Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Hot Discharged on Account of Tliclr
Wo who nro not Catholics , and nro now
connected with Hayden Uros.1 business ,
know ttio stories started by envious compet
itors to bo absolutely false. McretmmlMng
U n trade open to all , and tbo malicious
torlcs of sluggish competitors cnnnot ruin u
business built , up by daylight American
methods on the llvo and lot live plan , 'llio
typical American Is a lover of fair play and
will never malign the energy and push that
ircts thoto. Llvo merchants help to make n
five el'.y :
Otto .1. Isonsce , ovrr cloven years.
O. JninuMirit Kenernl malinger , tun yenrs.
3. A. furnish. manager elouk depart
ment , ten jours.
i : I.uiiKnii , malinger Jewelry depart
ment , clKlit years.
A. Ilu i'ltor > , mnimgcr ftirnituro do-
pnrtnit'iit. eltihtyeais.
J'wl Hpensley , nmnnger sugar depart-
incut , eight years.
Alonro II. I Int Is. malinger hat dopnrt-
niciul. thrt-n years.
< ) . I' . Hot not t , clothlng demirl-
incut , thru-years.
I , . 1 1. Thomas manuRcr shoo depart-
ttirnt , uuiyimts.
M. Atmstrohg , manager ding department ,
Iwoycnr.s. .
Kutlu Sonnet one , underwear department ,
four years.
Ml s O. MlrhauR tlirco years.
( iurllc Olbson , toy department , thrco years
C'harlolte y.lciiniuii , hosiery department
G. UiiblnowlU , hosiery department two
itufson , glove department , two years.
J.V. . Miller , mull order department , two
yearn. *
Daisy Oolden , tno years.
Ackley WebiTK , two years.
Airs. L. Cobb , foiulady mill department ,
tireii ) yours. .
W. I ) , llrown. shoo department , three years.
1 , . llolmcr. two years.
William bubvlilKe , order department , two
Mrs , H. I. . Wood , four years.
Oscar Cossmi , two ye.irs ,
llany Cook , two years.
Clnru 1. . Nk-osc , two years.
Halo 11. ( Jnrey. two years.
Anna bwnnson. notions , two years.
Frank Ovorlues. two youis.
Henry J. I'rey. manager hunlwnro nnd
crockery dennrtinent , four years.
A. Turner , "dipping clerk , two years.
I , . I ) , llnrnell , clothing duiarlnient. |
William llurnutt , dinning deparlment.
U \V. bwunson , clothing ileinirlineif
AIlsuU. II. rrJcmun , cloak demtrtmont.
MIssL. Hart , elouk deparlnienl.
I ! . M. Wnoilhrlilge. music department.
K. \VooilhildKc , music duimrlni'jnt ' ,
W. O , Pi vor , shoe detiurtment.
V. \ . . Dean , fiirnlshliu goods.
V.V. . b'oncrlst , f urn Mi In * goods.
Mary Heed , eushlur , fouryours.
Ilairv Inice. )
I. M. 1 Ish.
M. Mct7llir.
F. A. VolMmrdt , frolghtclcrk.
A. Wltliorspoon.
Jj. .1. Uooluy.
II. W. llallelt , nine months.
MlssUertlo Turiiiun , ribbon department , ono
Miss Anna \\Vllnsky. notion department ,
ono and a Imli years.
-Miss bndlooncboin. . notion ( Icpartmont.
MIssMny I.udlow , notion departmenl.
Miss Ida Illocl. , notion department.
Kdward llayden , iimekeeper , OUM and a half
Gonign Ilnsc , nine months ,
O. II. Thornton.
J. I' , rorsoll.
Uust Sdolorg.
II. C. Mnltcson , one year.
Kliuer Wuberg. six monthi.
Charles Nelson , one year.
Goal go bellilioii , one your.
W , H. Wheeler.
A. Wills , six months.
Uluiidu Hand ? , ( no year.
i : . II Lister , six months.
Marcus L' . Ware.
Klrby Atkliihon , ono ycsr.
J' W. Thompson.
Mis. II. Drtice , candy department.
H. A. Glenn , drv goods department.
Knltcn ! bcldhsliy.
A. iMut/lill , di UK department.
N'elllo Ingram , ono year.
C. A. Carman , diessuoods.
A. L' . Tnatehor. diy goods.
A. Norrls , tov dopui Uncut.
O. W. 1'nlmer , dry goods , ono and one-half
W. II. Truest , dry goods , ono year.
1i. P. Ohborn , mutineer notion department ,
six months.
Junslu llowoll , art department.
Mllly Michaels , jeweliy department , nine
Katie Wagner , Jewulry department , three
Mrs. Inez Cummlngs , underwear depart
L. Jennie I.ovy , underwear department.
Klonor .M. I'otms.
II. T. I'oteiH , six months.
H. troronsnn.
Thomas II. Fell , ono year.
II. llilcUcnbohn , ono year.
A. C'atlln. six month ! ! .
Mrs. U. tioddaid , seven months.
Joseuh 8. lived.
W. 1' . Ituhe , ono year.
Willie Murk-lie- " .
K.V. . .liicoln , wall imper , ono year.
"W. V. Nichols , cinjiet department , ono your
II. V. lluigudlne.
Carl Larson.
Hotly Kelchonmirg.
.lolin Wilson.
James Newhouse , eighteen months.
Aloii7o II. Davis appeared before mo on this ,
tlio-Mil day of Sciitembnr. IS'Jl ' , and teslllles
that ho personally tnlUed with each peiKon
signing tno above , and that do bulluves them
to bo as to I heir tension mid oalh us repro-
Bcntoil , nnd that eitod and all of Iho poisons
nlKnini ; tlio above aio adults , and that
none are cash boys or girls , and ho fnither
testifies that llayden llros. consented to the
circulating of this paper only after the
urgent request of thosu assoclaied with them
In nuslnesi. Ai.osvo II. DAVIS.
Hiibscilbed and sworn to before me , thls'J.1) )
j * , ilny of September , Ife'.U. ' nt Omaha ,
. . . . . " . w n. . . .
4 HIAI. j-Nouiuska. UAIII. L. iV" > nn iiifci n.
1 Notary 1'ubllc.
Full iMIIIInery Opciiln- .
Wo will hold our fall millinery open
ing on Monday and Tuesday and extend
nn invitation to the ladies to inspect our
novelties , fooling satlsliod thnt wo have
the griimlostassortment otimported and
domestic goods over shown in Omaha.
SOT S. 10th , hot. Farnam & llarnoy.
Millinery opening all the week at
Mine. llieUman'a , Ull South 10th street ,
A flno gold lllled watch , $10. S. Bunk ,
114 S 10th street.
The Erck hullding on the southeast
corner of Sixteenth and Webster streets
that was destroyed by tire last May has
been rebuilt and will ho ready for occu-
imnoy nbout October fi. The building
lins been remodeled with all modern
conveniences and handsomely decorated ;
It has live beautiful stores anil base-
inonts fronting on Sixteenth street and
ono fronting on Wobstot street that nro
Biiltnblo for nny business.
The second floor is titled up In forty
well lighted and well vontilntctl rooms ,
formerly occupied by the Now York
liotel , butnow moro biiltablo than ever
for hotel purposes , having boon sup
plied with all conveniences necobsary ;
ilro escapes , etc. The owner Is very anx
ious to have his buildingoceupled before
winter sots In. and any person desiring
to change locations or go into business
can innlio very reasonable terms for any
imrt of this building for a llrst class bus
iness. Apply to
Room 1 , Continental block , 15th and
Douglas streets.
I'atronlzo homo industries by using
Farrcll & Co.'s 1'iirltan or Old Settlors'
Maple Syrup. Guaranteed absolutely
jmro. Your grocer sells it.
S. Hunk , jeweler , removed to 114
South 10th st.
Pullman tourist Hleeping car excur
sions to California and I'aciflo coast
points Ion vo. Chicago every Saturday
Kansas City every Suiuliip via the Santu
Fo routo. Tlulcot rate from Cnicago
8J7.CO , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKansiiH City $ . ' 15 , bleeping car rate
from Chicago > l jxjr double berth , from
KniiMia City ii ; per double berth. Hvory
thing furnished except meals. Those
excursions nro i > orjioniilly conducted by
oxHrienccd ] ) oxcurhlon managcra who
accompany parties to deHtination. For
excursion folder contulnlng full particu
lars and map folder and tlmo table of
Santa Fo route ami rcborvlngof alooplng
car bertha , addro-H K. K I'almcr ,
I'atiAOugcr agent , A.T ftti. F. railroad ,
411 N. Y. LUoUldi ; . , Omuha , Nebraska ,
On n Question of Vital Interest to All
Don't bo discouraged , lady. It's not
your fault that you'vo not boon able to
innko good broad lately. It's the fault
of the Hour. It's made from now wheat.
Do you know the difference between
flour inndu from old wheat and that made
from now ? Old housekeepers will
tell you that It's always best about
the ilrst of September to buy enough
flour to last you until the now wheat
has irene through n sweat and Is fit to
iii-o. Cheap Hour is made by ninny
millers at this time of the year , of now
whont which is very undesirable. It
looks just as good as old wheat flour ,
but when you mix it , you'll find that It
will either ralso and raise till It will
take ilirco pans to hold what was put
into one , or the bread will bo wet or
soggvi Do you want old or now wheat
llourV Wo have botn , for before
the now wheat was cut so that
there was no chance to mix the berries ,
wo put in several car loads of our best
brands and can guarantee to supply you
with strictly old wheat Hour. Wo have
Hour tit ail prices fiom ono dollar per
sack up. ;
We're the coiTeo kings of this com
munity. Wo handle twcnty-thrccdlf-
forent varieties of the berry and huvo
them freshly roasted right here in
Omaha daily. At the head of the list
is on ' 'Imporul ' Java , " which wo'ro
making a loader of tit three pounds
for $1.00. For pungency and true
aroma you can't boat it nnywhoro on
this continent , pay what you will. Ono
customer who always buys this colTco Is
a prominent physician. Ho says , I
como two blocks out of my way to buy
my cotTco _ here because it's always uni
form I'm never disappointed.
You'vo hoard of Brndloy's Jumovn.
haven't you1 ; Hnvo you ever tried it'i1
Como in and get a hot cup. How much
do you : > : iy for Mocha and Java' ? Wo
self.Inmovn ut 28c a pound and everyone
says it's just as good as M. & J. You'll
say BO too.
C'olToo from loc Ib. up.
This "tea' question ' is u teaser for
bomo folks. They seem to have
had a hard time in finding just
what they want. Wo have
forty-two dillcrent varieties for you to
select from , the prices ranging from 20c
a pound up. Surely wo can suit you.
You know , don't you , that wo'ro the
biggest retail grocery house in the
west ? Our stock Is complete all the
way through and our prices always the
lowest just the sumo Tuesday as tlioy
nro Monday. No baits or fish hooks
thrown out to catch "suckeis. " Fair ,
sqtinro dealing with everybody
and no trade completed till
customer is satisfied. That's the policy
we've always pursued. That's why wo
have the biggest trade.
That's the condition of the egg mar
ket at present , with regard to seconds.
Do you know what a "second egg" " is ?
It's ono that's not absolutely decayed ,
but is so near it that it's only a matter of
a day or two when itcollapses. Men who
make n business of _ handling eggs can
toll one of this variety the moment they
put it before the candle. They're sop-
crated from the fresh eggs and sold at u
reduced price. Somn dealers boll thcso
eggs because they don't know the dif-
foionco , others sell them be
cause there is a larger profit in
them. Wo don't sell them at
all. Wo can't afford to. Our butter
and egg department is our greatest ad
vertisement. It brings us more customers
than any other advertising scheme
wo'vo over tried. Wo find that when
wo can once got people to using our
butter and eggs wo can always sell them
other goods. WhyV Because wo'vo got
their confidence. They know that they
always got the bCbt goods at the very
lowest price.W.
1GOS to 1611 Capitol tivcnuo.
Bliss' general grand full opening will
take place Friday and Saturday , Octo
ber and ; ! , this week. Wo will show
the largest line of imported millinery
novelties west of Now York.
J. .1. BLISS ,
1510 Douglas street.
The recent improvements in Wogman
pianos is unsettling the standard makes
of instruments and revolutionizing the
whole principle in the construction of
stringing , pin-holding and accoustics in
the piano. The absence of the wrest
plank is decidedly advantageous in that
it unloads the liability of breaking in
the iron frame from expanding wood or
rattling from the contraction under fur
nace or artificial heat. Thcso obstacles
heretofore have enriched the tuners at
the purchasers , expense in the Steinway -
way , Chickorlng , Weber and other
inalfos , but the Ingenious methods of
electric metal In perfecting vibration ia
an achievement hitherto unattuincd by
other inventors. llayden Brothers have
secured the state atroncy and u-jk the
public to call and investigate the Wog
man piano before buying , or send for
Elegant styles of imported millinery
uiion exhibition this week at Joyce's
1001) ) Douglas street.
Millinery opening all the week at
Mmo. Uicuman's , lill South 10th street.
Novelties in jowolory at very low
prices. S. IJank , 114 S 10th st.
Annowalt Co. Leo our fine line of
Parisian bonnets. U20 S. 10th street.
For Rent A good modern 10-room
houso. All conveniences. N. A. Kuhn.
iMth and Dodge.
Wanted Position IIH night clerk In
first class hotel ; south preferred ; best of
references. Address C2 , Bee.
Reduced rales for first term of Mr.
Maurlco Adams' dnncing academy to
thodo who join the class tomorrow , Mon
day evening , at Gormanla hall , 1818
llarnoy street. Send for circular.
Millinery Opening * .
The greatest display of Imported and
domestic millinery over shown In Omaha
on Monday and Tuesday.
307 S. 10th street , hot. Farnam& llarnoy.
In proof of the popularity of A very
Planter Co.'H goods Air. F. Godonsch-
wager , the genial Implement dealer of
Schuylor , states that ho has sold ilftv-
seven A very corn planters and check
rowers and all filving the bobt of satis
faction. Mr. Godonschwagor Is a wldo-
awake business man and has already
closed a largo contract with Mr. Day of
the Avorv Planter Co. for the next sea
son a trado.
Tlint the Burlington offers the best
service to Chicago. Kansas City , St.
Joseph , St. Louis , Lincoln , Dead wood
and Denver.
Remember that its trains for Chicago
leave the union depot at 0:50 : a. m. , 4UO :
n. in , and 0to : ; p. m ; for Kansas City , St.
Joseph and St. Louis at UHO : a. m. and
0:45 : p. m. , for Denver at 10:25 : n. m.
and 7:10 p. in. ; for Dead wood mm the Hot
Sprlnirs of South Dakota , nt 10:25 : a. m.
Remember that It has four dally express
trains to Lincoln , and five from that
city , nnil tiat | Ha ticket oflloo Is at 1223
Furnum street.
N. II.
nxtrnordlnnry Vnlucs for Mo n ( In jr.
SHAWLS AT $1.47.
All wool cnshmcro shawls in blnck ,
pink mid blue , and fancy wool slmwln In
plaids and stripes , worth up to $1.00.
All nt ono price , $1.47.
Wo offer 100 Indies' water proof gar
ments , warranted , price $1.35.
A full line of Indies'jackets nt $3.00 ,
at $ . ' ! .CO. nt 81.00 , at $5.00 , worth from
$1.25 toH.OO.
A full line of ladles'jackets from $5.00
up to $13.50 , made In the correct styles
nnil worth tin to $20.00.
A bargain In half hoso.
150 dozen gents' fancy striped half
hose Iflc n pair , value 35c.
A great seller Is our 60c tmlaundrcd
shirt ; it is made of Wamsutta muslin ,
bosom linen , worth 7"e. .
Wo have a night shirt nt 48c that Is
actually selling In the city at Hoe. c 3
Our ladies' natural grey ribbed bal-
brlggun underwear at 50c a garment Is u
leader , worth a third more.
Try n pair of our ladles' onyx dye cot
ton 'hoso ut 3Jc. Wo warrant every
pair for wear and color.
This department is showing a rare col
lection of choice novelties unequalled in
the west.
40-inch all wool habit cloth 50c. , value
at 7oc.
42-inch puritan wool cheviot at Oac , a
42-inch fancy suiting in diagonal and
zigzag oflectH , fast sellers at $1.00.
fit-inch leather mixed scotch suiting ,
very Hcrviccablo at $1.2o.
Our 51-inch mountain twill suiting is
going fast at $1.50.
In novelty camel's hair suiting wo are
showing a beautiful line , prices ranging
from $1.25 , $1.60 , $1.03 , $1.75 to $2.50 pel-
Magnificent line of In.lios' broad
cloths , all the leading shades at $1.50 ,
$2.50 and $2.75 u yard.
Visit this department for the latest
itlens and advanced styles of dress fa
38-inch black camera hair at 50c ,
worth 75c.
38-inch black all wool habit cloth at
50c , worth 75c.
40-inch blink wool cheviot at , 75c ,
would bo cheap at $1.00.
40-inch black all wool French serge
75c for our regular $1.00 quality.
41-inch wool hcnrictta cloth , rich
satin finish , in both jet and blue black ,
a great bargain at 75c.
Buy your llnnns tomorrow.
5-8 full bleached napkins at $1.00 a
5-8 full bleached napkins at $1.25 a
3-1 full bleached napkins at $1 7o n
02-inch silver bleached damask nt 50c.
70-inch silver bleached damask at 75c.
CO-inch bleached damask at 50c.
( )2-inch bleached damask at 7oc.
Now lot ladies corset covers and
drawers , extra good quality , 2oc.
Now lot ladies night gowns 0c ! ) & ! )8c. )
Ice wool and mohair shawls and
fascinatora from $1.50 to $ o.85.
Nice line of ladies and childrons knit
skirts. N. B. FALCONER.
Just received , two cars of old wheat
flour direct from the mills , ono car of
Minneapolis high grade patent Hour and
ono car of Minneapolis best superlative
Mjnneapoljs high grade patent , $1.50.
Minneapolis best superlative , $1.35.
( Warranted ) .
Daisy patent , $1.00.
Economy , $1.00.
Davis No. 10 , $1.45. ( Not warranted ) .
7 bars Pago's Union laundry soap , 2oe.
7 bars Pink Prussian soap , 2 , > c.
11 bars good laundry soap , 25c.
2 loaves bread , 5c.
On Monday only , 12 boxes best parlor
matches , 10c. JIETZEL BROS. , .
Cuming and 2lth streets.
Millinery Opening
On Tuesday and Wednesday next. Fall
styles , including imported patterns.
Miss A.'Dunham , 1413 Fiirnum street *
Morand's Dancing School The bene
ficial practice of Dolsarte's system of
physical culture will bo introduced in
the juvenile classes this season. Par
ents wishing their children to have the
benefit of such lessons are earnestly rec
ommended to have the children begin
next Saturday , October 3 , at 10 a. m. or
2 p. m.
Mrs. Kato Clamnitt has opened branch
hair and manicure parlors in N. Y. Life
building , 1st lloor. For 30 days she will
sell $10.00 tickets for $5.00.
Bliss' general grand fall opening will
take place l-Yidny and Saturday , Octo
ber 2 and 3 , Una week. Wo will show
the largest line of imported millinery
novelties west of New York ,
1510 Douglas street.
$175 Fisher upright piano , $85.
$ 150 Stock upright piano , $2")0.
$175 now upright piano , $187.50.
1 organ , $25.
I now Estcy organ , $05.
A thoroughly competent dress goods
salesman of long experience , and who
can furnish the very best of references.
Apply Monday morning.
Tin : Moitsn Ditv GOODS Co.
MNS | Alien
Grand display of pattern hats and bon
nets at our fall millinery opening Mon
day and Tuesday.
307 S. 10th St. , bet. Farnnm & llarnoy.
The \Vorl l UfMum-ncil "IVolier I'lanos
Sold by the Molnborg Co , only.
Dr. SussdorIT , 1501 Furmun , treats suc
cessfully diseases kidneys , bladder and
rectum , also diseases peculiar to women.
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages
J , E. Dlotrlckarcliitoct,000 N. Y. Life
V K IM3I ) 'KOII 1 15T
Anil Hi , I.oiiln I "air.
On account of the above , the Missouri
Pacific will sell round-trip tickets to St.
Louis for ono fara Tickets will bo on
sale from October 3d to Oth Inclusive ,
good to return until October 12th.
Ticket ofllco N. E. corner 13th and Far-
nuiu und depot 15th and Wnbster streets.
Fine carriages , Seam in's repository.
Vin the \Vali.iHli 1C. 11.
On September 20 the Wai-ash will sell
round trip tickets good for 30 days to
points in Arkansas , Texas , Louisiana ,
Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and
Georgia. For rutce , tickets mid full in
formation call on or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , Agent ,
1502 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob.
Sorno Special ) Offerings to Induc3 Your
Presence Monday.
Monday We Will Place on Our Coun
ters the Vry Imtcst Novcltlcn
from IfarlH nt Kxccptum- -
ally lo\v 1'rlocw.
Broadcloth ,
Broadcloth ,
Broadcloth ,
Good shades fashionable durable
$1.15. $1.15. $1.15.
Hero ! Wo represent everything that
is stylish and desirable at popular prices.
50C. 60C.
50C. 50C.
. Fancy olTccls. Extremely stylish.
On Monday
05c. 05c. 05c.
Our black goods department Is now
completely stocked with all the latest
dress fabrics.
The popular brands of Henrietta in
silk and wool warp In all grades.
Extra line silk-finished Henrietta
75c , 75c , 75c.
A great bargain ,
Worth $1.00 , at
70c , 70c , 7c. ( )
Just received.
Choice designs in demi Houncing.
Comprising Chantilly , point do
Vcmis , Marquise , Fedora , Point Gauze ,
1'carl beaded and embroidered
dcmi flouncing
and edging to match.
Rich embroidered
crepe chiffon Houncings and edges.
in all shades.
Everything that is > new in veilings.
in endless variety.
Now colored beaded pnsbiuncntcrics.
Now sot pustininentcrios.
Now nail head pussnmcntorics.
New feather trimming.
Wo call your special attention to our
every detail. '
THE TREFOUSSE glove so thor
oughly reliable now in stock. For party
and street wear.
OUR BIARRITZ $1.00 shopping
glove cannot bo surpassed for Us utility
and extreme low price , in black and
Cor. Farnam and Fifteenth Sts.
The Itlplnliprff Co 'H New I'iaiio llooms
At 109 North'Kith ' street.
Invites Ills Many FrloudR.
Mr. Ed. Simpson , who for years was
identified with the furniture house , of
James Bonner , and latterly in business for
himself tm North Sixteenth street , is
now associated with The Peoples' Mom-
moth Installment house , 131.VJ317 Far
nam street , and will bo pleased to give
his personal attention to all his friends
who might call.
Flno Upright Piano Clionp
At the Moinborg Co.'s new piano
warcrooms , 10 ! ) North IGth street , bet.
Dodge and Cap. uvc.
Annowalt Co. Correct styles in Mill
inery : low prices. 220 S. lOtli street.
Cheap HiiluH lo Omuha.
To those desiring to attend the Omaha
Interstate Industrial exposition Septem
ber 28 to October 7 , the Union Pacific
will sell tickets to Omaha at ono and
one-third faro for the round trip from all
points within 75 miles thereof , on Sep
tember 20 , October 1 , 0 , 8 , 13 and 15.
Tickets good returning until and in
cluding October 17 , 181)1. )
Elegant styles of imported millinery
upon exhibition this week at Joyce's
1009 Douglas street.
'J ho Finest Stock of Piano *
In the city , including the Weber , Whco-
lock and Llndcman pianos , at the Moin
borg Co'a noxyxyarorooms , 109 N. 10th.
Ladies got your hats reshaped , os
trich feathers dyed , cleaned and curled
1514 llarnoy Street.
Attention Odd Kellown.
All the members of Wasa Lodge No.
18.1 , I. O. O. F. , . % ro requested to moot at
their hall , 107 and 109 S. 1 Ith Htreot ,
Sunday , Sept. 27th , 1 p. m. , to attend
the funeral of our deceased brother , II.
A. Sundstodt. All the lodges in the
citv and visiting brothers are invited to
attend. A. E. SAMUIU.SON , N. G.
FUANIC lit'itMAN , secretary.
Stove repairs , 1207 Douglas street.
II A l K I-'AUU.
To the St. TjniilH I''air anil Exposition.
Via the Wabash Rnllroul. On Satur
day , October. Ji , to Saturday October 10 ,
HID Wabash-will ! soli tickets to St.
Louis at above rato. Tuesday evening ,
October 0 , .grand parade- the Veiled
Prophet , libinombor the canon ball
express loaves Omaha at 4:10 : p. m.
dally , arrlvos-in St , Louis at 7:30 : a. m.
next morning. Reclining chairs and
Pullman sleeping cars on all trains.
For tickets , sleeping car accommoda
tions and further information call at the
Wabash ollico , 1502 Farnam street , or
Union Pacific , depots , Omaha or Council
Blnll's , or wtiito
Northwestern Pass. Agent , Omaha.
IlnrvMt Ivvoiit-Mloii South.
On Augustii'5 and September 29 the
Burlington Uouto will sell round trip
tickets , good , for 30 days , at ono and
onn-third fare , to various points In Ala
bama , Arkansas , Louisiana , Mississippi ,
Texas and Tennossuo. Full information
as to rates , etc. , nt city ollico , 1223 Far
nam street.
Ilelln & Thompson , tailors and men's
furnishers , 1012 Fiirnam , Fall styles.
Bothosdn & Colfax mineral water ,
Shurmau & McConnoll'a pharmacy.
Via .MlHHom-l Paul Me.
The last excursion of the season , Sept.
2lth. ! Round trip tickets will bo sold to
nil points In Texas and Arkansas ;
also , to points in the south and southeast.
For further Information call at or ail
dross company's olllcon , N E , corner
Farnnm and 13th , or depot , lull und
Webster btrccU.
11. Hardy .Vt Co.
The 09-ccnt store , 1310 Fnrnnm , hnvo
mndo extraordinary preparations for the
fall trade , their largo building fairly
bubbling over with the newest
and most desirable goods of for
eign and domestic manufacture. In
deed , It would scorn ns though every
resource had boon exhausted In procur
ing the latest and most striking novel
ties of the season , Every inch of cpaco
is filled , yet so well is the arrangement
that every article shows up to advant
age Us particular worth and beauty.
A great "drive" Is now being mndo
on a now line of collolold photograph
frames which for elegance and durabil
ity are unequalled. New styles of al
bums , Ingeniously constructed toys
dolls of every conceivable aizo anil dretH
arc abundantly displayed , nor is this all
for there are a thousand and ono arti
cles of Interest to the e visiting
Samuel Burns has placed In his front
windows an elegant blue "honiton * '
dinner sot , 08 pieces , only $15.00 , for
merly $30.00 , and a handsome "Mercer
china" sot in white only $11.75 , formerly
$20.00. Guaranteed for ten years.
Ladles will bo interested to learn that
Mine. Posl will have a toilet bazaar In
full blast at the exposition , which opens
in the Coloscum tomorrow.
Mmo. Post will bo pleased to receive
all ladles interested in her toilet prepa
rations " beautiful. "
und "How to become
All of Mmo. Post's celebrated toilet
articles will be on sale including :
Mine. Post's Cleopatra face cream.
Mine. Post's shampoo.
Mine. Post's dandrulT cure.
Mmo. Post's Persian balm for wrin
Mine. Post's lip salve.
Mine. Post's deodori/.ing cream for re
moving offensive orders from the person.
Mine. Post's dew of roses for whiten
ing and softening fncound hands.
Mmo. Post's freckle lotion.
Mmo. Post's hair restorer.
Mmo. Post's Spanish lotion for erup
tions , as well asblondine and other prep-
In addition Mine. Post will have a
competent lady giving instructions in
facial massage treatment as well as an
expert hair dresser from tno cast.
Elegant styles of imported millinery
upon exhibition this week at Jovco's
lliOi ) Douglas htrcot.
Don't fail to see the polid rosewood
guitars for 88. S. Bunk , 114 S 10th st.
Mr. E. MeMurehy , auditor of the
Smith Premier Typewriter company ,
has been in the city for the past two
days looking after the interest of their
ollico in this , city , and leaves this even
ing for Kansas City.
We arc now ready to show our full
and winter millinery.
J. M. SciiAi > irL : &Co. ,
J522 Douglas.
Visit the Now Piano Wurorooins
Of the Meinberg Co. , 109'N. 10th street.
A Can I.
I bos to advise mv many friends and
acquaintances that I have now associated
myself with the People's Mammoth In-
stnllir.ont house , 1315-1317 Farnam
street , and will be very pleased to give
my personal attention to those who will
favor mo with n call. I know I can servo
your wants bolter thnirovcr before , as
the People's Mammoth Installment
house carry the largest and best stock
of goods in the city.
Formerly with the Nebraska Furni
ture Co.
That 5 O'clock Train
on the Chicago & Northwestern is
fust proving the most convenient , and
popular eastern train from Omnha. The
equipment of this iruin consists entirely
of vostjbulcd parlor cnrs. "Northwest
ern" diners and Pullman and Wagner
sleeping cars1.
This train leaves direct from the U.
P. depot AT OMAHA at 5 o'clockdaily
and arrives at Chicago at 8:15 : the next
morning. City ollico , 1401 Farnam
slice t.
Coutity'H Generous Contribu
tion ( o tlu ; AdvcrtlHiiit ; Train.
The mooting of the county commissioners
UQld yesterday wns attended by nil or the
members , Commissioner Corrlgan arriving
an hour Into.
AK soon us the rending of the minutes wns
IUIUI'IUIUU | vauuuitijtui ivuui buu nuiii 4 9-
tate Owners' association , Louis Helmrod of
the State Business Men's association nml
Jnmcs Wnlsh of tlitS Horn ! of Trailn np-
penred before the bonnl nml nalccu that
Douglas county coutrUmto $ 1,500 to dofrny
the expenses of scmling the nclvortlsltij ;
train ihroimu the eastern stutcs. Commls-
iionor Tiinino moved that the request bo
granted. The motion was seconded by Com
missioner Vim Cninp. Commissioner Hcrlin
moved to umoml und maku the amount f,000. !
liorlln's amendment , fniled to receive n sec
ond. The original motion provullcd , Com
missioner Berlin voting no.
For constructing the wngon bridge over
the Belt Line railroad , on tbo line
ofVoolwortn nvomio , thorn were
MX bids , nil of which were referred to the
commlttoo on bridges 1'ho bid or II. 13 ,
Mnvs , $ l-Hll.f > 0 , wus the lowest.
The bond and contract of tus ! Amlrcon for
the construction of ulectlon booths wns pre
sented nnil approved. The bond wus In the
sum of J5.000.
Mrs. 'I' , Ivlngor and two children nslcod for
transportation to Blnolicld , W. Vn. The
matter wns referred to the committee on
churitv with Instructions to report next
Wednesday afternoon.
\V. Alstndt nsUod for transportation to
Milwaukee for an ngcd willow. This appli
cation wont to the commlttoo on charity.
Frank Shannon uslied to uo appointed Jns-
tlco of thu peace for West. Omaha precinct ,
Vice CJeorRiiV. . Hobbins , resigned.
John T. 1'athorsof the Itcul Kstnto Own
ers' association nsltod to bo allowed to In
spect vouchers , books , and receipts , In order
to further Investigate the condition ol the
road and bridge fund.
The city council of South Omnha fllod n
petition 'lo'tnnndlng iUU , ( ) , South Omaha's
stinro of the county road fund. The petition
wns referred.
W. J. Conwoll , In n lengthy communica
tion , asked the board to extend the streets
through Douglas addition and Douglas 1'laro.
Ho stated that the delay showed extreme
ni'gllgoni'o upon the part of the cointy com-
inlssioiiprs. Commissioner C ) KootTo said
tlioro was not enough money In the road fund
to pay the oxpensoof opening such streets.
Commissioner Tiinmo stilted that the prop-
ortv was in the i-ity and that the council
sho'uld look after the matter. Tliocomunl-
cailon was finally referred to the committee
on roads.
Ttio ilnnloitlmatoof William Car , amountIng -
Ing to tl.fttl.OI , for grading South Thir
teenth street , wus allowed. Commlsslonur
IJi-rlln voting "no. "
Commissioner llorhn stated that ho would
report upon tlio saloons found within tlio
two mlle limit , but no members of the committee
mittee- would sign with him. The report
ihen went In ns n resolution wrth recommen
dation that suit bo wrought against the fol-
lowlnir named parties : A. 1' . Hanson ,
CJrangor. Ole OUi-n. P. A. Hanson , Fred
Koch , John Indcr , Kmll Mrazrle , Henry
Uiisor. Jacob Now , Johnson , Henry Hlb-
blor , Frnnk .Shannon. Joe Kowlos , Wllllutn
llennlniror , Chris Jonson. Hans Frahn , H. L.
WoolbrUlgo and J Thompson , as all of them
had sold liquor in violation of the law. The
witnesses to such sales were U , K. Ambler ,
J flayer am ! O. J 1'ickard.
Tliu resolution was adopted and tbocountv
attorney Instructed to institute proc eaiuK .
Omaha Manufnchirerj Start Tho'r ' Organi
zation with a Constitution.
.Mr. Henry Kstnlirook Mnlci'H u Prac
tical Talk to tlio Mi'i'tliic
Direct HIM ChoNcii Work
of tlio
About fifty loading manufacturers of
Omaha mot nt the Uutldors' und Traders'
lCxchanio rooms In the Now York Llfo
building yesterday afternoon niul proceeded
to adopt a constitution and by-laws ,
Mr. Samuel Koca occupied ttio rlmlr , and
the secretary , Mr. L. M. Uhcom , rend tlio ra-
nortof tbo cotntr.lttoonpDointcd nt n previous
mooting to prepare n constitution , whlcn Was
adopted us follows :
Your commlttru nppilnlod to proiinro arti
cles of urbanisation for the M.inufueturiMV
association , Less leu\o to report tlio follow
ing articles of ortaiil/.itlon :
CoiiHtlltitfon Adopted.
Arttclnl. Tno nnino of this association shall
lie tlio Manufacturers and Consumers Asw
elation of Nrlii.mka.
Ait. II. The oltli'ot of the association shall
lie tn promote homo Industry liv I'licoiirnKlni ;
tlui purchase of JsobrusUu imiduols and inan-
Art. 111. The inanaKemoiil of the association
shall IIM vested in n board of dlroetois , to con
sist of IntMity-ono inaiuifncturuia to lie si'-
lucted hj llii'uctt\o members of tlio associa
tion ; se\i'ti of s.ild dlioctors shall bo i-leolod
for ono yi-iir. SOMMI for tno years and seven
for three yuais. The olllcois of tlio asocial Inn
shall Do | resident , vice-president , secretary
and treasurer , who shall bo electee : by iho
board of illrccton. They shall hold their
olllces for ono year or until their stiecessois
are elected and qnalltlcd , The duties of the
olllceis shall be such as arc tiMial In any or-
panl/.ttlon and ns thu hoaidof directors may
liiusorllii * . The ollluers shall fmulsh .such
bond fur the inUliftil uerforiiuinco of ihi'lr
duties and receUosuch nalmy as mny be ile-
tDrmlned by the board of illroi'tois. The
dlrei'tois shall have full power lo 111 ! vacan
cies In llio board and toremiMu or suspend any
olllceriitthoirdlsciutlon by nlno-tliirds vote.
f Art. Iv. The membership of this association
sh.ill consist of two classes. ( I ) 'l ho
netlvo membership shall bo confined
to such m.iniifacturcrsof . ? u-brasl < u ns Hhall
pay tlio initiation fees and dues icqulrcd by
these utllclcs. ( ' , ' ) Thu mmnlicishlp
shall consist of such cltl/unsof Ihestato as
shall slu'n an agreement to gl\u n preference
to goods manufactured In thu slate.
Ait. v The active members shall pay an
Initiation feu of f-l and monthly duos of f : . ' ,
p.iynblo In advance. The general members
shall slirn an agreement to give a preference
to Nebraska manufaeiirers and uroducts ,
prices and iiualltlus bulng eijual.
Art. vl. The directors shall not Incur In
debtedness of a greater amount than thu
amount of money In the treasury nt the tlmo
such Indebtedness IB created.
Art. vll. Thu annual meeting of the associa
tion shall bu hold on the second Monday of
September , and the monthly nicetliii ; on the
thlid Wednesday of each month at 'J o'clock
p. m.
Art. vlll. The directors may adopt such by
laws as they mav deem necess'irv.
Art. l\ . These articles may bu n'licnded by
a tnothlidsoteof the active members pres
ent at any icgtilur menling. notlcu having
been given ut the preceding icgnlur meeting.
After thu articles hud boon adopted Mr.
Henry Estabrook wns nsliod to address the
Mr. Kutulirook'H Addrcsn.
Mr. Estubrook made n very practical nnil
pointed tall : of ton minutes , in which ho said
thnt nearly everything from n baby buggy
to n collln , from the alpha to the omega of
existence , wns tnnniifncturod In Omnha and
that if the people of Omaha would patroni/e
homo industries the manufactories of the
city would prosper and increase. Ho
thought that it would bo unnecessary to
offer gratuities to manufacturers to locate in
Omnha if the people would simply give them
patronage. Everybody should bo u protec
tionist in Omaha to the extent of patronizing
homo manufactories. The motto of the people
of Omaha should bo "Omaha tlrst. last and
all the time ; Omnha goods at n prlco that
would bulk1 up the homo industries. " Mr.
Estnurook wns henrtily nnplauded.
A largo number of the gentlemen present
then signed the nrticlos ndopted , and then
the association proceeded to elect ofllcors.
Direct rs Moctcil.
TliD following directors were elected and
the other two will bo elected nc ttio next
regular nvetinir ; Charles Met ; ' , brewing ;
Uiehard Smith , brick making : W. H. Drum-
mend , carriages ; S. J , Trostler , cigar maker ;
.1. 'I. .Murphy , furniture ; A. .1. Viorling , iron
manufacturer ; J. T. Koblnson. overalls ; ,1.
1C. Barrett , vinegar ; .1. II. Evans , shirts ;
Dan Farrcll , syrups ; Samuel I tecs ,
printer ; Aaron Ch nil wick. Hour ; W.
A. Page , soap ; \V. W. Cole ,
colTco and yeast ; H. I ) . Milford , boxes ; C.
P. Cicdnoy , Dickies ; E. P. Davis , iron manu
facturer ; W. C. Smith , fences ; A. II.
Knwlt/er , tents and awnings.
About forty names were subscribed to the
constitution and by-laws. The board of di
rectors will meet on Monday at II p. m. at the
same plnco to map out u nlnn of cnmpalgn.
Lacocurtnin cloaiiingMmo. Ilickman ngt
Hamilton Warren , M. 0. . eclectic and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
119 N. lUth street. Telephone 1183.
Solid TraniH From Omnhu.
Vcstlhulcd , electric lighted und steam
heated , with the finest dining , sleeping
and reclining chair car service in the
world , via the "Chicago & Omaha Short
Lino" of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
1'aul Hallway. Double daily train
service , leaving Omaha at lUir : > p. m.
and ( ! :2p. : ( ) m. , with no transfer at Coun
cil Hlults ns horotofoio. App'y loOl
Farnam street for tickets and further in
formation or address F. A. NASH ,
J. K. I'UICSTON. Con. Agt.
City Pass. Agt.
Going Awnj ?
Jfso , ho sure your ticket rends cast
ever the "Northwestern. "
Five trains east ovory'd'iy. Tlio fast
Chicago and custom trains leave Omaha
at 6 i ) . in. ( very convenient hour thi.s for
OmtUia passengers ) and ! ) : i0p. ! in. liotli
those trains are vostllmlod and equipped
with free parlor cars , the very latest
sleepers and "Northwestern" dining
You can got sleeping berths reserved
ever any eastern line , and have your
haggago chocked direct from your rcsi-
deiii'o to any destination on application
at the city ollico , 1101 Farnam street.
WliorenlioiitH ol'n Wayward Olrl Din-
uovoicd Itv DetectIVCH.
Mrs. 1.1. A. Hutilo , who lives out near the
Swedish hospital , asKoa the police yostardny
to recover her 15-year-old nloco , Kvu North ,
who had loft homo and gene to the bad.
The ulil's patents aio dead and she Is
naturally wild , having ran away several
times , but tuueti Duck on her promUo to
bohuvo heruolf.
The ileteetivni looked thoglrl up and found
that she had gene to Lincoln with Mmo.
Kelly over n wt-ck ago.
It'h thu initiation of the aunt to Illo n
complaint Monday and hnvo the glrluriostcd
and brought bacu , when u Html ellurt
her will bo made ,
Itrockway , the Woliltl-Ito Suicide , Dl
nppi'nrn , Iionvlnjr no Tr.n'c. * *
A , S. Hrockwuy , tno trnvollng man , who
made such n desperate attempt nl suicide In
Forest Lawn cemetery last Sunday morning
ntul afterwards tried to kill himself nt the
city Jail , Is not nt Iho County hospital ns has
been generally supposednml worse than that
no ono In authority seems to know where hi )
II. N. Urockwnv , an undo of the would bo
sulclilo , llvo.s ut Wollsvltii' , Kun. , .mil n fo\v
days iuo lecolvi'd n copy of Tin : lit i : con
taining nn account of his nephew's attempts
nt solf-dostruetton. Ho at once toU'RiMphotl
Dr. ( inpon Imjuirlng of the young ninn's coil * *
ilitlon. The answer , received Friday ,
both surprised1 nml .shocked Mr. Hrookwny.
H wns to the effect thnt young llrockwnv hud
cscnped from the county hospital last Mon
duv. .
Mr. It. N. Hrocitwivy immediately took thd
train for Onmtin , arriving here yesterday ,
and ut , once started n search for his un-
foitunnto nephow. Ho went to the police
station and was there referred to the county
physician. Ho found Dr. Keouh who , in
turn , referred him to.I. ,1. Mnhonev , superin
tendent of the county hospital.
"J wns vort badly surprised niul grontly
nlurmed ut Mr. Muhonoy's report , " stud Mr.
Hrocltwny. "Ho told mo thnt my nopflow
hud escaped from thu hospital nml that hn
had no Idea where bo had irono. I nsKcil If
any search hud been made for him and re
ceived the rotilv from Mr. Mnhonoy that ho
hud sent n man out. Thosonrchur liti'l found
truce of the unfortunate man. Some , furmor
told him the escaped man had climbed
Into n fanner's wagon and so scared tha
driver that ho Jumped from the \\ngon unit
ran and that lirockw.iy continued on his
wuy , driving the farmer's te.itn.
"That , " continued Mr. Hrockwny , "sooma
to hnvo been nil the effort mndo by Mr. Ma
honey to llml the p.illent left In his charge ,
und ho didn't oven report the matter so that )
the man's Iriomis could look after him. I ntn
almost crn/cil over thu boy's disappearance.
I must hope for the best , but I fear ho has
cudod his life , ns ho tried so Hard lo ilo last )
tin n ilny. "
Mr. Hrockwny secured n team nnd
started in search of tils nephew. Ho says ho
can conceive of no reason why Uio young
man should attempt to tnko Ins life.
In speaking utiotit the mutter of Brock *
way's ' disappearance , Pooruiustor Mahoney
said lust nlL-lit :
"Our patient was taken out to the hospital
in the nmhulanco and placed In one of the
rooms used for Insane patients. Wo had n
man watch him nil nluht , us he. raved n good
deal. Af tor daylight liroclc way quieted con
siderable nnd the watchman loft for his
breakfast. It wus between l > nnd T o'clock
that the man got awny. Ho froro the wire
netting from the window and leaped to the
ground. Oneo outside hu run like
n deer for a clump of trees. llo
fore our men could catch up
IJrockwny was lost in the woods. It was roT
ported thnt ho got into u farmer's wngprj
neurUusor's. I sent a man theru who fol
lowed the trail to Kpringlicld , where all
tr.ico was lost. Tlio county hospital is not a
Jail nnd wo have no tegular guard tliero to
detain patients. I hardly think it Ls of any
use to look for him around here. It is moro
than probable that Kockwuy , with Ins mania
for suiiMdo hns managed to kill himself be
fore this tlmo. "
Ill New
The Omnha Merchants Kxpress Co ,
has removed its barn to 1101-U11 Lonv "
en worth.
Aijh AVI3UU I'IJI < : ASI < : I > .
Artcrnintli ol'tlin Women' * Cliristlnu
'J oiiijieranco I'lilon ' ConviMitiiiu. '
A great many ot the delegates to tha
Women's Christian Tompor.inco union con
vention just closed in this city took advantage *
of tlio visit to Omaha to do considerable )
shopping. Most of tno ladies went homo
with largo parcels of goods from iho Omaha
The general oflicers of tlio organi/ation
were the recipients of the very highest com
mendation at the hnnds of tdo delegates by
being elected unanimously to till their lusprc-
tlvoolllcosunother joar. Mrs. Filch , duvltip
removed from the state , was tliu only excep
tion to the rule , 'llio work per
formed by Mrs. Hitchcock , the presi
dent ; Mrs. C. M. Woodward ,
vice president at largo and staio organizer ;
Miss iOlla At. Wutson , recoidlng secretary ,
und Mrs. M. M. i.antry , Uo.isurer , was
highly satisfactory to thu ladius of thu union.
Mrs. Fitch wns n very cflluiont corresponding
secretary , nnd the organi/ation was loth to
part with her , but her worn wns udmlrably
perfotmod bv Mrs. Outiivm II. Jones in her
ubbonco , und this tact suggested .Mrs , Jones'
IHness lor the ollice , und stio was elected igr
the ensuing year.
Mrs. Flora Hamilton Cnssell of Hastings
Is making n complete success of her Wnmnn'd '
Christian Temperance union songs called
"V.'hlln Kibbon Vibration- " . " She sold a
number of copies of thu book during the con
Tlio Union Worker , published nt Hastings ,
will probably bo enlarged the coming year.
Political Issues to Ho
Conleiuliiijr I'nrtle" .
There Is some pobability of n surlos < ff
political uobntos between tlio leaders of the
three contending parties in Iho state. bon
ntor Van \Vyclc has sent the following lottetf
to Chairman Wolfe of the people's party , nnd
it is understood that the latter will makoa-
formal proposition in pursnnnco thereof Vo
Chairman fiercer of the icnubllcan states
central committee , and also to the manager
of the democratic machine :
Nr.iiHASKA CITV , Nub , Sent ' . ' . " > . To J , T.
Wolfe , cli.ill man peoples Independent nurty :
The tlmo has now arrived when I can ii'ilctim
the iiroinlso to fill some uppnlnlmcnlH by thu
committee. As nominations me now mailo
by all naitlcs and llio forces aio dulni (
marslialluil II woultl no doubt eontillmto to
the fuller understanding of Ihu questions Iu
volt rd hy a lolnt discussion. 7
If tills meelHyoui ainnovul please lequcst
any oivaiil/utlon nppiislng the Independent
ticluit lo fuinlsh a lepiesunlatUe snu : '
with whom I will divide llio tlmo at any
all of my appointments. U. II.
To Toxns.
On Riipt. 1 < " ) nnd "ilyou can pureluiBo
at Omaha , Ht , Joseph , Ati'hifoti or Kan-
SMS City anil ititurmediatu points round ,
trip lirst class tickets1 to all points in
Toxns at ono and ono-thiril faro , good
for : ) iliiyH. K L. I'nlmor , pnHsungotf
agent Santu Fo route , -111 N. V. Llfo
hld'g , Ointiha.
KnltctKiif five ( HIM nr lot \inlrr \ tlili lie ul , nftu
Cntx'rdch dil Iftfomit line trn ctuf.i.
HANIlsTlTlFr-Carl An . lljiilmur , used 34
yit.irn. U iiionlliH , I'rliluv ufleriiodn , Stiitem-
her' . ' ' , nt r..H , at his residence. 401 Nnrlh
Mxleenth sticut. I'lineral Sunday , ' eptoni'
her -T. at - II. in. , fiom Masonlu hull , rornor
.Slxtionlh nnd t'alillol atenne Interment
at I'orest l.awn. 1 riunil.s luileo. .
Thuiilnciirs and members of Nehr.ifckn lodRo
No. I , A. 1' . nml A. M . will assomhle ut 1'iec *
masons'h.ill. Mimlay , t-ent ' 'Tlh. all Jllp.nii
fni llio purpose ot paying Ihn last Nad tribute
of rummi't loniir UDceahud lirotbor , U A H.
Kiindsledl , Into u iniiniburiif Wahoo luilRO No >
fi'.i. MomlieiH of Capitol loilce No. .1. < uti rt No.
II and SI. Johns No. L't aru fraternally invited
In attend.
I'uneral survlces will lake pluco nt I reo
masons' hall , wheio thu body win Ilo in Mute.
J. U.rAHonn ( ,
\V. C. MuMlN. Hoc. Master.
OltrUTT l.nuls Derorest , only sun uf Mr and
Mrn. ( 'Hilton nreiitt. iiKi-il iw yeui . at tha
resldenco , .ViDSunth iil'li ' Hi , Nitmday , Suuj
lumbirai , ln'il. I'mieral iur li'eH will liitheld
l I lie family lesulcnce on hundity , M'ptom
her " 7 at I P m U"vKuHlumn iillli'la
The nun HUH will bu taken to Inirnnt ,
Used iu Millions of Koines 40 Years the Standard ,