Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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WLoat Was Weak and Lower Early But in
D maud Later ,
Corn A nln Norton * ! ) Sltonn
liilly NVni-IJy rnluipc. Wliluli
Suoreil n Coimhlprnlilc A lvnnco
anil Hoiulfl.
ClllCAOO. Ill , Oct -Wlicixt wni we K anil
loworonrly. lull Hit ) iloiniktid iiintutl i | llo
Hliurp aiid'ii n-uctloii soon st-l In. oirrylnx t u
prku till in * irl ) l' u. from tin ) lowi-it polnl.
. Imtull the niltnnuf wiis not liolil. Tlitro was
llltlo In llio way nf no i | rablis opened ens-
li r. Now York nml ether iloniusllu iniirLuts
wcrolnwur unit line wrathoi win rcpnrtod in
tlio nortliwi'st. I'ho c.iUncs jtstor.lay
liroiiKlitiiKood dual of lon who il on llionwr-
l < ut lit thu start nnil pii-ssuio sent prices oif > { ( ! bclnw the ulnic last nUlit.
tllut Diouinwil ovciiold It-ulf anil torn. < > its
nml porlJ all ilnvulnpliiK ninmnul stron/th ,
nnil finud buying nnlurs roinliiK in f' ' " " " uw
York nnil the norlliwrst , IIULMIIIU strong
nml iiitiilo a drcidrd tally. Tliu ail\micc ,
liuwctLT. lirontlitoiitHliort M llcr anil iinilor
free ofrt'iliiKH lhoiniitl.itnilirnctl anil dc-
ollncil. 'I lion durine I ho last. Imm , roporls
wi-ruultciiliitil to I ho i ITret lint Itn-jtlii.liux-
liu nltnady ptolilliltc'd the u\pnitiitlnn of iyo
mid oats would next i\i < nil tin1 ptMnblilon
to win in. On this tliurew-isiislimp i.illv to
the liiKhi- * point of the il ij I'lio in irUol
uu.iKcncd u llltlo on n-all/liu K.ilts aftur
llinl. Initclo-oil at tlif top
Hr.idstroi t'n ri-port , slionllii i di'orrnP < > f
4.0 O.iOOliu. Ill tlionvnllulilu supply , liolpuil llio
S.ilo advance , lioiuinhci wlilobi-losiil yi-stri-
ilm atOI gf.'jpini-d atlll'.i1 , uilv mud crailu-
ully to'V. ) ca'Otl olV to ' | ' , . f-pnitul tip to
OfJU'i riiitt'd to UV4o , but nilliid mid i IOM (1 ( I'VSi * . l.tili' i-.ihU's were ci-nur illv
riixy , lint It with ii'porli d tliut foil l nor > won )
buying In Now York.
( rein WIIB U4 iln nur\on ly stronsr and rspt--
cluily tin * by fntnri's anil SIOIIMI nn nil-
\.IIILI'of tnoro tli in If , noiirl > of wlih'li it Iml/l
111 ! tiltclose. Contlnui'd llf-nt l tc'lpts undo
t IIP shoi is iii-r\ oils and f.insi d n brisl % cnurlntt
( Ii'iiiiiiul , whllothoolli'ilnBswt'roIlniltid 1 ho
old bull elliiuo holiiid the .ulviiiiin mid Ulioro
\\.is a fall Hhlpplni : dtni.ind No\oinln > r
bturttd nt I C. sold up to Me. eased oil to W P.
lii'Viiuio llrni .mil advimei'd tot'llif. . at which
111 lo- > ( ( I. O.itsshou oil It pi i > it donl of sti onuth.
dinp irtly to wrnipith } w th corn , but mostly
to tlio ( joiillriiiatlon o'tlio report rmoKoil
Bonu-dnys IRO that Kiivila , had tirohlblteil the
( iiliiro exportation of oils fioni th it cimntty.
Nntenilcr which closi d .Mstonliiy at ' c1 ,
niU anctd to ' "I'.c and i lospd at"IV1. . A tflo-
Krain liotn Now York iiporlid .ri)0.i)00 ( ) bu
tnbuit there today foi o\port , inaKIni ; no irly
1XHIU ( ( I 111 tWOll I.VH.
Hoi proiliiuls , wliloli opi'iied Inner , prow
Btronpcr and iiilxaticod In syiiiputliy willi
corn , and also bccausi- n now rut nt by the
board of directors , wlili h old poll , a
iiiurchant iblocoiiiniodlty.'iflc-i . ( ami iry I us a
Bocond Ki.ulo , Ihoupli It Is not to bo uullvpr-
nlilnon conti icts , unless to spi-clllid. Iho
inarUot wcal.oni-d seine UurliiL' the last half
of this session , lint the clo'o tlinwN uu ml-
v.inco o\er iosterday of from fi t iStenn
jMirU. fie lo 7'Jo on lard and . " 10 to Illcnu rlhs.
The loadlnp futnrus lanzua as follows :
C.isn iuotatlons | were as follows :
Trxiuu- Weaker and 10 ® He low or.
WHEAT No. 2 hprlns * hoit , HPjo : No. 3
iprlng wheat. 67 iW.c ' ; No. 2 red , 04 ic.
UOIIN No. 2 , I'PiO
OATS .No 2 , 21) ) ' Jo ; No 2 whlto , IioSJlc :
No .1 white. iuft.01/5c.
KiK No. 2. 87 c.
IlAiu.i. \ No 2 , tiQQGIo ; .No. : i , f. o. b. l3OO.'c ;
No 4 f o h.4t19- .
1'l.AXhl- No. 1 , ! > 7c.
TMiirnScni I'rlme , $ I.H.
ToilK Mess pork. IKII iml , tS7flii''W ( ! Hid.
uor owl. WTOItd. ! , " , : short ilhs sides ( loosot ,
M.4IBiO ( < ) ; iliy halted shoilldetsdioxod ) . $ b Or > ®
O.l'i : hlioit clear sldos ihoxedl , S7.0flQl7.lO
WIIISKKI DUUIIors' llnlsliod goods , per gal ,
H G'nt loif. unoh.inged. 5Q5Vo ;
ulatod. 4"so : Standaid "A , " 4'lc. '
llccotpts and slilpincnthtoil.iy were as fol
lows :
On the I'nkluco oxciiango today , tli ! butter
inarkot was and unchanged I > ngs , 17 ® - .
Now York _
Nl.W YOIIK. Dot. 21. lYouil-UceoliitH , K1.I7 ?
packiiKis ; oxiioitN , 0.1)03 ) hills : J.jTll Hacks.
Market iinchmigcd. dull ; ctosiiistoaily , s ilci. ,
COIIN JliMt. Dull , htc idv.
A\IIKAT Hcceliits , KW"il ( bu : nxporti , Sin , .
IS.I hu ; sales. U.i.sS.OJU Dn of futures : 1HI OiK )
hu of spot , hpot maikct unsettled , nioilor-
alcly active , closing Hto.idy ; o. S. led ,
tl.UJ t In sloro and olovaior ; tl.OJ'j ®
1.U4H tilloat ; * l O.l'nai.o.'i' ' , , f. o. b. ; No
a lid. im'i ' ; niui.idcd icil. IN.'idi'C'iu ' No ! }
iiorlhiiiufl.iU' ; ' © | . ( ri : No l ( iT' ftl ( K\ :
Options declined it iV' on lower c.iblcs ;
continued hoav v rush of hiippllcn from the 111-
tcrloi to all iiinrkotH , anda UIK Incro.ihO shown
In the Iliadsticel'shtatonicnt of supiillo cast
of Iho Itool.y inoniitalns , ad > unci d 'n't1'ic ' on
} ( ns8lan prohibition of corn end oils , vvhljo
thiiio vvoiocMiKcer Hid roporttof expert hu--
Iness. declined ' -diiio am : c osi cl stonily at ' 4 ®
'ic nilMincoovoi jesliirilayNo. : S rid.Oelober ,
H.rj-ji.1.11 , " , , closing at H iu" . i'J\ '
< aiul' , , clOblnt ; at tl 0.1' , ; Doccnibor , II UlnO ,
1 I/I' , , chwlni : at $1 U.'i % , January , il.MiftiaPi
uloslniT al II Ob1. , rohuarv , $1 Uii8l asj ) , clos
ing al SI.IH' ' , ; Jlari-h , I irl.ip | , oloslni : at
| ! " ? ; Al , lli * I.IO' i8l II. closltm' at $1.11 ; May ,
H lOUM.I.Il'n ! oloslnu at . . | .
lt\t Dull , nnsctllid : iveslorn , IHl'tttttki'.c. '
llAiu i v- Dull , easier : .No. ! .Milwaukee. TO ®
foiiN-IUiolpts. HIno bu ; oxport-i. Jll.lll
bu ; sales , l.SK',000 bu of fuluies , fiJ.iOO bu
of spot , r-liot market hlKhoi , qulot , source :
i ) . . ' , ilil'tfU-Hi lii clovator , WViCHlc alloit :
iinnrnilecl mixed , nii8ulio | ; options advanced
'nCU'c on lontlnncd iin\loty to mvor con
tracts Inloiv of sninll rocelpm and Ilininrca-
hlci. Outobcr. uloilui ; , ( no : Noviiinboi , 1111.
OWUc , climliu ! a " 40 , Dceciubei , VPjlTWbc ,
ohw nji. ii'oi Jiinuary. . V ttMhc , elolii .
h KeielntH. OJ.'All liu ; ovports 4ni,0.u
bu ; hale > s 1'JUUIU bu of fnlnios ; . " 's.ioo Ou of
upot , Spot market actlvoand hmhei on o\port
l7ei whlto western , JiViiU'c ; No 2 Chicago , 117
U4Ck. .
UA\ sie.uly.ilot. ) .
liois-gulct , stcaiiv : ( itato. common to
choice. l2 Mb > , c ; 1'aclflu coast l. cn..c.
( 'OHFh-Optli.ns opened lirm. fiomfttolS
points up ; closing barely steady from Iilto20
points diivv u : bales , : ui.o o bugs. Including Oc-
lolior , * llft.vail.iri : Novomhoi ,
Dcccnilmr. ifl Kif ll.liAi .Innunrv. $10 KCM \ \ \
March. flP-TOfflHUtt ; May. $ lo.Toii iiutti Juni-
IIU.1 ; .1 illy. IIO.U.1 ; Hpot Itfoiinlut at IIO.TvaiU , (
INo. i. IU..X
SiKUit ltii\v , dull nnd KtiMicIv : rollnid , lower ,
inoiu iicllvo mid closing linn ; No. i ! , | ie : No
7. illlHJi ) NO-H.HJ"i No.U , II 7 IHc : No 10. , l 4o ;
No. II..I O Itioi No is. U < * i ; oir A. .1 l-lbo :
mould A.I V ; standard A. do : confcctloncm'
A. 4' ' c ; cuf loaf.&liccrnshodniu ; ; powdered.
4."e Kranulatcil , ' ,
; lyir-l'ie ; oubcH,4\a.
MoLAttsrs Now Orleans , ijulot und flrm ;
coniinon to funcy , D-il.l.'c. '
KICK I'nin and quiet : doniesllo fair lo
cxlr.i , V ( < iC7i' ; .lapiin , A } | < lt5iiC.
1't UUilLtlM-Oiicnrd Hlciidy but became
weak on o\pcoli'il Incroasuof producllou .mil
ilecllnrd l\c , then rallied ) ic and closed
Htnady. I'cnnuvlMiiilu nil spot opened at MCI
liliihot. 0 Ii lowest , Mi'iot closed.Vii.f. No-
\oir.bcr options oncuod , ui'.os hlchost , W ) , u !
lonust.&Uu ; closed , 5ilic. } Total tales , l r..wo
( 'OTTOS FUBII Oiir- Dull utid , !
criulo. 2HciiJ"o ; no\r yellow , : i5c ,
TAi.iovv-Dull hut bte.tdy ; city ( I . ' .00 for
i .
Htoiuly anilqulut.
. Qulot and bteadyi - .
liurri.ilejulm , stiuuly : wcstorn dairy. His
SUi'i witxliirn crcnmcry. 20it-t.ic ! : Illgln , im ,
l , bteiuly ; western , fSiHi ; part
limit western , 2liiUc ! : rc-
rrlplx. 7M imikngcH.
I'oiiK-giilut ! old IIH-HS. Ill.t0 ) ; new
JI.'Wl ' u tri4prlm .ll04oiBll.CA ) . .
l < Aiii-Klrmi wetturn Niuam , 1100 : sulos. ,00
tltri' < nl Kfniaac'Ji oiitloniiulvs , 2.UM tlurccn ,
fiv'Ur , (4 67 bld | ilccombtr. 1(1. Wi J uuury ,
( < i.T2(7ft174 ( closln/iittO'Jhld ! IVbrunry. f 79
I'm lllov-jnlol ( ! Aniurlfaii. * ri7 > 'HM.iW
Uoi' Stcndi ; lake , Ociobor and Novom-
her. 113 00.
I.KUI Nomliril ; domestic. ! 4 W.
Tix Qnlol , HtiMiily ; tJ'.H.
U In-ill .Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . Oct. SI The wliont
market wan weak this inornln'j , this opcnhiic
hi'Hiit nl MVor " .iMUHler lust night's clmliu.
1 hcrii was consldet ihlo Ion/ who it to bo ills-
posul of and It hud to hn sold hcfoiu them
niiilil I < a belter fecllnc , al lonjjs were ic.ired
by thndcvoIopnie'tilH In thn nortbwoH showIng -
Ing that the 'IninnKO to vv hunt was not as much
nt wasllifiired last \vtok II was an merest
Platoon Ihls dimngn Hint cail-ncl the lonas
to buy heavily a few days aso und on Iho
break of jcxtordiy and the feellnu thli
inornlni ; forced tfinlr lioldlnzs and HID
niiirkel could not H cover , but at noon
It was iiullo apparent Ihatabctlni fccllni }
prevailed It set , In dill Inn Iho nioriilii't and
had rccovcrodcat noon , althonah tone-hint ;
hluhcr than that diirliift Ihn morning. Htt.ii
then prcdli'led that there would a further ad-
vnnco uurliit the noon hour Ihocnshmat-
Ket was itilt | < i iicllvo and a Inriro amount of
low itrndri w-is disposed of 1 ho prleo was In
.symp ilhy with the general market. Itccolpta
of who it heio were 117 cars. UIUMI : Oi tobor ,
closlni at ti'Ji1 ; December , oicnlnK | at h'K.1. '
highest h'4i- ' ) . lowest Ni , i' . closluir at Vl'io ;
May lii'ti' . highest W\ < ; lowest li'i c. iilosliu
at iifiVcj on track. No 1 bind. lO'Sc ' ; No. I
noithorii , SJ'ic ' : No. : . ' noithorn , HJ .
Kaunas City Mni'ltPts.
KANSAS Oirv. Mu Oct 21. I'rounI'lrm
iincliati cd ; pitonlc t.oiTfl."Vi , exirifancj-
U.SX& ! n. finey { 'o'liiXMri ; choice. Jllio } }
y on : X X X. * I 7. , < LV. ' o i.
\\IIIMT-O.iiiol. : No 2 h.ird , ensh , no
bids : October , sOo bid ; No Bled cash. Me hid
Couv III hoi ; No . ' , cish. 4S'So bid ; Octo
ber , 47'Sc ' bid.
( Mn steady , No. 2 , cabli .mil Oolooer. Sti'.e '
ri.A\-7. ' .
IKI'lrm and iineh uiKod ; timothy. IS 00 ;
fancy prililc. MB ) , irood lo oho cc , i'i 00 ®
fi'ii ; low triadcs J > OWbO ( ) .
HIITTMI-Cloudy and unilinn ed ; ereaniorv.
Shi fle , ; ( | iury , K'/tiJ-'c ; stoio picked , I4@lbc ;
packages IVc.
Pees -biondf at I To
UK < HIT- , Wheat , 4l'i 0 bu ; lorn , COO bu ;
oils , : ' .4 n bu
Mlil'vu VTS Wheat. (54,10) ( bu ; corn , none :
o its. 1,000 bn.
Dtiliitli U Im it Market.
Dtii.t'Tll Minn. ( Jet 21 Will tT Tuo who it
inaikcl hero tod.iwas active and hUher. It
stailid unebanued foi No I hard and ijuloti d
down for No I ncrthcru and lower irr.ulcs.
The nuirket rcnialneil v ci v sir id y , with lario
sties of cash , nml then iiilviineeil from'40 to
Ic I'licn came , i short reaction of 3uC , fol
lowed l/y another .idv nice The ad\anco was
Hiist ilneil to the i lo o .mil Ilium nkot closed
about l ealovo vistcnlo's .iml I'-f above
today's opcnlns ; The close w s us follows :
No I hard. cash. Ol'.c , Oetobei. 'll'Se' ' ! Novom-
be1.1. > : December , aiio : Mi$1 : nl'i : No. 1
noithcrn ' | : Oi lobcr , Ml'jc ' : Novombor.
li-'c. December , l'c ) ; May. ' " 'j ' ; : No.l,8Jc , re
jected , 74c bid. Kecolpts .Jllciis
St. Ioiil.Mni'kcti. .
ST. Loin * . Mo. Out. -AViictT Higher ;
( ash , Bl',0 ! Miy. ttui'i
tloiiv slion ; cash , M1 i&.Vt\c ; May , .t9\o.
O1KHuhcr ; LMRli.T > ji , May. Jl > io.
I'oitk Weak ; $ ! ) ' 1
WIHSKRV Stoidy at $1.18.
- *
liivci ) ) iiiil Mai-Uot" .
I.ivi iii'oou Oct. 'M Wilt tr Quiet ; holders
olTer model itoly. No I Callfoinli. fs 81Jd
pci cental : No B led winter , bsDiKTWisll'.d. '
( otiN ririn. demand fair ; inlYcd weatorn ,
Ts 10 I per ci
LAUD Prime wostci n. XJa : id per cwt.
t inclnii Hi Uir'c < MH.
CiNCtNSArr. O. Ocu L'l. Wni'AT Lower ;
No 'J i oil. ffV&OVfi' .
( oiiN-t-tendy , No 'J niKod. fiflc.
OArs-Mc.idy ; No y mixed , IlliS-H'iC.
WHISKH 1 Inn at 11,18.
Toledo Cram .Murkot.
TOI.HIO , O. , Ocl. 21.-WiiHT rinu ; cash ,
( OIIN ilnll ; cash. We
OtTS Dull ; cash , li'i ' c.
.MilvvniikeiJr.iiu Alurlcet.
Mtl.VVAUKl IJv WIs . Oct. Jl.IIBAT liasy :
No 'JsiirhiLcTsh. . UJc ; No 1 noubein. DJC.
t'oim I'll in : No ,1 , cash , Me.
OATa lllxhcr : No S white. ti'SOJle. '
, AJOC'A'.S A bit 7IU.NWA.
Nr.w VOIIK. OcL 21. ' 1 ho toek market to
day wis again moret nollvo and displayed a
more decided strong lone than for many days
past , the result of tnc daj's opo&ulons being
the llftln.of ipiotatlons all along the line ,
while a few stocks show marked gains , The
chief fc.itures of tlio dealings were the
strength in V.inderbllls mid the unusual ao-
llvllyand strength In I'ltlsburg , fet , Louis A ,
Chicago. The buying of the Vandoibllts wis
most aggress vc , and Now VoiK Central W.IH
lifted to ll'i , or ncMily .1 pci cent , .mil whllo It
did not ictilu all of Its gain , only .1
snull i > ortlon was lost The business done In
thOKoncial list was not of an unusual thar.ic-
tcr , but It was moio ovi nly dlstilnuied than
usual of late , and tint upward movement
roai bed ovorythln ? , m iking the IImil dealings
vci ) unlfoim.
Atchlson , Kilo and St. 1'aul led In the deal
ings , but It was extended to a linger number
of both stocks and bonds th in for months , or
nt least since the Missouri I'aelllc dividend
tioub.o llrst began to have Its Inlliicaco upon
Ihomaikot. The opening gains wcio gener
ally for small fr.icllonp. but further advances
were m.ido right fiom the llrst sties , and
whllo thu resistance of bearish tradcis com
pelled n li ill after the llrst dcnrind from the
fotcliMiois was sitlsfled , the duly ulTcctof the
h.iniineriTig wns
m.iteilal concessions from the best figiuos
it.iehed. The pnrch islni : of the Vandorbllts
bojan bofoio Ihn ton noon was out and boon
after that time the buying of the entire list
bo amo moio iironoiineid , overvlhlng traded
In icachtni ; llgures Which have not been scon
foi some lime. Iho natuially took
the lead In the general list , but a few
specialties iiiudu maikod piogic&s , whllo
nothing except Nmar botiaycd any vvoikiiess
whatever. Thoio was some rcall/lng In the
last few minutes and New York ( Vntial 10-
lliod fracllonallv , bill Iho marUol , as a whole ,
closed oiilct and btiong at 01 near thu best
iirlci sof the day 'Iho Until adv.ineesof note
ineliido Now York Ceiitial2'i ' per cent ; 1'itts-
bnig. St. l.ouls A. Ulilcigo , Hi poi cent , and
Atehlson , Hoek Island , St , Paul , Union I'aellio
HUH llntlalo , Rochester & I'lttsbur each 1 per
( Joeminent bonds have been dull and
htnady. fclalo bonds have be-on dull ami fea-
'I hn following nro the closing quotation"1 for
Ihn leading stocks on thu Now \ yi k block ex
change today :
1 he total sales of Htocks today woro'.UVOh *
Khains Including : Atchlson. .11.311 : Canada
Siuthoin , CAW ; Chicago U.m , aUTu : Dot iwuro ,
LackHWaniin A. Western , IT.I'TJ ' ; Krlo , 'J0.4M'
I. iku Bhoie. 7,1115 , 1-onlHV IHu \ . .Nashv lllo.ri.UOO ;
Jjl onrl I'liuHiu , 7n.V ) ; Northwestern , ! iiu0i
Now \ork Contra ) , 10,711) ) ! Northonf 1'aclllo
Piofcricd , I.ViO : Uuadlnr , 7ttll : Ulehniond A.
Weht Point , 11,517 ; st 1'aul , i'l.lWOi Union I'a-
clllc , 9.8SI.
KlMiiuultil Ilinhivv.
Nrvv YOIIK , Oct 2i The I'ost mivi ! Thoat-
lltuiloo' London is the unknown quantity la
all thU hpeculatho niovuinont. London' *
llnano al wrlturH are iiniinlnioiiM In the bjlluf u hc.ivy udvaneo in our Kecurltlos U Hiiro
to coino ami HO much Is f ) bo said roianllng
that market that liiductiiiiuiitx ollorcd by our
Htocks and bonds to the lioootom an ) much
nioro powerful thoio than bore. Whllo
Iho prlcoof "Aincrlcam" la hUh t hero as well
an hem , tlio other Holds for money mvuMinont
Hirer sllll IDa ruturn for capital , whllo money
rates In pnrllciiliir are low , On Iho ether
hand. Ihoro In always lo IHJ considered Iho nil-
! uvi > ral > lo Luuliios-i outlook for Ensland und
the ( net that for I.'uropo thlk U u Konulno
"he.irinar " The outionniof this mUud sit
uation U thu puzzio ot current iluuuco.
Now York Mouoy Slarkut.
I. my , riiiigliiit from < In 4 r eenli last loan ,
3 per ccnl. dosing offered at J per cent
I'lilviK MhiirtNTir.K I'M'rit AW percent.
HTKIIMMO htcntsiiL ; Qtilot mil Htionu at
JIM'S for Hlxiy-ilny IjllN and Jl.M'i fet do-
Tliu following ncro the oloslns prices un
, Mo. Oct.'l. ( Jloirlius fl"le.-
Nhw YOIIK. Oc-t L'l.-C uarlnps , tlll.T-'l.lll ;
bilanciM , MSi > 7 , HI
IIIISTUV. Mais , Oct. 21. Call loans. Iffill per
cent ; Units loans , M7 per cent
ItAi.TiMDiir. Mil. Oct. ' -ricurlni , W"li-
Oo'l ' ; Imlancus. II D.'JP. Monui.b poi ii'nt.
riiir.AiiFt.i'iHA , I'a. . Oct. ' 'I CIcarliiEs ,
JlS 'dSW , balanci-s J..Ofl..TTJ Money. 4 per
L'INCIVNATI. O.Oct ai. Alonoy VJMJ perpi'iit. .
Now Yi rk Dxc'limiijo 1VI6" . " > 0 dlseounU Haul.
Si Jori . Mo. Oct. -Clcarlnps Jl.ilin-
Wbalanios : , lll'Jii ? Monov , Wf per cum
Kxi'liitni , ' on Now York , IIJo dlseotint.
NEW dm CAI . l < n. . Ci'l.SI. C oarlius II.Mtf-
Tlil ISon oik uxc'hanpucoiiinii'iclitl , Jl V ) pi i
J.uOldN-ount. ll.inK , 5Jo discount to par ,
llosTON. Miis < . Oct. ' 21. ( liMirlnss. Jin , till ) -
4'S ' ) , balmier11 ! WO" Money , . ! per conl !
i\oh ; inpoon Ncu nrl l"o discount pi'i JI.OOJ
I'nu'Jtdo , III , Ocl 21 Now orU oxehaupo
pn Monoy. o poi LI-HI t'li'.uln s , fr > , " > jsovi.
MCI I In. I'M liniifc , f4 SI for Blxly days bills
nniUI Ml forslpht dtafts
ItoHton Stook .MnrK'ot.
HosroN , M s , Ocl. L'l. The follow Ins w 010
the oloslni ; priros on atoclts on thu Huston
stock nmrf.ot today. *
London Mo < ; U "Market.
LONDON , Oct il. The following were the
London stock iiiot | it Ions closing it I p m. :
H\u ! Mld ! per oz.
MONhV ' , iiti pcrccnl.
H iteof discount In the open m.nkol foi
both short jiidthroo months' hills\ pot ucnl.
1'arls Kentcs.
I'AIIIS , Ocl. 21. Three per cent rentes Obf
IDo for the account.
Dcinvci.Mining Stocks.
Dbsvi n , Colo. Oct. 2) (7cncr.ll advance
In the \-ilues of stocks with fair amount of
business t-ales , L l.bOO sh.ircs. closing iiuot.i-
llons.irc as follows : \
Sun Frnnulsco Alining QuotntiotiH.
SAN riiAscfis' ' ! ) . C'.il. Ojt 21. Tlio olllclal
closing iiiotatons [ ! for mining stocks today
wore as follows :
St. IjonlH 'Mini UK Qiiiitmion i.
Sr Lout" , Mo. Oct. 21. Mlnliio'stocks dull :
itilcs fow. Closlig :
Get 21 Thollntircllaii In Its
commercial arliclo says : Dullness piuMills.
thougli business of Imuoit.inco at s.icrlllco
prices were cxocnled In several doimrtmonts.
Makois of tlio host India and China shirtings
and of tlio liner Indi.i fancy goods and ether
snccl.illles are In a stroiu position , whllo mor-
eh nits generally aio dlspoicd to look foi lower
prices t-omo sales of shirtings show Id do-
cllne. Thcio Is llltlo trade in the common
nn illtlcs of forclgns o\copt at a innrkcd
reduction. Tlio demand Is checked by
tlio it cant slackness in cotlon Pi Idling
and other Mulshing cloths aio r her nog-
liietod. Inquliy for plain heavy goods Is fair ,
though It Is rarely Import int. Yarns are
quiet. There Is a moderate Iniiiliy | foi u\-
noi t yarns at low rates , homo orders liaso
boon executed for India and Ulun.i wcio
tmpiactlcablo last wtok. Continental bnjeis
.no acllng carefully. Advices fiom lioimaiiy
show th it the hplnnors and m iniifaolurois of
tlint toiintry ha\o a poor' . Unless llio
demand Improves ijulckiy slopp.tgo of looms
will bo resorted to.
New York Dry Goods Market.
Ni.vv VOHK. Oct 21 Thorn w mi no ncv
fcatnios to tliudry goods iroods inarkot , r-omo
agents report di maiKi a llttlobctlui for > pot
goodB. hut In sumo iliroctlons albi ) ipilot was
e-timplalncil i < f , The mat > et was utichangoil
a s icgaids leiic , prlei s bnlng t.lcal > lo Him.
IIVANA , Oct. 21. bi'A.visn GOLD J2.JJ ) ! ©
" '
: \ ( ' flK QlllOt.
bllllAH QlllOt.
1'orelK" Uii market.
I.osnov. Oct. Si. OAI.CUTTA
Cd poi iii | irior.
I.t stf D On. Ids 7'id pci ow t.
uM.ui.t i.i 1 1 : tuouit. ji.
OVIAIU. dot. 21. 1S')1. ' )
Hccolpts so far this wcok 14.101 naitlu , 10,700
hogs. l,40H shnip , against U2i2 cattle , ll.TKl
hojs. l'i7S bhccp the * llrst half of lust week.
Tlio nuikot was about sumdy on bcof sti ors
anddeslr.iblogr.idesof butchorstu II. common
stock , slow and lower ( lood feodois llrm ,
uoiumon dull , rsonatlvos hum worth men
tioning o\ccpt ono l..r.i Ibs bunch whlelihold
for J'i'.r > Ihuro was a good inn of ranxo
hteois. Hulk , of cows holy from tlb7i to K.'nu ;
canners , from $ lo il/iO. tiood fcodeis were
In ilemand and wcro hliou or ut fromJ.Ml. )
to JJ.5U. 'iiiohuiiply was fair.
The lecolptsot hog woio &S cars , the ro-
ci'ipts so fai this week fallliu over 1,000 bond
hhorl of the sarno three davs last wouk , Thoio
wcioxonia very u-ooil hogs lic-ro but the general
iii ill ! v was hardl ) as good as TuosiUy.
Tint mnrkot lonllnues on the down gr.nle ,
Imjeis siKi'C'iMlliig In taking oil' another V ]
yostcrdiiy. Tim outsldo demand was muioly
noiiiliinl. and with flesh mnat orders light
pickoib were thu principal huyois. Other
markets wcro roporicd wyak and sellers were
pruparod for a decline , so that whllo trading
wan not what would lo called brisk there
considerable llfo and tlio pent were cleared
lone beforti noon. The best huuiy and butcher
weight hoi's Mild from tl. 10 to (115 with ono
load at $ I2 > . Light and mlvod loads Mild
iiinstly at tl.O ) to ll.Oiti with sorno common
fcluir ah low ns&UH ) and good t > lult as high us
JI.IO. Tlio Kuncial market wasSc lower thuu
Tuesday , although as usual bumo sales wcro
not f > o lower while In ether Inst.incoi &o would
not eovor the dcollno. The bulk of the B-.ilin
were at < 4 05 to il 15 ugaliibt * I.1U to ( I 15 'Tues-
( laU / ,
U 4TTI.KOlllclal rocolots of cattle , 2,8)7. )
an compared with 4.5JI yi'stcrduyMiml 2.0.17
udne'bduy Of last week. .Mjrket acthu and
prices steady on bcof cntllci hutchor sinl |
nlow ami a shuilo lower , goon feeders vtcro
uctlvo and llrm. cninnum dull.
. lions Olllclal rocoluls of IIOKK , 3.677.
as compared with A.2U1 yusturday nnd 4,1.16
WeHliicsilay of last \vcok. lliislnusH wus mod *
orately brisk with prices about it nlckul loner
ft lIKiil'JDI mlved , < 4u'd 10
Si HAP Olllclal MJInpts of Bhecp , none ,
as compirol wllh'iW'l > ei"lcrday and iiono
\\ednosilny of lilM""wcol < . Market noial-
unity inichanxoil , iK'Iftaml ' good.
of Slock ,
oniclal ro"i'lpts arrtl ilHiMHltlon nf sloi'k us
shown by tlio tiooknof thu I'nlon ' "lock % urd
connmny for thn tftVlity-fonr hours onillnx tit
5 o'clock , p in , October , l0l ? :
e VTTIr J. lines SHI re u s , v i i > t
( nr i Head t'nrn Illr TrT llend Cnra Iliad
Illl 3.M7
Iliiyiri- IVii.tle I ltQK
Oinahn I'ncklniM mnpaiiy . i .an
( I. 11 Hammond eoiniinnr 471
HwIM ft Ci I
Cinlahy t'aeklnu i ompnti ) 210
HhlfipiriHind fcedcm . . S"W
Totnl 4,1 M 4.1JT
Ilcpi'CHcnt.ttlvc Sales.
No Av I'r. No Av 1'r. No Av. I'r
io l w } i ,1 20 ir.'i r > 2.1
feeders. . 11,10 $ .1 10
W. 11. Rhode- ) .
It cows 10fb-200 1 $ J CO
7 feedcis 10J1 2 bO
Union C.ittln company.
Notes Afoiinil the Yaidri ,
The Wcstoin Union lleef compiny shipped
a tialn of nineteen caiaOf catllu from U.ispoi
Ol.iikson was represented by John Noli with
a cm of hogs McL'orin.tck & . Ca of bt.inion
also had lie s horo.
J. K Uoot. : McCoy . . CJ , St. I'.inlj
.1 A. Klcliaulion , I' . and J. U. Moh.ce ,
I'.ilmyr.i. all had hogs I Hire.
A. M .S.igcr of Ui Hid Jnnotloij , Cole ,
brought In hoxcn cars of cattle. W. I' . Kla had
In idcms of cnttlo fioni tlio 3111110 station.
M. li. Now iMl of St. Paul luoiight In acarof
cattle. 1) . Klcliaidson of Doll Ktiplds , b. I ) . ,
brought In two cais of cattlo.
MclCc'n Itrosof feviaonso , C. I' . .lonci , Stanton -
ton , and It. ( lutiiiof N.OWIII ill's ( Jrovo , woio
among these who had ho s on salo.
Tlio WIloy C.itllo and Tiust compiny
shipped six cai of cattle to the maikut fioni , b. I ) . Isaac AllUoa of same place
bent In one load.
1' . P. Van Wicklo , tlio Ivcnnard merchant ,
and John J.ipp. ono \Viisliinglon county's
ino-.tsucces.stul anil prosperous fatmuiH and
feedfis , were at the y mis jostoiday to pui-
clmfeo some fecdcrH ,
Ijlvo Mouic Alurkot.
CMICMIO , III , Oct. 21 iSpeclal Telegram to
TUB llmAbout oNe-iyllilni In the c.iltlo
line sold at l eel nuclei price's todav The nout-
lorlnir lots of choice bteors changed owners at
no.uly btoady prices and good grades woio
only a fiaetlon lower , but In TOMIIIH ,
ucsicins and romnion natlxeh thoio wa
a decllno of ftom lUo to r > c
The supply gro.itlycnedod all domtinds
and It would ha\o been Impossible ) to omnty
tlio puns oMn .it u L-rciitui mcrlli c. The
locolpts lonstdtcd of about U.bOO na-
llxos , 7,000 westcins and b,000 Uo\iinsi
and ti.ilcs were lai ely at Horn
* l 20 ( o ifl.7 ( or1 * natl\cs. at J. ' r , to
H.7S for UL t iiiH aiil ) lit 11.40 to JJ.V1 for
TOMIIIS KMia natlUH aiOHillliinoted around
id 2.oholeo wcHlonii at ft urn U 4u to } i',7i ' and
cholcoTovans at froml. < 0 lo jJ.Ji. but vciy
low of thoolloilius , liad Iho qiiullty to ap-
iiroich .in ju hero near tlioso ligurcti.
nkoloton cows alidtllshod | ; | ! as low as fiom
7' ) lo We , and thoffc Ticro seoies of H-.illawniis
thai eiiiild not bilwllu for IIH an 1t.'i
( 'auiioi'halot k soliPprinclpaily at fiom fl 25
to * l ya. TliLrol > wnb a coiitlinud good
demand for ' tycl > ers anil feeders ,
but pikes wi'rit' ' down alonic with
the icst fiihiiscimtliuiti In ll.-lit supply and
Htiong Attjioe'oAU the-ro woio thous in Is of
inibold c.ittio In tIu > iRid and the outlook for
llio romalnilor of. llio wcnk Is anything bu
DiomN.n. . m i
Tiadiiig in luv wits slow durliu- the morn
ing IIH a rOMilt of , Iho Ilimorleusiif Inilcl-
iiis. They mailo , Vl"lsl1 for ' 'Iwln r nilccs
but Ihoy did not ni'uOi with any rospoiHofroni
lin > orN. .mil an oviftfln itlon of the published
sales will hhow thiit no adwinou was est ih-
llsljed In fact tlioKOiicral feoluu toward Iho
close was wiukor.flomo of thu Into H ilos Indi
cating a docilno of fullySc. ' I Iosiii4iuotatlons |
were fiom tun to l 40 for modlnm and hoa\y
wolghtsand tf.'a toil 2i forllght. Thorn were
u fiiw tniiliHntrroiiPM O toll 4T'i ' anil nno ut
* l M ) , but prices below f ! 0 took tlio hulk of
the hogs , finiioery decent lots went to
packorx .it from Ultt to tt.W. Hales of culls
were at ( mm il V ) H > M.V" > .
'I ho r.veiiliig.Iiinriilt icports : tUTTl.K Ho-
inlplH , 2JaO ; shtliinonts I0-1 Mnikot slums
llltlo in no c , stours , 1 1 ( ) if6"i,7'Vt (
Toxuns , t'.2iii&J.5)j rangers and hleors , JI.OoiJo
4 bu * *
llona Itctclpts , l > sooOi shipments 0,000 ;
market Inner , picKern and hlilppors. fl.UWl
4 ' . ' 'iH ! prlnio hua\y and huldiorn' uiiights , ( I 23
HLHI ; hkipsaml lUht. I.IWiilU' , .
MlKKi'-ltecelpta , 10.0JU ; hlilpmonts , S.tdO ;
market lower : inUcd. and wiMteriH , tl
4 IU | Texans , f I ( ; lam
Ni w York Mv htoulc 'Miirkct.
NKW YOIIK. Oct. 21 IlruvKs IttcelplR 1.M7 ,
Inclndliu bU carti for italo .Murket Nhadu
oihlorciysluw. ; . Nallto s leers. tl4Uf'i.iO ! ;
TUMUIH and Colorado * . * .l. ) ! hullv and
eiiWH , l..kll X1. Drosked beef uleadv ut 04'ft
l4e. ) bhlpiiienthtcMluy. 0. JJ ( liiarlowof bcefl
bhlnmenlH tomorrow , 470 bco > tsund AObheep.
CJH.VEB-Hucclpts , 1.JI3 lictiUi
\cal . H' < ofaKt ! Rrii urs l.VUCUOO ; wcsti-n
cnlvcs f.i.i\
HIICFIHcclpm , n.8Vi IIP nit hoep steady
lanilnMhado we ikurj MICC | | ) . ti7.VtJ.TiH ) : tninhs
l\.i lii.r > ! druMcd iniition nloidy nt7)jO ) ( > i )
dri-sied lambs wcaK at H. '
llooillecolpK " , IOJ head , continued dl-
icot : nominally dull at 11.4 < i.\i\
KntiH iH.CItv lilvo Hlituk 'Mnfkot.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Oct. 3l.-(1\rrf.K-Up-
colpli , ii.Lli ; Khtpments , i.gV ) : market Nteady :
alters , tivvtuioiii cows , Jl 2 > a..M | slockcrs
ami focdors , t2 ( ryj i ir > .
lloos ItecolptH , I l.u i ililpmenl" , l.P.V ) : m r-
ket Htcady ; bulk , tlur > ai.r > ' all grade's , HiVS
yi'tr.u'-llecoIptH , 713 : shipments , 400 : mar
ket steady. _
.St. tiotilH lilvo block "Minki'l.
ST. 1,01'IS , Mo. Oct. 2l.-(3ATTt.K IICCO pl
4H 0 ; slilniiK nts. tioiin ; inarkut loner ; gooi
iiathi-s , H f,0VW70 ( : fair toito.tu natl\cs , f.'OJ ®
41 * ) ! TinaiHand Indians , i'.l ( til 4\
HodsHi'cnlpts , f.uioi shlpmonls , tiono
hnivy.iH2.-iO I 10 : mixed. * l7tni4 20 : light , J1UO
4S4 ,0 _
/sr/ ; . \ " ! tcict\ I > * IK/I rv.
An IniplovcMliiMit in MiislupKHlll
I'Mattoi Inu 1'ioNpcflN r i- ( Infiituri - .
OlM'INVATl. O.Ocl. 21. ( Miclal ) Tele-gran
to Tin : Ilf n I Tomorrow 'H I'rleo I'nrn'iit nil
f.iy The maikctlngof lies lonllnues tocn-
latgi' . The wrstnin p.iokliu N 2MIOOO for Iho
wedk , against J20.IK ) i last week and , ,00.000 ono
year ago Thn from Maich I Is i , li'.iKH )
against KIC'iiUO for last year. The lundl
pjace'snow operttlng comp-iro as follows
Onuilia Mtllliipcotnpiny : Koll incp , P.itnnt ,
$ . ' 70 : ln\lnclllo ) , I'atnnt. fiiii ) : l.tmifel n. Su-
pcrlntlxc' . Ji.X ) , Miowllnl.o , J'.O ) , I'.inuv I'mn-
lly > rIt80
H. T fT\ls Mlllcoinpiiiv No. 1 and ( 'roam
Jllpli I'atont. $ JS1 : Dine l ) and lii-d P. W60 :
I/Ion and Ihnvkoyp # . ' 10 ; Uo\al No III , Apodal
'I'atcnt , HOO. Minnesota and DaUoin. 1'ati'iit ,
tiiU ; UHIISIS II ml I'alcnt , $ M.Ji No-
brisUa t-trilphts. $ . ' 11
1'ie.sli i rnits.
-o cVown , B-lb baskol , Jlc : 100
basKet lots. 2u'c ! iMuseat , per cr.ilc J1.J.1 ;
Tokay , $1 ( ,031.75.
OANTAI oui'i-s I'or dotl 0) ) .
I'GAViu : California fioo stone , single cimo
lots UI.I5 : ten ease lots , Jl.lOj Mlchli'iui , per
basket. fiMOc.
I'hAit California \nrlotlos , t.Tifilsit :
Al'l'l.ts IVrbbl. choice oatlnp , J200'ai
OlUN < , Ps-l'ut box , rioill.ilo ; l.
4 no ; Mexican , 1 1 50
I.HMONH I'oi box aoo , at i".V ) ; 1M )
fancy Maori , J UO.
lUvANAS-1'or bunch. jJ.OO2.53 for peed
uhlpplnp stock.
CiiANUFliitihS-Capo Cod , per bbl , $7.75138 00.
The folloulnz quotations ropicsont the
pi Ices athlch choice stoolc Is billed out In
orders unless ptliot w | s st itcd :
Ovtovs Homo grown. 40(2,1 ( Ic per bu.
Ohi.niv I'ei do.wane ,
TOM \TOh H ll-ilf lti. I ) for shipping. 50c.
C'AIIIH.L Homo k'inun , 20o a hu.
HhANS Navy , $ . ' KI@J i r , per bn.
I'OTATinlocal itiowuis are supplylnp Ihrt
pcinariil almost oYCliisUoly at V2o3c poi bu.
t-wi M I'OTVioLS Uoiiio BIOWII , 2i > per Ib fet
shipping. _
Coillltf } I'l'OllllCP.
KfiOS Hound lots went it 1'lc ; somc > nt lO'Sc.
roui.Tin Very wo ilc ; spilnp chickonb , * . ' ,2.1
< 873 ; old fo Is , JJ 7VJ 00.
UUTTtu I'lichlnp stock. 10'iftllc ' ; KooilAiun-
Iry. it/a So ; extra choice , JU 'le.
UAxir I'ralrio ihlokcns. JI.WO4 71. grouse ,
$4Ul2.1nuall ( ) ; , SUH ) ; lei' ducks , UOO ; mal-
lauls , * ) SOSiiJ 73 ; jiniiU nilxod tl.UOSI 50
Oin.i'i.i ( .r.iiu 'M.u-kct
I'rlcos based on dolhcry at Mississippi rl\cr
points , Nohnsk v Inspection , and ton daj s'
( loll\trv. unless othoi wise stated.
The Hireling on call woio lUht so th it the
aniountof tradlnp w ib biiiall ailliough lliuio
\\era plenty of hux ors.
\Viib\T No Sbpilnir , 91c bid ; No a spring ,
Slo bid.
COHN No 2 , old , 5 'So ' bid ; No " , , now. No-
M-rnuor delivery .17' ji ; bid ; . ,8 bid hi. Louis
terms : H nno , November shipment. .I7jfc hid ;
s une. yoat 8hlpmont , l'i bid , Italllmoro
H r No 2 , Sio ! bid ; BTuakcd : No. : t , SJo bid.
OAfS No. J white , .s o bid ; No .1 white.
'Ji'jobld ; 28S asl.oil28 ; hid ill St. Louis tcims ;
No. 2 mlxixl , Sits asked ; No .1 mixed , 27 to bid :
No. J colotod , 27'/iC bin ; "so abkcd.
R. II. Rinkln , of Kankln liros , Cambridge ,
Neb , was in looking oor the s.tuatlon mid to
make arranuomoms to shlu their rye hero ,
whoto Ihoy lielnno ihoy can do better than In
Chlc.un. Theyhmo been shipping stock to
South Om iha foi bljo irs with xorv satisfac
tory resulls and expect that Omaha will h -
comoa pi cat grain market , as well us Iho
stock market Clniln Is moving MTV fast at
Onmbrldpo and thoyliiuo alroaily taken In
moio pram then ) this fall Ihan tvas markcled
all lold durlnp the loin years nro > lotis Coin
Is tuniliu out5J to 00 bushels per acic.
O. G , Harris of Hancock , la , was on the
1 oard. No now gialn h is been ircoivtMl thoio
yet The farmoi ? In that vicinity are mostly
well oil' and no not need to bo In any huriy to
sell. Mr. Harris bus shiupod a great doilof
stock to .south Omaha miM CMiocls Until
Ktaln will bo bold largely Umm0'h this in u-
kctMi Jaqiilth of tl o Omaha riexatoicom-
li uii st.ilcd Unit Nebraska weights and In
spection aio boliu recehod by the r Un btiy-
eii all ovi-i ihoconntiy without iiicsilon | and
that the fact th it Omaha has the best and
most uniform inspection of anv mar > ut In the
countiy will be boon admitted by all Nc-
brisl.a oleratoi men bolnp guarintecd
apmnstlosa fioni bohu compelled to act opt
the woiphts and Inspection of other states ,
with the usual heavy shortages , am bidding
hlghei thiin thoyii\or did befuio with s i-uu
kind of a iii.iri.ut. Thu producnr maps Ihu
The Omaha I'lo\atorcomp my had simples
of h irloy on the tablus foi Ihu Inspection of
biowors or other buyers.
W II. Axiutpr , ropiesontlng Armour iCo. . ,
Chlcaxo. was iimoiig the \ Isitors on llio bo ud ,
Ho reports new pialn as rno\lnp mil ) In a
small wuy. but expects that theio will ho
much moiu activity by the Hist of next
month. Ciops weiu late and Ihalisono ic.i-
hou why the movcmut ofjraln Is nol sotllnp In
so early as usual , then tlio hold > otu prill. "
disposition amoiu Ihu alllanco Is ha\lnp qnltn
mi imiiorlant ullecl. This disposition to hold
liack pialu can bu hcun ail oor the count ry.
Mr. AMatui Is of tlio opinion that man } of
these who do huld will bo u.iughl Inlhuiiisb
to neil Inter In Ihoso.ison and sullci heu\v
losses from Iho conboiiuunl doprussion of llio
Mi 1'otcrson , of I'ctoisoii & Nulnon , Osccola
grain iluiilois , it , In the city
Omaha KlOMitoi compinyhold to Cockioll
Itios " > , IOO No ,1 ulilto 0 , M Louis loims
Twocaibiif No 2 r > o biouglit tSc.
' SPECIFIC is a rtmctly which
SWIFT'S lulvuucu of nicdicnl science ,
us it lias been cipolling Jlicrobi from Ihu
blood , nnd cut Ing luo wprst discuses for
OOycaiB , nnd it is only recently that the
medical world have concluded Unit
to euro disease is to force out tlio baccilll
tlj rough tlio 1'OHES OF TIIH SKIN.
Never Fails to do this ,
AN I Mn. W C I'vnrif , IMItor of Iho
r-- , _ l > licklcibnri. e\vi nt llojilton , Va ,
ED/TOR ] ) lhat helms bun u.tlrclr . rrluv.
" . _ _ _ . . ! nl Irani nn nb m wh rh fiirinul In
lila llmmt , ail i.u.octl Inuiini' pain nlino't choking
him He c nikl l ot ewullnw wild fmi.1 , mid wja in
a niost painful conillilon lk-i > uv Hi it hn took only
tuicf botllif , und tnji u I'tlictctl a iunii | ctu euro.
Treatise on Blood und Ski" Oiti nr mailed frc * <
OulM'ly II All thu Lateit
Localc-il J [ Iiiii > ro\eincut .
. .rimiluliv A 1 lit St. . JSevv York.
AMCU.UAN AM ) I.UIll.I'li.tN i'J.AN.
" "
Coruor 10th and MIIHOII etreels
New bulldliiii , now furnlturo , every tlinf Hrit
ela ii , lln t loiutlon In Iho cltr. , lj mujlum Im-
liriiTcmt'liU : r-tujin I lent ; Call Hull * Hath
nn , | Mnrbcr Wioiilti IDIUICC lloni Klui trlu mil Cublo
Cars In unr | mrt nf Ilia tllr 'Irr n und bu cjn *
Tlniadihat tiehavo Ihu | H I lioiinu fur thu mono/
nv > tuf UiloiKO llutua Iruinll 00 to 11/4 iwr it uy
Illllill I A bc t and onlr iwpiuhx | > r < wcrlbod t > r
uuuu i n rviiiar | iby > lclan for tlio tnriinf
UunorrhirA and olsiliarnoi from the urlimrjr urKJin
icvctutcuoj Uari HMpertiux AIIOruguljl
( luium'S ' i
Omahn Tout & Awn
ing Oo. ,
I lng liiimmorki oil nnil
rtililwrlitthliu 4fml rot
cntatnitiie III I riirnnin
Bemis Omalm Bag Oo.
Importer * nmlUnufie -
Hour nrk llurlipi nml
A. II. Pcrri"o ; & Oo M. 0. Daxon.
II * ! DoiliiO Htrojt lllcycloi noM im monllily
Semi for our eitulo piymcnt.
nml prlcoi H > j ; ' < Karnirn st , Omih
Ackonnan Brothers & Hointzo ,
Printers , blmlori , olurtMtypori bUikbtjjlc iiiinu-
fiot trort
lltrt Ilowanl street , Onmlii
/'OO'/S AND .S//0/.S
Morso-Hco Shoo rompauy ,
Hut Howard strict
t nctory , corner llth and lioiigliH Htrest
\ \ o nru in Ulnif , ! , , , nrlecs to e i h biirors , and
imiMnx ti cln-s of in o d vvlili h It vcri s il-
nblo nlth mercli nits
R. T. Davis Mill Oo ,
C (1 ( riiilorwooil ,
Mnniicor nt Onmlni.
Cor kth nnd Jnckson Hti
S. f. Oilman , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
Merchant Millers
10n-IS-ir. N llith Street.
OnUennd Mill 111 , ! North
C K IllicV - MintRor llth Street
J. T. Robinson Notion
Conti fiirnlthnu ken < 1 <
infk' Kilubrilel brin I
lliKkfkln ' ovorulli
pinta Hhlrfi , loitt , etc
( or l.'tli nnd lluwnrdtU )
GLASiiirAIA"l\011' \ AND DRUUh.
Kotmard Glass and J. A. Fuller & Oo , ,
Paint Oo. , Slioot ,
Oi-im Hnrnoy Hire ) ' .
Oui.'iliii , Nub.
William Oumminga , Blake , Bruce & Oo ,
ClTandOlU Huutli ICIh bt O , .tilluivonmirt'i ht.
. Oiuubn , Neb
Or.mli i , Neb
( i ROC 111 !
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Eaapko ,
706-711 luih Hired , Hll-llU ) > llariioy a I root ,
Omuhii , Nub Oniiha Neb
'oTlI SteelaOj , Sloan , JohuHU & Oj.
'Jill and IxMTonnorth
IWI-l.'JJ JoiiDi
fttrtun ,
Omahn , NOJ. Onniha , N )
Allen Broi , , McOord , Bnuly Oo. ,
13th nml I.OMeni < irUi.
IIH-lllO Hnrnor
Onmhn , .N'ub
Huich G. Olark.
( icu'l Wottnrn Aiicnt of
) uiHiiit' < Hi'orllnu ilun
lewder , Atl lihihoiplo-
lie blailliu vttn. fu i
A\ rite fur jirlcei on but I'n ' .
, , , .
Vlndi , oysters ,
t r , ecus poultry , nnd |
( .ami ) j llth and llarney Strooti.
Zirsohbranu & Son ? , Jas. A. Olark& Oo ,
Ilntter , cieo < o , I'iriJ
llu tier , cgfji nnJ poultry
poultry and name
ron aril Stroot. WJHcmtli 13th Htrcot
Bates & Oo , ,
Country produce , frulti ,
viKctabiet itroce-rH' spu-
claltlui , ti'n-i. nplcc , , da.
417-11J B.I I tli Me
Oarpontor Paper Co , , Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Cnrry a full utook of Manufacturer ! and Job-
printing , wrapping anil bo rs all kind ] rubber
wrllliig paper , cam pa Kood *
per , etc I'lJO harnain fitroot.
Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes ,
Seed Krowcn , doilcrt In Stoves repairs of.illtilnili
Karilen , Krasa , Kraln and CookH nnd I to ile'M
tree iccd9 for ealu
( Jl-lilboutli IHIi TO ; S I lib Struct
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bohn Sash &DoorOa
Maniifactiiren of dash Manufacture of mould-
doori. bllnili anil Intf , lillncH ( lours , etc.
nionlilliii:9 llranoli of Olllce
lice l.'tli and Izitril Sti lloom 421 llco Hull.Iln ;
S'JDAM AND \VATtiR \ kUl > l > LLtt3
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strang & So is ,
Pump Co.
, lOW-IOOl 1 ariiMii Strict.
Hallldajr Wind \'llli
OlbnndH.'O lonoi Stroll '
Oniilm N'ob
( I I He KB , ictlmrnmnit'r
2JJA , COFJ''U1-J ' , Sl'lVES.
Consolielated Ooflea
Company ,
1414 and 141b llnrnuy bt ,
Oniiha , N'ub
E. Hurdy Oo. , ThoUrunswiok-
Tor' , ilolli , Blbnins , Balko-Oollonilot Oo , ,
tnnoy iruodi , liuusofiir Illlllird uierclmndlin
nMiliiK K odi , child Hiilnon lUturui
ren's uirriiiKU" 407 , 4CCJ S Illlli Htruot ,
UlJtiirniun Htrcot. Oiniibn
A. D. Boyer & Oo , , Hunter & Greon.
. 'Ji Kxcliftni.'O llullilliu. CO HucliiuiKU llulldlnK ,
toilth Omnlm South Onnilii.
, ' liruggl *
' bottle ol Hig . 1 ; " . " ' . , i
/ no i ijoifofioiu rcincdy lor nil
/ the iinimliiriil dUclmrhci ) and
I prlvntodiscufccs of men nnd the
ilebilltuthiK wcnUncM pediliar
to women U inns in a 'cvv '
I davs without Iho ulu or
bllcity dl a doctor
i fiiiicranl American Cure
Mnniifutiircd h }
k The Evaua Chemical (
National Bank
Capital 3 > 4O <
Surplus GO.OOO
ouiciirs and Olrnclori HanrrW Yatei. I'rotliUntt
IxwtiH lleud. VUo I'ruililunti U H Manrlco , W ,
V MUMP. John H. I olllni. U U Cuililm/ N , li.
I'ulrlck. w. 11. d. lluvhui. Caihlur.
Corner l.'fi nnl Knriiauiriti
Ccnerul lliinkliu'lliislnoji Tr.insactoiL
Baffrrlng from
TOWEAKMENH u < nixlii irrori ot
early ilrrar.wastlncwoakni HI , lout iiianhim , ! , <
I will w n 1 K valuuiiln tnutbui ( M alull loiifAliiiiig
full turtlmlnn fur hoinu cure , I'lll.l. uf Uiaim : .
A il.lcn lid luudkul worn i f hiiuld 1 | i n nil b > < ; vt ry
mill who U li-rvom un 1 ilihlllluUd. AclclniJL
1'rof. V. Ut VO W'LHHi .1IoodU , Cuim.