PflRT TWO , PRGES 9-1B. I TWENTY-FIKST TEAK. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 27 , 1S91-SIXTEEN PAGES. NCMBER 101 , A 1 own Silks. Prices for Monday. 10 picce-j French Failles in colors , cheap at * ! .QO , for Monday S8 < \ 6 pieces Gros. Grain , warranted pure silk in blacks onlv , cheap at 31.2-3 , for Monday 51.00. 5 pieces Failles in blnfks , 21 inches wide , warranted pure silk , cheap at 81.03 , for Monday * I.Si. 3 pieces Armour in blanks , pure silk , ch < ap at si. 10 , for Monday 31.10. 3 pieces Alma Royal , in blacks , cheap at 1. < M , for Monday 61.2-5. Mi ort ends colored Gros. Grain , suit able foi trimming , cheap at Sl.OU for Monday , 7oc , China Silks , in plain colors , cheap at Cfic. for Monday 50e. Plaid Surahn to close out worth 51.00 , for Monday , GOc. 40 pieces silk Velvets , in now and de sirable shades , cheap at 1,2.3 , for Mon day * 1.00. Black Dress Goods. Monday wo will give you special in ducements in this dopartn-eiit. Wo have just received a line line of novel ties in blacks , also extra \alucs in Hen ri 3tta. 38 inch all wool German Henrietta , COc. 40 inch all wool German Henrietta , 55c. 40 inch all wool German henrietta , C.3c. 40 inch all wool German Henrietta , 73c. 40 inch all wool , silk finish henrietta 87 c- . c40 inch all wool , silk tSnish henrietta , Ofce. 4 ( ! inch all wool , silk finish henrietta , $1.10. 40 inch all wool , silk finish henrietta , $1.2 ! ) . 30 inch all wool serge. 50c. 38 inch nil wool serge , ( iOc. 40 inch all wool serge , 09c. 40 inch all wool serge , 79c. 40 inch all wool serge , very fine , Soc. 38 inch hair polka dot novelty , OSc. 48 inch hair cloth , plaids. S1.7d. 30 inch all wool tricot Harm el , 3oc. 38 inch all wool llannel , 39c. 40 inch all wool llannel , 45c. 60 inch all wool llannel55C. . 5 } inch all wool llannel , 05c. 61 inch all wool Manuel. OHe. 54 inch all wool ladies' cloth , Soc. .3-1 inch all wool ladies' cloth , 9oc. 54 inch broadcloth 31.75. 54 inch broadcloth $2.2-3. 5t inch broadcloth S2.50. Our block i complete in English cashmere - more , Henriettas _ _ and fancy stripes , plaids and figured orges ? nnd'prices'to suit the customer. Colored Dress Goods. Monday wo will place on = ale the largest line of Flannels and Fall and "Winter Dress Goods ever shown in this citv. and cordially invite you to inspect our goods and prices before buving. Wo received during the week lartre invoices of novelties in Camel's Hair Striped , Polka Dots and Hair Clothes , which will go on sale Monday at very low prices : 3li-inch nil-wool flannel Soc. 38-inch all wool tricot flannel 39c. 40-inch all-wool llannel 45c. 40-inch all-wool llannel COc. 5-1-inch all-wool tlannel 49c. 54-inch all-wool flannel 5oc. 51-inch all-wool tlannel 58c. 54-inch all-wool llannel One. 54-inch all-wool lUmnel 7oc. 54-inch all-wool llannel , very fine SSc. 54-inch nil wool ladies' cloth Ooc. 54-inch nil wool ladies' cloth 31.25. 52-inch all wool broadcloth , SI.2-3. . 54-inch all wool broad cloth$2.25. "iMnch half wool fancy plaids 17c. 311-inch half wool fancy plaids 2oc. 38-Inch Jamestown fancy plaids I3c. ! 62-inch half wool fancy plaids 37jc. 311-inch all-wool plaids 47c. 38-inch all-wool plaids , very fine , 69c40inch 40-inch all-wool plaids , in great variety , 75c. 30-inch camel's hair stripes , in all col ors , something now and nice , 59c. 48-inch hair cloth novelties in plaids , in all colors , $1.75. 38-Inch all wool hair polka dots , very attractive , OSc. Our shelves are crowded with all the best weaves of Henrietta , Screes , Eng lish Cunhmorcr ) made and at prices that defy competition. Linen Department. Wo arc making special prices during the Omaha Expobition. Visitors are all welcome nt Haydens' . These prices will hold good until all the quantity is Bold. Sale starts Monday. 100 dozen towels at 5e each the best towel ever ottered by us at 5c. 200 do/.cn twilled linen bordered tow els , all linen , good si/o , at lOe each. Compare our 15c , lOo and 2oo towels. 100 do/.on 5-8 all linen bleached nap kins only 50e n dozen. 200 dozen 3-i all linen bleached dinner nnpkins at Si do cn. You will tin el our prices nro away down and tickets to the great sale given in the bargain. All linun cream damask only 2oc yard. (10-inch ( Turkey red damask at 25c ; others got 40c. Special bargains in bleached damask nt 50e yard. 100 fringed and bordered all linen table cloths at 75c each. They will go fast. fast.Now Now line of table , bureau and stand ecarfs in porno very desirable anu at tractive styles , from 2.5c each and up wards. A line line of tray cloths nt 25c , 3oo , 60o , 75o and 31.00. Our fall importations on Carman and Irish liiians nro now in and xvo have a larger stock and a much hotter assorted htoeU than wo over displayed and we gurantcu you satisluction in price and quality. Wo are cutting down the prices on \\hito and fast black wash dross goods. It will pay you lo buy them and lav them a ido until uoxt teiuuu. Look them over. Laces & Embroideries The Laca Department la making' the lowest prices ever heard of on fine L. . < t > and Embroideries of every de- KTil'tipll. ' It la impossible tO IjUotO pncos. Blankets. Our blanket department is a surprise to everyone who sees it , no such nn as sortment of blankets ever displayed by uny hou-o in the United States. Our blankets are all bought in full packages direct from the mills or mills' ntrcnU. We arc , therefore , in a position to make you prices as low aa any firm on earth. The greatest variety of blankets to bo seen at Haydeni' fiotn the lowest priced cotton blanket to the finest well blanket made. Particular attention is called to our all wool 10-4 white blankets which wo oiler at 52.50 a pair ; only one pair sold to each customer. A beautiful red wool blanket at S2.9S n pair. All wool sanitary gray blankets at Sea a pair. Fancv Jacquard bordered blankets at 54.08 , 0.oO , 37.50 and J9.00 a pair. Parties living outside of Omaha will find it to their interest to take ad- vantatro of the reduced railroad faro during the Omaha Exposition. Also the reduced prices of the great blanket sale ut Hayden Bros. Cloak Department. Special bargains for Monday. Children's cloaks from 4 to 12 years , 50c , all si < ! ej. Misses'jackets in fancy checked , from 12 to 10 years , * 1 ; all sizes. Ladies' laekets in black beaver and cheviot , 32"to i I , 81 ; all sizes. Ladies' newmarkets in Berlin twills , _ aiso lancy stripes , TI.UB , worm up as high as 312. Ladies * nowmarkets in cheviot , beaver , 42.2-5 , worth up as high as Slo. Ladies' skirts 50c , 75c , 51 , worth up as high as 53. Children's cloaks in Raritan plaid , full shirred skirt , -houlder capo and belt , sizes J , 0 , S. 10 , 12 years , 33"all ; sues. Children's cloaks in Raritan plaid , full cape , double breasted , with belt , sizes 1 , 0 , S , 10 , 12 years , s3.50 , all si/.es. Infants' lout : cashmere cloaks in tan , Mother Hubbard , with capo and skirt handsomely embroidered , price 52. Infants'short cashmere cloaks in cream and tan , with embroidered capo and skirt , $1.7,1. * 2 , 52.25. Short Plush Coat , Gretchen waist , $4. Short Eider Down Flannel Coats , in all shades , 32.-50 Ladies 30-inch long Reefer of Bedford Cord Astrachan , shawl collar , 88. Ladies' Vest Jacket , Bedford Cord , 85. Ladies' Cheviot , Black Hare Fur ro vers , length 27 inches , 37.50. Reversible Beaver Shawls , in all the leading shades ; prices , 31.25 , 31.50 , 82 Shoulder Shawls , 15c , 20c and 25c. Special prices on Ladies' Plush Sacques. uS. 40 and 42 inches long. Ladies' Plush Jackets , in reefers , plain and fur trimmed , vest fronts , at special prices on Monday. Ladies' Fur Capo , tignt fitting , rolling collar , high shoulders , 35. Millinery Department. Fall opening , Pattern Hats , direct from Paris. This department occupies three times its former space and is surpassing nil former efforts in the display of exquisite novelties in Pattern Hats and Bonnets ; also untrimmed Hats , Bonnets , Fine French Flowers , Fancy FcathersOstrich Tips and Plumes , Millinery Laces and Trimmings , all to bo sold at regular dry goods profits , which means more than most people realize. Lace Curtains. This department is positively head quarters for varietyfor artislic designs , for matchless qualities and low prices. Taped edge Nottingham lace curtains GOc , 7oc , S7c. 31 , up to 84.75 ; actual value $1.50 ap to 57.25. Swiss lace curtains $3.50 , SI , 31.25 , up to * 9.75. It will surely pay to got our prices on fine lace curtains , silk curtains , chenille porthjres , fringes , draperies , shades , dotted SwL-s for sash curtains , table oil cloth , lloor oil cloth , linoleum and wall paper. Books and Stationery. The constant additions to this depart ment has already placed it ahead of any exclusive book store in the west. The best goods at low prices is sure to toll. , Special Bargains. S-4 Brown shooting loc , IOc , ISc and -Qc. I Brown sheeting 17c , ISc , 20c and 10-4 Brown sheeting 19c , 20c , 22c and 2.3c. 8-4 Bleached shooting ISc , 20cand 22o. 9-4 Bleached sheeting 20c , 22cand 25c. 10-4 Bleached sheeting 22c , 25c and 27c. } 27c.Yard Yard wide Holbrook brown muslin 4c yard. LL sheeting 5c. Extra hoavv shooting Cc. Yard wide bleached muslin 5c , Gc. GJc , 7c. 7jc , Sc , Sic and IOc. ' We carry all the leading brands and make the lowest prices , be-ides you have the lartrost stock to select from and the best daylight In the city by which to make your selection. One vis it to this department will ins nro us of your future patronage. A full line of cotton llannels. Don't fail to see our white bed spreads at "So , bsc , 51.00 , 31.15 , $1.50 and * 2.00 each. Striped and checked napped shirting , IOc and Ilk-yard. Now fall dross ginghams , 7c } , SJc and IOc yard. Indigo blue calico , 5c yard. Bannockburna , 15o yard. Kennel worth sultinga , Sic. Armenian serges , 7c. Stt-lneh wide dress goods , ; tc. | A big bargain and will go lively at 5c yard. Dress Trimmings. The stock In this department was never so varied and extensive. The im ported noveltioa in feather trimmings and fancy iwnrl buttons are leading fea- funs ; our prices are positively unmatch- able. Special Prices for Mon day. 5 cases of children's natural gray wool underwear at the lowest , price yet. 10-in IOc , rise 3c , this Is positively the lowest price ever quoted on this line of goods 1 case of ladies' camel's hair under wear , only 50c ; worth 75c. Ladies' all wool combination suits nt 51.50 , 31.75 , S2 and 32.25. 1 case of ladies' scarlet lamb's wool underwear , only 75c ; worth 31.2.5. 1 case of ladies' cashmere hose , only loc per pair ; wortk 2-3c. Infants' wool hose 12ic pair , wO'-th 2-jc. 1 case of gents' ovorshlrts , jersey knit , only 7-5c ; worth 31.2-3. 100 dozen fine button hole shears , only 2oc per pair ; worth oOc. Gents' merino half hose , only 20c ; worth 3-3e. Our Clothing Store. On second floor all by its self where we have plenty of room and li ht , 132x 00 feet of space filled with the handsom est and largest stock of men's and boys' fall clothing ever brought this side ol the Missouri. People , remember our facilities for handling clothing ; remem ber why we can save you 25 per cent over any exclusive cjothing concern. They depend on clothing only ; we sell everything , our profits on clothing are the same in proportion as on sugar or anvthiny else wo sell. If vou want bar- pains in clothing call this week. Corsets. At 50c wo are showing a special cor set really worth 75c. Wo are showing an immense line oi corsets at 31. 1 case ot infants' fine cashmere vests at 2-5c. 35c and 39c ; worth double. Ladies' tine cashmere gloves only 15c per pair : worth 2oc. 1 lot of ladies' real kid gloves only 69c per pair ; worth Si.25. Wo are closing out all our ladies black silk mitts at less than cost. Hat Department. Our fall stock of men's and boys' hats is in , alboour usual largo variety ol children's novelties. We will give you some paralyzors this week on men's , boys' and children's hats. Do vou know our hat department has enlarged and c.v i any wholesale house in this cou. . - f i ! Tia a fact. Call this week and luo.c around ; if you want a hat wo will be triad to sell you : one at half hatters prices. Yarns. First quality of ice wool at 23c per box. Zephyr 5c per ounce , all colors. Best quality Saxony yarn Cc per skein. Senora Saxony 12Jc per skein. Best quality German knitting yarns 17c per skein ; others ask 25c. Best quality imported German knit ting yams 25c per skein. Flannels. Wo arc offering great inducements in flannels of every description. White llannels , red , navy blue , Drown mixed , gray mixed , blue mixed , pink mixed , plaid and striped llannels , at prices lower than any ether house , or money cheerfully refunded. Carpet Department. This department is positively showing the largest and most complete stock of carpets west of Chicago and can make matchless prices. Cotton chain prices in new styles 20c , 22c and 2oc. Fine wool filled carpets 35c , 4Sc and 5c. ( ) Standard extra super wool carpets in most artistic and extensive assortment of now styles at55o and C3c , at C9c and 75c , actual value 75c to 31.25. Tapestry Brussels carpets eec , GOc and Ooc. Ooc.Body Brussels 75c , OOc and $1.10worth 31.05 1031.3-5. Superb line axminstors , velvets and Royal wiltons. Furniture Dep't. Wo have increased one-half in this de partment , so that wo hope now to bo iblo to wait on all who come to buy , and it is indued gratifying to us to know that the nnmbor of not only visitors , but buy ers , is increasing every day. The best of everything at the lowest possible price tolls the whole story. Just received , some elegant child's folding beds , at 83 , 34.83 , 49.25 and 314.50. Bed-room suits at $12 , 315 , 817.50 , 319 , 323 , 825. Extension tables , 83.85 , 34.2o , 85.50 , $9.50 , 310.80. Center tables , 51.05 , 31.85 , 31.95 , 32.00 , 32.S5 , 82.95. All fine finish and first-class goods. Elegant line of solid oak plush rockers - ors nt 33.50 , 34.50 , 55.50 and up. Call and see the now swing chair ; the finest thing out. Bed lounges at 38.50 , 310.50,811 , 311.50 up to 310 ; these have oak Irumes and woven wire bottoms. All kinds of chairs and rocicers at the lowest poaslblo llguro. Special for this week u fine chair for dining room at OOc , worth 31.25. Special drive on pictures. Have you scon the fine picture for 31.50 , worth 33.00V Nice line of paper holders at 75c , )5c ) , 31.25 and 31.45. Dress Linings , Our Lining Department is one of our Busiest departments. Here Is where you find everything in the way the dressmaker wnnU. All colors in the boat Slate Cambrics , 3io yard. Collar Canvas , Belt Canvas , Elastic Canvac , Poiisia in all colors , fancy an I plain and double faced Padd ij , Da a , Crinoline , etc. Groceries. Letting Down the Prices. Rolled wheat oc , manufactured from the best selected Russian hard white wheat ; some call It California breakfast food. Wo sell it loose or in the package - ago for Cc. Silver ilako hominy Cc. You can use it for pudding , lor soup and for fritters. It makes a delicious dish. Now evaporated raspberries , 17e. } New evaporated California apricots , 12c.New | New evaporated California peaches , IOc. IOc.New New California raisin cured prunes , 12ic. Imported common Turkish prunes , Oc. California pitted , plums , 17c. } California dried grapes , -3c. Imported Valencia raisins , Sic. Imported seedless raisins , 12c. } California loose muscnted raisins , IOc. These are all new and the finest that money can buy. 3 pound can now California apricots , put up in pure granulated sugar syrup , most delicious fruit , 17ic. Wo have cheaper apricots , 12c and loc. if you want them. 3 pound can new California peaches in pure granulated sugar syrup , 1'Jc. Wo have a very fine Baltimore peach loc. loc.Very fine blood red salmon , IOc per , can ; they are delicious. sardines , oc. Mustard Sardines , IOc. 2-pound can very line Gooseberries , Sic. 2-pound can Blackberries , 7c. 2-pound can raspberries , put up in pure granulated syrup , 17c. 2-pound can strawberries in pure sugar syrup , 17ic. 3-pound can new California Egjr Plums , 12c. 3-pound can California Green Gage c Plums , 12c. 3-pound can new California Damson 0 Plums 12jc. Full Cream Cheese , IOc. : Brick , lie. Imported Swiss Cheese,15c. Sugar cured picnic Hams , 7ic. Boneless Hams,10c. Sugar cured Breakfast Bacon , IOc. Sugar cured hams , heavy , 9ic. Bologna Sausage , 5c. Liver Sausage , oc. Soda Crackers , qc. Oyster Crackers5c. Sweet Chocolate , 3c. Premium Chocolate , 17c. 20-pound pail vorv fine.fruit Jelly , 50e each : - - * * - * * - - * . Imported chow chow loc per pound. Imported mixed pickles loc per quart. Imported olives 35c quart ; they are very fine , would bo cheap at 75c. Soapqna 3jc per package. All kinds of wash powder 3Jc packace. 7 bars best laundry soap 25c. Potted ham 5c. Potted ox tongue oc. Deviled ham 5c. "Tea and Coffee De " partment. Special for Monday in tea nnd coffee. We have a very nice cracked Java for 19c. 19c.Golden Golden Rio 24c and 2Sc. Combination Java 27ic. i-'eaberry 30c. Best old Gov. Java 35c. We have just received a lot of now teas which we soil at these very low prices : A fine sundricd Japan , a delicious drinker , 19c. Choice 35c. Very best for 4Sc. Uncolored Japan 29c and 3.5c. Best private grown Japan 59a Moyuiio gunpowder 40c. - Pin head 50c and 70c. Butter and Cranberries Now , as always , wo will give our cus tomers the advantage of very low prices on first-class butter ; it has been our motto and it will bo now. Wo will sell good butter for 13c. Just received , a largo quantity of the finest country butter tor ; it will bo sold at lee and IOc. Re member this is made by the best butter maicers in Nebraska and Iowa. When you get butter in our store you may de pend it is first-class. Our Iowa cream ery will soil at ISc. Don't miss this sale , as the prices will tell you what it's going to bo. Finest Capo Cod cranber ries at IOc quart , 3 for 25c. Strictly first-class eggs IOc per dozon. Remem ber those OL'gs are shipped us a very day and nro positively fresh. Flower Pots. 2-inch pots at Ic-ench. 3-inch pots at 2c each. 4-inch jxits at 3 c each. 5-inch pots at oo each. 0-inch pots at 7o cuch. 7-fnch pots at 10 each , 3 for 25C. 8-inch pots at 12ic oach. 9-inch pots at loc each. The saucers goes with the pots at the above price from f-lnch to 9-inch. Hanging baskets 15c and 25c each. 2-quart Boston bean pots loc. 4-quart Boston bean pots 25c. EXTRA BARGAINS. An imported engraved blown glass Wine Decanter 20c , worth 32.50. A now novelty , the Perpetual Full Glass. .IOc. Log Hanging B skots25c , worth 31.50. Ink ; Carters' , Thomas'nnd DoVernos' at prices never hoard of before. 2-oz cones and paper box Ic each. IG-oz , or full pint , 20c. 32-oz , or full quart , 35c. You can have this In writing tluid , koal black or combined writing and copying Inks. ' Carter's pure jfum arable mucilage 3c per bottle. Trunks and Valises. The largest stock and the biggest business in city , [ t is an undisputed fact that wo bell trunks and valisod cheap , and that thue articles are lirnt- class in every wav. Be sure and call before - fore you buy. \\a shall not only save yua r n j , but give you nn artido that oUa i prjvo sataacUry. ! ; House Furnishing Goods Department. Cups and saucers 2c each ; these nro not chipped or cracked , but the best. White granite made dinner plates 3c each. Pic plates 2c each. Hotel bakers lOcperdoz. Hotel individual butters 20c per dozen. Wash bowl and pitchers 29Jc each. Slop jars 82c each. Sauce dishes 2c each. Ice cream dishes 2c each. Wine classes 3c each. Soap dishes 2c each. Lamp chimneys oc each. i gallon glass .vater pitchers lOo each. Salt and pepper 3c each. Castor bottles oc each. Curry combs oc. Lamp burners oc. Tea strainers oc. French blacking oc. Salt boxes of. Towel racks 5c. Largo bottle of glue 6c. Egg beaters oc. Soup ladles oc. Bread toasters 5c. Bird cajro hooks 5c. Funnels oc. Scrub brushes oc. .Milk pans oc. U hnt and coat hooks oc Brush cases , oc. Covered tin pails , 5c. Hammers , oc. 4 porcelain wheel bed castors , Sc. 1 at dipper * , oc. Cream pitchers , oc. Butter dishes , oc. Spoon holders , oc. Sugar bowls , 5c. 48 sheets of shelf paper , 5c. Apple corers , oc. Can openers. 5c. Shoo brushes , oc. Hair curlers , oc. Pie lifters , oc. Butcher knives , oc. Just receiveda full line of chinaplain white and decorated. In open stock you can buy in any quantity at 50 per cent cheaper tnan you ever bought before. 100 piece English dinner setsdecrrated $7.95. 112 piece English dinner sets , decor ated , 48.9-5. Toilet sets , very fine decoration , 32.97. Drug Department. This-department has improved won derfully. Wo carry the finest line of drog3jpateji.t < ijnedicinet.perfume,4toil t. water , toilet powder and toilet soaps" that can bo seen west of Chicago. The drug department is on the main floor in the now part of the house. Hood's Sarsaparilla , 7oc. Primley's Sarsaparilla , GOc. Hosteller's Billers , 75c. Electric Bitlors , 4pc. Harter's Iron Tonic , 75c. Brown's Iron Bilters. 7oc. Kennedy's Medical Discovery , $1.15. Kennedv's Rheumatic Dissolvent , 81.15. Indian Sagwa,75c. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , 7oc. Beecham's Pills , 20c. Gariield Tea,20c. Lane's Family Medicine , 40c. Gessler's Magic Headache Wafers,30c. Fig Syrup. 40c. Wizard Oil. large , 75c ; small , 40c. Beef , Iron and Wine , 50c. Liebig's , Armour's , Cudahy's Beef Ex tract 35 c. Vaseline , plain , 5c. Vaseline , perfumed , 7jc. Ely's Cream , ISc. Frostilla , ISc. Viola cream , 40c. Viola soaps , le. ! ) Viola powders , 20c. Malvina cream , 40c. Imported violet water , 59c per bottle. imported lilac water , 59c per bottle. Imported A' L' Excora , 59o per bottle. Imported Eaude Portugal oOc per hot- lie. lie.Eau Eau do Quinine Toniquo largo , 75c per bottle. Eau do Quinine Toniquo , small , 45c per bottle. We also have a now line of imported perfume which wo sell very close. Candy Made to Order "Wo have fitted up a candy factory in our basement , with Harry Druce , the well known candy maker in charge , and nro prepared to furnish fresh made can dy at bottom prices. We quote a few. Log Cabin mixed nt Sc per Ib. London mixed at IOc per Ib. Cream mixed nt loc per Ib. Pure cream caramels at 17c per Ib. A fine line of candies at 2.3c per Ib. Opera caramels at 30c per Ib. Cream wafers at 30c per 11) . Hand made bonbons and chocolates at 40c per Ib. Wo invite all the ladles to come and see the candles mado. Toys and Fancy Goods. This department was never so attrac tive for variety of novelties in Dolls , Games and fancy articles at reasonable prices. Ribbons and Handkerchiefs. If you can't find the shade , tno qual ity or style of ribbon you need , lot your first thoughts bo to Hnydon Bros. There is truly nothing so complete west of Now York City aa this ribbon depart ment right her o in Omaha. Art Needlework Dep't Is selling Stamped Linens , Embroid orlos , Felt Goods and ornaments a special low prices. The ben * Embroidery Silk , 5c dozen spools. hilic Plash , li't ' du. n , and e .cry hlng at 'ipuctat .u * r g * . S 97,4 , 94 , SO GOl OSSAL GIFT nndprtiktnit of thr > ace to clvertl rt our bu lno inrt ln < TPa i our nn r rdet Jopnrtint'iit.Vo know our prlt-m , ir - the IOWOM. UP c.irry tm l.tnri-u stuck to i'i. r 'r i. Wo iMiiruuUvulsf lotluii nr monpv refunded , and In uililttUm to nil this we will mKO any saerlflooto Inttuot * pouplo to zlve IM i trail purrhiip . , , , It U ItnpoMlblo for a Mimll business to buy gooiU olioap , so It Is easy to see tue more ' > s | . neM wo do thu rticnpur e can sell. , , , , In addition to those liutiu'cim'nti wo oilor nn opportunity to sot a valuable lost Inn n il 01 Our great ( iostro to \ \ In yuiir good will anil pntnnmgc , ficur in mltul 557.J01.CO TO BE GIVEN AWAY , TUG roLLowiso is THE LISTI 1 Upright Hand Carved Wogmnn Pinna , the bust , . 1.101 00 1 Brldgonort Organ . . . 1 v" > uO 1 Cabin Passage to Europe ami Return. Harry E.Moocoa , Agent , Omaha 140 00 1 Solid Gold Elgin Watch . l.t. . DO 1 Hammond Typo-Writer. 310 S. Kith afoot . 1" " " 0 1 Press Drill , Moline , Mllburn & Stoildanl Co . " 0 1 Swan Baby Carriage . . . . . s > " 0 1 Seal Plush Sucquo . . . s- > " 0 1 Billow & DOUD'S Coat Hair Mattros . . . 7 > -if ) 1 Month's Board at llotol Oollono , best lu Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 > " 0 1 Rrtad Wngon from Columbus Boggy Co . 7 > uO 1 Round Trip to I'hU-ngo via C. , M. & . St. P. It. R . - " 0 1 Imported Marble Watcrbury Clock . . . ! > " 0 1 Palmetto Tent. Omaha Toot and Awning Co. , Ornrtha . - " " 0 1 Crayon Portrait Iloyn . > " 0 1 Music Box . , . -0 1 Full Course Rathbun's Omaha Business Collage . . . . so < K ) 1 Round Trip to St. Louis , via Wabash Railway. . . . . . . . 2-r > HO 1 Gents' Overcoat , satin lined . . . . . < " > 00 1 Bos' Safety Bicycle . < > 0 1 Pair Dresden Vases . . . il" " 0 1 Round Trip to Denver , via B. & M. R. R . " 0 1 Bcnarv Guitar . . . ' ( > " 0 1 Pair Silk Curtainn. trimmings complete. . . , . . . 71 dO 1 Strous & Sons' Fine China Ten Sot . .to 00 1 Standard Stamping Co. Fine Water Cooler . , . 4o K > 1 Wheeling Pottery Co. Dinner Sot . MI 00 1 Chelsea Pottery Co. Dinner Set . In no 1 Abraham French & Co. French China Dinner Sot . 7 3 i > 0 1 Round Trip to Colorado Springs , vtaGroat Rock Island Route . 't' ' 'K ) 1 Stubenvillo Pottery Co. Toilet Set . 20 " 0 1 Vodroy Bros. Toilet Set . 25 00 I Knowles , Tavlor & Knowles Tqa Set . 2 > iK ) 1 P. H. Leonard Tea Set . . . -3 ' UO 1 Round Trip to Ilot Springs Ark. , via Missouri Pacilic . 50 UO I Plush Reefer . 25 M ) 1 Handsome Carving Sot in case. . , . 25 00 1 Rochester Chandelier. 0 lights. . . . . . , . 5t' ' nO 1 Silk Upholstered Swinging Chair . . . 15 uO I Edward Miller Parlor Lamp . 2.3 i,0 , 1 Wisconsin Sideboard Refrigerator , oak finish . 7) 00 1 Wallace & Sons Onyx Table Piano Lamp . 60 00 1 Lane Mfg. Co. Banquet Lamp . 25 00 1 Bowman , Manning .fc Co. , Pearl Agate Dining Sot . 4000 1 Aliirich Mfrr. Co. CnmnlRtn Ivitrhon Sot in Connor . 30 00 1 Stranski Complete Kitchen Set in blue enameled ware 40 00 1 Central Stumpinir Co. Kitchen Sot in tin 13 HO 1 ICohlcr Haysen & Co. Kitchen Set , Hint ware 3-3 00 1 Empire Wringer 10 00 1 Season Ticket and Instructions to Natatorium 25 00 1 Royal Worchester Vase 40 00 1 Pair Terra Cotta Full Bust Statues English Dude and Lady 50 00 1 Mucking Bird from Max Geisler 30 00 1 Electric Gas Lighter from We&tern Electric Supply Co , 13 00 1 Seal Cap , genuine , 25 00 1 Fine Trunk 20 00 1 Elegant Picture in frame 40 00 1 pair California Blankets 20 00 1 Milton Rogers & Sons Only New Process Gasoline Stove 24 00 1 Perpetual Swing Cradle 10 00 1 Keg Austin' Crack Shot Powder 10 00 1 Pair Holland Va-es .TO 00 1 Set Chambers' Encyclopedia , 12 vela in library , 25 00 1 Demorost Sewing Machine , 0500 1 Fine Tab e Cloth and Napkins to match 10 00 1 Pair Hungarian Vases , 35 00 1 Silver Fruit Stand 30 00 1 Silver Castor 15 00 1 Handsome Bisque Bust 38 00 1 Peerless Edition of Parallel Bible 20 00 1 Black Gros Grain Silk Dress Pattern 35 00 1 Spencer & Barnes Bed Room Set 35 00 1 Mntoon Onk'SSideboard'- . . ' . . , : * . . * * \ . - . % - . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 1 Star Combination Bookcase and Desk , in oak 7. . ' . .T/cTI. . .T. . . . . . . . 35 00 ] Hall Tree 2000 1 Gilbert Bros' . Horn Ottoman ; N. 10th St 1000 1 W. T. Seaman's Road Cart , from Omaha's largest variety of wagons and buggies 25 00 1 Gilbert Bros'Mounted Pea Fowl ; N. 10th St 3500 1 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 10 00 1 Elegant Ostrich Fan 25 00 1 Ton Anthracite Coal 1000 1 Roger , Smith & Co. . Meridan , Conn. , Satin Engraved Silver Tea Set and tray. Set of 5 pieces , , 100 00 1 Eletrant Ansonia Clock Co. Bronze Tableaux 25 00 1 Elegant Silver Water Set. Pierpont Mfg. Co 12500 1 Pair of Elcjjant Lemairo Opera Glasses 25 UO 1 Pair Solid Gold Spectacles 10 00 1 Plush Rocker 1300 1 Western Washing Machine ' . 10 00 1 Fairbanks'Family Scale , the world's standard 15 00 1 Fine Leather Valise , 1000 1 Infants' Long Cloalc 10 00 1 Misses'Fine Cloak 1500 1 Ladies' Hat 1000 1 Piece of Our Own Canton Flannel 10 00 1 Japanese Umbrella Stand 15 00 1 Marseilles Bed Spread 000 1 Glass Water Set , , 5 00 1 Very fine Brass Bird Cage 5 00 1 Kitchen Cabinet 5 00 1 Pair Down Pillows ( Omaha Mattrass Go's ) ' 10 00 1 Ollico Chair ( Murphy Jc Wasey'b ) ' 10 00 I Hopsier Drill Coa Grain Drill 3300 5 Pairs Williams , Van Arnnm & Hart's Men's Fine Calf Hand Sowed Shoes at $5 pair 2.3 00 5 Pairs Williams , Van Arnams & Hart's Ladies' Hand Sewed Kid Shoes at $5 pair 25 00 3 Pairs American Rubber Go's Pure Gum Sporting Boots at iO.CO pair Hi 50 1 Pair Royal Sanitary Gray Blankets 10 00 1 Pair best Capital Citv White Blankets 10 00 I Pair Morced's woolen mills California White Blankets 16 00 I Pair best 12-1 Davenport woolen mills Sanitary Gray Blankets 10' ' 00 I Ely. Collins i'c Hale best Down Comforts 15 00 1 Super , Marshall & Co. Fine Linen Table Cloth , nnpkins to mutch 13 00 1 Plush Lap RODO 10 00 1 Fur Lap Robe 15 00 1 pair Horse Blankets 7 50 1 Wool Lap Robe , , 5 00 1 do/.on 1 Dinner Napkins 5 00 1 Best Saieun Comfort , 5 00 1 Ladies' Silk Skirt ( Mundt Mfg Co. ) 160 1 Infants'Lontr 5 > ilk Embroidered Cloak , Mouopolo Slllc Embroldoiy Works i . 2500 1 Ladies'Winchester Shawl. Raines Mfg. Co 15 00 1 Ladies' Highland Shawl , Unities Mfg. Co 10 00 Lidies' Reversible BeaVer Shawl , Suydon Mfg. Co 20 00 Ladies' Jersey Jacket , Nonpareil Jersey Co 10 00 Ladies' Newmarket , velvet trimmed , , 75 1)0 ) Ladies' Newmarket velvet trimmed , 50 00 Gentleman's Smoking Jacket t 25 00 Satin Worcester Corset , fi 00 Ladioh' Silk Umbrella . . . . . , . . , 10 00 Suit Ladies' Silk Underwear lo 00 Pair L'ldies'Bltick S.Ik IIoso 5 00 Elegant Sofa Pillow 25 00 Hall Fire Proof rfafo 5000 Sot Roger-Bros. Iil7 Knives and Forks , 12 caoh 1200 Heavy IS K Solid Gold Band Ring 12 00 l c mu - uuu ui-cjuo , . , , , , , la uu 1 Edward Oil Burner , . , 4000 5 Thousand pair Laalos'Real Kid Gloves 500000 5 Thousand pair Gont'e Sil * Suspenders .1000 00 5 Thousand Carnage Whips 5000 00 1) Thousand pairs Steel Shears , nickel plated . 5000 00 5 Thousand Fine Stco. Engravings 5000 00 5 Thouannd Annual Subscriptions to Weekly Boo , now subscripts only SuoO 00 6 Thousand Annual Subscriptions to Weekly World-HornJd , ne v subs , only , "MAI 00 6 Thousand Books of boot authors 'Mid 00 2,500 Annual Subscriptions to Nebraska Tribune ( Gorman ) juuo 00 5 Thousand 'Mb. Boxes Choice Candy oJOO 00 1 Churchill Pumi ) Co's Pump No. a 760 1 Cuddy Climax Plug Tbcaco U 00 1 Boys' Overcoat lu 00 1 Boys' Fine Kiltouit 10 00 1 Boys'Fine Suit 10 00 ] Men's Fine Satin Lined full Dross Suit 60 00 1 Round Trip to Hot Springs , S. D. , by Q. & M , ft , R , , only Pullman roulo to that point . 25 00 3 Plunton Wagons , at $5 end ; . . , , 16 CO 1 Bbl. R. T. UivU Milling Co. Royal No. 10 Flour. 7 00 1 Ladies Aitrafhnn Cape . , . , 2500 Additional gifts will bo added to this list. nEinKEN'CE3 : : OMAHA , Neb. , Aug. 2S , l&Ol.Referring to the Above lUt of gooks by Haydan Bro . to be given away to their customers , we ara thorougly that and representation they may make will bo carefully and honestly fulii.lud. THE BKK PfBLIMIlNt ; CO. NFHIM- : THIBI'NE. THE \ \ mUJ-HI'UA .l > . i' ' MMK < ! U NT [ < NL BANK , N N \ iii < \ \i. tjNK , i ' . i \ . - > \ ' l\i- > M\MC UiiO = 3. - - - - - UMA.ll/i. MB E3.