THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 14 1801 , GIVEN A MILITARY WELCOME , Omaha's ' Salvationists Do Honor to La Marcchalo Bootli-Olibborn , HZ'D OF THE FORCES IN FRANCE , I'litljonito DonioiiNtriitloti on Her Ar- ilvnl , Followed I > V a Cnnnonndo nt the Grnntl Opera House. La Mnrochnlo nooth-Cllbborn , who has rhuixo of the forces of the Salvation army In JV.rse , arrived atthounlondepotat I o'clock yejiirday alturnoon , over the Hock Island , on her first tour of the United States. 1 n innrochnlo Is n daughter of General vi. . Main Booth , founder and commandor-tn- cb of of the nruiy In nil parts of the world , nii > l U nccomimiilcd on this trip by her brotlier , linlllngton Booth , who has charge ol < tli the forces In this country , 1 liK visit U to bo made the occasion of a domonstrntlon. In Addition to the ar * of tno visiting party , thcro will bo tt twcnty-ilvo stall oDIcers from nil I litof the country , but particularly from In i ntntei Included In this division Iowa , JJ . ! < uii and KcbrasUa. ( mooting are to be hold during the f..y of the visitors hero. Two meetings will In I'rld ' tomorrow mm throe Sunday , ono of v. inch will be nt thb Vint Proibvterlan el uii-li. Tbo visitors will leave Monday ir.otnlng. AVclcnincil lo Omaha. Tlio tourists were mot nt the depot by nn ct.iliuslastio crowd of soldiers nnd a band. II i. Jr. Hariha of the First Presbyterian ct tirch was there with his carrlnRO nnd at 01 io took possession of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hall- It . oii Booth nnd Marochnlo Bootb-Clibborn. 'J'lio r.urlago hud n pliico at the head of the li " , Immediately behind a mounted , red- , v l.nuorod marshal. Then came the baud , 11. . . i.iltltik' delegates and the local branch of the army. Ijvury soldlor , both mnlo and female , were n Mill ) of ribbon across the breast bearing tliu Inscription , "Welcome Mnrechaln , " mid ttc duloeation from acrois the river carried i : banner which announced to the world "Council Bluffs Welcomes Our Leaders , " 'J to female soldiers nlso were volumnous , m > n of red , wnito and blue star spangled > u procession marched to the barracks on 3 i.iw nport street , wlicro ti brlof amen and lui'Ulujah ' meeting was held by the rank and I'll' ' * , while ttio commanding ofllcers were duvou to Dr. Harsha's residence for lunch. Made a Great I'aradc. A i-rowd of several hundred people , Indies. f.'p > iilcmen and children , assembled nt the < . ) i , ind opera house last evening to Rroet the /air commander of the French Salvation iiiniv. Before iissoinblhig nt the ci.ira house the hosts of la marochalo , pre- ceiiod by a band , paraded the princl- jial ttioroughforLM. In this piocosslon tbero \viiu probably 100 soldiers in uniform , and n rrnmituro house , wrought from the last cdi- linn of the War Cry , the urmy paper , which luis mounted on wheats and urawn by four i-ttirdy privates. Marching a n body unura 10 'his unique structure were twenty younp xvomon , with tamboiines , and arrayed In I lie colors of our national Hag There MITO ofllcors in the ranks from every " corps In the division , which represents No"- Lru9ln , Iowa and Dakota , besides the whole conii from Council Bluffs and the Sioux City , Council BlulTs and Omaha bauds , the * .vholi > bolti ? under the command of Major Kr.ppcl of DCS Moinos. When Thny Hruulicd ( he Hull. M < irchng ! Into the hall at the Capitol avo- nil' ' ) entrance , the soldiers and tbo bind took scats on the stacc , nnd after a stirring strain or two oy the latlor la marechalo jnido : her ontranoo amidst nn outburst of chi'ors by the enthusiastic hosts. Drs. Suvldgo and liarsha occupied seats on the stage. nalliiiRton Booth , the New York com- mnncler , n brother of the distinguished J-'runch commandro s. offered up a fervent ) ir.ior. Alter this ho turned to the cluster ol soldiers behind and said : "Every ono on Iho platform who fools himself nicely saved , my nmenl" There was a robust response that well attested to the depth of the feeling itfluntlng the hearts of those present. Then the army sang : I roni the mlKhty Honubllc of Franco Wo rejoice our innreclialo to tjruot , Who will liolp us Ood'w war to utlvauco And America win to his foot , 'J'tieii Bnllliigton tola of all the theologies tboy believed in , ono of which was the clap- closy , and calling for another verso of the } vtnn , the soldiers rose to their foot , and as thov 'ang , kept time by a vigorous clapping ol the hands. Following this Ilov. Dolwllor offered up enc c uicst prayer. Then there was more slnp- Inr , moro prnyornnd clapping of bauds , vol- K' t from tbo baud nnd exhortation , qulto re- ii.nto from the common way of conducting re ligious meetings , but atldo from the gro- trKiienoss ] of the accompanlmonUi , was qulto us impressive nnd effective. The onthusl- csm of the soldiers was Infectious , nnd bo rn o they were nwaro of It half the audlouco v.n mingling their voices , nnd the clatter of coll'ulng palms with the general thrilling uprrar. Among the many novel Innovations It the way of devotional exorcises was the nciompauiment to ono of the hymns oy n di/on musicians on stringed instruments , In rs viol , violin , guitars and banjo. This \\ns greeted by the most resonant applause , ni d vetso after verso was called for. About tlio Ariiiy'n Work. After the oxercisoi Mmc , Porrot , dnuuhtor of Uoussad Napoleon , a writer of French tracts , and private secretary of la mareehulo , was Introduced and delivered n stirring nd- rticsi , embodying much of her oxpori- 1 1 cu as a Salvationist In the laby rinths of the French capital. Mine , 1'urrot Is a comely young woman ol probably 20 , tall , slender and willowly , with brown hair and blue eves , nnd a volco of a decided Gallic accent. She was nrravod In a blade gown , with the roculatlon bonnet , nnd a voluminous whitewash depending from lcr : right shoulder. She spoke earnestly and lutrrostinely. Bnllington Booth , who Is agontloman bujlt 011 the elongated plan , with n sonorous volco nnd a freedom of manner that is refreshing indeed , nroso nnd told the congregation why lie was plad to bo here , and proceeded to do- tull In warm and fervent language tbo In- tt'i.ts , purposes nnd work of the Salvation nrmy. Then ha announced that bis dour tlslor , who was much fatigued by travel , would not make her principle nddrass to- nluht , but would defer it until next Sunday nUlit when sno would speak In Dr. Harsna's church , adding that the congregation would liiivo to bo content with a brief liilit on this occasion. Tncn ho turned to his ulster and sold in a loud voice , "Lti mare- chalo In bohnlf of Omaha , I greet you , " nud the lady arose and took her uoMtion by the eland well to the front of the stago. Grand Alartjlrtl ol'franuc. In nppoarnuco la nmrochao ; looks enough lll < o her prlvnto secretary to bo her sister , tun much was lent to this appearance by the similarity of their attire. She has a most at tractive fuco , oven clmslc In Its strength , nud epuaks with a deep emotion of tone , in n clear musical volco. that penetrates to the furthermost parts of the halt nnd Is readily understood by all. She began oy saying aha was sorry she ucuhl not ba n'blo to elaborate upon tbo sub ject so dear to her heart , but would have .o uo excused with n brief address until next Kumliiy night. Thuu she spoke of the dim- cultlcs of the work , moat ot which , by the blessings of God , had , however , already been overcome. Thou oho told hoiv lottldg in the gospel light nt Franco wn the only hope of that dark country. There U nothing reuiarkablo in the infidelity of the Frenchman ; they niHko no pretense nt milk-Ion , nna boast of their Indlfreronco nud hardness of heart. Hut there u hope , sbo wont on , for all of thorn , ns It wn her wont to wake saints out of dovlls. She told of the difference In the thlufs of this country and of Franco. What it scarce commodity is charity In tlio lu u- rtou * homes of the French and what a gigantic task It was In gathering aid for tno Buffering nnd destitute. Franco Is uolthor religious or moral , and doas not pretend tend to be. They learn their lessons In the thcntert nnd saloons , nnd from those who live to servo the devil , and r.ovor tbluk of ctting foot la a place 01 rcllslous worship. Jlopeu to Hnvo l-'cuiico. La marochalo bai feud hopes of the ro- der.ipllon of this gay but bonlgntcd nnd wlckod country nt the hands of too Salvation army. She said the French now only shrugged their shoulders nnd nld : "Wo know nothing of religion , It is not lit our line , " nnd how they go on Idling tholr Hvos nwny In tbo dlvos tfong the boulovanh , In the saloons , dance homos nud places ot oven grcator evil , but thu hlnssod prnvcr nicotines trmt nro being dally nnd nightly held by the faithful array , Is ex pected to bring them forth from thli slough of Infidelity , immorality nnd Iniquity pure and clean. It Is growing In strength every day , nnd li nt last commandlnc In n degree , that respect , to which it is entitled. This has boon brought about by moro force of force nnd merit. It iva the heart experience , n unison with Jesus Christ , such as thn nrmy was diffusing that wni nocussary , nnd It was coming In fullness nnd abundance. Franco does not sing behind tbo prayer book and bible , but In the opnn air. She hns no religion , bul there Is n way to bring her to ono. ono."Now will you help us , " concluded In mnrcchalo , "if you will , the Lord will bless you for sodolng , " nnd the distinguished lady rosumcd her sent. Dr. Harshn followed with n brief address , referring warmly to the proat work of la marcchale , and concluded by asking for donations for assisting her In her solf-saerl- flclng efforts. The doctor started the list with n $10 contribution , which was followed by many others with larger or smaller amounts. t The Ilowoscalo tookllrstprcmicin nt Putin- dolphla , Paris , Sydney nnd other exhibitions , Borden & Selleck Co. , Agts. , Chicago. AOl/r// O.l/.l/M. Ynrd and Olllco Notes. Receipts from January 1 todato nro 510,533 cattle , 1,203,033 hogs , 151,005 sheep , T.Sl'J horses nnd mules , showing n loss of 27 , SO cattle , n loss of 21U , 100 boas , n gain of 20,02" , sheep and u gain of : t,5in horses and mules as compared with 1SOO. W. II. Jnck. W. F. Sumptor nnd J. M. John of Fobom , N. M. , oacli had cnttlo on the local market , and M. Slattory also had in a load of Boll ranch ulcers. D.V. . Holcomb also had a load of sheep on tbo same market from his Colfax county range. Tbo returns have been so satisfactory as to create n moiit ' friendly feeling for that'mnrket and is rapIdly - Idly growing In the favor of stockmon. Swift ft Co. have Introduced the latest pig sticking machinery into their nbbatoir. The now device was put Into operation yesterday with the most satisfactory results. Hitherto much of the work boo had to bo done by hand , out by the now machinery tbo porker Is not handled , once ho leaves the sticker , until his carcass Is run Into the cold storage rooms. The work Is very materially les sened. It takes just six minutes for the whole operation. Tuo Swift company is killing moro cattle this year than nny of the other packing linns , the number during the past mouth , 20,000 , beating the record. Business nt the stockyards is picking up considerably. The commission merchants nnd all concerned have about nil they can do and nro correspondingly happy. E. A. McCormnck bronchi In two cars of cattle ; E. Cuddington two cars ; H. N. Bost- wick , two cars , and J. B. Klllran two cars nil from Cimmaron , Colo. W. E Doyle brought in five cars of cattle from Pueblo nntl P. II. Gallagher brought in six loads from the same placo. Inspector Howard condemned six head of lump jawed cattle yesterday. Slonllnt ; Coal. Now that the cola weather has como in earnest some of the denizens nlong Railroad avenue thought it would bo n fit time to lay In their winter supply of coal. A long Union Pacific coal train was sidetracked near the viaduct Thursday ovoiilng and at once the tbloves began to raid It. The greater portion o' ono car was emptied before the police got wind of the goinirs on. Tnoy swooped down on tbo coal heavers ] but succeeded in captur ing only ono of the culprits , Seymour Miller. Miller was fined $20 or ilftcnu days. The company has decided to station n watchman on Railroad nvonue to prevent further depre dations. _ Ttl < : Cattle Shipment Promised. Mnnncor Bnbcoclc received a dispatch from Folsom , N. M. , yesterday morning sayincr that moro than 100 cars of cattle would bo shipped to the local market next week. Prior to this spring Now Mexico ranchmen have been doing nil tlioir marketing at Kansas City , but smco the yard's company began to work in that territory it has managed to di vert the bulk of the shipments to this mar ket. Opentna Nov Cliurcli. The now Christian church , Twenty-third and L street , will bo opened tomorrow with Imposing coromonloi. Addresses will bo made by Kov. Kov. Robert L. Wheeler , First Presbyterian church , Rev. C. N Daw on , First Baptist church , and Hov. Mr. 11011- dorson , United Presbyterian church. Re vival services will ba continued during the wock , conducted by prominent ministers. Social Youim 1'coplo. The Young People's Social club held Its regular weekly party in the olub rooms on N street Thursday evening. Dancing wa * the principal feature and a pleasant evening passed in tripping through tbo mazes of de lightful walUos. It Is tbo intention of the clue to glvo parties every Thursday evening and the prospects are bright for many dullght- ful entertainments through the winter. \Vilc.v nnd Doty. A very pretty wedding took place yester day afternoon nt the ro-itdonco of Rev. R. L. Whoolor. The contracting parties were Mr. Eugnno Wiley and Miss Jessie Mae Doty of Deulson , In. Ilov. Mr. Wheeler performed the coromony. Thov will bo tbo guests of Mr. G. Marlon and family. Mngiu Cily Miniatures. J. D. Holmes of Plattsmouth visited the yards. T. B. Scott loft yesterday for Lincoln on business. R. S. Clark of Cozard had business in the Muglo City. It. C. Cooley from Weaver Is seeing the sights In the city. O. Laraon from Genoa visited friends in this city yesterday. J. H. Van Duson has rolurnou from n busi ness trip to Chieneo. C. J. Shoemaker and F. Witt of Syracuse are Magic City guests. The Epworth league mot last evening at tbo Methodist Episcopal church. C. A. Darling from Lyons is the guest of his brother-lu-law. J. F. Cornish. John Holmoi of Denver Is visiting with James Mead and family of Albright. Ed Woods from Borlln made the acquaint ance of commission men nt the yards , William W. Wells , after a visit with his son In this city , returned to Homer , Mich , , yesterday. At a mooting of the Letter Can-low as sociation yesterdnv it was decided to glvo a ball on Now Year's ovo. Mrs. T. D. Todd nnd daughter Mary ar rived this morning from Waterloo for u visit with the family of A. I , McDougnl. Fifteen line now buildings have boon erected along Twenty-fourth street for busi ness purposes within the past month. The funeral services of Mrs. Charles L. Porter will bo hold from the Prosbyterlau church tomorrow afternoon at 'J o'clock. The paving on Twouth-fourtb street has not programed so rapidly slnco the cold wave struck us , But if the weather inrdorates , two weeks moro will see ono sldo of Twenty- fourth street paved from A to Q. JM/.SM.Y.I / < i7.i K.I tni.i i'iiu. C. A. AlUlnsonof Lincoln is at the Paxton. L. U. Lloyd of Gothenburg Is at the Mil- lard. lard.Mrs. Mrs. ti. C. WixtUins of Lincoln U nt the Mlllurd. Hon. W. A. McKolghau of Red Cloud U at the Pnxton. Fred B. Smith of Nebraska City is a guoU nt the Murray , Dr. U. W. Johnston and wife ot Fairmont are at the Mlllard. Mr. J. B. Rlloy , of the Sioux City Journal , was in the city yesterday. Hon. John O. Watson , Charles Hubner nnd Dr. R. Roy Ross of Nebraska City uro at the Murray. Mr. William Roardon , advance representa tive of Frohmnn'a Now York Lyooum Theater company iu "Tho Charity Hull , " U in the city. _ _ Competition troiablos when Ilu.vdon Bros , opoa prices ou pluuos and organs. CHICAGO WANTS HER SHARE , Business Men Protest About Having tha City's Fuluro Mortgaged. WILL COMPETE FOR THE CONVENTION. Itecont Itpsolutlons Adopted oil the Hulijoot Do Not Kepresent ttio Sontlinont Garden City Gossip. CUICAOO HUIIBAU OP Tits BBS , ) Giitcuon , 111. . Nov. 1U. J Chicago hns decided to como down oft hot1 dignified perch , so to speak , and will nHii'lo | with the ether compotlturs in the general hustle for the national convention , notwith standing the resolutions adopted at the CIrairJ Pacific yesterday. It is also said that the assumption by some of the Columbian exposition promoter1 ? that they were author ized to mortgage all Chicago's future busi ness to ether cities in order to obtain con gressional votes for the location of tno World's fnlr hero will bo rebutted. It is probable that a mooting of prominent busi ness men will bo held at an early date to protest as to the uUcr.inco of yestorday's meeting and to put on record the fact that Chicago wants the political and all other big conventions. The Chicago hotel men are particularly dlssatlstlcu with the outcome of the meeting , and none of thorn hesitate to state their views on the matter , and some of the expressions were what the bnso bull reporter would call "full of ginger. " Jlflll.IXOTON AOKNTS IN" SESSION' . All of the general passenger agents of the Hurllngton system are holding their usual monthly family meeting at the oftlco of Gen eral Passenger Agent Eustls today. Only routine matters nro being considered , there being no questioirnf pre-eminent importance exlsitmg at present to engage the attention of the agents. sciiATCiiun OUT IIIH ; nvn. A young woman named Bertha Lawrence , residing In this city , was the victim of an un provoked assault by which she will lose ono of her oyes. She was entering a south sldo dry goods store , and at the door was mot by Sophia Scnmitzhen , ono of a notorious band of thlovos. The Schmltzhon woman had n few moments before committed n small theft in thu store and was hastening out to escape detection. Finding Miss Lawrence In hur way , she commenced to use her lists and nails on that person's face , bruising her severely and scratching out ono of her oyos. Her as sailant was arrested. FILED AN' IMMENSE MOIITOAOE. A ? r > ,000.000 mortgage was illcd in Chicairo yesterday. It was given by the Security In corporation of Now Jersey to the Manhattan Trust company of Now York and bears in terest at 0 per cent , payable in gold. The mortgage runs from November 1 , IbOl , to No vember I , 1911. It covers the property In this city of the Boston Cordage company , the Standard Cordage company and other cordage - ago manufacturers forming the Cordage trust. Attached to the mortgage was the lease by which the Boston property and that in othnr cities was transferred to the Now Jersey con- corn. The mortcapo is ono of tne largest out side those given by railways over BloJ In this city. It is second only to theGas trustmort- gage , whlcb was for $10,000,000. DISEASCD CVTTI.K CASE. Testimony in the case of the Whiskey trust agaltvst the Illinois Board of Live Stock Commissioners for the destruction of 1 > head of < xttlo supposed to bo nlllictod with aetlnoraycnals , brings to light that hundreds of cattle have been sold in Chicago which were nfllicted with lumpy jaw. Sometimes , when the disease was too apparent , eastern dealers would not object to taking nu animal , and it wont to the Now York rsi rsts. When it was very noticeable it was sold on the streets of Chicago. William Wolfnor , who handles thousands of cuttlo for the Whiskey trust , testitled concerning the manner in which the Uvo.stock commissioners first dis covered the disease. They placed 13S steers under quarantine , but did not roraovo them from the pens where the other cattle were kept. Twenty of those cattle were killed foroxperitnontal pur poses and eight were slaughtered out of mercy because they wcro so badly diseased. Six cattle in an incipient stage bad been killed at the glucose pens under the direction of Dr. Caswell , state veterinarian , who snld the meat was all right early in the disease. Some of tbo employes took suctions of the moat from these six cattle homo and ate it. This came to tuo notlco of Dr. John Scott , assistant state veterinarian In this county , and he afterward was , present whenever dli- eased cattle wcro killed and poured kcroseno oil over the cni-cassM so they could not bo used for food. I'fOIMJTIC TAt.K. "Jack" Dempsey and ' 'Young" Mitchell , the Californlan who recently sprang into Imno by whipping "Roddy" Gallagher In Sau FrancUco , loft for the east last night. Regarding the talked of match between him self and "Tom" Ryan , Uompsoy said ho would like to meet Ryan and hopud n match would bo arranged , but ho couldn't train down to the weight Kymi'i backers ask , which Is MO pounds. Mitchell said ho would Ilko to make u match with Ryan either for n light to a llnlsh or for a limited number of rounds , but ho declared ho could not light below 113 pounds. Some o ( Ryan's admirer * Insist that ho could hold his own against either man. man.WOIILK'S run XOTRS. A formal request for a big sllco of space for the Kronen exhibit has been niado by Consul Bruwoort in the manufactures build ing. 100,000 aqunro feet ; in the line arts building , 20,000 , and In tbo machinery hall 10,000. Tnoso amounts of space , M. Bru- waort said , form only the preliminary appli cation. Ho thought later that ; his govern ment would ask for more room In addition to what ho requested in tbo several buildings mentioned. Ho also desired space In the mines and mining , agricultural and horticul tural buildings. The Union League club tins pissed n reso lution directed to the city council asking that during the year ISO. ! all furnaces in the larger coal consuming establishments bo compelled to use hard coal. PLANS FOU A XUW 11OAI ) . A new road Is to bo built Irom Terre iltuito to Chicago. It will tap the rich coal liolds nt Oak wood , run through a thickly settled country to Kankalcco and then to Rivordalo , seventeen miles from Chicago , and connect thcro with the Ohio & Mississippi line to enter Chicago on that lino. It will also prob ably bo extended to South Cnyuga to connect with the Clever Loaf route for St. Louis. A special survey Is to be made shortly. OIIDS AND KNDS. An attempt was made last night to wreck n freight on the Wabash by piling ties on the trackbut the obstruction wus discovered and tbc culprit arrested. It Is said that , H. B. IHnltloy , cash ier of the Kock County bank of Luvorno , Minn. , acting as guardian for Mrs. Harriet Bryan , an insane woman of 90 years , has secured title to eighty acres of Chlcaco real estate near Jackson 'Park. Two Aurora merchants have been arrested , charged with burning their atoms to get the insurance. A wild man Is terrorizing the Inhabitants in1 the vicinity of Vandalia , WK3TCRN PEOPLE IN CIIICAOO. The following western people are In the city : At the Grand Pacific E. P. Reynolds , Wymorp ; E E. Nauglo , Omaha ; II. C. Simons , South Dakota. At the Palmer-Mr , and Mr ? . W. D. Elli ott , Mr. and Mrs. Ch.irles Bushman , Ot- tuinwa , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ucorgo E. King , DCS Moines , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Bur roughs , Cherokee , la. ; Mrs. Judge Cook , Webster City , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gar ner , Ottumwa , la. ; W. P. Swan , Omaha ; George Meyer , George JJorch , Bui-llncton , la. la.At At the Wellington -Lucius Wells , Council BlulTs ; J. E. Barrett , DCS Moines , la. ; J. P. W. Harklns , Omaha ; J. G. Watson , Lomars , la. la.At At , the Leland Mr. and Mrs , E. Saogor , Kcoktik , la. At the Auditorium A. J. Young , Clinton , la. ; George A. Joslyn , Omaha. F. A. The now Hotel Brunswick , IGth nnd Jackson , with all modern improvement ? . Now open for guests. Modornto prices. 'O Ho HIM a. Scheme. John Gilman of Idaho is at the Murray and ho has a scheme with him. Ho is trying to got people in the western states Interested in an advertising train of fifty car loads of pro ducts which he will exhibit throutrn the east and terminate the trip at the World's fair. He wishes to have products from fifteen or twenty stntes and exhibit the whole train as a regular feature of the World's fair. m < VVepmtin piano. Now scale. Now tuning device. Sold on installments. Hnydau Bros. Will Investigate Schools. The Rual Estate Owners association has decided to investigate tbo expenditures of the Board of Education. Mr. Paul Harbaugh began yesterday to cony the list of teachers and janitor's sal aries. An itcnmed statement of the expendi tures for repair * , fuel , etc. , will nlso bo secured - cured and reported to the association. 40 years the standard * x-35T A Pure Cream ItOYAK , TAYI.OU'3 ON1S SPOON. Tartar Powder Coutains Auiuioula , Contains Alum ami Ammonia. Dr. Price gives larger and fuller cans than those of any other Baking Powder manufacturer. Above cut represents the comparative size of one pound can each ' 'Dr. Price's , " Royal" and "Taylor's One Spoon. " These cans were set side by side , then photographed down in cxapt proportions to admit the plate in this space. Ask your grocer to set a one pound can of any other brand alongside 1 Ib. Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder , and observe the difference , as illustrated above. Adulterated powders may usually be detected 'by ' their heavier bulk , as shown by the email cans , and these scantily filled , often containing a circular to help fill out the cans. It is a singular fact r that many of the ammonia and alum baking powders are advertised as "Absolutely Pure , " All official examinations prove that it would be safe to reject all powders labeled absolutely pur . . The economy in using Dr. Price's Cream Bak'mg Powder does not consist alone in the fact that much larger and fuller cans are given , but Dr. Price's is a stronger , purer and more wholesome bak ing powder than any other known. Does better work , and goes farther , hence more.economical in every way. What woman would use an ammonia or alum baking powder if she knew it ? Such powders not only undermine the health , but ammonia gives to the complexion a sallow and blotched appearance. Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder is reported by all authorities as free from ammonia , alum , lime , or any other adulterant , The purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. So mtor Paddook DiTjvmoj Nebraska's ' Pros- pcoto for the Prz3. ! WHAT SUCH A RESULT WOULD SIGN'FY. ' Sulminntlnl Kvltlcncc of tlio Growth of Ileiiitblluati Principled Ghl- capo's Viral Irluinpli In This Ijliio Itcuallcd. WASHIXOTOV BURBIUOF TUB Bus , J 5111 FouitTnuxTii STIIERT , > WASIIIHHTO.V , D. C. . Nov. 13. ) Senator Paddock , who has boon spending a fovr days iu the city preparatory to the ns- somblhiK of congress , will bo hero again to tnko part In the light for the convention when the national republican coiumittoo meets November 2J ) . When the committee pots toeothor Omaha will bo found repre sented by iiblo nud ofllelont men , ho says , who will sot forth her claims In a wny calcu lated to convince the committee that Omnhn Is prepared to tnko proper cnro of the dolo- gntos nud nil visitors. Sonntor Pad dock recalls the selection of Chicago in 1SOO when the objections urged ngalnst that city were the same ns those now presented nu'tiinst Omaha and says that it would bo something moro than mere sentiment to nominate the republican candidates at a point further wcit this year than over before. It would bo Indicative of the spread of the republican parti * as well us the growth of the country. Its political im- portunco would bo very great , for the recog nition of Omaha by selecting It for the con vention would stimulate the republicans of Nebraska and the surrounding cordon ot states. . "What Is the political situation in No- braskuf" "Tho recent elections In Nebraska was a republican victory but ! do not bcliovo that the result can bo accepted as conclusively in dicating what wo may expect in 1602 , " said the senator. "It shows , however , that the direction is toward the old republican major ities , nud I know than hundreds of republic ans , who left the party and Joined thu alli ance , have returned. " bMUOOUXO 9U1IE.MB DISCOVEnED. The treasury officials have discovered a very neat and effective smuggling scheme by which Canadian tailors have been enabled ode do a largo business nearly all over the United States and oven as fur west at Omaha. It nppoars that drummers for the Canadian houses visit customers in the United States nnd tnko measurements and orders. When the clothing is made the package is given tea a Bleeping car porter running between To ronto and Montreal nnd points in the United States. The porter bring ? It across the line to some obscure place nnd there ships It to the customer. There was a heavy seizure of smuggled clothing in Troy , N. Y. , n few weeks ago. Ono porter was nrrosted in Bos ton and warrants are out for others. The treasury people are keeping a sharp lookout and it Is expected others will bo captured. In the meantime the Montreal drummer Is nt present working Wisconsin nnd Minnesota nnd is headed towards Omaha. OMAHA'S rnniiui : , IUIILDIN'O. Supervising Architect Edbro'oke will prob ably return from Chicago tomorrow and will resume his dutins at the Treasury department on Monday. His return will probably bo followed by readvortising for proposals for the excavation for tbo new Omaha postoHico and court house. The last bids did not in clude the removal of the Incumbrancos now on the site and the next proposals must In clude this work. The lateness of the season precludes the possibility of accomplishing nny moro than the excavating before next spring , but the supervising architect's oflico expects to have the contracts awarded In tlmo to assure the prompt beginning of work as soon as the frost Is out of the ground in MISCELLANEOUS. Ex-Cougrossman Jerry Murphy is bore , on his way homo from Europe. Mr. Murphy will take a run out to Davenport and will then return to Washington with the inten tion of putting in the winter iu lobbying for the Ilotmepin canal project. Ho says ho feels sure a big appropriation can bo secured for it this year. The postmaster general to.1ay appointed S. Mnyiio postmaster at Bancroft , Kossuth county , lu. , vice W. E. Jordan , resigned. P. fa. H. Don't let that couph continue. Stop it nt once with Piso's ' cure for consumption. It never falls ; 2.1 cents. All drucgists. NEW CISUTAIN - C'0 , never roturus. I will ectiU sealed 1'ltKIJ to nny eutTcrer n proierlptlon to cnlamu small weak parts uml certain euro for lost vigor , emissions , vnrlco- cclo , Impotency. Aililre s J. I ) . HOU.'ii ; . IKii 00 , Albion. .Mich. aiinbootl rolurrd. I'arU fnlaryrd. fura towntU > 1 Hour. I * ltl fUillr tml the rccliw { ( ? atilt tltFRtoany stittercr It is a rclUlilj > ml Uitlni ; Cure AM.Ircss W S. JAQULS.M D..lj\V tlhSt.Cmcluiutl.C > BAD ECZEM A ON BABY , 11 end Ono Solid Bore , ttuhlni ; AnTul. 11 ad to Tic Ills lIinulH lo Cnullc. Cured l > y Cut lour.i. Our little boy broke out on his tipnd wltli n bnd funnofaetaiun , when lie wm four month * ohl.V tried llircoilocton , but ihojr did not help him. Wo then uscil four three Cutlcitrn UOIUO.UM , uI utter uslim them uloTOT wccXs ex nelly ncconlinj to illro lions lie t'PKim ' to doitdliy Improv u , nnd uftcr thu u o of them for raven iiumilH Ms hond wn iMitlroly volt , U hvn no IICKIIII IISIIIK It Ills head win n oolld iora ( rtmi I the crown to hl oi-bronn. It wa nljo nil over his e M mottoriils face mid imnll plnrcs oinHrrcront | uirt o ( toily. Thcro ere git- tct'n Wl'lk > lh"1 wo lliul to ke ° P hl * ' 'niid ' tloil tn the crndlo nml hold thorn when ho was tnkcn up ; nnd hnd tokeepnilttciistlodonhls himds to keep his linger- n ills out of tlionurus , nsha would acrnlcli It ho could In nny nayifot lila hnuds lee o Wo know jour Cutl- rurn Itvmi'dlosciiroil him.Vnfool i.tfo In recom- mondliiff thutn toothors , ( iKU. II. nnd JANKTl'A UAItlttS , Webster , Ind. Cuticura Resolvent The new bliH > d nnd skin purlllor : > nd Kronlo-ft , of humor rumudlos cli'inncs thn blood of all ItnpuiltliMaiid poisonous eloinonts , and ( lint roinovos the cuiia.hllo CUTICUIIA. thu gri > .it skin 1'ino , nml ( UTirtniA SDAI * . an oxiiulsltu skin Oeniitllior , the skin and sculp , mill restore the hair. Tims the CtrTicuil11KMK - niB1 * c\iro oory sppclcs of Hulling , biinilns , sc'ily : , pimply , and blotchy sum. stMilp , uml blood tllsoasiH , fiom iilinplcs to cn > fuln , from Infancy to age , when the best pliysk-lans fall. Sold every whoro. 1'rlce. Ct'Tirrn.60c : Ho it- , S11. ; ltlsor.W\T. : 41. 1'iupnrol by the I'OTTKU Dllllll ANI > CltKMIt'Vti OlIIU'OlHTlO.V , lloslou. S 'Seiultor "How to Cure Hltin Dlsfiisos , . " Cl p igt's , SO lllustr.illons , nnd 100 testimonial : ) , 10 fl'iln and sr.ilp purified and boixiillllod by rt'Tict'HA f > oi' . Absolutely pure. ANS ! AND WEAKNESSES Uf females Instantly rullovod by that IIIMV , I'lou'unt. nnd Infallible Antidote lo I'ulti. Inlluinnintloii.and _ WoaUncss , the CuriuLiiA ANTI-I'AIN I'LASTEIt. Vile cod-liver oil has lost its vileness in Scott's Emul sion and gained a good deal in efficiency. It is broken up into tiny drops which are covered with glycerine , just as quinine in pills is coated with sugar or gelatine. You do not get the taste at all. The hypophosphites of lime and soda add their tonic effect to that of the half-di gested cod-liver oil. Let us send you a book on CAREFUL LIVING free. SCOTT ft IIOVTNB , Chemiiti , 133 South jth Avenue , New York. Your druggist keepi Scott'j Emulsion of cod-liver Oil all druggists everywhere do. f l. J THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD ! , . , * LIVER PI3L3LS © . liavi-ull the virtues oftlio lurfjcr onrn ; 'equally ott'ortlvo ; ptnoly r ot i\nct lzu slion 11 In this bonier. Dr , Bailey ( P 5 The Lpadin ? i 1 DENTIST. Third Vlonr Ptixton lllook. Tolcpono 1085. Kith mid Fnrnnm S. A full sut of tcoth , on ru tiber , for $ .1 1'orfcot fit. Teeth without nl.itos or removable brldRo worlt , Just the thlnjj for sliiiOM anil public spuuUera , never drop down. Teetli ExtnotgJ Without Pain. All fillings at reasonable r.ites , all work warranted. Cut tills out. for a miluo. Lane KOYAL MAIL SrHAMiit3. : Slontrt-nl nnd Qiicboa to Perry nnd Liverpool. Cnbln ? V ) to fH ) , ncuonllni ; to ntoiunor nnd loc.itlon uf stiao room. Intermediate mid stooniKoutlow rato' . NO CAITLI ! CAUltlKI ) . Bmuvioii oi > - ST13AMSIIIL- . Now York nnd Ulimow via l.oiuloiicjurry ever Kortnli-'lit. 7 Nov. 12 , BTATK Ol' NUIIUASICA , noon Nov. M. STATIC of C VhirOHNIA , noon Dec. IU , m'Al'H OF NHVADA , II A. .M. Cnbln f."j up. llcturn JH3. Stt'Cnuo f9. Apply to ALLAN A CO. Ihlr-uoj U. K , MDOIIK3 , Wnbaili TIckutOIHco ; W. f.VAIL , Uurllimton Tleiot Oliloo Youti ; ; and middle-aged men suffering from errors of youth , c.\ > e , texinil weakness , etc , , positively cured for five dollnra. Our rento- dlcs are in pill nnd tablet form , stifilclent Tor tv/o montliB" trontniont , which will cirect a perfect cure. Upnn recei ! > t of five dolliird will Lo bent to nny address lu'ilnln tcalcd ' by mall. Circular freo. Address YALE CHEMICAL CO , i BnfforlnB from tlio vtli'cU of youthful errors early decay , wnstlns ; woalcw&i , lost iiiaiiliond , etc , 1 will iul nvoltmlilu trcutlto ( unliil ) coiitulnliij fullnirtliul ; r3 for homo cure , I'HUI ! of dmrgu. A rplcndld incillcal work j should \ywoA \ tiy o > cry nnn who H iiorvom nn I clflilllUml. Adclresi , 1'rof. 1\ < , ' . I'OU'I.IUt , ItlooUus , C'ouu. NBW A OeM I'.tnorvfcd nhaatre , _ 2 j * for50 ° i i-ovrntrcnth nnd ItitriiPy Street.- ) . TO-DAY. TONIGHT. THIS ( SATURDAY , ) NOVEMBER 14 , I.A8T TWO Pr.l'rOUMANOr.3 01- ' RICH'S 'tint , , i/.vjr : .v o.v .irvmn , Special Mntlnoo for l.adltn ntul Children , I'rlorsi-KlrRt t''loor.V ! It.ili'imy Mo. 7'lff.S jT.TAA JA' 4 / ' : / , , OloMnn I'orformanoo Of tlio Ktuaeemunt , 'T 1'rlcoi : 1'lrst Kloor ? 5o and Jl.OOj llulcony Wo mid 7Sci ll.illury Wio. Opera House NIGHTS. ngt Jlfoiuiay , A7ov. 15 4 < TWl'MTIl filUSON. Aintilcn'8 Uf fined tun ! Versntllo Comedian , In TOM'S VACATION A clcon nml nrtlntlo Jtmtral Coinwly Medley In 3 net * . fcupiHirtcd by u F183T-CIilC3 COUPAlir cf WELL-3SLECIID AUTI3T3 IJISTIlCHr.VrAI. MttllCAl , ll'rCIALTIIH. COMICAL SAY1K1IS ANK HI1U.U I ONI. iiKii.AMi iirAi-Tiiui. rvjoYMmrr. l-ATKTT SONUS. AUTISTIC SkKICII 11. 1 U.MMV AITI. . Him , I'U'.I' , AM ) KM'IMUl , rannu TUB \MuFsiENr op It. S.imiGGS mill M. C. liiliNKA. Sale of fcoata opens Suhu'rtay , it ! ) o'clock n. in. 'flc WJo , We. Theatre Sent for 61) ) Cent * Seventeenth nnd Uurnuy Streets. THK SUNDAY ( JHKAT I1IU Jll ASIATIC TU1IAT MONDAY , , Uy A. 0. Gitnthor [ author names of N. Y.I Presented by MR. FRANK W. . SANGER'S PO COMPANY OR OF NEW YORK. I'rtcei I'armict $1 ; imnpiot circle "Sc nnd fl ; bul. cony Wc ) and 7. o llox shccti upon hnturday morn * liij ( ut U o'clock. FARNAM STREET THEATRE I Alylit.i , cinniiiciii'iiin irltli 11 ciltu-n- Slntiiiec , Xoi' . 11 , " RMER1GHN BOY. 2O I'opnlar L'ricos IGc , 25c , : $ . " * . r , 50c , 7. > c. _ [ Olio Wualc UstmlS U A rill t'omniiMirliM / f- , , l/ , | iV l fciiuiliijr / J lnoo . [ ( . .LAX Mn NOT HupporUMl bvMll CllAt ) . A. Sl'UVKNhON ami u Company of Actors. Klrst Ilnlf of tlio Wook. "TWO ORPHANS. " I.'iat Half of the Wci'k , THE WORLD AGAINST HER , . ' I'opular I'rlctH ISc , ! . ' ) C , Me. Mo nml 7Sc. DIME Corner Ilth nml I''arnambtrcotd. ' Oon. W. Aiiilorion , Onllk'il Mnn. ( iruco Ctiurtlanil , wlu-h or Wall utreut. Berpentullo , CdiiturtliiiiNt. HHIII bl lcr * , llillil rorlorinerj. Kil ( . 'illauher , CoincdUti Alubel Arnold , Ciirnot bnloa. Ilion iin Ilrni , HIi.uliinKrnphs. ' 11 c Walter's , BlnseM nnd Dancora. 1'rof. JIcKuu , Vuntrlloqulat. Aclnil tnitn * Dime , open dullr 1 to 1 ! ) p. ID Notiuo. The Nobr.iilta A Western Itnllwny coin" puny : Pursuant to an order of the circuit eourt , ol tlio I'nltod hiatus for llio district of Nobrnsku , cnlorod on tho'J4th iluy of Outoher , 1SU1 , In u btiltln ciiulty. niiw ijoiidlni ; In said cotiit , Whoiolu tlio Miinh.ittiiu Trust conipniiv ll complainant n nil the fuibrnslcu.V Woituin Uull- way eoinpiuiy Is th'feniliint , nil porsonn hnv- IIIR any clnlms a : ilii > , t tlu > iiudoiBlum'd as ro- I'Ctvor are ii'iiilrod | to ptuseiit the HIIIIIII In writh > K , duly \urlflod , lo llio iiiulursliiiiud tit his ollleu in the t'lly of Omaha on or before tlio 1st day of Doc timber , 1S.JI. Dated titOiualia , Nob. . October 21th , 1SOI. Kills L. llloibouor. Oct. Ill Nov , 7-14-L'l M. Itocolvor , , l utflliili Dlnnonit IIianf. l nul itulOmiutno. . lw T rcUublf. UADIC * &i t lor ( Mckultrt Swliin * moiU Bran I la lo < l ui.l lluld oictnllloV l < rltilii ! | | < rl > 'h.iii Tulle Ae/wf ; Jnqtroui lutitttttl' tttctlfHt Ai IrujuI'iiCr ' Mn la itim [ for parU m ri , fillinnaliU ait ] lllcf l f r > . .ail i'f tn letter , by rttlirM Mull. Ti llmotil tt Kant tapir. . ' ' .i ! I ; > " - I' " * ! llrnni'iti , 1'lilluitn. . I'ur Iho 'jlv i lutliul.lnoi tliooulr llnouver liu cut illliul lioMa Ilio clotliux without pln ; n PIT- It-it BiicooaKi palont iiunitly Ismuil ; HOI | | onlj" ho iiuoiitr , to whom lliu oxuliKlvn rlxlil It Klvuni oil ro- cclptuf Ml oonts wo will Bunil xiimplu line hy in ill uho crculnrH ; prku ll tiuid tunas toit'/i'iiti 1 uoctiri your lorrlUirr nt once Aililruai Till' ' } I'.N'Ll'Id.S. 'U CO. , 17 Hainan St , Worcoitur , Mm : BUY © IH MERCHANT TAILOS , MADS 1 SECURE OKTE OF THOSE -AT- ON THE -A.T TME.- 13O0 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. ' 13OQ N. B. AUcruliouB to Insure a perfect lit miidu free ot chargo. Ordora by mail receive prompt urid careful uttuntlou.