Fr 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4. 1891 IT IS NOT MOVING A PEC , Thomson-Houston Electric Light Company Neglecting Its Oily Contract NO ATTEMPT TO GO ON WITH THE WORK , Gasoline People llnliiK Huslnrss at tlio Old Mmid at Old 1'rluca History of tltc Deal la tlio Council. The now Tliomson-Iloiutoti Electric IJght company , on ttio Itti of August of this your , entered Into n concr.ictvitli tills city to fur nish 700 olcctrio lampi for street lighting purposes nt tlio r.ito of0 per year per lamp. Ttio lighting was to bu b'jgmi on November 1 of this ycnr , tlio contract to run for two years , each Itglit to bo of twenty cnnitio DOW or. For fnlttiful compltancu with ttio terms of this contract , tlio company In question has given n bond In tliu sn'ii of fTi.OOO , whii'ti was siKiiod by S. L , . Wlluy nnil J. .1. Johnson , tbo form or the pres ident of the compiftiy. November 1 wits the limit sot for n specific compliance with the i-ontr.ict , and , so fur ns nnpcnr.inco no , tbo now Thomson-Houston Kloctrlu Llglu company has ilono nothing to keep Its word with the city. It has not notl- ileci the city that It does not Intunu to fur nish the light proposed , neither has it niado any attempt to protect itself ou its bond or to withdraw the same. This Is considered a remarkable proceeding by many cltl/ens who uiihcsi'.atlii'l.v ( pro- iiouncoIt n sharp trick in the Interest of the company which is now lighting certain parts of the city wltn gasoline. If this view bo correct , thososamo citizens claim the schema Is calculated to shut out competition In the matter of puiolluc illumination ami perpetuate - uato the monopoly enjoyed by the Ohio Street Lighting company , which is now serving the city In a very Indifferent man ner , mil which is bound by no contract whatever. The hutory of this case Is frcdh in the mind of the people , and need but briefly to bo recapitulated. On the 20th of June , 18SO , the city entered Into a contract with the Ohio Street Light ing company for the lighting of 1UO gasulino street lamps , and more If required , the light to bo of twelve cnndlo power at lha rate of $19 per lamp per year. It wns understood that the contract , at the expiration of one year , co'jld bo extended for two j ears more. Accordingly ; ! ! ! Juno , Ib87 , the contract was extended for two years , 15- U. Goodwill , the manager of thocomn.uivac- , coptlng the terms of the previous year. In Juno of Ibb'J , the contract run out nnd was not renewed. Neither was another con tract entered Into to talto its placo. But the same company has continued to furnish gasoline - olino k'.mp light receiving therefor the rates It charged under the original contract. The latter , it may bo statou , Is vitally defective - foctivo as far as compelling the company to fuir.Uti n , maximum candle power. As a con sequence , for years past , thcro have uccn hundreds of complaints made regarding the poor lights furnished but nothing has been ilono to deduct trom the bills of tlio company on equivalent for the minimum light which it has BO often given. Indeed , there is no authority to do so to bo found in the contract , though thcro is when a lunn > lulls to bo lighted or has boon extinguished by the wind. The monotonous existence which the com pany had enjoyed in this manner , for n long time was becoming irksome. It was desir ous of varjlng It and , at the same time , pull moro money out of the people's pocltots. It clalm d that it had a now burner which which would give bettor light nnd which It would timilsh to the city at the rate of $22 per lamp per year. This was an advance of $ ! J p.T lamp. The matter was referred to a commilteo and the latter recommended that the offer bo accepted. On motion of Councilman Elsassor , however , it was decided to ask for bids. Several replies were re ceived , among them being ono from Cedar Uaptds of S20 for sixteen cnndlo power ; the Ohio Street Lighting company of $ J3 for Bixteen-candlo power ; and the now Thomson- Houston Electric Light company , $ > 0 for twenty-candlo power. Bids on olcotric light not having been asked , nnd notwithstanding that there was n lower bid than that offered by thoconipany now supplying the light , the bids were rejected. The bocond advertisement for bids brouiiht in Seegcr with a bid of Sin for slxtcen-candlo power ; the Ohio Street Lighting company with t > 19 for slxteen-candlo power. In this case , however the electric light company did not inako its appearance. The contract was nwardod to Soogcr , greatly to the mortification of tlio Ohio com pany , which had counted upon the support of certain conncilmeii , which it did not receive - coivo , as also that of the electric company , the support of which , to the surprise of the then nmnaijor.Captain liell.mystoriously dis appeared. The Ohio company then commenced a fight upon the Sceger contract. The latter , it may bo stated was n duplicate of the contract under which the Ohio people had always furnished tholr light. Yet when they were knocked out , they pointed out the fact that thu contract with Socgor did not protect tlio city in that It did not provide a penalty for the failure to furnish the maxi mum candle power demanded by t ho contract , The objection was considered a valid ono nnd the contract was returnedforthorcnsons mentionedto the council without the approval of the mayor. The council could not pass the tnoasuio over the voto. Again bids were opened , Soegor rising to $10.85 for sixteen cnndlo power , the Ohio people bidding SIS.flO for sixteen and the Now Thomson-Houston coniDiuy j.0 for twenty cnndlo uower. The contract was awarded to the latter butas before stated , the company has strung no wires , erected no posts to comply with Its agreement. This Inexplicable conduct was greatly marveled nt by many taxpayers and wonder Decamo the greater the moro inattontlvo the city scorned to bu regarding the matter. Finally , at the lust meeting of the council , Councilman KKasser Introduced a resolution referring to the inactivity of the oloctrlo company and suggesting the appointment of n commlltoci to inquire ) what the Thompson- liouston people proposed to do In the pro mises , This committee was appointed nnd consists ol Messrs. Elsassor , Ulunior and U'uttlo. Those councllmon will moot on Monday and endeavor to bo ready to report on next Tuos- tluv ovonlng. No councilman could explain yesterday the unusual conduct of the olectrlo people but the impression Is general as has been hinted that It simply proposes to protect the Ohio com pany in Its present Job , at least until tlio hu- tor can bo driven out or confirmed In their contract by a now understanding. It is not nopnront yet , however , how the Thomson * Houston pcopla ran do this without forfeiting the $3,000 bond which they have plvou to begin illuminating tomorrow. Tlio suspicion that the two companies last referred to uro working together Is strengthened by the fact that the Ohio folics have , slnco the contract wns uwnrdcd to Thomson-Houston , put In probably COO now burners , repaired their lamps and othcrwlso'thelr plant as If they had u monopoly on the gasollno business for all time. "That doesn't look , " savs Councilman Elsassor"as it they felt that Thomson-Hous ton were going to shut thorn out. If they did not tlilnlt that they were going to be all right would they go to such uxponso for a few mouths ! Thoy'vo put lomo of ttvo'io new bunion in my ward , The burners keep nil right for a couple of weeks , mid then you've got to take a lantern to llud thorn , oven when they're lighted , " 1'roslilont U'lloy of the Thompson- Houston people was outof town yestordny.nml nobody at the ofllco of the compunv could speak for him on this subject. Meanwhile , the Ohio Street Llghtinu com pany continue ! nt the old stand without n contract , furnishing its Indifferent light , an d evidently calculating to remain in the business as long us city affairs are eoiuiuoto d In a loose manner , and as long as they ca n got the assistance of thu Thompion.llou ston company , I ItN Kxuollnitt Qualities Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Svrup of Figs , it Is pleasingto thu eye and to the taste , and ov gently acting on the kidneys , liver and bow els , it cleanses thu system effectually , there by promoting the health aud comfort of all vuo uiu It. THE ELDORADO WRECK SALE , 250 Oasca Wet Dry Qooli from the Mor gan Lim Stjamor AT THE BOSTON STORE TOMORROW , This IN Sonrccly n Tenth Part of the Oru.iicHi Single Purchase JCvcr Made liy a Single I'lrni in Amcilu.i. ALL WET GOODS IN THE BASE- AIKNT. All told this sale will consist of ono Ihou-wnd ilvo hundred and eighty cases of wet dry coeds , invoicing over $100,000. Tlieso goods arc now arriving , shipment after shipment , as fast as possible , and divided according to their stale , very wet , slightly wet , or dry .ind perfect. Ail tlio wet goods or slightly wet goods will bo placed on sale IN OUR BASE- iMHNT. Wo doMro it to bo distinctly under stood that no matter what the goods may bo , as long as they uro boiled or damaged in Iho slightest degree they will unreservedly bo placed on sale In the basomont. No soiled or damnged goods , bo It over so little , will ever bo placed on our main or second floor. Wo malto Ihis slalomont extra forci ble and directly , ns Iho onliro upper dock.freight in this wreck is absolutely perfect , and will bo found on Iho main and bccond Jloor. To give you a faint idea Ifow these wet goods will bo sold wo mention a few prices. IN THE BASEMENT. 5 cases of the finest grade of standard calicos at 2jo a yard. 3 bales of wet cotton flannel at 3jc. 1 case of Iho heaviest cotton llannol which wo overbad In our liouso goes at 10o , would sell at 20o regularly. 3 cases of line imported chambrays } worth -Oc. 1 case of fine all wool llannol 15cworth , 3.3c. 3 cases of all wool scarlet flannels at 15c , lOc and 2oc. 2 cases of the very heaviest feather ticking til lOc. 1 case extra heavy denim and ducking for overalls at lOc a yard. 2 cases lineal quulily silk finish vel veteens ( very wet ) 2jc , worth up to 7oc. 200 line art squares and crumb cloths $2.60 , worth up lo $10.00. Children's line wliito merino under wear , vests or pants , "c each. Children's scarlet and natural wool underwear loc each. The llncst grades of children's medi cated scarlel and imported nalural wool underwear 2"c and 3Jc. Ladies' natural and while ribbed underwear - dorwear lOc. Ladies' line merino nnd nalural wool vohls or pnnls 3Jc. ! Men's heavy trray underwear 23c. The lindSt grades of men's bcarlot nal ural wool and camel's hair underwear ut 50c. worth up lo 82.50. Men's full regular made imported un derwear , English and French goods worth up to $5.00 go at 75c. Misses' and lauics' till wool cushmoro hose Oc. Mist-es' and ladies' fine - imported seam less cashmere hose liic. THE BOSTON STORE. Right on Iho corner now. Northwest corner IClh and Douglas. T/JI uii.iir Parnoll's A'cnhew Attuoks the Ble- Ciutliyltc Jjoadcr. Dunux , Nov. 3. Mr. McDcrmott , a nephew of the late Mr. Parnoll , today pub licly horsewhipped Timothy Ilealy , the most bitter of the antl-Parnell loaders. The horse whipping wns the direct outcome of language used by Hcaly nt Longford Sunday last , when the nntt-1'iirnuli leader referred to Miss Par- neil nnd to the widow of the late Charles Ste wart Pnrnell. Ilciily wns rescued by the police , who arrested McUermott. liealy de clined to make chnrpos njralnst his assailant and McDermott was icleased. Mr. Hcaly wns readintr in the library of the four courts when Mr. McDermott sent a messenger to say that Mr. Ilealy was wanted in the refreshment room. Mr. Ilenly on going Into the hall , wns seized by McDermott , who Immediately began to apply the whip , saying nt the same time : "Tha't is for insults at Long Ford. " Mr. MeUermott , after applying his whip , walked away , Mr. Hcaty at onoo retired to Iho library , as ho says MeDermott was drum : . At n leapuo mooting today on the announcement that Ilealy had boon horse whipped , the audience rose and chcorrd. Mr. tlenly , at Long Ford , stated that on visiting Paris to Inquire about the release of the fund , he foumt n toleirram from Messrs. Harrington and Kenny to the bankers , claim ing a prior lion on the fund. "Tho banners did not mind that , " continued Mr. Ilenly , they mlncieil more n loiter from 'Kitty,1 blocking the relief itind. Mr. Honly asserted that ho saw the letter signed by 'That Woman,1 ho could not help believing that an nlllnnco existed between the descendants of men who betrayed the Irish at liollma Muck and the present fomontcrs of disorder. In the 'Loairuo of Landlords nnd Free Masons' they heard n great deal nhout 'English dic tation. ' Was Mrs. Parnoll nn Irish woman ? If the movements of Irishmen were to bo controlled in England , it was bettor that they should ho controlled from Ilawardon than from Brighton. " A. Minister SUVCH tlio lilfa of n. Neigh bor. Mr. Isaac Snyder , n neighbor of mine , hod an attack of the colic and was wishing only that ho could tlio. I gave him two doses of Chumborlnin'f ) Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhooii remedy and In n short tuna he was entirely relieved. No family should bo without so valuable n medicine. John S. linker , Everett , Uedford county , Ponn. Eye it oar surgeon , E. T. Allen , M.D. , Rnmgo bile , 15th& Ilarnoy , Omaha. Of llco days , Men. , Turn , Wed. , and Sat. . . . < II : < ) U1X < 1 Till } IKl.lMlt.ll'll CASK , Justice lli'i'wor IIonrlnu tlio Western Union Union 1'acitlo Suit. WASIIISUTOX , D. C , , Nov. 0. Associate Justice Urowor of the supreme court of the United States , sitting as a circuit Justice , has begun the hearing of arguments in the case of the suit brought by the United States for the district of IsobiMslca ngalnst the Union Pacillo Hallway company nnd the Western Union Tologtaph company. The sutt wns brought by the attorney general In pursu ance of the provisions of the act of congress known ns tbo Anderson net , which compels all subsidized railroad companies which , by law , are required to construct , operate nnd maintain telegraph lines , toso construct , oper ate and maintain tnem ns to furnish to connect ing lines equal fadltlos for the transmission of business. Counsel for the Western Union lllctl an exhaustive brief containing n state ment of tholr position on the matter. Coun sel Insist on the competency of the railroad company to enter Into n contract with the telegraph company , were forced by the pro visions of the general telegraph law orlK'in. nlly onuctod Juno' ' , ISMlii ; that for the pup poao of the bill defendant's contract is not in the commnnd of thu Injunction aud pro- hlbttulous of Iho Anderson act. I Ono Minute. One minute time often makes a great dlf- fort > for bronchitis nco--n ono minute remedy choking up of the throat , lungs , ate. , fa course U a blosslng. Cubeb Cough Cura U uch a remedy. For sale by all druggists. Cubeb Couch Cure-One iniuuto , The now Hotel Brunswick , lOlh and JnckBon. with all modern improvements. Now upon /or guests. Moderate prices. THE BOSTON STORE , Perfect Dross Goo : ! ? , Oloaks and ho:3 : from the Steamer EUorado ON SALE ON FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS. \Vc ( iii u run too These Absolutely I'ci- Tout and Without Klnw 'I hey Were on the Upper Deck and Untouched. ALL BARGAINS. DRESS GOODS. FIRST FLOOR. Double fold plaid wool dross goods , rough olTccts , Uc worth 2oe. 10 inch luftcd , Hlripcd and figured drc = s goods lee , worlh ; i3c. 61 inch choviol dress goods 2oc , worth COc. 10 inch black brocaded novolly mo hairs Ulc ) , worth GOc. GO pieces all wool black novollies in cluding whlj ) cords , /.igs'.ags. diagonals and bcdfords , o'Jc. worlh Sl.U. ) . . Fine black faille silkMo , worth $1.00. CLOAKS AND JACKETS 12D FLOOR. Wo bog to call your closest allonllon once moro lo the fact lhat all goods on Iho second lloor are perfect and without iluw. Nol only llml , bul Iho garments are such as would only bo found in the very best and mosl fashionable slores. Indeed , Iho ship ment of jcloaks and jacKels was con signed to the finest exclusive cloak house in Now Orleans , and was recov ered from Iho upper deck in Iho original cases , in precisely U'o same condilion as when In Iho Now York house. Til 12 GO ON SALE NCHv. Ladies' black cheviot reefers 81.50 , worth i3.00. ? Ladies' astrakhan trimmed reefers $3.f > \\ortli80.60. . Black diagonal cheviot reefers with largo fur collars $5.00 , worth $7.60. Tan reefers in wool diagonal with mink collar , trimmed down the front , $ ( J.CO , worth $12.00. All wool camel's hair , with long opossum shawl collars , $12.00 ; worth $19.00. Black or French wool cneviol silk lined reefer jacket , full mulllon trimmed fronts , $ lo.OO ; worlh $2.3.00. ! iS plush garment ? mosl artislically made and boaulifully trimmed , splen didly lined and finished , and worlh all Iho way lo $35.00 each , go fit $7.00 , $10.00 and $15.00. IN TIII3 BASEMENT AGAIN. The finest grade of misses' and ladies' hosiery from this wreck go ut 19c , worlh 5c. ( ) 5c.Men's Men's fine all wool scarlol and nalural wool socks go at 15c. BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS. An immense lot of very fine blankets and comforters , very slighllv soiled , go at 25c , G'Jc , OSo , $1.25 , $1.75 and 5-2.50. THE BOSTON STORE , Right on the corner now. N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers. Cost llttlo pill over made. Cure constipation every timo. None equal. Use them now. Kxflinnf o Meeting. At the regular monthly meeting of the Ex- chnngo Monday afternoon there wns a fair attendance. After disposing of ii few minnr matters the Exchange took up the proposed new rule , No. 23 , which made it unlawful for purchasers to weigh back lump Jaw or dis eased cattle to sellers after 4 o'clock of the day on which the purchase was made. There was considerable discussion , nftor which the adoption of the rule was put to a vote and lost. The general sense of the meeting brought out by discussion was expressed in n resolution , which was unanimously adopted , recommending that the slaughterers request the government Inspectors now stationed nt the various houses to a'ation themselves at the scales or In the yards to Inspect each bunch ot cattle ns It Is weighed nnd furnish them with a certificate of inspection , this in spection to bo linn ! . The local Inspector is to look after nil other cnttlo , not bought by killers. The secretary was Instructed to provide the packers with a copy of these resolutions requesting their co-operation. Mii io City Notes. Lon Scott is back from a two month's so journ in Iowa. Stncey Everett of Kansas City is the guest of Fred A. Uroadwell. Mrs. Minnie Clancoy loft Monday evening for West DePcro , WH. O. S. Wright of Missouri Valley , la. , Is visiting his brother A. A. Wright. The Bohemian Turners will give a grand ball nnd turning exhibition Saturday evening - ing in Blum's hall. Mis. Helen II. Morris , wife of John B. Morris , onetime city engineer died in Camden - den , Uhio last Saturday. The infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. William Goouman , 801 N Twenty-second street , died nt lOiliO yesterday uftoinoon. The South Omaha Chautauqua Circle mot Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Claud L. Tulbott , Twenty-third street near H. Ed Darlington , In gottlnc out of a bath tub Monday at his homo in this city , lost , his bal ance , nnd falling on n hot stove , had his right nrm severely burned. The Ladles Aid society of the First Christ ian church gavp a public dinner nnd supper yesterday at N and Twenty-seventh street , which wns a great success. John Martin , all-round bad man from the swamps Is In Jail. He Is charged with steal ing a valuable watch from ono of Hoss1 men nt the grading camp east of the city , John D. Hobinson , n member of the school hoard and n man who counts his friends by his acquaintances , has severed his connec tion with the Hammond Packing company and loft yesterday for Chicago. M. 13. Mills , n II. & M. switchman , while dUcharglni : his duties Monday evening , was not sulllclcntly ngilo to keep his loft hand from between thn drawbars of two cars nnd the middle linger of the left hand was so badly mashed ns to necessitate its amputu- tloti at the second Joint. Yesterday morning ono of Samuel \V. Dentils' teams , driven by Mr. Dennis' nephew , Holly Johnson , ran away whllo nenr tl.o sand pits east of the city. Mr. Johnson was badly shaken up , some of his teeth being loosened , tils arms , hands and body being bruised and skinned up. Mr. Johnson's injuries nro very painful but not vorv serious. 'Iho team escaped without much injury. The Good Templar lodge mot Monday ovonlng In the First Methodist church and assisted by some of the stnto olllcors , In- stntled ofllcors who will sorva tbo coming ycnr as follows : William Vim Buren , C. T. ; Miss Almn Francis , V. T. ; Frank Krlon , Hoc. St-c. ; Uubv Grlflith , Asst. Hoc , See. ; George Wise , cimrd ; Willis Berger , senti nel ; Ktl Hatcher , marshal ; Mr. llonkin % Fin. Seo. ; Norn Cox , Trcas. ; Miss Alice G ninth , 1. J. T. Indeed. The senior editor of the Humid , md wlfo arc now uslnij Clnimborlaln'a Couch Hoinedy for throat troubles and the result U gratify ing , says \V. H. Lyles & Son , publishers of thu Herald , Hoiuton , Mo. This remedy gained a reputation during the opl- deinlo of lu grippe and has blnco been a favor ite for colds and illio ttiroat and lung dis eases. Fifty cent bottles for sale by drug gists. Solid Trains Pnim Omitix Vostlbulod , olootrjc lighted ami steam liontud , with thu Iliiost dining , slooplng nnd reclining chnlr car eorvlco in the world , via the "Chicago A ; Omaha Short Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul Railway. Double dally train Eorvico , loiivini ; Oinahii at liilo : r. in. and 0:20 : n. in. , with no trausfoi * at Conn * cil 151ultd us heretofore. Anp'.y 1501 Farnam etroot for tiuKotsnnd further In formation or addrosa F. A. NASH , J , E. PHBSTO.V , Gon. Agt. City Pass. Aft. ' BOSTON STORE WRECK SALE , Eight Thovpnntl Pairs of Fmo Shoos fiom the Wrcokotl Steamship. ALL PERFECT - ALMOST GIVEN AWAY , Men's Pine llniullccrclilurH , lo ; II.m < lkcrililtttvSi2 ; Kino Ii lou Col lars , 2 l-Ufj aien'H AVonl Cixi- JnolcctH te. ) SHOES FROM TIII3 WRECK. KVUUY i'AlH ' FKCT. ' 1 cnao tihlld'0 goit : , 5 to 8 I shoos , liOc. it ca&os chill's yout , 8 lo 10 . ' { ctises misses , ' 11 to 2 goat shoos , SUo. 1 CJISOH men's stud ladies' velvet 0111- broidorud slip * , -lOc. 120 cases Indies' doiitfolu button shoes , ( worth .W.OO , fiom the Hamilton , Drown Shoo Co. . ) OSc. " 0 eases ladies first-class dongola but ton and laeu shoes , $1.123. 123 cubes Indies' extra * line dongolahaud sowed kid M. S. button and lace shoes , S1./50 / worth fully $12,7.5. GO cases Indies' iinest grade kid , don- cola shoes , leather or cloth top : both hand and machine sowed , worth 83.00 seat at $1.09. 03 cases ladies' imported kid and dongola shoes , hand sowed ; made by the llncst Now York stale makers , worth up to S7.00 go at S12.-10 , $12.00 and $3.40 and S3.70. MEN'S ' SHOES. 180 pairs men's shoes. OSo u pair worth $1.05. 300 pairs men's calf shoos , solid solo Insole and counters $1.-10. 120 pairs men's shoes $1.2. > . 210 pairs men's line calf shoes $1.09. 120 pairs men's kangrroo calf , cordovan and line calf lace and congress shoes 2.JO , $2.09 , $3.-19. OVERSHOES FROM THE WRECK. Ladies' high button ovorgaitors 05c , worth $1.76. Misses' high button ovorgaitors 89c. Men's overshoes , OSc. Men's rubber boots , $1.85. THE BOSTON STORE. Right on the cornet' now. N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas. Knights Templar. The members of Mt. Calvary com- nmndory No. 1 , K. T. , will assemble at the asylum , flOth and Capitol ave. ) lo- day at 0:30 : o'clock ' n. in. , in full uniform to atlend the funeral of our Into fratcr , Sir Charles P. Needham , P. D. G. C. Sojourning Knights courteously invited. By order of Viclor White , commander. TELEPHONING FltOM. THE SUN. Kdison's Instrument ForScciii" n I'cr- son n Thousand 31 lien Away. The fecundity of Thomas A. Edison's gen ius for invention promises to remain ono of the marvels of the : tgoa. To future genera tions it will bo largely a matter of tradition , hut the pcoplo of today h\ve : the living , xvoru- ing man among thorn ana nro ncuordod the rare privilege of all but seeing him in the act of wrestling from reluctant nature godliUo forces thai will go down the centuries as servants to man's comfort and well-being. Frank G. Carpenter recently visited the wizard of Menlo Park in his laboratory , and the result of his observation and onquirv makes an entrancing story that will ho spread before the rcudors of TUB SUNDAY DEB. Among other interesting things "Carp" describes the mammoth telephone which Edison is constructing for communication with the sun. This may ooatn incredible , but Edison is not a sensationalist , and but read TUB SUNIIVY BEE for the explanation. Then there ii an account of the wonderful Itinotograph. This instrument will not only reproduce the singing of a Pattlortho speech of u ( Thauncey IJapew intensified to its nat ural pitch , but It will enable a person a thou sand miles awuv to behold a picture of the performer in the very act , with every mo tion and expression from beginning to onu. That sounds incredible , too , but Edison never makes a boast until ho can prove his claim. To produce this result it Is necessary to take photographs of the performer nt tf.e rate of forty-six per second , or ! i,700 per minute. Edison talks of the possibilities of elec trical Invention and makes some startling predictions. All In nil , Mr. Carpenter's let ter will bo ono of the most entertaining of current contributions to our stoclc of knowledge about the progress of the race. Ciosjler'sMnglolie.idaono VVaforj.Curos a headuchesin 20 minutes. At all druggists Grand March of Nebraska's Train Tlirongh Ohio. PIQUA , O. , Nov. a. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Ban. ] Success of tor success has marked the progress of the exhibition train through Ohio , both on its course east and on the re turn westward. The train arrived at St. Paris shortly before 3 o'clock yesterday , finding the greater portion of the population uttho depot. Iho public schools were dis missed upon the train's arrival and the teachers nnu pupils , numbering In all about fiUO , marched in n procession to the train. Those visitors were given preference nnd busied themselves on their way through tha curs with taking an object lesson on the wealth of Nebraska in agriculture nnd horti culture. The teachers oxpiesscd the opinion that this was the most valuable lesson learned for irany months. Several hundred persons wnrp unable to gain admission to the cars. The train reached Piqua ut1 o'clock , being mot by the mayor , Hon. E. M. Wllbeo , who extended to t'io ' member , of the pnrtv the freedom of the city. Ho was entertained nt dinner by the Nobrnsknn. and in the evening ho received them as his guests at the Piquu Athletic club rooms , The visitors to tlio train here have been many and all have boon well pleased. The train will make Its stop today nt Union Cltv , Wednesday afternoon will ho spent at L-ognnsport , Intl. , ttio train going that night to Chicago , whore n stop will bo made until Thursday noon at the Northwestern - western depot , Cnligrnph wrltlng inachino is the best for telegraph purpose- . Never out of order. Lemon and Orange. Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor ing Extracts ; of Lemon and Orange are imacle from the fruit and have their grateful , agreeable taste , without the turpentine odor which is observed in those extracts isually sold , made from poi sonous oils , acids , and taste sharpened by cayenne pep per. Those who wish choice , pure extracts , should try Dr. Price's. They are all that is represented , pure , strong and of fine flavor , and stand alone in the market in these import ant respects. Be willing to pay a fair price for a pure article. The balance of the Fechheimer , Goodkind Co. stock , which our buyer recently purchased in New York , has arrived , been assorted , marked and placed on sale in our Men's Clothing Department , \vhcro the whole immense stock is now ready for your inspection in all its en tirety. This is without doubt the finest assortment of Strictly Fine Suits every shown by any one firm in the west , comprising as it docs all the popular fabrics in almost every conceivable shade , color and pattern. Particular attention is directed to the cut , style , shape and fit of these garments , which no Tailor in the land can excel , and which gained for the manufacturers a reputation for making fine clothing which extend ed from one end of the United States to the other. We have selected from this grand assortment an immense quantity of the very Finest Suits fi- which we have assorted into two separate and distinct lots , which rep resent more style , tone , service and actual value than any clothing con cern in this country ever gave before. We give you your choice of sev Wegive you your choice of several eral hundred very fine Suits in hundred as fine suits as any Tailor both Sacks and Cutaways , in. all in this country can make. They've the popular fabrics , in all sorts of got the materials in them. They're shades and colors , in about thirty made right. They're correct in choice styles. These suits are style and coloring , and unless worth fully twenty dollars of any you're a "freak" no "suit to order" man's money , and are sold for can be gotten up that will fit you that price all over the country any better. The "ready made" ( occasionally .you'll see a $22. price is usually twenty eight clol- card on them ) . lars and the "custom" price forty. In order that our Furnishing Goods men may not get "lost in the shuffle , " we will offer until they're gone 1OO dozen ELEGANT SILK SUSPENDERS , ac tual value $1.OO , at THE WINDOWS ON BOTH STREETS TELL INTERESTING STORIES. ( initnrrliacn. Gli'i't mill I cured In 2 days by the Trendi Koincdy entit led the KINU. It dissolves against and Is ab sorbed Into the Inllariiud parts. Will rufnnd money If it , does not cnio , or causes stricture , Gentlemen , lioro Is a rnllablo article. * l u puulciiRU , or 2 for $ . " > per mall prepaid. McCor- mlck & iiiind , Omaha , DOCTOR will ntop a Cough in ono nl ht , check a Coltl in a day. and CUKE Consumption if taken in timo. IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP Use it Pfonutly. A 25 ccnf bottle astes Good. PURE PINK PILLS. Dr. Acker's English. Pills Clllti : CONSTIPATION. Smiill , | ilfi uill , u fil\orlto Mlth the" . W. II. 1IOOICEK & CO , 40 West DroaUway , N. Y. FOR SAIR HV KII11X & CO. and SIIEU- A ( JKNWNHMICUOIIH KII.LHIUt ICIDD'S OKKM KHAMCATOll Cures nil itlsuism Dorauio It kills tliu mlcrolio or curni. 1'ut up nnd rot illuJ In it. tJ nntl ft sizes , tliolutturj i Kallon . Hont any whorJ prMad on receipt of prlcuur ( X ( ) I > . WoHsuan k'uariinluu to euro. Thu uubllo tr.ilo iui.1 Job burl Hiipiillrii liy tli3 Klnslcr Druu Comi"niy Ornnlin ; C A Mclc'ioHouartl .Mi'jrorJ nn 1 n I' Scykcini , buiitli Omahn ; A. I ) . 1 ester , anil M , J Kills Council lllulls. LEAVES A DELICATE AND LAsxnra ODOR , Fornaloby nil Jrunnnil Tancy floods Dcali'ra or II unuhlo to procure thla omU-rrul om > ecmlMCc In stamps and rccelvo u cnko by return mall. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. NIM'.CIAI.-glmnrtpn Hells Waltz ( tlio riopulm Society Waltz ) fi'nt l'ltir. : to nnyono gondluV us Uiruo wrappers of gliuidon Dulls fauup. HEX Is The In ihe inaikct. TRY 2T AND BE CON VINCED. FUR CAPES. MEN'S run OVERCOATS. and All Fashionable CLOTH AND PLUSH CLOAKS UT ScnJ for FnBblon Hook mailed troo. Reliable Manufacturers P Itaerlloci uiok. 101 & 193 Slalo St. , Chicago. Dr , Bailey ( Pr The I > ( ulm MI ) DENTIST.W Third I'loor I'axton Illock. Trlppnno 10S5. Kith nnil Pnriiam SK A full cot of tcotli , on nillior , for } 5 Perfect fit. Tut'tli witluiut nliiius or lumovutili ) brlilKo work , Jusl the thlin ; for silicon untl Iiubllo HpuuUui'H , nuvur tlrui | ( lou n. Teeth Extracta I Without Pain. All flllliiKs nt reasonable r.iles , all wurruntuil. "Cut mm out fur a iuluu. ; NO OTJREXr NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. jesrV experience. A rciiulnr vrmtunto In modlclno s illiom [ | i show. U mill Irentlnz n ltd tb Itreuteit lucccn nil NeiTOus , Chruiilc > nil I'rlrato Dliuitsu * . A purunuunl euro KUnr mluuil ( < ir ' 'niunli HporuinlorrhocB , Lost Stnnhoo.l. . HomlnM Wakn M , Ntitlit IJiic , liiipotunor. Hyi'lillh ' Htrl tura. and nil alsensmof tha IlluoJ , Bklnand Urlnnr/Urvani. N Ik I uu&rnutc * f 'Ol for urorr emu I iiniJjrinVu un'l ' fall to euro. Cgniullrtllou frto. JlooMMjriMrlts ol Ufa ) aunt tin. OUloa huurVu. . m loop. tu. tduuJur Hum. to 13m. Bund stomp for r plr. THE NOTED SPECIALIST In thu truatimut of all forma of PRIVATE DISEASES. 17 scarscxiiorlPtico. fileotnmlull niiiu > slniiliM-linricii ; Ktrlcturo cirililllcultjror | uiiii in ritliuvinu thu Illuilik'r , Hil.ili | anil nil li . f llin lllnoil mill Skiiiv NerujiiMiiioM iimicrnl IhlulilyHHM \ of Mfuiluxxlaml Ainliltluiiant nf l.ifoitii'l Vitality , ll.ul Mci , iKwiionilcrit , lit > c < iuniKu < llt lk'foljlalucil itliotitlofcH < if limn friim lU6iiit * < . 1'ho inobt iiowurful rrinniliM knuuii to inoilurn x luiico for tlio treatment tit iliofibota iliBoancn. 'llm ui-ok trrow htnitiir , thuiluniiomloutlH > cuinuchoarful from rcnuwcd Vitality , Ambition 'atiilCouraKo , MyrtKJurccs uutl fucilitim for ilolmt | IIIHIU | < WI lira iiiburiaHil. AllcorrtttiHiQiluucobtrlctlyiirhtitu. Write for ttiruu ) , clrculam uod quutluu I lit , I4lh and Farnam Sti. , Omaha , Neb. WILL CURE " I have long known its value in btetd * Ing pilos. It IB the prtnco of remedial In all forms of homonhoidi , " Of , At M. COLLINS , Cameron , Mo. CATARRH "Havo boon n ctnitnnt lulferor for yearj from jovero coldi In head and throat. Trcod tnoit every known remedy. Pond's Extract relieved m wonderfully , and hat effected almoit > radical euro " F R ED E R 1C E. FINCK. ( Jew York City. BORE EYES "It actt like magic In ophthalmia. I like It BO much fcr toro eyes , " Rtv. M. JAMESON. LAEV3EWESS 1 I strongly recommend Pond'i Extract for lamfaness , and use it constantly.1 MICHAEL DONOVAN , H. Y. Athl.llo Club. SORENESS " Had a largo eating sore on my ankls , which had oaten to the bone. For nine months I doctored to no purpose. Tried a bottle of Pond's Extract , and ivas cured Immediately " MINNIE VANATTA , Locklooso , fla. "Pond's Extract has been usrfd with * marked benefit by our inmates in msny cases ot bruises , and has always proved very beneficial " LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR , Now York City. " I have been prescribing Pond's ' Ex * tract , and find it a valuable remedy in strains and affections of like chtr- cter.-W. P. BURDICK , M.D. B&JB3NS ' Hid my left hand severely burned , find lost the use of it completely. Secured relief by uio of Pond's Extract \r \ twelve hours " Mrs A. SHERMAN , New York City. 1-3 EEnORFIH AGES "Am troub'edwitn ' hemorrhages from lungs and find Pond's Extract theonly remod/ tHat will control ther " - GEORGE W WARNfcR.Scranton , Pt INFLAMIfflATBONS "I have used Pond's Extract In a eilft of long stand ing n ternal inflarrtfiatioi , andobtamed re tefwith nafowh urs.1' JAMES E READE , and should be always kept on hand for em ergencies. "Long xperlontQ his taught my fam * liy to rog fJ ( Pond'i Fxtract i on * of the abtotuto necemtiai ot houitbcfp * tnc " ANDRfc W 0 WHITE. PrwiU dent Gomel ! Un > venty BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , Sao Landscape Trade-mark on Buff Wrapper. MADE ONLY BY POND'S EXTRACT CO. Now York and London. It'a rc'iumkulilo flpcpllla twllon upon the affected pnrtH 1'ttes , huttover BI-VITO. Also for Hums , Scal < lst Eruptions , Salt JCIimtm < tV. Tt-atlmonlnls from all cloBHca prove ItH ( tlllrncty. 1'iico & 0c. Hohl by all DniKRlata or Hont by mail on receipt of prlca Put up only b O , , 70 6ib Aye , , H ,