupied by W. V. .Morsu & Co. . corner llth nnd Douglas best 5-story nnd basement wholesale store In city. Hyron need Co. UI'J I'J WAX'IKH TO It ISM' . ItATKS 15c n Hue llrst tlmo and lOc n line there- nftcr No advertisement taken for less than 2. > c. MY .V N. 17th street. MM4-8' ItKXTAIj AOI'JXCY. HATKS-ISenllnollrst tlmo and lOo n line thero- nftcr. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. L II. II. COLK , CUNTrNKNTAIj 11LOCK. 737 -(1KO. J. I'AUIj. ItO-.l FAHNAS1 STHKKT : Sl'K clul uttuntlun to earing for routal properties. .M' 'i 1)14 ) .VL'OKAGIO HATK.S-ISo n line llrst tlmo and lOo n llnu Micro- after. Noiidvortlsemunt taken for lesi tlian 23c. ] \3 \ DllV , CI.KAN AND 1'HIVATKI.Y STuKKI ) f urnlturo.Oiuiilia &tuvo Uepulr Wurk. K07 Doug- 3M 7H : M -OI.DIIST. CHUAl'HST AND HKST hTOHAJI3 lollfo In tlio clly. Williams Ii. Crosj.lilI Hninoy. WANTKII TO IIUV. HAT1CS Ifica line llrat tlmo uiul lOo n line them nfter. No ndvorll'a'iiieiit taken lor Ie43 than 5o "VT" A Sl'K'OND HAND 2 SKATKD Hl'flfiY OH 11 carrluKe for ono horse. Address J IS Hoe. 10:18 : * N FUHNlTtlKK liOUfiAT , bOlii ) , STOKKI ) Wells , 1111 Farnnni street. 710 A'-WANTKD , FOH VIAHH , A HAHOAIN IN , -L > Omaha , South Omaha or Council HIiitTt real estate liiMlde of city Ilmltd. ( live full description nnil price. No Indefinite proposition considered. Adpress ! ) I'i. lice. 741 KOIt S.AljK KUK.MTUIM- : . I'.ATKS I5ca Ibiu llr t tlmn nnd lOc n line them after. No advertisement taken lor less than -'Jc- - - OAK WlN .S < m FOLDING 1IKII AT O half price. 3'Uh , N tJtli , tint C. .M'.i.'l-S- ' KOIIKAKK HOIISKS , WAIJOXH , IOTC HATKSISe n line Mrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken lor les than 'jc. L one top tiiiKt-y. one open bnvuy. one milch cow. one Hlnxle harness and stable equipments ; or wilt exchange for clear city property. Apply at 1141 South Will st. Mills * p-Fdll SALK-WHO WANTS A II-YUAH OLD I liliuk nnd sound horse , phaeton and haincsH , hut Mule used , lor Jl'iV Must be sold quick. Ad- drens H & .i Heo. VM " ' i-on HATIW Ifkin line llrsl time nml I On line there- niter. No advertisement taken tor less than l' > o. Vxmed three months , for mile cheap , owner leav- Inir the city nnd needs money , nlio a Chlckerlni ; piano for ? 17S. Cull ufter U o'clock uvuninxs ut Wl Cnldivell ntreet. I.IXIU -IKHSIY : cow , FHKSII , KXTHA LA HUH milker , liraud taially cow. Address J IS , lieu. IWl 7- -FOH BAhK Cll MAP , ONK ( iltAND AUTO- matle soft mini brick maclilno ; nlmoit nunAd - dreis John P. 'Ihunnu , brick mfgr. , OmahaMIW MIW ) 19' -FOU SALK , A LAHIiti HAFR F1HK AND biirtilar proof ; "III sell cheap. Addreis to ll.r. , Kearney , Neli. UI8 'J' Q-A FINK 1'PHlliHT PIANO VKUV LITTL K uied nnd IIH KOOI ! MS new. Miut tit ) sold at unco. 18 rent bark'Hln. Addreaii H M I.'co olllco. WIS ? "J-FOH HALK. SAFK WITH T1JII ! LOCK , COL T vvtoraud Uituros sultnblo for country bank. II 'JO Omaha Hee. M.Ml.l d''J OljAMtVOYA.NTS. HATKS-lio it line tlrst tlmo nnd lOe n line thero- nftur. No lulvi-riliiemciit taktin for less thanSSe. AHlVAiiUouNAHV , WONlFl'L * -'revelatlon . I'lialluniics the world. Mrs. Dr M. U'urne. ilund trancu clulrvojnnt , n trulofc-ut. pnlmltt nnd llfo reader , tells your life from thu cradle to Kritvu ; unites the Bepurati'd , cnuies mar rluiio with the one you love : tells nhcre yon will uccrod and In "lint hnilnoss be > t adapted for ; lm the celebrated Kuyptlun breantplatu for luck and to destroy bad Inttiience * , cureitnis. tnteiuperaiicoiind ull prlvntu vomplnlntx with mn .iii > . baths and al cohol treatment , bend t. , lock uf hair , iinmu and date of birth und rcrclvo aivurato llfu chart ; 'i rents In itimpi for circular : iilvu Initluli uf onu you Bill marry ; tilao photoi of > ami > . Onloo 1UO7 South llth utrccl. Urn lluor : honrn , tin. in. to U p. m. Coma UUP , como nil , and b convinced of lids wonderful ornclo. MBIS ' 8 O MHS. NANNIK V WAKHK.V. CI.AIHVOVANT Orcliublo bu > lae s medium , fifth 119 N. ICth. 7M _ _ S-LAIlKrl , to CKNTS ; OKNTS , fl 00. PHOF. Montetlori * , 4lfl N. 15th ureet. Dally , riundajri nnd evening * . Truthful In bit prediction * , reliable In Ida advice. " No mutter what trouble jou have , como and ho wllUutduyou. pruf. Muulcaorul * the ouly clalrjojaut oitdluiu to Omaha. WJ 7 * ClfAlllVOVAM'a. Cimttiweil. S-MH8. MITOIIKLUCLAIUVOVANT , IIIJHINK(3 ( and toil mcdlunii gifts Killings dallr. Ml4 H. lUlh. MiW U * MASH A > .IO , HATHM , I'/I'O. _ KATF.8 IV line lint tlmn and IDo n Hun there after. No ndvertlnerucnl taken for lens than 2io 2U j Farnnm st- MZB 12 * 'p-.MASSAii : THIUTMUNT. KLKCTHO TIIKH- J mt > I hatlK , fcalp and hair treatment , nmnlcurn andchlropodht.Mrs. PosUIUVtf s. lith.Wlthnen hlk M' MA DAMr ! a.MlTll. 1.114 CAPITOL AVKN 0 hT J-Zdtluor. Alcohol , sulphuric and flo.l baths , - < 1jl ! ! la * HATKS- Ken Hue first time nnd IIV n linn there after. No ndvertlsement tnken for ( CM thnn 2c. . dleaced lady uf respectability. Addrem .1 1 lleeolllce. MUStl-8' , AllT AM ) IjlXOUAGK. HATKH-l.V n line llrst tlmo nnd I On n line there after. No ndvorttiieiiient takan for less thnn 25c. \r A FINK UPHICIHT * make , for nale nt a sacrifice. Address II 16 , lit" ) Oil r-llKFOIlK 1IUVINC A I'lANO I'.XAMINK T 1 1 K > tio\v Fcnlc Klmball piano. A. Huspo.lMJ Doilrtlns. ' ' - Ii. F. OKLLKNIIKCK. HAN.IO TI5ACIIKH ; > | th Ho. < ipouriv > i N. liith street , lid Hour. HI ] MOXHV TO lit ) A -11K A I. liHTA T K. HATKS . ' > e n line lint tlmo nnd lOe n line there- alter. No advertisement taken for loss than l.1c. ! LOANS n TO 7 I'Kii CKNT : 'I ni ) nddlllunal charges for eomnilssliin or attor ney's fees. W. 11. Melkle , First Niitlonal bank bldg , 7M \\r-WANTKI ) , A LOAN OFfJ.300 FOH . , YKAHS , ' of prlvato parlies : security good. Address box 695 , city. fc80 S' \ \ SKCONI ) .MOHTOAfiKS. CAN-MARK A FKW > good loans. Alex Moore. IUI Heo llldg. b'XJ \\r-WANTKD AT ONCKrAT'l'UCATIONS FOH loans on ImpruTcd city pruporty. ( ico. J. 1'aul , 1WJ Fnrnum. 8'U 8 TO LOAN ON I.ONO OH SHOUT ' ' lime luaiimn of J.11W to tlO.UOJ. .Mutual Invest nient Lompany. 823 \\r-I.OANS ON HKAIi K8TATK AND COI.I.AT- ' ' ternl note < ami mortKagos bouuht. Heed .V Selby , IUI4 Hoard of Trndo. 785 \\r A.VI'lIONV LOAN AND TUUST CO. 313 N. ' ' V. F.I fo. lend nt low rates for eholco security on Nebraska or lown farms urOiuaha elty property. \\7--CKNTHAI.I.OAN AND TUUST CO I1KK UI.DtJ \ \ 710 \\r-MONKVON HAND TO LOAN O N FIHST mortgagonn Otnalm city property. Clias. W. Itnlney , 3IJ Omaha Nat'I bank building. 747 " \V-I.OANS , W..M. IIAIUUS , 11.20 PUKNXUU m.ic AY T-f < I'KH CKNT FIHST MOHTIJAOK LOANS , Hlchard C. Patterson , I.Ml Karnam t. 760 \\r-IOANSON IMI'HOVKI ) AND tJNIMl'HOVKI ) ' I city property. $1,1/00 nnd upwards , ) ! to 8 percent. Nudaluys. W. Fiirnani Smith A Co.Uth X llarnoy. \\r-O.MAHA It. K. AT. CO. , H. 4 , HKKI M M1IIO D'J ' A\r I.OWKST ItATKS OF INTKUKST ON FIHST 'I eluss security , l.ovcU & Woudmaii , 220 S. HHli fiO \\r WANTKD , LOANS OF SIIJ TO $1,000 ON U N i Improved lots ; 139) to J-MWO on Improved prop. orty , at once. Fidelity Trust Co. , Pill Furnam st A\r-IAHK LOANS ON HfSINIWS I'HOl'HHTY. V ( 'eo. J. 1'nul , law Farnnm street. MViUJIO JHOXKY TO I.OAX CHATTI5I.S. HATKS-l.'ie a line llrst time nnd lOc n line there after. No adveitl.semeut taken for less thnn 25c. vdYToLoAN : HY it. v. M ASTKHS ON Vhousehold goods , pianos , orgnns. horses , mules. wagons , etc . nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pjas- session. Time arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo made nt any tltnu , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all the uoiifllta of the partial pay ment plan. Call and see mo whcr you want n loan , or If more convenient call telephone 10JI nnd your business can bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rntes ; business confidential. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthncll blk. , l.Mli nml Harney sU 753 Ar .MONKV I.OANI.DON FUHNrrUUK. 1IOUSKS. ons , pianos , without lemovnl or chniige of slon Confidential. Fred Terry , r. 43.1 Hnmgo. ArX 824 X MONKV TO LOAN , SO. HO AND ! 0 DAYS ON furniture , etc Duff ( ireon , H 'JO , Cuntlncntal hlk. 7K1 .r-CIl.\'l"l'KI , IXANS , HKNKDICT A. WHAY , Cll vi'nxton block We loan our uwn money. Wo clmi'KO you nu cummUslou. It will pay you to con sult us. M.-D2.1' V -CHA'lTKIj LOANS- N. Y UKK. .MOHHI3. A. 1IS3D10' HUSINIOSS CHANCKS. HATKS-1 Jc n llnu llrst tlmo nml I0o a line there- alter. No advertisement taken for less than 1c V-T-mTSAT.1 ? . sroFic 7)F .MANTKI.S AND I tile ; a fine oppoitunlty lu step Into an estiib- llshed pnylng business : only stock In the city. I- : . H. Appelget , Lincoln , Neb. .MHO V-KOIl H.M.K , A CKNTUAM.V I.OCATKD IlKS J-tnurant ulth 40 steady bonrdors , only ono block from now postotllco ; will sell cheap If old nl once. Cull on or address .Mclropulltan Hestaiir- unt , ( M N. Itth street. .MllliS * "V FOH SAI.K-A STOCK OF fiKNKHAL MKIl- I. chandbo nmountlng to about $ I,0/.HJ.O ) In one of the best towns for business In UulTalo Co. Address J II , lice. NSS-10' y-WANTKI ) , A PAHTNKH IN COAL MINKS TN 1 Nebrnskn. .Must haven few hundred dollars and bo n rustler. For particulars , Geortjo Duns- comb , Florence , Neb. UIII-8' Af DHIJO STOHK FOH SALK ; C'KNTHAI.LV LO- I enteil ; t2 , . ' > 00 cash ; bill to suit. Addrebs H I'.S. lion UKi AT1OH SALK , A CLKAN STOCK OF OKNKHAI. * - mcichmullsc : good trndo , good location , good slock. Address It. A. Harton. Curtis , Neb. MS'.i'.l II V-A HAHIiAlN , FOH SALK. F1HST-CLASS SA- 1 loon nnd restaurant 111 n live to\\n. doing good business ; good reasons for Belling. Address II t ; . ' , Heeotllce. tSI 10 * \ A HAHK C1IANCK , AN LVVKST.MKNT OF SIW.OO can secure on Inromo of from fl' , 00 to tW.OO | > crdav. Apply for p.trtleiilard to John P. riuttou P. O. box 5.13 , Lincoln , Nub. M.I3I DI7 V Full SALK , TIIK HKAL KS'rTvi'K ANlf .MA- JL chlnery of the Fnlrbury Iron Works nt Fnlrbury , Neb. : nguoil oppoitunlty ; reason lor Bulllug.death of proprietor. II42-D-17 * KOU KXOIIANGK. HA'I KS l.'ica line llrst tlmo and lOe n line thero- after. No advertisement taken for less than ? 6c. y-A WKLL l.MPHOVKI ) FA KM OFllUACHKS ; /Jj miles south of Frankfort , Indlann , on tlno gravel road ; county sent of 7.1100 people ; railroad station one mite ; school ono-qunrtor of H mile'I ; chinches nlthln one mile ; lor Nubruskit or Iowa farm. 117 feet on Washington street , principal street In Indianapolis , Ind. , to OAchunyu lor Nebraska prop erly. Itesldent lots In Omaha , almost clear , to exchange for lariu. tatar Loan A Trust Co. , 1st Floor N. Y. Life. y.M..i ' ' /--roil (1001) ( CITY PHOI'KHTY YOU CAN ' -Jfccuro the finest equipped slock farm In the west , with or without thoioiighbrcd stock ; nlso several line grain and stock limns In excellent locality. Call and got description. Fidelity Trust company , lull Fnrniim. t8 y-liOOI ) IIOTKI , AND OTIIKIt PHOI'KHTY TO / trnilo. A. U Kniberson , Oberlln. KHII. M'.r.'j 15- rFOU KXCHANUK. A TWO STOHY AND HASH- / Jniont brick store bulldlni : . with flat' on second floor , building routs for f.NJ per month with W > e r ground Icnso In the heart of oiiiahu , for nutock ot hardwnre nnd stoves or real estate nnd cash. W. F.Sloctiel. 7IIS. IGthst. Til y-liOOD CLKAH FAHJI LAND toll STOCKS OF /JuicrchiiuilUu. Address box ( i. ( i. , Hapld City. S. 1 > IJO-DiO' r/-Illll ! HHKI ) STALLIONS. MAKKS AND /Jcolta for real estate. Hoom 40J Drown bldg. JI4S3J3 I11OOI ) F.VH.M Full STOCK OF .MKHCHANDISK f-ior hardwuro. Addroai , J in Heo. JO.-S' /-tJOOD IMPUOVKD FAHM LKAU FOH IIOIJSK /-fund lot clear , Address J 15 Heo. 1U.1-H' Address J 17 Hee. 10.Vb y-JlOHSKb FOKLOTS. HOO.M 4W , IIHOWN HLDli. l-t MIMdIJ / -CLKAN STOCK OF ( JKNKHAL MUSK. ; WILL 'Jtuku real cslutu uud money , lion 205) ) Frankfort , Ind. SKI y-OLDiOLD ANDSILVKH , JKWKLHV , AKTI- 'Jflclai teeth , medals , olo. , brln/ nil you Imvo In Inrneor giuall lots and rocolru o % li or liUh clrui dentistry In uvchanKO. Dr. John Malthows , minu- facturliiK aantlit , 3U llroirn blk , OmiUa. Mill HTOOIC HATKSlie n line flrtt llmo and lOo it HUB there after No advertisement takua for le than t5a jSOOD care , aheltur and board funcei , VU llrown btdtf. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iliW ! I > IA HOHSKS WINTKKKU AT I.OWKST HATKS AT llxllurua Mock f.rui. box itullt If doilrud CUtke , I'i llutra of T.du bull.llug or Hello vuo FOU SAM UTTAh KSTATK. KATK3I5o n line first tlm ' , "aml ioo lin "Vhoro aflor. No BdrBrtlsi > iiipnf'fakcn for IPSS tlianaio. r OTH IN HIIIJKIIUN V''ftl'rt' ' > AND I.KAV- JJenworth , ftni.ll ) pachTUl.UJ down and 110.00 n month. 7 per cent Interest. Itccid A Solby , Ml llourd Trade. t _ _ M.VJ1 JW ACHKS OF I.AND'VOIl 8AI.K CIIKAIMN Ollayoscoiinly. NehrailmAddrcst ' A. W. Prlmlle , A Co . Owns o , Mich. i .1 \W lO'i | Tors ON MONTHLY TA MKNTS IN HKNSON. Jljikn View. Clifton Plneo. Dundee , Armour Place. W. I. . Selhy'n niia Hoom 403 llrown bldg. . o _ _ " - IOH S"M.K , AT A IIAHUAIN , LOT is. IILOCIC i , I W. L. Shplhyn tlrst ndilltlon ( o South Omaha. Sninl I payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inn.ulrc (1. II. Teschiick. Otnuha lieu. iktt I/OK SALK HO.MKS , ANV I'HICK. I7'rt , II , IM Ul'i 1 e sy lerms ; Uku clear property ns tint payment. ( } . U. Wallace , llrown block , ( nth nnd Douglas. . . _ , , t _ ' .Vi 1,1011 , SALKNKIIHASKA FA KM LANDS. (1. ( O. A Wallnco 123 llrown block , Hlthniid Douglas. I ToiTtfAT.B OH THADK , lie ACKK IMPHOVKD farm. Inquire Peter I'unncr , 510.1 Cuniln n tippj. M inil-ll * A Hill HAUOAIN. KiXIM , KAST FHONT. SOUTH 2Ulli st , worth fl.fOO. 1'rlco only li,1W. Fidelity Trust cumpany. IM1 Farnam. 879 " ' N" ' . K. COUNKIt KITH AND IIII'KOIIY , 60X150 fret : n bargain for n tow rinytiunly. } ' . K. Darling - ling , llarker block. Bill \fU\l \ \ S.UjK. 50 IIOL'SKS ON HMALT , -I monthly payments , each on n full lot. 1'rlcoi II.S1W 00 lu JJ.OOJ.iW. The O. F. Davli company. 101-Dlt I.US'1' . ItATKS ISon linn llrst tlmo and lOe n line thnro nftcr. No advertisement taken for less than 250 ] OST. A SMALL TAN COI.OHKD ITALIAN - < grny honnil. Hotiirn to the lloston store , tilth nnd Douglas street , nnd receive reward. Wl T OST. DKCKMIIHIU. HAW SILK SHAWL IILACK JJ nnd white plaids return to Hceottlco and ri > celvo reward. MSI75 8' HATKS-l.V- line first tlmo and lOe a line there- niter. No advertisement tnkol for less than 23c. / " 1ALL AT M.MK 1'IIALKN'H DUKSSMAKINO O parlors , ItilO California. Perfect fit guaranteed. M2f.Mec. IS * HA i u uoiTsT HATKS 15en line llrst tlmo nml I Co n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2.Vj IN KNTIHK WKS'I'V TlVKAT- wigs nnd beards n specialty.Vlgs , bangs , switches , hair chains , etc. . In stock and to order. .Mall orders solicited. Davlos , III S 15th st. , Ouinhn. KOUXlT T7OUND-A HOLLOFCUIIHKNCYONTIIK STKP3 I of thorommerclnl Nat'l Hank. The owner may have the same on Identification and proof of firop- erty. Call at the bank. 85'J 9 SCJIjIClTOUS. 1 > ATKNT LAWYKHS AND SOLICITOUS. ( J. W. I Sues A Co. , lice building , Onmhn. Nob. llrnnch olllco nt Washington , I ) . C. Consultation free. 701 c u T 1 1 loTTv vouu SCISSOHS. HAX.OHH. KTC. , TO UK Aground tu I'nderhimt A Co. . lOil S 14th st. 70.1 MANJI < 'A < rrUfll\i /-1ASII PAID FOH OLD ( iOLI ) . CAHSON A Vvllniiks. room 30. llarker block. Omaha.S till ) GHRD " "I.oarei ICJllCAUO. IllTllfaNUTON A y. " | Arrlvei Omaha. I Depot 10th nnd .Mason St * . 1 Omaha. T5T e.oo n ni r.M a m . Oilcn.o.l jci > ru.ti . .1.41 a ni P.20 p m nuo Kjprosi (1.00 p m t.'M p m . Chicago A l . n ra I.envos IHUHU.Ntil'O.V , t MO. ill VdJU. , Arrlvo Oirmha. | Depot lllth anrt M.-uorc 3t < . 10.15 a in | . . . . Denver ' 10.15 n ra Deailwood'Kxpreis. . . . . . . 7.10 p m Denver iJSxproii 7.10 p m Danrer Krpren 5.IA ) p m .Lincoln l.lmltoa ( Kxcept Sun. ) . 1I. : a in 8.13 a m . .Lincoln Locnl K. U. , S t'i J < A O it. Arrlvji Omih.v Depot loth nnil M-non Sti. O-niln n ml. . . .Kansas Clty'Drty Kxpro-ii. . . , i 5..ri5 p ra 8.43 p in | | { . C. niiilit KXP.ITIB U. lATrani.l C.40 a m ' l.imvoi I UNION I7ACI1VIU. I Arrtvot I Union Depot,10tl | find Mnrcy ats. I Omativ Colngl CH10A11O , It. 1. A PACIFIC IFrom West..lUnloii | depot. 10th nmOlnrcy St . J West. - ' ' 1.20 p m .Denver Limited. a.40 p'in f.05 p m .Denver Express. r.30 a m Leavoi iCHlUAliO , MIU A tt'C. PAUL. I ArrlVJ Omaha. I U. P. dupjt. nn 1tt'C. , - -t.i. I Omahii p ml . cnlc.a o irproi . I ! ' . ; ij a ni 12.15p ml . < . hlcago Kxpron. . . . . . . . . I 5.4& p m 1.O.1VOI rtlOlJ.V i try A PAOIKIO. Omaha. I | Depot llltl nn.l .Miroy Sti. 7/15 a ml . . . .bloux t Hy raiaonitur | 10.3opm &Xi u uiI .HLJPriiil Kxprou 110.00 a m LoavoTj aiOUCTi'Tj [ I'AUfl . . I Arrlvji Omuho. 1 l ) pit I , t i nnd WubUar Sti. | Om.-xlix JTTijp nil St. I'.tul J.liaiLuil. . . I i'.Si n in Toiivoi | .vllic7u > O ANilHTriwTlSl'KHN. i Arruoi Omaha. I J. I * , ilepnt , loth nnd Mrrey Sti. I Oiiia'iv " 7.W a ui . . ( Kx. Bun'y ) Carroll I > aa > ongur lo730 p m l.tti a .u Chicago llxpraii H.lo a m 6.00 p m Voitlbula Lbnltuil ' .U ) a m ( .15 p in Kaitorn Flyer li.OJ p m JT.OO ujn rKr. Sut.l KnH Mall ( lix.Mon ) . . .Mi p in ' Li-avo I OMAHA fc aV. hujld j'Arnv Oniaha.U. | 1 * . depot. IQtli and .Marcir 8t . I Onil 4.10 pm | St. LiiuM i aniion Hall U'i. . > p m l.oavo I K. , K. \ MO. VALIiHiY. lArrifj Omaha I Depot 15tli nn'l ' Wehitor Sti. | Onilii 0.0 ! ) n m 7. iTlick TlTTli Kxprms . p m V.OO n m ( Kr. Sat ) Wyo. Kxp. ( ICx. .Mon ) . AM p m Lincoln Pai. ( Kx. Sun ) . . . . H 3c n m 6.10 p m .Norfolk ( Kr. Sunday ) II 3 } a m St. Paul rixnrosi LsavuT C. , tff.'l' . . U. AO. I ArrlvoT _ Onmha. Dapot ISlhnnd WobttarSts. | Oinahn. 8.10 n m [ . . .Sioux City Accommodation. . . i.l > 5 p m 1.00 p m 'dloux ' City Kxprim ( Kx. Sunday ) 12 4U p in 6.45 St.-l' ul Llmltod , p 111 l.Ji n m Mi p 111 llancrnft I'.tsionxur ( Kx Sunday ) 8.45 a ra Lenvoi I .MISSJUItl PA , ifli.1. I Arriroi Omalin. I Depot 15th nml Won.lor Sti. I Omaha 10. : J n m | M. I.null Kxprou. . fi.iO : ir 3 V. : > 0 _ | > ml St. Louli Kxpre < s. 6.10 p m Leave i I K. C. . HI' . JOK AC. II. I Arrlvoi. Tram fur I ( Triton Depot , Council Hlulfi. ( Transfer 10UJ n m.Kun | a > i.'lly Day l.'xprois I 524 p m 10.1 J p ml. . . Kansas City .Njglit Kxpron. . . | 6.20 n in 11KA.I.TY SIAUICKT. TNHTUU.MENTd placul on rooorJ Uocomuor JL ? , IB'JI : nuti)3. A C II Klninbou und wlfo. to J H lllulto. lot : i , bloclc U , I'liilnvlow add M V Solomon lo J V Hullu , lot' ' , bloclc 8 , Holumnn'it mid TOO Harriet Uustlii and liuslmnd to O W Clirlsieuhfa. lot 'J , Unslin'H add. to 1'lalnvluw 4.COO I' A tiinltb mid wlfo In M.iry K llrldun- buoker. lots , block 110 , Hiindeo I'laco . I.8M Huso I'raelit and wlfo to O II und K II llallou , L'.VxMHi feet at nw vornor lot 4 , blook 7 , Swuosy'u ndUiv 18,000 0 K I'littorson nnd liuiU'ind to .Martin lluttur uli. let I. likmlt L' , l > .itturson'ti 1st mid. to South OiiKilii U73 John MoKuurio ol ul. ti > rinenlx 1'oiin- dry Co. lots I to & and It tu .V , blook . " > , lludford place 1 C K Stratum and wlfo to ! ' J IlotclikliH , lot II , block 4. Lincoln plnco 1,050 J Ii Willis and wlfu to Henry llock , lot 5 , blook 4. WHIN park . 1 August Kounl/uut : il to L 1' Irish , lots , blook 11. Hrnlil bill ! BOO Jobn ( irlubul lo liimuvu llador , lot 11) , blouu IM. Cirunilvluw .41 2,100 J H Kins nnd wlfo to loPu , Oolllii eotn- punv , lotsld and ID , blocks , 1'uddouk JllllUU 4.730 gUlTLT.AlM IlKBD.'i. WT Hoiimiin unil wlfo to K S Albrlsht , west W fi-ut of south CO foul , lot I , bloclc II. SJilnn's add J 1' lloyd , slierllT. to W T Heamaii. south to feul ot w U lot S , bloou 14 , sjilnn'u ndd 2,519 I ) H Mercer , inustor In chancery , to Ij W Tnlloy's trustee , lot 87 , block 10. llrlgcs I'laco IlitUdlng asdwlatlon add 2UX > Total amount of truujfcri niovsn .tnovT vs. Xolirimkn. The olovntor built by the alliance nt Calln * way 1ms Matted up. THO Itlck of a uorso broUo n IOR for Ocofgo Ha hfonl of Wllsotivlllo. K. D. Brink of Aahlnnti I > now manager of the tolopbotio oxctintigo at Coimnbus. Orccloy Center sports are Indulging In the luxury of dog ll hls ijullo frequently. The Concrcgatlonnl nnil lrcsuytorlan churches nf Fairmont are talking of consoli dating. The foundation of the water works slnnil- plpo at Ultio Sprlni/s Is completed , but the iron 1ms not yet nrrlvcd. Klgln people nro talklnp of putting In a hemp factory nt that plnco. A commlttoo has the schema In clmrgo. The U. & M. H building n now ilopot at Dorchester to tnko thu plnco of the structure recently destroyed hy 11 ro. According to the Hushvlllo Stnndnrd. northwestern Nohraskn Is the bo t country In the world for rnlslnp horsos. Hartlctt homo talent will present the drnmn , "Out In the Streets , " under the nus- plcos of the Lndies Aid society. Fire at I'liitt'iiioutli entirely consumed the residence of K. UuUtcm , cniHliifr n loss of $1MX ) . A dofoctlvo lluo was the cause. A hay press seized the lot ? of Robert II. Vnn Lear , living near I'ulmur , nnd crushed it so severely that several bones were broken. Fred Hedde. editor of iho Cirnml Islam ! Independent , fell down a twenty -step Illptil of stnlrs and smttnlncd Injurlos which will lay him up for some time. Six hundred bushels of whom nnd n sep arator belon inc to. Fcsso Graham of Julian weru destroyed by lire , which started from a spark from a thresh I MI ; nnchino cimlno. John Wntormon of I'hitUmouth fell throuijh n hole In n briduo and landed on his right hip liftoon feet below , recelvlm : In juries which will lay him up forsomo tlmo. Koblnson .t Co 's elevator nt Coznd burned Saturday iiipht. Three thoiis'aml bushels of whent were destroyed. Loss , t.l.OOO ; partly insured. Ills nuppojcd to bo tin Incoudlnrv lire. Harry Heed , n Wcoping Water boy , dropped a weight , on his llttlo too und broke the bono. Ho didn't discover the frncturo for n week , but when ho did ho haa a doctor mend It. A Madison young man named Hus.ssll de liberately placed ono of his too * , on which there was n corn , on a block nnd cut tt oft with n chisel. Ho couldn't stand thoj Ua . the com. A Pnplllion saloon keeper prints n notion In the local papers In which ho anys : "All persons who tire opposed to their husbands drinking intoxicating liquors ut my place are requested to notify mo. " Fred Shtipln , living five miles southwest of Harvard , had his hand so badly mangled in n corn sooller that two flitKors had to DO amputated. The sumo tluv S. O. Van DrulT , living live miles north ot Harvard , lost turoo lingers in the guuTlni : of u. turoshing ma chine. A Hufl'alo county pedagogue named Morse got himself into trouhla by building u now bnrn out of lumber alleged to Imvo boon leftover over from the school house , and by buying the coal for the district and pocketing u prollt of ! a ton. Ho was arrested on u charge of mnlfeasanco in ofllco. A pet wolf belonging to Tom liox of Butte City , which ho kept chained in his yard , seized nlitllo girl named Jncquc , biting her toadly. The fioxt day his wolfship tried to feast oti the little daughter of Frank Holubcrs and bit her sixteen times before help arrived. She is seriously , but not fatally , injured. ESiiys the Wayne Ilorald : Dr. Crawford and a Mr. Hlgus of California have botf.VJO euch on a bushel of corn. The doctor claims that ho has some Tennessee corn that will weigh more per Dushoi thnn any other corn ruised in the United States. Mr. Higgs thinks ho can produce some California corn that will beat it , thus the Dot. Thn money is V ) be put up nt Wnkolield. The 2-year-old ctilld of John Lemph , resid ing southwest ot Elwood , in Frontier county , was burtied to death tbn othernlpht In rather ft mysterious manner. Tun child was loft alone tor a short tlmo , nnd when the parents returned they found Its clothing nearly burned off and the llttlo one's body burned tn n horrible manner. It lingered in great pain until the next day. Is'o clue can bo dis covered ns to how the child's clothing became - came ignited unless it had in some way ob tained seine matches and was playiug'wltu thorn. _ IMWII. Two hundred nun thirty-six nrrosts were mndo In DCS Molnos durlnu November. A Fort Mndison man offers to build an , opera house tboro for a bonus of $ ' ,000. An Infant son of H. Kelly of Waterloo was badly scalded by tailing into a tub of hot water. At the Holsteln Catholic fair n bulTalo robe was voted to ttio most cold blooded man in Iho town. John C. O'Hrlon. n former Dubuque grocer , died in New Orleans of Hed river lover. His relatives still reside in Dubtiqiio. Numerous deserving families of I'uullnn wcro supplied with turkeys for Thanksgiving day from some mysterious source. Emmotsburg boasts of nn extraordinary thirf. His name is .Morgan , nnd ho is cred ited wiih having robbed n neighbor named Hunt not only of a horao , but of his wife and llvo children. The contractor who has just completed the Franklin count1 court house Is suld to have lost fli.OOO on the job , and the enterprising citizens of Hampton uro thinking of making up the dollcit. The Northern lown Horticultural society will hold its seventh annual session at Kaglo Orovo December in , It ! and 17. Eminent mid nblo horticulturists of the northwest have been invited to bo present , An ubsont-minded voitng couple of I'ort- land township , Kossuth county , was re cently married. They started to houso- Kooplng and found ihoy had no provisions nnd were compelled to return lo thu parental roof. John F. Coy of Odobolt was accidentally shot while out hunting with C. W. Spence of the Free Press. The editor was thrown from the sleigh nnd his gun was discharged. Cov'.s wound Is painful , nut will not prove fatal. A llttlo 2-year-old dnughtor of John Plotrhor , living near Clarion , foil head llrst Into n bucket of scalding water nnd was scalded so she died. The mother cnrolossly loft the bucket of water sitting on the lloor while sbo went to another room fora moment. The following figures show Iowa's finan cial condition : The cash on luinn is J.Vi'J- ) ; receipts for biennial period , f'j.OUl- 210 ; this adued to amount on hand is $ ) ,5S7,18n.r > 0 ; regular expenses for next two years , according to last two years' expenses , ' leaving for appropriations couple of Dubuque electricians have devised - vised n thermostat nnd oloctrlo gong alarm that promises to bo of great vnluo In detect ing llros in warehouses and buildings. The sensitive apparatus Is so dollcnto that n rlso of 1 ° in temperature Is sufficient to move the Ihdox. It can bo act nt unv dcgreo de sired , and when boat Iroui n lire or other souroo has moved the Index to that point thu gong will ring. An old couple noarlng the throc-scoro yean of llfo were refused u marriage llecnso at , Clinton because they had no witnesses. The eld gentleman remonstrated and said ho thought they were out aiioiivli to tend to tliuir own nITairs without witnesses. "It's all rlcht , sonny , " sold the old lady lo the deputy. "My husband died last March , und us 1 got n icarrlauo license huro thirty vcartt ugo , I don't see what's to hinder guttlii' ono now. " S , L , Patterson , n farmer living about ten miles south of Crouton , reports the birth nt his place of u rare and curluus freak of na ture. Tim monstrosity is u calf , which has four eyes and two mouths and is ablu to take nourishment nt either mouth. The head ap pears nil right nt the top , but Just below the eyes It divides , nnd from thence down the two bonds are distinct. Doth nro so perfect in sbapo that were either ono out away the calf would present an appearance In perfect conformity to other animals of the snmo ago. HUawookold nnd apparently healthy , al though when It stands up It is hardly nhlo to boar up thu weight of the two heads and they sway from slJo to side. Careful olTorts nro being made to keep the alive , nnd for this purpose It is being raised on a bottlo. DoWltt'i Llttlo Early UISON. nest llttlo pill cvor inado. Cure constipation over/ tlmo. None equal. Usu them now. Competition troinblus wnon Ild.vdon Bros , upon uricoa oti pluutu uud FOR GOOD REASONS. Thn Uniform Unto of $0 n Month U l'i- ( ended for I ho Itomiitiitlor of the Your. L'nt I Jammry. firs Coiicland and Mnnsflold Imvo decided tn maintain thn live-dollar per month rnto of treatment , ronllnlnz It howorcr. to catarrh and Ulndred diseases , d urine Peeombor to January 1st. Therefore , up to January they will trent eat.irrh nnd kindred diseases nt the rule of ft for each month's trcnttuent .thls sum Inoluil- lintnll mrdk'lnos , earn and treatment. This olTor does not apniy to all dUeases , but to ea- tarrh and It.s various complications , ouch as hroni'hllls , gastric cat.trrh , or dyspepsia , asth ma. hay fuvur , consumption and Its kindred dl.caaos , etc. STRONG EVIDENCE. An Omnlm Lndy Who Sought IJcllof-Snys She Found It in Drs. Copelnticl nnd Mansfield's Treatment Evidence Upon Evidence Prool Upon Proof. "I wns to some evtettt a victim nfllin dis ease so well mimed. In ci Ippe. When It uet-s a grip once upon a person's system It holds on. ThespeaUer was Miss llelnni Schliitor. a mil liner , wllh Mrs. Ii. II. HavliM. Ill South l.Hb street , this elty. .Miss Sehluter has had a prelty severe tlmo of It for the past year , and her experience of what she suffered anil whore she finally found relief was told for thu beno- III of others similarly alllleted. "I havosuirered almoit continually from a severe ease of eatarrh , which was originally Inou hton by u very bad eold which I ne- glueted at thu tllnu.inuch to my .sorrow since. " eontlnued Miss Seliiuler. "It would bo pretty dllllcult to tell all of the disagreeable tiyiiip- MISS SOIlf.UTKR. toms ono has. or to dosctlbo now perfectly iiilstirablo It made one. "I bad a heavy , dull ncho over my eyes , accompanied at times by very severe pains In the haelf of my head. My eyes grow dim and it was Impossible for mo to look steadily at an object for atiy length of t mo without MV KViS PAININO AM ) IIUHMMl. My head fell e'ojged up and I would have the strangest IHI//IIU and ringing In my uar.s , whilu I was constantly troubled wllh dl7.1nesand nervous foe 11 HIT. "This state of affairs Uupt growing worse when , to eap tlie climax , last sprlns I caught the grippe and this increased iiiVHUfrerlnguml dlseasotwo Told and left mu in the most dell- uate Health. The disease had seriously af fected my stomach , and my appetltK and ill- irestionoro very poor. M } ' sloinaeh was so weal ; In fuc't Inat I could only eat the lightest food , and not even that without sutTorlntf a feeling of uneasiness and sense of depression afterwaids. I also sull'orcd much from pains in my stomaoh and through the back and loat mituh lle.ili and strcninh. WHAT WAS KINAI.LV DONE. "I was In this deplor.ibleeondillon when my attention was dlreeled to Drs. I'opeland and .Mansllehi as phvslcluns and surzeons who weru skilled In thulr profession and having uIdo .success In thulr prai'llen. I souiilil them for relief and I ivin truthfully .say I found It. The dlstresslnir palr.s over my oym und In thu back of my bead went almost Immediately upon taking the first treatment , and Havu gone to stay. I think. .My eyes have cleared up and Kalnrd strength : my di//lncss and nnr- vousnesi have disappeared , an.I thu rin lni ; and liu//Ini ; no ses in my ears ceased. Mv stomacli and appetite havu great IV Improved , and I eat wnll and Muop well alM ) now. In short. ) am In every way on the road to hualth , and although I liuvu Had many doetois , Dr.s. Uopoland and Mansnuld are the onlvoncs that have piven mo any real relief. " Miss Sulilutor resides at 1010 ! Dodso Mrcot , whore she can bo seen und will loadily verify her statement. OJIAHA. Nov. s < . 1S9I. Di-s. Copeland snd Miinslleld Dear sirs : I wish to express my feellnirsof sralltudo towards you furlho I on- ullts I have receivnd fiom your trealment of catarrh. His now only throe weeks slneo I bosun being tru-ited by you. Hut am feeling so much Improve J that I am perfectly sutis- lleda bprcdy and permanent euro will bu the result. I am yours , very respect fully , MR. O. W. FOSTER , SPEAKS. " ei. they nil told mo I lincl consumption , iitnl that l-i wliut I liiiiritn to liclluvu I fnllo.l so stoiitllly anil ovi-rythliis I trluU seemed so nitui'rli'ss to liulp mo Unit I was forced to lio- lii'vo Unit I liail ( iiistiiiitlnii. ) | " Thu speaker was .Mr. C.V. . I'ustur , who lives litlllil N. I''nd sti-L'Ot. "I'lvo 1 dlil nol rcjjnril my lioiiblo us vury serloii'i. when It llrst Do : in with my head null nose Moi | | > ln up. dull. hi > , ivy hnuil- acliu-f ovt'f my eyes nml thnniuli thu tuniilc-i | , but Inter when nliiht sweats uame on 1 buun TO I.OSli rt.KSH , and for the ( Irst tlmo roill/.otl : my torrlhlo con- ditlmi. " .My cougli wns very severe , so had that I could not sleep niirlitH , uiiil would havu to Ki'L up mid 1:0 out on toy pureh for fresh air. "Then- was a terri ble -oreiipss In the louur pint of my s. hh.irp. .shool- Ini ; pains through my ehi-sl. bo si'veie at tiiiios as In alii'ost lake my breath. "Thuio was a eon- slant roirlnu" : nnd hnzxitii ; noise In my ears ; my eyes he- MR. I'OSTKIt. came very weal ; , and I thought I wnsKoInK TO L'ISK MY SKIIIT. "My apliotlto wax Irro nliir. nothlns I ate seemed to astcn with me. I would bn ( Us- tressed at ' .ho stomach after eutlnir. " .My slueji was bioken and restless and dlil mo no good. I would Rot up In thu mornliiK tnorn tiled tliiiu I went to bed. "Tho disease Irul completely undermined my whole sysloi.i , and 1 wan a physlo.U wrook a man without hope , "In this condition I oalloil on Dis. Copeland and Maiisllold : they dill not iiroinldo much , and I did not ovpin'i to bo oureil. "Woll , what has Imi'n the result ? " "A OUMl'I.K.Ti ; CUUK. " "I Improveil steadily from thu first and all I'm svmptoms of the dlsousu have gradually lofl mo. " .My head anil nn o are clear , oed apootlto. no more nlKht.sweats , and my luni ; troiibh ) Is entirely relluved , and 1 hiivt > nu further fear of I'Qtisumptlon. " 1 can't s.iy too much In praise of lrs. ) Copeland - land and Manslluld , for they hn\o surely savid my llfu' " Mr. 1'oslor Is aearnctilurand lives , as stated above , nt ill. ) N. 12nd Htrnet , thisclty , where ho will relate to any one the slotyo ( his ruinuilc- ublu recovery. READ THIS. If Tlio-o Svmptiin Tit Your Case , Then You Hava Catarrh. Are your eyes weak nnd watery ? Do you see lloatltii ; Hj > oU before Uioni at tlmu.s'/ Do you have a pain over your eyes or uaonsu of fullness across the front of the head ? Uyour hen rln d til I and defective ? | ) o von hnvu u roiirln rhi lnr or im/.ilnK sound In your ear at tlme-tV Does your nee Htop up at times , one slue or the other ? Doin It illtehar.'u it thin , watery Btibstanuu ulinosl eonstantly ? When yon fi > to livd at nl lil have you dllll- oulty In iriiltit ; toNleen ? Aft r .you are asleep Uo you havu uupl nsunt droiimsV On nwak- unlii do you ( eel refreshed ? In the moi'iilni ; do you have dllllonlty In cluurlnu yuur ? D.ii's your throat ( > el dry and luruhed ? Do you have it sensu of fullnciia In thu tlirout ? LJ\XI \ you hiivn u dry. hacking cotiKh ? Do you Imvo a coiiith thai ( .revenU your Kolnic to sleep fit nielli ? 1'u yuu have u coiuh that cause * vou lowaltuiiput nlaht uud thus dis turb your repimu ? l > o you have a feeling .it lime * as tlum.'h you wrru ni'Oiit to faint , and feel ni though you luii'it KriibDoniethlnu fur tiiinp rl ? Does your jrltlon beconiH olitiir'iml iin u Dv grow dnrlc before your eyes at atich tlino v Uuyou have uUbt fcwuau or huiuorrajt * , inl oolil fln lnm over your boitv. or phllN nnd cronpy fcollniss ritnnlnc up your U ick ? Do you Imvo wenknos ns thouuh von bait bpen workltiR very hard nnd wriiilrd to rest nnd cannot K"t reMixl ? Iloyouhuvo n deprctMnl foollnif aflc'r ei\t- Ini ; , or n bloited : tip lYiMlntt In the stomai'li ? Do you belch up n.sour tnslo In your moull' , or have very tick fotMlnir ut your ntntniieh. or n hoiirt burn ? Do you fuel nn though what you linil ontcn was lyluu like lead In your Momach ? Do you havu n feeling of oppression amniid thu heart ? Do you have a slinrtnuHs of bronth on going upstair * itilokly | ? Do you nnvu mnoilierln' iittacki ? Do you have nt tunes feolhiKS ns though your neart was onenm- P'issed by Koinethlnit anil It could not move , nnd then suddenly llnd It palpitating furious- If o. then you have piitarrh Inoneoflti many fortus. These are but n few of tlui nmny syni.Hinns that det\ole \ to the .tuillnd iiliysh'lan that you arosnnvring fromeatiirtli. If limy are your .symploms , do not delay nny longer , but place yourself under the eate nf a lihysh'lan. and be eurud heforn It has taken Htii'li n , ho d on you that It will bo too Inte to biHMiin relief. REPHKSESTATIYE HKSIDKXTS. What They Snjr Couconiliig the of Di'H. Ciipoliinil nnil Munsllclil \ \Vcll \ liiiown CleriyiiMii Gives Ills Uv i ! o Other Tislliniinr. "Over two years aso my trouble beaan , nnil I have seen many ml-erable days and nliMiis Hlnce I hen , " M.ild Mr. W. I' . L'allahan , of 111 s. > th nlreet. "Indeed , 1 foil miserable all I he lime , and it seemed I would never ho any better , for all the doctoring I did nnd all the medicine I took did meno ood. After ID ullii. of numer ous slmlliirto to nilno that Drs. Cone- land ami .Maiidllold had trented stireessfu | j . 1 made up my mind to try their system. " Today Ihn40dls.iircualde ! < yiiiplonis , iru nil Rone. I feel bultercvery way than 1 have for several years , I am very thankful to Drs , Couulaml and Manstlohl. HKV. H. O. Swank , of the Theolozleal Hem- Innrv. writes to Drs. Copeland and Mnnsllehl as follows : "I take great pleasure In making known to you that I have received great bon- eflts from your treatment. 1'or live years I have ueen alllleted with catarrh of lite lietul and throat , which , at times , was distress in : Indeed , In fact , loadlnc me to hollove that I mtihf ulvo up public siieiiklnc. I tried inanv remedies but received no relief until I came to you , nnd I am happy to write and Infoim you that I am entirely cured , all my symp toms of catarrh Having disappeared. MHS. J1KNA DOUj , l.eavoi'Horth street , says : " 1 am now entirely well no morrt headaches , no hawklni ; or splttln < ; , and I feel fresh and rested nponarls ni ; In tlie mornhu. Where all others have failed , Drs. Copehind and .Mnnsllold have been successful , and lean- not , say too luueh for them , and to any and all 1 will gladly repeat my story. " MHS. O. 1' . ANDKIOON. JIJIII . invarl street ; " fuoru hawking and splttlni ! , no sore my headaches have ceased and my eyes are as M runs as ever. L can now ruad thu papers , ovun at nlvlit. ; and feel like a dllTnrent por.sim. Too much pra an cannot be Klven Drs. Copeland and Mansiield fur their careful and eonsflenllou.s work In my ease , and I heartily recommend thorn to all sulTerurM. " Mil. SAMUEL SMYTH. 710 South Iflthstreet : "I am thu happiest man In the city , fceihiK that I Inn e found what I thoiiKhl lost foiever my KOod health and anyone who knnus mu can sco that I am a well man ; I have no moru nlplil sweats : no pain It : the chest or.shoulder- hlades ; I eoiiKh no mom and i am Kalnlni : In lleali overv day. I cnnnol say too much for thouood Drs. Copeland and Mansllehi have done In my case. " MIt. JOHN MAI.OM'X ISOI South ISth street : "I heartily recommend Drs , ( 'opoland and Mansllold'.s treatment as the only tieatment that over nve tie any relief , nnd had 1 known ot them i sooner it would have saved me years of hiill'urliK and much money. " MK. STKl'UKN MAHTIN. South Om .ha : "Hoadlin ; of the wonderful success of lis. C'opeliindnnd Mnnsllehl I thought I would try .lust , once ni'ire to be eitred , and I am thuiiKfut idld , for they Inue afcomnllshed wonders in my ease. After treating lth them my symp toms have all disappeared anil I am us well us uver I was in my life. " MISS L-AUHA fiOODlIRAIir , Ill'JSl Krslcln street : 1 cannot do or say too much for Drs. Copolanu and Munsllold , for they have cured cured mo and plm ed me In l > Cttef health gen erally than I could over hope for. " Mil. O. W. rOSTKIt , mil North 4-Jnd street : "My linad an I nusu are clour , uoou appullte , no more nluht .stoats , and my luns trouble Is entirely relieved , and I have no further fear of consumption. I can't say too much In pralseof Drs. L'opulamland Mansllold , forthoy uavo surely savud my life. " Their Crcilontl IH. Ashns been sild : , Dr. W. H. Copeliind wi president of his class at llellevuu Hospital Mudleal tolluu. ! New York , whore he urad- natud. thu most famous Institution of Its Kind In thu country. Ills diploma hunt's the written endorse i-ent of the mudleal anthorlt.les of New York , of the deans of prom nent eollo-'os In Pennsylvania : lr. T. H. Miinsllnld'M eredenllals are no less abundant anil nn . illcd. lie ilso Is formally Indorsed liy thu sec- relnrlusof various county and sl'it. . ) : societies , Iloth ifentlemen , after thorough hosp.tal cxperlencu MI id pr.ieticn. have < ie- voli'd tlfelr lives to tbo practice of their sinu1- tles , with what success the columns of the dally papers show. ROOMS 311 AND 319 , New York Life Building1 , Cor. 1 7lh mill Fiinmm Sts. , Nt > ! ) ii" . / / . t xn , xi. u , / : n. 3i : iif , . ; / . st Ooiisulllni ; riiys'elan. Hpcclaltlos : Catarrh and all diseases of the Rye. Ivir , Throat an I l < uius. Nervous Dls- iMiM'S , SU In Diseases , Ulironiu Dlso.iso-i. Olli | < u Hours U to 11 a. m. , - to . " > p. m. , 7 t' ) U p. in , Mindny IU a. m toj p. m. Uatarrhal troiiblo anil klndted dlsuas-ni treated Riiceussfully by nrill. Send lo | n stamps for question eireitlars. Address ail letters to Copi < land Institute , New York Life lltilldlifr. Dninli-t. N II MOORE'S Monmouth , 111.Fob. 11 , 'Hi ) . Dr. .1. U. Moore , \Vliilo from ( i severe I'olil , I WIIH induced to try Moorn'a Tree of Life Catarrh Curo. It nlTordud nlinodt iiiiinudinto roliuf ; and while 1 Imvo boon u biilloror for yiwra from eatitrrli , uineo iinlnjj this remedy I htivo not boon ulTcctod in any way wilU thin douidoly annoying didonm Tvv.C K KM. Moont.s Tree of 1'fo. ' uposltlvn euro for Kid ney and I.lver Complaint and all blood dls- eauos , UODH It pny to iiilTor wlinn you uan b eured by using Mooro'i True of Mfu. llioliroal l.lfu liomody ? IVrir , f'crluln liiKcurv. ui. < tirrtturni. < \ral U f rc to any iulTtter , k no i rlt'tinii iu rnlirif * iiualj , wmk r-.lit mill i-rriulu turn I.oM VliiiriiulMl : M .VJi ] ' < rorflo D UUI/Si : . llul'ja , AlUuu.Ulcb.