Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat TraJo Stront ; Earlf but Olosad Muoli
Ucjiorts That Itinsla XVns OfTorlnjr
Grain Krccly U'nro nti Unplcna-
nnt I'cat urn to tlio
Titti AIIO , III. , Oct. 27. Tlio * lie t murUot
w.t < ratliur ntronxer early but the eloso wai
ti'no ' nml mneli weaker. The nowa was nitnlii
bc.irMh and tlio fcullir ' In tlie wheat crowd
was coiHi'fiucntly not at all buoyant , early
trailing thH innrnln ? boln ; mostly eonllnnd to
local scalpers , To boKln with , cables reporteit
mi Increase of wheat ami Hour ; on nronit pas-
Raxoilnrlm ; thu last week equal to'- , 1-0.KM bu.
of wheat anil ( lilt went far to oonllrm the re-
liorted.export of 'bit. of wheat from
nil countries lo Kuropu last week. Then tliuro
won ) hit wluitit receipts once more at leailliu
lioliiti , Chicago Kettliu ? H curs. Dnlntli 00) )
cars , anil MlnnunpolH f > ) l ears. Liverpool
cable ? reporteil a Btoaily nnr'iot for spot
wheat , but futures tor r'd Amerlcnn
vi'ro " > 1 loHor. Dernmber wboat Hold durliiK
the llrst hour from UIV down to Ul' ' c. Later
It rose totll'i.
Itullable Hiullsli cable dlsD-itches broiuht
tlio Intelligence that Unssla olferliiR
wheat fruoly , and the bis Inero.iso on oi-ean
IIIIHSIIKU would Imllo.ito tills. Ne s of this
kind was unpleasant to tlio crowd , who ap
peared to bo Ions of wheat , but some strength
followed tlie announcement that a car o of
No 2sprln ? whi'it h id been worked here for
export. In order to 1111 ear.'o a buyer en >
teicd the wheat pit , where ho had to pay l u-
cemher prices. This mul renewed talk of dry
wealhiT In the wlntor wheat st ites helped to
lint Di'remher wheat up to iti' ' „ ( . ' . 'I heopenur.
vwtt about the HHIIIU us the eloslns tluuies of
yesierday , anil thu market O'iseil oil fiom 'm ' >
tn'iC , then became strnn.'er and prices were
ndviinced about 1C. nilui eas er. prices
decllnlMK from l'iO ' to I3e , closing 'ie
lower than yesterday. Local lecelpts were
728 cars , uf winch 221 ears were of contract
grailu Withdrawal from siore , .sl.7-8 hu lo-
celptsat all points lUKi'UK iteil l.8' > lsr > bu ,
and shiiiiicnls | from R'imo were sil.MO bu. The
export e.i'ar.inces from four poitswuro lO.Ilii )
bills of Hour and liOS.-.lll bn of wheat.
ijnn was HI 10114 and higher. I be shorts for
thu mnv crop fntnrch arn manifesting a Rood
deal of uneasiness , which has been Increased
by llio fact that there seems to bo a corner In
( Vfoixir corn In No v VorU , which has ad
vanced there from M'io ' last nlsht to Tlio this
mornlnc. Diiilin : the last hour October eorn
told to Me , ami lit 1 o'clojk was fi7iC. Corn
touched fiUii' . and at 1 o'c'.ot-U was , " > . " , u. May
sol I to iio : sparliiRly , but eased oil to 42'4C ,
wlille year toiU'bud 4GiC ! , but weakened to
4.)1 o
Oats were quiet and steady , notwithstand
ing the mlvance In corn and wheat. This bU
rocolptH-ii 2 carH-and the fallliiK oil' of the
oxpott demand , were weakening featuics.
November has sold at from " ' .Via to 2i'ac ! and
Muy at from DISC tolll'/ie. The mirket con
tinued iinletdnrlni ; the last hour though No-
venihor touched Wc , May ruled unchanged.
IloK liiodncts were lower , owing ; to blis re
ceipts of live IIOBS 3f > , lUO head and the de
cline of from Ic to Ko In prices. January
pork so d from ill.I"/ to $ ll.0.'i and baelc to
III. 12" . January laid sold from SJIIO to 'tU.22'i
and rlhs from J.YHi to t-VTS. I'oi It reacted some
later on thu strength In corn and wheat and
Kood bnyliiKby Lo an and llaldwln and I'ar-
num , .laiinary sold from Jlt.uT'J to til. 15 and
at 1 o'clock was til.10 b'.il. January laid sold
Iwk to tH.2.1 ; .laniiarv libs to J" > .77i. !
The leadln ) ; futures ranueil as follows :
AK1H-I.LM mini. low. CLOSE.
October BS ) (
December . . HI
Miiy 1 UO'S
COIIN No 2. .
October. . . . M
November. .
OAT.S-NO. 2. .
November. . KM Z ! > Vi
December . . 21)1,1 )
May 3I } 3I > 1
December. . . B m 8 U5 8 M'j
Jniiunry. . . . n 20 II 20 11 UJ 11 07-n !
November. C 15 ( i 1.1 0 07 ! fi 07
Deeember. . C 17M Ci 12 Mi ( i I''M
Jnnuury . . . uuo U SO U 2U U22H
October AGO 5 M r > ' .10
November. . 6 ! l.t 6 tlA & ' .
Jnnnury ft HJ 72(4 ( fi 75
Cash quotation1 ! were as follows :
Ki.ouii-rnuliniiKi.Ml : wlntor patents , Jl.SOii
4.70 ) : Hprlnp liatcnts , fl.70l.M. !
WIIKAT No. a .print .vhout , 0234'0 ! No. II
iprhiK wheat. 8s ( ! ) c : No. 2 red , Kiye.
COHN No. 2 , , ri7Jj'c.
OATH No. 2. aj'je ' ; No. 2 white , 30re ;
No. 3 while , 2-.HMOC.
ItVK No. 2 , uu'ic.
IlAlti.KY No. 2 , ( ! 0o ; No. 3 , 403So ; No. J ,
B7 < ? i.1fic.
I''I.A.XSKKI > No. I , O3'ic.
TIMOTHYSEKII Prime , 81.18.
I'OIIK Mess pork , per bb' ' , ? 3.G2JJ ; lard ,
per owt , J0.10 : short ribs sides ( loose ) .
fa3'i < i G..ri ( ) ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J.1.M
(3.1 ( iH ) ; short clour sides ( boxed ) , J.S.V3i.KJ. ( ! ( !
WIHSKKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal ,
SUOAIIS Cut loaf , unchanged. 533i'o ; gran
ulated. 4 Standard "A " '
5c ; , 4)'so. )
Kocolpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the Piodnco exchange today , tl-o butter
inarkot was unchanged : oroumery , 27 < ii3Hiu :
dulry , 2H 27c. Kggs , SCSMtc.
New Yorlc Alarkotn.
Niw YOIIK. Oot. 27.-ri.OUll-Heeolpls , 44.113
packages ; exports , T.tiiJ bbls ; 12,5.17 sacks ,
larkut heavy , moderately aetlvo , frou sell
ers ; bisles. 27.UOO bbls.
. . ' ' "i ? MKA'-Strong , ; Bellow western , W.2J ®
! llrnndywlno.J3.Mi.
WliKAT-liecolpts , E27.550 bu ; exports. 170.-
4iG bu ; hiilos. 4..1I2.0JO bn of futures ; IS'J.OUO '
bii. o ( spot. Spot market unsettled. Io or.
moderately active , e.xports and milling No 2
ri'il.I.t Utol.l 'ilii ' store and elevator ; * :
raLUISnlloiit ; * ! OKiWI.OI ! . f.o. I ) . ; No..lied.HUU
' .KHio ; ungraded red. U3c(6il.l < ii { ; No. Inoith-
orn , * l.u4' ' > i : No. 1 hunl.fiuoTi. ; Options opened
unchanged to „ " upon fair buying orders
trmn abroad with steadier cables , declined "
V ? . " " , r'i1111" ! } ii'lviincoil UJJlo with coin ,
declined ® lo on easier cables Increasing the
the amount on passage and i-ontlnued largo
receipts at the west , closed ' $ fo ; o under last
light and weak. No. 2 red. Oclohor , * I.02va
1.0.IS. S. , closing T . . J1.02' , ; November , Rut' . , clos-
'in1'0I'uoember. . ' ! . tl.UI l-H ) tl.,51.lil ( , closing
It 04' . ; January , JI.Oil Ol.O.r-eloMng tl.w"ii
I'Obruary. closing Ji.Os ; Mar > i. ll.itl'.ffll.lui !
rtljl l lli AIIUll . * . . _ ! ! l mi - - . . . . . % .V I" tf |
. . . .
* V i > 111 vj > t lilliuij. 1WUU
Options on near deliveries advanced
on nctlvo covering by Blunts mil
light supplies : October ndvnnced To
NoveinLor , 2 , d , closing easy over
IlAV ( Jillut , stonily.
lloi-H Uiilut , llrm.
April , IIO.SVaiO.UO ; May. IIO.Kmo.IO'sp , ! < ) t Itlo
llrnior. ( | Ulut ! No. 7. * ll.7.Vull.b7. |
BUOV llrjiiur ; fair roHnlng.3o ; centrlfii-
Kals.UO test , 311-3201 Hales , uw tons of Kngllsh
iHlmiil Muscovado and 7.0JO bags of Porn.ini-
cubes , 4Hc ,
Moiu SK8 Now Orleans , ttoady and nulct.
KlCH-QuIul and firm.
Ph.Tiioiiujj-t-tcady : ; tinltod closed at 60'io
for November.
OOTTO.N > KtiiOn : < anil dull ; crude , Wo.
TALI.OW Weak and quiet : city ( K'.oo for
linekngus ) . Jl.O.M ,
ItosiN-Dull und steady.
TuiU'KNTl.M ! Qnlut mid stoaitv ; 3Gii17c. !
K os I'alrdemiinil. llrm ; western , yZKQSiei
rccolptH , 7.2TJ pavkugvs.
Hints steudy.
\\ootr-Qulul and steady ; domrstto fleece ,
K4i.itot pulled , 2iiWJo ; Texas , IGnS.'Ic.
I'OIIK ( julot , utiiyt old mess. 110.00) ) now
Itobs , tll.oo : extra prime. (10.00U.U ) .
OUT McATd ( julot ) btcady ; ylculod bellies ,
fVet pickled shoulders , 8'l ' < M pl"lctoil hnms
104Mlo ( ; middles , weak , dulli short
November , $ i U > .
LAIIK Loner , weak ! western .sUvim , ( r.,47'4
bid : sales. llV ) tierces nt M.fi7'i ' : options , inles ,
4.5 0 tierces : Novi-mbor. M.40. elosliu nl W.i8j :
December. IC.50 : Janiinry , tou&HMt , closlnir nt
il.50 | Cobritary , 10.00 ; Mmcb , ll.SO , closing nt
Ilt'nrtt Qulot. weak ; western dairy , ica to ;
wnstornoreatncry.VJtC.'o : l-igln : . W/iO.
CtiKKsn Qnloi. steady ; western , CJJci
part nkluis. .vfi7So.
I'm Inox-Diillt Amcrlcmi. JI5.75ttlS.03.
Coi'i'Eit Nomlnalt lake. October , JII.CO ;
lake , Novenihor , $11.03.
LnAD-Diill ; doinestliII.20. .
TI.N Dull , easy ; utrnlts. 111I.SO.
Oiniilui ( ira I n Mnrkct.
Prices based on delivery at Mississippi river
points , Nebraska Inspojtlon , mid ton days'
shipment , unless otherwise stated ,
WIIKAT No. 2 red , winter. Ole bid ; No.
S spring , 'do bids No. .1 spring , di'u bid.
Uri-No.Z , iHt ) ! bid , 7e asked ; No. 3 , 8'ii'iC
OATH NO. 2 white. 30'ic bid. No. 3 white ,
2ic ! ; No. 2 mixed , 28'JchKl ; No. 3 mixed , 27540
bid.OMI Coiis."Na 2. me bid.
NKWCOIIN. NO. l' . .I.inuary ilollvnry. St.
Louis terms. 4'o ) ; No. 3. November delivery ,
4Do bid ; same November shipment , Iffle bid ;
same year shipment. ; c bid , Oi ) ) bid , Halts-
more terms.
Among the sales worn r.OOO No. 3 white oats ,
2ic : 10,000 Nil , 2 now enrn , .latiiinry delivery ,
Ht. Louis tuims , 4ic : 2.1.IXJO now corn. No. 3 or
butler , Noveml'er slilpmont. 4ic ; 20.000 new
mlxid corn , 'ISU'- ; 20ouo corn , No 3 or bolter ,
> oar Hhlpmcnt , , l''jc. ) '
Mr. Thomp'on h id a sample on the board of
good Turkey led wlntor wheat , grown In Ne
braska. taken from a ear that eamo In n few-
days ago. It Is icported by the liispe"tor.s
that nut nslnirlocarnf stintghtTuikoy wheat
has been received at St Louis this seas-on.
\V. \ S. Iteybnrn of the firm of Wells A , Itoy-
bnrn , grain commission men of Peorln. III. ,
was among the visitors on the board. Mr.
llevburn remarked : "Oin iliu ought to no a
good grain market and a xiiiiill be.-lnnlii- no
discouragement. Peorl i liegiu very small
mi'l now ranks fifth In the list of gr.iln . mar-
keis of tbo country List year 30,000,000
bushels of gr iln were handle 1 there.
M iinoapo lHrnltilnrkit. ; .
MiNNKAi'ot.H. Minn. , Oct. 27. The market
opened this morn'ng ' at S'P and the llrst thing
II had to meet after the announcement of
llrmer cables was the who it on p.iss-igo state
ment which showed the largo Insrease over
last week of 2. isl.iuobn. , with corn a decrease
of.VUOihn. This bad u dcpress'im ' oll'ect on
prices , nnd In an hour thu price bad run oir to
i-MsO. There was n break near tbu eloso of
the session that sent whontu liolow the
opening prire. The lute cables went
lower and slmucil a iuiiur.illy ; wea'i tendency
on tbo other side , The close SS'jXTho
cash maiket was fairly active. There was
some No. I bard sold today eloso to We. A
larjo amount of low grade disposed of.
Kecolptsiif wlin.ituro5l ) enr * . Close : Octo
ber closed nt HT'ivt December , open ngDo ,
highest b'JV. lowest > s'ac. oloied atlM'tc ; May
opened atWIe , highest iMi'ic. lowest ttl'ic. closed
at Ill's" . On track : No. 1 hard , b'J.Uc ' ; No. 2
northern , 8J38JC.
H City Mnr.'cots.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Oct. 27. Ki.otm Firm.
unchanged ; p itents. $1.0 © . ' .5 ; extra fancy.
* . ' .202.3 : f.incy , $ . ' .00 2.1.1 ; good to choice.
i\m. \
\VIIE\T Stronger : No. 2 hard. cash , and
O.-tober , file bid ; No. 2 red , cash. 83o bid.
( JOHN Weak ; No. 2 , e.isb and October , 45c
OtrX About steady ; No. 2 , cash and Octo
ber. atic bid.
1'r.Ax SBKII S3.- .
HAY Kit in , unchanged ; timothy , J3.00 ;
fancy prairie. JH.51 ; irood to cho ce , l1.00 < 3).5l !
low gradts , $ .1.00 ® I..10.
Iturrmt tea ly , iincli in cd : creamery , 2.IS
' "IL' : store p'lckeu. UttlGc ; packing. 12c.
Kdns Klrm nt Is'Jc. '
Itr.CKii-Tj Wheat , 70lrO bu ; corn , COO ;
oats. none.
SHIPMENT : ) Wheat. IS.40) ) bu ; corn , COO :
oats. none.
Livinii'oor , . Oct. 2" . WiiKAT Steady ; de
mand fair ; bo dors oiler moderately. Uwl
western sprlnar W Oil per central ; No. 2 red
wlntor.-s 4.l@ss4i5il. ! Receipts ot who it past
three days were .11,0 0 centals , Including JI.UOJ
CORN i'Mrm : demand fair ; mixed western ,
I s4d per cental. Hccclp'.s of Ameiluan corn
past throe d iys were 110,70) centals.
BACON Long mid shore clear flfty-flvo
pounds. ; 'iis Ud per owt ; bacon , long clear
forty-live pouniK : bs.
LAIIH Prime Western. 31s3d porcwt.
IturrKit United States fluent , 07s percwt ;
United States good , ? . " > > .
Tuitt'UNTiK SriuiTS 27s fid per cwt ,
COMMON Hosts 5s IHid peroiM.
I'EAS Canadian , Oa 54il ! pur cwt.
Oiilutli Win-lit .Market.
DUTIJTII , Minn. , Oot 27. Thoio was a slight
break In wheat after noon , but there was a
recovery just before the elo o and tbu market
closed at 'ie advance for cash No. 1 hard and
cash northern and closed at about yesterday's
uloso. Closing : No. 1 hard , cash. ! i. > e : October , bid : November , ! ) .1c ; November , tll'io ; May ,
JI.O'l'J. ' ' No. 1 northern , cash. | i2'ic ; October ,
tC'ic ' ; November ( llrst half ) , ! )2'ie ) : November
( entire month ) , 0 'iobld : December , OiiO bid ;
Muy. twu. No. 2 northern , cash , b4c bid ; rejected
7.1c. Kuvolpts w heat , OM ears.
St. fjouiH Itlirkcts.
ST. Lotus , Mo. . Oct. , 27. WHKVT Weak ;
cash , D21ic ; December , Milk1.
COIIN Irregular ; cash , 50'i3'J4C ' ! May ,
OATS Weak ; cash , a8USHo ! ; May. 31 ? o
WlllSKKY il.18.
Milwau'cco ' Grain Market.
MiMVAtiitKK , WIs. . Oct. 27. WIIKAT Easier :
No. ' 'spring , cash , U.'c ; IJccembor , IWo ; No. 1
nouhern. Illc.
COIINKlrm ; No. 3 , cash. 5.11Gc.
OATO Steady : No. 2 white. 32c.
OINCINNATT. O. , Oet. 2' . WIIKAT firmer ;
No. 2 i oil. Ol < a05o.
LOIIN I'lrm ; No.2 mixed , .VJc.
OATS KIrm ; No. 2 niLxod , 32c.
Toledo ( Jraiu -
TOIIIIO , O. . Oct. S7.--WHUAT Lower ; cash
and October. OG c.
I'oitN Dull ; cash , .WJu.
OATS Qulot ; msb , ilQi-jc.
New York Moiuy Market.
Knsy , r.iiiglng from 3 to 4 pur cent ; last loan ,
3H percent , closed oll'urud at 4 per cent ,
STIMII/NII rJtcitAs'nKQulot and steady at
$ I.Siiifiirslxty-day ) bills mid * I.KI ? fordemand.
The followln , ; were the closing prices on
bonds :
IloHtou Stouk .Alarlcot.
IlosTON , Mass. , Oct. 27 , The following were
the closing prices on stocks on the lioston
stock market today :
Ijondoii Stock Alitrkot.
LONDON. Oct , W. Tlio following were tlio
London stock quotations closing at I p. m. :
Flimnotnl .Notoi ) .
KANSAS CITV , Ma. Oot.27.-fJloarliiK3 , JI.378.-
cunt *
HALTIMOIE. Mil. . Oct. 27.-Ilank oloarlngH
toduywero ti,113U07 ; balances. J2i8,037 , Hutu ,
CINCINNATI. O. . Oct. B7.-Monoy , R0 per
" * 0' imr Io2io " - *
ST. Louts , Mo. . Oct. 27.-Clourlngs W.7C5.-
lf.i balances. W10.II2. Monor , 70S pur eont.
Now Vork oxchmu-e , 11.00 Ulneouiit.
lloSTON..Miiss..Ool.a7.-llmik clearings tjJay ,
oxilmnu ! * , lin.IHO.S.'Oi baluncos. ll.UJl.lXtt. Itato
for money , 24 pur tout. Kxohuuso on Now
\ork.too ulicount ,
OIIICAQO , 111. , Oct. 37-N w VorU
was slow nt par. Money atcaily ntO per cont.
Hunk cliirlnim. : III.rr.,7i ) > 8. Htorllug oxeliaimo
WHS weak at $1.304 for M-ilny ait.l JI.WH for
demand ,
STOCKS ASH noxin ,
NEW VOIIK. OoU27. Iho Flock market wm
ngnlt. dull today though tlioro were spurts ot
activity In n few stooks which were paid
succlal nttontlon to by the boars nnd the tone
w/is rather weak thrmmliout. The movpiiicnts
nmong the actlvo stocks , were In but foiv cncs
of any Importnnco wlinlovor. The selling of
some stocks of commission houses were found
to bo for the account of the defunct firm of
Kvans & Co. , but tbo bulk of the soiling
us usual of late , was by tbo
traders nnd bears. Tbo news of
tlio day wus uniformly f.ivor.iblo. The
opening wuiasmall fraction higher helped by
a moderate demnnd from tbo foreigners but
the hammering begun Immediately and the
opening prices were In most favorable stocks ,
the best of tbo day.
The dealings In government securities as n
rule were Insignificant and while the contest
In St. Paul' was willed with vigor on both
sides , the result was of I ttle Importance.
Heading showed thu wildest Iliictuatlons
among the leading slnues , dropping l' per
cunt to II. but tbu others ucro all traded In
within a rungo of less than t per cent. Chicago
( ins In demand nt advancing pr cus but
the wo.ikm , " " ) of the general list showed no
material Improvement. Cordage was the
Rtrong feature of thu day and It Is
the only stock show ng n mater
ial gain but the movements of the
Industrials now hnvo no liilluunce upon the
rallro-id list and there was no dlspos lion
shown to follow Its lead ut anytime of tbo
day. Atchison was also lezularly traded In
but failed to move. The shorts eovcied some
what hi the late trading and slight fractions
weie regained , llio market closing dull but
firm at thu rally. The final changes , honcvor ,
are all fractional losses w Ith th > single excep-
ton of Coulage , wjuch l up l ? per cent.
( < ornmcnt bonds IIIIMS been dull and
steady , States liavo been dull.
The following are Ibo clo-iln , ' quotations for
the leading slocks on thu Now Vork Stocji ox-
cliango today :
Financial itcviow.
Nnw YOHK. Oct. 27. The Post savs : Heavy
exportoulers for silver wore placed in Now
York yestorlay by London About ! iv 1,000
ounces will K < > out by tomorrow's steamers ,
possloly much more later on In the week.
Ktory intoillsent observer of the ni.ukut ,
must know by this time that London buys
Ammlcan silver when the per eent Is
lowest nnd our uoverninent hits stgpiied
the Dur 'haslng. if the price were to advance
sharply London would nnriiie'stloimhly euaso
bnyliiK. Hut the sellers are only too ready to
como to terms. The silver enthusiasts wore
always on band at this preoiso time of thu
month to ar jie about I Immurement of silver.
Kvery successive month tbolr prophecies nnd
lo lc are fohowod by a renewed itnw in ibo
price , hut the next month Ihby urj Invariably
on hand asiiln .Meantime , the London bul
lion brokers pioceed with thulr inanlpnlation
In the market ,
I'aris Uentcs.
P.Mtts , Oct. 2 ? . Tliroa jer ) cent rentes O'if
l.r > e for the account.
Denver Mining Stooks.
Colo. . Oct.2r. Tbo followlnsllst Is
theclosln nuotatlonson the .M nliM exchange
today. Hales. 10 , " > OJ shares.
Sail Irranclsi ) fllinlii' ; QuittiitloiiH.
SAN KIIANCISCO. Cal. , Oct. 27. The olllolal
oloslni ; quotations for mlnlnx stooks today
were as follows :
Now York .Hliiini ; Quotations.
New Vo'it. Oet. ar.-Tlio followlii' ' are the
closlni ; mlnl.iK slos'c quotations :
Alice 12.5 Plymouth 210
AdaumCon 1:0 Slerru Nevada | ii&
A | ion 1,0) , Stanilnrd liij
Kuii'kii Con KM Union Con Jim
lloniestaku lO'Ml Yellow JncLet III.
Iron Silver Ill Horn Silver aij
Ontario is03
I.OlllH J
PT. Louis , Mo. . Oet. 27. The following nro
tlio closing blda :
Ailnnn 18' , Montrouu yt
American M llreon a. ' .
lllnietallh ) 3100 Sliver Aito 85
Ceiitrnl Silver il ( hiunll Hopua TO
KlUiibeth. . . . . I.V ) Vumii K
( iranlte 21M )
HoHtun Wool
IlosTON. Mass. , Dot , 27. Tbo demind for
wool continued steady nnd the S'lles , made In
small luts , foot up a fair total. Prices remain
the same and aruntu idy. Ohio lloeces dull ut
SUe for X mul lix&llu for XX and XXX and
above. Michigan X sells at 27ci No. 1 wools
llrm at.'WHil'Je. ' Klnodolatnusaleutlons In de
mand at 310 for Ohio nnd : ii ! > for At ohlitan.
No. 1 eomhliiK noel llrm at : i © Ho. ) Territory
wools In doiuand : clean for line ; 57&180 tor
line medium and 531111.10 for medium. Toxaa
and California ijulet and
Ilnvniui 3Inrkits. ;
IIVANA , Oct. a ? . SPANISH. Go 1,0 12.3 , ) ®
" '
'KxciiANflu-Oulet : on the United States
short sight Ko'it I'liiftlli uer cent premium j on
London , m fc'O put1 cunt pruinlum.
tiUUAIl Qlllut.
Now York Dry Gooils Unt-kot.
NewYoiiK , Oct. 27. I'bo conditions of the
< lry Roods trade und tbo stjito of the market
wuio iinchanged. There Is no boom , but tbo
Oil Market.
LONDON. Oct. 27. TUIII-KNTINK Si'tittTS 27s
3d per ewt.
ANrwKiti' , Oct. S7. I' Tiioi.KUU 13f , paid
nnd holler * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Trailorit Talk.
CiurAdo. Ill , Oct. 27. Counellmnn .V Day to
Oookrull llros. Whuntoponud dull and uusy
wltli no Important nowa atloaU TeloKiaph
coinmunleatlon was. Interrupted by the wind
storm of last night. Tbo market was hoavlly
oversold mid shorts bouamo uppruliennlvo
that Htmio sensation might bo sprung
upon tliniii und uovurod p.irt of thulr lines.
Tlio fnut that cables iiioted | Antwerp u larger
wheat market 'tluin Pnrh and Liverpool aa
alonlng eiiunl to from 2io ! to 2'io lilghor huomod
to bo untlroly Ignored , and thlsbhows the very
bearish reolliiK of local operator * who count
on ti later iiccuniuliulnn of grnln to wear out
the patience of the holder ! ) . Corn was strong
with largo buying for near doll very but ship
pers Intluonccd by from 2d to Uiu higher by
iii | tfttloii3 In curly cables. I'rovUlonsstartu I
wlthncllve buy Ing by puckers who turned sel
lers wbuu tuo estimated ruo-ulyta for tomorrow
I were unnonnceil nnd the msrkot rulo.l wonk.
uloliiK at the low wlfnt , Wu fiuu nollittiK to
onconrago tmrclunqri until tlio stock of old
pork Is considerably Yp .iiootl. . . , ,
OIIICAOO. III. , Oot ? J.-Swartz. Uiinco & Mc-
Cormlck to P 0. SiWiirU *
up uftcr tliu opening today to tnsoon dry
weather In the wSntnr nlicnt , belt but In tbu
nlKcncoof any ucnoral demand signed olr to
III Vo and then lho < liiinoiincemont of heavy
fhliimonts from ItnnOa and India started a ,
Felling movement c.trrvlng prices .it tlie eloso
to Wo for llecombim wheat. If the droutli
contlntios It will Decomu a fitutor in *
hot. At present Uirelalniod that tbo grow
ing L'rop In not Imtmlrnd siilllelcntly to Im
peril It , Corn WHS strong nil tbo session
helped by the astonishing advance
nt Now York by u ( Tnnrl export demand und by
the talk of dry weittlllr. Hliorts made uneasy
by tbu strength hotunml ut the seaboard cov
ered very freoly. Tin' boss were asiiln over
expectations , oven the highest estimate for
the week , I70/.OJ , promises to bo considerably
passed. Packers disposed at tbo opening of
the week to take tin ; buying side tire over on
the boar side again.
CIIICAIIO , III. , Oct. 27.1' . O. Logan & C'o. to
Ilrvan Commission cumimnv : The M tnntlon
In who'it bus not changed nmtnrlitliy slnco
yesterday. Export doniand continues nt the
Bo.iboard. pr.nclpally for spring wheat.
iimoiiutlng to ' 'lii.UiW ml ftoni iNow \ iirk , nnd
lO.i.lK ) i hu f lo-.i . nutports. Cables rilled firm
until no ir the close , wbon Liverpool turned
we.ik , and this iinrket broke on the scalping
ere d who bougnton the small leselllng. Oul-
sldo business has been moderate. It Is stl 1 a
contest between the east against the west.
Pntlcrtono stron In eorn with a fair etnort
demand from the seaboard , considering tbo
ndvnnco there ; t-S.otlJ bu tal.en. llelo there
was n fairly irood shlpn'ng dem-ind , Theshlp-
purs have nofperi'uinlhly let up their hold on
nenr by corn u.\cept icalb.ln ? on a little .No
vember on tbo swell. Hecelpts of new corn are
grading better than expected We loott on
the yeat as the best purchase on soft
spots , shortage In that being most
and liable to run , November too near at li'in d
and becoming too fancy. Oats easy , on do-
ellno In Now \ ork , s > o.irce ocein fro ghts pre
vent further liberal expoit purchases , On the
decline , wo believe , a pnirbaso of oats will re
sult prolltuhly. The ptovlslon market ruled
weak. Heavy receipts of hogs brliulng out
selling oidcrs. Packon * are auain sellers ,
Blunts being about the only buyers.
OlliUAdo. Ill , , Out , 27. Kennett. Hopkins , V
Co. to S A. MeWhorter : W.thont a snllleleiit
cause wheat rallied a full cent , a few bullish
mom traders bidding up the market an.I foic-
Ing shorts to cover. This ifcompllshed nnd
the demand bobu fnllv satisfied there was a
sham slump the etosobeing at the bottom and
lowest figures In weeks. The Increase of
about 2,5 iO,001 bn. on ocn in p issa'io confirmed
on yesterday's report of largo shipment' ) ( or
Iho week by other exporting countries.
Thev me supplying the demand at prices be
low American offers leaving our stocks to
accumulate at a prodigious r.ito. This kulfo
cuts both ways und It euts deep. It leaves
holders with scarcely a peg to stand on. C.i-
bles bold up well nnd reported engagements
for export aio liberal , but ai'tnal eloaianens
are disappointing. It takes Immense capital
to carry the dnormotis accumulations of
wheat. .Speculation bus been a large factor
In this direction , but holders are getting dis
couraged and throwing the burden more and
more on professional carriers. The market
looks wo'iker today than tiny tlmo for a
week , and we think a .sharp break
Is Impending. Corn fcccms to bo manipulated
by some lecolvlng house who are bidding the
cash market to squeeze bhorts In llio near
futuics. lu this they are bavin ? things their
own way as the stock Is sm-ill and controlled
by them. The far futures sympathl/e some
what but look liken goo : ! sale on all hard
spots. Provisions have been weak on largo
receipts of bogs and look like going lower.
O31AIIA fill'Ji ATUOK MilllKEm.
OMAHA , not. 27.1891.
The receipts were 12 cars : the quality of tbo
offerings were hardly up to the mark. Coed
natives bro ifhtSl.iV.Viuiil westerns sold from
SM.UO to$3.50. There Were. ! . " , loads ot butcher
stock , the prices paid were from i I.W ) to J J f > 0.
A good share of the" fresh ro eipts were on
the feeder order. Tbofo was an netive demand
for good stoek nt su-.idy to stiong pi Ices.
Common light stall' anil stackers are almost a
drug on the markit ; < at from f..M ) to $2.50.
Hales were largely from J'.liO to $2.Knnd ! ) coed
to choice grades are quotable at from J2.UJ to
$ 1.40-
liecelpts of hogs , nlnotv-two ears , were the
heaviest.since .Iniyl. ! The quality was about
the same as It has he'o/i / for the last week orso.
On the early markut receipts were only
about 4,003 head and with a fair demand busi
ness was moderately nctlvo and prices about
hteady with .Monday < and Saturday , from $1.01
to $4.W buying most ) o ! thu irood heavy and
butcher weight hogR with light and mixed
loads selling around fiom $ .1.8) ) to W.W. As late
tr.ilns swelled the receipts to over 0,0)0 head
and adxlces from Chicago Indicated abaci
break In prices buyers became bearish and
bids were from 5c to lOo under the eitrly moi n-
Ing market. luslnes ! , dragged mid from $3.85
to f.1. ! > J bought good jhoss that would bavo
sold for from S.I.OJ tojl.liO earlier In tbo day
while common light nnd mixed hogs were
bard to soil at from $3.7.1 to 11.80. A few loads
were unsold at the eloso. the market closing
weak with the general average about a nickel
lower than balurday.
OATILB Ulllclal receipts of cattle. 1,300
an compared with B.03'1 yesterday and 4.521
Tuesday of last week , OITorlir.'s comn.on :
market firm on fat cattle but slow on common
Mull1 : butcher stuff generally firm : good feed
ers In active demand and stiong : light grades
and stocU'crs : i drug on tbo market.
Iloos Olllelal receipts of boss , 0,500
as computed with 5.201 Tuesday of lust wook.
Kccolpts woio the heaviest In over throe
months. Kurly markut actlvo and prices
steady : eloso was weak 5IOo loivor. A few
loads were unsold. Light , J.I.7ii'llW ; ho.ivy ,
$3.K11.0.1 ; mixed. * . ! .H53i l..U. '
SIIBSP Olllolal rocoiiits of sheep , 3,000
as compiired with none yesterday and 824
Tuesday of last week. Aetivo and steady
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4. . 1277 3 23 21. 121.1 4 SO
13. . 07(1 ( 1110
18. . ! )7 ) Iltt
20 . DIM 2 1)0 )
1..U50 200
- ' < . U.2 205
12. IKil 2 10
3. ! . 1)78 ) 2 10
10. O'H ' 210
21. < JI2 215
2. ! ! Ui ( 2 15
Kl. DM 220
18. IIOJ 220
27. . hi 12 220
43. 102 ! ) 225
2. . 115,1 205
23. . 740 2 20
1..13GO 225
3. . 103 450
1. . 130 4 513
1. . 220 47.1
1. 1410 1 7.1
1. 1110 175
1. 131) ) 175
1..15MJ 183
8..10D3 200
41. . ' .HI 20) )
GO. . 1(131 ( SIM
122 0 > 4 21)5 )
1 II8J 300
21 b'Jti ' 300
T. It.
No.3COWS Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3COWS 0.13 $1 85 51 Ktoors. . 1113 M 10
lOeows. . . . , 1102 2.1' ) 8 feeders IK ) I 2 73
32 foodurs. 1010 3 DO
R i ; . Coo.
1 steer * . . . 1000 \bVit 5.steers. . . 12(12 ( 3 40
Isleor * . . 1.110 1 H7U 28steers. . . 1141 3 45
1 feeder. . 114) ) 2 ! W. , 1.steer. . . . 1420 2 50
7 cows. . . . 1011.1 25D Istour. . . . 14,10 2 V )
1 cow. . . . 1110 2 SU > 1 2 steers. . . 1275 2 50
2 steers . . 1245 3 40J
W,0i Young.
4 cows . . . 1117 2 60' 10 cows 1031 260
21 steers . . 12M ) 3 73
H. M.Warron.
18 cows. . . , 810 MM' 3 calves. . 2G(5 ( 1 M
1 calf 120 4 2X 3 foudurs. . 72U 2 30
tleorxo M. Scott.
20 cows. . . . 035 2.lit.i I steer. . . . 1010 3 50
J. at. Pox.
47 feeders. . 000 2 33
ivr. iioit.
14 cows. . . . ox1 2i 31 steers. 1080 285
18 cows. . . . 1030 21HI 7:1 : steors. 1202 3 20
I cow 730 liVu" J5 cows. . 1022 2 45
4J ( hteors. . . 1087
i fl ' . ' 42 ICO 387 ! { CO ,2.V ] JflO .TfW
82 . . .227 3 87'4 ' lift ,248 120 3U3
, Kl 54) ) 110 387'i TO . . . . ! fit 100 301
I W 227 ICO 367i ! M BSI I2i ) 303
' OJ 161 80 3 J 71 SKI 1IX ) 31W
fil 210 - lift ) CO Hi7 IM : )05 )
i w ) mi M : irw nn. . . . 2ia iso am
71 838 120 1100 IS . . . . 31 ! ) , 'IIU
72 . . . .221 IM HIM 45..S.VJ f-0 3 HI
7.1 8T 210 H UJ CO 278 40 307U
4 8S5 H OJ 4 * 242 ICO 1107'
f,7 SIT lf,0 H IK ) 71 SSI 40 100
70. . . .213 ICO HOT 01 2S8 40 4 TO
74 . . , .2i7 ICO 03 CO 112 403 *
70 211 83 JIOO 4 < 2HJ SIO 4 CO
fil .Vl 80 HllO ( M 851 40 4 TO
CO 33S 240 II OJ 03 SSI 40 405
rtns AND itounu.
4n 101 - aa.i
Tlilrtccn loads of ahcop rcco'vcil. Market
stonily. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chicago lilvo Stock .Market.
OutCAflo , III. , Oct. 27-Special [ Telegram to
TUB IiKv.1 Cattle solil ninmt HI yesterday
nnil thatwas bad enough , for ll iinoucstiim-
ubl.v was llio lowest il ly of thoyour for com
mon nnil medium grades , including the
inimbur loft over from Monday , thorn wcio
uboiil 2J.OOJ head left In tlio yiuds , or
twlco tlio average supply for a Tuesday
Of that milliner not moru than fl.i > 0) ) wore na
tives , oiittlu from thu western ranges consli-
til Him ( lie bulk , ( iood to iholee nitl\u ; steers
wore In scanty supply and quotations for such
were lltile bettor limn luiiiilnal There
was a s'llo yesterday at ilfiO , am
no donln rciiully | good stun" wonli
IniM ) fiinnil a bnyi'r at tli it II mi re today , bin
there was nothing lion ? today that tool
enough lo sell miywhuto near that figure.
.Most of tlio trading wiis at from * ! . ( tofl.7. "
for natives , nt from ? l.2" > to W..11 for w sterna
and at from JI.IO to J..ftO for lV\ins , Thu gcn-
erul market elused dull anil hoi > v.
The llrst estimates of the day's ; receipts of
hogs were fr. m'.lO.O * > to A little fur
ther along It was thou.'ht they might itinonnt
103.1,0)0 ) , while heforo 1 o'clock It became ap-
imrcnl that the totil would reaeh IK.uO ) .
These successive additions kept tliu markut
moving downward and thu opening s.ile * were
on a basis of sfl.4.1 for the bust light and JI.IO
for strictly prime heavy. The close was
ciiially ] stiong. L'oud IIII.H cellliu at fiom f I.I,1
to il. : ; , respectively. Tim shipping dumaiul
wus comp iratlvoly light , S-iUiies | being out ol
the mmlel , but packets bought with a free
band , and during the the day creator part ol
the hngschangod hands The close w s weal < at
from H7.1 lo } 4'I5 'or heavy iin.l at from KGO
tof 20 for light weights. reports : CATTI.R Ko-
cnlplx , I.I.IHII ) ; shipments. 4.5 u. Market slow ,
weak ; steers , } 2 7.V30.IJ ) : Toxans. i..2.4V. ' . TO ;
rangers. ? .l.00a.1.2.l ! stookcrs. J'J.Ol ft . ' . ( W.
lions Kooelpts , 40.0JO ; shipments , " .000 ; ninr-
kot weak and lower ; roiu-h and common , M.b.1
ff6).9 ) > ; mixed niul p.ickcis , $ | , o ftl.l.l ; prime
heavy and butchers' weights , J.2tlil.3) | ) ) ; light.
* 1.11(41.20. (
SMIBI' : Hcrolpts , 8.031 : shipments , 1,500 ;
market dull niiil nnsUlsfaoloiy ; mixed mid
westerns. fl.3nfiJ4.T1 : uwc.s and wethers , f . ' .2.1 ©
S.OO : lambs. $ 1.7.1113.2.1.
Nrw York ljv | Stock .Market.
NRW VOIIK. Oct. 27. IlKUVBS Receipts
I.lliO bead , all for exporters and slaughterers.
No trade , feeling weak. Dressed beef dull at
G'jtrJ'.lo ' per pound. Shipments tomoriow , 281
beeves and 4 , r > ) qu irt TS of beef.
OAI.VKS Itecelpis , 4I" > head ; market llrmer ;
veals , W.MKiG.UO per ITOI lln : grassers J2.0J ©
2.50 ; wustorn calves , $2..1' ) < 7i3.)0. ( )
SiifcKi' Uccolpts , r > . . )0'j head ; market dull ;
sheep , M.101.7.1 per 100 Ibsj lambs. JI.7.V3.1.7.5.
Dressed mutton dull at . ' &Sc ; pur Ib ; dressed
lambs weak athQB'tC.
Hods Itecolpts , 8r.s5 bead , Incluillna tlireo
ear loads for bale ; market steady at $4.40 ® . " ) 01
per 100 Ibs.
KniiHis City Llvo Stoo'c Mnrlcot.
KANSAS OITV. Mo. . Oct , 27. CATTI.K Ro-
celnts. 7.1.iu ; shipments.-.MO : market steady ;
steers. & .t2."iC(400 ( ! ; eows , $1.2.V14'.3. > ; stockers
and feeders , $ J.003'I.7."i.
lions Hecoints. 10,100 ; shipments HJ ) : mar
ket active and STUne lower ; bulk , $ , I.SOai.'JO : ;
all crades. : i.av3..oi. .
SIIIIKP Iteccluts , l.ajO ; shipments , I. > 3 ; iimr-
L'ttt atitiill V.
St. IjoulK Siivc Stouk SI irk t ,
Pr. Louis. Mo. . Oat. 27. CATTM : Keco'pts ' ,
2fi > iO ; .sliluments. 1.0)0 ) : market nrm ; fair to
DilniK natives , $ -.8Jii.\7fl ( ; Texans and Indians ,
12.0 ' ( < ji. : Oil ; eows and eamiois , tl.ooa..OO.
Hods Hecelpts. ( nn ; shipments , ion ; maiket
lower : hoivv . f .lCKaH.2 : > ; iiilxud , J.L40jJ4.00 ;
o.v.i u.i
Omaha Mllllii ! : r-otnuany : Hulhiiicc. I'atcnt ,
$ J70 : Invincible , Patent , liliO : lonn Star. Hu-
perlntlve , $ . ' .30 ; SnowlKike , i..O ) ; l-'ancy I-'am-
K. T. On vis Mill companv : No. 1 and Cream
Ulan Patent. $ , ' . .3Itlue ; I ) and Kurt I < \ f2.iO ( :
Lion and llawkeyo. f..JO : Jtoyal No. 10 , Special
Patent , nuO ; Minnesota an-l D.ikota. Patent ,
12.U3 ; Kansas Hard Whoat. Patent , JJ.60 ; Ne
braska Str.'ilKhts. j-i.
S. K. ( illmiin's Oolil Medal , $ .70 ; Snow Whljo ,
$2.40 : Hnowll ike. f.00 : low irr.ido , * l.dO : Queen
of the I'antrv. S2.SO : Minnesota f-uporlatUe ,
$2.73 ; bran , JU.03 : chopped food , } 22.)0. ' )
Country Produce !
Tcins Oenoral market steady at IDc.
Pour.Tiiy--Verv weak and slow : sprlnir
chickens , f.2.1iE2.7.1 ; old fowls extremely Mow
at f..753) ) 1.03
HLTTUII Piu'klnz sto'k. 10'j@IIc ' ; good
country , IGSISc ; extra obolco country roll. 21)
\VoiI < l's Talr OIHolnls Go on a A'islt
t < > Tc.MlH.
Ciuo oo , 111. , Oct. ! i . The secretary of
tlio National World's fair commission ,
Colonel John T. Dickinson , accompanied by
Air. and Mrs. I'ottur Palmer , Mrs. Ciovornor
BaRley of Detroit , Mrs. Cliotliun
and daughter , and JudRoThoman of Chicago ,
loft lioro this ovoninij at , 5 o'clock over the
Burlington for Dallas , Tax. , at the Invitation
of tuo Texas World's ' fair board , to bo nres-
out for two days at tbo state fair niul Dallas
exposition , to promote the World's fair in
terests throughout Texas. Mrs. Palmer will
aid In tbo organisation of a Texas board of
lady manngora , and .ludgo Tlioman will
deliver an address at the state fair.
The partv go in a special Pullman car ,
under charqn of Traftlc Manager .laycox of
the World's fair.
Hoports from Texas indicate that a great
ovation will bo tendered totnis distinguished
party on Its tour through tlio stato.
on rocor.1 Outobor S7 ,
JL jb'Jl :
Henry Mies to C W Hlrnoy. s 21 foot of
lot 4. block 70. feoutli Omaha } 1. > ,003
N K Kurt/and to I'1 ' .1 Ciinrov.
lots ii : to 19 , block IUI ; lots 12 to 17 ,
block 121 , Dundee Place : iO,000
KJ Couroy toV Iv Knit/ , lots 1:1 : to IS
block 10 : lots 12 to 17 , blceic 1-M , Dun
dee Place : nooo
Jens.leiisen and wife to N ,1 Skew , lots8
aiidll. block II. lledfoid I'laro 7,000
,1 U Tobln and wife to Maria t'arlcton. , lx'
10 toils at point 2J lods s of lie cor e ! j
of ii'i ' no nuniii : : 2M3
If li McCoy to 1C II Ulnistead. nmliv > i of
u ' { of lotiP. lllmiih'iuuli Plaei ) 1
If li McCoy otnl to A P 1'ralll. e ' , lot. ) ' ) ,
Illmebiil h Pliice 11,000
I ) II Tnull and wlfo to K I , Mct'oy ot al ,
lot.'lii and n " oftotil' , block 8 , llans-
eom Place 7,500
,1 S Holland and wife to Victoria Kwen-
son. lot H , An-hor Plneo . -V03
Victoria Siwunson and husband to fJ \ \
UOVIIII. HIllllU . . . , : ; . 5n03
Jiilin HolTiiitin and wife to Joseph llolf-
m.ui , ii'i ot.'l , blocks , K'ouiit/ii III add 2,000
Joseph HolTmiin to llarbura HolTman ,
s-uiin 2fOO
I'ldellty Trust eomp'iny to M H Prltch-
iiid , w.'l feet lots 15 anil 10. block 8 ,
Patrlok'l 2d add a,200
guiT cii\l IIKKIH.
J II nmmlnaer and wlfo toV \ U llullatd ,
H 4 i feel of n Ml feet , lots I and 2 , block
IS. On-lunl Hill . . . . as
I ) D liroiinry nil I wife to John Hush , lot
10. block UN Urandvluw 0
J V Iloyd , NlieillT , to J V Mi-Donald , lot
8 , block a. Lake View _ JO )
Total amount of transfers JI2I.O.IS
Kcceut cxpcritneutB na read before tbo
last Cungrc&H of tjtirgcona at Berlin , Icnvo
no doubt iliat tlio true way lo ( JIiK < Mt
TllK SYtiTIlM OF MICllOlil la
throuqh Iliu pores of tlio skin , It has been
found that n remedy which kills thu Mi-
crobl will ol ° o destroy llio IIfo of the
patient ; but it has also bcuu found that thu
Mlcrobl can bo forced out IhroiiRh the
ekln , nnd It Is in this way that 3 5J GJ
relieves the system of poison , * f * * ! "
1KVIHQ SUFFERED much from Conta-
glous IJIood Poison. - " . . ' tt'luR hnlf
a dozen hotllcsoflESTaSSll wus > iK6i ° '
EO TO j'iniri.cT | ? S5C.c > ? CT IIKAI.TII , und
all eruptlvo sores di-uppenml. You are
ut llboity to tnako any use of inv Btiitement
that \-oti wish. J. C'uos-.v Uvuo.N , 203
'i'blrd Avenue , Pltlsljurg , J"'a.
TrcatUo tmiiloodonJ Skla dlteucs mailwl free.
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Oo. ,
Klnzi , Iminmorks , oil nnil
riilibprclothlnc. 8i < nd for
catAloeuo. 1IU Knrnnm
ItAOS Ai\I ) 7-H7.V/1&
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo.
Importers na < t Mjinifio-
Flour Sarkt. llurlnpi mitt
A. II , Perrijo & Co. M. 0. DAXOII.
. Slroot. Illcrcloi mill on nionthlr
Seinl for our iMU piruicnti.
nnil prlcoi. liU7i < I'urnini st. , o u n'i
Ackonnan Brothers & Huiutzj ,
I'rlntori , tilniler , t | jetrntyt ri niiau-
i fnat iron
llln llbiranl mro't , O
Morsc-'lco S103 f'ompaivr.
IHW llnwnrl Street.
Inrtory , corner llth mul liuiivlit Htrott.
omiikhitfrlosjprlci'i u. onli n.ivo.-s.
nil I
iniikliiK n L-IIHH , , f ,
Uo0 M Hrl , | vurV > il-
nlilo nlth nicrrliniits.
rynn Commission Go A , S , MoWhortor
llrokrr , urnln , | > ni Mim lloom IV llonril of Trili
unit KtiH-ki. N. V. I.I fa llrokor < rnrnlK nlrn
IIMV. 1'rlVitowiro chl > to .New VorV , Chlcmo
rflKii , PI. IxMili nn < l nndSt , l.mih Ciii-liKrnhi
New York t'OIIRllt.
Cookroll Bros F. 0. Swarta tt Co. .
llrokor nt'dpnuli lniror < . IlroVor . ( ! tnln.l'niTlMoni
I'rlrnto wlrps to NPW rlt' I'ritnto wlro til. .
Vdrk. Clllpniin , .V SU IxiiiUniniriiletiti ) Itiioni
l uM. lit-ls Itonnl of T.ltiinnlotTriiilii.Omtli * ,
Trade. KtrlmiiKU MilV , s. ( hn h
llAltl\\'AHK. \ \
Rector &Wiluolmy Co Glnrk-Aiulrcesou
Cur. lOtli niut JncisonSK Hanlwaro Oo.
IStli niul tlnrni'jr , Omih
OmnliA. Noli.
Ilor B. R. Grotto ,
t.lnnor Mprflinnti , Importer nml .louiicr of
llliMnriHiy Slrrot , U'IIIIM mul l.lciuori
Mnniifnctiir'ri Kcnnivly'i l02JMh , | Hi : . ' fiiriinm t.
i : t Imlln Hilton. I'rli-o ll < ti on ni | > lli. itlnii.
L , Kirsobt & Oo , , Frick & Horborts ,
Whotc nla Iliiior | Do U'r < \VliulemluI , liiuor Do , iljn
407-40D S. lOtli St. ( OleosIDtliSt. .
Oharlo'j ' E. Lee , Loirs Bradford
Hnnlnooil hunlior , wood
carpiM * niul pinniut I.iiinbor. llme.ccMiiaiit ola.
Pill mm Ihnul.n.
Wl Diiuh SlriH't
0. A , Stouohill , I. Oborfultlor Sc Oo , ,
.M Illlnory , .Notions. Clonks Importer niul .lobbori In
Ktu. .Mlllhuirr.
.IM 210 ari'l 'I.until lltli
110-113 S lUthSt. , Onnilin btiri-t.
Platt & Oj. ,
Oysters , Klsh and i ele'y ,
.1111 Suuth lOlli Bt
Ilnvld Cole .MaiKuer.
NOB. 2 nnd 4 Shormnn St. .
nf ( Jrnln , Held nnd I'lnx Sci'dn. Iti'fereiiceH Cor
KiclmiiKonnU American Kxrlinniiu Nullonul Hanks
Totil l euo § at CITIES ,
n * vt * H v ov w uir.TnicTS. WATER
COMHAIIltlS.bT.R.n.COMl'AHIfU.vto ,
Currr * | > onimirt > sollritfrd.
ie .105 Oonrlioro iiiroet , CHICAGO
13 Wa'l Stroot. MEW YO11K-
70 Klnta St. . KOUTOM. .
fflti ( liltkulor'ii Kii Miti IM.nmnil llmntf.
9 Orftflnul and Only flrnulnr.
j " / i H W . l on
llryiilil for l > iil ri \ gUi\ Hit
m. < rai 1 1 1 , Kt.l 111,1 , < , M WUIIUX
uii i it. | lut Hit rlilB I'nbe
atiolbrr. t'tf t M rr ui mfcalilu.
ll I i ( * l llf uuli' ' . > r n <
la tu c Inr ttrll 'ari. ' ir.tlinoiiUU ftai
"Itflltf fur l.itdlcl , " < > ' < " " > I > H rrl r
Mail. in.OOOTriliiucolilt Ham , l'itir.
, . ' , . Hnui.r ,
fell V 'U Lo > u l" uu- I'LUiiJu. , I'tf