( J , * j THIS OMAJ1A BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OPFICK : - NO. 12 PEAHL STRKET. Ucllicrtd IjCnirlcr In any part of iho City. II. U.T1I.TON. - MANAUKIt TM.J-.I > im\v . < J Htinlnr onicc IIOM-.Hf Nght | Kdltor tli\TW ! > . N , Y. I'M n I lie cT C. H. Water Woiks Co. Itemovcd to : W I'cnrl street. ( ouncll HlufJs Lumber Co. , coftl. ( roll's chattel loans. 204 Sapp block. The \Vostcott divorce case Is to have n re hearing In the district court this forenoon. A marrlwgo license was Issued yesterday to Kilwurd House and LIzzio Short , both of Umaha , Mr. nnd MrV. . C. Kstop ontcrtnlned n hlL'b llvo party last evening at tholr homo on Oakland avenue. Tim School Board will hold a mcothig Ibis evening nl which it Is expected the coal ques tion will bo decided finally. f The Innisfnll Dramatic and Philharmonic club was entertained last avonlnr nt the res- lilcnco of Contractor Martin Hughes , on Ninth avcnuo. Invitations nro out for the second annual grand ball to bo given by Culnntho assembly No. 1 , Pythian Sisterhood , nt Masonic tom- ptu , .lunuary 1 , 1WJ. The annual meeting of the Pnttownttamlo County Krnlt Growers' and Gardeners' as sociation will bo hold at the court house this afternoon at o'clock. Mrs. Peter Bcchtolo is confined to her homo , 1111 HarrUon street , as a result of a bud fall she received r. night or two ago from the top of tbo cellar stairway. The Modern Woodmen of America have decided to chnngo their headquarters. They will probably hold tholr meetings after the first of next year In the Hoynl Arcanum hall. M. C. Gnlnc.s had his trial before Justice Hammer yesterday afternoon on the charge of nsnuull mid batterv. Morris Soultcr , the prosecuting witness , told his story substan tially us It has already appeared In print. ( jalncs outs were him , however , his testimony being reinforced by that of n man named Cook. The case was dismissed after a hear- in p , and Unlnos discharged , Mr. nnd Mrs. Marx Williams celebrated the anniversary of tholr wedding Thursday night at tholr home , corner of Pierce nnd ( Jraeo streets , by having a family reunion. A number of Invited guests were present , nrnong whom were N. W. Williams , Ralph Yvilliuins , Wallace McFuddcn , together with their Inniilics , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson. An Information was filed In .lustlco 6wear- mgen's court yesterday by P. P. Morris , charging Samuel Bates 'with committing nn assault and battery on William Crayon. The defendant was arrested nnd gave bonds for hU nnpcnrunco yesterday afternoon for a hearing , but afterwards tiled a petition for a rtmngo of venue to the court of Justice Cones. Another sad affliction came to the homo of C. J. McNitt yesterday in tbo death of his Infant child , Kdwin Cooley McNitt. It is only n short time slnco Iho oldest of the family was taken away , nnd tbo parents are nearly heartbroken over the second visita tion. The funeral will ho held at the family residence , bOU avcnuo C , this morning ut 10 o'clock. A pleasant party was given night before last by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb nt tholr homo. l.Ml Grnhnm nvenuo , iho occasion being - ing Mr. Lamb's " 1st birthday. The evening wo-s passed in playing high five. Those pres ent were Mr. nnd Mrs. J. li. Puce , Mr. and Mrs. U. Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. D. , Smith , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Klssell , Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lamb , jr. , and Miss Cnrrio Smith and C. Smith of Beebetown. The committee which is making arrange ments for the fair to bo given next week for the benefit of tbo Woman's Christian asso ciation hospital requests all the ladies of the city to send In suoh contributions as they may bo willing to make in the way of fancy or useful articles , to bo placed on sale during the fair. lOlaoorato preparations nro being made and the prospects nro most fluttering for n successful entertainment. In the district court yesterday the case of the Cllt/ons State bank against J. C. Abbott was' again on trial ! A huge blackboard formed ono of the main features of the trial , nnd as Judge Nourso of Dos Molnes stood with chalk In hand , solving the problems presented to him , and afterwards explaining thorn to the Jury , many of the attorneys were moved to tears nt the reminder of their school days. The trial will probably last some days yet. _ _ Justice G. A. Hammer has moved his olllco from 415 Broadway to UiJ Pearl HtrcoU HOI-SCH Hoarded. I will hoard n. limited mnnbor of liorfces nt my farm near the city. For torniH , etc. , addrcfes T. P. Troynor , city , or call on Dr. Treynor , Morriain block. Hon. John Y. Stone left yesterday morning for his homo in Olonwood. Hon. Smith MePhorson of IJod Oak wits In the city yesterday on legal business. Mrs. Peter Petersen has gene to Denmark with her two sons , to spend the winter. Mrs. Frank Com p ton nnd son nro visiting n sister of the former at Grand Island , Neb. J. W. Anderson , n prominent merchant of Missouri Valley , was n Bluffs visitor yester day. For tlio Holidays. All these pretty nobby hats and bon nets you too at the millinery parlors of Misses Surmg & , Fearon will bo eold at cost from now until after the holidays. Tolekatharoa , perfectly cleaned nnd Heeded currants , iho linost thinjr in tlio world tit Slead'8 grocery , opposite the Ogdon. _ Jin-vis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. Swinson MudioCo. , Masonic temple. Jarviswlld blaekbarry is the host , Doll O. Morgan it Co. , ilru IhtB , 7-12 Uroadway , are giving their customers tills season nn elegant plush toilet set. To .Mnlco a Now Want. Tbo plan of dividing the Second ward Is being agitated with considerable zeal by Homo of the councllmon , nnd it is prouablo that a move lu this direction will bo mudo In n short time. The Second ward now em braces all the territory north of Broadway between First street and the river , and Is bv far the largest in the city , ns well ns ono of the most populous. Kvory election , It Is claimed , has shown the advisability of cut ting it in half , so as to make voting moro convenient , nnd to prevent the counting ot the ballots from taking up so much time. An ordinance Is now being drawn up providing for the Increase In the number of the wards , nnd If the change Is made there will bo a cor responding increase In the slzo of tbo city council next spring. F w.o\v Tim citown TO C. O. D. Biiow.vVj , : MJ BUOAINVAY , COUNCIL Hl.Vl-TS , KOIl llAltOAIN'S IN OHOCKUIKS. Wi : ALWAYSL1UI ) , NKVKIt FOLLOW. Mlnco meat , put up in pure npplo eider , 7Jc pound ; pure fruit jams , put up in granulated sugar , lOo pound ; mire npplo butter. 7jc pound ; 20-pound pail fruit jolly , Mo ; maple sirup , 83a gallon ; rock candy drips , 83o gallon , this is line , try it ; 6-gallon keg ntnbor sirup , $1.I5 ! ; Si-gallon pall amber sirup , 80o ; sugar house drips , 60o gallon ; good sirup , 40o gallon ; Now Orleans sirup , 70c gallon , this Is the best made ; pure buckwheat , io pound ; Aunt Sally pancake Hour , lOo package ; Aunt Jomlmii pnnunko Hour , lOo ; sou-rising buckwheat , lOo package ; ro'lcd oats , Ujo pnekapo ; rolled oats ; packngo , 8Jc ? rice. Die ; bllvor rieo , Go ; picnic hams , 7Jc ; dry suit pork , 8c ; Bo- lognn bausngo , Oc ; dry beef , lOc ; pigs' feet. Oc ; pickled tripe , 8c } ; codfish , 7e ; emokcd halibut , 20c ; bloaters , Uic. Wo have our own vinaynrds In Califor nia. Jurvla Wiuo company , Go , lilulls. NEWS FIlOll COUNCIL BLUFFS , Mysterious Dinat > poanncj of Pr.ttj Miss T.t'a Jllaxs'm. SOME VERY UNCOMPL'MINTASY ' RUMOR" . yulto Old iCiion li to Know Ilcitor , Hut Ht-r C'nulo CniiM Do Not III n ivilli Her. Bo mo excitement linn buen enured by the dlaanpcarancc of Miss Tillu Blaxsim , a nloco of Gcorgo Uluxslm , who has ilvodvltli him for the past seventeen years. She toll borne lust Monday , .saying she Would bo u-onu only a short time , but night cnmo nnd she did not roturn. Her Irlondu anxiously begun search for her. nnd the search lias iono on over since , but although traces Imvo been found of her which lend them to boilovo thnt she Is still In the city , her exact whereabouts cannot bo learned. 'J'lio young lady In question Is 22 years of ngc , imd was adopted by Mr. IHaxslin when she was . " . years old , her parents dylnir in Davenport nt that tltno. Shu hu lived here over since , uut her HcUlo disposition and bur Inclination to ivando' axvav from homo bnvo led bur Into dlflloultiea before. About MX months ago It. Is claimed that she wont to South Omaha In company with Charles Con- lay , an ox-mumborof the tire department , with whom she had associated somewhat , and Mr. Hlnxsim wan compelled to put In considerable tlmo Undine her and Inducing her to return with him. Conloy has n wife with whom ho lias had seine trouble , and it Is claimed he promised Miss Ulaxstm that ho would get a divorce from MA wlfo nnd marry her. Mr. Dlaxslm thinks It Is Conloy who has enticed his nleco away from bomo , although Conlcy denies It. The two had some words Wed nesday night which uarao near ending seriously. A nlirbt or two after the plrl's departure , Mr. Ulaxslm in ado a search for her nt. n bouse on Mill street , which ho had been In formed was a rondcvouz for her nnd her lover. The house does not boar a very good reputation with the notice , nnd Mr. liluxsim was accompanied by nn ofllcer when ho visited It when the ofllcor rapped at the back door a commotion was hoard Inside , and an Instant later a half dressed man rushed almost into the urrns of Mr. Blaxsim , who stood nt the trent door. Ho Immediately rushed In again , however , nnd when the ofll cer iadod ! the honso the couple , If they had been there at nil , had disappeared. Slued then no effort has been made to 11 nd her. Mr. Blaxsim states that ho has no further use for his niece. "Sho has bad all the ad vantages any girl could want , " ho said yes terday , "and [ now she turns out to bo unworthy - worthy of them. She shall never enter my house again. I should line to bavo her nond someone , however , to got her clothing , which she loft at tbo house when she took bar do parturo. " TIIK BOSTON STOUU'- . HOOK LiIST. Ijoolc at Tills Partial List nnd Sec the I'rlucs Wo Ask You for Hook * This Season. Wutch these columns closely nnd you will find nil the best worka of btumlnrd authors will bo furnished you by the Boston store , Council HlulTs , this season nt less than 20 per cent of publishers' prices. 13clow is a partial list of stand ard works ; others will follow : Books in Sets Latest reprint of the Encyclopaedia Brilannica , Allen edition , 2.5 volumes , handsomely bound in green cloth , $2-5.00 per sot. With T volume ! * American supple ment , $ HO.flO per set. Half Rubshi , 2o volumes , $30.00 per sot. Half Russia , with o volumes American supplement , SKiG.OO per sot. 112 double volumes in green cloth , $20.00 per set. 15 double volumes , which includes American supplement , $25.00 per sot , The above arc the greatest bargains in encyclopaedia over offered to the public. Call and inspect the work for yourselves. Gcorgo Kliot's , C volumes , publisher's price $ ( ( .00 ; our price $1.95. Thackeray's , 10 volumes , cloth , pub lisher's price $10.00 ; our price $3.50. Dickens , 15 volumes , cloth , publisher's price $22.50 ; our price $3 95. Scott's Waverloy Novels , 12 volumes , cloth , publisher's price $15.00 ; our price $3. 75. Shakespeare's works , 4 volumes , half morocco , publisher's price , $0.00 ; our price , $2.2.5. Goethe's Faust and dramatic works , 2 volumes , 12mo. , gilt cdpo , publisher's price , $3.00 ; our price , $1.50. Goethe's Wilholm Moister , 2 volumes , 12 mo. , cloth , publisher's price , $3.00 ; our price , $1.50. Chambers' English Literature , 4 vol umes , cloth , publisher's price , $0.00 ; our price , $3.00. Elsie Series , by Martha Pinloy , 17 volumes , cloth , publisher's price , $25.00 ; our price , $12.60 , or 75o each. Mildred scries and the Finloy library , by M. Finloy , 0 volumes , cloth , pub lisher's price $8.50 , our price $4.75 per sot. f Cooper's Leather _ Stocking talcs , 5 volumes , cloth , publisher's price , $5.00 , our price $2.19 per sot. George Ebor's works , 4 volumes , cloth , publisher's price $11.00 , our price $ $3.50. Hosba Strotton's works , 0 volumes , cloth , publisher's price $0.00 , our price $3.00. Little Women series , by L. M. Alcott , 8 volumes , cloth , $1.2.5 each. BOSTON STOUli , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Help Ml on Her Way. Mrs. Pink of Sioux City arrived In the city last evening with her two children on- route to St. Louis. She stopped at tbo Ho- voro house , whore she told a pitiful tale of her misfortunes. Shu said her husband foil dead on the streets of Sioux City a few days ago , leaving her al most ponnttcss , and she was on hot- way to her mother's homo. She ran out of money when she reached the lilulTs , and did not know whcro she was to got tbo money to take her the rest of the distance. Cal Kp per son toolt bor cast : In hand nnd circulated a paper among some of the charitably Inclined citizens , with the result that In n few hours enough was raised to send her ou to St. Louis. Carman Food and Fuel company , wholesale nnd retail hay , grain mid feed. Special prices on hay and grain in car lots. 700 Main street , Council BlulTs. Roitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styles and now winter goods. Satisfaction in every respect. guaranteed. _ of CoHt. My entire stock of autumn millinery must bo closed out within 80 days , and in order to do so I will sell at absolute cost prices , The ladies will II ml these goods the llnost in the city. Miss E. L. Rngsdnlc , 337 Broadway. The only kindergarten in the city is in the Merriam block , next to the Young Men's Christian association. JKxpoi-l- onced teachers and only ono-hnU usual rates nro charged. How on the How. Social circles on Plerco street wore ren dered somewhat lively at a late hour Thurs day night by the advent of a number of gay olrds from Omaha and this city. The house of Ltzzlo Ott was llrst visited , the young men composing the party throwing tbo furniture out of the house into tlib si root. No ob stacle was mat with until the house of Ella Leo next door was reached. Hero tbo Invaders titruck a snag In the shape of Cliff llugb , a burly fellow who bad boon ( pending the evening there. Ha at once prepared to bow light , and did 10 wltUiuoh u vengeance thnt the remain : , of Um frnv were fo.ini yesterday moraine to consist multly of ponli of blood ( tcnttarcd nt Intervals about tin premlnc.i. A somewhat similar tiroRrntt ivas followed out nt Ida Gordon1' house not far awnv , Whcro the blood curoi from was thn question that apitnteil the MO lice yesterday mornlntr , and a special de < trctlvo wadlmtod : to leak the matter up , Ho failed to find any of the turtles who wen willing to own up that the bloo.I belonged t < thorn , so ho was unable to mnko nniuli of r report , nt police headquarter * . Ho siiccccdct lu arresting Lee Foreman , .however , whoir he charged with being nn Inmate of u house of prostitution. The trial will come up thl < morning. It is thought thnt further nrroit ! will follow today , The Mocst In the City. George S. Davis , 20(1 ( Broadway , ha ; the nicest display of holiday goods up U tlato In the city. Ho was the llrst t ( show the public tno beautiful tiling brought out this yo.tr , and ho will domi nate the trudo on hit end of the street. Mandol & Kline will move tholr oil' tire stock to Sioux City .Innunry 1 , Until that time you can buy furniture stoves , carpets , at your own price. Madly Sual.lud. An 'nfnnt ' child of Lars Hanson mot with r painful and possibly serious uccldont yester day morning. While playing about It ! home , - . > ( ! 10 South Tenth street 11 fell into n pall of boiling water but was rescued by Its mother be fore It had boon in Us hot bath more than i few seconds. The few seconds wore enough , however , to scald ono of Its limb ? to that tin llosh neuled off in n tei-riblu manner. Dr Cleaver was svmmoncd to attend it , nnd tlu Injuries wore cared for as .well ns poislole. It Is feared that tbo child miy die , und It h certain thnt It will bo n loin ? tlmo bcforo it I : able to walk again. Try Carman's for hard and soft coa ! nnd wooO. 70(1 ( Main street. To prevent fraud Ohio passed a law requiring the inspection of maple sirup , and II. V. Slend , the grocery man , has the only genuine stutT in the oily , beat1' ' ing Crnin Bros. ' allldavit and the Ohic inspection stamp. Uohr UOVIM * . Edward S. Kobr and Miss Hattie E. Iloyer , both of this city , wore married Thursduj evening at 7 o'clock nt the residence of tin brldo.'JO'J Eleventh nvoinie.Uuv.E..I.nabcouk , rector of St. Paul's ' olllclatlng. It was n vcrj quiet affair , only a few intimate friends ol the parties being invited. After the cere , mony had boon performed an olnbor.ito sup per was served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kohr will llvo in this city , whore both have a multitude of friends. Drs. Woodtjury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High crndo work a specialty. Doll G. Morgan & Co. , druggists , 741 Broadway , are special agents for the fa mous "Blush of Roses. " rue UKI'KKH.ITIOX CLAIMS. The experience of THE BKB CI < VIM < BUIIEAU has brought out the fact thnt many of'lts subscribers do not understand that the Indian depredations act passed 1iy the lait congress annulled all previous contracts foi collecting claims under it. This Is u fact that they should know for their own protec tion. When the not was signed all contracts with agents were mauo void by its tcrmi. The holders of claims were thou frco to make such bargains with their agents as they pleased , or could refuse to mulct ) any bargain at all. The framers of tbo act found It necessary to take this stop for the protection of the claimants. At the tlmo when tboro scorn od little chance that such nn net would bo passed hundreds of claimants had contracted with agents to pay outrageous fens In case tbo money could bo collected. Cases are known in which the claimants had contracted to give up to tbo acotit-SjOver one-half the amount collected. Cases in which one-third was promised were not nt all uncommon. To allow these contracts to stand would ninko the law not an act of justice , but. an act of extortion for the benefit of the claim agents. Tbo clause was inserted annulling all the contracts , good , bad and Indifferent , and limiting the percentage to no charged by agents to 15 per cent , wi.b an extra . " > pe'r cent allowance for spoulnl casos. The claim agents naturally objected to this , asserting that It was bovond the pn vors of congress , but the bpstopinlon oi both houses was thnt contracts made to collect claims under a law that did not exist could bo annulled lu ths manlier. On the 4th of March , therefore , the claim nnts who had signud contracts were ns free. fiom obligations to agents ns those who had not. If they were sutisllcd with tbeirngcius and wished to sign a now contract within the limit of compensation llxod by the law , it was their right , but none of them were under any legal obligation to do so. Tbo more unscrupulous of the agents naturally represented to their cllonla that they were bound to. renew their contracts , with merely the substitution of the terms mimed by law for the outrageous commissions at llrst de manded. Cases have been brought to tbo attention of Tns BKB in which this had been tollowod successfully Eollcy y unscrupulous agents. They had in n word bullied tbo claimants Into hiring thorn when , if the claimants had inidoi stood that they were free of obligation , they would have chosen other ropro.scnlM.ive3. As others are being worked upon la the same way , the fuels of the case are sot forth for their pro tection. If tboy am satlstlcd with the men they first ehoso they are right in ra-cngaging them. If they are not sntillod. thoy. are free to engage an body tboy choose. Tin : Bin : CLAIMS DL-IICAU was established solely for the protection of the public. It was established on account of the complaints of its subscribers who thought they were being unjustly noutod , and those , still moro numerous , who applied to It to linda ( roitablo agent. It will collect the claims nt only Mich charged ns will piy the expenses of the cu- rcnu. It is expected that it will rarely hap pen that tin ) limit sot by the law will bo needed to pav the expense of collection. Miny of tbo claims can doubtless be collected for 5 per cent of their face. The bureau is nt the service of the subscribers and public at large. These who take advantage of Its offer will save mouoy by it , These who do not place their claims la its charge will save monov , too , for it has put u check on the ra pacity of the agents who would otherwise fool frco to take thn last penny the law al lows. It is the nrlvllogo of a grout news paper to bonolit all. THIS 7AJ/ \ C7.l/.1/ ) > . TIIK Ban Bt'iniAC OF ( Jr.wis , In dealing wltb tbo claims arising under the Indian depredations act , has bogn .successful in pro tecting n largo number of subscribers and others from extortion and loss , From com plaints that have comu to It , hotvover , It ap pears that many of the clairiuuit.s do not un derstand their position under the act. At a tlmo when there appeared to bo little ohunco that congress would take up the claims or muko any appropriation to pay thorn , they signed contracts nith the Washington agents , promising from ouo-qimrtor to ono-half the amount to the agent in case the money should bo collected. In view of this extortion congress - gross inserted u provision in the act annul- Ing all contracts and limiting the agent'n commission to 15 or 0 nor cont. The claimants all probably understand that the agent's commission has ueon limited by the law , uut many of them , according to their own statements , dn not understand that they are free to do as they pleuso about employing the agent they had llrst chosen. Thnv con sider that they are still bound to employ the agent with whom tboy signed the exorbitant contracts , whether they nro siUislicd with him or not. It was the Intention of congress to protect thorn nt all points nnd they were loft ou the passage of the act free to do as they tiluased nnd employ whom they pleased. Section 0 of the act * tatod : "That all sales , transfers or alignments of any such claims heretofore or hereafter made , except such as have occurred in tbo duo administration of decedents' os tales , and all contracts heretofore made for fees and allowances to claimants' attorneys are hereby declared void. There could bo no mistake about the mean- Ingot this. All claimants had to make now coutraou with egcuu after the ptnago of I 1 the act , aiti ! they were at liberty to omplov i nny uno they pleased. If they were pleased | with the real ntuH nrts of their llrst n ont thov mmht inako their now contract with him. If they were dlssatlsiM they might cheese * ny olhcrjncoHl thtt they pleased. These who haVcnfct sign oil new oontracU since the pimngivjf the act rnnv prollt by thin to secure milol/ better terms than they could othrrwUo get from the agents. The fact that THE Brfi { BtiiRAV U doing the work for the bare expense Involved has had n good effect In moderating the charge * of all Agents to those who knaft'-now ' to protect them selves. I-'ortboup' who distrust tholr ability to cope with the claim aponts on their own ground TUB Ur.r. Ili'up. vf la always open. TIII : fir.K nvin.iv. pr-i Tun Hnn Bniiufrvr Cr.mi * In Washing ton has done u gojjfl Vork for the residents of this .section In attcnultn ? to the claims arising under the Indtnjl < UcprcdntIon.s act. It has saved these xvho have taken ndvantago of Its offer from the unconscionable charts of the regular claim agents , and has benefited the others by forcing the agents to demand only moderate fees In order to got business. The long delay over the passage ot the act had given the claim agents tlmo to muko con tracts that woulJ civo them the lion's share ot the appropriation. Many of the claimants had oeen induced to sign contracts guarantee ing tbo agent from one-third to over " > 'J per cent of the claims In case they were allow ? . The depredations act annulled th-jso extor tionate contracts nnd sot the limit of agents' fees nt 15 per cant , to bo increased In certain cases to li ! ) per oenLoa the order of the court of claims. But so many complaints were imuli1 of the action of the agents , and so many Imjuiriot for a reliable agent were sont. to this olllce , that it was dccldod to establish n bureau under the direct rlmrgo of Tin : BII : : to pro tect its subscribers and ulvo thum the bone- HtB of the law at tbu lowest possible charges. The bureau has 'iioro than jnsllllcd Its i > s- tablishmunt. It has attended to the claims of a largo number of the sufferer. } bv the in dlan raids in the west. It U doing the work at , . " ; to ll ! per cent , taxing in many instance uly the actunl cost of pushing the claim. A s mm' of these who lost their pinpertv h rougn the Indian raids are persona ol Mnall means who could nol goto Washington themselves , tlie estnulishnicnt of the IK.IVHII where thc-y can bo certain of oxnct nnd just treatment has reached thoio who need it most. The peisons who have suffered losses from the Indians since .luno I. IS.il. will dovvj * to romomtior , however , that , the tlmo witnin which claims can b,1 nrosi'tited is limited. If they nro not put in within I hu appointed time they are forever oarrcd. Moreover the court of claim- ) goes on the plan , "llrst come. Hist served , " nnd it uehoovos sufferer. * to pluco their ci'ii ' ns before the proper authori ties at an early date. The contracts made before the pasiage of the net have , as staled , been annulled by con- gtoss. It is therefore necessary for claim- nn's to mane new contracts or arrangements with their agents , ami they nro loft froi ? to engagd now nconts if they are not satiMied with these they had ongagrd before. This will enable them to make much more favor able tornib themselves than were bad whllo the passage of the act was still in doubt. The bureau has received the indorsement of all the rongrcbMiicn nnd officials who have anything to do with tbo subject of clainn. A'letter from KunrcsontuUvo Herman of Oregon , chairman of the committed on Iinliin depredations , lias alro idy been published in behalf of the bureau , mni similar expressions have come from blhcr.If any subscriber requires sui-h torylces nnd is in doubt , whereto to npniv , no will Ijnd the addro. s ot Tin : Uni : Bureau ol Claims'in the ndvitrllsing columns The org.inUiltnri of Iho no.v court of law claims nt Denver lat month und tbo un nouncement thut t'lio I'ourt will bold its final session in tbat city out the 17th of Novomoor live promise th.it'Ho lonjj-voxod title ? in the western territorfc-sinnd stuto will snoti bo in a fair wnv to .settlement. Tha disputed lilies under Ihe Mexican and Spanish grunts have proved especially U'Oublesomo in An/ona nnd Now Mexico. They hlivo delayed settlement ana investment in. some of the fairest lands of the s > outhwpsJ..anoV have provoJ annoying in the districts , farther to 1ho north. After much agitation and complaint congress wa Induced ut the lust session to provide n court for the consideration of this uuMnoss , und it vill soon boirin to work. Tbo oivani/atlon of this court gives TIIK Br.i : Btiu.AU or Ui. VIMS u chance to extend its usefulness. It will take chums under this law and prosecute them for persons who do jijot know whom to engage for the service. The business entrusted to the bureau in Washington h boiii prohccu'eil withonersy. Tlio Indian depredations patent , land mining und other claims bcforu Die courts nnd depart monls arc b.'iiis pushed ns rapidly as p sibL , with no delays on nccunt ot the largo amount of business which has tiaen sent to the bureau. The largo amount of claims ntrusted toils cnieis a standing pi.oof of iho esteem und confidence In which Tin. U : i : is hold by the public which itservos. It is like wise a demonstration , if ono wus iun.ulrGd.of the need of such un organi/ation The revelations in regard to the Loomls ngoncy which bavo bocn published rocuntiy go even furtherln Ibosanm direction. When u inuii sought for by ibo police for nearly a year on a warrant for embezzlement can set up us a claim agent , Hood the western coun try with circulars and receive nsslgnmciils for several million dollur's worth of claims , it appears thut there Is little protection for Iho claimant whosunds to an unknown representative sentative- . The men whoassigned their chums to Loomls would huvo hud small chance of their seeing any of their money if thut schemer hud boon given tlmo to collect their claims , When such risks are run and men who are not able to go to Washington and know no ono there must biro their attorneys at haphazard , the need for u bureau to pro tect the people and do their work at roiison- able rates Is apparent. The approval with which Tut : Bir. : ontor- pribo is received by jourmltsts und public men Is ns gratifying as the response of the public. 'fKItlillll.i : bHHt.M Jt.l < li.\G. .VnnyTr ins inortli Dakota Itlouk- ailud by Dr I'd UK Snow. CliiANti FOIIKS , N. D. , Uoc.I. . The storm Is still raginc with iho mercury about at zero. Tlio air Is llllcd with snow. Hailroad men rcpoit iho llvbtsnow blockade in two years. All trains are practically abandoned. The Great Northern passenger , duulostoven- Ing , U in a snow bank two miles from this city. The mercury lif fulling rapidly. Reports from Aberdeen , t > . D. , report that the worst wind nud sucw storm of iho Rea son has prevailed for iho lust twentv-four hours. All business is nt n standstill nnd train services are groatlv interfered wlib. At Moorehcad , Minn. , nil tl.eCircat Northern trains are tied up. Ueporib from Croolrston , Owntonlo nnd other Minnesota points suy the hll/zard Is rucIiiB wlih Hrcat'fury. Snow Is falling fast und drifting badly. All trains are delayed from live to twenty-lour hours. Several persons uro roporlpd fro/on to death. IMorro , S. D. , und Grand Forks , N. D. , oucn report fatalities of this nature. Much Datango , I ) < ( iio nt Carlisle nnd Other 'I owiiK. C.MU.ISI.K , Pa. , loo. 4. The worst storm known In years swept over the Cumberland valley this afternoon , wrecking bulldlncrs , uprooting trees and destroying crops. The damage will roach and may oxcooa J 100,000 , but ns fur as could bo learned tonight no lives wore lost. ' At Mccbanlcsbiirg 'fifteen ' buildings were blown down , among them thd National Hotel and MothodUt church. Twelve other build ings were damaged. At Waynesboro , Landls' tool works and the Weber school house were wrecked. Fortunately the pupils of tbo school had been dismissed and thn employes of the tool works escaped wltb alight Injury. Several buildings were unrooted. Tbo township school liouso and the Western Maryland round house were also demolished. From the country oomu reports of wrecked and ruined crops and prostrated telegraph lines , As the result of the mlnnTiTtroublo In the department of I'as-du-C'ululs , Trance , tbo IIOIIBO of a man named Duubrosi , u mining Lie a , wns blown up with dynamite. Daiibrcss and bla family had narrow ctcapoa from death. UPPIS I Tin IfPlltlitP TA TIIP1I DEFEAT S iiIliANING TO THEM , Supporters of Ba'maccik Learning Whal it Cost to Bo Worsted. S'X ' UEING SUED ON S'XFEEN ' CMARGES , Action CoimiiRiiuiil He fore In theN'nni3 of tin ; People of Chill \ \ hereabouts ol' Ilia Dcfi'iulnntn. Ml tin JiVhfi tlonli S\NTiAtio , Ch 11 ( viu ( inlvostoti , Tex. ) Dec.I. . | By Mexican Cubic to the Now York Hornld Special to Tun Bir..J : The announcement has been made that Genera Hollev , mlnlste" of war In President Monti's cabinet , will shortly pay a visit to Kuropo It is not known what the objects of the vlsll nro , but It is supposed It has some connection with the work of his department. Sixt'jcn charges hnvo been preferred before congress In the name of the Chilian people against Cluttdlo Vicuna , Domingo Godoy , Iinaell Montt , Jose .M. Carcru , Scnor Gann nnd William McIConnii. The houses of the accused men were Jiearchcd unit tholr private letters nnd papers .soiled. It Is supposed Ihnt It Is from data found in thcso that the charges were formu luted. The charges Include violation ol the constitution In the appropriation of pub lic funds , Illegal arrests of persons , forcinp p.'iccfiil cltl/en.s into the nrmv and railing on the public forcer to suppress civil war. Vi cuna I : supposi'U to he in ICurope , Monti nnd ( iodo.v In Peru , and the other thrco nfe in the American legation. Citations will be Issued by ttu president of the senate and telegrams will be sent to tlio forolzn governments informing them th.it formal demands have been made on their legations for the surrender of the men wanted. The whole matter will be fully discussed by congress next Friday. A tire occurred in Sun Miguel school this morning. It was c.iuso.l by an explosion of capsules , and spread to surrounding build- Ings. Damage to the extent of0,000 pcsus was done hoforo the Humes were gotten under control. .NII.'CH ironi tliu Capital. VAi.i-imi--o. Chili fvia Galveston , Tex. ) , Dec. ( . - [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to Tin : Btn. : 1 Nous reached here today that the United States sto.uncr Uoilon urritoi ! at Mont'ivideo last nicht. On account of having called nt Bnhia she bus been subjected to two Jays' seclu sion. Desnito the protests of Captain Schloy of the United States cruiser Baltimore , the authorities continue puhlishingoflleinl letters regarding thr > American officers. Thp Intoiidniito of Valparaiso , Scnor Aricgui , lius u'signrd his post. H"pcrls fiom thosouthorn provinces show that the wheat and builoy croos nro in a for ward condition , and promise n good harvest. Tno Ai'oiicagua river is out of its banks nnd has swept nwny n part of the town of Call no , and the railroad is threatened with destruction. Arjcutlnc All .irs. \i \ np/i : t'tli'e I Wit ii'i ' Jin II11It i " nU.I BCKVOS AIIII.S , Argentine ( viu Galveston , Tex. ) , Dc. I. | By Mexican. Cable to tbo New Vork Herald Special to Tun Bra.J : A severe storm prevails here now and a number of ships uic in a dangerous po sition. The National bank hns been opened with a capital of ? S,000,000 i" gold It is probable that n combination will bo made between tbo radicals and the sup porters of ( < encr.tl Mitre , under the load of Senator del V.illo , ' .ho president of the Calh- olic club. Piesident Pellegrini , It is said , will support the candidacy of General Mltro. An Italian sailor escaped from the French steamer Charcnto , came nshoro nnd died , presumably of yellow fovcr , shortly after lam'.ing. The sanitary legulations had been violutr-d by the Churonto , and despite the oujoctions of Iho French minister the ship was ordered to proceed to sou. Much alarm exists among the public in regaid to the spread of yellow fcvor. Heavy floods aie loportcd along the llio Plata. _ _ _ _ _ .va unit SUIT. iOH G. Hl'iiii" , Jr. , Determined to II vc a D.torcc. DIAD\\OOII , S. D. , DJO.I. -fSpaciul Tele gram to Tun Bur. ] A motion was filed here today by Mrs. Mary Nuvins Bluino praying for temporary alimony and attornnys' fees. Mrs. Blaine , in her petition , states that she U in a cripnlod condition , both nhysically and linancially , and shn asks the court that the defendant , .lames G. Blalno , jr. , bo re quired to pay to her the sum of $1,000 ns tem porary alimony for expenses of the suit and the further sum of WOO for attorneys'fees. Thu hearing of the motion was sot for Dcccm- Oer ail. The complaint and summons in the case ol Mary N. Blaine iwilnst James G. Blmno. jr. , was also tiled today. The complaint alleges that JumosG. Blnine , jr. . willfully abandoned the plaintiff witr.out vnuso , leaving in her .custody a : i-yeu'-.old child which she has since iniion care of m > d supported without help from the defendant. On thcso grounds * the demands u dissolution of the bonds of matrimony , the bolo custody of her child nnd that ho bo required to pav u reasonable sum for the expenses of Iho nclion for the divorce and counsel fees and required lo pay such sum for alimony us the court may decide for tlio future support of herself and child. Mrs. Blaine is now at Sioux Fulls and is expected in this city next ( \eek , GALMGA . DOIOrt.VT MICI3 IT. Oninliii'H Fire CluI'll Little Irritated by u Seiiselo 8 Story. In regard to n statement In n local paper last evening ' .hat the Omnhu lire department declined to go to Blair on account of a big IIro hero Chief Giilligan said lo a Bui : ro- portcrr , "It's a fabrication all the way tbrouah. When word came to me nt o'clock In the morning ihnt help was needed at Blair , 1 sent word ut once that I would send two hose companies and ten men , but that wo could scarcely reach there under three hours. I also asked If wo could bo of any use by reaching there nt , that tlmo. In about a half hour I locolved un answer from Blair which stated that iho lire was under control and that there was no need of our help. Thbro was no ntatomont sent out that wo had a big lire hero , and could not snimt any ap paratus. The Blair man who wrote that de liberately lied ' As was stated In Tin : Bsr. Friday mornIng - Ing , Chief Galtlgun was ready with two companies to go to Blulr on u minute's notice , and only ordered his men back to bed after the final message from Blulr bad boon re ceived. Queer CompiledIOIIH. taioux CITV , la. , Deo. 4. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bii.J : : E. P , Hayes , who last Sunday was arrested for attempting to shoot his tlnncco for wedding another man In bis absence , today eloped with a married woman , Mrs. John Musselinan , whoso husband is now pursuing blm with a gun. OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , Paid Up Capital $100,099 Oldeit orgnr > lie < 1 bank fin tb cttr. Foreign nil dumejllo uxcliant : * nn3 ooil io3.irltl.li. KipujUl iltentlon pnlj lo colloctloni. Aoouunti of loJlrla- uiti , tmaki , banker * and corporation ! loUcUjl. Corroipomlenco In vltoJ. QUO , 1' . BANKOHI ) . rruildonL X W. 1U It KM AN. Cnhler. JL. X , lllOU , Aiilitaat C iWif FOR GOOD REASONS. Thp Uniform ItuleofSri n Mmtli U Y.\ tontloil Tor tlio Kcmnltulcr of HIP Year. l'nl 1 .lamiarj. DM Conelniid nnd Mansfield Imvo decided ti maintain the life-dollar per month rnto o treatment , conflnlM ? It however , to catnrrl end Kindred ill < euvcs , during December ti January 1st , Theioforo. up lo January they will trra1 catarrh nnd k ndrcd discuses at iho rate of J. for eurli innnth's treatmniit-.thla mini liu'lml Ingull nuHllclncK , caio and treatment. Thli oiler dues mil upuly to all ( licenses , but to cu tnrih und Its \nrlnus eo'iipllcatioiii. ouch ai ui-iiiiuliUK gnslrU'i-ut'irrh , ordyspep ln. nstl inn. buy finer , consumption nd 11 klailit-i dl ouH'o. etc. STRONG BVID3NOH. An Omnlm Lady Who Sought Hollof-Snya She Fonn 1 It in Drs. C. > pelnnd nnd Mansfield's Treatment Evidence Upon Evidence Proot Upon Pi-oof. "I wsm to Minm extent a vh-tlin of the dH' on IP o well M 'lined , lu ifrlppe. \ \ hen It ucl < t urlpoiK-o upon u perMiu'sHysloui It holds on 'I he speaker Was Ml s Hid nit > cblului. a m'l- liner , wild Mi-s It II. Il.ivh" . Ill Himtli IMIi street , this city.Mhs Sehliiter has had a ninny MM-ITO time tif it fur tint past vear. iind per e\poi'lenee of what she minYicd and when shelltiully fiiiind Kdief UIIH tcihl fortlie hcne- llLnf oilnMs slmlliuiy allllfied. "I liii\i > siiirntrd IIIIIIOM fiinllnuMlly fiom n xexeri- isi < u [ eat.iril.helt wus originally liiini.'ht un hv u voi-y b.ul eo.d wh eh I ne- elected at the I me nini'h to my "onow. since , " eoiillniied MN-t Schniti'i- \tiiuldbepielty dlllleult to tell ull of theln ( \ iiiecablo ymp- 51 ISSrilM'TKIl. . turns one has or to duioilbe how perfuetly niNeiahlo It iiimlu one. "I hud a lionvy. dull aelio over my eyes. itut-iiinpniiluilnt times by very M-veio inilns in the hack of mv head. My eyes giew dim and It u Irnpiissllilu for me to loolc steadily ut nn oDjei-t for nny lenstli of t mo ullliont MKVhH 1M1VINO AMI lll'ltM.NO. ' My hea I felt i-'ojtuil ; up and I would have the -ir.uipcst hti//linj und ruiclnt ; noises In my iinr-- , while I w.is.ctinstiiMtly troubled wlin iV/iness ! mul nei MMIS feeling. "Tlil-ktato of aifalrs Uejit piowlni worse whun. tuvap the ellm i\ . lust spiliiK I caii'-'hl Kilppoand ilil IncieaHpd my miirorlnsand ( lUi'iisetwo fold and left mo in the mostdell- 'Me ne.ilih. The disease liad sorlousjy : if- f'-eleu my stomach , i nd my upputltii und < ll- tectlon weiu very poor. My stoinueh was so weaii In fai'l that I could only eat the lltliti.Ml ; food , nnd not even thai without suirerlne a feellii'i of iinoaslnos and HI-IISO of depression aflcnvntdM I ulsii suileied iniien fiom p.ilns in my stomach and tlitoiiRh llio back and lost iniu'li ' lle-h and stten tli. UIIATU V FINMIDO.NH. . "I was lii Ill's ilcpl'ir.ible oinidlilon uhen mv nilL-ntlon w.isdliccted Iti ) | . Conelnml and Mansllt-hl jis plivslcliins and siiriseons who "eii'sMlled In their profession and having wide success In their piai'tlce I soimht them f"M relief mul I c-in ti iitlifnllv suy I found it. rlie distressing pains over my eyes and In the IWOK of my head went almost Immediately upon taking the ( list trealinunt , and have pone to stay. I think. My eyes have denied up anil t-a'iK'd ' siien.'tb : my dl/ilness and ncr- voucn Hi ha\o dlsaiipuniod , and thcilnglng and IIII//IIIK noises In myeaiB ceased. Mv stomach and uppiitlto have greatly Improxed , nnd I eat well nnd sleep \\oll also now. In Mioit.I am In eveiy way on the road to health , : . ml ultliough I have nail ninny doctnib , Dr.s. ' 'opolaiid nn I Mansflolil aio tlio nnlvones thnt have given mo any ieul lulluf. " MN Schliitor icsldes ut ' "U" ) Doiliro street , heie she can hu seen and will 10 idlly vorlfy lii'r statement. O.MIIIA. Nov. 3J. lMl.-lis. ) ) C'opolHUCl and Jlunsfield- Dear sirs : I wish to express my feeliiiL'sof n.illtude towaids- you forlho t on- ellts I Jiave received fiom your treatment of fill. uili. It Is now onlv thren weeks Hlnco I lieirnn beliiB floated liy you. Itut'am feellnj ; so miieb Improvul that I urn perfectly satis- fled a speedy and pcimuiiunl cure will ho tbo icsiilt. I tun ionis. very iesio tfully , MR. O. W. POSTER SPEAKS. "Yen , they all told mo I hud consumption , nnd that Is whut I bojun to hellevo Ifailul fiOhtcadlly und uvurythlnic I tried bcemed so poweiless to help me that I wus forced to believe - liovo that 1 find consumption. " The speaker WIIH .Mr. ( J.V. . Tobter , wlio lives ntr.CIN 41.'iid stieet. Tive years uj-'O I did not regard my trouulo us very serious , when It first began with my head nnd nose stoiinlnii up , dull , heavy liend- nciies over my eyes und tlnoiieli the temples , but later when nl.lit sweats eaineon 1 bo un TO i.osi : I-I.BMI , und for the first tlmo roull/ud my ten Iblo con dition. " .My cough wus very s-oveio , so had that I eon In , , ot bier p nlu'lits , und would huvo to Ket up nnd Co out on my porch for fiesh air. "Them WIIH.I terri ble soicnehsIn the lower pint of my IUIIKH. shnrp. shnol- ItiK pulnsihioiiKh my ehtsi , so suvuro nl I lines UK to ulnu'bt ' tnke my hreiilh , "Then ) was u con stant ro irln ' und IMI//IIII ; noise In my eurs ; my eyes bc- MH. rOSTnit. cume xory weak , und I thought I was Koine 10 i. > M : MV sitiiiT. "My upp-lite wus lircKiilur. nothing I ale seemed to u.'iec with me I would Ij'i dis tressed nt'.he stnmueli lifter eallm. . "My sleep wuu broken and re.st ci. > nnd did mo no mioil , I would Ret up In tin ; morning mine tiled than 1 went lo bed. "Tlio disease h id completely undermined my whole system , and I was u physical wreck u mini without hone. "In this condition I culled nn Dr * . Copelund nnd Mnnslleld ; they did not iiromlko much , und I did not expei'l to he euied. "Well , wliut bus been tlio resnli ? " "A CUMI'IITK : CIMU : . " "I Improved stendli.v fiom the llrst nnd ull Lhe HVinptoms of thn disease have Kiudnally lefl me. " .My head und nn o aio clear , goid ) upnctlte. no iiioio iilglitsweatH. and my lung tioublo Is entirely rulle\ed , und 1 have no fiuthoi fear ) f eonsiimptlon. "I can't H ty too much In nralseof Drs. Cone- nnd nnd .Miiiihllold , for they lime biuely Hiiv.d my life.4" Mr. i'oster Is uearpeiuei und lives , us stated above , ut UitN : , 42nd slice ) , this city , wheio he will icliite to miy one the htoiy of his lemuik- ublti recovery. RE.S.D THIS. If The-o Symptonn Tit Your Onto , Then You Havj Catarrh. Are your uycB weuk and watery ? Do yon sco flouting spots before them ut times'/ Do you have u puiii over youreyesor uboneo if fullness n cross the front of tliu head ? IK your hearing dull und ( lefecllvo'f Do VOM luvu u louring ringing < > r Inu/liiK NOIIIK ! In your ear ut times' Dues your no < o8top up ut nines , one Fide or the other'/ Does It dlsclmt e u thin , wutciy biihstnnco almost constantly ? When yon KO lo bed at nhtht huvo yon dllll- nilly In golii ! ? toHlooB'/ After vou mo usloii ! | In yon ha\o iiuplDtisaiit dreams ? On uwak- enln' doyen feel tufieOied ? Uln the moriilng do you Imvo difficulty In e'earlms your thro.it'Does your ihio.it f ul try and lurched'Do yo i have n sense ol fnllnesH in tlio throaty . .Do you luno n diy , huukliu coughDo yon mvu u cough tliut prevents your voliiir to blue D ut night ? Do von luiui u coiiKh thut caiifccsyon towukonpat nlghl und thuxdls- urh your repose ? Ho you have a feeling at times ns though you wciout.out to fulnt , and feel as though ou innst grab something for support ? Docs vour vision become uUtiirhed und everything : row durk before your eyes at Hiich tliuei ? JJoyou hmw night bweuis or hcmorrajjCB , or hot and eold Hashes over your bodrt n J ehllls itiid iroepy feoMnun runnln up you ? tiut-k ? Dooil . h-nen wenkiiess ns tbiuiith vnit hud been workln cry liuid nnd wanted to' lest nlul cannot gel reMedr Doyoii Imve n ( IvpK's cd feolliiR nftrr ratl Inp , or n bloated up feellns In the -ttomnohn Do you boleh up a our toMe In yourinoutN or have n very sick foellnn ut your d to much. or n libni t bin n ? Do you feel us though what ) ' A on had eaten wus lying like lend in your Mnnmch ? Do you hnvn n feeling of oppression nromid thuhnart ? IK ) you IIUMI u liortncs-i of brootDi r on goln itp tulrs iiutcklyr Do you IIHTO inotliorliu ultiR-ks ? Do yon lm\n at times feolliiKs us thmich your he.irl wim cncom- P'.issed hy sometlilnt nnd It could not move , nnd turn suddenly II ml It palpitating furious- If ft. then you luun i-ntunh Inonunflts many forms , The o 1110 but n few of tnu iiiiinv syiu.itoms that denote lo the skilled jihyslcliin that you uin-niirerliiitfioiiu-utiirrh. If they me your symptoms , do not delay unr limner , but plueonursolf under the en roof a physician , und bo en led hofmo It IIIIH tiikeu such u lin d on yon that It will he too lute to relief. HEPRESKXTAT1VE RESIDENTS. f \Vlmt \ 'I'lry Suy Coiu'crning ( lie SIR-OCIS of Drs. CiiH'lnuil | Mini MniHllpliI Well Known Clt'iX'yiiiiiit ( JhtM Ills Kx- Hcrii'ii-o Otlii'r Ti > < thiiiiiiy. "Over Iwoyenis n.m my tiouhlo besun. und I luixe seen many nil > eiiilile duys nnd inirhts since then. ' s ihl . ! , - . \V. I'ulluhan , of I1. ? A J.'ilhHireet "Indeed , 1 full miserable nil the time , and it Kceme.l I won d ne\er he miy better , for ull thiMloetorliiu I did und ull the medicine [ took din mi ) nii Dii I. After lo.ulln jut numer ous cases slmlinrtii to ml no that , DM. Cojio- lund unit MiinstlDld bud tienled stivrcssfnfly , I mudo up my mind to try their syHtem. "Today thos-odlsiiKieiMtilosymptoms are all soiio. I fenl boltoi cnery way thun I ha\n for Hoicinl yeiirs. I am very thiuiUfnl to Dra. Loucland und Mansllold. ( HKV , II O. Swnnk , of the Theolocleal sein- Innrv. writes to Dr < . Cnpoliiud und Mansllold UN follows : "I tukegreat iiieaHtire In mnliln ? known tu you that I have rreelved gieut hen- I'llts from yo'ir trealinunt. Pur llvo veins I have neen nllllcted with euturih of the head und thiout. which , ut times , wus dlstiess'ii' ' * ! Indeed. In fuel , lu idlni ? me to bollove that I must Klxo up pilhllo Hiiojklni ! . I tiled many remedies but lecislved no relief until I eamu to you , and I urn liaupy to write und Infoim you that I am entliely emeu , ull my symp toms of cilltii rli huvlni dtsappoared. MKNA HO1.I- , Iea\ei'\voilh stioet , says : "I am now entirely well no morn no.idaelieq. no h iwl < lmor spittlni ; , und I feel fresli nnd tested iipontti is nu' In the moiiilmr. Wheie nil othijis bavo fullud , Drs. Copeluiul nnd MutisllcM Imvo been successful , und lean- not suy too iiuioh for them , und to any und ull 1 will Kladlj lopeut my story. " MlfH. t ) . I' . ANHKUSON. ajIIJ Sewur.l street : "My nose Is now ele.ir. no moro hawldnv und spitting , no HOI e thro it , my noaduehes have ceased und mv eves are as stioiiK n ovor. I can now ro. id HID papers , even ut nlxht. and feel like udlirnrimt porson. Too mneh pralau ciinnot ho iclM'ii Dis. ( . 'opolund und Munstleld for their careful und conscientious work In my ease , an I I he utlly lut-o niiioiid tliom to ull snllorurs. " M U. SAM UKIj SM VTII , Till South lUth ht root : "I um tlie happiest man lu the. ulty , feeling thut I lia\e found wh'it 1 thought hist forever my Kood heulth und uiiyonu who knows mo can see that I am u well man ; 1 have no moro nlKht sweats : no pain li. the chest orslumldor- hlmlos ; 1 conxh no moru and 1 um Kiilnlnc lu lies ) ) every day. 1 oannol Hiiy too much for tlio food Drs. ( Jopuluiid und Maiislicld have dime In my ease. " MR. JOHN MAI.ONi : . 1801 Poiith 15th street : "I heartily icconimeiid DIN. Copulaiid und MunslleldV lieutmenl us thn only tieatmunt tli. it ever ia\u ne nny tellef , and nud I known ot them sooner it would have s.i\ed moyeurs ofsnireiiiu and much money. " M | { . STHIMfKN MAKTIN. South Om-ilm : "Uuiidlni : of tlio woiKlurfiil success ot Drs. C'upclam ! nnd Munslleld I thouitht 1 would try lust once inure to he ciiied , nnd I am ihiinkftil I did , for they hu\u uecomnlished wimduisln my ense. After treating with them my symp toms hi\uull : dlsuppeuiud anil I um us well us o\cr I was In my life , " MISS L.U'KA ' OOODHKAlll1. Sfft TrsKIn street : I etinnot do or suy ton much for Drs. ( . 'opeluim and Munslluld , for they have cured cured mo and ulaced mo in bettor health gen erally than I could ever hopu for. " M | { . O. W. I'OSrr.lt , ilia Noilli 4-'nd street : "My head und nosu are clear , aoud-uiipotlto. no mine nlitht sweats , und my lime lionlilo la entirely relieved , nnd I hu\o no further four of consumption. I can't miy too much lu pr.ilsoof Drs. Copolund und .Munslleld , forthoy ntivo surely sax oil my life. " Their Ci-ciloiititils. Ashnsliecn s.ild , Dr. W II. Cupel ind was nrcttldcnt of his class ut llulliivue llospllul Meclle.il Collu-e. New York , whom ho grad * uated. the most famous institution of Us kind li. the country. Ills diploma hears the written i iidorsu.nent of tbo medic.U authorities of New Yin k , of Iho deans of nriim nent medical colleges In I'cnnsylvanl.i. lr. T. II. Muiislluld's ciedenti.ils mo no less abundant unit uniiial- | Illud. Ho ulHols foimully Indorsed by the sec retaries of various county und HlitJ medical societies , llotli irentlumun , after ihoioiih hosp'tnl c\iorleiico ) und pr.iclicihave devoted - voted their fives to the pr.ietlco of the rspoc- ties , with what success thu columiH uf tlio dally ptipeisshow. Copcland Medical liistitnle , ROOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Building1 , Cor. 17haiiI ( : I'limnm Sis. , Onnilii , Neb II' . / / . COJ'Klt.lVlt , .TI. It. T. It. .VIANJi'JfjJ > , JI. It. Consulting I'hys'i'ian. ' Ppcclaltlos : C itnrrh und nil dlsenscn of the Hye , Ear , Throat un I I.nn s. Nervous DU- euses , bkln Diseases , Chronlo Disc isus. Dlllea Hours U to 11 u. m. , - to "i p. m. , 7 to ! ) p. in. bnmliiy 10 u. in to 4 p m. Uitturrhiil trouble * und Ulndicd dfsoasoa tteuted Hticcessfnlly hy in.ill. Send -lo in , stumps for iiiestlon | elruiiliirs Addresi ull Icttnr.s to Copnlund .Medic.tl limitulo , Ni\ York l.lfo llulfdl.ig. Umuhu , Not ) . SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFF3. W"AN'I I'D-Miin to bnreTii well 10) ) feet deuu nnd 10 to VI Inches In diameter. Leonard Kverett. / 10MIMjKTr.oiilll ( lir llxtnres nnd two pool V-'tutiles for sain und bill ding for runt. Uood liiL-iitlon. K. II. rfheufe , ut or Illi'er A. I'usuy's bunk- . , ' 'ANTii-tilrl : ) In hoaidlni houso. No. 1009 \v K IvlKlitlistieol. 1J1OH SAI < H OH KVUIIAN'Oi : Two und a JJlittlfnuiofaiiii.inllofro.il business , I'oiin- ell Illnllp. Will take litnd , hordes 01 eullla , 13 13. Miiyne , ( ill ) lliouil iiy _ _ _ _ _ furnm forsulo : goo I l niiui f um , * il ! IOWA M nercs. * . ' 'j lmpic\oil HI , I mlloi fiom u lurgu town , * .U Kmns of nil sj/ei. huverul furniH for rent Johnston .V Van 1'ut- tun. C'oiinuil Illlllfs. lent in Ilioui hnlldliu. Main and I'eurl stieels , huvliig nil I ho latest Improvements , hiiitul by utoum , nlovntor. closets , oto. Apply to J. .1. lliown , or Ilurk4 A. Uusndy , on promises , 171AHMH. garden liuiils , bonsos , lots und J. business blocks for H'lln or riiiil. Day It Hess , : > ! > I'eurl sticol , Connuil llliiirn CITIZENS STATEBANK Of Council Dluffs. CITA i STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $223/000 D'wKCTnns I. A. Mllier , I' . O. fl'.nisnn , fl Tt. hncnrt , I'K. . II irt , I. I ) . JMmuiiiH'jn. Uhurlui 1C. Hunniin. Trnuaaot genural lunklnj buil neks , | . .ir ( isteupltal ) unJ siirpliiKot any ban'4 lii&outhwualern Iowa. TEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS ' DYE y/ORKS / , All klndnnf Dvu'iig ' and rhiunlicddno In the hUhcst slyloof the ail. K.ided mil stulnud fuhrk'M Hindu to look UHuod ( ui now. Hod feathers uleunud by * team In Ilist-tlmij muij ; nor. Work proinntly ilonu und delivered In ull purtx of the country. Send for urlco list. U. A , JIA01IAN. - - I'llOI'ItllVrOIt , 1011) ) llroadwuy , .Nour Northwejluru COUMUIL