8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , DECEMBER J , 1891. . ANOTHER UELPENS FEIN CASE , Ola'mi of tbo St. Lou's Land Grabbar in tin District Oourt , VALUABLE PROPERTY IN LITIGATION , CIIBO In Which It wan Cheaper to Iluj it Homo Tlian to 1'ny Ilcnt Court Notes Other Local News. The ghost of John P. Ilclfonstoln wa- dragged into the dUtrlct court yesterday The nnmo of Hclfcnstcln It famll tar to tha people residing in th < northern part of tlio city , not withstanding the fact that ho died and wo1 laid uwny in his grave a year ago. Ills mem ory Is the kind that lives after the body lias ceased to make Its presence fell. In brief the history of the Helfcnstoln deal Is this : As early as 'November Ul , 18. " , Koberl Shields pre-empted the north one-half of the northwest quarter of section llftccn , town' ship fifteen , ningo li. : The land was sit- uatcd in the outskirts of the city , but has Blnco uccomo known us E. V. Smith's nddi- tlon , Is densely populated and valuable. In those early days Shields was In the gro cery business and durimt the ups and downs of frontier lift ) became Indebted to Hcifensleln , Uoro .t Co. , wholesale grocers of St. Louis , for a small amount. They pressed their claim nnd'in duo tune Shields was forced to the wall. Ills property was taken to pay the debt , bill his homestead , the eighty acres ho still retained. Tile chat tels did not sell for enough to pay the claim and the land was levied upon. This hap pened November 'J7 , 1837. No record of uny sheriff's sale appeared and the Shields' trust passed into other hands. The land was nlatted and sold and everything went well until three years airo when John P. llolfen- Bteln appeared upon the scene and demanded that all persons residing upon the land in question settle with him or move out , The case went to the federal court , mosl of Iho parties interested failing to comply with his demands. Onu year ngo everything was ready , but the sudden death of Hclfeiistein resulted in n dismissal of the suits. Tlio case now on trial before Judge Hope- well is entitled , John H. Curry against An drew Koscwatcr as trustee nnd Andrew Hoaowiiter individual. The property in con troversy consists of two lots 0:1 North Twen tieth street , dircctlv opposite the Coliseum , valued at , $10.000 or thereabouts. Something like line years ago this property was purchased by the defendant At the tlmo of the nurchnso the plaintiff , John II. , , - Curry , occupied the lots us a tenant , rosldlnir / In one of the buildings situated upon the lols. For a few months ho paid the rent , but sud denly ho conceived the idea thai ho would no more. The defendant urged payment , Gay urging failed to bring forth money. Things wont on that way for a brief period , when Mr. Uosowntor Drought suit in n jus tice court to oust Curry. The case was con tinued from time to time until two years ago , when it tvas brought , to trial. On the day the testimony was all in thiucs looked bad for Cjirry , when ho' suddenly produced a quit-claim deed from Helfcnstcin , secured not two hours boforo. That settled the matter - tor with the jiHtico and ho decided against j Curry , who at once appealed. The case was hoard before Judge Hoppwell , who sustained ' , the decision of the justice. Curry nnd his lawyer rustled the money nnd wont to the f supreme court , whcro the decision rendered by Judge tlopcwell was sustained. Not satisfied with having been twice beaten , Curry rushed into court , and once more is trying to make u showing under his occd from HoCcngtcIn. It is evident that he has llttlo faith in the future result , us since the suit was brought , ho his offered to settle for JoOO nnd withdraw nil litigatlun , although the property is worth $8,000 to f 10,000. _ Court The case of the state against Fred Horn- berger , was called for trial In Judge Estello's court yesterday afternoon. The information c'mirnos that on Juno 18 , Ib9l , Hornbergor murdered one.Miko Foloy. There was a row In the vicinity of 1C rug's brewery. Foley was knocked down and tnkon to the policb Elation , where ho died a few hours later. Judge Irvine is henring the case of Fred A. Fax against the city. Tlio plaintiff seeks to recover R550 , alleging that his property at Thiriy-flrst avenue and Half Howard mi-cot was flooded during a heavy rain storm last summer. The flooding was caused by the city having failed to furnish a sewer sufll- cenlly largo to carry olt the surplus water. Peter Hagley , n young man 10 years of ago who carne to this city from a Holt county farm n year ago , stood up before Judge Kstello nnd plonded guilty to having committed the crime ot burglary. Ho was sentenced to two years in the peniten tiary. Fotloril IltilUlliiK .Voles. Herbert Hill of Shelton was broucht in ycstordiiy morning by Deputy United Slates Marshal Harris churpec. with selling liquor without u license. Ho will bo arraigned today. Air. W. II. Alexander , surveyor of customs at the Omaha port of entry , received notifi cation that ho liaci been appointed dis bursing agent for Iho funds to bo paid out upon Iho now government building. Ho was also Informed Ihal ho would bo required lo Klvo a bond in Iho sum of if 10,000. The noli- ilcatlon also staled that Air. Charles Belli- dorff , the nntliilect had boon appointed sup- orinlendonl of construction at n salary of # 3 per day , beginning with November : . ' ! . Xiv KiiKluud Din nor. The Indies of the First Congregation ill church will serve tholr minimi Now England diiuiof from 11 a. m. to < } r , ' m Thursdny mid Frklny , D. Clliboit'tmd ; 4' ' "A110-11"1 ; : " muu'ic , coriiof of Ilnrnoy 841' . . .uui streets. Dinner 50 eonts. T's IJ/VST uoims. 'n flreat I'aliuini ; on K.\hll > : - tiou at tlio Art Show. The Western Art association's exhibition In Exposition u'all continues to draw good at- tondunco every day and evening , A large number of people from towns all over the. state have vUitud the exhibition during the past few days and they have all gene homo highly pleased with the show , The great Mozart picture is , of course , ono of the principal features of the exhibition , nnd these who see it are delighted with tlio great master piece. The delicacy nnd com- DletrnesBof every detail , the perfection ot perspective and the spirit , of realism shown In thu great painting ' Uecomo an inspiration to thu truti lover of art. In the expression on Mozart's face there is a world of study. Sitting ihoro , pale and wan , realizing , no doubt , that his spirit must soon quit Us mortal habitation. ho is , nevertheless , comp'.qtely absorbed In the work ot directing the singing of his last great composition , his own requiem. 'lho preat composer la seined In an easy , high bnclteil chair , bolstered up with pillows , for physical strength Is well nigh spent , and near him there stands an old fashioned harpslcord. Throi ) singers nnd the player are engaged In the rendition of the requiem , while Mo/art , with outstretched hand , fur- nlshcs.tho singers the tempo and directs the execution of the piece. Mozart's wife occupies a seat behind the harpsichord , and by her stdo tholr little son. The artist has shown won derful skill lu the facu of Mozart's wife. The expression Is ono of mingled satisfac tion , prldo and sorrow , with the lunar ele ment giilnliig the aseendanev The sad , dejected mien of the lltllo boy , caring very llttlo about the music , hut almost broken hearted ovur the dangerous Illness of his father , is another very strong point In the great piece of work , It Is a painting that grows upon ono. It clings to the Imagination line some sad , sweet memory of childhood. Kverybodv In Omaha should t.eo "Tho Last Hours of Mozart" as painted by M. Munkacsy. Howe scales , trucks , coffco mills , car starters , Hurrlsoc. conveyor. Cataloguas of Burden & Selleck Co. , agents , Chicago 111 Dr. CulUmoro , oculist , Uao butldlt'ij , ' Military Men. The headquarters of the Department of the Platte tool : on an air of sociability yesterday , Gcvcrul onlcial visitors were pros cut aud made Iho rounds of various ofllcos. Thoj wcro Major Wells , Captain Godwin and Cap tain Hlckoy of Eighth cavalry nnd Colonc Conrad , commanding oftlcor at Fort Sidney The three officers first mentioned wore or their way cast upon leave of absence am Colonel Conrad was going to Fort Handal tu Inspect a few companies of his regimen stationed there. Lieutenant Colonel Dallas lincho , modica director of the Department of the Platte , ar rived homo yesterday , accompanied by Mrs Hacho , from a tour of inspection , including Forts Logan , Dout'la ? , Sidney and severa others In the western part ot the department Dr. nnd Mrs. Uacho had not been in Omahr before suiro tha wedding which occurroi early In November , nt Dubuqtie , la. A reception will bo given on Wodnosdaj evening nt the residence Of Dr. Uuche , 22K Lntidon court , near the corner of Twenty' fourth nnd Howard. Colonel I'ughes loft for Florence , Italy , lastovenlng. Ho will bo absent four months nnd will nttehd the marriage of his daughtoi to Captain Flnloy of Iho Hombay laucer.s , The event wilt lake plnco soon nftoi Colonel Hughes arrive * In Florence Stivcrnl of the ofllccra a bout the head quarters were jollying the colonel about his going to Italy to inspect n part ol tlio lirlttsh army. Thu colonel has Hover yoi son-in-law but Is favorably seen Ins intended - - , ably Impressed with him through the in formation ho has already received by mall. "Aro you happy ? " See "Boys tint Girl * " Four hundred iind llfty dollar piruio. Warranted seven yours for $187.00. Now scale , liayden Bros. o.u.i f/.i. City Coiitiull. At the meeting of the city council last evening mo mailer of paving Inspectors catno up for consideration. Mr. Walters moved that all the inspectors bo summaril.v dismissed. Mr. Doherty moved to nmonil that nil out two bo dismissed. This caused a very lively dcbalo. Mr. Kowiuy Intimated that the fellows drawing $1 per day for services ns inspectors did nothing but draw their salaries nnd there was no intelligence or outlay of time re quired. Ho appealed to the city engineer 11 that was not the case , but that olllclal de clared ho would rather not commll himself. When the mallei1 ciimo lo a vole It was knocked out. An ordinance was passed pro"idiug that contractors hauling dirt through the streets should not spill thu same. The Union stock yards oflicer was given the same authority as a elty policeman. The following sums were transferred to the general fund : Incidental fund , $101.M ; 1 street special grading , fL'iiO..iy ; Ii street special grading , $ -l7T.t0 ! , making a t'oial of SSlii.fiS. L. C. Gibson askcu for § 1,000 damages for cliiuvo of grade at Twenty-lli-sl and N. City Attorney Adams presented , in ac cordance with previous instructions , an ordinance providing for a city woighnmster as there has boon considerable complain' , of Into about coat merchants giving short weight. The proposed ordinance was unani mously passed. IIugh Murphy WAS allowed a bill of $1- OIO.S'J for curbing and gulloring of Twenty- llfth street from L to M anil O to.Q. Also $ . ' ,817.05 for curbing and guttering of Twen ty-sixth street from L to Q. Also $3ii : > 0.7S for paving of Q street from west end of via duct to west line ol Thirty-second street with Colorado sandstone. On motion of Councilman Wood Iho cilv clerk was instructed to draw a warrant oh grading district No. ! i to Norton Bros , for the amount ot Until CLtimalo for grading of such district. On motion of Mr : Walters the special police - lice employed on election day worn allowed 0 cents an hour and thu clly clerk instructed to issue warrants to the men who served. President O'Kourko called the attention of the council to the fact that there were n number of unreportcd cases of diphtheria in the city. rJo action was taken on the matter. The chief of police complained that there were a number of property owners who re fused lo 1111 lots tbnt had been declared nui sances. Judge Ureen declared that the failure of certain persons , mostly nonresi dents , to fill in certain lots belonging to thorn had resulted In there being a number of stagnant pools that doubtless hnd a great deal lo do with thu diphtheria epidemic. Mr. Howloy declared that there was a lot on Twehty-tonrlh between 1C nnd L so de pressed that already three span of mules had been drowned in It. Mr. Conloy moved that a list of all such lots bo prepared by the city engineer and projonted to the council for consideration. On motion of Mr. Howloy the chief of police - lice was instruclcd lo confer wilh Ihe lead ing doctors of the city and ascertain what price they woula charge to act as city phvsl- cian for a yoar. _ GIMCO I'aritally Confesses. Grace Hussoll , lho cyprian held to the dis trict court on the charge of robbing Stock man Olson of $ ' . )0 ) , was taken to the county Jail yesterday , as she was unable lo furnish lho $1,000 bonds required. From a parlial confession made to ono of the policemen It Is believed that she has been endeavoring to protect Muggins , her "solid mash , " nnd that ho Is the real thief ; that she had no idea her efforts would result in her being also bound over , and slnco that has really como to pass she will toll the trnth when It comes to trial before the districl courl. Factory. The latest addition lo lho list of South Omaha Industries Is an English pork factory at Thirty-second nnd K strcols , the first es tablishment of the kind iu the west. Yiiril nml Ofllei Notes , A. T. Corlott of Wyoming brought ill two cars of cattle , H. 0 , LGiidvlllo of DiUVson , Mo. , brought In a car of sheep. J. C. O'Connor of Dakota City brought in cloven cars of cattle of his own feeding. A. II. Leo , traveling representative for the stock exchange , has returned from woslorn Iowa. Ho reports that Sioux City and Kan sas City are not in it when compared wilh Omaha. He says that the only rival the Omaha market has in Iowa is Chicago , and it Is only n matter of tiuio when the bulk of the lowu stock will bo shipped to the local market. City Mlninniroq. Arthur Walker has loft for Chicago. Thomas Fly mi has returned from the oast. Mrs. Frank Scott has returned from Glen- wood. A ten-pound son has been born to Al. Williams. Miss Olive Homo passed Sunday at Glen- wood , la. Mrs.Villlnm Gontor of Albricht will glvo a party to her friends Thursday evening. Jonnlo Ford , May Smith and Llzzto Green nro under arrest on lho charge of being bad women. A musical entertainment will bo given nt thu Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church Thursday evening. Loin Scott , the Imsoballist , has gene to Oscooln , In. , where ho has secured a Job on the Dos Moines kSc Kansas Clly railroad. Daniel Heardon Is under arrest on the sus picion that he is a thief. He was attempting to sell a coat which U was believed had been stolon. Tim Nlland , the pugilist , has gene to Chicago cage , whither ho Is called by business re lating lo the prize ring. Ho will not return for a month , The remains of the 7-months-oUl child ot Mr. and Mrs. Batten , which was accidentally smothered to death , have been Interred in Laurel Hill cemetery. Among the themes that will bo discussed at the gospel meetings at ttio First Christian church this week nro the following : "Saved by n Hod Cord , " "Killing His Hey , " "No Hooni. " The following ofllcors have boon elected by Grnsa Jer encampment , No , ! ) T , Independent Order ot Odd Fellows : Chief patriarch , Al Heaton ; senior warden , William Uiukert ; junior warden , J. C. Graham : high priest , John Daniels- , treasurer , James Hllss. Use Hallar's Barb Wire Llnlmont for horses , It never fulls to euro cuts , wounds and old sores. "Aro you huppy'r" Mutineo Wednes day. "Boys and Girls. " ' Woptnan pinna. Now scalo. Now tuning dovioo. Sold on installments , lluyduu Bros , WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS Railrcnd Men Don't Know a Thing Abou Interstate Law Violations. WILL FACE THE GRAND JURY SOON WltncHsci itt tlio On HO Ontlicrlni , In tlic City I'rouccdiiiKH Do- Inycd by thn Absence ol'Txvu The Munition. Monday \vns the date fixed for the Unltci States itninil Jury to bptfln its InvostlRlUioi of the complaints ngnlnst the Missouri 1'acllU ana tlio 1J. & M. rnilronds , which arc charged with violating the Intcrsttxtc com inerco law hy Invorltiij curtain shippers as The out-of-town rnllroai ugolnst others. - - ofllulnls subncuimed as witnesses nro slow it .arriving , however , and it is probable no much progress wll | bo tnado in this eiwa before fore this afternoon. A federal olllchil familial with the ovidcnco sought for and the mini ber of witnesses to 1 > > 3 examined is of the opinion that tlio mutter will occupy the atton lion of the jury for a week The .witnesses from a distance who put In nn appearance yesterday wcro J.V * Midday of Chicago , chairman of the Western Fruightassociation : FrankO. Krotsullmerol Washington , special agent ol' the intorblato Commerce commission ; IX ( J. Hridecs ol Kansas City , Inspector at that point for the Western weighing association. 1 $ . P. Wag- gunor of Atchlson , ono of thn general attar noys of the Missouri J'aeillc , Is also on the ground to watch events and cuiird the in terests of his road. Thcan gentle men nro all interested in the complaint against Jay Gould's road , and among the other witnesses lira .F. N. \u thorn of St. Louis , chairman of tlio South western Hallroad and Steamship association : Fred Macgloy , rep resentative of the Western Tralllc associa tion at Kansas City ; a Mr. WycltolT , formerly stationed at Omaha but now eliicf clerk to Maucloy ; T. K. I/zard , local freight agent of the Missouri I'ucillc ut Kansas City. A sub poena is also out for , liia03 Vilest ! jr. , man ager ol the Omahii Pocking company , but ho has been reported absent In the east. The complaint againsj. the Missouri Pacific is n year old , anil the oft'ciiso which it al leges to have been committed occurred about n year and a half ago. At that tiinu Mr. Faithorn was holding tlio position now oc- cuuicd by Mr. Mtdgicy. Under the weigh ing system then In vogue it is to be presumed that the cars loaUeil at Omatia with hums for Armour & Co. of Chicago were inspected and correctly reported. If , on arriving at Kansas City , the hams were unloaded and lard was substituted , the inspection at that , point , should have shown that , change. Tlio records and reports of tlio transaction are supposed to bo with Mr. Faithorn or Mr. Mldglny. and they nro expected to untangle the intricacies of the affair so that it , will bo understandable to the average man of a grand jury.There There is some speculation in railroad circles as to the altitude the moguls of the Western Tralllc association will tnko towards the Mis souri Pacilio. Mr. Midt-'Iuy hud a long con sultation at tlio Mlllnrd with Mr. Waggoner and .1. O. Phil.ipui of that road , and started for the federal building just before 12. 'Iho railroad olllcials are as dumb as cliims and Mr. Midgley was petulant in liis refusal to bo interviewed. A railroad man who has a special interest in ttio matter says that Midgloy and Faithorn will not give the federal authorities any more information than thov nro absolutely compelled to. Ho intimates that they arc liuely to set up a plea of scll-incrimination at every opportunity and may turn upon the examining attorney wiln conundrums intended to bcfuddla thiit gentleman and throw him off ttio track. These freight commissioners are wily fel lows capable of doing that sort of thing , but the wis.li may have been father to. the thought with the interested railroad man. Among the witnus.-oj in the ti. & M. case will be ttio general manager , claim agent , treasurer and local freight agent of the Q. & M. , the city engineers of Omaha and South Omaha and Con Gallagher. Cases May Go Over. The grand jury mot.nt2 . .o'clockyesterday afternoon , but these lailroau CUSPS wcro not taken up. Their hearing was postponed till this afternoon , hut they may not bu reached lor several days , and there is a possibility that the complaint against the Missouri Pa- cillc may bo put over till next term of court. Three gentlemen , who are very much wanted as witnesses , have disappeared , and the United States marshals have not yet found opportunity to read certain subpouhas to them. The missing men nro Oeorco Carman , superintendent of the Western Weighing as sociation ; William U. Orr , auditor of the Western Weighing association , and .Tames Vilos , jr. , manager of the Omaha Packing company. Mr. Carman has an ofllce in Chicago , out ho has not been there for some tiiuo past , and those in charge ot the olllco say ho is out west. "Out west" was at Loadvillo at onetime time , and tncn at Denver , but It is an elusive or an illusive bit of geography which the federal olllcials have not yet succeeded in locating. A subpounu has been on the trail of Mr. Carman for two weelts , but it lias been altogether too slow to catch that nimble gentleman. If ho knows of Brad Slaughter's burning desire to see him ho seems to have been impervious to the allurements of vlsit- ir n Ocinlm for a few days at some other fcllOW'S -'XpCueO , Mr. Orr has his headquarters and his homo in Omaha , and until two weeks or so ago it was noc such a vcvy hard matter to sea him or ut least to locate his whereabouts. But now well , ho disap peared from Omaha when the present trou- ulo becan to brew , and apparently forgot to come back. It generally takes something more than nn accident to keen a mar. out of the track of a horde of hungry deputy mar shals whom broad and butter depend on serving subpoenas , but Mr. Orr seems to have boon the lucky exception to Iho rule. Mr. Vllos also has his homo in this city , but Uncle Sam's representatives have been assured that ho only comes to Omaha about once n month , spending most of his time in the oast. This is the olt end of the gontlo- man's month , and apparently ho doesn't know how much ho is wanted down uttho federal building In this city. . These gentlemen nro regarded ns very im portant witnesses nuainst the Missouri Pa- clllc , and the prosecution dislikes to go on witti the investigation until they are brought within the grasp of the court. It is hoped that they will be located by today , and there is a whisper In ollldul circles of a possible sensation. Those cases will try the p-itleuco of the grand jury. The allugod discrimina tions are said to cover n period of twenty - three months , and the jury Is contemplating the tusk of going through the trulUc records of that tlino. J. W. Uoweoso of Lincoln , attorney for the li. & M. , is ono of the later arrivals of In terested railroad men. Uitllroiui t\otu i. H. H. Huchio of the Northwestern has re turned from the vast , William Randall , freight and ticket auditor of the B , & M. , nas gone to Chicago. General J. B. Hawley , conoral attorney for the Klkhorn , started yesterday afternoon for Chicago. The B. & M. will run a special from Omaha to I'luttsmouth Wednesday night for the bmiolitof a largo putty coining up to attend the "Holr-at-Law. " T. H. Thorp of Davonpo , la. , traveling jinssunircr agent of the Pennsylvania , who accompanied the Omaha convention seekers to Washington , Is in the city. Bert Watson , an Omaha boy-who followed the fortunes of A. Touzalln , Is vUlting among his old tlmo friends her . lit ) is now chief freight rate clerk of tbo Uurlingtou in Chi cago. Ofllclal notlco was Issued yesterday of tlio appointment of W. A. Douol ns general bu- purlntondont of the Ciulf division of the Union Pacltio system to succeed li. J. Dun can , resigned. Mr. Deuel U an old Union Pacillo man , having boon a conductor be tween North Platte and Cueyenno some years ago. Ho was afterwards assistant superin tendent at North Platte and then division su perintendent at Omaha. Ho was next a su perintendent of a division for ttio Denver & Klo Uraudo with headquarters at Punblo , and now returns to his Ilrst love. Van Houteu's Cocoa "Best and goes far- host. " A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. . Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and I'asiry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. No other bakin" powder docs such work. * 2 Million. Bottles filled in 1873. 18 Million Bottles filled in 1890. "THE QUEEN1 OF TABLE WATERS. " ' ' Muchfavo > cd by her Jfajes/i . " WOULD , LONDON. " The lest leverage , " TRUTH , LONDON. " " Cosmopolitan. HKITISII MEDICAL JOUKNAL. ' ' C/ic-jp as well as good" " The demand for it is great and .Increasing. " Tun TIMES , LONDON. red by byMi . This wonderful nnd I I harmless Hindoo Rome- { " ' U ulaccil nt n prlco i . . . thu U. 8. to bring It' ' within the reach of all sufferers , and pold with a\vrllteniitiiri > n-n Iteo to euro WcuUt iAIcinorv. Jjost HIlfniicio'd.'Tlci vonu i > cl > : ily ( , r.'vll Jlrcurnil , Inulilllty. ( ItilckneM , X.nck of Confidence. I.OMC * . llnilitN. lYiilccl'iilMciifl. anil loss of power of the Cjcntratlro Orjsana , eauscil by Youth , ful Indiscretions or ho excessive ? o of Tobacco. Narcotics or Stimulants , which load to Infirmity. Consumption or Insanity. Very email pellets. Kasy totalio. Can bo carried In the vest pocket. Pent by mall In plain pacliaio to any address for $1. or fl forfj. wltheveiy 8.1 onlernoclvoii wrltiongtiar- nnteo to euro or refund the money. If you liavo been unsuccejafiilly treated by others wrlio tons for Healed booknmlurtvkn I'llljE nnd mentinn this purer. AUlrci KI3r.fTAI : , JMI'.DMIAI.CO. , l'iop'3 for lho U. a.yil Wubash Arc.Chicago. 111. I'OIl SALE I.V OMAHA. NTH. , BY Kulm .fe Co. , Co.r IMh A ; Dnit lns Sts. J .A. Fuller & Co. , Cor , 14th * DoucljaSts. A. D. Foster & Co. , Council muffs. W. rrl < irrU. I'lrU , . ourktir at llon.r. 1 Mill gladly scntl the .reclnc ( scaled ) HtFKloany sullerer. It Is Ha rfli.thleand l.l lnpCure Address W.S. 1 O. . i W.HUSt..Onclnl.ati. . ( > Ck NATURE'S MATCHLESS REMEDY FOR 8 And all Kidney and Bladder Troub'es. ' Nothing else has yet been offered the public that has had a tithe of the success of Londonderry Lithia Spring Water. K'ciimalc : ! ( Jont , Office of Ur , E. II. Xlorev. I'liysilclnn nml I BurBeonVAKIU.Y , N. Y. , Doi1. : il , IMO. f K ; I wish to report to joit what necins to niu a reiuarknblo euro of the most iif-'KiKutcd cita3 of IlheuiiiHtlclJoiit that lliavuoier tet-ii. The pa tient , Mr. Froil Fltiiieialil , nitc'il nbout S8 years weight 113 pounrls , nervous tcrapcrninotit , com- plo.xion tiloncio , liablt sinte , by otctipnllun a uia- clilnlst , ] iroicnted him- elf for lru.ilmenl August IS , IS'J'J. ' Ho hid cniitriictcd Hhciimiitlsin homu llro ) ours HKO. while living In Kauaa , and slnco Ihal Lime has been practlcilly laid up uvcrr fall and winter with thb clhe use , which did not fall lo make Iti appear MOO with the cold an 1 d.iin. ) wcnlhcr. ilccuniplnlued of puln In lho loft knee , ankles ami lolnts , of the trer.t toes , part'culnrlr Hi } left , which was mi.ch InlUuuud and cun | < lvral > ly ( lefnnucil fro'ii pievlnttt attacks. The pain wai iilninat un- icarablo. I -iiic'cesslvoly vatlnus reno ; lies for hli coinpliilnt without any apparent benclll , as ho vn ) scarcely able li > walk nvroat the Hoormnvli eas to ic.'umo Ills work. Tu ho bilof , 1 wrote to jou about the case , and i.t your siiKKcUUm or dered thtco cases still 1 u.siiu.viiKiiltv LiilllA Sl'lllNrt WATBU. Itwinciollvorwl to Jlr. Pit/uor- IdSjptiiuhor ! K. Marked liuuro\omont bepm at once , and In about a month he rotiirnod to his work n lho TiiJiUh Vn.loy c.ir shopSumetlnio before 10 luul ox'lmu tfd liliRiippI } of wtor lie tgiit rue lint hi ! hail already Ralnoil 21 pouuili In woliibl , nnd vus still tralnlnc , Hy the tlmo the watur was uonu 10 was nbout as well ro oror , thotlijli we huvo had a rent deal of rain till/ ( all and much unfavorable vealhcr for persons of a rlioiini.itlu diathesis. I ia\o never seen n KI outer chanijo for the Kood In nan In so shoit a ttaio. .Most respectfully , K. II , MOHEV , M. I ) . A long time ago , as we count things out west , we opened a shoe department in our cs tablishment in a small corner on our second lloor. We opened it with a class of footwear which was made for us direct by leading' manufacturers and which we were able to guarantee in every way. We began to sell shoes as we sold everything- else , at a small profit , making twenty-five and fifty cents where the regular shoe man made from one to three and even four , dollars. It didn't \ take long for people to find out that our shoe shop wa's the place to get @ good "understanding , " and trade in this departmentlike the famous peach j - M1 seen by "Johnny Jones and his sister Sue , " it grew , it grew , and of shoes JP [ sJfjif ! ! % we sold a "slew , " compelling us , from sheer necessity , to give it more room , ytMv & iv.unt' ' finally it outgrew the second floor quarters entirely , and we moved it . to our commodious basement sales room , where we arc doIKIS | X ' mS today the greatest shoe business in entire west. Although l' ' § K fecm ; wc canT a11 sorts of s\\ocs \ for all sorts of men , the two shoes that l j pl 1 have more than any others placed this depart ment on "good footing , " and which more men are wearing thin are wearing any other six kinds sold in the city , are our "Two-fifty Goodyear Welt , " and our "Three-ninety Dress Shoe. " These shoes , we say to you , arc right in every way , and if aftcc you wear them you've got any cause to kick at your S PS lf " 'clc'cs' ' ' " return them to us and we will remedy any fault with either c < ish jPtllliplW ( tnc amount you/ paid for them ) or new shoes. They come in all sizes , all w.dths . , all styled of toes and lasts , in either lace or congress , and are such comfortable fitters that men troubled with corns have been known to smile % a a tcr trying on { it- pair of them. Aside from shoes , we carry a , xjj@l | | l | full line of S pers for the man in the house , and Overshoes ---jg SSS pSi Arctics and Ruf bers for the man"out doors. Need we meilK f tion it ? We sell them for a great deal less money than you'd * " { gJiiMi pay an\"iu/icrc \ else. Today we place on sale in our furnishing oods department , ( second counter on the left ) 128 doxen splendid fine heavy wool underwear , in brown , tan , lilac , heliotrope and pearl shades , in all sixes , beautifully finished goods ; goods that are being sold at a dollar and a half to two dollars in every store that's got 'cm , at a dollar a garment , Without doubt the value we've been able to show this season. The cabinet photos are coming from all directions. Wallon lUoumor Cnrcil of ( irnvcl. 17J1.1VIJJ , STOVAVE. , Al.ll.\.NC. X. V. Occupation , Spxtun nf Tabermiclo llajtllat Church Albany , N. V. At th ( ! MiKKOJtlnn uf mjliyrlrlan , Dr. IK. . lllalr , wlio was ( renting me for many nimith . with InUltfPiunt Bucc'O'.s. fur snivel and bUiotly urine , 1 tit'Ban thu imu uf IO.NIJ < > NIIIHKV : l.rnilA w.vmt In Apill lint. Slaco UHlnx tlic water I li.ivo luul lint onenltiH'kof my olil complaint , which formerly si-Mom left mo nml kept mo In nlmoil fnntmt : misery. Tlio H-JVITU nunr.ilKlu iialni of n cnttliiK nnd tunsliiK imlnra peculiar lo the UUoase. lo- cethcr wlili lho lartra nmonnt of blood I uai volil- Inc with my nrlni * . kjjpt ms In n Honkt'iiod nnd ilc- lillllatrU conill Ion , so lint I coulil n irroly ilo my nork , 1 must honenly sny that I lii\o ; not boon sell ll or felt so t > troniln your * us 1 huvo lioon Ihls Biimn'cr. ' am ! nutlilnn cliO hvi ; tloio It except lho useof Ihe l.lthliiVnt3r. . IIH I have lakon no other remedy. 1 have valued In lle h nml streniuh , ami fee.1 n tiioimh 1 had nncwlni e of life. 1 cannot cxpiosa mycelf Hiitllclently unoiiKii to thank Ur , lllalr for reconimcndlnj ! to mo your most vnlunlilo water , lohall always glvo It thu tmitlntuil prnlau which H merits. WAI.TU.V lll.Ou.MKU. Albany , .V. V. , Del. rt , I'M. ' ] ) r , Illalr Verilles tlio Aliovo. A MIA XV , N. V. , Oct. 0 , IEOO. Enclosed | > lcnio fliul lestlmonlil from Mr. llloom- cr , who Is nihutlio l.-jiulonil orrr I.lthla nt my eug- uesllon fur an apirinvalcd cure of Kf'i\cl. ' Ho It vlr tnnlly n new man hlncu ho bc.'aii lo tiso It.othliiK clioever holpo 1 him , and 1 trliM ovurythhu I hoilBlit would hulp him. 1. . K. 1II..UI1 , .M. 1) . N. B.-Wo publish none but RELIABLE OPINIONS and stand ready nt all times to PRODUCE THE EVIDENCE OF TJEIR by \DINJPHYSIOIANSofth9 \ country , AND WE ARE READY TO GIVE THEIR NAMES.Tae Sparkl IIR Loadoudenv is in dai'y ' use by 'easing OLUBS and HOTELS , and we are prepared to u mi the n , It is used by the most EMINENT CITIZENS , fem the VICE PRESIDENI OF Til 3 UNITED STATE JJow.i , and their names arc on Ur Our t'oitimonlals are all VERIFIED by PHYSI IAN3 of wo'l known staudin - , and NO OTHERS EVER SEE T3E LFGHT. _ Oursucco-shas tosn so notable that the country has boon flooded with manufacture 1 Lithu Watara , " claiming to bj Eitp.rior to Send for our circulars and become acquainted with all the fact" , so that you may know the geuu'no LODONDERRY waei you 833 it , FOR SA.L.J2 BY. ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. PAXTON & GALI.AGIIHU , Distributing Agents for Omaha , Nebraska. of Injcrua in Uio Seryiu , " Ypnter.lny. WASHINGTON , "D. ( ) . , Nov. : W. [ Spoolal Tol- grant to TUB IJujTho : | following army rilcrs worn Issued today : Tlio board of dlMcors convened October 23 at Kuritiiiolllng , . Minn. , fur tuo purpose of dovlsUm a uniform system of bookUcopin for ho use of post -uautooiis , etc. , having com- ilotiul their dutx. " the inuinbors will rojolu liolr proper stations or return to the plucos vhonco ordoruiTrpfn leave. M ] or William < > . Tucitor , paymaster , will proceed to Kurt Myer , Vii , , l ortHMoltonry , Mil. , Washington jiirrauks , D , C\.iud Fort Monroo. Vu. , uud lav the troops at , these stutlous to Noveinocr ) . IMU , In orijor iinuied , nnU on tliocomplu- lon ot this duly will return to his station In his city. Captain \Vliltum Stephonsoti , us- istunt burgeon , is relieved from duty ut , Columbus HarriicUs , O. , uucl will report. In xirsoii to the commanding oftlccr , Fort I'or- er , N. Y. , for duty at thut post , reporting by otter to the commanding general , Depart ment of the ICim. lA'avo of uOsuncu for our inotillis Is grunted Colonel .lnir.es lilil- Ilo , Ninth cavalry. Tiio uxtonsion of luavo f nUscncoi.1'unted Kl t Lieutenant Samuel { oilman , Jr. , Sei-ond artillery , October 'Jl , Is urther exteiulcd t > lx mouth : * . Captain \rthur W. T.iylor. assistant Burijeoii , hiivlng icon found Incapacitated lor aullvo sorvU'o ) y an army rotlrlnc board , will proceed to its homo and report thence by lettorto the idlutant conerul of the army. Tt.o travel njohird U necessary for the publlo scivlce. j H l-y llin AHSOSIOI-H. City Clerk Groves nnd his assistants are ngogcd In assessing personal property thut From nu Eminent Chicago I'lns'iciim. "Asn nnlurnl remedy It Isn rcmnrknblo ono. Of Its elttrnpy In reil.nclnz the amount of uric adil I am poiltlvo , nnd 1 tlnill continue to mo It nml reeoui- incnil It. In fact I was onuof Iho Ilrst In Clitciaiso to use tlio wnler In practice. As a drinking water for table purposcn It hai no cupcilur. I Intrortncoil It Ml the Chicago ami Citlnmct c-lnb , anil It inn be foniU t tlio hgmuiof the club men ut any time. I can only speak favorably of it. II .M. JMCKEHSTEIIN- ) . I'rofcsjor Mnlerla Mctilcu , Chlcngo Medical College. A Ly.in Dniirgist C'urcil offlrnvcl. I.VXN , M s. , Dec. 1 , IS'.K ) . For years I liavo been passing rttono from tlio kidneys , like tlioso 1 rent jou. I have been In formed that tl'cy nre of uric acid formation , llnr- Ini ! all this tlmo I liavo sulferod from a niott illa- trei.'lni ; c'ysillH , Induced , no doubt , by the prcncncn In lho urine uf nr'c acid crystals. .Medicine ' faro only Icmpor.iry relief. At the suuBPstlon of n phy sician 1 uot-.Tii the uee of the J.oMiuMDKimr Ml ni.v WATKil. The oll'eut naa tnO.il mrprlshii , ' . The In tense sutlcrlng , the bloody nuicus , the gravelly urine and all thu oluHymptoma of uric acid , crys- tul' and cal.'iill Imvo dlsnppparcd. 1 am cutivlnccil that this wiiler will euro nny case ol uravcl or cys- tllls , and dc.Mro to make till ) atnteinont for the ben efit of any who may Lo thus nllllclcd. * W. I' . llLTKFOIID. escaped the notlco of tuo ward assessors. So far they Have boon successful , having found a largo amount , Last year tlio rlurk added enough of tins property to the lists so that the taxes collected thorofrom pani for making out tliocutiro tax Ibt.wkh a balance of SI.O'JU ' bosldos. Mr. ( J roves thinks the amount this year will bo greater than last , us ho has already found several business houses where the property had not boon listed , Complexion powder Is tin absolute neces sity of the rulliiod toilet In tills climato. 1'oz- /oiim'ii combines every element of beauty anu purity , _ "Aro you hniipy ? " If not y ° iU"1 60 ° "Boys and Ulrk * ' _ \V I NTKU IlKSOKT. Crcsocnt Hotel , I urokii HprliiH , Ark. Klogunt llroproof stone htruotiiro. AH inoderii improvements. Situated in the northwest Arkansas. Otirk : mountains of Mild iiud bniclim cllinuto , Imiiutiiul hi'onory , unrivaled modleliwl wator. Write to niiimiKor for doscrlullvo jtiin- ) | ililot , nitos. ote. Mutlnoo Wi'dnosiltiy "IJoyH find ( jjrls'1 We any fcoat in the house. Competition trembles when Hiiyilon llros. open \te\uoi \ \ on pianos and oryan. Mr. W , li. 1'arks. formerly a resident of tlib city but now of Chicago , spent Sunday his frionus here. " . 'Arqyuu Impp.v'J1" Talk of the town , "Ioys { nnd Ulrle. " There is ease for those far gone in consumption not recovery case. There is cure for those not far gone. There is prevention bet ter than cure for those who arc threatened. Let us send you a book on CAREFUL LIVING and Scott's Emulsion of cotl-liver oil , even if you are only a little thin. thin.Free. Free. ScoiTft llowNr.Chrmlm , ij South jlh Avcniif , ft-w York. Your drti p.ittkerps Scoli' * rjnuhionof cod liver oil all druK i > U tverywlme < J . ( i. jo No Newspaper Advertiser desirous of the largest possible results from ; SKILLFULtY WRITTEN , ARTISTICALLY DESIGNED , ; CONSPICUOUSLY PLACED , ! at moderate cost for such work , can ! afford to let ( his advertisement " in j one ear and out of the other , " as j is often done with advertising facts. The popularity of our house has j been won through ( he principle of in the adver- straight-forwardness adverj j Using business. We do not believe j it egotistical ( o affirm ( hat if we j can do you no good , adverlisingly | speaking , there is no use for an ! advertiser to try elsewhere. K J"3 TRADE MAI1K. ; NLWSPAPER ADVLRTISINC1 AGI.NTS , 1 ( in nml ( IH U. Tlilnl - OJIIO.i _ 'CUISE , YOURSELF ! . . your Drtiguist - boltlo olll i U. The only . non ] ioiso Hio unnixluriil illsclinries ; ana / prmuo ilisiOMM.-s of men ami Ilia 1 ilobilltatlnu weakness iienilmr I toroincii. . U i'iircs in fi lew 1 ilajs with' ' ' < t Uio ulil or publicity < ( a doctor ie f nfift'i'l Amrrfcan fiirt Manufu.-liired by .Tbo Evans Chemical GJ. ' CINCiu a , A. , General nml : uHVOnBIEHII.ITT : , ' W Iint of Itody and Hind , Elftct * JofError qrEiec e ln01dorYounri Itol.u.l , AiibU ( HMIIMIII ful.'t lu.lonj. Hun lo t > lirt 4 Blr nilli.lil , ( K.I.MItUIn'HIIIIIIl\HXl'AIUllolllOUr [ ibuilulilr mf.lll. , IIIIHK llll'UJil.NT-ll.rilll. In di/ > Ilrnlrillr/frowCOHUIri iil irrlraruunlrlri.trllr Ibtvi Drierlllt ) llouk , fiplinillniivnil i > ruuf u&tlrdi ( * lrdfreH JUtitii ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALONY < i Wo etnl llin inKrvrlnim Krfnsh' llcmv.ly . CALTHOB fr - < ' , and leful ciiitrniitretlutt'Al.Tlloi wllj HTIII' lll oliiiriri' * i : li l < in . ( JlllKHD riiiul < irrlK'i.Vurlri > nla ituil HKMOIti ; Uxt Vluur. I'if it amiav i/ialii/itil , iIlrr.i. VOH MOIIU CO. , Holt lBfH > u iC U , lluilmll , Olila. Bathe bruiseo with Pond's Extract.