THIS OMAHA DAlJjY BJLDE : MONDAY OCTOBJBH 2(5. ( i yj. SPEGlflL NOTICES. ' lIVKHTISRMKNTa foil TIIK8K COUIMNH will lie liken until 12iX : > | > , m. , for Ilia ovcnln * ril untllHJp. : ; m. , for Ilio morning or Sunday cdl- toim. All mUfttli'i'mrnln In IlionrolnninnSc nUn word firstInfortt' n nnrt IH rent * n word thereafter , or n ifrllne \ < rr montli. No ndvertlitpmcnt liken for I < MIS Ihnn'WcrnlB for the flrnt Insertion. Trrmn.eash In ndvnnre. Initial * , ilKiircn. symbols , etc. , ouch runnt n n word. All advrrtlmnncnU rmmt mnron- fcutlvely AdvprtlJeri" , by requesting n numbered check , cnn Imvo tliclr nnflwprp nddrc'ftcd to a num- l > reil letter In care of TIIK Hr.R , Answers * o ml * drrn.'od will to delivered on pruacnlvllon of tlio tlicck. TlUAXntOFFIOKH-.AnVKHTISIXfl FOIl Til K8B Jjrolutnnn rill ba taken on trio nbovo condition * lit tlio lolluwlnii business house' , nho Rrn niithor- l/ril to tun- special notice ) ) nt tbu inmo rotes nit can ie tind nt tlio nmln otllco : South Omnlm llrnrch Offlao No. VXN ttrcel Lister blocV. John W. lloll. pharmacist , lltli find Mason strccM P. IT. Ffiriifuvorth , I'linrnmclM. 7IIS ritmlnu street W..I. lliiKliF * . I'hnnnncl.t , C24 N. irtli street. ( . ' . B. Hntfcrllcld , I'linrmncltt , 1713 l-cavonwortb ( trret lltiKhfs'I'hnrmacy,2ltn find Fnrnarn. SITUATIONS WANTKI ) . Fur tntir. ite , , < > ' rut fo'wnii ontlitu JHIB A WANTKD , phor nncl typewriter. Address K < . ' > , Ilee.Mttl Mttl W A-1'OMITION IIV VOfNd I.ADV HTIINOOHAPH- or. ItomlnKton operator. Well recommended. K W. lion. M294 27 * - W A NTK.D , t'OHITIO.V IIV COMI'KTKNT STK- AW nuKrniihor. & years experience , llofcrcncps. Address II 3' ' ! . Hon. Mi.Vl 30' \VANTKIl SI A MO 1 1 KM * . lrf , iti- , . < In of tut cultimn n\VANTKD , INDUHTUIOUrt YOIINli " J-'olllco work exclusively. Position permanent , Hillary fl.UUU per yenr nnd Interest In hiislness. ( iooil references nn > l MT.'i rash re | illreil. Cull nt once , lltioiti 128 llaniKo Imllillnx. Urut class refer ences furnMiod nppllcants. M ! l.)4-27 * " ! ) - WANTKI ) , AN 7\OTmT YOUNIS .M AN7 Kx'- J'school trnrhi'r preferred , for county innnniier , nalary i'-VU ) per month , references and fl75.UU re- quired. Call at room I'iS Kumito bullillnu. I-SHOI.MAKKII : TO BTAHT SMALL HHOP J'riieap rent , lots of work. Address Oeo. K. Kill , UU'.lowii. 3J7M _ " ' " " TT"WA'NTK"D" AN ACTIVK. UKLIAIILK MAN- JJcnlnry (7U to Jw ) monthly , with Incrcnse , lo rrire | ent In his own section n responsible New York lioiiM' . lloferenees. Mnntrfncturer , luck box tM , New York. _ 1J-HAI.KM.MHN WANTKI ) , MKN TO BHI.Ij LINK J Jof clears ; fllHUlU per month nnd expenses paid , Address with ntniup , .Sumatra ClKiir company , ( 'III- tnita , III , 2tl : ' 'I' -WANTKI ) , nrry MKN AT Miasoum VAI ley , In. Sit week's work , fl.50 per day. Will nllnw railroad faro from Omnha. Knnulro at Tro- main house , .Missouri Valley , In. H. 0. Craves ft rjona JI3JI _ -WANTKI ) , ( JOOIl HAliKSMKN AND COLLllO- JJtors. Salary and expenses paid , or need com mission for part tlmo. References required. Ouyu- liOKn.Mfif. Co. , WJ Society forHavltiKS , Cleveland. O. B WANTKI ) . ACJKN'M WHO \VK KNOW CAN make moro money uvery yenr worklnn for ns thnn by nny other company. Wo will Klvo imlnry or uoiiimlfnliiii , nnd furnish outtlt nnd teniii free to every nwnt. Wo wnnt you now. Address nt once. Slnndnrd Silver Wnra Co. , Boston , Mass. M3IO 31 * T"AKNTS ( ! , $10 TO | . ! 0 I'KH DAY. TIIK KIHJf .iJncrvo pu//.le. .lust patented. KcllpscB nnythlnK ever on Ihemnrket. Over 78UX ( ) sold by nKents the llrst week In London. 1'eoplo nro wild over It. KothliiK of thn kind over seen before. Pntnplo by tnnll 25 cents. Write for purllcnlnrs. Kttrcku Mftf. Co. , LnCro.sse. WIs. 2t)5 ) B -WANTKI ) , TINNKH FOH FIIUNACI ! WOKK. H. M. Wltiuan , 1711 St. Mnry's nvo. 277 2 T > \VANTKli 400"jlKN lTir TKW ItAILUOAI ) .1 ) vvork In Wyoming nnd South Dnkota : WIIKCH $1.75 nnd 12.UU per ( lay ; steady work. Albright Labor ngeiicy , 1120 Fnriinin street. M18.1 B-WANTKI ) , A SAFK WITH HUUr.LAH liroof chest nml tlmo lock. Address K ] ' . > , Hot ) ofllce , with dcscrlitlon | nnd prlro. ITU-T $ 15 WANTKI ) , A GOOD I'lANO 1'LAYKH AT 103 J JN Itli St. IC'J T > PHYSICIAN WANTKI ) , CKlt.MAN I'ltK- .Dferred ; best nxrlculturnl section of Nebraska. Address K 13 , lleo. 140-20 T > WANTKI ) , CANVASSKHS , 1510 DOULAS ! ST At M855 N15 " -SALIMMKN WANTKI ) , HALKSMKN TO SKLL J KOOds to merchants tiy sample ; hit ; pay for work ers ; now Koods , permanent situation ; chance to liulld n llii(3 ( trade. Address Model MnnnfacttirliiK Co. , South llend , Ind. MMW-WD * WANTlif ) , $75 A MONTH AND KXI'HNSKS FOU salesmen In every eounty In the U. 8. ; samples & outfit free ; no experience necessary : yearly con tracts mnde ; llnest and easiest solllns Roods man ufactured. Hend stamps and for full particulars , K. Converse.32 llurmon st. , Worcester , Mass. KB B-WANTKI ) , SALKSMANON 8ALA11Y Oil COM- mission to handlethu new patent chemical Ink rrasliiK pencil ; the Kraatest pollliiK novelty ever jiroduced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nbraslon of paper ; 200 to ftM ) per cent protlt ; ono limit's sale * amoi'nted to fW ) in six days , another | : U In two hours. Wo want one Kcncral nitent In I'lich state and territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars nddress thu Monroe Krnser Mf { ; . Co. . Iji Crosso. WIs gill I"WANTKI ) , 20 BALKSMKN TO C"AK11Y A3 A I'side line our "Cnsh on Delivery" clKiir , with cold filled wntch ; Me pay. C. O I ) . Cljmr Co. , Winston , N. t' . S17 HKI.f. 1trrtatf * . etc. , fealontif Jlnt rolnmii nn this ] " " C-\V'AN'i'Kl ) A ( HUL FOU ( JKNKUA work : miiht bo u good cook. Apply nt 21131 llnr- nay street. MS5S 27' p-WANTKD , (1IULS FOH SKWINU MACIIINKS. V-/20II Cumlnust. . 27ii C WANTKI ) OIllL KOIl OKNKIIAL 1IOUSK- work. 2121 Amoi avo. li)3 ) 21" C-WANTKI ) , A COMI'KTKNT MAID FOIt (1KN- eral housework. Small family. No wanning. Ileleronces required. Apply nt U05 N. 18th st. st..MiiQO27' C-WANTKI ) , A COMI'KTKNT UIIIL. ONK WHO cnn cook , llest waifos paid. 2IUJ Bt. Mnry's nveiiuo. M'.MU 27 * 0-WANTKI ) , TWO LADlltR ; SALAHY tl.0 ! I'KIl day. Call niter 11) ) , 715 First tivenuo. Council Ulmts. M 2'.i-2U | * -WANTKI ) , LADY TO TUAVKL ; BALAHY ? SO per month. Call 42S UaniKo bulldlnii. S0-ai ! CF111ST CLASS ( J1HL FOU (3KNKIIAL I1OUSK- work ; small family , mj S. 2Vth street. 20I20 * CWANTKli" ( IIHL FOH ( JKNKItAL HOIISK work at once ; must bo it wood cook. Mrs. L. A. tinnier , 2.VJ7 Cnllfornhi , HIO C-WANTKI ) . A F1UST CLASS K.XI'KHIKNCKD cloak saleslady. None other need npply. The lloston Store. iiUn und Douglas. .MS3I UIONT 1IOUSKS. For rntf , clc. , nfflrtl column on tliln J "IV "lKNT-THU'KK ' ' ' FOII - 'I'WO 'rimY -'houses , U rooms each , with modern Improve- iiients , ono block from motor , to rlKht parties nt low rental. Address with references stutliiK oeeu- patlon , number of family , whether any children , Ac. Adilress i ; ft , lleo. _ JISM -27 I -FOU BALK Oil UKNT , 10 UOO.M COTTAKKJ most completa cottaKO In Omaha ; stationery fdde hoard. Ice chest , wash tubs. In fact uvery con venience one can wish for. Apply 400.1 Itard street. Walnut Hill cars pass the door. M34.I -U IUOJt"con'AliK IN tiOOD KKI'AUI. ? ' 15 Sownrd utreut. Mi : < 3 I'll I" ) loTlOO.M IIOU9K , MODKUN UltNYKNIHNCKd , -'thrce blocks from court house. t ! l South luth. T-A NINK-UOOM IIOU9K , ALL MODKUN CON- J-'vonlenct's , oil Zd ! st near California , furnished or unfurnl lied ; rent reasonable. Ulobo .Loan and 1'rust Co. , 10th nnd Dodco. MKM : 27 -FOIl iTIlNT ONK KKllllMtOOM HOU8K , twos-room nnd ono ,1-room homo. Inquire of John L. IllllM \ South 13th. Mlivsai' _ TJ-tt.UOOM I1OUSK WITH MODKUN CO.NVKN' J lences with barn , 1X15 South VUlh streednlno sloro room Mil , furnished nnd unfiiinlshed rooms nbovo for IU1U hoiisekeediir | cheap , Inquire Wl Bo ut I. lath meet. _ D-FOU UKNT. NOVKMIIKH 1 , TWO KTOHV home , No. nil ) Juckson slreel.elKht rooms all uiodern convenience ! , furnace , cistern , city water , bath room.fvO par monthonoim ) fur's les i > to need tunnnt. Dun ll. Wlieulur , Jr. , Douiilni nnd lith st. - OF 3 HOOMS IN HIIAH 13IS CHI- cnuo etri'Ot , f'.t. JOOSU' Tl-OnKAI'UKNT , UOOI ) IIOUSI'.S ALL I'AIITS J 'city ; cnll for list. i : . C. ( Inrvln A Co. , 'JW Sheely block , 878 iti' ! -FLAT , 7 HOOMS , 21) ) FI.OOll. ItANlIK AND all oilier conveniences , JJJ.tU. Cull nt store.701 H. ICth tt. lieoriio Clouier. S l - ( ilUDHOOM IIOU.SK FOH HKNT. ajlj Charles si. Inquire at SOU Charles nU 22720' DNKW U-HOO.M CO'lTAOKS , MODKUN IM- prorements , "Stanford Clrclo. " Apply 0. H , KltiUttm oem 4 , N. Y. 1.1 fu bulldlntf. aui B-IO HOOM 1IH1CK HOUSK AND IIHICK STA- bio , Itilil Douglas strain. Knuulru nt 1'JH Doug las street. 'I 'l-FUU UKST. OUUUKSIDKNCK , . J-/or unllruUhcd. Apply U. S. Klvultur , 4 N , V , Llfo liulldluit , till "PV-KOII "KMT- noon NINK uoou nousn J Dateiiwoit , near Twunty-euoutul. Low runt to guod tenant , Ueorgo 11. lluggs , UUi r'arnam.MUD MUD D -TOIl llKNTi houses. 111.60 per month. 18-roout hounos. t llu.UO pur month. I T-ruom houses , flU.OO per month. 4 & room houses. I7.1U per month. 1 4 room house , IJtU per month. Or will soil vlluoroti small monthly paymontt. Tfeu a kDuvls Comyauy. ilWO Mi rmt UKNT HOOSBS. Cnnllnneil. V)1"9 HOOM IIOUHK. MODKH.V , Ml 8. 22NI ) . D KlfATOKO ItOO.MH , HTKAM HKAT , IM.SriK new pnpof. In good repair , rent modcrato to Rend tenant , ill" H , lath atrcut , Llnton block. Joh II amlln. _ _ CU D-FOH KKNT. TIIUKK'ttOOM FfiATj HATH , etc. , 18 ( X llolbroojk , 4. lleo building. _ 311 7P A NICI : vubo 7ii7)i8Ki ) ; ooTiD CONDITION ! J-'JUpcr month for tha winter. Inqulro Omnhn urnlluracompnny , 13)7 rnrnnm st. 170 II If VOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSK OH I 'Mure , son II. 1' . Cole , Contlnontnl block , 2.W -KOltNT7.n i'LACi : . "j , J. OII1SON , UOOM .li KO -FOU HKNT. 8-IIOO.M FLAT , IIHICK , 2)'ii Lnkc st. , with nil modern conveniences. H. K. Cole , Contlnontnl block , or Faust bottllnir works. _ _ ' _ Vjo D-DO VOU WANT TO HUNT A IIOUHH ? CALL on HBO. J. 1'iiul , H J Knrnnm street. .MiTO Nj -A NHW ttl.i : A7T'VlToOMTlltJSrri'VKIlY- { : tlllnu modern , : < I3 Ilrlstol St. , fOU.tU. Kldcllty Tru l Co. , Id I Fnrnnm st. 7JI -KOIt HKNT , IIIWIDKNI'K9 ALL I'AMTa ( "I TV. Olobe Lonn A Trust Co. , s.w , cor. Kill nnd Dodgo. 211 --FOH HKNT , 2 .MODKUN' lO-IlOOM IIOIlSlS , 3 hlockn from court house , on H. 17th st. l ntiilro | of John II. F. Lchnmnn. K21 S.Jith t. _ _ _ . < 3'L _ IA-IO-HOOM IIHIC-K DWKLLINU ALL CONVKN- .i-'lenccs convenh-nt to city , fWOU Nuthcrton Hnll , lloom : QO 1st Nnt. bank > > ' ! -KOH HnNTTllOUSK 10 HOOMS. ALL MODKHN Improvements , f.TU.UU per monlh , 33d nnd Furnnm , Dexter L'lliomnii. am _ -1) ) 11OO.M DKTACHKI ) IIOIISK WITH ALL .M 0 D rn conveniences ; linrn for 4 horsi-s , ynnl , etc. i In n line iivlidiborhooil , H block from motor , nenr CrclKhton colluxoi price KU.UO. Apply attilS N. \ . Lite hiilt ; . 170 27 * _ TFOIt HKNT , FI'HNISIIICD COTl'AdK , 7 l rooms , convenient locntlon. modurntu rent. Inquire Nctherton llnll. , 'M.i ri. l.'itli. _ M315 88 -F1NISIIKD IN A Fl'.WDAVSTKN. TIIHKK nnd four rnoni tlntn. otcnin nnd nil modern con- vcnlvnci's. Heforunco requlrcil. T. L. von Horn , room C , 8BS. 2'tl utrcut. SU3 n-FOH HKNT CIIUAI' , COMI'LKTK FLATS , ALL J convenlunci'i , . w. cor 10th and Dorliiu ts. ( ilobo Lonn und Trust Co. ! t l - . , 4 ANOU-HOOM IIOUSKH , SIO.OO TO llft.OO ; bent re ldenco tints In city. Mend Inv't Co. . 4U Hco bnlldlns. ZK > ItKVI KUUNISHI' ; ! ) ItOOMH. lir rates , ttc. , tee too of rsl column on HIM JliOmnhn , OM N. Mil. 2JS 21 * _ 17-I'HONT HOOM SIJITAIILK FOH ONU OH IJtwo Kuntlumun. All , 524 South 211th avenue. M3IH ill' _ E THHKB KLKOANT FUUNlSIiKI ) HOOMS modern housti with or without bonrd , prlvnto family , KB North 2-M. M..I7 27 * _ I.-FUIINISIIHI ) HOOMS. FUHNACK HKAT. 211 1 JNorth 18th street 253 2ii' FKONT HOOM TO CJHNTLK- ; modern conveniences ; C07 NOth st. 223 29 * " FOH HUNT , FUHN1SHKO HOOM. Ifi07 E DotiKlnii St. 137 _ _ 1 IOiT ) HKNT , NICKLY FUHNISHUD COOL I-Jrooimi nt northenst corner 10th nnd llownrdi Inwn nround bulIdliiK ; from 17 to $20 n month. 213 1 ? TIIK HT. CLA1H KUHOI'KAN HOTKL. COH. l Wth nnd DodKO , nil ) mnko low rntot for room ] by the uock or menth , with or without bonnl. 241 uouais AM ) for intcf , etc. , fee to o' ' nt comma on tlila iin'ji , ITuKNTsiIu"i ) H66M WITH 7)11 WITHOUT bonnl , 22U N. I'.lth at. _ M 35227 * I-DKSIHIAI.K HOOM. FUHNISHKDOH UNKUII- I1 nlsed , with bouid. 2.-)7li llnrney atroot , MSjiiai * 1 ? FOH HUNT , DKSIHAHLKHOOM AND IIOAHI ) A In prlvnto family. 7U3 N. It'th ' street , M32J 31 * 1J"-KUKN'ISIIKI " ) HOOMS WITH IIOAHI ) , STKAM 1 hcitt , irJl Dnvenport. 2ISI 30 * _ 17 NICK LAIKIK HOOMS i OOOD LOCATION : Jprlvnto fnnilly ; modern convenlenco ; suit two frlcnda. 620 North liHh. M24U 2ii _ -KOIt HUNT , KUUNISIIKD HOOMS , MODKUN convcnlencca ; ulso gentleman room mnto. 1U33 Knrnnm nt. Miai-20' ITI-NICKLV FUHNISHi : ! ) PINHLV ! OH DOUHLK . purlors , with or without bonrd. 1312 Chlcnuo st 21) ) 1 2ti' Ii < NICB1.Y KUHNiailHI ) HOOMS WITH OH without bonrd. 1SI2 ChlciiKO st. 2U2 2i' < in * 11KATKU HOOMS AND HOARD llill DOUOLAS sn - ( FUHNISIIKI ) HOOMS WITH F-KLU(1ANTLY tlrst-clus * bonnl. 313 South 2tth ! street. S3 < F UOOMS WITH IIOAHI ) , HU ) DOUGLAS. 101 o 25 * F HOOMS AND DAY 11OAUD , 1316 CHICAdO. M700 Nil ) ' HOOMS ; DAY 1IOAHD. 1712CAl'ITOL AVK. KOll I.ICNT UUOMS UNFUUMSHKD t'nrrntea , etc. , teetnp of t.rst mlitin'i on thti p igs G-TWO trout. / " < -FOL'H UOOMS , VKIIY DES1HA11LK , HO. 28TH. V.rinqulro27Jl Hickory. MI37-2U * GSUlTKOPKOUllUNFIIllNISHED HOOMS FOH housekeeping , to email family. 1701 Webster nt. 51581 FOR KKNT-STO ll KS A.MJ OI-'FIOKS. ' i orrntn , etc. , rcr. tnnn n' column on tht * "I FOH HKNT , HALFOKJIV LAHCIK OFFICK ON l-3th ! street In luiBcment of First National bunk. Adapted for loan. brokeriiKU , coal or nny Kcnernl otllcu. Steam hent , telephone nnil wnto'- service frce.CInquIro Nctherton Hall , 3U5 South liith street. M2U ; U ) 'I-FOH HUNT , FINK LIOilT COHNKH HASH- -I nni nt ut 7U1 South Itltlt street. ReorKU Clouaer. ' M82I -FOH HKNT , TIIK 4-STOUY IIHICK IIUILDINIjT .Lwlth or without power , lormerly occupletl by The lleo Publishing Co. , UK ) Farnnm struct. The bulIdliiK lias 11 fireproof cement bnsemcnt.compluto atenm-hcntlni ; llxturcs , wntor on nil thu Hours , Kiit , etc. Apply ut tlio olllco of Thu lieu. HIS KOU HUNT > IISOI5IjLiANKOUS. / or nites , ttc.tee to o flrsl column on IMi i i 1-FINK OHGAN FOH HKNT. S. HANK. 114 S. " llith street. M2 5 29 WAN I KD TO HUNT. K WANTKI ) . IIOAHI ) AND HOOM IN I'HIVATK fnnilly wheru there nro no other boarders ; con venient location required. Address , stntliiK loca tion , K 43 lleo olllco. MlttU ' . ' HIONTAIi AtJIONOY. t'nrr ten. etc. , ff l'ij > of nnt nittunn on thn jtnue L-H. K. COLK , HKNTAL AUKNfY CONTINKN- lul block. )7 / nf nite . ffc. , to i of / . column on thti M-OLDKST , CHKAl'KST AND 1IKST HTOHAOU housoluclty. Williams & Cross , 1S14 Harney 243 > Tu ItUY. , rfc. , trc lop of nt column nn tins TVT-WANTKU FOIl CASH , A HAHfiAIN IN IXimalui. South Omnhn or Council HI tills rent estate Insldu of city limits. Address i : 4ti , lice. lice.M35.1 M35.1 AT-A YOUNO MAN WITH CAPITAL WANTS 1 > to buy whole or hnlf Interest In Bents' furnishing or hatter. Address H 13 , lleo. Hi \r-Fl.'UNITlIHK IIOIKIHT. SOLD , UTOItniT 1 > Wells , till Fnrnnm street. 24'J ' Foil feAljK KUHXII'UUH. 2-'orniC' ! , etc , KM fop of first column mi f/un / rd'je -FUHNlTliilK OF Sls'YKN HOO IS VKKY cheap.lini N street. M33U .U > i OK SAijiimos , WAGON. " . HTO tor term * , ttc. . tie lu\ \ > f tmt. cmumnontnn mot I ) -Foir BALK AT A ( ) ! TKAV TiAiiHAiffTA brand now Mollno Co. sprlim wnKon that hits never been mod ; has n cnpnclty of 2UW t 3uuu puunds ; cost f 180 cnslu will lie sold cheap. Also n tno-scntcd citrrliiKe. custom make , con * I.V ) when newt | s In llrst'Chiss condition and will bo sold cheup. Also n nlco phnvton which will sent two or thrco , which cost hen new tst ) , unit u net of liar- ness , slntfle , Mill till bo told cheup , Call or uddross lux ; North llth ittrcet , Omuhu , Nub. MIW-2U : 11-FOlt SALK AT A 1IA1UI.UN , NUW HOt'K- 1 nwuy , brouuham , second hiind lundaus und phaetons. A , J. Simpson , 1IOU Dodgo. ' 'o7-.V..I IJ-11UOUY J- 1-FAM1LY HOHSKd FOH8AI.B. HINOLK D1UV- -L ersorcarrlaiiu teams. Cun furnish any kind of horse desired. Cullnt C D. Woodworth & Co. . or address T. J. Flciulnti , Culhuun , Neb , 250 l-'Olt .N' . fc. , " > I" < > < rt rouiinii uu " -FOHBALH. A ocroH's prncllco InOuiuha nettlnit ( W ) cash per month. Flni'it UtlcU upoUlcos In the city , practice well e . tahltihed , needs no adverttilni ; , mostly oltlce prac- tk-u. Addrons K 4T lleo ottlce. Will sell cheap If taken at once. M i&i-Itj * Q-AI.I. FUHNIBHINliS AND WOOD WOUK IN our ofllcu. Also 6UO feet of steam radiators with connections , llluka , llruco & Co. , Vll Leaven- worth ilruut. roil sA.fjT3 Misrnrit < ANKQug. Continual. MA OM 7J , DolOT.Af block. -81'LKNDII ) L'l'HHJHT 1'IANO , AS HOOD A3 now , for snlo at n sacrifice , ni owner linhoutto lenvo the city. Address ! : IK , lleo. 1 10 fi _ Q -MMiNIFTc7NT ui'TllTHT I'lANO LV tlOOD condition , for snlo Tory cheap nt MelnbOTR'n , IIU lit. 211 r. ' Vnr rntr * , etc. tee COD nfr c columit on t/ifuxroe llellovuo utock farm ; box stnlln If desired. Clarke. IH Hoard of trndo tiulldlnrur Ilellcruc.MMJ MMJ K-ONK IIOTTI.K OK TONT1 WILL DKVI5LO1' the bust & Inchon In HO dayn , or money refunded ; prlcu I2.WI ; will beautify the complexion , nnd euro consumption ; send Mninp for circular. .Mrs. Dr. Miller , 241 Wnbnsh nve. , ChlcnRO , 111. 213 2 < 1 * K-IIOU3KS AND COLTS FKD AND CAHKD FOH iltirlni : tha winter ; stock called for nnd del ivered ; fed liny , corn , onti , straw , cut feed ; also Six ) ucres of corn ntnlks to feed In during tnu day time ; plenty of barn nml shed rutimi 2 in I Ion south of South Omaha , reasonable charges. ( IcorRO ( J. ( inns. South Omnhn. m Oil' CnAlUVOYANTS. For rate' , etc , , ree Ion < ) ' rat column nn ilit rd < ] f. STHIHKST : SATsFACloN viTll to huslnosa nnd love nlliilrs Is Riinrnntced. Mrs. Stovur , over Wti N Itith street. MSB 2ii * C2 AHHIVAL K.XTUAOHDINAHY , WONDKHFUL Orevelntlons. Chnllenves the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Lcgrnvc , dead trance clairvoyant , nstroloKlM , pnlmlst nnd Ufa render ; tells your Ufa from the crndlo to grnvu ; unites the nepnrnted ; causes ninr * rlnno with the ona you love : tells whcro you will succeed nnd In whnt business bo't ndnptod for ; 1m ? thu cclebrntod Kityptlnn brenstplnto far luck nnd to destroy bnil Intliiencci ; curci Ills , Intenipornnco and nil prlvnto complaints with mns ngo , baths nnd nlcohol trentment. Send ? 2 , lock of hair , nnmo und date of birth nnd recclvo nccurnto Ilfo chart ; 'i "ente In stumps for circular ; Klvo Initials of one you will mnrry , nlso photos of nmo. Oftlco 10U7 South 11th street.llrat lloor ; hours , Sin. m , to 'J. p. m. Come one. como nil , nnd bo convinced of this wonderful ornclo. MS5 ; ! iS'I * S-AHHIVK1) . I'HOF. MONTKFIOHK , TIIK CKLK- hratud clairvoyant nnd trance medium , 41' ) North lith street. Ladles W ) cents , gents tl.OO. VfO-'M * MHS. FOHT , PALMIST ANIIOII'SY KOHTONK teller. Tells past A future from lines of thu hand. Lndlea only. Vfl N. 21th ; hull door on Indlnnn nvu. 275.30' S MHS. NANNIK , V. WAHUKN , CLAIHVOVA.NT rullnblo business medium , Ilfth yunrnt 111) N. ICtll 252 AI ASS AC 12 , HATJIS , KTC. LMADAJIK SMITH. 1,111 CAl'lTOL AVKNUIO. -L 2dlloor. Alcohol , sulphuric and sea baths.M83I31 M83I31 * 'P MASSAOK TUKAT.MKNT , KLKCTHO-TliKH- J mal baths , scalp and hnlr trentmont , mnnlcnro ntid chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost , 31'JljS ' 15th , Wlthnell blk. 'J.VJ. For rat e > , etc. . rre top nf fnl column nn thli pvgt - rltuony. 1'artlculnra ( sealed ) IOC. Hox.T.t ; , Omnhn. JlKiI N 10' MUSIC , AKT AND IjAXGUAGU. M rrt'A . etc. , KG tnu of first column < n tills - MALLKA. LITTLKTKACHKU OF I'lANO AND YorMALLKA. , 220 N. llith st. MI41 O2 V 1IKFOKK lUTYINO A I'lANO KXAMINK TUB nowscnlo Klrnball piano. A. Hospe,1513 Douglas. 25.1 \7-OKOKOfi F. OKLLKNHECK , street.IIANJO teacher ; with IIospo or 1GIO Chicago street. aiONKY 'JO L.OAX UKAIj EMTATE. Fr/r < infc , etc. , tcctoii nf nt column on lint t aaa lls'l' CLASS IMl'HOVEDol unimproved loans on Insldo Omaha property , In sunn of WUO to f5OUO. Fidelity Trust Co. . 11114 Karnam st. b'.ij III \\r-LOAN3 ON I.Ml'UOVKI ) AND UNI.MI'HOVUD ' ' city property. f.ll)00 nndunwnrds , Oto8 percent. Nodclnys. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , N. W. corner 15th nnil Hurriey sts. MK.l NU \\r-ANTI10NY LOAN ANDTUU3T CO. , 31S > f. Y. , ' Life , len 1 nt low rnles for choice security on Ttcbrnskn or Iowa farms , or Omahu city property. \\r-MONKY ON HANI ) TO LOAN ON F1IIST ' mortKOKOon Omahn city property Chns. W. llnlney , 315 Omnha Nat'l bank bulhllnjt. 2J5 W MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA I'llOl'KUTY. Fidelity Trust company , 1014 Furnnm. 250 \V MOllTOAGE LOANS , J.D..1TTLE.203'Hnmifo. . ' a > 7 T C15NTHAL LOAN ANDTHUST CO 11KB 11LDO \ \ -LOANS. . W. M. H 20FUKNZKH HLK. > 2KI T 0 I'KH CKNT F1HST MOHTOAIH5 LOANS. HlchnrdC. I'nttorson , 1511 Fnrnnm St. 2 > X ) W lUIILDINH LOANS 6 TO 7 I'KIl CKNT ; NO aihlltlonnl charKes lor commission or nttor- ncy's fees. W. 11. Mclkle , First National bunk hldir. 201 \ -H. 11. 111KY , KAST1511N MONKY , 2W ( N. Y. LIFK. ' > MONIOY TO LiUAN UltATTKLS. . etc. , nee ( up of nt column on/i.s ( / ( age. \ MONKY TO LOAN IJY II. F. MASTKKS ON Vliotisehold goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , warehouse receipts , etc. , nt tlio lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Time arranged to suit borrower , My loans uro so nrrmiKcd tlmt you can ninka n payment nt any time nnd reduce both the principal nnd Interest. You will Hud It to your ndvnntnKO to see mo If you want n loan , or If more convenient call up telephone - phone 1021 , nnd your business cun bo urrnnKUd nt homo. Money always on hand ; no dolny ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. F. Masters , room \VHhncll block , Uth nnd Hartley streets. 203 V-UJANS , 823 N , Y. LIFK. 11. A. MOHIHS. A. -.15 NS' X MONKY TO LOAN , "fl , CO AND 'JO DAYS. ON furniture , etc. Dutllireun , It2U , Continental blk. 11USINKSS CHA.VCKS. Forrates , ttc. , fte ( op of Int column yit tMt j > ais. V--FOIISALK , \ F1UST CLAs lAKIIlY : UKA -1- son for selling , not enough capital ; oed oppor tunity for starting a lunch room. Address K 1.1 , lice. 177 24' _ V-1''KKD STOHK , KSTAULISHKD 7 YKAItS J- Inquire 1510 N. 21th. 2:1.1 : ' "J * \ ' FO11HALK , LAUNDIIY DOINH 1'INK IIUSI- ness. ( Jood rensons for selling Address K 2 , . lleo olllco. . Ml'li ; 27 V-FOlt BALK Oil TltADK , AN KSTAIIL1HHKD X business , nvurauliiK for four years $3UOU per yearprollti an excellunt chance for a man with tnmlly ; reason , sickness In family. Address K20llcu , y'-FOU SALK , BJIALL STOCK OF HAIIDWAUK nnd tlnshop ; dolnit n Kooil biislnesK nnd low rent. Address , Lock box Wl , Lincoln , Neb. Ml 23 N2 _ V-J7.00U STOCK W CKNKIIAL MKUOHANDISE - foruxchnnxo for icood Improved farm In south- enstern Nebraska ami buluuco In cash orKood notes ; farm must bo clear of Incumbrunco Address - dress T. II , Clnwson. York. Neb. fit Oil V * 'OU 8ALK , A COMl'LKTK LIVKIIY STOCK L nnd feed burn , dotm ; n llrst class business In the thriving city of liothonburi ; , Neb , ; u splundld clinncu lor n KOod Uvery man ; terms reasonable. Addiussll O. Hooker ( iotlninliilrir. Neb. 5'.t ) N5 * ' " " KOIt l3XbnAXUlfl' Forrittc * . rt . . tee topntcoliim'i nit ( /id paj - . ' ' for n residence In Omaha. J. II. , Lock Hex .Vl'J lledlord , Iowa 211 24 * "r/ - FOH KXCHANOK , flJ.tXWOLKAU HKSIDKNCK ' l for Kouil clenr Io n or eastern Nebrnska fnrm. Also foveralood cleurvncnnt hits within IW mllckt of I1 , o. lorKOod furma. W. It. llomnn , lloom lUi Fretuer block. . 274-ilO AND 7 LOTB , fiUW : FOH ISSIDK A/cottnue. Work horses for clcnr lot. Lot on Slot street lor outside property , clear. Hutchlnsiin A Wfud , 1521 DotiKlus. .M'JSS 27 V WANTKI ) . STOCKS OF DUY ( iOODtf , AND /Jollier mervhnndlsu for clear lauds , city propurty nndcnsh. W. It. Houinn , Itoom 10. Freiuvr block. J74-SO _ V-WH.L KXCHANtiK KIUST OLASSl TOP Hilt- ' IKT for safety bicycle of good matt ) . U''S .Sew York Lite. _ _ 2U ( _ a ! ' y-Fou BALI : on TUADK. TIIK KUUNrruitK /Jnntl lenso of n 35 room hotel , free of Incnm- briincu , In a town of li.uw population ! for thu Jur- nltuio and lease of n larcer hotel will pay the dif ference. Address K 3d. lice ontct ) . 2'o-Uii" ' ] u7\lU GOODS. Far i < ICKIf. . , " : DIM u > , it mlmim nn thtx i aye " " KNTI U K v KST. TIUSAT- rlcnl wins and benrds u specialty. Wlita. baai < > , iwltrlics , hair chains , etc. . In stock nnd to nrdor. Mall orders solicitor. Davlua , 111 B. Uth it. , Omahu 11)1 ) -A \\MtiiOKi- : , . mm , rtc. , tre fn Dtr * < t commit nn inn MOllLK xjANS i MONKV ' ON - watches. Jewelry , etc ItllH Farnnm t. , tte. , t-e top of/lni column i n l/ia / ( i. , UAZOHa.rc , , TO UK ground to UudurUud & Co. , 1IM B. lltla it. Wl FOU 8AM3 lTBl < KSTATK. for rnttt. tie. , tet t. > i ) rl folmimnu in In i age , " " \\rKSTKIlN K"mA"i \T nK Sl'LKNIl > ' crops of the prefeiiV'n on tlornoiutrnle tin lutrlnilo value of thn f'Wiy' Innd ef western Ni > - hrnskn , nnd Indlcato tlielriiK nt Increme In rnliio I nnt nuthorlfed to sell n considerable amount nt prices that will InsuroVlClarKH profit , and to ex- chnnitnn portion of llicnioir deslrnblo equities In property In Omnlm and elsewhere. D. C. Howard 422 ( 'niton block , Om.ihal f > b. .MlW 27 * CUT III ! I It. AN I ) -I OFI > RtL FOR HAI.B I.OT3 * 'In the now town of "futtrrlnnd" on tlio Union I'nrllta rnllroml 18 mllea west of North I'lntto , Ijlnit ln'twoon two brlilKCK ncrufi-tlio .North nnil South I'lntta river * , nltli n IBrK'l amount of vpliMiiUil country trlliutnrr to It. well npnptuil to do n tlirlr- IniMmsltic . Ktir moi9 fni prior * mliln'M I ) . U. llimnnl. 4 I'nitoii blkoiii\lm , Noli. .M58i-37 DNAT ORCHARD HII/ti.OT ( , SKlVlTLV. . . . W * 'Kl ( ' Mit onst front iicnr llnnscoui Pur * . lm. : .Aero In lli'Ivtulcro . 6. > 410 acres 15 mile's from Omnhn. KOOI ! house nt , 2. > Hutchlnson & Wuiul , 1WI Doiialni. 2S327 _ A N Kf.KHA.VT IlKSIDRNCK DOWNTOWN IIUI1.T -/viiy drntrlnx huslnuia nmn fur f.i.&UO. I2.IXJU citnli , Imlnnca nt low Interest. Hutchlnson , V Wenil , 1551 lo UK In . 2S3 11 _ IjVm 8ALK. A UAKOAIN , NO THADKSi 511.7 JL ncri > i In Hamilton county , mljolnliitlio I'lntta IIn 300 acres pmtiiro well fcncoit , UM netei In cult ! ration , nnmll nousu unil burn. Cnn itlvo Immiullrtti ] pOKsosulun : 2 mlloi north Aliiniuutto. 1'rloo fll.UU perncroor HUue.W. Terms half cash , bnlanoo on llment 7 per cent. Am now llvlnit In Denver unit hfivo no IM < ! for this fnrm , lionco utter It very low , K. K. Atkins , owner , 1511 Larimer St. , Denver. Ml ' SALK NKIIIIASKA FARM I ANI > 3. ( I. G. iJ'Oll \Vnllnco , 312 llroirn block , ICtli anil Douglas. 2fll _ l.'Oll 8AIK. ON KASV TKUMS. 3 STONB 111537 L ilencos ; nit modern Improvements ; will taku KOOil cltjr or fnrm property In part payment. CInrku. IU lloanl of Truclo. MM "I70H HAI.K , IIO.M1W , ANY PRIOR , R.V ) , 51.S.V ) UP. L easy terms , take clcnr propnrty ns Mm payment. U. ( I. Wulluco , llrown block , lutli ami DoiiKlna.KM KM \\TK IIAVK 19) ) HKKT W VIHST CI.AS3 IMIOI'- ' erty on Went rarqam street , the cliuancst on tha market. Call nml DCO ua. O. U. U. & T. Co. , II 4 , lieu. MW4 _ XI.Y KM KACH , I-OTS IN CUIiVKU'S StUl IIUcnsliIO per month ami I ! per cent Interest. Morton T. Culver , 14UU Knrlmm 8t. . room ( ! . M857 30 _ 1OU HAIjK , AT A IIAHHAI.V , LOT IS , lll.OCKl J W. I. . Sclhr'ft tlrst nilclltlon to South Onmli.i Hmnll pnymcnt down , biilnni'u monthly If de < lrcj Inqutru ( ) . II. Tischnck , Onmlm lien. MU33 JA NG1NR. 1'ornttcs.ctc. , rrc to < ii rat column OH this \iaac. OiTAND'S SCIlOOIr-AICMOltr , CAl'lTOIi AVi : . Chllilren , Tuesday Pnturdny. Adults , Tuesiliiy Krliluy. Advnnco clans nnd iiiBiimbllOH , Thursday. 1'rlvato lessons dally. I'lionu , till. Circulars mailed KJU-NI4 Fur r'llcit , etc. , sre t op nf fiisl fol am n ouitt ( / mAT jhpnil. lleturn to II. J. Windsor , 2U3 Now York I. lie btilir-mid KUt rownrd. .Mr.'i ; ; W OST , lir.ACK NEWFOUNDLAND w 1,111- Jernl reward for return to Jno. II. llnrle. StO South I7th. SSn-'M * I OUM ) . iivKAiis i , ) , 14 JL bands hlKh. John Tepke , Military rend , li mllea from postolllce. } \m \ : 27 * I'ATBNT SOLIOITOits. _ " 1 > ATKNT LAWVKHS AND SOLICITOUS" O. W. L Suex ti Co. , lieu building , Omnhn , Neb. IlrancU olllcu at Washington. 1) . CM Consultntloii free. ' ' ( 'M IMtKSS VIA.IUSG. NOAOEMUNTSTO DQ iiUHbSMAKLX } IN KAM- Hlea sollcltud. Miss ytunly , 32U S. ' 'Uth st. I .M8-M N23 * _ _ BlANUFAOTUltlNO JIOtVKM-KS. ! 1'AID KOH OLD ( JOLD. CAIISON It CASH linnks. Doom W , llarkcr block. Omaha. lol ! STI'MM jyi3A.THJ.bltJlKNOVATOIl. . Fort ate * , etc. , see ton o/jtrst column OH this imtic KD3/TICKS ANDl'U.l.OWSWASHKI ) ; FKATI1 era hoiiitht. Mull orders promptly tilled. Work cnllcd for Hi delivered. Frank. Anson , illst&b'ranklln " ' 804 _ _ Nott'oc. The ttndorslsnod , doftT 'lJuslniiss ' under tlio firm n-iineof 1'ranulc ; Htrtunbliuh & Co. , IIUH boon dissolved. Tlio Htm will bo 'known as KranUlu & Kascnblntli.M.vrlin will' lie rosponsl- blu for all douu. FIIANKLB & .KOSENIU.ATU. ' PATENTS for INFEN11 I'UOOUUED BY THE Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. with the Interest of thoio having claims against thOKOvernmont Is that of 1NVKNTOKS , who olten lost ) the boneltt of vntunblo Inventions becanso of the Ineompetency or Inattention of the nttnrnoys employed to obtain their patents. Too much euro cannot ho exercised In employing competent and rellnhlo xollcltors to procure patents , for the value of np.ttentdependa Kroatly , If not entirely , upon the euro and .skill of the attorney. With the vlewof protoctliu Inventors from worthless - loss or careless attorneys , and of boolni , ' tlmt Inven tions are well protected by valid patents , TlfK UK 13 lll/IIHAU has retained counsel export In patent practice : and are therefore prepared to Conduct Mi > ccnl rejectetl cnm'ti , tfnilf tuiirlm nml < ' < ii > iii-tfthta , It < : ntlt : > - < > ) > lnii > iin imtoHcoin' nml vtilitt- nnil tlefe.iul HIlitH , CtC.f CtC. If you have an Invention on hand send TIIK 11KB IlUltKAU n sketch or photograph thereof , together with a brief description of the Important features. and you will bo once advised as to the best course to pursue. ModclTaro not necessary imlois the Inven tion In of n complicated rmturo. If otlieri are In- frlnKinuon your rluhts , or If you lira charged with InfrliiKemcnt by others , unbuilt the matter to TIIK IlintKAUfor a rcllnblo OI'IMON baforo actinic on the matter. THE BEE BUREAU OF CLAIMS , 220 lire ItuiMini , ' , Omahu , Nell. Pensions procured for soldiers of tlio Kobollion who served 93 days und are now disabled from ANA" cause. The pen sion is payable whether the disability was ineurrod before , during or since sorvieo. Pensions for widows and child ren without regard to cause of soldier's death. Pensions for mothers and fathers who are NOW dependent , whether they wore dependent on soldier when ho died or irbf. Widows , children and 'royardod 'do- ren parents arq as - pendent" in all casoa'whorc ' they have notsullloient proport for their tupport. Soldiers pcnsiono'fi ' , ijt loss than twelve $12.00) ) dollars oor month and sufforiny from disability | ' addition to that ' named in their poiifj'on certificate , may obtain inereasu undol'-tho now law. Information and jxilvico given with out chai'KO. I3est ftwilitioa over offered to cluiniants to have their claims pro perly nnd diligently'prosecuted. . No charges unless successful. Write for information to illltl en. BUreaii of Claims , OMAHA , NEB. s Iliiroitu Is suiirautoon y the Jitinliu Iluo , the I'lonoor 1'rcsa und tlio Sun I'ruulscco Kxuiiilnuf. INDNEPREDATIOfJ CLAIMS Persons who Imyolost prapurtr from tntllnit iiuU dliuuliT II lo tliclr claims tintlur the Indian Doprolutlou Act of Miircli a , ISpl , The tlmo U hulled , untl the olalms are tukon uu by thu : tnirt in tlio order In whloli the are roculvod. Take Notloo that all contraota entered Into with attorneys prior to the Aot are maija mil and void. Information tUvon und all claims nromptly utleiided to by the HUH BURHAU OP CLAIMS. VtO 7fe llitiltlinu. OMA.LIA , Nbil3KA.SKA , TOILET HINTS. A coiiitlpxlon li the result of healtht of co niotcs. ! Cosmetic * can lie mod In moderation lo ad vantage , but they are no verso perfect as the bloom which itood health ImpiirU. Aoloaroomplo.xlon U usually the romilt of Rood circulation , and good circulation Is the steady flow of the blood throuiih the system. When the blood Is alugRlsh and the mind do- proved nothing Is HO bcnuflclal as a pure medicinal stiniiilnnt , and nothing so thor oughly stimulates the circulation or keeps It In regular and perfect order as pure whiskey. While t'.ioro are many so-callud whiskeys , there Is only ono that U adnilttod lo be a purely medicinal ones namely , DulTy'.s I'uro Malt , Druggists and grocers may try to argue to thocontrary bccatBo they make more money on cheap and Inferior goods , but It Is always best to lumr In mind that thn ono which has boon Us ted , tried and proven by experience l.s the only certain one. AWrlllon Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or VB. . - . MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro li permanent nnd not n patching up. C M treated flvo yean ngo have never ni-en n ymptom tinea. Ily dcferlblnnc JO fully wo can tn-at YOU hy mall , anil wo Rtvo the Mme Btronff Riarnntoo to euro or refund nil money. These who prefer to come hero for treatment cnn do en anil wo will pay railroad faro both way nnd hotel blll whllo hero If wo fall to euro. Wo challenge the world for n ca o that pur MAdlO ItF.Mr.DY Will not cure. V/rlto for full particular ! and Ketthoovldeneo. Wo know that you nro nkcplicil , Juitly eo , too , n the most eminent phytlclami harp never bien able to Klvo moro ' "an temporary r lif In our nvo yearj' practlco with the MAOf 0 KKMF.l ) Y It h been mo t dlKlcult to overcome the prejudices against nil no-called specific * . But under our Btrons guarantco you houM not hesltato to try thl < remedy. You take no chance of loslni ? your money. Wo RUnr. nnteo to euro or refund every dollar , nml ai wo have n reputation to protect , nlio financial backing of SCO , . OOO.ltUporfoctlyafoto H wl'O will try the treat , mont. Herotoforoyou hive been puttlni ? up nml rnylmj out your money for dlltercnt trontnirnti nnd although you nro not yet cured no ono hoa paid back your mon. y. Do notwaitonnymoromoney until you tryu > . Old chronic , deep acated cn o4 cured In SO to 90 daya. In- ve tliato our ilnanclal dandlnff , our reputation na builne men. Wrllou for name nnd mldrcwes of thoio wo have cured who have ulvon ponnUilon to ro- fortothem. Jtconts you only postn o to dothliilt will tavo you n world of jutfcrlns ; from montil flraln , nnd If you nro married what may your oHnprinRuutrcr through your own neKllKcnco. Jf your lyniptonu nro f ore throat , mucous paiehej fn mouth , rheumatism In boniio nnd JnlnH , hair falllmt out , eruptions on nny port of the body , feeling of Rcncral drprcMlon , pnlnj In header bones , you have no tlmo to waste. These who nro constoxitly taklna mercury nn.l potash Bhould dlscontlnuolt. Constantujoof thcsodniga will surely brlnff sores nnd oatlnff ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence pentmsledln pKlnenVel * OPCJ. Wolnvltothomoitrliild Investlgatlou nnd will do nil In our power to nltl you In It. Addreiw , COOJi JlKMKltf CO , , tlinaha , Ji'i'braika. Office Uth and Fnrnnm. uecond floor , ontnuico HthBt. FOR MEN ONLY' $ . " ) OJ for n casn of Loss or Kalllnc Miinliuod , Uonurtil or Nurvous Dpljlllty. woaUnus.s of body or mind , tlio olTcct of errors of o.\cosses In old or yotins that wo cannot ouri' . Wo pnnriiiitL'oovory casoor refund cvory dollar. Klvodays trial iroatment 81. full ( ! our i > 9S. ' ' boiuMlts ' throu . I't'ocoptlblo ronllzi'd In days. Itv mull , sucuioly packed from observation. Ollleu open until 0. MI. COOK KKMKDV I'O. , OMAHA. NEB. MA RIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safonml IIIHUIU Cortaln to a day or money refunded Price by mail $2. Sealed from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha. Nob. _ " IMPROVEMENT" ORDER 01 tuc AGE 13 YEARS All users of TYPEWRITE US liavo felt the necessity of tholr belns Improved. You will 11 nIn thu The latest and best. Wo claim ; and In.suba 1km and trial prove It. "Tlio Most Dur.-ibm in AllKTiinoat , Kaslost Kutitilnt ; , and Most Silent. All typo cleaned In ton .seconds vltliotit soiling the hands. Send for catalogue. Tlic Smith l'romlorl'y)3 | ) > VrU3rU9. E. II. MAYIIBW , Manager. KaruainstreotOniahaNob RglLWRY TIME GKRD Leavoi ICHlCAtJO , IIUULINUTON * ( J. Arrive ! * Omaha. I Depot lOthjind .Mason Sts " -T.UO , 1.30 p m Uilcr.k'o \'u3tlliult.7r. . 8.00 n m H.M n m , . .Chicago Kxpres * . lO.OJ n m 9.20 p m ChlcniiO Kxproii ti.OO p m C.M ) ( i m .Chicago iV Iowa Local H.lj n m leaves lUUKLtNuro.V .V MO. IllVlJIt. | Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot 10th and M.-i'tin Bt < . I Oinahn 10.2J n iu | Denver Day Kxnroi * . . 4.0J p m 1U.25 a m .Deadwood Kxpreis 4.0.1 p m 7.10 p in Denver Kxpross U.i : , > a m 7.10 p m Denver Kxpruis , Dally ti.OO p m 5.00 p m .Lincoln Limited UM n in 8.15 n m Lincoln Local I .20 p m Leavoi I K. i „ S I1. J , A O. II. I Arriyji Omnha. | Depot 10th nnd Mason flu. I Oiunhi. . : U n m.Knnsas | City Dny Kinross. . . . i 5.55 p m i.4j ) p mK. | C. Night Kxp. via U. 1' . Trans. I 0.45 n m Lenvei I UNION I'ACIKIC. I Arrive Omaha. I Union Depot,10th nnd Mnrcy fits. | Onialm 10.00 n in Denver Kxnron. 700 p m V.15 p m . . .overland Flyer 'J.I5 p m 8.W : n m oiUrlco and Kalrtluld 700 p m m I'acltlo II 25 m Lcavei I CHH'AIJO , II. I. .V 1'ACIFIO. I Arrtvoi .Omaha. | Union dotiiit , JOt'i ' t .Maroy Sti. I Oni'ilm. " 10.00 "Txiii 2g Atlantic Kipresi. . , .n ? n.&j p in 4.05 p m " . . . . VeHtlbtilo Kxp.-uss. , . , o LIO p m 6.10 p m " i Nliiht Kiiroi | rE1 U.4I ) n m 1.20 puij J- Denver Limited 9 = > ! UO p m I M fl O 7.05 p mriJ | Denver Kxpress rB 7.M a m Leavoi ICIIICAtiO , MIL A bT. 1'AUUIArrlvj Omaha , j U. I * , ilupat. nn I MirorSsi. | Omaha 'fi.2j p . . . . . . . . . Kxproji , . | i1. ani 12.l5pm | . . < hlcaito Kipron I S.4i p m Leaves I S1OU.V I'lTY * iCvCIFIH I Arrival Omaha. I DaputDtli nml Maroy Sti. I Omaha. 7.-o n ml . . . .Sioux C'ltr I'ttuuni-ur ill.20 p m a.aa p nil St. I'aul Kxpro < I Lenvoi I SIOUX CH'V , fc I'AUIn'l . Arrlvoi Omaha. I op.Ti nnd Webster 8tt. Omnha. 64ipiu ! | St. 1'tul Limited. Louvei v'HIOAOO A NOUTH\VKSrrit.N. ; | Arrival Oinalin. J. I' , depot , IQtn nml .Marcy St < . I Omaha. 7.25 a m . , ( Kx. Sun'y ) Carroll I'asieiiKer. . 1.2) n m UolCinroji 5.00 p m . Veitlbula Limited U.15 p ra .Kaitorn Flyer 7.00 u m . . ( IU. Sat. ( Fnat Mall ( Ki.Mon ) . . 2.15 p m Leave Oil Vtl V A dl' . ii i Jii . . .i irri r o Dinaha.U. \ . I * , iljpjt. Uth nn I Uirif.-tn. I U in i rt ) pm | . . . . .St. Louis < nnnon Hnll | I2.n : p m I'ALific. I Arrival Omaha. I Depot 15th nnd Webntor Sti. I Omaha 10.30 n m Kt. LouU Kxprot ) I II.M a m VJO p nil BUIxiuli Kxprsis | ft.10 p ra ixiavet I iiUOAiO : , It. 1. A 1'ACIKiU Arrlvoi ) Tranfur I Union Depot. Council lllults. Transfer T.45 a inl.IJlouxCltv Aocommodatlon. . . l luut ) p m t.UJ p ml . St. I'aul Kiuru-u . . . . . | U.C ) a ra . . . . | i".iR'AiOANoHrHWKsrriiN ( ; I Arnvm Tranilurl Union Depot , council Hlulri. ITranifer KM pm . . . .Chicago Kiprois & . - > o p in 6.11 p m . . .Votlbulo Limited. U.ll ) n m 10.00 p m .KatUrn flyer. v m S.UUp m ( rU Hat ) . Atlantic Vall.fKx Mon ) 1X > t , m T.I9it ui . .Carroll I'astunviir IO.U ) D m Luuvm I OMAHA. A HI' LOUIS. I Arrlvm Transfo * JUnlon D potJ.'ounclIJIIutr . _ ITransfar ' ' ' j.40p ml . . . . .sT'Louli' nmm'ltttll . . .'p m ICIIlCAdO , IIUUL'N A yUl.V * f I Arrives rranstorl Union Depot. Miuni-U Ilium i'1'rninfar .w a ml . . . ( 'hlcanoTlipruti ' ' U.UJ p ml . .Chicago Kipron. . . . | oSS I.Ui p m | Uunou Local , , , , , . . .I 15 a GRAND ARMY DEPARTMENT Plans and Parpjsaa of the Soaloty of Loyal VoluntooM. FACTS ABOUT THE PENSION ROLLS , Desertion Clint'KPH H.\i > nnRCil Utl- oa's CJrnml MimtttuiMit A Sol- tllur's Hxpcrinuo nt tlio llnttluol" AiHlotiiin. A now nntlonnl society linn boon organ ized nt Washington with the title , "Tho So ciety of Loyal Volunteer * . " It Is u society originating among soldiers of the Into war of the rebellion , though not strictly conlluoil to these who sorvoil In the Hold In Us mainbor- siilp. Its primary object Is ' 'to obtain suchn revision of tlio pension laws us will servo to protect the honor of all who volunteered teethe the clolonso of the union , ai well as to pro- viilo for the necessities of soldiers nnU sailors wtio served that cnuso during the war ol 1M1M55. " These soldiers who have framed Its constitution hold that "tho KrnnUug of pen sions should bo bused solely upon Impairment of cm-nine capacity , " "Tho Idea , " they say , "that pensions are ( utomlod to constitute n payment for the performance of patriotic duty has tended to degrade the spirit of 1 oy- ally and has rendered such pay in out a innrli of disgrace , rather than n badge of honor. " The imrposn of the association Is to have tlio surviving soldiers and sailors , at they appear before the nation , represented oy a patriotic , rather than by a mercenary spirit. They would bring the operation of the pension acts of the country to this basis. The society Is to bo mmlo up In Its mem bership , llrst "of these honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who once volunteered to rescue tha nation from destruction by force , and are now willing to respond to the sumo feeling or loyalty and save the nation from destruction by dishonesty. " The manner of organization can bo learned by implication totJoorgo A. I'riost , secretary , postonlco box 100 , Washington , IX C. Knch society is to have the oversight of the welfare of deserving soldiers and sailors. Its aim will bo to secure employ ment for them when such employment is needed , always to assist those who are worthy and will bo bonolltcd by assistance , and to provide bountifully for these who are temporarily or permanently incapable of earning a living. Uuardians are to bo rec ommended for the families of deceased sol diers and sailors , and attorneys to aid , with out compensation , when their services are needed , though this Uocs not Include all pro fessional services. A ( > riitiito Memorial. The soldiers and sailors' monument nt Utica , N. Y. , was unvotlod on the llith lust , with ceremonies bolltting the occasion. The programme Included n speech of pre sentation by Major W. II. Bright of Utlea , a speech of acceptance by Mayor Alexander T. Goodwin , aa'.Ioual airs by the German Men- nerchor and an nddross by General Joseph H. Ilawloy of Hartford , Conn. The Grand Army of the Republic was reurosontod by General John M. Palmer , its commt > ndor-ln- chief , who also made a short speech of dedi cation , during which ho said : "It matters little to the bravo men who gave up their lives in that urcnt struggle whether monumental mental granite marks tlio spot whcro they await the roll cull. But they will have died in vain , if from the inspiration of such scones as this , the youth of nur land learn no lesson. It is sUch grand memorials us these that point out to the world the grateful ap preciation of tuo American people of their dead heroes. " The monument Is placed on Onolda square at the intersection of Plant and Gunoseo streets and is very near to the center of the city. It is constructed upon a cement foun dation seven foot In depth. Three octngona bases rise to moot the base proper , upon which rests the die. This base is also octag onal , but above the shaft is cylindrical. At four points of the die project circular but tresses , which servo as pedestals for four beautiful figures in bronzo. Above them the shaft Is encircled by a bronze bolt upon which oiittlo scones arod o- pictod in bas relief. In a sort of dado , run ning nroiinu the shall are the words : "Ono Flag , Ono Land , Ono Heart , Ono Hand , Ono Nation Forovormoro. " Above comes the capstone , upon which is engraved the coat of arms of Utlca , and surmounting all is a heroic fomulo figure in bronzo. The monument is twenty feet in diameter nt the base and the height U thirty-live feet. The material used Is the boat \Vothorsflcld gray granite and United States standard broiizo. All designs ( wore made by Karl Gor- harut , the well known Hartford , Conn. , sculptor. It is ono of the most perfect monuments ments ever erected. Two of the lower bronze figures are stat ues of n soldier and a sailor , wlillo the oth ers represent Victory and Peace. Thov sire ll fent 0 inches in lioight and are perfect ex amples of the designer's art. The crowning figure 1 = emblematic of the city of Utica. The height of the statue Is 8 fett 0 inches. in addition to the encircling inscription noted above , there are engraved on the Jl the following : South side , "Wo Hoop In memory the soldiers of Utica who risltou their lives to save the Union ; " north side , "From Sumter by land and sea to Appomattox - tex ; " east aide , "ISlH ; " west , " 1SU5. " The monument cost Jli'J.OOO. IJosortion KeconlH ICxpungod. The war department has notified Adjutant General Coo ! that the charge of desertion has been removed from the following Ne braska soldiers , all members of the FirU Ne braska cavalry : A. IJ. Seay , Company 1C. Samuel H. Wruy , Company I. Charles E. Merrltt , Company G.- Owen Coylo , Company H. James Stapleton , Company H. Isaiah C. Ware , Company I , First Infan try. try.Jnson Jnson G. Ashing , Company II. William Osborn , Companies C and E. Fidel Sutz , Company B. Joseph Hobertson Company II. James W. Culp , Company G. James 1C. Lewis , Company G. John Crawford , Company A. James Johiibon , Companv 13. William K. Swihart , Company E. John A. Crawford , Company A. James A. Pool , Company A. T. C. Nicholson , Company D. Joseph U. Fiiusntt , Company A. Sylvester Warner , Company A. F.V. . Lonos , Company H. Philander Smith , Company G. Cyrus H. Wulson , Company R John H. Hutchison , Company K. Isaac V. Toot , Company C. Scath H. llato-s , Company A. James H. Bates , Company A , Isaac Hutchius , Company U. Peter Garlock , Company G. Jacob Fletcher , Company E. William H. Harrison , Company E. James Meyers , Company A. William A. Carpenter , Company G. L. Oliver , Company K. Several of the above still llvo within the ntnto and have labored long to bo rlghtod on the records , wlillo others have removed to various parts of the country and their dwell ing places are unknown. Tim P.MiHlou KollH. The yearly report of the commissioner of pensions tolls of twanty-throo widows and daughters of revolutionary soldier * who draw pensions. Few would have supposed that so many persons who watched and .vaited for the slow malU that bore nuws Tram Valley Forgo or from the Brandy wlno were yet ullvo. There Is not one male sur vivor of the revolutionary war on the po - sion rolls , but 7f > 00 heroes of the war of 181'J draw pay , and y(55 ; ) ! ( persona , of whom 0,010 are widows , receive pensions on account of tlio Mexican war. Deducting all ttieso , who count as loss than 'il.uoo , the residue of the lonsloncrs base tholr claims on uvunU grow- ng out of the war of the rebellion. Loss than one-halt of tlio survivors of that war uro on the pension roll , not inuon moro than one-tenth of the number of soldiers slain In battle , or who huvo died since Leo's surrender , are represented by widows , pnr- mts , children , brothers or sister * , who claim the paimloni by reason of loss of tholr sup- > ort. The number of dead Is l.OOJ.tWOj the lumber of persons claiming petitions by reason of their death U 121,760 , and tholr lumber I * decreasing yearly ut the rate of J3 la 1,000. Moro than 1 JWO , nuuiu * wore stricken from the rolls by roaion of tholr death during the last year. The ago of the greatest number of pensioners I * 17 ycHw , which testifies to the extreme youth of inoit or the recruits of the later your * of the war. 1'ho expenditures of the pension ofllco lor the last year was fllr > UMiVJ. lilt nt Aittlotiun. Hooker was trying to drive Jaoksou nt An- tictam , says M. Quad In the Now York World. It Is one of the mysteries of war that ho did not miuthlllato him and then take Leo In llnnk. We ouinumborod him , and wo extended our lines until onlv a skir mish line of gray opposed us , nut on no Held of battle in the whole war did the con federates light so fiercely. U seemed as if every .tingle eompanv had boon told to hold Its ground until the last man wni wiped out. We breasted up to the grav line * tlmo after time , but they would never give buck. They faced us and died. If they lost n rod ol ground they charged back and recovered two. I remember how the corn waved and rus tled as wo pushed through It that day how the silken tassels became detached and flouted Into our faces like the spider webs on a dewy summer's morning. They were watting for us the mon who had come tin from Harper's Ferry without a halt foot sore , hungry , thirsty , lint ready to die to save Leo's loft wing. They made never n halt to moisten their parched throats nt tha wells of Sharpsburg never a halt for the lairgards to como up. Lee was in danger , and old .Stonewall redo at their head. The politicians simply lur them. These who breasted up against them on the battle Held remember only how gallantly they diod. At llrst a scattering lire a nmn falling out hero and there. The pop ! pop ! pop ! increases in rapidity now It becomes a continual roar hero comes the command to charge ! There Is a cheer a rush , and wo are chucked. Mon cannot dodge bullets , but wo dodge ns they zip and spit and whlstlo by our nnrs. A storm of bullets cannot bo brca'itcd like a gala of wind ladun with snowllakes , but wo bund our heads and ndvaiico. What is 111 Why I am lying on the ground ! Is the light over that the din of bat tle hiiN so nearly died awavf I wonder and wondor. U U like waking out of a sound slumber. Now 1 know what It Is I'm hill A bullet has crashed into my shoulder , spun me around like a top , and then dashed inn to the earth in a heap. Mon struck that wav lose consciousness for n mlnuto or two. The roar swells out aualn I hour men cursing and cheering , and I llnnlly understand that our lines have been driven back. I lift my head for a limty look around , and I find that I have lots of company. The dead and wounded areas numerous a-jcorn hills. A bulletin the shoulder in nothing. A pinter or two of blood lost from the body Is of no account. I turn over , seize a dead man by the arm and pull myself up , but everything dances before my eyes nnd I sitiu dawn In a heap. It isn't the wound itself , but tlio shock to the nervous system. I've seen a six-footer drop in n heap and cry like a woman because a bullet had made ono of his lingers nn inch shorter , and he was never charged with being a coward , either. There is no such thing ns tlmo on a battle field. A general may watch its flight , but n private soldier has no thought of it. Tlio sun may have been at meridian when the battle opened. All or a sudden he is amazed that the orb has gene from sight. Ho has fought on , given no heed to time. Only half conscious only half realizing that I was hit 1 by and by felt the cool breezes of evening and lost the glare of the sun. Some one gave mo water , but I felt too dreamy to open my eyes. Some ono pulled a dead man off my legs a wounded comrade who had crept over to mo in search of water and died , But I did not open my eyes ; I could not. It seemed as If croat weights had been placed on my eyelids to keep them shut. There was n babel or sounds around me , but I heard only ono voice. That sounded miles away as it said : "Now , then , you all bo mighty keorfut how you tote that boy , Ifur he's been power fully hit. Needn't mind me so much , though 1 reckon I'm good fora wooden log if you Yanks can spar the timber 1" It was a "robol. " Ho'd been caring for mo for hours as tenderly ns ho would for his own son , nnd yet they separated us that night never to moot again. I have never had oppor tunity to look Into his face and thank him. I never oven saw him. Are you a cruel man , or only a chump Your horse has chafed his neck until It is no solutely cruel to make him work , or he hat cut himself on a wire or a nail. Now do you snow that ono bott'o ' of Hallor's ' Barb Wire inlmont will absolutely cure every cut , jruise or old sorof Justtrvit. TIII3 UATTKllHI ) IIOUGI3IIKAU. I lie Method or 'H fllud- At the Minneapolis exposition urt jnllory this your , sny8 ICnto Field's Washington , was aliown tlmt nuinting of u undo lljjuro by Houtforoiui which ms become notorious on account of the vandalism of an Onmhn mink , Shocked at sight of the human form divine , tliiH concclast throw a wooden chair at tliu olTondiiig canvas , which played havoc with two lovaly arms that are now sowed up. When T asked why tlio paini ng had not boon returned to Boiigoro.m 'or repairs , my cicerone replied , "Not 'or worlds. Jt/H worth far moro for ox- libitiou than it would ho whole. 1'ooplo who wouldn't look at it as a work of aft Hock to BOO whore the damage lias boon lone. Then they look at the chair that did it. lloi-o it is. " Sure enough ; there stood the Identical chair the common North American variety of wooden chair but which loira ittacked the arms is robed in mystery. U IH the onu thing about the painting that is robed. This realism should have boon fully pounded by the presence of the Indignant crunk himself , who , fora valuable con sideration , might have repeated bis original performance at stated hours of the day and night. What a drawing card Virtue with a capital V would ; iavo been under such circumstances ! It is not too Into forHome dime museum , o soi/.o upon my suggestion , which IIIIH -ho great merit of novelty and for which [ make no charge. DoWitfs Little Eany IUSOH ; ooiy pill to curoslckhoadncho and regulate thuj.nvJU at Yorktnwii. General JJoulangor was a guest of the Jnited States at the celebration of tlio inndrcdth anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwall ! * at , Yorktown , Viu , ind a little Incident is told that shows low the theatrical predominated in hU lature. While the procession wits pass- ng the reviewing stand whore General 3oulangor stood among tlio guests ol toiior , lie stopped hastily down , and , ushing to a soldier who stood by ono ol the ancient cannon , boi/.ed the lanyard uid fired several guns of the Hiuuto. lo then turned about and said in French ) 'A son of Franco behind an American cun ! May the symbol never bo broken , ind may a Frenchman never lire heavier iinmunitlon at the republic of tha Jnitod States. " Those who understood the remark sot up a cheer thai developed into a prolonged shout , when the crowd was made to understand thu noanlng of the words. Ids last act , hooting 1111118011 at the grave of hU nistross ut lirtmsols , wan oven more heatrleal than the Incident above given. Gosalor's Maglolioauaono Wafor.i.Curai a icudachcslti niluutoj. At all anil Kiankoil. | A Hinall hey in San Francisco ran in rout of u moving street car to show how ieiir ho could come to being crushed to oath. The spectators were hoi-rilled. A lollcomun. however , courageously sol/.od ho boy , placed him across his knee and rave him u sound spanking. After the idmintstratlon of this well merited jinn- shment the boy took to hla heels , howl- ng , and the bystanders applauded. Uo Witt's Little Early Uisor ,