THE OMAHA DAILY J < EJB/W PNESIAY , OOTOBJEH 28 , J891. NO RESPECT FOR RECORDS Plyora at Syracuse Ricklosaly Cashing ir Very Low -Flgurts. SUCCESSFUL DEDICATION OF THE KITE Gootl Hnors Vc-sterdny nntl More rroinlsed I'nlo Alto Cuts Hin Ilcuoril llncltiK null Other .Sporting Noxvs. SruAcrsr , Nob. , Oct , 27- [ Special Tele gram to Tut : BIK. [ Today xvns tbo llrst daj of meeting on the UHo-shnpetl track. Al though the attendance xvas small It xvai fully up to expectations. The xvcatbor li line , track In excellent condition , and records were broken recklessly. I'lrst race , StW ) class , purse $ -00 : Aicolyto * .Till ill . s 2 ; i i1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' klrnj Unll'lil'iiy' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II 4 S lord C'atrruy r. I 2 4 Umrlos Hnfilxvin 1 ro. Uuolplt Jr. . . . . .vvv. v.Vi : 6 ' Charles Baldxvln xvns suspended nftor the first boat for uon-pnymeni of n previous flno. Hucond rnee. . ' 1:00 : , Il-ycnr-olds , purse ! IM ! MimtKumery 1 1 1 V.'inesnii 2 S J Ilnnrboniils 4 U J Uhrlstona a 4 4 Time : BiUlVS. 8:37 : . 2tsli. : : Brocade xvent to boat n record of 20 : ! nnd finished without a skip In 2'JS. : Hod Wuld (2:27 : ) loxxcrcd Ills record three-fourths of n second nnd l.conldns (2:3J ( : ! ) beat his record by ouo second. On lomorroxv comes the 2:52 nnd the Sl.'l : ! tiotting raros. On Thursday comes thii H .00 und froo-for-nll trots and on Friday the 2HS : and 2:28 : trotting. A special t lain xvlll lonvo Lincoln for the rnoo on the arrival of the regular train from Omaha , und returning , roach Lincoln nnd tnako connection xvlth tno evening train for Omaha. BUN.NINdS UxCB TllACIf , W.XSIIINUTOV , O. C. , Oct. 27. The track xvas dusty , xvoather pleasant : Klrst raee , ( Ivo-olghtsof a inllo , seven stnrt- nrn : Holnidnl colt. 101 ( I to I ! ) , won In lui : : < i. Knniisack , IW ( l.'Uo.V , second , Thlrs L , 1UI.W ( to 1) ) . third. .Second race , six fnrloncs , six starters : Ilus- teeil , ll'Jfll tor > ) , won In Ilii : ( ! , Wnttrrsnn , US (4 ( to J ) , second , Mury Htone. U9 (5 ( to I ) , third. Third riiro , ono nnd one-sittenntli miles , threestnrtnrrt. I'ort Chester , lit ) uitoS ) . xton In l.-WM. 1'rltlior , 10 (8 ( to 5) ) . sui-oml. Judge Mnrroxr , 118 O to 1) ) third. I'ourtli race , six and one-half fnrloiiKs , six starters : Cerohnt. Ill (4 ( to I ) , xvoii In 15 : * } . JlutiiKorda Illly , 115(3 ( toll , second , Lynn , 101 (8 ( to 1) ) . third I'lfth race , soiling , one mile , six stnrtors : Count Dudley , us (1 ( to I ) , xxon in 1:4" : > . Hood lum. 100 ( II tu I ) , second , llally I lee , 101 ( J to 5) ) , thlid. A cd I Jut Speedy. STOCKTOV , Cnl. , Oct. 27. Palo Alto , the old hero of the Stanford stables , bout bis record today by trotting a milo In 2:10 : Hut. Ho made the quarters in 32 , ill > ; . IK ? and : t3 } . It was n game race against Father Time from start tollmsh.aml the old campaigner did not make n skip in the entire mile. When ho went to the quarter In 32 seconds , horsemen said the pace xvas too fast , and xvhen ho reached the halt in 1 . ( > ; % they said ho could not keep his feet. But Pulo Alto xvas out today to boat tno milo xvithout oven n touch of Marvin's ' xvhip. Export horsemen contend thnt Pnlo Alto xvlll beat the xvorld's stnlllon record of 2l : ( ) > 14. held by Allorton. Tho.v ox- poet to send him again In n foxv days on this track if the xvcnthor holds good. RarflolU Park Itesnlts. CIIICAOO , III. , Oct. 27. Gnrflold results : Klrst nice , onn inllo lowu won. Duster second end , I/ord I.onsdulu third. Tlmo : 1:41. : Second r.ieo. tlncu-fourliis of a milo. Tom Slovens xvon. Intiuder second , Lulund third. Tlmo : llfi' : | . Third rncu declared off. Konrlh racu , mile and one-slxtuentb. On-1 llndu xvon , Faloio second , Jenniu S third. Time : 1:40. : Fifth race. throe-fourths of a inllo. St. August won , second. Luclndn third. Tlmo : lil.T. Sixth - . three-fourths of n inllo. The Deacon won , Diamond Dick second , J J third. Time : Jl'i. : ( _ 1 Ips for Today. Yesterday those tips named the xvlnnors and plnco horses In tlio first three races at "Washington. The fourth rnco xvas not filled till noon. Horses named for the llfth race ran second and third. Thcso ere thought to bo good things for today : ( lUTTHNHEItO. 1. Klnnihonn Daisy Woodruff. S. Autocrat llumblor. a. Mnilstonu rnlln Hluckhurn. 4. Innovation I'uruvlnn. 5. I/oiiKstrldo llohunilan. fl. Hook HKHMI Ohurllo. t. 1'rlncoss I.lmo Van Duron. 2. Qiiuonle Tiowbrldjio Lonsbroook. I. Usbornn Hob Korsythu. 4. Unx'orton Knlly. 6. Coiuetbur Guyosa. bl'AJtKH Ot' Sl'OltT. Another Aiihtrallan Vlotorr. SAN FIIANCISCO , dal. , Oct. 27 Con Uior- dan of San Francisco and Billy Smith of Australia , beax-y xvelghts , battled at the California club tonight for n $1.200 purse. Klordnn xvns the favorite. Smith forced the pnco , nud xx-hllo Kiordnn countered effec tively nt times the cleanest und hardest bloxvs were Smith's , who landed repeatedly ever Ulordan's heart , lliordun xvas knocked doxvn In the first round , nnd nlso in the second round. From the llfth to the sixteenth round Smith kept the uggiu&slvo , driving his loft for the Jaxv and planting his right ever the heart. Ho bled n little ut , the IUHO from Klordun's left stops. Ulordun's play seemed to tire him out. Smith repented his noxv bloxv nt every opportunity , and in the txventy-ftfth Klor- uou's face and chest xvns covered xvlth gore , nnd the men's gloves xvoro slippery. Ulor- don then xvont to the Door , remaining doxvn eight seconds , nud rose to bo Icnocked down uiraln. In Uio txvontvHlxth Smith smnshed both hands Into KlorJon's Injured ox'o , The scene was sickening , ns the name nnd bleeding liiordon strugclod about the ring , fulling txvlco und rising only to rccelvo Smith's poxx'orful uppercuts full in the injured mem ber. Hoferco Cook then stepped Into the ring nnd stopped the fight , awarding It to Smith. _ DnvloH Al'tor n Grime. CHICAGO , III. , Oct. 27. "Parson" Davlos tonight Issued tbo folloxvlns : In bulmlf uf Jim Hall , the champion rulddlu- xvelcht puslllst of Australia , I herewith ex tend Iho following chullniiKe. to i'otor Maher , oliiimplon houvy weight pugilist of Irolund : Hull will IlKht Mnhor for the Inrcost purse any rosponslblo oluti xvlll Kunruntve. and n mtlo bet cif siittsfnctorv illnienslons. to ; > llnlsh , Muninlsof Qnnensbnry rulex. within a H > ; i son u bin time , the Irl li ohainplon not to xtulKh moru tliun 170 pounds. Or Hull will box Muliorsh rounds In any place that may bo agreed upon for thu untu roculptn Maher not to xvelch iniiro thnn US pounds 1 nndorntand that Mr. VXIIllam M addon Is looklni ; nftor Muhor'rt Intui-osts , nnd hope thai he ulll accept onu of thu above jiroposltloiis. CIUIII.KS R DAVIKS. On ! McCarthy WniitN Moro 31onoy. NKW VOIIK , Oct. 27. Cnl McCarthy , the ox-champion foathor-xx'oiuht pugilist , called on Editor Lumlwy yesterday and stated thnt ho had decided not to accept tbo $1,000 purse offered by the Occidental Athletic -club of California , for a finish fight betxvecn himself and Danny Huxvltlns , tbo champion of the Pnclllo coast. McCnrthy said bo xvould , noxvover , moot tiaxvklns If thu directors of the Oocldontnl club xvould tncrciuo the purse to $1,800 and pay all OXPCUSCS. The little Jeraoy man looked remarkably xvcll and Is evidently taking- good care of himself , They Made It Pay. NBXV YoifK , Oct.Tho receipt * of tto Ute alx-dey blc.volo match xvoro distributed this afternoon. The gross receipts wcro FJ4- TDA.50 ; expenses , f 18,824.63. After deducting Manager Kck's ' sbnro. { liS7tj ! ! and paying a few other expenses , the i-omainder was ap portioned to prize winners us follows : Mar tin , 11,221 ; AahliiRor , (920 ; Lamb. K > 50 ; Bchock , $191 ; Albert , t-m ; Coyst. Mi5. Tired of llolnj ; Klitu. PITTSUUHO , Pa. , J. Palmer O'Noll , the UASO ball maKaatO of this city , this aftor- noon resigned the presidency of the PltU burg league club. A successor hat not bear elected. / / / : . > niiitKK at it lira < > ititit. Irlfllitnen lndulK in a Kit ol' a lloxv al Cork. CotiK , Oct. 27. William O'Brien nnd Jour Dillon arrived todny and xvoro mot by ndcptt tntion of members of thcNnllonat federation members of the Gnlllc clue , municipal oftl cers Mid many priests. As the proccsalor passed through the streets there xvus con siilorahlo hissing and booing nnd sox'cra stones crashed through thu largo portrait o O'Brien , xvhlcb xvns being curried In tin parade. Upon arriving nt the assembly rooms Dil lon und O'Brien were given an enthusiastic reception , during xvhtch several warmly np plnudcd speeches were mado. Whilu the speech making xvn In progress a body of Purncllites attacked tbo hand men ol the McCnrthyltes and tried to demolish their Instruments. A xvnrm frco light folloxved but the police charged In und put nn end tc hostilities. Dillon and O'Brien later attended the Corli countv convention , xvhoro Dillon noted as prodding oniccr. Ho complained of the or gnnl/cd violence of the Pnrnollltes. O'Brien , in his spooech , said the I'arnolUtos might bloxv up Iho naxvspapcr offices of the AlcCnrthyllo party , but they couldn't destroy tlio spirit which animated thai party. This xvns received xvlth cpplnusu , mingled xvlth some hooting. After the county convention adjourned there xvas a serious tight in the streets. Dilion and O'Brien passed through the city , still accompanied bv the procession , xvhich mot them nt the station. Suddenly the McC'irthyitos xveto attacked by a largo mob of I'.ir'nellito ? und both sides fought desperately xvlth sticks , clubs , shovels anil pikes. A detachment of mounted police spurred in boUxoon the txvo lines of com batants , sulking right nnd loft xvlth the Hat of their sabres nnlid cross shoivors of stones and bricks. Lnico numbers of xvoundod xvero stretched blooding nnd groaning in the streets before the troopers restored order , und neighboring hospitals had to llml accommodation for many xvoundcd persons. There Is great excitement every xvhoro in Cork this evening. Autajonlstlo groups It Is feared xvlll reassemble nnd there Is danger tbnt the battle xvlll bo resumed. Civlli/.lnir thu Natives. LONDON , Oct. 27. Dispatches received hero from Lagos , capital of the British xvest African colony of that name , gives an ac count of the landing nnd triumph over a number of tribes in the neighborhood of the Cumoroons river , Upper Guinea , of a force of Germans. The native tribes of Abe , In the Cnmotoons country it appeirs-huvo boou for somotlaio past subjecting German settlers to abuses of various natures. Thnso proceed ings the German admiral determined to put a stop to. Consequently ho , some time ago , rondezvoiiod tbreo German xvar vessels in the Cameroons river nnd landing a strong force of sailors and marines , stormed the villages of the hostile chiefs , inflicting severe punishment upon them. Eicht of the Ger man landing party xvcro xvoundcd. The number of natives killed Is not stated. 'nlii' ' ; the Election of a Popn. Bitt'siiu.s Oct. 27. The Courier of this city publishes a decree alleged to have boon issued by the Into Pope Pius IX. , xvnich re ferred to future conclaves. The decree con firms tbo exclusive right of the cardinals to elect a pope free from any Intervention on the part of the powers. It also declares thnt the cardinals in Homo nt the time of the death of u pope ought to ductdo xvhothor the election of a nnxv pope should take place out- sldo of Italy , und that If any attempt should be mndo to interfere with a conclave It should bo transferred beyond Italy. I'ired an Hundred Guns. BERLIN , Oct. 27. King Charles , of Rou- mnnia. arrived in this city today and xvns accorded n military rc-joption. At the rail road depot ho xvas mot by Emperor William und by the princess of the imperial family and the route from the depot to the cnstlo xx-as lined xvith troops. Upon stopping from the CUM the king of Uoumanla xx-as greeted xvith n 101 gun salute. The kaiser gax-e a grand banquet this evening in honor of the king of Koumania. The toasts xvcro of tha most cordial char- actor. Jockeys. LONPON , Oct. 27. The Jockey clubs of Vienna and Budn Pesth had a joint session yesterday to inquire into the charges re cently preferred that there xvas fraud among tbo jockeys. It was clearly proved that there xvas n corrupt ring of eighteen jockeys xvith xvhom certain xvoll known turiites were con spiring. The licenses of tbo jockeys , Coats nud Busby , xx'oro suspended and a number of their confederates xvoro warned off the turf. Conservative Victory. LOVPON , Oct. 27. Mr. Frederick Smith , conservative , son of the Into William Henry Smith xvas today elected member of parlla- nont for the Strand division in succession to ils father. Mr. Smith received 4,932 votes nnd Dr. Guttoridge , liberal , 1,015. In the lust irevlous election Mr. W , II. bmitti , conservative vative , received r , o : > l and Mr. Hilary Skin- lor , homo ruler , 1,508. Victims of the Storm. MAiisim.uss , Oct. 27. The details of the itorm nro sloxvly coming to hand. Eighteen boats of ull sorts , many small coasters , xvoro lashed to pieces in this vicinity. A largo hr o-inustod Italian X'ossol xvns xvrcckod nt lyres , txvolvo mlles oust of Toulon. Many ossols took refuge in the various ports of ho French colony of Algeria. I'Yixuoo Pxnis , Oct. 27. In the chamber of deputies n reply to a deputy xvho nskod xvhnt had jccn done in the case of the consul of the Jnltod States to Madagascar xvho had tried o dispense xvlth the exequatur of the French ? ovornmont , Mr. Hlbot said thai Frnnco had ocolved satisfaction in all respects touching ho Incident. _ KlntHiim and .letmuii. LONDON , Oct. 27. Ono of the uffects ot the ; reat storm xvas seen today In the xx-ashlnp xshoro iiour Corloston , In Sussex , of the * torn of the ship Murgnrot John , from Little Inmpton. Four bodies xvoro recovered from ho wreck. Nothing Is known of the futo of the rest of the crow. Setting a Good I'xumplc. Bciti.iN , Oct. 27. The Helens Anzolgor snys that the kulsor has purchased txvo xx'ork- ngmon's houses , Intending to prosoht Ihom , o dosorvlug mon. This action of the kaiser las stimulated thu aristocrats to follow the example. Teutonic Itrolco tlio Hocord. LONDON , Oct. 27 , The Whlto Star line steamer Teutonic , xvhlcn sailed from Noxv York October 21 for Liverpool , xvas signalled off Hroxvhoad this mornlnc ; , having beaten Ibo fastest previous record from Noxv York. Want to Kotiilu thn Tnr I IT. PAIIIH , Oct. 27. The scnnto tariff commit- co mol today. Several mom bora advocated the prohibition of the Importation of salt ncats. _ I'Mro Iteoord. CINCINNATI , O , , Oct. 27 , Iho Clifton Springs distillery , situated In Cumralnsvlllo u the northern part of tbo city , xvas de stroyed by Hro tonight. The loss is" estimated at $10,000 xvlth partial Insurance. Hotv the ire started Is not known , It xvas the only distillery In this region not a member of the whisky trust , SAVANNAH , Ga. , Oct. 27. Flro broknout at 11 o'clock tonight in the forxvartl ronipart- uout of tbo British steamship Bendo , loaded with 10,800 bales of cotton nnd to huvo cleared tomorroxv for Liverpool. Txvo thou sand bales xvore iu the compartment xvhloh MUfht tiro. Tbo flro department and it liar- > or tui : are ut work on the vessel nnd the tire s under control. It is Impossible to got un istlmuto of tbo loss until tbo damugod cargo uas been discharged , g Miiamur Arrival * . At London Sighted American , Gallcla , MaoAdam , from New York ; Nessmoro , from iojton. * At Southampton Spree , from Nen York. At Oravesoud Huisln , from Baltimore. HE IS "OUTFORT1IE STUFF , ' tCO.VTIXL'nt ) fltOM nitST I'VOK.J maUo him many votes that ho prrbupi wouli not othorwlsa riuvo received. Will Vote Tor .Indue P < t. Oil IXT , Mob. , Oct. 27. [ Special to Tin Bui.j : Mr. W. L. Hutlodgo , a life long democrat , who tin * boon protnl nenlly Idcnlillod with tbo managomon of democratic affairs in tills county for tin pant four years , In reply to tbo question "Aroyou for Edirortoril" todav snlU : "No I urn for .fudgo Post. It has not boon tin bnblt to vote for icpubllcans , bocnusa I nm i bellovur In democratic principles and nlxvnyi support the democratic nominees whan then nro miv , but there being no nomlnco for sit pronto Judge , I am left to cheese onn of tin other candidate * , I nm for Post because he Is a lawyer of demonstrated utility \vhe hui served the pcoplo of ttio our und of the stnto as dtstricl Judge for years nnd ngatnst xvhotr there Is no complaint. Edgorton might dc for n Justice of the pcnco In South Omutm. 01 In soiiio country precinct In Ibis county , bul ho is no lawyer , nnd the length of time bo has boon practicing law without any marked degree of success convinces mo that ho novel can bo. Ills election to the supreme bonoli would not only bo n serious blunder on the part oftho neeDle who elected htm , but would bo n disgrace to the state. lie is not s competent man , and under no circumstances .should business men make tbo mistake ol voting for him. " Mr. V. A. Cannon , who Is n gentleman ol pronounced democratic proclivities , said ! "No Edgorton In tnlno. I have no particular political love for cither Mr. Edgerton or Mr , Post. I know enough , however , of the legnl ability of the two gentlemen to satisfy mo that Judge Post Is far superior to Mr. Edgortou , I will vote for Post for that reason. The state can not ntTurd to elevate to the supreme bench a man who has no distinction oven as n Justice of the pcnco In youth Omaha. " The fact , that Judge Post is a much su perior man to J. W. Edgerton Is recognized by nil voters In this county not under the independent lash , and he Is going to got c handsome vote here. \Vomiui SulTnifjists In Session. II VSTI.NOS. Nob. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ! The tenth annual sos slon of the Women's Suffrage association oi Nebraska was called to order nt 4 p. in. bj thopreildcnt.Mrs. Clara B.Colbv.of Beatrice. The following appointments were made ; Miss Helen Goff , secretary , pro torn ; Mrs , Flora Cassoll and Miss Helen Goff , commit tee on credentials : Miss Susan Kiclor , OB auditing the treasurer's account , and Mrs , Drury Woodtiy and Warner , on tuo plan ol the work. The time of holding tbo annual meeting was then Informally considered , many of the ladles favoring holding the con vention earlier in the year as many members coulu not otherwise bo present. Hecessthcn occurred until oveninir. The association reassembled at 8 with n fair attendance , mostly of ladles but with n few men. After the Invocation had been delivered bv Mrs. Cooley of Lincoln , Mrs. F era Cassoll of Hustings welcomed the as sociation to the ijuoon City In an informal manner. The address of welcome was re sponded io in n very pleasing manner by Miss Helen Goff of Mlnden who reviewed the history of the womens' suffrage ucita- tion and urged the continuance in the light until the battle was won. Mrs. Clara Be wick Colby , president of the association , then delivered an address on "Practical Point ; , . " She urged the personal advocacy of suffrage oy the women themselves and spoke con cerning citizen suffrage. Mrs. C. M. Woodward , spenkinc of the twentieth conturv woman , ga'vo an able ex hibition of the powers , abilities und attain ments of the twentieth century woman as she appeared to them , contrasting her ideal with the nineteenth century woman. After the benediction ttic convention adjourned till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. EdgcrtoiiVan Not 'J here. WAIIOO , Nob. , Oct. 27. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK. | Hon. J. W. Edgertou , who was billed hero to meet a republican speaker in joint discussion , failed to put In an appear ance , not during to fncQ his opponent. The only ground upon which ho could fail to ap pear was that of being "sick , " but ns ho spoke last night at Sutton and was billed for tonk'Ut at Hnstincs it shows that it was something else that caused htm to send a substitute In the person of W. L. Green of Kearney. The republicans were represented by P. W. Collins of Lincoln , who opened the discussion in a talk of one-hour , in which ho discussed the money question , national banks and sub-treasury scheme , and fully exposed the extravagance of the last legislature , and paid his compliments to Representatives Ste vens and Mndio nnd Secretary Plrtlo on the pass question. Mr. Green followed In a talk 3f ouo hour and a quarter , in wtiich ho ro- nonrsed ouo of J. B. Weaver's old greenback speeches nnd rehashed the old greenback doctrine and tried In a very lame wav to jphold the reckless extravagance of the last egislaturo. Mr. Collins closed in a neat speech of fifteen minutes. /Oll'.l Jt.llLllU.llt JKML'LOl'KS. Something ; About Thulr 1'olltlonl 101- forls and Number ol' Voter * . Dis MOIVKS , la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele- crum to Tin : Bin : . ] "Tho railway employes lave not orguubod to light , " ald n member of the executive committee of the local Knil- wav Employes club to a representative of a ocnl paper today. "What Is the object of their organization ? " xskod the reporter. "To watch ana pray and cast their 27,000 yotos where they will do tbo most good. " "Are there 27,000 mon In your club ? " "No , that Is the entire nuinbar ot oin- ) loyes in the state. Wo have not got thorn ill into cmbs yet. Wo must oroop before wean : an walk. But wo have been at work tor six veolts nnd wo have made rapid progress. L'horo were 1,0,17 members In this city up to nst Saturday night und there nro thousands u other parts of the state. Next year the Btitiro number will bo enrolled. " "Which party do you intend to support ? " ' Wo nro not tied to any party , either the loitiocratic or lopubilcan , but will vote In telligently for the candidate that will sup- lortus regardless of politics. "How do you proceed I" "Wo present n declaration of our demands to every candidate , state and county of both mitles and glvo them an equal chance. " "What Is the political complexion of the committee ? " "Two republicans nnd two democrats , The state committee is divided the sumo way , " "What demands do you muko upon candi dates I" "For ono thing , wo demand n law which will make the railroad commission consist of ano farmer , ono la-vyor and ono practical railroad man. " "What other demands do you mnkol" "Shorter hours for onottiluiuud no further reduction ot rates. You unow that If you could not got a fair pnco for your paper you would have to cut down expenses and dis charge some of your employes. That is the way with the railways business. Wo want 10 moro reductions , so that wo can have om- ilovmont. " "Thu Hallway Employes club is not favorable - able to saloons , then ! " "No , wo nro no whiskey element. " "What Is the general fooling of the boys 311 that subject ? " "I couldn't sponk for nil. Wo have never talked that subject over , but the rulo. * and r'jgulntions of all the railroads of lowu pro- ilblt drinking , nnd llkuwlso every railway irganlzatlon of employes , if detected in nn ntoxlcatod cont'ition or making n hnblt of Jrlnking or frequenting saloons , thay nro not inly dismissed from the employment of tbo xunpany but suspended from the order until hey give evidence of reform , " Kiijtremo Court Decisions. DBS MOINKS , la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tolo- jam to TUB DKK. ] The following decisions voro illod In the supreme court today ; W ' 3. Smith , appellant , vs E , C. Foster , sheriff' Marshall district , nfilrmod ; J. L. Stewart ippollunt , vs tbo City of Council Bluffs , Pot' nwattamlo district , reversed ; W , Jurgit , appellant , vs William Case , ntervenor , Huraboldt district , aftlrmod ; amei Cutlauau et al , appellant , s the . /Etna National back et al , Monoua Istriot. afllrmed ; Franu Smith , appellants , , -s Smith Bros , ot ul and six other cases , \udubori district , modlnod and afflrmoii : J. J. Uetzor vs Appellate flt al , Cuss district , fUrmod ; State vs Martin Myers , appellant , oik district , aftlrmca ; State vs Al Hender appellant , rVolk district , onlrmod Harriet " ' vs J. J. Moxvrei ot al. appellant ! I ] chAtiun district , reversed 0. H. MeNId ndminlstrntor , vs S. A falrrlne , Corro Gordo district , nf firmed ; S. Al. SrnVfh , appellant , vs N. Ynge ot ul , Montgomerv district , nfllrmod' T. J Underwood TI t'Wio Lombard InvosUnon Company , irtlpVtlnnl , Page district anirmed : Mnuellnn Irlbeclt , appellant vs Gcorgo Beorlo. C.irroll dlstilet nfllnncd j HtKtUmnelln vs Pottnxvnttutnh county , nppcllnnYBCouncll Bluffs , suporloi court , rovorsodl { Anton Bvor , npnollant , vi Mlclmol Hualoy I'tnl , Webster district , re vet-sod ; Ell/nboth Stewart , appellant , V ! William MeFarltwid et ul , executors , Lynt district , nnirtn.oflr' ' W. F. Johiwon vs .1. W Kldcr , nppcllnretSTtttnn district , nnirmod ; J J. Ilnrlan vs Ji ifia * > h et ul , appellant , Cas1 district , nfllnnod ; Peter Micks vs Chicago St. Paul ft Kansas City railway , appellant Uubuquo district , utllrmud : Chorales Drub nor , uppollunt , vs H. 1' . Johnson et ul , Wortl district , ravorsed. Donnld IMcljcan Sued. Storx CITV. la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun. ] George It. Blunchnrd o : Now York , chairman of the Central Trafth association , has brought suit In Unkoti county , Nebraska , ngatnst Donnld McLean promoter of the Pncitic Short Line , for $ iOuO , Ho claims that the money Is duo from Me Lean on f8-l,00 ( ) worth of Pacific Short Llm stocit sold for him by McLean. McLean Hie ; u counter claim for S15W ) ( . on a note of Blancbnrd's In the North Hlvci bank taktm up by the promoters ol the Pncltle Short Lino. The stor.v brought out by the court proceedings is to tlio ofloet that McLean distributed nr ir.imonsi ) amount of "promoter's stock" ol which about $ ; l)0,000 ) worth was donated tt Blunchard for his tnlluonco nnd name , fllO- 000 worth of stoclt xvns sold at 25 cents on the dollar. The ether $ -U,000 was given tt McLean to sell at 25 cents on the dollar Hlnnchnrd's suit Is for the alleged balance , MoLuan pleads no consideration and sots uf u counter claim Blanchurd's note. 1'ho cast will bo tried In November. liril Men liiScHHlon. Cnn tt Kvi'tns , la. , Oof. 27. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEK.J The ninth great council ol the Improved Order of Kcd Men compris ing the states of lown and Nebraska cotv vonod hero today , with n largo number ol delegates In attendance. At this morning' ; session James Moorhoail of this cltj was elected grand senior sngamoro U fill the vanancy caused bv the deatli of George E. Bell , nud M. F. Johnson ol Audubon , In. , was chosen grand junioi sagamoro to fill the vcancy caused b.v Mooiiioad's promotion. Tbo reports of the great sachem , great chief of records anil great keeper of wampum were heard. The reports show the order to bo in n prosperous condition. A mooting to which only the grand oilicers ntn ndmittcd Is being held this afternoon. The mooting lasts two days. Supposed UiNitl Sinn's Copers. Sioux City , la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele gram to 'I'm : But : . ] The police arc again at tempting to arrdst James McMichaels , who , after cmbc llng nbout $1,01)0 ) three months ago and eiopiugylth young Alice Walton , was supposed to' have boon accidentally killed at Minneapolis. A month ace she re turned to this city , claiming to bo u widow. The police stoppedr pursuit of McMichaols , but he was seen in the city yesterday nnd ' the girl ran oir witU him n'u'ain. Ho has u wlfo and childrop"living at Clinton. F.'iilccKtiwCnteh llii Car. Curuit nvi'in'n tn. , Oct. 27. fSpeclnl Tele gram to TUB Bni3 ] ' H. W. Davenport and nnd Jenuio Howil sovorad their connection with the "Daniel Boono" company uftnr the performance In thirdly las' ; night and made a domantl for baiikjjValary , which , was re fused. Thev thfeu'wont before a justice nnd swore out a writ of attachment on the coin- pony's special car , " but the manager suc ceeded In getting aWay before It could bo served. The shorlfj at Manchester has been telegraphed to hpdctuo car. Riirglnr's at Madrid. Booxi : , In. , OctHSpecial | Telegram to Tin : BKR. | Crary ros' . hardware store at Madrid , this county'was ontorett by burg lars lost night and f U)0itworth ) of cutlery and ' revolvers taken. > , Diphtheria In Iowa. CKDAII HU-IIH , la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tut : BKE. | Diphtheria prevails at Toddville , this county , to an alarming extent. Several deaths have occurred. South Dakota Warrants Fervod With out Trouble In Ijottislunn. Sioux FAII. , S. D. , Oct. 27 [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKE. ) Word was received hero today from United States District At torney Grant of Now Orleans to the oftect that fourteen ofllrois of the Louisiana lottery Bad been arrested and asking what amount of bond was necessary to bo given for their appearance atSiotrc Kills nnd the duto which inicht bo llxed for their arraignment. United States Attorney Sterling ot this citv nnsworou by fixing the bonds at SJ.OOO to bo approved by himself nnd naming December I as the data lor the arraignment. The names of the ollleers of the lottery company Indicted nro Paul Conrad , J. P. Horner , F. T. Howard , T. O. Morris , C. H. Ilyams , P. Follx Hnrwlsr , P. A. Hazondo , .r. I. Horwig , L. Pacho , W. Valoton. A. J. Pachomlns. P. Voorhocs , M. P. Arnoull , P. J. Tubarro , J. E. Brulatour. Jacob F. Haight , county judge of Hyde county , a veteran of the war and a victim of the Andrtrsonvlllo prison , was sentenced this afternoon In the United States court , for hav- MR conim'Ucd ' perjury , to servo ninety dajs n tbo county jail und to pay u line of $2,000. An American Kor er Arr > Hlcd. [ Cni > urlulit ItVt li\lJamr \ ( iniilnii llfiuult. ] Loxnox , Oct. 27. [ NowYork Herald Cable Special to Tin : BKIJ. ] Inspector Frost of Scotland Yard has arrested .it Edinburgh John McCorrnuck of Now York , aged 2li 'ears , for forgery in connection with the klatropolitnn Llfo Insurance company. McCormaok was about to sail lor Australia Moro CioliI Krnm ICuropn. New YOKK , Oct. 27. The steamer LaGas- ogno arrived yesterday with ยง 200,000 in gold or Lazard Fronos. 'ihis makes the total amount received since September 12 , ? . ! 0- 80,000. The total Imports of gold received at this port tins year have boon $21,032,700 and the exports ? T5JiiJ5I ; ) : , AKII'.S ui' ' yj5.sriwtr. . The HtotimarSovorolau has bueu wn-oUod on Ijiiko tfiiijurlor. Him o.irrlud iou.uiu htiihoUof \lioit : when she w as lost. Puiinsylvanla uutluirltlos have brought suit iBiilnst tlioolllcoiSiif the l.onlshnui Lottery otnp inv for nnhiftt fillly uslnw the mallsi. \Vtlllam L. MIIIIHOII. hucrutnry of tbo I'liltdn InlldliiunssuL'IntlDii uf Ulnulnnntl etmfu--m hut ho Is u duf the ainuunt of JIU.WO. lo wii- ! fond of Kiiinfiilnp. IndlutinenU hayn bt'on found aKnlitit olll- lulsot thu louSili ( > H Lottuiy oonip.iny by he United Htiitu lRr.ui'l ' jury of .M.ias.iuhn- oits. Tlioy havojlluui charged with Illegally lain ? thu nrills. Vl A llywhcol oxpiqi ud at ICIinhmly's rolling iilll , Oruunvlllo , P.MjtcKirliii ; a liir o holu In liu roof and InjurmK'Uvo mon. Tlioir iiitmus uo : Mluliaol Hliommilior , I'rinl llollvur , John Jllliord. .Mluhnul Spilnj and Jilinos Udwards , 1'tto ot thuin will ilffji In apnhllslied Iiitorvlow with n St , Louts eiiorttir Duncnil n kUrotfurd stutus that he Inlet lot commuted wlthtUOJ Louisiana htilu : Lot- ory cnmp.inv : ( lij > t' > > lni only watolin.H the lrnwlni with r > pi)6ku ) Uarly to boo that they iru conducted fnliwai Itoilorluic Von OMu olnimftii tube nn exiled tu&fituii nobliiiiiuii , has vluttmlztMl a iiiiinbur if New Vork poiuilu on iliu HtrmiKth of his upposod nobility and ban left for parts mi- uiDwii. lly inuans of worthless oliucks , notm tnd ItnniuuuliitnKall ho tmui-uudcd In buuur- IIK qullo a lurgu sum of money. Koruijjn. Troops were formed In the aquarn for tbu > rotuctlonof tlio iipeii ulrtncol whlnli was uddru * ud by Dillon and O'ltrlun at Dublin , The president of Hr.i/ll bus nuked the con- ; ross of that rupublli ] to miproprlatii WKXW ) ( to lay thouximiuus InciJuntul to u tlUuluy at ho World's fulr. Advlcus from Tuim state that tlui force of he rMDnt storm was slmrnly fult on the > ountliern const uf ilia Mcdlterannunn. A uree wall In tbucity of Tunis , wliloh h id baun uiidurinlnud by tbu Hood , collapsed and burlud blrty nutlves. DUpatchoafiom Ituisln toll ot a state uf anarchy uxUtliu In ibo provlnuo uf Tohor- vlicorr. I'llty Juws liavu boon killed , linndrods wuundod and thulr dwellings liiotim by drunken poasants. Many of the Juws , robbed ot ull they possassoj , urq dylu uf sturratlon , FROM THE CRAVE OF FREED01 Qoorgo Konnan Brings Word of the D.'atl in Ltfo of Zira , HOW THE ARMY OF LIBERTY SUFFERS Sml Story of Kdiiantcci MCMI nut \Voinoti Who llnvo Itcoti JOvilcd Hocnuso oTThi'lr Opinions anil 1'ollclH. It was n flno , Intelligent nudleiico Urn greeted Mr. Gcorgo Kunmin , last ovonliig n the Grand opera house , nnd gave vospectfu attention to the celebrated lecttiroi's stor ; of "An Slborlnn Convict Mlno. " In nppenrnnco Mr. Konnnn Is n man o slight , wiry build , with dark , piercing oyoa dark hair flecked with gray and n mos intelligent faco. Ho has a square chin und i hlgn forehead , and ho Impresses yoi forcefully as bolne nnulo of tbu same stut which distinguished the crusaders of old although they wielded far ditTurcnt weapon thnn docs this ninn of peace , who Is chain planing ' the causa of the exiles in the fa away prisons of Siberia. It was nearly half past 8 whei Mr. Edward Hosowator , editor of Tin Br.n , and Mr. Kennnn came upoi the stage , their ndvont 'being wel corned by n conorous burst of nnpluuso Mr. Hosowntcr , ns prosldent of tbo Oil Timor Telegraphers association , ititroducini a former member of the guild , said in sub stance : Introducing tlio Lecturer. About the time that Andrew Curnoslc millionaire ounur ofudniun great factoilo : and foundries , was engaged \\orklni ? on tbo foundatlo'n for his yreat fortune , und win hud boon lust promoted to bo u plug operator u boy but scarcely 0 years of agi wus able to hond n niessiiiio from Nor folk to Clex eland , saying to his niotliu that he wusut the key. Then suuhnn uclilmu inunt w us reminded us u gruat wonder , us I would be today. That s.auu boy n itiartoi | o u century URO. tilled with the desire for ov nloiatlon with the uutlinliHiii : uf vonth ti spur hlin on. enlisted under the ling of tin nliiL'tci'iitli century criisudeis und left fn blberla to assist In suivuyln-4 a llm of tologriph through Siliorla whlcl wi.s destined to connect with at overland line from the United HtUc- to the Delirium sea. Hut the bulldliu of tin Atlantic cublu m.tde such u glziiiitto under- tnklng useless und the voiiin ; intin returned tc his native land , not nllhout , honrvor. liiivlnj expcriunce of the most drain , ill ( huiauter. On his return he iniiiiu his Hist iippuurnncc In lltoi'itiiru by writing an Inturoslln.t boo I ) entitled "Camp Llfo tn Siberia " I had been ai'iiuulntcd with the yoiini ; man , not l > crsonully. but through the medium that one teli'Kraphur talks to another the click of the Instrument which so much to the opcrutor. 1 read his boolv and found so much that was new and Inteicstln In It that the conviction duwnol upun mu In uur assot'lntlon there was n man ot crut ullllty , fur-sljhted anil incisive , an honor to the profession , which ha dlgnitled In o.irlvdays. Kour tour.s has this same 111:111 : made to Mhoi-la , und with each one something dlstlnctlu'ly novel 'ind Intc'iisely exeitlny ha * come. I tulio pleaxnioln Intrudni'lnj to jou to- nlKht the most famous Amei lean , \\jio his uen- otrated to the depths uf hiherlu. tlinohampiun of c. nroad humanity , ilie uxponont of liberty and equality for thosu political convicts now hurvln senlL-nces In the mines and prisons of Siberia , Mr. ( leer e Kcnnan. It was a graceful , felicitous manner of in- troducmir tbo speaker and the uudienco gave the stump of its approval to Mr. Hojowater's wcllconsidorod speech. On the Ho , id to Kara. As an Introduction Mr. Kennuii stated thnt he wisnod to discribo in a narrative sort of way his visit to the mines of Kara where the convicts from liussiu are forced to toil all their lives or else live in noisome prisons , where fresh air never peuotratea and whore vermin of all sorts and conditions bold high carnival. His description of the long , wearisome journey on horseback nnd other modes of conveyance to the mines was delightfully In teresting. sounding more llkoono of the arti cles In the Century than thnt the speaker was talking it in his quiet conversational tone , with little of the frill nnd furbelows of the orator. Ho told In glowing words of the ice-clad and forest-cov ered mountains which wore climbed on the journey , nnd ho painted with the illicitly of n Vorostchngin the rigors of an nrcUo winter. The village about the mines at Kara was described - scribed ns u place of 150 whitewashed hovels , a stockade , a hospital and a prison , besides a low oilicers' houses. Ho nnd Mr. Frost , the nrtist , wcro quartered in the house of the governor of the province , nnd from his house the visits to the mines and the convicts' quar ters were made. Then ho described the Kara penal establishment und told under what difllculties the ncqaintanco was made of the "free command. " During the course of the lecture ho at tempted to draw a word picture of the toul- npss of the cells in which the common con victs as burglars , forgers and murderers worn incarcerated , and t > n vivid was the de scription that ono could almost get a whnf of the vile stenches emanating from the pens. Tbo cells , ho said , were 20x20 feet in size und 7 foot high , without any place for thn inflow of pure ulr when the prisoners were shut in for the night. In each of these cells twenty-nine men were plated , nnd they slept or. benches in their clothes , no beds or covering being al lowed. Sonic Fouurcs of His Trip. Ills interview with Cnptnin Nlkolin , n gendarme ofdcor , nnd the strategy ho prac ticed in giving the Impression thnt ho wus a traveler investigating science , the mine * und ether outdoor features of Siboiiu , were in teresting bits in the story. Mr. Kennnn iifthls point ictired for n moment nnd returned dressed In the costume of the convict , every article having boon worn by some moro or less noted member ot the "army of llbortv , " and which were presented to the speaker by du.solnto beings dying In thu penal settle- uttlcment at Kutu. Ho described the tor- tires experienced by the convicts , the clankIng - Ing of the leg chains which nro riveted upon thu ankles of tbo victims being the only sound that would bo heard for hours along the snow covered roads , nnd hn told of the hurdshlli-s experienced by wearing those mod ern engines of punishment. Ills visit during the ni ht to the house of one of the "frue command , " Miss Nattill Ahnofoldt , was a dramutie portrayal Of the sufferings of the "politicals. " His great risk iu making tlnsvlslt sur prised this highly - educated woman , who was n niece of Count Leo Tolstoi , and she could hardly sponk with him bccnusa of the won-lur his coming exoitod. Another meeting nt this cultured womat.'s house Introduced him to the little colony oi "politicals" who told of atrocities which would malto ttio stoutest heart qu ill and grow sick. Severn ! of these mooting took plnionnd then came the louvo tatting , ho to go back to civilization , they to watt ns patiently ns | > os- siblo for the coming of Death , who was toend the strange , eventful history. But with him ho bore lottoit ) from the oxilci to friends in Uussln , which ho was compelled to burn In order to snvo himself , us ho thought , und these who had Intrusted htm with grave political socroU. from thn Minns , Ono letter , which was written bv n highly Dtlucutod physician , u graduate ot the unlvcr- sitv nt St. Petersburg und n man who hud re ceived many medals for bravery on the Hold of hattlo , who committed suicide , was road lost night , nnd t > o pnthutlo was the story told that onu could not help but fuel nn Indigna tion nt the monstrous methods pursued b.v the czar of nil the Russians In iiroviiiL' to his subjects that ha had a God given right to rule , as U nllogei ) bv the head of the Greek church , Alexander's former tutor. Mr. Knnimn closed tils' highly Interesting story with n description of the contoniilul Fourth of July as practiced by ! ! 00 "pollti- Mis" In the L'lnomy conduct of thu prison In St. I'otorsburg. And hit peroration tent the nudlouco homo with profoundur sym pathy for the wretched men nnd women whoso lives uit ) demanded as the prlco of Rood government In the land ruled oxer with thu Iron hand of Alexander III. "Thu cznr may brenn hearts und whlton the iiftlra of those 'unfoitunntus , " said the lec turer , "but a time will corao when tholr name ! ) will stand higher than bis on the roll jf history. " _ 1VIII Trohnlily Auqult Them. Los AXOBI.KS , t'nl. , Oct. Ii7. ln the trial of thn neutrality case ngnmst Triimbull nm George A. Hurt , tbo Chilian niroun , todnj the utitlru ttma wns consumed in orgutnon by the counsel on n motion to Instruct tin lury to luquit the defendants. Opuiloi scorns general that oven If iho court does no grant tbo motion the Jury will acquit , n.iti.ito.ti ) i'1-.ori.i : t'ni'itisr.i > . Action of tin rintiul Trunk ICntlrelj lhif\piMMrtJ In Chlcnito. Ciitcxoo , 111 , Oct. 2" . The notion of tin Chicago it Grand Trunk In cancelling tin Chicago switching tariff took the ether east cm routjs complotelv by surprise and ns n re suit the truftio oftlclals have boon Ir u stutu of excitement nil day und n < soon ns the report concerning the Grahd Trunk's new departure was confined Chairman Shaw of the vnstbotind frulghi committee cnlled a meeting of the Intcrcstei lines for tomorrow to consider the slluatlot nnd tuko such action ns tnnv bo agreed upon But the Grand Trunk will not tnT rcptosotoi nt the conference Trnfllu Mutineer Ucovu ol that company Is thoroughly moused and lin ; no intention of weakening , lit ! says ho 1m- proof that ether roads have been mnnipulntlnp rates right nlong. It wns reported on the utix-ot this afternoon that tuo Chicago & Grand Trunk wns not only abolishing HW4tch < Ing charges , but was matting no charge foi cartage. This report applied particularly tc the commercial express line , which Is con trolled by the Grand Trunk. Goimral Man ager Moore ot the line said there hnd been nc f rco ehnrgo us yet , but that it would probably como to that tn n few days. In the menu time another prevails that the Grand Trunk has only partially showed Its hand and thai tlio wont Is yet to como. Indeed , certain parties connected with that road have inti mated thtit uddlttonrl revolutions will be made before the week is over nnd that tho.v will bo In line wltn the policy of self pro'- toctlon which the eompanv lias been com pelled to adopt. General I'nssongcr Agent Hlbbard of the See line has notillod Vice Chairman Donald of the Central Traillo association that ho will bo in Chicago to meet with the eastbound passenger committee tomorrow. Ho claims to have proof that moro lines than ono In the Central Tralllc ossocln- tlon nro pa.iing heavy cammlsslons nt St. Paul on business routed by way of Chicago cage to eastern points. Should ho bo nblu tc substititmto his charges some of the ronro scntulivos of thcso lines will bo placed lii n very embarrassing position , as tho.v hnvo ull denied positively that uny commissions arc being pitd. In the urrancemonn for fast passenger ser vice between Chicago and the I'aeillo coast tbo Rock Island will shuro uquullv iu the advantages " vantages with the Burlington" othot roads connecting with the Hio Grando's now fust train service at both Colorado Springs and I'upblo and Will m-iko us good tltno tc the Pacific coast points us any ether line. nv noi'ri : . NcljriiHk-i's AdvortislniiTraln Attrnut- in < ; .Miiul > Attention in Ohio. AU.MMJI : , O. , Oct. 'J . [ Special Tologrntn to Tnr. BI-.K. ] The Nebraska train reached Alliance at ! ) o'clock this morning and has kept "open house1' nil day up to S:30 : tonight. A light , rain mixed with sleet nnd snow and barked by a cold north wind , has hung mound tbo train all day nnd has InterferroJ with the exhibition to some extent , still the cars have been comfortably llllad nil day The exhibits has made a decided impression " hero , the evening pipers giviuir a"column each to the subject. Air. Xathun Hosowator , state chemist to the OhloDairv Food commis sion , and brother of tbo "editor of Tin- BI.I : , eatno lo Alliance from his homo In Cleveland and was u welcome vis Itor at the train today. He expressed un bounded ndmiratlon for thu exhibit and for the Nebraska Business Men's association Mr. Kosowatcr has been for n long time in terested in the boot sugar industry and took with him to his homa in Cleveland some specimens of the Nebraska suijar beet tor analysis. Ho promised to furnish a report on the matter upon the completion of ills analysts. The train leaves Alliance at S tomorrow morning , stopping ut Sulom and Columbiatia during the dav " and reaching Rochester , P.i. , the oastetn "limit of tbo trip , in the evening. WHjb liKIMUJS NT l'H13 IVIST. Appointment of u Committee to Look Alter the ; Nation il Convention. The general committee having in cliurgo the work of getting tlio next national repub lican convention located in Onuha , mot yoj- torday afternoon in the rooms of the IJoal Kstato Owners association and selected a delesatiou to go to Washington in November M present the claims ot thn wo t in fuvor of Omaha as the plaao for thu republican na tional convention of Ib'.U. ' The following names weio suggested and ajjieedupon for the Washington committee : Senator Charles F. Manduraon , Sanator A. 3. Paddock , lion. John M. Thurston , Hon. lidwa'-d Kosowatcr , Colonel C. H. Scott , Thomas L. Kimball , Charles ,1. Green , Hon. jcorgo W. E. Dorsoy , Hon. Chtiren Howe , [ Ion. G. M. Hitchcock , Hon. AlvinSaundeis , Al. G. H. Hoggs , Hon. John L. U'obstor , [ ton , GcorpoP. Bemis , Dr. S. D. Mercer und Mr. Lewis S. Reed. Tills committee will meet on Thursday , S'ovombnr 5 , nt1 p. m. iu the Heal Kstato Dwners rooms tp complete nrrangenients lor the trip to Washington. / v//.w > s OF //O.U/J//JA.S IIM// . > . Hoys null Girls Nation it Homo nnd Kinployment Association Hods. TOITKA , Knn. , Oc > . -Tho fifth national onvonliou of the Boys nnd Girls National lomo and Employment association clooi | u two days' session hero tonight. The various oports piosentod showed that nn uctivo in- eivsl is being taken in the association's work of aiding the friendless waifs and orphans nf the cities nnd helping them to secure homes. A latter fiom President Harrison was read n which the writer regretted hh inability to jo pro.sout undoxpresaing his sympathy with thu woik. The following ofllcers were elected for the ensuing ycnr : President , Alexander Hogo- nnd ; corresponding secrntury , Hov. .1 II. Jradfoid of Washington ; recording socro- ury , J. I ) . Johnson , Pes Muinos , In. ; llrst vice ptesidont , K. W. Hulford of Wnshing- oh , I ) . C. ; second vice pta-Udont , W. H. luldei'mun , Louisville , Ky. The convention vlll meet next year ut Ucs Molnos , la. \natoiuluul SpeuimciiH Sci/.cd Upon l > y Klicrirr'n OJlluers. NKW YOIIK , Oct. "T. The shurlff todny vent on u hunt for n lot of skeletons under n vrit of replevin for nbout. $ cjoi)0 , which the National Bank of Deposit of Now York ob- allied against the 11 nn of Sardy , Coles , t Co. , II Maiden Lane , \vlio fulled u few weeks igo. The bank claims n lien on the property , t Is bald , for uuvunccs mado. After u long eareh the sheriff's oilicers discovered In Maiden Lane four entire articulated snolo- ons , eight skulls , Innumerable bones nud > thor portions ot anatomy , which they were very chary In handling. The replevin culln 'or'moro skeletons , but they liuvo not yut jeen found , WpHloyiUlh III M 'hSlOII. Gu xi ) Hvi'ips , Mli'ti , Oct. ! i" . At tod.iy'a osslon of tliQ juadrloiinlul conference of the Voileyan connection , the commlttcoappoiut- d to Investigate the charges against iho con- iuctot tbo Wcjloyuii Methodists loportud hut the muttt'r bo dropped. The cnntuionco bun proccoded to the election of an editor or the chuich's organ , and Rnv. A. T. Jen nings of Svniciise , N. V , wns chown to sue- ceil Rev. N. Wnrder , the present editor , vhoso course In closing the columns of that annul to a large faction in thu church has jouii greatly criticised. i\ A Isv was passed last winter In Minnesota Affecting the said of alum baking poudcrs. I'ho Interest excited by tbo bill when pro- ! > ou'd led to a long nud thorough Inve.stlga- ilon by u logUlativo committee of the quail- Lies of nil the baking powders sold in thnt itnto , with the result that the Royal WHS ihowii by very pasltlva ovldenco from the itnto cheraUt , Dr. Uroxv. iiiitl othcis , to bo : ho purest , stronuojt und In nil respect ! the uoat baking powder In Iho market. Win. Udtt uf tlio Third will run ' an inUopewU r I dutnin-iiit for council- Vote for him. SEVENTH WARD REPUBLICANS Campaign Issues Dhou od nntl Demooratio Eclieuios Exposodi POINTS ON THE MAYORALTY QUESTION , Mr. OstliolT's Claims to the MtilTrnuo of the Dour Po.iplo Com parison Of till ) 1\VO Candidates. 1 The republicans of the Seventh xvml mat nt 1212 Paik avotiua last night nnd Indulged iu n largo sired und enthusiastic rally. The hull xvtu illied to the door xvlth voters. Mr , It. C. Breekonridiro xvas elected chuiruun of thu meeting. Mr. John Stool , candidate for the council , xvns llrst introduced and said n few xvonU thnt xvoro received xvlth nppluuao. .ludgo Smith xvas the next speaker. Ho made tut able and vigorous speech iu xvhich ho took up the candidates on tno stnto , county nud city tickets , nnd showed thnt the republican nominees xx-oro entitled to the ronlldcnconud the support of the voters , .ludgo Smith made many excellent points nmleurriud ox-erythlng before him. Mr. Brockonrhlgo then introduced Mr. Henry Holla ns a representative Got- tnnn-Amcrienn. The statement xvai greeted xvlth nppluuso and xvhoii Mr Bolln arose to speak ho xvns heartily cheurod. Mr. Boiln spoke earnestly for u few minutes and than the chairman Introduced .ludiro StcnDuiv , cnndldato for comity commissioner. The chairman said there xx'as ouo oftlco thnt a democrat had hold for txx-o years that smellcd to heaven. That xvus the of- ilco of the coroner of Douglas count ) . He believed that Mike Maul wns the man to clean out the coionor's oftlee. He then culled .Mr. Muni to the front. Mr. Maul said ho xvas not much of a speaker. A coroner did not have to do much speaking. His duty xxus ' to sit on pcoplo. Mr. Maul's remarks'xvcro heartily iippmudod. Hon. John L. Webster xx-as then Intro duced and spoke for half nil hour In nu ole- quont manner. Ho said thut ho had been told the other day thut the democrats hud nominated Mr. Ostholt us n luprosontutlx'o German. They hud nominated him because ho xx-us a German. "Has it come to this ! " said the speaker "Has it become lmpos iblo In the citv of Omuhu to elect a man xvho Is an American 1" ( Applause | "Our city has boon disgraced during the past year by those in authority , actually dis charging poor laboring men xvho xvcro born in America In order that men xvho xveie born in Iioland might have their places. I hnvo como to thu conclusion long ago that the only safe tiling for a republican to do is to vote the republican ticket all the xvay through. " Mr. Webster said that the ontv thing Hint had boon broughtniruiust.ludgo Post xvns n musty old campaign yirn similar to the stones that xvcro usuullv told about demo cratic candidates nil the xvay from Cleveland doxvn. .lud e Post's chmnctar could not bo tarnished by the mud stingers. Ho xvus u man of integrity , honesty nnd ability , and should and would bo nlcctud to the high and honorable position for whli'h ho bad uoon nominated. The speaker then presented the merits of the McIClnloy bill nnd gave thu calamity shriek- on a foxv vurx' effective thrusts. Mr. Webster xx-us frequently Interrupted by np- plaino. Mr. Brcckonridgo announced thnt ho had honed to Introduce Mr. George P. Bemis , the next mayor of Omaha , but Mr. Bemis bad boon sudden'v ' called to Chicago In the interests of Omaha. B''lioving that ho could be of greater service to Omaha by going to Cliicaco to look after the mnuufucturlngin- teiests than In making speeches Mr. Bemis had gone , Mr. Brecltenridgo said , but the citizens of Omaha xvould take care of the campaign for Mr. IlomU. Mr. George A. Bennett , candidate for the ofllco of sheriff , xvns introduced nnd spoke u few xx'ords that xvoro xvoll rocolx'ed. .Judge Berlin , candidate for the oftico of po- Ilco judge , xx-as cnllod lor and his speech of fifteen minutes xvas punctuated with up- plnuse. Hon. Bon S. Baker xvas intro- duced and spoke entertainingly for a foxv moments , Ho spoke chtolly upon the supreme court situation and niudn some excellent points for Judge Post. Speaking of the Woild-IIornld , Mr. Baker said tnnt the editor of the paper did sotnc- thlnc hist voar never before accomplished by mortal man. He supported thu candidates of txvo opposing parties in tint columns of his [ iipcrfrom llrst to lust. This year nobody L'ould toll the World-Herald xvas Irving lo do , excepting to hlumlor .ludgo I'ost nnd elect un ignoramus to the supreme court. Mr. Baker xvns frequently ippluuded. Several other spoukeis nnd candidates matlo short addresses , and Iho mooting closed xvlth n rousing selection of music by the Seventh Ward band. Second \Vard Democrats. There xvas a xvell attended meeting of the Second xvurd democrats tn a saloon ut the zornorol Sixteenth and Vinton streets last jventng , ut xvhich sovorat xvell known Jomocratie hustlers nppoirud nnd spoko. lion. T .1 Muhonov cautioned the democrats to see that 110 person xvho took out his Hist papers utter October ! 1 be uMoxxcd to x'oto , ns the laxv required thnt llrst papers must bo 4-J talon ( out thirty days l-ofoie xotlng. An ex - planation of the Australian ballot , system fol lowed and then thu speaker boomej the dum Dcratic candidates , George Toxvnsend xvas called and told three or four Htotios before getting doxvn 10 his xvork of talking politics. Air. I'oxvnsciid urged thu voters not to lot religion Intorfura xvlth their political belief mil then ho urged the election of Osthoff ind John lioyd. In closing the speaker said that the lupublic'in party xxas almost doul ind thut ono moro democratic victory xvould ivipo It out of o\istenco. Kd. Hothory made a foxv lemarks nnd thou isltod thucioxvd up to tuku u drink xvhich ihoy did xvith the gruutust aluerilxGoorco 3hrislofforseii spoke for txventv minutes und ir cd nil democrats to vote u hirnlgbt ticket [ lo landed Kdpcrlnn and OsthotT und con- Jeinned , abused und slundured .Indgo Post. At the conclusion of Christoflorjen's rn- imrks a recess of fifteen inlnutus xx-ns timcn o allow the horde to quench tholr raging : hlm. A fuxv mom candidates then made iboit bpccchu * nnd the meeting adjourned. Kyo k cir : stp' ooti , li T. Allen , M. D [ { iiihfjo hlU , i. " > thit Tlurnoy , Oniitlin , O Ice days , Mon. , Tucs. , Wed , and Stvt. Como Out Flitti'ooiuil. Oi-nxvv , Oct. 27. LeC'inud i , hitherto the ocal con&orvutivo organ , comes out tonight Ilatlootod" for Iliu liberals. Serves And I Imve gained 10 pound * In < > months , us thii result of taking Hood's H inapaillla , HUJS Mi. II. II. Itotu uf tlie Him "f I'uiu It Kdd > , IKifhcster , N. " \ " I had almiwt Chronic Dyspepsia .My digestion h'liiK very bad , and J xvas brokuii down fiom uvi-iwoiK so tlmt I emild not sleep nlKhU. Hut mj Hlom.u-li In now Iu | ii < rffctc'inilitlin ' ( and fm all IhnatinxulitnvUt my b'latltiuli1 H duo Mood's Saisapaillla , " "Wator-Brash Andilyipeinlutiimljlidmotor lOycam , and attur tohiKXiirliiui thliijs ( I conclndi'il to take I ( ( Kid's Karsapnrllla. The fffiri In m r. vi luiin its I si'em to ho ulinmt untlh'ly curid.I. . M. JOII.NHO.V , 4'11 lulli .Street , Toledo , Olilu If yoiiHuHer from Indigestion Or dyspciitlo tmubli's try Hood's tt/xrsaparllla. II Ki'hUy bmui ami .stlinulutei the stoiniicll. ( vsshts digestion und creates nn iippullto , Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold1 \ nilUri'i" ' ; ! ? ! t\ltorf \ > 1'ri'faroiloulf tiyC I IKllllJ t tll..A.ulhur | rlr , Iowtll , M.i , . ICO Doses Ono Dollar