Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha's Spoctly Stallions Palled off a Nice
Funo Ycatcrday.
J'rcc-ror-AII I'nco 'Hint Wn Worth
\Vntulilntt On tlio Imlcpcntl-
onoo Ivlli ! OcniM-nl Spccil
It I UK News.
There wns n flno crowd In attendance on
Uie closing day of the Union Park rncos.
U'ho track was In superb condition. The
ntnrtor was A. W. MoKlroy of Chicago nnd
the Judges K. Al. Green of Cnlhoun , Mnrvo
Ucnrdiloy nnd Hilly Pnxlon of Onmlin.
Timers , Fred Fowler nnd Goodlny I3rucncr.
A word In conunondatlon of St.irter Mo.
Klrbywlll probably not cotno amiss lioro.
Jlo has officiated In all the meetings on this
course this summer , nnd so exceptionally
line has been his work , both as to the discre
tion In deciding nlco nnd dlfllcult points nnd
the promptitude which has marked his efforts
In getting the races off In accordance with
tbo published schedule , Hint tbo management
lnis been unstinted In prnlsc , oven to thu ex
tent of extra compensation. Ono distinction
marks the work of Starter MclOlroy and that
Is that an v track that has been fortunate
onouch to secure his services has manifested
n desire to secure him for /uturo engage
ments. So far as Union park is concerned It
is snfo to sny thnt ns long us nltnlnablo tbo
services of McKlroy will bo secured. .
Started liy tlu ; Stallions.
Tbo first event , free-for-all stallion race ,
JiursoJI'JO. ' ICntrlci : Uiiulnh , blk. s. , bv I'rln-
rmn , O. A. Turner. lloairlce , Neb. ; tfnldun
AVinir. s. M. , by Starlight , II. J. Mooro. Diinlap ,
] , : Frank I * , blk. H. . ly ! ) nrwlnV. . . ) . Perry.
Umnha : Jgnls I'ntuus , b. s. , by Kdltor , Nat
Ilrown , Onmhn.
There was but llttlo delay In Rotting the
trio off. Ignis Fatuus quickly assumed n lead
thnt his competitors were tumble to over
come. Time : i ! : ! M > . The second heat was
n repetition of the llrst , Ipnls Fatuus proving
Ills superiority without n strain. Time :
M:25Jf. :
The third bent wns n surprise to the fancy ,
Ignis brcnklng badly on the llrst turn nnd
surrendering llrst plnco to Frank 1' . , which
lie hold , by grace of good driving , to the end.
Time : 2.Tj. : The fourth neat was an easy
ono for Ignis Fatuus. Time : 'J:1M. : Sum
mary :
Ignis Katnus . 1121
UoldenWing . 2 2 . ' ! S
Fnmk 1' . 3 3 1 3
Unulph . Ur.
Tlmu ! . ' ' . ' . 24.
: SrtSM ; 2HU : ; : ) ! :
fiiilo \ \ lioolorH Contest.
Second race. froo-for-all pace , niirso $400.
Ftartcru : U'llklu Itussull , b. s. . bv Mambrlno
Xirssol. King 11111 slock farm. lit. Joseph. Mo. ;
1'rhico T. r. g. , by Uloinuiit , A. Thompson.
Onmha : Almont lln.sliiiw. b. s. , by Almoiit
JJovor , Kruuk Itiirns , Ida Orovc. la.
The horses were sent away veiy nicely on
the second scoring , Wllhio Husaell ouenlng
up with a burst of speed that made every
man on tbo grounds possessing a watch tnko
n flash The speed of the blgstulllon on
the llrst quarter prepared every ono for a
fnst mile. 1'riucc T also evinced that bo was
in good fettle , nnd the last half was paced in
oven quicker time than made by Wilkie ,
still it was not speedy enough to chop down tbo
lead Uusscll had captured on the llrst hnlf.
As It ended Wllkio boat tbo I'rinco out by a
length and n half. Time ! 3:17'4. : ' Thorowas
aoino disappointment expressed at this time ,
many old devotees of the track claiming ttiat
their chronometers registered 2:115 : , but the
ofllclnl timers claimed that their time corro-
fipondod and that it was as given above.
McElroy sent the horses oIT in n line in the
second , but unfortunately , and to the mani
fest disappointment of the crowd , I'rinco T.
broke almost immediately on the word go. It
wan a bad break nnd by htu time ho .steadied
down u gnp of iiOO yards separated him from
his Hying competitors. From tnis on , how
ever , Thompson drove Him steadily , nnd by
the timu the leaders rounded Into the stretch
bo was well up , but it wns too into to outer
in the brush for the llnish , and this was loft
to Bashaw , nnd ho did It well. Wilkie ,
though , outfootcd him clearly , nnd came
under the wire n nose the best of It. Tlmo :
13:19. :
The third heat wns n rosebud. The stnrt
couldn't bnvobeon more even had the horses
boon started standing from a chulk line , and
up to the thrco-qunrtors this uosltlon was
maintained without a break. In rounding into
the stretch Wilklo mndo a break , and , run
ning several lengths , got the best of It , ho ml.
Ing Prlnco T. and coming on und muter tbo
wlro a scant nock to the good. Time : 2:18) : .
Summary : .
AVIlklo . 1 i i
I'rinco T . a 3 2
Almont Itashaw . 323
Time : 2:17 : ! . , , 2:10. : 2ISJ' : .
' 11 tin Ono Didn't FlniHli.
Third ovont. 2:31 : trot , purse Jlifl. Kntrles :
lllauklmll. bllf. B. , by Unknown. Jack 1'orry.
Onmlm : llnrry 1' . b. jr. . by M.ddlutnn , I'almer
Itros. . ItocUford. 111. : S.itnrn I > . b. R. . by Sat
urn. U o. mid 1) . E. hong. Auburn , Nub. : Dr.
Tlltou , b. s. . by Twilight. Arthur Kvorett ,
Lyons. Nob. ; II. I ) . , hlk. s. . by Unknown , J. , | .
llllKort , St. .loo , Mo. : Uuy Sheridan , b. s. . tjy
Charles Cnlfror. K. Miller , l-iillorton. Nob. :
Klttlnood. . c. in. , Searlus ft Ivllsvvorth , New-
iniin tlrove. Nob. ; .lack Klhbur , s. p. , by Anne ,
A. 1' , Talk. Kssnx. la. : Missouri Ohlof , b. s. , by
lloy Clilef , K , K. Hhuinaker. Marysvllle , Mo. :
Varinor , I ) , tt. . l.v ) TramiV. ) . II. l.omtstreth ,
Ivnoxvlilu , lii. ; Undo Josh , g. g. , W. ' Grofe ,
Jes ) Molnes. la.
It was a big gang nnd n dtfllcult matter Ito
keep the places ot the horses. At the llnish
Missouri Chief showed up llrst. Guy Sbori-
dan second , Harry P third , Ur. Tilto'n fourth ,
Blackball llfth , II H sixth , Undo Josh
seventh nnd Saturn TJ eighth. Time : 2 : , ' ) ! i < .
The second hoai was nn exciting ono , Mis
souri Ctilof whining , boating Harry P by n
noso. Dr. Tllton took third mid Guy Sheri
dan fourth. Tlmo : 3iluj : .
The third heat was started In the duslc ,
nnd after n dospornto struggle , Harry P came
In llrst , Saturn L second und Dr. Tllton
third. Tlmo : 2i9 : } > { .
Owing to darkness the rnco was postponed
until 10 o'clock this morning.
Against Time.
Sandwiched between the froe-for-all for
ntnlllons nnd the froo-for-all pace , was a trial
mileby Hershon , to beat his mark of 2 illil'j.
'Ho wont the mlle in 2:2'JJ.j : ' ; the llrst half in
1:13 : , n 215 gait , mid was linlshing strain ; , but
madu n bud break In tno stretch , ller.slion
Is a bay stallion , nnd in the language of the
fancy , a "little buto.1' ' Ho is n full brother
of Nova Sooly and considered n most prom
ising performer. Hershon Is uv Horschal ,
ho by Belmont , dam by Squlro Tnlmadgo , ho
by Itnmblotoninn Hi ; second dam by Hulsoy
Ilamolotonlan , ho by Hambletonluii 10. This
H his iirst season. Ho Is full of Humble-
toman blood , mid Haniblotonlau blood heads
the list.
Bpcoily Moreno I.oworlni ; Their liull-
vltliial KoourilH Tlu-i-i' .
IsiiKi'r.NiiuNCE , In. , Oct. 23. Today was
perfect record breaking weather , clear and
warm. The light breeze nlowliur nt noon
culmcU down about 4 o'clock , leaving It a
typical Juno evening. The only roirular
nice * started were tbo 2:20 : trot ami 2:20 :
pnco , both loft unfinished ,
The principal events were the specials.
The most noteworthy of them was Ho bun
livsdlck , who ncnin started agniiut his mark
of 3:14. : Vestordny ho wns sent In 2'HJJ , but
us ho wns In peed form today his owner , A. L.
CUirU , decided to again maku n dash against
tlioir tlmo. In the llrst score ho oust n shoo
( mil bruised his foot. Novortnolcss ho tool :
the word and in ado a grand trot without any
accompaniment In 2:1U : > 4.
Sphyux , by Klectloneor , who has been out
of trauilnc for thrco years , was sent against
his mark of 2:23 : mid turned the Id to with all
his olilUtnouiHiciUn 9:21. : Without n doubt
lilt marlc will ba below 3:20 : before ho leaves
The 2-yoar-old , Uoll Onwiml , by St. Bell ,
wt'iit In the Axtel tlmo of 2:23 : , and whllo
three yours tik'O n crowd wont mad over a
similar performance , today only a little band *
clapping was the acknowledgment of the
Governor Marrlam's polo team , J. B. S. and
EH. wont to boat 2:23 : and wont thu mlle In
3iM trot , ( unflnlihcd ) : Wonder nnd Hltmout
I ed tor llr t place , Nt'lllo Alloruu third. le ) t
tlmo : 2ll ; > > 4.
2iJUpaet ) , ( unfinished ) : Colonel Forest nnd
Lulu MoC'urdy tied for first place , Iriun O
Tint I-'ulliirc.
NISIIVIU.U , Touu. , Out. il. The feature of
the day at Cumberland p.irk thlt afternoon
wns Mon liars' attempt to lower tbo 2-year
old record of 2:14K : , mndo by Arlon In Cull
fornla , several days ngo. Ho started off well
making the quarter in 8.1if , the hnlf In
lOTk : , three-quarters In 1:13 and the mlle
In UilOh. n second nnd a quarter slowc
than his own record.
Orunt'j Abdnllnh nnd Ilnnro , .fr. , made n
dnad bent In the 2lfi class , pnclng , the
former capturing Ihrco straights ufterwnrds
Kvnngollno hnd n comparatively nasy tlmo
outfootlnghcrllcld :
Tbrco-vo'ir-old trot , nnarantoed stakes
fl.Wi : r.vangollnn won. [ uily Wilton second
Sonulrt third. Host time : 2I : ! > U.
Sl.'ipns : | < . puclnir. pilr io ? * ) " ) ! Ornnts All
dnllab won , llunco. , lr. nocond , I.vo H Htu
I'rank Dortch tkd for third place. Host time
' . ' : H cliiss , trotting , puiso $1,10" , ( unfinished )
Walter K won. Allno socnnil , > f T 11 third
ItoUllmo : 2:10 : .
EIKUU , Nob. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tolcgrnn
to Tin : Hen. I Today concluded the lira
annual exhibition of the Edgar District fair
The conditions for fast racing were mor
fnvorablo thnn oil the two provlons days
The mlle track was In aupcrb condition , ant
the weather qulto warm. The races wor
all hotly contested nnd tha 2,000 lovers o
horseflesh present were nt times wild wttl
excitement. The second heat of the freo-for
nil trot was the ever shown In south
ern Nebraska. The quarters were , . ' ) . ' ) , 1:10 :
1:45 : nnd 2:24. :
In the unfinished 2:15 trot Johnnie ) SI nun
won. Harry K second , Ludy lluttor third
llcsttlmo : 2il. : :
rree-for-all trot :
Johnnie Hoggs . 1 2 1
( Jrovor U.ovolund . 212-
Hurky Sharp . 3 3 dls
Time : 2r. : 1-St , ati'l' ' } , 2io : : , 22ri'J. ! '
Ill tbo unllnlsbrd pony race lc'iiinle ; I ) won
Susiir Toot second. I.lttlo Minnlo third , Dolly
fourth. Dnstur llftb.
KniiiiinL' race , mlle und repent. Olllo I
won , llriico second , Hold distanced , lies
time : J.s'/ : ) ' .
The meeting wns n brilliant success in nl
respects nnd the horsemen nre loud in tbclr
praise of the magnlllccnt mlle track.
IJclinont Driving I'nfk.
Pjin.AnLM'iin , Pa. , Oct. 23 , At today's
mooting of the Belmont Driving nssoclntlon
the two unltnlshod races 1:1 : the 2:40 : and 2:20 :
classes were trotted out. On Wednesday
five hciits were trotted and today one boat In
each rncosufllced to determine the winner.
Claudius easily won the 2:40 rnco in 2:2iif. : )
with Bon S second. Brnvo captured tho2i : : (
race In 2SO'4 : ' , with Mngelo 1 $ second. Thoraces
races scheduled for today resulted as fol
io ws :
First race , 2:2. : ) class : Stanley won , Dolwnn
second , ban Matco Maid third. Best tlmo :
Hrli. .
Second rnco. 2:2i : : elas . unfinished : Major
I'lowors and Arlblo K lied for llrst place , .Min
nie S second. Host time : 2:23.
Ijivoly Time.
LKXIXOTON' , ICy. , Oct. 23. Hosults of to
day's running :
K/rst / race , four fnrloiiRs , maiden 2-yoar-
olds. Kiiiina I.oulso won. Urotchmu second ,
Luey Ulnrk third. Time : nnii.
i-econd race. 3-year-olds and Howards , six
fnrlnims , beats.
Nlnii Archer . 211
Anna . . . 1 2 2
Trust . 3 3 reTime
Time : li : : > ' .i. lir..i. : iia :
Third race , 3-year-olds and upwards , t-illo
and seventy vards. Tonaolty won. 1'Iowor
Dellls second. I'rolllwlt third. Time : llUi. : !
I'riiifth raei1 , handicap , 3-yuar-olils and up
wards. mile and one-Ht.\teenth. Klneaoin won ,
Doni.oll sueond , Hnslness third. Time : 1J8 : > 4.
Klfth race , hittidlenn for2-yuar-olds. six fnr-
loni : * Irish Chief won. Altlvola second , Con
tent third. Tlmo : I : l.'i.
liusitlts at
CIIICAOO , 111. , Oct. 23. Hesults of today's
racing nt Garflolu park :
First rnco , three-fourth * of n mlle : Anna
Haco won , Ited l-'ox second , Intruder third.
Ttmo : 1:10 : ,
Second race , three-fourths of n mlle : Es-
ncranza won , Haiikiupt heconci , X.ed third.
Tlmo : 1:14' : ; .
Third race , ono and nno-slxtccnth miles :
Innocence won , 1'olsom second , Llzzlu i ! tnlrd.
Tlmu : ' | : It ) } } .
I'onrth raco. ono mlloV : It won , Captain
Drano second. Klo tlrando third. Tlmu : l:4Hi' : : .
rifih race , three-fourths of a mlle : Solonlea
wopnnsblno Whisky second , Sister Linda
third. Time : llSii. :
Sixth raco. threo-ronrtbs of u mllo. selling :
Vedette won , I.uoludit second , Invorcauld
third , Time : IM.Vj.
1 IPS IVir Toilay.
Hero nro some horses thought to ho good
things in the rncos nnmcd :
1. St. Dennis Tammany.
2. 1'orlld I.emmto.
3. Allss Ilello-Sallsburr.
4. lloek I'uiunneo.
D. Slrroeco Eniila.
0. J. H. Long-strldo.
1. Kockon llollevue.
2. Knssoll Strathiiii-ath.
3. Detroit St. .Marie.
4 Tattlur St. John.
5. Temple Knapsack.
Mil. 1) U < iH DUTY'S
I'to.tsniit 13xiorlonuo ] lit the Grand
Opcru House JjiiNt Ni ht.
Fully 1,000 people crowded for front seats
it tbo Grand opor.i bouse last evening to
.Istou to words of wisdom aud wit from the
, lps of Daniel Doughortv , ono of Now
York's Inmous lawyers nnd orators. The
house was beautifully decorated with Hag *
md flowers. Lawyers , doctors , ministers
inn politicians were thoro.
Mr. Dougherty Is raoro thnn a ploasnnt or
eloquent speaker ho Is ono"\vho carries his
uudienco with him to heights subllmo or
depths pathetic
As u commencement of his address on
' Orators aud Oratory , " the speaker started
out to toll the alffcrenco between a speech
md a locturo.
"Tho poet Is n master of his tlmo , " said
Mr. Dougherty. "Not so with the regular
speech maker. A speech Is made to oxcitc ,
to urge people on in ono certain cause : a
i-cturo Is different. It may bo delivered
Lwcnly times before ns many different audi
ences nnd Is well received. Once spoke , n
speech is dend , nnd ono written out nnd read
can semuly bo called u speech ntnll , Decauao
it will not reach tno listener's head and
heart. Whereas a hoart-spokon address will
always draw people , perhaps more by mag
netism aud sympathy than by logio. "
Hero tbo speaker gavon vorv amusing illns.
tr.uton of n Now York lawyer who bad boon
called uuon to speak at tbo funeral of n
friend. The gentleman In question hnd prepared -
pared a long nnd eloquent address , but by
mUtuko had loft the manuscript at homo.
When called upon to stand by the collln of
his dead friend his wits forsook him , nud
from sheer niortltlcatlan ho fainted.
Tliei the speaker told how be , when n
young lawyer in Philadelphia , nsplrcd to bean
an orator nnd prepared n half dozen speeches
for n coming political campaign. Ho said :
"In thu newspapers , I always read a
few good speeches nnd then the article would
stop short by saying 'aim others' spoko. I
wanted to avoid bolnir onoot the 'and others '
but how to got recognition nnd how to got
tbo opportunity of delivering ono of in v sot
speeches bothered mo. I wont to nil the
political meetings und Hnally when n promi
nent speaker wns detained , I wns called upon
to address the uudlcncn for a few minutes.
Thoughts of fume , of boliu' a senator or u
cubluot otllcor flashed through my mind ns I
advanced to the front nnd of the noble effort
1 would make to calu it long-sought for
rccoguizntlnn , After speaking ono or two
well known sentences I broke down nnd In
shame toft the platform. "
So clover and quietly did tbo speaker portray
tray his Drat experience before nn nudloiico
that his listeners wore scarcely proparou lor
the laughable climax. Continuing Mr.
Dougburty spoke of speakers In tbo reign of
George III and of tbojo today In Victoria's
time , ilo guvo n half dozen amusing illus
trations of speakers In the English parlia
ment , and said that no matter how baiting ,
how disconnected ono of "me luds" speeches
lu the house was , the next morning In the
London Times the socccb was pootrv Itself.
Tton came nn Imltntloii of Gladstone's
graceful winning speeches , followed by nn
exhibition of Parnoll's manner , ending1 with
that ot an IrUU member wbo spoke bis senti
ments and wanted the whole world to know
them. These pleasant , amusing Illustrations
of well known shakers were well received ,
being frequently interrupted by loud up.
appluuso. _
Cal. , Oct. 23. Lait night the
Redding and AUuras stage was held up this
slilo of Lolghtou , six tulles from Hcddliig ,
presumably by the same mcu wbo robbed the
itauo Monday night. The Wells-Forgo
ttrong box was opened und { 200 was taken
from It , Officers are m uursult of thotrob .
u i lj1 I Ulltu JUvJl Luii'Lli
Frcceonira ( ] ! cf the Atroriom Assco'ntlou
Were Painfu'ly ' Hairaan'ou ? .
Intensely Interesting Qticfltloli Iioft
Unaiifuvc-retl / toll IMiulps Unnnl-
inoiiHly Kcloutcd Timgli on
tlio .Small Towns.
CtucAfloU. . , Oct. 23. Although the
American association completed Its labor
today for the present , tbo most Important
question , ns to what cities will constitute
next year's ' circuit , still remains undecided ,
A committee consisting of Dnrulo of Phila
delphia , Sclimcltz of Columbus ana Von Dor
Aha of St. Louis , wns appointed with power
to Invustlgnto the feasibility of n ten or
twelve club circuit. This committee will
mnko Its report In about ten days at the call
of Chairman liarulo.
There Is llttlo doubt thnt nn eight-club
organization Is what the association wants.
No one wns glv'on n throw-down today , how
ever. Applications were board from Uuffalo ,
Kansas City nud Minneapolis. If n twelve-
club circuit is resolved upon It Is said the
llrst two mentioned cities will bo admitted.
Spons of Knnsns City tool , a very inde
pendent stand today and non-admission np-
pnrontly will not bo n sourca of worry to
either him or Hnch of Minneapolis. If they
nro loft out of the American nssoclntlon they
will uttompt to revive the Western associa
The llrst announcement made nftcr the
gathering of the delegates wns by President
I'holp.s that the Chicago club had deposited
ul per cent of its capital stock as n guarantee
of loyalty nnd its good faith. The election
of ofllccrs came next nnd was quickly dis
posed of. President 1'holps wns ro-clected
by acclamation. .Hilton Hurt of Boston wns
unanimously chosen vice president , and
Edwin .Sutherland of Washington was ap
pointed ns attorney for the association.
Appointing of committees came next. The
most Important of all , the schedule commit
tee , will consist of President Willinms of
Chicago , Hnrnio of Philadelphia and VenDer
Dor Abe of St. Louis. On account of Chicago
cage receiving the highest vote Mr. Williams
was selected as. chairman of the schedule
The association then took the question of
percentages for the visiting club * aud de
cided to go bacK to tbo old principle the
homo club to take everything. This means
that each club must bo self supporting , and
of course the small crowu towns will suffer.
Another important resolution , and ono In
tended to cater to the good will of the ball
players , wns Introduced by Williams of Chi
cago. It was to. the effect Hint each club fllo
n bond with the president guaranteeing to
Its players full and prompt payment of
salaries ns called for by the contracts. In
case the salary Is not forthcoming on pay day
tha president shall collect it under tho'bond
nnd jxxy ttio players. The amount of the
bond must be equal at least to the total
amount of the snltiry list and bo worth not
less than SSo.OOO. This resolution was
adopted with no dissenters.
The following plnyors were blacklisted :
Dolan , Koilly , Hndbourne , King , Ehrot. Kny-
mend , Ely , Knnuss , Hurt mid Inlts. "King"
Kolly'a name was not on the list.
Barnic , Scholtz and Chapman were appointed -
pointed a committee on rules to report next
sprlne. A now unique rule was introduced
in the way of nn amendment introduced by
Gus Schmelz , that whenever u gumo bo
begun and not completed it must bo taken ui >
when loft off aud finished on tbo next schodt
ulo date before the regular scheduled game is
played. Unanimity of opinion also prevailed
regarding this resolution and It was passed.
In fact there was no lack of harmony
throughout the entire proceedings.
cuviimxa jx ,
Results of the Ioj Races nt Great
nond VcHterdny.
GIIKAT Uusi ) , Kan. , Oct. 23. All the pre
liminary rounds In the courstag of the Amer
ican Coursing club were finished today nnd
tomorrow tbo finals will bo run. Lusc's Liv
ing Yet and Van Hummol's Van Peter nro
loft to llnish the Great Bend derby nnd Chick-
epee Lass , Pearl of Pokin and Examiner nro
loft in the cup stako. Five courses were run
today , three in the derby and two In the cup
stake , as follows :
Second round , Great Hond derby : Watson's
Hoyal Crest bout huso's Starlight : Van lliini-
mePs Van Richard beat I'oneonnons' Emporla
l.iss : ; van Hummers Van I'oter boat llrlnk-
iniin's Hot ) Hood ; UIWB'.S Twlstor beat Smart's
Hltio Maid : Van Hummers Van Ness bent
howo's Gal.ant Hey ; Huso's Living Vet ran a
Third round. Grout Hond derby : Van Illeh-
aru boat Ho/al Crest ; Van 1'otor boat Twister ;
Living Vet boat Van Ness.
Kourth round. Great Hond derby : Living
Vet boat Van Klclmid : Van 1'otor ran a byo.
Third round , Unp stake : M'istur I'etor bout
Lady Alice ; Chlekopoo Lass bent I'rinco
( Jliurllo ; I'oarl of I'oktn boat Will o' tiio Wisp ;
ICatliloin beat Vor.iuro Olad ; Girl's Kuvorlto
beat Liberty ; Kvamliier bout I'rinco Rupert.
Kotirlh round , Cnu stake : Chlckopeo Lass
) oat Master I'oter ; I'eurl of 1'ekln boat Kath
leen ; Kxanilncr boat Girl's k'uvorlto.
Voters Turn Out in Grout Xnmncrs to
Listen to Kcason.
The republican voters of the Firstand. Second
end words held a rousing rally last evening
nt Nntlotml hall , corner of Thirteenth nnd
Williams. Tbo great hall was well llllod nnd
there wns enthusiasm to sparo. Ed Cornish
vas chairman anu addresses were delivered
> y D. H. Mercer , Hon. E. Kosowntor , Frank
3. Mooros , W. F. licchol , H. B. Iroy , Henry
3ollu , Judge E. N. Stcnberg. John Steel , 13.
C. Long , C. S. Elguttor and Judge JJorku.
Ml but the llrst two nro candidates on the
city or county ticket , und they outlined their
mlley an it pledged their earnest effort , If
elected to bring about reform in local govern
ment. Judge liorkn made n speech In IJohe-
nian. Mr. Uosowatur talked for hnlf an
lour touching on both state and local poll-
ics , ana urged tbo overthrow of the boodlors
und the election of none but clean , nblo , rcp-
osontanvo men. The audicuco wns ntten-
iva throughout , nnd seemed In close ay in-
mthy with the Ideas advanced. The want
mnd Interspersed several lively nlrs through
ho programme.
North lOntl Itully.
A rally for the republicans of the Sixth ,
Clghth and Ninth wards was hold at Good-
led hull night. The hall was well tilled
nd the platform was occupied by a number
f candidates. Tboso were W. W. Koysor ,
nndlduto for district Judso ; C. 11 , Mnrplo ,
or.rogont of tto State university : J.v . Ellor ,
or county judge ; F. J. Sackott , for county
lork ; Halfdan Jncobsobn , for councilman
rom the Eightn ward , A. G. Edwards , for
ouucllmnn from the Ninth ward , nod J. D.
'llchor , for Justice of the ponco.
J. Li. Carr was chosen as chairman of the
noctliiB and Will Gurloy was the first
poakor. Ho discussed tbo candidates on the
opuollcau , state nnd county tickets from ton
to bottom and spoke highly of nil of them.
Tbo mooting wns enthusiastic and heartily
pnlaudod the points made by the speaker.
W. W. Koysor followed Mr. Gurloy nml
mndo u good Impression on tbo audience. Ho
coupled but u few moments and spoke dIrectly -
roctly to the point. In the course of his ro-
narks ho ml van cod the Idea that tbo repub-
icans of this district were certainly entitled
o moro than three of the seven Judges and
idlculod the idonof a Judgd boiug nonpar-
Isan moi'oly because ho bad been nominated
by n nonpartlsan convention.
C. H. Marplo wns tha next speaker and
made a abort speech which wns direct nnd to
ho point , speaking of tbo dutlos nnd 1m-
lortanca of the ollleo.ind pledging himself to
heir proper performance.
R J. Saokott was the next speaker nnd
poke at some length on his Ideas on the way
u which the ofllco of county clerk should bo
Thora was a call from the oudlonco for
'at O. Iliuves and that gcntlomnn mounted
ho platform. Ho sata bo bad boon hlbor-
lailng at a Joint not far from Omaha for some
line , but It was evident that tbo operation
lad not bad the desired effect ,
Hosooko llrst of Hulfdan Jncobson of the
Eighth ward , cnudlduto for councilman , al-
uding to htm as an honest and capable man
nd a good republican.
The Judge then branched off on u general
Iscusskm of the tlckot. Ho said that poli
tics hud boon completely eliminated from the
eumpalini In VbSr.ukn.
"Governor | lbl-d Is not governor , " ho ex
claimed ; "thoVilomooMlIc nominees for ro-
gcnts of tbo stnto uinvorslty nro not candi
dates ; Charles Ogden , the Very beau Idoalof
democracy IniUils citv V/M not nominated.
There Is no dtmncratlo party. It's nn Ost-
hoff party ! Irront Grovcr Cleveland vln , llm
Uoyd nud UhilHW Ogden down to little Ost-
This sally WiJ greeted with cheers nud
yells. dm
The J'idgo want on , speaking nt some
length , tclllugMiumorousstorliis nnd keeping
the nudionco in , good humor , nnd discussing
tha political situation from nil sldos. Ho wns
loudly cheered * bo sat down.
After the Sixth , wnrd band hnd played An
r.I. W. Eltcr.iiKiko fern few moments nnd
\vas followed bV'Jt I ) . Pllchor nnd A. G. Ed-
noons ix JIKXIVO.
I'roHltlont DinDiHsntlHllcd with the
Conduet of Otllolnli.
CITY or Mr.xico , Mox. , Oct. SJ. Consider-
nblo numbers of Chinese nro leaving this
eountry dally for the United States. They
cross the linn at or near Urownsvlllo , not fnr
from tbo mouth of the Klo Grnndo.
Tno Hoods In the state of Tabasco are In
creasing nnd becoming moro nnd more dis
astrous. Thousands of cnttlo luivo been
drowned , crops almost entirely destroyed
nnd tunny lives bnvo been lost.
The government Is takfuir measures to
mnko raids from Texas Into Mexico Impossi
ble lu the future.
A prominent member of congress says thnt
President Dlnz will soon make some import
ant changes in governors of states , nsnols
very much dissatisfied with the way things
nro golnR on. In Cnmpccho the llnancml
condition of the stnto Is very bad nnd Snn
Luis Potoil llnds It quito dilllcult to pay the
interest on the stafo debt , which Is increas
ing dally.
ITS fulfil' DAI" .
After a Uusy Session the American
Health Association Adjourns.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Oct. ! ! 3. Tuts was the
closing day of tbo convention of tbo Ameri
can Publlo Health association. A resolution
asking for the crontlon of a notional depart
ment of public health , under a secretary , wns
passed. Twont.v-otght now members wore
admitted to the organization.
The olllcers rcnomlnntcd yesterday by tbo
advisory coramlttoo were elected ana the
recommendation was adopted that tno asso
ciation bold Its convention in ISUt in Chicago
und that the occasion bo made an interna
tional congress of liygieno nnd public health.
Dr. Formcnto of Now Orleans , the newly
elected president , wns escorted to tbo ctiair
nnd made n short address.
A number of papers on technical subjects
were read and tbo convention then adjourned
sino die.
KIMS ott yKHTinn.i r.
Dome-it lo.
The republican state central committo of
Illinois Is In session nt > &prlngflold.
A recolvor for tlip Alnsworth Stool company
of 1'ittsburg , 1'a. , has been asked for.
The Irish Republican league of Illinois has
convened ut Springfield with 230 n < cmbura
The amount ( Jf-K per cent bonds redeemed
to uato Is * ) Mtaj. ! [ . loavhig outstanding
At 2 a. m. MarflrVlcd the bicyclers nt Mudl-
son Square nt I. Mpnllcs. Aslilnger was next
at 1,2 a ml.os. , , -
A plckoa team ' .from the state militia of
Illinois has defeated n picked team from tbo
regular army UJ tJiTgot shooting and skirmish
firing. _ i |
A Texas steonr'ivn ainuek In the streets of
IMttsbitrg. 1'a. , ond-Dofora it could bo killed
bad Injured flvaxpcople. one , n boy , it Is
thought fatally- ,
Robert .lordSn.fooIorod. was hanged nt
Hampton , Va. , foi-commlttlni : an outrage on
Mrs. .Mooro. u white lady residing near Hack
Itivor , In July last.-
A dispatch 'ftinn Q'AppolIo. Man. , says
lllshop Alison WJs ; thrown on bis head on the
railroad track by-his horses shying. Con
cussion of the brai | has resulted.
Tlio probltiltloii'Of paOfJor immigration Into
Canada is agitating the dominion olllelals.
The present laws'uro Hna-.leJuito ( : und further
legislation on'-tbaiiuisllon vlll bo noceasary.
Advices received fit the City of Mexico from
numerous sources rdvoal * the faet. that in
many sections of tbo' 'country tbo scarcity of
food Is now so great us to result In actual suf
fering among the people.
Tlw number of 'immigrants ' arrived In the
Unltou States during tbo month of September
as reported by the bureau of statistics was
.V..ToO. as compared with 4 : > ,4"8 for the corresponding
spending month of lust year.
Captain 1'rank Jones and two of bis Texas
rangers have arrived at Kl I'uso , Tox. , from
Conistock with tbrooof the robbois who hold
up thoGalvoston. Hurrlsbiirg & Sail Antonio
train at Samuels September 2.
HrUUoport , Conn. , Is having trouble with
Its police olllelnls. Two claimants for the pn-
sltion of chief of police are striving to get
possession of the olllco I'Istols have been
drawn and personal violence used.
Juan Hart. J. D. I'onurand ThomasO'Koefe.
proprietor , editor and business manager of
the Kl 1'nso , Tax. , Tlmok have been arrested
on ton Informations for vlo'ntions of the anti-
lottery law by mailing copies of their paper
containing lottery advertisements.
The ease against Secretary Gibson of the
Wnlnkoy trust bus been called up In u Chicago
court nn u motion to quash the Indictments
uaaliibt dofrndant. The motion was sustained
In the llrst and third counts , but ororrnlai : In
tbo second and fourth counts , on which he will
have to stand trial.
The chief of the bureau of statistics In his
monthly statnmenr of the Imports and ex
ports of the United States reports that tlio
total value of tbo exports of merchandise
during the twelve months ended Sontcmlmr
0. Is'JI ' , was $ ' ) .Sl,0'Jl.iitl. : The value of thu luj -
ports wns WS4,715 , o.
I'hlllip Herbert Carpenter , nn eminent sci
entist of London , has committed suicide.
The committee of tlie liiliiriiittlnnal exhibi
tion of line art.s In session at Horlln has
awarded tbo great diploma of honor to the
Soeloty of " . 'ood Kngr.ivurs of Now Vork Ulty.
The MeCarthyltes liavo nominated Martin
Flavin of Cock to oppose Redmond , the I'nr-
nolllioeandl'lnto. und tbo conservatives have
nnmod Captain Sarillold , deputy governor of
the county , to oppose them both.
Mr. Dlbbs. loader of tbo opposition In the
Now South wales legislature , lias formed u
new cabinet. Mr. Iilhhs succeeds Sir Henry
I'ttrUcs , whoso resignation was announced on
Monday last as prennui'a nil colon I'll ieeretary.
Peasants have attacked Jewish Inhabitants
ot Starodoob , Hussla , and Jews living In vil
lages In the vicinity of that town , burnln ; and
pillaging sbous and dwellings ot .lows and
severely 111 treating the occupants anu their
turn lies.
Ho OffafiVati n
trhlelt jjiitu-et tin fellto
il/ti ofjfutltcr niul Clillil ,
Jtiiba Coiijliiemcnt of Its
J'dln , Itoijrur anil Jllal ; .
Aftfriiilnu'iiu'lmttlecf " .IIiitht-r'H I'rlrnil" 1
autlereil Imt llttlu | inlni anil did not uximrluiicu that
\voakni-n3 aftcrvvnnl Hhnul In lucli cn. c < . Mr .
Ansir OiOt , Ijinmrt tlu. , Jan. ivii , IS'JI.
Kent Iexpreii. . cmrC | * ir ) ii ld. on rcci'lptof
price , Jl.OOiiorlmltlf. ijKiok tuJloUicr nialliil frvo.
rfiTaVmmj i < W
J. oXJl. J. 3
fivitulltliuvlrtutuof . .
thnlargernm-xf .p.
liuilly tiirrrllvi't ) inroly vi'Rutulilu. 3
vuc't NZ Hlnnvii In tliU finrtlor.
Vtutiif uiul inlJJlp n : l IT : en suirerlnx from mar *
t > ( ynulli , oiubM'M , ic'iuil v.i'.ikii.-Ni , etc. . | .Uivtlv
mint for IU ilulliim. Our icinnllrs up * In fill
andiabltt larin.kMiililcul for Uio iiioiilli * ' Iroiil *
iiiiMif , hlfh Mllir'lrct t r ffi'ct curf. t'i > nn rnflpt
of rive dolUrn IH w frnt to nn/ naarin I'lmu
( culrilpiiikagoDr nihll. t'rcnlar ' free. Aililrru
R ( * *
Dills Returned Against Louisiana Lottery
Men in South Dakota.
ICntlro I'roiTtMllnxB Onrrlntl oi With
tlio Utmost t'eurcoy liy tlio Unltctl
State.s Attorney Ilofrltly
Sioux P i.t.s , S. D. , Oct. 23.-Spoclal [ Tel
egram to Tin : Uii : : . | This afternoon nt
2 o'clock the United States grand Jury
presented nn indictment ngnlnst eleven
ofllcors of the Louisiana Lottery com
pany located nt New Orleans , La.
Among tbo olllcers Indicted nro General
Benurogard , Paul Conrad , the president of
the company , and Joseph R. Horner , secre
tary , whilotho remaining eight are dirotor $ ,
The Indictment carries with It In cueh cnso
eighteen conuts which menus that there nro
eighteen indictments ngnlnst each of tiio
eleven onicors , Tiio consolidated Indictment
wns brought under thu directions of the nt-
toruey general at Washington who has been
seeking n state favorably Inclined tn the
lottery law passed last winter by congress ,
nnd settled upon South Dakota from the fact
that tlio llrst conviction over obtained was
secured In this citv In the United Stuto.i court
for the stnto. Thu several warrants were
issued this afternoon nnd mailed ' .o the
United States marshal In Louisiana , who will
mnko the nrrosts nml at once bring the de
fendants to this court to make tliolr plea on
the specific chnrgo that they had transmitted
lottery advertisements through the United
States innll.
Thoontiro proceedings have boon carried
on with the utmoit secrecy and the court
threatens the arrest and the prosecution of
any persons who make the imrnus public erin
in nny way permits or nsaists In having the
now * published. The attorney general nt
Washington requested thnt every safeguard
which could bo provided bo secured to pre
vent the fact from Being made public. TUB
nii : : correspondent calloil on the district nt
tornoy , the marshal and the clerk , but they
denied nny knowledge of the indictments.
However , the facts as related are truo.
The extreme penalty In cases of conviction
Is flvo years' imprisonment nud fTj.OOl ) line.
Jncob Halght , county Judge of Hyde
county , n veteran of the war and heretofore
n respected citizen , when wanted in the
United States court this afternoon to answer
to thu Indictment brought by the grnnd Jury
charging htm witn perjury , could not bo
founa. A bench warrant was Issued , but
before the ofllcnr could find Halght thu latter
stumbled Into the room as drunk as ho could
bo. Halght was determined to have his
trial occur on Sunday , regardless of the
protestations of the presiding Judge , A. J.
Edgorton. The matter was adjusted uy nn
eviction from the room nnd thu setting of tne
tralntl ! > a. m. tomorrow. Iloitrht , Ilurvoy , n
county commissioner , and nonstock , n farmer ,
all from Hyde county , connived to defraud
the government out of $1,000. Each ono
swore to n bill of damages. They alleged to
have suffered in being evicted from the
Crow Creek reservation on September IT ,
ISSo , by nn executive order of President
Cleveland. Harvey's trial was finished ut
noon and the jury tire still closeted , but
stand cloven to ono for conviction.
Tii.roiw , S. D. , Oct. 33. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bir.J T. P. Knylor , who has
boon canvassing the Hills selling electric
bolls , was Instantly killed about 5 o'clock
this evening while hauling wood from a
canyon near here. ICaylor was coming down
a stoop Incline with the wagon wheels locuod
when thu chain broke. ICaylor Jumped and
was caught in the ruuninggoars and horribly
mangled. The wacron was demolished nnd
both horses injured , ono seriously. Mr. R.
Burroughs , owner of the team and wagon ,
was walking behind nt the tlmo of tlio acci
dent nud quickly summoned aid. JCaylor's
parents reside near Bristol , Tenn.
Frank Rood , u teamster nt ono of the saw
mill camps near hero , mot with n very pain
ful ncciuent this afternoon which mny cost
turn his Ufa. Ho had led n teum to tno
water. Not returning with the team search
was instituted. Ho was lound near the
stream unconscious with hU head badiy
bruised and cut and Internally hurt. Ho
has regained consciousness , but remembers
only of loading the horses to the water and
starting back.
Afro-AmorloniiH Will Mr.ruli Under
tlio Ilcpubllunn Colors.
A meeting of the Afro-American longuo
was hold last evening nt 104 South Four-
toontn street with Dr. M. O. Hicketts as
chairman. The object of the meeting ns
stated by the chairman was for the purpose
of organizing nn Afro-American Republican
club nnd to condemn till olllcials who partici
pated In the lynching of Gorge Smith. Club
olllcors were voted for and the following
elected : C. I ) . Bell , president ; W. U. Gam
bol , vice president ; C. Duncan , treasurer ;
Price Sanders , secretary.
M After the organization addresses were
made by M. O. Rlckotts , C. U. Bell , J. C.
HuDbort , S. G. Ernest , H. Davis , D. L.
Lapsly nnd S. B. Smith. A motion wns
offered and passed to direct ihu chair to ap
point n committee to instruct the colored
people In regard to the workings of the
Australian ballot system.
City OIllflalH Arrested.
DBNVEII , Colo. , Oat. 2 ; ! . The grand Jury
tonight returned verdicts ngainst ox-Deputy
City Auditor Raymond ana .fames Hadloy ,
ox-deputy treasurer , on n charge of forgery.
These ox-city olllcials , It is alleged , com
mitted those tnrgerlos during their term of
olllco for the purpose of defrauding the city
out of several thousand dollars. They were
arrested tonight nnd tniion to the city jail ,
where they Immediately jjnvo bail for their
appearance tomorrow.
There will bo a meeting of the republican
city central com 'iilttuo at republican head
quarters , Now York Lifu building , on Satur
day afternoon , October , at 'i o'clock.
SMITH , Chairman.
Tired Feeling
Is dangeroiu condition duo directly to do-
plcted or Impure Mood. It should not tie
Mtuwcil to continue1 , ns In Its debility the
system U uu | > clnlty liable to serious attack *
of HhiMS. It Is remarkable liinv l >
Hood's Snrsaparllta U In tliU cnurvatlitgstntc.
u . , PoiuesiliiR those clo-
HOOd S nCti , | , Whlch the system
Sarsapa- n < l readily seizes ,
. . . thU modlclno purifies the
rilia blood , niul Imparts a feeling
of serene strength whldi Is cowfottliig and
satisfying. Hood's fti apaillla H tbo bust
lomcdy for that weakness wiilch prevails nt
change of season , climate or life.
"I liavo been convinced iuin ! ,
that Hood's S.irsapai Ilia U 1 KOS
one ot the greatest medl- the Weak
clues In the world. I say cir\Mr
this for the benefit of nil 5 ° ns
other tired out , run down , hard-working
women , Hood's Sarsaparllla U not only ox-
relleiit ; n n blood pnrlflur , but for all other
female complaints , oven If of Ions standing. "
Jinn. M. A. SeAuun-r , Nortlivlllo 1' . ( ) . , Mich.
Hood's SarsapariSia
Soldl > ynildrtiRglstn. ft | ilxfiirfS. I'rcjiaruilcmlr
l > j CM. HOOb.t CO. . Apulhceiirlos , l.cnu-ll , Man.
IOO Dosoo Ono Dollar
THE . . . _
nnfl only C'orapicio nnd Knilofactory
I'omlcriBVil Mlnco Mcnt In the Murliot.
" P.1.11 ! WnlwUtutcp nnd L'rnUo Imltutlnnr
, Ut by the popular-
Ity or the Now JUiKlniuI.
! < n t bo fleo.-iveil but nlwnyfl Insist on the
JHO-JV JLiiKlond lii-antl. a'ho bcstmndo.
ForsalobynllDniiinnrtFiincyaowla Donlors or If
nnnblo to procure this \v.m < U > rriil < > i , | > ( .omiaSu
In Btnmps nnd recclvo n cnko by return uinll.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
.SI'F.CrAT.-Shanrton IlollH Wn'.U ( tlio nopulnr
wcloty Wnltz ) BPiitntKr. to nnyono eunainif us
irco wraDperBofSlinndonlloilsHoaii.
Allan Line
Montronl unit ( jnobco to Durry nail Liverpool.
Ciitiln tM tu ftJ , ncc'dnlhii ; to uluiunor ami Incntlon cif
btnto room. InlcrinudLitu nml stuarnnoat low intai.
i.i : rAiuii : : ! > .
Now Vork unit Olix < irow vln Lonilunclurry uvory
Oct. 1 , BTATK OK NKIIUASICA , 9:30 : A. M ,
Oct. 15. .STATB of CAI.IKOltMA , I p. in.
Oct. 27. STA fK OF NKVADA , I I' . M.
Cabin MS up , Itolurn ftij. Stuc-rnno Jl'.i. Apply to
AM.A.V A CO. . ClilcjiKo ; H. K , MUOKKH , Wiibaili
Ticket OmV. : . K. VAIh. IlurllriKt'in Tlc' ' < l Dlllc-u
The Best. Jaij l Now Iho Cheapest.
3 3 somlfor
Mar iln > iy rurliaiKllliii'niiyiimtcrUilIti Inllk nrp.icl.uiro
UJK HKLT H.ICIII.\KKY til. , 3WI : .Slrwarl Avc. ,
JHl > pirtlllcar > d.DK.J 3TEF11KHB L.lT.nin )
I Hinuooa rrlMrrd , I'trU rnlkrfrd. I'urc
| > our.rltBl ll > n , > . l ll/Uli ] ) > ; u.I the
* rfdp ( heftlcilj MFK ( fn any tulfettr It is
1 a trlial > le am\ \ lailinCur' A'l.lrn. W S.
IJAQt'l'b.M O , uAv 611SI . ( .munniu.O
Seventeenth nnd Iturney Streets.
TJIIfi ( . \.fH'ltnlV ) , < " / lilt U-i.
Prices : 1'lnt I'loorTm' ! llnlcony M. ' ,
I'rlensPnniuot : tl.pfli Parquet T.lo rtnd Jl.OOl
llnlcony SOo and ; .K < ; tlnllory Sic.
Norntthu "Midnluht Hell" Saturday
nmtlnoo two line Kroncli auiluiuoru iipi-rn
will bo given to the holders of litoky
tlekt't .
( ] ur Aiioon
Thsatre , " 1'ur AO Cents.
Commencing Sunday Night , Oct. 25 ,
Tim Klectrlcnl 9iirce s ,
JOSbkPil AHTHUtt'a
Ni-w t'roiltictloii of
Greater and llultor than Kvor.
I'Hces-l'Irst f lour T.V and JI.UO : bnleonv 51o
and I.H.-J gallery V.V ! . llux sheets onuu Satur
day m .ruing.
One Wcnk. Commi'noliiK
SUNDAY , OCT 18 , ( Matinee. )
In the Sciiintlonnt Coiiii'ilv trinm : by Juaouli I )
I'llftnii , ohtUloil
A < 'nrlo il of Srani < rynnil KlToeli. MiitlncmVoil -
iii'aanjr iiiul atiird.iy. I'nimlnr 1'rlojs ,
Three nlKliis coininencln j with
Sunclat ) iMal.lnoo , Oct. .26.
It's Kunny , Very , Very , Very Funny I
I'oimlar 1'rlcos , t5c , V , : r > c , Me.
Corner llth anil Knrnnin Strools ,
SKVMOL'll , Mliuritvtiiler ,
XKKK. the llnliumi.
I'tlllVIS , Don rircus.
\iliiil4ini < ) " ' lilnie. Open dally I tn 10 p. m
from which tlio orccsa of
oil hag been romtived , la
Absolutely Pure
and it in Soluble.
are used in its propnrntion. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , niul is therefore far moro
economical , costiity less thun one cent
a cty ) . It is delicious , nourishing ,
strcnglheiiiiij , ' , KAStr.v DIUKSTED ,
and adiiiiralily ndnplod for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
ilold by Crocoro ovorywhoro.
W , BAKER & CQ , , nprfihes r , Mass.
Nos. 108,110 and 112 N. llth St.
Manufacturers of Iron and Steel Ribbon
Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most artistic nnd durable fcnco In the
market. Manufacturers' agents for Archi
tectural Iron work of all kinds , and for the
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire.
Call at Factory and see samples.
Send for Catalogues and Prices.
ft * . lii vuluinuiailqualttjnr tone are
the lirsi In 1 1 10 Miirlil. Warranted
to mi r In our rlirnntn. Hold l.jr all load.
Iliff 'l iliTJ. IliuiutlfulJy llluBtratnl , tie.
If not , VISIT THEIR ONLY AUODK , l0 ! ! ! ) KARNAM. They far c-xccod nyti'inB ' shown In Uio line of CLOTHING
made upon the reputation of tailors , loftuuon tlioir hands for various rmis.niairl . will l > o found In Htylo and cut what thtiy
are , hut not all u MISFIT for you. PRICK aim quality will moot you if you are IX'ON'OMIZINU these cloao times. $1.00
b uya $12.00 or
S 7 tailor made punts for $3,75 530 tailor made suit for. ' . $ M,80 $ .10 tailor mndo ovoirout for $1-1,00
$10 tailor in ml o pants for $ .5,50 $ :1S : tailor made null for , . . $17.80 $118 tailor Hindi ) ovorcoiit for $18,00
$12 tailor uiiiOo pants for $0,00 $ -15 tailor mndo suit for $13 tailor madu ovorcoiit for $20.KO
8M tailor made punts for $ < i.7J * &r > 0 tailor made suit for It.liO 850 tuilor iniulo overcoat for IliJ.00
310 tailor made mints for ? 8. < )0 ) $58 tailor matin Hull for $ -7.60 $5H tailor miiilo overcoat for , . . . . . $27.70
818 tailor uuido pants for $8.75 505 tailor made suit for $ . ' 10.00 805 tuilor made overcoat for $30.00
13O9 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 13O9
N. H. Mall ordora receive prompt and careful attuntloii. Altoratioaa to itiburo a porfot-t tit made frco of chargo.