Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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DtlMcrtil ty Cnrrlrr In f ny part of tlio Cltj.
II. W. Tir.TON. -
HuMniHR Office . No. 41
TI t nuinvt J .
1 *
' ' ' " '
'K'"OM1 Night Editor . Ntij. )
K , Y. Plumbing Co.
C. H. Wntcr Works Co.
Removed to HJ 1'c.irl street ,
Council lilulTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's cbnttPl loans. ' . ' 01 Snpp block.
'J ho Order of tlio World will rritot Ibis
tvoning at 8 o'clock nt MX ) Urondway.
MnrrtnKO llccnsos wfio lotted yottordnv to
Btt > cn Iliovvn nnil I.jdln Kvrrhnrt , both of
Florence , Neb . mid to R J. .Inner mid Mnc-
clo Austin , both of Oimilm.
Koll Aylesw Drill was nncstcd for rmnult
rind battery yesterday on an Infotmatlon
Illcd by James Thompson , who claimAylui -
\\orth kicked lumnnU nimifccd him Culturally.
Ho gave bonds for bis uppcarutico.
Tlio district court room wrro n hnlo all
dny e terdny find Judco Walter 1. Smith
dealt out clours ultli it lavish hand. The
finiM ! of ttio phenomenon wan n brand now
boy nl the Judge's hnuso , born Sunday night.
CJcorno Hudlo pnvo n bill of sale yesterday
to Com ad ( jclso ft Son of bis I'oail street
Milnon , known ns the Col'tmbln ' , and idl the
Muck and 11 x lures , the amount boltifr ? l,5JO ,
Ciols'u will take cbargo of the business at
.ludpo Mcico opened the November term
of the superior court yestcrduv tnoriiinir , but
transacted but little business , adjourning un
til this iiflornoon at - o'clock. Ttio Juty will
bo called together for tlio llr-a tlmo next
THO I own T.r-fjlun of Honor will hold n
meeting tbis evcniup in Kntmcrs * hull at the
county court house. All momljeis and appli
cants for incmboishlp mo requested to bo
present , and Ills desired that those who huvo
not been examined do so before that , tlmo.
Kddio Jones and Homer I'ryor , the two
boys who were at rested several days IIRO on
nchuriroor bttrclury , were brought before
Justice Swcartngcn yesterday for n homing.
The clmrgo was changed from burglary to
larceny and the two boys \\oro each lined $5
and costs.
The funeral o ( W. II. UtlRhtman tookplaco
yeiterdny morning , the bodv mid n largo
number of f i lends Doing c irrlcd to the depot
on u special motor tr.iln futnishod by the
company. Among these who attended were
the O'ld Follows of the various lodges of this
city , who occupied ono of the cars. The remains -
mains were tnkott to ( Jioston for burial.
The house of M. R Hohrer on Vine street
was visitr-1 by burglars at an e.uly hourSun-
day morning. They confined their attention
mainly to the pantry , and when the family
uwoko in the morning they found it had been
n clean sweep. All thocontontsof the pantry
and the refrigerator could bo eaten had
disappeared. The icsklenco of Mr. Uruo ,
near by , was also vlsttod , whcro a number of
small articles Were taken.
Joe Wardian , who keeps nstoro nt the corner
of Broadway and Sixteenth street , got Into
controversy yestcrduv afternoon with a
cnuploof men who gave their names as J.
Bigloy and Ucorgo Suhuktr , over a dressed
hog. Words led to bloivs , but ilnully. U'ar-
dian got away from Ins assailants and wont
lo thoolllco of the city clerk , where he had a
wuriuitt Issued for their arrest on the charge
of disturbing the peace. ' 1 hey wore arrested
by Olllcer Murphy.
Marshal 'lomploton returned yesterday
motning from Corrcll , with the two girls in
charge who are accused ot stealing $ CO worth
of clothing belonging to Belle Clo\or. They
Kiwn their names as Mabel Slovens and
Cecil Graham , but have several other names
width makes their identity somnwhat un
certain , Maud Austin , another inmate of
the Clover house , was also nrrcsteu yesterday -
day altcrnoon for the same offenco. All
thrco weio slated with larceny and will have
n hearing before Judge McUoo this morning.
Justlco Sxvearlngen's court was the scene
of a livelv little lawsuit yesterday. The case
of U. A. Klstlor and J. J. Hcckmun was on
trial , and F. A. Shaver appeared as attorney
for the doiense. Whllo the plaintiff was oh
the stand n war of words took place between
them , in iho course of which some
very personal remarks wore mndo on both
sides. Finally the plaintiff became enraged
nl some thrust from Shaver ana m.tdo 11 bolt
for the nttoinoy. The latter waved ono list
In the air , while the other went ( juiclcly to
the bottom of the pocket whoio pistols nro
usually carried. The Justice mid thn spec
tators fully expected to see a lot of rod ,
warm blood split , but the combatants wore
quickly separated before cither had toyed
with the fenuucs of his adversary.
DoWitt's kittle Enrly Ulscrs ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath
FOLLOW Tim cito\vn TO C. O. 13.
BLurt's , roit itAituAiNS IN miociuns. :
Mitico incut , put up in pure npplo
older , 7ic pound ; pure fruit jams , put up
in { , 'ninuliiteil biitfiir , lOo pound ; Diiro
applu butter. 7jo pound ; 20-pound puil
fruit jolly , Me ; .mtiplo sirup , 8"o trillion ;
rock candy drips , 85c gallon , this is ( ino ,
try it ; fi-gnllon kofr ninbor sirup , $1.8o
-t'ftllon puil ninbor sirup , 80e ; sugar
house drips , COc gallon ; good siruplOo
pallon ; Now Orleans sirup , 70c gallon ,
this is the bust niiulo ; pttro buckwheat ,
< lo pound ; Aunt Sally pancake Hour , lOo
package ; Aunt Jomitria paneako Hour ,
10c ; solf-risinp buckwheat , lOo package ;
ro led oats , -5c puckn&rp ; rolled oats ;
package , 8c } ; rico. Oic ; silver rico , 5o ;
l > icnie liams , "Je ; dty gait pork , So ; Bo
logna sausage , lie ; dry beef , lOo ; pigs'
feet , ( Jo ; pickled tripe , 8Ji' ? eodllsli , Tie ;
biuokcd halibut , 20c ; bloaters , HJe.
* i'jn * > u.\.n <'ii ! , .
C. A. Roberts of Boston Is In tlio city , the
guoht ofV. . A. and T. J , MoAnony.
Miss Mamlo Oliver goes to Himburg next
Thursday to sing at a concert to bo given
there by the T. 1C. quartette of Omaha
II. A. ICvans of Altrou , O. , and MlssCnrrlo
Kvans of Omaha were in the city yostorduy ,
guiMa of Miss Kiln Luster on Mynstbr
Mrs , 10. \Voodbury loft yesterday nftor-
noon for lllllshoro , 111. , where she will visit
her daughter. Mis. 'I1. B , Grceiilco. fahc will
bo absent several weeks.
Charles L. Lincoln leaves today for
Omaha , where ho will tnko the position of
city passenger agent for the Milwaukee. J.
M. Ilutler , who takes his plaeo here as city
ticket agent , has already arrived nua ( akon
hold of the uuslncss.
Mr. and Mw. Frank Wells of Seneca ,
Kan. , are In the city , guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
1K. . ( .illlilaiul , on South Seventh stroot.
Mr. Wells Is general attoruov for Ibo Kansas
City , W.xandotto & North western Hallway
company , nnd Is on business In the interest
of tlm company.
A very small pill , but a very good one. Do-
Wltt's ilttlo Uarly UIsow.
Odto City canned goods , finest in the
world , only at Slead's , 101 Broadway ,
opposite Ogdeii houso.
Foil On tlto Ico.
Miss Clara Cozad , a young liulv livlncr In
the northwest part of iho city , mot with u
painful accldi.'iit j cstorday morning. Wbllo
ikattng on an Ice pond near uor house she
fell , striking her loft shoulder with great
force on the Ico.Sho was iinnblo to got up ,
and had to bo picked up and carried to her
home , where In ; Cleaver was called to at
tend her. It was found that her collar bono
wus broken , and whllo the injury Is not so
icvcro ns it might havobeen , It will keep her
Bt homo for sumo tlmo.
tTheu Haby WM sick , wo goto her Cattorlo ,
When ihu vra.1 a ClilM , iho cried for C'astorla ,
When stiu brcamo Jib. , lie clung to Ctuturla ,
When th * had ClilUrtn , ihe c > o them Castorla.
fmpcr ant Meeting of the Fond of Educa
Kulionl TojclictM Will Not Uocclvc
iQit union for Service Durlnj :
tlio llollliiH Other Inter-
No\\H N'otCS.
An audlcnco consisting mainly of coal
dealers gathered at the iloard of Education
rooms last evening , a special meeting of the
board being hold for the purpoto of opening
bids and letting contracts for furnishing
coal to the schools for the present year.
Members Wells , Sehoer.tgen , Shubert nnd
Hunter were present. The sealed bids were
opened by Chairman Hunter of the fuel com-
mlttco , nnd read. They were as follows :
Kit. Smith , frl ; SaeUott & Preston. $ .UiO ;
\ \ . W. Wallace , Contorvlllo or Walnut
block , $ . ) . ( n. L. C. Knotls-Missourl lump.
* .U.U , Mation county , 4J.W ! ; largo Missouri
nut , * 1 ; small Missouri nut , fJ. " > Carbon
Coal cornminy-Lump , ? i.Hl , Contorvlllo ,
fl'M ; Walnut block. JI.W , screened. ? ' To.
As soon as the reading was Mulshed Hunter
movrd that the contract bo awarded to the
Carbjn Coal sompany , us its pi ice , $ J.4 ! > , was
the lowest. Schoentgont objected , ni he un-
tiorstood tnat , In proportion to the quality of
coal , Wallace's nt $ . ' ! ti" > was cheaper than the
other ati 19. Some discussion ensued , and
It Has evident Unit neither side would glvo
In. U was therefore decided to appoint a
committee to consider the matter and report
nt another meeting to bo hold this afternoon
ut : , o'clock ul the olllco of Secretary WUght.
This committee consists of Wells , Schoent-
gen nnd Hunter.
Shubert moved that the teachers bo paid
for the three weeus of this month when there
is school , deducting for the holiday vacation ,
and that the chairmen of the teacheis' and
finance committees bo authorised to pity them
when their \\orit Is done The motion was
carried ,
Houlso reported that ono of the Janitors
had been a trillo negligent about pay ing some
ot Ills bills , and that u comotnlnt had boon
raailo to him oy the creditor. Ho wanted tno
board lo pass a resolution providing that
anyone In the employ of the school board
owing a doltnquoi.t bill without being able to
show Just cause , should bo summarily ilred ,
or words to that effect. This resolution was
declared out of order by the president , and
was not voted on.
Holiday II
Watch TUB I3in for prices of holiday
books and novoltici. The largest line
and the lowobt prices you over heard of
in the webt. Boston Store , Pothering-
ham , \Vhiteliuv & Co. , Council BlutTs.
Jar vis wild blackberry is the best.
Drs. Woodnury , aontlsts , 30 Pearl
street , next to Gr'nntl hotel. Tele-phono
145. High irrauo work .1 spoci.ilty.
Kindergarten in rooms next to Y. M.
C. A. , Alorrinm block. Experienced
teachers , liiites very low.
Thro.Uons to Sue the County.
An Omaha man was In the city yesterday
with blood In tils eye , looking up some of the
county ofllclals who boon responsible for
having the pipes In the bisementof the court
house covered with u patent asbestos cover
ing. Omotig others ho came across County
Commissioner A. C. Graham , whom ho noti
fied that the covering that had boon used was
a patent ol his own , ana that the county , the
contractor , and all who had anything to do
with the Job wcie lUblo to have a law suit
como clattering down about their heads.
The contract was let to G. H. Udell , an
out of town party , lor 4'JO , the next lowest
bid being for 3275 , nnd the work douo on
the f'.M ) basis. Now tbo man who claims to
own the exclusive riu'ht to use the covet Ing
slips in and demands that the county either
pay htm the cost of the covering or clso stand
a legal action. Mr. Gr.ih.itn told the Omaha
man that the countv was not doing business
that way , and ho also remarked that the
county would spend $10,000 in attorney fees
befoie it would pay him $ i.l > 0 for using his
patent. Ho went away breathing threats of
ono kind and another , , but all of thorn very
fierce. _
Watch Tin : Bii : for prices of holiday
books and nox cities. Tlio largest line
and the lowest prices you over hoard of
in the west. Moslon Store , Pothering-
ham , Whitolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs.
Mnndol& Kline will move their entire -
tire stock to Sioux City January 1.
Until that time you can buy furniture ,
stoves , carpets , at your own price.
Stuhr Wns Not in U.
John P. Stuhr , the bankrupt Minden mer
chant , has been generally supposed to bo in
terested In the lirni of Stuhr Uros. , imple
ment dealers of the snmo place. A day or
two ago an eastern creditor of the latter lirni
sent on a claim to nun for payment , but was
notlllod that ho was not connected with it In
any wav. 10.V. . Peterson , manager
for U. G , Dunn's commcioiul agency at
this point , was directed to look up the
matter , and found Stuhr now claimed
that his wlfo was n moinbur of the firm but
that ho was not. yesterday a paper was
tiled in the county recorder's otllco transfer
ring the stock of Mi * . Amelia Stuhr. wife of
John P. , to Julia Stuhr. Mr. Peterson statoi
that Stuhr , 'n ' his sworn statements , has
glvon him to understand nil along that ho
wa a tnnmoer of the lirm , ana \ostorday was
the first time ho found anything to the con
trary ' , Just what ellect this development
will'havoon the affairs of btunr Uros. It is
hard to say.
UoWltl's ' Llttlo Early UNon fjr ths llva
> lo I'lny ro ) ks.
Watsh Tin : Bii : for prices of holiday
books nnd novelties. The largest line
and tlio lowest prices you over hoard of
in Iho west , Boston Store , Fothering-
Uiun , Whltehiw it Co. , Council Blulls.
Wo huvo our own vineyards in Califor
nia. Jut-vis Wine company , Co. Blutlb.
I omul a Dciul Child.
A boy named Donaldson , who lives on
South UIghth stioot , whllo playing in a va
cant lot the corner of Tenth avenue yes
terday , found n package carefully wrapped
up In u newspaper and tied with a hiring ,
Ho took It homo with him and some of iho
neighbors were called In to see what It was ,
none of the members of the family
feelliiglllio ruunlngtho iciponslbllily of open
ing it , piobably on account of n rank
odor that piocceded fiom the bundle. The
strings wuro nl last cut , when it was found
that the package consisted of cotton cloth ,
Inside of which was u now bout baby. Mrs.
Kbiuiedy of IWI South Kli-hth Mrcet rii-
portcd the matter nt the police station and
Coroner Waterman was nolllled of the II ml.
Ho pro t ceded to the place and mndo an In
vestigation. Ho was unublo to llnd out any
thing as to whew the child came fiom and It
will bo burio'l today at iho county's expense.
There will bo no Inquest.
DoWllt's Uttlo E trlv lluorj ; only pill lo
cure slcU headache and rcgulato the bowels.
Watch TlJK Bin : for prices of holiday
hooks and novelties. The largest line
anil the lowest prices you ever hoard of
in the west , Boston Store , Pothering-
ham , Whitolaw & Co , , Council Dlullti.
NoV full goods , llnost In the city , nt
Relief's , the tailor , U1U Droiidwity.
Halt tor n Olvoruo.
MM. Cora Wilson yesterday began a suit
In iho district courl fur a divorce from her
husband , James Wilson , bho alleges that ho
has doiortcd on a number of occasions , has
mistreated her , and refuted to do anything
whatever towards supporting her and tbo
family. She also claims that ho has adver
tised In the papers warning all storekeepers
agalnu giving her any credit. She demands
n divorce , and a decree of the court allowing
hor'JO ncr month for the support of herself
nnd child , and that n wilt of attachment
Issue for the amount , as aho alleges that hn
has disposed of a part of his property with
Intent to put ll out of the roach of his crcd-
ltors >
'I lie Nicest In the City.
( leorgo S. Davis , 200 Brondwny , has
the nicest display of holiday goods up to
dnto In the city. IIo was the llrst to
show the public the beautiful things
brought out this year , nnd ho will domi
nate the trade on his end of the street.
In Millinery ,
The ladles will llnd Miss Kagsdalo's
beautiful mlllinory goods at Thanksgiv
ing prices for the next few days.
Justice A. C. Hammer hits moved his
ollico from llo Brondwny to 1M Pc.irl
Call telephone 129 when you want the
llnest giocorics in Council Bluffs.
E. S. Burnett111) ) Broadwaj ; city and
farm loans ; lire insurance.
Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
Swtinson Music Co. , Masonic temple.
Pleasant Routine of the Police Com-
iniHsion Kutllod .Just n Ijittle.
At a special meeting of Iho lire and police
commissions held last evening Oflleer Cox
was reprimanded for speaking disiospeot-
fully to n supoiior ofllcer.
Chief Seavoy made an report of
Olllcer Vance field's death and burial.
The committee on property was authorbed
to purchase 1,500 foot of hose for immediate
Patrol Driver Jamas O'Bnou was gr.iutoJ
ton days' leave. Captain Cornuck
asitod for thirty -Jays' louvo in order to co
east for treatment for catarrh of the head ;
granted. Twenty days' leave was cl von
Olllcer Von Muggo In order to allow him to
attend to some private business u San Prnn-
Cisco. Olllcor G. 1 * . Curry was allowed ton
days' annual leave. Edward Carr of truok
No. 1 drew tits ten days' annual loave. John
Onnsby. dilvor of hoao wagon No. 'J , was
given fifteen days' leave , commencing December -
comber " 0.
S. G. Holt was appointed a special police
man.Tho board approved the following war
rants drawn bv tuo Police Relief association :
To W. Y. Fields , $ TiOO ; James O'Bnou , jlOO ;
authorized expense , $75.
Mr. Gilbert , as chairman of the commtlteo
on men and discipline , recommended the fol
lowing promotions and chances : Charles D.
Cox to Do captain of hose company No. 7 ;
George C. Cragor , captain of No. 8 ; Ucorco
C. Blake , captain of No U ; Joseph Wavrin ,
captain of No. 10 ; Thomas Gray , captain at
No. 11 house ; Aucustus Williams , captain of
truck 3 ; Oeorgo T. Anderson , captain of
chemical No. 2. Transfers : Hobert Van-
derford , from No. 1 to No. 11 : and J. A.
Hells from No. 11 to No. 1.
This rcoort was signed by the committee ,
Messrs. Gilbert , Coburn and Hartman.
Mr. Coburn asked Chief Galligau if the
proposed changes were satisfactory , The
chief stated that them was no necessity for
a captain on chemical 2 , and llmt Gray
should be kept on a Irucic and not senl to a
hose house. In the place of Gray Iho chief
sugRCstcd Nonnan.
"That man shall never be n captain as long
as J can prevent it , nor Murphy either , " said
Mr. Gllboit rather hotly.
Chief Gulllgnn then climbed out of his
chair and told the commission that Air. Gil
bert had been listening to a lot of talk among
the men who were chronic kickers and per
petual lighters.
Mr. Gilbert pointed his long linger at Gal-
ligan and said : "Yos , I hove hoard lots of
things about Murphy and Noonan , and about
you. too. "
"Well , what you have heard about mo
don't cut any liguro here. 1 am not on trial , "
replica the chief.
Here the mayor took a hand by sayinc very
decidedly and in no pleasant tone to
Mr. Gilbert : "What you may huvo
heard outside should not bo Introduced
in your leport here ; neither s-hould you say
who shall or who shall not bo promoted or
exchanged. If you want to inlluouco this
board by outside talk , bring the men up
oofore the whole board and let it decide and
not tnako a decision according to your own
prejudices and say it inual co. "
Mr. Coburn said : "I signed that report on
the representation of Mr. Gilbert that the
arrangement was satisfactory to the chief. I
now desire a reconsideration , as I desire to
look into the matter during Mio week. "
Mr. Hartman thought a member ought to
bo allowed that privilege , nnd so tbo report
was I.ild over and a motion by Mr. Smith lo
adjourn was hastily carried.
ft. Jjoufs Mining Quotations.
ST. Louis. Mo. . Nov. y ) . The following are
thu closing quotations :
Adams" , 77 185 l.tttlo Albert . ! 45
American IJ ) } $ .Montrusu. . . . 8
Aztec 4 lln'on 4
III Mttiilllc KM Muipliy
Silver 21' ' , Mm i | | n , pcs . . ( o
lOIUutictli SJ'-i Mhcr AKU . . . 1.1'j
llopu 1W I
Ohio . $ . Miss Rnlltt ay.
Ollico 1'rcsldcnt and 716 Dolphin Street ,
General Manager , Baltimore , Md ,
Cincinnati , Ohio Jan'ylS , 1800.
"My foot suddenly "I was bruised bad
turned and giue IHO ly In hip nnd sldo by
R very severely a full nnd sufleri'iUo
cprnlnul nukle. 'Iho
nppllcn tlun of St. \ercly. i-t. JncotsOll
Jacobs Oil resulted nt completely cured
once " In u relief from me. " WM C. lUrcnEK ,
W W Tt VIIOIIY , Member of Stiito
' Legislature.
will otop a Cough in ono nl Ut ,
check a Cold in a clay , and CURE
: Consumption if taken in timo.
Use It Promptly.
A 85 cenf
bottle may
i Xsavo tliolr
" fOlives. Ask
' " J ft- your druf-
for it.
/ it Tastes Good ,
I Dr. Ackor's English Pills
: Small , plru.unt , itfuturlto u It It the Imllo.
IW II HOOKE'LtCO 48 Wtst Krottdwajf. N. Y
FOH SAI < r. 11V KUHN A : CO. . mill
Young and middle-aged men Suffering from
errors of youth , cxccssei , sexual ueukuesa , etc , ,
[ Kisltlvi'ly cured for flvo dollars. Our rcuic-
uics are in pill and tablet form. Kuflklent for
two months' treatment , which Mill tiled a
iicrfcct cure. Upon receipt of llvo dollars will
bo sent to any iiddressiu rilnlr.scaled puckufo
by mail. Circular free. Address
Cve ,
rolurni 1 wli , send tealed l'KUI < tu any
luDerur a prcecrlptlon to onlnrgo mall weak parts
nd certain euro for lot Tlgur , i'iul lou , \arlco
celo , luiixjiencr. Ailitrc
J , li. UOUSi : . Doi SO , .Ublou. MkU-
llto Uniform Hate of-So a plinth 1-t Kv
( cntlcil for the Itoiiiiiliutf'i ' ; of lh ; Year.
Uul I .laiinar ) *
Oionvliolmlnilovldonce WUBIven that the
pnhlli ; appreolates tlio lo\\r \ HOinrxct and the
iirofc < < loiial euro and sulll ivhleli thoofforol
Dri. L'opeland nnd Mansfield iliirlin ; Oetohor
nnil Ninomlier , mndo po < Ih o to nil. lor
thN reason and bee line ot the eommoniirot
nod firqtlcnoy of irrlial trouble- * ; the fai't
Hint a lareo mnjorltx of the pcoplu In llili
ellmuto suffer from thin dltuiM < ; that \vlntur
Is nt h ind ulth Iti la Krlppe nnd pneumonia
nnd that t hero IB yet abundant to uard off
tlio probability of nttaeKnot lhe o dlseasi-s ,
by oiiflriK c mdltlons which maUe
patients I In bio ID them Ors C'opelnnd and
MaiiMlleld havudrcideil to inalntalii tbo Use-
dollar per month rate ot treatment , I'onllnlni ;
It however , lo catarrh and UI ml red diseases ,
during Dot ember to.lanuaiy 1st ,
Therefore , up to Janiiarj they will treat
citarrh mid Id ml red diseases nt the rate of } " >
for cuch month's treatment this sum Inelml-
Intt nil medicines , euro and treitment , This
otter does not apply lo all dive ises , but to on-
tnrrh and Its various co npilcalions , such as
bronchitis , Kastrlc eat irrh , or dyspepsia , asth
inn. hay fever , consumption and Its kindred
dl.e.iscs , etc.
No Hnlf ) Vn > Wnr.N mil Xt lluon : for
Mr. Hanson pointedly states how ho wns re-
llnvcd of an auRravatod ease of catarrh by
Drs , I'oneland and Mansllold.
"I have had a severe eitarrlnl trouble for
three nr four veais " said Mr John Hanson ,
who resides at t'i > > Ch irlcs sheet. "I had
dull , heavy palm In my head , parlluulaily
over the eyes. .My oycs were t'.ik muloiy
MH. HANSON , 11H Cliarlos Street ,
waterv at times. Mv nose would cloz up. first
one side then the other , and sometimes both
sides would lie stopped up trouble
was the continual dripping in tlio back part
of my thro it. 1 would li.ivu to hawU nnd
spit to Kel rid of It. This would leave my
throat raw and sore. 1 had a bad conph at
times , especially In the morning , and I would
li.ixo sovoiu palni in my chest My trouble
i'\tended until my stomach became alli-elol.
I treated for my tioublo time after time , but
could not secuie any lellef until 1 Denan
treatment with Drs. Ci'pelaml and Mnnslleld.
They had been treating several friends of
iiilnii with such marked suectss that 1 deter
mined to Rive thorn a tri il. I did so with the
lesult that I am fecllm ; splendid a aln. I
don't have the dull , heavy pains In my head
nor o\oi my eyes ; my ryes aio strong and do
not water any moio. My nose does not stop
up near so much any more , whllo the iirlp-
iilnR In my thioat Is almost entliuly KOIIC. I
na\o no more conch , no more p.ilns In thu
chest Jly stomach trouble Is ure.itlv re
lieved , and I am more than Hiitlslled with thu
speedy it-suit In mv ease , and h ivo all con-
ll'lenco In the skill of Dra. Copolaud and
Mr. W. r. t'allalinn ' , tlic Well KIIOHII
Contractor , En lorses Drs. Cojiclnnil
mid Minisllolil.
"Over two years aio my trouble besan , and
I have seen many miserable.days and nlchts
sli.ce then , " mid Mr. W. V. , of 127 b.
ir > th street "Mvstom.ich was In a very bad con :
ultlon nnd easily irrltated.ho thatoften wli it I
nte would bo thrown up almost Immediately.
There wei.o pains In my stomach and bowels
frequently , and sharp. sliOothiR pains would
take mo In the chest and under my shoulder
" 1 was always tiled and worn out. I had no
enemy or ambition left , I was icstlcss and
uueasv ; not contented with anything very
IOIIK at a time. At dillerent times I wjs
tioiilile < l with aUofullncss at night , but
generally was sleepy and drowsy. It seemed
Ilko I could not not sleep enoimh. Those hot
and cold spells would come on me ono after
thu other ,
"Indeed , I felt miserable all the time , nnd
it seemed I would never bo any bettor , for all
thn doctoring I did and all iho medicine I
took did mo no oo.l. After 10 idlnuof numer
ous cases slmil.irto to mine that Uis. t'ono-
land and Mansllcld had ticulcd successfully ,
1 mndo up my mind to tiy tholi system.
"Today t hose UNiireu.itilo | symptoms .ito all
ione. 1 feel betterovuiy way than I have for
sexeiahj oars , I amciy thankful to Drs.
Copeland and Manslleld. .
Mis.s Miller's Story ,
"My disease developed very ranldly , nnd ,
despite alt the various lomedles and cures
which I tried. KIOW worse and worse each day.
.Sly head wasconstantly stopped up uud ached
nearly all the time.
Th'jro was n constant dis
charge fiom my nose and
inf hawking and splitlnif
was voi v dlBtiessIntr.
To tills was added u
severe stomach trouble
bioimlit on by my ds- (
unse. Mj stomaeh would
feel hoay and distressed
after eallnK anything.
My Hleup wns dlsluiled
and fiutful. I felt gloomy
nnd despondent all the -
time , and w mory IrtltaMISS MIII.IR. :
UIu and nervous. I h id at times a sharp pain
around my heait , wlilch added considerable
to my sutreilns.
"I tried a moat many remedies and medi
cines wlthgut any encour.iKlnc results and
had ulvon up all hope of ever bolus benelltod ,
when I noticed some cases similar to mini )
wlilch DIM , Copclnnd and Mansfleld had
cuied. I concluded to try them at least , nnd
iiccordliiKty placed niyiuli under tholr care.
"I Improved nlmostfrom the llrst. Thodls-
I'hai e from mv nose has ceased , my head Is
clear and I b ivu le nlucd my nppotltu : diges
tion coed , no more p iln around the heart , and
Dis , Copulnnd and Mnnslleld have rostoied to
me my former coed health , and to any or nil I
will Kludlv repeal mv story "
Miss Miller lives at , 'fil I N , : street , where
she enn be seen , and will readily verify liar
Tito Ilist'iictlon anil Dlflfcrcnro
Atltcrtlslnt ; I > iK'tt ( > and Doctors
> Vho Aihcrtlso.
A lady who recently plncod herself under
tro itmunt w tli Dis. Oopol.ind and his asso
ciates , suld :
"I never would thlnU of Kolnp ; to advortts-
In-'doctoib ; 1 never did such a thing In my
life. I l.avo a brother who Is a doctor In the
county ! and wl.o knew Ii Copeland at llello-
vuo Hospital t'ollu u IniNow Vork years IIKO !
he advKed mo to coiiBiilt flm ) and I followed
his advKu. " fl
ToHpenlcvvlth cnllroi franlcnoss. the lady
was right In her opinion < jt "Adverllsliu Doc
tors , " ho enlled. nnd thu .sentiment , which she
holds by no means ulone.'lius teed cause.
Woh i\o no fault to llnd with the sent linen t ,
Thu toim "advuitlsliiK Uootors , " ns Hho uses
It , nnd U Is n ed by Intillleent un I senslhlo
people. Includes the viholo wide r.uiKo of un
scrupulous , tinprinclpiilpd and disreputable
quackery , 1 | > l
The phrasu "niUerl'MtiJ ? doctors" lins been
for ycais , nnd Is stllr 'to n grout uxttinl , u
synonym for quaoUeiy In its worst phr.ises
and wo do not bliimo senslhlo. thlnliliiK and
Intelligent people lor slo.'rln : clear of It.
Drs Copuland anil Mahslleld wish , however ,
to mnl > o ono point very clear and \ory dis
tinct :
Thorn nro "advortlslns doctors" and doctors
who adveit se. nnd thuio Is a wldu dlirurtineu.
"Ailvcrttslnit dieters , " in thu tlrut ,
us a uile. 1,0 doctor at. all The laico major-
liy of them huvo never been the Insldj of a
mi'dlcnl tolle e.
I'nuerthe head of advnrtlslng doctors nro
Inclmloil all that class ot unpr nclplcd and
unscrupulous men wholly uneducated and
lirnorant mcn-whn piov iip.m Iho Hick nnd
nnfortiinuic. TlnJi ways nro on y too well
known to need description. Tliuy am often
transient , traveling from pliico | O pnc.e. | Irre-
Nponsblu ! nnd unprincipled. As n rule they
Iiromlsu mlrac 01 , and , by tlioiro eiinnlnn nnil
plnuslbll tvtort > Inr u hums of money from
the poorer cliisscs- and these who van lunst
alford to bo foljbed
There uro "udvurlUIn doctor. ) . " and adver
tising doctors us the tcini Is used meaim
fiikirs , There are doctors who udveitlse , nnd
In this class nro those iiciiiiino phynlciniis und
Bpcclallsts who havti fiilllllcd nil thu regular
rciiulrcmcuts ut medical study and practice.
who have pi nt through the n nil course of
medical college nnd hosp'tnl stuily , mid who
Imvo devoted thi'lr Iho * to certain lines of
practice confining then < > ol\et to these spp-
clat linos. Thplroxncr once nnil tholr study
Irimlvcn thorn special nnd pro-eminent sUll
in them nnd they uluxxo the dully papers us n
menu of lettliiK the pillule kliow tliolr po-
claltlcs nnd ficlr succes" . As cotHolontlou8
physicians , nnrt ns honorable men , they luI
llovo In advertising.
I'lrst In this elnssot doctor * who ndvortlso
tlndrsni'i'lalt esnro Dr < . Copelaml and Main-
Hold Thev st itr to tiiouulnlo some of tlio re-
sultsof tholr woiktheir location , tholr sue-
elnltles. Tliolr credentials which elulleiiKo
denial tire before the people.
They s iy to the public from the basis of the
printed ooliimnscoiit'iltiliiininny teMlmonlnls
from wuli-known men nnd women In this com-
munlty : "This Is the work we do These nro
tint results wo ticcoinpllth.e iisk to bo
judged by them. "
Oatnrrh find Donfnoss Ourod.
'Theypirsngomvtronhlolinirati , from the
olToets , I think , of a bad cold. My note would
stop up , llrst one slilo and then the other ; tlio
mucus would drop from mv ho ul Into my
throat , cousltu a constant hawklnir and suit-
tins. trylnK to raise It.
"I had % orv iii\ero pains In my lioad , ospoc--
lnjly oiermy oyps. so Intense as to almost
blind inn In stooping over and suddenl v rals-
Ing myself to a stun ling position I would lip-
come so illz/y that I would luuo to support
mypolf to keep from fall'iiK. '
"This continued iltl-
t'lmj ' hoirlnir Iccamo
alleeti'd. At this lime
1 bi'itnn to foul anx
ious iiliout my liL-nitli !
theio was a continual
huin ) ; and louring
nolso In ny i-arsi
sharp , shooting jialiis
In t IIP shoulder blade"- .
I had no appetite , and
\vh it 1 d I d o a t
M'unicd todlstross my
stomiich I ha I tiled
oM'rvthln.1 for my
trouble , h ivlnu' pcnt
two years at dllleient
mlnoial springs try-
' ' * " '
Mil. MKnitVMtv. , , . 11 , , . , . but
nil rcmodtos socmcd to fall In my o.isn until I
called on Drs. Copel ind and M iiHlleld and
liocali treatment with them , and that Is why
I make thlsstatumoiit.
"TIIBV HAVE CL'itii : > MI : ,
nnd I feel It u duty that I owe them is well aa
others who may bo allllctcd as I wax
"I feel 111(0 a different man now bccausn I
lm\o no moro hondache , nose cloir , no hawk-
In.1 and sdttlng | , aiutlto | ) ] good , and last , but
not least , arc my oars
ins IIKAUINO iu : Toiiin :
' I can positively say tlm t I can now hear tin
Kood as before mv tioublo boi.ui , an I I can
not say too much for the good results Drs.
Copol.ind and .M'liisllch ) hue : accomplished In
mv case. "
Mr. Morrvmnn resides at Id 0 Capitol a\o-
nucwhuio ho will L'ladly veilfy his statement ,
Wlmt Tltay Suy Concorniiifj the Success
of Drs. Cnpcliinil anil .llunslleld A
Well Knona Clcrj1" " Choi Ills 1-x-
liorlcnro Other Testimony.
KKV , It O. Swank , ot the Theological cin-
Inniv. wilti's to Or * . Copnluml and Manstlold
us follows : "t t.ilcc tno isuro In nmUn , '
Knona tu jou 1 liuvo leeched runt liun-
ollts from your tru.itiiii'iit. Tor ll\o yo.irs I
hiuo iit'on nilllutod Kith u.iturrli of tno huud
and lliioat. whli'h , at dlstioss n ; :
inrlccil. In fucr , liMfllni ; ino to liellovo I
intiMi K\O ! tip piiblloio | iKInu. I trlcil many
rc'niL'clle > 4 but lecolvud no relief until I o.imo
to you , iiiul I am Iniupy torlto and iiifoini
you I am entirely euicil. all my symp
toms of catarrh n.ivlni : disappeared.
JIHS. J1KNA DUljli , I.eavoiiHorlh slieet ,
say : " 1 am now entirely \\ull mi mom
lio.iil.u'lics , no hawking or splttlni ; , and I fuel
fresh and lestuil iioniuls ] rrf In the moinlir. .
\Vlioio all others hi\e failed , Irs t'opoluiid
mid Mnnsllclil have been siicccsifiil.uml lean-
not sav too much for thorn , and to any and all
1 111 sliully ropnat my btory. "
MUS. O I * . ANDRItbU.V , : u.U Howard street :
" .My nebo Is now clear , no moio hawking aixl
Bplttlnno sere , my Headaches ha\o
ceased and my eyes arc as stions s over. I
ran now road the papois. o\en at nUht. and
feel Ilko a dlllorent person Too much pralso
cannot he clven Dr * . Coiieland and Manslluld
for their careful and conscientious norlc In
my oise. and I hoaitlly rucommend thorn to
all sutreiorb. "
MR. G. D. MKKHYMAN. 1B10 C'.inltol nvonno :
"Iis. Copeland and .Mansfield cured mo. I feel
like a dliloreiit man now bfct'.iuso I h.uono
more licadacho. nose clear , no li.iwklni ; unl
spitting , appctlto KOOC ] , and last Iml. nut lo ist ,
aromycais. I can positively say that I
now hear as good as tiofoio my tionblo bu-'un.
and I can not siy 100 much for the peed 10-
sultH Drs. C'opoland and M inslleld have ac-
compllshod In my case. "
MH KAMUin , SMVTII , 710 South 10th street :
"I am the happiest man In the city , feel I UK'
that 1 have found ulril I thought lost form or
my BOoil health and anyone who Unous mo
can see that lam ascill man ; I have no more
nlKlitsuouts : no pain li. the chest orshouldor-
lil.ules ; I cou h no more and 1 am n.lining In
llcsh o > cry day. 1 cannot say too much foi
the oed Uis. Uopcland and Mansllola have
done In my case. " ,
MH. JOHN MALONE. 1801 South ISth street :
"I heartily recommend Drs. Copeland and
Munsliold'.s tro.itmunt as the only treatment
that ever sa > o n.o any icllef , and h id I l.nonn
ot them sooner It would have saxcd'mo ycais
of sutrorlns and innih money. "
MR. bTHCIinN MARTIN. South Om ilia :
"Raadiuu of the womleifiil success of Drs.
Copolandand Jlanslleld I thought I would try
just once moro to bo eiued , and I am th.inUful
I did , for they ha\o accompllshod wondoisln
my case. After treutliiK with them my symp
toms lia\oall disappeared and I am as well as
oxei 1 was In my life. "
MISS 1)OU.Y ) , MII.LER , : nii : North JBlh
street : "Tho discharge fiom my nose has
coascd , my head Is clour ami 1 li.tvo lomilned
my appetite ; digestion good , no moro p.iln
around Iho ho irt , and I feel lll > o a dllTeront
portion , and can say that Drs , C'opelanil and
Mansllold line : restored to mo my foimor
goon health , "
Btrect : 1 cannot do or say too much for Drs.
I'opclann and Mansllold , for they have cured
cured mo and placed mo In hotter ho.ilth gon-
or.illy than 1 could o\ot hope foi. "
MR. 0. W. I'OSTKR , ( iia Noith 4nd street :
"My head and nose ate , goon appetite ,
no moro night swouts , and my lung tiouhlo Is
entirely relieved , and 1 ha\o no fui ther fear
of consumption. I can't s.ty lee much In
ptalsoof Drs C'opoliuul and .Mansllold , foi they
liuvo biiroly Mil od my llfo. "
Tliolr Credentials.
Aslins been s ild. Ii. W. II. C'opoland was
lireH'uont ' of Ida cl'ias at ItolloMiu Hospital
Modlciil C'ullou , Now York , where ho Krad-
uatocl. the most famous Institution of Its Und
In the coutury. Ills diploma boars the written
( indorsement of the medicU authorities of
New York , of the deans of prominent medical
collo.'es In Pennsylvania. Ui.T , H Mansfield's
credentials are no loss abundant and minimi-
Illod. Ho also Is formally Indorsed by the sec
retaries of various county and st ito medical
societies , lloth crutleinun , after thorough
hospital oxporlonco and practice , hiivo de
voted their lives to tlio practice of their spoc-
tlos , with what success the columns of the
dally papers show.
CopcU Medical Insliic ,
BOOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building ,
Cor. 17lh and Fimmm Sis. , Oiniiliii , No ! )
ir. n , cuiiitA\n , n. if.
T. Ml. 3li\HVr.l.It , 31. H.
Consulting Physician.
Specialties : Citarrh nnil nil diseases of the
Hye , I < ar , 'I limit , and LIIIIJH , Iservous IHs-
tniseH , skin Diseases , Uhronlo Dlso IHOS. Ulllcu
Hours U to II n. m. , - to 5 p. in. , 7 to U p in ,
fcnndiiy It ) a. in to-I p in.
Utitarrlml tiouhles and klmlicd dlso.ism
treated Hiicceiisfully by mallKomi 4u in
Rtamps for iiucHtlon itiiculars Address nil
letters to Copolund McidlUJl Instlluto , Now
York l.Ifo llullillnu. Umalia , Neb
or Council Bluffs.
DmsaToni I. A , Miller. P. O. Glcason , II li
Shuirurt , 1' II 11 irt , J. I ) . Kdinundson , Clmrlui
1C lliinnan. Transact gunoral uatiWtiK hml-
liens. Largest capital and surplus of any IMU' (
In Houthwestern Iowa.
cry Sale of Garpe
Will Sell at these Special 1'riccs from now until January 1st , 1802
Axtninstor Hogultu' prloo W.tW t'ut prlco $1 74
Muqtiutto . . . . . . Uo ultir nrico . (15. ( . . .Cut prlco l.-IO
Vutvut , Konulnr prloo .00. . . .Cut prlco i ! iu
Velvet . . . , . . , , . . . . .lU'miliir prlco , ! I5. . . .Cut prlco i in
Hotly Urussols , Llljjolow Ho tilitr prloo .AO. . . .Cut prloo
Hotly Hrussols Kctfiilnr prlco in. . . .Cut | < rlco
Body Hrussola Uojjulnr jirlco 1 . " " ) . . . .Cut prlco ,10 ,
Tiipo.-'try HrtiHSUlH Houtilnr prlco 1.10 Cut pi Ice
Tapestry Hrus-cls Hojrnlnr pi Ice .1)0..Cut ) pnco 7(5 (
Tapestry Hrus ols Uujriilnr price . ( W. . . .Cut ( n Ice o'J
Ingrnin , ! 5-ply , nil wool Ui'tfului1 prloo 1.IK ) . . . .Cut price 85
Int'r.iln , A urn , Kuiritlnr price 1.00. . . .Cut pi-loo 8f
Iimrnln. oxtriifliipor Koirutnr j rloo .8) . . . .Cut prioo 70
Injjniln , nil wool nodular jirlco .80. . . .Cut p u-o ( ) * >
Inyitiln , C. C , wool Illlor Kcculnr prlco .7o..Cut price GO
Ingrain , Union H' ulur price . & " > . . . .Cut i > Ice 45
Iti'f.iin ( , , Cotton lljiiuliir prlco . 10. . . .Cut pr co
lloinp Uognlur price .ISO. . . .Cut price
Call early and make your selection before best patterns are sold
Special prices on Curtains , Portieres , Upholstery , etc.
Piompt attention given to mail orders.
Council Bluffs Co 4OY
Carpet , , BROADWAY
Als kinds of D veins find Cleaninj donn In tlio hih9j > , st 'lo of tin art. Fruloilan I atalnol
br cs made to loo't as geol as now.Voli promply dona and dellvorod In all p irti of tliu
untry. Send for prlco list
1013 Broadway , Near Northwester i Dapjt , COUNCIL BLUFF3 , IOWA
I'UOl'l'R .D II V Tilt :
Bee Bureau of Claims
Kqunl with the Interest of ttinin luivlni ; clnlrm
( iKilimt thuKOVurnuiunt U 111 it INVn.Vl'UltS , nlin
uftun loau thu bunullt of r.ilinible hucntlons tx mio
of tlio Incompetence or liialU'iillon of tlio uttnrner *
DID ploy cil to obt.ilu their I'alciUt. ' Tuo nun li c.iro
rnnnot bo oxerclno t la o nplojliu coniimo'it .in
rollnblo t ollc tors to p itunia lur the \nhio
Ufa ptitent ( iL'pi'ntti Kroitly. IT riotutitlruly , upon the
cam nnd skill of tlio uttornay
Wltlitliolowof protoclliu Inventors f ro n worth-
lens orcnrolc i attnrnay , mul of souln tliut invert *
tloni nr ncll proluctott by Millil piteatt , TI1IC lime
HUllL'AIJni \ \ rotatncil couniul ( > x.L'rt lu patunt
( irnctlcc : and nro tlicroforo prepare I li
OMuin imtt'iitN ,
Conduct iiitei'f'erenopH ,
SInlii' Niii'vlul > iihttttl < > ni ,
I'raHCWite I'i'Jrt'ted < < .
-///Mft-r tfiulK HHtrltt mill < -oi > iii-li/1it ,
Hauler < > i > iitlonn itutoHcojie tnitl inliil-
( til ofinitciitH.
I'roHt'cute tinil tlufaiutiiVJitfiuistt
HiittH , etc. , cli" .
If you tmvonn Invantlon on Innrt cnil TUB HUB
BU1U2AU u ttkotc'i or p'loioxriph ttioroof , toKOtliar
with u tirlof ilOHcrlptlon of ttio Important leaturoi
nnd yon will bo onca ndvMo 1 111 to tie | boit LOMr o to
piirnuo Models nro mil necoiinry unlod tbo Invo'i
lion la of a complluitoil imtnro If other * nro In-
frlDKbig on your rlfhu , or If yon nrj tli'ir ml wlt'i
Infrlngt'inont by ether * . Niibtnlt tbo in ittor to Till !
IIUUn.UMor a roll iblo OPINION bolero aclliu on
the iniitter
220 I.nllilinyUniiiliu , Nub.
Poisons who h.iyo lost property from Indian
raids should Ille their claims under the Indian
Dcpro latlon Act of Man'h , ' , 13)1. ) The tlmo Is
limited , an 1 the claims aio taken up by the
court in the older In which the are iocol\o
Take Notice that all contracts entered into
with attorneys prior to the Act are made
null and void. Information ghen and all
claims promptly attended to by the
20 lira llntlditii/ ,
" "
IsoiutelytlieBestMe ,
'A Delicious Meilicntcil Con
fection" for the relief of Coughs ,
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore 1 hrorit , nnd
for cleariiiK the voice. l''or gale by
nil Druggists mid Confectioners.
Packed in full two ounce packages ,
I'riceC Cents. If you arc tumble to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets
from your dealer send us 8 cents jn
stamps anil lecehe n box by mail.
Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice
Council BlufTs , la.
$ r Is JI H K. Othcra h
AND THE 8 = comiwrlion , BK.How . or
] t
lll ) % ' < < H , Cllll'li.
All HriiiKl ! t ,
Council Bluffs. In.
N. W. TAYLOR , Manncjar.
i *
14 N , Main St. , Council BluffW
Funeral Director and Embalmer.
LJS-T A Kuitleman's now hat , on Monday.
Return to Iteo olllcc.
riTN conil apentti. SfiO to f.'OO per montll.
t elthei salary or coiiindsslon ; a good ohancii
for aithoyoiiiiK men orexperlcni'ed agents Id
iniiKu big money durlni wlntei. O ill on.I H.
l'i ehles. III N. Cth si. , at once and get choice oC
BOY wanted , about 17 years old. for house-
woiU. IHu ) Iliu uluay.
] 7OR ! SAI r. Cho.ip lloiiboand lot known a9
JL1 .W ) M.ullson st ; house and lot Known ns 120
Tranklln st. S. P. MncC'onno I , llalilwln block.
OR sTljH OR iXlJllA.\(3E ( 'IVo and nl
luilf acin fat m , mlle from business , Coun-
ell Illulls. Will take land , lioi-es or cattle ,
E E. Mayno , ( ll'.l Ilroidway
I WANT to buystoclcof groceries or boots
and shoes. Will pay part cash and part by
a 5 room house , ind lot In Omaha , U'Jt * , lloo ,
Council Illulls.
IOWA farms for sale : uooilIK ) HCIO fu in , } 2J :
imiio\ed K * ncrcs. tJJ ; imprr\i < d 8) ) , 4 mlles
fiomi largo town. $ . ' 0. Inarms of all sl/es.
fccntral fauns for rent Johnston .t Van I'lit-
ten. Coiincil lliiills.
OrrUT. I'or rent. In Itrotn building. Main
and stioots , having all the latest )
Impiotomcnts , he ited by Htoam , elevator ,
elosets , etc. Apply to J. .1. Blown , or llurko
i.1 L'as'idy , on premises.
I A DIES and gentlemen wanto I for best
-"clllng hook In the world ; lug wages fur
holiday trailu ; } l a day orl > 0 per cent ( Jail or
address Ml Kappell ave , olT .Madison st
FARMS , garden lands , houses , lots and
business blocks for sale or lent Pay tt
Hess. ,0 I'earl sticot. Council Illulls
Dcctituf , III. , Nov. 21 , ' 89.
Dr. J. H. Muoro , Dour htiI Imvo
for yours past been troubled with bll-
liouHiiohSiiinl tondcncy to klilnoy troublo.
Your True o ( fjifo Is the only loinody I
huvo over found that gave entire rellof.
I choot fully rccuinmond it to thoao who
may bo bullorliif , ' from kindred dlbcusca.
T. J. AitKh ,
Ex-Motnbor 111. Luj'lslutiifo.
Mooro'j Tree ot Ufa nipotltln ourj lit iCIHlf
andMvor Co npl ilric nnJ all b oo I
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