Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1891, Part two, Page 11, Image 11

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The Retail Trndo Ehowa Improveraont in
Some Lines.
TiniTolihlnit Trade of Omaha In Muuh
Hctlrr Condition Than Wan An-
tluliili | : > d lor Ilio I'rcHCiit
The retail trndo of Omaha , although show-
InK some improvement In certain lines , Is
only fair In others nnu r.ithor dull In n few.
The general condition , however , Is Improved
nml the outlook decidedly bright. The cold
simp of a few days nfio has stlmula'.oa the
movement of winter Roods and has opened tip
trade in these lines earlier than usual In this
part of the country.
As collections are governed by the condi
tions prevailing in trndo , an Improvement
will bo noted In some lines , while in others
dealers arc backward In meeting their obliga
As noted n week ao ( the jobblnc trade of
Omalm could hardly ho In bettor Tliapo. It ,
l.s bolter than wm Konorally anticipated for
this month , which Is saying n good deal , as
[ treat things were expected as a result of the
cbundant crops.
' 1 lie volume of business last month was In
ficnio cases hardly tip to expectations , but
this month it Is so far ahead of what was
ni.tirlpatacl that the grand total U most satis
factory to the Jobbers.
1'Voro some sections of the country como
reports that the farmers are too busy in their
corn Holds to visit the towns and that trade
la a little slow on that account , but this Is only
n temporary condition , which will disappear a
lit. lo Inter.
'J ho Jlnaiicial conditions prevailing In
Omaha have not materially changed slneo a
\\rck ago. The following will show the clear
ings for each day of the week under review :
M'.nduy . $ lU2.i'Ti.i : ' : : ) :
-lesduy os'.OlU.n'J '
Wednesday r.vrM1.2H !
Thnrsdiiy 8974 : ! ( ! 77
Friday 7HIill ! 4'J
Saturday 70IIS''J3 )
Total N.rOI,4'J9.4t
The Omaha gram market has been in
fairly good shape the past week as compared
with other markets. The receipts of grain
Blacked off n little during the earlier part of
the week , but picked up again toward the
close. The dlnicnlty in getting cars bas in
terfered with business hero to some extent as
wallas at other shipuing points. Every
thing appears to bo shaping itself for the
honcflt of the Omaha market and Its friends
feel moro oncourncod than over over the
At Chicago the wheat market during the
early part of the week had a downward ten
dency , selling as low as trj' ' e for December
nnd U'.M.jC for May , which is the lowest point
readied since" August before the
sensational bulga of that month. It
Imd a comparatively small rally
the last two days and closes nt about the
same ligures as last Saturday night. The
famous Husshin nkabo has at last oeen issued
ngalust the exportation of wheat but its
effect apon the market would seem to have
been discounted to a great extent.
Corn has ruled strong especially for
November in which option there is talk of
manipulation. The more deferred futures
have sympathized with the strength in this
option though tlio advance in them was not
nearly so great.
Oats were strong in sympathy with corn.
Proviblons were dull and prices about
steady. The receipts of hogs were liberal
for the past wcok with " 30,000 estimated for
the coming week.
OMAll.4 , Nov. 21.
Receipts were : Fifty-two cars of cuttle ,
] . . ! head ; nlnuly-nlno cars of bo s. 0.1)21 ) head ;
thirteen cars of sheep , : i.i2l ( head , and two cars
of horses , 02 head. The ro'-clpis for tin )
week foot tip 10.U02 cattle , 4 ( > .7i : ( ( IIOKS , 4,010
Blieop , iigalnst 17,147 cattle , 24.lll'0 hogs. 3,081
sheep last wcok and O.IXM cattle. 4U,411 hogs ,
ll.riSfl sheep the corresponding week last year.
OATTI.K ' 1 lie beef cattle ni.nket was lu very
bud shape today , hi the first plaeo the
quality of the meager oll'erlnzs was
common In the extreme. Add to
this the fact that the killers wcro
wr.ntlng very few cattle , and the condition of
the market Is not surprising. Tlio 't'hleaao
marliot has I.een bad all week and shippers
nio consequently doing noth'ng. ' Feeders
were Hat. nnd the oullooic for the common
cattle was blocked , n that direction. Hoof
cuttle have not sold so low for a yeiir , and the
worst pint of It Is that with the present light
di'iiiunil , which Is malii.y accounted for by the
extensive use of oysters and game , and with
nothing to supply that demand but the com
monest kind of ranuors anil Immature natives ,
there Is no ch.nco for an advance In values.
About the only life to thu market was In the
butcher stock lino. The fresh receipts added
to the holdovers made the supply about 25
loads. One piomlnent killer was doing virtu
ally nothing and the demand was only mod-
crate. Prices were generally a shade lower ,
thu range belntr from $1.00 to i-.M for poorto
Jintty good cows. Hulls showed little or no
chanse at il.U'i toU.'Jj. Calves wore In light
supply i > nil sold on the basis of $ : i..v > to ifl,7. > for
good veal und Jl.uu to SI.OO for "neither boot
nor veal. "
The stockcr and feeder trade was about us
slo'v as It gets. The pens are full of all but
peed to chok'o grades and several loads of
common HtulT have been held hero lu the
yards several days without even a bid. The
market Is simply jltit and prXetlcally dead. It
Is almost IniposMDlo to move the ordinary
grades at prices from 2Uo to We lowerth.ui last
week , tiood toeho co 1,100 to 1.2- > i-lb ) feeders
tire bllll nominally quotahlu at from $ . ' .T.'i ( o ! but by fur the greater number of the
cattle are Hulling from $2.00 to J--lu. Feeders
nro very cheap Just now , but considering tlio
pileea the so-called fat cattle are britulng
feeders , even at present nrlccs , are poor proo-
erly. Kepiesunlallve sales ;
o. Av. "I'r. No. Av. I'r.
\V , U. Junk.
1 staB. . . 1050 } | 50 80 recduH . 1011 J'J 25
4 feeders. . .1025 10) 8rfeodurs. . . SIS 345
11. U. t'arr.
1 htcor' . . . , . 070 1 75 1 Htcor * 1ISO 175
Ihteer" , . . . ll.'J ) 1 75 1 steer' . . . . 1050 175
11SJ I 75
Dan Uliiian.
1 feeder. . . . 1510 345 47 feeders. . . 105 } 245
DoiiKlas-W-S Co.
90rows . . . . I'lO ' 1 75
tlods-Tliorunot hogs was fairly liberal
today , HO ears , thu week's receipts being
nearly double thosoof last nook. I'lio ijunl-
Ity 11 n lur.'uly to lightweights , but there
worn fcuvorul loads of very good heavy hogs
lie 10.
A iiioderato shipping demand for Rood
heavy i.nd hutcher suilght luus caused the
miil.ol to open steady to .strong on these
trades with sales at from J.l.r to ( J.75.
Lluht and II- lit mixed hozs KOI | | about steady
ut from 1.50 to { .l. ( > 5. Karly trading was
active with fresh meat men and packers buy *
lliu freely. Toward noon , however , iho market
weakened and bids weio all of 5o lower than
yi'sieiday with -somesines5o lo lOo lower than
the early morning markot. It took prime hogs
lu uriug &I.U5 at tuo close and f.1-M to J..d' ' weio
poiiulnr bids. Klght or ten loads romiiluud
uiihold at the close. The range was UO to
M.N ) the bulk of the sales al M.OO to W.70 Iho
overage coat J3.012or : ) a shade lower ihan
yesterday. IteprCbcutatlvo bales :
No. Av. Sh , 1'r. Na Av. ( iti. I'r.
G7 ITS VVUtJtO 74 ' . ' 17 IU )
Sunup Fresh receipts wore I. ) cars. Teh of
them , however , were consigned thronih and
not olTcrod on the market. The remaining
three double decks wore pretty good Oregon
Mothers , averaging around 01 pounds. They
nold readily at tl.10 , The tirirkot Is firm.
Fair to good natives are quotable at * .l..riO to
$ ! . . ' > ' ) . western from $ ! .Si to * 1.2J. common and
slookers from ? 2. ! > 0 to l..r > ) anil Iambi from { U.AO
to 11,73. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r.
105 western wethers IH 4 10
no western wuthuM U ? 4 10
IHI western wethers 0. ) 4 10
UOl western wethers 101 4 10
Hcuolpti anil Dispo-titlon ol' Stouk.
Olllelal receipts and disposition of steak as
shown by iho bonks of Ilio Union Stack Vards
company , for the twenty-four hours , ending at
5 o'clock p. in , , November 21 , IM'JI ;
Cars. Cars. Head ( "nr Cars. 1 1 end.
U'J 0,101 1. )
Chicago Ijivi : Meek Mnrkot.
OHIOAOO , III. , Nov. SI. ( .Special Telegram to
Tin : llKi : . | The demand for cattle , if there
may bo said to have been any , wasof thu most
lodtrlclcd character. The present needs of
buyers had been fully supplied and they could
not be Induced to make further purchases
except nt a further reduction in
prices. About one-'ialf of the supply
was finally closed out at such prices as buyers
were irenorous enough to oll'er. C'loslns < im > "
tatlons are from 7.ic to J..W for Inferior to
choice cows , heifers and bulls , $1.50 to &I.4J
for stockcrs and feeders , f..7. " > to Jii.2. > for
dressed beef and shipping steers , f 1.5' ' ) to Jl.fiU
for western raniters , and jl. ID to i..OJ ) for Tox-
ans. Veal calves were In light supply and
were firm at from $1.7. > to Jj.OO.
During tlio lirst half of the week the market
was fairly llrm. but since \\ednosday the ten
dency has been most decide. ) I r In a downward
dliectlon. the general market bciiu from l.'io
lo 2.10 lower than It was at the close of last
week. The fal nre of sellers to hold up prices
w.isduo to Ilio fact of excessive supplies. Of
good cattle there were not too many , but
prices for that class were kept down by the
depression of the Inferior grade ? with which
the market was fairly deluged.o ! many com
mon cattle were never before thrown Into the
yiirils during a week In November.
Tlio wonder. " therefoie , is not that the
market declined to the extent above noted
but rather that It did not col.apse. Tlio ru-
celpt.s weio divided Into about M.UUO natives.
tl.tWO westerns and lli.UUJ Texans and the ex
treme ransoof bales was from Jl.UU to Utl.Ua for
natives. Jl 5) ) to I4.IIU for westerns and { 1.10 to
$ .I.1U for Toxans. Hundiodsof old cows and
bulls were closed out at from 81.2. ) to i 1.50 , and
fully 7. > per cent of all the cattle iccelved sold
below 81.30.
At the opening of business this morning the
hog market was < | tiito strong. Prime heavy
hogs sold freely at from U.U5 to JI.OO and J.1.UJ
to Kl..i. ' ) was freely paid for choice medium
weights , lint whatever of strength the
market may have show at the start had cn-
tliely disuppearo.i an hour later , trading after
0 o'clock having been done on a basis ot 'iu
oil. The eastern demand was light and local
packers had about all the stock they needed
for today's killing. Thu .olose was very weak
at from W.a'J ' to KI.05 for iioor lo
prime light , M.SU to W.UJ for me
dium , and * ! . ( > . " ) to J.'l'JS for heavy.
The demand for light wulghu was limited
and many droves of 15J to lhIb hogs wcro loft
In sellers' hands. During the week there has
been a doclinu of 20o In liL'ht and I Re In heavy
welcbts. One year ago the range of quotations
was from &I.4U to M.'JS , two years agrf , tJ.Ui to
SUC ; > , and three years ago , * . > .2. " > tofcUi' ' . The
present week has seen no Improvement In the
quality of offerings. On the contrary the pro
portion of light and medium weights was In-
The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE
Receipts , ; iOJO ; Hhliiments , 70) ) ; inaiket
slow. Sales , natives , $ . ' .O.Y > 2lul ; Texans , $ ; .4. > ;
westerns , tS.7.1 : cows , 8I.5@2.40. ! !
llons-Uccelpts , 2UOCO ; Hhlpmonts , 11,000 ;
market fairly active , opened steady , closed
lower ; roiiL'h and eominou. } l.iluui.7U : : mixed
und packers , $ L4.V.l.tCii prime heavy , ifi.l ; Jiik (
a.l ; llgl.t. U5J4i'l,75 : pigs and l.ght , W.Kua.4'J. ! ) '
Snutu1 Iteceipts , I.UJO ; ship nents , none :
marUet dull ; native uwes , $ I.7.V'.X7. ( > ; mixed
ewes and lambs , fl.S © I."i0 ; wethers.
4.&U ; westerns. Sl.'JOi lambs , ji.OU ; < t.23. !
City I.lvo Stoolc
CITV , Mo. , Nov. 21. UATTI.U Hc-
celpts , .MKUl ; shipments. 2,5' . ' ? ; market steady ;
steers , 'f.lAWo.'i.'l.'i ; cov\s , il,23ijj.7u ) ; stockurs
and feeders , J2.0 ® 'l.i5. (
lions Hecelpts , 1G..T ; shipments ,'j ; mar-
steady ; bulk , * J.a.Vifl.4.all ) ; grades , J..73
64 1.75.
Snniu' Hocnlpts , 2' ' . " > ; shipments , none ;
market steady. _
St. l.onis Ijivo Stocic 'MnrketH.
ST. I.ouis , Mo. , Nov. 21. CATTI.K KecelptH ,
1.100 ; shipments , 1,20) . Market steady. iNatlvos ,
$2SUiiU ( : Texan and Indian steers , J.MU ©
3.0) ) ; ciiuners , sfl.u2.aJ. :
lloos KeceiDts. I. ! ) 0 ; shipments , 2,100.
Market sliiulo higher. Heavy , fi.7Jii'i.UOmI.\eil ; ; ,
' ; liglit , j
TUK KKilIjTY aiAll'.ll-jr.
TNrtTItlJMENTSpltiooJ on rooorJ November
JL 21 , 1SW :
WAItltANTV IE .113.
I ) K Johnson to K A Joiinson , middle 53
fuulof n'i lot i > , block 5 , Urehard Hill. . { 1)00
L I ) Harris and wife to 1) ) I' Hiown , lot
2.block'.1 , Portland Plaoo . I.OJO
S P Johnson and wife to Victor Uy-
lander , lot I , block 17 , Orchard Hill. . . . 2,000
E S Ditndv. jr. and wife to 1 U Icichulor ,
Iot4 , K ! * Ihindy. Jr.'s subdivision . 1,000
Kltas Svunson and wife tci Ida Hansom ,
iiH lot I' ' , block 2 , Hawthorne add. . . . 1,100
I. & I < Albright Co to F l < Ilowell. lot
11. blouk 1 , and lot 15 , bloeu ( i , subdivi
sion of liloek a. . Albright's dholeo , lot
12 , block l.lotlland ' . ' 3 , bloeU2. lloppu's
Bonanza subdivision , lots 5 , G and 0 ,
block III , lots B nnd 4 , block : )7 ) , Al
bright's Choice . 1
V li fiowull to Aitlnir Kast. same . 1
Turn Seward to Arthur Kitst , lot 4. block
I , Hiuton'a subdivision In Albright's
Uholco . COO
Hri ICood and wltu to Arthur East , lot I ) ,
blouk a , lot 11 , blocK 7. Alurlght's
Annex . 1
V i : MacUluro to CJV Webb , lut 1 , MJlu-
I'lnru's sub . 4(5
M L hanphuar to U U Peterson , lot 0 ,
block 2 , fhorinan Avenue I'.irk . 4.V )
TO and Thomas JelVerles to a N K'ohn ,
lolS. bloeka , .lelTorlos' rep at . COO
Mrs III ) iK'k to C I. Wright , lot 7 , block i ,
Park 1'oresl add . COO
William l.onis lo It K Wyman , wi ! lot 29 ,
Hickory Place . J.BOO
I 11 McShano and wlfo to O N Kamsoy , .
lot 2. block 2 , lof. ' , b.ouK a , und lut 2 ,
block 4. Kendall's add . 2WD
August ICount/.oet al lo board of trus
tees of llro null hall , lol 1 , block U ,
Forest Illll add . 1
J II Illairund wife to Olof Hanson , lot
4 , block bO , Florence . l
Unltcil States to TV Mickle. sw 23-16-13 -
Total amount of transfers . tii,330 :
Constipation poisons tbo blood ; DoWttt's
Little Karly Uisors euro constipation , The
cause removed , the disease Is gone.
The rage for bloiulo locks tins Infected Italy
to such an extent that even the children's
heads are blossoming out In golden curls. At
this rate the raven tresses of Italian SOUR und
story will soon bo a mtsnomur.
UeWitt'i Little liarly HUow for luo liver.
Russian Ukao Fioa'ly ' Issued , but Cereals
Are Nil Affcted.
CHICAGO PRl PARED FOR THE EDICT , Htitilloii : Finn 'ltli Ilcporls
Atlvanuc on C'oiitlnontat
iifAUH torn Improved
Over Frldny'ft I'rluo.
CiiiCAflO , III. . Nov. 21. The KuMlau tikaso
hni cutno at lust , but It did not Imvo thu oltect
on thoJhlua0 ( wheat im.rket tLatwas antici
pated. Indeed , tlio reports of the Issue of
tills Imperial innndnto htivu lioon ronuatud so
inntiy times , iind Us aDiionrtiiioo win so confi
dently u.vucctedi Unit tr.idors Kcnurully hud
tiilcon It fop KNinH'd thiil tlio iirohlbltlon was
out it ijili'Mlou of ix fuw days , und thu ulTuct
of the ukii. o linil spoilt , to n cruat extent ,
Its foroo before Us Isstio , but continental us
wiil us rn'll3h cables cume In bluhcr und thK
to uthui with thu unusual adv.inco In the
price of Kiiirllsh fiirinors' deliveries an.l re-
porU-'il Duller buyInit .it San l''r.ino.qro , started
tlio C'hli'ajfo inarKut to adviinco the si-coid
tlitiii , a IK ) was mostly aiii'OiiniAbln for the
llriiniOiS vliluh u.xlstcd today , t-an rruiioisc'O
was tuiiorlid stroiuer , an adviinue of
lie pur busiiel. Pr.ince was ivp > rteil u uoil
buyct there mill thu t'nltcd Kingdom also re
ported us doltr { some buying.
Thu export clearances from four ports for
the weeK were I. . " > , < ) packaKt's Inrifur of Hour
and 74S.4V ) bn larger nf wl't'.it . last week.
I'roin botli eoasts iht > ! i"r"asu ! In exports wore
fiUi.'O ) bn of whuiitand Hour. I'or I wontv-ono
weeks thu exports aru reported at 87.JW 1.000 bu
asiilnst lO.OOO.'ioi for tliu same period of last
year. The exporteleatain'os yestunl.y from
four port.s asr ru ate I MIUM ) bn of wheat mi'l '
Hour. New York reported twenty-eight boat
loads taken for export today. Arrivals In thu
northweit were ns.iln liberal. Iteeelpts
at Dnlnth were Ws rars and Minneapolis
! > 'i ) ears-a total of lii4S ears against l.ocj ears
yesterday and 4i.11 ears n year am > . Local re
ceipts were I1TH cars. WltbdrawaU from store
I'S.UJI bu. Uecolpts ut all points ai res-'uted
\r.Vfti \ : : bo. and shipments from same were
IM.7II bu. The e.xojrt olearanees fium four
ports were 2i"OJ ! bbls of Hour and llVI."iU bu of
wheat. Tlio openli.i ; was about from ? je to
7se hlaherthan yesterday's closing , but eased
oir about from 'i to ! ie from openlni : llRiirai ,
then started n iwaln , prices advancing from
le to \lt \ < : ruled irregular , an 1 the elosliiK was
from 7ae to le blalier than yosterduy.
The Corn niarlcut started stroni ; at some Im
provement over yesterday's closing pik'es.
After about ten minutes of active business
the enthusiasm flattened out , and dullness ,
with , however , a very ! lrm undertone , was the
predominating feature for the remainder of
thu .lay. November op'-ned alliou and closed
at.'iSe ; year rained from 4ie ( to 4i' ! , the oponlnR
belli. ut from 4iiJ4e to 4"e and the closing prlue
from liiJic to ITUe. May rested with a Kaln of
'te slneo yesterday.
Tlio trade In oats for future delivery was
unusually llxht , the mnrkot bolnc abso
lutely featureless. Thorj was a Rood demand
for easli oats. November oprned steady at
'U'/ > c , adv.inecd to : iP : u. fell baclc to .Tl'4e ' and
closed ; .ic lower at price. May starteJ at
'Kl'tc. .sold up to Xl'tc , reeedotl to from a. e to
Me and closed steady at , 'l.le.
Thu provision maikot was allllcted with
dullness and Iiiulll'eieneo on thu part of
tr ulors and In the abionco of any strong lead
from any of the Influential packer. " , price
changes were llRht. I'ork closed ' /ju lower for
Ueepinbor and January and 74c lower for
May. Ijiinl Is iinehiinccd and ribs are also at
the same price as on the day before , except
fo'r May , which Is a fraction bolter.
The loadlnc features ranged as tollows :
Casli quotations wcro as follows :
Pi.oiiu Spring patonta , $4.0J ® ' > ,00 : winter
patonls , $ I. . " J4.CU.
WHEAT No. 2sprlns wheat , OiPiSO'lHc : No.
Usprlni ; wnoat. bTi&tiTtiu ; No. 2 red , IM&UI'/ie. '
OOIIN No. 2. TiT'ic. '
OATS No. 2 , 3Jjci No. 2 whlto , IMc ; No. 3
white , .Tic.
KVBNo. . 2. mlic.
ItAld.KV No. 2 , yy&Mc ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 425Sc :
No. 4 , f , o. b. . IlStSIOo.
KI.AX SUED No. 1. tll' oric.
TiMOniv SiiD : I'rime , il.-'S'iSI.S" .
I'oini ioss porK , nor bbl , is.30 ; lard , per
cwt , J0.31 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . J."i.7. > © ( i. .fl ;
dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , f. " OJfti.,12j ! !
short , clear sides i boxed ) . Jl.ll0.15. !
WIIISKIV Distiller ; , ' tinlshu : ! good , per Kai ,
Kffi Alts-Cut loaf , uiicliaused.
ItcLOlpts and shipments today were as fol
lows ;
On the I'rodnco exchange today the butter
and OK ; ; market was unnhan ed
New York Markets.
Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 21. I'l.oint Koooluts , 21.401
pkgs ; oxporls. 4fMbbK ) 22. " ! ) ! sacks ; marlcut
( liuot , UDchiiiiKcdi sales , 10,2V ) Ijbls.
COIIN MKAI. Steady , qulot ; yellow wc.sto rn ,
WIIUAT Kecofpls , 237,050 buj exports , 301,0H ! )
bn : sales , l,200,0no bu of Indues ; 1I2.0J. ) bu of
spot , Spot market , llrmer , quiet ; No. 2 rjd ,
* l.05'i In store and olovalor ; $1JD.1 !
® l.ti8'a alloat ! tl.OGWI.03' , , f. o. b. : No. 3
red , fl.OOQl.lO'/i ' ; ungraded red. $1.07(0)1.11 ( ) ;
No. 1 nortborn. { .Os.'iCtit.OD'i ; No. 1 hard.
Jl.H'a'tSl.ll'i ' ; No. 3 northern , * I.OV. | . Oitions |
advanced * o lo l e on Uiisslan prolilbltlon
no\vs ; declined I4o to ' ,5c on foreigners boiling ;
advuitccd ! o lo ' . | 0 on local buying , closed
Manny at"Jo to 'jo over yesterday ; No. " . red ,
November olosMug at M.O.'iJi ; December , $1.08 ' ; ,
closing at J'.CM'j ' ; January , S1.08'nl.0.s'1. ' clns-
liu tit Jl.lW'i ! I'obruarv. JI.Wl'iMl.IO'a , clos
ing atJI.Ws ; Maroh. f l.ll''i , closing at
$1.11' „ : Aprl' . tl HU@1.1I 'u , dosing atfl.l3 ; ;
May. $1.11 VOtM ! ' , . closing at $1.11 ? , ; June ,
iI.lO'a < &l.llJ4 , olosln. : , 31.10'a.
KvK-Qulot ; firmly liold ; western , 81.053
1.05'/ ' .
1.05'HAIII.KV Qiiiut ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 7l(372o. (
llAiu.f.v MAI.T Dull : Uanada country
inuile , 85c.
L'ollN Kecelpts. 115,475 bu ; exports. 5JO bu ;
sales , Ifl..i 00 bu of futures" 41.000 bu of suot.
Spot markot. No. 8 , 'ito lu oluvator ; 7l'iO
alloal ; uimradod mixed , 57@72o : No. 3 , ( li'jcj
No. 2 white. dU'fi'i ' options iiiiclmnged to 'to
advance with wlieat , closed llrm and
dull ; November. 70c , closing at 7Jc ( ; DOT
rumour. .ViJie. closing at 5si.c ; ; January , 5Pi
© .Vie , closing at 5lT e ; I'ehrtiary , 34c , closing
at 5le ; March , closing at " > l'o : April olosini ;
ut si'io ; May. 52 c.
UATS Kecelpts , 152,725 bu ; u.Miorts. 150/00 bu t
sales. 105'idO ' hu of fnluies ; 8i.lOJ ) ) bu of spot.
Spot inarkot dull and .stronger : options ( inlet
and tinner ; November. IJc. cloilug at 40c ;
December , 4X2 ( > IO'iC , closing at 40140 ; January.
; .8' ' , < < llUo , closing at 3'1'jc ' ' ; spot No. 3 whlto ,
40'.i < iciie ; mixed western. 3hllo ; wblto west
ern , © lie ; No. 3 Ohleao , 4ill'jc.
llAV rirm and In fnlr demand ; slilpplug ,
Hoi's 1'alrdeniiiiid and llrm ; state common
to choice , ( .Velio ; I'acilie coast , l.ViMI.
C'ot'fKK Options opened barely stoa'y and
unehuiiged to 15 point- , down and closed
stonily ; November 10 points up : others i ; > iiud
20 points down ; sales 31.510 bags , Including
spotfl ; Itlodull and steady ; No.7 , t 3,75.
fL'UAii It'tw , llrm. fair lollnlug , 3Bo ! bid ;
contrlfugal IK ) tesl , 3SJo bid ; relluod , linn ; fair
MOI.ASSKS Korolgii nominal : Now Orleans ,
( inletand steady ; common to f.iney , :45o. : !
KICK l-'irin and fairly active ; domestic fair
to extra , 6'iT&7c ; Japan. .ViV-'iVe. .
I'IITUOI.KU.M ( Jiilut and htoady ; orndo. lu
bbls , 1'arker's , : > 5e ; bulk , * .0 > : rolincd Now
Vork. M.IO ; I'hlladolplila and llaltlmore. Jilill ;
I'hlladelphla and llulilniore , lu bulk. fXS.VlJ
3. ( > i : united closud at 5S'e for December.
COTTON SKED Oiir Qulut ; crude , UHiut yel
low , 881'it2'c. )
TAI.I.OW About steady.
HOSIN Inill.
Ti'iU'MvTiNK Dull ; ava'lVio.
Kilils Qnlot andllrm ; wintorn SO'jiJJQjlo.
HIDKS Inaellvo L'nt steady ; wet salted ,
selected , fnrty-llvo to llfiy-ltvo Ibs. , Uiit-o ;
Texas , selected , tlfty to sixty Ib * , GSO.
I'OIIK Dull ; old moss , iti.73 ; now muss ,
* l .75 ; oxtrii prime. { IO.OJ0I0.50.
CUT MIIAT.S ( julut ; ploUlod bailies , .ViOOo
pickled shoulders , S'Jo ' : lilclilod hams , iWi'ie. '
MUIIII.US I'lrm. iiulul ; short
November. RIV30.58'i. '
l.AiiD-l'Irm and ( inlet ; western stuun ,
t1.58'ii * options , no sales.December. id.4(1 ( b'.di
January KM ; 1'ebriniry. fu.73 ; March , W > 3.
Ui'TtTii Qulut. llrm : western dairy , IMffi''ic ;
wehtern oroiimory. 8v4j.Wci western factory ,
Ha83c ; Elgin. : u ? .
'Inn , fairly active ; part skims ,
1'Kl iHON-qulcl ; Amoricuii , } IX72itl ! < .tO.
Miii iiiioliHVhfiit | MarKct.
Minn. , Nov. 21 , Tlio market
openol t Wlitf for PO.-ID'UV , nn advanoo
ov r ui t nl Jlit f el > so of ' . . Tiii1 llrtt move
wa < for n doi-Hnc and the price- went down ' 10
but iben stren ihi'imd feellni fro n tlio uUaso
averted iltulf and tlu-ro win a steady nd-
VHIII-O loSHSc In l. It was Inipmslblo to hold
tlio inarKot oil the level .Hid there wm a .aw
toS'ound ihon to i'if for llioQlose. Therowas
no liarllcillur vim to the bidding at any time
duiliu the day. Tlio ukase h id a bolster : ) ) }
oiri > ' t , liowovcr , with a uooil export movement
and tliu tirospect th il Ilio V s bU ) upl\liilO- | )
tiient Monday will show another dec ! ne. The
cash market was In on to an active condition ,
n It K anil No. I Northern sold In
advanfo of Kic. or fully Ic nbovo the Decem
ber future' * . 'I hero has not lieen much of an
advance In corn here nnd but little Iv olTered ,
The receipts of whou lioro wuro f > 20 cnr * . uilil
at D.iluth .i- > ears , a of I.rtlS cars. Close :
November , clixlii at S7's ; December , open-
Ins at 87'H1. ' blithest ' > , e bid , Inwoit . " "Uc ,
cloilni at i-HV ; May , O.'iC ' , liljihest Vttit bid ,
lowest UK. ' , eiO'dutf at 0'i e ; on tr.ick. No 1
bar l , O'c ; No. 1 nortlicrn. H.IC ; No. 3 northern.
DulutliVhent Market.
Dut.fTii , Minn. . Nov. 21.A lar o and
aellxe week's l > ii lmm closed today with a
llrm , higher and advancing marUet. It
opened llrm at 'iuVie above yesterday's close
for cash. 'So ' advance for December and " , c
hklier for May. The n arket ruled very
steady up to no m with need demand for and
larco ir.ulliiK In spot wheat of the three better
prades for shipment and rather slow
trailint In future" . There are few
vo sels uni'hartered which demaml a
I HC rite to lliilTiilo. but It la tlniiiibt they will
t ike Hl e. Several charters were made yosler-
o1 ! ! } ' ai'.i'jc. ' The market closed today at about
' o In. her than yesterday for cvsh nnd from
1'iC to I'Jo for futures. Closlni h ttrei were :
No. 1 hard , c.isli , lIPic : November , lU c ; Do-
ce-nber. Olc : May. " .MIC ; No. I northern , cash ,
t'.l'jp ' ' ; Novembei1. KMjd : IJccoinber , S01.C > sell
ers ; May , Ih'ie sel.'ers ; No. 2 northern , cash ,
Mie ! ; No. a , Hie bid ; rejected , 7oc sellers ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 21 i't.ot'u Klrm ;
unchansed : patent , $ . ' .4Ka. ' . ' . . * > 0 : extra fancy ,
J.VJ W-'l : fiiiii-v. fiO a..l" > ; chuico. * l.iW3
2.00 : XXX.
WIIKAT SleadV : hard cash , "So bid.
COIIN I'lrm ; No. 2 cash , U714o bid ; No. 2
November. : iSo bid.
o.\'s Ste.uly and llrmor ; No. 2 cast ) , 28" " o
bid ; November , 2S' c bid ,
llvr.-Slronj ; at S3'ic for No. U.
r't.A.x Sr.r.n site.
HAV I'lrm ; pralrlo fancy. $7.0.1 ; mo liim ,
W.tWi"r. . .V ) ; timothy fancy , Jii.OO ; uliolco , JAfu ;
prime. * ; . ( iOiJ7.ii ) .
lli'TTiii : steady , fair demaiv.1.
ICons Klrm at 'Jit1.
Knrr.iiTSWheat , tCi.OIG DU ; corn ; - bu :
oats. : ; , m bu.
Suii'jii'.NTs Wheat , 01,179 bu ; corn , 1,227 bu ;
oats , l,2. > 0 bu.
Mihvuukiv > tnrk tH.
AIll.WAUKKK. WIs. . Nov. 21. WlllJAT 1'irill !
December , VJ'H'j No. 2 sprln ; ; . U.'c ; No. 1 norlh-
ern. IHUe.
L'ou.N--l'lrm : Novomner , 4TiITc. ( )
OAT. 1'lrm : No. a white. 3UNo. ; . 3 , IBc.
IlAiti.i'.v Dull ; No. 2 , 5Jc : sample , on Iracu ,
I2 , ( ije.
ltvK-1'lrm : No. I , Olc.
l'novtsiNS-Julet. (
I'OUK January. Ill 27JJ.
LAUD January , $ lW. ! :
ItiiCDii'TS Ii'lonr , 4.1JO bbls ; wlieat , fi2,2CO bu ;
barley , 42.2 M bu.
Siiti'MilNTS-l'lour. 14.K)0 ) bbls ; wlieat , lO.Il'O
bu ; barley. 60Q3 ! bn. _
jlvrrpool nrlciMM.
u Nov. 21. WIIKAT I'lrm : demand
prlnclDiilIy sp"cnlatlve : holders oll'er snar-
iimly : Callfornl i No. I , Os V idf , : ) . Id per oenlal :
i oil weslern sprlnj. , ts > llitdQUb fd ; red
winter , Hsh"diSrss d.
COIIN I'irm. dem-ind fair.
I'KAS Caitadiau , ( is ted per cental.
C'nci : i : American llncht white and colored ,
Tils Od per owt. _
St. IjOii 3Iitrl ! t4.
ST. LOLMS , Mo. , Nevi 21. UUTTKU Un-
WIIIAT : StioiiBjcnsh. IWfiotfMuy. J1.01 bid.
COII.N strong ; , 4.4e ; Jltiy. 40jc ! bid.
OATS Steady ; cash , 31c ; Iny.
I'OIIK il.0. ! " > .
LAUD ? < l.0. " > .
C.iioiniinti , \ ; lu'ki-tH.
CINCINNXTI , O. , Nov. 21.VnnAT Stronc ;
No. 2 red. orffWSo.
COIIN Stroiu : No. 2 mlxeJ o'd , 0 c.
OATS Strous : No. " mixed , 3ij'fi ! ! 0 | c.
WIIISKBV 81. is.
_ _ _ _
N'cw ' York Dry . > niln Markets.
Nuw YOIIK , Nov. 21. Thb dry Koodi > market
was very quiet today. The maruet , was un
changed and continued steady. The market
on the whole is pretty woli at rock bottom.
Toledo ( rain _ .tnr' < er.
TOI.RIIO , O , Nov. 21. Wheat oaslor ; No. " ,
' '
December. IH'Se. '
COIIN Dull : No. ' . ' , cash. Me.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 3Vc.
Trailers' Talk.
CHICAGO , III. , Nov. 21. Conn&olman & Day
to Cockioll llros : Wheat opened active and
hlzber base ; ! on general conlirmation from
public and private sources of the prohibition
of wheat exports from HiiaS'a. Opinions of
operators are widely at varlaiico concernlni ;
the ultlmato oll'ect of tlio decree and thu more
so as the full text of Urn document was not
made known hero and a false Im
pression iniKht prove itlsa&tions lo spec
ulators. Hence there wasanonoraldlsposit on
to close outstanding trades an < l await clos
ing sales from Europe. When they finally
came , iiiotliiz ) siil'Stautlal advances In Ijiver-
pool , I'arlK and lloilln , allhoiiKh Antwerp
friictlonally lower , tlio news with lar o
weekly exports reported hy llradstrcot's , and
the ad van . ' 0 of is 7d lu English country
ir , nrkets caused nil advance to a slronw elo- > -
lirr , and wo see nolliln ? lo shake our faith In
thu bull market later on , allhoii''li Iheiomay
not bo much of nn advance until
after deliveries have been made . Corn and
oats were steady und fully maintained tlio
advances made yesterday. Corn , in fact ,
dossil 'Jc higher for near delivery. Provisions
were dull but llrmer , and tin illy closed rather
tame at yesterday's advance. The shipping
demand isipilto satisfactory to manufactur
ers. and stocks will probably .show a liberal
reduction for the mouth. Wo regard January
rib as a good purchasn on all .soft spots.
CHICAGO , III. , Nov. si. Swart7 , Dupeo &
MeCormlek to K. C. SwartCo. . : Thnof-
flel il announcement of th3 Russian prohibi
tive ukase , not unexpected In view of thu
many assur Miecs on I' nday. had a slrenlli- ;
enlir InlliRiico on prices. Although cables
did not rellcet the Itus.slan news
as decisively as they were expected
to. they were nevertheless all hither.
The ellect ot the news here was to sot shorts
at work ruduclnic their lines. Corn was llrm ,
but dull , touched li ca aln , but closed at Se.
There was not the pressure from Novemiior
shorts there was on Friday , there lining the
Impiesslon that the publicity clven the mani
pulation would tend to liiu'ro iso thu receipts
Ciiir.uio. III. . Nov. 21. Kennott. Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. MoWhorter : Wheat opened about
le higher on what seemed to bo an olllelal an
nouncement that tno Unsslan prohinltorv
nkasc had llnally been signed. l.onis reah/ed
fieely , causing a reaction ot ? Jo. but tlio
demand from the shorts soon sprang up In
consequence of strong caDles and tlielr buy-
In. advanced prices Ic. There was a modurnto
react on at thu close , but , the market h id
rather a strong look whou the Loll tipped.
There Is an Indication of returning confi
dence. Fresh buying for Investment Is no
ticeable and If cables HIM reasonably strong
on Monday wo may got a higher market lhat
day. The big .shorts have covered only mod
erately and if a show of sLruu.'tli .should bo
enough to Mart them a sharp bulge may bo
expected. This over and the short Interest
largely eliminated wo shall look for
mulorlally lower prices. The Russian
prohlh tlon of wheat exports cuts
elf a possible supply of only KV'uo.o.O ' to 1\-
( I ) . ( KJ ) , and this Is practically reslored by the
recent Indiana state osllmalo , Incroasliu-
crop of that state l',00)00ovor ) the covorn-
niLMil'n last report. Wo-do not liollovo there is
available Miilllclent tonnage to carry away
flinn our shores tlio vasUijiiantltlos of Kraln ,
provisions and cotton uuw awaiting buyers ,
It Is believe. ! that slocks will continue to
pile up lu splto ,6f , laiso forolKii
domiind and lu spite of 'the fact that wo will
probably nxnorl considerable mnioof ngrlciil-
lural pioducts than in tiny provlous year. In
corn an I o.its no conspicuous features lu
oitherof these L-raliis. Corn has ruled ( inner
on wet weather and In fmpimtliv with wlieat ,
lu spite of lOJoipts considerably uliovo the
estimates. The fact tjiat tlio old crop
bliurts hnvo sold themselves Into a
corner where they uro somewhat nt tlio
meieyof no Iqun that may exael the pound
of IK'sh has fi uhtuuud In maiiv now orop
hhorts and caused a nervous ami unsettled
fooling Unit m ly coiitinuu until thu old crop
liears have boon forced ' 10 cover. In provis
ions 11lit trading and small Ituutuatlons , with
no Incidents of Internal,1 'is all lhat eau bo
.s. ild of this market. : r
Nr.w YOIIK. Nov. 21. Tlio stoolc marliot to
day continued to advance In thu same manuur
that II began yesterday und while these Im
portant ualns of lliu day wcro coiillnod almost
exclusively to ibo u-euorU inactive shares ,
iho whole list toll tlio stimulus and hlghor
prices . .ru ll.e rule all along thu line. The
bviyin ; of the day was largely uy commission
houses mid this fact \ thu pocitllar feature
of ( lea lugs wliloh attractud must attention ,
and mooling little or no icslslancu
outside ot tlio operations of tbo
traders who as usual have been loft In the
tlsit. the upward movement had no surlons
setback. Tliu foreigners were not a factor In
the dealings , hiving small onlors on either
Hide of the market , and the stlmulous came
from domestic Mum os entirely. The opoulu ;
wits htniu S nl isalns e.MundiiiK to | Vj per cent
over ihoso last night , ami as of late , lliu trunk
lines h.ivo monopomed Iho Krealcr bhuro of
attention. Krlo esn'Ciilly beliu Iho m-tivu
feuturu of Iho day. The granBorh were nut.
huwevcr , uud bum si. 1'uul and Uuok laluuU
It is Natural
Tlmt wo sluv.iltl transact tlio largest business -
inoss in tlio suit ani\ \ overcoat lino. It Is
also natural Unit our friends competing
with us In the sumo line of business
should bo nnhoyuil ut this lead wo hold ,
unit they should strive ) ilosporatoty
lo close the Kiip. Wo can u.lmlro their
heroic olTorls and their Iti onloiH devices -
vices used to attract trade , but it Is like
the willing vessel's attempts to over-
tike the modern.
Steam-Propelled Ocean
Racer ,
Wo do not bonst of unmatuhablo brain
power , great business sairaclty or other
"swoll heud" utti'lbu'.os. It is simply
our recognition of the laws of produc
tion and consumption.
Wo manufacture the goods and Bull
tltem direct to the consumer. THIS
Wo miinufncturo on a largo scale for
our retail storo.i in the loading citlo.s of
When a clothinaUor or manufacturer
of any of the material that gees into
clothing is forced to soil we get a full
bonulit. as there are but fcn\ factories to
ooniDoto for tlio goods. Not so with u
forced sale of roudy-mado clothing , as
the thousands of retail dealers through
out the country arc always ready to buy
at any slight reduction. DO YOU SHltJ
'r : IN OUR FA YOU ?
Send for Catalogue. Open till 8 p. m. Evenings. Saturdays until 10 o'clock.
were largely traded In , Morlhern I'uclllo pro-
feired following closely.
The upward movement made steady pror-
rcss and while the ualns In thu ueneral list
were small throughout , the Industrials wcro
active and scored material advances. Dis
tillers was the leading feature , rising from
Wi'a to.1 ! ) , while Cordage came In the Iliril
( lealii'-rs ! with a gain of lii per cent to "I.
Among the Inactive ) shares. NleUel
1'lato seconds iireferred was the most
prominent. rlshufiom 411 to IP.i.
nut St. I'anl and Dnlnth aflorwar.1 shot up
from : is' , to 4' . Northern I'aclllc nreferred
was the strongest stock In the re.'iilar list and
ro-o 1 per cent for the day. The market mii'lo
no change In Its temper and finally closed
active and strotnr at the ton figures. Dis
tillers being np li ? uer cent and Cordage 1 per
Ciovctnmcnt bonds have been dull and
State bonds have been dull and steady.
The following are the closing quotttlons for
the leading stocks on the New \ ork block o.\-
cbango today :
The total sales of Mocks today were 17r , * > S5
shares , Inc.udln : Atchlson , b.M : : ; Canada
Southern , : iii'J : ' ; Chleairo ( , T.Ttii ; lacia- !
wanna , 4.r > lj Krlo , .2.110 : Lake Shore , 4.MO ;
Louisville & Nashville. 4,70,1 , : Missouri
I'aelllc. 2.41."i ; Now YorK Centnil. (1,2 ! ) ! : Northern -
orn I'.iellle preferred. I2l/Ui ( IJeadiiit ; , 8,070 ;
IJlcliniond .t West I'olnt , 3,510 ; St. 1'aill.
12.V.Oi Union I'aclllc , S.IKlt ) .
Ktvii\v. :
Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 21.Tho Post says : Tlio
bear faction bon ! now to a larpo ; extent out
of tlio marUet , the bulls are on trial to see
what they can do with ur.ces. Thu market
was favorable to them this iiiorulu , notwltli-
staiidln ' Iho other sales by room traders to
leallzo iheiv prollt on yesterday's advance.
There was eousldcrablo weakness In
Ijiickawanna , tliu only allowed roafon
for which Is dlsanpolntment in the
coal trade over the milder weather
and lu New Vork Central the selling outers
fairly matched the Inivlu : , ' dcm ind. Hut In
tlio K'raiiKors there was a steady Improvement
In prices not an enthuslfsllc liuylnj ; , but on
( jood professional support -with an agreeable
saltni ! ; of commission house orders. The most
authorities In the street asreo that yester
day's advance was an experiment by the pro
fessional bull operator to the foelliii ! of
the outsiders , llcneo It Is likely that their
oper.tllons will bo cautions especially when
the short Interest is wholly ellmliiatod.
X\v ! York Money Marlct-t.
Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 21. MOMIV ON CAM , Kasy ,
with no loans , closing oll'ored at 3 per cent.
I'IIIMU MIIIIANTII.K : : I'.M'BII SiiU's tier cent.
STKUI. Ni M.XCIIANCIK Quiet and steady at
fl.H Hfil.MH'j for sixty -day bills and J4.8XU for
Tlio following were tlio closing prices on
bonds :
Nnw Oiti.KANti , Lit. , Nov. 21. Olcarlnss , } ! , -
DOJM , ,
I'AH 8 , Nov , 21. Tbreo per cent routes , Clf
b" > u for the account.
Ho TOV , Mas . , Nov. SI. O.ill loans , Iiad per
cunt ; t mo , Vii.n per cent.
IlAl.Ti.MDlti : , Mil. , Nov. 21 , Hank clcarliiKi
loday wuro,70.,5Qj ! balances , JIIO.OIB. Halo ,
U per cent.
KANSAS I'mMo , , Nov. St. Clearings , Jl-
722.IIO ; fiiiino day last year , J'.V..tbO ; for this
week , fll',2bO,153 ; hiuno woolf last your , } U-
HI ) , 181.
Niav YOIIK. Nov. 31. The weekly mink
KtaUiiuout thinvb tuo reserve has Inoruiisud ! ) , -
K7)WO. ) The Uanks now liold tiai2.tJOJ : ( in e.v-
cussof legal ieulroiiieiiib. ( |
I'llli'AliKi.riiiA. I'll. , Nov , 21. Hank cloai-
Ings , tll2.lWO ( | : ; balances , 1I.7U5.274. rioarlngH
for tlio nook oiidliii ! today were f7u.4 ,52tl ;
balances , { 10,2. 1.177. Money , < pur cent.
I'lNCi.N.NATi ' , ( ) . , : Nov. 21. Money , 4'1'iiI ' per
com. New York o.vehango , ' 'M6I u promluin.
L'learlugs.l.1li.h 0 ; for Iho weu ( , tU.U
corresponding week Insl , tii,4 ; s,55'J.
I'liirAHo , III. , Nov. 21. Now York exchange ,
stonily at par. U'Ho peril. ' > 0'J ' promluin. Money ,
Hteady at li per cent. clearings , $15-
7HItU5i for tlioAreok. * iu,5M'ia Sierllng
i > \ehango , JI.KJU for sixty-day lillls and $ l. lj ?
for H.lit | drafts.
NKW YOHK , Nov , 21. 'fho exports of suoelo
at the port of New Vork during the week
amounted to * 7I5.07(1 ( , of which IISU.3 0 was
gold and Ml i.T'it si. vi-r. Tlio Imports of spguln
during tlio lust ivuok auuiniitod to il.U' ) ! , of
which WlUi tw was gold and f HU.7M silver ,
Hr. Loi'if , Mo. , Nov. 21. ( Jlo.irinss tiday ,
f .4 < 2 , 21 : I uliiuces fl5.i.'lli ; nioniiy. 7 < 64 per
cent : e.xcliunse on New York sold al 2Jo pie-
iiiluin. Kur tliU week clo.irlngs ,
balances , } 2U7U , C1. 1'ur last wcuk
HAH Sii.vini 1:1 : .
.Mo.Niiv B'iii''M ' per cent.
ICnteof discount , open market for both short
and threo-nionths' bills , 2 ® : i per cent.
Amount of bullion gonu Into the Hank of
England on baiaueo today. .UHS.OOJ.
Kort'ii ; ! ! ( ' 'inaiiuial ltevlf\v.
[ ; ] ; / ( ; . ' ( ( I' SI by Jitm * * ( ttinlw li'luiM. }
LONDON. Nov.'I. . [ Now Vork Herald Cable
Speclnl to Tin : Iluc.1 llusiness on the
I stocli oxrhan.'o was fairly active for
a Saturday , and prlee.s have tended
npwar.l. American rails were stiength-
enened by the prohibition of exports of
who it from Russia. H.iles on ac
count have cease.i. There Is more disposition
hero to buy , cMwIally In Atclusons and divi
dend payers Korelgn securities rema'ii stondy ,
with no special feat urn. Kus-laus , after
beln ; weak , rallied di > splto the stoppage of
t'ne wheat exports. Owing to Inllueiitlal sup
port , in Paris copper shares llrmeil up , as the
prospects of thu metal are considered good.
Homo stocks aru rather better. Money Is
cheap , discounts oT thieo montliH bitiili nllN
being 2'8 per cent at the bank. There was
JUllMlOOof gold received from Ilsbon. Silver
llrmer. A big risu In gold shares Is expected
shortly. Almost a general reduction is ux-
pcclcd In KiiL'llsn railway dividends owing to
Increased expenditures.
Denver iMininji Stocks.
TK.vviit ) : , Colo. , Nov. 21. Tlio following list. Is
the closing inotatonson ] the Mining exchaniru
today. ! ? alu.s , Ki.OUJ snares.
Han It'r.'iiolsoo Mining Quotation * * .
SAN KiiANCisoo , Oal. , Nov. 21. The olllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Now York Mining Quotations.
New YOIIK , Nov. 21. The following are tbo
closln ; mining stunk quotations :
Alloo iw : Iron i-llver . Id )
Adams < 'on Itu .Mexican . 2:15 :
llcntlluluher 2.15 Ontario . : JU
Duadwood Is' ' Olililr. . . . . . . II'-'S
inrua : ! Con -HJ I'lvinoiilli . 22.i
Itoiild .V ; Curry 110 Slcrru Nevada . 2.rl )
Halo \ Norcross. . . . lti !
lloincstaku lu.V ) Union Con . 200
Horn Silver U15 Vullow .hickct . ] M
Country I'roilttjjc.
Rons I'Msli eggs are vyry saarco and a
largo amount of cold storage Htook Is being
thrown upon the market which keeps prices
down. Kales are reported all the way from luo
to 84o. Ktrlclly f robli eggs would bring ijulto
readily 22fe'ic. :
I'oui/niY hive ohiokons. * 2.75 < r')00i ) llvo
ducks , J3. KW.5lj ( ( llvn Uirkeys. Ilo per Ib ;
dri'sscd chickens. 8S.e ! ) per ib : ducUe , KJiillc ;
KCOSO. ice ; turkeys , I214iio. : ,
lIl'TTijn Ucnoriil market unohaniied. Oood
country , IGT&IHOJ best , 2iii.13o ( : piicklng stock ,
UAMI : Canada Kt'cso' © " .CO ; small
geeie , f4..0'f.5.00 : prairie chickens , JI.M ®
& .00 : grouse. Jl.iiij mallard uneks. } 3.5 ' ; blue
\\luged teal. 11.75 : crecn winded leal. 41.50 ;
mixed ducks , tl.25 ; Jack rabbits , $ l.00i jil..0 : ;
small. JI..vri.l.5Hj iiiall | , JI.757W.UO : Jack snlpo.
tl.2.VJil,50 ; plover , 75eftJI.OO ; golucii plover.
$1.25l. Wj siiulrreis , JI.Kiiil.2.'i ( ( ; deer suddies ,
pur Hit door carcasses , ufilloj autulopo
daddies , HOISo ; carcasses. WolOc.
CnrcnnlHO Coininni'un
The 1'oyoko C'umly CDIIIIIHIIV has Just
tdilppud I. ( Ml ) lurs of tholr goods to a house In
I'corlii , 111. Tills Is the largest single order
for candles ever Illled by an Omaha hou-o
und there Is no locord of any candy fuutory In
tliu eouutrv over hiivlu' ' Ill ed bo lnrno an
order for tiiul class of jtoods.
DoU'Itt's lattlo Kftflv litsura ; only pU > to
euro sick hcadactio und rugulala the bowels.
Dr. Ulrnoy cures ctitufrh. Duo
A hnndsomo dinner dross Is of violnt bcu
galliio. Thu front of thu corjugo is n point of
\vhito ben allno embroidered vvilb nold. The
sleeves are of black tulto , and the undorsUIr
m of black velvet.
No Krlpplntr , " 0 nausea , no pnin when Do-
/Ill's Lltilo Karly Hbei-.i are taltou. Hinall
pill. Su'lo pili. U'ost plil.
Dr. Ulrnoy cures catarrh. IJoo bldj
Men's Suits-
Made for this Reason's trado. trim
med In neat , durable style , all wool ; In
tiricos from $10 up to elegant $35
I'rlnco Alberts.
Men's ' Overcoats.
In nu ondlcss variety , in nil cloths ,
iimkes nun prlooH. Wo luivo n good ,
warm Huslnosst Ovorccmt for $10 , mul
from Unit ut ) to the llnost iiuulo.
Boys' Suits.
\Vo hnvo nl ways Und a larger and hotter -
tor line ot Hoys' and Chililron'n SulU
tlvan any house in the city. IMcos ,
Knuo Punts Suits , from $2.50 ; LOUR
1'ant Suits , from $1.50 up.
Boys' Overcoats.
Ulstors , capo , plain , nil cloths , mnda
to btand the wear and kcopout the cold ,
from SIl.oO up.
1409 DOUGLAS ST. ,
Oflico liours from 0 a. in. to 8 p. m. Bandar
from II ) n. m. to 1 p. m.
SpcrialibU ) iu Chronic , Norvous.Skln nnd Dlood
C ? Con8nltntion nt ofTico or by mail frso.
Slcdicinos Bent by nmil or oxprocs , eecnroly
packed , free from observation , ( iunrontooa to
euro quickly , snfoly nnd ponnr.ncntly.
The most widely and favorably known spools- !
Isnintho ( UnitiMl tjlnton. Thuir lon oxporiooco ,
ronmrkablo nkill nnd nniv rnal hiicriwH In the
treatmimt and earn of Narvonn , Chrome nnd Sur
gical DinunHCH. entitle thnno eminent phynloinns
tn the full conGdonco of the nlllictod evorywlioro.
They gunrnnteo :
awful plfecls of early vicoand thonumoronioviU
that follow in its train.
Bpeodily , completely and pnrnmnently cn.'txl.
ORDERS yield readily to their akillful treat
Kimrantrvd cured \sithuut paiu or dotoution
from hiiflincBfl.
nontly and piicccpsfully cured in every cnso.
torrliwn , Hpininnl Weakness , lj < mt Mnnliood ,
Ninht KmieeionH , Dncnyed Kncultion , Female
Wcnkncas nr.ij all delicate dleorditra pecalinr to
pithureoz ponitivoly cured , n well nu all fnno-
tionnl disordarR tlmt riwult from youthful follioa
or tlio OXCOB3 of inaturo ycnre.
QfripfllPO fiuarniitood pormnncntly cnrml ,
Oil lullI U romnvnl complete , withont ont-
tiiifT , caustic or dilatation. C'uro ofToctod nt
homo by imtiont witliout a momonta pain or
Pui'o Tlio awful olToctn of pnrly
ACiiMn t/lHlJ vice wi.jeh . brInKU iirRunlo
wraknoss , doBtroyiiiB both mind and body , with
all ita droadcd ilia , porinnnontly cured.
Ill'C RultQ Address lliopo who hnvo Impnr.
L/l o. UCllo od tlinmRolvoB by improper in.
dnlxonco and Bolltnry ImbitH. which ruin both
mind and body , nnuttint ; thorn for bimlnoas ,
etudyor mniriiiKO.
MAHUII3I ) MEN , or these ontorinR on.tlmt
linppy life , aware of plijulcal dubillty , quickly
t3"Sond C cnnts postn o for ei'lolirntml works
on Clironic , Nnrvoim and Dulicnto DisnaseB.
ThonsnnilH cured. tiy A friendly lotlororcnlj
may xavo you future HiiiTorim ; nnd slinmo , nnd
add ( 'o'don ' yunm to life. C"No iettnr nneworod
uiii'8M ! accompanied by 4 ccutw iu ntami > B.
Address , cr call on
I4O9 Douglas St. ,
Corner 10th nnd Mason Htroeti.
Now Imlhllnk1. now ( urnlluro , every thbiK flrat
cln't ; tlno < l location In the city ; all nmdurn Im-
proveiiiunl * ; Stnum Heal ; ( las ; Call Holla : Until
and llarhcr Mliup In connucllun ; ( Olcctrlo niKt CnUla
( "urn to any part of tlio city. Tiy ii1 * und bo con
vinced that wu havn tlio I'UNt ' lioaio for thu monor
WUMI of ChlviiKO. Itntus from $ , . ( JO t o tl ! Xier ) diijr
j Porlodio'il Pills.
The Kroni'li remedy arts directly upon the
Rcuorativo iir aus and euros Hiipprusslon of thn
menses. J2or three for $ : > . and can bn mailed.
should inn bo nsod dnrlii'jpreinaiioy. .lobhers.
i 'ijlstsaiid the imbllo supplied by Uoodmun
ii 'Co. , Omaha.
1 limoapnritivo rcmoily for tliaatjuvodi ntinoi bylU
asn thouRind' ) of ciinf of tii ! worut kind am ! of long
blnmlinK liavoltoim ciirod. 1 ndcod a < mtriM2 n injr faith
in iUfilicncy , that I mil hoiul TWO IIOITLKS riienwlt > i
aVAl.DAlll.nTltHATIHIJoii tills dlseiuo to nuf -
forurnlia will MTU ! mo tlii'lr Kiprrao nuil I'.O. tulJiuM ,
I' . A. ( slociim , SI. C. , IKI I'cnrl HI. , N. V.
KUAIIlCATOIt C ro4 nil ilbuuol uuoiiuis It kllli
Ilio inluroiju ur norm. 1'iic up na'l rut dhxl In f J. $ J
mi * i l < aj , tin ) lallurj unltuni. Bonl narirliora
l > r i'H ' d on rucolpt of prlcu or i' o. I ) . Woliiao n
utj.irii'dou ti curi ) . 'Din U'ltillo ' tri'lit ' nnj lob
liur < Hiipiihcd by tin Klualur Ilruu Compaui
Oiiudia. c. A Mc'li-ior. It iwiinl .M jcri an I It. t
purkor.i. Smith cm diu , A. I ) , r'oa'.ur , nml M. J. | Council lliull.i.
, AaU your Urugglftt for i
' Ijotilo ol HIK . The only ; i
non /juiio/iuui remedy fur all <
tlio iinnalurul d chargi'ii nnd
j.nMVe/'Msfuscsdf inennniltho
dubil.tot ng wcoknns periiliar
to women. It cures in u few
dms without the aid or
"I'tiotiy ol a doctor
/ iiltfrjdl Antrtcnn Cure
Mnuufucturcd y F
Ths Evans Chemical Co.1