Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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liy Cnrrlcr In ony purl of IlioCltj
HuMnr .sOnicc . No. 4
Kor | | , . No.S
N. V. P. Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Cr H' chnltcl loans. 201 Sapp block.
Invitations nro out for n curd pnrtv nt tht
rcf Idcnco of Miss Mary MuMillonon Thanks
giving ( 'Veiling.
II. H. Iilll wns sditoiiced to thirtyflv
Onys in tlin umnly Jnll In police court ycster
day morning tor tliu larceny of some clutli
UK.A clmttol mortpngo was plvoti by tb
Mueller Musto company yesterday In favo
of the linn of Hardmun , 1'ocU ft Co of No\
York for f'.l.-KKl.H.'i on nil tlio stock , account
and flxtmcs of the company subject to Ui
llmrnortpiuro Klvcn In favor of the Counsl
lilnfTs HnvltKs bank.
Mr , and Mrs , Ncal , who llvo at the corno
of Jlrondwuy and Sixteenth street , slnto tha
their daughter has not boon nway from hum
for several weeks , and that she has nove
had iiny improper relations with n Kotitl
Omaha saloonkeeper , as tris boon charged
They also deny ever having inailu any state
mcnts to the contrary.
Prof. Kilos 1C. Hnraka' , a native of Syria
will lecture nt tlin Korean llnptlst church
corner of Third avenue ami Hovontcentl
street , Sunday and Monilav " evenings 01
"Life In Syria and tu > pt. " The costume :
of the nntivps will bo exhibited and the man
ncrs of this eastern people will bo describee
In an interesting style
A plan Is bulnu formed for the raisins o
Hubscrintloim among the school children tc
nsslst the worthy poor of the city during thi
comlni ? xInter. . Offerings of clothtiifr am
provisions \vlll bo received and alstrlbutei
miiotiK the niicdy. The plan has not bcoi
pet , but It Is thought It will bo put Into oner
iilion In the coin so ot the next week.
The Carnival of Seasons was holil at tin
Masunlo temple last ovuning , under tin
nu&piccs of thu First Methodist church
An elaborate program of musical sclcc
lions and recitations was presented , ant
icfrrshmcnts wore served to these wht
wished , 1 tooths were erected representing
the vatloiia seasons , and articles appropriate
to cacti were on salo. The uttemlanco was
good and U.o patronage excellent.
Peter .feison and John .Sitnonson , twc
workmen in the now house of Uobort Me
Kln/ic , neattho Chautauqua grounds ,
fell fiom the second story of the
house by the breaking of the scar
fold Thursday. Simonson was seriously in
jured about the bead and it was at first
feaied that bin ttkull was fiactured , but it iv
now thought ho will recover. Ha was
moved to his residence on Tenth avenue.
The other man was considerably shaken up ,
but not senously injured.
"Bolievo mo if all these enduring
young' charms" as sung by pretty Jessie
Fortune and li/.okiol Fortune in "IJIflj'ry
Farm" IH worth the price of admission.
Hear it Tuondny ni ht at Duhanj 'a.
Now Ilriuly.
Our monthly ma a/.ino , entitled
' FiibhiotiB for American Women , " ie
now ready. Send for ono or auk for one
wliile at our store.
iios'ioN STOIM : ,
Council IMulTs , la.
in " ' Farm"
Tlie balcony scene "lliclc'ry
is Ilio most liiugrlnililo tiling you ever
saw. Lawrence MoKoogau as Romeo
and Mrs. Priscilla Dodge as .lulietaro
lino. Sou them Tuesday night.
l'iiiSU.\AI , 1' lllAOlt.ll'llS.
Frank Hollenboek Is In Uos Mollies.
Hon. Smitu McPherson of Ked Oak was
In the city yesterday on legal business.
Miss Flora ICr.unor of Ureston Is in the
city , the guest of Mrs. T. J. Carothers.
William Sweet of Chadron , Neb. , is the
eiiast of U. C. Cully , 2ta South Flrststreot.
J. F. Kvans has gone to Mobile , Ala. , on
business. Ho will go to Texas before returnIng -
Ing home.
Dr. P. II. Montgomery was called Thurs
day night to Beaver Dam , Wis. , by the seri
ous Illness of Cert Stacy of this city. Ho
will return early next week.
Miss Carrie Stevens is expected to return
today from a visit to Kentucky. After visitIng -
Ing friends lieio for a day or" two she will
return to her homo in Pasadena , Gal.
Charles Lincoln , city ticket agent of the
Milwaukee , has been promoted to the olllcc
of assistant passenger and ticket agent with
headquarters at Omaha. Ho will take up his
now dotics December 1 , but \\111 reside in
this city until spring. Who will bo his suc
cessor is not known.
Mayor Fried and the council committee on
sewerage of Fremont , Neb , , WOIQ in the
city yesterday on a tour of inspection.
They are contemplating puttinc In a'suwnga
system , and they were shown thu workings
of the system of this city by Alderman Cas
per and City IStiglnoorTostovln.
Miss Pauline A. Stein of the Chicago
Ladies quartette Is a former resident of the
Iilulls. She is the daughter of Dr. Herman
Stoln , n drugcist and physician of the early
days. Miss btoin was tha recipient of many
compliments for her beautiful voice , and un
doubtedly hrs a bright future before her.
Hon. John Y. Stone , who has bean Wash-
InL'ton , D. C. , for some time past
on biuinosR in the United Stales supreme
premo court , will stay there un
til after the meeting of the re
publican national committee next Monday , ut
which time It is expected the place of holdIng -
Ing the republican convention m 189'J will bo
decided upon , Mr. Stone was a member of
the committee for twelve voars , nud his opin
ion will have coiiHiderablo weight with the
members. Ho will put lu his best work for
% m
Ladies , tills is important : The 20 per
cent discount bale that Miss Ragsdnlo is
giving at tier millinery parlors oiTors
you the best opportunity you will hiivo
this scaton to got line millinery.
Bordeaux , Imperial pints , tnblo ollvo
oil , 7Jo ( at Sload's grocery , opposite
Ogden house.
Swnnson Music Co. , M asonlc templo.
Call telephone 120 when you want the
tlncbt groceries in Council UlutTs. City canned goods , llncst in the
world , only at Stand's , 101 Broadway ,
opposite- Ogden houso.
School nt Cut-On" .
Some time ago the Hast Omalm Land
company olTored to build a school house
at ICaut Oinnha provided the school board
of Council llluIT3 would furnish a icachoi.
The offer was rejected by the board
und nothing was itono towards giving tlio
people of that vicinity and school ad-
vantges. The company th reupon went
to work to build u school of Its
own , and last Wednesday It was
utarted up , wltr an attendance of thirteen ,
The house Is located as far to the west as
possible , .so that only ttioso who are em *
jilovod In the sorvlco of the company
ii'id who llvo on ( ho company's prop
erty cnu send their chlldron. A rule
has also been adopted forbidding any chil
dren but these of the company's tenants
from attending. There are about sixty-live
chlldron of the school ago on the Island , so
that about llfty are uoprlved of school priv
ileges altogether.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , SO Ponrl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
1-15. High grade work a specialty.
Beautiful bamboo easels 60o for ten
days ut Chapman's , 15 Poiirl street ,
A sot of books to wrlto up and monthly
noeounts made out. evenings. Address
W , Bee Ollloo.
Kindergarten In rooms next to Y. M.
O. A , . Merriam block. Experienced
teachers. Uutos very low ,
Mysterious Movainonti of the Northwester
Railway Oompany
Union Ilcnnt Association May Ncvc
Carry Out IIH Pinna , but tlio
City Will I'rollt by
the Itcfltilt.
The Northwestern Itnllxvay company ha
been busily engaged for some time past I
clearing Its grounds of the warehouses o
local firms. Vim Brunt's anil llcobo's build
Inirhiivo been moved to West Broadway und i
Is stated that the company footed tha bill
for the work. It is supposed that all thi
means that during too coming year th
Northwestern cumpnnv will erect a locn
depot on its grounds on Broadway. Such
move has been talked of for over i
year , but It was nut oft l s
spring on account of bard times , am
as n further reason It was stated that tni
members of tlin Union Depot company hai
Induced the railway comp my to put off tin
begit'inng ' of active operations for a time
lor that if the erection of the loea
depot were begun It would forever sound tin
the death knell of the union depot project.
It Is no\\ regarded us a pretty well dc
tennincd fact , that the aforesaid knell wa
Rounded some time ago , and thutCounci
Bluffs only hope is in getting the ncvera
companies to put up now local depots , am
call the matter square. From ofllcial source1
it Is leunioit that large appropriations wen
made at a recent meeting of the directors o
the Northwestern for improvements all aloni
the compnry's line between this city am
Chicago. An npuropriution was made foi
work at this point , but just how much wll
bo invested cannot bo learned hero. Tin
purpose of thu appropriation , it Is said
is to build a local passenger and froighl
depot nt the present location , i'heso plans
nro and have bean for several months in tin
hands of the ofllcinl engineer of th (
road , and it Is said tnat UK
cost of the proposed passonge :
depot will bo between S.W.UOO and ) ,000
Just when the making of the Improvement !
will bo commenced Is not known , but tlu
local representatives of the company do not
look for a long delay. It Is prubablo thai
work will bo commenced in earnest beloit
next spring.
Hold on a minute. Look at these
prices , and > -co what an immense amonn !
of groceries you can got for a littU
money at Brown's C. O. D. Prompt Jo-
livery and guaranteed goods. Hlfi Broad
way , Council Bluffs.
'JIl Ibs granulated sugar $1.00
SllbsoxtiMC sugar 1.00
! ! 0 Ibs Now Orleans sugar 1.00
Tomatoes , per can 8
Corn , per can 7
Table peaches , per can 11
Pits peaches , per can S
Apricots , per can 15
Sardines , per can 5
Peas , per can 5
! i Ibs oatmeal for f , 5
1 Ibs rico for 25
Buclcwheat Hour 4
Aunt Sally pancake Hour. 10
Self rising buckwheat , packairo 10
'J0-b ! pail fruit jolly for : , : >
Apple butter 71
Mince meat 7 '
Arbr.cklo & Ocnnu coffee , package. . . 2 ( )
Picnic hams 71
Dry salt bacon " j. . 3"
Bologna sausage o
Plgsfcot o
H Ibs lard a- ,
Sauerkraut , per gal 20
Lewis lye , can ] n
Scrubbing lye ° 5
10 bars good soap . 23
Starch , per pound 5
Plug tobacco 20
Smoking tobacco , 15
Bulk oysters , quart ' ' 30
Choice family Hour , sack . . . . 83
BROWN'S C. O. D. ,
Council Blull's.
IH SOOO ( ) < > Knoiigli ?
Since the city council has decided to lay
the question of voting bonds for the erection
of a city hall before tUo people at the spring
election , the question Is being asked whether
the amount decided upon by the
council will bo enouch. The coun
cil , In its resolution passed some mouths
ago decided upon fCO.OOO as a sufllcient
amount to carry out the desired project.
This resolution was adopted , however , bv a
vote of only four to three , these opposing it
doing so fiom n belief that the amount would
not bo enough to erect n hall which would bo
a credit to the city , nor would It contain suf
ficient room for the needs of the future.
It Is urged that the only way In which this
amount could bo made to do the required
work would bo to keep the location of
: ho hall the sumo as at present , and us
there is a great deal of opposition
manifested In certain quarters to having
the hall so far up town , it Is an open question
whether the city would not bo compelled to
use a largo shuro of the amount In procuring
a now location for the building , thus cutting
down the amount , to bo used in the buildmir
There is not much doubt that the proposi
tion to tsbue bonds will bo carried If it
is presented to the people , oven with
, ho stipulations as they are at pres
ent. It Is understood , however , that between
low mid election an effort will bu made to in
duce the council to rescind ita former action
ana Increase the amount to bo issued to $100 -
000 , or possibly tl'3,000.
George S. Davis , druggist , 200 Broad
way , has the loading drug store in the
eastern part of the city , and is taking
-ho lead this year in holiday goods.
I'lioro will not bo a liner or larger dis
play of the beautiful holiday novelties
.11 tlio city , and his handsome establish
ment will bo the headquarters for Santa
Chuis this season.
Hotel Gordon is first class. $2.00.
The finest erado of boots and shoos at
Morris' , (1 ( Pearl street
\V. S. Balrd , attorney , Everett block.
lUoctinjr of tlio Hi
The Western Iowa Hortlculturalist
association will hold a thrco day's session m
; hls city , beginning December t > .
it will bo tlio annual meeting of
the association , and delegates to the
lumber of 150 or more arc expected to bo
present from all over the western part of the
stato. A number of outsiders will also bo
ircsunt and participate In the exercises.
An effort Is being made to got reduced -
duced rates on nil roads , on the cortitlcato
ilan , so that each ono will gat a ccrlltlcato
vhon ho gets his ticket that will enable him
0 tuko advantage of the reduction , G. It.
Whculor U the chairman of the local com-
nittco , and will furnish particulars to these
desiring them. Programs and premium lists
sro being sent to all the members , and can bo
1 ad by ethers on application.
A meeting of the i'ottawattamlo County
"Yult Growers' and Gardeners' association
vlll bo bold this afternoon at U o'clock at the
court houso. Full arrangements will bo
n ado for the December meeting , and It Is desired -
sired that every member bo present ,
Plush chairs from $1.75 up ; bed room
suits from $10.60 up ; wire springs , $1.40 ,
it Morgan's , 710 Broadway.
Furniture , carpets , stoves at cost , at
klaudol & Klein's. Jan. 1st wo quit
business. _
Una III of MI-H. Uoetl.
Mrs. Nancy M. Ucod died Thursday ovon-
ng at the residence of her daughter * , Mrs ,
Icorgo Downs of Neola , whom she had been
lading for the past few days. Mrs. Heed
vas the guest of her son , W. B. Hoed of this
ity , up to u short time ago. and their luteu-
loa was that Mr. Heed should accompany
UU mother back to her homo lu the ctiil lor a
h ort visit. All preparations had been raadi
for the departure , and they were abou
to start for the east , when Mrs
Heed \\M tnkun with an ntthcK of paralysis
In Miltoof the efforts of the pbyslcans Mi
continued to prow worse , nnd ho
death occured Thursday evening. Sh
was ( W years of ago , The funeral wll
take place this morning at It o'clock , fron
the residence ot W. B , Heed , ai'i Scot
street. The pall bearers have boon solccloi
from former residents of Ohio , und will bo
W. C. Jnmci . H. D. Harlo , H. U Shepherd
B. A. Troutman , J , J. Stewart and W. F
Sapp , jr. _
Funeral of Mrs. Hcno.
The funeral of Mrs. Adolph Bono tool
place yesterday altornoon at her Into rosl
donco , corner of South Fourth and Ploro
streets. The house was completely Illlod will
friends who had coma to pay tholr last res
poets to the dead and to extend tholr sym
pathy to the living. A solemn and approprlati
sorvlco was conducted by Hov. T J. Mackav
formerly rector of St Paul's church , o
which the deceased was a member. Musli
was furnished bv Mrs. M. A. ICIngsbury am
Miss Jessica Jackson , with I ) . B. Sims a
the piano. C. P. Shepard , U. J , MulIU , A
Biershloin , W. A. Gronowog , W. II. Thomas
and Judge W. I. Smith officiated as pal
bearers. The floral emblems were very line
especially "Tho Gates Ajar. " presented hi
the clei-Ks In the store of John Bono A
Co. At the close of the exorcise :
the remains woio taken to FalrvioM
romctery , followed oy u largo number o
friends , Tlio grave was lined with roses
and as the body was lowered Into It It wa ;
inorollko laying the dead away to rest in :
bed of ( lowers than In the cold ground.
Tlio tntiiffiuls will introduce a numboi
of "Specialties" of their own It
"Hick'ry Farm"Tuesday night.
Apply at St. Joe house , Council BluiTs.
if you desire to purchase cheap for caul ;
hotel and bar furniture and fixtures.
IIous-o for rent.
The great sale of winter goods which
the Boston Store , Council Blulls ,
started Saturday last , has been n
phenomenal success. It would FOCIII
that all the ladies and gentlemen in
Council Blu-tTs and surrounding country
were availing themselves of the induce
ments olTored at this sale , from the
crowds wo have had the last few days.
Uolow is what wo have to ollo'r in
dress goods during this sale :
Lot 1 : UJ-inch wool plaid droxs good" ,
worth IJOc , during sale at 25c.
Lot 2 7o pieces of our oddfi and ondfi
in all wool goods , including olio all wool
Inids , GSe serges , nnd ( ic ! ) fancy serges ,
in ono lot , during sale at ! ! 7ie a'ymd.
LOT It All our pattern dress robes
from ? o.OO to $2.5.00 , at half price a
good deal less than they cost to import.
LOT 1 All wool stripes in black and
colors , flannels that sold for IJIlc , 80o and
loc ; all in ono lot for this nalo at 2oo a
All wool hoiirietlas and French serges
that sold for 58c , 02Jo and 05c , reduced
tor this sale to 52jc.
( i'Jc ' BARGAINS.
10-inch figured honrietta- > that sold for
8-H- . during thin sale < > 5e.
40-inch line Austrian hcnrietta , former
price 8c , sale price 0c. ! )
IB-inch French twilled serge , 80c
goods , sale price OUc a vard.
10-in. heavy ca-ihmoro that sold at OOc.
18-in. India twills that sold at ! )5c. )
18-in. Mohairs that sold at $1.00.
10-in. fancv Bedford cords that sold at
10-in. figured Sebastopol cloth , satin
stripe , that sold at $1.00.
All the above in one lot at 77ic a yard.
$1.12 } bargains. Our $1.50 silk warp
henriettas , our $1.3 ! ) line Hindoo twilla ,
all our line wool henricUas that sold for
81.50 and $1.75 , our line hair cord stripes ,
all as above , sale price $1.12 } .
Folheringhain , Wliitelaw & Co. ,
Council Blurts , la.
Store open every evening until ! )
o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock ,
II. V. Slead , the popular mail carrier ,
lias purchased Mullis & C'o.'s grocery at
104 Broadway.
Now fall goods , finest in the city , at
Reilo'-'s , tlio tailor , 310 Broadway.
New Implement \Vareh MISC.
E. A. Wickham will erect a largo brick
warehouse at the corner of Main street nnd
Tenth avcnuo. The dimensions of the uuild-
ng will bo 00x150 foot and lour stories high ,
and it will bo used as a warehouse by the
WolrShugartcompany.who have leased it fern
n term of six years , to take possession as
soon as completed. The present quarters of
the company huvo boon rented for only six
months , so that It is rrob.iblo that by spring
, ho company will bo m their now quarters ,
\lr. Wickham has gone to Chicago , and as
soon as ho returns work will bo commenced.
The wholesale implement firms of this city
ire branching out lu all directions , and all
ndlcatlons point to Council Bluffs' becoming
n the near future ono of the greatest imple
ment cantors in the country.
Remember that "Iliek'ry Farm" is. to
) o given lor the bonolit of St. Francis
Xavior's church. Hear it Tuesday night
ind while you lauch enjoy the thought
that you are helping a good catibo ,
Tin : int. .
Tin : Bui : BUIIKAU OK CI.VIMS In Washing
ton has done a good work for the residents of
this section in attending to the claims arising
under the Indian depredations act. It has
saved those who have taken advantage of Its
offer from the unconscionable charges ot the
regular clnlm agents , and has benollted tbo
ethers by forcing the agents to demand only
moderate foes In ardor to got business. Thu
long delay ever the passage ot the not had
given the claim agents time to niako con *
tracts tl\ut would give them the lion's shuro
ot the appropriation. Many of the claimants
hna uoon Induced to sign contracts guarantee
ing the agent from one-third to ever M ) per
cent of the claims In case they were allowed.
The depredations act umuillod these oxtor-
tlonatu contracts and sot the limit of agents'
fees ut 15 per cent , to ho increased in certain
cases to "o per cent on the order of the court
of claims.
Hut so many complaints were made of the
action of the ngonts , anil HO many inquiries
for a reliable agent were sent to this olllce ,
that It was decided to establish n bureau
under the direct charge of Tins IIKB to pro
tect Its subscribers and clvo thorn the buno-
11 ts of Iho law at the lowest possible charges.
The bureau has more than instilled Its es
tablishment. It has attended to the claims
of a largo number of the sufferers bv the In
dian rnlds Iu the woat. It is doing tha work
ut G to 1J per com , taking In nmny Instances
only the actuul cost of pushing the claim.
As most of thosn who lost their property
through the Indian raids are persons ol
small means who could not goto Washington
tlianuolvoi , the establishment of the bareau
where they can bo certain of exact and Just
treatment has renchod these who need It
The persons who have suffered losses | fro in
the Indians slnco Juno 1 , 1MK1 , will do well
to romonibor , however , that tbo time within
which claims can bu presented Is limited. If
they are not put In within tha unpointed
time tnoy are forovur oarrod. Moreover the
court of claims goes on the plan , "tlrst como ,
llrst served , " and it behooves sulTerorn to
place tbclr cUi us before the proper authori
ties at an early date.
Tlio contracts made before the passage of
tbo act huvo as stated , been annulled by con-
gross. It U therefore necessary for olalm-
nuts to inn no now contracts or arrangements
with their agents , and they are loft free to
migugo now agents It they are not satlitlcd
with tboso they had ongnged before. This
will enable them to niako much moro favor-
dblo terms fur themselves than were bad
whllo tbo passage ot the act was ( till lu
TUo bureau boa received the Indorietnent
of all the congrcsiuicn and officials who have
anything to do with the subject ot claims ,
A letter from IfiTp'roscntntlvo Herman 01
Oregon , chairman ot the committed on Indlat
depredations , has already been published Ir
behalf of the bureau , and similar expression *
have come from dhcrs. If any subscribe !
requires such scrvlccs'und h in doubt where
to apply , ho will find the address of TUB But
Bureau ot Claims In the advertising columns
The organization the now court of Inw
claims nt Denver la , t month nnd the nn
nouncomont that \\\t \ \ > court will bold ltsllr <
session In that city on tlio 17th of Novomhoi
give promtso that the long-voxod titles in thi
western territories and stnto will soon bo Ir
n fair wnv to sottlomonl , The disputed tltloi
under the Moxlcan nnd Spanish grants have
proved especially troublesome In Arizona nut
Now Mexico. They have delayed sottlomoni
nnd investment In some of the lalrost land ;
of the southwest , nnd hnvo proved annoying
In the districts further to the north. Aftoi
much ngltatlon nnd complaint congress wn
Induced nt the last session to provide a courl
for the consideration of this tnislncsa , nud 11
vlll soon begin to work.
The organization of tbls court gives Tin :
fine Bt iinti , nrCi.mts a'chanco ' to extend Its
usefulness. It will take claims under this
law and prosecute thorn for persons who do
not know whom to engage for the service.
The business antrustod to the bureau In
Washington Is being prosecuted witti energy.
The Indian depredations , patent , land
mining nnd other claims , boforu the courts
nnd departments nro being pushed ns rapidly
ns possible , with no delays on nccunt ot the
largo nniount of business which has been sent
to the bureau. The larco amount of claims
ntrusted toils carols n standing pioof of xho
esteem and conlldenco In which Tin : Bin Is
hold by the public which U serves. It is llko-
wlsc n demonstration , if ono was required.of
the need of such nn orgaiilzntlon.
Tbo revelations in regard to the Loomis
agency which have been published recently
goovon further In the snme direction. When
n man sought for by the pollco for nearly n
year on n warrant for embezzlement can setup
up as n claim agent , Hood the western coun
try with circulars mid receive assignments
for several million dollar's worth of claims ,
it appears Unit there Is little protection for
the claimant whosonds to an unknown repre
sentative. The men who assigned their claims
to I oomis would have had small chnnco of
their seeing any of their money If that
scliauicr boon given time lo collect their
claims. When such risks nro run nnd men
who are not ahlo to go to Washington and
know no ono there must hire their attorneys
at haphazard , the need for n bureau to pro
tect tno people and do their work at reason
able rates Is appai cut.
The approval with which Titr. Bnc enter
prise Is iccclved by journalists nnd public
men Is ns gratifying as the response of the
llcudlinn in Ilio Grande do Sul Mnk-
ir Miich NniiiR and Ijlctle I'ro resM.
| Co vrl'jMnl mi t > u jama Onriton H-/ni / . |
V LPAiui'to , Chili ( via Oalvoston , Tox. , )
Nov. 20. [ By Mexican Cunlo to the Now
york Herald Special to Tun Bnn. |
The insurgent committee at Porto Ale-
gro , the capital of KloUraudo do Sul ,
Brazil , bus sent circulars to all the
garrisoi commanders and Intcndeutes
throughout linml , in the name of the pro
visional junta , asking each of the parties ad
dressed to join the movement against Dicta
tor da Foiibcco.
The squadron In the tapper Uruguay river
Is said to ha 'o gene ever to the Insurgents.
General Assorio , who was chosen chief of
the military forces of ( ho junta , is now re
ported to have declared , that bo will not sldo
with any party , as his only aim is to dofoud
the constitution and overthrow the dictator.
Dr Assiz Bru7il is said to bo on his way to
Montevideo , to ask the government of Uru
guay to recognise thojnsurgents. Tno rebels
are reported to bo receiving largo numbers
of rifles , swords and pistols.
Unto Anarchy.
LONDON , Nov. 20. Tun Exchange Tele
graph company has received further advices
from Rio Janeiro this afternoon. According
to these the condition of affairs tbrougbout
iSrazil is rapidly growing more critical.
Everywhere discontent and dissatisfaction
with the piosont regime ore becoming more
pronounced. Instead of tranquillty and ac
quiescence In Fonseca's assumption of dic
tatorial power there are vigorous opposition
and increasing agitation. In general terms ,
the political condition Is described ns closely
bordering on anarchy.
In spite of the efforts of the government to
reduce Klo Grundo do StU to obedience by
force of arms or to win its nllcglauco by
concessions , it Is now generally admitted at
Ilio Janeiro that the state will adhoto to its
attitude of opposition to the dictator. It is
believed that the state will bo strong enough
to maintain its independence , as reports
from theio show that the provisional junta
is well supplied with funds and is daily in
creasing tlio effective strength of its army.
The Exchange Telegraph company's dls-
' . further declares that Fonseca's death
i probable at any moment. Though it is
known that Fonseca is 111 , this statement is
not supposed to rotor to death by natural
causes. It is takou to moan that there Is ex
treme danger from assassination or a sudden
and powerful uprising , incensed by the oppo
sition , who will overthrow the present regime -
gimo and make away with its head.
Death Itoll.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Nov 20. Isaac H.
Dillor , ox-consul of tbo United States at
Florence , Italy , died hero today , aged 72
iNiiUKA , Pa. , Nov. 20. Judge Silas M.
Clark of the state supreme court , died this ,
liookH AVcro neeolvlnar.
COI.U.MIIUS , Nob. , Nov , 20. [ Special to Tin :
Run. | Chief of Pollco McFoggerl arrested
John Konlp this morning , an Innocent look
ing lad who lives in the northern part of the
county , for forging signatures to a note. Ho
will have a picliminury hearing tomorrow.
'I wonty Uuil llngH Hiirucd.
Sioux CITY , In. , Nov. -Special [ Telegram -
gram to Tun Bun.J Twenty buildings In the
busluoss center of the town ot Corrcctlor
vlllo , la. , were destroyed bv flro this morn
Ing. The loss Is about tTfi.OOO. Among th
buildings destroyed Is the Limb block
Merchants bnnK , Oay Fletcher , fc Cotupnnj
Lyinan's millinery store , Uheubottom's hai
ness shop , Castle's Jewelry store nnd Hat
field's grocery.
Tin : i\inTt \ HI.
Tun Brtn Hfiir.AU or CI.UMS , In dcahni
with the claims arising under the Indlai
depredations act , hat been successful In pro
tectlng a largo number of subscribers am
others from extortion and loss. From com
plaints that hnvo como to it , hotvovor , it ap
pears that many of the claimants do not un
derstnud tholr position under tbo act. At i
time when there appeared to bo little ohanci
that congress would take up the claims o :
make any appropriation to pay them , thoj
filgno.l contracts with the Washington agents
promising from one-quarter to one-half thi
amount to Iho agent In case the money shouli
bo collected. In view of this extortion con Inserted a provision In the net annul
Ing all contracts and limiting thu agent1' '
commission to in or 20 per cent.
The claimants all probably undur.stnnd tha
the agent's commission has'been limited bj
tbo law , but many of them , according to tholi
own statoment-s , do not understand that thoj
are fieo to do as they plcaso about employing
thoagont they had first chosen. Th.w con
sluor that they are still bouiui to employ tht
agent with whom they signed thu exorbitant
contracts , , whether they are satisfied will
him or not.
It was the Itunntlon of congress to proton
them at all points and they were loft on tin
passage of the act free to do ns they pleasei
and employ whom they pleased. Section I ) ol
tha act stated : "That all sales , transfers 01
assignrients of any such claim * horctoforo 01
hereafter tnndo , except such ns have occurred
in the duo ( administration of decedents' os
tales , and all contracts heretofore inndo foi
feus and allowances to claimants' attorney ;
are hereby declared volil.
There could bo no mistake about the mean
ing of this. All claimants had to make now
contracts with nccnts after tbo passage ol
the net , and they were at liberty to emplov
any one they pleased. If they were pleased
with tho/cal and acts dI their first ii"onl
thov might make their now contract , with
him. If they weio dlssutlsod they mighl
choose any otiier agent that they pleased.
Those who have not Mgnod new contract ?
since the passage of the net may profit by
this to secure much better terms than they
could otherwise got from the agents. The
fact that Tin : Bri : Bi iu\i is doing the wort
for the bare exnciue involved has bad a good
effect lu moderating the charges of.all agents
to those who know how to protect them
selves. For these who distrust their ability
to cope with the claim ngotfts on tholr own
ground Tun IJisi. ; is always open.
f > VO C.llft J'U/t I'Hl.Ill Gil I/.Y.
Io\vn and .South Dnkotn Farmers
CryliiK for Uollof.
BUKUXGTON- . , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . ] "Although millions ol
bushels ot grain Vuvo been taken away from
Chicago eastward , wo don't seem to tool any
on tbo let up of blockade out here. " said a
railroad official today. "Tho roids are ox-
ertinc themselves to clear the grain , but It
pours in unceasingly and as fast as removed
by eastern lines wo choke Chicago up. Today
500 cars of grain ciosed the Mississippi for
Chicago from Iowa points , and the otllcials
nro advising farmers to store their grain ns a
possible solution to tbo situation. They will
have to crib their com for awhile at least , as
the moving of It will bo out of the question.
Wo could use to great advantage just now
5,000 moro cars and 100 moro engines. "
SiotxCirr. la. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to I'm : Bin : . I The car famine , in this
section is bceoiug severe. On the lines of
the Chicago , Milwnuiteo & St. Paul nlone
there were today sovonty-livo carloadsof
II vo stock waling to bo shipped to this point
for which there were no cars.
SiotFM.I , S. U. . Nov. 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIL. : ) This evening the
South Dakotti railroad commission started
for Chicago to secure relief from the tro-
tnendous blockade which exists iu the "Mo
ment of grain. Two hundred complaints
from as many towns report no cars , and
grain buyers have stopped purchasing. The
commission denies emphatically the state
ment of Iloswoll Miller , president of the
Milwaukee , that no car famine exists and
thov possess Indisputable evidence that it
will require ! i,200 cars to relieve the do-
mi nds now being mado.
Caught Under a Car.
MAIISIIAJ.I.TOW.V , la. , Mov. 20. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bun. ] Brakeman Thomas
Jester of this city was instantly killed at 10
o'clock today near Centorvillo on the Oska-
loosa tt Moravia branch of the Iowa Central.
The caboos.0 of u freight tram Jumped the
track and turned complotly ovor. Jester
was caught under the car and crushed to
Prominent Citizen Dead.
MISSOURI VAI.I.EY , la , , Nov. 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BiE.J John T. Baldwin ,
OHO of the Valley's oldest and most respected
citizens , died this morning. Ho was 00 years
old and born In Maryland. Ho came to Iowa
In 18.VJ. For several years ho has boon chief
boiler maker for the Fremont , Etkhorn &
Missouri Valley.
Paid Up Cnpltiil . $100,033
Oldoit omnnl70d bnnk Un th3 cltr. Foreign nnl
acme itlo ovclnnso nnd oail ocnrltliH Kspuolil
attontlon pnlil to collections. Account ! of InJIvla-
unls , bnnki. bnakcn anil corporation * sollclt'jj.
Corroipomluncoln vltod.
UEO. I * . BANh'OUl ) , 1'rosUlonU
A. W. HlliCMAN. : Caihl r.
A. T. HIGH. Aislitant C.-nliljr
Or Council Bluffs.
APITAL STOCK . $150,003
q I. A. Miller. R O. Olcason. R ti
Shnuart , C K. H irt , J. It. ndiiiiiiidson. Cliarloi
It. Hannan. Transact b.iuUIn busi
ness. Larxostoapltilaud aurpliu of any bane
In Southwestern low.t.
Great Inventory Sale of Carpets-IP
Tlio Council Bills 5
Will Sell at these Special Prices from now until January 1st , 1892 ,
NOTE rmi-ns. , . Norn NOTH IMtlor.i ) . NOTI , .
Axmlnstor , ir ulur v"rlcoJi''S. out price 11.74 , Taiimtry HrussoN , roRiiInr prlcu K.V , cut price
MuiiuiMU' , ruzular lirlco ( I.IV > , cut price tl.4'J ' , 5-c.
Viilvut , ri-'Kiilar prle ( ) fun. cut print ) tl.i. : . lnraliis't-ply ) , all wool , rcKiilur prlcutl , cut
VulMit. rt'Kiilar iirleo cut pnuo } | .l' ' . iirh'o lOo.
llody Itriissula. Illu'olow , regular price II..10 , Iiur.ilns , Airn , lOiiilar prloo ! l , out price Me.
out prioo $ ! . : . j InKraliis imra super , ro ular pi leu Kio , cut
llody HriihsulH , roRiilui1 prlvu (1.11 , cut pncu prleo 70u.
IiiL-raliiH all wool , regular price 80c , cut price
llody llrussclh ,' prloo Jl.3 , out price Hie.
II.10. L ' IiuialnnO f.ool lllur , ri'Kiilar prlcu 7.'C ,
Tapt-btry HiiissulB"JivKiilar price $1.10 , out cut lirlco mu ,
prloi' Wi' . InKraliiii union , ro ulur price .V > c , cut prlcu IVi
Tupuslry Hi iii- > eli , ruRiilar price liOc , cut prluo Ingriliis cotton , roiular prlci < 4llc. out pi icn IL'iu
71 * . Ingrains hump , regular price 'Ma , cut iulcoL'5o.
Call early and make your selection before best patterns arc sold
Special prices on Curtains , Portieres , Upholstery Gools ; , etc.
Prompt attention given to mail orders.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ;
Remain" During Which Paticnl
Can Avail Themselves of tli
Rate of $5 a Mouth for Treal
meiit and Medicines.
All I'tiliiMits llclup t'ni'cr Trciitineiil < i
Placing TlieiiiM'lu's rud r Tronliwi
IK'furc Dcct'iiilirT I. Will bf Tronli1
forsfouMonlli Until Cured-Meilleliu
31 r. Win. 3lrl'onl's Story Afte
na ( ! OIK > Drs. Ciiiolanil | anil Mansllcl
Ho turcil Him In Ili-allh.
"t noxor thoimlit I should h.ixv my mum * I
the paper , but ( he result of my tre.'ttmrn
n lib Dis. ( ' < > , i lund and Munslleld Im * lire
sui'li a surprise bntli to mvsolf and in
Mt'iuK that I leally ft-el It my duty to tell (
It '
The tponUer is Mr. Win -I'ord ITU !
HUM slieet 1'iinllinilir. , he M.ild ,
"I had been siK | un I IIIISIT.ihlellli ca
lanli for tliii'i' yens lull In the pa t I\M
VMIIIS I gu-w wiitmin uilildly. mid oveivthln
fiilh d M ) utterly to hotii tut' , Mint all hopeIcf
ma and I hud miiili1 up my mind that ther
was no use trying any longer
il. WM. McCOHD , 1711 South t'lth trcut.
"My head and nose wore clo ccd up and tin
matter dioppln ; ; Into my tliroat Kent mi
liawldiii and inlslnc all the time My Ihroai
was sore and Inllained Sox etc pilns woiili :
stait In the top of my hctul and miss down inj
"I hud u pulled up 01 bloated feelltm uftci
untliii ; . Wlint too I 1 look dm not digest , but
lay 111,1le.ul In mv stomach I had naliilta
tlon of ( lie heait. anil faint , d l//y spcllu wotf (
come over me. leaving me so weulc I could
baldly stand. My sleep HUH bioUon and rest ,
less and did mu no cooil. 1 would ai l-c InIn
inoniln'actually more tired ih.ui the nlxhl
"Tlio past two wlnteis I was attacked wltl
so\ere heinora lieuii. Aftei the Mist slcm ! ; i
sexoio eoujili' 'imo on and rein.lined. I was
unable to cet rid of It. Dull p tins \\ould tal.i :
mo in both luiu'sso bad somellines as to al
most take my hic.ith uwi > .
"I wa- . run down In MtieiiKth and to weak
.iixl misei.ible I mmle up inymlno l.istspihi
that thu disease hud
nosr TO MV i.r.Nds.
Then was when 1 cimi up all hope and de
cided tlioro was no use duiiiK any inoie.
' " ooii .iftcr that I huiaii reading of the suc
cess of Diopoland and Munslletd. New
liopc sprung up. Others lu my condition woiu
cuied. Why not un myself : uid tiy tholr sys
tem and n.etliod of troatmeutV
" 1 did KO. Today I am u well man. No tiace
of my old tioiibln lemain- . Can anyone blame
Mr. W. F. Cnllnliiui , the Well Knonn
Contractor , Iln lorscs I > i > . Coiclaad ]
and Manslleld.
"Over two years ape my tiouble bcKiin , and
I h.'iAcsucn many mNoiablc days and ulu'hls
since then , " s ild Mr. W. ! ' . t'.illuhaii , of I a ? S
. ' . "ith street "Mstomacli wiisin \erybadcon
illtlon and easily liritatcd.soiliut often wlmt 1
ate would bo thiowii up almost immuliatuly
'I'hcro won-pains In my stomacli and bowels
frjquenlly , und Hharp. shootIIIK pains would
taUe me In thu chest and under my shoulder
" 1 was always tiled and worn out. I hail no
unt'rcy or ambition luft. 1 was icstlcss and
uneasy ; not contented witli anything vury
lout ? tit a time. At dlllerent t mes I was
tioubled with uaUefnlhus- nl ht. but
Koiitrally was sleepy and diowsy. Itsuemod
like I could not irct slet p enough. Thobu hot
ind cold spells would come on mu onu after
"Indeed1 , I felt miserable all the time , and
it seemed I would nevei beany bettui. for all
the doL'torlnc I did and all the meillclnu 1
took did mu noxnod. After le.ullnKof inimer-
OUH eases slmllni to to mine that Dis. Cono-
liuul and Muiiblluld had tienlud successfully ,
1 miide up my mind to try theli system.
"Today those dlsaKieoublubyinptoms .no all
150110. 1 feel belteroveiy way ( ban I hu\o foi
several years , I am very thankful to Drs.
Copcluml und Manslleld.
What They Say Concerning the Success
of Drs. Cnpeland anil .Miinslk'ltl A
Well Knon Clergyman ( Jiu's His Ilx-
pcrieir c ( Ither To > tliiiuny.
HKV , It. C Swuiilc , of the Theological fcem-
inary. writes to Ir" ) . Coiielnnd und Miiiihllcld
is follows : " 1 talio incut measure In milking
mown to you tliut I huvo received Kreat ben-
illts from your treatment. Kor Iho yeura I
iiivu ueen alllleteil with catarrh of the head
mil thioat. which , nt times , was distressing ;
ndeed. In fact , luadlni : me to hellevo that I
niiHt chu up publle spoiiUlinr. I tried many
remedies but iccelved no relief until I came
o you , und I am lumpy to wrllo and Infoim
you that 1 am ontlicly cuicd , all my hymp-
ems of viitni rli Inn lim dlsnppeaied. "
M1IH. MKNA DOI.Ij , l.e.i\e"Woilli street ,
uys : "I am now entirely well no nmru
lo.iiluches , no IniwIJiiKor splttlna. and I feel
lexh und tested upon ails m ; In Iho moinliu' .
Wlioio all othuii. have failed. Dis. Copeland
ind Manslluld Inuo been suecc'ssfiil.uiid 1 can-
lot say too miieli for them , and to liny and all
will Kladly loiimit my story. "
MILS O I' . ANliUHJN. IW-'M Sowanl street !
' .My nose IH now clear , no mom IniwkliiK and
pitthiK , mi hoiu my neaduehos huro
eused and my uy 'M are us tionK as oviir. I
run now road the paperN. oven at night , und
eul like u dUTnrent ptirson. Too much prulso
uniiot ho clMin Dis. I'opolund und Manslleld
or their careful and consulontlous work In
ny e.ise. and I huarllly recommend them to
Mlt. ( i D. MiUKV.MAN : , If.lO Capitol avenue ;
'Dis. Coiidliiiid anil .Manslluld cuied mo , 1 feel
Ike a dlllerent man now buc.iuso I have no
norc heudueliu. nose clear , no huwklimaiu
pitting , appctlto KOO < ) . and last but nut least ,
ru my cars. 1 can positively say that I can
ow hear usuood us lie to HI my trouhio hcuan ,
nd I can not say too much for the wood m-
nltH Dm Copolund and M insllold huvo ac-
oinplUhcd In my easo. "
Mil sAMUIU.hMVTII. 710 South KltliHtreot
Iain the happiest man In thu ulty , ft ollni ;
hat I have found uli il I llion lil lost fonoer
-my uood hualth and aiiyono who known mo
an see that I um u well man ; I huvo no inoio
( Kill sweats : no jiuln It. the chest orHlioiildor-
liuiiesi I con ii no moro anil I am Kiilnlni : lu
sit uiury day. I cnnnot s iy too much for
hok'ood lli.s. Coielaiid | ami Munsllold liavo
ono In my cuse. "
Mil , JOHN MAI.ONi : . isni Smith I.Mil street.
1 heartily recommend Drs. I oioland | and
luiikllulirn triMluiftit as thu only treulmunt uvor gnvo n.o any relief , mid h ul I Known
t them sooner It would IIUVD biitud mo ytiurs
f HiiirorluK and much money
Koadlnu of tlio wonduifiil kiiccess of Urn ,
'opolunduml MAiiKllulil I thought I would try
iiht oncii moro to ho cured , and 1 um thankful
did , for they have uvuomiillshnd wondurxln
iy cusu , After trcutltif with thciu my nyiup-
ID-US have all tlNuiipeurod and I am a * well
ever I was In my life , "
.MISS DoM.V .ttl.l North
street : "Thu di ohurK from my no u Imn
ccaccd. my lumd Is clear and I have regained
my iippotltc ; dlKt'stuin uood , no morn puln
aniund the heart , and I feel like a dlffcront
penion , and can miy tliut Drs , Copulaml ami
.MaiKtlnld hn o restored to mo my former
s'ood hoilth. "
MISS LAIMtA ( lOOnilHAItT. ! IW ) Trskfn
street : I enumit do or nuv too much for Dr * .
lopi'lunil ' and MaiiHllold , for they have cured
cured mo nnd placed mu In bettor health k-on-
orully than I could ovtir hope for. "
MU. C. W. ro" , ilia North 42nd Mrpot !
"My head nnd no < to me oluiir , U-OIMI appetite ,
no more nUlit sweats , and my luni ; trouldo In
entirely relieved , nnd 1 liaxo no further fonr
of consumption. I can't say too much in
pralsoof Drs. Copolaml ami .Manslleld. foi they
lia o suioly saM'd my life "
Tlioli' Ci-nilntill > ! H.
Ashtis been s.ild , Dt. W. II. Copeliind w ,
in CM ( tent of his class at llellovuu Hospital
ModU'ul l'olloo. Now York , wheru ho urnd-
uuted. thu most famous Institution of Its kind
It. thu country. Ills diploma boars the written
cndnrsomcnt of the medical authorities of
New Vet K , ot the deans of prominent medical
colln.'cs In l'cnnylv.itila. . Dr. T. II. Manilleld's
cicdentlnls are no less ahundanl and uiuiual-
Illcd. Ho also Is formally indorsed by the sou-
rctarlcDof Vurlous lonnty und st ite meduMl
societies llotli Kcntlemen , after tln'iminh
hosp'tal ' cxiierlence and practice , luxe do-
Miti-il tlielr lives to tlio practice of their time-
ties with what success the columns ot tin )
dally papets show
idiiu mwuui
ROOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building1 ,
Cor. I Tilt and I'linnim Sis. , Onmlm , Ncli
u ; H , corr.L.iMt , .11. it.
T. II. .M ,4 . .VM.W. . It.
Consulting I'liys'i'Ian '
Specialties : C'.itanh and all dlxi'iis-iM of thu
Tye , Thinit and LinusNITVOUH Diseases -
oases , sUIn DlM'a-i-s , I'liroiili'DNc i ns Ollli'ii
Ilouis II ! o 11 a in , , U to 'i p. m , i toil p in.
Mindny Ul a m to I p m.
Cataiihal lioubii's and Ulndrnd iltsiMisoi
ticutt'd successfully by mull. Solid If lu
stamps for question clrrul.iriddnss ail
letters to ( . 'opi'lnnd Mcdli'.il Iiisiltnti. Ni'\v
Vnil , llfe lliilldlnK. Oiiiah i. Nub
\v / AXWD-l.Irl at boarding house Ili'ij
Mintli Mil street.
rOI'Ntl fn-sh mlk'h cow foi sale. Apply at
I'Ittoadway. .
KI'.X'I' 10 iieri's near elty. ( lood IIOIIM > .
st.iblo and well. Kent , Jl-'i pur VIMI Silt-
nhlofnriranlcii Apply to I.eoimid i\eiutt :
Counell It.nils. IM.
_ _ _ _ _ _
HKNT-.Woom house , with hiilh and
elty water , 'll.'i N. Mil street. l'rtles oc-
eup ) IIIK zolntf to bonidliig.
A NTHII Accident Insurance snllelliim
to wor\ ! fur home compimy. To com
petent , reliable ini'ii cMl.i Inducement ) * will
lieolUiiuil. ( nil in addiossL. II Thorpe , llotul
( ioidon , Council lllnlN.
I'or lent In Ilio'n bulldhii : . Miiln
and I'D. nl sticuts1 , liuvliii. all the latest
Impioxeincnts- , heated by Meant , elevator ,
closets , ole. Apply to. I. .1. Iliuun , or IturKo
, V Cus.idy , on nieinl 's.
A Dins and punlloim-n wanted for best ,
1 JsellliiK book In the world ; I > IK W.IKCS for
holiday trade , * 'l a day or i > 0 per cunt , ( ' .ill or
address U ) Kappell tt\e , oil Madison st
jr-irdi'ii lands , houses , lots and
business blocks for sale or lenl Paj .t
llis , ; i'i ' IVarl stioct. Council Hlull.i.
. . wishes to buy .1
MoeU of 01 boots an I shoes Will
put ari-iooiu house and lot In dm iha us p.irt ,
pay. O IIleo ! * ollluc. Council lllulM.
rnOIl SAlii : l'ineii-yeii-old : mare , woUMlng
J- about l.lUJor I .UK ) pounds. i-"i Ilio ulway.
full 8AIiH or muffs
nud Unialri , Stain elevator In coo'l iiin-
nltiK Older ; sliulllni ; cup.iuitr about 4tiO ( > Jiiisli-
clsdully. Hero Is u bamuln for some one. It.
I'.O'llcer ' , I- North .Main street , Ciiiincll
Council Bluffs , la.
T ! avui | K I'.HP JOB A ( II | Arrlvoi.
Traniforl Cnlon ) | _ [ l liilli ir mf r
loixTiTiu Kaniat LIU DiyTsxprui1) liJ p m
IU 15 pin ! KaniaiJJlrNli liM2 proi I 6.80 ain
"EiTivin ICIIH'AiiO , IIUUI/N A QUIN V i Arrlvui'
rnuuforl Union llopot ' nunrl ! HhiUi 11'rnnifor
1 > , ' 'I n ro . . . chUauo Kxpruii | li 40 ' pm
10 Ul p in Chicago Kxprim lUA'iam
TUi p ml . . . .iruilon Ujod . I 7 15 ata
i.onvoi i CIIIOAliO , It I A I'ACIMi. Ar-lv n
Trnnfur I Union llopot , t oiinrll Illnlli. 'lr mf _
1.VKVOI I " "oJiAlTX ASP i.oum i Arnv
Irnniluil Union Dor.ot , ( ounrll Mlnrti. " 11'riinifor _
J 40 p nij .htj.nul < ' anon llaU . lUIJjija
t , .10 p'Tu . . . " . " "NlBlil Kxpiuii 7. iHSTa fa
10 'Jl u in Allantlo Kxpltm 655 p u
IM | ijn Vvitlbnla l.lmltod iUU > p ia
I.envoi T "Hioiix rri'VA I'AI'IKI ' - . I ArrlvaT
Union lluiinl ( o moll III lit rl'ranifar
7.41 n in . .hloux I Uj"Aaconiuio lallon ilOU ) P M
tW p ml SU I'uiil Kxur - _ _ _ I V 40 a in
I,5aV Tri'H < JAT7oNOUTIIWKSChllN I Arr.v.i
I'raniforl Union l ) nol. louncll Illufft I'lrantftf