Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1891, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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His Testimony In the Investigation Given
Before tbo Council's Committee ,
I'"HtiB er nnd Alndncti Added to the
AoctiHcd Morenrty nnd Hnllou
Attorney .Shoemaker's Duties
C'lcnrly Defined.
If there was a man in Omaha who did not
ittcnd the council mooting held last night ,
It was sltnpiy because that man could not
got within the chamber.
It was n grcatcrowd , and long before Presi
dent Lowry rapped for order every available
Inch of space was at n premium , The mil
lionaire crowded the beggar and each man
loomed happy.
The object of the meeting wni this. Some
days ago rumors How about the street ,
charging that certain r.ouncllmon had re
ceived money that Induced them to vote to
nward the furniture contract for furnishing
the city hflll to the ICotchnm Furniture com
pany of Toledo , O.
Last Tuesday night war was declared nnd
It was decided that last night thn council
would t'o into committee of the whole to in-
vcstlgnto charges that had boon pre
ferred against Messrs. Hlumnr , Hrunor ,
Conway , Kurdish , Morcarty utid Olson by
Messrs. Davis und Specht.
War from the Word Go.
The mooting lost night was a fight from
tnrt to Mulsh. Mr. Bcchcl was the first
man to spouk after the mooting was called to
order. All of the members were in their
scats. Mr. Hechel had some doubt about the
council us a whole being able to investigate
charges against other members.
Mr. Chaffoo said that there mlcht bo other
men aside from the ones accused who might
bo mixed up in the difficulty. Ho moved
that the matter bo referred to the commitioo
of tlio ISstuto Owners' association.
Mr. Osthoff moved that the motion lay on
the table , as the council was able to take
care ot Its own affairs.
Mr. Hlumcr said the council ought to
handle Its own business.
The motion to table prevailed.
Mr. Hlumor moved that n committee of five
bo appointed nnd that that commltteo con
tinue the investigation.
Mr. Specht stated that ho was to boar the
brunt of the burden , and ho should have
something to say about thu committee.
"You will not do It,1' said the president.
Mr. Lowry appointed the following com-
mittco : Messrs. Tuttle , Cooper , Osthoff ,
Donnelly and Elsnssor to hear the testimony.
Agnin'Mr. Speclit objected , but it was de
clared out of order.
Objected to the Committee.
Mr. Spcaht said that there were oilier men
who were guilty , nnd two of them were on
the committee.
"Name them , " yelled half n dozen of the
' That is what Mr. Whnrton , my attorney ,
was going to do , " replied Mr. Specht.
"Wo don't care what ho has to say , wo are
not ready to receive arguments , " snld Mr.
Mr. Cooper urged that it was not an argu
ment , but n statement of the case.
Mr. Olson wanted to hear all there was in
crdor to have Uio'mattor before the commlt-
ice in n proper light.
"I shall insist , upon hearing Mr. Wharton , "
Interjected Mr. McLeano.
"I want to hear Mr. Wharton , " responded
Mr. Illumor , "but I want the man who makes
the statements to , back thorn up. Specht is
the man and ho must not gat behind his at
torney. " /
"Jt is my duty , " insisted President Lowry.
to compel the member who prefers the
charges to name the other guilty council-
mon. It is tin insult to ask any other person
to name thorn. "
"Yes , " responded Mr. Donnelly , "Mr.
Spocht must name the guilty men. "
More NaiiicM Tainted.
Mr. Cooper said that Mr. Spocht stiould bo
bold responsible for the utterances of Mr.
" 1 have heard n good deal out this boodling about the charges , " said Mr. Spocht , "I
kavo also hoard it said thut I did not dare to
innko the charges and that I would stay
uwuy from tills mooting. Now I nm
hero and la objecting to the
committee. J want to say that there are two
men Messrs. Donnelly nnd Elsussor , wild
nro not competent to sit nnd pass Judgment
In this case "
Mr. Cooper Will you name them as hood-
Mr. Specht I will say that Mr. Hillings-
lay , the agent of the Ketcham company , told
mb thut ho had both of you und
that you had his monoy.
MrWhnrton arose nnd said : "That Is
what. Specht " but ho did not suv any moro ,
for just then Mr. Conway straightened up
nnd addressing Mr. Whnrton said , "you sit
down. "
President Lowry insisted that Mr. Whar
ton could not talk until the committee toolc
possession of the charges.
Osthoft 1 hope wo can put two other
gentlemen on this committee in the place
of Messrs. Donnelly and Eisusecr.
Mr. Cooper Insisted that other men should
sit upon the commltteo.
Mr. Elsassor refused to servo.
Mr. Lowry named Mr. Madsen.
"It's no use naming him , " said Mr. Specht.
"Mndson Is mixed up In this business. "
"Name Hechol , " suggested Mr. Cooper.
"No you don't , " yelled Mr. OstholT , "ho
Is ono of the men who Is going to help prove
those charges. He said that ho would sub
stantiate what Davis stated last Tuesday
Davis I know that Hechol simply will
corroborate what I stated.
"Ho Is not eligible , " came from the throats
of a dozen councllmon.
"Then name Chuffoo , " added Mr. Mo-
Leiirio. "
Mr. Chaffco pleaded sickness.
There was nn objection , but Mr. Chaffco
was olcOd to the position.
Want Written Chnrfje.H.
Mr. Gannon , attorney for the accused , of
fered some suggestions. He said that the
charges should bo In writing , , nnd until they
were there was no case , as no man know what
was expected of any man.
"That's my opinion , " said Assistant. City
Attorney Shoemaker. "If the charges uro
not In writing wo will go on und consume
two duys In proving street rumors , nnd when
we got through wo will not have anything.
Wo want specific charges. " s
"If wo uro going to Investigate , for God's
sake let us Investigate , " said Mr. Cliaffoo.
"Lot us not hnvo boys' play nud try to shut
out this matter. It Interests the entire city
und I want to see fair play. "
Mr. Osthoff Insisted that It was only right
that Mr. Davis should put his charges in
Mr. Davli claimed that ho made no charges ;
simply it.uod what Mr. Spocht tola him.
Then Mr. Specht and his attorney should
prefer the charges , " urged Mr. OsthofT.
Mr. Spccbt stated Hint ho could and would
imko the charges , but that ho had cmploved
t > lawyer to represent him.
It was decided that Mr. Wharton could
stnto what Mr. Spocht hud told him.
"It's a mockery on Justice , " retired Mr.
Morcartv. "As tno matter stands now there
nro no charges , and I Insist that they bo made
In writing nnd in detail , "
Again Mr. Chaffco Insisted upon hearing
Mr. Wnnrton , and upon a vote being taken
carried the day.
Hpeuht'H Case Stated.
Mr. Wharton stated that Agent HllUngslay
rlslted Mr , Specht' * house , staysd
until midnight , and was In thu
barn nt ti o'clock tuo next morning.
He , Hllllngsluy , had t > con a number ot the
couiicilmen und had them fixed ,
Again HllUngslay mot Spocht at Ml ) South
Sixteenth street , uud In n bacK room , where
two men were concealed behind a thin parti
tion , said that ho , lllllinirslay , would pay
Spocht tf.00 forhlsvJto. Ho had paid Mo-
rcarlyf.VK ) ; Hurdlsb. KtOO ; Couway , KI00 ;
Jlluuior , MOO : Donnelly , f.'OO , and EUas-
or jaoo. Hlumcr controlled Olseu , and
l.lsussor controlled Mudiou , llruuur could.
IM bought if necessary. Moroarty wanted
11,000 , but I5llllnslay could not afford to pay
that amount.
After completing the statement Mr. Whar
ton touched upon the old Hallou electric light
Mr. OuhoiT urged that that matter was not
up for consideration.
Chairman Tuttle ruled that such was true.
Mr. Wharton stated thut Mr. Moroarty
wfts mlxod up in the Hnllou deal.
Mr. Chafftio Insisted that It was duo to
Mr. Morenrty that the Hallou charges bo In-
Mr. Morcarty said no charges had boon
"They will bo responded , " Mr. Spocht.
"Well , I shall Insist thntthla investigation
bo confined to the Kotchnm deal , nnd Hallou
is not a party In intorost. "
"Wo have been hoodocd nnd boodlod and
now wo propose to have a charge to prove
some things , " said Mr. Whorton.
The chair ruled that tbeio things would bo
out of order. An appeal was taken and the
chair was overruled.
Xlr. Shoemnker dot In.
Mr. Whurton started to tell the tale , but
Asthtant City Attorney Shoemaker objected.
Ho said there was nothing in the charges ,
and It was foolish to go Into the Investiga
tion. It was bettor to go on and Investigate
the charges ngninst lust year's council.
"I arise to n point of order , " said Mr. Me-
Lcario. "Mr. Shoemaker is not going to
shut off this Investigation. "
"J don't wanttoshutoff anything , " chirped
Mr. Shoomanor , "but 1 want to protect tbo
good name of the city. "
"If that's so , " asked Mr. Chaffeo , "which
do you think the bolter , to lot this investiga
tion go on or smooth it overt"
There was no reply , but Chairman Tuttle
ruled that such matter could not go before
the committee.
"Then I will appeal to the committee , "
responded Mr. Chutfce.
An appeal was taken , Messrs. Cooper , Me-
Lcarlu nnd ChnlToe voting "uyo. "
"Now , while I have got the lloor , 1 will
say , " remarked Mr. Wharton. "that Otis
H. Hallou came to Omaha and nftor
being hero n short tlmo was seen by Mr.
Morearty , who donmnded tl.i'OO for his sup
port of the Uallou electric light franchise.
He told Mr. Hallou that ho fMoreurtyj would
support the ordinance nnd would control the
votes of Conway und Kurdish. Hallou re
ferred the proDOiitlon to George Fox , secre
tary of the company , but the deal was not
consummated nnd the ordinance was do-
feu ted. "
The crowd In the lobby howled and yelled.
Ono man said , "You are a high priced rascal ,
Morie. "
"Wo will have order or clear the lobby , "
whispered Chairman Tuttle iu a gcntlu tone
of voice.
.lust n Little Hide Kow.
"If Mr. Spocht will swear to that , the mat
ter Is proper for the consideration of this
committee , " said Mr. Chalice.
"LetSpocbt s.vear to that , " urged Mr.
"Mr. Chairman. " said Mr. Wharton , "Mr.
Lowry is an outsider , nnd I insist that ho
shall not speak upon this subject. "
The chair decided that Mr. Lowry , not
being a member of the committee , had no
rk-ht to talk.
"How do you like that ! " questioned Mr.
\Vharton. "A while ago when I wanted to
talk you said 'no , ' and now when you want
to talk I say no. "
Mr. Osth'off urged that Mr. Specht should
swear to the charges.
Mr. Specht said that ho was not only ready
to swear , but would prove them true.
Agent Hilllnirslay wanted to bo heard , but
the commltteo concluded to hoar from him
Attorneys were talked of , nnd both the
accuser and the accused said they were rep
resented. Mr. Moroarty stated thut ho ap
peared in his own behalf.
Agent Hillincslay gel a chance to remark
that if ho was to have a lawyer it was about
time that ono appeared to represent his in
He was informed that the trial was for the
purpose of investigating the acts of the coun
cllmon , and that his branch ot the case would
como afterwards.
Names of the Witnesses.
Attorney Gannon Insisted upon Mr. Specht
giving tlio natnos ot his witnesses. After
some discussion these nnrnos were road :
Christian Specht , A. H. Hullou. George
Walker , George Specht , W. H. Annis ,
Hurry Miller and George Fox. Mr. Guunon
insisted that they bo excluded from the room
that they might not hear the testimony. All
except Mr. Specht retired.
A recess of fifteen minutes was taken dur
ing which time H. M. Waring , the ofllcial
stenographer , put the charges In writing , as
dictated by Mr. Specht. They were sworn
to nnd everything was rnady for tlio fray.
After reading tno churgcs , exactly nt ton
minutes after 10 o'clock Mr. Specht was
sworn und wont upon the witness stand.
K.xaniinatioii Commenced.
The way was not clear.
Mr. Wharton suH : "Mr. Spocht , what Is
your nume , ago and residence ) "
"Don't.voti answer that , " said Mr. Shoemaker -
maker , "I represent the city of Omaha. "
" 1 represent Mr. Spocht , " said Mr. Whar
"I nm going to represent the city. I repre
sent each member , " continued Air. Shoe
maker. "Mr. Wharton in hero us a private
attorney. "
"Do you claim that you are representing
the council , " said Mr. Wharton.
Chairman Tuttle ruled thut Shoemaker
should handle the case.
Mr. ChnfToo urged that Mr. Specht should
bo allowed to select his own attorney.
Mr. Shoemaker again got the floor und
urged that ho would conduct the Investiga
Shoemaker's Only Show.
"Wo will call you when wo need you , "
said Mr. ChafToo.
"I will pay my own attorney , " said Mr.
Mr. Wharton is nothing If not a fighter ,
nud when ho got the floor again he was ap
parently there to stay. Ho auul ho didn't
expect uny pay from the council , but it was
a thing unheard of to try a man without
giving him u chance to have an attorney In
his own behalf.
Mr. Shoemaker said It was the council's
estimation nnd not Specht's , aud that
Specht was simply a witness.
Mr. Wharton appealed to the committee ns
to whether or not ho should stay and repre
sent Specht.
"I understand that Mr , Shoemaker Is here
f Imply to ndviso us , " said Mr. McLoario.
"Ho should sit still until wo call on him. "
"I don't want you , " said Specht to Shoe
maker. "Whou'ii man's sick ho picks his
own doctor , and when ho goes to law ho se
lects his lawyer. "
Mr. ChalTeo urged that the accused mem
bers of the council could not afford to Ignore
Mr. Spocht's riKht to bo represented by
"Yes , but you can't force mo Into this
case , said Mr. Shoemaker.
"No , nor you can't force voursolf on to
Chris Specht , " retorted Mr. Wlmrlon.
A vote ot the committee wusHcullcd and
Mosirs. Cooper , OsthofT nnd Tuttle voted to
retire Mr. Wharton , Chaffeo and McLoariu
voting In the negative.
Shoeiuiilccr'H Ijiist.
Mr. Whartou started to lotivo the room ,
When Olson and McLonrlo Insisted that ho
remain. Mr. Specht stated that If Mr. Whar
ton left ho would go also.
"Sit down , " yelled the accused members
In chorus , und Mr. Tutllo added : "You will
sit there and answer the questions of Mr ,
Shoemaker. "
"Is that sol" asked Mr. Specht blandly ,
and the lobby cheered.
Then President Lowry asked the Indul
gence of the commltteo , und suggested that
the committee give the council a chance to
convene for live minutes.
"Then we will show Mr. Shoemaker , " ho
said , "that ho is the servant of this council
and If ho don't obev our , orders we'll oxpul
him. " And amid the cheers of the crowd tno
commltteo reconsidered Its resolution und
allowed Mr. Wharton to remain as Mr.
Spocht's attorney.
Then In response to Mr. Whorton's ques
tions Mr. Specht told the story of his rela
tions with Mr. Hllllngsluy of the ICetcuam
Furniture company. Ho said when the com-
mlt'.ee tint tabulated the bids the Kotchain
people's offer mis WT.OOO ; Andrews , * U,000 ) ;
John F. Coots , f i-i.OOO. Then n lot of the
furniture bid on was strlclron out and the
bids scaled down with the following results
in round figure * : Kotchnm Furniture com
pany , fcM.700 ; Andrews company , 137,000 ;
John F. Coots , f , l-'l.
U hero Hillliijsliiy Comes In ,
Hobbcd of the questions and unnecessary
explanations , Mr , Spooht's testimony rela
tive to boodle lulk with Mr. Ullllugcluy was
as follows :
"On Monday night , August 31 , about 0:80 :
Fhglps County Independents Have a Lively
of Jlits lioily [ Utterly Ic-
nouiiuc lioth r tlio Old I'm1-
tliH ! for Thclf Alleged
Corrupt IICHH.
Hoi.mtEOB , Nob. , Soiit. 2(5. ( [ Spodtil Tclo-
gram to Tun BUB.1-Tho Indepcddents of
I'belps county held tbolr convention hero to-
dny for the purpose of nominating a full
county ticket. There was n full delegation
present from cueti township. Stiorldan
township had two separata delegations , ono
headed by Senator Randall , the other by
County Attorney A. .1. Shaffer. After a
couple of hours wrniiRlitiR In which several
unkind remarks were made by both sidc %
Senator Handall and followers wcru knocked
out The following ticket was notninntoJ :
Clerk , Andrew Kricson ; Jutlifo , O. W.
Stover ; treasurer , P. C. lAinls ; sheriff , Uup
Conloy : district clerk , L. C. Iluck ; surveyor ,
M.V. . Kod/ ; coroner , O. S. Palmer. The
following resolutions wore ndontud.
Husulvod , That we. tlm doli'tfatus of tlio pee
ple's Imlupulidont party of I'lieliis county. In
cimvuntlon assembled , do hereby annniincu
our nmiuallflud endorsement of the platform
adontud at thu people's Indi-ni'iidi'iil natloniil
I'lmferuncoliuld at C'lnelnnatl , May 111 mitt - ' ! .
Wl ; also at tlio statu convention held at IhiM-
Inss. August It , as well as tlio candidates nom
inated lit the Intlur convention and at tno
Judicial uonvontlon Iiuld : il , Mlmluti August is.
Uusolvud. That wlillo leading men In tlio
ri'piibllcanuurty liavu declared that thu iluu-
aloKtiu und tlio KOlclun rue : have no In politics , and the Into dutnoonitli ;
state convention , by applauding thu tianio of
. Cleveland und at the same time endorsing tlm
Idea of iliu free coinage of silver , lias shown
thu Inherent , dishonesty of the leaders of
these parties wo positively ussvrt tliat tlio
stability of our free Institutions demands that
thu duealojcut' and the enldeu rule should not
only huvu a place but Mioiild bo the corner-
stonoof Ainerlean polities ,
KcMilvud. That In order that political cor
rupt.on may bo kept out of our party. o de
clare oursufves opposed to the ushCMkinunt of
candidates for political purposes and wo bo-
Ilovo that , no POIX.II Is worthy of our support
who takes pail In any deal or maUus a prom
ise to further anyone's political alms and as
Hcsolvud , That the candidate for county
treasurer shall pledge lilmsulf to K'VO ' a com
plete account for the cicdlt of the county of
all interest received on surulus funds depos
ited In bank or banks and further unUurtaUu
to distribute such funds as near ns possible
equally union ; ; two or inoru county banks ,
and Whereas , Wobellovu that the salaries pro
vided bv the statutes forthoolllcersof county
treasurer and county clerlt are exorbitant
under the present conditions of the purchas
ing power of money , bo It
Jtesolvcd. That the candidates nlcdno them
selves to return to the county fund
all sums earned by fojs or salary ovur 11'JUU
for county treasurer. 41'JUJ for county clerk ,
II.'OO for sheriff , and that the deputy clerk
and treasurer receive. J'JJO per annum uaoh.
Desired No Fusion.
Br.Aiic , Nob. , Sept. 2li. ( Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The Independents hold their
mass convention hero today and nominated
a county tlcuet with the exception of sur
veyor. The convention was called to order
at 10 n. m. and elected C. 11. Spra uo chair
man and L , . 1C. Davies secretary.
As a rebuke the following resolution was
passed :
Kesolvcd , That thoconveiitlon shall endorse
no candidate of any other party.
The meotiiiR adjourned until 1:30 : , when
the following platlorm was adopted :
Ho.solved , That wo heartily endorse the
resolutions adopted at tuoCincinnati conven
tion by the industrial or unl/.ution ; also the
platform adopted at Hastings by the pcoplu'i
independent state convent.on.Vu demand
mat a change bo madu In the state constitu
tion requiring thut the Statu Hoard ot Trans
portation tie oleutod by the people. Wo de
mand that the salaries of the state
ofllccrs bo loducod anil that more economy bo
used In the administration of state affairs.
That wo condemn the action of the last legis
lature In not cnnvasslni thu vote for
state olllcers , and furthermore , wo most
unqualllledly condemn the acts of
thu traitors In our camp that dovoloued
during that memorable Session. That ,
wo favor more economy In the olllcesof Wash
ington county and pledgeoiir.sclvi.s to work
together In securing that much to be desired
That the custodians of the county funds ba
compelled to comply with the law passed at
the last session of the legislature.
Wo favor township organition ! , believing
It to bo a step In the Interest of reform. Ite-
llevlng that the principles of the people's In
dependent party as adopted In the past are In
tlio Interest of true economy , loyalty and
reform , wo cordially Invltn all ueopie. rosard-
lessof past party adulations , to join with us
In the battle for the furtherancoof these prin
The ticket Is : John Klotz , treasurer ;
Charles Seaton , clerk ; C. M. Weed , judge ;
John D. A Ikon , sheriff ; Carl Schmatenbort , ' ,
district clerk ; M. J. Garrctt , superintendent ;
E. A. I'almcr , coroner.
The following were namoJ as members of
the central committee. : Charles Arnold ,
Sheridan township ; P. Gilbortson , Urant ;
C. M.Vecd , Blair ; A. Christiansen , Her
man ; J. M. Parker , Kichland ; S. Wnrrick ,
CummiiiR City ; Decree Vuuphun , Calhoun ;
It. L. Blackford , Fontanollo ; C. A. Whit-
lord , Arlington ; E. A. Palmer. Blair City.
Mr. Decli will speak in liluir October ( I and
S. II. Sanborg in Arlington October 17.
There were about 100 present who took part
in the nominations.
CUHH County Demoi'riitH.
PI.VTTSMOITII , Nob. , Sept. 'M. ( Special to
Tin : BUK.J The Cass county democratic con
vention met In this city today and nominated
a county ticket. Hon. F. B. Whlto presided
oyor the mooting and Frank J. Morgan was
The following Is the ticket : Treasurer ,
Freil llerrinnn ; sheriff , William Tigbo , dis
trict clerk , Dr. W. II. Doorlug ; county ciork ,
J. B. Tlpton ; county judge , U. S. Uumsoy ;
commissioner , First district lion. William
Neville ; superintendent , O. W. Noble ; sur
veyor , Fred 1'attorson ; coroner , tr. ) Brlndlc.
Delegates to the Second district judicial
convention nro A. C. l-odor , II. L. Alder
man , \V. Neville , J. Vallcry , Jr. , J. U Minor ,
Con Connors , V. V , Leonard , S. C. Patter-
60ii , W. ll. Snyrock , F. ,1. Morgan , Harrison
Smith , Fred 11. Oordor , Alexander Skyles
and Dr. K. H. Walters.
The city nominations were : Justice of the
peace , M. Archer ; constable , Fred ICrochler.
Conrad Schlutcr was elected chairman of the
county central committee ; D. C. Mclintroo ,
In the nomination of county commissioner
the convention uld not comply with the now
TmuonHtor DomocrntH.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. LU [ Special to TDK
Hue. ] The adjourned other half of the demo
cratic county convention was hold this after
noon at Fitzgerald's ball. No nominations
were mode In addition to that of Tibbetts for
district judge. The following nominations
were made : District clerk , C. L. Baton ;
county treasurer , O. Hull ; sherm , N. A ,
Hubbard ; judge , II. J. Whitmans ; clerk ,
John Kcenan ; superintendent , H. S. llowers ;
commissioner , It , W. Carver ; coroner , D. F.
Brltt ; surveyor , B. J. Hobltibon. Joseph
Wurzborg was re-elected chairman of the
county central committee ,
Full Ticket .Named.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tclo-
crutu toTui : HKK. I The Independents mot
hero today In convention. The following H
the ticket : Judge , 7 . J. Norton ; treasurer ,
Ole Ncilson ; clerk , C. V. Svobodu ; clerk of
the district court , A , J. Henry ; sheriff , W.
\V. Kendall ; mirveyov , U. Wllcox ; coroner ,
N. Maxtor ; superintendent , J. T. Parker ;
commissioner. C. A. Whitney , Chairman
central committee , I' . Bbboson.
Tliroc Tickets In tlia Fluid.
SIDNEY , Nob. , Sept. ? il. [ Special Telegram
thoTiiE UUE.J ThoChoyonno county Inde
pendents placed the third county ticket In
Hold today. Their nominees nro : Sheriff ,
Joseph Hobort ; treasurer , Frank Itowun ;
clerk , Gcorgo Llngorfeltcr ; Judge , II. It.
Ayoru ; superintendent , Miss F. A. Wllcox ;
surveyor , .Si. L , Kent ; coroner , S. H. Os-
Urnatly May Decline.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept CO. ( Special Telo-
cram toTiicBEE.J Judifo Uroady loft thU
morning for Tecumio ! > - without disclosing his
Intentions as to whntnicftlons he will take fh
regard to his nomination for the supreme
bench by tno democrat * . Vifqunln , Atno4 ,
Calhoun , Hnrwood nrut other lo.idlhg demo
crats express the tfollof that ho will
rctusc to accept tftb 'nnmlnnttoti. They
declare , however , that , there Is n possibility
of his acceptance , buUn the same breath tboy
declare they do not see any chance of SUCCOM
for Ilroadv , and rnthorthnn see him dofeatcd
they wish to see him resign so that the dem
ocratic vote muy go to Eugortou.
They express grout indignation at the
republican platform. They also declnro they
would have been satlsQcd had Cobb been
nominated uy the republicans , but with I'ost
In the Held they acknowledge their case Is n
hopeless one , and Is useless for thorn
to keep their candidate In the Held. They
therefore favor his withdrawn ! .
They Were Out In Force.
Afiiru.v , Nob. , Sept. ! > < ) . ] Tele
gram to THE HKI : . ] The Independents held n
very enthusiastic county convention at Au
burn today. All the precincts In the county
were represented except ono. Ono hundred
and twonly-llvo delegates were present ,
casting liiS votos. The utmou harmony pre
vailed throughout. The tlCKOt Is : O. For-
iruson , treasurer ; Monroe Hurrui , county
clerk ; John H. Dumlai , county judge ; John
Stevenson , sheriff ; William Crolghton , su
perintendent ; Frederick Huntlngton , clerk
of the district court ; Julius Gilbert , sur-
voyorr Dr. C. L. Cook , coroner ; G. I' . Itoot ,
rommlssloncr. All the nominee. ! were for
merly ropu oilcans except one. The ticket Is
an exceptionally good one and stands n fair
chance of election.
Iturwetl'n All ! inuo Mct-tine.
Bfiiwi-.i.t. , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : DEC. ] Tlio alllauco people of
this and adjoining counties were entertained
here today bv H. F. Pratt of Central City ,
assistant stnto lecturer of the farmers' al
llauco. Ho spoke In the court room to a largo
and attentive audience. Corporation and
farm mortgage men were duly roasted and
the minds of a majority of tlm farmers pres
ent scumod to be in hearty accord with his
Ognllnln'M Conv < > n ( Ion.
OaiLT.iM. Nob. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele
gram lo'i'iiK BBF.J The Thirteenth district
republican judicial convention was ncld today.
There was representation from each county.
M. A. Daugherty called the convention to
ordor. Kesolutions endorsing the rapubli-
ca ' platform as formulated at the stnto con-
vci.tiou were adopted. Judge A. H , Church
was nominated unanimously. Ho'accepted
the nomination by a ringing speech.
Ifomocrnts at Alhlon.
ALII toy , Neb. , Sept. 20.-Special [ Tclo
gram to Tin : BiiE.J The democratic county
convention mot hero this afternoon and placed
the following ticket In the Held : Treasurer ,
U. V. Blatter ; clerk , D , L. Shcmotolt ; sher
iff , F. Al. Stewart : judco , T. It. Young ;
superintendent , Edwin Farmer ; clerk of the
district court , G. M. Montgomery : coroner ,
Dr. F. E. Baxter ; surveyor , G. 1C. Bullock.
Independents m Convention.
OQALLVI.A , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBC. | The independents held
their convention at the court house today.
Quito a light was made for the ofllco of
sheriff. The following Is their ticket : Clerk ,
J. K. Welch ; treasurer , V. S. Abraham ;
sheriff , Jeff Campi .superintendent , Miss
Annie Heed ; county judge , George Conn ;
coroner , Dr. Holbrook ; commissioner , W. L.
Cheyenne County IJonioeratH.
SIDNEY , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ SpeclnlTclogram
to TUB DEI : . ] The democrats of Cheyenne
county held their county convention hero
today and placed In nomination : Sheriff , A.
W. Aldus ; treasurer , Fred Lchmkuhl ; clerk ,
James B. Kaqan : judge , Herman U. Miller ;
superintendent , W. D. Lylcs : coroner , Dr. F.
F. Gibson ; commissioner , First district.
Friend Dickinson , ,
Dr. Birnoy cureBjcntarrh. Boo bldy.
FlIlti.ANl"I'OLIOI3. . , .
Charge of a IMook Auctioneer Ag
ii f'llloicnt Ullleur.
At the mooting of the lire and pollco com
missioners last night Captain George Wind-
helm of chemical No. I ) , Patrol Driver James
O'Brion and Ofticor F. E. Evans were each
granted ton days leave.
Ofllcor Mlko Drummy arew n fifteen days
leave , live without pay.
Ofllei'r Cogan was reported .by the chief for
boliiK absent from his beat from , ' ! : 'JU till T
o'clock on the morning of September 2-1. The
oftlcor pleaded guilty and was lined three
days pay.
The case of George Doano against Ofliccr
Vnnco Fields was called and the steno
graphic report of ttio police court trial of the
case submitted as evidence by the prosecu
tion. As Ofllcor Fields' attorney could not
bo present arguments were postponed until
next Saturday night.
Golden nud Snyder , auctioneers at the cor
ner of Eleventh nud Farnam , preferred
charges against Ofllcor Dick Marnoll. The
auctioneers claim that Marnoll comes Into
their place when they have n. good crowd and
tells people to get out or they will bo robbed
und skinned out of their inouoy. A half
dozen witnesses , principally cappers for the
joint , told what good , responsible people
Golden and Snyder were , and then gave way
to the police. The ofllccrs proved the repu
tation of the place to the satisfaction of the
board and Onicor Marnoll was acquitted.
Chief Galilean repot ted that the now aerial
truck recently purchased In Chicago would
arrive Monday and bo .placed in jorvica at
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh. Boo bldg.
IN' KUMJ'uon.
.tlr.-Knstman and Ills AsHiHtants Hold
the Kort at Hie I'aMon.
The situation nt the Paxton hotel is com
paratively unchanged. Mr. Eastman and
tils assistants nro in full control and every
thing Is moving along as If such a thing ns n
revolution within the management was not
In full swing Friday night. The Brainarct
faction U still there , but not exactly In the
Eamo role as the order of the court originally
placed thorn. Their lawyer went before
Judge Wakoloy yesterday and secured a
modification of tlio restraining order , so that
thu Brainard family can remain there ns before
fore without being subject to the same regu
lations as guests. This was caused by an
action on tno part of Eastman , who sent
Brainard a bill for two days' board. The
court hold that this was a trillo
premature , and looked-a llttlo like "rubbing
it in , " and put nstop . for nt least a week ,
until the case will lie'heard.
The defense Intimates that Brainnrd has
the best end of tbo Homma , and that If the
opposition holds out. h'o Is In a position to
cause grlof to both , tUo hotel and bank. A
damage suit that will look something like
flHW.OOO 1 hinted at , " but Mr. Eastman is
still breathing.
Dr. Birnoy cut'cji Outnrrh. Bco bhlp.
.Judjjo Itrondy Isn't Kurn Whether Ho
Will Acoopt.llin Nomination.
Charles Ogden , chairman of thu democratic
state central commltteo , wont down to Lin
coln yesterday to cojis lt with Judge Brondy
with reference to tijo lattor's acceptance or
declination of the nomination for the ofhco of
supron.o judgo. , Ho came homo without as
certaining what the democratic nominee pro
poses to do. "Tho judge was very noncommittal
mittal , " said Mr. Ogden last ovonlng. "Ho
gave mo no Intimation of what ho Intended to
do , but will probably mubo up tils mind
within a very few days , Ho will notify tno
n < i soon ns the matter Is determined. I ex
pect to hear from him about the middle of the
week. Wo discussed several matters relative
to the campaign , hut there was nothing that
would bo of puolio interest. In Kurd ono
thing as curtain , however , nnd that Is that If
Judge Broady resigns It will moan tbo elec
tion of Edgcrton. "
Fell from u Motor Our.
An old man giving his name ai Hobort
Knowlton fell from u louth-bounti motor on
Twenty-fourth street , between Omaha and
South Omaha last evening , at about 8-ir : >
o'clock. Ho fell upon u pile of grantto pav
ing stones that had Deou scattered along the
track und received serious Injuries about the
bead and breast.
PiitTitnpn it nitvtnp n tT / '
Ofllcers at Beatrice Secure a Number of
Alleged Oouaterfoitors.
Kvldcncc Ilelloved to He Knlllclont to
Convict All the Prisoners Sus
pects Always Well Sup-
piled with Fund ! ) .
BBITUICI : , Nob. , Sopt. CO.- [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBE.J Five men , two women
nnd a boy are under arrest In this city on the
charge of passing counterfeit money. Their
names are Frad Xoph , Jamoa Carpenter ,
William Pagan and wife , O. S. 1'etty nnd an
unknown women. Four of the parties were
arrested on warrant ? sworn out by Hobort
N'oakos ' , a butcher , on whom n spurioiusllvor
dollar of the Issue of 18.VJ was passed. The
others were In company with these parties.
The testimony of Noakoi Is suuUantlatcd
by that of otnors , on whom an attempt was
made to pass the stulT. It is believed the
parties u..dor arrest are the guilty ones. All
but two of them nro residents of "tho bet
toms" In this city , n locality which bean n
tough reputation.
Inndditlon to silver dollars and dlmos ,
bogus currency In 85 nnd HO denominations
have been in circulation for some tlmo past ,
which it is believed the dealers of the stuff
secured from the cast , while making the sil
ver stuff somewhere In this city. The
prisoners have never boon known to do any
labor and yet were always .suppled with
money. The closest survcllanco has hereto
fore failed to make a case nif.iint them.
The arrest recalls a peculiar circumstance
occurring early in the summer when n larce
quantity of hocus d mcs were put In circula
tion. Through the work of reporters this
same gang was almost proven the perpetra
tors of tno work , oven to the making of the
stuff. The matter was kept from the press
that nothing mightintorforo with the arrests
The arrests were mndo however nnu the mat
ter was soon dropped.
Late this evening another of tbo gang was
arrested and the moulds used in making the
together with the inciting pot were secured.
They nro crude affairs nnd it is surprising
that as good an imitation was madu with
ttioin. The evidence is now believed to bo
sufficient to convict the whole gang of coun
terfeiting and passing the queer. The hear
ing will beheld Monday.
M.-iHtlnjjH News Note' .
HASTINGS , Neb. , Sopt. at. [ Special to Tun
Ben. | The Apollo club of lilts city gave n
reception on Tuesday even ing. After a mus
ical programme nt the Central music hall the
guests were banquottcd nt the Boslwick
The Adams county alliance will picnic nt
Silver lake on Wednesday next. John M.
Kagan and F. G. Bcales , the candidate for
district judge , will bo the sneakers.
The city council has decided to submit the
question of issuing 52. > , lOU ) bonds for paving
ut the November election. This provides for
tno intersections of the streets only , ns the
rest of paving district No. 1 will bo paved by
the owners of the adjacent property.
Tno Adams county democrats are debating
the advisability of placing a straight ticket
n nomination this fall. The majority of the
more influential democrats are in favor of
nominating a ticket , but many think that it
would bo advisable to show the independents
tnclr strength by placing no ticket in the
Drs. Brickcr and Haper , rnpcctively , the
new superintendent und steward of the asy
lum , have taken possession , supplanting
Messrs. Teat and Liveringliouso.
Traveling Men Commanded.
NOHI-OI.IC , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUG Biic.J At a mooting of the bus
iness men of the city of Norfolk the following
was unanimously adopted :
Hesolved , That the thanks of the business
men and the cltl/.ciis be and the same are here
by extended to tlio traveling men for the
splendid entertainment so successfully
punned and carried out by them at the North
Nebraska District Kalr and Driving I'aru as
sociation and In this city yosti-rday. The at
titude of the traveling men toward this city
Is fully upnrouluted. Wo believe that the suc
cess of tno fair isdno largely to traveling
mun's day , and wo shall at all times endeavor
to maintain the hamo cordial relations now
existing between the fratornltv and the city ,
and wo sincerely hope that many more of the
commercial mm of the country will make
their permanent homos with ns.
Di.vnii Comity's Suncess.
PONCA , Nob. , Sopt. 20. [ Special to THE
BUB. ] The fair of the Dixon County Agri
cultural society on the now grounds of tbo
I'onca Driving nnd Fair association , closed
hero yesterday , nnU for exhibits , attendance
nnd racing was a marked success , and
greatly surpassed all fairs hold at this place
Dofore. The agricultural and horticultural
display was especially largo und line und
proved tlio excellence of Dixon county's ' present -
ont crops.
The now mile rnco course brought some
very good horses , making the speed pro
gramme uu unusually attractive feature of
the occasion. Everything passed off pleas
antly and profitably to the satisfaction of the
large and harmonious crowd present.
Favor Noil- Partisan
SRWAUD , Nob. , Sopt. 2(1. ( The democratic
judicial convention for this district , composed
of the counties of Butler , Hamilton , Polk ,
Saunders , Sownrd and Yorlc , mot hero and
nominated Hon. Matt Miller of David City
nnd Hon. S. H. Sedgwick of York for judges
of the Fifth judicial district , ftlillor is u
democrat nnd Sodgwlck n republican. The
republican convention will meet In Sownrd
on Thursday next , and will probably make
the same nominations. The democratic con
vention passed a resolution to the effect that
if the republican convention failed to nom
inate the same ticket , that the nomination of
Sodgwick should bo null and void.
Otoo County Teiiohcrs.
NCIIKASKA CITV , Nob. , Sept , 20. [ Special
to Tin ! Br.n. | The school teachers living in
the eastern division of the Otoo County
Teachers' association are holding a very in
teresting session hero. The room where the
meeting is being hold Is filled at each ses
sion. These who participated nro County
Superintendent Clary , Miss L. E. White ,
Miss Lulu Hand , Mrs , L. M. 1'nlmor , Mr.
Overboil , Mr. Schuport , Mr. Boulior. Miss
Alice Boyer , Mr. Sinclair , Mr. W. II. Ewlng ,
Miss Uotu Bridge , Miss Gorhart nnd Elliot
Martin. The membership of the association
was considerably increased today.
Fourth Annuiil I'.vent.
iMPKimi. , Nob. , Sopt. 20. [ Special to Tun
BEB. ] The fourth annual fair ol Ouster
county was hold at Imperial last wook. The
exhibits were extra good. While Chase
county made n sufficient dlpluy ot the state
fair to take second premium for county col
lective exhibit , her vegetable and grain dis
play ut homo was much bolter. Hon. Wil
liam McKleghnn delivered the annual ad
dress. The attendance was good ,
Quito a number of eastern people were
present , and they commented favorably upon
the display. _
llooiie Coiinty'H lOxhlhlt.
AI.IIION , Nob. , Sopt. 20. [ Sjioclal Telegram
to Tun Bun. | A meeting was hold this after
noon to select u man to go with Boone
county's exhibit on the Nebraska advertising
train. F. A. Harris was named. The com
mltteo having general charge of the advertis
ing und arrangements Is : T. A. I'rlco , 1C. B.
Hondorson , Loran Clark , Charles Hiloy und
A. Harris. _
Klk Cltj'H I'lcnlc.
IIIVINOTON. Neb. , Sept. 20 , [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BKK.I The farmer * ' alliance
members of Douglas county had n plcnlu nt
Elk City today. There was u largo attend
ance. Allen Hoot and others made speeches.
Senator Van W.vck made one of his usually
good talks. A largo tally-ho conveying u
party of young people went from hero ,
Caught n DlNhoneHt Clerk.
FAIIIMONT , Neb. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEU.I Considerable excitement
was created hero today by the absconding of
Charles Belle , elork Of the Clarendon hotel.
While Landlord Clurk was out of the otllco
In the afternoon Hullo pocketed about (11
from tUo drawer and hired o team to drive
him to Kxotor.
As soon M Ctnrk returned and inUnoit the
money ho started In pursuit of the fugitive ,
catching him In the saloon at Exeter , where
ho win spending the landlord's money treatIng -
Ing the crowd. Clark mndo him hniiil over
the money , what there wni loft of It , and ro-
turned. Hello has been drinking heavily the
Ian few days nnd is supposed to bo Insane.
Nothing Now Developed.
DVKOTA Citr , Nob. , Sopt. 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Br.c. | At the coroner's In
quest on the body of the man who was run
ever by the train yesterday no fact * tin to
Identity were ascertained. In a passbook
In his Docket was found the memoranda ,
"commenced work for J. Carr Juno .M. "
From evidence Intro.tuced It Is evident that
ho wished to suicide. The body was In
terred in potter's ' ilold.
Itnln Interfere * ! .
D\KOTA CITV , Nell. , Sopt. 20. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bin. : | The rnln prevented
an overly largo attendance nt the alliance
picnic nt Homer today. Messrs. Kom and
Dcch from Saunders county were the speak
ers. .All sports were done bway with on ac
count of the weather.
Went I'.ilnt'M llonds.
Wrsr POINT , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ Special to
THE BII : : . | I'no West Point sewer bonds
were sold bv the city council to H. C. Peters
of West Point nt par. They were twenty
year bonds to the amount of ? T'AX ' ) .
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh. Bco
What Mr. 'Mead Heard ol' Omaha
While Awny.
W. D. Mead , jr. , vli-o president of the
Mead Investment company , returned yester
day from an extended eastern trip , very en
thusiastic ever thu outlook for the coming
year in n business and linnncinl way.
" 1 had my greatest encouragement , " said
Mr. Moud , "in Philadelphia , whore business
has plckod up wonderfully in the past fe.v
months , notwithstanding that city has been
severely tried and troubled by labor dissen
sions nnd other difllcultioi recently.
That has all passed away and money
Is getting much easier and busi
ness prospects brighter every day.
Ono of the Ofllcers of the First National
Bank of Philadelphia , oneof the most wealth y
and conservative institutions of the Qunkou
City , told mo that his banlc had opened two
now accounts each day for tlio six months
past , and that conditions were nno for a re
markably successful business period. "
Mr. Mead Is a pretty good democrat , nnd
his testimony In support of the good effects
of the McKlnloy bill Is accordingly
better than that of n republican.
"My attention was called , " ho said , "to n
woolen mill which the present owner refused -
fused to pay $10,000 for the first of the year.
Three months later ho paid $70,000 for the
property and 1ms been so successful that
when his property was damaged u short time
ago by n lioo.i to the extent of $10,000 he said
ho could stand the loss better than ho could
have afforded to pay $10,000 for the cutiro
property the first of the year. That was
simply ono of many instances I had thown
mo of the wonderful revival of business in
Philadelphia and other eastern cities.1'
Referring to Omaha's standing In financial
circles In the east Mr. Mead said : "All ot
the eastern capitalists know Omaha and look
upon her ns the most sound nnd substantial
city west of Chicago. Her socurlties stand
nt the head of the list , and n very largo
amount of eastern capital is sure to sock in
vestment hero in the near future. These
eastern follows , the moneyed men especially ,
are not dull if they are sometimes slow.
They have been w'ntchins the reports of
Nebraska's immense crops and they
feel more than ever their dependence
for support and investment on the
great v.ost. They will bring their money
hero for our products nnd n very largo In-
crcnso In farm investments is u certainty.
I talued with fifty or moro capitalists in
Philadelphia , Boston nnd other eastern money
centers and they all without any coaxing
spoke in the highest terms of their satisfac
tion with their Omaha and Nebraska invest
ments and their intention to increase them. "
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh. Bco
Findings of the IiiveHtiKiitiii ; ; Com
mittee KndorHed.
The board of directors of tbo Keal Estate
Owners' association mot yesterday afternoon
and adopted tha report of the committee
which Investigated the South Thirteenth
street grading matter. Several of the di
rectors said that while O'ICiiolfo and Corri-
gnn were undoubtedly more to blame than
anybody else , because the grading was done
solely to bonclit their property , still it. was
necessary in order to do it to have throe
votes , nnd the third had evidently voted for
it because ho was paid to do so. They
thought that ho should also bo Included In
the report. The report was adopted ns rciia ,
and the chairman of the coinmittub wili
make a supplementary report next Thursday
afternoon toucliing the action of the other
members of the county board in the case.
The following resolutions were adopted :
Itcsolvcd , That the thanks of this associa
tion bo and aie hereby tendered tlio committee -
tee consist In ; ; of Mnnsrs. L'.itliurs , Huleombe
and Keed for tliefuarlcss. Intelligent and bus
iness-UNO manner In which they conducted
the Investigation of the i-oulli Thirteenth
street iriidlne matter.
Kcsolved. Thin this committee continue to
act until further notice , that they ascertain
what proi-cndltiKS may bo had under the law
for redress and recovery , what It will cost for
an attorney to take charge ( if and carry the
whole matter through the courts and report
to the board on Thursday next for fnither In
Itcsolvfd. That In the .Imminent of this as
sociation the people cannot all'ord to longer
nonlect their political duties as citizens and
taxpayers In securing conscientious , fair-
minded. honest , honorable men forolHcc , nnd
that alone can allord an adequate
remedy against tlio MimndorlnK [ of public
funds by unscrupulous officials.
Captain O'Donohuo reported progress In
the matter of the 1'tiu'nlx foundry and the
Ballou electric light plant , and the commlt
tee was given further tlmo.
The board appropriated $ ! ! > toward raising
( M to send Colonel Scott to Denver to work
In tlio Htata convention there next Tuesday
In tlio Interest of securing thu next national
republican convention "or Omaha. The col
onel said ho knew that Omaha's prosnects
were brilliant , and that Senator Mundorson
had told him that ho had almost mndo up his
mind that the convention would como here.
Ho will leave ut 10 o'clocic this morning for
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh. Bco bldg.
'Iheir Fnrewell Hall.
The Deluge Hose company guvo their farewell -
well ball to a largo number of friends nnd
iidmlrers nt llasc-ill's hull lust evening. All
of the Deluge men , as well ns n number of
veteran tiromon who attended , were their
red shirt uniforms. The silver trumpet of
the company was formally presented to the
Veteran Firomcns' association and accepted.
Killed by a Hootlemjttr.
TAM.KQUAII , I. T. , Sopt. 20. United States
Marshal Wilson was shot nud Instantly
killed by Samuel Downing , n Cherokee , whom
the marshal had gone to arrest on the charge
of soiling liquor in the territory. Olllcers
have gone to secure the murderer.
The following licenses were issued by
Judge Shields yottorJayi
Nrunei and Address. Ann.
I John 1' . HnrKKiiert , Dm aim . 41) )
I Mary Anderson , Omaha . M
I I'ntrleli ' L'lillon , Omaha . "I
I Susie t'onnolly , Umiiha . It )
I Amos .Stewart , Omaha . UO
I l.on llerdUily. Omaha . I'l
) Hlnolfrund lleyn , Omaha . 'M
I Hlpplo Morris , Omaha . W
Nt. l.oulH .Mining KtoclCH ,
ST. I.OIMH , Mo. , Sent. 28. Today was u fit-
tiim wlndnp to it week of dnllnov , weakness
and depression In mining utoek. There was
little news to road , and that little uus far
from being u Nl'miilutlnx ' character , l.'loio ;
uwTTrr. . . . . . . iwi T7.TtTTu ATu > rt. . .7.'rr ; i ?
Alnurlcan .Ni'ltlo. . . . } . Muntruiu Placur. . . . Mj
Illniftulllu . : il.U ) ' .M. llrui-n . 44
( Vlltrnl Mlvur . : il < Hllvt'r Aue . Ml
KlUuhotli . HIHiSmull 0 | > t ) . ti ; > i
Uruullu M . KM , Vuiiin . . . . U3) (
Discussing the Question of Doing Away
With Overhead Wiros.
Chlongo'.q Street CmSyntems living
( Studied liy Nelirnskn Cltl/.iMin
With n View of Profit *
Inir Thereby.
CltlOinn Itnur.ut orTllR HUB , >
Ctitctno , 111. , Sept. 'M. f
Senator Paddock and Provident Murphy of
the Omaha Street Hallway company spent
this afternoon inspecting the Yorkei Slroot
Uallwny syitom horo. Yorkes operates the
North and West stile lines. Yesterday tbo
senator and Mr. Murphy put in cxnmlnlne
the South sldo lines wnlch run on Wabosh
nvcnuo nnd Stnto streets.
" 1 am a large stockholder In the Omaha
system , " said rkMiator i'addock at the Pal
mer home , "and the proiont visit of Mr.
Murphy nnd myself Is for the purpose of ox-
nminlng plants aud methods of operation om <
nloyed In Chicago. Wo think Omaha now
has the most complete street railway system
In the United Statoi , bill wo want to learn
all there Is to lie learned nnd Chicago is the
place whcro they nro In the habit of kcopini ;
up with the procession in everything.
" \Voshould like to do away with the over
head wire system on our electric line In
Omaha nnd will welcome any practicable ,
plan for substituting storage batteries , So
far ns wo hnvo boon able to learn , however ,
nobody has yet brought the storage battery
to n condition whore It can ho relied upon. In
Washington nnd seine other cities where
streets are perfectly level it operates , so they
say , with n reasonable degree of satisfaction ,
but in n place like Onintmhero we hnvo
grades to climb , tha problem presents itself
in an entirely different shape. The low. ad
justable car , whloli Is used on some of the
Chicago lines , Is said to boa great improve
ment ever the cars commonly in use , and wd >
exnoct to examine them. I think Omaha { 5
destined to bo the greatest city west of Chicago
cage und I beltovo in keeping that in view in
all public Improvements of u soml-publlc na
ture. "
The senator , when nslted how ho stood on
the question of making the $ .5,000,000 loan requested -
quested by Chicago , said onlhustasticully , " 1
am In favor of anything that will help Chicago
cage and the World's fair. The fair will bo
the blggost educational Institution In its way
that thu world has ever known , nnd ns an
American citizen I want to make it it grand
success. The entire west is especially Inter
ested In showing foreigners that they havon'k
begun to see all of the United Strtos when
they laud in Now York , "
We.Htorn People In Chicago.
The following western uooplo nro In tht >
city :
At the Grand Paeiilc-C. J. Collins , T. D.
Dorman , George M. Tibbs , Omaha ; W. ti.
Allen , W. H. Decker , Davenport , la , ; Mrs ,
L. S. Merchant , Mrs. F. C. Huntley , Ccdaf
Haplds , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. .loncn ,
Miss H. Jones , Miss M. Jacobs , Sioux City ,
At the Auditorium W. II. Hrvnnt , Codn
Falls. S. D. ; N. it. Heaver , Cedar Hapids ,
la. ; Mr. and Mrs. 1.V. . Uoss , Dos Molnes ,
la. ; Mrs. tJunbar , J. H. Dumont , Omaha.
At the Palmer Charles S'-hado , Onialmt
Mr. and Mrs. H. H-jhlerholz , Lansing , In. ; J.
A , Sommorsi Lomars , la.
At the Tromont E. A. West. Fort Dodge ,
At the Sherman C. E. Achom , Suther
land , la. ; E. Hovercux , Yankton , S. D. ; J.
A. Ashley , Hawurden , la. F. A.
There having been considerable inquiry
for goods nianufacturod in Omaha , wo beg to
publish for the bonolltof such the followiua
iist manufactured by us with about tbo
usual retail price. CONSIOMHATCII Co IT 1:1 : : Co.
Perfection Java and Mocha , 'Jlb-cnns ItOo.
Impavinl Java & Mochn , bulk-Klo per Ib.
Hoyal Java and Mocha , bulk , Ii. > c per pound.
Gorman coffee , 1-lb. packngo 2. > e.
Dr. Hakcr's extracts , finest 2-oz F. W.
vials , Me each.
Stun , extracts , C. C. Co. , 2oF. . W. vials ,
lOc each.
Hnnner baking powdor. 1-lb. cans f > 0e each.
German baking powder , 1-lb. cans 2."ic each.
Gorman spiceslb. ! . , tinfoil , absolutely
pure , lOc each.
Gcrmmi Dry Hop Yeast fie per package.
1'HltSUX.II * r.llt.KlIt.ll'HS.
N. C. Pratt of Albion is nt the Casey.
F. G. Dana of Atkinson is at the Casey ,
F. C. Callahan of Friend is at the Millard ,
A. E. Aitltin of ICearncy is nt the Puxton.
O. E. Hull of Pawnee City is at the Pax *
J. P. Konshnw of Sterling is at the Mur
S. S. Hadloy of Cedar Haplds is at the
John S. Uurchnm of Plattsmouth is nt the
Miss Mnr.v Mitchell returned from Chicago
this week.
Colonel .Baker and family havo'gono to Al
buquerque , N , M.
Hon. T. C. Callilian of Friend , Neb. , was
In the city yesterday.
A. W. Atwood , wife und daughter of Fre
mont are nt the Puxton.
Stnto Hank Examiners Wells nnd Morris
were In the city yesterday.
General Van Wyck was In the elty last
evening and called upon Tun HBU.
G. S. Ambler goes cast today to close a
$20,000 deal for Omaha real ostuto.
Miss UIHo Sims of Lone Onli , Tex. , Is the
guest of Mr. II. H. Kennedy nnd family.
Mrs. David Wise , Mrs. T. L. Honton nnd
Mrs. M. Wheeler of Lincoln nro at the Pas-
J. M. Hazleton nnd W. M. ICelso left lost
Friday for Shumwny , O. , where they will
visit for n few weeks.
Torturing Dlscastof mood and Hkliu
Many Doctors Fail. Cured Ity
tlio Ciitlruru K 'ino lies.
I Imvo a hlatiT trmihlcd with IIHH , | | or nUn
Iteominriicuil wlioti nhuiit iiai ) yi'ur ulil. Wn would
try oauiloctor mill tlicnuiiutliur , unil It i' mcil Ilko
tlioy wuru uluil to ( tut rid of It. When ilmr would
ciiiiuiipncu , they would nay Itli un y ilrlii I up mill
cured , Inn HI hut tluiy wuulil > ny It < MIUI | | nut bo
cuml. It run on uliout twnyunrs.Vu lunl tried nil
thu doctor * iiroiiuil , nail they Inul fulled. I Haw your
uilTurtlHuiiiunt In Iliu papi-r , nml wrote you fur illr.
I'ctlnni nn I you bunt IIIDU cnfiy of your hook nt unco ,
Wiitlivu not CI'Tll'l'IIA UKMIIIIKM : nnd II IM | It U
dried up tlia ort > i mill litd'u.l them iii | rivlit iina
Hi'rfiU'U , hull 1 uiHl | 'nrl < it liur lioily nc.o u eulltj
ccnti. Thu way It would coiniiic'iic'u It vr mlil inltu ft
mimll lump under thu tklii. tlu'ii huuamu a ninull plm *
| > lu nml Hi liuil no Unit uliu not mi mil nlk'lit or ility ,
nml BIU ! Muiihl X'lutch thuiii , mut yullow mutter
would comu out of Ilium iini ! thuy would ki > up
upri'iiilliiuiinil itcliliiK. 1 ma mtrv from whnt I know
of tliuLTllrrilA IlKMKlHKH , they nro tlio lit'nl iiiudl.
clnua fi r ncrof uln , or blood or nklu dl i'inm Unit uny
unucuauiu. ( JKOllui : ( I. liAlt'l'UN ,
_ JlI'Kli ' l'i Int , lieoalor fii. , ion * ,
Cuticura Remedies
TliPno Kttitcfiil totlniiinliU will tell the utory < i
Krcut plij'nlralsulM'rlMk'.of mtiitnl iiiiKuHi , liy tcimun
of hiimllutlnu'illsilKur.itioat , iimi of tliri > nli > nui | ilnn-
KIT * linpnlly mid upewllly cmlo I , by Urn fiTK'l'llA
UK > i mil EX , lliuKrcnlcsthklri Guru * . Illooil I'urllltrj
nml Humor Hcuirillua thu worlil linn ovur known.
CrncriiA IU.HCJI.VIAC. thu mr Illood nml Hkln
rurtrU'rlnturimlly ( to clemiMi thu hlood of nil lui *
imrtiluH mill polminoui oumeiit ! i. uinl ft IICUIIA.
iliu Kruut Skin Curu. nml IVTIU'IU M > AI > 1111 izl
iiiilnUuKin 1'iirlller nml lltuinliiur , exiitrnnlly ( to
uliar Iliimklii nml anilp unit roitoro thu lmlr > , eiiru
uvi'ry illK'iinu nml humor ol thu nklu. n nip mid
liliiiil. wilh losi of Imlr. iroiu liitnn.-y l axil , fruni
l > liiiph < in .frofiilrt , wlii-n tin , ho.i piiymrinui , liunpl.
lulu , unUull olhur nwinlli'a full.
Koliluviirywlinri ) I'rii-u , UiJTiriilA.Vj < > hii.u2.'x.t
IUMii.vK\ I'ri'imri'il l.y HIM I'UI-IEII niiuo
ANiiU < lKtiu-Ai.l' < mi-oiuiiiiN. llnilun.
, , < j " 'ml Inr "How to Turn skin linuu u , ( il ' tinuci.
M lllu.trutlo.M . , uii'l juu luKiliiiunlnlii. '
PIIII'I.KM , bhick limiili. roiuli. red , ilmppuiluui }
I I III oily iik m curoil hr iTTiri'UA Su
I'AIV I'IAHIKII ri'ilon'n rlii'iiiimiiic
ciutic. IHU. kulm-y. iLii iiiar : ; anil i hci ]
PIIIIII Tliu tint mill only
pulu-ktllluii DtreuKiUi'nlay ; > luil r.