THE OMAHA DATLYBEE , SATUKDAY OCTOBER 24 , 1891 , 5 MUST SATISFY THE BOARD , Nebraska Physicians with Questionable Credentials Having Trouble. SEVERAL OMAHA CITIZENS INVOLVED , Medical PrulcHfllon or tlio Ktnto Uclni ; materially Ilcnclllcd by tlio I'rcHont Method Lin coln NO\VH Notes. LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct. 23. ( Special to TUB DEE. ] THe members of .tho State Hoard of Health tire vow anrngod on tbo hardest part of their work that of considering tlio cre dentials of physicians whoso diplomas or other certificate * arc doubtful In tiny way. Today certificates were granted to tbo fol lowing : Sloven Newman , Henderson ; C. L. Smith , Omnba ; J. C. Illis , Omaha ; Jacob Simmons , North Dcnd ; E.V. . Schlrmor , Johnson ; K. M' Krocorlon , Sunnier ; Arthur II. Jago. Omaha ; Edwin L. Yarbot , Ledge Polo ; Mary E. Cox , Omaha ; Mary II. Up john , William C. Upjohn , I'npilllon ; A. O , Altun , South Sioux City ; ICasporVog - mann , Illuo Illll ; A. J. Sandori , Grand Island ; H. F. McCoy , Omaha ; K. C. Elvln , Nebraska City : Thomas F. Brltt , Lincoln ; W. II. C. Stovunson ( col- orcd ) , Omuha. Air. Stevenson is a graduate Of Uoform college. Providence , K. I. No such school was ovur In existence as a chartered medical college. Ilowuvnr , this applicant furnished stilllciont ovidciu'O to entitle him to register as a licentiate , which Is logistrn- tlon under the old law of 1081 and IbSIi , by virtue of having practiced ton years previous to 1881. inst two years In this state. Dr. Peter Von L.nckum of Omaha appeared before the Ponrd and made a reapplication. Ho was rejected lust wcok on the grounds that the college from which ho graduated was not an institution In good standing. Ho will bo granted a nuw hearing at a future date. Dr. Q. W. Williamson of Omaha , formerly with Iletts & Bolts , wrote and telegraphed from Denver to the board , withdrawing his application , and ordered his credentials sent to Denver. Dr. S. Canter , an itinerant eye doctor , who recently made his headquarter * at Crete , ap peared before the board and withdrew his application , stating that ho was going to Cal ifornia , whore ho said he "could practice without IntnrforoncM. " Dr. J. .1. Solomon of Omaha , Who was re jected last week on the grounds that his diploma was not from a modfcal college , ap peared before the board , made n reapplica tion and asked for a rehearing. The inquest was cratitid. Time will bo given the doctor to got testimony from Moxico. Tbo work of the board is now slow ana tedious and consists in sifting cases in which the credentials are mixed or considered. In many cases applicants appealed before the board and gave evidence ns to length of tltno of practice , not being graduates. Certificates were refused the following : Hosa Ployto , Grand Island , mldwlfo only ; Ilardm Ii. Redmond , Henderson , Illegal reg istration ; Hobert A. Hnwthoino , Lawrence , illegal registration ; John W. McConnnhn , Elgtit Milo Grove , Otoo county , Illegal rog- Istratlon. The board adjourned to moot Thursday , November 5 , at 3 p. in. It Is believed that by that tltno a report can bo made in the Omaha contest cases. DPI ) FCU.OW8 OK VXD I.OPQn. The grand state lodge of Odd Fellows ended this afternoon. The great question de cided was the place for holding the next an nual urund lodgo. Omatm captured the plum. The Daughters of Uobeknh hold a splendid reception nt the state kouso. At the session of the grand ledge today the following ofllcers wore installed for the com ing year : Grand master , George L. Loomis , Centen nial ledge No. r > ' . ) , Fremont ; deputy grand master , A. H. Weir. Capitol lodge No. 11 , Lincoln : grand warden , E. J. O'Neill , Inter ior ledge No. 'J , Pawnco City ; grand secre tary , J. P. Gngo , Centennial lodge No. 5'J ' , Fremont ; grand treasurer , Samuel McClay , Capital ledge No , 11 , Lincoln ; grand ropre- Hontatlvos , J. S. Hoagland , Walla Walla ledge No. HO , North Pintle ; G. H. Outline , Kearney ; P. C. Johnson , grand chaplain , In- dlanola , No. l5 ! ! ; J. Li. Johnson , grand mar shal , No. 87 ; A. J. Heals , grand conductor , No. 05 ; II. Sunshine , grand guardian , No. D3A. ; . D. Mosuloy , grand herald , No. 1UO. A beautiful past grand master's badge was presented to the retiring grand master , W. H. Bargcr , for faithful and ofllclent services , in : Hi-Mi\iir.nii : : ] : cnuneiit'.s. Elder J. G. Rllllor , who lived for many years In tills cltv , died recently in California. Ho was a very devout and bo'norolont man and ho has loft ? Uif > , ( X)0 ) to various churcncs and benevolent enterprises. Ho was worth $ fiUO,000 and It Is reported would have ( riven this to tbo churches had not the laws of California sot fortli the edict that a resident of that state con will away only ono-thlad of his property from his relatives. The older gave > 0lH , ) ) to his relatives and loft f315,000 for his widow , reminding her that If the statutes did not prevent It bo would Imve devised it for church and charitable pur poses. ; i POIIOEII HAMMOND CUTI'IIEI ) . A telegram from Denver to Chief of Police Dlnges reveals tlio fact that Dotecllvo Al Pound of tills city has caught Fred Hammond mend , the forgor. Hammond Is wanted bore for signing the name of Air. J , D. Parish , his employer , to checks aggregating $100. At the tlmi ) Ino crimes were committed Hammond was thoconlldcntial clone of Mr. Parrlsh. CVX'T VOTI : ix TUB cirv. Justice Maxwell has handed down an opin ion in the important case from Norfolk in willed Mr. Eblo , a farmer living in the pre cinct of Norfolk , but outside of any ward , demanded that he have the right to vote in the city despite the refusal of Hoglstrar Leavltt. The following Is Maxwell's opinion : Stuto ex rol. Klilo vs l.o'ivltt , original ; writ denied and action dismissed. Opinion by Kir. Justice Maxwell , Tlio city of N Is city of tlio second-class , having more than 2Ml ) ) inhabitants , and Is divided Into four wards. The oily Is within N precinct , which Is six miles sqtmro and con tains ontHldo of the olty about 1100 voters. First. The county board Inis organized the territory above described Into it voting pre cinct the votes to bo oust In lliu olty of N. Hold , that the ponorsof a board of registra tion of the elty of N did not authorize such hoard to register an voter outside of the olty limit * . bucond. That nvory loal voter of this nro- olnut Is entitled to vote at thu pl'ieo provided for that purpoao by the county board , al though Hiich ulnco may bu within the limits of a elty of thu second class ; and where thorn Is moro thr.nono voting place In nuoh elty , ho limy \oto at any ono of thorn. Third. It Is the duty of the county hoard to provldu n Hiiltahlo number of polling place ! ) lo accommodate the voters of thu county , and no doubt the Iwmrd may bo comuullod in a proper proceeding to provldo pioper facili ties. _ Howe scales , trucks , coiTco mills , car- HarUjrs , Harrisor. conveyor. Catalogues of Uordon & Selleck Co.jigonts , Chicago 111 No true American aliould fall to hear Gllmoro'fl bund piny tlio great Itonubllu inarch. It Is everywhere received with thumlora of applause. Wt'Htcm IVnmons. WARIUMITOX , D. O. , Oct. a . [ Special Tel- ogramlo TUB I ) UK. ] Thu following list of pensions granted Is reported by TUB DEB and Examiner Bureau of Claims ; Nebraska : Original Sheldon Wllworth , Frank Savak , Charles Simpson , William C. Fliiwloy , George W. Watson , John Tomukliiti , fames S. Hammond , William Lakln , Thomas Hamilton , William Smith , John W. Jackson , Doloss Hughes , George W. Wolcott , Joseph IV , Morton. Additional John Crystal , Fredolln Luch&Iugor , Daniel Mahun , Stephen Mford. Supplemental Samuel Scott. In- srouso Henry D. Flndloy , Zabolau Travis , llcrry Hobbs , Dounis Fletcher , Joseph Lo- brlck. Holssuo Jessie O terhout , Admiral N. Stafford. Holssuo and Increase William 1) . Lnpnunu. South Dakota ! Original Martin V. Bon- liert , Kdward HibbUon. joioph Berry , Thomas Shorter , James w. Drown , Hiury C. Hart , Houston Halstoad , Theodora Engal > bert , Israel H. Mitchell , William Mcllarg , Jacob Scuallor. Aadlttonal Chancy H. Mall , William Maxeon , William A. baton , JolmQulnn. Increase John H. SloLaughlln. Iowa : Orlgliml John S. Keck , Ueorgo W. Plant , JoiopU Sharp , John II. Wilcox , Nicholas Hoffman , John C. Drown. Edwin iY. Urockur , August Uothko , Michael T. Beddow , Jamwi Tollon , Phlto Williams , John Dayton , John Harmon , Napoleon W. Kosoll , Erastus Drown , Ilenjntnln illcks , Lemuel E. Hntton , Henry Lamphore , MarquU L. Dcntly , John Kennedy , Francis Dayls , Henry Boworg. Additional Martin L. Grime * , Svlvostor O. Hhoados , George F. Sloeum. Restoration and lucreuso John H. Sanders. Increase Herbert Stacey , John Courlland M. P. AJoon , Jiitncs'A. Powder , Sldeon Thomp- .son , Hiram D. Smith , Fred Hill , George H. Lewis. _ DUX'S llEI'/Ktl'OF Till ! IfCKK. Ilctnni-knbly Aotlvn anil In- ureasltujln Volume In the Went. NEW Vonit , Oct. 23.-U. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Uevlew ofTradosays | : General busi ness Is remarkably uctivo and Increasing In volume at tbo west , Improving at the south and distinctly loss dull than It was o week ago at eastern cities. Collections are Im proving In nearly all directions , as the 111)- ) oral movement of crops enables the fanners to settle their account * audio make pur chases for the coming season. The money markets hero are not stringent , at nearly nil Important points being quiet and easy , though with a noticeable Improvement in the demand. These signs plainly promlso a strong trade , fall and winter , unless disturb ances which cannot now bo foreseen should Interrupt. The reports from other cities are on the whole mote favorablo. At Boston trie im provement in trade is slow. At Philadel phia groceries are active with a decline In sugar. At Cincinnati retail tradnlsbtisk and clothing active. At Cleveland business is good and the tone confident , though iron Is Inactive. At Detroit trade and numufnc- lurers are fully up lo last year's mark. At Chicago Increase appears of a third in re- ceipls of hides , dressed beef , Hour and com , Ihough new corn moves slowly , and receipts of rye are tbrro limes last year's , but some decrease appears in oats , burloy.cured moats , lard , cheese , butler and wool. The dry goods trade Is much laigor than a year ago , the rocoipls of cattle larger by 15,000 head for the week ; the shoo and clothing trade largo. and business gradually Increasing In all linos. At Minneapolis the lumber trade Is very good , prices rising and shipments for the WCOK 'J,000,000 foot more than lust year ; the Hour mills again beat the record with 100,000 barrels , and general trndo Is good Ihero and at St. Paul. At Omaha and Kan sas City business Is satlsfaclorv , grain and cattle iccolpts being above the average - ago and trade in agricultural imple ments active. At St. Louii tr.ido shows encouraging strength , grain coming In faster , and at Memplm business Is very fair. At Now Orleans a better fooling is scon with largo receipts of cotton and fair of rice and sugar , and monov In actlvo demand. At Savannah trade holds well , cotton re ceipts reaching ! 2,000 : ! bales In ono day , and at JncHsoiivlllo trade Is steady with bright prospects. Wheat has fallen -IJC cents with receipts nt the west of 500,000 bushels in four days 'and exports of l,2."il,000 ) bushels. Corn is scarce and \\yt \ \ cents higher for spot and oats 1 cents higher. Cotton receipts oven surpass those ol the same week last year by . > ! 1,000 bales , and the price fails a sixteenth , with sales of 01 1,000 , bales hero. . , Coffee Is one-eighth of-a cent lower ; oil 1 cent lower ; lard , one-eighth of a cent lower , and hops have lallen 30 cents per 100 pounds , with no change in pork. Sujrur , both raw and granulated , is some what lower with quite an active market. In general the speculative movement appears to tend loward lower prices for products , the supplies being unusually large. The Iron industry looks strong. Bar , plato and structural mills are fairly em ployed , but prices are low. The boot and shoo manufacture shows a sign of moro active demand and the ship ments nro close to last year's. The wool manufacture shows moro demand for dross goods and stocks of these nro relatively low , while for men's spring goods the orders of clothiers are far behind. Tlio merchandise exports for the past two weeks have exceeded those of the correspond ing weeks last year , while imports fnli fur below those of a year ago. so that the balance of trade in products strongly favors con tinued Imports of gold. The business failures occurring through out the country during the last seven davs number 1M9 as compared with totals of25'J last week. For the corresponding wcok of last year the ilgures were 2'5. > T n'KKit's eGress Gross Kvc'lmn ; os of tlio Country ns Hc- portcil ! ) > ' tlio fl.inlcs. Niw : Yoiiic.Oct. ± 3. The followini.furnidh- edby Drndstreot , gives the clearing house re turns for the week ending October 22 , lbH ! , with the percentage of Increase or decrouso as compared with the corresponding week last year : Mat wvokn' totnls. Nut Included U > totals. If all the world were water , And alt the water were Ink , What should wo do for broad and food , \Yhnt should wo do for drink ) If all the world were water we'd bavo wet feet and then colds , ana what would wo do without Hallor's ' Sure Cure Consu Syrupl Tickets for thoGllinoro great concerts nro only 0o und $1.00 , Got ono. IIIUOIIHCH. The following licenses wore issued by Judge Shields yoitordixyi N'amoaml Addros * Ace. I l.tirs I1 , I/nnitn , Omuha . . . ' 3 | Maggla Hanson , Omaha. . , . : | j Wlllinm A. Oroxxon , Oinahn. . U2 I Martha A. t'aao , Onmliu . 4:1 : Do Witt's Llttlo Early liisoti. nostllttls pill over niaJo , Cure constipation every time. None equal. Use thorn now. There ivro llvo eminent vocalists with Gllmore's world rouownud band at the Coliseum Monday. THE MORSE DRY GOODS COMPANY Sole Agents for Dr.Jaeger's Underwear , Butterick's Patterns , Delineators and Publications. Cloaks $5.00. SO Inches long , splendid Black Chev iot Slmwl Collar , doublo-broiiatod. See what others nro showing tit $8.00 ; then come tincl see o'irs ' nt So.uO. Cloaks $10.00. Hero wo olTor n vnrlot.v of sensible , stylish garments , boino plain , some witli Astrtichan Pur collar and facings , French Seal , Opossum and other fur trimmings. Sue what others are show ing nt $15.00 , then you'll buy these tit 810.00. Cloaks $15.00. Wo have peed for the money Jackets , at S1U.OO and $13.60. but these at $15.00 allow sullluiont dilToreneo in pi ice , to m il < e decided ehnngo in material , thus improving-the nppoaranro and service. These include Ksofo-s , Top ( 'oats , Skirt Paletots , plain and fur trimmed. Look at others' $20.00 garments , then come to see these at 815 00. irond for our 12S-pago Illustrated Cat alogue. Cloaks Handsome Skirt Paletots , ETip Soim Reefers. Regulation Reefers , Top Coals , etc . plain and fur trimmed , every de- birnblo fabric. L jok around , mark well what others ask $23.00 for , then see tlioso at S20.00. ,25.00 , ANU $30.00 Cloaks Of course the higher tlio price the finer tlio materials and trimmings. Result Better Service. That's' why wo sayt when buying a cloak , got. tlio best you can alTordIt is lha cheapest in tlio end. We generally show styles that most western stores do not get until ono year later. Tho.-o who do not know th.o re cord of our Cloak Department may question this statement , but it's truo. Wo close out our sleek Oiich season This gives us opportunity to buy now the coming1 season ; see ? That's why wo havn't any Plush .Tuckets or Now- markets to show you , or any short "bobby" Jackets to dispose of. Newmarkets are now utol for utility gai monts only. If you want a gartno nt for ' 'mill and for meeting" get ono of ourK'cfor Skirt Paletots , LlipSoam Rootoi-s , Top Coats or Cane Suit Coats , body and sleeves. n IMiniTn PA I O'P T\rM1P\TfM i' * REPAIRING COAS1 DEfrENSEb , Heavy Ordnance to Bo Made by au Im proved Method i BIG GUNS COMPLETED IN THREE MONTHS. Aa Industry Which May Makn tlio United StntcH the Superior of All Other Nations in Wnr. CHICAGO Btmiuu OP THE Bnu , I CHIC\OO , III. , Oct. 23. j "If the now method of guu making to bo tried at the works to bo established nt Marlon , Iml. , should provo successful , it will revolutionize the manufacture of heavy or- dnnco,1' ' snld Governor George W. Steele of Oklahoma at , tbo Grand Pacillo yesterday. "Instead of having to wait eight years for a big gun to bo turned out by the bullUlntr-up process , wo will bo able to deliver them In thrco months. Thu process was devised by Dr. Gntllntr , the inventor of the Galling gun. In Dr. Gntllng's ' method the entire gun Is made In ono operation. A gun mudo In this way cnu be flreil many moro times without becoming soft on the Inslilo than can bo done with guns inado In the present way. The process has boon repeatedly tested on an experimental ae.ilo and always wltb good rosults. The great ICrupp guu works at Essen employ U100 ! man , and ttioro is no reason why our works should not surpass them , because wo have every advantage over thorn. The world's armies mutt either buy our guns be cause they are the best or else use our pro cess to mnko guns. For much loss than tbo sum at pi-osant estimated , the United States cnn fortify ovcry soaoortof Importance wltb our ordnance so that the destruction of such cities by foreign Ironclads would bo Impossi ble. I may bo too sanguine , but I oxooot wonderful results from this enterprise. " ClUlUCrlElllSTIC SIODESTV. Vera Ava called upon Major J. O. Bundy , editor ot tbo Uollgio Philosophical Journal , this afternoon and expressed a wish to kls him. When the major declined tbo honor she nt on co attacked him and scratched his faca and would have done him worao damage had she not boon overpowered and ejected from the building , UK A113 SHORT OX COIIS- . "Chicago crula brokers are short 10,000,000 , We NEXW STOCK OF Body Brussels , Ax minster , Wilton , Ingrain , French Cheviots Moqucttc Tapestry 50c 55c. , ft 11) ) 1) ) IJTO UlilliJo French Novelty RugsLinoleum , PLHID8 , Oil Cloths. 65c. THE Largest and Cheapest 4G inohoa wiclo , Stock of 85C. CHOICE PATTERNS woi-fc'i Ol.OO. In the city , CORSETS. Send Mail Orders. Dr. Warner's , $ i. oo. Coiled Side Springs , 750. Thompson's Glove-fitting orsets , $1.00. Cursing Corsets SOLE AGENTS roit TUB Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Underwear. Send Mail Or ders for Goods or Samples. THE MORSE DRY GOODS OO. bushels of Isovemocr , December and year corn. " Such is thu startling assertion of a morning paper. A ISo.ird of Trade broker is given as the authority , and ho is further quoted as saying : "With the lirst wet weather which will tend to hold back the movement of now corn , there may be ox peeled ono of the liveliest boar panics in year corn that has boon seen for many months. There Imvo been millions of bushels of Novoiqbor , December and your corn sold , principally by local boar houses , and it will take old corn to fill these con tracts. It has boon n vorv rare occurrence when any now corn has boon Inspected into contract grades before January 1 , and this year there Is no possibility of now corn Inspecting to contract before that data. This Is duo , not so much on ao- count of the condition of now corn , although. It is extremely damn and the movement , promises to ho unusually lute , but because there has boon a now grade of 'nmv No. a * created , which Is not de liverable on cotitTiict. The chances are Unit there will bo moro old corn inspected Into 'now No. ' . ! ' than now com inspected into contract grado. If this is the case , the question naturally arises : 'Whoro will the shortb'got this old Mo. S corn fromC The total vipjblo supply of corn or the United States jaatunlay nignt was ! ) , T50XM ( bushels. More than one-half of this sum , it U estimated , 'has ' already been sold for export. Local " ( Chicago ) stock wan il'JI.OOO bushels ofNo. 3 corn. The esti mated amount for , tpulght will bo U00.900 bushels , not Including No. U yellow and No , 2 white , which brings a premium from ship pers. " n CiUSli OF TUB MONSIOUTIl WI1BCK. It 1s now assorted that the disastrous wreck on the Q. at Monmoutb was caused by some ono who uponeil.Uio switch for the pur pose of derailing the train. There Is a vary general fooling , howcvbr , that after the fast mall train wreck of last year at the samu place , the company should not have allowed to remain a switch track headed towards tlio main line approached bv trains running at a b. gh rate of upeod , Engineers conversed with do not think that the switch was tam pered with , and from their personal knowl edge speak of the derailment of trains from the suaJon springing of the switch. They admit a feeling of nervousness whenever tnoy have npproaclicfl-thU switch at a blith rate of speed. * They think that If the switch had boon fully opened tbo engineer would have had warning by thu position of the targpt arrow. It seems that the switch , light has not boon regularly lighted. 671 TIIKT WIU. I.KVVB MILLIONS. A World's fair oulolul , closely connected with the financial end of tbo Institution , has boon tlguriog on tbo amount of money that would probably bo loft in Chicago by the World's fair visitors. Ho counts on an attendance of 20,000,000 persons who will spoud an average of tlO each during their visit , or S.'JOO.OOO.IXK ) . Add to this the purchases of merchants who would not ordinarily buy goods hero , but who will do so during fair time , and the statisti cian calculates on another 200,000,000. WOKI.ll'S FAIll BX1III1ITS. Charles T , Yorkos , the street car magnate , who has Just returned from Kurono , says everything looks most favorable for the art exhibition from the other side at the fair. Anton Proust , who has charge of the French department of art , la very sincere in his dc- sire to make a largo exhibit. He will go so far ns to suggest thu erection of ! a building wherein tlio art products of { Franco will DO displayed. Said ho : ' 'PooI I plu in Franco are very enthusiastic , as Indeed they are nil over Europe , wherever I wont. " Edison has applied for a seventh of tbo en tire space in the clcctrio building and says that if it is granted him ho will mnko every foot of it an exhibition worthy of study. The application for siiiico already locoivod would overflow the building. Tlio ronort of Captain Richard W. Monde , naval representative- the World's fait board of control , bus boon sent to the secre tary of the navy. In It ho expressed himself ns lilghiv uloosod with thn progress of the work in Chicago , but far from satisfied with the naval bureau in arranging for the exhibit of ihu battle ship now being constructed. The ship itself will , no says , ho under roof before cold wentnor , so that work can continue through the winter and the structure will bo completed by spring. He hopes , ho siiys to loud Interest to thooxhiblt as already planned by transmitting torpedo boat Wo. 2 , which Is to ho built at Dubuque , la. Seventy-four boxes of Indian relics for the department of ethnology were received yes terday. They onino from Chlllicolho , O. , and were collected by Chief Putnam , This Is his tlrst shipment , but Chief Putnam an nounces that ho will soon forward many moro exhibits for llmt department. News was received from Washington yes terday that the onlcials of Brazil will ask their congress for fVJO.OOO Instead of f3A5,000 , the amount originally mentioned. Curl Ilogormann of Hamburg , Germany , the great lion tamer and showman , wants to bring a Ceylon exhibit , Including whlto ele phants and oilier attractions. ODDS AND KNDS. Rev. Jenkln Lloyd Jones , the well known divine , has taken decided grounds In favor of the World's fair opening nn Sunday. The "Presbyterian synod of Illinois has resolved - solved to raise 91,100,000 and n force of 7.000 missionaries for tbo purpose of evangelical work. Diphtheria Is raging In Danvlllo and fifty bouses have already boon quarantined. Johnny Vanlloeit and Tommy White have been matched to Jlqht live weeks from tomor row night. The conditions calt for a flnUb fight at I'M pounds with two ounce gloves. The combined woman sunragu societies ana Loyal Woiseu of AaiorKuu Liberty have formed n league to bo called the Women Voters' Association of Cook county , to keep up the agitation until women secure every ad vantage accorded them by the law which It Is now clulniod is unconstitutional. WKSTEIIN 1'COl'I.U IN CHICAGO. The following western nooplo are In the city : At the Grand Pacillo M. A. Love , To- peku , Kan. At the F. Audltorlum--Ocorgo Wright , John N. Baldwin , Council Bluffs. At the Lolund Mr. and Mrs. W. G. liar- court , Sioux City , In. At the Wellington Doll Koizor , Topokn , Kan. Kan.At At tbo Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Hay Nye , Fremont ; Louis Bradford , Mrs. D. H. Whcolor , Mrs. H , M. McConnell , Omahn. At the Tromont W. L. Hoiich , Musca- tine , In. ; 13. A. . Englor , Dubuque , la. ; J. II. Morrltt , Mt. Vernon , In. At the Sherman William Tourney , Onolda , S. D. ; J. S. Footo , Wichita , Kan. ; John Grant , Omuha. N. P. Fell , business manager of Till ! BEE , is nt the Grand Pucilic. General F. M. Drake , founder of Drake's university at Dos Molncs. Is at the Rlchollou. P. A. m A handsome complexion is one of the great est charms a woman can possess. Poizonl's complexion powder gives It , TIIU2I ) Ol Contractors Ignore a Oall Tor lilds On Paving. The regular weekly session of the Board of Public Works wa hold yesterday afternoon. The board had Invited proposals for grading Douglas street from Forty-f on rtb to Forty- olghlh , and Twenty-fourth street from the Bolt line tracks to Fort street , but there were no bids. For layin ? water connections from the mains to the property line William Wlmlon was awarded the contract for districts SOU and 855 nt ( X ) cents per lineal foot for live- eighths aad 01 conta for three-fourths Inch plpo.Tho The contract for district S80 was awarded to Graham ParUo at ( II coats for llvo-cighths and 70 cents for threo-fourths In n pipe. On stone for permanent aldowalks H. S. Gllltllun bid 2ltf ! cents per square foot for three Inch ( .illMilan stone and F. E. Weeks 21 cents for three Inch Bnnoora stone. 'Die board will meet at 10 o'clock this morning to make the award , nt which time the bidders are expected to bo present with sumplo * . DeWitfa Uttlo Eimy imeri ; only pillto cure-sick headache and regulate thoUmvuU Flro In a Fruit Hlniul. A gasoline Btovo explosion In the residence Of Charles Lagraco , 310 North Sixteenth Arctic Lynx $ 5.00 Fine French Coney $ 6.75 French Coney , Aslrachan collar. . $ 8.75 French Seal Capes $12,00 Astrachan Capes Siberian Martin Heal Mink , . $45.00 MILITARY CAPES. The Newest of All. Arctic Lynx . French Coney . $20.00 Monkey . $ ,15.00 Ural Seal . $35.00 Aslrachan . $40.00 And nil otlior Popular Fill's * Great variety in all Furs , at or below the lowest prices quoted by any house. We only carry prime goods. OEND mail orders for goods " or samples. Write for our 128-page illustrated catalogue. SPECIAL DAY IN Real Lace Curtains Louis XIV ( Rcnaisftin ) gg sauce ) , value $15 l-fhl I T > Pair , at . j SP1UI air Louis XIV-Kcnaissancc ( ) ) value $25.00 pair J- Pair at Louis XIV ( Renais sance ) , value $65 pair at ALSO Irish Pclntllcnaissancc ( ) flMl Lace Cuiiains , value J-/A I Pr air $18 pair , at ) A1 95 Pairs Chenille Por- ) licrcs , fringed top > , and bottom , value $8 ) pair at Also 1,200 Pairs Nottingham Lacs Curtains. $2,98 $498. Per Pair. Per Pair. Vcilue value $5.00. $7.00 street , called out tlio llro deportment nt ( ! : ll ( last evening. The llanios spread rapidly in the framn buihliiiL' but a niomoiit's ploy with the hose Imd tlio lire ontlroly out. fLagmcD keeni a fruit stuntl In front of liH house and lias Imd sitmll JiroH boforo. Thu Imlldhitf Is owned ly ) OOOVKO A. Uonnott. The total loss will bo undorfjO. Cease your coinjhinp mill nnjoy slumber , which Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will insure you. "Aro you colntc to the rncos ? " "Yes , and but on the winning liorso ' "Not tlio hand some Abdullah , he is liinio. Didn't you knowl" "I'll whlspor In your oar , ho'll win. Thoy'ro using Salvation Oil. " Itl'l'OKVK VAfiK , I'roinliiont Houloty 1'coplu KopiiraCod. OAKLAND , Col. , Oct. ! . ' : ! . Judge KlUworth has grunted a divorce to Mrs. George I'1. 1'ratt on the Krouud of cruolty. Tills Is the cuso la which Pratt charged hl wlfo with adultery , naming L. L. Hromwoll , iirosiduat of the California Insurance company and one of Oakland's most prominent clti/.ctii , aa co- respondent. Nearly two years nco 1'ratt , who was in DromwolIN omplov , sliot and sn < voroly woundoil him for alleged adulUirv with Mrs. 1'ratt. Pratt Was acquitted of the charge of shooting and some Unio after com menced nult against his wife for divorce. Mrs. Pratt instituted a counter suit , charg ing cruolty. Thocaso-hns booa on trial for several wcok * and attracted wide attention on the Paclllu coast on account of the promi nence of the people Implicated. Jim 1:0 JCiU- worth In his docislon srtvs ho tlilnlti Mis. Pratt guilty of adultery as charged , bv her husband , but that ns ho condoned the of fense and lived with her again , bo could net grant a divorce on that ground , The Judge also found that Pratt had treated Ills WUo cruelly and on Unit ground grunted her a divorco. _ Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup reducci Inflammation while children are toothing. UO cunts a bottto. liulluliii ; 1'crmitx. Tbo following pormlt > wuro isiuod by the superintendent of building1) youoi\lny : H A. I'roctor. nun und niiit-liiilf'Htriry , ' . ' ? IO ISrUtol Hticot ) 1,50) Jlroi , throe-Htory brink Nturu , Kluviiiitliiinil I'unmiu utruot * Twoinliior pursuits IM Totm H.IHO n\ie \ , great in roiultv , DoU'llt't Little Kurly Kiiuri. Unit pill for constipa tion , brut for mole lioauucho , lioit for sour stomach.