THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE , TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Was Dull aud Weak Most of the Session. SOMETHING OF A SURPRISE IN CORN , Prominent IVntiirrH of Sntimlny'fi OpprntloiiH 11 ml l iitlrrly I snn- jiciirctl , Imt TrniinnctloiiH Were JjimltiMt Stocks nntl DomlN. Ciw Atio , III , Nov. SO. Wheat wnsdull nnd weak during nio < > t of tlio m'sslon. Tlio bulls wcro tlinlil while tlio boars , liiiviiiu tlio best of It Iti Ilic news , were confident mid Inullnoil to be aKKresslvo. Cables vvero weak and lower with domi-Htlc iniirketH nlbo tciulltm clown- waul Indications pointed to u Inrgu Incrrasu In tlio \ Islblu Biipplj-\\hllo tlio local receipts wcro largely In eness of tbo eitnnalti and the northwottoin deliveries also llbcnl. Don- Iderablo long wlieut eaino on tlio innrkft nml tlilt , with the short SUCH , euusod u lower rniiKo In nrlces dnrliu the forenoon. Miiv cturtcd nt lH > , o nnd Decrniber Ul'io. Hut f > cli\ > arl/-l > iiL'i | ) > , UMHII nnd MIlnilnu-Hodtnan worn fin ) Hollers , nticl there was a gradual do- olliH1 tolM'.e for May and UI'SiC for Dvcuinbur. 1'nrilrli'RO WHS u lllernl scllor and brokers who usually act for HntelilliMin had Huso felling ordt is \\orosunposoJtobo for lliituhlnson , who , It was Inferred , wty.throw ing o\orl o.ird his long wheat. I iVur there WIIMII inodrratr leiii'llnn In oineco\C'rliig by Cuilahy , win ) was thought , to lie taking In profits , nnd by n minor Unit the foreigners liiid I I'L'iin Ijiiylni til llui snaboard and Muy fcoldbark to 'i J4 | . nntl Poemnbor toOI'ii1. Near tlic11'losu tbru wasreni'wed weakness , Decain- bei selling to ( live and May toin c. I'oiu wassoini'thliu of a surprise to thosn nho hud I'xncett'il u collapse In I he NoNcmhur MUi't'/e | , for tin ) wi'iikni'ss which was Much u prominent fimture h.itunlay had entirely ills- nppeaifd. TrniiHactloiiH In this month , liow- vviir. lontlniifil very limited. Thu closltix price on Mitiirclav was T.SC The ( Irstsilo to- ilav was iitTOf Tlipn there was n long w.ilt without any trading , nticl tinilly Tie was p.ild ; tlien 'ile was seemed for home , and was the closing price The Identity of the le.idlng hlioitK , If tlieru were any , wn not d'sclosed. December opened at 4iio , ag.ilnst Ili7i > . at the close cm S.ililHlny. sold nt-ld'ef. ' toialn ( I 4d' o and closed alJd tc May Iliictuateil within u range of ' 40. OiitH were quiet and foiiturole s till Into In the session , when coierlng by hhorts sent No vember fiom , fJ-Ue to . .11o , I'losln , ' at flom lie lit U'iC ' M ly WIIH steady lit from : rjs > o to.l inc. Theie w IB a heavy inn of ho s at the ntoek vaids this inoinlng , and prices wcro loner. Jlox pinducts weie t onsciU | ( nllj lower In nyiiipiitliy at the onenliig , bill Hhoits co\ered rnther freely , c.iuslng a reco\ery , and the close was at unlmiioriant ehanjis fiom the lust price on Siitiirilny. The leading futures r.ingcd ns follows : Cash quot. it Ions were as follows : I'mim rnchaiif.el : spiln patents , $1 dT@ 6.WI ; winter patents , il ' < ( > & > ( I ) . WliliAi No. 2 spiliiK vvhcar. OP e ; No. OHiirlnit whoai.Sl'.c ' , No. 2ied , lUMiZUIMc. ' . OOIIN No 2 , 7lc. OATS-NO 2. .ii h < S.ii'ic : No. 2 white , 32' ' & © .NO .1 white , . ' . . . 11AIII.KV No. 2 , Wlfiflo ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 45 ® OOe ; No 4. f. o b , 4' ' ( S.l'le. ' l'i\\ biF.i : No. 1. I'O'.c. ' Tiviomi hi KD Pi line , $1.2101.21 I'oith.Mess ptirit , uei bill. fn.20ffiS.2i : liirtl , per cwt , ! fl.02'i(2d01 ( ; short ribs "Ides ( loosnl. $550 ft.ldO.dry s i It od shoulders ( bo\ed ) , 14.1. ! , ® 1.25 ; Bhort eleai sides ihoxed ) . 111)02,000. ) XViiisuuv Distillers' HnUhu I goods , per Kill , r Clii-KSK riim ; full cream Cheddars in" " } ® ll'ie. Hats IlSSIl'ie : YOIIIU Ameilcas 12l2'-e. ' IliniH In fair tlcmiind and onsler ; heavy nnd lln'ht Kieen salteil. 41i ® . * > e ; trreen hides , : iUc , Halted bull. 4'iiQ)4'ic ) ; Ktcen saltetl calf , WjlHjc ; dry Hint , tc ; dry salted hides , Offlre ; dry calf. KiiOc TAI i.ow fcto idy ; No. 1 , so. Id packed , 4o ; IS o. 2 , .l'4o : eaue , I 'it1 , Hi OAH Cut loaf , uncluiiiKUd , SSiye. Xou * Ycirlc iXlnrlcetq. Nniv YniiK. Nov : p. ri.oun Iio 'elpts , 3 VM likes : expotts. i.ato bbl , 41,474 sacks ; mar ket Iriuitiilut , falily attive ; sales. 3.00 | bills. COIIN MKAI. Quiet and steady : yellow xvestern , I/O ® Mil. \Vlll.\T Iteto pts , KS IObii. ; e\iiorts , 411,328 1)11 ) ; siles , 5,4sOUOO lu of tutuiehi 17t > ,000 bu of pot. i-pot maikot weaker , moderato busi ness ; No. 2 led. * lli4U < rflt.4'j i , , Rto0 | nnd elevator ; t\K \ i < & \ A.lalloat \ ; Jl.aiV ei.U7 , f. o. b : No. 3 led. : untrradetl red , ( IX94C@M'I ' ) > 4 ; No. 1 northern. l.07'4 ® l.O'.i'i : No. 1 hiirii. tl.0''til,00\ ) ' ; . 2 north- urn. ifl.(4. ( OptloiiH duellned " ,0 toeon nellliiK of Dt-ermber by foiolcnvis vvlth veakero ibles : ndvanued 'Jo on liberal olear- nuees nnd covering ; diellned ' o to he on the Incie.iso In the visible supply , closlnc lather easy lit "no to J4" under Saturday. No 2 red. December , J I. (141 ( , 61 1. 0.1 ' 4 , closing at $ ' .04 V Juntini ' ) ,'closing ut tl.OD'i ; I.OM 5..Mnrili. ! rioui.Htn Kinin in sioro ami niio.u wovein- Iior2i : Whout , 11,701,527 tin ; coin. 300.122 bu : oats , I.Sfid"iSl ( bu. tyo , 1.0SIldS bu ; barley , 218- U5I bu ; maltf,2..nn , mis peas , ill. bu. ' IIAIII.KV No 2 Mllvvnukce. 7.74c. llAm.lJVMAIT-Ullll. CollN-Hi-celptti. Wl.b70 bu. ; exports. GS.C81 lii , ; sales. 744,000 bu , of futuies , MdOO bu. of spot , .spot mailet unsettled , dull , oloslius lull nntl vveakeij No. S , 74 < iSOo In elevator ; 71 QMIO ; iincradeit mixed , Mn Mo : No a caamoi options. Noxoni- bor advanced fully I5o to OOo on L'roat kuarelty and the necimit v of eovorlnij n few contracts ; other months depressed anil dujl ut a tlecllno _ of 'J ® ' o ; Nov en her. s.l 17.1751)11 ) ; o\ports.lM,07Sbu. : unles , 210.100 bu. of futures , 141.000 bu ofupot ; spot mm kot stronger , moderiilely active ; nn tlons , ijulot. llrnier : December. t Moady. qulpt , lloi'h ralrtlemiind. Col ni : uptions opened steady and iin- ohnnKt'il lo 10 points ttown ; closing steady at 1.11020 imlnts ilown ; Hales. ; t > , l > 00 baus , In- t'ludlns December , Jll.lVntll HI ; January. Jll.M tail.7li ; I'ebriiaiy. JII.4.1OU..BI March , IILX , ® l | Mt May , ; utlii40 : : June. ifll.U ; July , lll.dli hint. $11 0.1 ; spot Itlo steady and moio nutltut No T , ItJfiixriil.l.u.Mi.i M'dAliKaw. . dull , iiuniliiHl ; riifineddullnml easy ; powderctl. 4o ; cubes , 47-IOe. Moi.Assts Now Orleans fairly active nml Idfu rirm nnd falrdoiniind. I Kiiioi.iHJM , Quiet and stonily ; united closed at too for Dacomber. UHTIMN bhhiiOji-hteatly and ( julcf yellow , i UbllC. TAi.i.ovv rirm. N Stonily iintl tiulct ; strained , common to KOOI ) , < I. U. io i , 4 'J ' , Timi'KNTiMi Dull nnd weak nt 3ii ( < aHe. ; Knns 1'uncy llrm ; western 272bci reielpts. , . 1'oiiK Dull ; old mess. J0.75 : now mess , $ ia75j extra prime. $ OIKKJJIO.W , Cur MBATS-iDiiU nnil easy ; ninldlos ouiot ; Dlekled bolllex , tiut pickled bhouldors , aaffl 5io ( ; pickled hams , WiHlH' . lAiiu Iovver , motleriito domnud ; VTOsttrn Btotiii , Jd.40 hid ; sales. 2.200 tlenos at W. UXiD 0.41 : options sales , ; MiU tie room December closed nt HT , ; January $ .5 cliHln.t nt Irt.i9bld ; i-'ebriiury. ) ; Miueli. $1.70. llt'TThitQuiet , htenil ler : western tlairv , K © SHe ; western creamery. 2 tWOo : iitln.30- : ! . " CiihBMi-Qiilet. llrm : put sklnis. 4Hfflo , I'm IIIOK Qutol ! Amerlcun , * l\7.1ij-i.tO. | ( iiii'i'enQuleti lake , December , ill. OJ. I.BAIHNiim'nuli domestic , JJ.3) ) . TiM-Qiilot , iteudyj KtriiUs , J > auO. I'r tlsh Grain Tratlo Hevlcxv. LONOON. Nov 3' . The Mark I.nno Kxprcss In Ha weekly ievyw | of the llrltlsh Kraln triido iijnKnidluli wheats decllnetl U. Although bo weather was dry the bulk of the bamules flcrid was UutuD and oi Inferior quullty. wlicntd nMo ilroplieil Is In con c- tiucncoof the niimlierof frc h nrrlvnls. The stocks In ports nmountto Goo.OOU iiuurtors In rx.'i'ss of the reserves nt the name tlmo Inst ycnr. 1'ntll the plplhoru In the crmiiiries Is rnllovccl lilelicr prices nro Imwsslhlc. It U estlmnted that the wheat nnd flour on PI"IIRO nmoitiits to 3.0 > )0iXOqimrlors. ) tJarifoes on passimo are Od lower , llarloy. < mtu nnd Indian torn have do- cllneil from Oil to'Jil. The business today was mcaKor. Dnslhli wheats oold Rd lower nnd vvero In poor sitlo nt the decline : foroljin wheats HiilToriMl the snmn reduction , although they vvero morillrmly held ; Hour , outs , ( rrlnd- iiiK bnrlcy nnil 1 nsccd dropped from M to Gil. Knimas City Markets. KAVP H C'tTV. Mo. . Nov. ! in. 1'i.onn Qnlot nnd unch'itiacdi patent. S. 5 H&'l.ra ; uxtru fancy ,'Iaii fancy. 2.lxa2.I5 ( ; choice , Jl S3 © I.M : . , , Wiii'AT .Stronger and hlulicrj No. 2 hard , cnsti , italilili No. 8 red. Mc ) hid. COHN Weiik and lower ; No. ? , cnsh , 37o hid ; November. 3Mc bid , OATS I'lrmer ; No 2 , eash,50)4o ) bid ; Novem ber. . 'lie linked , , HAV I'nchnnccd : timothy. J'.CO ; prnlrlo funcv. V50 ; ehoko , ti.5vttO.53 : low grades , i unfa 00 Ilr.TKii IJnchaneedi rreamery. 222'c : dairy. I.V 20o ; store packed , I.vaiCc ; rolls , Hntvc. Kin < S-lcady at 23" . IthCi.ii'THWheat , d9,200 bin corn , CO.COO bu : oils. none. feiiti'vii.NTSheut , C3,0 Obu : corn , ROOD bu ; oatd , J.300 bu. Omnlm ( .rain .Mnrkrt. 1'rlecs hn ccl on delivery at Mississippi rlvor points , Nebraska , tnspeutlon , nnd ten days' shipment , unless otherwise stated. 'Die week opened with the market very dull and with little donu : . Niw : COIIN--NO 3 or better , your , St. Louis terms , : , o'4e old ; Janu.iryJ1 * ! ) , K-K No 2. SOe bid ( > ATNo. < . 2. white. 3l'5c ' bid : No. 3 , white , SO'ic' bid ; No. 2 mixed. . ) u bid. AmoiiR the sales were ! 8.1.000 No 3 or better corn , shipment , i-t l.ouls terms , 40c. Mllvvankco Mu.wAURKr , WIs. Nov. tu WIIKAT Kasy ; May. l'4' ' e : No. U snrlnu , U'c ; No. 1 northcin. ume. C'oiiN I.aslcr ; Nc. 3 , new. 4 Ic. OVTS rirm ; .No 2 white. 3lc ; No. 3 white , tie. ItAiiii-i Quiet ; No S.CSe ; samploon track. 3sTl''c. ItVK Lower ; No I , We. I'linv I-.IDNS Quiet. I'oilk-.Mny , $1I.17'J. St. l.onlH ST. Lotus. Mo. Nov. 30. WIIHAT Lower ; No ' . ' , e.itii. oiVii'i , Ol e ; May , UJ\a bid. COHN-Lower ; No. 2. cash , 4lu ; May. 40'e. ( ( ) ATS-\\eak ; No. 2 , cash , 3. < a2je ! ; Muy , .T..o \ \ IIISKRV ? 1.1S. I'cillk t'i.21. LAKH Woo. Hun bit Steady ; creamery. 24&27C. Ijlvrpool > nrKotH , LiM'.ni'ooi , , Nov. 3) . WIIIJT Dull nnd lower ! holders oiler moderately : Un'lfornlii No 1. 8s Ildn/"s ( IHjtl per cenfil ; red western. sprlnc. 8s7tla6s74d ( ; No. 2 red winter , fcs 7d@ fcs 7'd. Ooiiv Quiet ; demand fallen olT : mixed western ( s.l'Jd ' per cent it. I'ottk 1'ilinu mess western , 4 SB Oil ] icr bbl. On in si : American ilnust , whlto and col ored , 55s pel ewt. New York l > ry ( Joods .Itarkcf. Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 30. Iluslness In dry Roods opened In a quiet way. hut some Rood tr.ins- aellous were made later. The market Is ste.idy and without Indlc.itlons of any change in priics to follow. Now prints were not bolnc shown except In shirtings styles. The price of Merilmao slilitliu prints was llxed ut 4e on the b.ibls of titallly. \Vhcnt Atnrlcot. Minn. Nov. 30. Wheat , ex cept for cash , dull. Uecelpts for two days , l.0 ( > 3 Oloso : November closlnz at 8VC ! Docoinber , Hl'jo : M ly , lU e ; Jiiiiunry , t > 7c. On trick : ' 'be ' : No. 1 north ern , bii'aCi No - ' noi thorn , H-'tii yc. HloT.incli'o > oll'c "Mnrlcot. llloJANhl'io , Nov. JO. C'olTce , regular firsts , OKU ) iols per 10 kilos ; Rood setonil , y.100 rels. Hccolpts ( liiilnitliu week , M.TOO hiieb. 1'ui- ch.ises for the Onltetl St-ites. U.Oji b.ih's ; shlp- ments to the United states , OO.UoO b.i4 ! > ; stock , 2J.O.O b.i s. _ Snntos llar.jpt. SVNTOS , Nov. 30. CotTee. rood n\0"asp. 10- 8.0 lels per 10 kilos ; reeolpts ilurliic the week , lib.OJJ b.i s , Diiichase for the United Mates , 7,101 bails ; shipments to the United Status , none ; stock , 31doOi bags. Cincinnati .tiarlcctH. CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 30. WIIUAT Easier ; No. 2 red. We. Ooitv I'liin : mixed , 4VSHGC. OAT-I I'.isler : No. 2 mixed. 3H5.15c. WllIskLV JI.K _ II'iviuiu ' MnrKct. lUvAXA , Nov. 30 SPANISH GOLD 2J434 © L'LI L'LIKXCIIANOK Steady ; on the United States short , slRht. gold lO-Uiiill preiuluiu. fauUAU Quiet. _ KoroiK" Oil llnr'cct. Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 30. O I.CUITA LiNbEiio 42s 7'itl 1)01 ( iiiarter. LI.NSJ Kl ) Oil. 10' ' Jl ( per cw t. ANTWhiii' , Nov. J ) . Petroleum , 25 > 5f paid , ISlif sellora. _ Toledo ( Ji-ain Market. TOI.PDO , O , Nov. 30 , Wheat Qimer ; No. 2 , cash , uiisc. ( JOHN bto.idy : No 2 , c ish , 4Sc. OATS Quiet ; cash , 3lc. _ Several Short on Corn , CIIICAOO , 111. , Nov. 30. Thu 1.x tinlnp. Tournnl says : 'Ihe wlndupof the November corn denl would boom to prove the assertion tb it the Chicago end was nothlnz but a side show to a bid corner In Now York There were homo who favor tlio belief C'lidahy's heavy blilp- ineiits of coin to Now Yoik to cover his con tracts them were the cause of the pinch hero The advance toil 10 In Now Yoric uilnst75o ; In OhlcuKo Is also evidence Hint some pei > ons weio havlni ; the screws turned on them In the former eity today rathei mercilessly and speculation was r fo .is to the fortunate anil iinfoitunato pintles. The manipulators of the corner had to buy In order to keep up the price. 72c to 74is bolus the raiiRO. Taken in all It has been a vury qnlot but Mj ] } strong coiner , shrewdly manipulated by parties heretofore unsuspected of ability to successfully cany out it pinch In that scheme , but that they weio favored by circumstances every one acknowledges. It Is not Impiob- able that the courts may bo called upon to adjudicate the illllereucos of some parties to the deal , as It Is rtimoied that several op- ei.itorson the wion side huvo defaulted on their contiuets. Traders' ' Taltr. CIIICAOO , III , Nov. 30 Counsolman k Day to I'oeUinll llros , ; Wheat i tiled weak at a decline ot fiom 'ic to 5iC. and closed with De cember > Ho lower and May ' o higher than the oponliiK lUuicH. There free lliiuidatlon of scattered December holdings , which were bsoibctl pilnclpally by carrlcis. We.ikcablos and the Mslblo Increase bioiiKht out consid erable lone May vvhu it from tiled hulls , and local slants took prollts. Nous was sci'rce and nnlmportaiit and tlie oMiemo fluctuation was barely l o for the day Tlio movement was liberal from Interior points nnd Atlantic clearances vvero considerably above tlio to- cent avciiiRO , but speculative ttadlnirwas llsht and the market blow anil dr niKlii ) ; . There will prob.ibly bo lltilo to Inftiso now life until arrivals are siitllclonl to m.iko Atlantic clearances u feature tradlnK. Coin WHS dull , easy mid lower for late futures , hut llrmly cornered for November delivery , and al though tint amount unsettled lias probably dwindled down to about luO.UOO bu , . theio Is a likelihood that the will lie carried onto a larger extent next month 1'rovUloiis wcro depressed by an une\pt'ctedly IIIIKO aKjre * Kato of bales of nutsiJu lonir pork for Decem ber , but stood up well under this pius-niie , ami al tlio close thn matket looked as If the product had honiostionK hiindleis. C'liUAilo , III. . Nov. ,10 SwartDnpoo A , McCormluU to 1' O. HwnrU & Co.i lluslncss. In wheat today was only inoJuraloly native , and consisted principally ot liquidation by Iniii-'s anil eoturliu of bhorts. Cables weio lower , with a llboril Increase In the vlslblo supply. Another Uusslan ciop report was re- Kardeil as more favoranlo than the last. Northwestern receipts weio liberal. Sea board clearances weio good , and prom ised to bo lar-'o tluilni ; the week , .Many of the prominent traders lately tdentl- lled wltli the boar Hide uro now playliii ; for a reaction with an expectation tosull again at a higher raiiKo of prices November corn eloscil at 7.1u with the lilt full ot broken ? bidIng - Ing that lljjuro hut ottering lo sell at 71)Jc. ) Tliero will prob ibly bu a UIHM ! many dufanits. Under heavy receipts of hoes provisions opened weak and lower with freo.sulllnj ; of December pin k. A reaction took place sub- bctinontly on heavy buying of Deceml or by local shorts and the inarkot closed fairly steady. There Is nothlna new that wn see In the Hltuatlnn. Many In Iho trade th'nk the low est priced hogs of the croi are now boliiir liaekod. t'liiuuio , III , , Nov. ; ! . Konnctl. Hopkins A : Co. to S. A. MeWhorten Wheat opened al about 2o under thu u 00 of last Saturday. Althoniih the opentni ; M'cmod to uo with some VTouUne- for thu moru prominent options , bin urlro uiipiireutly had Its Inlltienco iliirlnt ; the early part of the session. Dlevutor people and carriers were tlio principal huymsot Dcccin- ber. with aljurtK talcini ; the May option , 1'or- vlKii advices were considerably lower , with thu imirkol Inactlvu and the domain ! for our Krnlii somewhat fallen on * . Wheat throtiKhout the wou and northwest N favorable fur the market , and If such should continue It Is expected the markets wilt bo slightly atfoctctl uy It. The stock of wheat In store In tha northwest ihovv-i u small do- crcuaowltli oxuullenl proapcota of cnormom receipts tor tbo remaiuder ot tlio week at Dulilth nntl Minneapolis The olcirnnccs nt Now York wcro unusunlly larco tdduy for both and Hour , ( .loslnir forol n advices - vices ruled about the mime ns the oticnlin with the tendency slightly lower. The vliilblo supply came out Inter in the day , which showed nn Incre-ino of wheat of iiboul 2,271Ow hiiahols. This Is nn Incro i o over last week's report of nearly 81,000 bushels , which was somewhat under the amount expected. This In connection with heavy buvlnx ol lle.un. llutchlnson nntiothorlnrtiosiioculjitors caused the market to react with renewed energy Corn opened at n smiill fraction under Saturday's close anil ruled strona iliirlnir the entile session. November Imil Its usu U llue- Illations , opening lit 70o and vloslnt nt'.lo. There was but Tory llttlo Interest manifested In corn today , altliouah. us usual , the crowd VMIS watching the November option. Die visIble - Iblo report shows an liu re.iso of 1)70,003 ) bu for corn , wlilch was KOtncwhat larger than ov- pec'ted. Oats ru'ed stroni ? throuuh- out the tiny with but very lit tin trndlncr , closing comparatively stroni : Provisions were stroni ; . eloslni : about lo-iii.'o hlRher thini the opening for the more promt- nont options. Armour was n buver nt the openitiK. Lanro rLcelpts continue throuirhout tlm country and thocstlmntn each day seem- Inclv adds a few moro thousand to the ex pected reeoipts. Lard nnd short ribs ruled In unison with pork , closing at the best prices of the day , , ! % / > JtUXlM. Nnvv YOIIK. . . Nov. IlO The stock market vras very dull today In the main , due to a scarcity of stocks for sale , the only selleis of note bcliin the bearish traders and to sontoVxtcnt tlm foreigners though the offerings of thu lat ter are very well covered up. The opening of the market was weak under tin1 Influence of these oirorliiKS , nnd llrst prices wcro Roncnilly from ot 1 one-eighth to live-eighths per cent lower than Saturday's close , these losses bulni ; supplemented by fur- tlier declines in the oirly trade which btnuglit the cMrenio losses up to nearly 1 per cent. Thu discovery that the complications arising from the rield-lMiidlov falluro were i"C liberated nnd the announcement that the Union Pacific would take up the noniU which were In tlio hands of Innocent parties added to thu rood feeling. Later In the day tliero was a renewal of the late good buying of the Vandcrbllts and this movement cave the whole list an Impetus which had tl.e I'lfect of completely wiping out the early losses and In man } cases of making substantial alns In addition. Tin stiong feitnres of the d ly , however , were tlio Industrials , i-ipeclally Lhle.ieo Oas and Distillers , and the former is tlio only stock which closed at n material liupioveineiit over Its last weol''s , pili cs The market dually closed ( | iilethut Him. tcner.illy at somi-tliiiig bettor than llrst prices , and most of the active stocks tonUlit show small i ? ilns for tlio tiny , notwithstanding tlm sctb icu In the forenoon. L'lilca'oUas , however , with a gain of l i per cent Is tliu only nno of Impoitance Ooveinmenl bonds h.ivo been dull but firm. Stale bonds have been dull and steady. The following are the closln ; nuot itlons for the leading stocks on the New 1 ork stock ov- ( .h.ingo today ; AtLhtson . 41 do | iri'ferrpd. . . .HO " * * ' Mi .V. 1 Lontral 114H Alton , T Jl" . . . N 1 . .thlt I .UH ilo preferreil do prpforri'd . . . T'l Amerlum 1.aprons 117 Ohio VllaHiMHippI . . . 5."u II. C II AN . . . . 'K' ilo prpfprroil . . . . " . " > Cnniuhi I'aclllu ' Ontario \ Westi'rn . Ifi C.inniln Southern . iii Urciton Improvuia n. 21 ( entrnl I'nilllf . Jl Oregon Nuv . . . . ,5 Chi'Kiiiaki.VOlilo | Jl24V Urtirun 'Irnni I7JS ilo Iwl preferred . 61 , ' I'liclllc Mnll .IS ilo''il prefurrcil . . lit 1' I ) \ . I ! 20 ChltnHu .V Alton 111 l'llt lnirr H'l ' C II AQ . , ! . I'nlhiinn L'alacu 177 CC.UA St I , . . . TUJft llenilliu' VsV Del. lluilxin . . . . 121 Itouk I lTinl . . . . MVi ) Del I , AW - . I , A. > F l t phi. Ti.K 1) A H. C pfil . . H. M I'll u I Ti. i Unit TemiL'sico . . AVj , do preferred . . . . lllt1 do 1st preferred .lj st I' . Mln A Man. 112 ilo 2il preferred 1I' ' ( si I'niil AUuiahn . . . 1'f ' l.rlo .kiVV do prt'lerri'd . . l"i > ( ilo pn-fcrrt'il . . . . I'lffi'lonn ' ' Co il A Iron J I ort \Va > no lf > 2 ' I'aclllc . . . 12 Chi X Last 111 ( h Tnl A U Ceil pftl . M ) llopklnjVallo > 27 1 Union 1'iitlllc 41' ' { llmiiton A 'lo\nn V'illT s ijcire | . . 41 Illinois Central . . 101 \ \ titm-h , M I. A I' 1.1' ( st I'.inl A Diilnth 41M do prefprred . . . 'JS Knn ! > iiH .V ' 1 exns . II Ml Wells I iirKii Uxp . ! > ' . > LakeKrleAW 20K V't Hti'rn t'ninii . . . . HJ1 ilo pri'fiintid . . . l.ii > iAiii , Cotton ( III . . ' . 'J I.nko blitiru ' ( olor.iilo Coal . . . ( 'i loulivlllo A.Nnsh 7s' ( llomi'st ike . . . . II 2JW , IronsilM > r 1- " , .Memphis \ Clmr. . lontarlo . > ' " ( Mlililimn Central . . . , . . . Mil I , .S A. W . . . . 774 * ilo lireferretl 21 ili preferred 110 Siitio 51VO Mln AM I , bM Hiilvver VO < ln preferred . . A VV 1' 'ler IUM MIsMiiirl I'nclll c . . W ( vntrnl 18 Mobile A Ohio . . 4U ( .rent .Northern pfil 111 Nn-hvllle ( hntt . . 87 ( .hlciiKO ( .ns . . . . M\ N .1 ( entrnl . Ill I.eud Trust . . . PA Norfolk A. West pfil ! a\ S-nnnr 1'rii't . H > .Northern I'liclllc. . Z5V. . southern I'ai.lllc1 . > . ' ! . ilo prulerreil 7lli ) ( 'Ori'iion ' 8 A U. N 24 I ) I' . Denver \-l . . . 1"41 Distillers , 42 Nortlmpnti'rii . . . .117K | The total sales of stocks today v\erolM.lfi3 shares , IncludluAtclilson ; , 10.011 ; Uhlea oOas , , d,70J ; Lacl.iwann i. .1.700 ; Urle , O.HIO ; I , il.o bhorc. 53d ; Louisville & , Nashville , 3771 ; ISorthern 1'acllle. pi etui reel. 1.1.200 ; Ucacllng , d,42j ; Union 1'aclllc , 5\0 ! ; fat. Paul , 7.V > 0. JCCVIUW. NKW YOUK. Nov. 3J.- This I'ost says : Such piospoct .is there in ly lieretoforo lii\o been or Immediate ) hpecu atlvo activity on the hull slile of stocks nnil there uovui niucli Inia piohalily lecelved a fatal quietus from the rielil-Undlov eiilsiiik' . .seiitlinent rules powerfully in speculative otierations to inalio jxisslblu the iKnoriiuof Ihe-u ver > iiiiDleasant duvelopnieiits. I'oi tuiiately. the telntlons of the fallen ( Inn to oihei linns weie of such , i n iture shat nelthui business houses 1101 eor- lionitloiis mo likely to ONiiorlenco critical einb.iirasbiiient ; but that coiitlii.'onuy. as \\allhtreetlswolliaviiio.lsonly h ilf of the nnf.ivoi.tblo possibilities , to fai as the market la concerned. New York Money .Xliirlci-t. NMV YOIIK , Nov. 31. llOM.v ov CAM , Kasy , raiiKlns from .1 to I percent. Last loan , .1 par tout ; ulosutl ollereil ut n p T cent I'niMi : .MKitt'ANni.K 1'U'Kit SSd'S ' ncrcent. Sruiti.'M ! I.XCIIANCII ; Ste.uly ut il.8)\t \ for sixty-day bills 11 ml 14 M1 for demand. Thu following vvoro the utojlti inlees on tjonils : I' S Is re.r H M K A T ( , cn 5s . . 4 iM V. S 4s coup . . . . ihlMatiitil I'aloniis . . .ID' ) I' ! < Vsriv ' " .N J C Int Curt . .1014 ' ' ' , . . . . I'nilllo 1'atlliels of'Si' IM ( .North IstH ItiVg I.n slumped 4s 87 N'oith I'liclllc 'ails 111 Teun , new set ( n . , 101 > orlhnosti > rn Con I ITU 'lean nun net.13. . .Snrlli DcliontUl'i \ ' 'leiin HUM tet .is . st L A 1 M ( , en ! IK S.i Camilla So 2ad M I , A h I' ( .I'll Jl 107' ' Ceil I'm tile Ibta 11) ) : ' st. 1'iiul Consols. .12.1 Si HIMI \ II (1 ( 1st- . 115 St. I'.C A I'nc l ts III Den A It ( J 4s . , I 't 1' I , ( J Tr. Hits Hi'f ' I ) A It. C XV. lain lot I' U ( i 'lr lilts . ' . ( ) KrleVniln , 11)7 I nliin I'nctllc , Ists 1UJ M K A T Cell dj I WUHtMioro I02 ! ( iInterest. : . NEW VOIIK , Nov. 30. Clc.iilni.-s , $ Sli57,7l2 : ; . Nov 31. Three par cent routes , 01 f 2 ' , i C for the account. lUi.riMOiti ; , Mel. , Nov. 30. Olourlius , $ MI3.- 77u ; balances , f l'iii,10t. r Uu 0 per cent. 1'llll.Ar I I.I'IIM , 1'a , Nov. 30. OloarliiKS , Jll- 70li5 ! ; balances , $ l.r UOJI ; inoiitiy , 4 pur cent. NKVV Ont.KA.NH. Ij-i. , Nov. 30 Clearlnjrs , 8 , IIV.7 ! ( > . New York exchange coiiimerclnl , 11.5) psr Jl.OOO discount ; bank , 5Je discount to par. par.CIIIOAOO CIIIOAOO , 111. . Nov. 30 Now YorkoxclmiiRu , L'5. ; premium. Money ( I pel cent. Hank elear- IIIKS , $ is,220,7d5. Sterlhii ; o\uhiu : u dull and unchanged. ST. I.outs Mo , Nov. 30.-0lo irlius. $1.07(1.070 ( ; balances , 1100.411. Money 74M per cunt. Now York ONclrmao. 2.1o discount. Tor the month clearing , JJ7.NSld ) , ' , balances , * lii.2l' > , li)7 ) ; for Novomboi. IbtO , ulparlncs. tm,3.UHIi | | balance ! , , ' HOSTON , Mnss , Nov 30. Clonrlnss today , tl.Mls2.HII ; balances , } . ' , | 40OI1 ; rate foi money. HifM per cent Kxeliaiuo on Now York , 10o t < i 1,0 premium. I'or the month : I'learlru-s. JIU.- ir > ,4 II ; balances. jlb.UJI , 47.1. 1't/r thpcoircsimnil- IIIR month last year ; ClcarluKu , $ ind.iOlb2 ; balances. } 5n.l5uU77. \VABiiiMTON , I ) . 0 , Nov. 30-Tho iimoiint of 4 J percent bonds redeemed todav was } JllOj ( total rodeoincd to tlato * .1S.11,4V ) , anil ItMiNliroiitstiiiiillni ! J.ld74,2W. 'l he redemp tion of those bonds has resulted In adecreaso of noiulv JI.OiiO.OW In the bonded debt slnco tbo 1st lust. Uurlni ; the same peilod therohiu been an Incrd.iso of nearly f I.OOII.IHH ) in the treasury cdbh uvalltiblo for the reduction of debts. _ London Sloolc .11 n rice t. Losnov. Nov. 3 < X-Tlio following were the London stock quotations closing at 4 p. m , ; Consuls money . UiSln Krlo reloads 107 COIIBOlllll-COimt. ! UJ41U Illinois tt-ntriil , tf S , IB l.'OVo Mexltnii ordlnnry U. H. < H W hi I'uul common . . . . „ N V I' All lets . . . N. V Contra ! . . 11H Cnnndliin I'nclllc. . . . I'eiina. IJrlo IIIt SlMHl-ll U-lflJ. Mo.Nbv24t - ! > J per cent. Kate of discount In tliu open market for both snort bills and three months' bills , J Ji' . per cent. Amount of bullion coiio into the Hank ot Lnglaml on balance today , i.'lllOW. Itovlaw. l /ss. liuJtunt * Goiilm-Il nn'U.\ \ LONDON , Nov. 30.-Now ( York Herald Cubic fipcoliil loTiiu HEE.-II | thu absunco of nctlvo tupport tlio slock mnikota rumnln dull , with no special feature. American rails worn on tlio down Knulo nil day. with the o.\cuptlon of Ohio A. Mlstlsslppl , which kept llrm owlnjto the belief that the hitch In tlio urrnnguiiiunts with tlm llultlnioro f : Ohio was removed. International blocks vvero weaker , espo- elally Hiisil.ins , iK'spito the bear biiicezo | In I'urls. UriiKuay Debit * nrriiiiRenients wcro llv ely anil carried out In thu fact ) of much op position. Homo Eocurltloft were quiet anil teady. Money U much easier , lluntcof KIIK- lund has Klven up longer aupnortlnit the rules of Ulscouut. Quotation ot thruo uontlit' bunk initir. OMAIM. Nov. 30. Tlio wrok opens ami the month closes with llbeial lucelpls There weio 14 ' e irs of eattlo , 3.21.1 head ; ( ,2 cars of lings. 4,174 head , and 1 ear of sheep. 10J head Tor the month receipts foot up 01.718 cattle , Ml.l-7 ! ! ho.'s and 1l. 7 snoop against 79,111) ) tattle. lir.7.'S hogs and L'i.11'i sheep last month , and 41UJi ) cattle , ISl.tssfl hogs and 2i. I.'O sheep in November. Is'jj. ' The olliclal stockyard j ear also closes today w Hh aiecoid of .1'II.U24 ' cattle , l.4il,4.l ( hogs and 17' , ' 4' ' ) sheep , a.'ainst Mlt(0'1r ( ( ' > a title , I.i7.lll4 ( hogs , 11(1 ( , ltd sheep during Isj > , nnd 4'i7.110 cat tle. l.'Ui.liillm.jsiiiid 110.0ii : sheep In lss' . CAT ri.t. Itecelpts weie llhoial fora Mon ti ty , mine than double last Monday's HIM. The oil ui I tin's vvero larioly westerns , but t licit ) was also a liberal sprinkling of corn-feu beeves The dressed beef men did not get a gro it ninnv cattle last week an 1 wanted some todn } . while shippers ami speenl.itois weio also inclined to v.iku a hand. 1'ilees weio vvo.l m tint linen , p-pcclallv on the better goods , whllo the m u et was no better on the medium and coni'non gi.idt's , If as good , ns Satuiday. Soim" voi.v , good fal cattle sold al jl.ol while the bull * otllio wanned up orjm- 11 ill } fatte I stt ck sild al fiom W.IO to > ( . ( > ) , The western citllu weio gencrilly rather common , and consequently slow s ilo , al though not , i gieat deal , if any , lower than last week , mound fro n IJ.KIto i.l,0. Taken all In all the in.irKot was In | > good hnpo foi unj tli ng at all df-s liablo. Desirable cows and helfeis woto good scllois at steady to strong prices , but the murl.ct was a sh ule e isier on metllum and common stock Some eholcu spaved heifers hiouuht i 10) ) and tlio hulk of the fair to K oil cows sold fromi'-.flO to } . ' .oj. ( oirfinon lows and c.inners vveieiiuotalily about us they have been all alun.r of Into iiulllToroib | sellers at fiom $1.21 to f 1.71. Tlio stocker nnd feeder trade was fu.itnio- less today , the supoly bollix rather small and the doniand correspondingly moauei. Prices rom'iin quotibiy unrliiiiueil. tt.lding Uclng mostly from $220 to J-'S' . Thoio was very little biihlness tlone. thu country apparently not having ( juito recovered fiom the very low prices of a week or two ago , I.cprescnl.Ulvo sales : STKUIIS. No Av Pr. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr 1 1100 f j .10 100 iorji4o ; i > uwj-ni 1..1210 ,1 W bO 1211 ,141 .118 Ilb2 .11 , . ) , .1 IN" .1 10 : i us7 : i 41 40 nn 401 11 108 11.1 J 45 IS U7.1 405 10 0 COW'S. 1 1110 1 25 4. IC81 2 00 12 1021 4.Jl 1 - ' . > Jl ! ! , . ' > -01 II I lisa .Vfl 1'I Ol " 127 2(0 ( 11 100J 2.11 IIS ) i r > in , ; 201 111 1110 . , tl- . 7.W i si fl l-l 2 10 II ) 107d s'a U17 i u- . 5 lllfc S 10 1 1.-70 240 I 8J 1 io : > o L10 Id 11)20 ) 24) ) 8 8 8 ' . II ) 11 11.11 2 " > 0 1JO ) . UiO 210 2.1) ) 1U"J 1 0) ) 70 2 n 2.10 h7i ) 2 00 1011 2 2J 2..117J 250 HUli 200 11.IJ COVVa AND srCU 23 101) 3 45 Sl'AYEU SG . 90 3 00 10 : ,2I I 1.1 a. . : r > j 2 n .1. . 100 4 00 .1 : IMI i ai i. . no 3 50 2 . Idj 4 00 4 ( ISO I M JIUM.s. 1..12CO 1 BO 1 .14i > 0 I 75 2..1J35 SCO 1 1140 1 10 2..12JJ 1 75 1 2210 4 05 STOUKnitS ANM ) l'ii IIURS. 10 107.1 2 20 II . d7l ( 2 li ) II 1001 4.1U71 221 2 SS.1 a U ) 1. . % 0 SbO 10 full 2 J5 1 . HJJ 2 OJ COI.OIIADO CA1TJ.P. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r 'l steers .loou } > N ) Oi steers. 1121 K 0" > 07 hteois..U11 ; i .10 2 stLors. llOJ 3 110 OJ cows . . OH l ! 40 (1 ( feeders U'lJ S 2i 2 stceid . .II'.K ) 2 00 0 cows . . . lit ) ) 2 3J 28 cows .10.11 a.O 111 steers..KM 2 bd 2.1 feedeis . 04J ' . ' bO IS sttors . .low 3 10 40 rows. (181 ( S 01 1 steer . . . 1310 2 71 51 cows. 004 1 71 12 rows . . . lih'l ' I Ml 1 steer 700 2 21 4 eows . . . 877 i no d eows. 10.1S 1 50 2 cows . . . 1IHO 1 50 41 cows. nn 24) ) 44 cows . . ill ! S 40 2 oulls. . .1410 1 2.1 II ! cows . . . . 1170 1 hi 2 bulls UM 1 21 14COWH. ( . . 7.M 1 K1 J steels * 1100 2 20 121 cows. . . 7d. 1 bO 1 Hleet * 1KO 220 in cons. . .101J 1 M 1 hteoi * . . U'40 2 20 1 cow. . . . ROO 1 80 1 steer' 1170 2 ILO 1 cow . . . . U.IO 1 hO 1 steoi * . , 11IH ) 2 20 1 cow 1-MO 1 80 I'M ! feedets. 2 M : i steeis . . 117i ( 3 20 4 feeders. us ] 2.1) 4 Mucus 1JOO 3 SO 4 feedois. RiJ 2 SO 21SUCIS . . ll'.O 3 20 1 feeder irjo 2 M ) 1 sttor . . 11"0 2 M ( > foedets uii 2 : o lihtccrs. . . 1210 3 20 10 calves .110 1 t'.l ( l steeis . . 1108 320 15 calves . IDS Sto * railings , " i cvrn.t : . 1 cow . . . ,10,10 ! 11 cows ( Ml im I tow . . . lO.'O , 2 hulls . . . 1 mi 170 1 cow. .1070 il 7 bulls . . . Kill 101 3 LOWS . 1010 4 hulls . . . . 2 cows 101.1 0 feeders. fi.l cow a . . . 1X11 lions The fresh receipts wcro f,2 curs nnd these added tn Iho hotduveis innilo ahnnt fiuuo on s. lie , n rather llhi.rul biipply fur Moiiday , Thu iti | ! > llty In Keneral was only fair , 1 1 unify as cfiod ns , nst I'rldjy and Saturday \\lth llhcral olleruu'sliory nnd htmiibh adv lees fioin CliU'iino ' the market spoiled blow and tlriiKKliiK with linyeis beemliiKly liulllloront , hlddlnx f run , Ae to lue lower than batnrday. ( Jouil lieu vy ho/s wild liiivwty at from * 1 W ) to T.I 01. nnd a few of thu hcst loads at from H70 to 9.17.1. llilit and lltcht inlvod loads hold mostly ut from KM likMM with one or two eliulce loads at iJ.dt ) ruil bomo loniinon stnir as low us from WU.1 to tui. llnslness was ox- trenieiy dull all cl V Tint ! toward tlie elose It vvus WOMO , nil of I0o"lower than Saturday. bev oral loads that arrived Into reiniiliiL-d un sold. The hulk of the sales was at from . to f.l-iv'i nunlnst fronvfi.A.1 ; tofl.T.if'iitiirday , nnd the avoniKoeost uasil.O'J'i niriilnst Jl M Satur day and iJ.55 last Monday. Uoprebcntatlvo No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r 70 . . .0.1 C.1 . .ail UK ) uca OJ . . . . 170 a 40 . 2.14 120 .100 b' | ' . 31H 200 JW " a 4.1' 70 . 2i.7 . 300 aoo 8U" 80 a 41 02 . V'OJ 80 aoj 84 2lX ) a 50 7.1. . .241 so a co 70.i . . 101 ISJ 350 fi. . . 211 SO ,100 : i . .2.10 40 a sea 7.1 . 241 200 a no 75 100 6V . .21 1 520 78 Ut ) a Kea 6VM. . .27(1 ( 74. . .2ai 60 a 5) 70 . .270 iu ) jn.1 . . . an U50 7J . an 20) 3G5 SO , . . .217 100 CO.Cl . , .ai5 60 3G5 , . . 227 Cl 80 305 t3. . . .aio 40 U M 55 . 80 3t > 5 4 ' " a 55 61 . .air ; IflO 315 fiU . "JKH a ar C4 . .374 ICO ,10.1 77K 120 VI.i . . .240 80 aui K ! 4 100 ( i . 2C5 120 31.1 8J. a za 70 . 2.W 82. . , . 204 80 a 55 60 so aai n . . . .210 200 a55 61. 65. . . . 214 6Q a 55 70. , . .280 200 305 G.1 244 2SO ass CO .330 200 3C5 75 2JO 210 a 55 71 . 2tl UX ) 365 7J 224 160 363 9. 273 3C3 74 216 40 77. . . ' 'it 805 , . . .2 * ) 00 3 .VI . .204 JO .105 . VV.I 70. . " 14 80 3li1 . . .2:11 : VOO il M 0.1 2oo air1 ! ft7 270 20J 't fi7' : 01 8J .170 nt . 2V1 ICO 3 57" f > 2 40 370 70 bO 3f,7 > ' ' ' , . 27.1 - 370 Rl Si 3 r,7'i 1)7 ) . . S1K1 40 370 111 . 2.11 40 .1 CO fi.1 , . . .Ml 8D 370 73 . . . 2J7 120 a no 71 . . aw 120 370 03 . . 244 200 : i oj fi7 60 37.1 71. . .211 a in 75 . . . .200 210 3G7JJ W. . . . . . itt SO 3 & 3 l'lMANI ) Itounil. i 100 - a oo 7 . . . .us - nir. Hnnft1 Hut ono f > ( < sh Inncl tif shcnli vvns ro celvcd nnd thov were rnther ixior'ntitlveinve * hardly Kood unoiuh for the killers. Deilr.ibl tnnttonsiiro In uetlvo demand nt stronir prlce . Nutlveg. iM.'VXit4,10i vvtMtornt. * l.2.Vifl.2.1i coin mon and stoekurs 50i lambs , J.L7&O P.OJ. , ISpcc'IpK nnil llHpi ltion of Stuck Olllelnl receipts nnd disposition of stoc'k a Rliovvn by the hooUsof the Union StooU Vards comu my , for tint twenty-four hours , cnilliu u Ro clock p. m. , Nmemher.W , teUli lines cill.Kl' . noitstsxvt is Cnrs 11IMId IM Head 'ar . lip ul Cnr I IP id _ IIP 3'2V1 J ( t 174 \ _ Ul.,2 nmtns cvTrlTf notis mini1 Omnhn Parking ( oilman * HIT (1 II. llnmmond coiiipany 52S US I fen If 1.1 Co l.'liK-t 1,4'U ' Ciidnby Pncklng company as l.ii ) .Nelson .Morrln 11 1 oinl Hnlppprs ar.d feeders I.f.'J . . . . loltovor M ) " " ' " Total 3721"Tml _ „ . . . The \Voi ! tH * Work. Allowing the number of cattle , hogs and sheep iiiiii'liased on tlio markotby the clllTur * enl bnyers.tdtiling the past weak ; UAlTl.n , > wlftiVCo 2,101 Thu t'liiliihv Packing Co 2l)7 ) | ) ( ico. II. Hammond ( Jo > . . . . . . 77i ) Omalr Cl Other buyers r > , l"J " Total 10,517 ' TlinCmlahv PacMng Co. . 20.71'fl ' Omiilia Piicklti ; ; Co Il.lj4 | ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' lii'o. II. H.uifriionVrCo ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . : U7I Others a2"iu " Total 17,011 Swift &PO r,72 Cud ihy Packing Co HI ) Others 1'j-j ) 1,010 Chicago Ilvctook Cmrvno , 111. . Nov. .11 i peeial Telt'sram to I in. Ill i.l I'rlees fore.ittlo rjimcil ahont the thuulusn of last ivi'uk. If them any ch.itiKo to tlio advantage of hellers , the tone of the market holiiB qnlto stroiu. Not as many eattlo arrived as a majority of the linilu h.ul eonnted on anil ns the demand ( lev eloped not a llttlo activity the tendeney ill'ihtly iipwatd. The supply eonslstod al most who ly of native e ittle. no vv est i ins and few Ti'Mins arilviiv The tiuallty. therefoie , somewhat above the aveia o for the last few weeks. 'I'ladlng vvas aetlvu onu basUof from tt.m to i00 \ fin pooi to choice rows , helf eis and bulks , from l K ) to Jl. Ofor stooKcrs and feeders , and from &I.OJ to flj.1 for dressed beef ami shipping steers. I'rlcc * " below j 1.7.1 boiiKht tlio re Her put of the 1.1,010 cattlu on sile. cows and bills si liliiprlncli ) | illy at fiom fl ( M 10 f..n , and from J..V ) to Jl dj Imy- Inj , ' the hulk of the steers , . Calves were buarco anil hL'hrr. 'I odavS receipts of hoss. ( hoiuli amoni ; the largest ev 01 know n. did not crontiy exceed expectations. Ituveis Ilinied th it llioUor - ons wcithei and the leeent .idvaneo In price's would stint ( ho hoi- , this way at a llvc'y ' clip an I their conclusions were loireet Tire llrst estimates vvero around GJ.OOH , but as tr.i n Itflei train pulled Into tLo y nils It liccninu upp ircnt th it the totil would consider ihlv t \ieed W',0 ' 0. If indeol It did not reaeli ( NOR How niltes were ntToctctl Is slnwn In the imhllshed silos , which Indlealo a lotluetlon of i > In Ilirht wulith's and 1 e In licavv and mo Hum. There w is an active tie- man I at fiom $ .12.1 to f ) . ( > 1 foi 11 lit , if .11 to Sl'l ' ) for mi'dlum and $ ! 'U ' to Mill foi lieav y. Culls vvero petldled out at fiom JI.V ) to tun , and a lo ul 01 two of lie.ivy ho s fetched Jl 00. 'I Im m irket lemiilned weak throiiKhont. The I.vonlnJonrn il loiiorls : CATTi.n lioielpts , llt.OJO ; sliltiincnts. - ) , ( ( ) ) ; maiket active and a simile hUher : top prices for n i- tlves , 1 7u@ft.7il : olliers , $ . ' . ) ( iM.7" > : Tcx.ins J4 1 > ; stoekers. * , ' . ( ) © . ' . ( , ( ; cows , i l.l.Vii'J.7.1 lions Hetelpts , bl.OUO : hiilptnents. 10,01,0 ; m irUet autlve , heavy and \edKiades lowers Unlit Kiades steady ; rouirh and common. tlVvSiid.i ; inlMid and packers , $ ) .7i.l.7l ( ; prime lie ivy and butchers' vvolHhts W.hiiiaoo ; llK'it.lfl-aai.70. ' . iMlLi1 ! Heeeliits , 7,000 ; shipments. 1,100 ; market active and steady : native owes , J'.oo ® 4 41 ; mixed , Jl.l1i45J ; wetliers and ye.irliiiL' $ ( © 12.1 ; Tux.ins , $1.1)0 ) : westerns , lambs , fl.,10.12l. NCAV Voile Ijivo Stook Ni.vv YI.IIK. Nov : W. Ili.ivhs : Uecelpts , 1.n head , tncltiilln ! ; 102 ears for sale ; muiKotlOe liUhor ; natlvn steels , Jl pei 10(1 ( ibs ; bulls and loivs , } l.i@.l.ifi | ; ilressed lieef , bte.uly at ( I'-fe'l'iC per lb j bhipinents tomoirow , .17(5 ( beeves. CAI.VI s Kceelpts , Ml ho id ; inarKct I'/zC per lb hi her ; veals , J1.00s ju per 100 Ibs ; { rnsseis. $ l.KKlt.l.S1. ( fclli.l.i'-Hecclpts , 12,10(1 ( head ; sheep , stonily ; lambs , 'ic pel It ) higher , ' nheep. Jl OlftJI IJ'J pot 100 llw ; lambs. } iuou37'i ' : dressed mint . steady ati)3s'o per IK ; dressed lambs , llrm at 7'i@"c. lions Itecelpts. 20iriS head. Iiieludlni two oars for sitle ; maiKet noniliully dull ; fj.iu ® 4 00 pin 10J Ibs. _ us City ! , ivn Stock 3Iircct. ! Oirv , Mo. Nov. in. UAITI.K-KO- culpte. , 4'iiO : shipments. , l.l 10 : maikot slrons for natives and weak foi J'uMins , steeis , $1 fie cowb , $ . ' .av 5MO ; btocUors nnd ftedeis , . lions Uecelpts , fi.1 1 : slilpments)3J ) : mar ket .Ic to lOc lower ; all grades , * ; .Mi.Ol ! bulk , JJ2-Wi.l0. ! hili.i.p Heci'ipts 010 ; shipments , none ; mar ket steady and nnchaiued. St. fjouls Ijivo Sloolc .llarK-ols. FT. Louis. Mo. Nov. 30. OATn.i : Ito- celpts , 1.700 ; slilpmoiits. MO ; miuket hlKher ; iiiitive"l.1ii(3WliJ'I ( ; e\ans and Indlai.b scarce , $ . ' .llicu ( ; TOMIII eows. } ! . . ) © - . " . ' " > . lions Ht'celats , 3.710 : slilpmcnts , 700 ; mar ket lower , ( heavy , SJ.iiOftJ.Ulj nil\ed , light , W 402:100. : _ _ UM.tu.1 n//t //s.i//j jr.tit rounli-y I'rniluur. 1'alr country butter sells In round lots at IWfiJOc ; fanci. 2u@'c. C , VMI ; C'.in Ida KCCSO , iriiO7.CO ) : small get'sc , Hril5UO : pialilo chlcUi ns , ifl U $ 1.00 : ( ironso , $1.00 ; mallard ( tucks , $ IU ( ; blue wlnucil , $1.71 ; sreen wln-'ed teal , jl.10 ; mixed ducks , JI.21 ; jack rabbits , SI.UlKTol M ; small , II 2.Vai.VI ; qunll , * l.r > 0 ; lack snipe , f i.23l.r > 0i plover. 7.1t@ JI.OO ; Kolfion plover , * l 2.V3I.M ; siUirrt | ls , $ .do ( iil.2.1 ; deer saddles , l.VifilOx.'per ID : deer casst'i , loailc ; antelope baddies , ll < 3l.1c ; car casses , lS.Oc ( | , I'ddS'-licneral market unchanged ; UV K2c , I'oui.Tltv Dressed chickens sold nt Midc , some choice stock In Inu'lni : a llttlo more. Tur- l.ei B , 1 Wl-fi cceso and ducks. UCtlle. Uinnli.i Ilidi'M and 'I allow. No 1 ciean silted hides , I'lfM'iC ' ; No. 2 L'reen Nilted liuitis. ,1'jo ' ; No 1 iircen halted lil'les , 2.1 to 40 His , I' fil'io ; No 2Kreen salted lildes. T > to 10 His l'ic ' ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to Ift His. Co ; No J M'al calf , 3 to l His. 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 67e ; No. 3dry Hint hides , .Ic ; No 1 di v b.iltt'd hides , V3o. ! Tallow. No I. .ljic ; t illovv. No. 2 , .lo : crnnso , vvhito A , Ittl'ic ; Kieabe , whlto II. a' . < iJ ! e ; ( . roasn , vellovv. , ! c ; K'ri' isc , ( link , ' . " -o : . old but ter-XU-J'-e ; beeswiu , pilme , lOtt.'Jc ; rough tal low , l ) , < lV. , . I1 lour. Omaha Milling company : Itollanco. Patent , $270 ; Invlnelhlo. Patent , $ , ' 0 ( ) ; l.onii btai.tiu- tiorlatlv o , } ' , ' ! ) : biuwlliiKe , J-.DJ : I'miLy 1'ain- JlK ) . .s. r. Oilman's Oold Medal , $ . .70 ; Snow White , J'.ll ; r-iiowllnko. $ , ' .00 ; low srulo , * .1.0 , ( jncen of the I'antry , $ 'S ) ; Minnesota Superlative , 2.75 ; bran , fil 00 , chopped feed , $ 'ooo. NO LEAVES A DELICATE AND I.ABTTNO ODOR , ForsalolijrnllDnmonil Fancy ( Jomls Dcalcra or II nnnblo to rrocuro tills vvuiulrrlliI oii | > ecnaac < In Btampi and rocclvu a cake by return mull. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. NJ'ECIAT.-Bhanilon Ilrlli Wn.ti ftho poimlnf RocletT Waltt ) ennt KllKT. to anono ecndin ; u LOJtXlUK. Eagle Oornico Works , Mnnufncturernif( ( Ired Iron Cornice Window enp lUMtnlla nkjIlKhts , etc 1110 nnd 1112 Doditutit. MEXT ANJ ) LIME. J , J. Johnson & Oo , , Oad/ & Gray , 70 S. 15th Strait , Lltuo , cement , cto , cto , Oiuilin , Neb Cor 9th nnd DoiiKlns Fts JJIt T GOODS. M. E. Smith & Go , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry Dry cnod- notions , fur- Goods Go , , nlihliuKOO 11 Drysoodi notions ' , Knnti' furnishing xoods Corner llth nnd llownnl oor lllh anl ll.irney SH ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo , UUTUOI -AUTOM A no Illustrated cntuloKua Electric Motors free. nnd Dynmo" Cntnlo < in iron H A Klniieyi ( > a' | inll Cnpltol Avenue AKt R.I2 , ) .v \ Ufa Illit'i- FAItM MACHINERY , E'lC. Parlin , Orenelorff & T. G , Nortbwall , Martin Go. , Oonornl niHtcrn nj-ont Corner Jonoa nnd Oth St * . hkiuidl.'i 1'low Co , Uni tin , Neb ' 114'i-UII - bhorraan Ave Paxton & Viorliuj Omaha Safe & Iron Iron Works , Work ? , VVrouulil ainl cn t Iron tiullilliikl work , etultiei. Mnnnf r tire n'tnl burnUr work venurnl proof mfoi vault * Jill uundrr , mnchl 10 ami work , lion ihuttur * nnil ilsck-inllh wum. U. I' tire e ai , s Cl An ( r unanihH' Jtlrt-cii , lUhJtJackiua ill Platt & 0) , , A Booth Packing Oo , Oysten , Plih nnd ( clery , I'nckerniif tijuen , llsb 81 ! ) South 10th Ht nnd Celer ) , Dnvld Cole .Mnniuer. 1 S l.o.noiiwoilli t-t OILS. Oousolidatod Tank Line Oo. llcllned nnd liib ell . axle irrenso etc. PRO D UCE , LOMMISSIO .V. Ribbol & Smith , Schroador & Oo , , Dealers In country prod * Cn h lnior butter aal me , fruit * , vt'Kotablol , t-Ki. " , nnil KOIIUI.U com * etc. nili-Um inurelnnti etc.1J)7 ) Uownril Street Illli Street. Robert Purvis , Branch & Oo , , 1JI7 llownnl Strcnt. Produce , frulti of ill Write for prlcoi on hut- khul * , oy-tL-r * . tor , CKits ponltrjr , nail Kami ) 13th nnil Ilnrnoy Strooti. Kirschbntun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark 4 Oo , Duller , choose , ffii Duller , CUK * nnil poultry poultry nnil Kiuno ISO1) ) llownnl Street. CW boutll Uth Street. Biddell & Co. , Duller cheoso. cBKS.voi- etnlilaa , frlltti , poultry nnd Kiuie. PAL1 Kit. Carpenter Paper Co. , Cnrry a full eloi-k of printing , HrnpphiK nad wrltliik' pnper , cnrd pa- pur , etc. SEEDS. MOVES. Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes , t-eed growerdonlurs In Stoves rcpnlrs of nil klmli Knrdcn. urns * , Krnln mid Cooks nnd lluitun trco needs for sale , 421-42.1 South l.tli. lllh Stroat. SAS1T , DOOJIS , JILINJS. E'lC TEA , COFFEE , SPICES. Oonsolidatod Oofleo Company , 1114 nnd 14IU Hnrnoy St. , Oiiinhn , Neb 'JOYS. MILLIARDS. H. Hardy Oo , , Tlio Brnnawiok- Toys , dolls , nlbuuin , Balko-Oollontlor Go , , fancy goods , house fur llllllnrd inerchnndlso. iil hhiK KOO Is , child Hnlonn llvluroj. ren's cnrrliiKos. 407 , 400 4. lUth Struot , ' . IJl'Jtnrnuia Street. Omnlm SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MER IIANT ? . Allen R ot & Oo. Gasraanii & Dudloy. i\chnnKO : HulM- Itooms , U ) anil 01 Kr- lliillilhiK Hontli LhniiKO bullillng. Uin ihn. Ho u th Umnlm. P. E. Frcdoriok & Sons. Commission tlcnlers In Ilorfos Itoom ! I3 ExtlinnKti South Oaiiilii. A. D. Boor & Oo , , Iluutor & Greon. 63 Uxcluuuo llullilbu , 1 > Q UxclmiiEO llullillait , South On.nlm , South Omnhn. Pensions procured for bolillori of tlio Hobullioti who Borvcd 0) duyu and are now disabled from ANcuusc. . Th pon- Bioti is p'lyublo wliotliur tlio dlNitbility \vna inourrod bofo o , durliif , ' or Hinco horvlco. J'onslons for widoun and cliild- roil \\itliotit roffitid to etuisoof boldior'a doitth. 1'oiiHlona for inotliniM nnd fathorfl who uro NOW dependent , wliotboi'tboy woiodopondoiitoti boldlor when bo dioU or not. Widows , c-hlld- run and puronts are rojjiirdod 113 > ldo- pondent" in " 11 cases whore tboy have notsulllciont property for tbulr tupport. Soldioi'H puiiHionod at los.s lliiui twolva $1.2.00) ) dollars nor month and sulTurinff fiom dieiibillty in uddltion to that million1 in their ponolon curtillcatQ , may obtain incronsu niiJor tlio now liw. Inforinallon and advice glvon with < out oluirgo. lioat fiiullltioa uvor olTorod to claim inU to liitvo their chiiins pro | porly nnd dillgonlly prosooutud. N < cliar os uuloris successful. Write lot information to BilrBaiJ of Claims , OMAHA , NEB. rflr Thti Iluroaii U cinir.intoca ny tin Oiniiliu Ileo , the I'lonocr 1'rcas uud the out I'ruulkcou Uxamluur.