WHY JUDGE POST SHOULD WIN Jndgo Thnraton Entertains an Omaha Audi ence with Indisputable ELOQUENT WORDS OF POLITICAL WISDOM , Senator rfu-ll/.lcr on llio Supreme JulKChlil * | > HoniHllnnvlniiH Dls- I'olltlcH Mnjor Unloomlio Culls Gannon Down. The republican rally Saturday night was n typical vote mnkor. It wiu late , however when the Omaha gentlemen were given tuo lloor. Consequently HOIIIO of the best speeches made had to uo condensed lur Tin : SI'.NDAY JJni : out of nil proportion to their worth. Buch a falo overtook tlio iidtnlruhlo address of .hldgo Thurston , It being 2 o'clock before the stenogrupliur complotcd his transcript oflt. oflt.'f 'f lnirston'H Hon. John M. 'I'hurston spoUo ns follows : Mr. Chun-man and fellow Citizens : lam not hero sis tin orator , hut I am hero tonlpht at tlio request of your committee to say a low words to you nuout some of the Issues of the present campaign. H has not boon my privi lege this year until tonight to address my fellow citizens upon the political Issues of the day , not Hint 1 wai unwilling to speak , but nil through the stuto of Nebraska the cry has Konu up In the present campaign , busolcss mid fabricated as It is , that the rail roads of the state are supporting utul urging the election of ono candidate for supreme Judfjo as against the othr-r ; and I understood full well that did I appear upon any stump In NohrasUn , the slanderous newspapers on- uagcil In a slanuorous campaign would have heriildod that fact broadcast throughout the stale as proof that the railroads were eater- Ing Into politics and bound to force a success ful Issue. I know that the people of the city of Omaha understand well that whoa I speak from any political stump , I speak my honest political convictions as they nro given mo by ( iod almighty to utter , nnd I stand hero tonight to speak for good government , to speak for honest politics , to speak for American mnu- hood , and to assort that there Is a splendid place for every man worthy of manhood , and there is no place for the political hermaphro dite. [ Applause. ] I believe in the grandeur of political dis cussion ; that wo uocomo hotter citizens anil better men by meeting each other face to fncc , nnd talking together as to the political doctrines before the country , l believe in honest discussion , and dubato , and I say that 1 never have , except when goaded by malicious attack ( nnd I never intend to here after , no matter what may bo the provoca tion ) , entered into nny slanderous political discussion In so splendid a government us that in which wo live. | Applause. ] If politics descend so low In thu nation , erIn In the state , or in the county , or in the city , that It is necessary to malign men , to destroy domestic happiness , to cast foul aspersions of nhamo upon Inmost people , then let every honest man in the community forego polities until u now era of manhood and citizens dawns upon the American people. [ Ap plause. ] I uonor the political conviction of every man , I honor every democrat for his honest belief and tils honest advocacy of it , nnil 1 bcllovo that this country is better to day nnd salcr for the future because wo have these of different political belief. Uelwoon tlio upper nnd nether millstones uf contend ing human thought , truth is separated from pretentious chaiT , and tno political principle that will not stand honest discussion ought to bo exterminated from the American politi cal arena. [ Applauso.J In Favor ol American M.-iuhnbd. I say hero tonight , that the grand princi ples of the republican party stand now ns they have heretofore stood , in favor of Amer ican mannood and in favor of the ereatost good for the greatest number. [ Applause. ] It Is n nation of workers , It is a nation of muscle , it is n nation in which the man who tolls has n patent to American nobility. Wo have places hero for everybody who is willIng - Ing to work with his head or his hands ; everybody except the drone nnd the dude , nnd wo don't want nny more of thoui than wo have to have. [ Applause. ] Now I am hero for the purpose of nsltlnp the citizens of Onmlm in voting the state ticket to vote for that man , whoever ho may be , who best represents honest government , who best represents u true knowledge of ju dicial affairs , and who can best bo trusted to Interpret tno constitution and decide the law correctly. There is no man In this commun ity who la slave enough to llvo under a Ju dicial system that will intornret laws nnd constitutions other than in accordance with strict and settled principles of justice , nnd I say to you that any man who votes to n place upon the supreme bench of the state of Nobrasua a candidate who Is supposed to loan towards nn unjust nnd unfair and Igno rant , or n fnlso interpretation of the law is submitting himself to the worst kind of tyranny from which there Is no escape. Now , my friends , I hnvo known A. M. Post for the last llftcon years. As u lawyer , ns n judge , ho has commended himself to the best judgment of ail the professional , the business , the working , the Intelligent nmt the trustworthy people of the state of Nebraska. [ Applause. ] As a citizen ho him always been favorable to the administration of thu law ; as n neighbor ho has been kind and respected ; ns n husband nnd n father ho has boon an example of true domestic life ; nnd I say hero that ho stands before you , whether you hnvo been or nro now republi cans or democrats , ns a man whom you will leol honored in supporting for judge of the fiupremo court ot the state that Is to ndniiu- * later laws for you nnd for mo. [ Applauso.J Ho has leon ) attacked in n shameless , In a vlllhmous , In n desplsablo manner , that en titles him to receive the support of that divine spirit. Implnntod by God Almighty in the breast of every true man. to stand up for whoever is unjustly and villainously accused. [ Applause. ] Is there , my follow citizens , within the purview of honest journalism to bo nny statute of limitation upon n man's private character ) Is tliero to bo no redemption from sins committed ) Can n man never go out under the apy system of journalism ) Can ho never got out of errors committed ) Tlio divlno Nuzarlno preached a doctrluo of love nnd of redemption upon the shores of Gali leo , nnd ho went upon the cross for tlio redemption of men from sins com mitted ; but In the estimation of journalism ns It Is conducted In the state of Nebraska today , thorn is no redemption for human thought nnd for private character. No , there Is no sanctuary oven within the bosnm of a loving wlfu and In the society of inter esting children , from thu villainous slander reaching out from nntcquntoil and settled nnd bygone errors and indiscretions of youth. [ Applause. ] If there Is a manly man hero tculght who does not feel his soul boll with Indignation at the inhuman assaults made upon Judge Post , nnd who does not feel dis posed to stand up for him nt the polls regard less of politics , then that man himself ought to have the calcium light of publicity turned upon his Inmost nnd sacred deeds of long nnd forgotten years. { Applause. [ Vote For Good Government. 1 ask every man hero tonight to vote for peed government In voting for supreme Judge , to vote for u man who has proved his qmillllciUions for the oftlco. to vote for a man who stands upon the platform of the admin istration of justice , and not upon the plat form of promises to do wh&t U asked of him by a constituency that demands the adminis tration of justice with n bias. My friends , 1 oxpcct that every farmers alliance man will vote for the candidate of Ills party. If ho believes In the principles of Ills party , ho can do himself justice in no other way ; but the democratic party ot this slatn Is without a candidate for supreme judge. If you had ono In the Hold , as you did have , an honored , respected , fearless Judge and lawyer , as I know him te be , Jefferson Urondy , formerly of Nemaha county , I would not ask a Hlnglo democrat in thlx state to cast a ballot against htm. Uvcry consideration of party loyally , every inhoc- Hun political belief ought to Induce every man to vote for an honorable , respectable and representative candidate of his party. Hut Jefferson . Uroiuiy would not accept the nomination , nnd that party is without a ticket In the Held. Has the democracy of Nebraska gone to the extent -has It come to the conclusion In the city of Omntm , that It will abandon the advocacy of good men for oftlco , that it will not support an honora ble , honoit , and well qualified candidate for ludgo , and has It como to tills that demo- | praeiu the city o ! Owaha means to support the candidate , the nclf-conslltutcd candidate , of the "rag tni ? nnd bobtail" of disaffected humanity ! | Applauso.J ( lorlniiH AinrrloniilMn. Why , ( his town Is filled with nplondld democratic men , whoso hands I hove shaken on the ntrcot. whom I have known for yearj , nnd whoso faces 1 have been glad to look upon from day to day bccauno they wore my friends , honored and respected. I have hold their political convictions sacredly , nnd been glad they had the manhood nnd the courage to stand ut ) and work for them nnd to voice them on ovcry posslmo occasion , nnd 1 be- Ilcvo Hint every ono of these stalwart demo crats whom 1 have honored nnd respected In the city of Omann In years gene by , will stand for the support nnd help elect a can didate to the supreme court of the state of Nebraska under whoso administration of Justice every business Interest In the city ot Omaha will uo nbiolutoly nnd suiely safe. [ Applause. ] Ko much for that , 1 will not weary you hero tonight with nny attempted review of thu candidates on our local tickets. I ask no more from nny man , republican or democrat or Independent , than that ho shall vote Tor every representative candidate of his own party , and where Ins party has not put up n representative candidate lot him assert his manhood and vote for nn honorable nnd hon est man. | Applause I if that Is partisan ship , then charge mo up with It ; If that Is not politics , then say that I have abandoned politics ; but I will stand nero nnd nssortuow nnd forever that that , Is glorious r.nd grand Americanism nnd citizenship. [ Applause. ] I'OST Tim jiirriit QV.ii.n'inn. Opinion of Senator Swltztcr on Post and Kduorlon. A reporter called upon Senator Swltzlor nt his ofllco to get his views on the respective candidates for the supreme court , when , In answer to n question , the senator said : "As between Edirorton nnd Post I shall vole , If I am hero to vote nt all , for Judge Pout. After the republicans refused to join in the movement for u noiipartlsan Judiciary and adopted a platform nt Lincoln containing scurrilous charges against the democrats it Is , of course , dlttlcult to support n nominee of that convention. If voting for Judge Post would bo oven a tacit endorsement of that platform I could not do so , but 1 cannot sco that there is that connection between the of llco of suprwno judge and a platform. To my mind platforms have little to do with this election nnd especially with the Judiciary. " ' What nro your reasons for supporting Judge Postl" was asked. Unwound Fliiiuiufnl Policy. ' 'Solely because I think ho is the bettor qualified for the placo. 1 know It Is urged by sonic that n republican victory this fall will bo a Pad precedent and will give the re publicans prcstijo next year. I do not so view it , and If I did I think the state would bo injured more to have it go out that the nMlauco party had carded tbo state than to elect Judge Post. The people of this state certainly know with what distrust the monicd interests of the cast , which furnishes so much of the capital on which wo do busi ness in this state , look upon the alli ance party. .This party almost ruined Kansas , and last winter , when the leg islature was In session , there was a complete blockade on the How of money to Nebraska , which was not raised until the legislature adjourned or changed its first ideas. The financial policy of the party that Hdgerton .represents is unsound , nnd while tiis candidacy has no direct connection with tlio views sot. out in his party platform , capi tal so views It , and 1 think lor that reason if for no other , it would do great injury to tlio state to give this election over to the alliance. "Thoro is another thing , " continued the senator , "which democrats should remem ber , ana that is , that it was by republican votes in this county thai wo wore enabled a year ace to elect a democratic governor , aud whllo I think tbo democrats need expect in the future no favors from either of these parties , at the same time if wo nro to consider obligations wo ewe more to the republicans for Governor Boyd's success than tlio alliance who opposed him and tried to steal his seat , because the people considered then that this state would suiter by those twin delusions , prohibition nnd cheap money , republicans Hocked to Boyd regardless of party nflllintions and aided In his election. . Therefore , I say , that if we nro to count such things , the republi cans are more entitled to our aid in this emergency than the alliance party. " Posts IliKh Cliiirnutcr. "Do you know Mr. Edcorton ? " "I do. And furthermore , I think he isn man who would try to bo ft > lr to nil persons. I have no personal objection to Mr. Edgcrton , but for the sole reasons stated nbovo I think Judge Post by experience nnd nullity is the best man , and uerauso I think It would do the state much harm , whether justly or not , for tlio alliance party to prevail in the elec tion , I favor I'ost. "What do you think of the scandal which has been published about Judge Posti" "Just this. It is unfortunate Unit BO mnny of our public men have to meet such charges , hut. the truth is that some of our best publio servants have had to moot them and hnvo been carried to victory , notwithstanding , nnd have made excellent otllclnls. Judge Poat'3 record In this state for these years as a judge and a man has beep , I am tolil by lawyers iu his district , unimpeachable , anil for these reasons , for my part , I should tnvor accepting his statement and letting tno dead past bury Us dead. " Mnjof Ilnlcomhc'.s Card. OMAHA , Oct. 81. To the Editor of TUB BCB : "Lot ino tell you another thing , " said Mr. Gannon. "A low days ago several prominent local capitalists , W. A. L. Gibbon among them , celled upon that institution which assumes to do so much for the city , the Heal Estate Owners association , nun tried to mnKO arrangements to hrini ; n 811(0,000 ( glu cose factory hero nnd the answer wns , 'Thoro Is too much Irish capital in Omaha now.1 " Extract from Gannon's speech nt the theater ns reported by the World-Herald Friday morning. a I have HveO In the wild , woolly west over Hfty-Hvo years , but no man iu It , bo ho oftleo sceltor or otherwise , has over before dis played as much brazen nudacitv ns M. V. Gannon , democratic candidate tor district court cleric , did when ho made the auovo false assertion as stated by his organ. Tlio only reason why nn arrangement wns not made with Mr. W. S. Kmlih to bring a glucose factory to this city was tint local capitalists could not bo found who wore will ing to invest * ir > tOJO ) to his $100,000 , making a total of . ' 50,000 In this enterprise. . ST. A. D. BAI.COMIII : . Pdiiinllnnvlnns in Kni-ncst. A largely attended and enthusiastic Scan dinavian mass meeting wns hold in Wash ington hall yesterday afternoon. Frank E. Moorcs mudo the llrst address , speaking In English , and was followed by E. M. Stonborg , Theodore Olson and Henry Holln. The list of candidates was gene through with nnd a good word said for all. German nnd Swedish speakers followed , cov ing the snmo points as thu English speakers. The meeting adjourned with n grand hur rah for the whole republican tluliot. Doulinud lo Indiii'Hu. After careful consideration of the vacancy upon their ticket , the Independents have do- cidcd to go bcfoio the people without n candl date ' for the ofllcn of county commissioner , vido'this resolution , adopted Saturday : Uusolvcd , that the oxueutlvo committee of the peoples' Independent party , .iftor thor oughly eauvassliu tin ) matter of the with drawal of Danlul llurr ( turn the candidacy fur county cummlsilimor. do duom It Iniulvisible to till iho vauani-v , and du hnrohy rofnso to Indorse - dorse nlthor eundldato of the Uvo old parties .Ions JurtvuoT , Chairman. ANSON H. liiacuuw. -iotary. < . A I OITl'Otioil , A rumor has been Iu circulation nnd re cently fouud Us way Into the press to the effect that P. J. If ing of South Omaha , the democratic candidate tor Judgu of the county court , was not nit attorney and had never boon admitted to practice nt the bar. This statement has been dlsprovon by the orlginnl certificate ot admission to the bar of Iowa which Juduo King ha.s In his posses sion. The corttilent" Is signed by W. S. Wll- bon.clurk ul the court of the Thirteenth judi cial district , and dated Dumilsoii. Crawford county , In , , March ' . ' 7 , IbTT. Are you a cruel man , or only a chump- \ our horse has chafed his neck until It Is ub- solutoly cruel to make him work , or ho has cut himself on a wire or u nail. Now do vou know that 0110 bottle of Hallor's Uarb Wlro liniment will ataolutuly euro every cut. bruise or old sore I Justtrvit , IOWA WILL POLL A FULL VOTE Some of the final Features of tLo Prcsont Onmptlgn. BOTH PARTIES SURE OF VICTORY , At No Period of llio Hlnlc'H History HUN the Pollllunl Hltiintloii llccii Aloro Thoroughly UnsMoisus , In. , Nov. 1. ( Special to Tnr. Ilii : : . | Ono of tbo most exciting campaigns In Iowa In recent years draws to a eloso with tomorrow's ' meetings. The Interest mani fested by tlio people of all parties has not been exceeded miuiy times , oven In presi dential years , mill It Is expected the vote polled will exceed any former total. The Uattlo has boon almost entirely between the two olu parties and lias been raging ilorco and strong for more thuti two months. For the democrats , Governor Holes has been the chief spokesman and central Htfuro around whom all the lesser domocratlo Unfits re volved. Ho has made n romarkaolo cam- palfrn and might have worked In a bettor cause. Hut ho has been hampered by his nllcRcd slander of the stuto in his famous dew York speech , and also by his ntlltudo on the liuuor question. His entire argument has been In tavor of the repeal of the present prohibitory law. Tlio ropubllcaus have made n remarkable campaign , with sucli stalwart and experi enced orators as Senator Alllion , Colonel llondorson , Governor Gear , Colonel Hep burn , Congressman Burrows of Michigan , and many others. The prohibition question has boon treated from the Iowa republican standpoint , but national issues have formed a largo part of the arguments presented. The question of Michlganl/lng the state In respect to presidential electors by districts has also been a , promlnout feature and been held up as ono of the awful things the democrats might do it given control. So strongly has tnis matter been presented that Governor Boies ling been driven to denying that such a ihing would over boaccompllsho d wuilo do occupied the gubernatorial chair. Mr. VVheolcr , the republican candidate for governor , has made a peculiar campaign. Ho has not made n single speech indeed it is said ho could not If ho would but hns visited every portion of the state and held receptions and conducted a literary bureau from his Odcbolt home. Ho has been villiiled and abused by the democrats in every conceivable shape , but he has come through it all iu line form and made many friends. The republicans nro confident of success on Tuesday and claim the election of the entire - tire state ticket and a majority of the legisla ture by majorities ranging anywhere from 10,000 to 'JO.OOO. The democrats profess to bo equally hopeful , the State Central com mittee claiming their ticket will succeed bv at least 10,000 plurality. The people's party has llgured in the cam- paicn to some extent , but It is not thought their vote will exceed T..OOO or 15,000. The prohibition party has gene to pieces , and most of the members will vote with the republicans. k Its Kxot'llciit Qualities Commend to publio approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It Is pleasing to the o.vo and to the taste , and by gently acting on the kidneys , liver and bow els , It cleanses the system effectually , there by promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. iNotioc. A special communication of St. John's clL'oNo. IT , A. F. and A. M. , will beheld held on Wednesday morning , November 4 , at , 0:30 : o'cloulc for the purpose of nt tending the funeral of our Into brother , Cluu'lcs P. Noedhum. Members of No- bruslui , Giipitol und Covert lodges uro ordiully invited. F. K. SuonoitOUGii , Master. ALiLi SAINTS UA.V. Appropriate Observation of the Fes tival by tiie Cliurati. The services at All Saints Episcopa church yesterday wore of a very impress ! vo and appropriate character. It was All Saints day and the music had boon selected with a special view to its litncss for the occasion. It was the iifth annual parish festival. At the morning service Kay. T. J. Maclcny preacncd a very earn est and interesting sermon , taking for his text Ephcsians ill , IB : "Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. " The discourse represented the church of God as ono great family and the departed saints as the heroes of the cross in whoso lives the ontlrn church should rccogiuzo that which was worthy of sacred commemora tion. Just as American citizens on Decor ation or Memorial day commemor ated the noble dnods of those who died for their country's good , so did tUo church hold in sacred remembrance the lives of those who followed Christ through the days and years of persecution and martyrdom. Ono by ono the saints had boon recognized by thoao who followed after , and finally there caino to be a day sot asldo for the fes tival of All Saints. The discourse ) closed with an eloquent eulogy upon the lives of the saints of the early church and a congratula tion to nil Christians of the present day upon the fact that they enjoyed so rich a legacy of noble deeds In the history of the Christian religion , In the evening the choir pave a festival service of exceptional merit. The ( jonlns ami perseverance of the leader , Mr. T. , r. Ponnoll , in presenting church music of high grade were exemplified to the outiro satislaction of all who attended. If all the world were water , And all the water were Ink , What should wo do for bread nnd food. What should wo do do for drink ) If all the world were water we'd have wet feet and then colds , and wh.it would wo do without ilallcr's Hiiro Cure Cough Syrup ? The now Hotel Brunswick , 10th nnd .Tnckson. with all modern improvements. Now open for guests. Moderate prices. So Mil Tram * Pen u Omnlia Vostlbnled , electric lighted and steam heated , with the finest dining , sleeping and reclining olmli' caiservice in tlio world , via the "Chicago it Omiilia Short Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ralhyuy. Double dully train service , leaving Omaha at 12:15 : r. m. and 00 : | ) . m. , with no tmnsfor at Coun cil LHuffs us horotoforo. Anp'.y 1501 Farnam street foe UcUotsand further In formation or address F. A. NASH , J. E. PIIKSTO.V. Gon. Agt. City Pass. Agt No IJoJlK'ioii Higher Than Trntli. Mr.V. . Q. Judge , the noted thoosonhlst , of Now Yorit , will lecture nt Gnrmnnla Ilnll , . Thursday evening on Theosophy. Mr. Jddgoisono of the founders of the thcoi- ophlcal society nnd was the favorite pupil of tlio late Mino. tfluvatsky. _ Ho Is on his tvay from n locturlng tour across the con tinent , and consentrd to stop over in Omaha to address the adherents at theosouhy hero and all other * wlinunny bo liitnrnxted In the Mibjoct , An Infnrmiil'raccptloii will IKI ten dered Mr. .lutlgo Tutailny evening nt " : 'M at room l ) Prvnzer block. A cordial Invitation is extended to all ; The best nnd h ipr t Cnr-Startor Is sold by the nonloiKlc Hellcck Co. , Chicago , 11 With It ono man can move u loaded oir. KOON Dotootlvos Malio Short Work of n Hand of IltirclarloiiH GrndcrH. Trio dry poodsstore of Krnost ICaisor , 2lCi ( heaven worth street , was burglarized some tlmo Saturday night and about tM worth of underclothing , gloves , mittens , per fumery and notions taken. Hntrnnco wai effected by sawing the slats from the shut ters at the rear wlmdow und then prying the window up. Tlio store had boon thoroughly ransacked , poods were taken from the shelves and scat tered about the lloor. When the mat ter was reported at police head quarters , Detectives Haze and Viz ard started out on the case. Suspicion pointed to a gang of graders who hnvu n camp at the corner of Twonty-llfth nnd Mnrcy streets. The otlleor.s wont to the camp , and entering n tent found seven men Insliio. They wore ordeied to throw up their hands and wore marchrd outside whnro Vizard stood guard , while Hnzo wont Insldo to search the place , liolilnd n bunk a gunny sack was found , which contained nearly nil of the stolen plunder. This was evidence enough , and the .sovcii prisoners were marched n hnlf dozen blocks to llio nearest patrol box. The graders are employed by Contractor Donohuo , who was sent for and had a talk with the prisoners. Asarosultof the talk the olllcors learned that the three men who wore really Implicated in the robbery had got away. The detectives started on the trail and found the trio camped In the woods near Shceloy station , and placed them under ar rest. They gave their names as Peter Dcg- loy , Charles Wilson and William Sweeny. The chargoof burglary was placed against their names , ns it was also against the fol lowing who were found in the tent at the camp : Mlko Donahue , Jerry Doe , Frank Smith , Joh McDonald David Knight , Con liogan and John Thomp son. son.The The olllcors are congratulating themselves for their quick work In recovering the prop erty and they urn confident of making a case against the three arrested in the woods and possibly against some of the seven taken from the camp. Ono Minute. One mlnuto tlmo often makes a great dif ference n ono nnnuto remedy for bronchitis choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo course is a blessing. Cubeb Cough Cure Is such a remedy. For sale by all druggists. Cubeb Cough Cure Ono minute. FlUiU KIMHSItGAHTHN. Newly Organized Charity Kontly to He tn Its Work at Once. Next Thursday evening at 7:45 : there will bo n meeting of the Omaha Free Kinder garten association at the Young Men's Chris tian association hall. Kov. Dr. Duryea , Dean Gardner , Kev. Dr. W. J. Harsha , and others will deliver short addresses. The Omaha Free Kindergarten association is now ono of the organized charities of the city. It hns already a membership of over fifty and the numOor Is daily increasing. Arrangements have been practically com pleted for opening a free kindergarten in tbo city mission on Tenth street. The materials have been ordered and the teachers engaged. The school will begin Monday , November U. The city mission people have granted the as sociation the use of their rooms free of charge nnd the active ladies of the now organization have already secured nnaiiciai assistance cnougu 10 mnico ino en terprise n success. Mrs. Augustus Pratt , the president of the association , nnd Mrs. W. S. Gould , vice-president and teacher , nro de voting their time to the good work , and they have the cordial co-operation of a host of Omaha's host people. Everybody who Is Interested in kinder gartens , whether as a moans of furthering missionary endeavor or purely from an edu cational standpoint , is invited to attend the meeting nox t Thursday evening. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Spruo reduces inflammation wuilo children are teething. " 5 cents a bottlo. FIHK jti : . JiirK\ ' . He Was a Member of tlio Grand Army of tlio Kopulille. GiUND R.U'ins , Mich. , Nov. 1. Kov. G. P. Riley , who was refused fellowship in the Wcsloyan Methodist general conference be cause ho had Joined the Grand Army of the Republic , a secret sociot3' , stirred up n lively sceiio at tbo closing session of tlio confer ence. IIo petitioned for permission to make an explanatory statement and was sat down upon by President Wardnor , who ruled that Uiloy was not a member of the conference in good standing , and therefore did not enjoy oven the right of petition. Kiloy was present nnd took tlio floor with out permission nnd demanded a hearing. Some of the brethren wanted to hear what ho had to say , but the majority did not , and an uproar followed , with a doiou on the lloor at QUO time , all trying to talk. The president finally deputized a sergeant- at-arms to remove Brother Kiloy , forcibly if necessary , from the church. Kiloy then suc cumbed and the assembly united in singing the doxology. Kosoltitlons wore adopted before the Riley episode memorializing congress to close the World's fair on Sunday and also against the manufacture of liquors for any purpose. Small in size , great in results ; DoWttt'3 Ijittlo Early Kisori. Host pill for constipa tion , best for siok headache , hot for sour stomach. Charged with Bifjnmy. Lewis Carter , who lives at Nineteenth and Harnoy streets , was arrested by Ofllcor Koy.scr yesterday forenoon on a warrant charging him with bigamy , The crime is alleged to have boon committed last July. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when DoWltt's Little Early Klsors uro taken Small pill. Safe pill. Doit nilt. Luther R. Wright will ho immed upon tlio ticket as candidate for county judge at the election Tuesday. I'KltSUXAl. I'.l U.Kllt.tl'llS. D. Kemp of Norfolk , is at the Casey. John J. King , of West Point , Is at the Casoy. P. W. Grnnstend of Fremont , is nt the Millard. W. H. Hucholy of Norfolk , is nt the Pnxton. U C. Davenport of Nebraska City , Is at llio Pnxton. Ell Ensign nnd E. A. Paddock of Beatrice , nro at the Murray , tlio guests of Ira Hlgbco. Mr. W. H. Carson , who has been nroml- nontly identified with Darrow & Logan , loft for the east yesterday via the Chicago , Koelc Island t Pnelllo railway , as buyer for their successors , Messrs ; Gibson it Co. Mr. and Mrs. 1-1/W. / Arthur of DOS Molnoi. la. , have moved ! Into their residence , till South Thirty-third street. Mr. Arthur U ono ol the founders of thu Des Momni Koap works and their western manager. Ho suv.i his firm contemplates putting In a factory hero soon , Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard I The balance of the Fochhcimer , Gooclklncl & Co. stock , which our buyer recently purchased in Now York , has arrived , boon assorted , marked and placed on sale in our Men's Clothing Department , vhcro the whole immense stock is now ready for your inspection in fill i'.s en tirety. This is without doubt the finest assortment of Strictly Pine Suits every shown by any one firm in the west , comprising as it docs all the popular fabrics in almost every conceivable shade , color and pattern. Particular attention is directed to the cut , s t y Jjn . _ h up e a n d ( ' i t o f these garments , which no Tailor in the land can excel , and which gained for the manufacturers a reputation for making fine cloth inn which ex end ed from one endof the United States to the other. Wo have sel feted from this grand assortment an immense quantity of the very Finest Suits which we have assorted into two separate and distinct lots , which rep resent more style , tone , service and actual vilue than any clothing con cern in this country ever gave before. We give you your choice of sev "We give you your choiceof.se'oral eral hundred fine Suits in very hundred as finesuits as any Tailor both Sacks and Cutaways , in. all in thiscountry can make. The y'vo the popular fabrics , in all sorts of got the materials in them. Thny'ra shades and colors , in about thirty made right. They're correct in choice styles. These suits are style and coloring , and unlesa worth fully twenty dollars of any you're a "freak" no "suit toorler" man's money , and are sold for can be gotten up that will fit you that price all over the country any better. The "ready m icle" ( occasionally you'll see a $22 price is usually twenty eight 'JoU card on them ) . lars and the "custom" price iorty. In order that our Furnishing Goods men may not get "lost in the shuffle , " we will offer until they're gone 1OO dozen ELEGANT SILK SUSPENDERS'ac tual value $1.OO , at THE WINDOWS ON BOTH STREETS TELL INTERESTING STORIES. PHYSICIANS , SURGEONS and SPECIALISTS , : 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Olflco honrs from 0 n. m. to 8 p. m. .Sunday from 10n. m. to 1 p.m. Specialists m Chronic , Nervous , Skin nnd Blood Discuses. Ct7"Consnltallon nt office or by mnil froo. MedicinoH sent by innil or oxpivbs , pccnroly packed , fro from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , Bafely and permanently. The most widely and favorably known Bpccinl- Ista in the United Btntps. Tlioir IOIIR experience , remarkable nkill anil unlvorenl BUCCOHS in the trontimmt nnd euro o Norvotw , Chronic nnd Piir- Kical DippahOH , entitle tlieso c'lninont plijHicinns to tlio full confidence of the nlllictod ovorywhoio. They Ktinrnntco : A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE for tlio awfnl otluetH of early vice aad the uumorouu evils that follow in its train. PRIVATE , BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES Bpoodily , compiotoly and poriimncntly enroll. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS- OH1)EHS ) yield readily to tliolr ukillful troaU roont. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL V .CEHS Bnnrantci < d cured without paiu or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VAKICOCELE perma. nontly anil micceeufnlly cnrvd in ovury case. SYPHILIS , OONOUHIKKA , OMiHT , Bpormn. torrha'a , Hiiminal Weakness , Lost Manhood , Nl lit KmisHlonB , Dncayod Faculties , l < 'nninlo \\Vakncea and all dolicnto disorder ) peculiar lo cither POX potntivcly cured , ax well OH all func tional disorders Hint result from youthful folliua or the exceed of mature ycaru. Ctriof lll'O Guaranteed permanently cm d , Oil Ibllfl C removal complete , without cut- timr , caustic or dilatation. Cure olfected nt homo by patlont without n niumouU pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQllPO PlIPO Tl' ' ° awful effects of early Oil ! U l/Uri vice which lirlnim organic weakness , destroying both mind nnd body , } vith nil itu drondad ilfs , pcrnmuontly cured. Ill'C Rpftc Address thoco wlio hnvn Impar- LJI O. DC no „ , ( tliemBcilvt'H by improper in. diligence nnd f-olltary ImbltH. which ruin both mind and body , unfittinu thorn for bualnout ) , Btndyor mniriago. MAIUUEI ) J1RN , or thono cntorlnR on that happy Hfo , aware of physical debility , quickly aeulbted. GJyBend 0 cents postnso for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous nnd Pollcato Ilheai ) < i . ThouBnnda cured. t.tT'A friendly letter or call may nave yon future milTerim ; and nlmme , and add Rolilen years to life. Oy'No letter auuwerud unlem accompanied by 4 couta in fcUunpa , Address , cr cull on DRS. BETTS & BETTS , I4OO Douglas St. , i OMAHA , - NEBRASKA , | A UlC.N'inNH MuTlDIIIC KIU.KKH KIDII'4 IIKIIIl ' KllAIIICATOH Cures nil Uliunoi DIKMIIIO ll kllli t u < mkTiiijo or k'urin. I'm m > nut ) niiilluil In Si. II nnil I' Dlzoj , llio liittor { u , k'nlloiK. Hjut miirwliorj nr ' | in U on rovolpt uf prlvo or i' . O. ! > WoliiUDl uirirnntoii to euro. Tlio iiulilio Ir.ilu iin < l lob bur" Mli'iHe | < l | , y till Klnil.T UrilK Coillpnny Oiimlm ; t' . A Mod- ' itllutviinl M'ycn nn I V : 1 * ni , houtli Oiimlin , A. I ) . 1 utt.T. nnil .M. J 'uiinell Or , Bailey Tno Lifi'lh ' r DENTIST. Third I'loor Pnxluii Illnck. Tck > | iono 10S , ' ) . Kith nnil Fanciiu Sti. A full sotof tLM'tli. on niiilior , fur l'i I'rrfncit lit. Tui'th williuiit 111 nt us ur roiniVilli : ) tirliluu urlt , Juit tlio ililuj ; fur hlnici-ti unit jiulilio HiHMiki'r.s , nuvur drciji uuwu. Teeth Extractal Without Pain. All lliiliiKx at rousiiimlilo rules , nil work niirruntuit. I'ut III'N oui fur u uuluu hnOIITA fANIIAI.WOUI ) I'AI'Bt I.KA nra thu Illlllll I A bust uml onijr cupiulu * i.rencr bud \j \ uuuu I n ruKular pliyilclmii f'jr ' tlio > urv uf Oonorrlnua nnd ulncliurxix ( rum II'U unniirr oriiuui ion-rait cuioi dayt. il.Myur box. MOORE'S IT WOUKHDVONDHIW. . Tlio following is nn exit-net from : i loiter of Kov. J. W , Curler to Kov. .f. T. Mumford : "It hns bonofittail my wife so much I want her to continue the IIHO ot the medicine. Tuking into conskionitioii her n'o , (09 ( yours ) nnil tlio loiifrsttuidinj , ' of hoi- liver mill kidney troubles tlio Tree of Lifo has worked wonders iu her caso. " Jlooro'i Tree of Mf9. unpoiUIrn cars tor < CI1nif ndblrer I'oinplilnt nn t nil u oo I dlvuvi. . IMHII- i ) jto iirJor vrnan run c.in urj I ar uu.ii Slourj'i Tree of l.lfa. tUu JroU LlfJ UujinlfF SAYE MR EYESIGHT THE NEW HOUSE OF TUB ALOE & PENFOLD CO , Practical Opticians And brnm'ti of world rennvrnnd oiitlonl o'lnbllih * monlof A. . Aliio A ( "o. Ht 1.1111)9. ) Our molliud 1 } luiierlor to nil otliurei our | i n f nro miiicrlur , wl ! | not wi-nry nr Uro thu ejron. The traiuui proiisrlj ad- ( uatud to Hie fuco. Byes Tested Proo of Chnraro. Prices Low for First-class Goods. Till1' V/N < ! IJKNFOLI ) C'O JM S. J.p > tli St. , next tluoitol' . O Crui'lito ( Utnok. TI-I EX Is The Best Jn the vuitket. TRY IT AND J1E CON VJNCED. CURE P3LE8 " I hav long Known iti * alue in I ed * ing p < lei It it Iho prmse of ten * Ji i in all fnrmt of homoiihouf * , " l r , At M. COLLINS , Cameron , Mo. " Have tson a etnttant luffeit- for yean ( torn lovoro coltli In head ind tntoat. Tired mnit .voty . k i.wn mmucly. Cond'f [ Infract folirvu m woniltiffc.Hy , anil hat effuctod A nott a tail col cum" FRE.DERU E , FIIICK , N.w Yoik City. 0ORS EYES "It ncti li < o rnjclc In cphthalm i. | like it 10 much lor ser y i , " R v. M. JAMESON. LAMENESS " I ttrnngty recommend Pond'i ' El * fict for I arm n en andusnitcorutant . " MICHALL DONOVAN , H. Y. AI itia C ub. jUjLxi SO BE MESS " Had a lafgw eating torn on my i nV ' 4 , which had eaten to th bona. F * t runs montnt I doctored to no pun at * . Tried a bottle ot Poml't Eitrici ami was cured irnmodit * > ! y. " MNIE | ! VANAMA , Lock'OOia , fit , ERASES " Pond'i Citrct hai bo n UIPT vith marked bvnefit by ourinmatei tn rnny cases of brut so i , and hat always f < n d very bn ficial " LITTLE SIS tlhS OF THE POOR , New Yoik City GPRABWS "I hav been pretending Ponri' ' * Ex tract , anil find it a valuable remt Jy In itraini and affoctloni of like . .nir- cter-W. P. UURDICK , M.C "HiH my left hand lovtrely bi nad , and loit the uii ol it comp 'e'y. ' Secured relief by uie of Pond'i L "act IrtwoiKohfuri ' Mra A.SHER IAN , Hew York City. HE-lftiORRHAGES "Am troubled wiln hemorrhage lungi , and find Pond'a Eltract tl > 101 I/ remedy that will control Ins n ' GEOIiGEW V/ARMtR , Scianto r , , ( -a. "I have uird Pond'i Entract In t cilii of long itand < ng > ' ternal mflam ; i ' < n i. nd obtained ro letwith nafewd Jll. JAMES E READS. Phil.Jolp' t. and should bealwzyu kept on hand for em ergencies. 11 Long experience has taught m firti * lly to toward pnnd'i Extract ne of the abi > lutn neceiiitiei of haul Ittcp * Ing " ANDREW I ) WHITE , r'rtil. dent Corns I Un'vtrtity. ' BEWARE OF IMITATION , ) , See Landscape Trade-marl' on Buff Wrapper. MADE ONLY DY 'S EXTRACT Now York ami London , ' EXTRACT' ' Tl'y re-jinn luil'lo HI cclOo lli ill lljHill till' lllT'Otfl ! ! 11(1111 ( { 'lvi-u Itmipiviiio ciiiitrol over I'iltlS , llOWUMT r.oVi'J'O. Also for Jtnrntt , filili , Full Ithotii i riV. r 'iu ' nil f iwu Bold by nil jriif.'p' ' * > tM or Hcut h ' n-i"l MI ri'i-olptof jirict1'utup \ 01 'y ' MMD'fl ' ESTBACT CO , , 73 Cth Aye , , N ,