1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JDBIDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1801 , f IMl H Convention of Exposition Representative ? of America Proposed. AVIIAT EACH LOCALITY WILL FURNISH , All Mny Kxplnln tlio Work Under Consideration In VnrloitH I'nrta or tlio Union Gnrilon City Gossip. CHICAGO Buniut ; OF TUB BEE. I CniCAfio , 111. , Nov. 12. ( Secretary Dickinson sent out notices today for ono of the most Important meetings that the World's fair managers have over con templated. It Is to bo a convention of the exposition representatives ot the various Hates of tno union with the members of the board of reference and control of the Na tional commission and the local directory. Every state -and territory of the union Is nskod and expected to send a representative , BO that all may explain tbo work In various parts of the country and each state may learn the advantage of every plan followed In Rotting up exhibits. E.ich representative will bo expected to toll , as far ns possible , \vbut his state expects to do , so that the convention will practically decide what the tales of the union will display at the exposi tion. About li ! < ) people tire expected , includ ing tnnny ladles , and the meetings will bo Jield on December 0 , probably In the city council chamber. Mrs. Potter Palmer , president of the woman's board , adds to the Invitation the Blatumcnt that she deslros all ladles who are members of the various state boards to bo present in order that they may bo made fully Qcquamted with thu plans for promoting the exposition work of women. Director General Georeo R. Davis , who /ell 111 Sunday , Is reported to bo much bettor this morning. The colonel's condition on Monday was thought to bo serious and It was feared ho would bo incapacitated for work for EoitiO time. The trouble wns an aflliction of the throat complicated by n lunit difllcully , luo to exposure In the Inclcmout weather on Sunday. At a moc'lng of the executive cotmnlttooof the tralllc managers today Jay Cox handed in n report showing that during October two more trnflio associations of the Associated liallwnys cf Virginia and the Caroilnus , rep resenting ten roads , and a freight trudlu asso ciation of the middle states , representing thirty-nlno roads , has agreed to frco return of exhibits ( of the lair. This loaves but ono tralllo association to tnko action. Sixty-six Independent lines have made the same con cession , making -100 lines in all that have ngrcod to return exhibits free. Tit \Iir.HS1 HANK AFFAIRS. Byron L. Smith , receiver of the Traders' 'bank ' of Chicago , filed n report before Judco Ehopurd today stating that , ho has on hand tincollcctablo bills and chums amounting to nbout | : ir > 0,000. The receiver represented lhat-lt would cost moro to collect these claims t than could bo received on them , and the court entered an order authorizing n sale of the assets to the highest bidder. 11RCCTTIOX TO Till : UNION A reception was given to the union printers ef the city this afternoon in the magmtlcant composing room of the Now Herald building. 5110 room is beautifully lighted , the cases all liavo iron frames , uud each "alloy" boars the llcrnld monogram In gilt. The copy cutter's ' box is furnished like a capitalists ofllco , and nil the llnishincs and furniture in the depart ment is of oak. nisiior MKUitn.i , iMi'itovcn. The authorities at the Wesley hospltal _ to day reported that Bishop Merrill of the Methodist Episcopal church continues to Im prove , though , rather slowly. Ho appears brighter than he has since his sickness and these about Ins bedside have more ground to liopo he will recover. FAII.KII TO FINn Tlinill INDIANS. Four dirty-faced urchins , ranging In ago from 8 to 10 years , were arraigned in police court lod.iy , charged with robbing several Btorns In Hyde Park and Lako. The ofllcors , after arranging the tiny culprits in line , placed on the magistrates desk four hugo re volvers which , it was alleged , was a portion of the plunder tnlton last week from a hard- varo store at1 14 i State street , with which the youngsters had declared they intended to light Indians on the western plain ? . Seven Ixixes of strong cigars , part of which had been consumed , were also among the plunder. NCW AUTiriC'IAI , ICK I'KOCRSS. James M. Evans of Patcrson , N. J. . the Inventor of n now process of Ice making , Is Iioro organizing a company for the erection ol n largo plant . Mr. Evans claims for his ice making invention a vast saving in time , expense of machinery and mechanical power. TATIIONI/E 1I1CI.ANI ) . Efforts of the earl and countess of Aber deen to awaken Interest in the work of the Irish Homo Industries association are moot ing with great success in Chicago. At an in formal reception given at the residence of Mrs. Potter Palmer , at which a number of prominent people were present , hearty co operation was promised toward making the proppsod exhibit at tbo fair a success .ami making a market for the products of Irish industry in this country. IICVOI.T IN THU KOYAI , LEAGUE. There Is n revolt In the ranks of the Royal league. The members have become very proatlv dissatisfied with tbo lack of repre sentation in the supreme council of the order. The order has now nearly seventy councils * " In this city and statn and not ono of those FT lioiiles has any volco in ttio sunrcmo council or management of thu alTairs of the order. \usTiitN : riiori.i : IN CHICAGO. The following western people are In the city. city.At the Pacific- . W. Wilson , Lincoln ; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hubbell , Miss lloulan C. Hubbell , Uos Molnts , la. ; Mrs. I ! . W , Hover , Cedar Rapids , l.v ; Jonas M Cloland , Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wagner , Miss AVnll , Sioux City , In. At the Palmer II. T. Corson , Sioux Palls , S. D. ; Mrs. C. C. Whitton , Toledo , la. ; James N. Clarke , Hustings ; George Uorch , T. U Meyer , C. A. Frlck , C. S. Trick , Burllncton , la. ; J. W. Yoast. Ft , Madison , la. ; Charles A. Clark , Cedar JUipuls , la. At the Wellington 1C. L. Lewis , Omaha. 1 At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. Henry \Vost , DosMolnus , la. ; Mrs. G. W. Bovor , Cedar Rapids , In. ; George A. Joslyu , Omaha. F. A. ' Use Hallar's narbViro Liniment for lioraux , It never falls to euro cuts , wounds Ami old sores. .I.VA O O/.M/B.YT.S. . Ttio princes of tlio burnt-cork world will appear ot lloyil's now tlioator on TuosiUy ntul Wodnosilny ovouings niul Wednesday nftcrnoon of next ivcok , when Prlmroso < & West's minstrels will liilroiluco thuuuclvus to tba Omalia public In it now "Mr. Potter of Texas" will undoubtedly provo successful as n play on account of Its contemporary Interest , Its bright , wholesome clmracler , und that plentiful supply of quick cleverness wlilcli has maruod all of Mr. ( inn- tor's work. Joseph Whcolock. Joffroys Lewis , Frank Alkon , Maurice Drew , Leo Liiinur and May Unities , will bo soon In the presentation given at Hoyd's now ttioator for two nights , conmiuiciiiSunday evonnc next. The sale of scats will commence to morrow at t ) o'clock. Kay L . Hoyco In "Tom's Vacation" at the Grand Monday. Knto Claxton at the Farnam Street theater Buuday. "An American Doy" at the Far- bam Street theater. 1 Oeajlor'aMaBiolieauaonoVafori.Curoi a bcadachcsln 'M minuted. At all druggist * The Howe Scales , the only scale ' .vlth pro- tcctod beorlnps. No chock roils. Cat- losruos of Bordcn & Bolleck Co. , Asts. , Chi- eago , 111. _ The social club ot All Saints Kplscopal thurcheavo n social and danua last ni ht at XVashlniiton hall whlcU urovcd to bo ouo of the most delightful gatherings of the klad Undertaken for many months. Then ) were about UU ) present during the fevoalaff. Tbo II rat part of thu ovenlng was devoted to musto uud sociability , nd nt 10 o'clock the chnlrs were cleared away and these wbo wished to cneagod in A number of dollRhtl fill dancer , blijht rofro hmonta were served by the ladles of the guild. The entertainment belnir so g.-cat a suo- cesi , it U altOROthcr probable tlmt the club will hold similar gatherings monthly during the winter. _ _ HKGK.VT AHUV OltnKtt.t. oP IntcrrMt In tlio fe'prvlco YcKtirilny. WASIIIMITOX , D. 0. , Nov. 12. i Tolosram to Tun Unn.J The following army orders were Issued today : Lcavo of absence for four months with per mission to go beyond the sea , to take effect about December 8 , 1891 , Is granted Lieuten ant Colonel Wllllum I ) . Hughes , deputy quartermaster ccncral. The commanding general Department of the IMatto will desig nate an oniccr of his command to perform the duties of lieutenant Colonel Hughoi durinir liU abscnco on leave. The leave of absence granted Second Llotitcnant U'itllam H. Withclm , Tenth Infantry , August , ! " ! ) , Ib'Jl , Is extended ono month. Uy direction of the acting secretary of war the following assignments to duty of ofllcors of the medical department , recently ap pointed , are ordered : First Lieutenant Henry C. Fisher , assistant surgeon , will pro ceed from this city to Fort Ulloy , Kan. , to report In person for duty to the commanding ofllcor of that post , reporting by letter to the commanding general Department of the Missouri : First Lieutenant llonry A. Shaw , assistant surgeon , will pro ceed from Worcester , Mass. . to Fort McKinney - Kinney , Wyo. , aim report In person for duty to the commanding ofllcor of tlmt post , re porting by letter to the commanding general Department of the Platto. First Lieu tenant Samuel U. Dunhip. assistant sur geon. will proceed from Now York City to Fort Sill , Okl. , anil report in person for dutv to the commanding general Department of the Missouri. First Lieutunant Frank T. Merriweather , assistant surgeon , will pro ceed from Ashovllle , N. C. , to Fort Adams , It , I. , and report In person for duty to the commanding ofllcor of that post , relieving Captain Arthur W. Taylor , assistant sureeon , nnd reporting by letter to the commanding general Department of the East. First Lieutenant diaries F. Klofor , assistant surgeon , will proceed from Phila delphia , Pa , , to Fort Slioridan , In. , and report port In person for duty to the commanding ofllcor of that post , reporting by letter to the commanding general Department of the Missouri. The extension of leave of absence granted Captain Joshua L. Fowler , Second cavalrv , October 21 ! , 1801 , is farther extended fifteen days. Leave of absence- for four months , to take effect December 1 , 1391. Is granted First Lieutenant John Pitcher , First cavalry. HI iirdi-r Will On t. HAZI.KTOX , Pa. , Nov. 12. The murder of John and William Kestor , October 15 , 1SSS , at their farm house acarSoybortsvlllo , caused great excitement nt the time ana for months afterward. It is supposed the murderers secured - cured nearly $20,000 in gold. A largo reward was offered for their capture but no cine was lound until last Sunday , when a brawl In n low dive between Henry Higglns , the pro prietor , nnd nis wlfo , furnished it. Mrs. Iliggins accused her husband of the crime In the presence of witnesses and was In turn told by him that If ho should hang she would also. Chief Hamoton , of > tbo coal und iron police , was notltiod , and as there was another man mentioned by Mrs. HIggins as having bcon interested iu the crime , Joseph Eveland , another dive keeper , ho , induced Evolaml's wife to toll what she know of the crimo. Yes terday she inudo an nflldavit that her hus band , Higgins nnd Mrs. Higgins , who was dressed as a man , committed tbo murder , and all three were arrested and hold for a hearing next Monday. Chief Hampton says ho will have u chain of evidence that will fasten the crime upon them. if i' itr A. jwn. or a Lascivious Kentucky Negro. PADUCAII , Ky. , Nov. 12. .Too Mitchell , the negro who had outraged the daughter of William Mayllold , was strunc up by a mob , who took him away from an ofllcor in the magistrate's ofllco. Dentil ol' n Veteran. Qui.vcv.Ill. , Nov. 12. The death of Colonel John M. Glover , ono of the most prominent men of northeast Missouri , occurred nt his homo in ICnox county yostorday. Ho was 03 years of ago and hart always taken an autivo interest In public affairs. Ho served tbrougli the war as colonel of the Third Missouri cav alry , a regiment enlisted from both sides of the river. Ho served throe successive terms in congress as n democrat , having been llrst elected in 1873. Ho loaves throe children. Hill McotH Ills Pi-lends nt Yulloy. The republicans of Valley precinct , under , the auspices of the members of the Uulon club , banquottcd the county superintendent- elect , Mr. Hill , Wednesday evening at the Union club rooms. The suppnr was at the Union house , after which remarks were tnado by Messrs. Hill , Whitman ) , Turner and Sul- llvnn. Vocal and instrumental music , toasts and speeches followed. The reception shows bow highly Mr. Hill is hold in his own precinct. Ijlvely Unto AVnr I'rolinltln. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 12. The Chicago Si Alton has made a through rate of $15 from Kansas City to Cincinnati over the Altun and the Ohio & Mississippi via St. Louis. For some months the Ohio & Mississippi has neon ottering the rate to the western roads , but tbo association lines have not dared accept It. This cut will in nil likelihood Inaugurate a retaliatory rate from thu In dianapolis lines and will probably result in u lively rate war. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when Do- Witt's Little Karly Kisors are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best. pill. About tlio Cruiser N'ownrk. BOBTOX , Muss. , Nov. 12. Lieutenant Com- manuor H. N. Mannoy Is authority for the statement that the United States cruiser Newark will sail Saturday next from the Charleston navy yard. Tboro Is llttlo tnllc now among tbo ofllcers about the Chilian affair , nnd It Is not known whether the cruiser will bo ordered to that country or not. It Is quite certain , however , that the vessel's destination will bo the South Amer ican station. Four hundred uml fifty dollar piano. Warranted eovon yours for $187.50. Now scale. Ilaydon Bros. Ilrowera Form u TrtiHt. CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 12. It Is said that all hut two of the twenty-seven broworlos In Cincinnati , Covlngton und Newport have agreed upon a consolidation similar to that of the- whiskey trust , to reduce uxuunsos and control the trade. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers ; best llttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. Btirlcalcw &Root , CM N. 10th , just ro colvcd carload uholco Mluhigiui apploa JM : AO.V.It'A Lornn Clark of Albion Is nt the Murray. L. U. Austin ot Ashland Is at the Puxton. John H. Amos of Lincoln Is at the Mlllard. II. It. Uoulnson of Kimball Is at the Pax- ton. ton.Frank Frank W. Ooff of Nebraska City U at the Casoy. F. Faulkner of Schuylor Is a gueat at the Mlllard. Mrs , L. Mathowa ot Fremont is at the Pax ton , H. H , Cirl filths ntul wlfo ot Albion are at the Cajo.v. Dr. Leas , mayor of Cbudron and ono of the live , onorgotio men of the northwest , Is In the ulty , Miss Llzzlo Goldman , who presides over the Casey news stand has boon seriously ill for several days. A very small pill , but a very coed ono. Do- Witt's Little Early Klsow. FOR THE COMING ART SHOW , Western Ar Atsjolation Btny Propiring for Iti Annual Exhibition. TO HAVE MANY ATTRACT VE FEATURES. Ilcnutirul mid Pnitinti * Palntlnga Will lie rflioxvn ntul Hiiro and Curl- OU8VorksP. . 1) . Ar- inottr'a ( Jcnorimlty. Exposition ball was ttio scene of great activity yesterday. A force of carpenters and artUts , nnitor the supervision of Mr. George . LInlngor and Mr. O. P. ( Ratlin , liavo possession of the largo hall and are rapidly converting It Into a very attractive art gallery. The fall exhibition of the \Vostem Art association will open In that bulldlne next Mouoay and the present Indications are that this will bo the most successful and most elaborate exhibit , over undertaken by the association. The tlrst lloor will bo devoted largely to foreign work ana loaned pictures. Creigh- ton college has aslcoa for n largo space , ana workmen wora busy yesterday preparing tno cases for the college exhibit. from isI AtttMUtloiiH. The cases on the main floor are arranged In the form of a double cross and roach the full length and Width of the hall. The llgbt will bo coed and the accommodations first class. In addition to the great pic tures already mentioned In THE HER that are to become a part of this grand exhibit , the Chicago Art Institute has al ready sent twonty-llvo cases of painting * to bo shown and more will follow. The art school at Utica , N. Y. , has also applied for space. Tboro will bo an oxtonstvo display of Indian - dian relics and curios In the south sldo of the gallery under the supervision of Mr. Julius Mover and Dr. Kohnstamm. Malor Clnrusou has consented to superintend the military and army relic display , whlcn will also bo In the gallery. The north side of the gallery has been set aside for the work of the Western Art asso ciation and a great many pieces in oil and wntor colors are already on tno spot and nro being arranged on the wall. Special procautton has been exorcised with regard to MiJoty. It will bo absolutely lin- possible for lira to got n start in the hall , for two largo hose will bo kept in the building constantly connected with the hydrant , and a special detail of ofllcers for day and night will keep watch eve the valuable produc tions on exhibition. Mr. Linlnger , Air. Cntlin and Mrs. Brlggs will bo at the hall every day this week. A telephone ybas bcon placed In thn ofllco so that these who have pieces they will loan or which they wish to exhibit may communi cate with the superintendents at any time by telephone. The number of the nhono Is Gil ) . I' . I ) . Armour's Generosity. Unprecedented Interest Is manifested In the exhibit by all classes. Everybody seems disposed to aid it to a successful issue. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy , wife of Omaha's great packer , recently wrote to Mr. Philip D. Armour , the Chicago millionaire , asking that gentleman to loan some of his valuable canvases for the occasion. Following is a copy of Mr. Ar mour's generous reply : CIUCACO , III. , Nevi ) . My Dear Mrs Cud ahy : l have yoiirsof Novembers and fully note It. I would clitiily ot you luivo any thing I possess In the art lino. I don't bnllovo I rually liavo anything worthy of the trouble of sending so far awiy. If your association wishes to send to my hoiiso and see what I have , I will see that anything selected Is for- wim'ed. I'vo no very expensive pictures , and liuvo no treasures that compare with General Alder's. I've had two or three of mlnu in a gallery with bis , iiml the contrast wns so atrlMn ? that I don't believe they compare favorably. At all events I've nothing to com pare In cost with his. I really wish I had snmethlnt : to .send you as I would particularly like to accommodate you ; but I don't feel that my pnlntlnua would no of enough signifi cance to fioiut them Unit'Ions distance. Air. Laytou has purchased most of them , and I think he has made verv sensible selec tions : but I've nothing notable. They are simply things that please my family , and my Idea of such things is so Simula that I hardly believe you would feel It much credit to you if I forwarded you anything. * * * * * Wishing you every success and being willing to send you anything I have , I inn , very sin cerely yours , I'liiiai * 1) . AUMOUU. First Bad Boy HI there , Jimmy 1 Wotycr snipe from that drug store I Second ditto Ther nicest thing yor ever see como on and have sum. Second bad boy nulls out bottle of Halter's Buro Cure Cough Syrup , First ditto-On , my I ain't that bully I Second ditto Botcacr life , ma says it's best thing she ever saw for coughs and colds. Hull' Hut H Kiist. On Monday , November 10 , the Chicago cage & Northwestern railway will place on rftilo tickets to Indianapolis , Ind. , and return at half faro. Good returning till November 21. For further information apply at city ticket ollico , 1401 Farnam street. S13VE It AIj""si. IIEAIBS. 1'laiin U hloli Will Keep the Ilcnl Kstnte Oivnera Association liuny. The directors of the Uoal Estate Owners association held their regular mooting yes terday attornoon. On motion of Mr. C. Taylor , the president , secretary and Major lialcombo wore ap pointed a committee on government sup plies. Mr. Taylor explained that a very largo amount of supplies were purchased for this department of the army , but these sup plies were purchased at other points , whoioas they might as well bo purchased in Omaha anil thus Increase the bulk of business huro by about fTfi.OOU per month. The committee wll take the matter in hand at once. The following resolution was Introduced and laid over until the next meeting : It having been brought to tliJ attention nf this association that the county commission ers ot Doug.as county have hfiiiindored | and spent , contrary to law , a liirno amount of the tax payers' money. It therefore becomes the iluty of this association to at once have suit commenced against said commissioners , or suuh of them us have aided or abetted In such llh'gul expenditure , and their honilxiiion , to recover all monies spent by them contrary to law and likewise criminal prosecution for mis demeanor of olllce. The manufacturing committee was In structed to confer with Vice I'residont Clark with a view to having the shops at Omaha Increased by the addition of a car wheel foundry. The following resolution was offered and adopted : Uosolved , That the committee on manufao- tuieM be dlreotod to confer with ( he general iniuuiKors of the dliVorent railroads running Into Omaha with a view of ascertaining whether or not thov oini he Induced to estab lish such car and n-p-ilr shops In Omaha as could ho udviintiiKcoufcly used at this point by their buveral companies. Ono Minuto. Ono ininuto time often makes a great dif ference a cue miuuto remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo course is a blessing. Cubeb Cough Cure Is such a remedy. For solo by-all druggists. Cubeb Cough Cure-One miuuto. The now Ilotal Brunswick , 10th and Jackaon. with all modern improvement * . Now opun for guests. Moderate prices. WlfjljlNG TO KlIjU * Attempted Murder the Itcaiilt of n Neighborly Quarrel. A report from thu fair grounds that a man had been shot was telephoned Into the police station at 7:10 o'clock last evening. The patrol wagon , with half a dozen ofllcere , started for the locality at once. The shooting , what there was of It , occurred In a little two-room house at 31KI1 North Twonty-llrst street. Two families ocouny the house , John Bishop , with his wlfo and a couple of chil dren , and James Peek , with a family of tbo sumo size. Bishop Is repot tea to boa general good-fer-nothmg and Is a frequenter of the police court prisoner's dock. Peek Is reported - ported to be little butter , Ono of Peek's caiturou was Impudent to Mrs. Hlthop and bar .husband . slapped the child. This made Peak nbgry and he drew a revolver and threatened to shoot Hlshop , Mrs. Bishop ehlnped In And. with the assist * anco of her hunband , pushed Peck out Into the yard. It was then that Peek pulled the trigger. The bullet xvhi&od pretty close to Bishop's head and burled iUolf In the wall , doing no harm. i , Pcok nr , once fled to some neighbor's house Mounted Oniccrs Munis' \Vllborslaycd to look him up and arrestihlm for shooting with Intent to kill. _ . _ The soft glow of the tea rose is acquired by ladles who use Po/.zosi's COMPI.KXIOX Pow- licit. Try It. _ _ ' Bnrknlow & Uoot < 014 N. 10th , just re ceived carload choice Michigan apples. Honrd of IC.vainlncrs Heoritniil/.cd Applicants Tor Ijlucn.sn Kx tminod. LI.NCOI.V , Nob. . Nov. 12. [ Special to Tun BEB ] The board of examiners of the Ne braska State Board of Pharmacy mot at the capital building yesterday and reorganized by the election of tbo following ofllcurj for the ensuing year : Max Becht , Omaha. president ; . D. Hallar , Blair , vice prcsi. dent ; M. E. Shultz , Beatrice , vice president ; James Heed , Nebraska City , treasurer ; Henry L ) . Boydon. Grand Island , secretaries. The president appointed tno following com mittees : On finance , Hullar and Shulton violation of law , James Heed ; on printing and supplies , Boydon , Kecd and Docht. The subjects for examination wore assigned ns follows : Practical pharmacy , James iteod ; theoretical nhannacy . D. Hnllar ; matona inodlca , H. I ) . Boydcn ; toxicology , Max Bccht ; chemistry , M. E. Schultz. Thlrty-thren applicants were present and examined , of which number thu following named persons 'vero successful in passing tbo examination and received their corlili- catos as registered pharmacists iu the stale of Nebraska : Frank Alloy , Louisville ; J. V. Boghtol , FriendV. ; . A. Brokaw , Cedar Bluffs ; J. C. Brown. York ; C.V. . Dodson , Tccumsoh ; H. T. Davis , Chndron ; J. W. Hooper. Upland ; C. F. Holt , Friend : Ekll Jouos , Friend ; F. If. .Tenon , SnringviowV. ; . 1C. Johnson , Randolph ; Frank NovliM , Exeter ; Mrs. S. Hoyds. Ansloy ; H. B. Hod- mon , Henderson ; D. J. Husickn , Dodge ; \V. H. Sell ) , Lincoln ; Albert L. Stoidl , Crete ; II. H. Trover , Palmyra ; G. A. Thompson , Ponca ; I.V. . Haughoy , Elmwood. All pharmacists who have changed their ad dross nro requested to report the same at once to the secretary. Thn board adjourned to meet at Onu.ha February 9 , ISO'.1 , in the parlors of the Hotel Dellono , iu.d at Lincoln , February 10 , IS'Jin tno state house. Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitt's Little Early Hisers euro constipation. The cause removed , the disease is gono. piano. Now scale. Now tuning device. Sold on installments. Ilaydon Bros. _ _ &OCM7J OMAll.l. Ynrcl mill Ollico Notes. A. J. Snowdon , a prominent patron of this market , was hero with fifteen cars of cattle shipped from Whitman. T. Gilpln of Rambo , Colo. , brought in four cars of cattle and A. W. Merglomnu of Pueblo , Colo. , had one car here. Geonjo P. Smith , h" Colorado rangeman who has boon hero for some days looking after his cattle Interests , returned to Denver yesterday. W. P. Samson brought in two cars of cat tle from Pueblo , Colo. C. P. Mondenhalt and Mr. Scribnor of the same place marketed two loads each. , J. E. Banter , Long Pine , Frame Walker , Ainswortb , and G. F. Scovillo , Hartington , were among the prominent hog shippers on yesterday's market. Montgomery , Swan & Co. sent in cattle from Van Tassoll , Wyb. R. Tail had three cars hero from Islip and W M. Lauman had eight cars also from Islip , Wyo. At thu close of tno season tho" quality of western range cattle received hero becomes poorer , owing to the fact that most ranchmen ship the tops of their herds early m the sea son , and the cattle comirtg to market now are mostly tailings , therefore but few rangers sold last week for over 1 per 100 pounds. Wyoming commit ' < > nli Market. John Smy the , n prominent Wyoming cattle man , was ut the Dclmonico yojtorday. Ho brought in his last bunch of cattle for tbo season. Ho says that within the p.ist year at least twenty of his neighboring ranchmen have diverted their shipments from Kansas City and Chicago to this market. There is u growing feeling among the cattlamon in the gro. t northwest that South Omaha is fast running ahead of Kansas City. Shipping through to Chicago is becoming loss common also , owing to the very high freight rate * . The bridge toll alone at Council Bluffs amounts to $1 per car , which eats up much of the pro tit. Held Uo liy Footpads. About 8 o'clock Wednesday evening M. and C. Smith , two ofllco boys In the employ of Swift ft Co. , while carrying two time checks amounting in all to some $ iri to bo deposited in the South Omaha National banit , were hold up on Railroad avenue , near the Q street viaduct , by two mon and forced to discorgo at tno point of a pistol. The boys at once reported the robbery to the police , but were unable to desjribo their assailants. Dusty Streets. The city council at its last meeting ordered that N street bo washed by the lire company , but owing to tbo sudden cold snap hascausea tbo cleaning to bo postponed. The present , condition of N street and Twenty-fourth. Is very bad. When a strong northwester gets gyrating along these two streets the clouds of dust that blind pedestrians would make the desert of Sahara green with envy. Majrio City .Miniature ) . II. H. Bowlnnd of SpringviowJs visiting In this city. Miss Nolllo Bayliss has returned from Lincoln. The daughter of Mr. Wyma'j Is very low with diphtheria. Fillmore Dorsoy of Herman was a welcome Magio City visitor. W. D. Bassott and Henry Ilarlow of Blen- coo , la. , nro in the city. The policemen's ball was a financial success $27.i having boon realized. S. Scribnor and W. Bowen ot Gunnison , Colo. , wore visiting at the yards. Real estate transfers amounting to $3,000 were Illou in ttio clerk's ollico yesterday. Charles Ray , a vug and incorrigible drunk , was given fifteen days at the county jail. A. Zimmerman , accused of assaulting Charles Hyman , wns found guilty and bent up for ten days. Bon S. Ac'ums has returned from Lincoln , whore ho took ? ll',000 In ' bonds of gr.f'iug districts 1 , 2 , 3 and 1 to b'lJ registered. L. ii , Gnrham , gonei'al' ' western agent for the Rock Island , with headquarters nl Salt Lake City , returned homo last evening alter a few nays sojourn in the Moglo City. The splendid new Prosbytorhui church , Twenty-fifth and J streets. Is fast neuritis completion. The odiilce will bo ready for oc cupancy about the mldtile-of next month. Chris Anderson was.im before Judge King yesterday , charged with stealing clothes valued at $ JO , from Gus Schmciz. Chris will board at thu city' * icxpocso for liftoou days. , H „ , Julius Pngo , infant.son of Mr. and Mrs. Madson , Twenty-fifth lilid N streets , died at 1 o'clock Wednesday Tbo Interment was at'J o'clock yesterday attornoon In Laurel Hill cemetery. Mrs. Porter , wlfo of Charles L. Porter , a well-known and popular citizen , died ut the famllv residence at t ) o'clock yesterday morning. She will bo burled Saturday afternoon In Laurel Hill , Fine as silk Halter's Gorman Pills , Organs from 325 up. Easy torms. Ilaydon Bros. i ! ; Permits. The following permit * were issuoj by the superintendent of buildings ytmorl.iy : ( icorgti N. Illeks , two-story frame dwell- Inir , 1 IM : South Tlilrty-llrbt Htrt-et . . . . 3 , ' ) Two minor permits . 1UO For corn sbucUurs Holler's Australian Salvo. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - Of perfect purity. LemonI Lemon - Of grout otronBth. Almond - Rose etc.rj Flavor ns dollcatoly and dcllclouslv aa the f rash fruit Visitor ; I DON'T snn now I CAN GIVE MY CHILDREN A TASTE FOH KCAD1NC. Jlfn. Drowning ; IT 's AN EASY MATTER. I SUUSCR1DE I'OR "ST. NICHOLAS. " DO YOU ? _ _ _ _ _ LoDuo's Periodical Pills. The French remedy acts directly upon the generative organs and cures.suppression uftlio menses , J'Jor throii for & " > . and can bo mailed. Should not lie used diirlngproimuncy. Jobbers , drngglstsaml the public supplied by Goodman Dm ; Co. , Oinahii. SKCTT S PHYSICIANS , SURGEOIIS and SPECIALISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Oillco honm from 9 n. m. to 8 p. in , Snndaj from 10 a. m. to 1 1 > . m. Specialists IB Chronic , Norvons , Skin and lilocxi Discuses. C3 ? " Consnltntion at office or by mail froo. Medicines sent by mail or oipr ns , ocnroly packed , free from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , safely and pormaaently. The most widely and favorably known special ists in the Unitp.1 Stntoa. Their Ions experience , romarknblo skill nnd universal Microns in tlio treatment and euro of Nervonn , Chronic and 8ur- Kical UicpneOR. entitle these eminent physician * to the full confidence , of the atllictod everywhere. They guarantee : A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CUKE for tbo nwfnl plfects of parly vice and the numerous ovila that follow in its train. PRIVATE , BLOOD ANB SKIN DISEASES speedily , completely and permanently cu.-pJ. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND 8EX7AL DIS- OKDEKS yield readily to their skillful treat ment. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL \ . guaranteed cured without paiii or detention HYDROCELE AND VAH1COCELE pprraa. neiitly and Bucccesfully cured in every cm o. BVIMIILIB , OONOHUIKFA , GLEET , Hpornm- torrluca , Heminol WoaknpsH , Lost Manhood , Night Kmissionn , Decayed Faculties , Fcmalo Woukuotm and nil delicate disorders peculiar to either Bex poHillvoly cured , as wll as all func tional disordcra Hint , result from youthful follies or the excess of mature years. Qil'lftllPP Guaranteed permanently cnmd , Oil IOIIII C removal complete , without cut- tin IT , caustic or dilatation. Cure olTocted at homo by patient without a momenta imin or onuoyauco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ACnta fliro Tlio awful effects of early OUI O UUI C vice which britiKS organic wcaknpHR , dpstroyinR both mind and body , with all its dreaded ills , permanently cured. Ht'Q RpftQ Address these who Imvo Impar- Ul O. Dcllo od thcmmqlvpH by improper in dulgence and solitary hnbitx. which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , Btady or marriage. UAHUini ) MEN , or these entering on that hnppy life , nwaio of pbbicul debility , quickly assisted. IS Send C cents posta o for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate DiHoaeos. Tlionnands cured. t f"A friomlly letter or call may Bavo you fntnrn BulTerinu mid elmmo , nnd mid ( 'oldeu } piirs to life. Cf ? No letter answered unloHH nccompaniod by t canto iu stamps. Addroes , cr call oa DBS. BETTS & BETTS , I4Q9 Douglas St. , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. A ( JKNtllNK.MlCUOIln KIM.KIlUKIDirS (1KUM KltADlCATUlt-Curoi nil dlsomui uocniiso Ukllli the mlcniliu or L-arin. I'm up atia riitilluil In IJ. SI nil , Ji sizes , tlio latter 2'i calluni. Hi3nt anfvrliort ) preiudon rcculpt of Price or IX O. I ) . Wuluuo : i uunraiitoi t > curu. Thu nutilla trnJu mitt tub bum HI pllpil hy the Klnilcr I > r > u Com I'm v ninahaO.A Molclio * . H twurtl M yur * anil n. I * S'yknr . South Om.thn ; A I ) . Fcutar , anilM.J Kills Coili ( WHY Do you Iciioivthnt 11 llttlo CongU In a. duiicorotiH thins 1 \ DOCTOR Will Stop a Cough at any time aud Cure the worst Coltl in I twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottle Iznay save you $100 iii Doctor's ! bills-may Bavo your life. ASIC | YOUR DRUGGIST TOR IT. ooor > . Dr. Acker's English Pills ; CDUHi INPIGliSTION. Pinoil , plfiiinut , u fuTurllo itllli llio Iitillri. S W. IL , 11OOKEU CO t * W. Uroailway , N. Y. rou H AMitv icniN * ro. and AN &McCONNKMj , OMAHA. ( ; < HHirrlu 'ti , < . .li't uml I ciicoiju' < i cured In 2 days by the I'rcnuli Kuiuudy unlit- It'll tlio KINO. It dissolve * nuuliist and Is ab. Borbud Into the Inlliiniuil jmru Will rnfiiud mimiiy If It doe * nut eiiru , or cantos stricture ( Juntlumrii , liuru U n rulhiblii urtlulo. $1 a iiiso , or S fur f 1 pur malt prepaid. MvUur & l/unu , Utmilij. I'Uo's llcmalr for Cuarrli It the Ucst , Uiuluil to Use , au ] Cheapest. Bold by drtizaliU cr ncnt tr raall , Uk. Ii. T. ll fltlnc , NVurrun , 1'u. Keeping Komfortable Is just as easy and not half so expensive as getting chilled through and either taking cold from it or being unfitted for attending to your duties to the best advantage. MEN'S OVERCOATS , S1O.OO garment can bo Imil for tlmt prli-o. \ \ 4 A warm , well innilo , good appearing have bettor ones for more nionoy. Hut , you uocil not bo shy of a cheap ovorcout in our house , because CHEAPNESS with us iloo3 not moan INl-MilUOUtTV. Wo nmlio all our own clothing iintl guarantee it. Every conccivablo cloth , maUo anil trimming is to bo founil lit the overcoat room , -JlxSS , occupying tlio entire ltd lloor. There are thousands of thom.ali now , for this win tor's trado. Boys' Overcoats , $4 and $5. In the Children's department , wo have Chlldron's Capo Kilt Overcoats , sizes 3 to ( t years , at SH.fiO , $1 , $5 and upwards. Hoys' School Overcoats , all wool , sixes 7 to IS , SI , $ " > and upwards. Ulbters , with or without capo , sizes 5 to lit , from So up. Hoys' and Youths' Box Coats and Ulbtors , sizes M to 18 , from $7.00 upward. Warm Underwear , 50c , 75c and $1 The largest and best selected underwear stock in the west. That SOUNDS big. Como in ami see if it doesn't LOOK just as biff. Heavy Gr.iy Random Mixed , GOo a garment. Heavy Blue Mixture , regular SI article , for 7oc a garment. ' Heavy Camel's Hair and Natural Gray Wool for $1. Wo have the liner grades at just as low prices proportionately. Wo carry as high class goods as any gents' furnisher in the city. If wo can't suit you in un derwear in both quality and price it will surprise us. Browning , Kino ; & Co. , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. Southwest Corner i5th and Douglas SEND FOR CATALOGUE OPF.N TILL 8 P. M. EVENINGS , SATURDAYS TILL 10 O'CLOCK , NO GTJR.E1NO ! F > A.Y. 1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. lUanj ypr.iV oxporlonco A rcRiilar erndunle In modlclno as diplomas sliow. Is mill treating rltli th RreiiteatauccossnII NOIVCVIS , Chronic nnil I'rlvnto minuses. A periiunont cum sunnintcoil for < i\turrli Rpenimtorrliono , Lint Mnnlioo I , Semln l Weakness , NUht I.ossco , linpolcnor , Brphllli , Btilcturo. ind nl dlioriiosof lltu Illutirt , Skin nnd tltln < rj Organs. N II. I Kimrantce 'OJ furuYorj case I unaertuko nnd full . . OUloo hour -0 . m. to b . m.u to euro. Consultation fri-o Hook ( Mystarles ot Ll e ) tani tr o. a. p. 19 . ' 10. to 12 m. Bond stamp for repljr. Not so much what you put into ad vertising as what you can get out of it. " Into and outt of" are two im TRADE MARK. portant consider- ationsfor ! &theadver- tiser : that flwe're suc- cessful in bringing hand- some re turns to our pat rons , many adver tisers know. You certainly should not let your adver TRADE MARK. tising without first ascertain- ing what we can defer for you , for with a skilled designer , adver- tisement , writer , artist , a score of experts , a thor ough knowledge of newspaper val ues ; and from the of TRADE MARK. letters patrons expressing T1IGIR gratitude to uswe know that we can give you figures that speak , and facts that can be proven. % ALDEN FAXON , Ne\t | mi > er ADVERTISING AGENTS , Cr k dl W , Tblril HI. , . CINCINNATI , OHIO. TRADE MAI1K. FUR CAPES. MEN'S FUR OVERCOATS. nnd All Fashionable CLOTH AND PLUSH CLOAKS JsrBond for Vuiblon Hook mulled froo. Reliable ) Manufacturers . 1914103 Stale SI. , Chicarjo. MOORE'S Docntur , 111. , Nov. 21 , ' 89. Dr. J. B. Moore , Ooiiv Sir : I luiva for yours psist beou troubled with bll- UoiiHnosBiuiil tondonoytokitlnoy troublo. Your Trco ofLtfo Is the only roniody I liuvo over found Hint tfiivo unllro roliof. I cheerfully rccominonil it to thcHO who nmy bo Buttering from kindred diseases. T. J. Mini , , Ex-Moinbor 111. Lofjialuturo. Mooro'a TroooT l.lfu. mpoiltlTO curs tar mdl.Wur < iiuplilnl and till b ooJ itluiia ( , ) ; puytosuiTar wnon ruuoin urJJormltj ; Hojrj'i Trooof Ufa. tuuUrait 1.1 fJ lUuolr ! SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT THE OPTICAL NEW HOUSE OK TIIH ALOE & PESFOLD CO. , Practical Opticians And brnnch nf world ronnwnud option ! italillih. uiuiit or A. H. Alou A Co. , HL Ixiuli. Our inethod Ii luporlor to nil ulliuni our l n e re upurlor. will not we.irr or tire tlio a jutTba fratuei proptrlr d- ( oitud to thu ( AC * . Eyeo Tcatocl Free of Churcco. Prices Low for First-class Goods. TIIK ALOH &PKNFOLU CO , IMS 16th St , next door to P. O. , Crolfrhtoa Hloclc. "JOSEPH GILLOtrs" STEEL PEWS. C.OLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS