Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Oed ! Wave RtpsrU Advanced Wheat Vor
Operators find n Stroiiir t lliio | lln
Char o of Hint CYrtMil They
'Jnkc $500,000 in
I'rolllH ,
CniCAflo , III. . Nov. 27.-Wheat wns quiet dnr
Ing most of thu session today , closing with
fractional advance over Wednesday's Ins
figures. Thn lending bullish features wpro th
stronger tone of the cables and the cenorn
snowfall throughout the northwest , which I
wns thought would restrict farmers'deliver
lei The puri-haics of operators acting on till
theory nut the price up during llio llnthnii
to Wo for December , against Wc ! at the clos *
nn Wednesday , and lo Wio for May , ngnlns
WMtO. At these figures a number of house ?
Including Logan. Knnnctt-Uopklns and Mil
inlnc-Hodmun turned sellers , probably 01
early Information of the 1'leld ft Dudley fall
lire In New Vork. Under this pleasure Docom
her retired toltilic.
The market hold steady nroiini1 thcsi
figures fur a time , but hardened again durlm
the last hour on a report that a cold \vavi
threatened damage to winter wheat , Decom
bcr advancing toO.'Jc and May to il.uO'i. Tin
market hold Htundy during the rest of tlio HOS
nlon and closed al the top for December , hui
He lower for May. Thu tradlnz t brougham
the session was very light. Outside of No\om <
ber corn , which Is evidently on a manipulate !
basis , thu market fur that cereal was stroir.
during most of the session. December opened
nt 47'ie , tin advance of 'ic. sold up to 4KHc
broke in 4iO on the announcement of tin
] ' 'lold-Llndley fallinc. but rallied later ami
doted .it 17 V , a gain ofic. .
While there are no appurcnt reasons why
the November deal had to l.o abandoned and
no evidence that It hits been , the price of thai
II.lire , which started with a bulge of no. wn >
allowed to lese the appreciation. Thu Sep
tember corner of H. V.hlte. . which drained
the country of Hie reserves and llio fnei that
there Is lltllo of the contract grade as yet In
the new crop , have made the mini nz of Ihh
corner easy. The clique which
Is running llio deal Is not dcllnlloiy known ,
but the names of Patton Ilros. , llartlett-1'ra-
zlcr. K < l Andrews. Charles Armslrong and
Arthur Orr aru connected bv the Irade.
The deal has been very smoothly and
quietly worked and Hie prollls Id
the clique are cstlmatul In some
quarters its high as i.'iOU.Oru. This , however. Is
n muro conjecture , as the shorts and llio
amounts they need to square their deals aru
unknown. The known fact Is that November
corn , which sold a week ago at.r > 3c , opened
this morning at Mo , a II''urn at which ono lot
changed hands. Then the prlcy broke stead
ily and with very few transactions Io73c. but
closed at 74c , against 75c at llio close on
Wednesday Aside from a few .shorts nud llio
members of the clique , nobody paid any at
tention to It.
Oats were steady nnd show llttlo change
from Wednesday's figures.
The lluctuatlons In hog products wore nar
row and the close shows moderato advances
for most of the arilclcs dealt In. !
The loading futures ranged us tallows :
" "Aunci.KH'
WiitJAT Nn. 1 ! .
November . . f OIJl
December. . . KI
Mny . ' t'JJl IWJj
Coii.v .No. 2
November. . BO 80 73 74
December. . . 47 > 48K 7347K 74ii'1
.May i'J 43 > 43
OATS No. 2--
Niiveniher. . i'JK
December. . . K
Mny X7i
December. . . ? * S 51KJ 8 45 S 45
January 1 11 3f ! H U 2'JJ , II 27M
May 11 65 11 M 11 I'.J
December. . . r in r is li 10 0 ISlij
Jnminry K 2 B 23 ! <
.May ( i fS , > t U i > 7 > n G KJ < G 67W
KNOUT 11111.1-
Dccembcr. . . 6 I' . ' , f. 70 6 l B 70
January. . . . 5 70 5 75 S 70
Mny I 6 VI5 U 05 M'5 ' fi 07U
Cash quotations wore as follows :
. ' ' ' " ' " 'r-Stoadv. uiiehanged ; spring patents ,
HGt ! ® . > .00 : winter patents , Sl.teQtl.m.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring wheat , IM.'Jc ' ; No.
3 spring wliuiu.04o ; No. S red , U3o.
OoilN No. S , 70c-
OATS No. 3..Tiyo ; No. 2 white,333IHc ; ; : No.
n white. : r ' < ij3'c. !
ISVE No. 3 , urftni'fc. '
HAIII.EV No. y , wic ; No. 3. f. o. b. , : 3,8o ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , : ilISo. !
I'l.AX SKF.II No. I. irxftOHJc.
TiMornr Hiin : : Prime , Jl.31Sil.25.
bliort clear sides ( boxed ) . M.OOircO.03.
WIIISICKV Distillers' llnlshed ( goods , per gal ,
Sim AIIS-Out loaf , .riT2 3V'o.
IIintH AND TAI.I.OW Unchanged.
OiiKK-K-KIrm : full eheddars.Miaiiye : flats ,
liaiUic ; yonn American , liaise.
Hocolpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the Produce oxchaiiKo to'.lay the butter
market was firm and unehiin.cil ; fanny
erenmory , 273 0 ! line western. 2"ifl'ilo ( ( : ordi
nary , sxitf'lu : line dairies , -'aia''jc : ordinary ,
ioai'JVcj ogjrs , 24aric. (
New York
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 27. l-'i.ouit Uocelota , fll.SlO
plL's ; exports. ' . ' . : | j | hbls , I4oa ) sacks : sales ,
It'ite ' ) bbls ; market dull and unchanged ,
JlKAi-Qulet and steady ; yellow , $3.iO :
\\lliAT-Kccopls. ! 8S7.400bu.i exports , 518,388
bu. ; salesS.vju.ouubii. of futures : .TCI.03J bu. of
spot. Spot market stronger and fairly active :
fio. 2 rud , l.i5'.io ( In sluro and elevator : JlJOU
Ctl.07 nlloat : ifl.wvai.oti'.i ' , f , o. h. ; No. a red ,
Il.UOli : ungraded red , KlCvBil.loU : No.
1 northern. U'.oOI.OS'i : No. I hard. Jl.lOU :
No. 2 northorii , * l.03 > 4' < JI.045i. Options do-
cl ncd from ijo to o on weak cables :
advanced ! o to ' eon Increasetl foreign buyIng -
Ing : liberal clearances und unfavorable
weather west , closed llrm at ? c to ? io over
\\ednesday ; No. 2 red , November , closing at
I1.05H : December , * l.0vroi.05 1'l-lGc , closing at
I' ' ' H' , , J'll"mr ' * ' ' * I.OOMiJlu7'i. closln ? at
Jl.u , j I'obruar.v. H.OSJ.SJI.O'J'i. ' closing at
l-tl ) : Marcli , ) ? . , closing at Sl.10 ? , :
April , : w
1.1015-10 , closing at * l.iui ? ; June. * 1.00 15-1C ®
l.CO'i , closing at JI.Oll'i.
Uv7,1' ! " " ' WC ! > ter'1- * l.05Kl.07i Bales , 3or,0
on. nt 11.0 , .
JlAiii.KV-Sleady : No. 2 Milwaukee , 7CO74C.
CotlN-ltecelpts. IKLfOO bu. ; exports. I.34S
bu. : sales , 381,000 bu , of futitrus
. , . , . . . . . . . .iw , iiv < iun mi > IIIILUU UU llll * > OVeill-
bor , i4o tu ? , o on other months on scarcity anil
wants of Bhorts , closing llrm : November , 7. ©
V' , ? , ' , { 77oi , l ) < - > omber. Gi ) ! < aiiO4o - ;
closing , GOSio ; Jan
VATSrt'Vll'Si:0'00'l- ! } ! | ' ' ; ) : " i'"ftH.8.siobu. :
Bales , TK.I to liu. of futures
- - ' - va ; bS.UOO ( Jll . of spot ;
Hiot imirkol dull . . . . . . . . . . . * - . 1 * '
, weaker : options , woako
'ulJ'Wlm'l' ' ' ° 1Vllf"l ) r closing 3Sir4o ; Decombe r ,
81 > a0 > io. closing , 'im40. January. UW-Wi .
elohlng .tici spot No. S wbllo , 4uc : ilxed
jvpstorn , astuillot. whiio western , 40 < 3He * No '
Chicago , 40i4J40JjO. (
llAV Klrni. qulot.
lloi'S I'alrly actlvo , firm.
C'OKFKK Upttonu opened Hrm at 10 to 2S
, . . . . . , . . . . . ! , , . , . . . , vnu.l Itllll HI. 1,1 III uv | , . , ivn
, PiS.5ulV ? ' t0l7 ? ° UUK8'I'lillngi ! ' ' ' Novombor.
ol'o,1 ' Vc1CIllbcr' * l Ciai3.15i January. 111.70
I3.1K ) , .obriiary , Iti.iui March , iii.5oau.78i
i'XlT,1 0 11'1" ' , J" " ° - * tl.KH45 : ; July
, , ,
IU.31K31 .45 ; Mjpiumbor , J-U.H5 : spot Klo Unii ;
HiHUn-Itaw , dull , steady ; sales , 1.400 bngs :
mola es sugur , SU test nti'Voi rollnuil. im/ut / !
easier ! mould. A. 47-lOe ; mmulnnl A. 4 15-ltfo ;
tonfectlonurs A , 4 a-lOo : granulaiod , 4 5-lGo ,
MoLAssKS-Now Orleans , fairly uellvo , llrm.
Jice { Klrni , fnlr deinanil.
n united closed
UnsiN-Quietnnd steady.
Tuiii'KNTi.NE-Dull ami lo
wt teru a receipts ,
doinoatlo iloeco , aft331c :
inilled , SUiUCIo ; Texans , Sle.
I'oiiK Qnlut and nteiuly ; old mess. | ! ) .75i
now moss , * IU75 : extra | irmo. ) I.O.tXkJi li'.r , ' .
( JitT JlKATS-\Veak and quiott plcklvd brllles ,
10.10 : jileU-tcd shouldera , 5U.Ho ? ; pickled
tilling ,
Miuii.Klull ) ) utitllrmi no short clear , No-
cmlinr rt.a.Vi8.4S.
l.AUD-Flriner und active ; western steam ,
UiK uskedi sales. 350 tlerves at M. ' ! onlions
Bales , I. Mi fiercest Deceiuher. tu.a7C.0.4 , elos-
lua at fiL4ii bid ; January J ' . at.5a. . closlni : ut
lo.&j bid ! I'eliriiury. ( O.r l , closliiiat W-lWaitkeu ;
March. lfl.7.'tttl.7K elohlnu- J I.TK nuked.
IIUTTKit-Uulet but Mteady : western dairv , 13
wrHtfrn ereninery. SJwWc ) wcmerit fao-
lory. HHtt-'Jo ; KU'ln. ' . 'Ul
UIIKEHK 1'ntioy , ( julet ; part tklins ,
Atuorlcau. I1),7S31I.(0.
Ooi' nnil weak ! lake. Novomlie
tll.W : Decomtier , 111.00.
I.KADtcndy ; donuMtic , (4.25.
TIN Dull hut uteady ; ntralitlits , J 10.03.
MlimcniilHVtiitt | ! .MiirKct.
MiN.vcAi'oi.ti" , Minn. Nov. ST. Wheat wai
llttlo utroiiRer today hut Urn strength did nu
nnni If rst lt elf In anovorimucrliiKiitiiiinnera
thn ImlU would have Ilki-d , hut It viut u hotter
tor display than they IIHI ! KCCII for oeverii
dayx. Cable news wns hotter and forolp
innrUets showed conilderalile ( Iriiineiit. Thcr
was u fallliic olT of nhout 400 ours In re
celitiof | wheat at Mlnnc.ipolU and Dululli a
they hnvo heen riiiinlns , nnd this , wit !
HID heavy ulearancos. had a slrciiK hen
liiK effect. The hears also onlpnei
In their tnltuhy liny Ini eonslderahlu wlie.i
oxpeelln. to sell on a higher market. Thol
expectations for today were hardly roall/.cd
but. atWJC Wednesday they thought wheat wa
n iiuri'haoo for a lltllo speculation. Tin
market for December opened at Ml' i % U
under Wednesday's vlosc. and fo
May nt Olc. 1111 advance over Wednesday'
clos . The trailing was con lined prlnelpallj
to May wheat , and tluro was a gradual ad
vanee from thu opening that at II o'clock hai
scored oh ? c. Then en HIP a break to 111141
with n recovery tolil'io bid and anothersolllni
olTuu too heavy olTerln.N. Thcro wan but lltlli
feature to Deeombor. and the trading on tin
opening wns verv Alter the noon houi
them was SDIIIO Incllnatlun to hioak thn day'i
advance , hut It hold fairly well , and Dcc-m
herchmed ntwi o and .May nt ( ( Pie. Thocasl
iniirkot was in a ho ilthv condition and a COIK
deal of wheat was sold , ( 'losing ( | iiotalloni
for No. I northern : Novenihor eloslnx ulKI'dC
Deeoinher opened nt W5'i , lihMn'st Win. low
( it niUc. closlni ; al WiHi'i Wednesday at w. o
.May opened at Die , hlirhesl l'i'i ) _ ' bid , loweo
lilt * , eloslnt ; today at Ol' eVcdni" ; < day UHje
.lanuarv closed todav at KSo ; Wednesday
t7' e. tin I hard , Kie'i : No. 1 northern. h8c
No. S northern from Mo to Hie.
Utn ilia > raln
Prices based on delivery at Mississippi rivet
points , Nebraska linpeetlon , and ten days'
shipment , uniess otherwise Htatet ! ,
There was a KOO.I doil of life on the board
HID Interest punturln ? around the corn mar
lieU The or lerH from outside points wore
nullo liberal while local grain men were alse
free buyers.
WIIKAT No. S spring. & 3c hlij.
Uvi--No. ; S. Ule hid.
OATS Na S , white. : w'jo bid : No. 3. whlto
XV bid : N J. 3. colored. : i''u b.d , : asked.
NBW Ooit.v--.No. 'I or heller , ton days ship
ment , IS'ii1 ; twenty davs shipment , 4lio bid ;
year .shipment 4 ' / , ; January shipment , II bid ,
Antony tin : sates were ! ! ,000o. . a or belter
corn , todays' shipment 42'i ! 5.00J sumo 4'J'i !
. " > .OWsime.'S : ) days shipment 4'7 > ; ln.ODO name ,
year shipment , ll'i ; n.OiO same4l'i ' ; 10,000 saint
llj ! ; lO.IHWHt. Louis terms 41. ; 3. > , UOI A'o. a 01
better , year Hhlpniont 10' ' } ; Ci.OJO .No. S wlilti.
oats)1 ; ) ) ! ; H'.O ' U No. S rye a ) days shipment lo ) ) |
I.VJu No. a or butter com. SI. Louis terms , 4o : ;
50,000 sa mo , ISc.
Geortro II. Varnosof .Missouri Valley , wus In
lookiiiK over the market ,
lames ( 'oat.s , Wlola , In. , was amen ? the vis
itors on the board.
Thoodoio VanAlsl. Ellchorn , Neb , , was on
the board.
City Markots.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. S7. Kr.otni Quiet ,
but steady ; patent , $ iri'iiJ ( ; extra fanoy ,
K'.SOTU'.S3 : fancy , ts.IO-.13j choice , Jl.S3ai.85 ;
, , . .
WIIKAT Oiilet and a shade lower ; No. S ,
cash , 77o bid ; November , iiothlni ; done.
UOIIN Active , with an upward tendency ;
No. i' , cash , ! bid , aiiyc asked ; November ,
nothing lining.
OATS tjulot ; No. 2 , cash , Mu ! November ,
SOc bid , : ) c asked.
I'I.AX SKUII UnchiitiKcd ; 84o.
UAV ITncliiincud ; tlinothv. $3.00 ; prairie
fancy. $7.f > 0 ; cholco. J . & .ffltf.jD ; low grades ,
lltiTTKii IJnchaiiKcd ; rrcamcry. SS2Sc ;
dairy , l.V&-'Oc ; store packed , ialCc ; rolls ,
14 ft : . * ) c.
Kins ( Steady at 25s.
llnciii'TS : Wheat , 43.ri03 uu. ; corn , 18,400 bu ;
oal.s. COO bu.
SIIII'MINTS Wheat , ! > 3i.O : bu. ; corn , ai.SOObti ;
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Huston Wool Mnrlcet.
HOSTON. Mass. . Nov. 27. There has been
moro tiotlvltv In wool , with several large sulos.
The sales for the week amounted to a/JiKUWO
Ibs of all kinds , of which nearly iU'OO.oOO ' Ibs
were domestic. Prices worn in buyer's favor.
Territory wools nave [ fold with the most
freedom and one blK lot of 5UO.-
000 Ibs of Montana sold at COc
for line medium. On scoured basis sales
of fine were made ntfiiQtHIe : line medium at
otX3tc ; medium ; spring Texan wools
were ( inlet with small sales at I'-'Ic. as to
quality ; fall Texas at LVrjlUo ; eastern Oregon
wools sold at K/ii''Cu and spring California at
17SIc ; GcorKla wool sold at about S7e ; Ohio
fleeces were ( [ ulot at "SQ''Slio for X ; : iOaio for
XX and XXX and above ; Michigan X sold at
2ii4@27c ! ; No. 1 clothliiK wools were In fair ro-
nufst at ao10c for super ; S-J'li c for extra ;
Australian wools are tiriu ; carpet wools are
quiet. .
New 1'ark Dry Goods Mnrkct.
NKW YOHK , Nov. 27. Following Thanksgiv
ing holiday business In dry goods wns
moderate , a eonlldent and cheerful feeling
hits , However , prevailed and developments
are looked for early In the coming month. At
the moment the condition and tone of the
icurkul for the principal features are without
chance. Hecout reports are favorable to de
mand and stability , lluycrc are looking for
some concessions of leading brands of
lileuched shirtings but there are no Indica
tions ot that as yet and stocks are unusually
moderato for this period. Prices are In a gen
eral way believed to bo at rock bottom.
Tjlvorpool Mnrkota.
LlVKitFoOb , Nov. 27. WIIUAT Steady , de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; red
western , spring. 7Hd per cental. The receipts
of wheat for the past three days wore a5'JoOO '
centals , lnclu.lliii ; 161.003 American.
UOIIN Quiet and lower ; mixed western. Cs5d
jor cental. The receipts of American corn
the List three days wore lil.S 0 centals.
I'UASCanadian , Us Oil per eental.
tors. 4s per lb.
AMIUICAN : LIVE CATTI.K Sinking the offul ,
r > 'id per lb. _
Mii.wAtJKKK , WIs. . Nov. 27 WiiEAT-HluMior ;
ash , 8'J'c : No. 3 spring , ! )0o ) ; No. 1 northern.
Uoiix Lower ; Nc. a , 4."c.
OATS Lower ; No. S white. 3lc ; No. 3 whlto.
JIlc.llAiir.uv Kasy ; No. 2 , Wo ; sample on track ,
KVK Unsettled ; No. 1 ,
a Htoady.
St. .
ST. Louis. Mo. . Nov. ST. WHEAT Finn ;
cash. 0ie ; November , 0'IJfe.
Coit.N-Klrm ; cash , 4iH4a4c ? ; November ,
4iic. : !
OATS-Slrong'eash ; , 3.'iiO ? ; November , 3ajJc.
Pom ; Dull ; ! > .3. > .
LAIIII I'lrm ; $0.10.
llU'i-ruu Steady and unchanged ,
Cincinnati Marlccts.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 37. WIIKAT Quiet ;
No. S red. U7o.
Coax Klrm ; mixed oar , 44Q4r > c.
OATS-Stoady : No. S mixed. a515Jic.
WlllSKKV Jl.lS.
. Oil MnrUot.
Ltvniii-ooi , Nov , ST. Timi'RNTiNB SPIIIITB
aJsOdpcrowt ,
Traders' Talk.
OniCAdO , III. , Nov. 37. Cotlnsolman ft Day
to C'ockiell Ilros : Speculative markets today
were quiet and they were hardly expected to
show much nctlviiy between Thanksgiving
holiday and Sunday , wlih tlio close of the
month also at hand. Koeelpts for two days
made thu farm product plenty and a decline
In prices would not havu been uu unnatural
soquenco. However , there was a good
shipping and speculative demand all
around and eloslng prices showed gains
for almost everything on thu list.
Wheat was elTeolcd by a llrmer tone to Liver
pool cables and shorts were free buyers In the
face of lower font nuntal quotations. Knough
outside buying besides was done to absorb all
olTerlngs and close llio market at the outsldo
prices bid. Corn ruled llrmer and closed half
a cent higher for December and year , with
May dull at ouu-olghlh of a cunt ailvanco.
Thu November future was manipulated torn
fie advunco lo tOc , and u 7u decline from IOD.
closing at 730. Short sellers up to January 1
aru liable to be mercilessly squeezed. Provis
ionsworo llrm at thu opening , and on large
buying bv packers , pork hold up l' Jc. but a
quiet feeling prevailed later and the market
oiosod steady ut from , r > c to luu all around.Vo
uro very friendly to provisions an any breaks.
CiitCAdp , 111. , j\ov. 37-Konnott. Hopkins Jt
Co. to H. A. MoWhorter : Wheat opened
dull at a fractional decline from the lust close.
Tlio volume of huslnoJs was noticeably light
which encouraged llio bu Is who had been
afraid of free bulling by Kuropu to take hold ,
though In u moderato way. News received
during thu session was of u nature to still
further encourage them.
The coin nmrkot closed dull with quota
tions practically unchanged , Oats were
extremely dull and utter lluuiuatlng within it
range of Se cloned unchanged. PiuvUluns
wcro sugmur ; e using for long futures , how
ever , shows soinii Improvement.
UiiU'Ailii , III. , Nov. sr.-bwurtz. DupcoA Ma-
Cormlck to ! ' . U Sw rtz& Co. : Thu trade In
wheat today was largely local , December
shorts bought freely and there wus u disposi
tion manifested by many of thu room traders
io lake thu long sfdu on thu of better
hnglUh cabins. Clearances from the t >
for forty-night hours were KU.ouo bushels ;
northwuiturn recuipls showed a sllxht rciluo-
tlon. The Cincinnati I'rlco Current In a ,
summary of the wheat situation
wiu ruthur bearish and reports
no Injury to the growing winter wheat , rcsuli-
Ing from thu Into cold wuuthur. Conilnuntal
eubltis woru generally lower. tfnow U roporlud
falling ovur a largo portion of the winter
wheat belt. The liiiprcBuloii exists that there
Is but one large short Interest ouUlumJlng
uud that price * are walutuluoU lu Ihu cllurt
to drlro It In. Many are nredlctlnnnotlio
RiiiU'iv.o In llio n rat month , but Fiaason
able weather will prexent It. I'rovHltm
were llrmrron Ilithtcr rcenlpts of hogn. Th
O.ttlmntcs for next wcnk tire Iniuc. There I
nothing now In the sltimtlon thiit wo see. Th
demand for December to cover shorts con tin
I lies , one lot of Si'.fKM ' hbls having been hoilk'li
i today. One reason that them Is not more Hi
; fombcrpork on the market Is that holdoi
{ have changed * o much Into larger options.
, i.vJtuxtm. .
Nr.wVoilK. Nov. ST. Tlio stock marital wn
rather moru anlnmtod than wits generally ex
pected today , coming between a whole and
half holiday and whllo the general tcndune ;
of prices win down It took consldurablo preis
lire by the profosilonal olemoiit In the ah
Fence of any buying of unto to accomplish th
Insignificant declines ma Io , while the ol
tricks of clrctilalliig false rumors were em
ployed to some olfect. The opening of th
market was firm with considerable buying o
the few leading stocks for boll
London nnd the west but the boar
soon attacked Chicago ( las and sold I
down with the repetition of the eli
rumors of a successful competition with It Ii
the city , and also by stories of now suits to b
brought against the company In the courts
Whenever this pressure was rolloved for ui
Instant , the Inherent strength of the stock became
came apparent Immediately mid some shun
rallies were oUVctod at times , though tin
final result of the day's trading In It was i
material loss. There were rumors nisi
of some largo house In trouble , and these gav <
considerable weight to the selling , but as sooi
PR It became known Hint the llrm was Fluid . '
IIndley It was discovered that they were shor
of stocks and thu market became
immediately ,
In tno forenoon there was some Impressloi
made upon Now York Central which aftoi
selling to in retired to 1134 but finally closoc
only a small fraction lower than on Wcdncs
( lav. The test of the list generally ylcldei
fractionally to the pressure but Now England
was a marked exception but , Its strength wai
as mysterious as all the moves in t'uit ' stock
and Joined by Distillers It helped material ! )
to rally the list In the afternoon. Tim tin-
iiouncumont of the assignment of Klold
Llndlcy &Co. 'vas followed by a marked cliiingi
in the temper of llio mnritot and a few of the
moru stubborn sto-ks regained all tin
forenoon's IOMS. Outsldu of thu usuall )
active list , however , there was nc
feature to the trading , and toward the close
the attack was resumed by the bears with the
purpose of alVeetlu the London market to-
moirow morning The Impiesslon made by
the raid was sight and the maikct closed
within small fractions of last night's figures ,
thotuh It was dull and heavy at. the time. The
net loss In Chicago ( las reached ln ! , but Dls-
tiller * on the other baud rose S per cent , und
New Knglaud I percent.
( iovcrnmcnt bonds dull and steady. State
bonds du land fuaturolcs ? .
The following are the closing quotations for
thu leading stocks on thu New York Slock exchange -
change ioday :
* Kx dlv.
The total sales of stocks today were 210.030
shares. Inoludlns Atchlsou , 1(1,3 ( Wj Chicago Gas ,
y..bOj ; Delaware. Lackawanna & Western ,
G.7M ; Erie. 14. : i : > i l.oulKvllle & , Nashville , ( ;
Missouri raclllcir,00i : , IXOrthoru 1'aclllo. 0.5..0 ;
KeadliiK , 7tiO : : Hlclunond & West I'olnt , 4,153 ;
St. 1'uul , 10.810 ; Union 1'aelllc. 1JJ.7M.
Nnw YOHK. Nov. 27.- The Post says : Of
the two clouds that have so lonjr overhung the
mirlct-tho : Hlcliniond Terminal and the
Union 1'aclllc It may at last oo said that
their finances uro In strong hands and re
moved from tlio obnoxious atmosphere of
family qunrroH The worst result of their
public embarrassment the suspicion that
other companies may bo overburdened with
slm.lar Moulindohts : may bo satisfactorily
mot by the action of their direc
tors on the question of dividends. Sev
eral Important coinmiulc.s. Including
the Itoek Island and the Missouri
1'aclllo will take this action next month. The
coal trade rumors are not at all critical. The
Delaware fc Hudson has declared Its < tmdoml
at the usual rate , and although this was actu
ally n foroRono conclusion the company's
policy bolus to ( leoldo a your ahead on Its
dividend rate there had been some uneasi
ness over rumors ot a possible reduction.
These facts , with the prospects of A renewal
of Kuiopo's heavy shipments of gold to the
United States , are certain , sooner or later , to
have their Inlliienco.
New York aionuy
Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 2MONKV ON OAI.I , Kasy ,
nuiKliiK from. ! to 4 pur oontj last loan , 3 per
cent ; closlni : oll'ored at ' . ' / per cent.
I'ltiMB MKIICANTII.K I'AIM-.II jftii per cont.
HTKIII.INO KXCIIANOI : Quiet and steady at
H.Sj ; , ' for sixty -day bills and H.&M for de
mand ,
The following were the closing prices on
bonds :
, . „
> 1. „ . AT. ( ; ea..Vs. . . . 4SVi |
riniinulnl NntCH.
KANSAS OITV , Mo , , Nov. 27.-Cloarnss : , Jl-
) ] | ! 317 *
, , N5.W ° "I'BAt" ' La't Nov.T.Cloarlngs ,
' -
! l,5'J7-Ji4 ,
NEW YOIIK. Nov.7.Oioarlngs , m,370oK : ;
Juliineea , f7,540U4.
H.u.TiMOUE , Md. , Nov. 27. Olcarluss todny ,
.08tiui ! ; ; balances , $ 7.stl. Kate , o pur cent.
, I'll , , Nov. 37. Clearings , Jl I , -
24.4W1 ; balances. 4i.uoo.4S3. Kato for mouoy , 4
icr cent.
ST. Louts , Ma , Nov , 37-Cloarlngs , * l,433. .
n < : balances , * 4il'J,03l. Money , 7S per cent.
-\cliango on Now York sold nt par.
Ilo > T.v. Mass. , Nov. S7.-Oloarlngs today ,
; l5.l.Vli74j ) : balances , $1.S08.I03. Ualo for money ,
li3 po : cent. KxchaiiKU on Now Vork , lee
ircmlnm ,
CMICAOO. III. , Nov. S7.-Now Vork exchange ,
. " 10 per * I'iOO ' premium. Money , II per cent ,
lank clearings , tHH.wil.000. Sterling oxehaii'-'o ,
liiil and unehanaed at fi.tmt for slxly-day
Jills und J4.S4JJ for sl.-ht drufls.
I.inddii Stnulc .Markot.
LeNnoN , Nov. 27. The following .worn the
.oiiilon stool ; quotations closing at I p. m. :
'onsols iiiunuy Ujl-li ; CHnuTibmT'iicltlo. . . . nujj
. .
, . . .
: on > na | account. . . . W ) 'rlu " ' '
1 S. It 120'- ' St. raid common. . . ? 'i
J. S. 4KB li t lluuillng 20)4
4 , V. I' . AO. lst . . , . ! IJ
HAH SII.VKII 1:1 : u-i i "
MO.NKV illi per cent.
Aniountof Imllum gene Into the Hank of
England today , JL'II.OOi ) .
I ' 'ore I ml Klinmulal Itovhnv.
imiiivriu/iffii / tKti iiuJiim'n i.upjin it-it > i'.u.\ \
LONDON , Nov. 27. [ New Vor'.i Herald Cable
! i > eo'.al to Tun IIEK.J l.lfo on tno stock ex-
: haiivo and prices wore rather dull. Amurlc.iu
alls headed by Milwaukee's giving
: hough not materially , as the recent Iliiuldu-
.loiii much Improved the position. No dllll-
Millies uro uutlclpatO'J ut tlio end of thu year
uid a bluirp rally M expected early In Jan-
lary , Internatloiml stuoUs opened weak hut
loscd llrm , whllo South Amerlciuis wore dull ,
iwliivtiitlio full In llnulllans. The position
it Itlo Janeiro l.s now regar ed s a less
'uvorabie ' funture to luinio Usuos. The boar
iqucozo In llrlghton railway was deferred ,
totlisohllds assUtlnit to crush the boars.
.ately that hoiuo Is hccomlii7 very prominent
nthObtauK i-xchansu oneratlonx. Money M
Uulllon silver U u trllle easier
Itoriton Stuok Mnrkut.
IIOSTOK , Man * . , Nov. ST. The following were
thacloihu prtcoi mi ; stocks on the llnsto
stock market loil iV1.1'1 '
MiMivor AIlHlnjj St ) L'kH.
DKMvr.n , Colo. . Nov , 27.-Tho following list I
the closing quilt it loin on the Mining oxclmnz
today. Sales , l8tX)0 ) snares ,
Sun rrinulsoii : .Mining QtiolntldiiM.
SAN 1'iiANCirtco. On
New York Mlnln < ; Qii titloiiH. ;
NBW YORK , Nov. 27.-Tho foliowlnjf are the
j mining stock iinotatlons :
St. IjoulH .Uininj ; ( Juotntions.
L = L'ouis. Mo. , Nov. S7. The following an
tire closing quotations :
O.V.IIill'K ! > TOUlf M.
OMAHA. Nov. 27.
Itocolpts were fair today. In fact the rut
was heavier than usual for the day following
a holiday. There were : K > cars of cattle , lii : ;
head ; lliicara of hogs , 7.C85 head ; 1 bar o
sheep , 215 head. Kor the past llvo days re
celpts foot up 7,1415 cattle. : iii.lu7 hogs and : i,0sl
sheep , iixulnst 14,812 cuttle. . ' ) ! iS15 hogs tint
1,8."J sheep for tlio same llvo days of last week
OATTI.U The cattle market was In pretty
cooil shape today , for desirable stock at least
Homo uood corn fed eattlo t-old at from M.GO l (
$ ' 1.03. and a uood-sl/ed bunch of fair westcri
"whlto fi.ces" brought $1.55. A dceroasoln the
past live days of nearly 7.501 head has ma
terially quickened tlio demand , and this fact
together with an linpiovement In the quality
of the offerings , will account for an advance
during the last few days of at least lOo on eat
tlo In falrllcsh. The market was lively anil
overythjirx useful was out of Urst hands long
before noon.
Cows and mixed stock constituted a. good
share of the receipts and with only a
moderate demand the trade was not overly
lively and prices anywhere from weak to lOc
lower than yesterday , although not much dif
ferent from Wednesday. Inferior to very good
cows sold from .fi.ui ) to $ . ' .40 ; bulls , stags and
oxon from fl.25 to SiJO ; calves from 81.M to
Stockers and feeders were In good demand
today but prices were not materially stronger
than they have been all week. Country buy
ers can get stock cattle at about what they
think they are worth , and as u consequence
they are buying freely at J .OO to $2.70 , Kop-
rcsoutativo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1..12JO $2iO : 2. : 010 $2 70 40 .1222300
4. . ( W7 245 1..12SO a 25 CO. . 1231 303
11. . 795 2 55
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
3. . 803 $1 33 8. . 027 Jl 83 20..1103 ? , ' 20
025 1 35 10. . Oft ) 2 00 88. . 1)1X1 ) 220
3. SKI 1 35 21. . 840 2 05 1..12SO 2VO
15. 7a3 1 40 1..132U 2 10 7..1.00 225
111. 07 : . ' 1 50 3..1040 2 10 4. . 1317 225
1010 8..1007 2 10 53. . ! Wl 23'J
1..1170 1 5'J ' 23..1002 2 10 5. . 072 SW5
.1015 1 50 10. . 090 2 10 5. . OuO 235
5. 002 1 65 10. . 000 2 10 24. . OS2 2 40
3. 810 1 70 3..1000 2 15 1. KiO 240
0. 005 1 75 11. . ICO , ) 2 Ii 21..1041 275
41. 820 1 75 3..1053 2 20 1..11UO 300
JO. 013 1 75 24..1017 2 20 1. 1317 325
815 1 75
1. . 800 220
1. . 240 1 75 21. . 100 3 00 2. . 150 400
16. . 2.18 1 80 . . 1:10 : 3 M 2. . 130 400
1. . 4'JO ' 2 03 1. . 110 3 50 3. . 147 475
2..1100 1 25 1..1200 1 50 3..1370 183
1..12IW 1 EO 2. . 13 15 1 05 1. . 11)00 ) 100
1..1320 1 M 1..1530 1 75 1..1170 200
1..13SO 1 50
1. . 40 ! 1 50 CO. . 718 2 3) 15. . 88) 2 DO
4. . B70 1 BJ U. . 7.S8 2 33 a.1. io5i 201
2. . 815 2 00 4 . 85 2 33 0. . 000 2U5
S . l)2. ) " > 2 00 C. . . CIS 2 40 17..1003 270
10. . filO 2 35 SO. . 675 2 40
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r
3 steers' . . . 1083 $1 00
* tailings
lone Ii. & C. Co.
I.'O steers..1132 3 55
B. 11. Hurtmann ,
121 steers. . . 1120 305 1 bull IfiO 1 15
1 caniior. . . 11) 1 25 1 bull . . . .1170 1 15
11 cows 017 1 50 2 bulls. . . .1(00 ( 1 15
1UO cows 100 ! ) 225 1 buir. 1411) ) I 40
17 cows 110) 223 1 bull 1310 1 40
18 cows 10JS 230 ( I feeders . . o'A'i ' 1 00
102 feeders. . 1IUO 253 7 steers.1117 1 IK )
4 cows HIM 1 85 3 stags 141(5 ( 1 00
10 steers. 1110 2 00
* tailings.
Coke Bios.
42 stockers. . 010 2 05
C. & I. Co.
20steors 1023 3 10
McGurock , lllnnlngham & 0o ,
97 cows KIS 1 75
.T. McDonald.
51 eows 1005 1 85
Young & Miller.
lOcowu 1023 1 8i 10 cows. . . , 007 183
20yearlings. C39 2 00
lions There was n moderately liberal run
it hogs today , but receipts so far thla wouk
all about 3.UOO abort of last. Tlio quality con
tinues good and hogs .under 200 Ibs. are rather
> curce , whllo the bis. bulk of the iccolpts nvor-
iioover2.V ) Ibs. to'tho load. Shippers were
lolng nothing and the speculative demand
vas rather light , burjpcal houses all bought
[ roely at prices steady to stroni- compared
vltli yesterday and about too higher com-
mred with WednesJay. The best heavy hogs
.old from-.70 ; to * . ( , * , -whllo Ik-lit and mixed
oads went mostly alarum $ l.fiO to $3.70. Sonio
rory common light stun" sold us low as from
'J. ' 10 to J3.53 , 'I li luiir.ict wus fairly active
jurly , In faet for tbu greater part of llio fore-
inon , but rather weakened toward noon , as
nostot the bnyefrtlnul tilled their orders ,
caving ono paoUor'ln1 posse'ssloiuif tin ) Held ,
Jlhor markets were reported as closing easier
mil the trade wound up rather weak , thouji
tot n great deal lower , A few loads remained
it the close. Haloi were largely ut from * : uiu
u ft.73 , the same as yesterday , against 1.50 to
3.U5 Wednesday. Tho'avor go cost was Ji.07 ? ,
iainstuwlii .vostorllay and U50i Wednes-
lay , HopruicuUitlVo sales :
S'o. Av. bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
14. . . . .155 IIKI
100 a ( j y
a a SOI ) 370
ISO 370
ISOV 370
V 370 370
ISO 370
ISOM Jl 70
VOO 370
UiU 3 iO
3UO 370
ISO 370
IIXJ 370
3C.I 370
MX ) 37) )
bO 370
llil 370
100 370
1IX ) 370
HJ 371)
130 4 tO U H' > 1
47 ais itn a < w cs. . . .tot IM nw
110. . . .2.-J 80 305 M. . aun M 75
si son 240 305 KI. . au 375
M SIS ISO 3(11 ( ( VS KM 310 375
-M , W > JIM 78 Kll TOO 375
fit. . .257 ICO 3 M 6. . . . 2N ) 13J 375
0) 375 ItK ) 3lfl ( VI. . ; .SSI - 375
< A . . . SI5 ! f,0 3 C5 7.V . . .J7 ] | an 375
71) ) 201 ICO 3 ft5 07 . .281 40 117ft
M -IT . " " ! TO 2C3 100 375
* ! > SKI MO 3IW Ki 274 tt ) 375
! < 7 sis 3' . > o : i m s sr i 375
7. ! 242 240 3(15 ( G5 27S 80 375
00 231) ) 240 3(15 ( 77 SSd 80 375
OS . . . .249 320 3 M f > 0 270 40 375
07 27S 240 305 60 ll 841 375
7H 24II 200 3 l' 5 61 373 375
HI V40 200 fl M 69 30 ! M 375
IB -43 89 305 74 Ill 12. ) 375
77 2411 200 305 7 201 80 375
70 247 8J 305 70 2(1(1 ( ( 120 377'
01 2SO 210 305 07 8t 40 377 !
77 211 200 305 49 3IS M ) 3 bO
61 225 170 3 M (14 ( 3W M 3-0 (
CO 211 210 305 65 30(1 ( IW ) 380
M 245 ! ! 00 3(15 ( f-ft Sh7 3hO
81 252 ZtO Jl ( H 6'J..343 80 JIN )
07 213 320 305 75 211 UiO 385
M nn - ; io7'j 75 317 20 385
72 202 320 3 07V4 75 281 10J JIM
52 2.S.-I - : inij 74 : m _ 38\
f'0 281 2c ( > JIOT'.r ' M JEM - 3
00 255 120 3 07 V
32 . . . . 101 80 3 15 17 110 - 320
ft I3'J ' 3 20
Snr.Ki1 Hut ono double deck of sheep wai
received today. They were rather cntnmoi
stock owes for whlcn the demand Is ratlici
tineortaln hero. Oood muttons ate wanted ai
fully steady prices.
P.ocolpn nnil niHpixlllon oC Ktoolc
Olllolal receipts and disposition of stock a <
shown by the books of the Union Stool ; Vnnla
company , for the tuciity-fonrhoura , ending al
So clock p. m. , November'7 , IMll :
Mvo hlook Alurkct.
CiiicAdo. III. . Nov. 27.-LHioclal | Tolesratn to
IIIK IIKII.I There was a BOO I demand today
for about all descriptions of cattle , and all
sold nt bettor prices than \\oro enrient at the
beg I n nl n i ; of thi ) week. Asc niiiared with the
lowest prices of last week there Is an uvvraKO
( 'aln of from I no to aic per 101) ) HIM. and the advance -
vance Is pretty evenly distributed. Uf today's
arrivals about G..VII ) heads were natives and
i' , 00 'lexans. 'llio former were wiinted
lit from if.UO ! tol'.CO ' for poor to extra cows ,
heifers and bulls at from il.SO to Ji.f-0 : for
stockers and feeders and at from $ .1.00 to ifi ! . ' , ' . ' )
fordressud beef and shipping steers. Tnero
were not iniiny sules at bolter than tl.SU , the
Breater part of the olTerliiRs nolnir at fiom
JI.Vi to t..10 for cows and bulls and at from
iM.f.0 to ? 4r ; fop steers. Tlio ninso of iiiiotu-
tlons for Texans was from Jl.M to J-V. : > for
cows and from W.10 to W.'J. > for steers. The
calf market was llrm at fiom * l..r > 0 to2."i. .
HOOH Hales were at an advance on yostor-
day'H prices of from.1o to 0and at. an ad
vance on Wednesday's closing iitiotatlons of
from ir.c to tolKJc. This carried the market n
from Sr ) : > 10 $1.1-0 for light and to from $ .i.7i to
{ 1.15 for heavy Krades. At that raiiKO there
was brisk tradniK today , slilpnors nnd pucuers
Doth appoarlir'to bo luuiiiry for hojs. The
receipts for yesterday and today imgroiriitu
loss than Gfl.OOJ head as against , I'lS.o.U for the
corresponding two days of last wee ! ; . Th s
siilllclently accounts for thu llttlo "boom"
the market Is now enjoylnc. Huyersiro look
ing for about 40.0JO for tomorrow and for from
fto.000 to W , < 00 for .Monday. Should thi'Mj ll -
ures bo reacbod It Is doubtful that tlio above
noted advance could bo'sustained. In fact an
easier fcolln'i ' cropped out toward the close of
today's market , late sales Indicating a reduc
tion from the oponlni ; rates of f > c per I'M ' ) Ibs.
The extreme ranxo of sales was from JI..V ) to
The nvcnliiR Journal reports : CATTI.I :
liorelpts , ! lOJO ; shipments. : ii'0i ' ; market
actlvo and stroimer ; top prices for natives.
J4 > 08l.s"ij medium , $ l.ji,4.'ii ! others , $ . ' . . ' ' 0
® : i. . " ) ; Texans , 8.'utoa.iO : : stookcrs , jf.iii ! ! > .r > ! ) :
cows , $ I.10U.V5.
lions Kocelpts , 34.000 ; shipments , O.OCO :
market hliihcr than Wednesday ; closed
roiiL'h and common. J.lVKii.SO ) ( ; ; puckers and
shliipersU."i.U" ! > ; prime heavy and butchers'
wulKlits. JI.UOSM.Ifi ; llKht. * l..rva'l.7.- > .
SilEBl1 lecclpts. 4,000 ; shlp.iicnts , r .0 ;
innrkot active and lilirher ; native owes , $ . ' . .V )
0MB ; mixed , $4.'iB4.c : ) : > ; wethers. $ l.scGj.UJ ;
westerns , SI.aoil4.8J ; lambs , W.40J.X ) .
Now York Ijlvo Stnulc i > fiirkct.
NEW YOHK. Nov 27. HKKVKS liccolpts , 2,7ii :
head , lucludln 5cars for sale ; market slow
but llrm ; native steers. $ : i.4fx2-\n ; per 100
Ibs. ; bulls and cows , Sl.'JffW.'O ; dros-sed beef ,
steady at ' $ © ' ! . nor lb. ; shipments tomor
row , 115 hooves and 7.70 < iuarters of beef.
CAi.vr.s Receipts , 210 ho id ; nuirkut flnn ;
veals , S.r.00S.tO per 100 Ibs ; prassers , S2.0U ©
SIIKKP IJecelpts , n.r 3 ? head ; sheep , steady :
cholco laiubs a shade higher ; sheep. fi.flui475 : !
per 100 Ibs. : lambs , $ . " > .00ni.2. > : drowsed mutton ,
steady at,7@8'/jc porlb. ; dressed lambs , llrm
at 7"c. !
lions Hocolpts. 10"i40 head , Incliullnz two
curs fur s.ilu ; market slow ; SJ.'XKi&i.OJ per IOJ
Ibs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kiinsns City Ijlvn Slouk Jtirknt
Mo. . Nov. . .
ceipts , : iU40 : shipments. 1,000 : market nctlvo
and strong on liner trades ; steady , lower ;
steers , tt.JIOft.'I.O. ) : eows , $ . ' . . ' & 3i83 ; slockera
und feeders , $ 'J.2 ® II.7.i.
lions Heeelpts , 8.8 l : shipments none : mar
ket active. r > e to li'e higher ; uulk , W.45@a,75 ; all
grades , $2.75 ® MIS.
HiiuKi1 Hoeolpts , none ; hhlpmonls , none ;
mark ot steady.
St. Louis Ijlvc StouK Mnrkotn.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 27. OATTi.c-Uocolpts ,
2.COO ; shipments , 1,400 : market active ; nntlvos
t4.00J.- : ; Texan and Indian steoiN , J-.OO ®
2.Ki ; Texan and Indbiii cows , fl.ii@0. : (
Hods liecolats , 0,000 ; shlpmonts , VJ)0 ; mar
ket h'irlior ; heavy , ) Kl.tMl.uO ; mixed , ifJ.lU ©
3.00 ; Jlglit , J3.5Uffla.iH.
Country Produce.
HtlTTKH Fair country butter sells In round
lots ut 180c ; fancy , > : u0'j.o.
GA.MK Canada KCOSO , $0.0i'ffl7.00 ' : aniall
KCOSO , Jl.501ti5.00 : pralrlo chickens , .fl.rVKa5.00 :
KI-OUSC. $1.00 ; mallard duokK. jt.UO ; blue wln-ed
teal , $ l.7j ( reen wlnaed leal , JI.S'i : inlxoil
ducks , tl.25 ; jack rabbits , Jl.UOif.l.W . ; small.
Jl.irl.riO : quail , ; jack Knlpo , * l. .Vfn
l.WJ ; plover , 7."ie'M10) ) ; ( 'oldon plover. 11.25 ®
1..V.I ; bqulrruls , tl.OLOl.25 ; deer saddles. i : < aiio (
per lb. : deoroarcahses. lOfJIIc ; antelope sad
dles. 14l5c ; carcasses. WSlOc.
Ends General market iineliaiiRcd ; 20022c.
I'oui.Tliv There was a decided Blut In the
market for ThanUsKlvln , In spite of the
liberal demand. Heavy stocks were carried
over. Chickens are sell IIIK as low as lie for
BtoQlt that IIHS to bo moved , whlloa liirco pro-
poitlon of oven the k-ooil block Is loln ; _ oll'ored
at Aa , with some of the best at Oc. It Is almost
Impossible to inuvu turkeys , KCCSO and ducks ,
: © 'Jc. '
Oniultit IlltlcN and Tnllow.
No. 1 uroen Halted hides , 4 > 44lic ; No. 2
ereen salted hides , il'io ; No. 1 iroou salted
I drv salted bides. f/ilOo.
Tallow. No. I , Illic ; t illow , No. 2 , He : cronso ,
iv hi to A , 41iliu ! ; Kroasc. whllo It , : ! , © : o :
ruaso , yellow , : ic ; KTOHSC , dark , -lie : old liut-
tor , 2i."So ; beeswax , prime , 10 ZiSSo ; rough tal
low , ISife-'c. _
Omaha Milling company : llollnnca , Patent.
(270 ( ; Invincible. Patent , W.fifl ; l.ono Hiar.Su-
norlatlve , Ju : : i-iuwllake , f 0i : Kaney ram-
M.S' ' .
. * * . V. Oilman's ( iold Medal , J-.W ; "now White ,
' : . ' . l.i ; Hnowllako , $ . ' .00 ; low LM-iilo , $ .Ml ; Queen
if the Pantry , i..Kii ; Minnesota Superlative ,
2.75 ; bran , JI4.CO ; chopped feed , J.'O.OO.
ItCoHt TlilH 31aiin D.illar to Oarro 11
Two months or moron o Jarr.cs C. Pnuly
not nnd carved l''rad Schmld In u most liorrl-
jlo iimiinor. Ho was nrrostoil nud tried In
lollco court , where ho was held to unswor to
ho cluirk'u of assault with intent to commit
Ycstoiilny the case was culled before Judge
CstelU1. Tto dufoiidnnt was allowed to wltU-
lr < iw tils plea o ( not eullty nnd enter it plea
ifiusaultnnd battery. This ho fludly did ,
iftor which ho was lined $1 and costs.
DoWItt's Uttlo Hurly Khars ; best llttlo
nils for dyspepsia , sour stoiiuoh , lutl bi'o.ith
lUiiiiioirlinl'n Comlltlim.
Eugene Hlumenthal , who was severely
icaien in Hume's chop house on North Six-
cc'ti'h street sovorul nights ugo by McNu-
iiura and Noonun , has not entirely regained
uiisciou4iios > since the nssuult , und is ro-
lortcd much worse yostorduy. His brother ,
i. liluinentlinl. who U press agent for I'roc-
or's thcntur , Now VorK. has forwarded In
tructlons to the Methodist hospital to
Ivo the wounded ma ' ull possible attention.
A very small pill , but a very good ono. lo- )
iVitl'o llttlo Kurly Klsorj ,
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Oo , ,
Fli < K , hntuiiiooks , oil nml
riibhprelntliliiu. Hand fur
cntnlottue. | | | , | Knrnnni
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo.
Importers n I Manufao-
tnrpr .
Flour PaoKn. Murlniu nn.l .
A. H. Porrl o & Oo. M. 0. Dason.
1401 DoilKoStroot. Illcjclei tnM < m monlhl
Send for our
nml prlcoi. 12J N. IMh stroct.
J1OO lllXDKHS uml
Morso-Oco Sho3 Compviy ,
HIM Hnwnril Ptrppt.
Factory , pornorlltli unit nii l StroU.
\Vo tire nmklnifclmo [ irloi'J to C'Hli biivors , na I
solInK 11 elms of wlili-li Is very al-
os'ila wllli niarchnnH. _ '
Ackorman Brothora & Hoiutzo ,
Printers , bln.lors , oloctMtrpari. blviicbut insnu-
111(1 ( llownr.l lrujt , OnrnV-
Williams , Van Aer- KiiktmilallToues&U | <
nam & Harto Wlu > lo nl Mamifii'tnr'r'
Ak'cntifor llu'ton lluli
1212 Humor stroo'- bur Slino Co. lid. . IIOI
nml IIOI , llarney rtrcot
Omfk'ia , No' ) .
3maha Ooil , Ooko & ' Ooutant & Squiroi ,
Limo r J. , llnnl nml noft ship
. . K. per * .
iim.i nml tofl coil. 3. 1303 1'nrn unitroet
cor. lOtb ami Uoii ln < Oinnlia.
American Pnel Oo. , Howell & Oo. ,
and ilealori In
Shippers il7 S Hlli l-ltcit.
niulir.iclta and bltu-
moiM coal. . Omnni , N"oi. !
215 S. litli ntrcot.
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Johnson Bros. ,
213S. nth Strojt , 014 t'arnnm Ireot ,
, Nob. Omnlm. N'cb.
Eagle Ooruico V/orks ,
licit Iron fornlci ? .
Window cnpj , miitnllc
skTllulits , etc. 1111) ) nnd
I Ht.
' , J. Jobnson & Co , , Oadj & Gray ,
220 S. 15tli Struct , Lime , cement , etc. , oto.
Omaha , Nob. Car. 9th and DoiiKl.'vi Stn.
Jjlt I" GOODS.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry
) ry Rooili. notion * , fur- Good3 Oo. ,
nblilnKooiU. . DrjKoodi. notions , irontn *
ftirnUhliit ; piodi ,
Corner llth nnd llownnl. cor. llth un I llarnuy 311
Wolf Electrical Oo. IJETItorr-AUTOMATir ;
Electric Motors
llluatratod cataloituo
froo. and Drniuoi. ( 'ntnliun >
free. II. A. Klnnoy.den'l
IH14 Capitol ATcntio. Aut. 83J-l : N.V. Mfo Illd'K.
Parlin , Orendor f & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Co. ,
Ocnoral western fluent
Corner Jono * and 9th Sti. Skaudl.'i I'luiv Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. I341I-1.151 Sliorman Avo.
S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
013-15-17. N. Idth Street. Merchant Mllleri.
Olllce and Mill KIU .North
i 1C. Illaclr - Manager. ICilh Htrout.
J < 'UJtA'JlUltE AM ) CAltPETt.
) ov/oy & Stsno Pur- Beebo & Eunyau Pur-
nituro Oo. , nituro Oo.
Siicces ors to ( i A. Ilo bi
Furniture and carpets , A Co. ,
ll.-IHU Karnam Htroot. ( Irnen and Cltli sn.Omaha
J. T. Eobinson Notion
Oo ,
Gunts' fiiraUhln ; enodf.
m'f'K eolobr.itiM bran I
' llnoltniln " 1 ,
paala , nhlrti , coat < , etc
Cur. I''th and lluw.ird Hn.
Cockvoll Broi IT , 0. Swnrtz & Oo. ,
llrnkprs nmlcmh b r < > ri. I llrokpr , ( iri\lnl'roTl U > ni
Prlvnto wires to NPIT Pto. I'rlvMo wlro to St.
York , Chlc.itto , , V SU * , IdiiihimiU'lilcniW. Hootn
U ) l . HI-M Ho rd of 7.1lo.ini uf Trnilo.Om hn ,
Trnilo. I KtclmtwotiM'tf , f. Omah
Max Mour & Bro Oo A. IIospo , Jr. ,
M'f'uJownlcr' . iliMlorj In I'lnnoi , Oriznin , Artliti'
niUFlcnl In'IruiiionU , Mntorlalt. Kto.
Knrimn nnil IGtli. 1'iin s Street
Plati & Oj. , Oonsilitbtod Tank
* , KMi anil Celery , Line Oo ,
ar.iBouiii loih at I to lined tun ! lahrlc.itlaz
Dnvlrt Cole tilli , nxle Kremi * . etc
Ribbal & Smith , Ssliroa'-br & 0 ) „
Ponlers In country pro l- Cn > li biiyorj liuttur nnt
lice , fruit * , vcuutnUluJ , eKni. nnil com-
etc. inlsslim niori'liMiHi.
etc.1M7 Ilowanl Street. IS ) Siiulli llth Slroot.
Rubort Purvis , Branch & Oo. ,
1317 llotrnnl Pticot. I'roduee , frulti of .ill
Write for prlco on luit-
t r , ego puultry , naJ klnil , oystcn ,
Mill nnil Ilnrnuy Stroott.
Kirschbruua & Soni , Jos. A. Olark fe Oo. ,
liultcr , chcoso , vffi
llutlcr , egin iunl poultry.
lioultry nnil Rnmo.
IW.IUownrilStroat. nu South nth Street.
Carpenter Paper Oo , , Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
Curry a full Block of Manufacturers Job-
prlutliu , nrnppliiK anil ber.i all kln.U rubber
writing imper , cnril pn. .
Tor , etc. l.v0 rnrimm Street.
Emerson Seed Oo , James Huplios ,
Sord Krairen , ilmlcrJ In Stoves rup.ilrs of ullklnJl
Kiinlcn , Krasi , grabi and Looks anil lluaturi
trco iviMls. for B.ile.
421-42.1 South iStli. COJ S. Mill Stroit.
M. A , Disbrow & Oo ,
Manufacturers of nah.
doori. blinds anil
moulding * . Ilrancli of-
llce , 12th and Izard Sir
U. S. Wind Eugiuo & A , L. Strang & Sons ,
Pump Cb.
, '
lOX'-IWI farnxm StrooL
Ilalllil.-iy Wind Mllli.
. ) .loiiuiHtroot.
913 and H.I . .
Omaha. Nob.
G.K.ltoas , actinic mnnav'r
Consolidated Ooffea
Company ,
1414 and Hit : llnrnor St. ,
Omalm , Xcb.
H. Hardy Oo. , The Brnnswiok-
Toy , del 11 , nib n ms. Balko-Oollonder Oo , ,
fancy goods , house fur- IMIIIard mcrchandlio.
nl < * tilui { KOO'l * , cldld- Saloon llxturoi.
tonN carriages. (07 , ( W S. 10th Strout ,
131'J Karnam Street. Omaha.
A. D. Bojer & Oo. , Hunter & Greon.
-69 Kxch.11120 UulldliiA iUKrclmniioHulldlng ,
South Omaha. South Omaha.
* rrettin&oclci.t r < > r talwtrtiutD tlitl
puny ItojHftl Mrtb Here I ui toil , alb.
Every MAN can be BTRONO
aal VIGOROUS la Ml
infftrlng from NEnvonS DE.
BILITV , Loit or r.lllng Man
hood , FhjrBlc&l Excenei , Mtnt-l
. Worry , ( Hunted Dtvtlopnliat , or
rdtorij to PERFECT HEALTH > L < I
MEN , th Frlilo and Fotxrof Hattom.
\Vo claim liy yearn of iiracl' ' o liy
our pM-lnnlvo mplhnds a uniform
nll Dlteie > , WnVntnei nml
I AOIetloniof llin. TrctlmonlnU
_ ' from fiOKliitfs nnd Tcrrltorlm.
nnniwlHftr fnt/r , scaled , pcsl.
nun urilf nnni/ '
UUrt NEW HUOK ral'l.fnrnflinllfit ' llm ; Oil
Itwhlliroociu. Full EipUolloDiforaOUE TREAT-
UEH7. Tononbl IULL7 I'.CSTORED 11 Thounnll
b > ri b < n by in. nod our t itlnnnl li. Addrtu t one *
Kos , 2 and 4 Shannon St. .
loom. CS & C9. CHICAGO.
FI t-clii * " fiiclllllpn fortlinhundllnuof Blilpiiiciita
if Ornln , Huld and I'lux Kecdii. ItoiercncoH Corn
For sunburn
uae Pond's Extract.
Monlronl nnd Quobuo lo Hurry and Liverpool ,
nliln IU ) to ItU , iiccordliu to ituiimur nnd lucutlnnuf
talu room. Inlormodlntu und uluaraiiuullow rutu-
uir Vork ami ( jlaivow via Ixiudoniliirrr over
Nov. 12 , HTATK OK NKllllASKA , iiiiuii ,
Nov.lfl.HTA'riSof CAI.iKDItNIA. llnon
Ik'O. IU , TA I'K OF NKVAIIA , 11 A. M.
Cabin 116 ui. lleiurn fili. blcvraitu II'J. Apply la
J.I.AN .V CO. . IblcaKOj It K , MOOIlKd , WttOmU
IckuiOfflccj W. fc'.VAiL , llurlliulua TIc Kl OttJat.