THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBEK Jl , 1801 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFPICK : - NO. 12 PEAHL STttKKT. Jrll\tred ) by Onrrlcr In eny part nf the City. II. W.TII/TON. - MANAUIUL HM 1 ri'llnNTu ] IltwInrmOmro No. 43 ' ' < . Editor Ni . ! M N. Y , I > . C'o. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. C'rtiU's ' chattel loans , 201 Sapp bloelt. Ulco's "Kvangoilno" will hold the boards at the Broadway this evening. If you want water in your yard or house , go to Bixoy's , ! KU Morriani block. The will of Mary C. Long , deceased , was filed forprobnto In tlio district court yester day. Superior court adjourned yesterday until Frldnv and the Jury was discharged for the rest of tno term. A marrlaao licence was issued yesterday to Nels .1. Stoffonson und Anna 1C. Peterson , both of I'ottawattamla county. Miss Anna Patterson entertained a card nnd tea party at her homo on Fourth avenue yeitcrdnv afternoon and ovonlng. The ease of Uocco Romano , charged with committing nn assault on L.I//IO Oreonborg , will have a hearing In police court this morning. A Judgment was rendered by Judao Smith yesterday in tlio district court for $10,000 ngalnst Klmbail & Chump , in favor of ( Joorge Olcutt. Tholadlos of St. Francis Xavter Catholic church nro pronaring to have their annual lu/aur in the Masomo temple hall. It will open November 'J , ' ) . Pottawattamlo Abstract Co. is prepared to furnish abstracts at lowest prices ; oldest sot of books In this county. Olllco , Klmbail- Champ Investment Co. F. W. Ober , ccnoral secretary of the Omaha Young Men's Christian association , will conduct the meeting at tlio association rooms Hits evening at viO : o'clock. Tlio sub ject will bo "Hope for the Hopeless. " A charming entertainment Is proml ed by "Tho Little Housekeepers" at the Congrega tional church Friday ovonlng. The pro gram Is full of novel attractions , making tlio appropriateness of the name apparent. The regular meeting of the Pottawattamlo county tribe , No. 'Jl , Improved Order of Rod Men , will take place this evening at their wlBwam. corner of Broadway and Main strict A full attendance is desired. Sachem , I'ho man by the nnmo of Will Long wno fell in a vat of molten metal nt the smnlting works in Omiiha not long ago. died trem the effects of his Injurlos Monday. The funeral occurred yesterday from his residence , 'JlilT Avenue U. Encampment Xo. S , Union Veteran Legion , meets at Castle hall this ovouing. A full attendance Is dcsliod , as business of impor tance Is to bo transacted. Ladies of the Union Veteran Legion meet at the .same time and placo. , f. Stein was arrested on a charge of dis turbing the peace \estorday , illou by M. Xaltsmnn. Ste-in claims the other man was ns much to blame as ho was , and threatens to have /Culunan arrested. The case will have a hearing this morning. N Randolyh was found last ovonlng by Ollleer Wutrork as ho was staggering under n load of vnncgutcd lliuors. When ho was tauen to the police station ho was found to Imvo fM in cash in his pocket , a check for -00 , besides notes aggicgatliig over fGsO In value. A somewhat uncommon occurrence took place in the district court yesterday in the shape of the issuing of limit imturali/ntion paper. ) to a woman , Annie M. Lund , of this city. She is obtaining her pipers for the purpose of proving her title to n form which she pio-omptcd in the west. An order was Issued in the dlstrlect court Jestorday to W. II. 'rnophor , assignee ot the udiMVclls Investment company , to dispose of all the property ot the bankrupt compinv to the best possible advantage of all the par ties concerned. A public sale will take place Decembers , at whieli tlmo tlio order of the court will bo carried out. Ernest Edmundson , the infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs , K E. Hart , died yesterday morn ing ut S o'clock ut the family residence , 101 ParK uvcnuo , aged 1 , after an illness of only n low Ouys , from lung fover. The funeral will take place this afternoon at ! ) p. m . Rev. { } . W. Crofts olllciating. The remains will bo interred in Walnut Hill ceraotery. The llrst of o series of pirtios under the auspices ot the Fidelity council No. ir > ( i , Royal Arcanum , will bo given Friday even ing In the bhujrart-Beno block. The parties given by the society in tlio past have boon noted for their popularity , and this will no doubt bo well patronUod. The series will consist of thrco parties , which will be three weeks apart. A pleasant affair took place at the residence of W. A. Coulter on Glen avenue night before - fore last In the shape of a reception nnd oys ter supper tendered the employes of the Wells-Faru'o Express company In Omaha. E. C. Whlttlosey and wlfo and Mr. Hibben and wife , who are connected with the Wells- Fargo company nt Kansas City , were pa-sent in addition to those from Omaha. The news of the death of Colonel W. , f Hancock In Now York nas caused many com ments of surprise and sorrow among his many friends here. Colonel Hancock was for years u icsidontof tills city , and was very popular not only amonir those connected with the express company , but throughout busi ness nnd social circles. Ills stated that some brain trouble was the cause of death , his ill- nessboing bit of three weeks duration. Tlio proprietors of the Boston store gave their dines a bano.uot last evening at the ( irand hotol. After the store was closed in the ovonlng nil the elorks , to the number of about thirty , wont to iho hotel parlors , wboro they passed the ttmo in music and dancing. At 10 o'clock they all repaired to the dining room , where an elegant spread had bcon prepared. It was a late hour when the company dispersed , after an evening of enjoyment. Walter Hynos and Jumos Holder , two boys IS years of age. were brougut before Judge MeUeo yesterday morning fer n hoar- ine on tno charge of throwing rod popper in the mouth of a companion named Eddie Kil- loin. 'I'ho trial developed the fact that it , is the custom of the boys who belong to their sot to use popper in this wav as n menus of netting better acquainted. Thov were each lined $1 and costs and given u severe talking to In addition. Callgraph writing machine Is the best for manlloldlng und ( or speed. The Uoston Store , Council UlnlTs , will inaugurate n great two weeks' sale commencing Saturday , November 14 , \Vntch tlio tnily papers Friday morning for the list of bargain * that will bo olforod during that salo. Unproco- tlonied bargains in every doimrMnont , Biich as never boon before in the history of Council IllulTH. UOSTON STORK , FOTHiiMNOIIAM\VlimLA\V : : & CO. , Council Ulullj , la. Miss Mary Clea.son ! , fashionable dress maker , M I'ourl street , upstairs. It I'.lIt.KSK.I/'JIS. Captain II. LI. Henry loft last evening for Chlcauo. J. W. McCoy leaves today for a week's buslnesH trip to Boono. Miss Lou Nenl returned yesterday from an eastern trip and visit to muiuls and rela tives , Ciosjlor'sftlaglolioidaono Wafori.Curoj a lieaduchesln 'Ai minutoj. At alt druggists ClonKH. This season , us always , but more than over , wo are boating competition to death in the selecting and in tlio show ing of fall and winter outside garments. Call and get our prices and see our styles. Hvory garment u nionuv savor. " Uoston Store , Council HlulTs , la. Furniture , carpets , sto\os at cost , at MiUulol & Klein u. , lan. 1st wo quit business , _ Evening and dress hats specialties nt 'ho Louis , Masonic block. Hotel Gordon is tlrat class. $2.00. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Stackholdora of the Theater Company Be come Discouraged. WILL PROBABLY CLOSE THE HOUSE , Alter a Career of One Yonr the Kirty-Sovcti Mcmbnrfl Decitlo to Quit the Field Im mediately , The Council Bluffs Thentnr company Is no nioro. A mooting ot the stockholders was held last evening' nt which It was decided to abandon the project of making Dohnny'a ' opera house Into a paying concern , and In all probability the house will jo buck into Mr. Uohany'u ' hands at onco. I'or some tlmo past there has been considerable growling ntnoug the members on account of the fact that monthly assessments of flO nor member wore called for. The company was orcanizoti nearly n year ago with a momber-itilr > of llfly-sovon , and the shares of stock were lixod at $100 each , payable whenever caiiod lor by tbo niannna- incnt. 'J'ho troupes booked by the old man- ( iRomunt wme inferior almost without ex ception , nnd consequently tno company was at a Kroat disadvantaijo until last September , when the now season opened and the com panies of Manager Smith's uooUintf came to the front. Hinco the opening of the season the patronage has boon good and the house had been almost put upon n firm p tying basis , when some of tlio members becnmo disgusted at not receiving dividends before their stock was paid up anil clamored for u dissolution. MniiAcor Stnith made a proposition to the company at its meeting lastevuning , in which ho agreed to resign his position if tlio mem bers utslied to cut clown the expenses. Jt was decided to accept the proposition and an oxtia month's salary was voted him ns a bert of expression of good fooling. A conference was had between the members of the oxoctl- two committee and Mr. Donany a day or two ago , in tin1 course of which the latter stated that ho would not take back tlio hoiibo but would hold tlio company to its contr.ict until the end of the Last night It was voted to olTor him the house , and if ho rc- fiiscd to talio it back to oloso it up for the rest of the season. It Is hardly lilcoly that ho will submit to seeing the house closed en tirely and the companies which have been booked will probably bo played under Doha- uy's management. It is to bo regretted , that the dissolution of tlio company at tbo present stage has been found necessary. Manager Smith has ful- Jlllod the duties of his petition most success fully , and has mailo the Uroailwtiy theater a popular stopping place for some of the host dramatic troupes in the country. Many com panies were induced to play in Council UlulTs that heretofore have shunneu it as thev would a pest house. ' Ho has decided to go into the hotel Dusincbs , and will loavu the city within the next month. DoWitts Little Enrty lasers ; only pillto cuioslelchoaaacho and roguuto thoo.'ivaU An Kvtraorilinnry Heeord. Secretary Jameson of the United States Miibonic Benevolent association , has jmt sent out the sixth and last as- sobsment for tlio year for death losses. This closes the year's business so far us expense to the members is concerned , and loaves the association in a condition that ib more than ordinarily interesting' to the members , the management and the public. It provides for the payment of the last death loss reported and loaves the company without a dollar of unpaid obli- triitions. This is so much bettor than the condition of ordinary benevolent and assessments associations as to at tract public Attention. Usually tlio last asbossmpnt pays the obligation's of the companies to within GO or ! )0 ) days of date , and when it is less than that it bo- conies extraordinary , but this breaks all previous records and leaves the Ma sonic association of Council Blurt's with out a peer in the whole world. There is nothing like it in the shape of insurance. With a membership of nearly K OOO and not a death loss reported and unpaid , is without a parallel in the whole annals of life insurance. The whole record of 1801 , now com pleted , shows the same marvelous ro- biilt , and places the company at uholicad , not only as the largest straight Masonic association in existence with the lowest death rate and the strongest Jinancially , but as giving tlio safest and cheapest in surance to its members. The entire cost of a full guaranteed policy of $ o,000 for the year was only $10. The wonderful growth of the guarantee fund during the year has swelled the grand total to up wards of $140,000 , which stands as a pledge for the payment of every asbcss- inont. This extraordinary result is duo solely to the incom parable plan upon which the association is based and the confidence the members of the Masonic fraternity In its management and its character. It is a mutter of more than local pride that Council Bluffs should have the largest association of its kind in the world. t * The ladies of Broadway Methodist Episcopal church will hold their "Car nival of the Seasons ' at Masonic Temple Friday , November 20. Dinner and supper will bo served. There will bo good music during the evening and a variety of fancy articles on sale through out the day. _ The Boston Store , Council BlulTs , will inaugurate a great two weeks' sale , commencing Saturday , November 1 1. Watch the dally papers Friday morning for the list of bargains that will bo oflorcd during that sale. Unprece dented bargains in evorv department , hiich as never seen before in the history of Council Binds. BOSTON STORE. FOTiniltlNOlIAJI , WlUTlU.AW it CO. , Council BlulTb , Iiu Froe-l'or-AH A free-for-all light took piaco last ovuning on the stops of the Grand hotel. The par ticipants were Manager Taylor , his bar tender , a colored porter , Cioorgo Kudio and Chris liudlo , the latter two being pitted against the Hold. The trouble started inside tlio hotel , when an altercation arose between Messrs. Taylor and Uudlo over a matter tor of business which Taylor hail had with the soap house which Kudio rupro- sonts. Huido claims that Taylor applied a vile eulthet U him , whereupon ho started to leave the plaoo. Taylor followed him to the front stopb on 1'carl street , where liudlo says the hotel keeper struck him. Huuio retorted > vlth a rlght-fiaiulor that laid his adversary low. Ttio bartender then entered Uiu light nnd planted u list full of black and uluo spots on Uudio's loft until" , after wnich ho lay down aluugsldo his employer. The porter had ] u-.t taken a liana when Chris Uuiho , ac companied bv his ' , ' 00 pounds ot avoirdupois , sailed in , and tuoro was a scattering. The Held uus boon after left in the possession ot the two Uudlos. There were no arrests. Noiluo to Omaha rontiMotnrs. Bids will bo received for the carpenter work of u three-story Urli-L warehouse for Daniel Carrigg of Council BlulTs , up to and including November 17 , I ) p. in. Plans nnd specifications can be found at room 022 , 1'axlon block , and bids should bo addressed to C. 10. Bell , architect , nnd marked "Proposals for Carpenter Work on Carrlgg Block. " Took Mini for the I'roshloiir. Samuul Smith , a representative of a largo caMcm tobacco house , Is in tbo city and has been making qulto a stir among people who nru not acquainted with him on account of his close resemblance to i'rcsident Harrison. C. U. Luring , u former resident of Indianapolis , was well acquainted with President Harri son , having seen htm Almost dally for A nutnoor of years. Ho saw whixt ho supposed was bis old tlmo friend before him and rushed up to hlra , prepared to nsk for n federal appointment as soon ns be could make the conversation go in that di rection. He had hardly hold out his hand , however , when ho discovered his mistake , und the man before him was a knight of the grip instead of the head of the nation. Mr. Smith states that his ono great trial Is the fact that everyone who has over soon a pic ture of the president makes the same mlstnKo that Luring did , and it puts him to a great deal of Inconvenience at times. Do not consult anybody but , invest twenty- live cents In a bottle of Salvation Oil. It kills pnln I When wo reflect that so many human beings die of consumption wo must come to the conclusion that everybody should bo pro- vlited with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup , the poor consumptive's friond. Mrs. Jamison and Mrs. W. II. Troy- nor will entertain the sociable of the Parochial Aid society of St. Paul's par ish Thursday evening , November 1at the residence of Mr. Jamison on First avenue. Mrs. Cotton and Miss Kate Bradley of Omaha will furnish a musical and literary entertainment. All are cordially invited. \ Viuin tlio Camp. For the past two weeks there has bcon trouble Drawing In the Johiibon faith euro mission , which until a day or two ago hold forth at lils Broadway. . Mr. and MM. .lohnson started their mis sion in this city a number of months ago In n vacant room on Fourth street not far from Hroadway. Subsequently they moved to the room on Upper 13roauway , where they have been over since. A few weeks ngo the woric- ing force of the mission was increased dy tlio addition of John Phillips , who is wcH known In the city. Phillips took a gieat deal of interest In the mission , anil finally look so prominent u part in all the meetings that Mr and Mrs. Johnbon woto to n certain extent fro/on out. About two weeks ago Mrs. Johnson learned that Phillips had been circulating stories derogatory to her character , und among other thincs hail told a number of misitiois men that she and Johnson were not realty married , and that ho bad been ( juotuig Mrs. Johnson herself as the authority for the truth of these stories. At , llrst she paid no attention to thorn , but a few Uys ago the Johnsons were nottlled by the owner of the building where the meetings woio held , that the house had boon rented to other parties , and they would have to leave. The reason , as stated by the landlord , was that ho did not care to have people aroun I who were made the subject of so many remarks. Mr. and Mrb. Jonnson thougnt it was tnno they were doing something to keep up their repu tation , ami laid for Phillips accordingly. Yesterday afternoon Phillips was notified that his presence was desired at the olllco of K. 1' . Olllcer on North Main street. When ho reached the place ho found himself con- ironted oy Mrs. Johnson and several other ladies , who were prepared to make him eat his own words. Ho wanted to leave , but was told that unless ho teed the mark and ollhor owned that ho had lied or proved that no had told the truth , the city marshal would bo sent for to take him into cus tody. Ho wisely concluded it was the best thing ho could do to make a clean breast of the whole thing , rather than be arrested. It is stated by an eye wit ness to the altair that ho admitted that ho had sail ! what was not true , and implored the forgiveness of Mrs. Johnson. Mr. John son , In the meantime , was standing outside the door , waiting to render his wife anv as sistance that might bo needed. Mrs. John son's marriage cortllicato was then exhibited to the audience , and read aloud , after which Phillips was allowed to depart In a very crestfallen condition. It is sineo learned that Phillips himself nas rented the room formerly occupied by the Johnsons , and has started a mission of his own , called the "liolping Hand. " The faith euro mission is shut iip for the present , but will bo opened in a snort time. How Colds are Curetl in the South. W. J. Flowers of Dorranco , Ga. , says : "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the host I can get for Coughs , Colds and Croup , " and many others who have used it are of the same opinion. Its promptness in loosening and relieving severe colds has made it de servedly popular. For sale by druggists. Jones ( reading Tlio Bee ) Hero is something very sweet in the naper. Mrs. Jones What is it'j1 A poem ? Road it , please , dear. Jones ( reading ) Twenty-four pounds of granulated sugar for 81.00 at Brown's C. O. D. grocery. Unity Guild party is changed from Kith to Tuesday 17th , in Hughes' hall. Jomrstica. Tlio place , where are congregated the fabrics for homo us < > s. Cottons , llanncls , table linenscrashostowolsnapkins , com forters and blankets sheetings , etc , , etc. The foundation of a succebstul business rests upon a department of this nature , 'and it behooves us to preserve and strengthen the good name which wo have obtained for tlio best providing this manner of merchandise. Qoston Store , Council Blulls , la. Sirs. XVcstcolt's Story. Mrs. Florence M. Westcott tiled u couple of aftldavits In the clerk's olllco of the dis trict court yobterdiiy in resistance to the motion filed by her husband , H. B. Wost- cott , several days ago to have her decree of divorce sot aside. In her nllldavlt she says she has written letters and had interviews with Wostcott sineo the suit wis com menced , most of the interviews being In the presence of her mother. She de nies that she over told him she would drop the suit , but bad always told him that she would never live with him again , although no had threatened her life in cnso she persisted In going on with the suit and refuslntr to live with him. Mrs , J. J. Bolin , her mother , also says under oath that sno has boon pn-sent at the meet ings Dotweon her daughter and Wostcott , and that the latter throateuod to kill his wlfo on a number of occasions , so that she was afraid to go upon the streets without someone ono to accompiny hor. Mrs. Bolin also says that Wostcott has annoyed her daushtor on numerous occasions by coming to the house and trying to got in at all hour * of the day and nlijht. The best and cheapest Car-Startor is sold bv the Bordoiiit Sellcck Co. , Chio.igo , 111. With it ono man can move a loaded c'ir. The llnost crado of boots and shoos nt Morris' , 0 Pearl street Drs. Woodbury , dentists , SO Pearl street , next to Grand hotol. Telephone- 1-15. High grade work u specialty ! Men about town nro coming to roali/.o moro fully that the place to buy their nockwoixr , collars and eulfs , socks , Han- nel and wluto shirts and all such things is hero , nnd the way to buy thorn is the way wo sell them close down to the lowest water mark , Boston Store , Coun cil Blulls , la. Wo have our own vinyards in Califor nia. Jarvis Wine company , 803 Main at. Plush chairs from $1.75 up ; bed room suits from $10 CO up ; wlro sprl gs , $1.40 , at Morgan's , 710 Broadway. Su lilou Dup irturo. Ooorgo W. Losoy , a young sign painter , who has iimdu Council Bluffs his camping cround tor tno past two years and a half , has left the city , and numerous creditors nro woniiorlnir where they are to got the money that Ib coming to them. When ho tirst carne to HIP BlulTs ho wont Into the wall paper business ami succeeded In running It until last winter , when It was taken from him on a chattel mortgage. Slnro then ho ! ms boon p.miting blgns and conitantlv running deeper and droper in debt until Monday morning ut 4 o'clock be and his wlfo took their departure for Lincoln , \\boro ha has secured a position with the Lincoln Paint company. Hiram Shoemaker , who owns the house on N'orth Madison street wmSrrf Loaoy has boon living , surmised that Ms'f(4iitit ( ; was about to leave him and stationed'L'oiistiblo Nicholson In front of the houio so n's to bo handy in case Losov tried to tato'ftjiy : furniture with him. NichoUon kept wntcH In this manner for three nights , going hdino nt 2 o'clock Monday mornlnp. Lo oy left two hours later. The amount of Shoemaker's bill for rent Is $ ' . und ho thlnUH ho has enough furnlturo so tnnt ho wilt 'td ) able to rc.tllro that amount from Urn forced solo. The soft glow of thotcS rose is acquired by Indies who use Pox.zo.yi'a CoMri.r.\tox Pow- UEII. Try it. a' v W. S. Dtilrd , attorney,1 Everett block. Swanson Music Co. , Masonic tomplo. Kindergarten in rooms next to Y. M. C. A. , Merrlam block. Experienced teachers. Hates very low. Ten percent oil on all millinery or dered during tlio first three days each week at tlio Louis. Oldest nnd best whisky , medicinal uso. Jarvis Wino company , Council Blulls. New fall goods , finest in the city , at Koito'-'s ' , the tailor , 310 Broadway. SPAKKIVG IN THIS MOUNTAINS. Itellcving the Monotony of Ijifc. Chicago Tribune : Tlio mountaineer nnd his wife had to go down the valley about a mile to see a bick neighbor , and 1 was left at their cabin with their daughter , n girl of 18. As soon as she had cleared oIT the supper table , and while I sat on the doorstop smoking , she put on a clean apron , arranged her hair a bit , and blushed very red as she said to me : "Ilim'o coming to see me tonight , and aim's very skoory , and and " "Do you mean that your young man is coming ? " ! asked. "Reckon him is , " "And lie's bashful ? " "Him can't sheorcoly abide dad and mam. " "I S"e. Ilo'd bo scared oil if ho found mo here. Well , I'll take a walk and got out of the way. " "No ! No ! You's perfectly proper. I'll go out and sit down on the log and you's stay here. " " ' it Well don't mind "O , that's ? , you mo in tlio least. Just tell tlio young ' man I've boon tlioro myself und'know how one feels about it" The log was only thirty foot away and she hadn't been sitting there over live minutes when "him" appeared. lie had probably boon in hiding s-oraewhoro near. All I could see was that he was a young mini and very bashful an d awk ward. He sat down about ten ' ot away from her and it was live minutosbeforo either spoke. Then ho remarked' "Po.verful sight of rain long back , Linda ? " "Why , Jim , it ain't showered in two weeks , " she laughed. "Hain't it ? " "Why , no ! You's dun got mixed up with last year. " ' 'Reckon so , " ho replied , and some how the distance between them suddenly diminibhcd one-half. It was bright moon light , but owing to n haze in the atmos phere I couldn't exactly tell whether she moved , ho hitched , or the log sud denly shrunk five feetendways. "Who's him ? " queried Jim , as ho nod ded his head in my direction. "Stranger , gwiuo further up , " she an swered. "You hain't no call to bo skeercd of him nor nobody. " "Vho'b skeorod ? " , : "Reckon you is. " > "Shoo ! Never was skoored in all my life. Linda , does yo'r old dad like me ? " "RecKon he do.1 ' "And yo'r mam ? " "Reckon she do. " "And , Linda " Ho stopped there for a long , long time , and Linda couriied and giggled over his ombariassmont. By and by she said : "Dud says you's come powerful nigh killin' a b'ar last week. " No reply. "Mam says you's took up them ton acres of land abovu Parker's. " s No reply. "Dad says you's gwino to build a cabin up tha to ! lie ! ho ! No reply. "Has you's lost yo'r tongue , Jim ? " she asked , after a long silence. "Co'so not ; I was thinkin , ' " ho re- plind , as ho heaved a deep sitrh. "Reckon I know what 'twas to ! ho ! ho ! " "Reckon you don't ! " "Co'bo 1 do ! Dad likes yo' , mam likes yo' , and I " That log suddenly contracted again and brought them eloso together , and Jim's arm stole around Linda's waist as ho finished the sentence lor her with : "And wo's gwino tor bo jined in the fall and live on them ten acres ? Linda , if him wasn't baclc thar in that doah I'd shoroly hug yo' , 1 would ! " I got out of ' 'that doah" and took a , long wullc , and if Jim didn't take ad vantage of the occasion Linda's lookb belied her when I returned. A Family Sliavo. A Maine family consists of six brothers so exactly alike that no ono but their closest friends can toll which is which. Ono day they happened to bo in a strange town and all wanted a shave. Ono of them wont into a barber shop , was shaved and paid the customary ton cents. Five minutes later apparently the same man came back into the shop very wrnthy , and his board bristling witli a thrco days' growth. Ho swore that ho had not been half shaved and demanded that the work bo done over. The astonished barber apologized and complied , but judge of his horror when not ten minutes later his customer came baclc madder than over , his board btill showing on hid face , and demanded an other bhavo. Again the barber , after some protest , complied , but when his man returned a fourth time it was too much. " hero ! " oricd'if ! ' "Sco ho , you'ro trying to soil me some put on t hair-raiser I'll take your whole stock1 , but if you are an escaped museum fronkU.ithor | you've got to get out or I'll Imvo to close this shop. " , Tlio llfth nnd slxtlv , brothers nad to pay for their shaves. , , , j UeWitt'3 Ll.tlj liUr.yutujrj , , . . ( ioldcii Onlv three golden ' -eagles were over shot in Maine , so fur1' as known. Tlio lust of these was killed last week in a Hold a few miles east of Bungor. The eagle was discovered feasting upon a lamb by a farmer. Two foxes oamo along and attempted to join in tlio fonst , but the great bird fought them oIT and continued its meal until the farmer put a fclop to the banquet with his shotgun. Tlio eagle , which is a aplondid specimen , with wingb spro.iding six feet , wus titltou to Bangor to bo mounted. Ancient Wood. An nrtcbtian well nt Galveston has reached a depth of moro than L',000 feet and is still going down. Wood was pierced nt n depth of about 1,500 feet , and its ago is estimated bv Professor Slngloy at 1200,000 yoars. In the sumo stratum in which the wood was struck were found seeds resembling those of the nppla and hackhorry. The 1,500 feut of deposit over the wood beurlng stratum is chielly Baud. FOR IOWA'S ' NATIONAL GUARD , Board of Officers Tor cting the Stnto Regulations , BASIS WILL BE MASSACHUSETTS RULES , Committee Will Prepare tlio Plans Iteiuly to He &iilmlttcd ) by I > i comber Miirtlcrur'n Plei of Guilty Hccelvcil. Crnui Hu'tns , In. , Nov. JO. [ Special Telegram - ogram to TUB line. ) The board of Iowa Na tional guard oftlccrs appointed to draft a cede of regulations for the guldanco and gov ernment of the Iowa National guard is in session hero. The principal work of the duy was to go over the reguhtions adopted by the National guards of other states , using the Massachusetts regulations as n basis. The board was divided into sub-committees to each ono of which was referred a nart of the regulations which it is nroposed to adopt. Those committees will revise the regulations referred to them and get them into shape for presentation to n full meeting of the board early In December. A meeting of the National Guard associa tion is being held this evening .it which all the olllcors are present. Thin mooting is held for the purpose ot bringing tlio laws u'ovorn- ing the Iowa National guards up to the pres ent svstom of army regulations nnd tunny changes in existing laws will bo made. The Iowa legislature will also bo petitioned fora larger appropriation for the guards. Those present nro Major tiOnoral Cicorgu Cfrcon of Cedar Uaptds , Brigadier General It. H. Wright of Contervlilc , commanding First brigade ; Briiradior General W. L D.ivis oi Cedar Hapids , coinmandlni : Second brigade ; Colonel P. W. MeMnnus of D.wonpoit , Second end regiment ; Colonel J. G. Gllchrist of lown City , Third regiment ; Colonel C. 1C. Foster of Iowa Citv , general Inspector of small arms ; Major George W. of Iowa City , commandant of cidets , State university ; C.iptam C. D. Ham of Dubmiuo , military sec- rcUry ; Captain C. L' Davidson of Hull , Cap tain W. B. Humphrey of Sioux City. Of Interest to L'roliibltlonlHts , Dis : MOINTA la. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele gram to'I'm : Br.i.J : Judge of the dis trict court yesterday listened to arguments in the case of the application of .1. A. Harvey of tno State Temperance alliance for a writ of mandamus to compel the secretary of btato to certify to him a certllled copy of the con stitution of Iowa and particularly the con' stltutional amendment relating to the pro hibitory law. At the time of Mr. Harvey's implication Secretary McFarland refused to certify to the constitutional amendment on the ground that tlio supreme court had de cided that the amendment was unconstitu tional. In an opinion today Judge Conrad sustained tno secretary of state , holding that in view of the supreme court's ruling the secretary could not bo compelled to certify to the constitutional amendment. A notice of appeal was given nnd an effort will bo made to carry the case into the supreme premo court. Whether or iio the supreme court will reopen the case is u question that will bo watched with great interest by tno temperance societies. Judge Conrad's rul ing was what was expected and gives those interested in the case ttio necessary oppor tunity to again got the question before the highest triounal. Iowa Loyiil Ijcgioii. DCS MOINISS la. , Nov. 10. fSpeoial Tolo- gramtoTiiE Bcu.J The fifth anniversary banquet of the Loyal Legion of Iowa oc curred this evening and was a most imposing affair thioughout. Amonc the impoitant numbers on the program wore an address of welcome bv Colonel G. L. Godfrey ; recitations , Homer D. Cope ; address , "Our Order of the Loyal LogiDn , " Captain E. B. Sopor ; address , "Our Kindred Societies , " Adjutant H. II. Hood ; address , "Roimnisconcos , " Major Samuel Mdhon ; address , Captain J. A. Thull. The present roll of officers is as follows : Commander , Captain William Dean ; senior vice commander , Captain Charles K. Put nam ; Junior vice commander , Colonel William T. Shaw ; recorder , Lieutenant Byion A. Beoson ; registrar , Captain Fred S. Whiting : treasurer , Captain William D. Lucas ; chan cellor. Captain Henry C. Plumb ; chaplain , Hnv. Alvuh L. Frisblo ; council , Adjutant Honrv H. Rood , Captain K. B. Soporer , General - oral F. AI. Drake , Major Hoyt , Sherman and Major Samuel Mahon. Cumberland Pleaded Guilty HAULIN , la. , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnu Buu.j At the opening of court in Shelby county today J. 1C. Cumberland pleaded guilty to murder in the first degree. In the fall of 1S&U Cumberland killed James and Jasper Uobortson , father and son , two worthy citbens of Hurlan. Ho buried the bodies in the river bank and soon after left the country. The Robertsons were missed and Cumberland was suspected of their mur- dor. Sheriff Rainbow traced him to Spring field , Mo. , where ho was captured last April and brought to Harlan about six weeks : iiro. The members of the grand Jury searched His cell and found on his person a written detail of the crime and from this pupor a day or two afterwards located the graves of the Robertsons. The crime was nn unusually revolting ono and Cumberland's plea of guilty excited no sympathy. Under Arrest for lii amy. DL-IIUQUK , In. , Nov. 10. Smith , a farmer living near this city , loft his homo ono day last week telling his wife ho was going to Dubumio on business. Two days after his wife came hero to hunt him up. She learned that ho had married a girl mi mod Sarah Olson. Ho wab traced to Rockford und has boon brought back on thochargoof bigamy and committed to Jail. Uoforo leaving his first wlfo liemoit < aged everytiutiKho owned , leaving her and the children destitute. Fatally In.fiiroil. DKS MOINRS , la. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii.J : : An elderly man by the naino of Dovnult was run over in the ICookuit yards nt 3 ; 30 this afternoon. An arm and a leg were almost severed froii the body. Ho was watchincr ono train whou the other approached preached and was upon him before ho know his danger. Ho lives in East Dos Memos and bis injury will probably provo fatal. They Are All Democrat * . DBS MOINKS la , Nov. 10. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tun BIK. : ] There are still several counties missing from the seml-ofticiai vote on state officers at tno last election. From wliut has been received , however , Including the otnors , the estimate is ; Boies will have aboutb.iiJU plurality ; Bestow , ' . ' ,700 ; ICImmo , II , 100 ; Knoopfer , SOU , und Doy , 7,10U. All uro democrats. A very small pill.but u very good ona. Co Witt's Little Eurly Riser. . , IT AVAS llKlAi ON IJA.IITII Hut It Could Not IJUHI and Itcnrtoun Is Now a Graveyard. Tills was concededly a pretty rough place in the davs of the union Pacilio construction , bays a ClioyonnoVyoJ ( correspondent of the Chicago Herald , but with all ith downright devilment it wasn't u comparison to some of the towns further wo t. With each move toward the setting sun the swarm that accompanied tlio iron Inyora bocnmo moro reckless and had less regard for law , ns it was murkily understood , and for the rights of others as protected with tlio sixshootor or relinquished by means of persuasion through the same agency. Huiirtown , which does not now appear on tlio map , was tlio worst frontier town of the lot. It wnb on the Hoar rlvor , near what is now Illlliard station , this state. It had a population of 12,000 , and an timber was ulentiful log houses were put up , giving the place an appearance of permanency. ( Jeorgo Cooper started n bank , and S. F. NucKolls , who WIIH Wyoming's llrst delegate to congress , had n largo general Htoro. The place had n bimppy newspaper , It wuu edited ( _ ) uu ud\uaturous follow named Frooman. Ho had followed the road from Coitnell HlulTs , nnd was well known vns u mini who would stand no monkey l-uslnesM With itsoltvgovern ment nnd metropolitan tilrs , IJonrtown fairly reeked In crlnii1. Tlioro wits recorded - corded dully every thing in tlio category except suicide. No self murder occurred because that ivquh'tw deliberation , and there wasn't time to think. Shootings nnd hanging * were frequent. Finally , nt the instigation of F.dltor Freeman , n vigilance committee was or ganized with the miblicly piwlalmod purpose of hanging some of the prom I * iiont toughs and enforcing law und order. Tom Smith , ono of.tho gamblers ; had boon very crooked , and feeling the halter tightening about his noek felt that the time for action had arrived. Ho wont down to Jack McGooV gani' of graders and told them the committee was formed to run out the Irish. They were naturally Incensed and ciimo to Hcartown loll strong that night armed with pick him- die- * , drills , shovels , a few guns and n job lot of revolvers The mob moved direct on Freeman's print shop , on advice of Smith. In this Instance an editor's life was due to early training in the gym nasium. Freeman ran twenty-four miles to Fort Hrldgor. McGco's gang smashed tlio hand press , scattered the typo over tlio prairie and burned the building , Pat I.anuhan , spokesman for the Irish , mounted a barrel in front of Nuckell's store and , declaring that one good t > tm of the old sod could whip twenty regula tors , invited tlio league men to come on. A big carpenter who had gained promi nence as a list lighter came out ot the store and counseled llio rioters to return to their camp. This interference was promptly resented , and tlio carpenter returned inside , wlioro ho hastily raised a breastwork of inorehandKo and was joined by quite a party of citi/ons armed with six-shooters and Winchester- " Af ter a consultation tlio citizens deter mined to end the racket , and , rushing on the mob , ilred. The light lasted an hour or more , and ton men wore shot down , among them the big carponter. Next day $ SOO of a pnr-io was rained for the carpenter's widow. She mar ried a iiinn named L-imon and lived for yours in Salt L-iko. Tom Smith was wounded in the face and ar rested , hut discharged for lack of evi dence. Ten yours later ho was elected sheritT in a Kansas county and hud his dead opened with a htitchel by a man who resisted arrest. Freeman gave up the newspaper bus iness and engaged in coal mining , greatly to his profit. He died in 18SO at Hock Springs. That night in Henrtown , marked by ton violent deaths , was a bloody one It was like an Indian bat tle. Murder stalked abroad and assassin ation was done , but then human life had little value. Eight of the men were for got ton in a week. All that is loft ot Hcartown is a graveyard that has no caro. Surer foundation cannot bo laid than the real merit which is the solid base for tno monumental success ot Hood's ' Sarsapanlla. Till : 1KD1 l.CL.ITMtl. . TUB Br.n Brmuj : or CI.MMS , In dealing with the claims arising under the Indian depredations act , has boon successful in pro tecting a largo number of subscribers and others from extortion and loss. From com plaints that have comu to it , however , it ap pears that many of the claimants do not un derstand their position under the act. At a time when there appeared to bo little elmnco that oniiBress would take up the claims or make any appropriation to p.iv them , they signed contracts \\iththoWashington agents , promising from one-quarter to one-half the amount to the agent In case the monov should bo collected. In view of this extortion con gress inserted a provision in tlio act annul ling all contracts and limiting the agent's commission to 15 or 0 per cent. The claimants all probably understand that the agent's commission has boon limited by the law , out many of them , according to their own statements , do not understand that they are fico to do as they please about employing the agent they had first chosen. Tlmy con sider that they are still bound to employ the agent with whom they signed ttio exorbitant contracts , whether they are satisfied with him or not. It was the intention of congress to protect them at nil points and they were loft on tlio passage of the act free to" do as they pleased and employ whom they pleased. Section 0 of the act stated : "That all sales , transfers or assignments of any sucli claims heretofore or hereafter made , except such as have occurred in the duo ( administration of decedents' es tates , and all contracts horetofoio made for fees and allowances to claimants' attorneys are horeuy declined void. There could bo no mistake about the moan ing of this. All claimants had to make now contracts with ugcnts after the passage of the act , and they were ut liberty to employ any uno they pleased. If they were pleased with the /cal and acts of their first a ent thov might make their now contract , with him. If they were dlssalised they might choose any other agent that they pleased. These who have not signed new contracts since the passage of the act miiy profit by this to secure much better terms than they could otherwise got from the agents. The foot that Tin : Bui : Bi UIJAI is doing the work for the baio oxnenso involved 1ms had a good olTect In moderating the charges of all ngonts to those who know how to protect them selves. For tboso who distrust their ability to cope with the claim agents on their own ground Tin : Bin : Bniiivr is nlwavs opon. KlonicntH of Vlotory. ACID l"w/v / Tilliune. The republicans of lonuncad only to > ret out their full vote , but the 11:11 : nest personal olTnrls necessary to that end they two to the republicans of others ! iti > s. Theycannol feel Hint they ha\p done their duty unless oueh 111:111 : makes toic Unit his neighbor nnd friend \\lll voln without fall , that the will of the people miiy nn longer bo hidden by the Indif- feienee or ne lout of Individuals. Small la sl/o , great in results ; DoU'Itt's Little ICurly Risen. Hint pill for constipa tion , best for sick headache , boit for sour stomach. I KnTcrln ( ( ? from tlio irriilfl of N - - - - . . - - -1 jimtliful error * rnrlytlccny , wastingMpnkncfifl , lost nuuititHxt , etc. , 1 " 111 Bruit \alimlilo tmitlxo ( ixnli'ill lonlalnlnit fullmrtlruluni fur homo cure1 , I'HKl ! of Hi < mi' : . \Kilrinllil meilliu ! uurk : klimchl I , ; ) read by I'vrry man li Is nrrvmu nti'l ill hlllluli il. / < Mri't.x. 1'roi ; i' . c. l'0\VIiiC : , niuudua , Cuiiiit LoDuo's Periodical Pills. The Trench lumi'dy ucts dlieutly upon tlio gcnuritt\ oixansiind uures Hiippresslon of 1)113 ) menses , i-'or tbruu fur i ) . und hi ) mulled , bhoiild nolbe usud dm liupK''tmnoy. Jobbers , drnKKlstsiind llio public xiippllod by Uoodnmn UrnrfCo. , Uinaha. HUMPHREYS tu. Urm iiKKti'KrtftriCiiArfliidPiitinfiiUr Ami rarcfully | ini < Aml t n-ocniiltimn i uieil for miuiy 111 i > rlvnl < M > rruilci > with mrrrM.aml for ott Inn jinrmuwlt'jrlhoiTci'li' ' . i : crj flnoloBp * clflfl 1 nuiivlAl euro for tnu ilUcan nnimil. 'IhMO Specifics euro nlilunil ilrtuvlnx , inirir- InRorrdlMOlnKtrifl ) < trm , nnil ro hi fncl'Atul dc < tllhon < i erplirH roiiif''i.fiollhr\Vorlil. UKTorrmiciru , NO * . it'R , I Pi'Trrn , I'oiiitiMlon , liittnmniAttnn , 'J J Worm * . Wnrm liMTorni Colic , 'J ? II I'rylnir ( 'oIli'.tirlwlliliiKufllifiuiU . 'i : 4 iMiurlirii , nf I lillilriMiir ; Ailulm . 'I ? 5 Hrnrnlorrt UrlplnK.nilloin folio. . ' > * H rfiiilrriv nrorlniHoniUlng 7 'ouiilip , ( Mill , lirinirJiltM , H Nournltiln. rixillinclinInn-Aolic ! > jlrniliii'lK'N , Ml' k llrnilnilitsirtlnii It ) lljBpriiBlii. imimu htnniArh I II uppr < ' i'itnr I'liinliil I'rrloil * I'l WhlK'B , tno 1'rofun ) IVrlixln i il ; rrnuii. I'oiiRh , UinicullHrciKliliiB . . ' 1 I Suit Itlu'lliii , fr > i > ! trlA < , tilipllon * . .V l. Ulioumnllxiii , lUii'tinmllii rnlii * . > ' 1 " ( I'IIVIT nntl A irur , fhllln , Mnliulu . { 7 t'lli'H , . lilirilliia . . . . ? 8 If r.nlurrli , Infliicnrii , Oilijlntmuli'ml ,0 ; \\luioiiliiu roiiftu Violent O . ? 21 UiMtrrnl lli-MIIII ,1 hyfleal Wi'ftkmvi ! So V7 Klilnrr IMm'iiHO . .no JS Nrr oiM llehlll lly . l-OO ; < 0 t rlniU'JVenh iotH.tHiut I .il . l'M 3-J DUoiiheHiirihe liiu 1.00 PoUl by ItnitfitUtK , or ix'iit iiontpnM on medpt rf iirlco. DII Ill'MHiHitts' ' MAM'Ai , ( ill IIKKM ) rlofily txmnil In clollt niul gold , mMIrn ITVO. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO , Oor. William and John Streets , Now York. STPECi FIGS. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. APITAU STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . $225,003 DtiiRor ms I. A Miller. P. O. Oleuson , 11 ti. Shtu'urt , r. i : . II irt , ,1. I ) . nimuniHoii. t'harlo * U. Ilann in. Transact genuril b.inktnx busi ness. 1/ir.tost iMplfil and surplus of uny ban'c In Southwostoin Ioni. NTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IO//A. 1'nid Up Capital $100,000 OUloit nrnanl/ol luink llu tin cltr Forolun and ( lomeitle oielmuo 'mil ooil tuourltlji Kitu'l.U attention pnlil to eolluctlom. Account ) of Inillvia- unH , b'inka , binkcM and corpor.itloni solicits L Corri'i > niu"nco ! In vita I. OKO. I" . bANKOItl ) . I'roMclont. A. W. UIKKMAN. Uaililer. A. T IIIOH. AJJlit.iit C-wMor npTTTJ1" 1 It JLtj br * ± & j A LIM "ivnnl U Council Bluffs , la. THIS ELEGANTLY APPOINTED HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. N. W. TAYLOR , Manager. W. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Funeral Director and Etnba'nnr. ' HI ririinhPfC Attorney at Lntr , No. I . J. llillllULlb , | > u > irl Mtruut , ever Uush- null'a store. Telephone No L' > l Uuslnosj hours. S a. in , to J p in , Council 111 u Its , 11 , I'rao liilllS IX oiuiiuau t.u | i , , anil federal I'ouits. Itoains I , 4 and lieno block' , Council Iliuirs. li. nnOIITJi HAN'DAMVOO OU'dlJMIS nro tha I . I Hill I A I'CUati.lonly ' . iloH proHcnboil br UUUU I fl * * * * * * * * ii , | . , fur physicians thq mro ot ( ionnrrlm-n nnd clU ( lmrt , ' < Ironi thu urln iry suvcrost ciatii Unyi SI M par bov All dr SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BUUFFo. W" ANTLI-E\ioilfiiCLMrnrii7i ) | ) frills ut tha UK < len House , Council Illnlls. IOWA f.tfms foi sale. I'lnu farm of ISO acres at $ i" ) . K\tra uoud'JiS.'i-ai'ri ) fin in , ill. Im- pioM'd 100-uciu faim. U' miles from Counuli lllulls. Jll. n-aoii ! Kiirdcy trauts t,1 per Johnston & S'.m I'aUun. Council lllutrs. 1 AN'I'l' ! ) MiounmUor ut once , Ivlu * nehan , 11 I'earl street. T A DICS und k'untloinen wuntcd for host J Jiollln ! ; book In thu world ; IJ.K uuxns tot holiday tr.ule ; 1 a day or ( VI per cunt. Call or lulclre 1IJ Kuppcll uvti , olT Miiillvin fit FARMS , gulden lands , houses , lots and business blooUs for suit ) or lent. Day & > Hess , iJ'J ' I'eurl hlicut , Council Illulls YOU Mi man \\lth oupltul wishes lo buy a stock of K'ocoriusoi bouts and shoos. Will put iifl-iooui lionsu und lot In Omuliii UH part pay. O "t , lloo ollli'iCounoll ItltilM. IjlOH -l'lnol-yi'ur-old ( man ! , wulKhlnu JL1 about , : ) pounds. lOUMiiln stieet. irOK HAM : 01 KonL Nuai Couni'll llhintt' * - ' and Oniulia. craln elevator In teed iiin- nlnxordct ; shullliiK capacity about IU)3 ) hush * els daily. Hero Is , i liaialii for Hiiiiu ) one. It , I' . Olllcer , l'J .Norlh Main si reel , Council lliuiTS. The Wonderful Itiulluiit Horn t Steve The most durable , ecnnoinlcal , olflan , finest bakers und uxor o llu red ilie , mblloi Wo uro ulso uiftintH lor tnu uuiuhiutuit I'.l' . Hmvurt beatlnu und reeking stoves Don't ' ( all to uiill and see us If vou \ \ tint a stove. Wo are ploiihoU to show our KOOIS | to ovcry ono whi'tncron are ruady to purchase or not. ( Jan sell on the Installment , pi in wlion ilil- sliecl Wosunri'Ii the markets- und olTui the best , value foi the inonuv , ulielhei' it Is In a 71'J.OU cook Nto\ or a $111UQ stuul i an 'u. Cole \t roic , 11 MAIN Sriiici.f. r"2kl'f OUHCIL BLUFf J Arfr. ' - TlJAW * , COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TEMM DYES WORK Alsltintlsof Dvotns and cleaning ilun In the hlsjha < t st > lu of tha art. F.uluU un 1 Ht i Ui > 4 br os inaJo to loo't as uooJ ai now. Wo.-lt promply ilono auil Uulivorad In all pirti ot tli unUy. Bund for price list C. A. MACIIAN , PHOPUIETOK , 10J3 Broadway , Naar Northwestern Deput , COUNCIL BL.UFF3 , IOWA