Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Yheat Was Dull and Firm Earlj It
the Dav ,
Visible Supply KlKiirrs Intlluntctl n
of More llian n Million
'lH UliciiiliP Oi > p Hlco
\\I\H \ J\pcotfjcl.
Ill , Dec. 7. Wheat , while decid
edly tinII , WIIH nevertheless quite llrm. Cable'
r ( | , nrtt d onio nilvanco In the I.ngllsh mar'
kt Is wifJi New York anil other domestic mar'
kets Inclined to firmness. Shorts were dla-
jinacd to cover and llio bears were loss ag'
Erc'slvo I hen were pretty good hulin
orders hi re from .Now York and bt. l.ouls , Inn
tht selmu was slow and cautious The act vi
loeal trade wns bullish with Mitchell , I.lnd-
bldin and llacter the lo idcrs In Hit
iihM ti'-e of decided bull news In tht
forenoon It was hard to r.dvanot
prlfes iniii'li. Ono of the utiung factor-
wan the repoit that the goveinmoiit woulc' '
cmbriKO the totidlclon of winter whe it In Itf
report whlrli Is expected next Thursd iy , a IK ;
there Is i genei il feeling that It will bu quite
iinfavnr ibln and II iblo to start prices up
ward lit nee the desire on the p irt of the
( ihnrts to cover Uncertalntv. as the visible
ri ( ioit wimld sho.v , had a tendency to restrict
tratli during the morning. The trenuious fall
of Know over the winter who it belt Is ro-
. - firdI I as a n.iicli nee led protocllon to llio
Vlant whlcli Is less iiblo to stand the rigor ol
adversi ( llmatlc conditions than usual.
the mentis at Dnlitlli and Mlnncapoll"
VM ri inin. h Mimllor than tbuy had been estl-
mule I , givlm : test'mony ' to the -everlty of tin
Morin In the northwest. The e\port c'eir-
nhios were modorito and late * cables wmr
hteudv wit limit material ch mgu riie market
reniaintd llrm with a slowly ndv ancln-ton-
( 'i ' no ) till the vlslb'n ' supply 11'tiics weic
posted \vht-n Ihcrn was a sudden nnd slinrn
adv neo be ( atise a dccrt aseof m arlv I.WO.O I ,
liu w is sliiiun , whereas an lucre iso estimated
by " ( Miic as high us , ' . II',000 bu wns looked for.
Ainv i pencil at from < i7'iC ' to')73ic against WSc
at tin i lo o ( in Stlurdnv mi il slowly up tc
Ih B , IK Id sto uly foi a lime and tht'ii Juinpeil
to t i1 i , ! ted till in d t lo'-ed at ltc
l tun w is hlronuor u irly , thens igged olT but
rt'ii. ted I iler Thoro'olpts were over 2 < o cari
In t'voss of the o-itlmnttd , the Inspector *
vvorkniK on ' undiij The t-'riiilln. ' , however ,
conl inn spoor , out of MI cars Inspected only
twt ntv-ono ems giaded contract , but the
e ( in tiisu weither was lnoKod upon us Imll-
c itiiijc an Impiovement In tills regard The
tlli ) ir w is not doln any thing to Mist iln val
ues and w is rather on tlio other sldo and sold
freely on all the haul spots It is foi Its In-
ton st to Keep prices down for the tlmo beliu
tonbout shlpplii ) ' inar l'i. It will have less
101 n to t ike c ire of and If tlicro Is any squeeze
It Is for the clique's intcrtst to have
It developed near thu eloso of the
month The market developed mote
Mrcngth nflcr tlio noon hour , mainly
on n Mi rp adv nice In Now \ ork which started
Kiiod huyliij hurv led bv Uartur-Mmtln De
cember and year opened unthnnzcd at 47'Be ' ,
adVaiiicd to 4734thtoko lo 47'tc. reacted lo
47V and closed at 17V May onened at 4.Jc ,
udv inred to md closed at II' ' c.
Oats were ( inlet and t > loatly with very little
change In prices
Hoproduct - , wore dull but Inclined to firm
ness ou ictount of tlio deiroisoc. iceelpts of
lio/s .laiiu iry pork sold at from ill 1J' ' $ to
( II 2) , closing at til 20 , against $11 Tint the
ciiisi ) on Saturday. L ird and ribs followed
The loading f utiirt s r inged as tollows :
\\lltAI NO . '
llecenibc-r ( II $ ill
.human f m
Mny mW
CHUN .No 3
IKii nilicr 47K 47J W
Mny 41
OAls No 2- 41Si
lit ti mlier Si
.Inmmry I.
Vny U
liott-inlit-r 8 121. 8 4- ! 8 42 > . 8 \ VII \
Jnntiury 11 I'I II UM II 20
Mn > 11 Wl | 11 10 11 70
LA tin
Dect nihcr r , oj C 00 ti 05
Juniniry I , i'i f , 20 I , IS b 20
Mnj I-MM 0 5Ji ) b 65
5 r , & 'ii 5 4' , 655
Jnnnury 6 .0 ! , 10 5 SO 5 ( H
May f > ' .HI 5 7W f. W 5 ' .I7M
Cagh quotations were as follows :
I'l.oun Steady and unchan.'ed : spring pit-
cuts , $1 ( , ' ) ifil UJ ; wlnti i--tr lU'lus. $ l r > ® l.4. )
Win AT No. 2 sprint ; wheat. 0 'ac ! o. J
Bprini ; w he u. SJiSSJe ; No 2 red , ) . "
OoiiN-.No. 2 , 47'c.
OAIR No 2 , i24e ! ; No. 2 vvhlto , ! U'.i ® , l'c :
fto J T/hltc , .lUjf'friJ'ic.
ll\K No J. ss'ie
IlAltibVNt ) . 2 , SOJlOOoi No 3. f. o. b. , 403
4li'n' ; ISO 4 , f o Ii , AViJIOe.
I'I.AX HHM > No I.'il'ic. '
TIMOIMV Si Kli I'rlmc , JI 2
I'OIIK Moss pott , pti libl.tsWiSS : lard ,
per cwt fit KKtCbU't ' ; short ribs Hides ( loose ) ,
f.t . ) Cii. ( ) 11 diy salted shoiilluisbo\ed ( ) , f4 1214
4S4 f > , shoi t clu ir sides ( boxed ) , $ . " > 7Vii > S" .
\\uiski\-Distillers' Ilnlshed woods , portal ,
J1 1 H.
Si riAit-C'iit lo if. iinchingod , .lWl" > ' , c
C1 ! ! ! riini ! full crcnm ctuddirs , 105t ©
ll'jc : lints , HfnllV- Young Americas. 12OlJJ e.
Him v I nt liaiu-cd.
On tlm Produce exchange todny the butter
mniUot HIIS llrm , fanoy creamery , 2s"Jej
line western , 'X&tfla ; ordlnaiy , , ' 15W4e ; sa-
Ictttd daily , 2J © le ; oidlaaiy , lsii-0e ( , oius ,
' 4H.1 c.
Now York .Aliu-lcct.s
Nl'VN YoitK , Dec 7 Pi ouu-IJccclnts , 41,012
( : , ' \ ( , lli,40'Haelva.8teadj , ( inlet ; sales ,
11. 50 bills
ItutN MKAI. Dull , steady : bales , fOO bbls ;
yellow , HiiO
Will Itl co'pls , 307,551 bu : exports , 350,518
lilt salt's , ltil , utiobu of intuits , .I'l.uoJ ' bu of
( pot Spot market dull , dosing firm ; No 2 ic-d ,
1 lift" , In sttiio elevator , JliltUsl 07 a
alloat , * l Wxo.1 US3 , f o h : No .1 ted , $ lUiin ) (
KX ) , untrr idcditd.tH'atSli ItM No I northern.
r ( bWI OS' , : No. i hard. $ l.l0'i&l.llj > :
No . ' noithcrn. $1 tii'iful.oia. ) | ujitlons
tulvniicod slcudllj and closed Hi MI
at 1 id&'o over Sitiirdav witli Inuroabo
In trading based qpon lirmcr cnhlus nml tor-
clKUindoih , fieeolcnrnnees ; ducronscd stocks
hero and In the visible supplj , with larKo
oiearaiiics icpoited from 1 othcti ists by lliad-
HtrcptK ( loslnu Him ; N'o 2 nil , Dcicmbei ,
HOIStol05'clcsln J105' . ; .lanunry ti O5'j
Cl 07 closing Jl 117 , 1 ebruary , l.olt&l b1. , clos-
Inv * l iw'j Mnich , J .Wg. closlii.- ( ) 'tj April
closing ifloT'iii May , * i ns'.fii 1 O'l' , . elosliu
IIIKO. , lime , * l O7',6f.l ' lh'4. closiiiB Ji 08' ,
KM Dull , western , * ti'/i lu > Stocks of
pralti In hiiuo ami nlhi it Deu'mt er 5 Wheat ,
( , lWWo4i bu , corn , 2H.2M bu j oais. l'Mi,0,0 ( bu ;
rye , 1 I u.544 bu : burley , 181itw bu. ; malt.
& . ' , IK ) bu i piis , J7i bu
lUiiM'i-iJulHt ; No a MllvvauUce. 72 < alo.
llAiu i v MM r Dull.
t-'oiir. Iti'celptu , 85,70. bn.j exports , 7tW3bu. ;
pales , I . i < ) , wo bu of filtiues , W.vw Uu. of
Bpot. Spot marKet titruiiKiut No a , o7o
In oliivator ; ( bo alltiit : uiiKradea
mlxtd. W ftillie ; No 2 white , Ui < aU5He , No. .1 ,
t50.ii'li'i | ste.imtir inlxod. tilliMl c. Options
bhow 4calviim.o on December , vvltli Ahorts
fenrlni ; Intel nipt Ion to supplies by Imd
woathoi Intlie mirlhwi'st , other months linn
ami ijitt o up December , tl4iu.HI'e ) , cloiliu at
OlUc , Januaiy , ftft bftii'tc , closlim at MI.CI
1 ebruiuy , M'nto4'if. cl.islm ; at WSc : May
f)2'nMt , closing ui W7 , hlOamerml\ , Do-
ccmbui C'UMu'Su ' , oloslni ; atti.c
OAis ltcelpIs ! , ,0a > 0 bu j exports , 4s,2lo
bu , sales 4H > , ntu bu of futures , bu of
bpot. Spot mirUot falny nctlvo. Uptlons
bl uiiRur. De. ombtr. U'inSU'.ieloslnif at
f\\i \ , January. , IH4 < iOIOt' , u.oslms at 40o ; May ,
IK iW-l'i' c , elosini ; at , ( 'J'4e Spot. No. 2 while.
Jta4.44e. ( mlM'tl western , 4l ( lot white West-
urn , 4l&i4x' No. 2 Ohlciuo , 4.l'i' ' .
, IJ * - ! Irm. hhlppInK , fii7uci oed to choice ,
o&'n >
lloi'S rirmi fair demand.
H'tiAH Haw , dull und llrnii refined , Muady :
Moi.\hs h Now Orleans , fairly aetivo and
Hu . - - ' m : In oed demand ,
I'I.THOI i tM-Oicnetl | stoutly , but after a fovv
siiloa bcLamu dull , 1't'iint.ylviiiilii oil , spot
milcnat Vi'ti January option oicucd | at ( tie ,
highest , Mc ) , lonust , Sliccltislnr'to' : u. Lima
oil no sales , tot il ualoi. U..OO ) bills.
ttmo.N SKUiUn , rirmj crude , .5'io , yellow -
low hitU old
'lAM.ovv blc idy i city , ii Ot ; for nk B , 4'io.
KOSINbieaii ) , nut qulut ; stmlnotl , etimmun
to iood , f I .nil 40
Ttiti'fcvriNE Dull and cimy at X' ffl-Hc.
1 ( ins Quiet , fancy steady ; prlmu western ,
CW,7'ii' . Ht'ColplB. fi,4n pkgs.
I'IIIIK ( iilot and sin idy ; old mess , tOV ) ;
now ine'sa , faV 117clni prlmo ftl50.
t LT McATh cjulcl nml stead ) i pickled
licilies , .Vjdfi'iu. ( ilukkd hhoulders , t > * , e ;
lilcklcd huniH , biih'ie'i middles , quiet , short
clear. M.I tim
IIUTTHt Quiet and oaky ; western dairy. 1C ®
Jo. western t'lc'iininry 2.Kct.Hi' . l.lgln. Jlc
1. IIULSIS Dull and oimy. pan skims 4'iQi0 ! )
LAUD-hlroiiKur and qulut : western ate nn ,
fuM7 ii salts. 10,000 ticrctm ut W ( . ' ( lttl.17 ; op
tion ulci , 2yWW tlurcc's ; Uccembur , tau , Jau-
uary , Jl'ilffl W. closln ? at tl'ts Tollman
10 M lutl ; Mircti.(0.fA closlnn at 7,1 bid
M < y. ItUMiiaKril.
I'm litoM I'nlr ( lunmihli A morloin , $15,751
IiFAn-Diilli dotncstlc. U 27' ' ! .
Ti.v ( julet and ittuidyi 3traltsl0.85.
Kinsas City Al irketi.
KtvmM CITV. Mo. , UPC. " . 1'f.ouit Un
clmtiitcili liatont , iJ I ' a'i.'i' ; extra fancy
. ' 2oai25 ! fancy , < ior.'f6' 15 ; cholrc , $1 PO2lJj
\ \ IIKAT Nomfnali doliij nottiln/ .
Cons stead v. vvltli downward tendency
No Scuh. 37c bid ; De ember , 'Hc bid.
OAI I.oncr ; No 2 , castli , UJobldj Dcccm
bnr , . .w bid.
ri.ArRi > U tit ti nn i ( cil.
lUv I'liphniwoil : timothy. ! 300 ; pralrli
f nicy , 17 50j choke , t > . "i b S 1 1 low rades , il.Oi
llfTTFit I'lii'lmpupdi crt'imory , 222"c
tl.ilry , l,5UJ.'o ; store p ickcd , 1 > 31fic ! rolls , I5B
) : < lO - toaly at aaS sc.
KKCHIMSlieat , (8OOJ ( on. j corn , 40.503 bu.
oils , none.
hliii'vi * NTS Wheat , 81,000 bu. ; corn , 1,00
' ; u , , o its , none. _
I'olVcii Mnrkcis.
N'p.w YOUK. Dec. 7. Options otirnod Irrpgu
I nr. In points up to 20 points down ; closed llrm
to points down toVi points up : sales , ao.'V ) bujrs
Including De tmbnr. ir..l Iil..70 ; Januaiy
? ll IKXttUOfl ; March , HI. ) ; Anrll. flll.JtJ
11 ! ' ; May , ill.'i litll IM. July. Jll..li6ll.40 ( ( ; Oct
olit-r. JIO'l > < iill 05 Spot Kit ) qulut and stoatl )
No 7. ri I 71
Hit ) jANi-nto. Dec 7Coflec , llr-if , I ( MO rol
per lo kilos ; Rood Hccond , I.UJU rt Is Receipt
during the week , t > , UO bnis I'uicliases fo
the I nltcd States , 14,000 btn's ; Rlilpments t
the United States , 4'l.ouO ' bius ; stock , 2J1 0
SANTOS , Doc 7 Coffer , coed avcraiP. 10 ,
1 0 lots per lo kilns Itcrolpts during the week
I 4,000 ba s Purchases for thu United State *
I'l.tiO ) , shipments to the United tUato *
l..OuO baH | , stock. , L' > . ' , ( HH bai < s
Oni lint < r ilii nict. .
Prices b ised on delivery it Mississippi rlvoi
points , NebnsUa Inspection , an 1 ton days
Milpmont tin , ess otherwise st itcd
I'ho market WIIH dull and n I most nottilni
ilo'iu on account of the scarcity of car
I'lioro were plenty of buyers but no ono an
pearcd wlllliu to sell -ind take the chances o
( 'ettliu c us In tlmo to 1111 contiacts
\ \ IIK \ r No 2 red winter , "lie hid.
} tl I No. 2. Mo liiil. No .1 Me bid
OATS NO a white , .I'jc bid ; N'o J white
Jlchld.No I colored JOe bill
NI.VV C'oit.v No. 3 or bettor , ytar. 40cbld
40' ' jc nskcdi yeat , I'olcdo terms , 40'c bid ; Jan
uary , 4J4o asked ,
1 II vvnulcco M.
Mir.WAlTKi K. U'ls . Do . 7 WIIKVT IMrm
Miy , Ul'jC , No 2 sin , n0' , 8sc : No 1 noithcrn
We.Coitv Quiet ; Nc. . ' , 4J'iillc.
OATS ' to uly ; No awhile. ,13't)4c ! N'o , '
white , .H'jfmUc. '
HAIII.LI l"isy ; No 2. K8c ; simple on track. 1
< &i.8e.
HM. Steidy ; No 1 , OOc.
I'oitiv Junuary , ill 20.
St. Ijoii s .
ST LotitP. Mo. Dec. 7. WHEAT Higher
cash , flic : May. irt'sfijw c.
CoiiN-III Iier ; cisli , IJU o ; May. 40 f
OATS-IIItrher ; cash. 2 { c ; May. ,12'c.
I'OIIK ste idv at $ ' > U5
WlllsKhY-Stoulv iti',18.
MINM Ai'Oii , Minn , Doc 7 WIIKAT Oon
or illy dull , though casli fair y active licco [ its
750 cars Oloso 1 or No 1 northern , Decom
her , h'i'jc ; M iy. 1)1 ) 'Bc. ' on I rack. No. 1 bird
k-'ic ; No. 1 northern , h"'ic ' , No. 2 northern , b2 j
8lc. _
Ijiv crnool ni-Kcts
I.tvcni'oni , . Dec 7 Wnn T 1'linij dcmam
poor ; holders olTer sp irln ly
COIIN Stc uly ; demund poor ml\ed west-
cm. Ixl per cent it
I'EAS Uaimdl'in , Gs 0 I per cental.
Ciiiciiinnl i Ali'rccts.
CINCINNATI , O , Dtc 7. \Vnt..r In Root ]
demand ; No 2 red. OVTu Oc
( on.sIn f ilr dumait 1 ; mlxo 1 cat , 40it.'c. !
OATS-b'ion , No J mixed. J3c ,
\\HlMtH-JI Ijl _
Toledo ( Jr.iin < arkct.
To i iiO. O , Doc 7 WHFAT Higher ; N'o Z.
cash ami Uucombnr , 07c.
( Joit.N I Irm , c ish , 47c.
OAlb Quiet , ciibh , JI'/sC.
New York Dry U nxls SJarkct.
NFVV YOHK , Dec. 7 The dry leeds market
was fairly active today. Prices unehanged.
Korcittii Oil Marmot.
LONDON , Dec. 7 , LiNjEnn On , ISs TVjdOISs
td ) per cwt. _
lirillfili Gfilu 'I rude Knvlcw.
LOVIION' . Doc 7 , The Mnik hviie Kx-prcss
In Its weekly icvl ° w of the lliltlsli Riain trade
durlni ; the past vvucU siys : 1'nzlish who its
were In favor otlmycis ; tliorovas an average
decline of ( jd ; fcit'Un supplies were Immt'iiso
and there was the same dtcllno In prices ;
C illfornla WHS quoted ul 45s and No. \incil- 1 -
cau surliiK a't Is ; ( lit mal/e his fallen ( xl ;
Hi IndliiK barley and oils has fallen la To lay
business w is si ick I 01 Hn-l'sli vvhe us thoie
was no dcmiuid : foioUn Hiiltoiol a further
deellne of uil I'DioUii lloui-i were wetik ;
American lost Is , malting bar ey declined Is
O its weio dull , mal/o was Irregular. Linseed
oil , 'id ' lower
I i-adors' I nil ; ,
CuirAdO , 111 , Dec 7. Kcniiott , Hopkins &
Co. to S A MeUhortor1 \ \ hint on curb this
inornlnit w is iild as low as U7'jo. lut neailiiR
U ,10 those dtslrtms oft iklnn' their ch inccs h id
to bid as hijli asituiila's eloso , ir5ac Jt ,
however , opened at tins price on tlio r milai
besslon , nml soun icaclicd Osc , where It iiilcd
appaientiv stioiii until ne ir tlie c ese with
but very little ti ulliu fit ) u outside points
Tndtrsficomliuly woio noun what undecided
In ro iird to the v Isiblosupply. which ptoved to
bo an uiiusuiillv lai.o decicise In tlio v sltilo
> 'lioit repori. causlni ; May v > hcat to soon
reach 'M' This leport tjavo the who it de
crease as.1.5sSiKU ) bushels. ' 1 ho market soon
sold oir iiKaln. the oloso beltu 'Wae ' for May.
( "ONI and oats tilled veiy Htionrf fiom tliu
opening to the close , the vlslolo supply
not having muoli etfect In eltliin de-
piesBluu tlio niai > ot or bulling it.
The % IslbloMlpplv K'VCS ' a iKcreaso iiicoruof
, ' 1111,000 bushels and In o its a ( lucre ise of ,175 001
bushels It Is believed that the prospect for
the future to pioeuro cars for the western
Kialn shlupcrj U KtitliM somewhat bettui us
bids are siowly comliiK In for this Kraln The
market closed stum. ; at about tlie he-t lUuies
of thotlav. Prov Islons rii.ed strong , with ttm-
sldiiabl ) b tt r iirlits. duo to somewhnt less
letelpts at the yauls than expected. The
moio prominent options , closed 1 ctol chillier
than list stturtlav's eloae , Ltherwlse the
market was featuieless duiln the entiio ses
c'uiruio. 111. Dec 7. I'ounselnnii A. Diy
to Cockroll Ilios.Micat was llrm but quiet
c irl ) Inllui'ueed bv a IIUo tone In Jn : llsh
cables , and o ibi'tl olT on Inr o Incieaso In
stocks at Mlnnuapolls and Ittillalo The
pilnclnal buy IM , ' was Uj local shoits , although
commission hotibos also boiul.t fair amounts
duiint ; the tlrst hour riiospeeulatlvo fcolln , ;
Is lo iniiiK strongly toward the bull s tie , and
only awaits a losponslvo tone In cables
to brlnK about a lively adv ante
Coin and oats vvoro quiet with
a dim undertone , but chances naiiow. The
xlslblo supply IlKiircs caused a smuit upturn
andhtioiu eiosini ; Piovlshms vve'ro stroni :
ami hluhcr , with Kood Kenernl bujliiK' ami
maniifactuieiM not soiling against pneklm ; . In
fact , thlb liah been the ease for several days
past , and unlcssan unexpected run of weather
bound IIO H in rives wo look for Jaiiu iry pork
to cross fl..00 this week Shippers are jiayliu
from lOc tol.leover the Deccnibci price for l.J.O
bbl. lots of old poik
OiiUAno , 111 , Dec. 7 r R , T < oiiii > V Co . to
J Sinds Coinmlbslon companv : I bo wheat
mnrket opened ( julet with a vcty lUht busi
ness It sold as lilL-h us iclc. l.iny iind Into
cablt'S tiuoied an advnnco with a hrm feeling.
The visible supply showing a dcerciibo of over
1.50,000 bu. caii-e.l the advaneo fiom
U7 V' to We , On the advnnco theio win cou-
hldcrablo reiill/lnc , the buu'is helm ; prin
cipally shorts. I'ho .rov eminent report duo
on thu 10th should bt > In f ivoi of lilt' her ptaos
but to depcial on anything from Its inllueneo
Is leiiuli , on a "biokon iced " \\n \ look foi a
much loivci condition of the uiiiltu who it
now In tlio ground than we h ivo hid fur sev
eral ) eirs. The for ruin demanil Is ll ht at
niesoiit and will continue so until afler the
holiday ? . Our opinion for the fuluio Is uti-
uhan.ed Lorn modeinilvely uctlvo The
yeai and Janu uy options mo hulii { well cured
for by the old bull p irtv Until III < y tuo alilo
tti tlUpoio of the old corn they now have in
transit to Um ( .eaboard we do not loot , fur
much , K any decline. Theio Is now homo
piospot t of llio cm bliH'ki.du boln. : relieved ,
nnd with this an liicicase In locolnt * The
business In boss priduct was lUht Thoinar-
kot IH llrm nnd olte rius luht.So recommend
buyliuon detllnes
Ciiii'AdO , 111. , Dec 7 SwartDupoo A.
Mft'ormlck to 1' chwartz , \ Co. : It wus
picilktud by many that tills week would de
velop a Kootl dual of bull news ami a ( an start
was made In this tllrt'ct'im ' toiay. Inat' of
the expected Im-rcasu in the vlslolo supply
tl.ern vvaa a dcert ano of lAsT.iwu bu , ' 1 ho
world's wheat shipment : ) to l.uropo wuro
1400,0110 hu less th in the week bcfoto The-ro
\\asareportfrom llerlin that Aeimany to
morrow would rctliuo dutlts on all sorts of
i-eruali. and llnally therowuh the evpcciatlon
that the ciop report on Thursdi.y would show
n wheat condition much under thu December
L'ondithm of rite'iit ) cars All thtbu contribute -
tribute I ton aril an advanciiiK market ,
llmio wuro Indiu itiom ol a Hccumbur coin
. oilier nt Now \ . ork Prlccsof thatdu'lvery
there wuio up le Hint helped the prlcu htru.
J.iln were llrmir In ) mp uhy with thu other
.rain maikets Thu provision market has
Ill-oil bodull th it It hits bteu t'usy fur a few
ocal bullH lo hiinport and si Khtly advuncu
irlcc.s. The tiadfni : has bocu without mile-
worthy features iilthouKh the mnrkct has
ihiiv.ii nn undurtonoof ktroiiKth. Thuro Is a
lUposltlon on thu part of bears to cover
ihurts uud awult th nolutluu of the problem
of whether receipts of hogs will drop olTc
not , _
YOIIK. Dec. 7. The stock marUot was
llltlo moro inlmated today than usuti1 for tit
List two weeks nml while dhplnjlnn on 111
whole a firm tone In the general list the lire-
sure broil tlit to boar l > y tlio profoisloti'il
upon a few stocks gave a rather weak elm
acturto the market , the movements In mo <
of the list howov-ir , were like those for th
lust month , smaller In swilllanco. mm vvhll
thcro was Kood buynu of manv of the prom
lut'iil ah lies , notably the Vunderlillts , Indu-i
t rials and TioutavU'o ' , th ° ro wat spuclul pro
sure made upon the Northern t'aclfl
stocks and later on Missouri Paclllt
At the simo tlmo Union Pnclll
Hyminthl/il ( with the wo lUness In thcs
shales ; 1'aelllo Mall was sold down on the 1H
of ono of Its new sto imurs Thctovasdiirin
the day , undoubted ovlden o tint n uuyln
power Is in the markut and the purchasoH o
commission houses aavo a strong tctnpur t
llio forenoon's do illiiKs which oven the vm
orotis solldU of the Villards failed to Inipil
to any preat extent. In addition to this th
tiadltu In ilic co il Mocks looked mo uly Ilk
toverliitt and those shares wcic llrm lluonifli
out tht ) d iy on verv little transactions. 1 her
wus a lack of news ot a character to hav
much Inllitcncu iinoo thn i ourio of prhcs
Northern Paclllo proferretl was undirth
hummer throiiKhoiit the ciitlti * diaudlt
early loss w as 8l.riillle ml the com noli follow
Im ! tliHolv. but It was tint until thn late after
noon when Ml sotirl was attaottd with suci
v luor that the ueiioril list Kave ev idcnco o
linlni ; airectod Inanvwiy by the pressure
'I he oponlin ; was ( { cncrali ) at sm ill ndviiiice
ove-rS iturd iy's prices anil , notwlthst indlni
the woauncss in vlilard" , thimpiieral list , lei
b ) the Omaha stocks , the preteircd ilslns '
per cent , KISO fract onally as a ruli
nnd the llrm , stioiu tone ( level
oped lastc I until well into tli
afternoon. Moio activity thin an :
prcv IOIH tlmo of the day was then dovulopei
and prices tiimu'cd quickly in the stock i at
tacked , the rcstof the list followln. loluct
antly nml slowly. 'I he Dual dnallius KIIV
additional evidence that cover 'MI ' : w is th
object of the at t iek iiudaslluht rallv elosei
the market Him with most of the list at elos
to the opening IlKurea Thu llnal chanios fo
llio day wcio veuerilly Insl nlllc nit am
about equally divided between pains tun
losses but wth ChlciuoClas tipl'Bppi ecu
and Omah i ptufcricd I't portent. Missmu
I'aolllc , 2'8 percent , Northern Paolllc pro
fun I'd , I3i nor cent.
Oovurnmimt bonds have been du 1 am
sto id Y. state bonds have been dull and with
out feature.
The following are the closliu quot ithms fo
the Icndliu stocks on the Now \ ork stock o\
oday :
The total sales ofdto-Ks toilay . .
slimes , liicluilliu Atehlson , IIJW : faiinilii
bonthern , 5.SW , ( lilcusoOns1i.7n ) : DoKivv iru ,
1/iekawanna .1 Wt-storn , T.'ISl.Krle. J50IO ;
1-akoSlioie. , lbjl ( ; Louisville A. Nashv lilt14 , .
Ole ; Missouri I'ae lie. IIir , ; Northwestern ,
.110 ; New Vork t'entrii , O.idO ; ? < ortlieri ]
I'acilie. d , U7 ; Northern I'aclllo priiferretl. 41.-
1.15 : Uoudln . 7,0ii ; -I , 1'a'll , 14.5SI ; bt. Paul
& Omaha , J.JOJ ; I'nloii I'aelllc , .5,050 ,
Pliiauuitil itcv cw.
NHVV YOHK. Hoc. 7.-The I'ost says ; The
condition of all nrs will ho qultu pi tin to anv-
hody who studio- , the dally dcvolopmonts ol
tlio time money mat > et , wheio Icn ers , instead -
stead of dlt tat.tu rlil I Londltloiis , us a montli
ortwoa.-o. mo now seirclilnaetlvtily for
coed buirowcia As the tlmo money .ato goes
down the reil Investment vilno o (
rilwty soc'inltles Is of coniso en-
h inct'd , ami the capitalist Is beinj ;
practically foreed Into that maiUet.
Au\ ted ) who will KO to llio ttouhlt ! of comp -
p irln bund quoi itlons of two weeUs n o w tli
those of today will ctmUrm ths faet. Tliu
h UUP period has liroucht to stocks , despite the
dullness and Incident il hear ntt ukn li uid-
some net .ub IIILO ; nnd vvliat Is not at all tlls-
( .ouiaRliix , tlie movement of prices h is been
r itlonal and ( li-citmliiiitlin ; , a sure sUu that
tlio Investor , lather th in iho specnl Uoi fora
turn , has been tlio controlling foicolntho , > et.
\c\v York i > loni > ) . aki't. .
NrwYoitK , Doc. " . MOMJI ON CAM. K.isy ,
runK \ fiom'1 ! : to ,1 pet cent.
I'ltlMi .Mnif\NTU-f I'AIM u 5 ted percent
Sri.nt..sti I'A.nvsoi ( Quiet but Him nt
f4HI"i foralxtv-dny bills and $1 84 for demand.
The following were the closing pikes on
Ijoniloii Sto 'Ic > iarki-lH.
[ CnriirluM If ) ! tin I i-n'i I ) n t m It'll i-C.l
IJONIION , Dec 7. [ Vow Yoik Her ild ( Jablc.
Special to Tllh Hnitocks were qultt but
llrm iinilor the Inlliiuiuo of cheap nnmoy and
liivcstmuot ( lurch 130 and closing of accounts.
In v lew of the settlement , hUher prices ptu-
vnllcd American securities were up from i8
per cent to I per cunt Discount into fur three
mouth's bink bills H declined to bu J > 4 pci
cunt u > J5-li ( pel cent Demand for cull loins
was modelatoly c tsy nt l'/t neo eent. Monuy
for i week was onsy nt J per cent
LONDON , Dec 7 I'ho following were the
London stock ( imitations eliHlii , ' at 4 p m :
H nmnuy lij'dllllnoli ' Le-ntrul I Os
ittconnt > 7 PI Mt'xleitn ordlmir )
U S In l.'O bt I'anl cuininon
u Nun Vork
N > | > , XO lst < ronns ) iMuil.i
I'lininllnn I'licltlc VI Heading
1 rlt <
llAll blliVMl 4ttd.
MoNhii 1'J per c-ont.
Kale of discount In the open market for
both short and three months' bill- , -38
Amount of bullion gene Into the Hank of
Kiuluud toilay , iUl.OJt ) .
Ut pton
llOSTON. M isi , Dec ft I'liu follow Inn were
thoclosliu prlcns on stocks cm the llostun
itock market ted i\ :
Kiminuinl .NOIOH.
NEW YOHK , Doc. 7. Wearlngi , $ S7,8SOG9 | ;
jalancos , W.i 01,00.1.
HUSTON , Mass. Due. 7. Clourliun , Jlfl/Wl.Mlj
nil inces , litUI.I47i monuy , 2 per cent ; ux-
ihaniiu on Now Vork , ( iar to Mo discount.
IMlil.uiu.rllU , I'a , Due. 7. Olearlius 10-
I.VMij liiliinuus , | lifil Vm monuy 4 per cunt.
lUi.Tiviouu Mil. , Doc. 7 Uleiirlius tJ-
h2HU. balances , J .10,1.1) ) ; rateO percent.
ST I.ouis Mo. , Dee 7. Clearlnus , t\JI8.121j
i.iUiucus. J'il'J.UH ; money 7S per cunt , ux-
hanu'uon .New Vork , 21c premium.
NKVV OKI BANS I.n. , Dec 7.-CIoarliiKs , $ . ' , -
oniwi. New York uxchaiuo comn.erclal He )
iorl UOO discount. H ink Mo discount to par.
fiucMfio , III , Dec 7 New Yor.t e\chniue.
VTcUe dls'ount Monuy Him at 0 per cunt ,
lank oloarlnus. ilN.Jls , . ! ! ! ; Btorllug exchange
ulut and unchained
WASIIINIJTON. I ) t' . Deo. T.-Tho offers of sli
er to the trunsury department today aiiro-
luted 407.000 ounces , and the amount pur-
liiiscd was 317,1X11 ounces as follow * . M,000
mnces ateJ.05A 47,000 ounces at I0.B3J3 , 2iO,000
luncog at IJ.UV175.
HAVANA , Doc. 7.-Spauih ! sold , 2.3l'iia2.35 ,
cxchiiiRo steady on tlio ( 'iiltort "Into * MIDI
slul t gold at IJVi llL" premium , on l.ou lot
2'lifti'iO ' ' premium ; ' > ugar ( ( uleli Imldoi
arc too hluli for bujors lomorrow Is n hoi !
day. The oxchaiiUB ylll ho close-d.
Denver Mining St H-kM.
DhKvrii , Colo. Iect7 ) The following Its ! I
Um cltHltu ( Hint itlonsoii tht ) Mining uxclinn , '
today. Sale * . H 510 < nnres.
U.UJ//.I Llt'K A / ( / < M lltlCKT.
. Dec. 7.
The week opens with a seed average inn
.1,1 Hll cattle. 4 071 IIOKS , .N > sheep and oJ horses
CAITI.IUlTeilmfs nulmled a very f ilrper-
centiiKOof prettj ijooil corn fe I e ittlc. Tnen
was a mo lei ito showliiK of westerns but thev
wore oiilj sti urirllni ; Ijunolics and Mild aiound
it no tot r > . The Chli iisn eattlo m irketva
lupottid in bad shaposo tli it vvlillo tlie do-
ni..nd w is good tliu ( lies ed botf bujer-
wanted the i e ittlc a jood deal lower , ami
slilppors went very cant tins bidders , ' ( tnu
of thv hestc ut o dill not ell miii.h lower , but
tlieonll'iar } grides sold anywhere from lOu
to : Tie lower limn itiirdiv. Two orthicc
bunclios were KOOI ! eiioiiKli to bilnj * l 1 t (
$1 10 , but tlie 'air to ROO I e ittlo sold from il OC
to SIOO Tr idlni : was dull under thocliium-
st inccs , but a fair clear nice is elTccted.
llnti hut stulV was alsoon the detllno. Heal
toppj cows and he ftis vvt re about steady at
f IDIII ! 7 1 toir > . but the medium and fill
? r Kits wore all ot a tllmo lowei , and In some
cases 10 to lit would hardly covei thn deellno
Can no ! s were h ml to so 1 oven at tlio unit all-
inI I i i pr jos , fl 0' ' to SI , ( > 0 Hulls and sta s
sold at from * l.4"i to S.,7. > and cows at from
S ' J > to JI.5) .
There was no charuo worthy of note In tlie
sto kor and fee ler a ide , In fait tlieio w is
hirdli | to establlhli quo-
titloiis or ascertain the tone of the market
I'lio demand , however , wus miod , and desira
ble , well Kr.dod stock vould sell strung at
from $ - ' 7" > to J .1 , f ilr to need stm-k is itiota- |
blo at from Hli to 7 > ai d common and
sloJKers at fiom $ l.7' > to Kepiescntatlve
sa es. ' >
2 .11J5 3 03
203 000 220
S I 2 00 8TO 22"
897 2 01 22 }
II 2 00 1 1ISO 2 2"i
2.1 1 1 . ' 00 1t .VII ) 2 ' " )
. ' 10 21 1 h' ' ) 225
17 2 10 4 U'l- ' 2.10
IS uioi 2 10 21 lllll 2.0
2 10 l.VO 2U )
J7 2 15 10 104) 2 1.3
IS ie ; 1 1JJO
1 Oe2 J 13 27 1112
12J 2 15 3 1IUI
2J 1010 2 n
a > 2 20 1 1J30 3 00
Ill It CltS.
48 10.9 3 11
1 COM and calf , $27 SO
1 ccivv anc * calf . . 2700
.1 springers , each , . 25 oj
1 sirlnncr | 17 OJ
1 milker 13 00
. .11) ) 2 1J 1U 4 25 1. . ISO 450
2JO 4 (0 2 > 0 1 50
1475 1 45 l > 73 1 b" nfiO 220
1 1 10 1 50 1 I7UJ 1 b5 1J50 2 75
140 1 1 b5 1 10 0 2 II )
hTOCKKHI ) H-5lir.Il3.
1 810 1,0 1 , .1 ( ) 245 15 849 a CO
1 07J 2 2) ' ) IIJ-J 2 5J 28 tl'J ' 2 75
,1 UJ 2 40 10 701 2 50
No Av IV. No. Av. I'r.
4. steers , . .ltK.5 f I 115
\V. L. I.obln-on
12 cows . . . frl 1 05 3 cows. . 010 2 40
,5. steers I0.l ( .1 , r
1'icstoii Nutter.
Oifcedeis 07S 21 stteis. 1IJ3 315
111 steers. .lib )
H bmltli
I steers 1UI .11) ) Usteers OOj 310
3J.tteri . . 10u9 3 2- >
W. T Seymour.
2 cows . , HTr 1 25 ,1 cows , .01 ] 1 01
1 null 1KO 1 a5 Beoivs .1031 i (10
Itott. . . .10JJ 103 ibiows . . b-'l 1 UO
II lion & Sonllior.
No. Av. I'l. No. Av. I'r.
1 cow. 810 2 JO . ' LOWS U.X ) 2 10
li cows. 'I7S 2 10
lloos The i nn of hozs w is har.ll v up to ex
pectations md us the ,101101 al ( | ii Ultj of the
olleilncs was coed tin ! mniliot was mtiUlvo
ami stioiitfci one. I'rlees wore somouh it 1111
oven , iiuuiiu from stoutly to , 5n hlulior than
bitiinlay dee , : IIP ivy lie s sold at fiom $1 dJ
to { ) ( , ) , with ono or two iliolcu loails at from
If 1 07' , to W 70 , Unlit and lUht niKeil lo ids
sold fiom II 5i to iMT , largely at the latter
llKiiro. It was i oed , stiiiui ; , active , licaltliy
maiKt't fiom st irt to tlie pens
were elcaioil In pee I season , the liulU ot tlio
htus sellliu at from $ I Si to f. tin , aualnst fiom
8I.0 toiuj bilunliv , with thu avei.iKo cost
Jlii .u. iliial $ J,5i'5 baturday. Hoprobonta-
tlvo stilt1 *
.1 . ,
t *
ft .
78 .
II ,
(17 (
I t .
Si )
4' ' )
74 ,
r > J
biihi-i * OlIurlii'jM were moaner and common ,
but the denuind wii4 kood and ( < veiythln
luldqulckly at fully last week's prices I'air
lotoo I natives are quot iblo at from $17.1 to
MOO , westerns at from J.I."O to ft 75 , common
r.inl mocKurs at from IJ.n to M.7,1 and lambH
rromtl.OO tot\W. Itopicsuntutlvuaiilcb.
No Av , I'r
100 natives , mixed b7 t-l 15
1 buok i' ) ) a M
60 native wuthcrii . . . .110 4 U
IKOYlullt Of KojH.
Statouiont shoivln , ' the monthly „ „
of sold on this murKel fur live
hownhy the hooks of the t'nlon ilioU aril
company , for the twenty-f nirhoari ending
So'ciocrf y m , , Dt'i'omberT , l 'Jli '
CATrtn.I mm
earn Item ! Cnr Illond
iiij < n1074 \ i
lilvu St ck Mtrkot
ritioAtio. III. , Doe. 7. [ special Teloaram ti
Tut ; Itt.L' l No diserlpllon of catllova
wanted at Insl week's closliu prices Mos
griides vvoro lOo lovM-r mil some could not In
moved at that decline The supplv w i
much greater thini the domain ! , which
nt ths stiEO of the sc-avm , Is a
a minimum because uf the abundance am
cheapness of poultiy and cimc. Afto
all vvnnts hud been u milled many c ittlo stll
remained In selleis'hnmls. and the eloso 01
the in trltot was bad The quotations for co\v
and hulls were from 7 > e to t ! 71 A few mil-
main Intended fortheChrtstmas tr-ide fetcheil
a Iltto morn money , hut the popuiai
figures vvoto fiomfl 21 to JJ 15 , I hen
wan a lltt o dom mil fiom lot-il speculatoi-
In stocks and foodnrs nt from Jl Kl toS.lV
and silos totlnssdl in of and llio cattle ship-
pois were on a b isis of fiom fJ'K ' ) to II 1.1 foi
common to oxtia steers I'htro worn fCV (
tr.ides at belter thant'21 Memo ( hrlslmn >
Meors soul nt 1(17.1 ( 'I nulo was tictlvo at aboul
Blondy r uiu'O of prltes.
Not as m my hojs nrrlvcd as a majorltv ol
the tr.ido had counted on nnd thorn was ( in all
sides a moro conlldent foolliur. Tl.o evtrcmt
range nf silos was from j.v | > to $1 M. vvltli
from $ , ) 10 to $ I.OJ fur common tc
pi line II. hi , { 140 to f.lG. > fur ml\ul
and mttllum , ami $ Li 1 to } .L 1 for pooi
to choke hoivy weights Several do i4or
o\pres ed the opinion th it the undo sh ill
hee no moresiuh runs us foi thu llrst tlncc
days of last week and tli it prices vvoic suit- to
go up Al out everything hail ch mge I hnniH
by noon and the matkct closed firm at the
above quot itlnns
The Lveiilng Jo mi il reports : CATTI r
IoClptH ! ( , 21OOJ : shlpmeiiln , 1,00) ) : market
Irre.'uliir ; primeto e-hoico sttor < Jsvfji7i | ;
( hrlstmas steel" , $ \ OOfttl 71. otliois j1- ' . 10'.I IH ) ,
slockors , f.'iKCT.7o , no Texans 01 raiiLcrson
sale , cows $ | .1 ( JJ n ) .
lloosliecelpts , 40.0)0 ) : shipments KOKi :
maikotste idv , lough nnil common. ? . ! f > ( XH
101 : pickers , and good inUed , $ .17i < & I SO ;
prlmo hcavv and butchers' v\elghts ,
itU'/ " . , t n"\ , II. . I. < At ( | VT.T . .
! Ifetelpts , 11,010 : shlpinent" , ' . ' .irO
market steitilv ; evve , $ J ( W4 " > 0 : mixed ,
$ l"V/Jl"iO , wetliers * t.7if5'i ; 'J. > : yeaillu/s.
15 00(6 ( ; , 50 ; lambs , il 00VJ >
Now York Ij vo Stoolc
Nr.\v YtiiiK Dec 7 Ilmvi s Hocelp's. 5 on
liead , Int ludliu s c irs for silo , m irliet lue
per enu lower ; native stco-s , $1 7"tt > Ol per
cwu. bulls and cowSJOOfelH , dru-sed beef
Me.idy , ( > i | < j ) , Itl
C'AI.M s Kecelpts , 7UJ hold : market lower :
veiN , r > 00@SOO per ewl : answers , i..f'jii
© -0 , western o lives , $ ' " > Kfr. I ( 0.
. S.IS'I ' heid. shren Mteidy :
luiiilis. Uo per Id nl hur , sheep , K'M'iJ'i I 0 per
ewt : lambs , $1 OOTtli 1J'3 , dressed mutton
slmv7@sil ( . per Ib : dressed Iambs llrmiit * ®
81 aC
Hens Kecolpts , 17.0' " > lie id. cnnsUned dl-
tt ot ; market nominally ste uly at $ JdJJi lOJ
per cwt. _
City I.Uo Stoflc
KAS-.AS Oirr Mo , Doj. 7 ( 'Airr.K Ke-
celptsM.001. shliimcnts. , IWl. ) nat'ves ' ® '
lower ; weslein. steidy : cows , itrtuitf ; 1111-
tlves , ? 1 - > 0fi ii. ) cows , Uii ( jstockeib and
ft-eders , $ . r > di | 10
llotis Ueoulpts , rifiOO : shlpmonts , uO ) : m ir-
koUietlve , le up , hulk , 1 .V/jfiM hj , all glades ,
SiiKi'i1 Hocclpts , 1,200 ; shipments. 'JJO ; mai-
ket strong. _
Country I'riiiluco.
Tons No Import ml chaiuo In the in irkct
prl ( es tern lining about sto idy , IOSJ "e
Hoi rm Tin. market Is not especially
btronj md l76M8o bujs a tonsldeiahk ) ptopor-
tlori of the ictelpts , vvltli the clio cest country
KoliiK ai JiKL' ' .V.
I'oui iit\-M irKot slow , demand liKht :
chickens , ( > Tu ( ; tuikejs , lOiSllo ; tjeeso and
ducks , liffiuie
( ! \ MijCanail i fieese , W 07 03 , small ( jcese ,
JI/uiS'iOO , prill lo thickens 4 V > 3jtn ; Gioii'-e ,
M 01 ; m illaiil ducks J100 : blue wln osl toil ,
Bl 7"i ; ureen vv lined teal. II. M ; ml\ol ducks ,
\.S'f. \ jatk labbits $1 OH484 ' 0. small. i'iO l ;
rilinll , fl , il ( ; j lek sniue $1 2'i ; squlirels , * l 00 ;
( It-cr saddles. l" IiU ! ) per 11) : deer e irtasses , 10
© lie ; ante opo saddloj , 14@l5c ; carcasaLS , U
HldfH nnd Tallow
No 1 crnen silttd hide' . 44ifJ4'4c ; No
; ieen sailed lildos , .I'Ti.Pte ; No 1 arcoii salted
lildus , .5 to 40 Ibs , 44l1ie ( ; No U ( jruun
silted hhieSi to 10 Ibs , .ffl'jc : NO iCal
0 ilf , H to n Ibs , dc : No S \ eal calf , b to I" Ibs ,
4cNo 1 tliy Hint lildcs , 7Sc ; No 2 diy Hint
nldcs , r > itie ; No ldiysilttd hides. Wfcue ; tal-
( iw. No. 1 , .PjfilVe ; tillow , No J. 'le , grease ,
white A , { © Hie ; sro iso , \\hlto It , l'5Q P4u :
; iease , yellow , e : crease , daiU"jo ; old
uiitlcr . ® -"jC , beeswax , prune , U , ® 5c ; louKh
tallow. l'j-'c _
l < lour.
Oinah i Milling comp mv Koll nice , Patent ,
IJ70 ; Invliiclldo i'ateut , t.1 W ; I MHO Mai.bil-
jorlatlv e , $ ' , t ) : biuwlliive , $ J.Oi : I'ancy Cam-
Si 8 .
T Oilman's Go'd Medal. U70 ; < Mitivvhlto. .
i'4i ; Miowll tke J.'UO ; low /ride , t M > , Queen
of tlio Panto , * sl > Mliinoiola upurl itlve ,
a.Tjj brm , 114 10 , chopped feeJ , JiOOO.
CUl.U.llltl.l'H 7J.Yt'//'lA KLiuiH \ \
[ t Occurred mi Siinilny , tlio Ke-
siilt Is Not Vet Know .
PAS'OU ( vl.i Oalvoston , Tox. ) , Dec. 7
By Mexican Oablo to the Now Veil : Her
ald Special to TUP UiE.J Tlio elections
vcroheld thiougtiout the United btatcs ot
Colombia yesterday nnd v\cro nttondod by a
lumber nf cxcttlnc st-enes. In this state sov-
cial attempts at liotlns wore mailo , but wuro
quicUly auppiossod by the military. At this
line it Is impossible lo say how the elections
Until the last of October , 1S91 , the military
md clvlo iviiiBi of the conservative pirty
vcro united 111 their suppot t of K lefel Nunez
or president. Ntine is now completing ills
hint teim as chief magistrato. U'hllo
agiccd upon their choito for the presidency
ho conservative wines weio diviilcd as to a
[ andidato for vice pro tdont Nune/'s health
ias been so poor for a lontf time that ttio vice
ucsidcnt has ically admlniitciod llio affairs
ot state. As tlio losult of the convention it
was dccidoii that the military nnd civic 1 ic-
lious should put sepirato VLO piesldcntml
candidates In the Hold. The military winj , '
put forwaid General Marcolnno Vuli1/ , and
llio t-lvic Miguel A Uaio , the brother-in-law
of the actiiiK piostdeiit , HcU'UIn
Nnnc was at llrst neutral between the two
factions , but whim the old liberal p-tity be-
sau to show n decided preference fet CScneral
VoleNunc7 lepuuiiited the latter and catno
stit lor Ouro. The military iioition then
rtithdiuw its. .support fiom Nuno < and pro-
L-laimed Vole/ its candidate for piesident.
1'iesldontot the Honato OrtU was put on the
Voleticltot \icoiitesident , The lib-
jral paitv , although withouta cantlluato of
: huir own , pleiiKed itself to the suppoilof
Vcle/ and placcu full oloctoud llekeu in the
Just bofoio the elections \vcio hold the
nilltiuv and clvlo wines of the eonsoivatives
ounitcd on local and electoral tickets What
.ho basis of the union was is not known , nor
Arhuthor the combination iitTccts any oilier
it the nine states than Panama. At the
: lo'ins of the polN hero the llnorals claimed
1 blK majoilty in spite of their opponents'
_ _
The only complex ! > n powder in the woild
hat is without vulgiiilty , without iiijuiy to
ho user , and without doubt u beautiiler , is
'oz/oul s.
Disordered Liver , etc. !
they ACT LIKE MAGIC on the Vital Organi , i
rcktormi , ' long-lost Compleilon , hringing
back the kron edge ofnp | > ctlleaml arousing
d with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the itholo !
J ! physical cncrgjr of the human frame. These J
< | facts arc admitted h > thousands , In all <
< i clitic j of society. Largest sale in the J '
| worlJ.
.1 Of all druggists. I'rice 25 cents a bo .
a New York Depot , 365 Canal St. ' ,
Omaha Tunt & Awu-
ing Oo. ,
I lrtir , Immiiincki oil niut
nititM-rclolliitirf Sind for
c.itnlouin ? 1113
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo.
Importers an I Mnaufio-
ttirt'r <
Hour Suckn lliirlnin niul
It \VLKS. \ .
A. H , Porrho & Oo. M. 0. Daxon.
lift ) loilio Htrost. Itlcrclp * oM on montld :
Send for our ctMoiilo
nn IMIi.trcot.
A XI )
Monc-Hoo Sio ) fompaiy ,
HIM ttnwirl ' 'Iroct '
Kaotorr , corner lltli nn I notul n StroiU
\Vanrt > niikliiKcl"V > prloii to pi < li I'lirors , nnl
iielu of a < a It wall 'i It vitry ml-
enblo nltli ni
Williams , Van Aor- KirkeukllJoae3&Ot
& Harto
\Vh"lo < nloManiifftrtiir n
1212 llnrnor slroj'- AKL-Dtifor lioMon Hiil )
- bor Slino On 1IIIJ HOI
( ) n \ i t V i i nnilllUil , lUrney rtroot
fJi ! : L
W. T. Seaman ,
OtnnhVs Lnrsast Vnrlolr
Gilmore & Ruhl ,
Mnnnfnoturopi nn I
\\holu'nlo ( lothlo-t ,
llvi Hnrnuy strcol.
COAL , ( OKE , E'lO.
Omaha Ooil , Ooko & Ooutaut & Squires ,
Limo r.j. , llnr.l na I inft coal nhlp.
Ilinlnnit utt roiil 3 K. pert
cor lltli r.n.l Doiul u IT03 rarnninitraot
American Fuel Oo , , Howell & Oo , ,
Shipper * nn I dealori In
anthrnclto an 1 bit ! 117 tKih tltrrt ,
tnotin toil
: i > H Kitli ilroot. Ora mi. .S'ub
Nebraslu Fuel Oo. , Johnson Bros , ,
211S Ut'i Str3ut , till I'arnim troot ,
Oin-xlii , Vab Onmhiv Neb
Eagle Oornica World ,
MinufittnrprsoftJ ilv v i
l/.ic ! Iron Ctirnlou
Window t ips nietnllo
nkyllxhts ( tc IHUiind
HIJ Dodve st
J. J. Johnson & Oo. ,
S.JO S loth StroJt ,
On'ihi , Neb
M. E. Smith & Oa , , Kilpatriok-Koaa Dry
Dry ( roods notions , fnr- Goods Oo , ,
nlihlnj nooli Drytfoodi notions , cents
fiirnlshlnu xoods
Corner llth and Howard cor llth nn I H trncy Sti
Wolf Electrical Oo. UUTUOIT-AUIOMAriO
Electric Motors
lllu-trnted cataloxuo
free and Dyainos Catiilo/no
fruu II A Klnnoy.den I
IC14 Capitol VTonuo Ajt 8,12 . N \ Lifn Did a
FA ILV MA CIlWElt ) ' , El C.
Parliu , Oiendorff & T. G. Northwnll ,
Martin Oo ,
Oencril wostcrn aitont
Corner lonos and 9th 3ti bka ulla I'liivv to ,
Ouiahn , Neb nii-Hil "liormnnvo
Dewey & Stjna Pur- Beebo & Eunyan Fur
nituro Oo. , niture Oo.
Successors to ( X A llojln
Knrnlturo and tnrpots ,
A lo ,
I115-IIII larnim btrost. Once and I Ith Sti Oinnh i
J. T. Robinson Notion
fiunM' fiirnlshliu tfoodt
in t u tnU'lir no I brun 1
' lluckikln ' ovonill i
pints shirt * , cotti etc
e.or l-'tli .tint HUH ird
J. A. Puller & Oa , ,
1493 DoiiKlii Stroat ,
William Oummings , Blake , Bnico & Oo ,
17andtiI9 outh ICth St ttJt/-'jOj I o ivcimort1 ! St.
Onmlm , Neb Omah i Nub
? axton & Gallagher , Meyer & Eaapke ,
703-711 b 10th Street , ItUI-llUMInrnoy street ,
Oninhi , Neb Oninlm Nub
D.M Steoldi Oj , Sloan , Joanoni Oo.
. Vth itnd L < ! ivun > rortU
rj01-.T ! ) JOIDI S.roit , ,
Oraaln , No1) . O nilm , e'J
Allen Eros. , McOord , Brady & Oo. ,
Strj 3th and LuivoiUT
103-1110 Ilirnojr
Onidm Noli. Onmlia Voh
Platt & Cb.
ABcotli Oo. (
t'iiekers t'f ojsters , llsh Oyftern , Ush nnil t elory ,
nnd L'eliry , 3l'i Biitith Itllli Bt
130 $ I e ivenwdrth bt DnvUl Cute Mniuixcr
Oonsjlidato'l Tank
Line Oo.
llrtlnei ] nnd Inlirlrntlnf
ell < ( , nxlo urcnso ute
Hibbol & Smith , Scbroathr & 03. ,
Doitltrs In country | ir\il- iifh buyeri butter ant
nte , frulti , vcKCtnblu ) , i ; , nnd KOIIO , il torn *
etc iMHlon morthtinti
etc1M" Ilownrd StrooU ( 'Iboutli llth Strout.
Eobort Purvi1 ? , Branoli & Oo , ,
IJ17 Hnwnrit btrcot Produce , frnlti of ill
\\rltefor prlcoi on but
ter , CKKI poultry , nnil binds , ( lyHteM ,
Uth and Humor titrooti
KirseUbniiw & Jas. A. Olark i Oo ,
Iluttor , clicoio , c i
Iluttcr , eftgi nnd poultry
poultry nnd ifiino.
1209 Howard atruet. COUbouth Uth Street
Kiddell & Co. ,
Iluttor chcoso cis ve
ctnldtf' , frnln , poultry
Onrpenter Paper Oo , ,
Curry a full slock of
prlntlnK , irrnpplnu nnd
nrltlni ; pnpcr , cnrd pa-
I r , etc
James Hughes ,
Stores repairs of allUIn li
Looks and llcilirJ
foi unit )
nOTrf llth atroat.
.S < US/A , DOORS. JtLINDS , E10
M , A. Disbrow & Oo ,
Manufncturors of nash
dour * b 11 n d M a nil
mouldings llranch of
lice , 12th and Iz irJ hU
U. S. Wind Engtno & A. L. Strang & So 13 ,
Pump Oj. ,
10JMOOI rurnam btroot ,
IlnllliHy Wind Mills
) JOIKM BtrnoU
Ills and SW
Omilm Neb
G ! Kosff , acting niani'r
II. Hardy Oo. , The Brunswiok-
Toys , dolls a I bn ms , Balko-Oollondor Oo. ,
fancy good * huusofur Illlllard murcli indlso
nlihhm KIIO Is , child Sdnon Iliturei.
ren's tarri IKOS 407 , M > S 10th btroot ,
UI'J nirnam Htroot. Oin ilia
Al'tn ' Root & Oo , fnsmanu & Dudley.
Itouin U Kxt liniiKO lllllld- Hcniini , HI nnd UI Ux-
llllllillllK Huuth elninuo building
Uuuhiv. boiith Oiniilni.
P. E. Frederick &
Coiniiilislon tlcnleri In
llorfui Itonni , < S
ICichnnK" bonlh
Oin ih u
A. D. Bo7or & Oo , , Hunter & Qreoa ,
.W Kichnnua lliillilliii- ,
Bonth Oirnlm. South Onmlia.
Persons who hayo lost pr ipurtj from Indian
raids nliould II u tin Ir < Inlms iindi r thu Indian
Dcpru I at on At tot Mar h ' , IM I ' 1 hu tlmo li
Imltud an I thu claims mo taken up by thu
ourtinthu order In will h the am imoivu
r.iko Notice that all contract < untorcd Into
vlth attoruoya prior to thu Act tro mndo
Hill nnel void Inform illon 'hen nnd all
lalinb promptly attended to by the
! ! < > liftItiilldlnt /
l nn ,
ipve-r letiirm 1 wli. fend ( lied ' Kl.l to nnr
iullurer a | iri' crlitlon | to uiilnriiii Biimll weak furLo
md cerium euro for luitt vlK"r , ciulB lon , varlcu *
: clo. limiotencf AiMrc * *
,1. 11. HOLISM. Itox HO Albion. Mlcb-
Stor'ngo for oil kinds ofgrnin. Elevator capacity , OOO.OOO bu.
Money advanced on consignments. All grain weighed , inspected
and stornge rates established by state ol'hcinls.Vriie foiiates and
full po 'tlculat'3.
Consign shlpmonts care of