THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WflDNESDA.Y OCTOBER 28. 1801. I 8PEG1RL NOTICES. > VKrtTIRKMKf.T8 Mm THFHK COMIMN4 will ! > < taken until 12 0 p i" . . for ttio evening nd until b > up. m , tor Uio morning or SumlnrcOI- All ndi' < > rll > rment In Ihc'oeolninnuJconU sword fritlntprtli n nnrt 1H rrnl n word thereafter. or 13 if rHn * I'T month. No ndTrrtt rin < rnl taken for ( CM thnn2f > crnt fnr DIP flr t Innrrtlnn Ternn cn h In advance Initial * . figure * . fjmbol" , ( to. , each count a a word All adrortlnenientii mint run eon- fecutlvelr AdTertlfcrn.tijr requeuing n numbered clKck.rnn Imvn tliPlr nn ner nddriMtd to n ntitn- leredlitlrr In rnro of Inr Ilrr AIIKWPM BO ml- < lref ed will bo delivered on presentation of tha Check. IJIMM i Jlrulntntm will bo taken on tlin nbnvo rondlllunii rt llm following lm lnp s IIOIIM * who am oothor- Irprt to Inkp nrelal nntlccn at tlio damn ralei a1) can Lehnd Rt thp main ofllcn Bontli Omaha llrnrch Offlao No. K33 N "trect I.lrter lilnek John W Hell , pharmnclft llth nnrt MB mm ftreets H II rariKwiirtb , I'harmaelH. Sllf'f nmlng mrcot \V .1 Iliichp * I'harmnclBt U4 N irih rtroct r 1 : Bnttorlie'ld , I'Jinnunclnt , 1719 l-eavcnworth ttrei't Hughe * ' I'lmrmacr 2ltn and Farnam ' WANT-ISO. HITUA I'lOXH . rnr intm.itr , rrrtninf ml fomrnri ontMtjKiat \ -KXT-KiifffxrW"\v i NDMii i.r. AN iMFi j : /Vinont Bnlpxxnn clonlroi responslhln iMiinlor inent Ilex 1.V8 Lincoln , .Neb .MIUH.NZ7 * -WANFMI , POSITION HV COMI'F.Tl'NT KTi : nourHphpr 6 ycara experience1 ltefernne > pi Adilrex * K : IH-o JI2M 30 * ; IHM' : . / nr rater , rfr. ter to of tut n Itimn on tli1 paw . ) A TIIOItoI'iJH Itr.MAMI.13 AM ) BWA.STKI competent I ) I ! book keeix-r for wholesale 1ioiio Ono wlio hn hnd experlencn nnd cnn glvo Koud reference * Htnto solnry ox peeled Address j : 6' . . llu' . 414 M' WANI'IIII MAN OK OOOI ) CIIAHACI Kit innnl he nctlve IndnMrloin willing IHTIIIMIH nt nnd gocd niiy for imltnblo man WZ .MeCncne build ing .M41J2IJ' WAvfiin-AiiioitoeH.iiTv iTni IAIII.K eollcetor who In n hustler nnd tin * hnd ctpo- rlence In M-llllngnnd securing pnxt dtiu nntc * and ateounts , to trim I In Nebraska for u limited time hint" salary cxpicti'il. expcrle'iieo hnd nnil clvc rcfvren n Addn BS K 51 lite MII428 * 1 > AtJK.NTSVANni : ) Mill Ml K OP IIOV DninrliH ' ti wnrt I'nrncll ' A bonatirn foriiKonts rl o secure territory npply nt onro to II Slckcl \ ( o , room 141 llurr block , Lincoln , .Noli M4UU 2 * B-A(7i7vm ( js no TO no oo i'Kit DAY COI.I.KCT Ingsninll pleturi * for nn tn < opy nnd enlarge. , imtlsfiietlon gunrnntecd nnd a M 00 oiittlt frco A liunno Hi o , 't , Hciule. street .Vwork .M401 23 * 1 > MIIN WA.NTKI ) , HAI.Ain AM ) I'M'KNSKB I'l'erinnm t plnce Apply ut once llrown llros Co , Mirserjiiii'ii Chlcnt.0 SHU3 28 * l ) WAM'Ki ) , 2 MAT : AI-PKAUIMI JIIJN fie J'cnnvns * an nrtlele of nere'h'lly to the fnmlly triido of Oiniilm ( 'nil thH oviMiIng A I.cnln hn twinn T and So elock , Ste plicn > on ll i'r > ntnblo lUth nnd llnrne-y 3 < V n * TJ MOMIN : ion AHKA.SSAB. IINNI : > SII : : AND -DhmiMiinu &U railroad Inhiircrf for I nlun I'ncltlc Co lietntin I hcjcniin nnd I'ocnli'llO , . ' 00 for Mli- Konri I'aeltlt lo 1OJ for Clilcncii lloek Inland A. la cltlc I rei * fnrc Krnmcr A O llcarn I.ubor AB 'ney , DOTS llth st MJ Pa WAM'KI ) 2 1IHOOM'MAKl ItH MUST UK ftrnt elnnt It I ! CopDon , IStli nnd I'ncltlc atn J87 J * i > WAN'iKi ) , a wo HOVS srnAin woinc , J > alio onehnnd nulle-r Omnlm Ilex tnctory. I'nnt Oniithn * ! -WANTi : . MAN Oil HKCO.N'l ) HAND J UUM- I'tnrn More , ono nho enn rep ilr ntoie K. IU)5 ) lenvennortlintreiit J.2-2a 1 > HIIOI'MAIvKH ' 10 hTAltr SMALIi SHOP. J'Clienti rent , lots of work Address ( iuo i : ( Jill , UliIowa. . 3 728 WAM-nii ni-n MIN : AT Miscount VALley - ley , In blr nicks work $171 | cr day \\lll allow railroad fnro from Oiniili i 1 mitilro nt'Ire ninln house , Missouri Vnllo ) , la 11 0 ( Jrnvi s A. Bens MM4 WANTKI ) AOKNTS WHO WK KNOW CAN mnko more money every joar working for us than b > nnj other compnnyo will x osalnry or commission , nnd furnish outfit mid Hum free to every ncent Wo want j on now Addrest nt once Standard Silver Wnro Co , lloston , Mast M 110 it' AnuNrsTfio TO TO i'Kit DAv 'iiu : IUIN : nerve piiZ7li > Just patented. J nnythliiK ever on the market Ovi r 78 01)0 ) eohl by iiiiciilii the first week In 1 ondon People nro wild over It. Nothing of the kind ever seen bufore bamplo by mall Jiiuntirltoforpnrtlciilars Knrckn MfK Co , I.aCroiso , \ \ Is 2n5 T > -WAMKI ) 400 MKN I Oil M\V HAILIIOAD I Jwork In \ \ yonilnn and South Dnkota wages (1 75 nnd f2 00 ptr days steady work AlbrlKht Labor nKcncy. 1120 1 ariiaiu strOut. Ml&r > B-WANT13I ) , A SAH ? WllII lironf ehi'Bt nud tliuo kick. Adilre'ns K 111 , lluo olllro. with doxerlptlon nnd pilco 1,1127 $ B WAN'll.D.A GOOD 1'IANO I' AVHH AT 103 N 1'tli ' Bt IC'J WAMIII ) , CAN\AS8K11S 15lb UOURI.AS ST .MSMN15 -8AI.K-MKN WANTKll. SAM'SMKN'IO SKIJj goods tomerrlinnts by eampln , liltt pny for work er * , new KiiodH , perniiinent ultnntlon. clmneo to build n line trade Address Model Muunfnctnrlni ; Co , Bouth llcnil , lliil M5/J ( ! > ' & -WANTI'.I ) , f75AMO.NTH AMK.\ri'.NSiaiOH : nalpimen In o\ory county In the U H , miinples & outlltfrco , no experience neccnmry yearly con trncts nmilo llne'.it and eniilext nulling goodt man ufnrturid * ! ilil stamp * nnd for full purtlculais , K Coii\omu JJ IK'rulon \Vorce-nlcr , Muss 235 WAM'KI ) , SAM 8MANON hAI.AUV Oil COMmission - mission In huiidlo tliu now patent choinlcnl Ink triinliiR pmull , the gronte t ht'lllng novelty oveT produced , ITIIH-H Ink tlioroinihly In two reconds ; no abrailon of pnper ; 'MQ to 'Uti per cent prollt ; ono agi'iit' * inle * iiinot'iited to ftiM In fix di > s another l tntwo hours Wo wnnt ono ceueriil nKont In each ntnto nnd terrltor ) tor tnrmt mid full pnr- tlculnrs uddre > s thu .Monroo Krasur Mfe. Co. I .a Croosn. W l 21 'TVAMKI > , 20 SAM > MIN : TO OAHUY AS A J' ldn line our Onili on DclUrry' ilgnr lthtold filled wnteh , big pny C. O I ) Clgnr Lo. , Winston , NO 237 WANTI311 FKMAI IS linijP. 1 or rnlr . etr. , frc ( on of flint rnliiinii 011 tltli ) > aas -T\A Tl5 o7KTfrTm ilOtlh'K work Apply20J. Hurt street M410.SO * -WAN TKI ) . IAIY OH Oh.NTl.K.MAN TO MAN ngp brunch nge-ncy , tend f tamp for frco mini plo. K. 1. lluldHln. Detroit Mich .M4II . ' 8- -WAMI5I ) , I.AIIY CANVA SiilS : TO TAKII ordirxfor n beautiful work of art In the city nud nelghliorliiK towns Apply , uftur B , room 40. Douglas bloi k .M3.M . ' 8 * C-WANIKD , 1 11IHI'CIA S.II11I OHf.i.MitAI : : , hoiiwiwork , will pay f.O U ) a month , 3 In taiully Call 1 hursday ntternoon at 1021 Cast lit JJ7 2S -WAN'inii , ( iiiti , tou ( ; IMUAL : ; iiousi : work 415llarney _ , U1 sun nANTKD , I.AIIY 'HI TIIVVKI , SA1AIIY fiO V per month Cull 42S Haiiigo building 2f.'S' C - IIOUSI.OIIK. . A COMPimCNT ( illtlj WAN ted at 1210 South llth ( .ood nugis , I In family .107 1 > C -WANTKll , UltHTCI.AHA18T good wages to competent help Mmc Mnrtl , Darker block SCS-.J7 .A.1 IHbT CliASH KM'KIHICNCKi ) clonk sah lndy . None other need apply 'Iho lloston Store. loth and liouglai M851 1IKNT 110USKS. For niff.i , etc. , net.lop ufflrsl uililinil on IliU itagc , ' ' Mnc'r T ANU TioOM HO lid KH" Oil KA i' i O right parlle-s UI''S lltliat. .IVIJ7 * lA-.NKW 0 UOOM ( OTTAI1K3. MODKKN IM J 'proviniienti" , ' Stanford I'lrcle " Apply O. H Klgutlei otini I , N V l.lfo biilldlnir SOU -KOH U K NT , 7 HOOM. MOOhllX IMIMIUVKI ) Mat for tin.ft ) , corner ISJtli nud Ca > tvllnr , nnd tire four room eottnitcs Inquire J 1 * Malltuuler A Co 110 UOOM IIII1CIC 11UUSK AM > llltllTK bTA' J 'ble , IU1U IHiUKlm street , hnqulro at 1VI4 Doug las Hreet MISJ D-KOUIIK.ST. OUIt Uh-41lKNCK. ) 1 Ult.NlSltKD or uuilrnlilitd Apply C. S. ISInuttur , 4 M. V l.lfo building Sill n-8 UOOM 11OUSH , MODKUN , Uil ti. KIM ) * J WJNI&- , J 1'I.ACK. J. J UlllbON , IIOOM 3 , 'rrelghton bloek. KQ fl-HHl IlKNT , 8 IIOOM H AT. IIHICK , 2lii J'l.uko > t. wltli all modern convenle > uce > s II. R Cole * , Contlnuiital block , orhnunt bottllug works \ - IHOU ) WANT TO IlKNT A 11OUBK ! CAI.I , Ainlieo J I'nnl , IHW hnriinm itreeU MMJ M T\- toil SAI.K Oil IIK.NT , 10 UOOM COn'AOK ! l.'nuiBt complcto cottmio In Oumlm ; tutlunurr lil bdiinl , Iruehcst , wmu tnlia , In ( net ururjr run cnlwiuuunuuin with for , A | > ply luu ) linn ! tri-ut \\nliuit Hill run | mu tliuOoor .M3M , T IIOOMS , SI ) FUOll. ) ItVMIK AND all olheTeontonlenees , film. Call Ht itore.701 Uli § t. ( looruo Cloutur. 2bU T\-HiATOKOHOOM9 , B'IKAM HKAT , ItAMJK J'now impor. In good rvpalr , rent luoderate to Ioodtonint. III ! a I.JIU utroul. Union block. Job lamlln. 14) _ . , - IfOU WISH TO HKNT A IIOUSI ! OU tort ) , M.'U H. K. Cell , OontlnenUl block. D-HHl IWNTl 18 room liuuiai. HIM ) per niontb. 28-rooiii tiouiet , I ID-to per month. nT-tooui uoioui , llttuu | > or luontu. 46 room lieu r > , IT U ) pe r mouth t 4 room I uu o , n OQ pur month Or will Mil cltlit > r on mall inonthlr parnipnti. 1 he O. V. DOT | Compaur , MUd .Nil * D | - t > ll UKNT. TIIIIKKUOOU KI.All UATII , etc. ; , llolbrook , 4 Utiu bulltlluu ail D A NICK I KOOM 1IOIW ; GOOD lONIUTION' , III pur iiiontlt for tbo winter. Inquire Omaha urnltuiocumpaDj , inn ruatu > t 170 FOH HKNT 1IOURKS. Continue/ / , \ Mll ) 11KNT. CIIKAI' , 7-HOO.M 1IOUHB WITH 'or wlthont barn. 82S 8 TTth ftrect. M4WJ8- lA-COTTAt K OF 2 HOOllTljTuKAIl 1JH C1II- 1 - r KO iitreot , fi a 3U' KcJiTTlKNT 0)0t ) M.VK IIOOM IIOITSK l ) rcnwort near Twenty nccond IMW rent to Kood tenant Uiorxell lions' . 141M tnrnntniI183 iI183 IJ "l \ Hl ( ItKNT. ItK IDn.Vt'KS Al.ti PAHIH CITV JJcllobo I.oiin , V Truit Co , w. tor. lull and Dod o n-Klll III'.NI1 2 MOIIKtlN 10 IIOOM HOIW.S. 3 J -Milork from court houir , on S l"th at , Kniulro of John II. K U'hmnmi , CJI 8 17th st M _ D10 IIOOM IIIIICK IIWKI.UNO ALL fNVHN ( ) | pnrp convenient to city , tMUO. .Notlicrton llnll , Koom.KOlit Nnt. bnnk Vo3 D-Klt IIK.NT. llTTuSK 10 ItOOMS AM. MMDKII.V lniprovompnt , fWUUpcr month , 3.M and tnrnam , Dealer liThomna 24J -H IIOOM DKTACHKII IIOL'SK WITH AI.t.MOl ) crn convpnlnncps bnrn for 4 horn , yard , etc , In n line ncliihliorhood H block from miitur , ncnr Crilfhldll colU'KO , price tMOl Apply t I IS N \ l.lfiM < \tt \ 170 27' _ -I Oil IIK.ST , H ItN'ISIIKU rori'AdK 7 roomn , ponTinlcnt locntlon moderntc tent Inqiilro Nuthcrton Hall MJS ) 15th _ M2I6 atl _ uNisiiici ) IN A mw JIAISTKN Tintin : nnd four room lint" , Mourn nnd nil modern con- vvnlinrcH lleferentu ru'iulrcd T. 1. . von Horn , room 0 , 813 S 22d iitrect. M _ -rOH Itn.VT CIIKAP , TOMI'I.KTK HA1" , AI.I , convenlinrn a w cor 10th and Uodito nH dlobe Loan nnd Trust lo Sli _ " ANII6 IIOOM IIOUBKB flOOO TO HI 00 , but rpMdonco lints In city ilcad Inr t Co 41 } IIio bnllilliiK 23J KOIl Kiv"l : rUICMSIIKI ) UOOMS. K , ftt. , ret tna n' r i ro/umii / nil Win : i uooVrijrvoni.its lioVsVC'At.i , cosvi- : I 'lenu H unod locnllnii , -InKluKantltinnn only Addri'in H6I lice olllcc M4U'i . uxO IIOOMS I OH L1O111 I1OISK I Jkieplni ? UPSU-nrnnm M4U1 J * I.M'.I.ANT HJUMSIIKII IIOOMS I-imodirn honxi ulth or without board , prl\nto family , ' . "JNortl M MW 0' _ 1-H UM'-HKII Hld.ST HOOMS I OH I1OISK l > keipliiK , (3UO nnd fbUO per month 410 H I'lth ntrtiit .M4Uii 2S * 1,1-4 OK \I'NO ) ( JK.NTLl.'MK.N CAN HKVP AN I Jelecnntly fiirnlithod 8 room modern brick renl dinee with n of plnno nt JiO month for t , iiiontlm , 10 minute n rld on motor from puBtolllru Address box67'i.lty Uufeionct9clvi.nandreciilred | M Kf T -HtO.NT IIOOM SUITAHI.K JOH ONK ( lit J two tfintluiuon All conveniences , 624 South ZUli nvintic .MJID JP T. Tlllltll HlOllY IIIONT HOOM 'IOIKMI < 1 ! Jjniiui modern conveniences , U)7 N 20th t 223 2 "nTToU HUNT , rUHSlslIKI ) UOOM K07 1 JUotidiis tt 1)7 T.i-roii iFsr. NICKI.V IUKM IIKI cooT IJroonin nt northenst corner Idth and Howard , Innn uround bulldlnu , from 17 to $20 month T ? I III * ST CIiAlll IH'ltOI'KAN IIOTHU COIt. iJllth nnd Dodk'O , will make low ratut for rooms by thonnk oriucntli , nlth or without bonrd 214 > isni"i ) uooais AND no A lit ) . tin ififcx. etc , tee til n nt column on tlutpiuc. i TTrsTuAiii.Tr MmM nvfiT ltooNis AMI 1 bonrd nt "lliu 1 icniur , lib North rl ent ) llfth ntrt-tl At .180 V _ \ -lll'SIUKALi : HOOM t IMtMSHHIIOIl 1 Nl'lIU 1 nli > iil with board 2o70 llnrnoy street , JUH1 3P TT lOlt IlKST IK.-IUAIIK ! UOOM ANIIHOAItl ) L In prlvntc fnmllj 703 N ll'tli ' ulrcetM32. . ' 31- Tr-1 t HMSllr.U UOOMS irll llOAltl ) , bTH.VM L' hent , 17J1 Davenport SKI iO * HIIA'JISO UOOMS AMI HOAUIllbll DOUOI.d J7 871 Nli' _ IJ-liLI ( lAMIjY rUUMSHKD UOOMa WITH -L tlrat-ilnsn bonrd 313 South "oih struct. bit AMI IIAV 1IOAUD , I81U ClIICACO JI700NIO' -UOOMS , DAV 1IOAUU 1712CAP11OL AVK. i 1 6M.SG * FOll ItlJNT UOUAIS U.NFUllMSIUil ) tnrrcitti , etc . itelnp of nst cnliim i on (7ij ( ( p iga o u vlnlnxlo or oniultc , with or without bonrd , I-'IH b 28th Hi 3'JI . ' _ -sum : or i > ouiruM-iritMsiini > itoovb ton housikieplni ; , to tmall fnully. 1701 Webster st MM1 _ I'Oll KI.Nl bTOUt-S AM > OKK1GI3S. i in iittm , ele . rer tnit n' n' column on till * TnAi-oK ilth strict In linM-'inent of Klrst Nntlonnl bnnk. Adapted for lonn , brokcraKO coal or any general olllec Stenm beat , telephone and wall' Korvh-o fno. ImiiilroNUhertou llnll , 303 South Uth street M.'ll 10 1 1011 ni.NT , UNK l.iniiT COUNKH 1IAS- ] J luent nt 7U1 bouth loth struct CuorKU Ulousur _ _ _ I I OK UKNT , TUB 4 S1OUV IllllCIv IIUII.DINO , J lth or without power , fomerljr ocouploil by 'Ihe lieu PubllKlilitit Co , 11 Hi I'lirimm strict 'lliu building him n fireproof tomcnt basement , complete Mttniii hentlni ; HxtureH nter on all the lloora , Kns , etc. Appl ) ut thu olllco of 'Iho lieu. .MS KOIl HUNT / or mtf , itc.rre In > < > nl roliiinn on tlila > uvSio UKNT. 8 IIA NIC 114 S. loth street Mj 3 29 AVl'M ) TO For rat' * , rtc. ecs ti > i > o i it cailum i on this Kjfif % "If-WANT 131) ) A " 4IOIKitN"nOUhlT oll's IVrooms , notbiisoini nt.good locnllty , rent or pnr chute with pnrtleiiltira nddress KM , Die .M1U7 1 -MCKIiY I Ult.MhlllSI ) H.AT OK l > UOOMS wunted b ) responsible purtlouceillrnlly hicnted Address K S. , lieu SIR , . ' 8' t'nrt tr ttr , , teclii \ nf nrn nidim'i untha j > aue f -Vr * S"COU' ! , Uli.NTAI , AUKN CY CON I IM5N -utal block . ' (7 / HI iii/c / , etc , tec to ' nt rxt cnlnnin on thin ngt. u i .1 iii i " i r "ci tViA"pTs"i : ; ' A ND 1 1 1 w r si o u A < i i j IHJU.I U In city Wllllums i. Cross , 1211 llnrney \\AMI.D-TO ItUV. rot rates , etc , KC ( up < if ist column on thli i atif \T-\VASTl.Vl toil CASH , A HAIK.AIN I.V -l > Oinnhn outh Oinnha or Council Illntls itnl iMhte Insltlu of Uty llmlu Adilnsa i : 4b , me.M3S.1 .M3S.1 ATAOUNC. MAN WITH CAPITA ! . WAN'IS i. > to buy whole or Iinlf Intirest liiBiutii' f iirnlshlnu orhntttr Addn s 1. U , Hcc IIj AT-i-iuNni'iiK ; miut.iir. - t'Svlls , 1111 I amain btrtut I' OK hAljl--KUl Xtl'UUH. JMirnit .ftfM fotiiin/ffr | t column nn this j na LiMrimnoF SKVKN UOOMS ii\ cheap 40h N loth street M uj jb I'Oll hAIii : HOUSES , \ VAGONtIHO 2 or ( o m , f If , nt ( op o/ tint taluiiin on tnuvgt \ i5 uv er or cnrrlaiio tenma Lnn furnish an > kind of hori > u dualrcd Call ut C. D Woodvtorth A Co , or aildre T J , HeinliiK , Calhoun , Neb 'tM l-Ullt BAI.i : AT A 1I.MU.A1N , NKW IIOCIv- 1 away , brouiihaiu , ncond hnnd Inndauii and phaetons. A J. blmpion , I1W Dodgu 2i-.N2J "IUUGUV ANII OAUT"I&CT N. ivrn aritKifr l 7."J M3 KOU hAlji-AllSUKljI ANI'.OUs. I vrnita. etc. , nee ( o > oi r t column on t/tb ( i PIANO" , noTcAbT" Q QQ Q -KOH SALK , 20 HKAII rltKsll COWS nt Jester'bjrard.iMh and Hurt st. 3W.M- Q-ALL I-UHNISIIINCS AND WOOD \NO11K IN .our onic Also MO feet of steam radiators with connections , llluke , Urueu A Co , UI J Leaven worth street Q -MA MUCKNT UPHHU1T PIANO IN ( JOOH condition , for sale > ery cheap at Meliiberg s , 100 N Uth st. 211 . 'J _ Q CIIKAP , WAHIUIOHi : , JKWKL HAMIK. feather bed and pillows Call from 1 to 3. room 6 , 1IJN ISth.l , jui SPLKNIIll ) UPllllJlll' PIANO , AS (10011 AS Wnew , for sale ut a sncrlilco , as owner Is about to eave thu city. Address K 84 , lice , ; 'io i"J -SMALL SAKE C11KAI' . HOOM S3 , 1HU(5LAS block. na 27 11-HALllNKSS I-OSITIVhlA CUlthll , NO Mia -lltake about It ; send for dcsirlptlvo circular Ad dross "Anll-Hald , " box KU. Darm [ > ort , la. Ti-llOHSKS WINTKHK11 AT JXJWKST HATKS JVm llvllavuu stock farm ; box stalls If desired. Clarke , 19 Hoard of trade building or llclloruo. MS13 _ -1IOKSKS ANII COLTS ! Kl ) ANI ) CAHKII KOH JXdurliut tbo wluter ) stock called for and del Ivervd , fed bay , corn. oat * , straw , tut feed i also ; iM acres of corn stalk * to fiwd lu during lue day tluiot ploutrof baru uid sbod rooni J ullos south of bouth Omaha , reasouable charges. liiwrg * U Qaus. Uouili Omaha , Ta ) OJl * CriAIUVOYANTS. For ral rt. t tc. , Kttnn o' nt rolnmn on thtt ' -ARHvArrix revelations thallengeii the world Mrs llr M. l.cgrnve , dead trnnco rlalrvoynnt , Kitrologlst , palmist and Ufa renders tells your life from the cradle to grave , unites the separated , causes mar- rlngc with tha ono yon love ; tells whcro you will succeed nnd In what business best ndnptod fort has the celebrated Kgyptlnn brcnstplato far luck nnd to destroy bail Inttupnces , cures fits , Intcmpernnco and nil private complaints with massogo baths neil alcohol treatment Hond ti , lock of hnlr. name nnil dnto of birth nnd receive nccurntu life chart ! 3 "cuts In stamps forolreulnrl glvo Initials of ono vou will marry , nlso photos of same Ofllca 1007 Honth llth street , llrst Hoer ! hours , Hn m to 0 n in , Come ono , coino all , nnd bo convinced of this wondp-fnl oracle. MT. NI * S-111K I1K. T SATIHKAfTIO.V WITII UKfJAUIl to business and love ntlnlri Is guaranteed Mrs Stevcr over WIN loth street STOj M' C AUIIIVPI ) I'HOK .MOM KKIOItH , TIIK CKI.K- k brnted clairvoyant and trnnco medium , 411) North Uth street. Ladles SO cents , gents II 00 10 W C-MIIS FOHT , PAUMISTANIIOIPSY FOHTUNi : > trller Tells pnst A f uluro from lines of the hand Lndlcsonly W2N.2ltht hall door on Indiana nvc Mlts NA.VN1K , V WAHHKN CLAIIIVOVANT S reliable business medium , tlflh ycar.nt HO N. HlASSA.n. HATHS , KTC. -MAIIAMK SMITH. 1314 CAl'TToL AVKNUK. -Lldlloor Alcohol , sulphuric and son bathsM33I M33I 31 M -MASSAOK THKATMKNT. KLr.CTItOTHKIt- Xmal ttnths , scalp nnd hnlr treatment , mnnlcuro nud chiropodist Mrs Post , J1U54S I ithltbnoll blk Tor ratet , tie , , ftc tou nf lr t column on t/iti / rngt ' ' Un mony ; Particulars ( scnled ) lOc Hex niA , Omaha 31TOI N 10' MUSIC , AIM' AND I\NGUA i : . 1 11 ro'M. rtt . rrt bin nf f.rfl column m thu 111 HXAMINK Tin now scnlo Klmball piano A Hospo.ISU Done ! it 25J OKM.KMIKriC , HANJO teacher , with Hospoor 10IU ChlcnKO atroct 912 HIOMJV jo I.O\N m\ij j > Foraattt , < tc. , tretui' of irrt column iin this tna aKO on choice brlik resldenco property worth rented for tM month Address box 571 city \\r-LOANS IMI'IIOVIII ) AND UNIMl'ltOVKI ) * ' city property ft uuo nnd upwards , 0 to S per cent Nodolnys W 1-iirniun Binlui A. Co , N W corner 15th nnd Hartley sts 31l > 2t : > D " \V AVIltOM I.OAVAVDTKUSPCO 313 N V. > ' Life Icn 1 nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or lowu farms , or Oniiihn city pioperty. Vff MO.ViON" : HAND TO LOAN ON HIIST < * mortgnge on Omnlm city property Chns W. Ilnlnoy , jr > Omnlm Nat I bnnk building 2a3 \\r-JI ijODIO I OAN AT 8 I'llll ClINTON OOOI ) ' renl estnto peicurlty N'o comnilsslon or extra charges Hooui JU I Irat National bunk InilUlliiKJ7J J7J \\T .MOItTOAGU LOANS , J U 7.VI 1'LK 203 llnmeo 257 \ \r-CIINTHAI , LOAN AND'lltU&l' CO HHtt lll.I ) 253 AY ' I.OANri W M IlAUIUb.H VO.MtUN/nitllLK. 25J \\r--0 I'KH MUST MUlt'lCAIlE LOANS Illchard C Patterson , 1111 farnum bt 2U ) \\r-HL 1L1)IN ( ! LOANS U 'JO 7 1'ITIl CKNT. NO < * additional chtirgcs for commission or attor ney'sfeus. W -Mulkle , First National bunkbldg \Y ' -11 U HlUViASllltN.MONKY1. : 0 < iN V.I.IKE BIONKV TO IjOAN Oil \TmijS. Foi rate * , etc. , sec ti > ) t of int roiuntn nnthh age , " " " jVlioiiKehold goods , pianos , organs horses , mules , warchousQ receipts , etc , nt thu lonest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property llmo arrnngcd to suit borrower My loins are -o nrrnngud that you can mnko n payment at any time nnd reduce both tbo yrlnelpal and Interest. You will tlnd It to your ndvantngo to sco mo If you want a loan , or It raoro convenient call up tele phone 1021 , nnd > our business can bo arranged nt homo Money always on hnnd ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rntes II K. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell block , 15th nnd Humor streets 2(3 ( X LOANS , IC3 N. Y. LITE. U A. MOHltlS 2US N. MONEY TO LOAN. M , CO ANII ! H U'S. O\ furniture , etc DnlTUreon , 1120 , Contluentiil blk. Formtff , ftc , ( ft ( / > of trsL column on t/itv / t KKD blOltt * . i.o A.viii.ioiir.iJ i jr. . ito Inqulro 1510 N. . ' 4th. ZZi "J- \rJOUSALK OK TUADK , AN K-TAI1LISIIEI ) i business , n\crnclnR for four years fj 000 per jinrprollti nil o\eullent chnneo for a man with fumll ) , reasonelcknoss In family. Acklresa E20lleo 171 Ar l-Oll SALK , SMALT. STOCK OK HAIUWAIIK JLnnd tlnshop , doing n good bnelneiJ nnd low rent Address , Lock box HO. . Lincoln , NebM12H M12H N2 V $7,000 broCK OF ( IKN'nitAl , 'MKIICIIANDISI ! foroxchnngo for KOUC ! Improved farm In south eastern Nebraska nnd balnneo lu cish or good notes , fnrm must bo clear of Incumbrnnco Ad dress T II Clnwson , York. Neb. 223 OH -tOll SALK , A COMl'LKrK LIVKUV SFOC1C nnd feud barn , doing n tlrst clnss bnstuusH In thu thriving city of ( lothonburg , Nob. , a splendid chnnce for ngooil livery man , terms reasonable Address 11 I. Hooker t.otbcnhiirg Neb 520 N5 FOIl KX. C11 ANtild For I ntci. etr , recton "ilinlumn enid ptgt /Juttil good clear Innd S.1) ) Pnxton block .MV.iiV y vou r.\ciiANdi : , KAHM AMI CASH ton A/KOOd residences , ( ilvo price und location Ad dress K M Hec. M407 1 _ Tion 111AI1H , A NO 1 STOOIC OK 11UY ( JOODS. / clothing , boots und shoes ami notions , will In volco about I'lOOO , llrst class chance lorn man to continue In business , good trnde , line location , n rare chnuco for n good man ; will trade for Omaha property at IsTcnl value , Kir further Information call on or address , K. Sonnomscheln Point Neb .183 ' - ' _ /-5 bllAHKS OK flUO UACIl IN 'I IIU IlKST /-'canning ' factory In the state to trndo.for tlrst or second mortgnRo paper nt par \aluo Address Ilex 5V.i city _ jot 2a y-i HAVI : HYI : jwo SIIAHI : ' ? , w PKRCLNF /Jpnldnp In ono of Omaha'M bout lunnufaetorlt'a' will trade for good tlrst or second mortgage pupur Aildrt ss box 67'J. elt ) . ! ' , ! .V V1OII TIIAHU IOH WKS1KH.V LVMllAMI AJcash , a stock of general merchandise consisting of clothing , shoes dry goods ami gents' furnishing goods Address U W Wutklns A Co , tranklnrt , Ind . > > 5 * V-l Oil i\CHANOE : , fl..OoCLKAIl HKSlDK.Vu : ' Ifor good char Io a or eastern Nebraska farm Also severul good clenr vucniit lots xtltbln I hi inlli s of P o for good fnrms W It llomnn , lloom 10 ] n-ciuer block 274 M _ y WAM'KI ) hTOCKS OK IIHY GOODS , AND /Bother merchnndlso lor clear lands , city property nnd cash W H llomnn , Hooin 10 tremor block. 274 JO _ FOU sAiiiiHuntvti ISTATI : tor nilf * . tic , , tf liia o ttl coii'innon ' t/id / aye , T AHOKST SNAP IN CI'I Y NV cb'll 1m IPAN ti J Spauldlng , 45x122 for 11'Oau ) cash 'Ihlnkof It' Hht money In It forsomuonu. K K Darling , Marker block Itl It HAI.K , NO ' 1HAIIK , 3W ACHKS CHOICK -I land \\uldcounty , Colorado fuo an aero casher or w 111 tuku iood mortgage paper Address box .W , city d.4 "a * _ ' 15 HEAlUltUL ACHKS JOIN IN O IIUNDKK J Plato , where lots nro selling nt (1,000 onch , nt f"M perncre , can clear fl UOO nnucro on this with prleu of lotsutonl ) MM each ; no trade Address cash box SiU , city .Kit JS' _ rin\OiiHMAN80ANHUY ( : Ti rT (3 HOUND AND -L two small houses on loth street , two blocks S Mnton , f 1X00 00 , sberins'a sale , worth t..bOO W. L. Svlby , JJI Hoard ' 1 radu. ; y 30 SIIK1UH--H bALK. LOT IP , HLK12. HKIIrOKl ) Place. MI7 60. Who wnnts It ? Heed A bolby. Ut Hoard 'Irutlo jy-.JJ 1100 ACIli : HANCII. 27 MILVS KHOM OMAHA , Iwi'll watered , good buildings , 'M acres under plow , on 2 railroads ; easy terms 6"J Pnxlon block , MIOO 2S' _ iilH8ALK A HAHUAIN , NO riUIIKii oTTT -1- acres In Hamilton county ndlolnlnic tha Plntta Has JOO ncrcs pnsturu well fenced 10U ucroi In cultl ration , small lion so und bnrn Cnn give luuuudtato possession ! 2 miles north Mirquottu Prlco flloo per aero or M.mWNO. Terms half cash , balance on tlment T pur eeut. Am now llvluv In Heaver and bavono u o for this farm , hence offer It very lutr , K K. Atkins , uwnur , lilt Larlmur st , Dourer , 4U ) iOH HAI.KNKIIItASKA KAHM LANDS U."a Wallace , JU Drown block , luh und Douglas 2tm _ 1OU SALK. ON KAbY TKHMS. t STON'h HliSI -L doncus , all modern liuprovumvnts ; will take good city or farm property lu part payment. Clark . U Hoard of Trade. l0ll SALK , I10J1KH. ANY PIUOK , I7M. ll.ja ) UP L easy terms , take clear property as tlrst payment U U Wallace , Hrowu block , lotli and Douglas KM \VK IIAVK 100 KKKT OK KIH3T CLASS ' ' crtyoa Won Karnam street , Iho cbuai > esl on tbo market. Call od sea us. O U. K. A T. Co . It I , ItKATi KSTATIX 0irrao EciriH INCIJ LVK i ( I0cashfl0pernionthit6d tipcr cent Interest , Morton T. Culver , I WO Karjikm sU. room n " MW NM _ _ T70H BALH. AT A IIAnlJAIN , WT IS , HUCK 4 i-1 W ! < . Colby's first n,1dltlon to South Omaha Bmnll payment down , bnlanca monthly If desired Inquire U It T chnck. tlolslm Hed MIS3 LKMAN WHO CHANOKII overcoat * nt the Mdreliants hotel barbershop kindly return , nnd greiUlr ubllao Adam Morrcll , M4I3 Fornten , tit , tcetnp of Aft' mtitmnnn ' irA JCI ] S""U P , A N EV 1 6L N lili A N iV UOO , 1 52d S 1 88th st. SSV 27 * /'or rain. ' 'tc. , t too n' r t cnlunm on tlttt Jrlcsl wigs and brnrds n specialty , Wigs , bangs , switches , hair chains , etc. . . In stock nnd to order. Mall orders solicited Davles , 111 S. IMh sU , Omnlm till _ HALOING. - t or rattfete , , tte ta nf rut cnlnnin on 1/1(4 ( jxi0 . OHANIIS SCHOOfi AltMOIlV , CAPITOL AVK Children , Tuesday Sntunlar Adults , luesdny ldny Advance cln s nnd nsxemblle" Thursday Prlvnto lessons dally Phone , till Circulars mulled 8.HJ.M4 OUTI'i GUIMMXO. For nitcn , etc , , i e ( op afflml column n thlt wae , SKN"ii"Totm Tcr8smSrTrA7oits""KTcTToJ"ni8 ground to Undcrland A Co , lei , S 14th st SJI 7 oritito , etc. . tfc In of rr < t commit on tna j age " " " " i ? ii : > u"ij""LOA wntehes , jewelry , etc. TillH tnrnnui st t'rj A N u ii\\cTUuT.\G CASH 1'AIt ) KOH OLD GOLD CA11SON llnnks Itoom JO , Ilnrkcr block Omnlm. K nATHUIl : JtnXOVA'lOK. KD3TICKSAMlPII.IO\\S\\ASHiD : I HATH ers bought Mntl orders promptly tilledVork called for AdclUered I rank Alison , 31stUraiiklIn b04 _ I'A'IKNT SOLiIOlTOHS. PATENT LAWYIUIS AND SOLICIIOHS o w -LSuc iVCo Hcu building , Omaha Neb Hranch oHIcoat Washington , II. U. Cousultntlon fruo imnss EMIAOHMKNTSIO DO DllUSSMAKIM } 1NTAM I lies solicited Miss bturdy , 320 ii 20th st fflPKOVEJlBSr ! 01 Ihe ICE FOR 13 YEARS All users of TYI'EWIIWCKS have felt the noc-esslty of their bojng Improved. You will Una Iii the rr Tliu Intost nnd liest.Vo claim ; anil tlon .uicl trlnl Drove It. "Tlio Most Dtirnhlo In Alignment , lousiest HunnJiis , and Most bllont. All typo eloiinod | n ten seconds vlthout soiling the h.imls. Soufl for cutaloRiio. The Smith l'rcnilor.Tio\VritoreJo. | H II , MAVHEW , Maimtjilr. tUOOvJ Kurnain'itroot.Om ihnNob RllLWflY TIME GflRD "EenTO ICHICAOO , HUHMNGTON A O. I ArrlvoT Onialin. I llepotlOth and Mnson bts I Omaha. Lonvei illUULiNe , 1O.V A MO 1UVUU , Arrival Omaha. I Depot Hlth nnd Mavin Sit Oinnhn { J n ml . Knnias City Day Kxprois , i 55 p m 34i p mK | C.t I Ik-lit Exp via U. P 'Irani.I fi 4o n m 1 envoi I UNION PAC1MO. I Arrive Omaha. I Union Depot.10th nnd Mnrcy Sts I Omaha 1HTO I OMAHA A SI1. 1.0UH I Arrl iT Tranifai | Union l ) ot. founUl Illnlfi _ [ jrnnsfer 4 0 p ml .St UiuT * ' anon Hull . | T7T5 | i m I ArlT Tranifurl Union l ) < pot. ( oune-lt lllilfTl | Trnn _ utO n m Chicago I U'JO pro JO 00 p in .Chicago K < pro 4U am TU > p m . . .Crolon lx > ai | i 15 urn A/i Jt .f K u'c'l ' " Kit-Will U Klll ) H OBHM KltAI ! CA'lOU-Curo all ilUaaiut t > ecau It kllli thu mlcroba or Burtn. I'm up RnH rutalloa In Ii $ | anil 15 .lies , ttieUttorlW Kallonv Bout nnrwhorj | > re-pild on reetilpl of price or C , o. I ) Wuliiua t liunrantuu to cure 'Iho oubllo trait i nnl lob _ I > l o' Hcmedr for Catarrh l the Done , Kuluit to UM , and Choapot. "CATARRH Bold br drnsil U or ftont br m II , 60c. K.'r BEAUTYOI-POLISH ? , SAVING LABORCLEANLINESS : , . DUHABUJTY&CHEAPNESS.UNEQtlAU a ! _ MOODOHWHEHHEATEtt PATENTS formm vnocnur.D HY run Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Hqunl with the Interest of ttunn having claim ) against thoKOvernment I * thnt of INVKV TOIIM , who often losu the buncllt of valuable Inventions hvcanso of the Incotnpotency or Inattention of the attorney employed to obtain their patents Too much care cannot bo exercised In employing competent nnd rollublo solicitors to procure patents , for the value of n patent depends greatly. If not entirely , upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting Inventors from worth less or careless nttorneys , nnd of sowing that Inven tions are well protected by valid patent * . Tilt ; 11 hK 1HJHKAL * ha * retained counsel expert la patent praetlco , and nro therefore prcpirud to < illtllll > IKltflltM , Conduct Into .lllll.C HIH'Cltll ' tniilt' imu7. unit ci > i > nrltilitn , Jlt'inli'f i > ) > lnli > iiH tin t < > Hiii > c < intl inllit- ItU ofjHltdltH , .I'j'oMcriifA fiiirf ilefrtnl hift'lnu einrit HIlltH , t'tlt'tl' , If yon have nn Invention on hand send T1IIC HKI3 III ItKAU n sketch or photograph thereof , together with a brief description of the Important feature * , and you will bo once ndv Ned A * to the bet i OIIMO to pursno Models are not iiotossnry unle * * thu liiven- tlon Is of u complicated natnro If others nro In fringing on your right * , or If you nru charged with Infringement b ) other * , submit the mailer to THU UlltrAI for n rulliblu OPINION before acting on the matter THE BEE BUREAU OP CLAIMS , 220 Hoc Hiillillnu' , Onmlia , Noli. Pensions procured for soldiers of the Kobellion who borvcd 00 ilavs rind are now disabled from AXV cause. The pen sion is p lyablo whether the disability was inclined before , during or since service. Pensions for w ides and child ren \\ithoul regard to cauboofboldior's , death. Pensions for mothnrs and fathers who are xow dependent , whether they \\otc dopunclotit on soldier when ho died or not. Widows , child ren and parnnts are regarded as ' 'do- pendent" in all cases wliore they have notsufllcicnt property for their support. Soldiers pensioned at less than twelve $12.00) ) dollars per month and buffering from disability in addition to that named in their pension certificate , may obtain increase under the now law. Information and advice given with out charge. Best facilities uvcr offered to claimants to have their claims pro perly and diligently prosecuted. No charges unless successful. Write for information to BUreaU of Claims. OMAHA , NEB. C37 Tlils IJureuu Is cuaranteon ny the Oinuli.i lloo , the Pioneer 1'ioss und the Sun 1'rnnfscco INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS I'cisons wlio liavo lost jirojiorty from Indian r.nds should file their claims under the Indian Depredation Act of March ! ) , 1S01. The time la limited , and the claims are taken up by the court m the order In which the are received. Take Notice that all contracts entered into with attorneys prior to the Act are made null and void. Information il\cn and all claims promptly attended to by the Blili BUREAU OF CLAIMS. tlSO Ilfr llnllillnii. OMA1-IA , DR IIuuimtEYH'brEciFicrinroficlontlilcallyniul carefully prepared prescriptions t ubed for ninny years In private practice with smccfis.andf or oor thirty yearn used by the people , hvcry Hln clllo Is n special euro for tlie ( ILsenfo immcd. These Spcclllca euro without clrupKlnc , purg ing or reducing the BjBtcin , mill are lu fncl'micl eleed tliOHQVUielgu Ti'inm' I I-H ultlioAVurlil. USTOFI mxciiAr. so3. cuitiu" . rnicrs. 1 Kevoi H , C'oiiKt tlon , InllamniatlontH U \VorniN , Wnrml-evir , Worm Colic , 'is ; j rrylnir Colle.orTeethlnsof Infanta , ' 23 4 DIurrTivn , of Children or Adults . . .VC5 A Kynrntury , Orlplng , lllllousColic J5 it Uholora ninrlitiH , Vomiting U3 7 ( loimliH , Cold , llronchltlfi U5 H Neuruljln , Tootlmcliuiaceacho . 2."I { ) ilvnilnclii'H , blcklleadacbo.ertlgo . 'J.j 1W fl > Hp pnln. nillnus htomacli. . . . M ( Milt Uhi-iini , Erju.pelaiFrill IllieumntlHm , llluunmtlo 1'al . l.H ( ) i "itr > auti JJIMIII u y SO tlrinnry WcnknviH. WettliwDcil. . { SO 3J IH cut > emif Hiulluiirl.l'olplUitlonl.Up Hold by Prugghts , or wnt pout paid on ncclpt of price. Du IlimillllFVs' } Ui > iuU (141 ( pagen ) richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed frco. HUMPHREYS' MEDIOINB CO , Cor. William and John Streets , NewYort. S"P ECB FIGS. , fllt-t't titiil I ettcorrht-ott , cnn d In 2 dnvs by the Troiicd Homcdy ontlt- Itd the KINU Udls-iolvns iiKulnst and Is nil- surlicd Into the Inllitmcd parts Will refund money K It does not cnri ) , or caiiM's stricture , OuiiUoiiicMi , huro Is u rnllnblo urttclo ia \ puokimo , or : ; forr > | iur mall propald MtUor- mlck & Lund , Omulm , Oiii.ilia Ilittton TlioOmuUa liutton Munufactuilng com * pnny fllcel Its aitlclos of Incorporation la tbo onico of tbo county clcrU yostonlay. Tbo oojoot of the company U to manufao- tuiu pearl and other Itluds of buttons , The capital stock U ftO.OOO and Ibe Incorporator - porator nro John Prlcbyl , Joseph Hica and John Uabnal. _ A handsome cotnploxlou is ono of the great est charms a woman can possess , i'ozzoul'i Comploxlou Powder glvci it. What is lacking is truth and confidence. If there were absolute truth on the one hand and absolute confidence on the other , it wouldn't ' be necessary for the makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement of fact by a $500 guarantee. They say "If we can't ' cure you ( make it personal , please , ) of catarrh in the head , in any form or stage , we'll pay you $500 for your trouble in making the trial. " "An advertising fake , " you say. say.Funny isn't it how Funny , , some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men don't put money. back of " fakes. " And " faking " doesn't pay. Magical little granules those tiny , sugar-coated Pel lets of Dr. Pierce scarcely larger than mustard seeds , yet powerful to cure active yet mild in operation. The best Liver Pill ever invented. Cure sick headache , dizziness , constipation. One a dose. AWrlllcn Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or . . . „ . . , , MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent nnd not a imtchlng up. Cases treated five years BRO hare ncvtr scon n symptom since. Hy describing cane fully wo can treat > ou by mall , nnd wo Klvo the sumo strontr ru rantco to euro or refund nil money , Thoio who prefer to co-no hero for treatment cnn do so nnd wo will pay railroad faro both ways nnd hotel bills wlillo hero If o foil to cure , Wo chnllonpo the worl t for a cato that our MARIO m MFDY will not euro. V rlto for full particulars nnd trot the ovldinco. Via know thnt you nro skeptical , Jmtly so , too , n the most eminent j hytlclans hnvo never been able to glvo moro than temporary nllef. In our five } cars' practice wltn the JIA01O W MF11Y It Ins been moit dlKlcult to ovcrcomo tbo prejudices nif lnstalUocnlUdspiilflcs Hut ua ler our stroiis puarnnteu you f liould not hesltato to try this remedy. , You tnko no clmnio of losluff jour money. o filar nnteo to cut o or it fund o > rry dollnr , nnd ns wo bavo n reputation to protect , nlso financial backlnijof UOO , . 000 , It Is perfectly safe to nil who -will try tbo treat ment. Hurctoforoyoii have been puttlnpup and paylns out yojr money fol dltTcrcnttroallncntunnd nHhouch youaronot jctcurednoono boa pall bickjour mon cy. Donotwastonnyiiioromoneyuntll jou try us. Old chronic , deep nested cases cured In 35 to SO diyn. In- Teillgatoour financial etnndlnir , our reputation * lU lnoi. men. Wrllo us for name * nnd address , a of thcso wo hive cure < l who bn > o Riven permli lon to ro- fortothcm. It costs jou only posing to dothliilt will fi > o you n world of surTerlnit from meutnl strain , nnd If you nro married what may your off prln sun\r through your own nogllaenco. If } our nymptomi nro sere throat , mucous i > i.clips In mouth , rhcuinntlgm. In honss nmljolntu , hair falling out , eruptions on any artofthobodyficllnicof Kcnoril dtpresuloa , pains i head or bones , you have no tiino to waste * Tboxo who are constantly taking mercury nn I potash should discontinue. ! ! , ConsUntuso cf tluio clruKa vlllpurolr brine sores nnd oatlnK ulecnln tbo end. Iion'tfnll to writ * ] . All correspondence ptntttalcdln ) ilalncnvil- opcs.VolnvlUithomoitrlKld Invtitlgitlou and will do nil In. our poucr to nil you In iU Ad Ireps , COOK JiKMEDY CO , , Omaha , fi'tbranka , OOlco I3th nnd Fartinm. second floor , untranco 13thEi. Fol MEN ONLY' fin a oiisn of l/osi or r.illltu : M inhood. ( iorornl or Noi\ons Dolilllty. wcnUncss of body cr muul , the efToot of onoriof UXCUSSPS In old or yiitniK thnt wo cannot cure1.o Kiinr.intoo o\ory c.iso or lufnnd uvciy doll ir. l'I\o dn\ trlnl tro-itinont II. full cour o * 5 Procoiitlblo lionollts roiIUod In tliroo days Hv mall , spi'nrely pacUod from olisurvntlon Olllio open until o in. come KIMI : : Y ro. OMAHA. xiii : LADIES ONLY MA RIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Sifennd IIIHUIU Certain to a dty or mcmoy refunded Pries by mail 43. Sealed from obsorvatlon. COOK REMEDY CO , Omaha , No b. Sol Smith ISiihhdl : iiul Ilia Conipiiny lasn Jlirinmli Uinaha. Mr. Sol Smith Uussoll , tlio well known actor , and His company of players stopped for luncheon at the Millurd hotel yesterday , on route ftom Lincoln to Sioux City , whore thov appeared lust evening in ICidtlct's new piny , "Peaceful Valloy. " After flnisliiug his meal Mr , Kussell was soon for a few mluutcs in the parlots o ( ttio hotel. Mr. Russell oft the stage might easily bo mistaken for u clorgyinun , hut never for on actor. Flora his qtilot nnd losorvod do- monnor in ptlvato , his funny and witty sayIngs - Ings on the stngo , make a person wonder if ho lias not forgotten himself. Ho has been noting lor U\onty-oigntCtus , and \ot bo is only -12. Ho was n dtutnmor hey in ' .uir times , and found himself lu Cairo , 111. , where ho joined the stock company of the Dollanco theater In IbOU. Ho plnvcd" utility parts , sanu Bongs botuecu acts nnd plaje'd the anaio diuin in the orchestra all for $ < ! a week. Then Hus- sell \\ont to Dolltu's tlicator in bt. Louis , and to Nushvillo and to other stock com panies. A few years later ho Joined tlio Merger family. A good many people think Bol Smith Kusboll was developed fiom lliu raw material hy this organization. Ho wasn't. Ho was nn tictorof experience , but of pronounced youthfulness - fulness before that. Then lie went to the Chestnut Sttoet ttioator , Philadelphia , to Daly's , Now York , anu to the Dostrm mu seum , whoto ho played William Waiion's paits. Ho \\ontstnriingin IbSO under the management of Mr. F. A. Horgor , nnil hU Hist play was ' Hdcowood Folks " Then hoiiDpouted in "Pa , " then in "Felix Mi- ; Cusiek , " next in "nowitchod , " tlion "A Poor Kolation. " Ilia last piny before "Ponco/ul A'ulloy" us "Tho Tnlo of a Coat , " wtitton for Mr. Uusscll by lioiicicnult. Now ho comes in the buctoss of ills lifetime , writ ten by Kidder , entitled "Peaceful Valley. " Mr. Ucriror , malinger for Mr. Hussell , said that ho ( Mr. lUissell ) was LOinpollod to road n Rtcat many pln a before ho could got ono to suit him. The actor is a llrm believer in easy natural maUiocU nnd ho always presents clean plays , and his comedy is of the kind that may hava hero and theia n tear In it. Htlll Itussoll Is not sutlstlod with hit pioiont Huccess. Ho has in his mind the ideal nf n certain great chat actor , which ho hopes tenet net some day , but dates not apoaic of jot. The oppressed subjects of Huropoaii gov ernments turn to this country for f re.o homes , free laws nnd for the ftcii use of Salvation Oil for their pains. It is n slight cold frequently contracted that finally undermines thosystciin Use Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup in the beginning stages and bo cured. The now Hotel lirunawiok , lOtli nnd Jackson , with all modern uniirovomonts Now open for guests. Moduntto prlcos. Permits. The following permit were issunj hy the suporliitcndoiit of buildings yoitorday : W O. Taylor , two-story fniiiiu ( Ivrolllnir , Thlrty-sovonth and l.eavonworth Hi reel a . . . . . $ ' . ' .000 Two minor permits . , . . .Tl Total . I S.2T5 If all tbo world wore water , And all the water vvoro Ink , What should wo do for broad and food , What should wo do do for drink I If till the world were waUir wa'd have wet feet and then colds , and what would wo do wltbout Buro Cure Cough Syrupl Grand lliilly. There will bo a grand republican rally of Iho Uth wnrd Thursdny , October II ) , nt 40th and H.imlltou Btroots. Good music und upcukora. TltK TKttnOltlHTH OF HVSSI.t. Kottnnn , tlio Slltorlnn Trnrolor , Tcltfl lld\v Tliolr Orunnlr.ntloiin Oroxr. Cmcino , III. , OcU -Special [ to Tun Dts ] The revolutionary societies or Hussln are not recruited by miy form of prosol ) ting , according to ( .Irorgo Kcnnan , the well known traveler. furnished with recruits by the czar himself. "Tho moderate II bornU , " " 1 MrKoutinn , "form the primary school from which Is do- volopcn the revolutionists , the terrorists nuil the vai Ions other sociotloa In Kussln which have fur tlioir object tuu moilillcatlon or thu comnloto ovoithtow of the autocracy. It U n mtJtiiKO to suppose thnt n movement uhleh includes almost tlio extremes of Ktuslan so- elotv originates in nny way from the olTorta of agitators. The government develops Us own terrorists. So determined is the war In op | > o.sltien to nil fotms of liberal thought und political lunnvnllun that ho maintains an oliibor.aosj.itom of espionage which onlots not only into every man's public nets nud ut terances but looks after the minutest details of his pilvnto life. "Suppose , for instance , rt lot of youiift fol- lous at one of the universities , \\ith the iden of broadening their views on thu subject of political economy , meet together to toad and discuss the wet ks of Herbert Spencer und > lohn Stunt t Mill. The fact Is duly recorded by the police1 , nud uvery uttoranto in thesu discussions which Is not rigidly consotvntivu in Its tone is noted down , together with the name of the olleudcr , Over this list of names is placed \\oidwhich may best bo trans lated ' . ' Then 'unworthy. suppose somojodiig man , a llttlu moro audacious than his com- pailions , says somulhlng a Illtlo too llbi'tnl. It Is duly carried to the tin thoitt 11-3 by spies , and ho Jlnds lilmsolf under attest charge'd , ) > eihapslth plotting against the go\ein- mptit. IJut the matter doesn't stop hoio. Probably every nnn who comes unt.ur Iho designation of 'iniworthj' will nlso bo thrown into inison. These latter may not bn sus pected of lomplicit ) , In the supposed plot , but the Russian method in such cases Is to selzo every ono who muj by any posslbllit > know something about thu treasonable design They mi ) taken out of ptison from day to day , subjected to scniching cross-examina tions and icturncd When this has gotio ou lor some time , nnil those students who nra not charged with ci line of MUJ suit luivu lain in veimln Infected pilsons formally months , they naturally become tmblttoicd and llielr political opinions , winch were nt llrst quite mild nnd purely theoretical , bo- LOIUO pi-onouncud nud assume the concrete. louii of opposition to u political system of uhoso workings the ) have had u piactical domoiistintiou. They may bce'omo libciuls , men who still favor u letilrnli/cil govoinmcnt with modor- ute cliaugevi Tliay i uy Join those \ \ ho want the autocracy aoollshed by peaceful methods or they may outer tlio ranks of the toirotista wlioso of tefoim were lllus- tinted in the nssiissiuntion of the picseut czar's prodeceshots. "Hut take another case. A pnvalo citizen \\hoissuspcrtcdofhaving It lends who nru engaged In some ie\ululionnry moment is taken in bund by Iho nutliot lilts and o\am luod. Because ho doesn't wisli to botra > hi Ii lends orery often bccauso ho Idiovss nothing to teh , ho is lotutned to prison from day to day until thu nuthorities despair of getting anything out of him. Tnon , w ithout any form of ti ill. on the eider of the govern or , who is vittnull } ghcntho authority of dictator in ptovlncus supposed to contain lovolutionist-s , ho is bent for a term of years to some pilson in Sihetiu This is done pattl.ns a punishment for his tofusul to ilis- close the iulotination lie Is suspected of pos sessing and p u tly with the idea that if his mind eoutiiiiis any rovolutionaiy geims they may die for want of thu nouiisiimeut they would rccelvo in tlio infoctud ptovincc. "Pcihnps ho lias u wife anil child who nro entirely dependent upon him for suppott. Ho is left the bitter alternative of leaving them to slat vu or of tiking thorn into oxllo with him , for this , tlio dlctutoi , with ctuel ineivv , poimits. Natutnllthu wife piofors to shuto her husuand's exile , i'lion the thtco , father , mother nnd child , me put into thn lint cat avail on its way to Siberia among ciiminals of Iho woist class , tlio scum of the gtcat cities oC Russia and tbo march begins. As tno criminals maich witli manacles clio eiiia\uii makes only about eighty miles per week. At the stopping places along the route there is absolutely us privacv nnd his wife is compelled to nnso twontj-four hours of every day It. uuspualc- nblo snrioundiugs. At Iho end of thicoypitrs' exile wife aud child have succumbed to the ravages of typhoid fever coi.tractod in damp , lllthy ptisous. Then ho is liberated and 10- tutns to find Ills homo destroyed und business ruined and in his heart is the InoiTacuablo menioiy of the sufferings of thowlfouud child whoso gttuu ho loft in bleak Siberia. Add to nil this the fact that ho feels Himself always under the eyes of hitcd spies , for the covcrnment. uuvei lelnxcs survellliiiico of such a man. Ho is rondy to rusott tonny method ol wnrfiuo against a system undof which ho lias sufteiod and lost all llmtjnatlu life wet th living. Ho llmls other men who liao suffered as bo has nud they meat cacti other neces-sarllv in secret. "Hy this ptocois torrotist societies nta fotincd. They piocced upon the theory that the goveimnent is to bo f lightened into 10- form bv tin cats nnd assassinations. "It is not , however , hy omissuuos of thoio societies that all violent assaults upon tliu government and its ropioscntativos nro miitle. "Just boloio still ting on n second visit to Slbetlii , " said -Mr. Kcnnan , "I saw In thu Now York Herald n dispatch from St. I'otcrsnuig stutliiLr that a young gill of Odessa had asked for an audience with Col onel Kulunski , IhoLhiof of gonelurmcs in thnt city , aim had attempted to kill him but was disarmed and placed under at rest. It was stated that this Colonel ICulunski had talcen a very aulvo part In the effort of tlio govern ment to stamp out the lovolutionlsts in Odessa and the InfoioiiLO was made that the gitl had been appointed by them to assassin ate him. "Whilo I was in one of the stopping places for pilsoneis on the frontier of eastern Kus- fda , the gill pisscn thiough with n numhorof political ptisoiicrs on her way to the Siberian mines. Then for tliu Ihst time 1 learned the mill ) about her. Her name was Mune ICut- u/lumyn und In a wholesale ni rest of pooplu in Odessa shu was hcia by the uuthotitlcs as a witness Day after day they attempted to learn what shu Know about plots , by threats , Inlbesnml vailous piomisus , but she told thorn nothing. Finally I olonol Kntanski , \\hoisa very slaovvd officer , succeeded , by menus of sciapsnf evidence obtained hero nnd then * , by opening letters and various other methods practiced by tha Russian HO- crot Horvlt e , In piecing together u story. It was not accutato mil in many lospoct.s it cumti near the trutn. This ho had hud com mitted to writing nnd forged to it the iiuinn of tlio accused. Ho called again upon the glil und showed it to her. Said Iiu : "Your fi lends , seoluu' the futility of longer denying their guilt , hnvo confessed till and thrown themselves on the mercy of trn cvur. We have no clinrgn against you and If you toll us what j ou Know you will bo released ; otherwise it will uo necessary to remand you to prison. " The gill , deceived by the spcciousncsH of the whole n ( Til I r , took a night to think it over and in the morning made u full slatemoni which was tukon down und signed by bur. Then she was sot fruo. At the trial her testimony was the only evidence used against her friends and they were ronvlctod Uuthor tluiu rest under the imputation of such perfidy aim detui mined to commit n ciime \\ouldiiocossituto her being sent along with them , and lit tbo same tlmo re- vcngo herself upon Colonnl Katanskl. She occottilnglv culled upon him with n pistol concealed in hur handkerchief nnd attempted to shoot him but tha bullet only gnueil ono car und she was disarmed , At the time I nuw her she was ou her way to Siberia under a tvvouty veais' sontenio. "U is of such material , " added Mr. Ifon- nan , "that the Russians are made , l to * member upon ono occasion rofairlng to an ncquulntanta of mine us u friend The Russian tr > whom 1 was talking Maid , 'wlmt , do you mean by u friend ) When I call a man my Irloud I mean that I would dlu for him If nocoinary. ' " A project too fur prolonged dofouta itsownonds. Do not dolny to buy a bottle of Curls- bud .Sprndul Salt. It IH Niituro'rt own remedy for all dlsoasoa of the utoinaoh , Uvor and Iddnoyn , forcoiiHtlpiUloii.out ( and rhuumittiani , Ho Hura lo obtain Iho geiiuino iirtiulo. which iiuiHt liuvo tlio alKiiaturii of "Klsnor A MondoUon Co. , Solo Afonta , Now York , " ou every oot- tlo.