Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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I'cllvcred ' by Carrier In any part of the City.
11. W. T1I.TON , - MANAUEK.
HnslncM Ofllfo . No. 13
Xo. Z >
N. Y. I' . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 201 Sapp block.
If vou want water in your yard or bouso
go to" Bixby's , 30-J Merrlam block.
A Koclal will bo held this evening In the par
lors of the Fifth Avenue church.
Dr. Marcy is about to begin the erection of
a Jo.OOO residence on Lincoln avcnuo.
K. H. Shoafo has been appointed receiver
of the Damon estate , In accordance with thu
petition lllcd soma time ago by ono of the
Unity guild will meet In regular session
Friday afternoon at3:30 : with Mrs. Kings-
bi.ry. 'First street. A full attendance Is re
Mrs. W. K. Miller , the evangelist , will
lead the meeting at Ovcrton's mission this
evening. Meetings are being held every
night and are highly enjoyed.
A llttlo son of O. M. Wych. who lives Just
cast of the city , bad his hand bndiy mashed
yesterday by being run over by a wagon , fho
nails were n'll torn off bis timers and at last
accounts ho was suffering great pain.
Tbo taking of testimony in thoCut-Oft
island case was resumed yesterday morning ,
but only lasted for n short time1. Owing to
the absence of an important witness a nost-
poncmcnt was had until Friday , when it will
probably bo completed.
Articles of incorporation were filed with
the county recorder yesterday by the Bryan
Commission company of Omaha with a
capital stock of fJ"M ( ) . Tbo board of direc
tors for tbo llrst year consist ; , of B. B. Bryan ,
L T. Soanclcr , F. C. llolllnger and C. II.
J N. Cocbran , who has been connoctrd
with the tire department for several years
past , has resigned his position to take ono ia
the City mill. Ho expects to be married soon
to a young lady on Wajblngtou avenue , and
It is understood this fact had a great deal to
do with bringing about the resignation.
Tbo following marriage licenses were
issued yesterday : William J. Wcstrip and
Mcggio WIthorb'olt of Council Bluffs ; Har
old A. Corea of Chicago and Rebecca E.
Kompton of Denver : John O. Walton and
Edith M. Key , and Frederick Schifcrll and
Lula U. Hnrdman , nil of Council BlufT.s.
The Jury in the cases of Harris against the
Conncil Bluffs Canning company , which bas
been on trial in the district court for several
days , returned n verdict for tbo plaintiff of
t-07.55 yesterday. The case of Turner
against Coylo was taken up and was given to
the Jury at about adjournment time. After
nn hour's debate a verdict was returned In
favor of the defendant.
The motor company has equipped a couple
of its cirs with electric gongs , in the hope of
doing away with some of the daugers attend
ing the use of the soft-toned bells now in
fashion. The rattle of the bells can bo heard
for blocks , nnd nmkoitncxt to impossible
for the man who Is crossing in front ot the
train to miss hearing the motorman's warn
ing. If the experiment proves a success all
the cars on the line will bo fitted out with the
gong. _
A very small pill , but a very good ono. De
Witt's Llttlo Early Risers.
I/alec Mnnn'vii TiniR Tnhlc.
For the remainder of the fcouson
nwa trains will run us follows : Leave
the lake at 8:00 : a. in. , 1:00 : p. in. , 2:30 : p.
in.1:00 : p. in. , 7:30 : p. in. Lcsivo Broad
way ivt J:00 : n. in. , 2:00 : p. in. , 3:00 : p. in. ,
6CO : p. in. , 8:00 : p. in. On Sundays and
special occasions trains will run every
The Alnbaugh Fur company of Omtilm
will exhibit , some line sacqucs and new
est furs at the Louis' display Thursday
and Friday evenings.
ll It.lG It A I'llS.
C. H. Judson left yesterday for a visit to
Chicago on business.
Miss P. B. Shearer of Rushville , 111. , Is the
guest of Mrs. J. M. Flaglcr.
F. A. Shaver and W. S. Stlllman were ad
mitted to practice In the district and circuit
federal courts yesterday.
Mrs. Jonnlo MacConucll and Miss Ncllio
Robinson roturncd yesterday morning from n
visit of a month in Salt Lake , U. T. , and the
IMrH. PfplfTei-'H Millinery Displuy.
Mrs. Pfolffer's autumnal millinery
display will take pluco on Thursday ami
Friday. The ladies will find it to bo the
linest dipplay of the mmbon , and they
will be well repaid for a visit. All thb
latest styles will bo ehown in both the
btores , HOli and 111 ! Broadway. The
btorcs wil bo ouen both afternoon and
evening. _
Kent n Hoard Hill.
The police received n telegram on Tuesday
requesting them to bo on tbo lookout for a
couple of men who were wanted at Hlltsdalo
on the choree of ju.nplng out of a window
mid skipping town In order to avoid paying a
board bill. Yo.sterdnv two men answering
the description were found by Oflicers Kelly
nnd Doyle nnd wcro run in. They gave
their names as Charles Lemnd and A. Lo-
J. C. Snyder , the hotel man who Is after
the pair , arrived in the city last evening and
put up nt Noumayor's hotel. Ho Identified
the two man as the ones ho wanted , and tele
graphed back to Illllsdalo fern constable ,
who will bo here this irorning and take
them bad ; with him.
Tlio novelties of the season combined
in potty olTccts and dainty creations of
millinery at Louts' display Thursday
und I'Viilay evenings.
Frank Trlinblo.atty , Baldwin blk.tcl 303
Mrotlnt ; ill'
A number of the members of the Masonic
fraternity tuft last evening for Sioux City to
attend tha meeting of the grand consistory ,
Ancient Free and Accepted ijcottltb Ulto
lor tbo United States of America , which Is
now being held at that placo. Among these
from this city were A. C. C'rnhnm , E. K.
rondo , II.V. . Tilton , J. C. Mitchell and \V.
A. Hlgtisinlth , and n number of others will
follow toauy. The party took with them the
necessary pharaphcrnallu for cxo.npllfyli.i-
soiiio of the dugrecs , as tbo equipment ot the
lodge of this city is the Illicit In the west.
The meeting will last until tomorrow.
Van Itoutcn's Cocoa The original , most
lolublo. _
Picnic nt Manhattan bench. Round
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 60c ; on sale at news stand * ut Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
1'nrty nt tlio Grand.
Miss Mabel Taylor cave a party Tuesday
evening at tbo Grand hotel , In honor of tno
Council Bluffs Mandolin club. An elegant
upper was served at 10 o'clock , and tbo
evening wai spent most oujoyably by the
guests. Thu following wcro nnioni ; tnoso
present : Mrs. W. A. Mauror , Misses Klttlo
and Stella Dullard , Maud Oliver , Addle
Sherman , Sable Amy , Jonnlo Keating , an < J
Klslo llutts ; Messrs. Dillon Koss , Cam Pat
terson , llert Dolt , P. S. Haas , John Mltbcn ,
Kd. Gilbert , John Keating , Thomas Motcatf ,
nd J. N. Canady , jr.
VHirn IUby WRJ ilck , wo COTC her Cutorla ,
"iVlirn the was a ChllJ , ihe cried for Castorla ,
\Vheu fc ) > tr t ni < VI Us , she clung to Outorla ,
* vben Ui bad CLlldrea , she c them CutorU.
Something About William Palmer's ' Peculiar
Business Transactions.
At the Hume Time a Valuable Watch
ol' a I-'rlctul Is MlHsIni ; nnil Ho
IB Stispluloncd of
William Palmar , n well known youne man
who bus been painting signs around ttia city
for several years past , has disappeared , and
Mrs. Lenox , a cook'at tbo Pacific house , < s
considerably interested to know of his where
abouts. Tlio two have been exceohngly good
friends for some time , and Palmer has been
allowed a good many liberties about her
house. Day before yesterday ho was in her
room , and after ho had loft sha tnlssod a fmo
Kolil watch and chain which had been IjltK ;
on n dresser.
When Palmer left the city she came to the
conclusion that ho bad stolen the watch , and
she put a detective on his trail. Ho is sup *
posed to have gone to Lincoln. Some time
ago Palmer got possession of thesamo watch ,
and a sbort time after it turned up In a pawn
broker's stioo. Mrs. Lennox redeemed thbtltno
piece and forgave all , but the chances nro
now that if she II mis that stio has n aln been
tnado tbo victim of Palmer's peculiar busi
ness transactions , something will bo to pay.
Mrs. WIuMnu's Soothing Syrup is the best
of all remedies for childrou teething. 'Jo
cents a bottle.
Thnt N the Way the Itoston Store ,
Council lUulTV , Aclili'vcH Success-
See \ \ lint We OfTc-r This \ \ ecK.
For this week the Uoston Store will
offer us a special attraction a initpnifl-
cent displuy of Indies' coats and furs. It
may be a little early yet to cull special
attention to these things , but wo believe
in leading the procession , and if you are
not ready to "buy you will take pleasure
in looking over the many beautiful
things we bhow in these lines.
\Vo have just received our fall line of
ladies' garments in all the latest styles
and cloths , including cheviots , chevrons ,
beaver , diagonals , ecuna and inatulasse ,
made up both with and without fur trim
In mulTs and capos wo have the
most complete assortment wo have
over shown , including blttcic hair ,
French coney , French , beaver ,
beaver , raccoon , monkey , mink , capo
seal , kri minor , gold seal , Veal seal ,
marten , black skunk , astrachan , oppos-
sutn , nutria , and in children's sets wo
bhow chinchilla. Angora , Thibet lamb ,
ermine , tiger and white coney.
Our Kid Glove Department is the best
assorted. We also carry the largest
and most complete ) line of all the loading
brands known.
The genuine Foster Kid Gloves wo
make a specialty of at $1.00 , S1.2o , SI. 50 ,
Sl.To , S2.UO and * 2.2o in dressed and un
dressed. BOSTON STORE ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Swanson Music Co. , 333 Broadway.
Now fall goods , finest line in the city ,
just received at Roller's the tailor's , 31U
ncnellt Tonight.
A testimonial reception will bo tendered
Rov. and .Mrs. G. W. Crofts tomorrow even
ing , October" , in the Hoyal Arcanum ball ,
by their friends , in honor of the twenty-fifth
anniversary oftheir marriage. The follow
ing committees have been appointed :
Reception Judge HuDbard , E. E. Hart ,
Prof. Wyckoff , .1. J. Brown , Gcorgo Gernor ,
E. M. Bunker , E. U LougoeV. . U. Stacv ,
T. K. Cavin , H. H. Van Brunt , Colonel D. B.
Dalle , L. M. Shubert , Mrs. L. W. Tulloys ,
Mrs. J. B. Atkins , Mrs. D. B. Dailov. Mrs.
J. J. Brown , Mrs. II. II. Van Brunt , Mrs , E.
J. Abbott , Mrs. E. U. Smith , Mrs. L. W.
Koss , Mrs. H.V. . Tiltou , Mrs. J. F. Evans ,
Miss Corner.
Testimonial and Autograph H. W. Tilton ,
Ellhu Meyers , J. C. Blxby , Mrs. K. K. Stod-
danl , Mrs. Lyman Spooner , Miss Ida Wal
lace.A line programme will bo rendered.
A largo number of Invitations have been
Issued , but many who would like to attena
have very likely been omitted unintention
ally. Any who have not received invita
tions or complimentary tickets can obtain
them by calling upon any of tbo members of
the nbovo committees. These who attend
will call at the Peurl street cntraucn of the
Shugart block , and the elevator will bo run
ning all tbo evening for their convenience.
DeAVltfs Little Eany tnser. ? ; only pill to
euro sick hcadacuo and reguiato the bi > wols
The RvtMit of the Season.
At the opening of tlto millinery par
lors of Misses Sprink and Fearon the
display oi beautiful hats and bonnets
was ono of the best over shown In this
city. The parlors wore a bower of love
liness with llowora and forns. The
ladies of Council Bluffs have awaited
this display with great interest and
woio charmed with the attractive and
varied assortment. Too much cannot
bo said of the untiring olTorts of Misses
Sprink and Foaron to give their pat
rons the lincst and most unique styles
in their line. Having received 'an
other consignment of French patterns ,
the display will bo continued the re
mainder of the week and the ladles will
bo pleased to see their friends and pat
rons. _
Horse Thieves Caught.
C M. Beckman of Omaha called at tbo
police station yesterday morning and com
plained that a horse , harness and woi-pn bad
been stolen from his place. Ofllcor Wells
went with him In the direction in which the
thief was supposed to have gene and over
took the outtit near the "Pour Milo Houso"
on the asylum roaJ. There were two of the
thieves , and tliuy had the borsa and narnoss
which had been stolen from Bockraan. The
wagon , howaver , had disappeared , and in its
otaco was an old unckboaru that was Just on
Us last logs and liublo to fall to pieces at any
1 1 tno.
They also had a horse which did did not
belong to Beckman , nor could the thieves
give any satisfactory account of where they
pot it. They were taken to the police station
where they gave their names as John Korr.i
and Frank Mooro. When searched ouo ul
the men was fotnui to have a loaded six-
shooter In his pocket , which ho bad appar
ently been afraid to use when overhauled by
the ofllcer nd owner of the stolen property.
Tno two follows we're slated with borso
stealing and wore taken to Omaha last even
ing. _
How to got rich. How to borrow. Pamphlet
froo. Kbodus Bros. , Banker ) , St. Louis , Mo
There will bo nn entertainment this
ovonlng at the Bethany Baptist church ,
corner High street and 10th uvonuo. A
cordial invitation is extended to nil.
Admission , adults iiO cents , children 10
cents ,
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , SO Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
1-15. High grade work u. specialty.
A young * on of P. tl. Wurren bad a nar
row escape yesterday from tbo loss of one of
bis eye * , and as it is ho has to do all of bis
seeing for the present out of ono of them. He
was playing with another boy of his own
ago , a son of C. E. Boll , and u pop-gun was
the main object of their united attention.
Youag Bell shot a wad of paper or some huud
ubstanco ID the direction of bis companion ,
and it took effect In his eye , - A quarter of an
Inch from where It Inmlc Mvould probably
have destroyed the sight at the youngster en
tirely. _
ntnzc on Mnln Street.
A fire on Iow5r Mam street last night
called out the department to the grocery
store of N. Uowlo adjoining the Meyer hotel.
The bulldlnc and contents were entirely de
stroyed. Loss , 11,200 ; Insurance , not known.
The CAUSO of Iho urn Is a mystery.
EiTiien cit.tzr on .1 auiii\tin ,
Strniii-c Actions of n Woman at the
Wnrilcn Home.
N. H. , Sept. 30-At 0 o'clock
Monday night the door bell of Fanner War
den's house ( the home of Almy's victim ) was
rung by a woman who said as the door
opened : "Hera Is a ludy who wants to stay
all night. "
The visitor had on a stylish hat with a
veil drawn over her face and wore n long
circular reaching to the lloor. The stopped
forward at once into tbo house and without
any preliminary said : "I carao up hereto
stay tonight. I want to see Christie's room
and sleet ) In her bad. I coma as a friend. "
The family was startled but requested her
to sit down. They asked the object of her
visit , but she said she was very tlrod and
would explain nit In the morning.
Oscar Warden of Monroe , N. II. . brother
of A. II. Warden , noticed that the visitor
had a somewhat masculine appearance and
his suspicions wcro aroused. Wbllo sitting
on the sofa ho suddenly seized her hand and
after n struggle in which the intruder do-
velopcd muscular power unusual tor n
woman , the circular was removed disclosing
n person dressed In a Prince Albert coat ,
vest and trousers , with n whlto bosom shirt ,
I'ho intruder then declared that sbo was a
woman and her nnmo was Dr. Mary Walker.
The woman , who had become mucfi excited ,
refused to talK , further ttiau to pay that she
had cotno to save Andrew Warden's life ,
and would make further statements in the
Neiijnbors were called and sat up with the
woman until morning. The fatiulv this
morning could not bo convinced that the
person was not a man. Mr. Wardtn said
that no woman of her slzo could possess her
strength and besides tbo largo nock , bands ,
feet and the voice was masculine. He felt so
continent of this , and that there were con
federates about , tnat bo and a neighbor stood
guard all nieht armed with shotguns. The
members of tno family were so excited that
they also sat up all nieht. About via. in.
steps wcro heard by the outside watchers ,
but the baric of Warden's doir frightened
awav whoever made them.
Thf alleged Mnry U alker is about five feet
five inches tall , -10 years old , , with very dark
hair , rather long , with tr&cos of pray , has a
short face with no sign of a beard , and wears
steel corsets and spectacles. She has written
Mr. Warden several letters. To identify
herself , she showed two receipts for regis
tered letters dated Boston. September IS ,
bearing the name of Dr. Mary \ \ alkor and
some baggage checks from a Boston hotel ,
also $75 In monoy. Two or three persons who
claim to know Dr. Mary Walker claim that
this person is not she. Solicitor Mitchell
telegraphed to have nor nold until his arrival.
The Intruder later volunteered the Informa
tion that "This Almy they have arrested is
not tbo man who killed Christie Warden. "
bto arrived from tbo north on tbo 8 o'clock
train Monday night and was taken to Ward
en's bouso Dy a local liveryman. Mitchell
came to Hanover last night and lias positive
assurance that the person is a woman. So
licitor Mitchell mbdo his preparations for tbo
arrest and arraignment of the woman , but
after a long Interview with her ho decided to
await the results of efforts which are being
made to establish ber identity.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Costllttle
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
timo. None equal. Use them now.
Work on Government AVorUl's Knir
Hullding Will lie Commenced.
WASHING-ION- . C. , Sept. 30. Bids wore
opened at the Treasury department at -
o'clock this afternoon for the construction of
the United States government building at
the World's ' Columbian exposition { according
to the original plans , as modified Septemoer
10 , in order to reduce the expenses. The
work is divided into flvo branches , as fol
lows : First , carpenter and joiner work ;
second , iron work ; third , roofing and plaster
work ; fourth , plumbing and drainage ; iifth ,
painting and glazing.
There were twonty-threo proposals re
ceived , of these who bid for the oniiro work ,
J. F. Roes of Chicago was the lowest at
$33aGGu , Other bids for the entire- work
were E. F. Gobel , Chicago , KMb.SJW ; L. L.
Leach & Son , Chicago , 11)7.700 ; W. Z. Par-
tello & Co. , $ ; { . i7.r > < JT ; Northwestern Contract
ing company of Chicago , 3.14,91" .
Four People Killed nntl Twenty-Two
Hurt in a Collision.
KENT , O. , Sept. 80. A freight train on Iho
New i'ork , Pennsylvania & Ohio , collided
with a passenger train near Kent , early this
morning. Four persons were killed , includ
ing the engineer and fireman , and twenty-two
wore injured. The passenger train was oc
cupied almost entirely by members of a
family going to a reunion at Bonnincton , Vt
The dead fireman Is Clayton Glass. Another
of the killed Is Traveling Engineer Matwoll.
A third is anold lady , Mrs. Tower of Rich-
land , Mich.
_ _
Supreme Court Decision" ) .
LIXCOJ.X , Xob. , Sept. 30. fSpecial to TUB
BEE.J Today the supreme court banded
down opinions in the following cases :
Scott vsChopo. Error from Valley county.
Anirmcd. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
Squlros vs Elwood. Error from Holt
county. Afllrmcd. Opinion by Mr. Justice )
Crawl vs Harrington. Error from Buffalo
county. Anlrmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Norfolk National bank vs Wood , Bancroft
St Co. Error from Stanton county. Re
versed and remanded for further proceed
ings. Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell.
Renfrew vs Willis. Error from Adams
county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion
by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb.
Butts vs Hunter. Appeal from Hall county.
Reversed and remanded with directions.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell.
County of Lancaster vs Trimble. Appeal
from Lancaster county. Afllrmcd. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Norvai.
Colored llapllstH.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Sept. 30.Tbo BaptM
general assembly , composed of negro
churches of the western states and territor
ies , mot In its eighteenth annual session la
the Second Baptist church here today.
The commlttco on nominations made its re
port which was adopted. This action elected
Rov. J , E , Thomas , Chicago , III. , moderator ;
assistant moderator , Rev. Henry Robinson ,
Kansas City ; recording secretary , Mr.
Charles Stewart , Chicago ; corresponding
secretary , Rov. J. L. Cohron , St. "Louis ;
treasurer , Rov. B. Hillman , Springfield , 111. ,
and an executive bocrd , W. P. T. Jones , Col
orado , being the chairman. Tbo business of
the association will bo transacted tomorrow.
Ami the GurmniiH Arc Happy.
LONDON , Sopt,30. ThoCbroniclo's Berlin
correspondent says the issue of all rye bread
has been resumed in Germany.
Ilcpuhlloiiii Commlttco M
oftliuropulillu.iu Htatfl central eonimlttee. U
called to meet at thu heatliiuurtors , " : 'M n. in. .
Saturday. Oclouora , A. I ) . IsJI.
A full uUoiidanco Is reii united.
8 , 1) . MKIICKII , Chairman.
C'oMUiTTKK , OMAHA , fsuh. . Sept. ' . , 1W | . Thuro
will be u meeting of thu republican City cen
tral committee ut Mllluru hotel. Saturday
uftornuon , Octobers , ] J | . ui D'ulock.
U. II. McilCKlt , Chairman.
The city republican central eoinmltleo U :
I > . II. Murcvr. uhulrnmn. 1'lrnt ward , William
Umphtr < oii.V. . A. Kellnv. I'utor Hey son ; Sue-
OIK ) ward. Morris Morrison. Prank Kaipur , M.
II. Ho itleldi Third wurtl , W. 1' . Uur.ey. U-o
llartlev. A. T , White ; fourth vtarJ. U. D. Dun
can. A. I1. Nicholas. I ) . 11. Wheeler ; fifth wunl ,
J. U. Itudruan , Henry Uiliin. J. N. I'hllllps ,
Sixth wurd. Kd I'onn. Uvnrzo Jonus , Thomun
Ijtildt-n ; Seventh nurd , M U Itooiler f. N.
liioklu , J. C Thomuhou : Eighth ward , J T
Ciarkf. M 1 * . Singleton. I'eter 1'clersoni Ninth
ward , W O. Uogers , 11 , U Suward , W. A , 1'rco.
PP\T n/llll tTPPlllO I I PT Pfit'111
his tuicldo was the utoppkita a tow days ago
of his political subsidies from supporters ,
indicating that his career Was finished.
It is rumored that archbishop of Malllncs
has refused to authorUo a religious service
on the occasion of thd funeral of General
Boulangcr visited the ccmotory at S o'clock
in the morning. Ho Uifli ) returned homo and
arranged some papers. _
The property left by "ilrno. Bonnemnln had
been judiciously tied u ( n order to prevent
her bequeathing It to General Boulangcr.
Tbo ttrst sojourn of the pair in Brussels and
In London cost $ ' .W,000. Another $ 00,000
was fritted away over his papers and elec
tion funds. Beyond needless extravagance
the general never tried to feather his own
nest , as did many of his pretended adherents.
CM. Coustans , minister of the Interior , on
licarlnc of the sulclilo , said ho genuinely
grieved the general's death. Ho was con
scious tbat bo was responsible for tbo upset
ting of the popular idol by a packed though
illegally constituted tribunal.
In other political quarters ills remembered
to the general's credit that ha practically
made the foundation of the entente with
His son-in-law , Major Driant , was virtu
ally banished on his account to Tunis , where
the cllmnto was unsuitcd to Mmo. Driant ,
whoso two children died recently. The gen
eral showed symntoms of consumption , of
which disease Mine. DcUonncmain died.
This , added to the taint of hereditary insan
ity , leaves no wonder tbat ho committed tbo
rash act.
The news of the suicldo of General Bou
langcr was n bombshell In the lioulanglst
camp. The absent leaders were forthwith re
quested by telegraph to return to Paris for a
partv mco'ting to decide unan the Issue of a
manifesto to the public The manifesto will
probably announce tbo continuation of the
revisionist policy.
I'rnyccl for Him Silently.
ROME , Sept. 30. The news of the suicide
of General Boulangcr has caused consider
able excitement in Italy , where ho was re
garded as a natural enemy.
Slcnor Crisp ! treated him with contempt ,
but military men looKed upon him as a fore-
. unner of war bolwonn Italy and Franco.
When Cardinal Bauipolhi , the papal secro-
try of state , Informed the pope of the gener
al's sulcido the pope uttered an exclamation
of sadness and prayed silently.
The general's private life placed him on the
black books of the Vatican , yet his career was
watched with feverish vigilance there. The
French pilgrims now hero wcro much excited -
cited on bearing of the general's suicide.
Comments of the French Press.
The suicide of General Boulanger caused a
sensation in Paris. All tbo evening papers
contained obituary articles , but none , with
with tbo exception of LpJour. reflects uoon
the political aspects of the general's ' lifo.
LeJoursays :
Itoulitnecr knew the Intoxication of the
wildest and nolsest popularity. It was bo
who said to politicians that thu weakness of
one too often Inlluoncol ttio decision of nn >
other , Ills own end fully Justifies that dic
tum. He had not the counico to survive nor
who sacrificed herself for him.
LeJours1 article concludes with n scathing
comparison between tbo manner of bis death
and bis imperialistic pretenses.
DesDebats , in commenting upon the career
of General Boulangcr , says :
I'urhaos h thought to lo , a Ca-sar or Na
poleon , though ho had none of their ccnlus.
Harsh words are tired I IM. Ills eventful life
ended In death , which , nlthouzli miserable ,
wis dramntlc. In all likelihood the eulrhle
was prompted by sincere feeling.
Lc Sole'.l ' remarks :
It was a str.inte destiny , after living like
Vltellus. to dlo llko Vt'crtlier. Yet. what : i
splendid carrer Doulanf-cr might have had as
u simple soldier.
Gaulols says :
I3oulanger.sde.ith was his last blunder.
M. Rochofort , In a communication pub
lished today , says :
If anything could overcomu mvdeop grief
It is tbo excels of Indignation 1 feel at tne
fnul alii ) o poured out on inv dear worthy
friend by his persecutors.
La Lihe-rto says : :
The life of a man who could have upset tbo
republic , ho chosen to agitate franco to
nn enormous decree , has oudod llko that of a
hero of romance or df a novel , lie died us far
uwuy from home.
La Patrl says :
The deed was Ilka Unit of hero of a novel
and not like that of a heroic soldier.
LONDON , Sept. 30. The B-jrllu correspond
ent of the news telegraphs :
Germany has lost ono of her greatest foes ,
for he know that the possibility of recovering
bis pou or lay In a war with Germany.
Xin'H Of TIIK y
Crab Orchard ships onions by the carload
to bt. Louis.
The democrats of the Eighth judicial dis
trict have nominated J. C. Crawford of West
Point for judge.
R. O. McVicker has contracted for $200,000
bushels of wheat among the different alli
ances in the vicinity of Cozad.
The 1'latto county republican central com-
mltteo bus nominated Dr. H. J. Arnold for
coroner to till the vacancy left by the con
Every candidate on the Garfleld county re
publican ticket , with the exception of ono , is
u member in good standing in tbo farmers'
alliance , and every ono of them are farmers.
Fire destroyed the residence of C. E. Ar
nold together with a largo amount of grain ,
near Blue Hill. The flro was started by un
known persons while the family was away
from homo.
A man living in Central City , who is in the
habit of whipping his wife , lias boon notified
that ho can not persist in the habit and re
main in good health. Tbo warning came
from a largo number of bis noigb bars.
William Moore , alias Anderson , who got as
far us Yankton , S. D. , with a livery rig be
longing to W. F. Banks of Grand Island , has
been taken back to answer for his crlmo. Ho
Is about " ) , " > years of ago and claims to bo an
insurance agent.
\Villinm and Kleckman Slobel were brought
before Judge Miner at Suward , charged with
burning up four wheat stacks belonging to
Fred C. Rurup of B. Tbo evidence was not
sufllcioat to bind them over to the district
court and they were discttargcd.
'Iho few democrats there nro In York
county nro disgusted with the course of Edi
tor Corcoran of the York Democrat in going
over to the alliance , and as a consequence
Hon. Charles Casper and C. W. McCuno of
David City will start a democratic paper in
As Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Hanson wcro
driving to their homo from Bocius , Howard
county , the horses fe ! ) over a stoop high em-
embankment and before the occupants of tbo
wagon could alight they were prcclplt&ted
with tbo homes andfvrugon. The team and
wagon were badly damaged. Mr. Hanson re
ceived a fructuro of two or three , ribs arid
sustained several bail bruises , acd his wife ,
who fell under tbo loam , received a crushed
breastnnd was severely uuit internally.
Wiliio Thomas has been confined to his bed
for the past week with "somo unknown dis
ease , says the Nlobrara Tribune. No phy
sician that has yet jteen him bus ever
seen any ruse like It. JIo is now shedding
his skin for tbo sixth time in eleven veurs.
This time ho caught a bad cold about tbo
time It came on , and he is now having the
second attack. The skfii peels off from head
to foot in pieces as largo as the hand. It is a
very singular case and , ho is surely a horri
ble looking sight.
Robin Bouchamp of Fort Hartsuff , near
Burwell , was seriously Injured by tno acci
dental discharge of a revolver the other
night while In company with two compan
ions. Ho was preparing to charivari Frank
Mclntyro and brido. In some unknown
' I'ogittvelr cured by
these Little PUIs.
Tliey also rtllevo D13-
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too H art ;
Bating. A perfect re
edy for Dizziness , Nauaea ,
DrovTElacBS. Dad Taste
In the Mouth , coated
Tongue. Pain In the Side ,
regulate the Bowels. Purely Ycsetable ,
the belt remedy for Coughs , Colds , Chills ,
Malaria , A'-thma , Bronchitis , and PNEU
MONIA. It relievjs
of the troubles Incident to tholr sex. To
It Is ths greatest boon , as it relieves that
weary feeling so annoying to the business
man. tuTy's Pure Malt Whiskey can be
obtained from your druggist o your grocer.
Insist oi having It. Take no substitute as
S nd for our book.
Rochester , N. Y ,
Sold in England
for Is. IMd. , and
in America
for 25 cents a bottle.
Dr , Acker's ' English Pills
' | Care Sickness and Headach.3.
lURC Small , ptcaiant. n fa\orlto iillh the
LLS I w- HIIOOKElV&'cO. ' . . NEW YOltK.
TDK SALE I1Y KUHN k CO. and Slinil-
MA.N & JieCONNELU Omaha.
KJC > > H'i 1.11-1
leaves a Hellenic and I.aotlnir OJor After TT.lnC.
If nnnblo to procure PnAjfnov BELLS SOAP send
2S | a stamps and rccclro a cake by return mull.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
BPECIAT. . Pbandon BcIU 1Volt ( the pot *
nlar Society Walta ) sent FJir.B to nnyono Bend
ing us tlirco wrappers of Stmndon Bella Soap.
Send lOo in stamps for sample bottle SlanOon
Beili Ptrjume.
manner a revolver , which was in the posses
sion of ono of the trio , was discharged and
tbo ball passed through the palm of
Bcachamp's right hand and entered the right
leg near the nip , ranging downward and
lodged under the knee-cap.
t lo\vn.
The Creston grand jury inaictcd twelve
liquor sellers.
A stock company has boon formed ut Letts-
villtf to bore for gas.
A saloon ran in full blast in a grave vard
at Carroll during the fair.
Revival meetings are being held in many
churches throughout the state.
Tbo Dubuciuo board of trade will endeavor
to interest the Boston capitalists in Dubuque
Orange Hart , who shot himself at Man
chester because his wife would not live with
him , tias died.
Iho Viuton Eagle has an car of corn that is
quito a curiosity. The center of the cob ,
instead of bouiR pithy , is lilled with well
developed kernels of corn.
There is talk in Dos \Iolnes of pas-sins an
ordinance requiring the tires of all heavy
wagons to bo three inches wide. The nar
row tires cut even the brick pavements.
Cedar Hapids is to have a Bobcmlan news
paper. It will bo called Spravedlnost , which
means justice. A number of prominent I3o-
bumian citizens arc behind the venture.
Ole F. Uergon , living near Hidpoway , lost
by fire his entire crop of grain und hay ; also
two stables ana n now granary just com-
uleted the previous day. Causa ufikuown.
A. C. Shepord has been arrested at Fort
Dodge on complaint , of a woman named
Hutcbinson , charged with sending obscene
and insulting letters through tbo mails. Ho
was held to tno grand Jury.
A prisoner named Arlington , hold In the
Crosco jail for swindling by collecting money
for enlarging pictures , escaped by sawing
out two steel bars from the window. Mo
was wanted in several other places.
A peasant feature at tbo Crocker brigade
banquet in DCS Monies was tno presenting of
a flno gold watch with a diamond sot to Mrs.
Jesse Cheek by the boys of the Fiftecntn
Iowa , the speech being made by Captain
Goodrell. Mrs. Cheek sang for the boys
when she was a llttlo girl in the camps at
Davenport and Kookuk and they haven't for-
rotten it.
| A
For the DottgliiB County Itcpulillc.-in
Tbo republican electors of Donelns county ,
Nebraska , uro hereby u illed to moot In con
vention at Wushln-ton hull. In the olty ol
Oiniihfi on Monday. October 12 , Ib3l. at
o'clock p. in. , for tlio purpoio of placing in
Humiliation candidate fur the followlnc of-
Duos , tO'Wlt :
Clerk of thu district court.
County jndK < > .
County clerk.
County treasurer.
County shorllf.
County coroner.
County snrvoyor.
Ono county commissioner. First district.
Onosuiicrmtendentof public Instruction.
Six Justlcusof ponce at law for the city of
Six constables at lar o for city of Omaha.
And a * > > aisors fur thu various ward * and
And such other business ai may properly
coiuo before laid convention.
Tlio representation In < mld convention shill
bufori'ucb witrJ hi Omuha iiluu dulusuiui :
for Iho city of South Omuha. nlno dulu iites ;
for cuch ore Mnct autsldo of Omuha anil South
Omulia. nvo Uulu.MilL't. The prliiiurlr for the
election of ( lulu 'iitei to vtld contention bli.ill
bo hultl hi tbo different wards uf the cltlus of
Omuha and fc-outli Omaha on Saturday.
October 10. In'JI. between the hours o ( 1U
o'clock noon and 7 o'clock p. in. , und In the
precincts ouutilc of huld cltiu , on thu * > amo
day between thu hours of 7 and U u'ulook u in.
I'rlin irli's sliull In nil nupocH conform to
the Iaw > > of Nebraska In Mich cane madu und
Dated UiltiMtli duy of Fuptoinbor , 191.
Mont : * I * . O Iliue.N Chairman.
M. II. HKUKIEUI , Secretary
nnd Money
\VAIO , Tex , Hopt , 80 , 1 . W. Hottel , a
messenger of thel'aclnc Express company. U
musing and two pacKages containing over
13,000 are
S , W. Cor , 15th and Douglas Sts.
Has It over occured to you , the absurdity ot t > nying such fabulous
sums for tl FALL SL'IT or Overcoat , as the average swell tailor
nerves himself up to nskV If not , call u halt right now , and
make a few comparisons between their high priced offerings and
tlio handsome Business and Dress Suits , light , medium and hea
vy weight Overcoats we've made up for fall and winter comfort
and economy from
We'll turn you out a business suit the equal of any made to order
at ? 35.
Wo guarantee to fit you out in dross bulls , from genuine English
clay worsteds , unfinished worhletls , cheviots in black nntl ftnu-y
shades , novelties in line oassinieres or any of the late or modern
stylus known to men of tusto.
Medium , light anil heavy weights , cut form lilting , loose back or
English box , all late faJs among men of dress , ut pri cea ranging
We cater fc.r fine trade. We want your judgment on our present
stock. Wo'll do the rest.
Reliable Clothiers , '
Southwest Cor. 15tli & Douglas
Send for catalogue.
KAUI'Clianco forsa i : linkvry ( lolnp ; good
blj : business ; can b bought right , llinl-
ness clsi'wlioro Uonian Is personal iittoiulu
I ) . M , Ituo , Council Itluirs.
\\0lt \ KKNT-rurnlshetl house of 7 rooms
' ( Cd Third avenue.
FOUND Hay horse , saddled and bridled.
Knniilro T. 1'ornluy , L'Md fcouih tivunno.
/ of merchandise and clour
Omaha und Council llluir * property to ox-
rhaiiL'O for Iowa farms. If you 1mvo it furtii
to ollur.rltu to Johnston & Van 1'atten ,
Council Itltills.
FOKSAIjK Macro fruit ( arm tbreo miles
from noftolllvo , blnly Improved and very
desirable. I'orest Smith , lliildwln block.
EXl'EHT Columbia bicycle , 5'J Inch , In pur-
feet older , will trade fur cnnd rlllc , &
calibre. C. A. Atkins Council IlliilK In.
pI.AIHVOYANCK. mind roadlns or 1'sy-
VA'liomotry. Diseases of till kind cllak'nosuil
and treated with hot baths aiid IIIU SUKC.
All letters promptly answered. Olllcn lionrs.
U u in. to 10 p , in , No , U.- . avunuo K , near cur.
1 . ' .111 street.
TOH SALE or Itont-Ciardmi land with
-L ? houses , by J. K Hlee , 101 Main bt. , Commit
'iTIOIt HI'NT I'lirillshed rooms , with or wllb-
JL1 out board. Very doslrublo location. Kufor-
rncos required. 400 Ulen avenue , adjoining
si'liool park.
W ANTED A good girl at 4W Glen axciiuc.
Howard of cheap Imitations. If you don't
want to pay thu prlcu ot a llrt giailu stoves
\to liavo htovt'Hii whole lot ohcapiir. but It Is
Ihcnuiiiltv of lion , the perfect tlttlui : of doom
und Joints that makes a good htovu cost inor ,
than a cheap one. A stoui inailo of (17 Iron
VLuluhlug 4U ! pound" , don't cost IIH intieli as u
itovu nuido of t.'tl Iron ; n Movu with Joints put
together just as tlio nihtlir's conic from tliu
suixl don't cost as miiuti IIH where they arc all
ground loan ulr-tlzht lit. yet the onu htovo
costs less , wastes find and lusts only a few
yean * , u-lves poor tutlsdictlon , and In tlio und
costs three times as much as a Kcnuliiu Kudl-
unt Homo or 1' I' . Stewart Heater.Vi > bull
both cheap sloven and good Ntoves. Honest
representation.V1 | | Hull on InstalliuiMitH.
Don't full to fl uro with C'olu & C'ule. 41 Muln
street , on your huator or coult htovo .
AKV brhiKH Innrniltlrs neh IIH ulngKl'll
bonelH , ! < Ulilucj-H uuil torplil ll\rr.
have n iprclllo efTi-rt nn I hem orcnn , t Ini-
ulutlne iln'l mel , ( jlK'siiiitnrnl ilUelmri ; .
rn , unil liniurt | > liger to tlintliolu ) tvu > ,
I kit I'outili ayrup. T utu > ( iuuu.
In lime , huld br ilruui : ! ( .
I'ald Up CapHiil . $100,000
Oldest orunnlrn < l bAtik In the cltr Korclu'n nnd
domestic oxclianxo und socurltlui. ISitpeulnl
attention ptltl : to cnlluctlon * . Account ! of Inillvld *
ual , ti.tnks. Imnkcra nnd corpor.Uton ) aollcltjj.
( 'orroiHindonco lavlto.l.
( JKO. 1' . SANfOlll ) , 1'rciMont
A. W. UIKK.MAN , Caihler.
A. T. UlCi : , AsiHt.Tlt C.lltllOf.
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150.000
n i. A. Sllllnr. ! ' . O. Oleasun , R L.
l , I * . ] . II irt , .1. I ) . FMintiiidson. I harlci
U. lluniiun. Transaet banking busi
ness. I , aruest capital and surplus of any Uaulc
In i-outliwt'steru Iowa
14 N. Main Bt , , Couuoll Bluffs. I
Funeral Director and Etnbalmer.
Council Bluffs , In.
N. W. TAYLOR , Manngar.
tC(1 | , , guto lmil
federal rourts. Itnoms 3 , 4 and 3
Ileno block , Cuunull Iliuffi , Ix
HI rhinilicrc Attornny at Law , No. 1
, J , l/lldlllUUSi / | ' 0tri Ktroot , ever Hush ,
null's lore Telephone No. UU ll
houra. bu. m. toUu. m , Uouuoll Itlurti ,
Siiociitl attention glvon to Eluctrlo
Ik-lls , Uurj-Iitf Alarms , Annouiiclutors
uuil Iiiuuiiilosuoiit Wiring.