Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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I'T/itinfiit i io fMnn
Greatest Tire Sale at Stonohlll's ' Ever Held
on the Faeo of tbo Earth.
Cooper At Co. of Chicago , I ) .
AVIol & Co. ofNuelivlllc , Tciin. , niul
Jlonlcr City ailfe. Co. or Falls
City , MnsH. , All ISurneil Out.
Kvory ono has hoard no doubt that
there was u big flro nt Siogol , Cooper ft
Co. , corner of Sttito and Aduins street ,
Chicago , who recently burned out.
Wo hnvo secured from the Under
writers nil the millinery saved from
Siegol , Cooper & Co. , also all their line
Bilks and plush cloaks , as well as largo
portions of their entire stock that was
Wo secured from D. Wiol ft Co. of
Nashville , Tonn. , recent lire , CO cases of
notions , thread , etc.
And from the Herder City Manufac
turing company , Falls City , Mass. , wo
bOPtircd ICO cases , about 0,000 pieces of
muslins , cloaks , ginghams and other
btnplo goods which they manufacture.
This will ho the greatest sale by a
largo majority ever hold west of Chicago.
Wo are positively the only morehantu
In Omaha that secured any goods from
these blocks.
Now road every item and you will no-
Ik'o that you can got goods beginning
tomorrow at our Btoro for nearly noth
Unbleached muslin and bleached mus
lin at ISo a yard.
Sheetings , fr1 , Oc , 7c and Sc a yard.
Genuine seal skin capes , $ .1.)8. ! )
Dress buttons , worth up to $1.00 a
do/on , L'c a dozen.
Linen thread , only been a little wet ,
lie a spool.
Golf's best braid , nothing the matter
with it , Do a roll.
A lot of mulTs , including borne sealskins -
skins , front lc ! ) to ! ) ' , ) ( , ' .
A few thousand spools ot Corticolli ,
Holding Bros , and Leonard twist , le a
A lot of silks , some of them are soiled
and some of them arc not toiled at all ,
go nt from oc a yard up.
Children * * hose , hcamless. all si/os ,
nothing the matter with them , go at DC ,
7c , lOe a pair. All &i/.es.
A lot of line velvets go at lOc , 125o and
iWio a yard.
A lot of tidies go at 5c.
A big lot of hoods go at He , lOc and 25c ,
according to the way they are boiled.
f,000 beaded fascinators , worth $1.50
apiece , smoked only , goer ; ! c.
A lot ol $2.00 and $3.00 bklrts go for
A lot of double width white llantiol
worth TCc a yard , a little boiled from
water , goes at 29c.
5,000 yards of dross goods , cashmeres ,
flannels , etc. , go from Sc a yard up.
' { ,000 line curtains go nt7oc and 09c
each. These are not damaged at all and
are very valuable curtains.
o.OOU gontb' shirts , smoked , 19c. worth
$ l.f > 0.
A lot of calicoes go at le a yard.
Most shirting prints , not damaged a
hit , worth 7Jo a yard , go at 2Je.
A lot of cambrics , not a bit damaged ,
go at Sic.
. ' 10,000 yards of prints , nothing the
matter with them at all ; there are homo
turkey reds in this lot , go at : ! Se.
10.000 yards of xyphor iringham go at
( ic , nothing the matter with them.
5,000 corsets , nothing tno matter with
them , go at ! ic. ) )
Ball's cor.sot9 , nothing the matter with
them , go at GOc.
P. D. and other celebrated make cor
bels go at O'Jc.
CoHoloid culls go at loc a pair ,
nothing the matter with them.
5,1)00 ) Newmarkets and jackets go from
liOo up. Some of them are worth So.OO
and $0 at Jiilc. This is the amount wo
ask for them.
Now , ladles , il you want any Newmar
kets you C'Ui got them. They are not a
bit damaged. You can got 1110111 for ono-
tenth their value.
Before going further wo want to explain -
plain to the ladies whore they will liud
the millinery from the Slogcl , Cooper &
I'o. stock. Turn to your right as you
como into the store , and go back to the
entrance to the eloalc department.
Then turn and go up into our second
Btory. and you will boo the srrcatobt bar
gains in millinery over altered on the
face of the earth.
To begin \ylth , wo oll'er for le wings
and frames.
For lOo wo olTor elegant felt hats , and
For 2."jo wo oll'or line fur folthaU worth
$ ; i. 00 apiece.
ThobO hats are not damaged , oxcoptln
some of them you may lind small holes ,
caused from coals dropping through thereof
roof down Into the millinery depart
Wo olTor from Siogol , Cooper & Co. 's
Block alf-o about It.OOO birds , wings , fanco
feathers , at lOc , Ific , LViu , ; ttc , 1'Jo and O.'lc ,
worth ii ] ) to $ 'J and $1 each.
Wo albo oiler from Siogol , Cooper &
Co. 's slock about . ' ( ,000 bunches ot very
line ostrich tips at le ! ) n. bunch , at ! 20o a
bunch , at : i7c a hunch , nt tc ! ) a binicii
and at ! ) ! ) c a hunch. They come in blacks
and all colors and are worth from $1 to
The millinery stock was very slightly
damaged and very little was touoho'd
except by smako.
HloL'al , Cooper & Co. had some beauti
ful trimmed hats that wore In boxes ,
consequently they were not touched by
either llro or amoko , but all the same-
wo bought them for nothing , nearly , and
wo are going to boll them for nearly
For instance wo will oiler ; > 00 of their
huts for 7oc a piece , all trlnunud
About COO for $1.7. " ) a pii-co.
And now comes the plum ot their
\Vo shall olTor all their finest French
pattern hats , they sold them up as high
IIH $ W.OO each , for SM.7A.
This is all wo liavo to say for today ,
only llrst to come first served , and look
out you do not got In the wrong store.
This sale Is at HTONKI1ILLS ,
11(1 ( and 118S. Kith stn-et.
I1. S. Any of the bargains advertised
that are not on sale on our main lloor
will bo found In our second story ,
S. A. Orchard , 1111-18 Douglas btreet ,
1ms just received a largo invoice of
oriental rugs. Will be put on sale Mon
day at price ? lower tmui over before
ottered in Omaha.
llth year. G-iynoro can learn you to
unneo. 1515 Dodge. Terms reasonable.
* J. Ii Dlotrlok.aroHUoct.OUJ N. V Llfo.
Shoot .Mil Hit ) ,
A. Hospo , 1513 Douglas stroot.
Magnificent upright piano at a sncrl-
Ike. Must bo sold at once. i0 ! ± J Cnld-
well street ,
Grand Etjck of Dry Goods From Wrecked
, Steamer Eldorado Will
J'riccH Absolutely Marvelous niul He-
yontt Compare The Only Halo
That You Can Call n Sale In
Oinnlia Tomorrow.
The llrst and second floors nro devoted
to perfect goods no seconds , soiled or
damaged goods are tolerated upstnirs.
Nothing but the best of first-class poods
on these llrst and fccond lloors. This
Wo would like you to remember that If
rule is absolute.
you want cheap goods "look to our
basement. "
Thousands of yards very best quality
double fold silicla linings le a yard ,
worth 15c.
Finest black lining cambrics , light
faced , iile , worth 8c.
S bales extra lluo quality , almost
sound and perfect , yard wide bleached
muslin , 3Jc yard.
Fine all wool while wet flannels , 5c a
yard , worth lioc.
Good heavy canton llannolslc a yard.
Extra heavy , drilled back canton flan ,
nel , 7e a yard.
Finest grade extra heavy all wool
scarlet twilled medicated flannel , 2.5c a
yard ; worth 4Gc.
'iS-ineh wool sacking flannel in browns ,
tans and grays , at 12je a yard ; worth { We.
Choice of M ) pieces plaid and kniekor-
bockcr suitings , double fold goods , worth
2oo , go at Sjc.
Thousands of yards of linen laces and
other laces that became wet in the
wreck at le a yard.
600 yards of dress trimming braids ,
every color and latest styles , from the
wreck , worth up to $1.00 a yard , your
choice at 5c.
All the bleached and brown crash
toweling from the wreck , -Ic a yard.
Hig lot of children's merino drawers
that got wet in the wreck , 5c each.
1,000 misses' extra fine white merino
shirts and drawers , in all sixes up to 34 ,
at ] i5c each , worth 75c.
A lol of ladies' line natural gray and
white wool vests and pants , slightly
soiled , JiOc , worth $1.00.
Ail the line wool mon's underwear
from the wreck , worth from 31.00 to
$2.00. goat COc.
All the boys' and girls' fine lambs'
wool shirts and drawers , white , scarlet
and natural , go at 39c , worth $1.00.
2 cases ot ladles' fast black hosiery ,
that become wet , go at 5c.
All the ladies' and misses' fine all wool
scamlcbs cnbhmero hose goat lie , 15e
and lOc.
Thousands of men's and boys' winter
caps go at 2oc.
Men's , warm wool cardigan jackets go
at COc.
The finest grade sound and perfect
fancy work felt go at 7oc , worth $1.2a
50 dozen extra largo Turkish towels
go at ! ) c.
All the blankets and comforters from
the wreck , in any ' way soiled , ntS'Jc. COc ,
75o , $1.00 and $1.75.
Everything from the wreck must posi
tively bo closed out at once.
Right on the corner now.
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
Domestic and imported wines , whis
kies , brandies and cordials for family
and medicinal use retailed in any quan
tity at wholesale prices. Delivered any
where in the city free of charge. Telo-
Dliono 1781. Mall orders filled.
Henry Ilillor , Propr. . 010 N. 10th
street , Esmond hotel block.
Prepare for 'l hniiks'-lvliifj.
The 90-Conl Store , MO Farnam St. , is
the place to buy your crockery , Monday ,
Tuesday and Wednesday. Wo will al
most give it away on these days.
$2.89 for ti handsome decorated oi- (
picco tea tot , worth $0.00.
$5.05 for 100-piceo Bromfield English
decorated dinner set that it cost $8.50 to
Celery glasses , lOc ; bono dishes , lOc ,
ISe , 2oo ; salad dishes , 2.5c.Ifec ' , ( We , and
SSe ; line Hint glass tumblers , 3e , oc and
8c each.
Wo have ono of the best selected lines
of crockery and glassware in the city.
$1.CO per set for Rogers knives and
! ) ! ) c a sot for Rogers A 1 teaspoons ,
25c for extra plated butter knives.
$2.0 ; ! for it-piece carving sot worth
$ -r , . < )0. )
Our assortment of tableware Is com
plete and prices are absolutely right.
With ovorv purchase of $1.00 or over
we will give a Marion Ilarland coolc
hook , acknowledged to bo the best cook
book published.
Wo are closing out this line to give us
room for our enormous stock of holiday
' 1 HE 1)9 ) CENT STORE ,
Iiil9 Farnam.
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist , Bee building.
$108.00 will buy a piano worth double.
Must bo t-old at once. 1'iano can bo seen
at 109 N. Kith street.The Molnborg Co.
Sam'l. Burns' received vostorday
through Iho Omaiia custom hoiiso :
o cases Venetian gliihy.
U eases Dresden china.
2 cask's English agate.
The regular party of the Saratoga Ly
ceum Co. , lakes place Monday eve noxt.
S. 10TH ST.
ArllHtii > I'iiittiiH i I-unos.
A Ho po , loin Douglas street.
Steve repairs , 1207 Douglas btroot
The U ay to Go.
You havj seen California frequently
mentioned In newspapers and ni.ign/.lncs.
Perhaps a friend has been there , and
writes enthiiblastic letters back homo
about the climate and the fruits It
makes you anxious to bee the country
for yourself.
The best time to go is in the fall and
winter. Thnn work here is least press
ing and California climate is now pleas-
Ing. The way to go Is via Santa Fo-
route , on ono of that lines popular , por-
soimUy-coiidiieled parties , leaving Chicago
cage every Saturday ovonlm. , and leav
ing Kansas City ovary Sunday morning.
Special agents and porters in attend
ance. Pullman tourist sleepers are used
furnished with bedding , mattresses ,
toilet articles , etc. Second class tickets
honored. Wrlto to E. L. Palmer , passenger
songor agent Santa Fo Route , 4ll N. V
lifoBldg ; , Omaha , Neb ,
Three Marvellous Sales of Now and Perfeot
Goods on Our First and Second Floors ,
The Finest MIIO of .laokcts Slmoiison
K WolHs' Stock The AVh > le Sar-
ucnt , Kith Street , Onmlin ,
Shoe Stock.
10 pieces all wool ladies' cloth , 51
inches wide in ail colors , i(3c ( a yard ,
worth 7Cc.
Our entire stock of all wool novelties ,
in plaids , stripes and plain colors , in
rough effects , Scotch choviols and
camels' hair , go in ono lot nt JJOc a yard ,
worth 8oe.
The choicest lot of novelties In fancy
dresa goods , ever 75 pieces , no two
alike , never offered for less than $1.00 a
yard , your choice at COc.
This includes the very llnost and new
est , in 20 different styles of silk finished
honriottas and serges , fancy weaves ,
such as zigzags , polka- dots , otc. , that
wo hnvo been selling at 91.So a yard ,
your choice tomorrow at iic. ! )
It is a conceded fact that wo have this
season the llnest line and largest assort
ment of fur trimmed jackets and these
now military capo nowmarhots in
Omaha and our prices are far below
those of any other house.
Our $10.00 diagonal rector jackets in
black and tan colored , in full shawl ,
oppossiiin fur collars , satin lined , are
worth fully $2o.OO.
Our 311.00 cheviot jackets , with real
nstrnclmn fur collars and fur facings are
real beauties.
Our $11.50 extra quality cheviot
reefers , tailor made , with fine real
moullon collars and moullon facings' ,
bilk cord fur ornaments , are the cheap
est line garments over shown.
Our $19.00 fur trimmed jacket Is as
line as anything you can buy for $ ! ! 5.
Wo have them in dark brown , black and
-light colors , in four btyles , each style
trimmed with different kind of furs.
Besides that wo have a nice diagonal
reefer jai'kot at $ ! t.50 trimmed , with full
shawl collar and facings of line as-
Also an plognnt all wool black , heavy
diagonal jacket , double breasted , with
largo collar , would bo a bargain at
Come to the greatest of all shoe sales.
From 822 North IClh street. Omaha ,
sold and sacrificed byotho mortgagee to
This entire shoo stock , consisting of
the best Reynolds , Ludlow , W. L. Doug
las , and equally fine eastern makes , gocb
on sale at exactly half what Mr. Sargent
sold them for. Mr. Sargent marked his
shoes in plain figures.
Buys them now.
If you can't como send in your order
by mail to
Riirht on the corner now.
N.V , cor. 10th and Douglas.
The speed class conducted by Prof.
Fullmer of the Rathbun Business College -
logo will bo continued for this coming
week. The court reporting class has
been started and many of the members
are delighted and surprised at the speed
to bo attained by using the phrabes
and contractions peculiar to that class of
work. Next Friday evening there will
bo placed upon the blackboard the testi
mony of a witness in fac simile form in
which that world renowned reporter ,
Isaac Dement i f Chicago , wrote it during
the trial , and it will give the general
public an idea of how that reporter can
reach the airy heights of ! ! 52 words per
minutes. The general public are also
cordially invited and tbo work will be
all elucidated for their special benefit by
the class. Everybody welcome. Stu
dents from other schools specially re
quested. _
S. 10TII ST.
* .
The Wogman piano is the strongest
competition Stoinwny ever hud. Thou
sands of dollars are being pitted against
It. For bale by Ilnydon Bros.
Call Morand for private or class les
sons in dancing. Phone Oil.
New beginners , adults can join Mor-
ami's dancing school Tuesday or Friday
day , 8 p. in. ; tickets furnibhcd"children
Saturday , 10 p , in.
Rubber ! \vringcb , water botUo3tubin r
ruHMis at ShermanikMcConncll's , w. p.o.
\\1XTI3U TO U Its
To Hummer Imndu via the \Val ash
The Wnbash are now soiling round
trip tickets good returning .Juno 1 ,
1892 , to all the winter resorts in Ten
nessee. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia ,
Florida , North and Soutn Carolina ,
Louisiana , Arkansas and Texas.
The quickest and best route to the
Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tickets
and full information in regard to routes
east or south call at Wubash olllco , 1C02
Farnaln street , or write G. N. Clayton ,
N. W. Puss. Agt.
Competition trembles when Ilnydoii
Bros , open prices on pianos and organ.
\Vogtnnn piano. Now scale. Now
tuning dovico. Sold on installments ,
llayden Bros. _ _
Olt > r yiiiMi
Desiring half rate faro permits on the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'aul railway
for the year 1892 , will please make their
applications as soon as possible at Union
Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam st. , Omaha.
General Agont.
A Itojnl Hum ! .
However aptly the assertion of the an
cient philosopher that there was "no
royal road" may linvo applied , the stato-
muni most certainly does not nluays
hold good in this modern ago.
There is a royal road to Chicago and
Iho east , to Denver and the westto Kan
sas City and the south and to Deadwood
and the north.
It is the Burlington Houlo.
Three trains lonvo the union depot
dally for Chicago , at 0:50 : a. m. , 4I0 : ! p.
m. and 9:20 : p. m. ; two for Denver at 10:15 :
a. m. and 7'10 p. m ; two for Kansas
City , at 0:510 : a. in. and 0:15 : p. in.
AH of those trains are fitted with nil
modern contrivances to insure comfort ;
Iho Pullman sleepers and reclining
chair cars ( seats free ) of which they are
composed , are the triumphtho very pin-
ntu'lo ' of railway construction.
Famous Hurllngton dining cars on all
through trains.
City ticket olllco 1223 Farnam street ,
W , P. VAILL , Agent.
PrnfltN Btii | > ctoil ) ! Kl lit Out of All
Our Ujflinfotcrcd CJootln.
If you'vo ovcrvvinitod our second floor ,
you know that/it contains a largo ami
olotmntlino of.ilhloly upholstered root-
oi-s , easy chairs , couches , sofas , otc.
Monday and Tuesday wo'ro going to have
a special sale of these goods , and wo'ro
putting the knife In so deep that not
only the profit is allowed to oo o out ,
but in some cases part of the cost Is sac
If you're acquainted with us you know
that when wo ndvortlso anything you
can depend on finding it just as repre
sented. When .wo say , therefore , that
we're going to have a special sale of up
holstered goods and that cost will cut no
figure in the case , you know that the
goods will bo sold almighty cheap.
What could make a more appropriate
or acceptable holiday gift than a nice
plush rockori1 Of course , under ordinary
circumstances they're p-otly high
priced , but at the prices wo'll make dur
ing this sale they'll bo within the roach
of all. You can'buy them from $1.08up.
But if you haven't the money to spare
just now , pay a trifle down and wo'll put
what you buy away till you want it.
Look thobo goods ever Monday.
Our slock of holiday goods in nil de
partments Is the largest over shown in
Omaha. It will pay you to make your
selections early b'oforo the stock Is
broken and while wo have a better
chance to servo you. Sco our Christinas
Was filled in our drug and proscrip
tion department the other day for just
one-third what had boon paid for the
same thing at ono of the fending "reg
ular" drug stores. It's an every day
occurrence , no doubt , but the customer
doesn't always toll us of it. You see wo
ba o our chartrcs for proscriptions on the
cost of the Ingredients , while "regular"
drug stores charge according lo the size
of the bottle or box. A proscription
for 1 oof tincture of iron ( retail
) rico lOc ) and 0 o/ simple syrup
cost about 2c ) would cost you about 75c
n a "regular" pharmacy. You know
that's so , don't you ? Is there any reason
why you should bo fleeced just because
you don't know what you'io buying ?
Wo don't think so. Thoretoro wo base
our charges for proscriptions on the
actual cost of the ingredients , \vith a
fair allowance for labor , otc. Don't for
got that this department is in charge of
registered pharmacists of many years
experience in leading stores of this and
other cities.
or artificial butter of any kind is sola in
our butter and egg d'opartmont. Wo
sell xgood fresh butter and eggs direct
from the farmer for less money than
you'll pay others for old back number
goods. We'll guarantee that no person ,
no matter whom , can mnko you as low
prices for good goods ot this class as we.
If any ono offers to do so , look ever his
establishment and you'll find an "oleo"
license hidden in some obscure corner.
Ftom $15.000.00 to $20,000.00 is paid
out annually for tuning pianos In
Omaha. If the Weginan was the only
piano used $100.00 would keep them in
tune in ovcry block and ward of this
city. For bale by Ilaydcn Bros.
S. 10TII ST.
Attend Mornnd's public assemblies
ovcry Thursday , 8 p. m. , Guards'
25 per cent off on all trimmed hats for
next 10 days. Dunham , milliner , 141U
Farnam btreot , Paxton hotel building.
IJInnlc lionkfl null 3Iiia/.iiics. :
The Festuer Printing Co. , 1307 , 1309
Howard street , Omaha , is now ono of
the best equipped printing offices in the
west. Their improved style of flat open
ing blank books are especially adapted
for heavy bank and commercial books.
They make special prices on binding
library books , musrn/.incH. etc. Also
carry a line line of wedding cards , letter
heads , bill heads , and do all kinds of
job p. inting. Country orders solicited.
IloTiiro IIiiyiu < r a Piano
Call on the Moinborg Co. , 109 N. Kith
street , and see their elegant pianos nt
prices and terms that will astonish you.
Bethesda fc GOIMJ : mmorj.1 water ,
Sherman & McConno'l's ' pharmacy.
Both \Vayn.
The members of the independent party
wore billoil for n mass meotinn nt Giito City
hull last night. The mealing was called for
8 o'clock. That hour rolled around , hut only
a dozen of the Independents rolled with it.
They found the hull a lonosoino place in
which to enthnso , and afler nnpoinlhig a
L'omuilUco of twenty-four to dovlso ways and
means for carrying on the canipuma of 1S)2 ! ) ,
udjournoa to ono of the small looms on the
second flooi of the building , whcro they devoted -
voted some llmo lo discussing the problem of
how lo moot the expenses incurred during
ttio recent political struggle in which they
DoWitt's Mttlo Eatly Risers. Host little
pill ever mado. Uuro constlimUon every
thno. None equal. Use thom now.
Hamilton Warren , M. O. , eclectic and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
119 N. 10th stroot. Telephone 1 ISi
S. R. P.itton. dentist , Bee building.
Organs from $25 up. Easy terms
I lay don Bros.
New So.ilo . Kimbill I'iaiDS.
A. Ilospo , 1513 Douglas stroot.
S. 10TII ST.
Solid Trill ii-i From Om th i
Vcbtlbulod , electric lighted tind steam
heated , with 1h < 5 llnost dining , sleeping
and reclining chair car service In the
world , via Mio Chicago it Omaha Short
Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St.
Paul Railway. Double daily train
service , leaving Omaha at 12lo : j , m.
and 0:20 : p. m , with no transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs a horotofoio. Apply 1501
Farnam street for Hc.Kotsand lurihor Information -
formation or address F. A. NASH ,
J. E. PULTON. Gen. Agt.
City Pabs Agt
The now Hotel Brunbwlek , loth and
Jackson , with allnloilorn improvements
Now open for guests. Moderate prices
Hound to \ \ in.
Excellent service , safety , convenience ,
and low rates are matters closely looked
for and always appreciated by a dis
criminating public.
This is conclusively proven by the
great popularity of the Chicago it
Norlhwoblorn afternoon flyer. This
train leaves the U. P.- depot , Omaha ,
dally at 5 o'clock and arrives In Chicago
at 8:15 : the next morning , with fioo par
lor cars , now Pullman and Wngnor
sleeper and dining cars , voalibulod
City ticket ollleo 1101 Farnam street.
Buggnga checked from residences and
hotels direct to destination ,
G. F. WKhT , R. R RlTCUlB ,
O , P. & T. A. General Agent.
Wo Uivvo Out the Prices Awaj Down fo
\Vo Will Save You More Money Thai
An'Other House In Omaha If
You liny Your Clonk of
UsTlilH Week.
10 bales snow whil j baits , 7'c roll.
Full standard prints , 5c yanl.
60 pieces figured comforter calico , 3Sc
ft-pound } feather plllown , 5c ! ) each.
2C full sl/.o comforters , formerly soli
at $1.35 ; take what you want Monday al
SOe each.
Standard apron ginghams , oc yard.
I cabo all wool red twill flannel , 2"t
Children's all wool line cashmere host
in navy blue , seal , brown , cardinal ant'
wine , si/cs 5J to 8 } , formerly sold fron :
COc to OCc ; take all you want Monday al
2ou pair.
Children's line wliito wool underwear
is a line that wo are closing out. Thoj
are worth from 0c to $1.25 ; take anj
alzo Monday at COo each.
Ladies do you want a good thing in n
glove , if so got a pair Monday of ladies
line all wool cashmere gloves in navv
blue and seal brown , nt 15c pair , wortli
COc.Boys' school mittens still go at loc.
15 combination pattern suits , all wool ,
worth $10.00 to $15.00 , Monday $5.00 poi
Our great sale of cloaks will bo con
tinued all next week. Wo can save you
money on cloaks and give you the correct
styles. line cliildrons' cloaks in the
Wo are showing on second lloor an
elegant line of children's bonnets in sill ; ,
cashmere and plush , any color you want
and at right prices.
Our carpet department has several
lines to close out yet at reduced prices.
Got your oil cloths for you stove now
and save money.
Watch for the opening of our holiday
department in basement.
It took three ounces' of chloride ot
llmo to cleanse the tongue of a music
teacher that talked against the Weg-
man piano for a $25.00 commission.
Who makes from $10,000.00 to $20-
000.00 a year tuning pianos in Omaha ?
These that talk against the Wegmun
piano. I1AYDEN BROS.
anvi\2' A innonnr.its. .
of IntcfOHt in the Regular
Service Vrstordny.
W.vsmvdTov , D. U. , Nov. - ' ) . ( Special
Telegram to Tun lice , j The following army
orders were issued today :
Captain Lafayette E. ( Jnmpbell , assistant
quartermaster , having been foilnd in
capacitated for active service by an
examining board , will upon being 10-
llevcd from his present duties , proceed -
coed to his homo and report by letter upon
hie arrival thoio to the adjutant general and
quartermaster general. Leave of absence
for twenty days is granted Captain William
H. Hall , assistant surgeon. The following
transfers In tlio Twenty-second infantry are
ordered : Captain John McA. Webster , from
company I to company A ; Captain William
II. Koll , from company A to com
pany I. Captain Webster will join
the company to which ho Is transferred.
Leave of absence for six months on sui'ireon's
cerlificalo of disability , with permission to
leave the Ooparlmont of I ho Missouri. is >
granted First" Lieutenant John W. \ \ illdn-
son , Seventh cavalry. The leave granted
Captain William T. Hart/ , Fifteenth in
fantry , November (1 ( , Department of the Mis
souri , Is extended throe months. The leave
granted First Lieutenant Honrv Do 11.
Wulto , Fifth cavahy , October 15 , is extended
tended ono month and ten days.
A general conrt-marlial is appointed to
mnet at the army building in Now York
City at 10 o'clock n. in. on Wednesday ,
December ' . ' , 1WH , or as soon thercnfler as
practicable , for the trial of Major Charles U.
TarocKinorton , Second artillery. Detail for
the court : Colonel Elwoll S. Oils , Twentieth
lalantry ; Colonel Henry W. Closbon , Fourth
artillery ; Colonel Nathan W. Osborno , Fifth
infantry ; Colonel Charles G Uurtlott , Ninth
infantry ; Colonel rtlolvilloA , Coehran , Sixth
infantry ; Colonel Lalihott L , Livingston ,
Third artlllorv ; Lieutenant Colonel Edward
G. liiihli. Eleventh infantry ; Lieutenant
Colonel Klchurd Loder , First artillery ; Lion-
tenant Colonel Edmund C. Hainbiidgo , Third
artillery ; Major Asa B. Carey , paymaster ;
Major John V. D. Middloton , surgeon ; Major
Guy V. Henry , Ninth cavalry ; Major Wil
liam M. Wherry. Twontv-llrst infantry ;
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas F. Uarr , deputy
judge advocate general , juugo advocate ol the
Sam'l. Burns sold at his pitcher sale
200 pitchor.s , and now commencing Mon
day morning jnits on sale 25 real Vienna
decornlod china dinner , breakfast and
tea sots combined , 100 pioceb. which
formerly were $50.00 , for $28.00. A
great bargain for ono weok.
The Chicago & Northwestern
Runs five eastern passenger trains
dally from Omaha. The 5 o'clock and
the ' . ) : - ! ) [ ) . in. limited vostlhulo trains
arrive and depart direct from the Union
Pacific depot , Omaiia. Thcso trains are
fully supplied with all that is modern
and'aitihlle in passoniror equipment , es
. City
olllco 1 101 Farnam strcel.
G. F. WIST : , R. it. HITCH n : ,
C. P. & 'I' . A. General Agent.
Four hundred and fifty dollar piano.
Warranted woven years for $187.50.
Now scale. Ilaydcn Bros.
TV. T. Soim in , wagons and carriages
ol' Calil'tii-iii. ! null U'ookly
Why , don't vou know that the Union
Pacific runs o.wurshms lo California
uvory day 'i It's a fact. You can pur
chase excursion ttckolu to California via
the Union Pacific and leave any day of
the week you choose. Vou don't have
to go Monday , Wednesday or Friday ,
nor Tuesday , Thursday or Saturday , hut
L'tin go Sunday or any other day of the
week. And this Is not all. You can
take our Pullman Palace or Pullman
Unionist Sleepois at the Union depot
and you need not leave thom until you
ire in "Sunny California , "tho "Italy of
( \morica. " A charge of IIJ.OO for a com
pletely furnlbhud lower or upper double
north in the Pullman i olonist sleeper
is made between Omaha and San Fran--
. ibi-o , but to these furnishing llioiroun
bedding frco berths are given.
HAUIIY P Uia Kf. ,
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Dr. Bodal's ' Marvelous Gold Oaro Attracts
Much Attention ,
All PullciilH 1,011(1 ( lii 'I heir Prnlfle ol'
the Ciirattvo Qualities of the
Medicine mid K-icor to Im
press ThlH Knot on Friends.
In addition to the information
gathered last week by a BII : : ropreson-
tntivo in reference to the wonderful
curative powers of the Bedal Gold Cure
at Blair , Nob. , many more facls are
forlhcomlng from a patient interviewed
during the pant few days.
The treatment consist * of injections
In the arms and internal medicines
taken several times daily. No restraint
is placed upon patient. ) except regular
attendance at the institute at staled
intervals during the day for the admin
istration of the medicines. The rest of
the lime is at the disposal of
the patient , who aniu es hiin elf accordIng -
Ing to his own Inclinations. His board
ing accommodations are at his own
option. No prison bars or unnecessary
surveillance are part of the treatment.
In case ot patients being unduly under
the influence of liquor upon their ar
rival attendants are employed who look
after him until ho Is sobered up , which
takes place in from two to three days.
After that the patient looks after him
self. "It Is rather anuisli.g,1' said the
patient referred to , "to hoar the usual
remark made by a now arrival who gen
erally claims that no good can come of
the treatment in his ( aso. But in a few
days the same person is loud in praise
ot the curative qualities of medicine and
is eager to impress the fact upon every
one ho comes in contact with. " It fa
impossible for a drunkard to take this
treatment and not como out of it a cured
man. Only yesterday a young man
undergoing his first few days of treat
ment declared that "It would bo a good
thing for nn.\ ono who only drinks mod-
crntoly to take this euro if it made them
feel as good as ho did. " Address all
communications to the Bedal Gold Cure ,
Blair , Neb.
A liootl riii'lHtin is Present.
For sale , $10,000.00 of telephone and
electric light first mortg.igo S per cent
gold bonds. Principle and interest
guaranteed. In amounts from $100.00
up. Address G 57 , Omaha flee.
The winter term for children in Mor-
ami's dancing school willbogin Hie fust
week in December ; circulars mailed.
County Commissioners lKpi > < ul ( of a
Number of .Minor 'Mailers.
The weekly mooting of the Hoard ol
County Commissioners hold yesterday after
noon. was attended by all of the tnembeis
and a number of spectators.
Dr. ( Jeoruo L. .Miller appeared before the
board. Years ace ho gave the county the
ngut of way through his promises at Seymour
mour park , conditional lhat the county
would grade a boulevard about certain portions
tions of his land. The county had
novcr performed Its portion ol the
contract. Ho was willing to allow the
cancelling of the contract , providing the
county would gr.ido a road through his hums
thrce-fourltis ot a mile. Under the old con
tract or agreement , the count1 would have
been comnollcd lo have graded a distance of
ono and one half miles.
Mr. Paddock was of the opinion that the
road could not bo graded and payment made
out of public funds. It was a private toad
and ho doubted If the county commissioners
had a right to make any such expenditures.
Dr. Millar had rendered a valuable service
to the county , and should have been p.iid for
his land that was taken. v
Dr. Miller replied that ho md not want the
land condemned and used as a public high
way , lie did not ask nny pay ; simply asked
that the county do ono-thfru of what It
agreed to do three years ago.
The matter was referred to the committee
on roads , to lay over for ono xvco'c. '
A number of ofllcial bonds of justices and
constables were presented and rcfonod.
Cowm & Mel I ugh , attorneys , presented a
claim , asking that the county withhold the
sum of SI,000 for their services when settle
ment of the Kynn KVuUh claim was
reached ; referred ,
A petition wus presented and referred ,
asking that ,1. .1. Casey ho appointed conta
Ijlo of Clontnrf ptccmct.
Tom Murray ollered to buy an olu corn crib
located on the poor farm , lie would pay $ i. >
for the samo.
The final estimate of ( ieorgo t'anliold.
amounting to $5KIJ : f ° 1' grading the hospital
grounds , was presented and leferred.
The bill of the election canvassing board ,
amounllnu to $11) ) , was allowed.
Dr. Allison presented a bill of SliTi for
li old I up seven post mortem examinations
during the month of October They were
recommended by Coroner Ilarrigan and wont
to the eo'mmlttoo on finance.
P. II. Cary's bill for meals furnished jurors
dining the month of October , amounting to
JlOb.IiO , was presented and referred.
Mr. Horlin moved a reconsideration of the
vote by which Canlluld's bill for grading at
Iho hospital grounds was referred. The mo
tion prevailed , after wnlun the bill wu al
lotted and the amount placed on iho next ap
propriation sheet of the hospital fund.
i ho bills of the Judges and clerks of elec
tion were rofoned to the conr.ty iittoinny ,
and tie was Instructed to confer with the citv
attorney and the attorney for the Hoard of
Education iclalivo to election CMIOIIJOS
within the city.
The reiiiost | for an organ and nmsie hooks
for nso at Iho hospital was denied , the noard
concluding that the county had no funds to
expend for such purposes.
Mr. B'jrlin voted against allowing claims
on the road fund for I Ml. ' . lie stated that
fluch an expcndltuio would bu contrary to
law , and all Mich expondltmes would losult
in the comnnsslonois becoming liable on
their oflicnd bonds.
Mr. ' 1 Immo said that ho was perfectly
willing to overstep the bounds when lift )
ana property was at stake. Mr. Peterson
iad been awarded the contract lor grading
1'iOO yards near liunsuii and Ihn expense
charged against the levy of IMLJ. Mr. Tlmme
novcd to blriko out "Is'.ij. ' " The motion
Mi- . Van Camp wanted to know how that
left the , matter.
Mr. I'lorlin replied that no poison rnuld
toll , as the road fund had boon overdrawn
nearly fVuoo ) and It would take years lo
catch up. Mr. Timmo denied the .slalomont.
He.said the funil was not in such bad condi
tion asicprosonti'd.
Finoas silk HUiur'H ( ijrmm 1'ilB.
The following marriage lleonsm were is-
Biiod by JudL'O Hhiuhh yuUorJayi
H'umoaml Addiuss. . \e.
j l.onls Miilliiuiii. Omiiha : . ' " >
l I'ulra 1. IIM/II / , umtiliu . : ;
i Hunry Oust , Oinuliii ' .
( Mui ) Ilicnil/t , oiimlm i
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh ilo . bldy
llnrgnlnr ) lit Shoo Department This
Todies' rubbers l.'tc , worth 2/50 / ,
Infants' shoes 25c , worth 36V.
Infants' hand sowed shoes fiflc , worth
( Wo.
Children's shoos * sl/os I toS. I5c\\orlh
Misses' school shoes , lit to 1 ! , $" ,
worth $1.50.
Misses' line straight goat shoos $ \Vit \ (
worth $12,00.
Misses' flue dongoln patent tlpshooa
$1.110 , wortli $12.50.
Mis os' line cloth top patent tip shoe i
B to H widths , $12. 10.
Ladles' line dougola button shoes
$1.85 , worth $2.125.
Ladles' line dongoln button shoes
$12.125 , worth $2.75.
Ladles' French kid button shoes $1.00 ,
worth $1.00.
Ladles' line cloth top , patent lip shoea
$ aoo. worth $ : t.60.
Ladles' warm lined slippers $1.00.
Children's arctic overshoes , sizes S to
12 , toll ?
.Misses' arctic overshoes , si/es II lo 2 ,
Ladies' arctic overshoes Souorth
Boys' arctic overshoes 75corth
Moils' arctic overshoes 0" > c , worth
Men's solid leather lace and congress
shoos , $1.26.
Men's best M calf congress shoes , $1.75.
Men's line satin oil congress shoes ,
$2.50 ; worth $ ! ! . 00.
Men's hand sowed calf and kangaroo
shoes , B , C , 1) and li widths , $ l.i ! ) ( ;
worth $0.00.
Mall orders filled.
Dry Goods and Shot s
AOI/fll O.1M//.I.
Omnhu'M Stock Murlo't ami the Pnclllo
Mr. C. D. Ucod of Sparta , Ore. , was In the
city yesterday looking ever the yards with a
view of marketing his cattle hero. Mr Kecd
was favorably Impressed and will make a
shipment on returning home , lie smd in an
interview :
"Thero is a coed field for South Omaha
to draw stock from in the region Iving wcsl
of the Heckles In Oregon , Idaho and Waih
ington. Marketing on tno coast is not at all
satisfactory , as the cattle have to ho con
tracted on the range , or else the owner runs
a mlplity strong chance of getting cinched
if ho has the tomurity to put his cattle on
the local market without previously getting n
price on Ihcm ut home. The rnnyo U In
pretty fair condition , yet it is absolutely
necessary to maikot the matured cattle in
order that the industry may thrive. Tim
railroads of course Inivo much to do in re
tarding shipments eastward , owing lo the
high rates charged , and of course the shiink.
ago is also heavy. "
ifj Out Ciiloratln.
Charles Lochon brought In cattle from
Hainan , Colo. , making the trip In just nine
teen hours. Mr. Lection says that the re
mainder ol the range country el Colorado is
piottyeil cleaned out of cattle now and
ljut very few animals are loft for shipment
Lhls year.
and Yard Notes.
HOWO& Noble of H.ulan , In. , brought in
W. 11. Owens of Florence , Colo. , marketed
Wlneman Al. of Corlov , In. , marketed
.lohu Lord of Denver marketed seven CUM
) f cattlo.
Mr. K. 13. Fugato of Fountain , Colo. ,
) rought In cattle.
W. II. ISrrclt of Ilarlati , la. , came In wltli
.wn cars of cattlo.
Stinms & Ilonghton of Portsmouth , la , ,
mvehogs on the market.
deorgo Finch of Green llivor , Wyo. , cama
n with two cars of cattlo.
L. F. Stilt , a prominent dealer at Coin , la. ,
Jrought In two cars of hogs.
Gibson it Heck Riw. came all the war
'rom Halter Citv , Oro. , with three double
leek cars of Mioop.
Among the Denver dealers who biought In
3Ultlc woic M. Donison , II. A. Hrainard , II.
Jiirr and II Nichols.
A. L. Carter ol Pueblo , Colo. , brought in
uduuhlo deck loads ol sheep. E. F. ilub-
aaril and. ) . II. Cadloof the same city brought
.n four similar loads ,
] > Inui < ; Cily Minium row.
The Ladles Aid society of Uia Methodist
ICpiscopal church will servo Timnnsglving
llnnur and supper at Iho church.
The Epworth league will hold another
nooting on next Tuesday evening to nirange
.ime and place for holding "Tho Old Kisu-
oned District School. "
Upchnrch lodge , No. 2. Degree of Honor ,
, vill meet in ivgulur session .Monday evening ,
S'ovemboi" ' ; ) . All members are mnioitad to
10 present as important business will be
.ransuclod , and a palutuulo lunch will ba
served , 7 o'clock sl < ai p.
Yesterday's real estate tiansfors In Sonlh
Dniatm aggregated ? < iiiO , < ) . Thorn were thieo
sales as follows : North fifteen feet of lot 1,1
ind south fifteen feet of lot \\i \ \ , block . ' ! , Me-
iuvock & O'Koofe's ' addition , Si.UOO. Hamu
ot to U. A. Miller , , ' , (100. ( Lot S , block WJ ,
As ,1.V. . Moorohouso , agent for the H. A
M. at iho "Y , " was on his way homo last
light he had his eyes so blinded by Iho head
ight of an uppiotiching engine that tie fell
nto an open culveit and was badly cut about
IID fac" . Ho got out ol'tho way In tune to
iM'apo being run over.
Alpha lodge , No. II , Daughters of I'cibolcali.
leld nn election of ollicers last evening and
i warm lime was the result , them being two
actions , and each was dulermlned to oled its
lomliipos. The following were chosen Noble
; rand , Mrs. .1. Gorman ; vice griimi , Mrs II
loyman : treasurer , Mrs. J. Nelson , score-
iiry , Miss Nolllo Powers. The members of
ho dlsanpointcd faction withdro.v from the
edge and will uniiu with some Omaha so-
'ioty. '
MothodUt Episcopal church , corner TWUII-
v-ttilnl and N streets. Hunday school , II 1.1
, m. ; E. M. Uichardson , miporlntondcnt
'touching nt II a m ; "Our Dally I head , '
ixili sermon "Tho Lord's Prayer " ( lass
ncetlng at I'i m. , led by Gcnrvu Chase ,
Epworth league meeting at il.l.'i p m
'teaching at 7 , : < l ) , "Good Snm.ilHans '
ruyor meeting every Wednesday at 7 Tip
ii. C. N. Dawson , past or.
DoWitt's Uttlo Early Hlsors ; best utila
nils for dy.spopila , sour Htomacli , bud breath
Dr.lllrnoy cures catarrh. Hoe bdg
ISroIco the Di'iiulh.
Dr.NMHOS , Tev. , Nov. 31.-Tno Ui.'iitb
yhlch pievdlo't ' hero HIIICO early In the MIDI-
nor months and canned great smioilng and
nconvunlenco has been broken , Thoie Is a
loftvy rain falling now. Thousand ) ) of tons
t luiv and imlrs of fencing have boon do-
troied by llrus caused by the ojtvisblvo diy
[ 1C II.
A very small pill , but , a very good one. Do-
A itt little Early Klseivi.
Di Hirn i ' uros catarrh. Bee lildg.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,