TJULE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ] \ONDAY \ OCTOBER 5 , 1891. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. * DVKRTW.MKXTS FOIl TIIK B COLUMNS A wilt be taken unlit 12 X p. tn , for Ilia evening nnd tinlll 8 30 p m. , for the morning or Sunday cdl- loni , All Bclvrrttucmcntii In theic columns 2 ccTitmi word f rM Insertion and IS cents n wort thereafter , or n rerllne frr month No artvertlK'nirnt lakcm for JCM than 23 cent * for th * first Inrrrtlon. Terms cash In advance. Initials , flsurM. njmlKJlx , etc , rnch count an n word All mlvi-rthomcnM muiitrunron > cutlvulv. Advertisers , by rriiietln | ti numbered check cnn have their answer * addrpned to n num bered letter In care of TUB Ilrr , Answer * so ail rtrcs'ttl will bo delivered on presentation of the Check. URAMIIOrHCK. " AUVKiniPIXOrOHTIIIMK JJooliiinns will be taken on the above condition" rtthn following hiislnem houses , who arc antlior- licclto takni-prclal notices at thosaniu rntc > scan l > e hart at the main otncn Potith Omaha llrurcb Ofiloe Xo. 2CZ3 N ttrcet , Llntet Mock John W Hell , pharmacist. 11 Hi anil Mason Mrcct * H II , Karnsworth. 1'harmaclst , 7115 Cnmlnn ttroct. W I IIUKhc * . riiarmaclst. r34 N Ifilh etrevt. C K. riBttcrileld , 1'harmaclit , 1119 I.CRTcnworth ttri-ot. . Hiuhpi'riinrmnev. 2llh and Knrnam. blTUiVHONH IVir tatrt. tic * trrtnnnf } rtl commit on thl * page A-WAXTii > SITUATION. 11V SOUKR. INDUS- trloun yotinit Herman , as porter , handy "I'll rarponlerV tools j understands the care of hordes nnd drlvlnit : rofcrcnccs Riven Address CM. Ilcc. A SCOTCHMAN HAVlNtt M YKYH3' KXl'K- A rlencti In fcotch nnrt Knidhih hanklnK desire * po Htlon of cashier , bookkeeper or any position of tru t , tlrst class references. Address Oil , lion A-POSITION AH COLLKCTOR 8AI.KSMAX Oil . / foreman Kxperlcnco anil reference , Address C. SI. llco M418 IP IIOnKKKKPKtt. LADY HAS HAD 6 VKAKS' L experience. References furnished Addronn C lire 3M 8r WANTKII lJ HKia . Jo > mitt , ttc. , tee lu i of til column on t/ij prty ; J WANTKI > rA nR3T CLASiTrAN'IS MAKKII 'Mint bu a steady tcmpcralo mnn. Address Ilcmlrltkiion \ Johnson , Aurora , Neb M179 5 TDAO IIN'TH. TO BKLL . J } | > onpa ( inoiicr nmker ) , send stamp for free namplc I.1. I. . Haldwln. Detroit. .Mich. M47lii' 1) WANTKD AX ACTIVK , KKL1A1ILK MAX JJiialary 70 to IV ) monthly , with lncr IISP , to represent In hln own section a responsible Now York huiicc , llofcrcnccs Manufacturer , luck box IVt. New York. B-WANTKD , THRKK URST CLASS COAT- makers , Immediately C. R Rlchtcr , sitcco < ior to Horrnian & Rlcbtcr , Lincoln , Xeb M4O15' Lii.r. , . . C.OOI ) RKLIAIILK TIXXKR I-OR JJMiop and outride work ; stcaily employment at peed wanes to satisfactory party. Address K. J Bharp A. Hro. , Aurora , Neb. 3IU 3 B -WANTKD AT ONCK , FIVE FIHST CLA * > tlnncm nnd furnace men ( illlotlo llros . r0 4th Btreot , SlouxClty , la .M4l1f. ' T-nitw ion ii.vci.osiNc HOUSKHYNU.MHKH J'onu niocluuilc , with rufcrcncu. Aildross , C 5.1 , lieu otllciJ. -M4H C' wAM'KI ) A HKLIAULH , n nRcnt nt fair salary to dtote n part or all ol time to local soliciting t-tntu references llhoilns llrcis . Hunkers , SI ] x > ul Mo M4."J 1U B i-CANVASSKKS WAXTKD MKXVANTK1)TO - Jnollclt Mibscrlptlons from iiliynlclann for n now tnedlcal Journal and oilier publication Address H baunders , UU Walnut Street. I'll I In dclpliln -M418 5 B WANTKD , A LITBRARY MAX OK RBKIN'B uicnt , familiar with blonraphlcnl work ; ono will nn oitonrtt'd ncqiialntnnce ainoni ; tlio promlnenl people of N'cbranlca and surrouddlni ; country can nocuro n luoratlvo position by applying to Joiici A fatanley. BMHrondnay , Now \ork 3VI n-CAltl'KXTKKK WANTKD , rORRKHI'ONIl JJwlth or report to Ottumwa Industrial exchange , OtUnmvti , la. M375 , > T > - WAN HID , ITS A MONTH AXD KXPEXSKS FOR Jlsalomiien In ntery county In tbo U S ; namplei A outtltfrto , no experience necessary yearly con tracts made , finest and easiest Felling foods man ufacturrd fend stamps and for full particulars , 1 , ' . Converse,32 licrmon St. , Worcester , Mass 215 T > -WANTil : ) . SALESMAN" OX 9ALARVOHCOM J'million to handle the now patent cbemlcal Ink eranlnii pencil , the uraatput telllnK novelty ever produced : erases Ink thoroughly In two econds , no abrasion of paper ; 'JOO to UU per cent prollt ; ono nuenfn unlcs nmoi-nled to KM ) In six days , another tUlntwo hours We want ono itcuerat a ent In cath mate and territory For terms and full par ticular * address the Mouroe Krascr MfK Co . I.a Croiie , \ * Is TJ-WAN'TBD.M 8ALKSMKX TO CARRY AS J'ldo line our "Cash on Delivery" cluar , with ol filled wntcb , blc pay. C. O. D Cigar Co. , Winston N. C. * BWANTBD. . AOENTN ; NEW CIOARLIfJHTKR ; 'every ' smoker buys ; llgbtalu wind or rain ; sam ple lie , two for ! 5e. ; Jl doien. by mall ; stumpr taken. Q. Stayner Jt Co , Providence , R. I.M335 M335 1C * TVANTKD - OXK MAX IX BVKIIY liAIKIi : JlhuslnesH house , factory and shop to sell ihca | : lots on commissions Call between 7TO and 8 p m jtlorlou T Culver , UOJ1 arnam street , Havanit ClB i store , f 64T. O13 WAXTKIJ rn art air * , cie. , tee tnit of first cutuian nn Hit * ixiga C WANTHD , OOOD C.IRL IOR QKNKRAi. housownrk , , SU' > Harney St .I5J-J * CVAN"lii : > , OIRL KR OKNKRAL work Apply ntWtiS SUtli Bt M45S & * _ /"I-WAM1 ! : " ? * ! ( ToOD ( > IHL IOR riKXBRAI V. housework. Mrs. James Ilayues , bt X.TJtl Btreet. JII75U / I-WAVIKD. (3IRL r-OR C.KXKRAL HOUbK vvwork , family of four ; reference ! 1113 ( leorula avenue MI74 I , ' C-WANTKD , GIRL FOR ( iKXKRAL IIOUHi : work. Mrs. D. II. ( ioodrleh , 1117 I'.irK avenue. MIl.t 0 ) mill. KR nKNKHAL 1IOUSH WORK , TWO , tn family 541 Tark ave 3'.n ) C-WAX1KD , A ( JOOI ) RKL1AHLIJ C1I1L1OI second nork and care of small child Mrs R. H Csyloril , lUlil ti 2 < Jtli street. Jli > C -\VANTKD " , A ( HOOD XUHSB OIHL , Ti ToTi years Inquire Mrs Uco. lleyn , I'JUS Capitol ave Sl\ \ p-WANTBI ) , CJIiy , , OR C.KXKRAL JlOlJSj : work. 1130 south ? Jth st CWANTKD AT OXCK , A XKAT , QUIKT ( HUT for second work , lniulro | SIUJ St. Mary's ave KOIt 11KXT HOUnlCS. I'uriHttt , etc. , seetop offlnt culiimu on this JHIO . lNO 117 SOUTH TKNTH STRKKT , WKs'l J ' lilo. betneon Harney and llonard , also barn a oiithea > t curlier ! uth and ( allfornla Inquire o Mm Li'luiian. 50th and CaliforniaMiOIU T\-I-OR RKNT , ID-ROOM iioi'n , niiix.vcT : J'laundr ) and inoili < rn tonvenlence * 112u Ccornl.1 nvtpplytoR II ( lulld at Commercial Nat. bank 1"VfOR RKNT , STKAJ1 IIKATKD KLAT- < , .1-'rooms an * bath , desirable location , ( U ) to VI periiionih Inquire Nethurton Hall , room SSt Hr hat bank y.r'IO - VOirTtKXT , HO , DKslHAIILK 1C ROOM MofT J 'ern brick house , furnaro and ranee Inquire hethfrlon Hall , room 3."U Urst Nat bank. SM 10 B-TIIX ROOM 1UUK ) , MODKRX IMl'ROVK nionu , rent moderate to reliable party , f.'l&Cal Uornla. l Ti * DKLHiANT 1IRICK RI.MDIINOK. U HOOM modern. HU ClilcnK utroet. Knqulro U r < bklnnvr , Ifllt Karnam street , or liuii Clilciuo street TOll RKNT , OXK OF TIIK XKATEdT COT J-MaKCs In Omaha , with every modern conven letup. Ineliidlnii raiiKii , Hill sell all or part of fur nltiiro ; all In tlrst-class condition , No , 11JI blior man uveniiu. B15 lA'rOR HKNT ClII.'Al' . COMl'LKTK Kl Vlti , ALI -lA' iiri'nlfnu'it , R w cor Hith and Dod o sis inn and Trust Co 323 V IK YOU WISH TO RKNT A HOUSK Ol /store , BIHI H , i : . Cola , Continental block , Ml 1"V3. . 4 AXD&llOOM IIOlJhKS , 110.00 TO fISOl ) 4hf.i roldencu Oats In city M ad Inv'l Co . II. lieu liulldni | ; 1 } TT-KOU Iir.N'T. I1O11SK10 ROOMH. ALL.MODTJRN .1 'Improveiucnts , tJUU ) per mouthSid and laruaiu Uexlcr L 'Ihoiuas. \-hXR ) RKNT , RK IDKXCKS ALL 1'ARTH CITY 'iilobu Loan A Trust Co , s . tor loth and Dodge 111 ) -KOK KKNV. IMIOOM HIUCK HOUSK W1TI 'larne grounds. Apply lo MID bt. Mary's avvnue MSIt TA NKW hLKIANT 7-ROOM HO1-SK , KVKIIY Ulhlnit modern , 1413 llrlstol st. , fJUOU. Kldollf Trust Co , Kit Karnam st. r. TUOtM IIKICK WITH ALL MODKRX J-'provominU. rjth and lianl , I block from Inn si motor , Ri. Iheo , Olsen:04 N. Y. LUe. T10ROOM URICK DWKLLINO ALL COXVKX -l-'lencc . conveiilent to cliy , IUUO. ) Nelberlor Hall , Itooui XM 1st .N U buuk UJ T ) rOR RKNT. S HOOM il T , RICK , lltt ' J'ljikeit. with all modern ronvvnlencvs. ILK IXIr , Continental tlock , orlaust bottllnir works. . _ _ _ VA DKLAT 7 ROOMS WITH RAXOK. AXD ALI other conveniences to Una condition , U ) Call at eloruTOl rtouthlblh .trcut. Uooruu Cluuscr 671 T\-HIH RKNT. NKW - HOOM HOUbK.BITl'AT KI -1 'at 4JIS Kurnani , with furuaco , bath room and ! tnotlrrn ronrenlrncrs , neat ami attractlvv. Tvrnis ru iwr month. Apply to W U. Melklr.UM Urst N t , bank VU ? ' 1) - NEW USrfe .So T7U9 nd 7l > amam struct , with brick sU Lie. Warren M. Rogers , 1JJ1 1 U riraam Htttl - .ROOM CO1TAOH ZTil , OHIO MTHKET -'Apply McCorrulck & J.ona , IStb intf faruui faruuizws zws- FOH ItHNT IlOUHttS. D-KOUXTZB I'LACK. J. J. OIHSOM , ROOM 3 , ton block. _ D-l-OU RKNT , A XITK 8-HOOM HOl'SK WITH all modern conveniences , at 1110 S. Dili street. { nqulrn at 1103 S. 13th street , Room 5 , second floor. Mm C llnrtrnn _ U CO * DhXIll RKN1 , THRKK-ROOM KLATl 11ATH elc MOO Kolbrook I Rce building. til FOH HUNT I'UllNISHHI ) HOOMS. For ratf * , etc. , tee tun of > nt column mi Win -VURXISIIKI ) FRONT ROOM WITH HOARD. jjj ) X 17th street. M3IC " I ? WANTKDllKN'TLKM AX ROOMMATn.HloST iJroom , ll.a' . per week , liwj Karnam. W3 6 KOIl RKNT. XICKLY KL'RXISHKI ) COOL 'rooms at northeast rornnr ICth nnd Howard ; Uwn around bulldlDKi from 17 to 13 } a month. 211 1/-T11K HT TLAIR KUROl'KAN HOTKU COR ' JUtli and Doduo , will maka low rates for rooms by the week or nicnth , with or without board 711 I ? KURXISIIKDROOM KORTWO LADIKS , RKK lcrcntcs required ; Kood homo to rlRht parties. B30H 17th street. M2I7 I-I-URN'1SHKI ) ROOM WITH HATH til MONTH , arnam ISO HUOMS AND itoAito. For rates , etc. , ttt too of nt column on r. KURXmiDD ROOM IX I'RIVATK family 1321 Cass street I , ' ' KUUXI8HKD 1IOOMS AM ) IIOA1II ) . 811 X 1 loth itrect Sil 9 * -ROOMS AXD HOARD 5IOJ DOL'OLAH DOL'OLAHMTU 17 A N'KATLY KL'HXI3IIii ) FRONT HOOM J with board suitable for two 3)19 ) California IfLAIKJK ROOM WITH KlIlbT CLASS HOARD J references. HIS 50th st ZJl * p-UOOMJ. WITH HOARD , 2013 101 o 2J * I/-KUIIXISIIKI ) HOOM AXO 1IOAHU , 510 X ITTH J1Hi. .' -HKATKl ) IlOOJId AXI > 1IOAU1) Wft JIAUXKY - FOIl HI2NT 1100AIH b.NFUJl.MSUKU f or rate * , etc. , itetop of f.rtt rutum i on this FoKXT. tooM' ' 4i ir &rtu 3 rooirii Ttli nnil raclMoeU , I ? 3 rooms S2J H Zlth it. , (10. 2 room * HU llownrrt it . 14 1 room 1811 Iloiroril at. , U Hotivc * uf from 1 to 10 rooms In nil P rt of the city rrlcci ) from K to f 15 If yon wont to rent I cnn suit you. U llutta,311 1'aiton block. ' -KOIl U15NT.3 UXI-UHXISUKDUOO.MS. 1109 S JtOtlmtrcet M377 5 G-KU ItEXT , 3 IIOOMS TO A SMALL PAM lly with nil coiiTcnlencoi for liousukooplnu Iu gulfu 10111'lercu t ' . ' 13 G-1'AUI.Olt AM ) 1'AItLOll IlKDCOOM , FIHST Moor , IlKlit huileckceplliK , rent , 112 , 61S X JJth 313 ' < -2 UtO.NT HOOMS , 11IUCK 1CI1 LIIAVEX- -Jwortti 2M ! > ' G-SU1TK OV KOUllUXFIJilXlSHKI ) HOOMS KOIl hou-t'kui'phiif , to small family. KOI Webster it. 1IOAIIUING. I'or nt/M / , etc tee top of fr > t column nit thh paae. n 1'ULI.MAX HOUSE , 1310 DOIKJI5 , FOIl tlOOD board , nicer roonn , convonlcnces , riiten nnd location It cannot bo excelled Mrs Horn , prop .MSIIi IMI' FOIl IlKNl' STOKK8 AMI OKFIC15S. 1 or } iile , etc , tee ton nf > r ' column < m l 1-FOH HKNT Mr.THOl'OLlTAXHALUCOllXlIH J-lllb and Dodge , for onu year lllK money In tills to rlKlit party C.oo. Hoyn , 3U South I5tb ntJ50 J50 T-hOH WKXT.TIIB4STOUY IIKICK IIUILDIXO , -Iwltli or without power , formerly occupied by Tlio Hen IMiblMilnn Co , 018 Fornam street The biilldlni ; ban a tlreproof cement liasonicnt.coinpleto Btcam bcatlnK fixtures , water on all tbu floors , Kas , etc. Apply nt tbe otllco of Tlio lice. IMS T-STOHE8 * OH HKNT IX OHAXl ) Ol'KHA J Homo bnlldliiK F. J. SutcllRe , 314 Ural National Hank bullillni ; . 24C WANICI ) fO IIBNT. tor rate * , etc. . teelnnnf 'nt column nnthlt K-WAXTKI ) TO KENT LAHOK. WELL FUH- uUhcd front room ami board by younc man and wlfu ; location must be central. Address C47 , Hoc. i4l4 ! 5- K 8 KOOM HOUSK WITH HATH AND MOD- crn Improvements , no basumenU C. A. Stono- hlll. 110 and 113 S UHti SOI AOKNOY. For tain , etc. , HC to / rut roliinm on U\t \ page. L II. K. COLE , UEX1AL AUKXCY CONTIXKX' tal block 317 STOKAGIJ. / 01 rate * , etc. , ter to > of rat column on Uiii i io . M-OI.IiST. : CHEAl'KST AND UEhT STOHAOB liouseluclty Williams A Cross , 1314 llnrney MAML,1 , > TO BUY. TVT-WAXTED. A GOOD HOUSE AS PAHT PAY J.'inent for nuwsprlnK wngun. U H. Oatcrboudt , 16th nnil Cast st Jl'J S N'-riIHXlTUHK HOUOItT , SOLD. STOHIID. \\e\l \ , 1111 i-arnaui street , JI FOIl SAM11OIISKS , WAGONSETC I ortennt , etc , ne top nf nifl etnuinn nn tnu iags fS-FAMII.Y FOirSAiarsiN'uri - HOUSES : DIUV L era or carriage tcnnn Can furnlsb any kind ol horsu ilcslred Cull at C I ) Woodworth A Co. . or uddrcssTJ Ht'inUiu , Cnllioun , Neb. ' 'i FOU SAhK MlSCEtiljAN'KOUS. / orrate * . etc. , KC too of i rt column nil Ihi * -COUNTY KlfiHTs' JoR SALE OKA VALU able canvassing patent , sells to nearly nil ; rights low. rare chance , 4UU per cent protU. Addnss , Drawer Hi Arrowsmlth. 111. Md7Jtl * -HOY'S SAH5TV. GOOD AS XEW APPLY AT Q ! 2SN lKh Miftl ID * rv-rOR SALK , A TIIOIIOURIIIIRKI ) ST 1IKII Wnard dOK pup 4 months old , from tha finest stock In America George A. Joslyu , Oniahn , Neb Sill l.'mtuot street. MJI1 3 _ UToilSALK f K1IKT GLASS OPF10K I'ARTl tlon. II leet lilish Rector \ Wllhelmy Co. S003 rOR SA LB CIIKAI' , TWO ' 11RUNSW1CIC uonarch bllllird tables , nearly now. Addrt' < s to Drabos llros , Wist I'olnt , Neb. HW3 ' -ioxsAKK ? irts ixs'inrr. snow CASI : , IS In hlBh Inquire l ll Capitol live 1)7 ) ! ) For ntte , etc. . tee tnii o' nt rolnmii on t/ifj uoriLiOK : 'loxn \ \ ILL DKVKLOI' u bust live Inches In thirty days , or uiunuy re- fiiiuleil. prlco TJ will beautify the complexion and cure consumption , send stamp for Uruular Mrs Dr. Miller , ill Wabash Ave. . CblcaKO. Ill M4W li ARTlbTS WAXTKD TO OIVK OUR KI.KC- trlc llxht prints u trial Orders fllleil promptlr at lowest prices. 'Ihulloyer Portrait Co. Kansas City , Mo MCI7 O lti R-(300D PAbTl'RK KOR HORSKS T MLRRAY I'M ; K-HOHSK RAXCH Ul. HRAXI ) 4 T IIOHSKS and colts fed and cared for during tha winter , stock railed for and delivered , fed hay , corn , oats , straw , cut feed , also 'Ml acres of corn stalks to feed III durlnt ; tno day time : plenty o ( barn and shed room In rasa of storm , 'I mll south of bouth Omaha , nn 2th ! st , reasonable charge. , price list at my otllco , room Gil I'axton block , telephone ItSJI , or address mo , lioorno IS ( iani , South Omaha. 7J ) 018 _ IDR. . M. U KhXSIXGTOX , 1311) ) DODOK -lVtri'ot , eye , car nose and throat MJU4 b' Uij.\lltVOV.VNTa S-ARRIVAL KXTRAORDIXART.VOXDKRKUL revelations Challentces the world Mrs Dr M. Legrave , dead trani-e clairvoyant , nstroluirlst , palmist and Ufa reader : tells your Ufa from tbo irn.llo to urava ; unites the neparati'd : causes mar- rlatru wltli the ontt yon lovoj tells where you will suctCed Bii.l In what business best adapted for ; has tbo telobralrU Kgyptlan breastplito far luck anil to destroy bad Inttuenrot : cures nts , Intemperanio and all prlvata complaints with masiak'o. baths and alcohol treatment. Mend f. , lock of hair , namu and date of birth anil receive accurate lift ) chart : J cvnU In stamps fur circular , vivo Initials of ona you will marry , also photos of same. OBlcu 1W7 aouth llth tlrvct Urst tloor ; hours'J a m Hi'J p m Comu one , rorno all , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle , 3 A i * S-MI13 NANMKV WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , re liable business mediumnttb 11V.V. 10th Q-MRS TORT. PALMIST AXD IIII-SV FORTl'XK Ctellt > r Tells past A future from lines of the hand Ladlusuoly , W.IX Jlthi ball door on Indiana ave , KBO-i" ! > IASSAOI ; . n.vriis. KTCI For nU . tte 11 tt > > of Jtrtt column on Hifj " f I v-MAllAMK "bMlTlT. Wli CAPITO J. Udoor Alcohol , sulphuric and sea batbs MS3) II' _ f\MASSAOKOVKllC10SOin'U | 1JTH.1ND VI Mm L Mica ou Forritu , < ! ' > ai > fflrit column cn/iu ( page -JA.MKSX OILllKR'oi'KIlATlR-irrilKLi8 In I creal peril , corauiunicJlo quickly wltb your MUSIC , AUT AND Ij.\XOUAGl , rta. , ret top of frii column on lAu PIANO "KX AM INK'TIIK ' new scale Ktmball piano A. UospoliI3 Douiilaf. 2M _ \r-flEOUOK rnKLLKNHKCK , 1IAXJO > teacher , with Hospo or 1616 Chicago street. _ _ 9n V-MALLK.A LITTLE TKACKROF PIANO AXD l X 13th si. M141 UM CIIAIILKS I'ETKR9KX. 1'IAXO. VIO ' lln , ( Ithernml gultari muslo atudlo WVi Mhraly block M 3w ) W MOXCV TO I.OAX ItnVI < KSTATU Foranlu , etc. , ttf lii > of tnt column on thu TITWAXTKI ) Hlf-T CLA IMPROVKDOR t'X > Improved loam on lnlde Omaha property In sunn of M W to IS.OUO Hilellty Trust company , 1511 rarnara. il-0 \\r-ANTIIOXY IXJAXAXDTRUST CO,313 X V. ' Life lend at low rates Ifor choice security on N'cbraska or lowa.farms , or Omaha city property. \V-MOXKV ox IIANH TO LOAN ON KIK T ' mortunKPon Orunlin cltjr proportr Clias W. Itnlncr. 315 OinMin Nnfl hank bnlldlnir 2U " -MO.ST.Y TO LOAX OX OMAHA PROPERTY. Kldcllty Trnst company , 1014 Knrnam. 25 > l ir-MORTOAJE LOANS , J 1) XITTLL',914 X. Y L " \\r-CKXTUAI , tOAX AXDTttUST CO I1I5E W. 0 \\r-LOANa W M.lIAIlltUMl smiKXZKUW.K. i T 2VJ ir-fl PER CENT Hlf-T MORTOAUE LOAN-t i Richard C Patterson , ! W7 X Y Life. .VU \\r IH'll.niXO LOANS 0 TO 7 PKH CKXTi NO i additional cbarce for cumnilsMon or attor ney's fc i. W H Melklo , Urst Natlunal bunklildg \\rwi : WILL MAKK IXJAN'S OX COMPLETED ' iiropertlo' " ibrlrk preferrpcli rnnulnit from fjom ) tolluouu. Central lx > an and'1 rust ( .o. Hex llulld Inu MSS ) ' . \\r-TO LOAX. O.-TEASTIIHV XEIIHASKA AXD 'i wo tern Iowa farms and city property E F Illngcr 1519 rurnam 73) 019" AY T-ll H.lHEY.BAbTEHXJlOXEY.aJoX V LIFK MONEY TO 1 < PAN Oil V * orrti < / . etc , s'e tap nf r rut column onthts ag * V.MONEY TO LOAN' 1IV > Jl F MAbTEHS OX - Vhousehold Roods , pianos , ori'in < . bomes. mulei , mtreliou u receipts , ete , at tbo lowest possible rate * , without publicity or removal of property lime arranged to suit borrower My loans are to arraiiKCd that you can make a payment at any tlmo and reduce botb the principal and Interest You will find It to yonr adrantngo to see me If you want a loan , or It moro convenient call up tele phone 1021 , and your business can be arranxcd at home Money always on hand , no delay ; no publicity , logout rate * II F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll block , 15th and Harney streets 202 V-WANS , "SI X V. LIFE. U A. MOHRIS. A. 2M X2 X-MOXBY TO LOAX , SO. 00 AXD ! 0 DAYS. OX furnitureetc. DulICreen , H20 , Continental blk. 20J BUSINESS CHANCES. tor rates.rtc. , fc top f Jlrxt column i n Mite jxiae. Y-FOH HENT Oil SALE , A MUST CLASS roller Hour mill ( water power ) doimt a lurtfo buMues * , with Immediate possession Apply to C. Lowotb , corner litli nnd O streets. Lincoln. Noli M46I b * V-l-Oll SALE , DOAltD OF TRADE MEMUEH JL sblp.f 100 Ie * than Its value , rnustbnva money Address C 59 , Hco MJJ ! > i * Y tOll SALE , A WELL KSTAHLISHED HA kcry , with all fixtures ; good reasons for selling ISWParkavcnuo M281 ! ! \r-lOIl SALE , A COMPLETE I1UTCHEH SHOP. -I- running forB years , sltuitcd In Jrcmont , Neb , Is fortalu on account of sickness of the proprietor For particulars call on or address Ed Maurer 1-ar' nam St. . botncen Utti and I3th sts , Omaha , Xeb \r-l-0lt SALE , A 50 1IAHHEL HOLLEH H.OUH JL mill , fcteam power , nicely located , In Nebraska , a decided bargain For particulars address Ker foot Uros , mill furnishers , DCS Molnes , la. M339 8 irFOH SALE , SALOOX ALL COMPLETE. AD- 1 dress C 40. llco. JI337 8 : KR ) SALE CHEAP. C1GAH. COXtECTIOX cry and fruit stand WW Bouth 10th streetM312 M312 5 \r TOCO STOCK OF (5EXEHAL ( MIIHCHAXDISE -1- for exchange for good Improved farm In pouth eastern Nebraska and balance In cash or good notes ; farm mutt be clear of Incumbranco Ad dress T. 1) . Clawson , York. Xeb. 222 Oij FOIl EXCHANGE For rate * , tie. , te * tno o' Omt rniimuoiiits ; < jfle. r/ "CLKAX"bTOCK OF GKXEHAL MDSBVLL ; AJtake real estate and money. Box j , Frankfort , Ind 71b OJ * Z-IF YOU HAVE AXY FAHMS , LANDS CITY property or merchandise , address Cieo J Paul , li.OJ Farnaru street. Mu > 3 O17 Z-HOUSES AND FAHMS FOIl PHOPEHTY IN Omaha or vicinity. Cull Hoom 401Drown H'l'il'g J2U O D KOIl SAIjR It 13li RSTA I' 15. FOH SALE-OX .MONTHLY PAYMENT. A NL'M ber of lots at t70U to f l.OOJ each on which I will build to suit. N A Ivuhn , drugtrlst , 15th and Doug las MI5I IU F AST CHANCE TO CUT A LOT IX 1GTH bTHEET J addltlon at f JO , only J left ; new motor will pass this addition , sightly lot. 2 blocks to motor , NX ) Van llcuren , Douglas and 1Kb sts 4oO-OU ONE HLOCK FROM IttTH , AND THHI3B blocks Koutb of Kountzo Place , you can buy a six room house at orit on easy payments and you can lease the lot for ttfty years. If you want C F blmw 516 So lull street MM I foil SALE , A IIAIUiAIX , NO TRADES , 511 TiJ acres In Hamilton county , adlolntns the Plattu Has M ) acres pasture well fouceil , 100 acres In cultl vatlon , small house and barn Can give Immediate possession 2 miles north Marquette Price $11.1X1 per aero or ? < ! , UUUQO. Terms half cash , balance on time at 7 per cent Am now llvlnit In Denver and have no use for this farm , hence oiler it very low , K K. Atkins , owner , ISII Larimer st , Denver. 4U ) OR SALE , 40 ACRES OF FRUIT LANow ml.'as east of Council 11 lulu Address C S Lef- fens MM Hr t nvcnuu. Council 1 ! lulls. 60J o SO 17011 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTIES , HUMNES * . i trackage or residence , go to the leading real estnlo dealers In boiith Omaha , Ed Johnston & . Co , corner . ' 4th and X streets 2oi 170H SALE. ON EASY TERMS , S STOXB HESI 1 dences. all nioilcrn Improvements , will take good tit ) or farm property In part payment. Llarke , It Hoard of Trade. 1'OH SALE. K\SY TERM.s , HOMKS FOR $7W AflOiiU , f I WO. 11,11)0 ) and up 'laku small clear property In part p.i > ment. U O Wallace , Hruwn block , lilh and Douglas. ' 'ol \VE HAVE 100 FEET OF HHbT CLS PROP it ertyon XVest Farnam street , the cheapest on the market Call and nee us ORE A T Co , H 4 , llco MJU1 FOIl SALE , AT A IJAHOAIN , I Of 15. HLOCK 4 , \V L. Selby'ii first addition to r-outh Omaha Small pujment down , balnncu monthly If desired Inquire u H Ttsctmck , Omaha Hoe M3t > J TXR SALE-CHEAP , TERMS EASY , A TEN -L acre subitlvlslon In North Omaha , ono block from propoied extension uf electric motor line , streets graded , sidewalks built , unlncumbered Morton T Culver. HIM Farimm Hreot. 642 oil 11011 SALB-LOrsl.V CULVER'S &UII , ONLY RSoT 110 ca h nnd (10 per month. Interest only d per cent , title perfect , abstract free , streets graded , sidewalks built , trees planted. Morton T Culver , 140U Farnam street. Room li , 4 ! OU FOR SALE 10000 ACRES GOOD FARMING LANDS at great sacrifice In middle and wcitarn part uf Nebraska Ueo. H. I'utorion , 1412 S 13ib sUOmalta ( > 24 u5 ! I.OH r. for ratal , rtc. , tee top of lint talumn on till * OsT , " " rbc K"KTiVf > OK CONTAININO PAPERS valuable to owner only. RcturntoF Ruump Ing. bll ( arnam st' receive reward MH7V LO T-ON WEDXhSDAY LAST , A LAlltJB heavy portiere , old gold ground crimson no er , between lilsj Faruam street , and 3IU1 Jackson , Yla Thirty sixth street. Mndvr pleasu ruturn to llee otllco and receive reward. Sftf IJKESS MAKING. ue ton of rtt cnlumn nn Mi txtff * . " J7 L KCT oTA 1 1 JO RH YSTE M TAUGHT JIHUIIH cut ; perfect Ml guarautod. AgcnUwantrd Room L Sfi North 16th street , M3T15- MISS MINNICK HAS OPENED HER DRESS uiaklni parlors. Rooms 507 W9 Drown block , soutlicml corner K.tli and Douglas CC.'OIJ' HAllt GOODS. Far r Met , ( tf. , tee top offlnt cotumn on this I AROEbT bTOCK IN ENTIRE WEST. THBAT- J-irlcal wU ami beards n specialty. WU . bans , swltrbei , oalrchalns , etc. . In stock and to oriUr. Mall orders sollclltd. IMvIvs , 111 b. litu St. , Oinalia COI I'A'IENT KOMCITOHS. For mtc , etc. , re ( op of f rat folumu rn thtt iat. . 1 > AT8XT LAWYERS AND SOLiaTORS. G. W bues A Co , llee building , Ouiaba. Xeb. llrancb ooice it Washington , I ) . C. Consullitloa frea.SC3 SC3 IMWNBKOKUUH. torruttn. ftt. . tet to of nrrt column on mu pug * IlKII MO H LB 1,6 A NS M"ON K YON U1 AMy N Dt § | Hatches , jowelrj , la Ullft Fainsjn st. tU MANUFACTinilXO JHWELKllS. for rat r * . rte , tee lop p _ r < _ t _ tofumn gnjtttt * yxyy CASH 1'AH ) KOIl OLD HOLD CARSON A Hanks. Room 30. Barker block Omaha CM C U TT I. B11Y G111N III N G. For rattf , tte , , tfe top of f-ril cohunn nn UtU CBXI ) VoL'Il > "C18S01l < CliA70RS. V TC , TO HK OgroimJ to Undrrland A Cn , 1OI S. llth st. MI IDROl'OSALS FOR "T11K KUECTION OV JL Scliool IliillcllnKS nn > l Stoim lloatlnn Do- pnrttnontof the Interior. Ulllcoof Indian Af fairs Wiuhlncton. l > . [ 0. , Sept. llth , ls l. boilt'd propiiHals. onflorst'd "I'ruuosikN for procllon of school bullfllngs nnd IUR , " ns Iho case nmjjlid , ami adcln sod to thoCoinmlvilonorar Inilhin AITnlM. Winhliii- tun. 1 > . U , will bo rocalvpd nt tnU oHIco until ono o'clock p. m. of TtitiMdav , October 8th. l-lll. for Iho erection of the following school buildings , vli. : Thlrteon ID ) fr.iniu day-school luilldlnss Ion the Ito obud Kusurvittlon , H I ) ; 8 on the Pine Kldco Hp orvntlon , S. D ! nnd I on the Cheyenne Hl\er Ucsorrntlnn , d I ) . Thirteen (1.1) ( ) frame Industrial cott.iBr-t-4 on the Hosoliiid Ki crrntlon , S , I ) ; 8 on the Pine Kin go Itrsorviitlon. S. IX. nnil ono on Iho Choycnno Ulver llcsorvallon , S. I ) Ono hos- pltnl Uulldlnix on the Crow Crook Kcscrvnllon , S. D. Ono brlclf nssomtjly building , ono brlok hoMjltnl bulldlntf.onobrlcklutmtlry tinllillnz , nnuono brick boiler house , nil nt the I'lno HldEo AKoncy , b 1) . ns per the plans nnd SDocltlcittlons which m.iy bo oxatnlnod Hi Iho olllooiof the ' I'rcs3 and Dnkotiin , " of Ynnk- on , S. I ) . , the "llpo. " of Omnhi , Neb , tno llullderi lloircl of Trade , " cor. 7th nnd ( Jctlar St. I'nul , Minn. , itnd nt the I'lno Itldgo Agency y. I ) . , the Itoscbud Asuticy , S. 1) . the Chuyenno Ulvor AxiMicy. Tort llennctt , tf I ) . , nncl Iho Crow Ureok Ascnoy , CrowCrcuU , 9 , I ) HUN Arc ulso Invited for Iho lieatlns of these nssciublv , hospital and laundry hulldlni ; ' * by means of steam ; nlso ni irate lilrts for hoat- Initlho preaont boarding wheel buildings at 1'lno Hldgo Aironcy by tneins of sleani. Hltl- dors will bo required to submit separate bids for each hulldlnz , nnd st ito the length of time proposed lo bo consumed In Ihelr construc tion. UKUTIFIKU CHECKS. rich bid must ho accompanied by n certified check or draft upon some United States deposltorv . or sol- vunt national bank. In the vicinity of the res ilience of the bidder , madu ptynblo to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. for nt lo-tst FIVB run CKNT of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will bo for feited to the United States Ir. Case any bidder or bidders receiving an awnrd shall full to promptly execute a contract with good and Hulllclent sureties olherwiso to bo rutnrned to the bidder. Illds accompinled by cash In lieu of u certified chock v. Ill not ho considered. The rlphl Is reserved to reject any or nil bids. or nuy part of nny hltl. If deemeif for the best Interest of the sorvlco. It V. HEl.T. Acting Commissioner. alSdJlt.M pllOI'OSALS FOH Tim ERECTION or JL bchool llulldlngs. U. 9. Indliln bervlce , Cheyenne Itlver Aponcy , oiith Dakota 1 or- c9t City. South , S. I ) . , Sept. 10th. IH'll. Sealed propos.ii'i. ' unclorscd "Proposals for the erec tion of school buildings , " and ndtliessetl to tlio nnderslene < l. at 1-orcst City , South D.utota. will bo received at this nRuncy until ono o'clock p. m. , of October Ibtli , IS'M , for orectlns on the now slto of this nseney , three ( Dframo school buildings , as pur plans and specific itlons which tuny bn examined at the iilllccs of the "Freo 1'reaV of 1'lorro , South Dakota , nnd the "Pressind Dakolan , " of Yankton , S D ; Ihe "llee , " of Omaha , Kch , and nt this agency. Bidders 111 bo retiulrod to submit separate bids for each building , and state the length of tlmo proposed to be- con sumed In their construction. CKIITHJUI CHICKS Eacn bid must be accompinli'd by n certified check or draft upon some Unlte < l States depository , or tolvont national In tlio vicinity or the resklcncoof the bidder , made pa > able to tlio order of the Commis sioner of Indian Air.Urs , for at least IIVB I'Ht CFT of the amountiOf the proposal , which check or draft will boj forfeited to the Lulled btatosln case anr bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a con tract with good and sulllclent sureties , other wise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds ac companied by cash In lieu of a certified ohcoK will not bo considered. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of any bid , If deemed for the best Inter est of the service. Vop further Information as to location of buildings , means of transport i- lon. labor , etc. . applytp 1' I' . 1'ALMElC U. S. Indian Agent. _ _ , ; , s24d2UM IMPROVEMENT the , ' ORDER of the AGE FOR 15 YEARS All users of TYPEWRITERS have felt the necessity of their being improved. You will IIni In the Sinitli Premier Typewriter The latest and lestYo claim ; ana liisuce tlon and trial prove It.The Most Durable In Alignment , Easiest Running , and Most Silent. All typo cleaned In ton seconds vltbout soiling the hands. Send for catalogue , Tlio Smith Premier Tj pc Writer Co. 11 H. JiYHKW , Manager. ICOOvJ Karnam street , Um.i uaJioo. RKlLWfiYTIMEGHRD , BURLINGTON" 1 Omaha Depot IQtli rmd Mason Sta. 4U"p"m Chicago Vestlbulu I 800 n m DM n in Chicago Express jlOO > a m va p m . . . .Chicago Express 000 p ru CM p m . . . Chicago .V Iowa Local . . . . I 8 15 a m Loaves 1 IHIUl.l.Vl.TON & MO. RlViSR. , Arrlvei Omaha. I Depot llltli and Mi-on an I Om aha tlip ; mi St. PautiUinltoU. | ; i.I5 K ni Leavei | 'HIOAliO A XjlltrHWESrERX.I Arrival Omaha , i J. P. depot , IQrfi and Maror tit , I Oman * . T.ii a ra . . . loui CUT Accommodation. _ HO p m ML Paul Exonns . .J m ) ' . m Ix > avei lUKAUOAXOHniWEXrhRX' , ArnvoT Transfer Union IXHmt. council Ulugs. ITfanifef 1IJJ1 p rat Cblcm > Express . . . . .l&.aopn 6.11 p m * VeiUbut * Umtted . . . . . .1 V 10 m 10.00pm . , , , . . KwUra Mr or I I SJ p < a iUp ) w bxSst' AtUntlo Vail KxMoof , 7-i a m 7W tu | , . . , , . Carroll PMtcuKor . . . . . . | I0W p m FOUR WAYS TO CURE A COLD. An v ono of the four following way * li Rood. UdoOiAono that seems tnoit nirecnblo and convenient. I. liatho the feet In norm wntcr , tnko n wlneglnsif ill of omo | inro gtlnnilnnt ( whlnkoy Drofornbly ) lu hot water and remain In n w arm room , II. Hnthotho face In very hot water fro- quentlr foran hour , take n little purr whlikoy In hot water nnd goto IKH | . It 1 well to ro- niPinbor thttt thu whNki-y mint bo pnro III. After havlnR taken a wlnoeluo fitl of tinro whiskey In hot water , unuiT hot salt water up tlm nostrils a few time * . Houcitt every three hours , IV. Takosoinpnctlvo o orel o In the open air. and on rntcrliiE the hou n takosoino puru miHllclnut whl loy and thru Krcp warm. In using wliHKey for curlnK n coltl or any other minima It should always bo remem bered thntnny other than absolutely imro whlshoy U hiirniful lu Its ulTectB. Iuiry' § I'uro Mnlt Is the only reliable standard wlili- kny on the marKct. lt uurlty and vuluo are vouched for by thu loading doctors mid scien tist ) ! of the day , You can pet It from your Tuki > no substitute. _ AWrlllon Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE or _ . _ MONEY REFUNDED , Our euro It p rmiui nt ami not ft patching tip. Ca * trratM nro y rt a o hare nfTtr n ft symptom Inco. Hrde crlblnitc JO fully wo cun tr t you by mill , andwoBltotbos mo tronu Bunr nt o to euro or refund all mon y , The who pr f r to cora hero for treatment can Jo fo and wo will pay r llro d furo both w y and hotel blll wlillo htro If we f ill to cure. We chnllenirt the world for a c io that our MAQIO IlKlirDT will not euro. W rite f qr foil particulars and petthooTldcnce. Wo know that you ari skopticul , Juitly so , too , as the rooit mln nt phyficUM J noTerbtenatlotoRl'o more than temporary ' ' ? ; : In our fire y rs' practlco wlta the MAtllO ntMEPT It his born moit difficult to ortrcorao the prejudices agilml all so-called specifics. Hut under our strong KUkrantce you should not hoiltato to try this remedy. You take no ehanro of lolnir your money. W e BUST. anteo to cure or refund etery dollsr , and as we harp a reputation to protect , also fln ncl l backlnsof 3CO , . 000 , It Is perfectly safe to nil who will try the treat ment. HerotoforcyouhaTobeenputtlnirupanilpayinB out your money for different treatments and although youarenotyetcurednoonehas p ld backyour mon ey , Po not w te any more monsy until you try us. Old chronic , deep seated ca e cured In SO to SO days. In- TritlRito our financial standing , our reputation a ) builneismcn. AVrlto us for names and nddresics of the o we hare cured who ha o gtren permlnlon to ro- fcrtothcm. It co M you only po Mto to dothlitlt will S TO ) ou a world of sufferlnir from mental strain , and If you are married what may yonr offspring suITcr thionnh your own neifllffcnco. If your symptoms are sere throat , mucous pa'rhcs In mouth , rhuumntiim in bones and joliitu , hair f alllnjr out , eruptions on any rartof the body , fecllneof ccncral drprculon , pains In head or bones , youhavono tlmo to wa te. 7ho who nro conitantly taking mercury an 1 poUih should dUcont'nuolt. Constant ute of the o drugs will surely brlnff sores and oatlnit ulren In the end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence stnt sealed In plain cnnl opes. WolnvltothernottrlKld Investigation and will do all In our power to eld you In It. Address , COO/I JlEMKllY CO. , Omaha , fi'cbratka. Office Uth and F rnam. cecond floor , entrance 13th El. ONLY. $500 for a case of Loss or Falling Manhood , General or Nervous Debility , weakness of body or mind , the effects of errors or excesses in old or young that wo cannot cure , we guarantee evrey case or refund every dollar. F ve days trial treatment $1. full course S5. Preceptible benents realized in three days. By mail , securely packed from observation. OlHco open until 0 p. m. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA , NED. LADIES ONLY IIA nip FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and lllHUlU Certain to a day or money refunded Price by mall $2. Sealed from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb. Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIANS , SURGEOHS and SPECIALISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. OfHoj hours from 0 u. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday from 10 n. m. to 1 p. m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Bkio and Blood Diacases. 3P Consultation at ofHco or by mall free Modlcinefl sent by mnil or express , secnroly packed , fron from obBervation. Guarantees to euro quickly , safely and permanently. The moot widely - nd favorably known opeclnl- Ists in the United Btatos. Their lonfj exiwnence , remarkable skill and univorBfll fiuccc in the troatmnnt nnd cnre of Nervona , Chronic nnd Hnr- Kical Diseases , entitle theeo eminent pliysicmiiB to the f nil confidence of tbo atllictod everywhere. They guarantee : A CERTAIN AKD POSITIVE CUBE for the awful ollects of early vice nnd tbo numerous evils that follow in its train. PBIVATE , BLOOD AHD 8KIK DISEASES 6ix > oilily , completely and | > crmanently cnrpd. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DIS- OBDEBS yield readily to their ekillful treat ment. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCEBS guaranteed curud without pain or detention from business. HYDHOCELE AND VAHICOCELE perma nently oud encceesfally cured in every case. BVPIIILIS , OONOIUUIffiA , Olir.ET. Bpormrt- torrhoDa , Heminol Wcakncsa , Lcwt Manhood , Nisht Emissions. Decayed i'ncnltlos , Female Weakness and all delicate dleordera peculiar to either BOI poeitively cnrod , as wall ns all func tional disorders that result from youthful follies or the excess of matnro years. CiiMptnpn Guaranteed permanently cnr ° d , Oil II/IUI o removal complete , withont cut- tin ? , canetio or dilatation. Cure pfToctcd at homo lij patient without a momoutB pain or annojance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN A PIII O The nwfnl elTccts of early UUfC Tcn wch | , | | , rinKs organic , dontroyint ; both mind and body , with all its dreaded illB , permanently cured , n.c Ro4tc Address thono who linvoimpar. Ul o. Dcllo m | thomwtUos by Improper in- dnlRnnco nnd solitary Imljltx. which ruin both mind nnd body , unhttint ; thorn for business , fitudy or marriaKe. MAItniEI ) MES , or these entprlng on that happy life , aware of physical debility , quickly assisted , CB8cnd 6 cents txutaso for cclehratwl works on Chronic , Menoux nud Delicate Direoeea. Thousands cnrpd. C " friendly letter or call mar eavn you future enfiorinc nnd shame , and ndd ROlden years to life. TryNo loiter answered cnlww nccompnnlcd by 1 cents in utomps. Address , cr call on DBS. BETTS & BETTS , I4O9 Douglas St. , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. wo Leare * n Btlltato < ! I.utl r OJor After tWor. If nnablo to pnvnro BIIAKKOY niti.R SOAP iwnd SSelHitAmpg and recelvoucakobr return mail. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. St'ECIAT. . Bhnndon Relln AValti ( the pop- alar Society Walti ) ent FICEK to anyone Bend- log us three wrappers of Sbandon llolls Soap. rVnd lOo in stamps for nuaplo Ixjttlo Btandtn BtUt rrrfumc , FOR THE DEAF HuvlriR received many ronuosts from thone aUUotod with dealnosi. iirKlni ; uio lo yltlt Omaha. I huve urraiiKcU to bo al THE MILLABD , Thursday , Oct. 8th , until 4 p. ni. , and would ho nleusod to consult with any who mny Do lutTurlni ; from defect ! to heitrlne , roeurdlng the advisability of using ibo SOUND Dii.cs. II , A. WALES , Uufoosronr , CONN , GRAND ARMY DEPARTMENT , Important Orders Issued bj the Ooiumntulor- ! n-0hiof. MEMBERS OF THE STAFF APPOINTED , the Vnrloim Committee * , Coun cils nntl Allies Itccciit ClinnuPH In t lie Ail ministration ol't lie Oraml Army Ijcttci-s of Inquiry. He iDQUAtiTr.iis CJiusn AIIMV OF inr. Rs- ri'iii.ic ' , ADJUTANT OENEitvi's OFFICE , 1)K- ) TitoiT , Mich. , Aupust 7 , 1S91.Goucral Or- tlurs No. 1 : Having been ulcclcd commander- In-chlof of the Grand Army of the Republic by the twonty-ttfth national ( silver mail- vorsary ) Enoirapmcnt , bold In Uotrolt , Mich. . August C , 0 and 7 , 1891 , I have ac cepted the trust conferred upon mo , bellovItiK that every comrade will give mo his hourly assistance In promotine not only the grand objects , but nUo the continued prosperity of our order , HEUlQUAUTFRSGlUM ) AltMt OF THE Ht- ruiiMP , Awi'TAMT GiiSEitu.'s OFFIOF , AL- luxr , N. Y. , Sept. 17 , IbOl. Gencnil Orders No 'J 1. At the twenty-fifth national ( the silver ) encampment of tuo Grand Array of the Republic. hold Aupust f > . 0 nnd 7 , at the city of Uotrolt , ttioro were elected , besides the commander- in-chief , the follow Ingeomrados : As Senior Vice Commander in Chief Past commander department of Michigan , Henry M Dufilold of Detroit. As Junior Vice Commandor-ln-Chlof Vast commander department of Nebraska , T. S. Clnrkson of Omaha. As Surgeon General Past nureoon general - oral , Benjamin R Stuvensoii , of VUalla , Ky. As Chaplain in Chief Rov. S. B. Paiuo of St. Augustine , Fla. As momhors of the Council of Admlstra- tion , from the followltiR departments : Ala bama , A. W. Fulghum , Birmingham ; Ari zona , William Chrlity. Phojnix ; Arkansas , Isaac C. Porfccr , Fort Smith ; California , Magnus Tait , Los Gates ; Colorado and Wy- oinine , John B. Cookc , Greoloy , Connecticut , John K. Claric , Now Haven : Delaware , \V , J. Bluckourn , Wilmington ; Florida , J. DoV. Hnzzard , Eustls ; Georgia , Alfred Gulton , Augusta ; Idaho , Georco L. Shoup , Boise City ; Illinois , H. S. Dietrich , Chicago ; In- UiauB , Charles H. Moyorhoff. Evansvlllo. In dian Terrltorv , Robert W. Hill , Muskogee , Iowa , Lovl B. Raymond , Hampton , Kansas. J. D. Parker , Girard , Kentucky , J. H. Biownlng , Louisville ; Lou- islanna and Mississippi , Charles 1C , Lincoln , Now Orleans ; \ValiuvriglitCushintf , Foxcroft , Maryland , Alfred S. Coooer , Bal timore ; Massachusetts , Willinm O. Olln , Boston , Michigan , fl. F. Graves , Adrian ; Minnesota , Ell. Torrnnco , Minneapolis ; Mis souri. James R. Mlluor. Springllold ; Mon tana Robert E. Fisk , Helena , rx'ourasim , J. A. Eurnunlt , Stauton ; Now Hampshire , Bon- Jaralu F. Clark , Con way ; Now Jersey , J. W. Ktnsey , Camden ; Now Mexico , Philip Mothers ! ! ! , Engle ; New Yoik , Robert F. Knanp , Saratoga ; North DakotaW. II. Win- chcstor , Bismarck ; Ohio , Ed. S. Grant , Mid- Potomac , A. J. Huntoon. Washington , D. C. ; Rhode Island , H. C. Luther , 1'rovidonco ; South Dakota , E. W. Caldwell , Sioux Falls : Tennessee , W. J. Smith , Memphis ; Texas , C. B. Stoddard , Austin ; Utah , C. O Faros- worth , Salt Lake City ; Vermont , D. J. Staf ford , Morris villo ; Virginia , Joseph G. Ful ton , Fort Monroe ; Washington and Alaska. Frank Clendenln , Tacoma ; West Virginia , \V. H. Asplnall. Weston ; Wisconsin , E. A. Shores. Asulana. 2. Comrade Frederick PhUtoror , Past Commander George S. Duwson , Post No. 03 , department Now York , was appointed adju tant general August 14 , 1891 ; nil communica tions for those headquarters will hereafter bo nddressd "tho adjutant general , Grand Army of the Republic , 452 Broadway , Al- 3. Comrade John Taylor of Philadelphia , Pa. , is continued In the trust ho nas held so long , namely , as quarUu- master general. 4. Comrade John F. Pratt , department of New Jersey , Orange , N. J. . was appointed Inspector general September 14 , 1S91. 5. Comrade Joseph W. O'Noall , depart ment of Ohio , Lebanon , O. , was appointed judge advocate general September 7 , lyfll. ( i. Comrade Dayid U. Quick , post 21 , de partment of Now York , was appointed assis tant adjutant general at those headquarters August 129 , 1891. 7. The following ; comrades have been appointed : As rcombers of the Executive Committee A. G. Huntoon , Washington , D , C. : R. F. Knapp. Saratoga , N. Y. ; R. S. Luther. Providence , R. J. ; William McClelland , Pittsburg , Pa. , James R. Milnor.SprinijOold. Mo. ; William M. Olln , Boston , Mass. ; LovJ B. Raymond , Hampton , In. As members of the Pension Committee- Augustus C. Hamlin. Bangor , Me. ; J. G. B. Adiims , Lynn , Mass. ; J. A. Sexton , Chicago. III. ; Byron R. Pierce , Grand Rup- ids , Mich. ; R. W. Blue , Ploasanton , Kan. As Members or no committee on acnioniy of Departments Louis Wagner , Philadel phia , Pa. ; Thomas G. Lawler , Rockford.Ill.j E. B. Gray , MtfrshBcld , WIs. ; P. H. Dow- ling. Toledo , O. ; Jninos R. CuruahanIndian apolis , Ind. As Membars of the Committee on bysto m atic Plan of Teaching the Lessons of Loyalty to Our Country and One Flae Go oiptS. Merrill. Lawrence , Muss. ; Lucius Falrchlld. Madison , WIs. ; John P. Roa , Minneapolis , Minn. ; William Warner Kansas City , Mo. Paul Vandervoort , Omaha , Not ) . As Members of the Committee for the Erection of a Memorial in the Capitol in Washington to our Late Comtado , U. S. Grant S. S. Burdotto , Washington , D. C. ; Rooert B. Boath , Philadelphia , Pa. ; Russell A. Alger. Detroit , Mich ; Seiden Connor , Portland , Mo.V. ; . G. Vo.izoy. Rutland , Vt. ; E. S. Grant , Mlddleport , O. ; Horace S. Clark. Mattoon , Ills. As Members of the Committee ou Form for Services at the laying of a Corner Stone Robert B. Heath , Philadelphia , Pa ; S S. Burdetto , Washington , D. C , H. E. Taintor , Hartford , Conn. As Aides-ao-Camp C. Hull Grant , senior aide de-camp , poit 500 , department Now York ; David S. Brown , postCOr , department New York , Department of Delaware Sylvester Solo mon , Edwin F , Wood , Dt-partment of Kansas Gcorpo W. Camp , William F. Coulson , M. Covert. A. M. Fuller , J. M. Giiflltli. W. H. Johnson. C C. Kincald , Charles L. Linton. H. C. Loomls , D. C. Mil C. E. Williams. Department of Maryland Wallace A , Bartlett , William T. Elbln , George W. Glens- nor , Chailes II. Sbuclt unu John Wright. Department of Massachusetts A. M. Dud ley , Benjamin S. Lovoll. Department of Michigan. L , N. Case , Os car H. Looker Department of Nebraska S B Jones. Department of Now Jersey E. F. Brain- erd , E. T. Gnlloway , W. A. Graham , A. W. Lukcn , Richard V. McCuuo , Hugh McGro- gan , George Martin , George W. Moore , E. L. Department of Now York Edward D. An- demon , John A. Blair , William E. Bowcn , Marshall Corbott , Frederick Cossum , A. B. Cottrcll , Ed O'Mcaghor Condon , John T. Davidson , Wlusor B. French , A H , DeGratT , LouU Fricko , G. I ) . Garrison , P. S. GUrooro John L , Hall , D. W. Hill , C , H. Lyndo , C W Mcnrer , ij V. B. Mattlson , bllas Owen , John Parks , Dudley F. I'lielps , W. E. Slo- cum , John J. M. Symes , John A , Van Keu- ron. A B. Williams , Theodora White. Department of Ohio-Jamos M. Hull , Deportment of Pototnao Peter C. Bain , Charles R , Douglass , John Johnson , II , II. Molcr , J. L. Thornton , JoUu A. Vuu Dora , J. T Vina ! , T. 1) . Ycngor. Department of South Dakotn Jutnos C. Adam * , William Powers , A. H. Stewart. Department of Washington and Alaska Jouo Tobias , Dopailment of WUconsln N. D , Barn as , R. M , llurtluU , George D. Bread , John DrnggsfJ. W Fisher , S D Fcrl-M , John W. Ganes , A. C. Paiklnnon , W. O. i'ioUson , N. R. Price , W. W Qulglay , Julius Schlaich , ! ! . M. Taylor , Gsorgo \ \ . Thome. 8. The commander In chief desires the onlcen commissioned by him to bo present at the next national { encampment. In uniform , the uniform to consist , or a double breasted sack coal of dark blue Manuel , rolling collar , and live G , A , R. buttons , troutors of sacno material , wulio glove * and black soft felt hit with gold embroidered wreath in froDtuix > ul two inches wide , surrounding the loiters U. A. R. In illvor embroidery. 0. The applications of the following for mambershlp have been rejected : By Knowl. ton post No. 100 , department of Now York , that of James Duffy , late private company H , Seventh Now Jcrtoy volunteers ; by Plumb post No. 19,1 , department of Now York , that of AniAta D. Gustln. 10. The watch of Colonel Ron Smith , Into provost manhall general of Sheridan's cav alry corps is In the hands of B. M , Mellon , city assessor of Dallni , Tex. , awaiting claim of that ofllcor or his friends. 11. Thomas Stcule of DoPero , WIs. , 1m § the discharge and other papers of Charles H , Shoorlu , second lieutenant company A , Seth United States colored Infantry. IS. Comrade J. A. Wnlrous of Milwau kee , WIs , , desires the addrcfts of Captain Lewis P. Hunt , Into company 1C , IGOth Now York volunteers. 1 . J. W. I'odrlck.adjuUntpostaj.Mllfortl , Mass. , Inquires for the whereabouts of Jo- roino Prlnco , member of the tame post nnd late company II , 15th Massachusetts volun teer Infantry. 14. Comrades , wo nro commencing tha twenty-sixth year of the ciII organization of the ( Srandrmy with promising prospects , and our order Is In a gratifying condition ; yet , while wo number alirost half it million , tncro U. of these who fought for the union in Ibtil to IN'M , at least that number without the bonds of our society. This should not , and If every comrade will make an effort , will not bo so longer. Lot therefore everyone constitute himself n recruiting ofllcor , seek those comrades , wlio as yol have not b oti mustcrcJ Into our ranksYlaco the object of our order before them , so that they may unite once moro with lit for the glory of our country and the Grand Army of the Repub lic. Lotus strho to compass this unu , so that all who sort-od honorably may bo com- biucil once moro iu fraternity , charity and loyalty , the cardinal principle of our order , By order of Jens PALMBII , Coiumnnder-ln-Chlof. Ofllulal : Fitui ) PIIISTKIIKU , Adjutant General. D. U. QUICK , Asst. Adjutant Gcnoial Hiui > GIUM > AHMI OF TIIF. Rr.- rillMC , AllJLTVNT GlISEIUl'S OFFICE , AUIAM , N , Y. , Sept. 18 , 1891 General Orders. No 0 : 1. Tno following nets of the encampment , affecting the projunt and fu ture administration and government of the Grand Army of the Republic , are published for the information and guidance of nil con * corned : 1. Future encampments shall not bo held earlier than tbo 20th day of August. " . Hereafter the line of march of the parade - rado at national encampments shall not exceed - ceod a distance of mete than two miles ; all countermarching to be included in this dis tance. 3. Speeches placing comrades In nomina tion shall bo limited to ton minutes , and speeches seconding such nominations Hhnll bo limited to ono in Inn to each. ( Rules nnd regulations , pago17 ! , section 13. ) 4. The twenty-sixth national encampment nhall bo held in the city of Washington , In tno District of Columbia. D. Authority was conferred on the national council of administration to chanpa the loca tion of the national ci\campmcnt , whenever the city where the encampment has been lo- c.ited , fail to grant such rates as are fair and reasonable for the transportation nnd cntor- tainmentot the comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic ; provided that notice of e.tch change bo promulgated in genorM orders nt least ninety days iTofora the data of the con' veiling of the encampment. G. The national council of administration , or Its executive committee , wes Instructed to finally conclude the arrangements for hold ing the twenty-sixth national encampment with no city without first securing an au thoritative and binding assurance that suit able rooms will be furnished for the national headquarters , tha headquarters of each de partment and of the Woman's Relief corps ; and also that the hotels and boarding houses at the proposed location shall not only ask no moro than their regular prices of entertain ment , but especially that they shall not re quire the payment , or a contrail'- for the pay ment , for any stated time for moro guesu than aio actually present , either as a condi tion of securing quarters in advance or other wise. 7. Congress to bo requested to so amend the Interstate commerce low as to glvo trans portation companies authority to fix such re duced rates of transportation as shall bo just to ox-union soldiers and sailors of ' 01 to ' 65 , In going to nnd returning from encampments nnd reunions , and that the rates thus estab lished shall Include the families of such soldiers and sailors , the ( widows and children of these deceased , and raomoers of the Woiran's Kollof corps ana kindred organizations , under such logulatlous as mav bo established by the Interstate Cummerco commission. The commandor-lu-cbio ( to furnish to ouch sena tor and representative in congress a copy of UO3O resolutions , and to present the sarao to tno proper committees of congress. 8. Congress should by appropriate legisla tion provide for the maintenance of the Grant cottaco at Mount McGregor at the oxpeuso of the nation. The co.umatidcr-in- chfef was directed to urge upon our senators and representatives in congress such legis lation and the department commander to take like action. The duty of seeming the required legislation \\as referred to the pen- slcn committee. I ) , bection 1,754 , Revised Statutes of the United States , should bo i > o amended as to carry out the pledges of the nation to the men who fought its battles from 'Ul to ' ! < " > . Honorable- service in the union army or navy should bo tno highest recommendation of an applicant for appointment under the govoin- mont , when the applicant is honest nnd capa ble. Tlio duty of scouring the required leg islation was ruforicd to the pension eo mm it- tee. 10. The graves of our comrades dead nro the "Nation's Temples of Famo. " Their decoration on Memorial day should not bo loft to the charity of citi/.ens , but It should bo done us an act of duty by the general government lu national cemeteries , wherever Grand Army posts or other organl/atlons omit to aecorato. The duly of securing tbo requisite legislations as referred to the pen sion committee , 11. Theio U no good reason why one so- alor's widow should receive 1a month and another $3 a month , nnd this onc.tmpmunt asks us an act of justice that all widows of soldiers who served In the war of Ihe rebel lion be pensioned at $13 n month. 12. The encampment favors legislation In congress placing sailors upon Iho same foot ing us solulurs us to qualifications for citizen ship. ( Amendment of Sec. 12100 , Revised Statutes U. S ) 13. Tbo encampment favor * a law to pen sion union prisoners of war. 14. Congress to bo requested to causa tno volumes of military service of veterans and names of veterans' widows now being pre pared by tha census bureau to bu printed and Issued. In connection with thin comrades are Informed that the commander-ln-chluf has received information that Iho approprlu. UOQ for Ibis purpose Is nearly expended , and commander * of posts and department ? are In vited to imprest on members of congress the necessity of completing the work , 15. A commlltea to be appointed to devlso plans to insure the successful inauguration of some systematic plan of leaching thu lesions of loyalty to our undivided country and ono Hag , "that the coming generation may hand down Iho Institutions that make us Jusorvo tbo woida : tbo laud of the free and the homo of the bruve , 10. The coinmandcr-In-chlof to appoint a committee of seven members with full au- thorily to proceed with Iho enaction of a memorial to our late comrade rado , Ulysses S. Grant , in the cap ital \vushlngton , piovldcd that thulr plans shall have llrsl received Iho approval of Iho commmundor-ln-chtof and the execu tive committee of Iho council ; mid that the cuiiiinunder-ln-chief bu ex-olllclo n member of wild committee. 17. Thu National Memorial Hall associa tion , Grand Army of tha Republic , bufora further soliciting contributions for the erec tion and maintenance of Iho proposed Memorial - rial hall at Decalur , U required to provide by ita by-laws for an advisory board , to coutUt of tno commanJur-ln-culof and Iho depart ment commander * of the Gniiul Army of the Republic , thu cominauder-ln-chiof to bo pres ident ; to which board the association shall make an annual report. The board to meet annually at the tlmo nnd place of holding Iho national encampment. Said by-laws to further provide that the comiuandor-lii-ohlef shall , after the first year of tbo association , by anil with Iho ailvlco of Ins executive com * mltloe , nomlnata and appoint four member * of the board of trustees of said unsoclutlom Suld association is also required to submit to the commuuder-ln-chlof aim hl > executive committee the plans for the MomoUal hall building for approval. By order of JOHN P.ILMIH ; , Connuandor-lu-C'luof. Fn u I'IIIHTEKKU , Adjutant General , Oflk'lal D. U. Oi UK , AstUtontAdjutuut Genera