Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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piipnui Tiirn it i tiffPTO
Bllgbt but Obatinato Decline in the Whca
Pit ,
Trader * Kcnllzcil That n Freczi
Would In | tire Sprouting Crops
After tlio Itnln , llcnuo tlio
n .Monday.
CiiiCAnn , III. . Nov. 10-Thoro wai a slight
ljut oljFllnato decline In the wheat markc
from the opening to thuoloso today and tin
most IiiTiMilonn efforts to liraco up price * won
offut'lunl only In miiiiirlnij temporary rallies
which were ( itilcUly dissipated by tlio sue
cecdlng rush of sales. Today's declines however
over , wu.s a logical one. and was caused b ;
wlu.t Is gladdening the heart of every Atnerl
can farmer , however depressing It may bo tr
some of tlio heavy traders general rain1
throughout the wheat licit and continued
mild weather. The drop today would have
coino yesterday but for the reports of cold
weather Indications. Traders roallzoil thai
freezing weather would hn disastrous to tin
Bproutlng crop , after the heavy ruins , so thl
icollng , combined with strong cables , ken
prices up yesterday , and oven inarUed an ap
preolablo advance.
Today's opening found the cables qulto ac
strong us yrstoiilny , but the Chicago tradei
failed to tulio his inspiration fiom Mvnrpoo
imd llerlln In markets today and the cold
wave fcenro liavlnt : Hiihsliloil. tlio Inevltabu
ilci-llnc eainc. Subsequently cables we.ik-
cued , doubtless on reports of decline In Amor
lean markets anil tlio amounts of Hour or
orimn pnssagu. showing an lncrcnsuof b'JH.WK '
bushels contrltiuted UHO to the decline. Non
York was a free seller from the start. Logan ,
bcwartz-Diipue. Mllmlne. llodwlti and othori
were buying , while Mitchell , Harry I.cstoi
and locm op.T.Uor-j were alsoaulho sullliu
aide , and the long whcnttnok on yesterday
came out fieely. The eloanincen from funt
ports yoHtordny ageregatod Wl.OUi bushels ol
wheat and Hour. The local Block of conlrh.'t :
wheat Increased JOS.iXK ) ImshoK making tmj
total In store hrro 4.0 > 2,00) bu hols against
! ! , CI2.0ui bushels a year ago. New York ro-
pnrtod thirty m.ids taUou for export. Kreliht
room for Llitl.OOO liiiNhels was hero today.
It was claimed that Russia would prohibit
the exportation of who-it after November II.
The Imports and KnglUh i crs' deliveries
to thu I nlted Kltr-'dom exceeded the cstlmnlo
consiiinptlon \ > v about 2,0UOJO ( bu. Homo
markets worn lower. Arrivals In the north
west were free. Kocoipts at Duluth were KM
cars and Minneapolis 471 cars a of l.'O ' ! )
cars agalnit'.twt cars yesterday and 70S cars it
year ago. Local receipts were 407 cars , of
which III cais were of euntracfgrades. With
drawals from store were 41,718 bu. Kocnlpts at
all points abrogated 2,2(2iO. ( : ' > hu and .fhip-
ineiils from sumo were MUU.KCI bu. The ox-
jiort cleaiancCH from four ports were ir > . 'LO
lihlHiif Hour and : < r.,5UU bu of wheat. The
opening was about from 'io to 'jc ' lower than
yestciday's closing , ami with only slight
lliK'tuatlons declined Ike more , then recov-
01 iid Hl.ghlly , again ruled easy and t.iooloslng
wns about from IJie to 'Jo lower than yester
Corn opened strong and higher , the bull
clique evidently bidding up the market In
order to unload but when t liny attempted to
do so. there was a iiulclc collapse and a drop
of from 'ie to Ic with but llttlo subsequent re
covery. Castor , Martin and Hartlett-1'ra/.lur
were the best bidders at the start , but the sell
ing noon turned the tide. November corn ,
which yestur.lay closed at 5l"ic , opened this
morning anywhere from 15 Uu too."i ? c , but by
noon had reached to.Vi o. Year corn , which
old In the opening scramble from 48c to 4H' ' c ,
declined In the time to 47e. and Mny from 45 > io
early , sold oil' to 4lic. ! The weaker tone of
the market was loward the nloso of the ses-
ion. November was sold as low as Mo and
closed in that. Year anil December declined
to4H'o ( , leavliri oir nt the latter point , and
May touched from 4jio to4."iJiC , and closed at
45fUc bid.
Oats opened ( Inn and Uo higher at IlJJfo for
November and : ti3.o ; for May , these being the
lilgb prices for the day. There was consider
able realizing and November sold on" to X'c ,
closing \a lower at that figure , whllo May ,
after several tins and downs , reached bottom
tit.- " c , that being tlio closing prk-e. It Indi
cates a doollno of JiC. Itecelpts were 342 cars ,
and ; ) 'J.7.VI bushels.
Hog pni'lnctH were weak , with packers f roe
sellers. January perU hold early at from $11.110
to ? ll.i7'Jbroko : ' to Jll.'ft and at I'.1 o'clock was
8ll.'J7'i. ! January lard sold from M , ' ] ) to $ j.W
and Januury ribs from " > .K. " > to f.VTr1 } . Weak
ness was the rule durlnz the last hour , JIUHI-
nry pork Kelllng to J1I.20. January lard to
M.-'lj anrl January ribs to < "i.7."i.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
I'YotwQuiet hut steady : wjnter patents ,
W.50iBH.tX ) : sprliiK patents , il.GOffi5.00. (
WIIBAT No. 2 spring * heat , Ol o : No. 3
iprlni ! wheat. 35'4'o ; No. 2 red , U5c.
( loilN No. 2 , A7c.
OATS NO. 2 , 3''oj No. 2 will to. 33S3lc ; No. 3
White , iKXle.
KYK-NO. 2 , oc. : ;
ItAiii.ur No.2,5Uo ; No. 3 , f , o. b. . 4CSOOo ; No.
4 , 430o.
TiMDTiirSKKli Prime , $ :
1'DIIK Mess pork , pei- bill , J3.37(58 ( M ; lard ,
nor cwt , * ( ; short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
f. > .45 : dry salted shoulders ( hexed ) , 10.5i3lJ.3J :
ihort eloarsldos Iboxndi , $ iY \ lO.D. :
WIIISKKV Distillers' finished poods , per gal ,
HtifiAtis Unchansod ! cut loaf , 55j'o : crau-
ulated , 4OHic.
Hecoipts anil stilpuiouts today were as fol
lows :
On the I'roduco oxalmngu today , tbo butter
marUotiiilot | anil uucliannod. Oroaniory , 20O
l7o ! ; dairy , 17c. KXKB , fresh. 22a-j2io. !
New York Marlcotn.
H.iViJ.l.OOi : patents , COfflXM : Minnesota , clear ! : lI IK ) : straights. 4.UJ4WIS | striiiBht
piituiitH , II.7IQ5.M ) ; rye mixtures , JI.H.vai.85.
WiiKAT-lleeolpts , : i49riM bus exports , 2ti4.760
tin ; sales , 0,712,010 Hu of futures : 278,000 bur
' ' * ' " ' ' ' ' No.\
" ' ®
Vi'tki'm--1"--,1. ' --'ii-ll'4 : .
, , .
hard , Jl.ll nflil.l21 , , Options stondlly de
clined , und closed wealc at I t2o under
yesterday. The long Interest was alarmed by
the much moro favornblo weather for crowIng -
Ing crops , us well as by the temper of the for-
olgu advises , which \ > oio genurally weak , by
reason , In pan , of the llnauulnl situation In
llormany. etc.-in Inoroas-ed supply on pas-
Hagt' . also In the Kiigllsh vlslbto supply uiid a
marked Inerea'-o In deliveries from farm-
wrs hands ; No. 2 red. uowl.ll.V.'uM.l'l"iclosing ' ( ,
fl.O.Vi ; DocomberJI,07"uiilJK"iclosing ( fl ( I7ali
January , tl.uti'.tCauo.V closlnir. il.uii'i : l-'ob-
Jj.U' Ol.ia ? , , qlonln'g * l.r. ' ? i Aprll'Vlosliig , '
II.KIi Slav. j , * -.i. " ' nliMli.iV , iVi.
. , . ,
Jijno.l.r. > iI.U ! > j , oliHlnjj. l.l. i.
HVK Qulut : wostorn. tl.ovai 07 ! .
lUllI.KV-Olllotl SIlloS , 10,000 1)11. )
llAiti.KV MALT-Quliiti Canada couutrv
in iiile , &Sc.
CoilN-Heeoliits , 1075biii exports , 5 < , GM Ini ;
ales. 2v ,000 hu of futures ; 201,000 hu of spot
ViISOittk'11' ' ' " "Iiratoly uctlvo ;
No. 2 , 7jyMc. ) Onilons iiilvi iicbVl"from"io'to ?
firmer cahlos and dccroubud Uc , closed
from 140 to ? o under yeslorday.
OATti-Spot uiarl.ot dull and heavy ; options
ll.uAnml , J .u.i ! ' .Hr..NP.y ! Wi > pr , : n'Bc. eloln
< -'lilc
llAV-1-alr douianil : stonily : shipping , Jc.ooa
S."fl ; good to choice , < 7.4W.M.
Mora I'lrni , fulr ileinanili state common to
choice. IlWiMo.
Uoi'rEK Uptloni opened itouily at from fl
to 20 points declluo closing Bieuily m from
6 to 15 polntH down , lilies , 18-VX ) bugs , In *
oluillng .November , til U.'var.av Den-mbur ,
Hl.KWIl.l ) ) ! January , tllM ; Mitrch , Jil.lMft
1I.M ; Muv.-ll.lU ll.iJuno ; , 111. 10 ® 11.Ut July ,
IRtJMll.uU ; spot Itlo quiet und llrm , No. 7 ,
KuoAit Haw. qulot anil firm ; rclliied llrm.
MOIUSSKS New ( .Jrlonna. Urm.
VWUULKUM bteudy , qulot i crude In
Parker' * , Mi-scriiiln In bulk , I'arUnr's. M.OC
tollncil In Now Vork , tn.V.Vftil.40 ! I'hllndclphl
nnd llnltlmore. M.2i > aa.i5 : ; I'hliiulflphla nt |
Iliiltlnioro In bulk , M. .Vttt.W ; ) ; United closed n
Wo for Dccombor.
COTTON H : KUOir > Stronger ) orudo. ICosyol
low , 2oano. :
'i'AM.ow Wnnkj city ( tiOO for tmckngoi
ininc. .
Itosi.v Qulot nnil steady ! strained , comma
toKoail. tu-jftua.
Tuitl-NTiNK-gulol. ttondlcr. ntn < V3./Vic.
Koos Qiilot ; fancy , llrm ; western , sMB''lUc
rorolpts , U.4IW parknRci.
WOOL Qutut ; domostlo fleece , 2l > 3'lOcToxa ; !
I'OIIK ( Jtilot : old mo ? * , ! 10.05 j now men
JI0.75 ! nrlmo , tlO.OoaiO.3l ,
OUT MEATrf Unsettled : pickled bolllcs. 7',5c
plnkled shotildcr.H , 5.U "Jc ; pickled hani !
MIIIIII.KS I'lrmor ; short clear. Novcmbci
IiAiin Opimcd ( Inn , closed weak ; wrstori
nteatu. } < i.4.i hid ; sales. l.4 : > 0 : tlnrcci ut { 11.15 ;
J'.50. ' ! Option salei. 1.7.V ) tlorces ; Decemboi
J0.42 ; January , JiUWiiMfi. ! . closini :'J bid
I'obrnary , Kfo ; M'irch , * fi.8ls uloHlui ? J1.60.
Hurtnn 1'alr demand ; llrm ; western dairy
I.VfWlc ; wptiurn croamory. ' V2fttcwcslon \
factory , IlitlSct Klxln. SU'.WWa '
CIIKKHK 1'alr tloinaiid , llrmcr ; part akltui
1'ni IKON Dull ; American , fMT.
Duliitli Wheat Markot.
ntir.UTii. Minn. , Nov 10. Tra'lln < was falrlj
active , wllh prices on the down cradi' . Tnon
wan a drop at the opening ot 'io from lasl
nluht's closing , but ono lot of May belli ;
worked olT at yeatorday'ti lUure.s. The mar
kel , however , was a steadily docilnlii ! ; one
and there was a further easing off ot lo befon
noon. The feature of the situation , however ,
Is the hl h laku fiolhts ! , and they havi
had Inlliienco in kooplnx dowi
prices. Kates were very llrm today a
7'ic ' to lltill'iilo , and thu prospect o
another advance contlnuo-i uood. Tlio uenklj
Hour stateniont for the week eiiilud Saturday
lust shows a prodiiutlon of lS,4'Ji ! bhls , and lo
celpts of 01,572 hbbt shipments , Iixi. .H bbli
amount of Hour In storu , 14.1,145 hhK ni
aualust 1SU.7.VJ bills at the corresponding dati
la * < t year. The market clojod with cash am
November I' ' c oh from last nluht's closing
May , No. 1 haul , Icon"iind May , No. 1 north'
crn. I'jC lower. : No. 1 ; Nil'
vembor , Ulo ; Deconiber , Kiel May , 11.01 : No
1 northern , cash , If.'o ; November , ( llrst half )
O.'e ; N'ovombor , ( ontlro month ) , IHo ; Do enibur ,
Do ; May , 0 ! c ; No. 2 northern , cash , H7c ; No.
voinbcr , 8'Jc ; rojojtcd , 74'ic.
H City
KANSAS C'ITV. Mo. . Nov. lo. I't.ouit Firm
and unchanged ; patnnt , } 2.2l7.5l ; extra
fancy , * . ' .2or j.yj5 ; funcy , t..u5M5 : oholfiu , * ! . :
a2.mj ; XXX , II.7.V&2.UO.
WIIKAT Steady : No. 2 hard , cash , 81Ho bid !
No. 2 rod , cash , ai'ju bid.
OouN-.Stuaily ; No. 2 , cash SS'/o ' bhl ; No
vember , 'I7 ! c bid.
OAT. < Steady ; No. 2 , cash. 27'ic ; Novem
ber. 27"c bid.
1'r.A.v Sr.Kti 97' %
HAY Weak to steady and unohansort ; tlm-
.ilhy , $ - > .50.u ' > tl ; fancy pralrlc , Jil.5'l : irood tc
choice , if.Voil'JlJ.SO ' ; low Kradcs , $1.00 ® 1.50.
IlUTTKit Steady and unulinimiid ; creamery ,
iKWJSe ; dairy , 14 Do : store packed , 14lCc.
Kotis-l'lrm ul 2)5c. )
UKCKIITS Whunt , 11U.009 bu ; corn , 0.40C
bu ; oats , 27OOJbu.
SiiiPMKNTS Wheat , 08,105 bu ; corn , 4iOOi :
oats , nono.
Wheat Alarlcct.
MiNNKAl'Oi.ia , .Minn. . Nov. 10. The
local market opened today at OO'So ' ou"ored
and thu llrst sale was at D3' c. It took hut a
few minutes to roach DOc and then It rocov-
urcd ! ic , but. soon dropped to OOo n' aln and
then wont toSD.'ic , back toOJc , and llnally set
tled at H'-'Hc ' for a steady run until just at the
do u , when there was a bit ; break , and wheat
sold to a close at 8aic ! , ever lo
under the opcnlm ; prlco. There was an easier
foreign teollnz roportcd , The cash market
was quite active and prices were bettor sus
tained than on future- ; . Receipts hero were
474 cars and at Duluth r > : i5 , a total of 1,000.
November closed at 8'c ) ; December. opcnoJ
IKHjO , hlRhustlU'ic ' , lowest .sjc , closed 0'4o ;
May. opened 0 e. hlKhost t ) c , lowest OJ'ic.
elosod DH'ao ; January , opened DIUc. highest
Dl'ic , lowest DJl c , elosod uoyo ; .No. 1 hard ,
Olc ; No. 1 nortliurn , OJo ; No. 2 northern , bliffl
88c. _
HoHtoii Wool 'Mnrket.
HOSTON. Mass. . Nov. 10. There has boon a
steady demand for wool and the sales , whllo
mostly In small lots , hold up fairly well.
Prices remain the s.imo. 1'lccco woo's are
still vorv qulot ! indiioted | atSJo for X. JWffj )
Ulc for XX and XXX and above ; Michigan X ,
-To ; but these nrlcos ml ht no shaded In
lai-L'o lines ; No. 1 cotton vrool soils at : i7@Xic ;
Ohio line dolaino , : i4ii5c : ; MichiRau line de-
lalno. ICiD'Ele. ' Territory wool Is In steady
demand , with saleof line on a scoured basis
ofMSJOc ; line medium. 5ii ® . " c : mealuin , 5'j@
55c. California. Orojoti rnd Texas wools are
qulot and stoaily. On pulled wools buslnoss
Is Rood and steady with sales of choice super
nt 4 © I2c : fair to irood supers ut ! ! 0iSc. : and
extra at2-ii'W. ( irorolKit wools are steady with
Australian soiling \vell.
Alilwatilci'O .llarlcetn.
Mlt.WAUKKE , WIS. , NOV. 10. Fl.OUIl-Qlllot.
WIIIJAT Kisy : ; No. 2 spring , on tracK , cash ,
OJo : December , Ol'io : No. 1 northern , UGc.
CoimKasy ; No. Jl old. on track , cash , 57o ,
OATS Steady : No. 2 white , on truck , Wto.
n\M.Kf Steaily ; November , 50iu.
UVK KIrm : No. 1 , store , Olc.
Pitiivr-iioNs Quiet ,
Pome January. } 11.22i. !
LAUD January. S0.2JS.
KKCKli'TH-l'loiir. O.OJO p'jgs ; wheat , 78,000
bu ; barley , 74l'lW bit.
Hiui'MKNTS Klonr. ai.OOObu ; , 1 1,000 Uu ;
barlor , 5.0JO bu. _
Uvoi'i > eel Markets.
Iiivuitpooi * Nov. 10. WIIDAT KIrm ) de
mand Improving : lioldor-i offer sparlnalv. Cal
ifornia No. 1,0s Id&OsOltd per cental ; red west
ern spring , Hs lod8.s 10 > id : No. 2 rcn wlnlor ,
8s Od. Iteco pts of wheat past three dayn ,
JllS.OOU centals , InclndliiK 1S7.0JO American.
UOIIN l > 'lrm : ilemand fair ; mixed western ,
fisOUd porcuntal. Kccelptsof American corn
for the past three days , 51.600 centals.
LAUi--l'rlino western , iXlsild per cwt. .
Now Orleans Cotton Market.
Nnw Oui.uANs , Ia. . Nov. 10. Cotton easy
and IrroKular ; middlings 7ic ; low mlildlln s ,
7D-lfic ; aooil ordinary. GJic : not roeelpt ? , 4aGV >
bales ; gross. 4lii7 : bales ; exports to
the continent , 00,000 bales ; coastwise , 11.C12
bales ; sales , a,500 balls ; stock , a'K.DOJ bales.
Cliiclniiutl MurlcetH.
CINCINNATI , O. . Nov. 10. WIIBAT Scarce and
nominal : No. 2 rod , CC > 397c.
COIIN Kas'or ; No. 2 mixed , . u33o. }
OATS Stton ; No. 2 mixed , IKc. '
Now York Cotton Market.
Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 10. COTTON Dull ; mid
dlings upland. ? { : middling Nuw Orleans ,
8 ll-tce : sales , 01 hales ; futures closed easy ;
sales , ia' > .400 bales.
Ni'W York Dry Goods Mnr'cct.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 10. The Konaral dry poods
uarket was without chaiigo and steady in
Oil Mnrket.
LONDON , Nov , V ) , TUIIPKNTINE Si'tiins 20s
lOdpercwt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Havana M-trlcetH.
HAVANA , Nov. 10. Sitcarqu'ot and steady.
Trailer * Talk.
CntCAOO , III. . Nov. 10. Swartz , Ditpeo > t
HcCormlck to 1 > \ O. Swarlz &Co. : The wheat
iiarkut today was weak from start to finish.
Continued ruin , accompanied by mllii weather ,
rolleved the apprehension caused by the 10-
cout drought. Cables also came lower , both
'rom thu United Kingdom and continent ,
Airolgnoratitlll express confidence th'-.t tlio
irohlblt-on by Itussla will bu Imposed on the
5th of this month , but the statement has lost
ts Inlluencu hero for the present. The
amount on showed 1,000,00)
neroase. Northwestern receipts were again
arge , with predictions that they will eou-
Iliuo lioavy for the next thirty nays. O.its
vero easier lu sympathy with corn and wheat.
'revisions were dull , llocolpts of hogs were
slightly under ycsterdav s estimates and
trices were lOc higher , The estimate for to-
uorrow was I15.0HO. The market showed homo
strength at the opening , which wag lost at'tlio
close. The trade as a whole was small ,
Ciiu-Ado. 111. , Nov. lU.-CoiinsoInmn A : Day to
Cockroll llros : Wheat opened lower on failure
if freeiing weather to matcrlall/.e and local
HiieLHiliitora took advantatreof the usual lauk
otoulsldu .inlers pending the Issue of the
nouthly government crop report to make a
urn on the boar side. The result was a do
ollno of from ! PCO to in , o to ti'iSo for Docom-
ler unit the uloso was heavy at bottom IIMl res.
rom private suurceaffihavo very reliable In-
ormatlon that on next Halur.lay Itussla will
irohlblt wheat exports , hut this Item
laving boon so often relter.ited will
lave but Illtlo ulToot until mich decree Is
ictually tironlilgatoi ! , Today thu weather
van the principal cause of weakness , and
being a very lloKlo ally is liable at any
nomont to become a bullish Item. We bu-
tuve that the magnitude of December and
anuiirv exports will uga'n ' startle thu short
ntcrost , and wo prefer purcluiKOs on all such
breaks as today. Com declined l > 4o to llFo
tnd oats ( io to ' .o In untli-lp.itlon of u very
HMirhh government report on these grains
mil root crois. | Provisions opened higher ,
mt wuakoned on altering by packer.- ) who cov
ered early sales on the Into decline , out owing
o thu we ikness In grain there was llttlo other
niylng an. ) the market closu.1 ut Inside Itg-
ires without Indications ot Immediate blip-
OniOAno , III. . Nov. 10.-Konuott , Hopkins &
.1) . to N A. MuWhorter ; Wheat has been
roak today bocaiuu It had too inanv fool
rlunds ye.storday and not because thotu was
my new uluinont of weakness today. The
old wave. dU not materialize and whoever
tinned the weather chart yesterday had no
oason to bolluvu It would. Kxportx were fair
mlt'iivaguiiiuntii for future blilpnionlH con-
ll'Sr.1"ly ' > cs' tlitm yesterday , when ever
1.0.0 , ( X ) I bushels were tuken for export.
A cold wave U Indicated for
tomorrow with mow * lu thu uortuwcut that
I arooxpcoled tobo heavy enough to Intorriip
railroad trallleand ciitolf slilpinontsof wheat
The local trade nppoara to bo short and I
cables come reasonably firm In the forcnooi
with weather comlltloiH as shown wo look fo
u higher nnd perhaps strong inatknt. Oat
have boon heavy for May In sympathy will
tha other markets hut ' 'orn has licet
weak because shorts had been driver
In and there were Inrjo receipt
of new corn that graded hotter than formn
Rhlpments. There wax also an oxpoctatloi
that thu government report would show ai
average yield of at least 27 bu. per aero am
Indicate aeropof ever 2,00 VWI.oOO hu. As I
has boon secured In excellent condition thl
would Imply about as mnnh good merchant
nblocorn as I ho country has over proilucoi
In n single season. Taking this vlow am
there belli ! ? comparatively few shoris ti
unload tlio market was decidedly weal
anil looks .is If It had started fbr a materla
domino. Provisions were easier In sympath ;
with irrntn , but there was no pressure to sel
except in fibs and January pork , both of whlcl
wore thoiuht to he relatively high. Hlhs an
high.because of tholr scarelty , but Iho stock :
are tluoiy 4.0 bo soon enlarged and then the ;
will probably soil on a parity with other prod
STOt/Klt .I.V ItUXItS ,
Nr.w VOIIK , Nov. 10. The stonlc market
today was still moro active/ with the temper
of dealings again almost decidedly strong
not to say buoyant , and thu advances thl ;
evening are more uniform and larger than or
any day for months. Almost the whole acllvi
list Is up from I to 2'8 per cent , the exception !
being remarkably fow. Many Inlluences co ir
hlnod to create this effect , but the mint Inr
portaul fact is that the market , both here ant
In London , has been largely oversold
Under the extraordinary ilemand therefore -
fore llrst prices were all materially hUhei
than the duals ot last evening and the gains
extended to 1'a ' per cent among the leading
shares. The high prices naturally brought
out some Ion ? slocks hut thu pressure to sell
was light compared to thu demand and prices ,
oven after the market opeue.l again sloadllj
rose though hero and there somn hesitation
was seen.
As a rule , however , the weak stocks of yes
terday showed the gtvatest strength , the
coalers and Northern Paelllc preferred taking
the load at llrst. but others come to the trout
constantly and before thu close the
gains were uniformly most pronounced.
Atchlson was most , active , but the deal
ings In manv others were and the
widening of the market WIIR marke , All the
standing arguments for higher prices received
attention and the west bought the grangers
while Boston took Atoh'son ' anil the traders
the coalers to lane amount ? , The strength
remained unimpaired though there were per
iods of comparative dullness and prices
halted or hesitated at times. The market ,
however , llnally closed aotlvo and strong at
or near the highest prices of the day. The
lull , Chicago & St. Louis and l.ackawaiina
each I'i pel cent ; Lotitsv.llo & Nashville , 1'e
per cent : Atchlson , KOOK Island , 1 per cent ;
St. i aul and Uuadlng , 1 ? percent ; Missouri.
ls ucr cent ; flurllnglon. Hi per cent , and
othorssmaller amounts.
Government bonds have been du.l and
stead v.
State boniU have been dull and firm.
The following are the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on the Now York Slock ex
change today :
Total sales of stocks today were 303.750
shares. Inc-hidln : Atchlson , ii-,150 ; Chloa o
Uis : , 24,200 ; Delaware , Laulciiwiiniia A : West
ern. 24,5'id ; Erle,2nH5j : I.onlsvlllo & Nashville ,
J2.7TO ; .Missouri Paelllc , 4,075 : North Ameri
can , 5,001 : Missouri 1'aclllc. ! I.8J'I : Houthorn
I'uulflu. 27.CVJ ; Hoaillii' . ' , 22,1)80 ) : Klehiuonil . < t
West 1'olnt , 3,222 ; St. Paul , : CI,810 ; Union Pa-
olllo , 8,412. _
Filiiinoial Huviow.
Nuw YOIIK , Nov. 10. The I'oit says : The
siuliluii anil violent uiiwnrd reaction In today's
prices had a somewhat singular origin. Hour
iporators In London have been sellln ; the
market up tor nearly a week past. Appar
ently they counted upon demoralisation
imoni : holders of loun slock hero as a result
of the llerlln disasters. So fur as concoruod
the stocks holni ; aetlvo In London they reok-
iiied without tholr .Not only this.
.nit the uonr combination hero bout
on the same errand , oversold nearly all
; ho market. As a consoiiuonce the arrival of
the fortnightly .settlement day this moriilni ;
mt tlio London boats In a corner. They soon
ixhaustod In purchases for delivery ( ho small
supply of our stocks on tholr own market and
'rom the moment of the opening ; here they
were clamoring for stocks at anv price , Nat
urally there was no an.xluty unions holders of
stocks to soil under such circumstances and
thuhoais takuiK flight hero as well , prices
scored heavy advances for the day. As mlirht
lave beer expected , most of the sains woio
u do unil most of the business done lu the
'oronoon , bofoio the London market closed ,
mt the tone was stroni : up to the close.
Now York .Money
NEW YOIIK. Nov. 10. MONUV o.v OAt.r ,
Easy , ran lng from I to l ! pur cent ; last loan ,
4 per cent , olosed oll'ored at 4 per cunt.
STKIIMNO KXCIIANOKQuiet and steady at
il.SO for sixty-day bills and JI.8iJi : for do-
Thu following ; were the closing prices on
London Stock Murkot.
LONDON , Nov. 10. The following were the
-oiulonstock quotations clolii at 4 p. in. :
II lit Sii.viw 4Jil par oiiuuo.
MD.NKV 2 per cent.
LONDON. Nov. 10. Amount of hulllun
nto the Iliiuk of Hii liinil ou haluuco today ,
' | *
Ktouk JMarkct.
, Mass. , Nov. 10. The following were
ho eliHlni ; prleos ou stoaus ou thu lloslou
lock miirUut today :
Snu Krtiuulsuo .Hinlii ; Qu K
SAX 1'ucts : o , Uiit. , Nov. io. The otllulal
oloslni ; iiuiHitIoin : for milling atonks tojiiy
noruiiK follows :
Dnnver Mining Htoukn.
UNVtli. Colo. , Nov , 20. The followlns Hat Is
Nn\v Oitt.nAN ! ) , La. , Nov. 10. CloarliiBs. ? 2 ,
i ( > 9.'J10.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . NotlO.Cloarlnps todaj
< Tli4.i.iSiI.
I'Aitis , Nov. 10. Three percent rentes tllf
OU'ic ' for the account.
NMW VtniK. Nov. in. Cloarliips today , JIOI. '
si4it ! : ; s , * : . ,7.uior.
Nov. in. llank clcarlnss
fl'.iiT'.UUU ; balances , $ iiit,080. : : Money , 4 pel
Mt.Mi > lil. . Tcnn. . Nov. 10.--Now York o\ ;
change soiling at par ; clearing , $7l2.0i ( ! ( ; bal
ances , IUH.I07.
lleitt.i.v , Nov. 10. The state of the Imperial
Itatik of ( ji'riiinny shows an Increase In specie
of l.StU.i Oo marks.
HAI.TIMOHK. Mil. . Nov. 10. Untile cloarlniTH
today. S.iiils ( | | ; balances , Wli-'JO. ) . Halo , for
money , o per cent.
CINCINNATI. O. , Nov. 10. Money r.ft,5 per
cent , New Vork exchange. i'.VS u per cent
premium. Clearings , J..KW.lilO.
ST. IJIUIR ( , Mo. , Nov. 10. ( .Hearings today.
J4,4Il'.oo4 : b.ilanccs. } fiii.i. : . : Money. 7S per
cent. Kxchniigo on Now York at par.
HOSTON. Mass. . Nov. 10. Hank clearings Jo-
ilay , $ l." > , ljM ( | balances. fu7r.ll7. ! Uatn for
money. S'.j per cent. Kvchango on Now York ,
"J'i"icf or 81,000 discount.
CIIICAOO , III. . Nov. 1'J. ' Now York oxchanzo
stonily at 1 ' 'jo per ? l.0.0 premium. Hank
clearings , fKi.cfl.uiKi. .Money easy at ( i per
cent. Sterling exehansoslow at II.S3 for sixty-
day bills and tl.S.'i | ' for slglit drafts.
OMAlI.l hlVK ! > rOJH M.lltKET.
OMAHA. Nov. 10 , 1891.
CATTI.B Olllclnl rocoliits ot cattle. ; t.r i0. ]
as compared with 4 , : X ) yesterday ana ' . ' .8T8
ItiQvlay of la-it week. Market about steady
on beef , steers and butcher stock ; feeders
llrm ; olTerlngs were monly westerns and the
general marKet not very active.
lions Olllclal rocoluts of boss. 0.1100 , as
compared with ycslerday and : i.i07 : Tues
day of lust week. Market active and gener
ally fie higher ; every thlnit sold In good season :
bulk solllnir at $ : I.10S'I.7. > . against $ : i.G.Vi51.70
yesterday. Light , $ ; i. ( > DQ.75 : ) ; lioavy , fLTSQlSS ;
mixed. W.i.VTo'i.7.\ (
SllKBi1 Olllulnl receipts of shcop , 1'iKl.
a compared wllh 103 yesterday and 40
Tuesday of last week. Market slow but
steady. _
Kouolpts atnl Dlsjio itlon ol'Stoolc.
Olllulalrojolpts iind "IHnniltlon of stook as
shown by tha nooks of tha Union Stock Yarils
eompanv for the twenty-four hours , ending av
So'clook , | i. m. , Novojnljer 10 , IS'Jl :
Hnyors , , lUnttlo. I lojji. | Sheep
Rcpresontntlvn Silcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8 > . .iiO'l : ? . ' ! 85 18..1204 $1 10 42..1270 II 05
. . 740 1 00 10..1000 1 75 4..10R7 210
1. . 050 i on 18. . TOO 1 1..1250 210
4. . ! I7 i : n 24. . fr 12 1 85 22. . 600 2 10
oio i : B 2J. . MB 2 85 1. . 870 21U
. 755 1 40 2. ! . . KM 1 85 SI. . 010 210
' 1 41 2J..1030 1 'M ItVJ 2 10
. (174 ( 1 45 14. . 1148 1 Ik ) 21. . 100. ) 2 20
is. . 7HO 1 50 II ! .111S 2 05 7. 1KIJ
is.i. . . 850 1 50 11. .111SMO 2 03 2..1105
i.i. . ,1181) ) 1 50 20. .1010 2 00 rr.ion
. 810 1 7. ' . 1. . 7GO 2 1,0 2. . PICO 2 50
, 819 1 75 4. . bbO
'i. .1001 1 75
1. . 3M 123 1. . SO ) II 25 1. ISO 425
1. . : SI ) 150 2. . 14J II 50 ] . . 140 425
8. . 1157 2 fi.5 11. . 1110 4 15 : i. . 12' ) 425
10. . : ib3 270 7. . 174 4 Si 1. . 12J 450
nurl < s.
2..UBS 100 3..117.1 170 2..1570 ISO
a..11111 1 41 4..1211. 1 10 1..15SO 20J
1..10SO 155 1..I150 170 1..1G30 210
1..120J 170 1..1420 170 1..11)20 ) 225
\VUSTIKS : cA-rrr.c.
H. O. Kami.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
S3 steers. . . 1238 ifi 15 10 ! ) steers. . . USD ifll 15
J. A. Yaryun. %
83 fcBilor ? . . 03-J 2 55
Corhlu Morris.
Ileows. . . . 1100 1 00 1 bull 1100 1 SI
3 O.NOII. . . . 170(1 ( 175 1 ox KOJ 250
W. Itrownlee.
23COW3 007 2 20
Sp.iulilliiB llros.
21eows OX ) 225 lstcers..lU7S 310
O. Westholin.
Icow 1070 1 S'J II cows 939 215
11. Trollopo.
ySeowa 1032 2110
Hand Crook C.Utlu Co.
7COW3 1011 225
Icow 1200 210 IScows 111)8 ) 210
C. K. ColToy.
II stcors * . . 11107 3 00 li feoilors ,10 J 2 35
18 Moors. . . ,1105 , 2 50
W. J. Tromnoll.
31 cows. . 1020 S'.n 10 stcors..1150 a 25
\V. Marr.
3 cows. . 0 > 7 2 33 1)1 ) stoora..in4 3 25
Hyan Ilroa.
1 feeder..1010 240 37 foodcrs. . 1120 2 40
H. I'llsou.
C feeilors. afll 2 fi. > a calves. . . 107 4 .V )
1 cow 1150 18) ) 8 cows. . . . Ktf 1 bO
40 cows. . . b08 1 i > 0lions.
Hhlc. I'r.
210 JJ75
2SO 375
100 a 75
KM 375
280 375
80 3 75
80 3 75
bO 375
211) 3 75
8) 3 75
2JO 3 75
120 3 ' 0
hO 35
200 U'fi
2110 3'5
3 7.1 j
S8J 3 75
" 3 7.1
40 375
Ml a 75
375 ,
IU ) II75
12. ) 375
111 ? 3 70
a.'o ( I 75
210 ISO : 77ji
21) 377' ' ;
109 ant
a M
60 a
a 01
Ijlvo Stiiolc Market ,
OiilcAiio , 111. , Nov. 10. ISpoolnlTolceram to
'UK lltn.l : Toilny'H outtlo murkol wits not
niiitly illiroront from other Tucsiluysbo far
H thu extent of thu revolptBiiiul the ehiiruotor
if thu iluiunml wuru coneerneil. The re WUH
hunt the nvoruRO numlier of uuuioon bule.unil
hoiloinunil not uolni ; at all urgent thoru wus
o oiihuncumont ot vuluu.i. though ttio fcellui ;
ppoaroil to ho f.ivonihlo to uu tiilviiiico lie-
ere thu weeU's out as the ( arrlvula are o.x-
uutocl to coutluuo wouorato. The otforln s
were not much moro nttmctlvo tlmn
neon lu thn yiinU name ilayn pnitt. Thor
were 11 few lonils of ooil cnttlu but th
"milk mul fllo" I'omUtcil of rnnzcrt MM
tmtlvo cows , hulls nnil roiiKh 1ml
nnil quarter fatteil stoers. It ills not 'tnka ;
very cixil artlolo to hrln tt/JJ , hut there wn
only here nnil there n sulo nbova Jl T5. Of th
upply coushloriibly moro than imo-half earn
olt the rmiRcs. there boltu about 2.V)0 ) ivmh i
wcilorna mul Toxnin. StockoM nnil fooilct
renmliieil dull nuil common ctilvcs nr conslil
orably lower thiiu they were lust week.
Toilny's hoc inurkot opctinil hrlskly n
lilKhor prices than were pulil ou .Vomltij
Huvors woto willing to nay from M.I
for poor to tirlmo light , and J 1.70 tot.10 ) fo
lioavy weights , which Indicates an nilvancou
lOo per 100 pounds. The ( Inner tone of th
market was a result of tho-ileerpaso'1 ' receipt ;
the total for the last two ( lavs showing a lo *
hs comnared with Monday and Tuesday n
last week of r > . ! > oj head , whereas an Incrons
Iind heon looked for. The extreme range o
Rttle.s were from U.5'3 to ' 4.15. There were sov trades at 11.10 and ono at ' 1.1V
1 ho Kveniug Journal renorts : Cat.tlo lie
cohits. ll.o.iot shipments , H.IKIO. : marld't higher
good to eholco natives , if5.2.ViiYli ( ! no cxir
steers on market ! others. Ji7Vil.75 ( ; Toxnn
* 2.20 < il3Mi ) rangers. K434.aO | sloekcrs , flax
a.IOj natlvoeows , SI.2.VB2.0U ,
Hogs lto"clpts. S8Wii ) ) shipments , 7f > 0"
maruot active , stonily to hl.-hcr : rough am
common. fi.70i.8.i : ; mixed and oackers. JI.8.VI
l.)5 ! ) : prime heavy and butchers' weights , { 1.10
' '
Shc'o | ) Itueclls,4iCO | ) : shlnnicnts , 500 : mar
Kol fairly actlvo and steady ; n.itlvo owes
? 2.00 3I.70 : mixed. JI.'iViJtl.Ms wnthcr * . 'I.TSS
G.25 : westerns , $ l.4lMJl.OO ) : luinb * . J.j.5.'i.i' . ) .
Now York lilvoStoulc 'Mnrkct.
NKW YOIIK. Nov. lo.liEKVKHecolnts !
1,138 head , nil for oxjiorters nnd slaughterers
no tradoj fcellngdull : dressed heel steady n
II'if1 ' ic per Ib : shipments today. KS hooves
tomorrow , ( Ml beeves and 3,5'lOquartors of heof
O'Ai.vcs Uecelpts , (78 ( head ; market ( lull
voals. M.Wft7.5u ) per 103 Ins : gras.soM am
weslcrn calves , J2.W.25. (
SiiF.lli'-lti'celiils , 2.4IW head : market steady
sheep. JI.OO.VI5 per 100 Ills : In tubs , * 5.5 a < Ui5
dressed mutlons , ( i JWo per 'b ' : dressei
liimlis. llrmit7S'ic.
lions Market easier , nnd MftlOe lower
choice packing and butchers , $3.H'J3.85 ' ; tali
to goo.l butchers , } .l.7iKiJ3.74.
I.AMIIS Noihlng doing ; fair to good ship
plnir. f 1.0iKjji. : : > ij ; common to medium lambs
KIIIIHIIH City Ijlvu .Sto-k Slni-kot.
colnts. D.220 ; shlpniotits , 1.7.0 : market stonily
to strong ; steers , ) J.V5QLIX ( ) ; cows , JI.2Mi2.75 :
stonkors and feeders , f2.00iti.75. ( :
lions Hecnlols. IS..i.iO ' : shipments. 703 ; mar
ket "c lo lUo lower : bulk , $ ; > .b'J3.70 : all grades ,
SinjBi1 Kccclots , 1,203 ; market stojiuy.
St. I.oitls luvu Stuck Market.
Pr. Lotris , Mo. . Nov. 10. OATTM : Kocolpts ,
4.7CO : Nlllpments , 000 ; market strong : natives ,
2.i.ViiVOi ; Texans and Indian steers , J2.30iS
3.4 i ; cows and oiinnurs , JI.20U2.30.
Huns Hecoipts , 800 ; shipments. 1.400 ; mar
ket higher : heavy , J.t.uoSl.00 ; mixed , S3.150
3.W ; light , J.l.50iii3.75.
( JM.IIIA irilULKN.lMi JI.lltKKTS.
Country I'roilucc.
Eons Pales generally reported at2.13i'3lo.
IliiTTKit Host country , 20ffl22c ! fair to good ,
1'oiri.Titv Supply llahtj ehlekcns , K.2.V3B.75.
GAMK Uanad.-i geese. * i,0i.l)0 ! ) ; small geese ,
$ l. . iOa. ( " > 00 : pralrlo chickens , * . > , UO ; grouse * 4.M ) ;
mallard dut-ks. 3a.2 , ' ; liluo winged teal , :
creon wlnired teal. JI.5) ) ; mixed ducks , JI.23 ;
jack rabbits. } lro4.0 ; Hinall , JI.2."il..lVJ ! quail ,
* l.7'tftV.OO : jacksnlpu , ( l.2.VQl.riO ) : plover. T.'io
"CM.OO ; golden plover , Jl.'J.'itiol.fiO : squirrels ,
$ l.COO1.2. > ! deer saddles. IS Kiu per Ib ; deer
carcasses , lOSllos autolopo a.iddles ll13e ;
carcasses , Pfflioc.
Onialin'H I'ulillo U'aroliouso.
As already mentioned in Tun Bic : the
Woodinan-l'ltehio company ha ? npiilied for u
license to operate a public warehouse in
Omaha , tbo license was ranted yesterday
by the Sta'.o Board of Transportation.
The elevator in question is located on the
block bounded by Izaril and \lcholas and
Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. It Is
ironclad on all sides and is llttod up with
every convenience for the handling of grain.
Being located on the ocll line it is acoessiblo
to every railroad line entering Omaha.
Tno llrm is prepared to receive grain for
storage now , and in fact already has a good
many cars of llax seed in the store. The
maximum storage charges will bo fixed tiy
the Board of Transportation and will bo pub
lished in a day or two.
Any persons , farmers as well ns'grain deal
ers , can have their grain stored at the lixed
All that is necessary for tbo owner of grain
to do Is to bill the grain to tbo elevator com
pany and request that It bo placed in storage.
On its arrival at Otnalm the state oflicors
will woigli it and inspect It , and it is then
turned over to the warehouse people , who
will place it in store und issue to the owner a
warehouse receipt setting forth the amount ,
kind and grade of grain as reported by the
state oflicers.
Thnso receipts can bo necotlated at the
banks or the elevator company will loan tno
owner three-quarters of tho" value of the
grain as determined by the current market
It is moro than likely that the grain buyers
and producers of the state will avail them
selves of the opportunity to store grain , as a
great many loiters have boon received by the
secretary of the board of trade , grain inspector
specter and elevator men from parties ask
ing as to tno storage facilities of Omaha.
i Its Kxccllout Quitlit on
Commend to public approval the California
liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is
pleasing to the eye and to the taste , and DV
gently acting on the kidneys , liver and bow
els , It cleanses the system effectually , there
by promot ing the health and comfort of all
who use it.
I Di-i'i' ii Doviln in Clilna.
In vlow of the troubles in China and the
threatened massacre of foreigners reliable
Information about the attltudoof the Chinese
towards aliens ha < > a timsly value. About
two years ago Frank G. Carnontcr , the noted
correspondent , visited China on his leisurely
trip around the world , nnd had oftlcial as
sistance in studying the peculiarities of tbo
celestials. In his letter for Iho SUNMUY Bin :
ho gives a very Interesting account of
Chinese superstitions as regards foreigners.
Ho writes at some length of the celestial bo-
llof that missionaries seize Chinese children ,
boil their bodies and make medicines from
the product. In ono ease a kettle of soft soap
and a skeleton found m a doctor's bouso were
convincing proof to the natives and precip
itated a riot.
It the same letter Mr. Carpenter tolls some
thing of the hazardous llfo of Casslus M.
Clay und why ho preferred a bowie knife tea
a pistol In defending himself. Another
paragraph tells tbo strange story of Sam
Houston' : ) llrst marriage , \\hllo governor
of Tennessee ho married a pretty girl , loft
her the next day and went , to Texas , dying
without explaining his stranco conduct. The
letter concludes with several Jokes at the ox-
pcnso of a Texas congressman who poned as
"a bad man from tbo west. "
Her Jlonilin
Say , Jenny , will you have mo I No , Tom.
Why not , Jonnyl 'Causo ' you carry bottles
In your pocket , Tom.vliv , .loiiny , this is
only a bottle of nailer's Sure Cure Cough
Syrup. O-o-o-ol Toui , O-o-o-ol Jonny. Tab-
.caux .
Ucccnt experiments as read before tlio
last Congress of Surgeons at Merlin , leave
no doubt Hiat the true way to CLKAJl
through the pores of tlio skin. It has been
found that n remedy which kills tlio Mi-
ciobl will also destroy the life of the
patient ; but it has also been found that the
Microbl can bo forced out through Iho
Bltlu , and it is in this way that G ! C Q
relieves the system of poison.KJ > < J * > J <
'AV/NG ' SUFFERED much from Contagious -
gious Mlooil Poison , after u ing half
n dozen bottles of iraK2K3JiI | was IIKSTOU-
nil crupllvo aores disappeared. You are
nt liberty to make any tiso of mvBtntement
that you wish. J. CIIOSHY UVUON , S03
Thirtf Avenue , 1'iltsbtirg , 1'a.
Trcntlsu ou DloyJ anil Skin Ultciisca mallcil free.
Diawcr 3. Atlanta , Ga.
I'lkO'n Homed r for Cniurrh Is tlip
l.'osi , Kosluat to Use , und Clivapeit ,
BoM br druKglsta or ncnt lr mult ,
DOc. U T. liuultloc , Warren , I'o.
wxixas AXD TEXTS.
Omaha Tent &
ing Oo , ,
King ) , tinmmocki , oil nnil
rulilicrclolhliiu. 8i > tut for
rntnldgiip. UU
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo ,
Importer * nntt M
Klour5 ok . lliirl.ipi anil
A. H. Porrigo & Co. M. 0. Daxou ,
HOC DailKO Stroot. noM on monllil ]
Send for our
nnd jirlcoi. IJ N. l.'itli ctrcct.
Ackcrmau Brothers & Hoiutze ,
Printers , binders , vluctiMlrp.iri. bltnk bijou m.tnu-
111(1 lluwnnl " , Onmlm.
llorso-Oou Shoi -
- Compa-iy ,
HIM llmvnnl Slrtet.
lr" nctnry , corner llth nnil Duiiitlni Htroit.
Wo nmklnir I'lu.o ( irlcvi to i\i h Inirora , nnj
IliKO cltiKS ot Kiioil * wlili'h iHTUrr mil-
nlile Ith lucrcluinta.
Eagle Oornico Works ,
Izi'il Iron Cornice.
Window caps , metnllc
BkyllKhts , etc. lllUand
1112 DodKO st.
J. J. Johnson & Oo. , Oady & Gray ,
220 S. 15th Street , Lime , cement , etc. , etc.
Omahn , Nob. Cor. Sth nnd Douclas Sts.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Dry poods , notions , fur Goods Oo , ,
nishing Drytfood * . notions , tents'
furnl.shlnx K0 ds.
Corner llth nnd Howard. cor. llth nnd Ilownnl St )
Wolf Electrical Oo , UISTHOtTAUTOMATIC
Electric Motors
Illustrated cntaloguo
. and Dyanios. Cntaloiii9
free. H. A. Klnnoyicn'l (
1CI4 Capitol Avenue. A it S12-3 N.V.I.Ifo llld'K.
Parliu , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo ,
, ( western ngcnt
Corner .loncs and 9th Sts. Skandla 1'luw Co. ,
Omulm , Noli. I3IH-13J1 Shorninn Ave.
S. F. Oilman , Omahi Milling Co. ,
1013-15-17 , N. ICtli Street. .Merchant JlllIuM.
Ulllconnd Mill 1313 North
C. K. Illnclr - MnniKor , liith Street.
a it A ix
ryan Ooinmisslon Oo A , S , MoWhortor
llrokcr , cr.iln. nrovlnUMi Doom IS , Itonrdof TrnJ
nnd Mnolir M. V. I.lfo Drokrm. 1'rlTRto wlrn
IIU1V. I'rlnto wlro Clil- to Now York , ChlcniH
ritiio , PI. Irfiuli nnil niul St. Louli.
New York. bOIIKllt.
CookrollBroa IP , 0. Sv/nrtz & Oo ,
IlroVon ninl e ! i Iniycri. Hrokcr < , ( lrnln.l'roTlsliiiM
I'rlvntp wlrc < to New ' etc. I'rltnto wlro loSti
York , Clilrniro , A Ht. < lH nli niiriilc.i o Houu
Units. 10-18 llonrd of ' . Honril of Trmlo.Omithlk
Tr.ttte. I l.AClunKO bMV , 9Oniftt (
Eibbel & Smith , Sehroodar & Oo , ,
Dealers In country prod Cnsh btiyerj butter aaj
uce , fruits , vcuetablei , CKUS , nnil KunoiAl com *
etc. mlsilon inorchiiiits ,
120 ? Ilownnl Street. 42.1 South llth Street.
Eobert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Ilownnl Street. I'riHluce , fruits of all
Wrlto fnr prlco-i on but
ter , CKK * pnultry , nnil kliuls , oysters ,
13th mul llnrney Streoti.
Kirschbraun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark Ss Oo. ,
liuttcr , cheese , etna
Hotter , ceK' anil poultry.
poultry mul tinmo.
1JOD Ilownnl Street W.iSoutb Ultli Street
Bates & Oo. ,
Country produce , fruits , f-x
vcKVtnbloa , grocers' spo-
clnltlui , tens , nplcos , etc.
417-41'J S. llth St.
1'APE It. IWllllhR GOOJ } &
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Cnrry n full stock of Mnnutacturcrs nnil Job
printing , wrnpplni ; nnil bers all kind * rubber
wrltliik' paper , cnril pn- Kooils.
| iur , etc. I.'i20 Fnrnnin Street.
Emerson Seed Oo , Jamea Hughes ,
Scoil Krovrcrs , ilonlcn In StOTCsrcpiiIra ofullkliutl
k'nnlcn , urass , craln "ml CookHnml lloalcn
tree ceili. for tmlc.
4'1-42J South 15th. C07 S. 13th Stroit
S A Slf , JJ001t& JiLINDS , ETC
M , A. Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash & Door Oo
Jlnnufncturon of snsh. Miimifncturorsof nioiilil-
itoori. bllnils nnd lam , bllnils. tioor * , etc.
moulillnes. liniiich cif- Uillce :
tlcc , 12th nnil liuril Sit. llooin 423 Hue ItiilldlnT.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strang & Soa3 ,
Pump Oo.
, 10K-100I Farnam Street.
llalllilnr Wind Mills.
018 and ' .I.'O Jones Street. Ornnha. Neb.
G.K Hess , nctliixmnna'r
Consolidated OofTeo
Company ,
1(11 nnd 14Hi Hnrnor St. ,
Oninhn , Neb.
H. Hnidy Co. , TlioBrunswiok-
Toys , dolls , albums , Balkc-Collondor Co , ,
fancy goods , house fur- Milliard mi'rehandlsn.
lll ldiik' Kooda , child .Salcion ll.xturot.
ren's carrlUKe.s , 407 , 49V S. Ultli Street ,
13i'J l-'itrniim Street. Omaha.
A. D. Bo/or & Co. , Hunter & Grco-Ji
.la Kxchnngo llulldln , : < 0 Kjclmnk'o llulldlmr ,
South Oir.nlm. Scuit'i Omalin.
ntiullcil ninl prnctlcpn Mcit
Irlnuaiiil .Surgery with lilt
fntlinr fur ever (5 ( yuiirij
IIH | fiitii-r ) beliiK In thouiA *
ploy of tlio Dilnrin nriny. Until prnctli-i-il In Mul <
tmtiriii'aiii ! H/ilnuy. Auntriilin , mul In Aiieklnnil.NoH
/.unliinil. In tliourinliiH. lr Cliliin h no Hpui-lallnt ,
mt trunls Al.l , DIHI'ASKH . pui-illly unit pi-nimi
ii'iillr emus tlii-ni. no iiiuitt'r linir IMIIK Htniullni
hey nmy lie Uiiroi-iiro for Itliuiinialliiii , I'llon , I.I
irlppniiiiil l-'ovi-rsof nil kliuls ljulli' . Ki'iilli'iii'in '
ml children nrn Invltoil. roiiHiiItntlon fit-o Clilni-iii
uineilluH nf nil klnils for vulu Kl'i N. llith ht. ,
Jiniilni. Iluiirs Uu. in. ID II p. in ilully.
a Heia yotir.iwE.Btt'yiwi j
J3Ht l llNl > ocI 1U7U.
'Nos. 2 and 4 Shormnn St. .
noomi GO & GO. CHICAGO.
Klrnt-chiM fncllltloi fnrthnliiinillhiKOf tilpiiii > nts
iifliruln , Melil unit Klax Ki-i-iln. Itofercnfi'H Corn
il Ainc'rlcHiiHieliiinniiNiiUoiiiilllHiika.
Total liiuet ot CITIES.
HOT * & u uuv sa DIBTRICT8 , WATER
Uorruiponilcnri ) lollciUi ) .
rlWHARRS&GO/U'AHY.BankefS. !
, , , . .
10iOS Donrliorn Olroot , CHICAGO'
IS Wa'l Street. NEW VOIIK-
7O Btata StUOSTO'i. .
rVTI Aiiontu ti ? mil tint I'lnlosi
V\i > 1 t'lotliel.lno ; thoonlr llnoevur
ntt-nt ilthut holili the clutliun without | in | ; a | > cr-
uft nurroiiK : imtant rrcuntly liiiicil ; M unlr la
Ki-nt > , fl whom tlio etcluiU'U right l itlvon ; on rJ-
vlpti'f ' UJ c nt < we will unil u nuiaylo lluu liy nial I-
.lio rrculuri ; prlcu Hit niiil li-nui iuuxont ; l nui'urf
our territory nt onoo. Aitilrun TIIK I'NI.KHH.
U CO. , II lliuonbt , Worcuitur , Mail