Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Sentiment in the Chicago Wheat Pit De
o'deuly Bullish ,
Smnllrr Itcci'lptH In the Norlliwcfl
niul Kc.irofCold Wcnllirr U ere
Also Knotors StoukB
CiiirAno , III. . Drc. 4-At the st.irt till-
inumlni ; tliu xontlnirnt In ttiu pi
htoini'il to liu ilocldcdly bullish ; prices wen
not iilviii'cl ( ! ( ( much hut more conlldunco wn1
oxDrosicil , the huylnK hclnj onuroiis nut
shorts nioroe.ititloiia. I'.irt of the Rtrciixtl
wns curried over from vfsti'uluy wbon tin
mnrlict closed ( Inn. The fcollni ; wns ulilcd hj
ntronior cablci , M > crpool boliu ( inoliid'
higher i\n < \ llorlln hotur In the p tli.lJ
though prlxiito udvlccs worn lenoncoiirAlni !
The smaller receipts III the not thwest. tin
fear of < o'il wc.ithur follow ln the lecent ruin
nnrt the Rotiurnl llrmncss In doinestlo !
were also strciutliunl.iK f tutors
Tor u tlmo there WHI a Keiicnil disposition t (
cover short wheat w th selling both restrleloi
nml riititlons Thrro wns rumor that I'nrd'
rll-o w is short able line , nstliniitod all tin
Way from .1.00 i.OOj to'i.OJ'iOJ bu anil for a time
mi iiltt nipt wiismndo toriin lilm In I'lirdrldac
denied tint ho w is Hhort any consider iblt
nmiMint hut served nntu ! > on thu < rowil thai
) n > WHH n bear at present prices and pr > ei'edeil
to Rhow Ills slm erlty by sell rm freely , ro tin
uttemiit to run him In , If It wnsioiitemplated ,
was soon nb.imloned and the market turned
weaU. This cncouraped other boars t <
tell Hhort. nnd u iblo aihhes belnw
weal' , the dnwnwaril movement wtis eon-
tlnii'd An attempt wnu niadu to start n
p.inli' when Die bnmb-throwliiK In Unnsell
H.ICI snltiru In Now York btuamo Unonn , hut
It did notMtii'cecil In the Hist hour there
nn aciMihCi ) 1ml the tnutKel cieiv wrak iimiln
IIIMI the end of the session and closed wo ik at
tin- bottom lluure. Kriini hoiinlit eonslder.iblc
wheat outl > ill the session , but It was presum
ably to cover short * " . .May , which Is the most
? * . sold to'w'jc ,
netlvo future , opened at ufc. up
rei-eJed ; ria lually to U7'e , llriut'd up to'i'Vie.
broke to'ff'iic' r.nllcd toUT'tC. went elf to and
cloud nt I7c. a loss ot ' . ( c eomp.ired with
ycsteidny's closing pilec .
liu'ptnher coin opened decidedly strong nnd
lilKht r but thu iidMinie was all lost with
( KiniethliiK besides , before the close. Thiiie
were several reasons for the early HtioiiKtlr
the pi Ices at Liverpool were Id higher : the InN -
N | fiction In store only showed thlity-slv ears
of ciintiact vr.uio out of a of 4i > 7i steel > s
of I'ontriict corn arc very lUht and the 1 > U
MUUKCIIH uts made during the last few days
indicate that It Is pobu out faster than It
comes In llenee shorts deemed It prudent to
cover. ' 1 he early IIImness In wheat and pone
was uNo .tslioiiKthi'iiliii ! f ictor In corn. Hut
the iidv.uico led to uiettv free hollnu. led by
llnrtlult-rra/lor , C.istlor Martin and other
bulls Decembet opened at4S'o acalnst 477 e
lit the close yestord ly , sold up to 4S'.iC. broUo
to IT'iC. llnctu itcd narrowly fora time , bioko
uenln neat the close to 47Jao and closed at that
lie u ic. The lluetu itlous In the more distant
futures wore less miirUcd. May sold early
ut 4i'e ami closed at4."oe , which wcie the ex
treme prices In the mouth. ,
Oats were quiet and Hun nnd closed sllsbtly
lilL'h" ! ' 1 he of prohibition on Amur-
lean poilt bv the Austrian xovemiiicnt h , d nu
olleet on the prices of has products , as It was
nr ucd that many months uoulcl elapse before -
fore It could result In uny trade with that
The olllclal count of the bo-s received ycs-
tciday sbowcil a decided reduction , as did
ycs'eiday's estimates of today's receipts , In
the iii.iegitu ! about " > ,0)0. ) This caused hlshor
jirlces for pioducts at the opening. The nd-
vaiico In the pi Ice of corn was also a bull
faetoi The eatlv advance was ad-
> anfi2eofbv sonio Hied Ion s to unlo id , and
theli olTeiluus bioKe the market. Later , on
estimated small receipts for tomorrow , there
wns a reaction , ml the eloso Was near the too
nnd at a fair advance over yesterday's last
The lending futures ranged as tollows :
Cash quotations ucro as follows :
1'i.oinienkers sprln ; ; patents , Jl Cojll.03 !
winter t-tralKhts.l.i/JI. ; ( 45.
WIIKAT No. sprlin ; wheat , O3'ic ; No. 3
prlni ; wnoaufUe : No rcd.Uj iC.
OOIIN No. i , 471c.
OATS No ' . ' . .i-'c : No. 2 white , ' -
( > : i white , : ii
.Bi No. i' , "iTdtdOc ; No. a , f. o. b. , 45 ®
Wo ; No. 4. f. o , b , 4ilrio. (
ri.A\8i.Ki > No. 1 'OfSW ' c.
Tiviomv bnn : Pilme , } I.J'Jil ( 21
I'OIIK Moas per , . , per hbl , Js'iVjlS.BT'J ' : lard ,
per owl. jdOOfflBOV short ribs sides ( loose ) .
KH'i&'M.'i : div silted shoulduis ( boxed ) . J4 TJiJ
4(4 r > ; shot I clear sides iboxed ) . J" > T'lffl" ) 8" .
WnibKBV Distillers' Hnlshoil jjoods , per Kal ,
w 1 1 1 8
Hi ( UK-Out lo if , unchanged , SQ" , o.
CIIPFSE Unchanged.
lliiirs I nebulised.
TAI.I.OW Unch.uued.
On the I'rodnco exchange toJay the butter
market \\as Ilimoi ; fanny eroamoiy , -ii'.Vc ( :
line western. ava'-'Oc ; oidlnary , ' 'Kifi-Mo : se
lected dalty , iva.'tie ! ; ordlnaty , 18'Jo ; ogps ,
XP\V York
Niw ; YOUK , Dec , I lYouit Kocolnts , 30,785
Iilis ( ; e\ | ) ilM. : > , ' \ii bbH , .10.111 mcka ; loss
netl\c eloshiK wuiiU ; sales , 37 , . " > OJ bbls.
WIIBAT lieiolpts , ,00iWbu. : ( , exports. IcftOIII
bu. : s.ileb. l..LsUWbu ! ( of futures ; 17WOJ bu. of
Bliot. bpot market unsettled lower , modor-
iitoly active ; No 'J icd. Jl ( M'4ttl Ul In store -.nd
elevator ; i\DV\- \ & ] . < ( , \ alloai ; 8l.01 iiUil.o73B f.
o. b. ; No J ted , HOWe ; unirruled led , b'o
ttSMlU'i ; Na luorthoin.if .Ohfll Us'g ; No. 1 hard.
( l.flH'ij ' No. I ! norlhein MI.IU > , Options
opened sttonu nt iincliniued prices to a o ad-
\aiiei' on unfaxorablo news from the nest nnd
fcloady cables ; deeUued S8o to l'8e
on loeal lonxs selling , pnttly Induced
by prhatove.ik cables ; elosed dull
! o under } estoidaj. _ No 2 rod. Decom-
uloslni ; at
h Heavy and unsottledi western , JI.OJ ®
l.0sales : , 8 ( OJ mi. attl 0,1.
llAin.bV Meady.
CoitN-ltecelpts 70021 bin exports , 1,5201)11. ;
sales , TI9.UUO bu. of fututes , 7U.UOO Uu , of upot.
ppot inarKut lower , unsettled , quint ;
No. 1 ! , lifl ( , 7o lu elevator ; ItfCtUso alloat ;
Bteamnr mixed. l.VTMl'jo ; uucriidou mixed. 5J
Bl o , No'vvhlln , i e ; N'o..I , tottVJ'tej options
declined Ult o , ehlollvon iho sulllnuof the
clique of Doeomher ; UDComher. ( ! i44iil34e ,
clo-lntf at ( U'4ej Jniiimiy. M'i5W'i''ie , elos-
IUK at M'tt't ruluiiiiiy , I ) * i'Q ' > MIi ( > , ulo ln nt
th e ; May , W'nir. ) " , e el mlnit at Wa c' ,
lUr Itceulpis , ur.l'Ti bu ; wxpoits. M.risS
bu , . sales. .MO.WO hu. of futures , 101.000 bu of
spot ; spot active , hiaher and linn :
options , modoialuly aetlvo ; Deeombor , W , ®
4 ' o , eloshu. 40' u ; Januarv. IfJ e , uloslnst ,
UO'te ; May , iW'.o ; hpot N'o. 'J white , ItilJI'io ;
mixed vvostorn , .Uft4.'o ; whlto western , 41O 5o ;
No. 'J Ohlcavo. 4IHWr.'ir.
OonhK-Dptlons ouoncd steady nt 5 points
ilowii ton uu. closing hto uly at from IS to M
points up : salos. LUIIOO bairs ; spot Klo qulotj
ISO , , , flJ , , . ) .
it Unw. Ilimor nndqulut. ; Bales , s.sro
i innliibn s BUKar , fOtest. ati'tct rehned ,
Etendy , fair dumnml ,
I'BillOt.KUM Market opened ste.uly , but
pu\o nav umlor Bniiill sales. d olln d > 4o unit
elosed weak , l'ennsvt\anaoll. ! spot , noHiiles ;
Qllum.ii Quiui , uiisy.
< ! llhFsK ( jlltllti
. . . .s Oulott Htoady.
I'OIIK Modoiatu demand , steady ,
liAitu rirm and more actlvoswestorn utoam ,
$ U.n ; null's. MX ) tlorcus at { U.I'JIiiaiLl'i ; option ! )
sales. U.VH ) tleiecsi Decombur , * Uli Jnnu *
ary , M.4.iaiHS , eloslnir at W.'Sl ' bid ; robruary ,
law hid. MHroll , tJ.tlvao.70 , elosliiK at $0.70
bid ; May. tu.hi' ' ,
Itiil IKON Quint , fnlrdeninnd.
( 'oi'i'L-u Quiet ; InUe , December , { 11.13.
I.KAD Nomliml.
TIN Dull iily ; straits , HO 05.
lloston Wool Market.
HOSTOV , Mass. , Dee. 4 , There has teen a
loud dcmuud for wool uud tut ) Ha leu huvo
. iiinoitntlnK to3,7l.000lbs of nil kind *
Thu I truest business his been In territory
wooln , Montana , I'tah and Wyomlnit WIMI ! '
sollliu In n lar e WHV lint nt low prices , In.
clndliDt flnu inedliitn at Ma to 20c' , nnd Ilm
down at Hie. On a scoured basis the prlnelp i
sales worn at Vic1 to We for fine XX , Mo to f > C <
for line mo.lluin * . Mi to tito for medium
Terns , California nnd Oregon wools Imvi
been mostly qu et with naliM In sinnl
lots Ihoiiith I O.CO ) Ibs of f.Ul Tcva
nold nt 200 to 2. cs Ohio Ili-oco-
liavo been quite actho with miles of \ nt27'jij
S o and XX and X.\X imd iinnio nt.HMMIe
Mlclil an X sold fairly ata45W7oMo ; I wool
sold al.ivaiic for Oh oandillc for Michigan
washed combine wools hue : been dull ; No.
utii'H' ; ; ; Ohio line delaine bun been in ftond ;
demand at : ilPc , MhbUnti. .CtVlle ; tin
washed combliu wools have been In f ur do
manil at liVf&.M for one-fourth and 'Jfi'SS i tit
threc-oUhths ; nnw.ished and unmcrebant.i
ble Ohio nnd Michigan wools b ive 8ild ) In tin
riuitfo of IW.ilo ; nulled wools ha\o boon li
dcmnnd atlXWc for super and ' . " . ' 'tMJo fo
extra ; foreign wools have been quiet.
1C HIHIIH City 'Miirkotl.
KAmCITV. . Mo. . Dee. 4. I'r.oun Stoadi
and iiuchaiiKed ; vood demand ; patent. .2.1
< < lMextra \ fancy , M.SOffl'ASJi funcy , U0'4
' . ' .n : choice , Jl lie < ) . *
WIIVAT Mto.idy ; No. 'J cash , 78'c ; Docctn.
her. nothliu doliiK . , . ,
Cons Active uud a shade higher ; No S
cash. .I7e hid. 'lie as < cd ; December , 'lie bid.
OArs Mo uly nnd higher : No. U' , cash , 33e
tiecombcr , : wc hid ; lie asku ' ,
. . .
HAI Unoh uued ; timothy. Se.OO : jiralrU
finicv , J7.M , choice , $ i.5jU.J ; lowgradc" , ! l.0l
C : > 00
Hi TTFII t'lichnnzed ; ereamery , 22 < ii2''e :
dnlry , rr t-I-c ; stole p ic'ked , lV lc ( ; rolls , 154 !
HI-CHITS Wheat , 101,810 nu. ; corn.-'i.SfiOl bu.i
oats , 'l.ld ! ) liu.
Saii'MKNT.s-Whent , 71,9 0 bu ; corn , 28OU : ) |
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Otn ilia Gr.ilu Mni-lcot.
Prices bnsed on dollvet v at Mississippi rlvor
points , Nebraska Inspection , an I leu days'
Nhlpmcnt unless otherwise stated.
IHTS--NO. a white , .l.'c hid. .U'Jc asked : No
: i white , .Ilo bid. aj'to asKed ; No 2 mlved. JO e
bid ,
NKW COIIN N'o II or better , flvo days'
shipment , ll'iobld ' , awUed ; year , JOftU'ic ' ;
January , , li'tu ' b d.
AIIIOIU the sales reported were ; 10,001 No
.1 or hotter coin , yo it shipment , -lO e ; 2jtOJ
s imo , 40c .
Messrs .Inqulth nnd Christian will leave for
Minneapolis tonight to look over tbo uralu
H'tuallon ' at that point.
Iilvi'i'Dool tlnrkotH.
I.iveiit'oor , , Hoc 4. \ VIIBTteadyjdemand
pool ; holders oiler modoritelv : rod western ,
' liiltij- . hs n'jdJtSs ( id pei eentil ; No 'J red
winter , Ss .VjdftMiid. leeelilsof wheat the
past three dajw , 113.UOJ centals , Ineludliu 10.-
( jM Amei n an.
Cons Quiet ; mixed western , fs 3 d per ccn-
I il. Heeelptsof Amerle in corn the past thtoo
dayi4'IO Oeeiit.ils
I'KAS ' Canadian , fis 7d tier eental ,
III UK I'xtra Indian mess , Os Ud
HACON I.OIIK ele ir. 4" > Ibs . l > s.
IjAitD I'rlmu westein , IIS "id.
AMI HIOAN UKflttOhii\TOH IlKCf rorequar-
tcrs , Jd , hindquarters , .1(1 pcrlb.
I oiiiloii Mnr .ctn.
' > gd per Ballon.
aiKlAit On , IGs per cwtcentrl- ; muscovado fair rullnln ; , lls , ! d.
OAM'UTTA LtNSKi'D l-'s 'Jd nor quarter.
LtNst t D CAKI : Western ilS per ton.
l.i.vsri D On , ! Ss7d per ewt.
Avii.iurAN Hi.i iiinuii\TOII HECF Porcqiiar-
tera , lsi.'d@lsful ; hlndini irturs.s 01Is pur
8 Ibs. by iho catoass. The market Is glutted.
IMIlnaiilcce Cir.ihi
MIMVAUKKE , WIs. Doc. 4 WiiuAT rirm :
Mav , Die ; No. " spring , &Su ; No 1 noithein.
04 c.
c.Conv teadv ; Nc..t , 4lH'3ilc
OATS llrm ; No a white. Jle ; No. 3 white ,
32'/4uc. :
KYC steady ; N'o 1 , Sic.
31iiitipi | > ( > lisVhcit 31 irkot. Minn. Doc. 4. WIIKAI Cash
iotl\e ; No 1 northern sold freely. lUiolpts.
170 ears. Close : Doeomher. 8lne ( ; May , 't-'o ' ;
lanuarv , SO e. On ti ick : No. 1 b ird , b7o ; No.
1 noithcru , Mo ; No. northern.
Toledo drain
TOT.EDO. O , Dec. 4 WHKAT Steady ; No. 2.
cash and December , Ol'ic.
Coitx btoady ; No. L' . e ish , IGc.
OATS ( Julct ; cash , Jlllc.
CINCINNATI. O , Dee. 4. WHU\T rirm ;
No. 2 red. Ol'jffiOdc.
CoitN Itaiely steady : ml\o.l , 4l4le ,
O vrs In fair demand ; N'o. mixed , JlH33c.
\Viiisicuv-Sl. 18.
New York Dry < . > . > < 18 Market ,
Nrw YORK , Dee. I , There was no now de
velopments in the dry uoods markut today.
Triulcrh' Talk.
CniCAno , 111 , Doe. 4 Connsolmin A : Diy
o Cockrell llros. : Wheat opened > \ Itli a hurst
of linyliu' . occ isloued uv the higher LUeipool
mil llorlln cables , but thu demand proved to
m mostly local and ceased when a few lines of
shoits wore covered. Cahles broiu'ht moder
ate buying oidcn , but limits were below a
working basis. The hcaaon of lake naliratlon
s ptactlc ill v close 1. and with a storm of 1111-
isual oneigy prevailing on the lake , loaded
vessels could not cioir. No ohaitcis of any
, Iiid were made , buyers of yesterday anxious
to Accuro hin ill pro Ills turned hulleis and tbo
natkct closed we.ik at 58c to "ic. Our private
idvlccs said 7 > lo ids h id actually cleared at
New York. Corn opoue 1 with a wo ithor soaro
imoug shorts , but gradually weakened with
wbeit on coiitlnuoJ selling by holders
uul the closing was dull and e isy , but not cs-
leclally weak , Oats ruled \uty ( inlet anil
closed 'ae lower for May do I\ory. 1'ioxlslons
seto aothu aii'l strong , the piluelpal feature
icing the enormous buying of January pro-
luct by loiullnz pnekeis. They may tnin
sollcis of May urodutt laturon The shipping
lemand Is Imprining with cold weather , and
i bull turn Is probablo.
Ciiic'AdO , 111. . Doe. 4 Swartz. Dujioo A
McCormlck to P. 0. Swartft Co. : Wheat
> pcned this morning a shade above joslci-
lay's closing , bi t with only u limited trade
mil nothing encourailng fiom the outside ,
o\eopt a reported heav.v BIIOW In the north-
vest. The bull ellnuo that bought freely yos-
erday appeared to hi\o sold out , the bu\cis
ulnefimlly having boon the o who badjiuts
old. Newark icpotts Manitoba olVorlng
\hnntiit less cost than prices now current.
hcie. The general ahsoneo of Inside Interest
n the market and lack of foreign supnoitls
ig.ilnstany ad\anco and there Is nothing lu
ho situation that oucouriges buylni : ,
cspeclallv whllo our bull Interest will not
htaml on 'iOlo- Altouah the tecclpts of eoru ,
Id ? cmsurooor expect itlons only thirty-
six cats were contract. At the opening there
was anxiety among year shorts. Kathct
free soiling by bouses connected with
the old No\ ember chcoKcd the ad
vance and c uised an easier feoltiu. Although
stocks weio small and thoie are other olicum-
htances which favor Lull operations In year
rorii there aie no signs of manipulation In It.
Yesterday's receipts of hogs proved to bo
11,000 less than were leportcd and todav's
showed a falling oil of 11,00) ) fiom tbo esti
mate , This losultcd In active buying hy
shgrts and the loeal bull p irty took advan
tage ot It to bull prices. There h is bcengood
buying tooover shoits by ono or two promi
nent packets , who , however , profess them
selves still bearish mil only bujln ; for a
turn. _
NEW YOUK , Deo. 4 The stool * market lost
little or none of Its llstlossuess and the lack ot
toaturo today and dull mm was still thu most
[ iromlnont eharactoilstlc of thu trading whllo
in the great majority of stocks only slight
changes were recorded from opening to oloso.
In n few stouks , however , the bents woto still
lotlvo and agroislio. but thu demonstration
undo against those shaios wns bollovecl to bo
lor the most part to cover tbo buym- other
itoeks for tlio bhort account The Gould
itocUs , especially Mlssoml I'aolfle , wore
boson to boar the brunt of tne att ick during
; ho foionooii and It full aw.iy 1 > poruont.whllu
; ho otber Could stooks , liicludliu Unloi. 1'a-
: lflc , yielded ftaetlons only and tho' general
1st scarcely felt the fotco of the dumoustra-
; lon. Noithein I'lielllo preferred , however ,
ihowed consldorablo liiitTiness acc'omp inlod
iy a modornto degree of aellvlt v.
The genet il market hhowed no disposition
: o yield further , and before the oloso of the
Irst hour of business theio was a full and
jomplotu rally In everything but Missouri
L'acllle , nhllu many of thu leading shires ,
liming which thu grangers , iiuler tint now
juj Ing tor nesturn aeeount , wuroeonspluuoits
or the jdvanen established
The maikut , hownver. btltl continues under
iho Infliiciuus ot jio slblo adver- devuloii-
nonu on tlio other shin ot the water and the
eadlng operators are Indisposed to take any
> teps looKnu to any now ventured until
ihmgBiiro moro to their llkl'ig , both at homo
ind abroad. There has of Into how over'
; rown up a disposition among the local
: r.ulor to ulvo full weight to tlm very llatter-
ng and uncnuragltu condition cf atralrs In
the railroad world at homo and dullness no
linger of a necessity aduuilne. Today
: ho ( Inline was marked hy a hlo\v hut hteady
ipwurd movement and only when tmlticlal
iressuro was applied vvas there any weakness
n the list ,
The attempt to kill Mr. Sage intensified the
Inllntss during the afternoon and It was not
mill tbo last hour that the boara again bo-
nima aggrcsslvo and this tlmo they coupled
l.aekawanna with Missouri i'nelllo and forced
loth elf to the lowest prices Keen for thu day
Iho others us usual chaiijud only Bllphtfv
nit the pressure was not tellovoil and Iho
Imil dealings ert\ given n heavy tone
: liomcti ovldencea of covering nero not want-
DiS lu thu lust few wluutca uf buslucbs. The
elosa wis hntvy nnd qiillo tit or noir th
lownst prlres of the dnv for most stocks.
Oov eminent bonds li.tvu boon dull an
"late beiid.s have been dull nnd steady.
The following are the closlnt mint it ions fo
tlm leading Blocks on the Now York Monk exchange
change today :
The total sales of atoi'ks todav were 170.741
shares. Includlnc Atchlson , Klu" > i Clhluiicodiis
i.SjO ; Dolaw.ue. I , ickawaniia A.estern ,
I. ' , > 00 ; irle. ; . Ml ; I.oulsvlllo A , X ishvlllo. S.JI ) ;
Mlssonil I'aellle. T0ll ; Northwestern. 4.Vl"i ;
New Vork Uenlril , , l IU ; iMorthoin I'aellle.
prcfeired. lO.ini ; Ito idlnj ; , 4,110 ; Kichmond &
West I'oint , JouHt ; 1'aul. sj.wi.
Xew York . louoy Mnrlci't.
" (1IIK , Hee. 4. MOM'.V ON OALt- . . . . .
. . . . „ . . . , from. ! to ( i per eont. l ist loan , u
p-jr cent ; closed olTerod at I per eeut.
1'itiMB MKIICANTII.B I'APBR r > iii'J ( percent.
SrhitM.Nd I\CIIANOK : Dull and sto idy at
J4S1 for sixty-day bills and 14 bl for demand.
The following weto the clojliu pi lees on
bonds : .Notes.
S CITV , JIo , Deo. 4.-Clo irlngs. 91 ,
NKW YORK. Doc. 4. Clearings , J1120.U,1.4
balances $ .110,0) ) . ) .
. Deo. 4. Three per cent rentes 01
COo for the account.
HAVANA , nee. 4.-Spaush ! go'il , 2JI'iil4'a
e\ch.tnKO Urn ; suqtir llrm.
HAI.TIMORC , Md. , Doc. 4. Olc.irlns , $2 ,
017,1'Jii ' , balances , SISl/JlO : rate 0 pur cent.
I'HirjAr.n.i'iUA , Pa. , Deo. 4. Clearings $0.
OGJJ' ( ) , b ilancos , $ I.41-.1UJ. Jlonoy 4 per cent.
ST. Louis Mo. Dec. I. dealings. $1 OJC.,109
balances , ? ld',17J : money 7S uor cent : ex
change on New Vork , 25c ptcmium.
llos-ros. Mass. Doc. 4. UIo irin3 , JI7.ino'ill
balinces , f ' , bUi ) . ' : rate for money , 2 percent
co on Now Voik. j IOc discount.
I oiidon Stot-k
Lovnov , Dec. 4 The following weio the
London stock ( ( notations closing at 4 p. m. :
Coniiinriuniiar 71)71711 ) Krlosccomls 107
CoiiboN account. . Illinois Ccntial . . . . 10 ,
U .s IH . . . M I'anl conmion. . . 7' ) ;
t ; . s 4Ka Mexican ordinary . . 2U
N \.l' A O. l6ta IteadliiK ID'
11 VHbllVL.H I4'id.
AloNuv J jior cent.
Kite of discount In the oen ( ) market for
both short and tliroo months' bills , J'4.Ms
Amount of bullion irene lido the Hank of
1 on balance today , ijJ.OOO.
Korouju 1'MiinnciuI Review.
[ Cojii/i / iaMcd IS01 bit Janifs ( Ionian nenntlt. ]
Los DO v. Dec. 4. [ Now York Herald Cable
special to Tun Bt.E 1 Tboro was llitlo ac-
thlty In the stock m irkot todav Nofoatuio
Intorcbt towards the close of foiolsn govern
ment uiopeitles n.ivo way on Paris pi Ices , but
Americans lematuod Him and loft oil ut about
the best of the d-iy. Knullsh i.ills were fall-
Discount Kites were dull at 2'i per cent , ( Jail
money Is hardly wanted at HJ per cent
Itobton Stoolc
BOSTON. Msi \ . Dae 1 The follow Inz were
thncloahu prices on stoukn on the Huston
stock market todav :
Drnvor Aliniiii ; Storks.
Cole , Dee. 4. The following list lethe
the olosliu quot itions on the Mining ; s
today , h lies , .I..ODJ snares.
Sun Kranulsun iMIniii Quotations.
SAN I'tiANrisao. Oal. , Doc. 4. The olllolal
! loslnsiuotatlons for mining stocks today
follows :
St. IjoulH illinint ; Quotations.
ST. I.oiliH , Mo , Doc. 4. Mining stooks sen-
( rally dull today but a fair business .is
Iiino. The. following are thu eloDlug ( juota-
Vihiiiia 1H. ) I.lttlo Albert . . . . ftH
vincilian M Jlonlroso I'lacer. . . . 8
Utoc au M llreon 4 > i
llai'talllo 1 nt Murphy . . . . * , ( >
MlvurAh'U 7h
' " ' ' '
Ilkiibc'th. . ! ! ! . . . . . H' , small Ilop04 DJ
iranlto .M 17.V ) \lllim 1'U
I o po I.VJ
U.U.IIM Lift ! f > M.lliKKt.
OMAHA. Doe , 4.
1 tosh receipts of cattle were 71 oars. 1(171 (
lead ; 101 eari * of hogs , 7OVi head ; 10 bead of
beep und I. hunt ot noises. Compared with
ast week receipts for the p ist live days show
in Increase of ahoiit ( ,000 cattle , I. ' , ' > . * ) hogs
md a deere iso of .1,700 sheep.
CATTI.K Hi'eelpts were fair but not oxcess-
ve. The i u n for the p ist llvo days shown an
ivccss of .1,1101 hoid comp nod with thu same
Imo last week. Them woto two or three
lunches ot r ght good cattle hero but the hulk
if tbo olTerlngH were not hotter than common ,
) esliatlo ) beeves wuro In active demand at
loadv to strong prices but the ordinary
'nidus were as usual blow Ralo at prices not
iiilterlnlly dllforunt from yesterday. Thoio
\ ore fcomo westerns hero good enough to
rliu-fi7J and f I U was thetoupilee for Ha
lves althoiith mostof the vva. mo J up natlvo
attlosoH fiom M 00 to 11.50. It Was a good
I long autlvu market und about every thing
haugud hands In the foienoon
Uooil to choice co\vs and heifers eoiitlnuo In
ctivudumaiid at strong prices and there were
iitlua few of th it olass heio todav I'hu | m-
roved demnnd Is mainly due to thu meaner
Iferliics of desirable boot hteors. Ouu bunuh
t good he I furs sold at Hut ) and there wuro
nilf a do/on loads tint biou.-ht t..Ajor better.
tedium cons bhowud llttlo or no eh niJtv , In
nut , homo sellers were ipiotlng them u islor.
! aiiiiors uro mill rather slow sale 1 1 thu imril
i > w prices. Thu general markut , howovur ,
( us reasonably active and a fair oleitruncii
rus ciroctc'd. Bulls were In good supply and
alrdomand at stuady to strong prices , sales
uuglui ; front tl.UJ to t.MJ , Vuul calves bold
from $ .150 to ll.fio nmt ljr * o ualvos on the Lui
of II.VI to ; 50 , ,
There was a good onttldn dcmnnd for stocl
urg and feeders , but bhosupply was light m
tradltm nccossully 1 lulled , Prices n
( liiotnbly stroiic at frlrih Stic to 41e hUhrr thr
two weeks IIRO. OttfcU to choice well bn
frodlni : MDi-rs , wi'lL-llftHj fronnni to 1.110 Ibi
are ( tolling at from U70 to 8.110 ; fair to Kot
sto.'k. at from USE .lo common mi
roiicrlint from $1.73 to j.33. : Uotircscntatli
sales :
No Av. I'r
7 .ll'lJ 15 00
1. U - | ) il 00
! iS. US3 3 10
. 12.13 I SO
13 tJ 1 ft )
I8U3 I no
IMO 1 ! < 0
.1.111) i m
1170 i in
1410 1 70
1100 1 73
I. . IS.'O GO
1 . 810 1 75
4 si 1 SO G fi > 0 Din 201
HI ) 200 10 S74 2 40 7ii ( 2 U1
7.10 I 11 4 7M 1011 27D
UOU S J3 1. OIS S iVl tO ) ' . ' 70
N'o. Av. I'r. No Av. 1'r.
5Jcows . . 01J I 81 Meows , . 80S I 8,1
Il calves . . . .141 1 1,0 41 ! cows . . . 870 3 20
11 feeders. OH 2 15 f > bulls . .IMO 1 S.I
4 cows . . lO.'O I HJ Ilcalves . 2 01
Ueows . 010 1 U ) 21 cows . . . Ofl 1 U >
L7eows 2 .1.1 OJcows . . . . IOJO 2 40
2 fee ors eli 2 10 Si Rtcers .utu .1 70
Slfeodora 1001 2 (50 ( 4 steers. . " S 01
1 steer l.l ) a 70 1 steer . i is" : i 4o
1 cow 8JO i in II ) steors. .1141 4J
20 cows . . . 840 i w 1 steer 7.10 2 C1
lions-Today for the first tlmo slnoj Mon
day the tecolpis foil below U.IMO ho id. The
run was h udly up to expect-itlom. probably
owliiK to bad woither. This f it and the hot
ter news from UhleaKO iiioduced .1 llrmcr foel-
Ins.ill aioind and prLcs were hUhei fion
the mi t. The weather at present is vo v
favorjblo 'cr killing , and , nolwlthstunulnii
tlm f ct thro ii'iorfois have been free buyers
all week and all supply on
h iiids , they all wanted morochoaphon todaj
and woio liberal puiehasoM at an .idv unco ol
5e to lOoovoryesteiday. The host heavy Iio4
hold larRoly ut ? ! " > to f < i ( U. common he ivy
and mixed pickers at $1.41 to * I5J. with llht
and light mixed loads from tloO to $130 The
market llrmed up toward the eloso , practl-
cally overvth us bolus ; disposed of In good
season. The bulkof the sales were at f)41tc
I.I utiinliist ) | lj toflM ) ychtenlav , thoavor-
nco cost boliiit il40'i ' against 4JJi yesterday ,
Houiosuntiitlvo sales :
Sh. I'r.
- $ .1 SI
200 ,1 M
40 : i , 0
. . : .1)
160 a : r
WO ,1 40
40 h 4 >
u 40
l-'O : i 4J
2JO : t 4 >
. ) Jfl .1 40
41J 3 40
4 ! ) U 40
40 3 43
L'O )
l-'O ? %
2 ? ) J 41 *
SO . ) 41
GIO .1 41 ,
80 3 11
80 II 11
3 4r
1JO , ) II
8J : i 45
,80 : i 41
* : i 41
8D 3 41
3 41
105 3 45
i:0 3 45
8J .1 J71J
3 47i |
40 3 47
53 S 50
' ' . .27J 3 50
ol' . . . .241 40 .1 50
no. . . .2.17 3 51
01. . . . . .2aS ] ( > 0 350
. . .2.U 12J j no
M ; i . . 24J 350
ci. . . . .211 350
83. . " 7U 403 3 53
. ! .24S 410 3 10
70 . 120 3 53
Lfl . 80 350
1 370 1 VJ
PitH'i1 Receipts consisted of a small bunch
of n itlves dtlven In , They were fat natlvo
vvctheis and hold readily at$4 71 The maiket
wasstionRor. Kali'to ; ; eel ( nathos aioqttot i-
blo at f i oni * ! .r > 0 tojl.71 , webtorns at from * ) .2,1
to tl.2.1 , common and stoaketa at from $ . ' .50 to
8' ' 50 and lambs at fiom { J.5J to $1 00.
No Av. I'r.
1 buck 2.0 $121
18 natlvo wothuij 1J7 473
Hcooipts niul OlHpoltiou of StO'jIc.
Olllolal iccelpts and disposition of stnnlc as
ihown by the books of the Union " 5t > ok Vards
compmy , for the twenty-foil r hours , ondlnj at
J o'clock p. m. , December 4 , IbJl :
Chicago Ijlvo Stoulc AlarUet.
CIIICAOO , III , nee. 4 [ Special Tolo ram to
1'lih Ituu.l There was a health'or touo to the
'at'lo market today. 1'ho late arrivals for
ynstorday nnd todav and the favortblo ehaiiKO
n the weather appeared < o btlmulato the Un-
nanil and while prices did not range ma-
' .orially hlKhor they weio stronger nil
i roil ml As to the qicillty of the oirorinirs
t was neither hotter nor worse than befoio.
I'hero were sonio KOUI ! cattle In the pens , but
Lheywoiothu o\ceptlon and sales at bettor
Llian $ . " > 00 wore scattering , ijuotatlons ran all
iho wny trom 41.OJ to } l. " . " > luokeletou COVVB
mil bulls to W2J for o.vtr.i Rhlppliu steers.
( \foweows and helfois of superior quality
iold aioiind $100. Btn\l > Vrs ' " " ' feedets weio In
; oed ieiiest ( | and wvro , llrnior. Veal calves
romnlnua strong. , u
The tone of the hpg market wns much
Inner. 1'ho fact that ycsterday'H iiinwaH
iomo 10.0UO head lossithaii was supnosuil and
.hat today's receipts vrero about tliat many
ess than expectedsprvod to renloio eoiitl-
lonco. Ilo idori demanded an advance of lOo
Hid Kounrally not It , tlio rullnu prices liulng
'rom * l.'J'i to t.i.ili for ili lit , 8.14 > to Jl.7 > for mo-
llum weights and $ IV > to J.lbO for heavy ,
L'horo were about i,0vflon ( ) s ilo , mostof which
md found btiyurn bytwltiday. the cieator part
; oliiK at fro-u Jl.fiO to ! 70. The li''lit ' arrivals
'or today are atttlb4)e/t ) to a buatclty of ears
n the country.
Thu Kvonlni ; loui-rtM reports : OATTI.K
UuolptH , hOJJ ; Hhnmionts , : ' , ( ) i ; maikot
ito idv to Btronzi loifpr ptlcoa for natives , :
'j.ti'ji"i.l-V ) ( ' , no prlmo htodrs on sale ; others ,
J4.'iO : stookers , $ . ' .0fr.7' > : cons , JI.'Vii'4'V
lions Itocelpts , .ll.OiiO ; shlpmenis. liUOl ;
narkut active , hlnlii't ; ; louch nnd mlxnd ,
.14i4C.lK' > ; prlmo liKivy , M.70 > Q.l.b. > ; ll hl ,
l.v ; ( ID i M.
SiiBri1 Itccelpfs , 4'O X ) ; hhlpments , none ;
iiaikutshado strin or : natlvo ewes , } J uolo
l.M ; inlxotl , * l. ' . ' . < a450 ! wetheis. WW5.5 |
westerns , J4.lixai.bU ; inrabs , Sl.75ai.25.
KaiiHiiH City llvo ritouk 31 irltct Q
KANSAS Ctrv , Mo. 1)J' . 4 , OATTIK-KU-
c'lpts , 4,050 ; shipments 2,7 5 ; in irkot aetlvu
nil stroiu to Do hUhei : Moors , Jl MKi&UO ,
ovvs , * J5Uifti.75i ( utocliurd and feeders , i.Muffl
(0 ( , Kecelpts , 11,830 ! shipments , 1,5'tJ : mar-
el opened htoudy to f.o lever ; bulk , 31.10 ®
ti 1.7.5 ! allcrades. iMiVSI 75.
SliKKt' Itocelpts , ; shlpnionts , 00 ; mar-
ut unuhanjcd ,
tt. l.otils Iilvo Htooic Markets
ST. I.outs. Mo. Due. 4 OATri.K Ho-
elptn , [ W slilpmonla. 1'JJJ : maiket wteadv to
tiuiu : btoora. HUXiilw ; To\an and Indiiin
teors. t ! . oai70.
UUIH Keculats , 0.20 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
inrUut lower hulo osod slo uly ; heavy ,
.70 ; mlxod , JJ.U/jil.0 Unlit , Woui li.
New Vork llvo Siouk Ma < Uof.
NBVV V < UK Dec. 4 HBBVUI Itocelptrt. 3.SS5
end , InulndliiK 4tl can for sale , markotlto
or uwt. lower ; iiatlvu Btccnj , < j.Tuii.Ji per
cwUsbtllU nnd cow * . . dre cd bc
steady , O'tia'J'io tier Ib ; shipment' * tomorrov
lf,4 bo Ves nnd 7.7in quarter * of beef
t'Al.vm llecolpts. If ,7 ho id ; market steidj
vnil , IXOoa OO per owt.t Krsssew , JJ.2.K
"siiKKi Heoplni . 4.010 head : market Mow
sheep. 75 per ewt , ; lamlM.,00 < M7.-
| dressed mutton steady at " ( W o per Ih
dressed lambs we ik nt 7'jra'V ,
lloos-ltnielpt * . 4 ' .aw head. conMcncd dl
reel ; market nominally steady at M.OOOI (
per cwt ,
_ _
031 i/i. i u noii.n.hi.IMHIV.T.S. .
Country I roiluco.
llfTTrtt 1'alr country butter sells In ronn
lots at IsfWi'e ' ; fancy , 20iR..1e
tlAviR-Catiada ireesr , W.OJ < il7 00 : small
fl/ > ( ) ® .CO : prairie olilokens. Jl.VX8.MHi ;
* 400j mallard diielis. M OJ ; blue wlnizedtei
H.5 ; ureen vvlnerd teal , ( l.flOi
Ji.35 : Jaek"rabViits"jl.HxiM.rVsiuall. J1.5.H58I..M
( mull. JI.MS Jiiek snipe. SI..S ; HiulrroN. fl.OU
deer saddles , IViflfo per lb. ; deet ententes , 1
® lot antulopu . idles. llJtl.lo ; ctiieassc <
' '
Kom market about steady nt'J
Po'ut.TUV Dressed chickens In light de
iniind. some of the stock received bofor
1 hnuk' < il\liiK d ij still on liHiid. Sales to
ported at r/ilhc' ; turueys , slow , lOSllc ;
and ducks , uf"
llltll'H 1111(1 I'll 1 1W.
No. I preen silted hldo . 4'4'rtl3ie ' : No
pieen salted hides , .Kff.l'iii ' ; No i en on saltci
bides , : . " > to 40 Ibs , 41tc < ai3.iO ; No 2
salted hide * , 2j to ii ) Ibs , , 'ttl'iir. No. I vea
calf , H to r > Ihs , de : No 2 veal calf , H to 1,1 Ibs
4eNo. I dry Hint hides , 7Sc ; No. 2 dry Illn
lildes. iVUfic ; No 1 dry salted hides , r Jije ; lal
low. No , , ! .ft , io ; t illow , No 2. , k * ; crv.ixo
white At 4l'je ; crease , whllo II , ll'sSll' ' e
please , yellow. , le ; itrouso , dark. 2 0 ; nl (
butter , 2CiHie ( ; beeswav , prime , liitt.Sc ; roiitfl
tallow , I'jffl.'e. _ _ _ _
I' lour.
Omalri Mllllii ! ; comp mv : Hell nice. Patent
SJ'0 ; Invlncllilo. I'alent. } . ' ( ! ( ) ; I.ouo S-lar.Hu.
porlatlv e , i'.Ji ; biuvvll.u.e , Jifli : I'liuey lain.
8 i' . Ollnvin's fioltl Mcdnl , $ J.0 ; Snow White. . ; bnowllake , J..OO ; low gride , t .00 ; QIIUIM :
of Iho Pantry , t .si ; Mlnnosoti Kiiporlatlve ,
2.7. > ; , J14.00 , choiiped fee I , f.'OOJ.
IJoWitt's Llttlo iarly Itlsori for the llvor ,
is n
K Grovviii } ! In Knvor of an Intor-
natlonnl Atiocin 'lit.
Nrvv VOIIK , Dec. 4. A Washington corre
spondent tolegrnpbs thus : The expression ol
Hon. G J. Goscucn , chnncollor of the p\-
cbeqnor , m favor of nn enlarged usoof silver
bythoIJaiiK of I3ngluna caused ( 't eat satis fnc-
lion nt tlio Treasury department. It is re
garded us the result of efforts which Sect otnry
Foster has boon making through A'r. Sellj-
man and otber Amoilcan bankers to scciiro
candid coustderation of the silver question b.v
tbo European gove-nmonts Hccrotary Fester
tor has felt It was foolish for the United
States to uluugo into free connto ; alouo , and
that an intotocoanlc iigreoraent in favor of bi-
tnotallsm would never bo made wlulo the
radical frco colnago mon appealed to have tbo
upper hand hoi c.
Ho began inquiries eatly in the sninmor
thiougn Mr. belignian nnd other puntlo-
men as to the fooling In 1'Juropo and the ro-
porls which ho received indicated that Eng
land and Ftanco were disposed to tiinUo a
larger use of silver if any intornatioaal agree
ment uould bo brought about. A nuinbor of
letters horn England and France have ar
rived within a fovv days and represented the
fooling in favor of an international agree
ment as stiongcr than evoi since the elec
tions in this country demonstrated that wo
did not propose to place ourselves upon a sil
ver basis without International cc-opcration
and lot Enropo absorb our gold. The recent
lottois have greatly satisfied Secretary Fester -
tor when ho lead them in his siclc room , and
have Doon sent to tbo ptesldont for his con-
The radical advocates of fieo coinage will
ptobably inteiptot the decimation of Mr.
Ciosclien as favorable to their views , iut the
most conservative business mon will be dis
posed to ai\ alt the action of England and
Fiance before urging any now step upon this
country. The communications just , re
ceived indicate that an invitation for
another international conference ia
liltcly to como from Franco within
a shoit tliso. No dollnlto promise of
this sort has been obtained from the French
government , but there Is a strong fooling in
Franco In favor of the enlarged use of silver ,
which will ptobably loceivo a fresh stimulus
from the declaration of Mr. Goschon The
country will bo ready to accept an invitation
for another International conference if it
promises substantial results , and Mich a con
ference is very likely to take place during tbo
coming summer.
DoWitt's tittlo Eat-lv loser
? ; only pill to
cure sick headache and regulate tho" bowels.
T I'.ntr or ni > >
A. Diamond Tlilof Slip * nntl SuatterB
i-p.trklcrs in the Mini.
ST. PAW , Minn. , Doc. 4. Shoitly after 9
o'clock last evening a burglar smashed In the
largo plato glass window of J. E. Ingam , the
Jackson street jeweler , with a stone tied in ?
sack , seized a tray containing $ ) ,000 worth
of diamonds ana cleverly eluded the police.
Just as ho soi/ed the tray , however , ho
slipped , nnd the sparijlor * How in every di
rection in the mud. A great mob was soon
on the ground fighting ever the rings.
Twenty-two of thorn were tocoverod and
turned ovor. How many were poolcoted by
the crowd and how many were carried aw.iV
by the burglar is of course moro conjocturo.
There were forty rings in the tray waun the
store was closed.
Before buying that typewriter , Why no-
look nt the bait ( the C iligra phj i
extensively ] ) itron-
l/ed the hoden Min
eral Pastilles and
found grunt lulluf In
Dr. Ivlemmer the
well-known Dres
den P h y R I c I a n
w rites : "llavlm ;
myself used the
Soden Mlneial l'a -
tllles foi an obbtln-
ate brouehlal cat-
airli with the ut
most heuellt , 1 sliull
bo obliged If you
will kindly forwaid
mo another sl\ boBS \ -
BS bv return of imst.
Ilowaio of Imitations. The Kcniiluo linporod
: irtlelo must have bltiiaturj of "H'snor t *
Mendolson Co " Solo Agents , Now Vork , around
aacli box.
So knlloul wrn IU io l uu for ttalwarl men ( I at
I UDJ bojuat blrll ) DCrepultoiltfttl ) .
Every MAN cm bo UTRONO
* nil VIOOUOtlB In all reictcti.
offering from NERVOUS DE-
DILITT , Loit or rilllOK Man-
bood , fhyilcal Excenti , Mintal
Worry. BluDUd Devalopment , or
r ltor J to FEnrECT HEALTH ltd
HEN , th Frldo and rontrof Natloci
Wo claim hy jcnrn of pnict'co hy
our cirlushn mi'thorts a linlm/m
s Inenll Dlnaiei , Wiakneiceinnd
Ataictloniof Men ' 1 1'ttltnonllila
_ from M fitntca nnd Territories.
nun RlPilf nnni"I" bfirntfrer. nealeil.pcct-
UUK NEW BOOK pnhl. fora nmllciltlmr : Oil
ItwBiUyonciD. Full EipU&ttloni for HOUE TREAT-
MED ; . To c nb PDLLT RESTORED Tnouiandi
bavtbttnbjrui Ittad urtBtlmonlatfl Addrtisitooeq
_ JU&
l S
S > FiitJ. ? ? °
iLo nij FlnMt In Jhp VVorW.
l wiB ra oran < laton uiiMit
NUW YOUK , aillftALTK'I'nnil NAI'LKS ,
At couillar Intcrvnl *
ral3 onliio l tunni tn and from the principle
awrcn , r 3un , uisn t ALL co mtE rAt rcnsio.
Kiul.Jkm llckeu nvitlUblx tu return hy tlllur tliurlo-
tuiciuiuc Civile X N'orlh r Irclund or .Sopl , > i ( illirallar
Drift : 3l U : ; 7 Orliri ( : r A : ? i = : ut it 1 cvitt Situ ,
lr I" ny of our IncM Ak-enU or in
uuorauus. t'bicuKu , nu
lUlUIKlUllllUlO tl
Morao-Oco Shoj Compa 17 ,
1101 llowirl street
Factory , rumor llth nn I Diiuln * Strait.
Wo are miking ch ) j prlcoj to o i th htiroM , ant
sulliik' a dun ut u 10 It will > 'i U very i il-
cnlilo with incrdi ml !
W. T. Seaman ,
ninnhVt li\rioit Vitrlety
tAHHIAI' : = l
CLO riuxa.
Gilmorc & Euhl ,
M mufncturari nnd
Wholoinlu Uothlo-i ,
IllW llnrnoy trcoU
COAL , ( OA'/i1 , M'HJ.
Ouiaba Goal , Ooko & Ooutnut & Squires ,
Limo Oj , , Ilnrd nnd 'oft coil 'hip.
Ilnrd nnd nofl coil S K. ' pen
1303 I'nrmm street
cor lull niul Uoiul n
trocta , Onmha.
American Puol Oo , , Ho well & Oo. ,
Shlppon nn ! ilfnljri In
aulhrnclto anil bltn- 217 S 14th tlicct ,
nious coal
215 S ISthalroot. Omam , Neb
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Johnson Bros , ,
211S 13th Stroat , 9U Karnim trcot ,
Omntin , Neb , Onin'm Neb
Eagle Oornico Works ,
lied Iron Cornice
Window uip' , iiictnlla
KkjIliihtK , etc IllUnnil
111 , '
J , J , Joliusou & Oo. , Oady & Gray ,
I''D S 15th Street , Lime , ccraont , etc , etc.
Omnlin , Neb Cor 'U'l nnd Doueli' Sta
DRY GOOD ? ! .
M. E. Smith & Oj , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry
Bry Eood' notion ! , fur- Goods Oo. ,
Drysood' notion' , cents
iiirnlshlna Kondi.
Corner llth nntt llownnl cor. Mill nn I llurncy Sti
Wolf Electrical Oo. ME rilOIT-AUTOMATIC
Electric Motors
frco nnrt Dyniuoi Cntnlo iiB
free II A Klnnoy.Ccn'l
IGUCnpltol Aronuo AKt 6.13 ) N V I.lfo Hld'it
Parlin , OrendoifF & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , ,
Gencrnl woitorn
Corner .Tones nnd dth 3t3. bknndli 1'luiT Co"
Omnlin , Neb III i-l 151 Shormnn Ave
Dewey & Stouo Furniture - Beoba & Runyan Fur
nituro Oo. , niture Oj.
Kurnlturo nd cnrpoti Succes era toU. A Ilo3l)3
\ , Co ,
1115-1113 Fnrnnm Streat. Orneo and I Uli sti Omiiln
J. T. Robinson Notion
Oonts' furnishing ( toodi ,
.ff , clubritol ) LruU
"Duckskln" iixurillt
imtili , shirty co iti. , .to
tor l.'th niul Itowirdrin
J. A. Fuller & Oo. ,
HB ( Douelaj Stroat ,
11A It I ) WA Mi
Eector&WilholmyOo Olark-Antlrccson
Hardware Oo ,
Cur lOlh nmlJncicionSti
13th unit Hnrnor ,
Omnlin , Neb Neb
0. W. Douglass & Oo John A Wakofiold ,
ImportedAmcrlfAn I'orl
Ilnnlnooj Lumber , Unit Cement , MlltTiii
kpo Itfilriuilli ! lVm i
1310 North tOlh Stroot. nmlCjulitcr WhlU Lliu9
Oharlo3 R. Los , Louis Bradford ,
llnrilffooil lumber , wood
carpels nml piniuot Lumber , llmc.ccmont.ato ,
Dllinnd Ml ItMiitlatStroaU
0. A. Slonohlll , I. Oborfoldar & Oo. ,
Mllllnory , Notlons.CloakJ Importer * nml totibar * In
Clc. Mllllnerr
a , 210 nml Mi South llltl
110-1139 lllthSt , Omibit Street
Max Meyer & Bro Oo A. Hospo , Jr. ,
M'f it joirelpn , rtoilori In l'lino < , Organ * , Arllt '
mliMl Inilriimonl * , Muter ! il < , Kto.
Kiirnnai nml lull t.Ml lonilii ! Street.
ABjoth Platt & 03 , ,
Pocking Oo.
1'nokcr * of ojstcrs , Bali Oj tcr , Klih nml ( olrry ,
mill Cc-lnrjr , 310 South 10th Be
, c.iTcnnortli St Dnvlit Cole Miinii tor.
Oousjlulatoil Tnuk
Line Oo.
Itellned niul lubrlfilliij
nlli , nile xri" ie ele-
/ ' no D UCE , C O .U J/7.VS 10 A"
Ribbcl & Smith , Schrojd r & Oj , ,
Dcnlen In country prod UtDi-ri iMillcr nn\
ue , frulti , vc etabloj cunt , nml eoiu-
tc iuU liin nmrc'i ml'
tc1W7 Hoirnnl Street. l.'J youth llth Mroot.
Robert Purvis , Brauoh & Oo , ,
IJI" HowiM Street Produces frulti of nil
Wrlle fin prli-oi on but
ler , I'KKI Txiultry , nnd kind' , oyntorj ,
lUh nnd llurnev Slrostt.
Kirschbruua & Ja $ . A. Olark t Oo. ,
llutter , choose , cjt
Huttcr , egg' nnd poultry. .
poultry and uiuno.
IJOaitownrd Street. OWboulli 13th Mtrooi.
Eiildoll & Oo. ,
Duller chioso. CKCS.TOZ-
elnlilc'n , fruits , poultry
nnd k'niuo
Oarpcuter Paper Oo , ,
Curry a full otock of
prlntliik' nnpplnif nnd
vrrltlriK paper , curd pn-
per , etc
James Hughes ,
Stovc" rcpnlrs of'illkla
Coolt' unit Iloitori
for siilu.
W)7S ) llt'i Strojt.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo ,
Mnnufnrturori of pnih
door * bll nil a nnit
mouM'n < Hrnncli o-
Ilce , l.'th nml lurd bts.
U. S. Wind Engina & A. L. Strang & Seas ,
Pump Oa. ,
lOJi-1001 Pnrniin Street.
Ilallldiy Wind MIIIi.
CIS nnd'l.'O lonoi '
Onnhn Xo'j
O ! Ko35 ,
H. Hardy Oo. ( ThoBrnnwiok-
Toy , dolls , nib urn' , Balko-Oollonder Oo. ,
fnncy Rue > l9 , housofur- llllllnrd merchandise
nl liliik' Koolj , child H iloun llxttirat.
ren' ' inrrliKf 407 , > M H lOtli Strojt ,
1J11) ) I'.irnnm Street Oinnlm
Al'cn ' Hoot & Oo. PaBimu i & Dudley.
Iloom34 llxclmiuo Mulld- Uooius , 0 } nnd 61 I jc-
llLlhllUK South chniiKO building.
Omahn. South Om ilm.
P. E. Frederick &
CoininHsloa ilcnlcrt In
IIorM's Hoorn J3
ExclninKO South
Oiniih i.
A , D. Boor & Oo. , Hunter & Grooni
W Uichniuo llulldln. ,
botith Omnhn. South Om.nlin.
Pensions procurcjtl for soldiers of tlio
Uobollion who Borved OJ clays tinil are
now tlibtiblod from ANY ciuisc. The pen
sion ib ptyiiblo wlietlioi- the disability
ivns incur , oil bofo-o , ( luring or binco
jorvico. Pensions for widows unit children -
ron without regard to eausoof soldier's
loath. Pensions for motlnuM and
fathers , who tire NOW dependent ,
whether they wore dependent on boldior
ivhori ho dloJ or not. Widows , child
ren and parents nro regarded as * 'do-
iiondent" in all cases wliorc thoj luivo
lotsulllciont property for their Etipport.
Soldiers putiHioned at less than tvvolvo
S12.00) ) dolliira nor month and bullorinj ;
loin disability in addition to that
mined in their petition rurtificiito , nuiy
ibtain incroasu tin ler the new I iw
Informixtion and advice given with-
uit chiugo. Host facilities ever olTototl
o claim nits to have tlioir claims pro-
> orly and diligently prjsoc ito 1. No
ilmrgos unless eucccs ful.Vlto tor
nformation to
of Claims.
t'T'This Hiiro in Is 11 irintoua ny Uu
) maha Hee , Iho I'lonoer I'icss uul thu Baa
riinlsc'co 1 xiimlnor
Moo. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. .
loom * CO & CO CHICAGO.
H * t-l " "fiH-imif'fiirtlii'liunilllncofililpmunt *
if lirnln , HeM unU Flax Hvitlt ltiiurenf > Cora
iicuanifu anil American Kictianzo Nullouil IJuuij.