m THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 13 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 11 ! PEARL STREET. Delivered Ly Carrier In ony part of the City. II. W. TII.TON. - Tt-r rnunvrq . . J Ur.Mnrsi Ofllco . No. 43 - } NBlt | , No. S3 jitxun MJXTWX. N. y. P. GO. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Crnfi's chattel loans , 20-t Snpp block. Superior court will convene today. If you want wntor In your yard or house , CO to Hixny's , IMCJ Merrlnm block. A mnrrlneo license was Issued yesterday to E. J. Ducon nnd Olive Holmes , both of Omaha. Frederick Ilolbor ana Selomn ICops , both of Omnha , were married by Justice bwenrln- pen yesterday. Clini Hhurrnnn and Mrs. Mnr.v LnunberR , both of Omaha , were married by Justtco Hwenrmpun yesterday. The district convention of the Yotinij Men's Christian association will bo hold In Atlan tic , comtnenclnt ? December 4. Christ Umlio Is suffering from a broken band an the result of the scrap he had with the hotel employes Tuesday night. An Information hai boon Illed In Justice Ilnminor'i court charging .loo Scott with seining lu Hit ; Inko. Ho bns not been ar rested. I'ottnwnttnmlo Abstrnct Co. Is prepared to furnish abstracts nt lowest prices ; oldest sot , of books In this county. Olllco , Klmb.ill- Champ Investment Co. Mrs. W. J. Jntmoson entortnlned n number of friends nt n muslcnlo at her residence on First nvontio lust evening , A program wns rendered consisting of selections by some of the best Council HlnfTs nnd Omaha tnlont. The Young Men's Christian nssocmtion will conduct n gospel meeting nt 'J1S Hrond- wny this evening til " : # ( ) o'clock. Ladles will bo welcome. There will bo no meeting nt the association rooms , us heretofore an nounced. John Olson , n mnmnorof the Fire depart ment , and Charles Iluber bocumo Involved In nn nltorcution Wednesday night In nn Upper n road way snloon. Olson got the worst of the fight , Itubcr throwing him on the lloor with such force as to stun him for n few moments , Thcro were no nrrcsts. The cuso of Stephen A. Mulhollnnd of Omaha , charged with conspirncy to defraud Captain W. A. Hnyos of this city out of f. > . ( )00 worth of property , wns to have had n henring in Justice Sweariiigen's court yes terday , but by agreement of both parties it wns continued until Monday , Novembers : } . In the district court yesterday morning n suit was commenced by Kosnnna Heal and Lovl Heal against the Union 1'aclflc Unilway company to recover $5,000 damages for tno killing of their t > on. which occurred on the railroad nt Urlghton , Colo. , Inst March. The Occident wns the result , it Is claimed , of n de fective switch. Dt. C. II. PInnoy sold five fine horses , bred on his farm cast ol the city , to F.V. . I teed of Mt. Pleasant ycstordny. The purehnso prlco fnr the outfit wiw $1,700. Among the number wns onnll-yonr-old , which wont for JlJOO , nnd hns already won- quite n local ropti- tntlon for speed , having tnnilo n record of loss than three minutes , without any train- lug. lug.A A coat , vest , pair of pantaloons nnd nn overcoat were found In the possession of John Day when no was arrested on the ' charge of 'larceny a few nights ago , In addi tion to tnoso which ho was wearing. It was suspected that the clothing wns stolen , nut no ono claimed It until yester day morning , when Conrad Uleso reported nt the marshal's ofllce that ho had been roubcd of some clothing that answered the description. Ho Idcntlllcd tbo stuff found on Day nnd It wns turned over to him. Day was sent to the county Jail for thirty days for larcony. Too Busy toVrlto. . Wo'vo been too busy for the past thrco days to innlco out n pi'ieo list us promised in tlio dully papers for Fridiiy morning1 for our { front two woolc ? ' snlo which commenced Saturday , in order to niiiK-o room for our immense stoclc of holiday { jooels , books , etc. , now arriving daily. Wo will make every effort to give you a compluto list in the daily papers Saturday morning. Watch 1 Wutclil BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , la. T. D. Freeman , p.iporhangcr , with Niloa. Fine decorating a specialty. UfiAI. I'.t lt.lGK.tr IIS. Theodora Lnskowskl has been appointed nsslstnnt cashier ot the Council BlulTs Sav ings bank. Mrs. Charles Eborsolo of Dos Monies Is in the city a iruost of Mrs. B. S. Dawson on South Seventh street. Mrs. John Hossltor of Tamptco , Mexico , Is In the city tlio guest of her sister , Mrs. C. K. Tyler , on Willow nvonuo. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will Inaugurate a great two weeks' sale , commencing Saturday , November 1-1. Watch the daily papers Friday morning for the list of bargains that will ho offered during that sale. Unprece dented bargains in every department , such us never scon before In the history of Council Bluffs. BOSTON STORE. FOTlIHUINtniAJI , WlUTKLAW & Co. , Council Bluffs , lu. The ladies of Broadway Methodist Kpiacopul church will hold their "Car nival of the Seasons' * at Masonic Teinplo Friday , November iW. Dinner and supper will ho served. There will ho sroott music during the evening and a variety of fancy articles on sale through out the day. _ (7ivo ; IliniKcir Away. William Probstclo was arrested yesterday on n charge of cheating by false pretenses. N. Schurz Is the prosecuting witness , Prob- sto.'o ' was formerly the proprietor of a snloon nnd billiard hall on Upper Broadway , but wns closed uu on nn Injunction , n writ of at tachment havltiir been issued ngntnst the fix tures of the establishment to settle the costs of the suit. Probitolo obtained n loan of $50 on n billiard tnblo nnd a pool tublu from Schurz. Being In wnnt of money , ho lot the tables bo sold under the mortgage , nnd n day or two after ttio snlo W. 'I' , Cole roplovlned them , claiming that Prob- stele never owned thoui. The CUBO wus tried before Justice Swenringon last Tuesday and Probstoto wns a witness. On the stand ho testified that the tables were not his when ho mortgaged them to Schurnnd the result was that ho was put In n very compromising position. An Information wus tiled charging him with cheating by false pretenses , nnd ho was nrre.Mod. Ilo guvo bonds In the sum of f.MH ) for his apponnmco before Justice Ham mer this afternoon for n hearing , The Boston Storo. Council BlulTs , In. , is open every evening until 0 o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Ton per cent off on till mlllinory or dered during the lirst thrco days ouch week at the Louis. Drs. Wood bury , dontlats , SO Poiirl street , next to Grand hotel. Telaphono- 145. High grade work u specialty. Plush chairs from $1.76 up ; hod room suits from $10.ol ) up1 wire springs , $1.40 , nt Morgan's , 7-10 Broadway. I'rranutrtl a t unu to Outer. The Hoard of County Supervisors hold their closing session yesterday morning. All the thud was devoted to routine business until the noon hour. Just before adjourn ment Alexander Oaler wns called to the floor DV the president and presented with a mag nificent gold headed cane us a monument to the lint republican county ofllclnl to BO out of olllco. An tbo gold head wore inscribed the words. "Presented to Alexander Osier by the County Oniclnls of Pottawattamto county , " Mr. Osier was deeply affected by this token of rospoot from the other officials and tuanlsed them in a few wall choion words. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Kfmball d Ohamp Answer the Omaha National Belt's ' Pdtltlon , THEY HAVE A GOOD COUNTER CLAIM- Hcucnt Attachment Proceed limn Against ttie .Mcmbcrr * ' Individual Pjnncrty Snid to llnvo Dam- need Them Considerably. In the suit commenced some time ago by the Omaha National bnntc against Klmbnll & Champ to recover Jl ,000 duo on two notes , nn answer nnd counter claim were filed yesterday - torday by Klmball & Champ. They ndtnlt that Hie notes were duly executed by them , and that nothing but time was needed to fix nn absolute indebtedness noon them. They nllego , however , that when the attachment suit wns filed by the bank , July 'Ji , the peti tion stated that thu defendants had disposed of thutr property In whole or In part with In tent. to defraud their creditors , nnd that this statement wns falsa , nnd thu plnmtlfTs know it wns fatso , Thev allege that the plaintiffs maliciously , wilfully und with intent to in jure Kinibuil fc Chump , brought thu suit , and they assert that they were damaged to the amount of WO.OOO bv the false attachment. They ask n Judgment for that amount. G. 1 < \ Wright , Oeorgo P. Hanford and \V. II. M. Pusey , who signed the bank's attachment bond of f.11,000 , nro made codcfcndants. An answer was also filed in tliu ciso ; of Wright , V Baldwin against Klmbnll & Champ , which wns begun to collect $1UUUO alleged to bo du'u for attorney fees In connection with the Grand hotel muddle. ICimball & Cbnmp admit that Wright & Iluldwln were retained by them In the case , but claim that they were paid In full for their services , They allege that there Is duo from Wright it Baldwin the sum of $ t.jUU , and they ask n Judgment for the amount. Only Srvun D.ij'H. Ladies , tuko advantage of the dis count sulo of 10 per cunt on nil stock hats at Misses Snrink & Fcaron's. beginning - ginning November- . Furniture , carpets , stoves tit i-ost , at Matidcl & Klein's. Jan. 1st wo quit business. Swunson Music Co. , Masonic tcinplo. Evening and dress lints specialties at th' < Louis , Masonic block. Colonel Hiibbard Honored. Colonel U. C. Hubbard received notice yes terday of his appointment to the position of postmaster of the stnto house nt DCS Moincs. The office wns left vacant last week by the election of the present Incumocnt to the of- llco of sheriff of Polk county , nnd ns soon as the fact of the vacancy became known the applications commenced to come In from alt over the state , until about fifty in all had bean received. After careful examination of tlio recommendations Colonel Hubbard was decided upon as the man for the pluco. Ha made no personal application , hut all the work In his behalf was done by bis friends. His appointment is looked upon by republicans here as n highly merited recognition not only of Colonel Hubbard's services to the party , but of the work done by the republicans of this county , where the democratic majority wns reduced from that of two vcars ago by about 400. Mr. Hubbard will move to DCS Molnes nnd tnko up his now work about December 1. The ofllco ho now occupies , that of clerk of the superior court , will bo left vacant , but ns the fact of Colonel Hubbard's appoint ment to the now office was the tlr. t intima tion the general public bad of his intention to lanvc , It is impossible to tell now who will bo his BUQcessor. The appointment will prob ably bo made this week.j . The Boston Store , Council Binds , will inaugurate a great two weeks' sale coininoncitig Saturday , November 14. , Watch tlio mily papers Friday morning for the list of bargains Unit will bo olTorcd during that salo. Unprece dented bargains in every department , such as never BOOH before in the history of Council BlulTs. BOSTON STORE , FOTHEHINOHAM , WlllTKr V\V & CO. , Council BlulTj , la. Now fall goods , finest in the city , at Hoitoi-'s , tlio tailor , SJ1U Broadway. Kindergarten in ro.oms next to Y. M. C. A. , Morritini block. Experienced teachers. Kates very low. H llcpnrr. The following Is the statement of the city's finances , according to the report of City Treasurer ICinuehan , for the month of Oc tober : Ovor- On Iliind. drunn. ficnoral fund . * 8r > 25 40 1'ollco fund . 14.W4 it llond loan fund . 8.US4 Kl Intersection paving and grading fund . 5,401 79 Intersection .sower sinking fund . 4. : ! S CO Judgment fund . : ir > 74 10 Walerfund . O.S.4 Kl I'urk fund . liS4 : ! H Park .sinking fund . 741) ) 7' . ' Library fluid . U73 : i8 Curbing and slduwalk fund f > . I.VI 40 Intersection sewer fund. . . . 10,171 K4 Hodomption fund . 51 7s Olty bridge fund . 4,0.r. 07 1'undod debt . 10,1(17 ( ' . ' 8 Uonorul sewer refunded. . . . 4 , : . ' 7 ir Total . W015 51 Special assessment sower. . . J 1 , COD 41) ) Special iijsobsmcnt pavlm ; . If.blli 15 Special nsscshiiiunt grading 1,1)0.1 III Total . JS2.007 02 llalanceon hand . J74fi07 til Wo have our own vinyards in Califor nia. Jarvis Wlno company , 803 Main st. Tlio finest crrado or hoots and shoos at Morris' , 0 Pearl street. Jones ( reading Tlio Boo ) Iloro is Bomnthlng very awoot in the paper. Mrs. .Tones What is itr1 A pootn ? Read it , please , dear. Jones ( reading ) Twenty-four pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00 at Brown's C. O. D. grocery. Prof. MaDermld ns n Fireman. The many friends of Prof. McDormld , late of the Institution for the deaf and dumb located hero , and now superintendent of the Manitoba Institution , will be Interested In learning that IIro has lately damaged his In stitution to the extent of $5,000. The blnzo broke out about 10 o'clocK In the forenoon. Prof , McDormld marched all the pupils out In sniuty , nnd they were provided with tem porary shelter. The clothing and f urn it tire wns all saved. A temporary building Is to bo provided , so that the school work may not bo interrupted while the damage is Doing re paired. W. S. Balr.1 , attorney , Everett block. Oldest and best whisky , medicinal ttso , Jarvis Wlno company , Council Li lulls. Hotel Gordon is llrat class. $2.00. The Boston Store , Council BlulTs. In. , Is opou every evening until 0 o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Dotinuy Takes tlio House. A settlement was arrived at yesterday be tween Jehu Dohany , owner of the opera house aud the Council Bluffs Theater com pany , by which the bouse passed out of the hands of the company into those of Dolmny , the former paying the rent of tuo bouse for a mouth in advance nnd agreeing to sijunre up the rnnt bill to date , in consideration for Do- hnny's taking the house off their hands und releasing them from tholr contract. Kx-Muuugor L. J. SuiltUmado Mr. Dohany a propoiilion yesterday In which uo offered to take charge of the opera bouse tor the next three months , paying tha rent out of his own pocket which * liotild have been paid by the company , and taking In the profits him self as Well in short , placing himself where the company would hnvo been if it hud not committed suicide. Mr. Dohany refused to rent the house , however , saying ho bnd de cided to run it hliiHclt. Ho has sent word to hit son , John Dohany , Jr , who U now man ager of an opera house In Portland , Ore. , and ho will probably bo hero in n few days to take charge of the business of the house. Beautiful bamboo easels COc for ten days at Chapman's , lo Pearl street. Unity Guild party Isolmngcd from 13th to Tuesday 1'tli , In Hughes * hall. The Boston Store , Council BlulTs , In. , is open every evening until U o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. IttriTCIIMKX STlllKK. United Ptnton Court GrnntH an In junction Against tlio Strikers. TOLEDO , O. , Nov. 12 The switchmen In the yard of the Wheeling & Luke Hrlo struck yesterday nftornoon , the men demanding the reinstatement cf a discharged employe and a alight ndvanco In wages. ( Jcnornl Manager \Voodfora bolng absent , nothing was dono. Ho returned last night and Issued a notice to the strikers to return to work this morning or consider thciiHolvos discharged. Monn- whllo the company applied to tno United States court nt Cleveland for ml Injunction ngnlnst the strikers Interfering with the operations of the road. The papers were served on the strikers today. Tlio road will have now men here In the morning , ind It remains to bo seen whether the strikers will brave the authority of the United States by attempting Interference. Itll.lKV rilltUXKS. Discovery of n Plot Against tlio JUnjj iif Grcuuo. P.utis , Nov. 12. The Eclulro of this city publishes a dispatch from Athens stating that a conspiracy hns been discovered thcro nnd In other parts of the Kingdom , having for its object the overthrow of the present ruling dynasty of Greece. The dispatch adds : Among the prominent persons Impli cated In tbo conspiracy is Trccoupls , at onetime time prime minister. Steamer Arrivals. At Philadelphia Hlbernia , from Glasgow. At London Sighted : Amsterdam , from New York ; Buiirarin , from Boston ; Fucrjt Ilismarck , from New York. Arrived : Mis souri from Baltimore. PC 11 tiny I vim in Farmers. HAHKISIIUIIO , Pn. , Nov. 12. The state farmers' alliance adjourned today to meet In Willlnmsport. next year. Resolutions were ndoptcd endorsing the Ocnia platform. No Wonder It U'ns Wrecked. VAl.rAu.unn , Ind. , Nov. 12. At Miller's station yesterdny twenty tons of powder ex ploded , doing dntnaee to the amount of 575- 000. The powder plant was wrecked. IT IS HKil Ell A. Slio is Attracting Attention nnd Kc- Hpcct in Every Part of tlio World. Victor Hugo's prophecy that this waste to bo tlio woman's era finds realization even in remote centers of old world con servatism , says the Now York Sun. When the emperor of Japan gave a new constitution to his people in 1889 , ho paid a tribute of honor to woman by placing his wife hesido him in public. In the school systems of Japan equal urovision is made for boys and girls. Japanese women are interesting them selves in making opportunities for the advancement of women and occupying places as teachers , interpreters , post and telegraph operators. In Sweedon the universities have boon open to women for some years , and they are allowed full privileges in scholar ships and degrees. Commercial colleges - logos , postolllces , banks , railway and telegraph olllces accept women as stu dents or employes. In Denmark women are distinguishing themselves in literature and medicine. At the University of Copenhagen sev eral women students have honorable place in the classed. In Vienna the government granted to women the privilege of practising inedi- cine in Bosiiia , where the subjects are Mohammedans , who do not allow thet" wives to bo visited by men. In Bucharest a young woman has been admitted as a barrister to plead at the burIn In Russia a bill has boon laid before the government to reopen the courses of medicine for women at St. Peters burg. In Kharkof , where a Sunday course for the instruction of adults was opened , over -100 women nltonued , tholr ages ranging from 7 tote years. Russian women , too , are being recognized in. lit erature and science. Harvest n IK by the Elcotrlo Electricity has vocations in the green fields nnd on the hillside as well as in towns and cities , says Chicago Elec tricity. In many parts of the country the electric light is most olTcctivcly em ployed to lighten the labors of the farmer and lengthen the time at his dis posal during the busy period of the year , when the harvest has to bo uot in shape for the market in the shortest time pos sible.Vith tlio electric light at com mand the days are twenty-four hours long instead of fourteen. Tlio energetic farmer who keeps abreast of the times is not content merely to carry on Ins threshing operations by day , ho also works through the night with the aid of the vivid rays of the are lamp. How much this moans to a farm er only a farmer can appreciate. Delays - lays which would bo caused by wet weather are avoided by taking advan tage of dry spoils and clearing oil the work in double quick timo. The pro prietor of agricultural machinery for hire is also a gainer by this arrange ment , as the earnings of his plant for a single season tire greatly increased. Wo think it will pay electric light companies who are established In the neighborhood of agricultural regions to organize a portable electric light plant , which should bo complete in itself and could bo sent out at a moment's notice whenever required for such work as wo describe. ' O UeiaIer'sMagIolteviacno Wafon.UuMi a hcudachcsln minutes. At all drut'jisti Kinra uf Do m OK tic. The Northern I'uclllc railroad has Just suc ceeded In floating a M.OOU.UUO loan. The steamer Alliance- from Santos. Ilrnzll , has arrived nt New York , Dr. Itusenthnl , ship's surgeon , died on the trip , A Inrne and enthusiastic meeting , attended by many notable people , and presided over by lllsbup Totter , was held nt Now York to pro test against tint Louisiana lottery und to fur ther plans for suppressing It. Jud.u Lawrence of New York has granted un attachment nirnlnst the property In this city belonging to the Motrapolltiin Hallway company of Denver fortJUO.UOO In favor of thu Investors Security und Accounting company , A passenger train on the Ornnd Trunk rail road was htoppud as It wan entering thu t'nltnd States und thountlru train fumlgntud. HiL'ht cases of kinnll pox were discovered nmong a party of emigrant * aboard. Thojo affected were sent buck to Canada. Kcv. Bam Hinall , the well known evangelist , wns nstiauitcd In an Atlanta , tla. , barhorshop by Tom .Miner , n saloon proprietor , who has recently been made the object of NOIIIO very harah criticisms by Small. Miner broke the eviiiiKiillst's oyeglassch and knocked out ono of hU front teeth , Ourzu bus again Invaded Moileo. but this time he will have hard work getting out of thu country. Ho was mot by a forcoof tegu lar troops and his KUIIK scattered , The rem nant of his KUIIK Is Delmi pursued closely bv the Mexicans , wlitlo Tutted Stated regulars aru uwultluji thorn on this nldo of the border , ATHLETIC OMAilM NEW HOME HIV. . Beautiful 0 ub House Qp.yied b ; a Reojp- ton ! Lust Night. ANOTHER STEP IN PROSPERITY'S WAY. Member * * ntul Friends J'urttolpnto In tlio Memorable AjfTalr Tnlkfl t > y tlic President niiil.Vloo 1'rcH- tdcnt Tlio House. The Omnhn Athlotlo club house on Hnrnoy street wns formally opened last cvcul'ig ' by a public reception. Exactly nt 8 o'clock n Httlo blnck raK ° dressed In n pure white uniform tbrcw open tbo great oaken door nnd nil milted the wait Ing throng. In loss than hnlf an bour tbo tmndsomo building was crowded nnd still the inotnbers accompanied by their friends con tinued to pour in. Once Insldo tbo visitors spread to every part of tbo buildlnir. The great main room , Illled with gymnastic nptmnuusof every con- cnlvablo kind , was the first attraction. Nearly every piece of nppnrtus had been wound or draped with blno and wblto ribbons bens tbo club colors. The ofllco of Physical Director Urooknor nnd the parlor adjoining nro covered with n handsome moquotto carpet and tilled with masslvo antique oi\k furni ture , pictures nnd brlc-brnc. At tbo east end of the parlor stands n cabinet grand piano covered with n hnnd- souio plush urupo. The windows nro cur tained with China silk hangings and the beautiful chandeliers were almost covoreu with tlio club colors. Hews of oak chairs bad been placed all around the balcony running track and these were soon filled by the lady friends of the members who preferred to rest while their escorts wore below examining the gymnastic appliances. I low It Is On the first floor are the bowllug alloys , locker , bath mid toilet rooms. The throe bowling nlloys nro the llnost west of Chtcnpo mid were greatly admired by those who take any interest in time kind of amusement. Every convenience conceiv able has been ulnccd In the alloys. They arc lighted by two rows of incandescent lamps and arc of regulation length , so a record maito there stands good all over the United States. In the lociter room there are 3 , " > 0 oil finished lockers , much larger than the usual gymna sium locker. Just back of the lockers is a line marble- tlled bath room , containing four douches. Beyond this Is the toilet and wash room. Just oft of the balcony nnd overlooking Harnoy street is the billiard nnd card rooms. These are handsomely carpeted with velvet. In those rooms the gun-barrel finished chan deliers wore wound with whlto and blue ribbon , and the billiard cues standing In the racks were ouch tied with a bow of the club colors. By 0 o'clock the building contained fully 1.500 people , nearly lnf ! of whom were la dies , the wives and sweethearts of tbo mem bers. bers.Up to this ttma an orchestra stationed In tbo northwest corner of the balcony had kept up n successive strain of sweet , music. When it ceased there was n cnll for "Ames ! President Ames I A spcecn. " AVImt President Ames Said. In response to the c/Ul President George W. A rces appeared nt the north end of the balcony and addressed his guests ns follows : Ladles nnd Gcntlemi'n. Members of tlio Omaha Athletic t'luli : ( hi behalf of the mem bers and directors. Ilmvotlio pleasure nnd honor of bidding you : i cordial und hearty welcome this evening and to umiotinco at last tlio formal opening of your club house. While 1 do not feel tuys'f oenpublo of making any extended remarks nt. this time , still I think It may not be out of place to briefly state some facts In regard to the Inception ajid successful carryIng - Ing out of our work. " At different times during the past few years , efforts have been mndo to organize nn Institution of this sort but for some reason , without uny permanent results , und It re mained fur a handful of energetic and hope ful young men to start afresh the movement , which has been brought to so successful ! i termination. On the eveiilna of the 3d of April last , about a doen of the present members of this association met , decided to form the athletic club an I Denim nt oneo to eanvim the city for Joslrablo mombeii. Ity the latter uart of April fifty charter members had been souurud nnd the club was Incorporated ; then arose the most Important of all questions where to secure u Imlldlni : In a suitable location and the necessary financial backing to push the pro.lcct to completion. After many Interviews with owners of va cant ground und the failure to find suitable quarters already built , It was decided that thu site of the present hulldln : was an excel lent one , and after due consldorat on an agreement was enteicd Into with Judge Ited- Ick for the erection of the building which wo now occupy nnd have leased for a period of five yonri. When the structure was commenced It was hoped it would bo ready of occupancy not later than September i. The corner stone was laid Juno IS , but owing to the ninny un- nvoidablo delays , and In spltu of every effort of those In chnrgn to push the building to completion , our opening has been delayed until this time. Whllo the expenditure for necessary gym nastic apparatus- , bowling alleys and billiard room l. s been n liberal one , Ht 111 the sum Is Insignificant. when compared with the amount paid out for absolutely necessary Improve ments on the bulldlu ; D Itself , We nru encourngcd to believe , however. that the policy puisncd In this regard was a wise one for tlio Umahn Athletlo club Is todav one of Omaha's permanent Institutions. In spltu of all the difficulties contended with , It has tonight In good standing over 5' W mem bers , making it not only the largest club In tbu cltv , but tbo llrst one that has hud the en ergy , pluck and pornoverenco to been re at the very start a homo of Its own. Under such cir cumstances , if by a Judicious and liberal con duct of our an'alrs , wo shall continue to merit thu confidence ami encouragement already so liberally shown us , thuro N no good rtmson why tliu Omaha Athletic oluli should not only continue In the lead , but at no very distant date obtain suitable outside grounds and se cure the erection of a club house for athletic uses second to none In the Most. As 1 am but little olc.ssod with "the sot phrase of oratory , " however , 1 shall not de tain yon longer , lint thanking you tor your courteous attention , and again on behalf of tbo elub for your presence this evening , pre sent to you our vlco president , lion , John M. Thurston , JudKO TliurHton'a Itomnrlca. Judge Tnurston was loudly cheered ns ho stopped to the balcony rail. Ho said : The presence of so muny > 'members , their friends nnd ladles at the opening of this elnb bouse Is testimony enough that our city has escaped from the old days of uncurtain pros perity and has become truly metropolitan. Several olt'orts have , been made by the young men of Omaha Id .establish n gymnas ium lllie this , but at the time thu city had not reached a point where It could support such an Institution. " ' In this organization. 'tjioro are KM ) Omaha boys , banded together. Omaha Is proud of them and proud of their Institution , for \vo know that only thu bout ipnoplu of tbo city liavu enrolled their muue . Tlio physical doviuopiiiQiit of a man makes him , as a rule , n good cUlr.Bn. and 1 am sure tills splendid liibtitutltVn will graduate some of the best citizens Omlllili ever liud. This Is not only u gymnasjum but a social club. The most disnturous thing which can happen n ynung man Is tlio formation of vagabond habits. There Is Just so much spare Mlmo to be put In by boys , and by "the boym',1 , . 1 mean men from 111 to 01. tlnleHs tlieru Is honiu pure , ho Uthy en tertainment provided U' In no wonder that they fall Into bad company and are misled. Hero tney can meet without any evil sur roundings and with everything to advance true manhood. Our cltot.uwes a debt of grati tude to the young men who have oiganl/.ed and pushed this ui oilallon to completion. May ft bo successful Is tlio hnpo and wish of everyone. The club IH hero to stay und 1 am sum will bo a brilliant succiss. Mr. Max Meyer was called for arid raado a low remarks , us did also Judge J , 1. Kcdlek. They Danced it Out. At the conclusion of the speeches the orchestra struck up again nnd the throng drifted toward the great cinrct punch bowl In front of the parlor windows where a coupto of white-clad pages tilled tbo glosses as rapidly us possible. After a thorough Inspection of the building tbo visitors began to leave and us soon as the main floor was stilllclently cleared dancing commenced and continued until midnight. At 6 o'clock this morning the uluu house will bo opened lor business under an able corps of gymnastic , fencing and bowling In structors , _ _ Willing lo Itelorm. Lucy Pinklmm was until Monday a servant for Dr. Hilllnger lu Council Bluffs , but tiring of her monotonous life she en mete to Omaha nnd entered n bou o of Ill-fame. The girl's ' mother ml hid nt police hondiinnr- tors m t night to ask aislsUnco In II ml lug her wtiywanl daughter. Whllo there the girl was brought In by nn ofllcor nnd charged with bolng n uroslltuto. There wn * n long talk between mother and daughter after which the mother loft fnr Judge Holsloy's homo lo try mid have Ilia girl roloniod , n * sno had promised to co homo nnd do bettor. PUKDICT YOUH OWN WHA 1'HKU. Key ( or the Translation of tlio Appnr- unity Mysterious U nattier Map. ca 'J l-.o frequency of such Inquiries ns "what docs It nil mean I'1 nnd "how nro the changes of weather foreshown on such perplexing maps I" suggests n plain , slmpln explanation of the map now published nnd Issued by the ofl'eo ' of the weather bureau nt Omaha. So long ni cortnln well established facts nnd laws In connection with the shifting lines , circumscribed areas nnd conventional sym bols are not understood , the wonthor map confuses rather than elucldntos. Busy , practical people nro concerned with effects rather than with pauses. The aim of this article will bo to set forth facts rather than theories , and to offer helpful hints to the hasty examiner. Our weather scrvtco would bo worth Its cost If it did nothing else than Issue und distribute the dally weather map. Tnoro is no ro.ison why every business man should not uo nb o to dotermlno for him self , by simple inspection of tbomap.whotnur the weather promises to bo fuvor.iblo or not for bis particular Interest. The point of most practical linportnnco Is the relation of winds , heat und cold , rain unit shine , to varying atmospheric pressures , nnd thu trnnsforronco of the.vo conditions from ono section of the country to nnotnor. The element that nITocts most people Is totnparn- turo. How may wo know that the cumul.i- tivu bent of summer hot spells , or tbu sudden changes to severe cold snaps In winter lire In progress I Generally by nn intelligent in spection of the weather mop. The value of the map to busy men lies In the words "low" nnd "hiuh. " It Is com monly understood that thcso words refer to the pressure of the nt- mosphcro , the barometer bolng low in stonny and high In fair weather. "Lou" Is the storm , central In thu locality where the word appears , Its area bounded by the outer encircling line. "High" Is the fair weather area , also bounded by its outer encircling line. Over the low arua pressure or weight of the atmosphere diminishes toward the center nnd over the high area It increnses toward the center. Each is n dis turbance In the general atmosphere nnd moves forxvard , attended by Us own svstem of winds and phases of weather. "Low"-Is usually charaeteri/.od by dull , cloudy , rainy weather ; "high" follows It with drying , clearing winds , bright skies and uninter rupted sunshine. The general tendency of "low" Is to movonortn of eastward ; that of "high" south of eastward across ttio path along which the former traveled. ( Jommon observation shows n normal se quence of weather conditions. Beginning , lor instance , wltn average ruir weatuor wo find it growing warmer , with winds from n southerly quarter. This brings increasing humidity , cloudiness and rain. Then comes a clearing up condition , with winds from west to north , lower temperature and ngain fair weather. The.su transient conditions are peculiar to particular parts of areas of low ana high barometer.und are transferred from onosoction to another with the advance of the areas. Every well defined area of low pressure demonstrates the law of winds , which is that if ono stands with buck to the wind , the lowest pressure or storm center will bo on the lolt. Notice - tico on tbo weather map where a "low" is present , whether the arrows over tbo nrca are not generally in accord with this law. Such examination will also reveal that the wind blows inward and around the center of the low nrea. showing n storm Is a great atmospheric whirl , revolv ing from loft to right , facing tlio center. In such n whirl , therefore , the vind in the east ern or front portion of its urea blows from lower and warmer latitudes und in its west ern or rear part from hiirhor and colder lati tudes. This explains why it is warmer before - fore and. colder nf'er a storm. 'On the weather map tins rise and fall of temperature turo on opposite sides of a low nrea is shown by the northward and southward trend of a second system of lines. Since the whole whirl or storm moves commonly in some easterly direction , propagating winds in accord with the law and changes in temperature in accord with the change of wind wo may anticipate warmer or colder weather from the temperature lines traced on the map. The main thing to know then is whore "low" is and in whntdirection it is probably traveling. The location of the storm center , if tncro is ono within the limits of the map at the hour jf observation , Is always Indi cated by tbo word "low. " Its direction and probable rapidity of movement must bo cal culated from the general distribution of pres sure , tompcrature , cloudiness and rainfall. This is graphically shown by lines nnd sym bols , and not Infrequently the path of the storm center seems plainly pointed out by the bend of the lines. The most potent in fluences acting upon the rapidity , violence and paths of low areas , or storms , aru the season of ttio year nnd the presence of pushing or resisting "highs. " A dilTor once of only a few mlles in the path of n storm center may result In entirely differ ent wcntncr conditions for any given locality. If-'low , " traveling from ODD to UOO miles dally , bud fixed routes , there would bo more accuracy In weather forecasting. This would , however , not serve nature's purpose , which is to distribute her favors. Many of our storms enter the country in the extreme northwest. Homo como Irom the southwestern slope of tha Hocky moun tains , others from the ( Julf of Mexico and some from the 1'acille. The approach of a new storm may always bo anticipated from the incurvature of tbo barometer line in the western portion of the ' 'high" urea. Thu northwestern storms have u tendency to move down into tbo upper Mississippi valley und then pass oft northeastward. If "low , " appearing on the map In some southerly quarter , scorns likely to move to the eastward south of our locality , wo may expect to bo on the cold sldo of that storm , and our winds will shift to westerly through the north point. If , on the other hand"low. " coining from some westerly or northwesterly quarter , seems likely to move to the eastward north of our locality , we may expect to bo on the warm side of that storm until Its canter tins passed by , when thu wind will shift to westerly through the south point. If "low" passes by south of us colder weather wUl naturally follow than if it had passed by north of us. No mnttor where "low" may DO warmer weather Is always found in front of it , and if it is in the west , even though it may bo cold with us nt the time , our temperature will rlso ns the storm advances. Since warmer weather and rnln nro characteristics of "low , " wo mnv gener ally look for those conditions in our locality when "low" appears on the map in tbo wou nnd northwest. It w'H ' bo noticed in over/ map where high areas upponr that ttioy nro in every respect nearly the exact opposltos of low areas. The weather wo experience from day to day depends on what part of cither uroti wu ara In. In general In front of "low" wo find warm weather ; In front of "high , " cold ; In rear of "low , " cold weather ; In rear of "high , " warm , "Low" gonornto ) nnd car ries In advance of U the warm or hot wave. "High" precipitates Into ratrontlng "low" the dry , heavy , cold air of northern latitudes nnd the upper regions of tbu ntmosphnro nnd pours the bitter cold wave over tbo country. In the southeastern nnd central parts of "low" Is found the warmest weather. In this quadrant thunder storms ami tornadoes , Incidents of very warm weather , nro goner- ntod. lu the northeastern nnd central parts of "high" Is found the coldest weathor. In this quadrant heavy snow storms , blizzards nnd extreme low temperature * occur. Frosts nro , In their season , associated with advanc ing "bl ln. " The element of rain depends so largely upon what Is going on In thu upper regions of the atmosphere , of which wo are Ignorant , that rain predictions aru morn hazardous than forecasts of temperature nnd wind. "Low" moves towards regions where the rains nro becominir heavy and general , nnd tha > . for ob vious reasons is In its northeast quadrant. When our wind blows from northeast to southeast , it means that a H'.orm Is coming townru us from thu won. If it blows from south to west it means Unit n storm is passing by In the north. The course of a storm Is often di verted or changed. A Knowledge of local signs and Indications , which huvo a certain value , applied In connection with thu story of the weather map , will generally help us out In the attempt to forecast the wcatter. Hadlcul changes huvo been Inaugurated In the local weather oftlco , and U shall uut bo THE ORIGINAL IN INFERIOR WH.CH . W.LL . 100 SW STYLES HoKI tiy nil ' . Ttili llUnkit l < otfD lli ! t > < imt r Ask toM-ottit'm. tt ri' Thtf Ji II It it > "ronitil Mont nunkri w J mJ wilt nUttr rnoti lb o t Mankf it of toy rlbf f nt iif. None Gcnulno Without Thli Mars * , BRANDED INSIDE NONE GENUINE WflTHOBJT IT. 'jpS SSf OUHCIl BLUFFS yj sx 3M3'55 ? - . tTBBM . < , c Sr Srviw i- " R < ; ! ! -tTipSS5 ? v < % - ; ' ; i5 ' COUNCIL BLUFFS STERM DYES WORK AlSklnds of D veins and Cleaning done in thohlchojt st 'lo of tbo art. Faded an I st\lno4 br.cs made to look as gooj 53 now. Work promply done and dollvored In nil p.irts of thi untry. Send tor price list. C. A. MACHAN , PROPRIETOR 10J3 Broadway , Near Northwester i Dapat , COUNCIL BLUFF3. IOWA. long before Omaha Is on an cu.ua' footing with other large cities in respect to Its weather service. Wherever beneficial and practicable the now map will bo cheerfully supplied. At lenst the higher grude.i of the public schools should have them. All who are Interested in the workings of the weather bureau nro eordinllv invited to visit the local oflleo in the poatolflco building. Tbo ofllcc , which is for the bcncllt of tbu public , is now open from morning to mid night. S. S. JlASSI.IIll , Local forecast ofllciul. A.1IUSKMKXr.1. Comparisons nro said to bo odious , nnd they certainly are not Muttering to the com pany which hist evening began three-night stand In "Kvangelino" at Boyd's theater. This musical extravaganza began its career fifteen years or more ago , nnd , though it was shelved for a long while , the habitual theater goer has seen it repeatedly , and probably at least once in the glory of Ed UIco's magnill- conco. Rico's "Evangellno" without Rico Is sure to bo a disappointment. That manager had n scent for tnlout nnd an eye for color , nnd ho never let pecuniary considerations stand in the way of the indulcenco of his desires. Ilo was ono of these happy , or unhappy , Irresponsible geniuses who have the faculty of doing things on a grand scale at other people's oxpciiso. He engaged talented performers , but , above all , ho toolc nwny the breath of the dramatic world uy the magnificence of his staging with bomo other fellow's money. "EVi.ngellno" has struck a pay-as-you-go era. The special scenic effects have to besought sought by the lone fisherman's spy glass , nnd the performers well , they probably give tbo publio nil they can afford to for the salaries they got. To compare Miss Ruth Davenport ns "Evangolino" with Louise Montague , Foropaugh's 810,000 peauty , Is a discouraging olTort. Miss Davenport is not n beauty , und her stage work is indifferent. To draw comparisons between the "Gabriel" of Miss Hilda Thomas and that of Kay Templeton divinely formed , witching , audacious Fay well , it can't bo dono. The most charitable thing that can bo said of Miss Thomas' singing is that she may hnvo been sintering from n severe cold. "Tho Lone Fisherman" was carried by Jnmosfci. Mafllt , who claims to bo the oriclnnl creator of the part , though tradition long guvo that honor to the Into Hurry Hunter. While Mr. MaHit puts nothing into the part that was not there II f teen years ugo , ho plays It with unction nnd wins merited favor from the nudicnco. Ono cannot undoratRiul how big a part big In moro ways than ono George Fortescuo had in the success of "Evnngclino , " until ho sees n porfortnnnco without that giant. Fortoscuo filled the fullest measure of bur lesque In "Catherine , " nnd Irvln T. Uusli Is a faint caricature of the bur lesque. George Schiller gave n clever , oarnc.it Impersonation of "La HIane , " while "Captain Dietrich" nnd ' 'Hans Wagner" were acceptably taken by Harry West nnd hen Miles , respectively. Whllo this com pany cannot roach expectations based on the former triuinphn of this musical absurdity , it is n pleasure to say that It gives to the per formance the conscientious effort of earnest workers. It is n clean ontnrtnlnincnt with tuneful nlra , pretty costumes nnd amusing lines. K.V.JOINIOII TIIK CITY' . Wntor IVorlcH Company I'rotcofs UN MniiiH witli n Writ. The Hoard of Publio Works will not tap any wntor mains belonging to the American Wntor Works company for several days nt least. The attorney for the wntor company , Mr. John L , Webster , applied to Judge Dundy last night for an injunction to restrain the city council and the Hoard of Public Works from tampering with thu mains owned by the water works company , nnd the Injunction 'VIH granted. This disposes of the question for u short time nt least , until the injunction hai been tested in the United States court. The wntor works company holds that It would bo In violation of the contract with the oily to permit the city to tap or tamper with the water mains owned by the water works people. Huilihnd and Looked Up. Jnmes Welsh got Into a drunken fight down In the Third ward last night and wns stabbed In tnelcft hand a couple of times by his opponent. Welsh wns tnkon to the police station , wluiro hU wounds were dressed , after which ho was locked up on the charge of bolng drunk. Ills assailant escaped , Mrs. Wlnilovv's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea , etc. ! 25 cunts u bottle. S iiNiton : | il Duvolopmciits LKWISTOX , Me. , Nov. 1' ' , The Lowlston Journal says that rumor * of u lartto nhortago in thu boons of ono of Portland's prominent men are In the air , and that sensational de velopments may bo expected , 'Mayno IH in II. There Is a great commotion nmong the boodler * of San Prancuco , Cal. , growing out of an alleged bribery case in which C. K. May lie , moro or less famous tor his career in CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. APITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $225,000 T. A. Sillier. ! ' . O. dloiison , II r * Shuiiart. R K. II irt. .1. I ) . Ivltmimlson. Olinrlai U. llniinan. Transact genur.il banking busi ness. Lriwsl capital and surplus of any bun'c In Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS FIRST NATIONAL BAM OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , lO VA. Palil Up Cnplliil . $100,099 Oldest orR.inUctl tmnlc Un tha cltr. PorcUn anil domestic uxuh'uu > ) nnd unit suaurltlui. ICilMsMll nttuntlim p.il.l to colluctlotn. Account * of Iniltvla * unls , b'tnks. ti.ankurc and corporation * aollcltoi. Correjioiiiloiico | In vlto I. UKO. r , 8ANKOIU ) . IVoHlilonL A.V. . UtUKMAN. Cvililer. A. T. lUCIC. Autitant Ctshlor W. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Funeral Director and Emba'imn Council Bluffs , la. THIS ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. N. W. TAYLOR. Manager. HI rhllllhnrc Attorney nt f.aw , No. I . J. bUillllUUb , poliri street , over Hush- noil's Htoro. Telephone- . -'VI. lluslueu hours. 8 u. in. too p. in. Council Illuiri , 1-i. Sims & federal courts. Koomi ' ! , I und llciiu bluuk , Council HliifTj , la , COUNCIL IJ LUFFS Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ft. GltAlII. fi SON , I'llOl'U 3O1D arid 1017 Broadway. Kitlmntoi furnliiia.l on nil klmti of ( l.Uv.inlzj 1 on Cnrnluu Work , Iron lloofliu , rttora K.-diiti un I per Work , Arllttlo wuric n apooluttjr . C.irrji- ilunou solicltoil from polntUW uilljj troiuUj un Hulls anil Omalia. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFF3. IJIOIt UK NT Several uuod Itnvn farms. Kur -L particulars apply to Johnston & Van I'utton. 3O.ST On llnmdvay , within two weelis , wll- -iver chain nnd eliiht ban leu. I'leuso 10- turn to llruadway oria.'i Lincoln nve. _ GUN I'LKMAN and wife want uiiltoof two or tbriin unfurnished looms with hoard , centrally lucatu.l. Adurcas W K1 , llco ofllco. W ANTKD Kxperlcrici-d table ( rirls at the House , Council lluiflH. IOWA farms for sale. Klmi farm of 4 0 ncrei at-f- ' . * ) . Kxtra uooiUMTi-acri ) farm , 1) ) . Im proved lUO-acru larm. t : ! mlloa from Council llluH's , ( III , fi-acru Kardon tracts tn per uuro. Johnston & Van I'atlen. Council llliul'H. ] " ADIKH and gentlemen wanted for best Jsellln bonk In the world ; u.K WUKOI for holiday trade ; fl n day orlU ) porciint. Cnll or address 13J Knppell nvo. , elf .Madison st. I71AKMH , it'inlun luiid.s , ImusuH , lots and -I. ImHliu'FH liloeliH for Halo or runt. Day It Hess , ! li ) I'carl struct , Counull Illulfa. _ \/"OIJNn ninn with capital wishes to Dtiv a JHtocl ; of gioc'M'iOn or hoots and Nhuos.VMl put nS-rodiii IHIIISO nnd lot In Omaha us part pay. O L'JS HounUlcc , Council Blnir-i. HAI , K"FiiH > fi-y oar-old mure , woljjhlnu 11 bout ! , . ' ! ) ) p'junili. 10 ! Main Htroot. IfUU HAliK or Kent Near Council Illnira * 'nnd Omaha , crnln elevator In irood run- nine order ; Hliellin , ' cnpuultr about I.OJU biinh- nls dully. Hero IH u hurcnln fur Nome ono. U. I'.Oiltcur , 1' ' .Mirth Muln Htroot , Council ItluiTu. ' 1 ho VVi.mloi fill Itiidliiiit Hoiiit ) Ktovo Tlio most durable , economical , eliin : , finest hnkun und hu.iturs over olfured the juihllo. Wu ur'J also UEUIIIH lor tno eololinileil 1' . 1' . Hownrl hoit In ; ; nnd coo .Intf Moves , Don't fall to cull and neo us If you want a xtovu , Wo urn iileiiHed to uhow our ( foods lo uvury onu whether yon aru ready to purchase or not , ( Jan sell nn thu Installment plun when do- hired. WOHoureli thu innrUets and otf r the liesl value for thu iminov , whether It In In u MiOO cuoU Move or u M'.OO steel ran o. Cole & Coir , 41 MAIN STIIKUT. Omahii , Is a prominent luro. ! | The local corruption wan Investigated by a grand Jury , resulting In tbo inJIctment of ' 'lloss" ituckioy ami Ham Uulnoy , prominent clllzoni fur uccoptinir f'J\000 from Muynu nnd others In return for securing from the municipal authorities n street railway franchUe. It U reported that the Indications are excellent for the entire eanu spending u term at San Qunnlcn prison.