THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY DECEMBER 0 , 1801-S1XTEEN PAGES , STRUCK BY THE EXPRESS Frightful nod Powlbly Fatal Accident at Ko.-folk. THOUGHT HE.COULD CROSS THE TRACK , Fnrincr Hi-.uly Jumped From III * to Avoid Dnttccr Hut Wnn UiiHUcocflHful Oilier NobrnNkn N NORFOLK , Neb. , Dec. S. ( Special Tclogrnm io TUB Br.p.l A frightful accident occurred nl 2 o'clock this afternoon near the Crciplitoti depot on the Chicago , St. Paul. Minneapolis J A Omaha tiacks. Prank Brady , n farmer ' llvinjr near town , was hauling n load of hay nnd wan in the act of crossing the track when the engine struck htm , breaking the loft leg below tha Unco , mashing the right foot and breaking three or four ribs. Brady saw Iho npr.roiieliinp train , which was running at tlm rate of about six miloH an hour , nnd was called to by bystanders to stop or be would bo caught , but ho pushed ahead , the team and wagon clearing tha track , but bo made on effort to leave the wagon and foil on tbo track. His son , who was with him , was also In jured , but not seriously. Physicians were summoned und amputated his loft leg below the knee and the right foot nt the nnklo , The physicians say his locovery is exceedingly doubtful. Ho is a man about * > 0 years of ago and loaves n family. ' 15 exult oT \Voiiiin'H : I rltilit. ASIII.ANII , Nob. , Dec. 5. [ Special to THE BKK ] Some three muitlis ago nn affray oc- cuned between two farmers in the vicinity of Ashland. Daniel Smith made an effort to dispossess Frank Predcuitx , n tenant , of a certain poitlon of the farm. A war of words ensued which ended In Smith attempting to drlvo Prodeaux from tbo place with an ux. Predcaux ran Into the house , nnd as ho en- teicd the door Smith ral cd the ax to strllio him. Mrs. Proiionux saw the Intended stroke mid fainted. Nothing moro was thought of the nffulr until yesterday Mrs. Picdcaux gava birth to n lifeless child the sltull of which shows an Imprcnslon as If made with an nx. J'ho doctors In attendance say that death was caused by tbo shock tbo mother received at the sight of her husband being attacked by Smith. Smith was arrested today nnd brought before Judge Butler. Ho was not allowed ball and was taken to Wuhoo to nwalf , a trial In tno district court. A brother of Mrs. Predeaux , n prominent lawyer of Denver , is licio and claims that the law is very plain upon Iho case nnd that Smith will be compelled to servo a fifteen years' sen tence In tuo ponltontlary. Mittn Grand Army AtfalrH. BHATIIICE , Neb. , Doc. fi. [ Special to Tun BKI : . ] Hawllns post No. : i. > , Grand Army of - 41- the Hopublic , elected ofllcors last night for for the ensuing yearns follows. Commander , Fred Brother : senior vice cominnndor , H. G. Day ; Junior vice commander , E. A. Youtz ; captuln , C. L. McClellan ; surgeon , D. A. Wuldon : officer of the day , Samuel Ecck-s ; Ofllcorof the guard , George Cunningham ; quarter master , J. U. Craig ; delegate lo late encampment , A. P. Sperry ; nltomato , B. P. Lester. The oflleers-eloct will bo In stalled Nolv Year's night. HASTINOSI , Nob. , Dec. 5. [ Special to Tin : lliiH.J Last evening Silas A. Strickland post. Grand Army of thu Hopiiblic , elected the following ofllcers for the ensuing vcnr : J. M. Boyd , commander ; J. W. Hoynard , jr. , vlco commander ; J. J. Buchanan , senior vice commander ; Jacob Wooster , quarter master ; Dr. Buncosurgeon ; . H. G. Knights , ofllcnr of the dar , and A. P. Houston , oftlcer of the guard. Delegates to the Department encampment at Columbus were appointed. Those chosen were all post commanders , and General C. J. Dilworth nnd A. C. Moore , thus Insuring a vole of eighteen at the en campment. Threatened With Dlsnstcr. H.VBrixiN , Nob. . Doc. 5. Special Telegram lo Tun Bii.J Mortgages aggregating about M.UOO and a judgment of $ .100 were Illcd for record by the creditors of tbo Hastings Electric Light company on the records of this coiinty today against the company. These Hens are .subject to n prior mortgage of 511,000. There Is also n chattel mortgage of (1'JAO on some of tlio machinery , and a mechanics lien of about $1,500 on the prop erty.These These lions , mortgages nnd accrued Interest make n total of about W 1,000 Indebtedness. There Is n prospect of the matter being adjusted tn the district court on Monday. Mr. George B. Johnson , the manager of the company , states that while ho cannot toll the future of the plant , it will no doubt bo continued In oporullon as nt present. Dedicated L'holr Now Hnll. JUNUTA , Neb. , Doc. 5. [ Special to TIIC Bir.l : The greatest event In Juntata's his tory toolc place hero last night in the dedica tion of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows' now hall. There were over 150 visiting brethren present from Fremontv Hastings , Howard , Blue Hill Mlndon nnd' Holdrcgo. They were banqueted in Allen's hall nftor the dedication exorcises In the now hall. About 250 members , Including the lodge hero , partook of the supper. i George L. Loomis , grand master , nnd I. P. Gage , grand secretary of Fremont , partici pated in the exorcises , also many other noted persons of the order In the state. The now hall Is 20\U ( feet in size. The main hall is 21x48 Inside with a fourteen foot celling. Honored by Hln AnsoclatoH. SIIIXKV , Neb. , Deo. 5. [ Special to TUB BHK. I The Bar association of Cuoyonno county hold a special meeting tonight for the purpose of passing resolutions com memorative of the sixty-first birthday of Hon. George W. Hoist. Judge Alon/o H. Church of tbo Thirteenth Judicial district presided. Many happy speeches were inudo and reminiscences Indulged in for two hours. A magnificent supper was subsequently spread at the Motiopolilnn hotel and the Twonty-llrst infantry bund furnished the music. Ilonvy IJOHS l y I'lnmoN. * BKVTIIICB , Nob. , Doe. 5. [ Special to Tun Dnn.-Firo ] nt 4 o'clock this morning destroyed the residence , together with the content ; , of Frank T. Wagner , at bin Klk street. It Is supposed to have caught from the kitchen stovo. Loss on house , $1 , 00 ; insurance $1,200 In the Milwaukee Mechanics , The loss on thu furniture is U.OOO ; Insurance fbOO In the Germanin of New York. Several residences adjoining caught llro and were saved with dlfllculty. Died of Her InjiirlcH. Hiuiiiur : , Nob. , Deo. 5. ( Special to Tim IH'B.J Mrs. Albert iMillor , wlfo of n well known farmer north * of this city , was burled hero today , Death resulted from a distress- lug accident In which tbo deceased was burned over almost her entlro bodv , Whllo building u lira with cobs held In her aprou , her clothing caught lira. The house was damaged to the extent of several hundred dollars nnd the llro was extinguished with diniculty. Onn Yonr For YOHK , Nob. , Doc. -Special [ to TUB BKK. ] Myron Harbor of Benedict , who has been I ) Ing In tlio opunty jail for several months under tbo charge of breaking Into several stores at that place , was found guilty nnd Konicnccd to ono jour in thu panltcn- tinr.v jcsionUy , Sunlded to Death. GANDV , Nob. , Doc. D. [ Special to .Tun BII : : . | Tbo lO-months-old child ot John E. Gnblltig which was so badly icaldoti by the Btovo upsetting and spllllnir a kettle ot boil ing wutr over Its body Wednesday , died Thursday. lUynterloitHly Nob. , Doo. 6. [ Spoclal to TUB JJBis.1 II. N. Harris , a farmer living tbroe miles south of thti city , started to Athland about 1 o'clock Friday morning. About on hour nud & li U istw U wturned W 1m KKLLEY. : STIG-BR & CO , 'ANTICIPATE YOU HOLIDAY PU H J AND AVOID THE RUSH OF A WEEK LATER. DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. On tlio eve of the Ohrlstiruib Holidays wo olTcr some STICKING BARGAINS In SILKS nnd tWKSS GOODS. Il'iy dress materials for Xmns presents. Tliovaro well appreciated and useful. III-i.N'UIliTTA $1.00 Suporllno silk ilnislied Ileiii-iottn , all the Into fnshion- nblo colors. $1. I5KUrORD ( JOHD $1.00 Tlio extreme fnehlon , splendid value , ti desirable giftl. SKUK ( ! 7oc The ( 'onuinc KnxllBh Serge , for school dresses nnd hnrd wear , all colors , 7oc. FLAN'NIOItiOo. . 5-1-inch all wool line Dress Flannel , during the holidays wo cut the prlco from 7 ic to COc. ( . 'ASfiMKKE All wool I'tishinoro a Inrgc nssortincnt of useful colors , nil now shades in stock. COc. UROADCLOTH * 1.60 o-l-inch silk llnl hed Broadcloth , all the now colors. This is n perfect cloth in ulTccl and coloritij ; : a very acceptiihlo Xinas present , $1 60. ' SEVENTY-FIVE All our I'LA IDS that sold nt 75c , 85c. Hoc , $1. $1.25. $1.T < i , will bo 'old during the holidays nt 75c 75o 76c. 75c. IMPORTED NOVIiLTY DRliSS 1'ATTliRXS FOR CHRISTMAS GIF IS. ( 'HICVrOTS. in lntc-it ideab-and coloring * . TWKIID. the now fashions jn cloth olToot . CAAIKL'S HAIR , in odd elTects now in style. BKDFORD CORD , the new fancy designs. TIJKSK and numerous otlicrs will bo sold during'tbo.holidays at jil-iccs that induce your purchiHing. I _ I BLACK DRESS GOODS. t SILK WARLJ fJKNRlKTTA-Sl.OO-This extra . silk warp llonrietta , n much appreciated gift , regular price $1.35 $1. ITKNRIKTTA * 1.00 40-inch silk finished llonrietta , n beautiful cloth , extra fine grade , worth $1.2o $1. IJKNRlrn'TA ' 75c Silk linishcd Ucnriettn , woith 'XI 7oc. CAMEL'S HAIR $1.15This is the real Camel's Hair , an imported cloth , usual price $1.8o. A great nartrain and n gift Unit will plunse $1.15. CHEVIOT OOc The latest f.ishion. So very serviceable. During the holi days wo cul the price from $1.1J6 DOc. SEROIC , CHEVIOT , CASHMF.RK-oOc-Threo vciy d < si. able 'jargains , all wool fabrics -50e. To faoiliatc the holiday'shopping of gentlemen , we have made up into dress patterns live exceptionally great bargains. . As Christmas t'ifts they will be gludly received by the ladies. S > 14 for n dress pattern of black nil-silk R1IADAMA. $10 will buy n pattern of wnrranted pure silk FAIJ.LK FRAXCAISE. $10.75 for a , black dross pattern of guaranteed all-Mlk GROS ( JRAIN. $21 A full dross pattern of warrnnto-l black ALMA ROYAL. 81U for n full dress pattern of anv colored pure cilk , party or sticdt wear , in FAILLE FRANCAISIS. Thc-o are all the best productions of the silk looms , the latest fashions ; all thoroughly reliable nnd recommended. CREPE D'CHENE. CREPE D'CHENE- Pure bilk crepe , all the party shades , regular price S'c svid 51 , during tlio holidays , 6Uc nnd COc. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. E FARNAM AND 15TH STS , I , . . . . . . . . . . . - ' ' ' 1 i ni i i i tntrMi m mmt\m 11 iRfcrifM * .i. n > M. i-.i .11 MI.I i i - - - - - - - MIIIIII i inn house in a dazud nnd confused condition. Ho { laid down and became unconscious , from which he has not recovered. A physician was summoned , and examination showed n gash under tbo left jnw nnd a mark upon his temple. Tno doctors conjecture that no must have been waylaid. Ho often speaks of tbo depot and men there. And It is known that three bums were put off a freight about an hour before that at the depot. The borso which be lode came homo in good condition. lMortcujo Mcoord for November. IIOLDiinoi : , Nob. , Doc. C fSpecial to THE BBC. ] The following are the amounts of mortgages filed and released in Phelps county for the month of November : Farm mortgages tiled , S-JO , I05.J11 ; released r.'O.COl.lS ; city mortgages tiled , 811,151.175 released , 310,000 ; chattel mortgaijcs tiled , f ; released , SW.m-jr. November gives the county a bad sbowlne but upon Investigation It is found than n Ktoatmany of the above or renewals and tbo leases for tbo old mortgages buvc not been received and recorded. OIID , Nob. , DCC.D. [ Special toTaiBii : : . ] Mortgages flied and released In Viilloy county for the month of November : Farm mortengos illod , twenty-nine , amounting to $13,0 0 ; released , thirty-four , $10,4SS.-I3 ; city mortgages Illod , ono , MUD ; released , four , SUM ; chattel mortgages illod , 101 , $18,053.13 ; released , 18(5 ( , ? 15,7 : . ! b. Dakota County .Stock. IhlovcH. DAKOTA GITV , Neb. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnu.J John Nixon , residing below Homer , today notified Sheriff Uyan that on last evening ten head of fat caitlo were stolen out of his feed yards. A reward of ? . " > 0 was offered for the arrest of the thieves. C. J. O'Connor also reported thu loss of seven bund of hogs a few days since. Siibplclon Is directed towards several of Homer's cituons. 'IVri'ilily , Nob. , Dec. 6. [ Special to THK Dm ; . ] N. M , Stanard , u farmer of Grnfton precinct , met bis death In a horrible manner yesterday while working around his corn- snollor. A bolt projecting from the tumbling rod caught in tits coat , twisted him up and burled him round so violently as to brealc almost every bono in his body. When freed ho gasped once or twice and expired. Improving the .Missouri Pa o I tic. TAI.MMIC , Nob. , Doe. 5. ( .Special Tola- gram to TUB BKK. ] A construction train and a force of llfty men are nt work hero on the Missouri Puclflo sldotraak. Some of the ovorjubllant citizens seem to tbink tnoy will go ahoud with the oroposod extension to Ne braska City ut onco. \Vnntn AnntliiT ltoul. AbUi.tMi , Neb , , Dee. 5.- [ Special to TUB Bi-.r.l Thti city council lastnlgbt considered n nroposliion Tom t-Ymnont citizens relative to building n railroad from this vicinity to connect ut some point with the Missouri Pa- cilia The council favored the tdou ncd a public mooting will bo called to take dotlulto action on tbo subject. Injured In n Jliinawny. IlouwEiiE , NoD. , Deo. 6. [ Special to TUB BIB. : ] A team belonging to William Corl- gan , who lives south of Atlanta , ran away last night throwing Mr. Corlgan out , break ing his right log nbovo the Uueo aud other- vlio Injuring hi Hold roue Nugget Solil. N. b.j pec , 0 , [ Special { 9 T.IJF Bic. ] Tno tloUlw o Niwt , this poiieer : nuwspipnr of Phelpi i.-oiniiv , Inn again changed maimsomunt , V , " . H. II. Mills blep ping out and T. M. liopwood iisjiint ing con trol. Mr. Mill" , it is rcpuitud , has jiuicliubud a now outfit ami will , In a hhort time , again bo lound at his de k. Ti-ansrVrrcd lo n rjncolu Hanker. YORK , Meb , , Dec. 5. [ Special to Tin : BCK. ] The assigned stock of groceries lately owned by U. .f. Coles , was sold by the sheriff today to E. E. Brown , a Lincoln banker. Invitations are out for a. high live party on the eve of the 1 lib nt Iho resilience of K S. Kowloy on South Thirteenth street. The testimony In the case of the State against Sam Monocus , cbartcc'd with abduc tion is all lu and the arguments will bo com pleted Monday morning. The great art anil curio exhibition at Ex position hall will bo open today from Hi a. in. until 10 p. m. Tha exhibition will positively cloao next Wedresday night. Tiinity cathedral , Eighteenth street r.nd Capitol avenue , Very Kev. C. H. tiurdi.or , daan. Holy communion , 8 n. in. ; .Sunday school , 10 a. m. ; second celebration of holy communion and sermon , 11 a. m. ; evening prayer and sermon , 7:3J. : At Boyd's ' now theater a benefit concert will bo given in aid of the ' 'Ouen Door , " Friday , December lj. ( The best , local talent will appear on the program. The "T. 1C. " qunrtotto bavo the management of tnls con cert nnd promise a fine program. Judge Davis yesterday heard arguments for u new trial in the case of Mary lj. Miller und others against Mary E. liny and others. In this case tbo plaintiffs and defendants are iiphtlnir over the property of John Manniug , who died ono your ago. At the time of his death Manning was tbo owner ot $20,000 nt real citato situated In and around Florence. Mr. Timothy Dolun of the Union Pnclllo shop ? , ono of the political nrisonerd during the land league agitation of ISO and IhM , Hud who spent u term In the ( ialway ami Limerick urlsons , after an absence of huvcn years , leaves today for his old home , Duns- andlo Coughrla , Cialwny , Ireland. Mr , DolHii loaves a hot of friends after him In Omaha , whore bo has lived for thu last six years. The creditors of J. P. Heel , the groeor who failed some time ago , mot yesterday at 3 o'clock and opened bids for the Block. They were nil rejected , and n motion was inndo to advertise tno stock for ten days nnd to get an order from the court to null the stock and fixtures at not less than * 1,000. There nro 100 c rod it or i , and the total amount of liabili ties were over tl',000. The stock inven toried for $0,200. Deputy Sheriff Lou tSrobo returned from Missouri Valley yesterday , bringing with him Julius Altschulcr , who Is wanted on the charge of obtaining goods under falsa pro- tenses. The Information charges that two years ago Altschulor manured to boat Hob- erts , Stokes it Co , a wholesale 11 rm at Twelfth und Howard strect.s out of il.COO worth of groceries. Until a few days ago his whoroabonts were unknown. The Boston Herald Is moved by the recall to England of Hov. Mr. Hall , QUO of the Cow- ley fathersto toll this .story t When the Cow- ley pcoplo flrst came bore a good woman who was not Informed as to tLelr monastic rule thought ono of the younger men , from a like ness to an elder clergyman , won a kin lo him , mid asked a fellow-member of the congrega tion if ho were not his son , in all good faith. "Son I" cried the bolter instructed neophyte. "Bon I" How can bo bavo a ion ) Ho' , a latborl" ' ' Ladies' Handkerchiefs , 250 ilo..on ladies' line embroidered , scalloped ai-d hemstitched border , Inwn handkerchiefs , loc. 150 do/on ladles' hand embroidered initial linen cambric hnmlkorcJiicfs 15c. 100 do/.r < ii ladles' finO hand cmb'-oid- ' orcd Initial very line linen cambric handkerchiefs , old English letlCrs.vcry new. as n special leader at 25c each. 2KO do/.cn laulcs' hand embroidered firnllopcd and hemstitched border linen handkerchiefs 2oc. 5 spcciitl numbers in real J npar.cso hand embroidered scalloped feilk handkerchiefs - kerchiefs , white nnd coloied , dainly nnd durable , 25c , 'I5o , 60c. 75c and VI each. 150 do/.en ladies' hand embroidered bcalloped and hemstitched border linen handkerchiefs , beautiful daintv designs , : iJc. ( iJc.Fine hand embroidered pineapple nllk handkerchiefs , exquisite dcs.gns , at < fL .75 , i.'t.501.60 ami Ml. 50 each. Fine ombioldoind scalloped borclnr Moiii-sixline do S 'io haudkcrcbu-fe. crcmc and delicate shndis. at Sr > c. 51. Lo , $1 o ( ) nnd $1.76 each. Fine lumd umbioidercd li'Mitslltclied and f = calloicd ) border linen handker chiefs , In all the latest dcMgiifi , at ol'c , 75c , $1 , $1.'J5 , * 1.50 up to $5 each. Rcnl duchcsso bee handki-rchicfsi nt § 1.25 , $2 , S2.60. $11.50 up to $12 ctsch. Real Krglihti point lace handker chiefs $0.50 to $16 each. Lacs Departm'nt Novelties for Ivenini > : Wear. 44-inch ical crepe chilTons in all the dehcatc shades Rich ombioidcred crcpo chiilon. l-'iouncings and ndginirs. 4o-inch rich htrincd { rnu7Vt > in all the ciolic.ito shades only 75ca yard. l ' -inch chenille ( Totted lets , striped ctlect. only $1.25 a yard. Rich gold and silver filled cvvstal te : dcd iiiiEsamentcrifh nnd fringes. . Novelties in FINE , LMIJHTii ) FANS in plain and hum ! pnlnlcil g..u-/e : ; aKo ccque and ostrich fefithero. Ribbons , Ribbons. i Ls r'o shiument jist received , com priiing all the new tlnd ( jehcato t-hiides' to much used for art'nncl fancy worlc AT KXTRKMKLY.LOW 1JR CHS. ' - . * > % Portmonies 'and Card Cases. Immense aft for the holiday trade , in all the now hiMh nnd mountings I'HOM 60U UP TO $4 EACH. HE WILL OPPOSE CLEVELAND , Hill cates Thai He is in the Prcditr.- t nl Race. DEVELOPED BY THE SPEAKERS ! ! ! ? FIGHT. Icnlni' ( ; DcmourntH Kc nrd His Kl- inlr.i Speech orKi'id.-y N s'11 ' as " Formal JKcluiMtion Wash ington Gossip. N Bt RBIU or Tin ; Disc , 5li ! Fonrrrc.STii bTiiur.r , WsiiiMiros , 1) . C. , Dec. 5. Governor David B. Hill's speech ut Elinirn last night struck Washington ( is n Hhuro challenge tn ex-President Cleveland. It was interpreted tomean , that the governor would ns ! < und tight for the presidential nomination next year in bpito of thu standing candidacy of the ex-president. The spcccn was the subject of almost as much comment in demo cratic circles us Was the suoukorship contest. It was porno time ago generally believed Hill's election to the sennit ) would pacify bis longing for the presidential nomination , aud that ho would wheel into line for his rival. There is not , however , any uncertain ring in his speech. At every unpopular point of Mr. Cleveland the governor delivered a thrust. His plea for tbo free silver vote is considered a very smart.trick. In a word , the governor proposes the univerbiil coinage of u silver dollar , coining bullion with an Intrinsic vuluo of $1 in gold. It ts boiiovod that this ; was proposed by Senalor Voerheos dilrlng his recent trip with Governor Hill to Jilcjimond and Atlanta. Thu Indiana senator , Ls , l)1uirly ) opposed to Mr. Cleveland for many reasons. Amom ? other thlngH Voorhcos is for free coinage , yet he knows that would Ioso1iinv man the state of New York. The character of free coinage proposed by Hill , it wfievidently thought by Voorhccs , would receive the respect of Now York and at the 5:1010. : time be a blinder upon and null the wool ovoi' ' the eyes of the west und south , or rather the democratic ulonunls of these sections. , , Hill In tlio rrcHfdoittlal Knee. Hill Is now fairly In the race for the presi dential nomination. Thin speech delivered Just before his departure for Washington , whom ho entered the upper branch of congress - gross und just beforetlid'convenlng ' of the democratic caucus forltho.olcctlon ; ( of ofllcers of the national hoiug of representa tives , Is regarded as significant by democrats from every section of tbo country. It was a masterstroke of politics nnd had the desired effect upon the sucakcrshlp canvass. It helped Crisp of Georgia , thu Hill-Gorman candidate , and Injured Mills of Texas , tbo Cleveland candidate. Some of Mills' friends almost threw up their hands In horror when they read the speech. They acknowledged that It would , as It did , huvo u forceful effect upon the contest , which at this writing is waging In the democratic caucus. It had tbo oftect , too , of spurring the Mills men on to a point of offensive aggressiveness and in. two ways injured their cause. In the estimation of the tlrst democratic heads tonight und many of the best friends of Mr. Cleveland , iho Block of tbo latter has fallen very lor below far Ladies' and Children's ' Special Bargains , Wo will place on sale Monday morn ing 100 do/'m ladies' line fast black cot ton hoac. regular 60c quality nt ; tc ! ) per pair , or i2 per box of half do/en. i'mhrollan for the holidays nt $2.25. worth $ ; ' . Ladies' line M'lk and lisle hose in plain black , droi > stitch , with fancy top nnd fast black boot and plain colors , in n 1 the i.ew and dci'rablo shades at Ooc. They are worth $1.25. Umbrellas. Umbrellas for lio'iday presents nt fci. " . ' ) . worth V ) . 'J'hoy me nan-anted for nun J 'lll' . Ladies' pln'n ' nlnck , silk thread lioso , high hi'Hccd heels nnd toesreg ular three dollar ( | ualit.vnt $2.25. The best ) ) lain black- , pure silk thread no o made at S'S. They nro worth $4. lOlcgant new desiirn in umbrellas , qimliU'untiurpiusr-cd for real \\oith , at " . .1.50. t5 , W50 and $0. Laclicn' tlircad Richelieu piirjt-ilk hose. lieu rib , in plain black at > ! ! . " 5 , wortli ? ) ; infamy colirod top'J with bi.ot lit > . : j.7o. v.w ill $1.50. LRDIES' 1 Our n'fci'rtinent of naliral gray and b.ick ill * 2 2' ) , $ : ! 50 , $ , ' ! .75 , $5 , ' .fo.25 Mid { ( i. is a'lll unbroi on and they are the best \alucH to bo found in the city. .lust rcicived , a large assortment of block wool r"ostriiin ] tights at our usual j Oiilnr | j > rii.L > s. todnv. Ho will not , it is believed , get tlio tioailn.ition In- any book or crook and .should ho ilo so , will bo defeated more oasilv than in-lbbs. Will He lr upl ( Tomorrow. Henry E. Kstabroolc of Oninlin will arrive toinoirow inornlnn lo iirfruo tils "doctrino of relations" in the governor rasq on Monaay. Cowin will open the case for Boyd and will bo followed by Estnorool : for I3nyd. Colonel Webster will spealc for Governor Tlinyor and c.\-Altornev General Unrlnnd will close for Hoyd , Estabrook will , oosido Ins "doctrine of iclations , " ui-jruo that when Hovd enlisted under the state In the Indian wiir the state conferred upon him clti/cnship. Colonel Webster will urri o tomorrow inorn- Inc. 'MiHcclluncoiifl. i ast oveninc Indian Commissioner Morgan pave n dinner at bis residence in honor of Mr. G.V. . Lambf-rtson of Lincoln. The Kucsts invited to moat him were Attorney General Miller , Mr. E.V. . Ilalford , tbo president's privuto secretory , nnd United States Marshal Mansdcll. After the dinner Mr. Lamucrtson wont over to New York , but bo will return on Monday toarguo a ctiso before tlio&uprcino court. Mr.V. . K. Annin , who for four voars has boon Senator Paddock's private secretary and clerK , has resigned both positions nnd will devote blmsQlf axclnslvcly to newspaper work. He is succeeded by U. ,1. Coleman , Senator P.iddoclt's son-in-aw ! nnd formerly president of tbo national bank at Broken liow. Mr. and Mrs. Colomun and family will reside witb Senator I'addock at tbo Portland on Thomas circle. Itcprosontatlvo ICorn is at the Handnll and Hoprcscntatlvo Bryan at4'JO Second street. Today At > s Btant Secretary Chandler not nsldo the decision of the general land ofllco , holding tor cancellation the pro-ompllon entry of John E. liesomcr of the Union Cattle - tlo company , transferred from tbo Chnyonno land district. Tl.o patent will now IHSUO. Hu uftlrniPd the decision in tbo case of George 1'ritchaid , involving lands In the reservation from the Chumburluln , S. 1) . , district ; re jecting tbo llnal proof also In the cusu of Frank A. Walter against Noah N. Duvts , pre-emption Illlng , Huron , S. D , , district , und thu timber culture entry case will bo dismissed and llnal proof of tlio defendant In the pro-omptlon CIIMI will bo accepted. Ho jcscrved the department's decision In the cuso of William \V , Wade against James Sweeny from Yankton , S. f ) . Postmasters were appointed today as fol lows ; Banner , Banner county , D. B. Pinr- Bon , vlco I. A. Gallup , removed ; Vaconla , Wiisblnirton county , H , Jncobson , vlco J. StUnner , romcvcd. Iowa Chester Center , Powsheilto county , $ \ . A. Soars , vice S. B. Smith , resipnod. Idaho Bluckfoot , Bingham - ham county , E. F. Stevens , vice F. A. Slovens deceased. State Treasurer W. W Taylor of Pierre , S. U , Is nt the Langhum. Editor KIctmrdson of tlio Davenport Dem ocrat is bore to attend a mooting of the demo cratic cxecutlvo committee on next Tuesday. _ P. S. II. A progressive and a conservative thoo- lociau. not a thousand miles from Now York , wore dlscutsliif ; the blebor criticism of ttio bible the other day. "Tho faut of the mutter Is , " galtt tha former In concluding uu argu ment , -that the methods of tbo progressive theologians nro historical. " "And pray , " asued the other , "what nro our methods ! " "Hystoilcal , " replied tbo liberal brother , " aim then they went at it again , bamuior and tongs. i "Does your cousin Bill smoke ! " ' 'Yes. " "Ho didn't when I Know Ulin. " "Ilo hadn't died tbcii. " 1 Mens' Handkerchiefs , Umbrellas and Neck wear. Men's plnin white nnd fancy printed hemstitched handkerchiefs , largo selec tion of choice borders at 12jc. 2"0 do/.on men'R all ptiro linen hem stitched initial hnndkerchiefs put up in fnncy boxes , fl to the box. special prlco $1.50 a box , 25o ench. 100 do/on mon's plain white , nil pure linen hnndkorchiofti in 1 inch , 1 } nnd 2 Inch -horn , nlso an endless variety of choice designs in fancy borders , sp'ooinl value at 25c. Men's plain white , pure Irish linen hemstitched in 1 inchHand 2inch hem , this is an elegant hnndkorcliiof. 1'rico U for $1. Wo call special nttcntion to our own direct tmportntion of fine pure Irish llnon hemstitched hnndkerchiefs , very suitable for ombroiduring in i inch , 'i inch. 1 inch , 1 { inch nnd 2 inch hem , At 50c , OOo nnd 75c each. Special price bv the box. Silk Handkerchiefs , Silk Handkerchiefs. I'ustomers will find our nssortinont of real Japanese hemstitched silk handker chiefs superior to any former importa tion as to variety , quality nnd prices. At50c , OOc , 75c , boc , $1 and $1.25. Suspenders , Suspen ders , Suspenders. \Vo have just received our full line ol line silk suspenders for the holiday trade. Our stock in this line of goods is the largest wo have over shown. Plain black , all silk satin suspenders , suitable for embroidery , with plnin black nnd gold plated mountings , nlso n largo ns.sortmonT , of black and colored embroidered suspenders At $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.25. $2 50 , $2.75. Men's Umbrellas , Men's Umbrellas. A visit to our umbrella dorartmont will convince you that wo have the larg est aasortment of men's umbrellas in the city , at prices that are undoubtedly the lowest for the snmo quality of goods. Men's 28 inch "Windsor silk' ' um brellaswith best quality paragon frame , handles of wood , wuxel , ncnsiti , ash , orange nnd Scotch fur/ , and Ster ling silver trimmed at $15.50 wortli $4.60. $4 , woi th $4.75. 85 , worth $0. Silk Mufflers. Silk Mufflers. Men's line silk brocaded black nnd' colored silk mufllcrs , Inrgo bixo and beautiful designs nt OOc , $1.15 , $1.50 , 81.75 , S2.50 , $2.75. WHY THEY WERE MURDERED , Wyoming's ' Recent Trajjeilios Dua to Trou ble Among Stockman. BUFFALO PATROLLED BY ARMED COWBOYS Flintier HIoodNhnd Feared ns n llc- Hiiltof the Intense Incitement In Tlint Immed iate Vicinity. CIICYENSI : , Wyo. , Dec. o. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. ] The excitement in Buf falo over the two recent assassinations of ranchmen has somewhat subsided , but trouble is still coutldcntly looked tor. Last nlcht the town was patrolled by u party of fifty armed cowboys , who had como in from Powder river In the belief that the work of extermination had been commenced against men who were alleged to bo rustlers. Trouble was looltcd for at any moment nnd it was with general relief that the law-abiding pcoplo awoke this morning to discover that no acts of violence bad been committed during tbo night. There was recently .started In Buffalo an organization known as the Johnson County farmers and S toe Union's Protocllvo asso ciation. To this organisation a number of mon alleged to bo cattle rustlers belong. The two men who wnro absausl.mtcd were com monly reputed to bo mailers , although this has been denied in the C4 ! > a of Jones , but both mon belonged to iho now association. When the news of their murder was curried abroad It was generally bulievcd by their fiends that the worU or rotullallon on thu art of Ilia big stockmen had been com menced and It was necobuury for the self pro tection ol all of them to gather together and display their Htrongtb. A man named Bash hoard thu shots vthlcti killed the two horses owned by Tlsdalo and the supposed murderer rlilo away , although at this time ho did not suspect that any foul work bud been done. This man afterward In attempting to describe the murderer , said ho rode a borne which ciojoly re sembled onu owned by I-Yam ; M. Canton , who is well known ranchman and doputv United Slates marshal for that district. The nous rapidly went from mouth to mouth , and soon U was stalnd positively that Canton himself was the murderer. In the oxcltcd condition of thlnrn the only wonder Is that moro bloody work did not follow. Cooler counsel fortunately provallod. An Interview took place today between Can ton and Fred Hesse , a big cuttle man , nnd the rancors from Powder i Ivor. The latter were completely satisfied that neither of the two gentlemen could have boon concerned In the bloody deeds. Two men , ono of whom is thu president of the association , were reported mlssini ; and were consequently hulleved to have been murdorcd , but both have turned uu nil right. There arc only OPO or two very largo cntllo owners living In Johnson county now. Several of the largo herds still found thora ura owned bv men living outside of the state. Cattle rustlers have bccomo strongly In trenched In that section , All sus pected onoi bavo bvou , during the l > ut lummor , excluded from lb C L 0 K K DEPRRTMENT. 2oO nowinnrliotrt nt lets thtiu ono-thlrd their orl itnil cost. Lot 1 1110 tinwnmrkets at io. Lot 2 100 tiowmurltots at 40.50. l ol II flO iinwiiiarlcols at ill. These ( 'iu-inonlH arc all iniulo in Iho best manner1 and of the best materials ; must bo examined to bo appreciated. Plush Wraps and Jackets. Kormor prices $1-1 to $120 , this week all at $8. Plush Sacqucs. Manufactured from the celebrated Walker plush , ! ! ( ( to ! Undies wide. * JI ! ( sacquos at $ ir . $ . ' ! 0 f iciUOi | at ? 22. $ 10 sarqucs at $ lo. ! In oxcluslvo novelties tn Indies' nnd misses' garments wo tire still showing n lar c assoilinent. Ladies' and misses' lonjj cape ulsters n specialty , all of which will bo olTorod at our usual popular prices. LINEN DEPARTMENT Special bat-trains in Christmas linens. Elegant and useful presents. If you want a handsome sot of table linen , or in fact aiiythine in holiday linens , don't fiil ; to sco our stock- ; the assortment is the largest nnd comprises all of the now stylish uattorns , Beautiful fringe sotswhito nnd fnncy , nt 1-1 , fl..rU , * 5. if > .GO , $0.80 , $8.50 , $11 , $ li.r > 0 , $15. ' Kino homstilchcd sots , 1J ! to 4 yards lone , at ST.U'i , $8.50. $10. $11. oO , tlL'.CO ; 411. $15 , $10.50 , $18 , $1 ! ) . $21 , & > i50 , $ l7.50. ! Fine cloths , 2 to1 yards lonp nnd nap- kitH to mutch , noautiful now ptttterns.nt ? o , $5.75 , $ ( ! .50 , $8 , $ ! ) , 810.50 , $12 , $1U.50. Towels 25c. 50 do/en line licmstitchod hnck towola and 100 do/.on oxtrn larpe satin daimtRlc towels , white and fancy borders , with heavy knotted frinsc ; these 25c towels are the best value in the city. Towels 50c , At this price , 50c , wo olTor you Hr mixed lot of extra line towels ; there io not a towel in Iho lot worth loss than 75c. hut wo bavo put them all in ono lot at 50c each. Don't miss fretting some ot these. Our stock of tray cloths , carvers , con-1 tors , doylies , dresser scarfs , pillow sliams , etc. , is very largo nnd wo have marked tlicm very low. Mail orclerj Illled. regular round-ups ( This hui created a gooi deal of foelitiR which has been irroatly In * tonsltled by the fact that any ot tboir cattle sold east nro consldcrea na ostr.iys and the inonoy realized from thorn facnt to the sooro tary of the State StocK coinmisilon. Thej have lately prown so bold Unit they will no ) ovea permit an insneetor to go throuKb their herds to examine- the brands. Everyone ono of them BOOS constantly armed and in such a condition of affairs the spilling ol blood was but a natural consequence. l3lt'Hi'lKH. Why doth the churchman wail ? you aslr. Why such Hhinos Is ho eutttn'l Ho dropped n pold piece on the plate bo meant to bo t\ \ button. "You were bappv oncoi" "Yes , " "What has coma over you to chiingu the spirit of your dream I" "I vo been tried for heresy and found not Rullty. " Preacher ( sadly ) Mon seem to move to ward the sldo doors naturally on .Sumluy. lOldcr ( brlKhtouliitf up ) Well , say , what Is the matter with us putting a side door In the church ! A preacher conducting n revival meeting nt Foster , la. , ono niijhi last week nndorloolc tto Illustrate tbo condition of n sinner's Heart by menus of a chemical display. Ho oxnlbltod a bottle of clear water , to which ho uddod a drug which caused It to assume n deep soar- lot hue. That was the awful state of the rebellious heart. A whlto water was then uddod to purge the impure heart to show the work of conversion , but It didn't work worth u cent. The minister then suid more faith was needed and added morn of th white powder with no bettor results. Thor\ bo emptied In the contents of the whole P.ICKUCTO , but It didn't clarify mid tlio sinners present smiled. A brother \vii3 then dis patched to the drug store , but was unaulo to prouurn more of Iho maglo compound , Tha preacher explained that the powders had lost their strength , Out it is suspseted that the drugcist who sold the powders , and who Is something of n wau , gnvo the wrong drutf. Ono old dcucon , suspicious of all humanity , thinks the preacher U n tape worm doctor , who was attempting to udverllso his method of wooing the obstlnato worm from in Intes tinal rutreat. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. ' \ Of perfect purity. LemonI Lemon - Of erroat strength. Alni d Z | Eoonomy'ntho'rU8 ' ' ° RoSO OtCTJ Flavor ns dolloatoly und Uollcloualy ao the fro eh f rulU !