MHBHHHBKi 1 t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , KpYEMBEK 22 ; ISOl-SFXTEEN FAGES. SOCIKIY'S ' ROUND OF JOYS , The Twin Oitita IntorcStod in a Recent Obarmiug Wedding. "DINNERS , RECEPTIONS , CARD PARTIES , AHrllllnnt Attrrnnoii Kiitertnlnmoiit for u IloKt of I ' 'air Oinnhnnns nml Goings or Oiiuitui I'oople. MM. W. P. Allen's reception on Tridav nfturnoon In honor uf her sister , MM. .1 , H. Bishop , was a brilliant affair. The gursts , coming in from the rain , walked up an alslo lined on each side \vltti muKnlllccnt pulms nnO ending at tliu foot of the main stall case. Iho drawing room nnd dining room floors \\oro coveicd with canvas nnd everywhere were feathery ferns , ropes ot smllax , biR howls of la I'tunco roses nnd vases of chrysanthemums. The mantles In the draw ing rooms and the nidouo.irdoro artistically bunked with chrysanthemums , and from a nook In Urn reception lull e.uuo the sweet stratus of Huns Albert's orchestra. Many of the Indies twcto beautifully gowned , but among them all none looked handsomer than Mis. Allen herself , as she s'ood Just Inside Iho diawing room nnd gave each one her bright , kindly greeting She wore a pulo blue ceil falllo with overdress of omoroidcrcd tulo ! and ttlmmod with gold p.momcntctio , mudu domi trulnc , level ) diamond mend ornaments. Mrs. Ltisliop wore n beautiful 1'aris dress of tiollotropa and blacic silk , on tralnc , with diamond ornament. ) . Miss Allen from rulrhnven , Mass. , black Chimlllly luce , rod fjlovos. Mrs. Cleveland , u trained dioss of black bioeado duchessu late and diamonds. Mrs George H. Hoggs , white ailtt , doml trnino , diamonds. Mrs. W V. Morse a magnificent Imported gown of giecn biocuded silk , en timne , diamonds mends Mr * . Wendell Benson , a wood brown ben- gallno , en trulno , mlio-ad with palest jellow chiffon. Mrs. Gcoreo I. ( iilbcit , embroidered hello- trope Ktonudino with gold lace , mould collar and vest , dumtlininc , diamonds. Mrs J. T. Dnryoa , white biocado silk , on tralno , boquot of Aineiican Ueauty roses. Mrs. Ii. Mooru , i > lum sutin , oveidress of black lace. Miss Mamie Moore , a dainty gowi. of jol- low crepe dti chine. Mrs. Wcssells , a biocado amothjst faille ; beautiful pearl neckline. The reception was \oiy laigely attended nnd the invited Kucsts ueio : Mrs. U. C Hdwards , banta Anna. Mis. J. A Miller , Council IJlulTs , Mesdames i'ortor , barson , Wriijht. Mallor } . liarGfuff , bponcor , "Woith and Whenton of Tort Omaha ; Mrs. Helen Davis , bloux City ; Mis. D. S. I3ui- riger , Denver. Mesilumos St. A. D. Balcombe , 1' . II. Allen , J. H. Buchanan , A. F. Bosi ho. Wcncloll Benson , J. J. Brown , . ) . 1" Baum , J. C. Cow in , G. 11 , 1'ritcliott , Eloise Nichols , Tom Oir. W. L Purrotto , W. A Puxton , C M. " Powell. Augustus Pratt , 14. U. 1'easo , " Churchill Paiker , J. II Peabody , H. A. Pui- vls , Georco Patterson , liugcno B. Bhnpman , W. S. Curtis , G. N Clayton , Clement Chuso , D. C. Patterson , Hn-lmrd Carrier , I. E. Congdon , J. II. Congdon , C. [ I. Coutant , lloagson , G. N. Hulst , W. U. Clarke , Emma Jones , Stephen Joyce , J. Clarke Jones , S. T. Jossohn , Trank Johnson , Phillip V. Igoo , Potci Her , r. L. Huller , J. A. Hnibach , G. W. Holbrook , Levi Carter , II. F. Cady , L , . M. Bennett , Gcoruo II Hoggs. VV. N. BubeocK , M. D. Hyuo , N. F. Hopkins , A. P. Hopkins , J B. Haw ley , U. A. Hammond. Heath , M C. Nichols , fluron W. Kiloy , Bai bcr , William Morris , G. M. Nattingor , P. J. Nichols , AN fred Millard , John Baikcr , Horace G. Buit , Louis Bradford , John B. Brooke , Ullls Bier- bower , H. T. ClarUo. William Coburn , Wil liam Curaminps , Frank Chase. James E. Bojd , John L. Brady , E. B. Branch , Sam Burns , D. S. Haulier , H. H. Baldiidge , Newton Barknlow , Ellen S. Boall , John S. Brlggs , 11. I1 , Joiison , C. F. Sweeney , E Al. Andrecscn , A. T. Austin , GOOIRO W. Amos , J. B. Kitchen , H. D. Hills , G. C. Burton , Frank Gllmor , Gannett , C H Bacon , A. D. Bradley , Charles A. Coo. M. A. Dotwilor , U W. T Crow ell , Crowoll , Hobort Croweli , C. N. Diotz , Doud , W. V. Doolittlo , Chuilos A. Dean , J J. Dickey , \V. L. Dickey , E. W Dlxou , Joseph T. Duijen , P. H. Du Hols , L. J. DrnUo , E. S. Dundy , Ellen M. Davis , Davis. A. B. Somcrs , S. K. Towao , Somers , C. E. Smith , J. N. Coiaish , Ernest Ulnll , E. Vf. Lee , Udo Uraehvojjol , John F. Coots , Dally , S. S. Cunls , B. l < . Ciummor , W. J. Connell , Charles F. Catlln , George Clousor , O. M.Cnrter , It. C. Cusluug , A. J. Simpson , L S. Heed , Swart/lniidcr , Fiank Colpot/or , V. H. Coffmon , Andrew Cailislo , GooigoC. Towlo , A. Ij Strung , H. M Stone , Shcplioul , M. A. Sttcknoy , Thomas Swobo , C. J. Smaguo , W. O. Taylor , Buulotte , C. T. 'Jaylor , A. P. Tuckoi , A. S Stlgor , W. B. Smith , H. B. Smith , D. B. Saigont , W. G. Sloan , Gcoruo P. Stobbins , Gooreo Squires , C. E. Squires , .la met , Van Nostiund , A. J. Van Km an , U' . F. Valllc , George D. TilUon , John M. Ttiurston , G.V. . Tlllson , Will 1. Tabor , S G. Kogers , Hogors , A. J Love , Edward Bulch , Helen C Smith , William "Wallace , J L Webster. F. W Wessols , J. A. Wnkoneld , G I ) Wvatt , Clarke Wood man , Arthur WaUeley , E Wakeloy , B , B. Wood , Chailes S. Whitney , William H. McCord , .Tamos U. Gilbert , Adolph Mo\or , Newton Mann. HairP Wbitmoio , John P. Williams , Murtin Wllbui , John C. Wil bur , C E. Woller , C. E Vest , Henry W. Yutos , Chat Megan , Woit7 , Edgar Zablslclo , M. G. Cole , D. 11. Whooloi , jr. , D. II. Wheeler , sr , Alvm Woodiuff , B. Sillownv , Baikulow , Arthur Iluuilnuton , How ley , J. U. Mcholas , Giaco L Illmobuugh , Wheeler , Henry McCoimiok , A. C. Himobuligh , W. M. Thompson , Mnlr , Franklin B. Hussoy , J. H. Kingwalt , G. W. Ambioso , D. ICCndull. Sumner - nor , W. 1C Smith , b. U Wiley , H. J. Wit- man , Geoi go A. .Insljn , E D A'an Couit , Cotton , H. M. Whltmmo , Chailes S. Poor , J. O. Phllllppi , MotiU Meyer , Max Mo > or , Jonnlo M. Gtur.t , John A , Monroe , \V B. Taylor , George Hobble , Frances C. C ! ruble , Daniel Baum , David A , Baum , W. H. Alexander , G. W , Hall , J H. Ilulbcrt , Chlis Hartman , Charles A Hnr- voy , Joseph Garneau , Fred Gray , G. I. Gil bert , C. H. Gardner , b. G. Griswold. James Gnlbralth , Charles , Haley , N M. Howaid , G. A. Ilongland , J Fied Ilalnesworth , Kugeno T Henry , W H Hanehott , John C Howard , Uiiltih E Gayloid , Ucnbcn Guv- lord , C. W Hull. T I' Brunner , S. T Alox- ntidor , Will Millard , J U Mackintosh , Jo- boph Lchmer , Homer P Low is , T. J , Mackay. W. B Loilng. G W Llnlnger , C. / Koodnam , Frank C Morgan , S D Mor- cm , Morsoman. Edirar M Moi-soman , Agnes Iih Shane , H C. Mixiro , MoMlllmiV A. Iti-.llclt . , C. B Uusiln , C. S. Uavmond , P L. 1'iilnoV. . S Ulggs , Byron Heed , W W. Win sli , J , II , McConnull , Chuilos J Batbor , L Burntmm , J. E. House , D. H Goourlch , L P. Funkhouser , C. J Ft ice , William Fit mlng , PulUr , J. M.Eddy/ Knight , Uhomas Ktlp.itilck , Jumos McKcnmt , C. J. ( ivuii , Emma Jones , John A Fuller , Colnnol Stiong , Wnshburn , H. C. Patterson , T J , Itorors , M. T. Putiick. II D. Eslabioolc , John McCllntock , J. M. Motcalf , W V Worse , S. P. Morse , M M. Maishall , ( . ' It. Moou > . I.V. . Minor , McCiilton , F. L. Loomis , 11. B Lockwood , jr , J H. Lacey , F P Kirl.i ndall , F. W. Leo , Hoincu Ludin 'ton , Mo\\ Honor , J. C. MclCell , W. B. MuIUoi. Ueorg' ) W. Killey , Nornan ; A. Kuhn , Philo Kumsov. Fiank J. Itamgo. O N Hninsoy , rM Ulehardsiin , L > man Hlchur.dbOii. . Wit mini , Su inner , Emma Whlt- luore , Jennie Giant , Mtio Sargent , Cowdiey , aluum , Alice Harper , Hartman , Laura lloig- ] and , Mlua Bomgardnor , Emma Hoaglaiul , JJello Lewis , Noullmm , Phil. Moigan , .Me- Cll'.itock. House , MoKonnn , Gilbert , Emily -J ullor , Nina Marshall , Moore , Sprlfg , JvDlgut , Mora Bali-ciube , Allen , Mnbel Hal- combo , Mabel Pratt , Clara Brown , Nolllo Lynch , Josuhii , Mz/.iu Isaacs , Jluwioy , Clara una Mary Haw loy , ICmily Hutterlleld , Kath urine Barker , Mooie , Margaret Box a , Ui-r- trudo Clarke , ICoiintzo , Kelley , Nolllo But. torflold , Fanny Hiitterileld , Parroto , Dot > weller , pavis , Hllon Oavls , Somor ? , ( 'rum- jncr , Lludft Cuitls , Delia Chandler , Ciwler , 12. J , Sbatuck , Coburn , Scott , Slranp , Ail.i bhophord , binlth , Sherwood , lltilcli , Heion hinith. Walker , Wallace , \Vakelo.v , Olllo \Voll \ 'r , Yost , Yati-3. CnrdH , AIiiHlK anil Danolns ; . A very pleasant high lUo party was given Thursday nlsht nt the residence of Mr. and 1 , Baruca , 1224 Park a\ouue , ay MU Jennie V. Still , In honor of her eighteenth birthday anniversary. The house < vas very prettily decorated with cut llowcrs , potted jtlants and tropical ferns , The evening was passed very pleasantly , n number of musical nclcctlons 'jclnR given br Messrs. Howdon , Green and Hlchanls on the piano , mandolin mid banjo. A bounteous supper was served at 13 o'clock , after which the assembled guests enjoyed all the latest dances to the be witching stratus of the Seventh Ward or chestra till the woo smr. ' nours of the morn- Ing. Among these present were noticed Messrs. Ish , Gloman , Pratt , Coombs , How- din , Her and Frollng , nnd the Misses Dory , Slavon , Pratt , Young , Still nnd Miss Fannie Heel of Sioux City. A liovclv One of the most ch aiming events of the week , oven though quiet , was the wedding of Miss May \f. Miller , who was married on Thursday to Dr. Donald Macrae , ] r , of Coun cil Bluffs. The coremonj was solemnized by Hor. Dean Gardner of Trinity cathedral , and the woddlug took place at half-past H In the afternoon nt the residence of the brldo's aunt , Mrs. J. H. Weston , nt lOW California street , It was a chrysanthemum wedding , and these popular How em were used In gieat profusion in the olaboiato decoration of the parlors. The mantel was a bower of palms and ferns , and the canopy over the nuptial paity was made of smilax and clujsanthe- mums , with n bunch of bridal roses In the place of a mariiago bell. Music was provided bv Prof. Satorls' mandolin club , which placed the wedding match from Lohongrln as the bikini party entered the parlor Fitstcamo the minister , followed by the gioom and his best man , Mr. Chailes H. Haas , of Council Bluffs. Then came the maid of honor , Miss Ada Bubcock , followed by the bride upon the arm of her father. The bride was robed In a beautiful gown of white satin , elaborately trimmed with pearls and having a court train , a deon girdle with poail ft Inge and a Marie Stuart collar trimmed with pcai Is. The veil of tullowas fastened with Fiench lilacs The bride's only ornament was n diamond pin. and the bridal bouquet was of nlphotos roses. The maid of honor looked ulmrming In n palejollow ciopo and cairlcd a lioquot of Bennett loses. Mrs. Miller , tuo mother of the bilde , woroagown of blaelc ChantUly lace , red loses. Mis. Macrae , the mother of the gloom , was robed In black velvet. Mrs. Weston were pink crepe , diamonds. Miss Charity Babcock looked lovely lu palo blue crepe , pink roses ; Mrs. C. M. Piimoau , hullo- trjopo velvet , whlto roses , Mis. J. H. Wat son , black India silk , jet tiirainlngs , Mis. J. J. Brown of Council Bluffs , blade satin and Jet , diamonds , Mis , . Will Sapp of Council Bluffs , gray sill : , diamonds : Mis. Ailsworth , black silk ; MIJ > . SwarUlandcr , light , silk ; Mrs. J. Maciao , black silk , roses ; MissNash. Palis gown of green satin and ] i't ; Miss Hea Primeau , poail sillr , rod tiimmlnirs. Miss Nora Blown of Council Bluffs , poppv red crepe , black lace trimmings ; Miss Pearle Miller , bluesllK. All the appointments bore a quiet elegance. The guests were limited to members of the immediate family. Iho bridal partv took the lUilivaukoo 0 o'clock train for a two weeks' wedding tour east. On their rotuin they will settle down in Council Bluffs in a coy Uome propired and awaiting their coming. The gloom's patents will tender them n loccptlon on the evening ol December 10 , and they will bo at homo to their fncr.ds after that date. Ihis wedding was celebrated under aus picious circumstances. The Inido is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. U. C. Miller of this city. She is not only u beautiful gill , but has many chaimlug graces of mind and Is gicatly udmiicd among her 1 1 lends. The biidepioom Is the son of Dr. D. Macrae of Council Bluffs , mayor of that city and one of Its oldest and most honoiod priictitlonois. Thogioomis n giaduatoof Ann Aibor , is associated with his father in business and Is highlj spoken of as a line young man with a promising career before him. Tno esteem In which these two young people ple nro held was evidenced by an an ay of presents nntablo in number and costliness. Among them was n gift from the groom's parents of a line home In Council Bin Its , nnd the lemombranco of the biide's mother was a Stcinway piano. Surely they begin wedded life under tbo happiest omens. Ait Ijlofiiit Koccption. The residence of Hon. Benjamin S. Baker at 1100 South Tlurty-secono. sticot was the scene of an elegant and specially notable social affair Fuday afternoon. An clabointo iccoptton to about 150 friends was given bv Mis. Baker , who was assisted by Miss Emma Pearson , Mrs. E M. Battlott , Mrs D V. Sholos and Mis. W. II. Alexander. The house was brilliantly lighted , giving a most pleasant and happy effect. The walls weio In rich and haimoni/lng colors , the archwajs , door openings and windows were dtnped in rich sntln and lace , with colots to blend pleasingly with the gracefully finished walls nnd furniture. The rooms aio all llnoly sot off with largo oil paintings and many unique small designs in nil , era } on and china painting , the work of the hostess , evincing unquestionable proof of the artistic ability of tLo wloldor of the biush and pencil. The hall was occupied by the O maha Mandolin club , which furnished excellent music. In the hall were largo pots ot white ctiiysanthomums , palms ana fuins , so uiiuiigoa as to give a bsuutlful effect. Iho guests passed upstaits nnd deposited their wraps In the largo and commodious rooms arranged for the occasion , and thoio , too , they found colTeo , sandwiches nnd w afers served by the slulfiill bunds of Misses Imogono Alexander nnd Bessie Tatum. Passing down staus , through the hall under the tasty drapery that sopaiutes It from the drawing room , the guests met Mrs Batter , who , In her hnpp } manner , gioutod her frlonds most cordially and presented them to her charming young tuond , Miss Poaiuon. Mrs. Baker wa attiied in a white silk , diamonds , and carried La Fraiu-o loses Miss Pearson appealed beautifully and siacofully in light blue crepe , pearls , and can led whlto roses. Mrs. Stioles was most handsomely cownod in dm I ; ted silk , diamonds , arid Murochbl Neil loses. Mis. Bnrtlott was tobed In brown and llirhtgioon silk , diamonds nnct flowers , and Mrs. Alexander In bhck .sill : , jot trimmings and diamonds Mrs Alexander lu a most giucofut manner saw that all bccaino acquainted and enjoyed themselves. The Ubrurv was profusely supplied with ( lowers and the dining room was iilso hand somely docorntcu , The table was situ itod in the center of the loom , draped with white surah , with pink nbbons fiom the cornois to the chandelier. Hose bowls and vases were tilled with La Finnca roses and the candelabra in the center of the table with pint : candles All In all , it picscntcU u beautiful uppoanuuo of pink and white , and dainty refreshments of tie cream and cauo woio served. Following were the Invited guests Mrs Bryan , Mis E. L Palmer , Mi5 > . II L. Stiephnrd and Mrs. C H. Ponnov of Council Blutls , Mosilamos I. L McCloud , J : A. Hoiignton , D. J. Collins. Paul A English , C C. Houghs , William F Manning , John A. hliiolds , Chailos B Coon , C. L Nocdhain , M A. Elliott , Elmer S. Dundv , Elmer D , Piank , D. H. Goodrloh , I C. Scluolvor , A. W Kinsman , A. B. Slater , W. F. Gurloy , John I Boulter , John Fiancis , M C. Peters , L1 L. Loomis , E. M. Bartlett , Howard H. Bulitiidso , II F. Mulntosli , J B E\ans , Wuuon bwltzlor , bumuel Bums , M D. Ihdo , P , W Burkhnuser , John C Howaul , John Gordon , Eugene F. boabor , Clinton N. Powell , James Foisyth , F. J Dale , W L Dickey , Frank Hanson , John B Hamilton , W. Alexander. Fred M Grey , H. H. Olm- stead , W. L. Wolshams , J M Thurston , M. U Hoedor , J V MuDowolI , F. W Vos- winkle , Council Bluffs. Ewlug Blown , John Peter * . John Forbs , M. H Uisdou , Walter 15 Wllklns , Prim. II G Smith , llowoll , W. P Mumaugh , Gerald Stonchlll , K. F. ( ilborson , M , J. Newman , Dr , Haggard , John L. Hobson , Hobort Pur- vloi , C. E. Sharp , Colonel Alien , Alonso Thompson , M. H. Bliss , Charles F. Bclndorff , .Mr'.CliubuokClmrles J. Caswoll.Frank bhop- nerd , George N , Hicks. Pinto , Gcorgo H. Biogps , Jaynes , M C. Nlcnols , U. Larson , Lu Fa\etto A. Garner , Wyinan , W W ; Williams , Morris , S. L. Andrews , Brown , J. A. Glllosplo. P Vundervoort , M. A. Fuller , Fowior , J M. HIchards , Thomas , Pollard , John Kennedy , Maccombor , AlOyn Frank , L F Sundciland , W C , Goss , P. H. W. Coouo , William F. Mllroy , O. W. Covell , C. A. Claplln. H. B. Lockwood , W. F. Cluplln.Goorgo E. Warner , B. F. Burton , F. H. Blake , M. L. Lindsay , Alford Formon , C' ' . W Mount , A. S , Acker- man. Goorco Clousor , Emory A. Cobb , J W. Bo > d , W , H. Gamut , Charles Tatum , N , B , Hussoy. W. C. Patcrson , B. V. Weaver , Adnm S. Stlgor and B. D. Slaughter. Mlssos Cooke , Alexander. Ada Alexander , Miss Imogenu Alexander , Nccdtiam , Ll/zlo Ncodhnm. Boulton , Slauchtor , Pratt , Ltla Alexander , Cora Weaver , Flynn of Hockforii , III. ; Cook , Tatum , KUnbtth Tatum , Fannie Buttorllcld , Mollona Bultcrtlold , Alice Howell - ell and Slater : Mesdames F. M. Wood , J. H. Smith , Ralph Prentice nnd J. A. Buckstnff , all four of Lincoln ; Mrs. John H. Carso of Council Bluffs , Mrs Judpo Morris of Crete. A Uliinrr nnd a Iti-uopllnn. Mr. nnd Mrs , E Soligsohn , who reccntlv returned from a European tour , have ro- iii mod their place In the social life of Omaha and last week gave two highly enjoyable en tertainments On Thursday evening they pave a dinner for young people in honor of their daughter , Miss Bottle Scligsohu , at their home , 2310 South Twenty-second street , The house was beautified with plants anu Honors , the good things of the table were set fortn with elegant nccossonos nnd a Jlne oichostia lent its sweet strains to the happi ness of the hour. After the feast the young people enjoyed dancing to their heart's content. Those present were : Messrs. Jcromo Knnpman , P M. Hose , Chailes S. Elcuttcr , Hov. William Hoscnau , Alexander Wossol , Martin Oborfeldor , Dan Lyons of Kcokuk , J. G. Lund , Atthur Hose- nnti , Ed WesscI , S Frank , Gus Delchos , lullus Meyer. M. Tradesman , B. Hosoiithal , II. Hosenstock , M.under , Henry Lnng- Htadter , Arthur Hindsliopp , S. Lands- bnrg , S Bloom , H. Hinti , A. D. Brandeis and Herrmnn Cohn , Mlssos Pauline Jacobson of Erie , Pn , Jen nie Now of Chicago. Tlllio Sunnlhill of Balti more , Blanche Hellman , Allco Lund , Dollio and Mattlo Polack , Tlllio Newman , Carrlo Goldsirith , Mlnnlu Lobeman , Addle New man , Ella Heller , Hatllo Becker , 1'lora Adler , Clara and Sadie Scheslngor , Bottle Haas , Claia Hludskopp , Ogla Towelos , and Ogla Calm. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Scllgsohn gave n delightful reception for her filonds among the married ladles. Among these noticed present , were Mcsdames Dr. J. I' . Jensen , M , Hellman , J. P Lund , Honrv Mo\or , A. Heller , Moorl ? Mo\er , A. Polnck.M Ran , F. Adler , Max Motor , Leopold Heller , Lobe- man , Hehfcld , William Kothschlld , I Obor- folder , Adolph Aloter , H H. Grotto. S Bluth , Lo.-y , J. L Brandies , Benjamin Newman , George Bukor , George Hov n , Hindskopp , L Hurils and S Goldsmitli , A. Cnhn , S. Bergman , L Hothchild. A liittlidiit llousou'ii r Mr mid Mis Hlchmoud Anderson cele brated the buthdiv annlvcrsaiy of the latter on Friday evening by onteitatuing a pirty cf lolntivos nnd filonds at their uo/y now homo on the corner of Burt stieet nnd Lowe nvenuo. ljrogrossl\o high live was the feature ot the evening , the prices being cap tured as follows : The first pn/o , a hand-pilntod ther mometer holder , was won bj Mrs. G. H. LaUdgo , who outsttlpped all compotltois , both ladles and gentlemen , by her excellent pla > ing ; while the second prize , a two foot loii alligator , to bo used for docoiatlvo pur poses only , buying been wmnntoa not to cat the winner , was won by Mr. Joiomo Coulter. Ono of the booby pi i/os , n small booir , the un written loaves of which rovc-alod its o'er tiuo talc , fell into the hands of Mrs. W. F. DavK while the other booby ptlze , an acrobat of pi onouncod doiviiwaid tendency , was captured by Mr. W. P. Davis , thus con tinuing the old saving in logaid to "Lucny in love , but unlucky at caids " A now fea- tuio was mtioduced at the present Uiou of the prices bv attaching theioto amusing and appiopnato quotations , the leading of which caused considerable fun. The following guests were present : Mr and Mrs. M. C. Kiddor. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Davis , Mr nnd Mis. J. H. Laviilfe , Mr and Mrs. J Haj ward , Mrs. and Mis C. F. P. Fioom , Mr. and Mrs Fiank Zimmcr , Mr. and Mrs Jerome Coultoi. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. F. Seaver , Mr. and MrG. ! . \V. Tnbble , Mr. mid Mrs Divid Doty , Mr. nnd Mrs. li.irnuin , Mr. nnd Mrs F , Penny , Mr. and Mis .1. F. Twamlev , Air. nnd Mis. Cudwoll , Mis. H. J. Kvati , Miss Hattlo Epenoter , Hev. I. Johnson , Mr. William Hoberts and Mr. Van Beuron. Four ' 1 n 1)1 e . The Double Eight High Five club gave u very pleasant entertainment Thursday even ing at the homo of Miss Hulda &chult7 , S.0 ! South Twentj-second street After the games an bour was devoted to music and dancing. The ladies' Hist prize , a prottv painted cup and saucer , w as awarded to Miss Fiuehaul ; the boouv pi 170 to Miss Lb/io Buohler. The lust pn/o for gentlemen , a plush card bag with caids , was taken by Mr. E Hoag. Mr Chailes ilolgien wiis consoled with a package ot wooden inlcs foi high ihe. Those piosont woio Misses Pella. tVittiir , Buohler , Fannlo Fruehauf , Lucy Fiuohaut , Schultz , O'Toolo , Wigman. Messrs Knouso , Theo lloletcn , Charles llclgron , Wigman , Hoag , Gus Kuhn , Fiod Kuhn , Olsen , Huth. Jlarrlod Tuontj Ycnrs. Mr. and Mis. Ed Hanoy on Monday last completed the twentieth joar of a happy wedded life , and celebrated the ovunt in the evening with a quiet cntoitalumont for aoout thirty-five of their most intimate filends. High live and n tempting luncheon loundod out a very pleasant evening at their homo at Eighteenth and Faiimm. As depot master at the Union depot Mi. Hanoy has made a host of friends , who will loin with the guests of Monday evening In wishing him ana his estimable wife thrice twenty years of happy muriiod lilo. A Yellow Ijiiiiulicou. Mis. W. B. Millaid gave a .vellovv lunch eon Thursday In honor of Miss Bradley , In structor in elocution nnd physical cultuic. The decorations weie in vollow chrjsantho- muins and yellow rib jens , and the table had all the daluiincss and elegance for w bieh this hostess Is noted. Covois were laid lor ton , nnd the favoiud guests weio Mis. Bradley , Mis. Viotor Culdwell , Mrs Lcouldas Funk- hausor , Mrs. Lanuer , Miss Biudloy , Miss Hams , Miss Boyd , Miss Bishop and Miss Wallace. Minor Mention. Miss Emma Fieo contemplates a visit to Denver. Mr. Dudley W. Giegory arrived fiom Washington last Wednesday. Mis. Mann of Foit Hussoll is the guest of Major and Mrs. McClintock. Lieutenant Colonel II. N. Law-ton was In town duii'lg the past week bonatoi and Mrs. Mamloisoii leave Now York for Washington , Mondav Miss Florence Slllovvny of tho. Murray is onjojing n Hip tuiougli the cast , Mr. nnd Mis. Hanscom and Miss Hmiscom will spend the winter nt Savannah , Ga. Howard Piicltaiu has lutuined from his Cullloinla tiipsomowhatimpioved in health. Miss Powell of Glouwooil , la. , the guoU of Miss Pearl Hartman. loturned homo Tues day.Dr Dr am ] Mis. Chailos Smith are the happy puionts of a bab > daughter , born Novem ber 10. Lieutenant II. L Bailey , Twonty-tlrst Uultod States Infantry , is vultnig at IbOT Faimim street. Mrs. Hu boll Harrison with her llttlo daughter. Mniathonu , expects to spend the holidays In Omaha , Mr nnd MM. James H. Douglas will spend Thanksgiving with the lattur's parents nt Cedar Haplds , la. Miss Lou iCussinasto of DCS Molnos , la. , Is visiting with Mr. and Mts.'Emmons LIT North Seventeenth street. The dunce which the Starlit-lit club was to olvo nt Gooducti hull Thanksgiving eve has been postponed ludollnltcly Miss E Bailey and Mrs. Joseph Gallop of Dunlap. In. are vUltlnc with Mrs. C. F. Clark , 31)U ) Woolworth uvoiiuu. Mrs. Lewis Heoil guvo an elegant cotillion Filouy evening for tho.voung people and in honor of Miss Mabel Balcombo. Airs , Adolph Meyer's afternoon reception promises to be the social uvout of next week , ovorUUO Invitations having ueun Issued. LIoutcnQiit Chrlsnmii has' been ordered to report for duty ut Wlllet's Point , Now Yorn harbor , Ho left for his post Wednesday. Mrs. S. S. f'elkerandMrs. W. A Moobius , the latter the daughter of Mr. H. S. Fclkor , have gouo on a visit to relatives in Chicago Mr and Mrs. Aloiuo Thompson entertained Prof , and Mrs Lockwood , Mr. Campbell nnd Dr. Ylusouhulor at dinner WoitnosJay even ing. ing.Mr Mr and Mrs. F. Adler have Jlssuod Invita tions tar a debut party lot their dautjhtur , Miss Flora Adler , io bo pbi0noxt ! Thuwdav evening. J311fl Miss Hamilton gave an jnihrmnl luncheon Thursday. These pros\jujv \ ! | wore- Miss Hughes , Miss Himobauglk-.Mlis Batch , Miss Skinner , Miss Doano. { f { Mrs. Jessie Bain Cooccr of Knnsns Cltyi formotly n popular teachCr.Tu the Nebraska state normal school , Is In tno city the guest of Miss Mary Fitch. Hon. A. Al. MePlmll of Boston arrived in Omaha on Thursday. Ho'vvlll ro'Ido on St. Mary's avenue with his daughter and son-la- law. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas li KlmbalL Mrs. W B. Slaughter jjfafijw Angeles , the guest of Mrs. Brad Slushier , will spend lha winter with her son nCEvtmston , and next summer will accompany them to Euiopo. < ' ! i c Mi-s. J. A. Buckstoff , one bt the leaders of Lincoln society and one of the most popular Indies in the Capital City , was In Iho city Friday to attend the reception of Mrs. Ben- lami'i S. Baker. Mr. tiibort P Hamilton and Miss Clara A. Martin were maided November llth at the homo of Mr. and Mrs E A Blum. The ladles are sisters. Mr. and Mrs , Hamilton will bo at homo after December 1 at 101)3 ) Blimey street. Mr. Wltcher , son ot Major John S. Witchor paymaster United States ininy , stationed at Salt Like Cltv , will bo married on Thuisdny to Miss Nannie Marshall , daughter uf Judge Marshall of this city. Miss Mary Popplcton cnteitalned Inform ally Wednesday evening. Among those pres ent woio Miss Brown , Miss Hoagland , Air. Crofoot , Mr. Will Wvman , Mr. Curtis luruor , Mr. Caldwcll Hamilton. Mrs. H C Gushing nnd Mrs , Muontofor- Ing have Issued Invitations fora piano iccltal to bo given Thursday evening nt the homo of Mrs Cushlng , TJJ bouth Twunty-ilfth street , b\ Mrs Muontoforing and her pupils. Lieu tenant Kitizlo will sing. The ball planned by the coming sot of society young men for November 13 at the Millard is dated for Wednesday evening , but there seems to bo some uncertainty about it. The joung men ate talking of organizing n dancing club to give monthly patties. Many Omaha people nro nucleated In the wedding of Miss Kate Pusey and Judge J. E. F McGee , both of Council 131ufTs , which was celobiatod last Wednesday afternoon at the homo of the biide's parents The newly mauled couplouio enjoilug a wedding Hip- to KoiitucUv , The Postoftlco Social club held their first of a seiics of dancing parlies I'mlav ovenlng nnd about twenty-live couples availed them selves of the pleasuies of the The ladies woio well pleased with the evening's amusement , nnd the postoflleo ooys weio gratified accordingly. The club Is to bo con- giatulalud upon their choice of management. Mr. and Mis.illiain \ Cook gave a prott } ' high tea Wedncsdav overling to the following guests1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Hatry McCormtck , Miss Barlow , Miss Evans of bloux City , Miss CooU of Sioux City , Miss Hltnobaugb , Miss AloKundci , Mr. Chat Hedlck , Mr. C'laikUcdick , Mr. Heath , Mr. Marsh , Mr. Claik. The ladies were pioscntod with tiny copper tea kettles for souv onus. At a high five party Thursday evening at tno residence of Mrs. E , F. Seavor on North Forty-third stieot , Messis. Johnson ana Van Buron entertained Miss Free , Miss E. Fioo , Miss Van Kuian , Miss H. Van Kuran. Miss Pickering. Miss Alexander , Miss Soavcr , Miss Bulluy , Mis. Poynton : Messrs George Pickermir , Smith , Pointotn , DoAnnaml , Dorw.ud , Fien and Johnson. The favors weio won bj Mr. Ed Ftco and Miss PICK- 01 ing. Lieutenant and Mrs.yebstor gave a de lightful dance in honor of Mis. Danncr Wednesday evening. The docoiations were very claboiato Balduft scried a most deli cious supper , and the Second1 Infanti } band noverplaved better. Tho&a piesont wcto General Biooke , Geneial. Wheaton , Mrs. Ayres , Mr. Heath , Mrs.Vriaht , Miss Mc Clelland , Mr. Bamo , Lieutenant Kinzio , Lloutonant limes , Lieutenant and Mis. Mai- lory , Lieutenant and Mrs JAborcoisbio , Cap tain and Mis. Keller , Mn Koss , Mr. U. Ber lin , Mr. and Mis. Turner. t . bUN DAXCJC OF Tijlj SIOUX. llio Lost One s keen 'lij ' fllr. Clement Chase ot'Oinnhn. Mr. Clement Chase ha'd ( .be good fortune to witness the lust suti-danco given by the Sioui. nation , or at least , the last pno ot which torture was permitted. This oocuriod at the Hosobud icsoivatlon In July ot ISbJ , and notwithstanding that the iptoi lor depart ment had Issued ordois to the contrary. Agent Wnght was powoiless to prevent the ceremony , and an immense camp of In dians assembled vvost of the agency build ings Mr Chase , repicsontmcr at , that time the New York Sun and the Chicago Times , Investigated all the details piecoodlng the dance und penetrated the tents set npait for tbo men who woio to suffer at the dance. They Uad volunteered for the ordeal , having , poilmps , pledged themselves to do so in the stress ol danger , or in a piayor to Waltan-tauka made over the body of adj ing child. Mr. Chase subse quently searched the Congiossional llbraiv at Washington for infoimation as to tbo origin of the rite , but found voty llttlo The custom exhibits an antiquity as venerable as tbo Dakota nation itself. The A/tec , per forming the same diead obligation , was 'caught to the bosom of the sun. " Tbo dancers pass the oatliopiecodlng win ter in contemplation of tbti awful vow. In early summer they scaich the woods for u proper tree to bo hewn for tbo sun dance polo. A gioat povv-wow Is held over this and it is linally hewed by an Indian maiden con- seel at od for this annual task. A communal dlstiibutlou of piopcity goes on meanwhile and tbo woods nio scouiod for greens and tieos to uulld the big "topeo" vvbcio the d.ineo is to bo hold. At u mooting of Tbo ClubntLinlngor's gnl- lorj Weduesdaj evening , Mr Chaao told the following stoi > of the gieat Sioux dunco. It was Sunday night July . ! , > , Just ni moonrise - rise , that the dancois to the sun entered to begin the fulfillment of their vow. There woio llfteon tall , well built Sioux. * Thoload- cr was known as "Follows a Woman , " \ \ In- yan-opa. Among the othots vvoio "Iwivos-ln- thp-Air.11 Wau kan-tu Wl-cha-km-jru , "Plonty-IIolo , " Olialatu-Oia , "White Calf , " Pte-chin-cha-lab-i i ; "llollow-IIoin- Uaglo , " Ho-o-khlo-ka Wau-bli , "Shod , " Isomothlng sot up for a shade ] Uo-Hnn ti- glo , "Two Haglos , " Wun-bli-non-pa , "Vel io " Ella "Poor Dog " Shun-ka-ta-na-ma- w , , , - - - - - he-eha The llftoen inarohod In colums of twos nnd throes alternate'preceded ' by boys causing gay bannois. The men 'woio stripped to tbo waist , but were skirts loach- lug to the giound , of led pmld matoual with ombioldoipdsttips of blue depending In front and behind from the bolt , ; uoaths of sweet grass were on tholr head with boms cut from law hide , suspended over tholr chests were mdo ropiosontutlons of the sun , nnd fiom tholr w lists hung their family to tems , answering lo coivs-cjf-uims of whlto aiistocraoy , A bulttilo skjiln painted with a blue sign to indicate tiio'jlour ' winds was boinobytho leiidnr and deposited opposite the polo by the Plirat , vvlulo the sncted pipe was set up in fiont of the sacred spot resolved - solved for the dancers and , mcoioino ; men. In regular intonation the singois began to chunt and boat , their drums , tlio dancers stood in line , put to tuolrljpyjihot t whistles made of the vvIng bone * n ail eagle , tipped with the much ptlzou feather ot the medicine bird , and commenced to spiing on their toes , both feet together , springjnir nud whistling to the rytbm of the song , V < few old hags who had ciopt in bogi iij'.xy "hlo-ya" in u sbiill key , nceompanviu } ; jljjo men/and the choius was furthov o < supplemented by vigorous boating of u hide "stiotchod on the ground Till ) pole llnttorlng with banners , stood out clpor and tall in tno moonlight , near Its top vvtti bound a fusees of willow twigs that gave It iifttrong semblance to u cross. Under this dangled a manikin cut from beef hide , ono hide blueit , typllving tbo ovtl splilt , the ether white , the good splilt , and beneath swung in the breeze a minimum buffalo , said lo represent the nun. This "dancing contin ued all night , the participants changing posU tlons when tbo moon crossed the Hkv.Rtrotcb- li.g their bate arms out to It and uttering short prajors until tuo daylight camo. I'rniu hU shlnliu lodu ot , IJI.u u wuirlor lobed itiul p ilntud. L'niuo the sun und H.ilil , 'Hi ! i ilil mo ! t'htiula. tlioKroal sun b hold me ! " As the sun climbed Iho skjnho dun cor * were scon to bo striving to look upon its fuco us lougand steadil ) as possible When.nltor several hours' watchuig , an > one of them was observed to totur or show onj signs of oxbauHtlon , ho was led intu thushuL'u ana given n morsel al wild sago to roll upon his touguo , or a pull at the icd stone plpo , or the old mediclito man , with iiiuih mummery und ineainuilo p.ucua , pro- tlieTAILOR / . Gentlemen Seeking Evening Attire For Thankso-ivino' , Christmas , New Year and the Winter Season Will find us well prepared to furnish the best garments to order , at short notice , if required. We make evening suits for as little as $30 [ all silk lined ] and as much as $65 , including $3510 , $45 and $50 grades. Q\w \ fabrics are selected by skilled hands ; our Jitters and sewers are in active practice , and we posses < ? : //the unique braids and silks so essential for the correct evening attire. Inverness Overcoats ( nt \ ° m0suirll1sJ3 < ulr ) $25.00 and upwards Melton Overcoats w 1 > , , ' > . . ( a ) $25.00 to $45.00 Prince Albert and Cutaway Suits ( l"clwJr'Stoisiys ) $25.00 to $55.00 Business Suitings ( fu rwor ed's111) ) $20. oo to $35.00 Storm Coats ( r'lo'o $18.00 to $30.00 , - . ' . Trouserings , an endless variety $5 to $ 15.00 ' * NICOLL THE TAILOR. 207 S. 15th. , Bet. Farnam and Douglas. fosscd to renew the vigor of the victim's limbs. Thodiumming and the scicamlng is thoioupon redoubled , the Indians como in and pick out shady scats on the glass , bird bieiid and boiled dog is seivod lu duty black kettles by the women. The lutlo "Indian boys outside of tlio enclosure aio playing tticlts on each other and frightening ponies ; on the praiiio haid by some squaws arc dancing in a ling and singing ; i'awnec. are you blind ? I in ail o a chaise upon jou , And btoloyoui hoisus , lint yon nuvui aaw me. The hubbub now ceases while wo witness the act of admitting * childien as iccogni/od members of tno Sioux nation. This was performed In aboriginal times by piercing the oars.but now the pleicinglsaccomplished moro slowly ( and more moicifully ) at homo , by clasping the oar with a lead bullet cut almost in twain. This is pinched together day by day until tno lobo wears through. The father outers the ring on n pony which Is quite Hidden In yards upon yaids of bright calico and ho benib in his urms the papoose. His wife tiudges behind , giasplng a cheap tiunk tullof dioss putteins. The medicine man , mumbling a mayor , waves his hand mjstically 01 er the child's head , the pony and goods nio presented to him for this service , and the rile is poifouned. Formally the little uuriculais woio nidoly slit by the iiicuicino man on the spotaud great was the wailjjig , it is said. y It was , high noon when thoofllclating pi test took usldo tineo of the dunccis , snipped them ot oveivthlng save the biecch-clout and began to coyer their naked bodies with paint. Ono was decorated with a bright yellow , dotted with blue b > the thumb ot the attlst , another with vormllllon , and the tblid with Indian rod. Wnen suftlcloiitly adoinod with color they woio led in turn to each of tbo four points of the compass , w oat lug war bon- uots of oases' feathois , and at each stopping place then guide , with arms extended in a wavy motion , blow n whistle around their shoulders and aims. The last station was the polo Itself , vvhoio the following briot piavor was otToiod In the Dakota lungungo 'Gtout spirit , wo mo como to obsoivotho day j on give us. l eve us. Uloss us bavu \vostaudupon our foot to give our bodies to tod. ! Look nt us , our wives , our cbilihon , our fi lends , and help us to bear tills tiiul " The loader , "Follows a \\oman , " was than seized bv the attendants and thiown upon the cat th. The medicine man made two incis.ons with a sharp knlfo over each bjpast In the vicinity of the pcctoinl mus cles , the Ilosh was skillfully lilted and tuo haul wooden skowois slipped under. These sticks , ornamented wlthpoicupmo quill work wore tied at each end by boot sluowslo a rope which depended from ttio top uf the con- 'or polo , and , swine out liom this , the man lOL'aluod his foot , toady for the o.\ciuciatlng pain which would follow the least movement , The nolsv drumming was icnovvod , Wln- jun-opa , his stolid features stamped with borolu Inditforonrc , oblivious to all around , biiaod his heels llrmly lu the sod nnd sud denly pulled back \\hli all Ills Htrongtn. Iho rope came taut , the brousts stood out fiom his body under the strain , but the Ilosh re fused to yield riving slack to the lope , with a second effort ho ripped out tbo sticks am ) fell heavily bacl.ivoui on liU elbow While the blood still run fiom the aavugo wounds In his bo rejoined the line of dancers , and in recognition of tbo supcilor ouso with which no released himself ho was allowed to protect bin bond from the sun's rays with u small led paiasol which bad been picked up KOICOW hero In n traders' store Kvarj nerve was quivering , and his body shown with penpiintion , but fpt which his appearance with ttio parasol would have been altogether inughublc * . The two otherod Indian * suffered tbo sumo ordeal "Llves-in-tbo-AIr" freed himself from one stick in ton minutes , but falling on the olboi1 was allowed to give thieo ponies uwnv fora release. " 1'oor Dog" fared woist of nil The inoblons lu his breast heemed to huva been deeper , or the cuticle thlclior Ills eager nud prolonged struggles to bioiik his voluntai > bonds were to the olvlii/ed visitors the moat painful of the ilav'a horroi's Ttio victim moved about the polo , the r pa being Klacii , blowing his whistle , and women approached preached to throw ncrots the rope calicos and ether articles which weio thus supposed to acquno magical qualities. They tinned awav and weio scon to bo ci\inp. " 1'oor Dog" laised his hands in silent piajor to the Gient Spmt , his attitude vividly totalling tbo lines of Longfellow "Tow lid the sun his hinds HOJO lifted , lloth the pulms spioad out aKnlnsl It , And liolu.on the p uteil lln-'uis I oil the sunshine on bis fi attires , I leukc d u 1th llKht his n iKuil shoulders , As It falls und nocks nn o lU trei1 'lliron b the lifted lo IMS und branches " After twenty minutes a friend , running out from the ciowd , caught bbun-ka-ta-ma- he cha aiound the waist and gave a ticmon- deus pull. But the stout iiitemiinent did not j lold it was only after half an hour of tor- into that ho succeeded in tiecmg himself , falling on the giound panting and sickened. Yet one moro exhibition took place , a skewer Insiited nonr tbo shoulder blade of "Yellow" was torn out by nn excited hoiso , over whoso bead the coids holding tlio in- stiutnentof pain had boon thiown. A smart hiow. a toss of the animal's head , and it was over. No moro scones like the ubovo re mained to gi.itify tlio savage taste of the audience and it disappeared. Tlio dancois , however , continued. Without lusting fond and with llttlo water the men had U'inained on their feet npntly n div. bnppoitcd bv their companions as tboy tottoiod about , their diy , leatboiy lips still clinging to the whistles , their movements blow , mechanical , spasmodic , they must certainly have longed for the end which sundown biought , to the toitible exhibition Tlio men woio led away to then tents. It ono had failed in this til il , had cried out In pain , had begued for 10- louse , ho would have foiover forfeited his place among the lighting men of his tube and been dogiadod to tbo i an Its of the squuw , to bo by them dcsplsod. Hut not a gioau escaped tholr lips. Use Ilnlloi's Uurb Wiio Linlmemt for hoisos , It never falls to cuio cuts , wounds and old sores. JUH.HIKHlh. There nro ninotv-twa Chiistian churches and chapels in the city of 1'okio , Japan. Tbo Year-Book of the Congregational chinch U'porls 4 M" chinches , with . "jUO.bU mnmbcis and Olit.blO In the bunday schools. The fnthur of lllshop II irS , Hov t ! nmlon Hate of 1'nllad'jlphia , was thought to bo dying last week Ileait failure and iiilluoiua were the maladies fiom which ho was sullor- Ing Mr Haio ij si ycais old. Tbo constitution of the Christian nmlcavor society has now bcou translated into Oermun , 1'ieneh , bwcdish , Noiweiflnii , bpanisli , Chin ese , Tamil , and Fiji , nnd it Is bcin ron- delc'd into Aimonlan nnd I'mkish and other languages with which American misslon- uiias aio conversant. Dr Kichard Sailor btons has Just com pleted the foitllfth your ol Ins pastoiato of the of the i'ilgiims lu Biooklyn. Although Dr btotrs recently colubiated his Tilth .vcur bo still enjos ovcoliont hoilth and piom'isos to uminin for buveiiil years longer in ehnrgo of tbo chinch with wliuli ho has been Lonnoctud almost fiom the beglnnlnu- his ministry. The movement In favor of u ( , opunto Prcs- bytuilan chuich for the caloiud people of thu south seems to bo gaming in strength , es pecially in the poulhcni chuich Alieady jour prosbjtoilos have boon oirani/cd , and tno lust general assembly of the huuthoin church recommended that these prusoytorlos should form on indcponooiit synod > ia soon us tbo way shall be clear. Hov. Hasoa Vise of Macedonia , 111 , bus been combating bntnn for Just half u century , und though hU voaio old ho U ono of the most vigorous ptoachors In southern Illinois Not the liust louiarkablo episode in bis career Is that when , In Ib-IU , he was cnlloj to bis chaigo In Illinois , he walued ucioss the connie fiom houth Carolina to accept it. According to The Congrogatlnnnhst , the blblu bus n laiverHiilu In Italy than any other book That paper also dccluros trial it 1'iotostant has tno monopoly of manufai ntr- ini ; lobes for Hoinan I'utholiu cnnlinnh Tor IfiUjoara Iho secret of making the pocuiiui red d.v o for these varments has boon in ttio possession of a tlrm in ISoUium who.-io head u u 1'ioU'htant tnorchunt Ux-benator Hdmuuds provided at tbo llplscopal conpiess whoso scsblons began in Washincton Mniul.n , ami among the aiiiu of distinguished o'luichmon who sut bencjtli hi gavel were Dr * - . D. McConnell of I'hllu- delphm , tleneial , loseh ] H Andeison of Jticlimoiid , Vn , and Dr. Ddwin llanovoi _ of NowIIavon. Ml , Udinniids has for jeais neon a consistent atteiulanton theseiviccsof the Episcopal ohuich , and in dignity of demeanor meaner and gravity of habit is admirably JHtrd to pitisido over the dollboiatlons of Its delegates. . Small in sire , gioat in losults ; DoWitt's Llttlo Harly Itisuis. Best pill for conHtipa tion , best for sick headache , host lor sour stomach. Dr. Binioy cutcsi'itivri-ti Bcc.b'dg. ' . Mrs. Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream IH nul HOOHiiKitlo III tliu M iimln nhlc'i Unit turiu la | iiiiiiliirly ) iiM'il , lint | ornianiMit y l > Liiiitllli < 4 It croittua u Kfl aiUDutli , olt iir viho ) nltlu. und Oy dully uM > Kniiluul ! ) iniikOH llio i < in i u\l in tjti r il Hluulis uhliiir U Ua tiin-Ui it iirun tllnii iruni tliu ul'o t uf Mill mil ululivnl | jrii\im ? viiiiliurn null frt tkloH uu 1 b tiotht u lh willnu\4u LII liulilu VDU a-o U II i loimwvs Iliu IHCD fur liut'cr limn K > i | > uml tvalir iiiiiirl liU4iiiiil lunl l up HID ekln tNHiiitt mill llMiHiruvunln | llio formuUnn ol wrliiklin linhii. HID lrotlini ! , louni'i' ' * mil KIIHI tun 11 of fhlu Hint > ou liuil wliun IIUlu tilrl i' < it rlu ly , yinum ur ul I uilk'lit I" iiw It unit irl\u > H nioru yi-iublul iippimi untu luunr In l > , nn I that iitrniiiiiuiitly It uiintalu liu mill , iinnilurorulkiilt anil U us ImrmlOM HI ilt-ir mill us nuHihliln'to tliuHklii umlnw U lu tlui lluwur 1'iicu * 1 u > , Ak yuiir LrunKln tur it. H.VMI'I.C IKHTI.i ; iiuilluil frou tu 1111 } lullon r culpt of 10cuils In MIIUI | > to | i ) Jcir jiutliuu and puking l.a.l ) AiL'iil" wuntul. vnis ( iuuMSi IIIIVIIVM "lie.ialy Do.lur , mi Toil ' Irott , "Min Kriintld to. > < lii > riiinii \ VliConnull , Mn 1 U l'lirnllni | I'D ip'ti ' t Di ilk I " . I U liiriui ) , liiinis 1 nrvytlii I I r Hillv ( .u ] , IH'U | \ I mill' . J W. VS J Iliiulitm , iii ur > llnusu I'liiiriiiu y , ' H luniUi : M r MUM.'t ( u , Kulin \ i " I iiokun I'tiirtmii ) , mil In Lniutll Illull * hy A l > I ii'tiir , J ( lu liivun.ilui M lluvlx. UiclniriUun UniKCo. , nlmlo tlo a , ' ul , tliiiiilni N , M , RUDDY , THE ONLY PRACIICAL OP1ICIAN SI'i ' Li > ulh 1 itli ! iiuinisi | iioati I ETES TESTED PI4EB ( , iis-i i I ill ( I iii n i ( ty nil ' fi its cf ' li Kit'lit Mi u ojiii t u li h DI tu u ni nt nud iiuulity il : iinl nit Mlllil ( ( ill ! .SpC'ltlU'li'H mill l' } ( > Kl.lhM ) < | tl 1 mid upw I I II U mlt pitI I pliufli In KIII- II I i "in t j miiiu I ij ut rt Ltntud AKTIFIOIAt , HUMAN KYES INSEUTBD ,