8 TJAJi ] OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY. 1XECEMBEK 2 , 1891. SOUTH OMAHA'S ' EJIPN PURSE Eff.rts That Will Bo Mala to Rsplcniah tbo Exhausted Exihcqaor , RACNG FOR THE Q STREET VIADUCT. Ciintm fitioct lUllwny Company He- tunlL-il liy the I'.illuu ' 1 lie Mnttor of UciitH-Mftilo City In Uric ) ' . The South Omalm city trcnsurcr snys that the Ilicnl year ending m AUKUM. . showed an overlap In the financial adnlrn of Uiu city of f ,7" > 0. Ho hcllovcs that the shortage will bo the snmo tba present fiscal ycnr , tmiUlnp n total of nearly # 10,0)0. ) The treasurer be- Moves that the only way out of the diniculty is to Impose an occupation tax of ? - " > 0 upon the saloons of the city. This , ho believes , will help the municipality out of the hole. In case the saloonmon UloH on thin ho says that H will bo necessary to raise their llconsoi from WOO to $1,000 , which will bo much mow expensive to them than paying an occupation tax of f.V ) . .story. M. Levlnson called at tliU oftlco this morn ing and denied ttio truth of the stories that Judge Lovl has boon circulating about Levin- son's cruel treatment of his mother. Mr. l-ovlnson also denies ever having Invited her from Kuropo. A younger son , A. Lovlnsun of Now York , sent for her. After llvlntr with ti I ni for four months slio wrote to M. Lovln- son that she was sick whllo there nil the tlma niul wanted to como anu live with him In Ivobraska. She en mo hero and staved with Mr. Lovlnson two months and during this time ho bent money to help support horclilldrcn In Kuropo. When his wife refused to send any more money slio began quarreling and went to llvo with her brother , 1 Kutcky. After she had hcon with him two months she became sick. M. Lcvinsou states that ho sent her a medi cal man , Dr. Walker , and also pnld for all her medicines , She asked for a ticket to go to Now York , uid : ho offered to furnlgh the money , but she backed out and would not go , Whllo she was dangerously sick hur brother , I. Katcky , sent her In a carriage to M. Lovln- BOII ana had her deposited on his doorstep. As the latter was unublo to pay in udvunco the sum required by the hospital authorities before they would take his mother in ho was obliged to send her to the county hospital. As 11 proof that ho has not ill-treatetl her ho states that his wife visits his mother dally and always times with hen some substantial present , either In the shape of food or clean clothes. _ Iliyli HoiitiilN In South Omiilin , "Do you know why there nro so man y empty houses In South Omaha ! " asked n citizen today of a Hen reporter. "No , " was the reply. "Well , I will tell you. It ! s all on account of the hoggishncss of landlords. It Is a fact that no one can truthfully contradict , that rents are fully 25 per cent higher In South Omaha than they arc in Omaha , and10 per cent higher than they are In Council Uluffs. The landlords hero paid almost nothing for ttic ground on which their houses stand and they evidently intend to niako tenants pa'y for both house and ground every year. This avbrlclous spirit on the part of landlords keeps fully HO per cent of the persons cmploved In South Omaha from living in this city. Hundreds of the persons working tioro live in Omaha ana Council Bluffs , where rents ought to bo higher , but In fact nro so much cheaper that money is saved by living In these cities and paying car faro in addition , to got to work in this city. Trluil to hto I ii Street. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning an at tempt was made by the Omaha Street Kail way company to tet.r up the asphalt pavement on Twenty-fourth street between . O and P streets for the purpose of laying tracks to Q street. A gang of workmen with picks and shovels were on hand and there was a load of tics ready for the track as soon as liicl. Captain O'Hara of the police foroo hoard " tho" commotion , and when ho saw what was up ho promptly stopped the work. It is supposed that the object was to fore stall any elTorts by the Metropolitan Street Uailway company to capture the Q street viaduct" . _ Not a lee ! Iliiilitini ; . ' The new building of Buck , Eggors & Eggors , on Twenty-fourth street no.ir N , Is rapidly ncating completion , and is pro nounced the finest business block in the city. At the top of the building arc in large letters the initials of the builders , "IJ E E , " without any punctuation whatever. Several persons have asked if Mr. Hosuwuter had erected the building for the South Omaha department of his gieut daily. One gentle man said : "That man Hosowator Is a genius. It won't bo long before ho has a liKK uulldlni ; In every city in the state. " Ilobhoil liy 11 Wliltow.ihhpr. Mrs. Savage , who lives on the West side , believes that she has boon robboa by a Bo hemian who was doing whltowasning for her and her son Alexander has caused the issu ance of a warrant for the fellow's nrrojt. Mrs. Savage says that fill ) was put In the drawer of a dresser this morning , and after tin ) Bohemian had llnishcd whitewashing the rbow she looked in the drawer to see if the money was still there , but discovered that It wasmUHlng. She therefore believed that ho took the monoy. Almost Lost 1 1 IN Nose. Pierce Kisncr , an employe in the tin de partment of the Cudahy packing house , struck a fellow workman named Nathan Evaus over the face with a largo piece of tin nun cut a frightful gash. The wound is just below the bridge of the nose and th.it useful member was almost completely severed. Owing to the frequency of such assaults the packing company will see that IClbiior Is pun ished. _ Two Unrx of Knnuy Cattle. Among the. offerings yesterday was a bunch of grade Polled Angus beeves that averaged a round 1,100 pounds , for which a shipper bid Jr > .75. They were the best cattle that have been here for months , and will sell either hero or In Chicago for Christmas uoof. Miit-lu City .MlnlatiiroH. Robert T. Maxwell will go to Toxis next week. Deputy Postmaster James MoRoynoUls has returned from Peru. Chase .Krlglor. who for live years has been with the Ilowell As Bothwoll Coal company , lias sold his teams to Dick Pearson. The second annual bnll of the local division of the National Letter Carriers association will be held In Blum's hall December ill. May Norton and Vlra Noel were arrested yesterday whllo on a howling spree. The charge of Intoxication and vagrancy was In scribed opposite their names. Lodge No. US of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows has olee'.ed the following ofll- ccrsi Xiba Crawford , noble crand ; C. L. Talbot , vice grand ; J. H. Johnson , secre tary ; J. J. Gorman , treasurer ; J. C , Thomas , Frank Gorlmrz and S. M. Press , trustees. A 1'revo itlvo for Group , Wo want every mother to know that croup can bo prevented. True croup never appears without n warning. The llrst symptom Is hoarseness ; then the child appears to have taken a cold or n cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the start. After that a peculiar rough cough Is developed , which Is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child llrst becomes hoarse ; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Uemody will prevent the attack. Even after a lough cough has appeared the disease may bo prevented by using this remedy as directed. H has never been known to fall. ' . ' 5 cent , 50 cent ant ) ft bottles fonnlo by druggists. Wnn In Trouble. Joseph Sexton is u Cook county , 111. , law yer who has been prospecting in the bi chloride of gold Holds at , Blair , but who In terrupted bis researches long enough to como to O wfth a aud to stock up ou baser material. Ho spent Monday night In the city Jail but" was released at to o'clock vostor- day with f J.-IO In his possession. Ho was run In again at noon with only 80 cents In his Docket , having exchanged f l.OO for u Job lot of trouble. The Indications are strongly aualnU his Immediate return to the Washington county mining camp. First Bad Boy HI there , Jlmmyl Wotyor snlpo from that drug sterol Second ditto Ther nicest thing yor over see come on and have sum. Second bad hey pulls out bottle of Holler's Sure Cure Cough Syrup. First ditto -Oh , my ! ain't that bully I Second ditto Botcher life , ma savs it's bast thing she ever saw for couchs and colds. Itli.Ui KSTATK OVVNHIJS. Suggestions nnil Iloport l > y the Assn- ol.ill > n I'or ovoinlicr. The following circular has bcim Issued by the Heal Instate Owners association : DBAU Sin : llnelo-ii'd plensu Mm ) our lltmti- clnl wliitomonl foi the month of November. During Uiu nisi month the oll'oit mailii by thecltlensuOmaha / to sucniu the republi can national convention tins cngipnd the nttniiilun of v > tm > of the most iictlvu ttorUura ( if the association , and. wMlu the movement WHS not nttonded with snecins In the way of seeming the convention , yet \vu believe that us an u < lvt > rtl aini > iit the i-ITorl will prove uf Ine ik'iilahli ) value to our city. With tlio exclluitiiMit of election and the con vention movement , | n std ; wo shall ii'liirn to our labors \\lth tunewoil vigor , and In this connection uo ulsh to remind each memher th 1,1 he too has u part to PCI form In the work that i ho association Is carrying out for the gonural heni'lltof nil i'om'erm > d. We need moio niuinliprs and nemo are better Blliiulnd to alii us In this purl of the work thnn tho-to already enrolled. With nur last lepurt we sent vou lotno1 hltinUs for this pur pose , but a frw of which liuxo nsyi'L been lu- tuinod. I'ennlt , ns to once moro request you to soeuie tin ) name of some nolghhor who Is In sympathy with us unit send In his name. Wo have boi'utiiu now a leco nlred faotor In tlie welfare and piosporlty of our eltv , and as there are but two months more Inonr fiscal year. It Is the desire of the piesont. hoard of olllccis to 1 nlld up the nr uiilrullnn to the fullest | > oslhlo extent , during that time , FO that when they surrender the reins of gov ernment to the now ollleoi's , who will ho oleutetl to tnke rliiirgo Pehrunry I , the a so- elutlon ulll he In tlui best possible ecndltion to taKu up the labo-sof a nnw yn.ir. l.ThatiUliryou for the Interest you have manifested In the past , I um yours truly , Ciiomiu I' . Huuis , Secretary. nncr.ii'TS. Italanco on hand November 1. J l.'l SI Kucelx ed lor stock sold CJ CO Hei-eUed for montlily suhsurlt- tlons 2) ) 81 Total receipts JI.I30 G" UM'KMUTIJHKS. Printing and stationery $ ti 0" Telephone for November SOU Stenographer In South Thir teenth street liixestlcatlon. . . . 01 fO Messenger iservice In October. . . a TO Jlfssenjiois. o\prt"-s charges , telegrams for November 044 Typevvtiling fur November 3J 4i Hunt for November Mi CO Attorney's services 3000 Clerk hire 1151)0 ) Total for November 302 07 Halanco on hand W,8'J7 70 MIMIUIISIIII : > itni-ouT. Number member. ) last loport 310 Now meinhers November 14 Withdrawn 2 Net train 12 Number members this report au'S My dear sir , I love your daughter and want to marry her. but she says you have a con dition to your consent. Certainly sir , I want you to promise you will always keep trailer's Sure Cure Cough Syrup and Hal er's German Pills for the children. Certainly , I will give thorn a dose just as soon ns as All right you have my blessing. JV1H1K. IKiXJtY bUtiTAISISn. United Stales Supreme Court On the Subject of Attorneys' KOCH. When Judtro Caldwelt of the United States circuit court was in Omaha n year ago , he made a ruling which stunned some of the at torneys before the Omaha bar. The case in point was a foreclosure suit which had been transferred from the state to the federal court. The attorney sought to obtain a fee in the case. Judge Caldwoli bold this to bo unreasonable ana unjust. Ho ruled that at torneys in such cases were not entitled tc fees. There was a score or more of similar suits pending in the court at the time and the Judge's wholesale disregard for tno feel ings of attorneys g.ivo rlso-to a grout deal of comment and dlsatisfaetion in legal circles. JudRO Duncly of the district court , bitting with Judge Cnldwoll tit the lime , declined to concur In the ruling of the latter. It will bo romoinuomJ that tbo former said at the tlmo that his court had , for year * , allowed the customary attorney's fee in foreclosure cases and such ruling had been afllrmcd by Jus tices Milter and Bro.vcr during successive terms of court in Omaha. Ho saw , ho said , no reason for changing his mind ou.tho sub ject.Last Last night Elmer Frank , clerk of tno dis trict court , received notillcation from Wash- inctun that the supreme court had passed upon the point at issue between Judges Dundy and Caldwell , and that the old prac tice of this court had been sustained. A Narrow Persons subject to cramps will bo inter ested in the experience of J. IP. Miles , Wes ley , Venango county , Pa. Ho was taken very severely and called in two doctors who proscribed for him but failed to give him re lief. A druggist of Butler , Pa. , then cave him a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhraa Homody , and in tvtonty minutes ho was nil right and IB en thusiastic in his praise of the Uemody. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sala by druggists. ) HIS FOOT. Ui > ponsnnt ! K.tiisoile In Mr. Mraoo'n l.iiHt Motor Hide. W. A. Brace , residing on Twonty-llrs.1 and Nicholas streets , last night accomplisnod the feat of auditing from n moving motor train. Having dona so ho will remain in bed for several wcckj and will devote his spare time to nursing a badly bruUod foot. Br.ice was n passenger on an outgoing north Twenty-fourth street train. At Eighteenth and Cumlnir street ho stopped olt the rear end of the motor aud was caugot by the front platform of the trailer. After being rolled along the track for a distance of several feot. a wheel of the trailer p.issoa over his riant foot , bruising and cutting U in u frightful manner. Tno man was taken to Swansea's under taking shop and a physician called. The wounded foot was diesscd and Brace was convoyed to his homo. Fine as silk Halter's German Pills. The now Ilotol Urunswlolc , 10th nnil Jackson , with all modern ituprovoinonta Now ojion for guests. Moderate prices iK 1'crmlts , The following parmlts were IssnoJ by the superintendent of buIldliiRS yesterday : W , J. Halm , two-story frame dwelling , llOif. MIISIIII street . $ I > , .WO Thomas 1'ioolor , one-story brlek dwell ing. 2114 1'nrKor htieot . 1,00) One minor permit . us Total . "l..U.'S The Howe Scales , the only scale -vlth pro tected bearings , No checit rods. Cat- logucs of Bordcn & Sollock Co , , Agts. , Chicago cage , 111. _ _ Competition tromblus wnon Iluytlon Bros , opoti prices on pianos utul orgun. The following nurriago llconsoi wora Issued - sued by Judeo Shields yesterday : Name and Address. ARO. 1 Hans f. llansen , Omaha . . . . . . 25 j b'orlno M. Nipinbon , Onmha . 2J I ClmrU's II. Iliirtman , Kaunas City . 4.1 1 UatheilneC'ralg , Louisville , Ky . 'M Cnminoitilahlr. All claims not consistent with the high character of Svrup of Figs am purposely avoided by the Cut. Fig Syrup Company. It ucts pcntly on the kidney * , liy cr and bowels , cleansing the system effectually , but it is not- n cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. pinna Now scnlo. Now tuning ilovico. Sold on Installments. Ilnydon LSros , VEIASCO'S ' HOCK OF TRIUMPH , Qlorof Deep Water Will Ba Oolebrated in Tins Tcxis Fashion. ALL THE WORLD IS INVITED TO COMF , Grand OyHter Honnt nnd Free Ship UxuiiiNlou to lho UuostH or tlic I/usty Young Giant oTtlio Gulf. VIU.ASCO , Tox. , Nov. 28. [ Special Corrospontlonco of Tin : Dm : . ] On the loth of next month this Infant city will I'olobrato the noeomnlishmont of deep water. For twenty lotifj years the great West has wished and waited for a dcop harbor on the Gulf coast of Texas. Today they have their wish At Velnseo , the mouth of the iJra/.od river wlioro it empties into the Gulf of Mexico , private money nnd western enterprise lias accomplished what government money , expended under the direction of government on- gineois , entirely failed in. Captain F/.uls put to shame the silk- Bhlrtcd , kid gloved , slcok and well fed engineers of the United States at the mouth ot the Mississippi river , and now again Mr. E. Ii Corthell , who is Cap tain Euds' chief , has heaped more shame upon them at tiio mouth of the Brazes river. They reported that the jetties at the Mississippi's mouth would fail of what Captain Ends promised. Every schoolboy knows the triumph of bravo Captain Euds. They reported that at the mouth of the Dm/.os n channel six feet deep and 100 feet wide could not bo maintained. In two years a channel seventeen and seven-tenths feet deep and 2-iO feet wide has been opened without dredges , and the scour of the river is not only main taining it , but wearing it deeper every day. It Old \jt Cost Unelo Snin One Cent either. Now wo nro rejoicing nnd wo nsk all the 13,000,000 people of the west to como down on the loth of December and icjoico with us. The railroads will sell you round trip tickets for one faro , good for thirty days , and wo will take the best care of you. Our deep water and our hum-locked har bor belongs to you. Every producer in ' "dollar cent" interest the west lias a and in Volusco. Every taxpayer in the union must bo its friend , because it is a public work which has been accomplished with out diguing into his pocket for the cost. A city is building already. The great ocean's commerce of the world has rushed through the channel made by the jetties into Volntco and is demand ing business attention. Fruits of iho south , sugar and luiubor from the cast , coal , silks in largo ships which could not got into the Gulf ports without ex pensive lighteragu charges , are demand ing that Volusco take their cargoes and give them return freight of cdtton , wheat , Hour and meats. Volubco is only 115 ! days old , but its commerce is established ; over.y depart ment of trailo is inviting , begging someone ono to take the business. Three hundred and seventy-one firms are already es tablished , but the business of a city of 15,000 or 20,000 people would not bo enough to answer the demands. In todays at private snlo 8715,000 worth of lots have been sold. On the Kith nnd ITtli of December there will be n public auction of every other block in the city , . .Thoso blocks have been reserved for this sale. You can at that time buj' lots which are across the street from great brick busi ness blocks which are being piled up as fast as men can handle brick anil mortar. All railroads will give information or you can got it by writing to the Velasco Commercial club. Como down and see us grow , whether you buy a lot or not. Yon may need a tonic and tlireo days with us whore the roses are blooming in every yard and fat oysters sloop In every Creole , will repay you for the trip. Wo will woleomo you. Remember the dates of the harbor opening with oyster roast and ship ex cursion , December 15. The auction sale December 10 and 17. Wo will give our riglit hand in welcome to all who como. O. W. CllAWl'-OIJD. Dr. Cullimoro , oculist , Dee building NG INDIANA. Tlio Progress Muilo in This Direction hy i ho Army. The effort to enlist Indians in the regular army U being watched with a great deal of solicitude by these who believe tnnt the con version of a largo body of Indians Into sol diers would go n long way toward Insuring permanent peace between the Indians and the settlers along the frontier. ( Jenornl John H Brooke , commander of the department of the Platte , is reoouni/od ns one of the most Successful olllcors In the United States army in the management of troublesome Indians. There nro more In dians of a warlike disposition in this de partment than in any other In the entire eight departments of the army in the coun try. and the general reali/cs the importance ot giving a great deal ot attention to the best methods of dealing with them. The Indications point to the enlistment of several moru companies of Indians in tbo near future. Lieutenant Alexander of the Seventh in fantry has succeeded in getting &ix men of the Cheyenne tribe to join company I of his regiment. These six Indians will be taken to Arizona by Lieutenant Harris and an effort will bo made to recruit a full company among the Aiuehos. Lieutenant i'ickorlng of the Second Infan- trv has enlisted twoniv-llvo men fiom the Ogalalla's at Pine Kidgo and will soon have his company full. Lieutenant Johnson of the Sixteenth Infan try has boon trying to recruit company I among the nunnoeks and Shoihoiies , but has not Huccocdcd , Captain Clapp ha * been detailed to recruit a company ut Kjsobud among the lirnlo Sioux. Lieutenant King of the Ktihtti infantry , stationed at Fort Washakio , has been granted a lejkvo of absence of lour months on account of the sickness of his wife. Colonel UUldoll of the Ninth cavalry will proceed upon a tour of inspection to the posts where the dllToiont companies of his regiment are stationed nnd then toke a leave of ubacnco of four months. Cigars for the forcn about the adjutant general's department wore turnlshud yester day by llrst assistant clerk , J. M. Lowe. The boy is said tc bo a solder from top to toe. TinOM nnil the Now. "Of courso'lt hurts , out you must grin and bear It , " Is the old tlmo consolation glvon to persons troubled with rho'inrulsm. "If you will take the trouulo to dampjn u pleco of flannel with Chamberlain's I'alu Halm and bind it over the seat of piin your rheuma tism will disappear , " Is the modern and much more niitis factory advice. CD cent bottles tles for sale br druggists. , Mr. Win. Leolu of Thurninnt Iowa , has his son's eye operated upon today by Dr. Cullimoro , tlio Heo bld'g ooulUt. Want ( tin 'Missouri Coiillnril. Two men from Fort I'lerro , S. D. , are the guests of Utvor Commissioner Berlin. They have como for the purpose of having him tuko some tops looking to the protection ot the river bank opposite their tbwii , During the past year the course of the Missouri at that polut has changed , aud with the opou- Ing of spring there rb n prospect that the whole- town will bt > washed away , Mr. Berlin Informed them that ho was powerless to render1 any assistance. He ad vised them to lay Itho matter before their congressmen , us the trouble was not iu this river district. "It leads them altIs the general reply of druggists when asked about the merit or sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla. ItlnUncn Todny. The price for'tho ' regular Wednesday mntlnco at the fiicnam Street theater is 2oe uny reserved scat in the houao. Tlioro will bo noiadvunco today to see Rich & Harris' great company , "Doys and Girls. " In Print. Wo take pleasure in noticing the preparation of u book on our city by Mr. John Lolhom , an experienced publisher in tills particular lino. The book will contain , besides historical matter , ex haustive statistics fallowing Omaha's comparative commercial , realistic and general material greatness and advant ages among the cities of the union. In this direction especially the publisher hopes to mention several novel points not formerly touched upon respecting Omaha. The book will bo issued in pamphlet form , tlio standard si/.o of the popu lar magazines of tlio day , the sumo typo and si/.o of page us the Century , u style adopted as in all respects the handiest and most serviceable for work's of this nature. It will bo illustrated and will run about 176 pages. The business of getting the book out will bo done entirely in Omaha , where Mr. Lcthcm came a year ago , consider ing this city possessed of bettor print ing establishments thnn any place be tween St. Louis and San Francisco. IIo has issued now tlireo books from Omalm presses and finds the public well sutis- iied with tlio work they have done. IIo Is assisted on tlio Omaha book by four men collecting data , and is in the market to purchase" the use of views , en gravings , or information which may beef of value , and that any resident is willing to give. His oflico is room -ll'J Dee building. Short on .litroi'i. Yesterday morning thojudgosof thedlstrict court discovered that not enough of the Jurors drawn ono week ago had responded so that the business of the term could go on wishout interruption. Immediately Judge Kstello and Clerk of the Court Moores pro ceeded to the olllco of County Clerk O'AInl- lev , where they drew from the box the ii'mes ol 11 fly men , who will report this morn ing nnd servo as Jurors during the bnlanco of the term. The men who wcro caught this tlmo are as follows : James Schlelchlin , Paul Serf , Charles W. Spr.icuo , William S. Sheldon , Gcnrgo K. Smith , John Swconoy , John J. Welshans , Mine Weir , Fred Kern , William H. Kennedy , John Kline , Dennis ICellihor , Bernard Kelly , Hans uimoirg , Joa.so II. Lake , Peter Lind- cron , Theodore Eltsuorry , Daniel J. Flynn , George P Griflln , Nel.'on Hayes , John 1C. Hazard , II. Hanson , M. C. Jones , Jens Jensen , William Livingstone. Patrick Mainline , Jerry Mulvihill , John W. Martin , Charles P. Miller , William Madden , P , C. Olson , Thomas O'Connoll , GoorcoPow ers , Edmund Powers , W. M. PardcePatrck ! Qninn , Michael Uogan , George W. HeldJohn Utley , John Rowland , Jens Anderson , George W. Buckingham. John A. Cusick , frank Coleman , J. G. Dennis , Ed Doberty , John Eriekson , John H. Woods , Joseph A. Young. A Qu ok TraiiK-Continental Freight Train. ( Krom tlio American Grocer , Nov. 2 , " > , 1S91) ) For some dnya past it 1ms been Known in the wholesale grocery circles , that tlio largest shipment of any one prop rietary article that ever took place was on the way to < " 'ulifornia by the South ern Pacific R. K The shipment consisted of about . ' ! 0OUO , cases of Royal Diking Powder , occupying the entire cargo space of two of the Morgan line steamers to Now Orleans , from which point it will require u solid train of 2-5 cars on the S. P. It. 11. Under an agreement witli the trans portation companies , the goods are to bo delivered on the coast within twelve days from tlio date of leaving Now York. Four hundred and fifty dollar piano. Warranted seven years for $187.50. Now scale. Uaydoii Uros. p WIXTRIl TOUitS' To Summer Lands via the \VnbaHh Huutc. The Wab.ish nro now soiling round trip tickets good returning .funo 1 , 18)2 ! ) , to all the winter resorts in Ton- ncbsco. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North and South. Carolina , Louisiana , Arkansas and Texas. The quickest and best route to the Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tickets and full information in regard to routes east or bouth call \Vabash ollico , 1502 Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. Pass. Agt. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla A Of perfect purity. LemonI Lemon - mf eroat strength. Eoonomyln tholrus ° AhnoncII Rose etc.rl Flavor as dollcatoly and delloloufcly no the froah fruit XFIEX Is The Best In the mitrkot. Try it niul bo oon- viii'-cd. TURHER-FRAZER MERCANTILE CO Solo Western Agents , St. Joseph , Mo. DEEP CUTS Have you had the pleasure of taking a good long tramp through the diflcrcnt parts of Omaha lately ? If you haven't you can hardly realize the amount of work that's being done in every direction. Real estate is "moving. " Take it on Douglas up above , say. itli , you'll see cuts thirty feet deep. Looks as if a man would want a balloon to get home with. If you went up there yesterday for the first time in six months you'd swear you never saw the place before. ( You'd be tempted to swear at the mud , too , perhaps. ) Take it again on Ilarney _ west of 28th. Where was wont to be the trysting piacc Of numberless bullfrogs in a pond 'wayT down in a deep hollow , and where one old fellow used to sing "go round , go round , g6 round , " every evening after seven , you'll find it all filled in and a n'c'o , wide street extending 'wayyest. . The frogs have simply moved , you can't kill the "croakers" in Omaha yet. Go in any direction and you'll see marked improvements but when you're out walking you'll need an Overcoat to keep you comfortable. Our tremendous sales of these garments "for the past few weeks have greatly reduced our stock , several lines being practically wiped out. Partic ularly is this true in medium priced goods. It's too late to replace them ; we do better for you , we mark down several lines of finer grades to the prices you want to pay. In fact , the story this week is Deep Cuts immense big line of extremely fine Kersey Overcoats in black , brown , tan , bronze , slate , stone , drab and steel , with set velvet collars or self collars , with P/ \ fine cassimere linings , full satin sleeve linings and canton flannel pockets. Pjl 1 These garments are regular fifteen do.lar ones , but we've made a quick ( * _ xJ price on them , ten-fifty. The garments that we have today reduced to twelve dollars are without - out doubt the best garments we have ever sold at this price. They are made of an extremely fine heavy Kersey , They are lined with fine cassimere , have fine heavy satin sleeve linings , self collars and canton flannel pockets. /jf - | ( " " ) r\f\ The value of these garments you'll appreciate better when we tell you that k I / ( ) ( I not a garment was ever sold for less than sixteen-fifty until this week. v ( / JL Z ' W w .AT We arc offering several hundred regular eighteen dollar Overcoats. These garments are made of very fine Kersey. They are lined with either the finest kind of Farmer satin or plaid cassimere ; have set velvet collar , heavy full satin sleeve lining , and are gotten up with all the attention to details that you get at your tailors. These garments come only in black , blue and blue. TMB HDVMNTflGE OP OUR DEEP GUTS. Have you sent us your boy's picture yel ? DOCTOR will ntop a Cough iu ono nljuht ; , check a Coltl In a clay , and CURE Consumption if taken in time. IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP Use it Promptly. A S5 ccnf , bottle may _ Asavo their f / - * < ; f < .i " { lives. Asic PURE PINK PILLS. Dr. Acker's English Pills CIIIIK CONSTIPATION. Biniill , pU'ii.urit , u luvorlto ullli tlio liullr * . W. II. llOOKEIl * CO . 8 West 1'roaiiwn ) , N. Y. " ' ' ' ' * " FOl"sALn'Yl'Y'ic'UIN ] & "co. . and S MAN k McCOXNEhL , OMAHA. IS CAUSED BY A COLD \\hlchMittlcs In and Inllanios the air tithes leading to the lungs It Is the bo luiilni ; of Bronchial Consumption And If tiOKleotcd leads to thai dlso.iso very speedily. A sharp , metallic eon h uot'iim- nunlt'S It TaKu It In lime and you can cer tainly euro It with SGHENCK S Which Is Without nn Kq-inl lor BRONCHITIS mid for nil diaonboa loading tip to nnil including consumption. DU. sriIKNC'K'S HOW book on Dis cuses of the Lunf3 , Liver and Stoinitcli , should bo in every homo. Sent frco. D. % J. H. Schoiio'i & SON , Phihdelpaia , Fa. A ( IKNUINK MlrHOIII ! KIM.KIt Ii KIII"J HKUU KIIAUIOATOU Curut nil dllouoi uajimu Itkllli the nilurobj ur iiurm. I'm 1111 uii.l rutillul In I. . II nil { > lie , llio litter Ji , Kndoni. Hint nuyvrliurj pr IIIKI ! on reiuliituf lirlcoor C. O. I' . Wuliini i cuurniiteu 11 euro. Tim uubllo Irailo : i'i I tub - buri iii | lied hy lh > Hinder Drui ; ( 'omimiir Oinnlm , C. A Vulctmr , II nviinl Jloyuri nn I li I' Hejrkorn Miltli Druiliui A 1) . Foalur. nn I II J I'llls Council Units. 5 The Lpatlhic DENTIST. Third floor I'uxtnn Illoolc. Telcpono 10S5. Kill ) anil I'anmni St ? . A full sot of tooth , on riilibor. for { i IVrfoo nt. Tooth wilhout plates or nimovablo brldceorU , just the thing for blnjeri and publlo spuauui > , novur drop clown. Teeth Extracts 1 Without Paiu. All Illilnns at reanoii ible ratu'i , all ttorlt w.irr.mlo.l. Cut tuts 0111 fur u uldu 't Kucll.h lllnmou.l III and. 'ENHYRQYAL PILLS Orllnnl oinl Ouly ( Jvniilnc , from tl.u do ct ot - - - } uutifiii trnm f , wnntlnitwcnkniKii , lost m4uln jil , I' ! " , , w'Mwl ' aruluuiilo tnallso iwaliili cuiittilnlii filUiiartli-iilari for Innio cure , I'll 15 II of rlmriw. mhti who U ii' ' rvoiu nn I ili'hlllliit it > tlilr < ' .ri , 1'rof. 1' , C. l'O\VlIilt .nooiJii , Cuuiu MO OXJREl ! NO PAY. THE NOTED SPECIALIST in the treatment , of all forms of PRIVATE DISEASES. 17 soars oxpeni'iico. ( Jlcotiimliill ntmojiUKiIisolmruoH ; Btricturi orilillicnlt ) or | iain in rolluvmt : the lllnililrr ; SjphiliH nuil nil ! > ! > . onsen of ( ho Illnril anil Skin ; NcrMiiisnesH ( icni'rnl Debility , Ioni of Manhood mill Amhitnm , Want of lifouinl \ ilality , Hail Memory , Despondent. Iicor' : > t ; < . ' < l. llolicfobtained\tlthouth > - < aoCtiiiiofrom huHincHS. The most pouurful rumodios known to modernHclimco for tliH treatment of the at > o\o dUutiHeH. Tht ) uenk Krow Mronj ; , thiMliMpomlent liecomo cheerful from renewed Vitality , Amhitloa and ( 'ournne. .MyieKinrres and facilltien for doinu liuuinchii ara linenriins'ed. AllcorrehponilonrontrlctlyiiriuitR. Writofor tunas , circularbandoucBtiou lifet. Nth and Farnam Sis. . Omaha , Neb. Imparts the most delicious tuhto mid jieat EXTKACT hOt'l'H , of nljUTTr.H from nMKIMOAI. OHN. CKAVII..H , TLEMAN at Mad. rae , to ) IH brother FISH , nt WOIIGCSTKIl. Slay. 18S1. A ; C4H.I1 "Toll IEA k I'EIIIIINB' that their MUC.O In ulxhlyoiteumcd In India , I'lid Mill luy opinion , the mo ' palatable , nn veil UH the moBt while- Sa .MUKHITM , pome miuco that In Uiaile. " Arc. Beware of Imitations BBG that you got Lea & Peiriiis1 S / & $ * c a v&z * * * * Blirnatura on every l ittlnof Original k Qennlno. JOHN JUUNC'A.N'H ( MINN. M'H' VOJMf. GOLD MEDAL , PA2I3 , 1878. QgOO from which tlio excels of oil has K-on roinovcil , is iflta'utiHt. la Soluble. No Chemicals are used In its prupnrution. It hna more thitit three times the strcnyth of Cocoa inixotl wllh Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and is therefore far more t'cotioinical , coaling less tlmn one tint u cup. It is iliillfjioiis , BtrUl'lhoilll ! ! , > K , KASHA' nnd adinlrahly adapU'd for invalids is wt'il an for porsoim in liualtli. Oold by Qyooors oyorywhuru. W , BAKFR & CO , , Dorcheslir , Mass , nnnilTl HANHVI.WOO ) CAI'dl l-iS : nre th * 11 ! II ill I U bunn'i < lonlr riiiuini : ) ( inner to I br UUUU I n rcjniur iilijrulc fur tlio uiru nt ( lonnrrhiBi ami uliclmrifix ( rum tlio urlnirr or/ini ovcruit own tl ji ll.Wcvrbgx , MOORE'S LIFE Monmoutli , III. , Koh 1180. Or. .1. H. Moore , While sulTorltii ; from n sovorocold , I WIIH Indiicod to try Maura's IVoo of Lifo Cutnrrh Cure. U iillordod nlmost inimuiliiito rollnf ; mid ! whllo I linvu boon n fitilloror for nnra from ciitnrrh , Binco iitlntf HUH rcmuily I liuvo not boon alTuclotl in any wuy with this deoidoly nnnovinj , ' diwjaso. Moore. M Tree of I/fc , a I'osltivo cmn for Kid ney and Klvur ( 'oniil | > ilnt anil all hlood illH * eisns. : UODH It pay to miller whoii you i > nn bo enred by UHII ! .Mooro's 1'reoof llfe , the ; tiroat l.lfo National Bank I' . P. IlKl'O-ITOIU OMAHA NKU Cuptn | | . $400,000 Surplus . O5.OOO Ollli un niul Director * -lloury W Yntei , lraili | nt | I < tiWU H. ll oi | . Vlco I'ruililunt ! U H. Miturlca. XV. V. Mcr.o , John H. Uilllni , It U CuiUIn , ) . N , U. 1'ttrlLk , W U. A lluvhui , Omhlor. THIS 1UCJN LJA.NK. Corner I''tli uml rnrimmdti tcnurul lianUliu lUiilnun Tram ictJl. INTEREST PAID ONDEP05ITS ATQMMlOAN&TRUSTCtt 5E.CDR CAPITAL'S IOO.000.00 DIRECTORS : A.UV/YMAM-C.W.NASK JHMILLARO CUV CBARTON'C.H. LAKE , J.d.BFtOWN-THOS'U.KIMBALL.