Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1891, Part One, Page 1, Image 1

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HjfAffA. Mlllfaria m v-i. . - flt'NDAY _ . , AlOHNING . , . SEPTEMBER 27 , ISOl-SlXTEEN * PAGES. % JMBER 101.
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' 'ftttftftftt ft *
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\ Mm * Ml rt * MI nilll | ,
* M > I 4 tt < m Bf , " 'tid Itr
> . * I ttf4 * Miti * rtru mil fur
* f IM < < ufiitt
\w4fMM * * * % In li
* * > TIM Mil Wtw ld
1 < H IMflMf lll * InltllAMI , lull II
rrwfc lralN ly In Ihn
t It * wmpwror volunttir-
i I It" WfcM th tlor < w win Is.
t t AMrtmn | i rlc In IVMeon -
' Itartfc , " ( CttanwUor IIUmimiK
M ku imw * Iftat AmarUHii lioijt
with triehhiix itml tlinl
Ii4 t iirnduet * . Tin1
IM vviu l u l ( or HID nolo
bv Uut oxelu lon
by lik'li ilullo %
thin aril-
1 ( ' Ot UiHOmtot fowl proM -
I > M * IntmiM ) within tliu
' n MlHUtr > eoulit inucli hiuo
ir feotil I bo r | MVil of duties )
mutter , " ri | vonlcd Dr.
I mtii lo tMrHod thtoiiuh
ti iA # , itml tu iipponiMil , under the
1 ' | ii aMnk , will mivko u vnrorous Ilitht ,
* ' . ( n MMU m of the reiclmtng this
' i w H * would tmrry the dny niul
A i H > igtttta iltlltrii svllhlH n fo'Veokn In
! r tor > f > r lmiinr ; nnd I do not
' I lh * * f tt t Kruln dulliM until
i ! tw it lltrt nnd death
1 * IM Junker * , ' " txiiiiiinicd
> With M r t ( Mtwl ( MtMtns M ho nrtt
* i < 4 IK 4r MMMO * nmt lr > Intf lo hold
tor li UNT AM vorth
to hWIt ly U. ' 1 Mr
, w U | tH l. ( bnr *
llmr. w their
-4 * 4 NMU4
I .
In turn !
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* .h i * M.
RfWf fll
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nil nriit < tfin pi * > ineit
| t | t * ( IMI | on ti !
to tw
( W-1 ffMl rtfB # 811
. Jtpfl.lor . / ,
Wi * fWflln IMfM ift tlffliii | > illljr itml
nf flur-
'run < iriwi
t\ .l . Ml
thi f Hljr mi tliu
rtl WJ I1U Ill-Wt-
rlly lomtiilny | nn . um
y lht'lly ( iiiiiltir illi-dullon of utroot
, jml lu iiilunl mlilltlottnl oinploy.
rt < * nl to lilht inmi. AllhmiKh the nrutiMltion
illil mil onirrj1 U ilrww oilln xrnni < lu ii of In
t rmllrij ( Inform Ulon miicornltiK tlm wi y
nml innnin of the city niul th ooiiioluiitiout
rnni iiMin'Uml liy itniMloipil onii-ort In the
itmnnKiiiitmil of cltv nlTulrt. On tlih Hcnro
Atiiurlonn city oniolitU , unit ( Mi > icially the
city uniclitlt of Uitiiiliii , hitva n Kront donl to
.11 i.iMn.innt'Minc\ \ ' .
I'IIIMVali * Mliidfiim Ilclnt : linpoNod on
liy t'iiHcriitiiloiin | \ \ omen.
Nrw Hvxr.v , Conn , Sept. 'JO.- While the
Klnilonts of Yiilocrounjoylns their summer
vacation tholr latulliiillui got together and
Ilia lu.Milt Is a ro ular llrst-cluss boarding
homo trust. Now the students l.SW of
thorn are taek uiul watorlni ; plnco prices
confront thoiu. There U coustornatlon on
thi ) cuiupus nnd the air Is tilled with nnntli-
oinns , anil the laniliaolos of Nou Haven are
the ciuisu of It.
They roqult-o that the student must pay an
nvoraKo of ? 7 per week , while if bo is nt nil
fastidious and wanta a few of the comforts
of homo he must surrender J > , $9 or oven flO
of his father's hard earned money once a
There are very fevv roitaurants at all do-
Iralilo and the students nro nt the mercy of
the Inndlailict The price since lust year has
rlimi at least fen nn nvoniKe , and this
inuans much to hundreds of students. Be-
sldoi this matter of table board thcro is the
inntlur of roomt. Oil the campus there nro
hutL'i'iU ruoms , and for these thcro nro over
MX ) ncadomlo notltlonors. The result Is that
hi'txvuoti < 00 nnd ( > O ) nro obliged to throw
thonnolvos upon the town.
Room * tun where ncitr the campus hnvo
rlnun iMiormotiilv In price. There are many
ImtntuM'j of from i > \ to ? ) being chnrBCd for
roomn little InrgJf than n good sized state
room on a < ound boat. Tlio student who Is
not \\iMiltliy must practically live In the
nulinrhs. ' 1 tm faculty are powerless. They
say the college U iwor nnd the only solution
Ill's In donations of thieo or four new dorml-
lorii's by the wealthy alumni. It is likely
limnllt lie n coinlilned iiotitlon to the fac
ulty from nil the ( lopnrtmunts for nn catinc
"ouj.mon * ' ; slmilur to these malntalnod nt
llM-.nrd , whpie , by co-operation , the stu
dent * nro fed vtry well nt n prlco which
m > < r KIHIS nbovo ft n weolt. A builitlng for
ncli n purpose will ooii no nvullublo , as the
old tryintiiiiluin will soon bo given up.
in : HMA in mi : .
< 'oiulncl nl' a ainiiVI ) Wn
\ \ I'llfJ Ill'lilfc.
H u r , til , Sept. W .Vows has been re-
wived IIBIH tlmt Jacob Drown had confessed
tta killlhft of A limn In Contrail * eight years
nfo , fur wlileh .Irtniei dray 1.1 now serving n
Ufa ent < Htci * In the penitentiary. Gray , two
After the Willing went before nn ofllcor
Cwtlmlln nnd confessed to the tnurilor.
after hnrlng been indlctod for
mnnlfr lit Informed tils counsel that
h w n' < Hl to Dlenil guilty , provided
h * woulil nnt be sentenced to hang.
totd thAt nn such promise
> ltl be made Him , ho then told hit nttorpoy
tnnt he wni not K'J' ' T nnd thnt when he had
W rmif s t was bemuse be thought by so
4 1 f he would be hung , ns he was without
wnrt or fn nds and nrnnted to die Ho was
! rt tf , ( * i ot the witness stand , testified
that he wai not niilli * , and pnvo his reasons
fnr hnrln * statetl IhAt he had done the klll-
b > Me further stAteti that he bail never be-
rote ieeti the murdered man until ho found
fclm d ml In thf < crt I'he Jury found him
irmity nd tie WM sentenced to the penlton-
ttoff fur life F.eis than a year ago he be-
r m * rt anx'wjs for B pnnlon , nnd n peti
tion ww * elrrulAted to that effect and received
mn < ljtn t arvs , bat hf Is still In prlion
* hH Ifftlm of city Is lnT Htl atln the TOT-
ittlnnt M Minntmpolls , nnd the ease bids
totr to tw interestlnf And sensational.
HIPiiiirr. .
tfi * Wll Knmvn IrMh Aglttior <
an O | lHton tin IrUli Politico.
f'ltii KV > , la . ept. 3K Mlphaol Daritt , the
known Irish agitator , arrived lo this
this ntorittnf and U stopping At the re i-
\l tinl r ulil i n Mr Dultt Is
y hi * Wife sod two children.
n AMociftted prst reporter Mr Duvltt
till SI * trtn wet A nrirnt * on * and had no
metion with Dolitlo * Ha said he had
v m-nth in ( ' Hfornla for his henlth ,
01 oHf < t1 np to bt doeor's orders. He said
f ftfA no iltooinon to introduce tha unfor-
Mtttf * donMtic trotibl * In Irtth polltlwi
hl oountry * n in America.
will Mtttt tan in IwUnd at tht next
mvM 4 ctton , ' Mtd Mr Darltt. "ana It
' i wtitPment will IMIV * Parn-ill out
ft < l ilr r * o qustUon Mr. Di vltt wild he
] not tt n 1 the IMfiM convention to be
' n t eek Be * u on hit return
t l)4 ) hU ftniily betnf tired , he made
B * ; iU'-o j to i hu-nio , Where be detired to
i ! lTfcHov r iroula M etootod
, . \rt Sept. 38.
b MRm < * ere * n ted
o the c-h rt of the t lter
A .ftttiirater told U >
Vew York
Breta > ( f , from
Einft fl Oftnnot Take it with
Si HtH S l AjitWtefoJ io nn Important
ffctofclWtl by Btflpsrar William.
Pltlrls for Bringing Abant a Big Strike
Meet with No Snccew.
( Jlvc-i Dinner Party
U'ock DC ( he Hiilvittlim Army
hi ( lie I'ntlici'liinil
( Ji'iils of Nc
/ < / , till Xt\e \ I'orli , l rf < tt'il l'rtf. ]
Itr.ul.iv , Hept. 20. The government finds
It hccessnry to explain tno policy of permit
ting ( lurnmii banks to take part ot the now
Utisslun lonn. The unanimity with which the
nrons protests ngnlnst Gorm.ins inking n | ) iirt
of the loan tins convinced Chancellor Ver v j-
prlvl Hint n grnvo political error will be com
mitted If n denial Is not made of the rumors ,
clrctilutod by the syndicate interested In
the mutter , thnt the lonn has the
tnclt sanction of the German govern
ment. Above nil , It wns hold to bo
Incumbent , If the question was heard
everywhere , from press and Uourse , nnd the
public , whether the new doiorturoof iho
German linanclal policy towards Hussia Im
plied Ihe nnuulliucnt of the prohibition
against Iho Uulchs bank lending money on
Husslnn securities. The erusado of the seral-
ofllclal press against thqse socurilles has
been long nnd persistent. The question was
asked what had occurred to cause the gov
ernment to reverse the policy that it had for
merly followeJ.
Grrinnnj'h 1'rpns on the ItiiNHinti Loan.
The North German Gazette , the ofllcial
organ , puoltsbcs n communication tonight , in
which it denies thai Iho government is in
anywise going from the palh of polilical
finance which it has ever trodden. The Gazelle -
zello furlhor states lhat no modification is
intended to the prohibition against the bank
loaning moncv on Russian securities.
Moro dolailed explanations are ulvcn by
Iho Hamburg correspondence. This paper
absolutely denies that the government has
assented to tbo issue of the loan In Germany.
The Mendelssohns made confidential in
quiries from Iho foreign oftlco as lo the alll-
lude of Iho government towards the issuo.
In reply tno forelcn oftlce Informed the bank
ers mat the present political situation nf-
torded no occasion for the governmenl lo in-
lerfere in nnv form , The chancellor did nol
desire lo reply so as lo convey Iho slighlest
idea of approval. The answer was promoted
solely bv the view lhal il was not for the
government to form considerations of
foreign policy or lo lake UP a decided
advisory position tor or ngainsi German
capitalists , who took part in a foreign loan
every tune one is issued. Bankers , Iho
reply declared , are in most cases perfectly
capaulo of acting upon their own judgment.
This soml-oftlclul statement lacks frankness
In suppressing the fuel that German houses ,
before Joining the syndicate , had been led to
believe that the foreien ofttco favored the
Issue of n loan hero , on polilical grounds.
1'nlilic Clamor Against tlio Ijimns.
The public clamor against supplementing
iho cash balances of Germany's enemies has
mude Von Caprlvi drop his complacency
loward Ihe loan. 11 would not go here.
1'rouably the government never intended il
lo succeed.
Although the arrangements made by the
syndic ate hiuo been slimed , Iho rates of Iho
Issue oven now is doubtful , but is believed
lo bo nboul 7Mj. The installments were ar
ranged to bo distributed over a period of six
months. The omission will take place during
the middle of October.
The committee of the Helens bank held a
long meeting today nnd decided not lo reduce
the hank's rule of discount , The demand
for bullion is in the meantime fur lower than
It wns expected. The Helens bnnk discount
rate continues to ho regulated solely by Iho
conditions of Iho homo market.
U Is reported thnt Hmperor William , who
is now slaying nt n shooting lodge near Eyb-
Iklhnon , met Iho train convoying iho czar on
his return to Hussln from Denmark , and had
n shell conversation wilh him.
Von WnldiTHCo Again In Furor.
The Post tonight , referring to Count Von
Walderseo'.s restoration to Imperial favor ,
stated that the emporer had nominated him
to thocommand of the guard of the corps. The
appointment will keep Von Waldoraeo In
Hcrhn , nnd give him the ear of the emperor ,
with whom ho will have greater Influence
thnn over.
In nn interview. Captain lllngham , mili
tary iittncho of the American legation ,
which has Just returned from the Herman
military ninnouvros. dilates upon tbo cour-
tosv ho had received from the liurvnrian and
Prussian authorities , who gave him every
opportunity to see everything of Interest
Captain llincrhaiii snld ho was creatly im
pressed by the wonderful uniformity of the
training , which was shown bv the soldiery
on parade us well as the field marching power
of the German nrmy , which , ho declaredwas
almost Incredible Speaking ot the lighting
qualities of Ibo nrmy Cantnin lilncham said
that the mam factor In real war Is the march
ine quality of the men , nddltur : "When you
can count on havlnir your forces always'
hand , nt tno right moment , you can win by
torco of numbers. "
Captain lllngham spoke In tno highest
terms of nralso of William's untiring energy.
His majesty , ho said , took Iho Hold at 4
o'clock In Ihe marnln ? nnd remained until , )
o'clocK In Iho afternoon Kven Iho empress ,
who attended the reviews , remained in t'io '
saddle for four hours , although the heat and
dust were stilling She smilingly saluted
Ihe troops as they passed , tilling the soldiers
with the ifreatest enlhusUsm
In conclusion Cuplaln said he
had learned enough of value and interest lo
Hi American navy lo eomixjnsato him for
the fortnight's fatigue and hard riding.
MlnUter I'helpn Given n Dinner.
A dinner was given tonight by Minister
1'helpn , at the American location , to ox-
t'nited Slate * Senator Warner Miller , Mrs.
Miller and MIM Miller. There were present
Chancellor Von Caprlvi , Harr Von Hlr-
lespscb , Prussian minister of commerce ,
Secretary Kotteoburg , Mr. Menocal , chief
engineer of the Nicncagua'anal ( company ,
Baroness Herlwpsch , the Mecdnmos Hing-
bam and Buecker , the Misses llaiitead and
Pbetps ana the British and French charge
Daring the progress of the dinner n dis-
Kteh w s received from Mr Johnson , Ainer-
in consul RI Hamburg , which was read
loud by Mr Pbelp * . The message read :
The Irst American porfc certificate wit * pre-
WutiHl al IIHIDbar today , fur Mfty-four LMWS
from inlc-jjiii otnur Hiiloiut.'nfi are In purl ,
uuil many art ; on the way
Mr * . Pboip * told the xueaU that if they
trapa hold their appetite * for a few hours
they oould nave * course ot American pork
In ( lie l.nlMir World.
Tbe report of tbe socialists strike commu
te * disclose * tbe entire failure of tbe Diana
wntiyi wee Del" ? arranged to b.'ng about a
in All M ides 1'hcro has been an
\ \ > L 1 \ al * l. 1 r i , T is
to internal dlBse slon. nro In n stnto of
collapse. Since tbo formation of thostrlko
comintttpo thlrtyio ) ftrlke have boon
organized nnd in every ctuio the labor party
was defeated. The committed complained of
n want of foreign -.ufip irt. The commlltco
wns promised nothlrtg , hut received from
Amerk-a and Fran- 1,000 marks nnd from
England ' "O.OOO ni , rks. The utrlkei-s nt first
got'JO murks wcfkly. The cmploynn pro-
tractcd the slrtlggM and the , funds dwindled
nwny until tnaro uoi not sttfllclont to give
the mon 0 marks wSokly , When this point
Was reached the nfen Wore unnblo to exist
nnd were rompollflrt to cnpltulnto. When Iho
strlucs were over the mnsters refused to re-
cmnlov mnny of thp old hands. The social
ists confess" that tliay bnva'boan defeated.
They propose , liowSvor , that n trades union
congress bo held lit , ' March next to nrrango
for n revival of tbcrttrugglo.
Tldlifts orXotri.
Mr. Oswald Ottenilorf of Now York
started on his icftlm to tlio United States
The published dories regarding the con
version of i'rof. Wmschonla of LotpMc to
protestantism , ara not. exactly accurate. His
conversion wns not entirely duo to his disap
proval of tbo action Q/ the Roman Catholic
church In snnctlOnltir iho exhibition of Uio
holv coal , at TnWeS. Thovfncts of the cnso
nro lhat ProfVfhsolienln joined the old
Catholic ipovemont" in 1870 , since which
time ho bns hocn 'outlroly dissociated with
the Catholic church. }
The Uerlln scotldh , of the Salvation Army
begun n iveok of "self-denial today. The
money which Is sn od by tha restraints the
men propose lo Itnpovj upon themselves will
bo sent to General Booth.Vlthln n year
Iho German snlvnllotlUts have sent llS."il )
marks to the general fund ot the organiza
Hrrku nn Alliance with Gliinn.
ST. PiTBH : iiL n j8apt. | 20. The Grash-
dnnln advocates nb&olufo Russian neutrality
with China. "Judfe'ary neutrality , " it snys ,
now will pave Iho jvay to n Husso-Ghinoso
alliance , which weald bo n useful weapon
ajjainsl Greal Iri * n\ho far casl. "
Pral cd fJf Their hoynlty.
Vir.NVA , Sept. "JSC. EmpOror Francis
Joseph , upon nrrlvfrfg loday al Prague , was
accorded a splendid..reception. The ompcror
praised Iho iJohemlons for their loyally , and
assured them of hl couslant paternal solici
tude for Iheir welfare. .
Compcniiitlon In I'nrt.
Pints , Sept SO. jLo Jfaurs says lhat the
Chinese government has granted to the
Jesuits an immensQ tract of land , as rompon-
salion for losses wfiicli Iho order suffered
during iho recent r/ufs.
Governor I'nttlfion Calls n. Spocinl Scs-
hion oT I'cniisylvnnin'ri Ijelslntiirc. ;
lUuinsni'KO , Pa. , Saept 2(5. ( This evening
n proclamation wn4.issued fay Governor Pat-
llson convening the sonata in extraordinary
session on Tuesday , , October 13 , 1S91. Tbo
preamble sets forth iliat'Kravo charges have
been made against tUJS auditor general and
stnlo treasurer moJ aoriously reflecting
upon the discharge uf- their official dutlos ;
that it is proper nu inquiry shoilld bo made
loQascortain whotUor or not "reasonable
cause" exists for thvlr removal ; that there Is
conviction that thgy have boon grossly inefll-
ulent and ontlroly wunting in fidelity ; that if
the charges bo ostoo. sh'od the senate should
take action looking to the removal of the offi
cials. at. s also sot totth lhat much of siaio
money lost through Jus ftley ould he In iho
ireosury if. Iho fvud4-ur , general and slatd
ireasuror bad per' > ri3a their duties wilh
fidelity , and furi at BArdsloy > refusal
to disclose ncvriaToVuiaifon 'whatcver as to
the conduct of these ofllcials nus compelled
the abandonment of ni-oposcd crlmlcnl prose
cutions , nt least for "a time. Proper Inquiry
by iho senate , Iho' governor Ihinks , may de
velop evidence sufficient to satisfy its mem
bers that icasonable cause exists for the re
moval of the auditor general and siato treas
urer. This evening the governor also
addressed n communication to SenatorSmilh ,
chairman of the cothniilleo appoinlcd lo in
vestigate the oflifos of the auditor general
and state treasurer , asking that ho permit
Iho attorney general to bo present and par
ticipate in the further investlgalions of his
i.orti > TIIK QESTLI :
Koiiinntlc Story 'from the South sea
SVNF A\TI CO , Cnli Sept , 20. A romantic
story comes from thoPaumolo islands in the
South Pacific. Wm. Gobson has just returned
from ihoro and says that bamuel Harris , 20
years old , who was born nnd roared here ,
and has been for five years in the islands ,
has married the daughter or King Tokolala ,
and has boon made prime minister. When
Harris left San Francisco no wont to trading
in the islands , lie had a smalt capital but
bo turned It to good account and soon be
came identified with the pearl fisheries
at the harbor' of Tokolal , and
quickly made so much money that
for two or three years ho has controlled the
fisheries and is known as the pearl ulng. The
king of the islands is proud of his enterpris
ing son-in-law and openly slates that at his ,
iloath ho will confer the scopicr on him. The
Paumolo Islands are a long way out in Ibo
Soulh Pacific. They ore cost of the Society
group and are parl of 'whal is known ns Iho
Low Archipelago. The Paumolos , which
comprhosomo 3,000 miles in nron , are Indo-
ponuout of Iho French , nnd Harris , as prlmo
minister and heir lo the throne , savs ho will
take good care ilint the Trench do not got
tbolr grip on Iho country. The population of
the Paumolos is about 0,000.
.uir.nii ; * ' . > f//.MT/.sT .
Ceremonies \Vliiuli Will Attend on
tlio Unveiling of Illn Statute.
Cute too , 111. , Hept , 20. Twenty- five thou
sand men , representing the leading military
nnd civic organizations of Iho ijnilod States ,
are ex peeled to march , in procession al Iho
unveiling of the broiub equestrian stntuo of
General Ulysses 8. Grant in Tlncolri par < c on
October ? . The prorc-iaion will start from
Unko Front about S o'clock in the afternoon
and will march thence to the park. The ox-
erclsos will consist of on addreu by Judge
W. C Grnry , dollvfcrinp the statue to the
city on behalf of , tbo , association which
erected it ; a retponiabj Mayor Washburne ,
accepting it. a histo yiof Iho work by S E.
Taylor of the Hoard of Lincoln Park Com
missioners , and tbo pratlon of the day by
Judge W Q. Greihamjof tha federal court ,
in/.ir JH J/O.V/.TX
Queer llnlliiK < > l * Tux an .1 nd no In nn
Kmliml'citiont Case.
Tex. Se'pi > 0--J McMillan
Kor\TJB , , - - - ,
ox-co'jnty treasurer , has been held on trial ,
charged wilh misapplying funds to the
nmonr.t of f 1 1,000 , Ja < Jo Hlghtower ordered
the Jury to acquit iTlii , charging that the
legal definition of money Is legal tender c r-
tiucatos. and bonds or1 coux > ns are nol money
Judge Higbtower , who U reco nUod ns ono of
the brightest jurUu , holds thai no official
can be Indicted undar the pn'-ent stnlutoi
unless ho steals actual cash.
Arrested on
HHO-WNSVII.I.B , Te Septf ! W. It Is learned
from nn authentic } ' source that Colonel
Ituules of the Fifth In fun try , Mexican army ,
stationed at Metamuras , has been arrested
by the commanding general , and In company
with GeneruUSoortino , who is still undnrar-
re t , will be sent to Ver.i ( jfrtu on a Mexican
IfUnlNMit , an ruuto to the Ulty of Mexico. The
o ia of ( olaiiQHUatilwi arnxl u not known ,
but it U support to b ooflnected with the
UUi revolutionary
\Veekly II. ink Kt teineiir.
Ni v < Y > HK , Nin . M. Tun weekly bank
st t , miMir IIDW * 'ha i > a er i ) i-as ilccrca . d
f. M1 11 ] be tin ifc ttovv bud f I/ , ' lu 10
ix 3 f tcgal rc uiu nents ,
No Indian Summer for the Oitizans of
England's ' Capital ,
Renewed Efforts Being Made to Seoura Mrs.
Mnybrick's ' Liberty.
Rnmor that America is Mixing Up in the
SportHiiien Delighted wltli tlic I lcn of
Scclnt ; Sonic Specily Ilorflen
1'roni the ; United States
[ Copt/rfo'it ' 18 > 1 t > u Jtimt * nonlfin Jlcnnttt , ]
LONDON- , Sept , 20. [ Now York Herald
Caole Special to Tun Ur.r.j The swish of
the storm has cased , but the dull , grey drizzle
makes London drip. It Is almost certain
there will bo no Indian summer , and iho
metropolis will pass from dark days Inlo
wintry fogs without a period of sunshine.
The rush of Americans towards homo is get
ting less , although the four principal steam
ers sailing today nro full. Outside of the
nnvnl and Gorman exhibitions nnd n few
Ibcnlros , there is nothing lo enliven Iho vis
itor hero Jusl now.
There is n rumor in London lhat Mrs.
James O. Hlaino it responslolo for tbo story
that the American government is petitioning
Iho queen lo make a further Invcstigalion
into the case of Mrs. May brick. The lega
tion hero knows nothing of such a petition.
Meanwhile Iho Maybnck commilleo , which
has undertaken to tesl the prisoner's right on
constitutional grounds , is awailing dona
The London Herald has taken up the case
of James George Dill , who is confined In the
Linwelllunallc asylum , apparently without
cause , Afuir a tremendous fight Iho counsel
In Iho case have nt last secured an oraor
which will bring the case into court. It will
ho expensive work to secure Dill's liberty.
Ills sjllcitor has succcdcd in seeing him nnd
declares him to bo absolutely sane. It cost
Mrs. Cnthcart about $10,000 to get out of u
uad house in which she was imprisoned.
I-'nuliHli Sportsmen Delighted.
A row days ago Kngiisn sportsmen wore
delighted over an announcement in London
that A. F. Wolcott had nominated llvo
Aincncau bred colla for Ihe St. Lcger in
1893. Three are sired by Kiymon d' Or , who
won the St. Lojjer in 1S73 , and was scut to
us in 1SSJ. Ono is by Eolus and ono by
Longfellow. The keenest intorosl is taken
hero in these enlrlos , us the past success of
American horses'fn British classic races bos
convinced English sportsmen thnt nn Amer
ican uutry moans business , und that an
American owner is not likely to enter a colt
unless ho has some strong reason for It.
I mot Imra ICir.Ufy last nignt on his return
from Venice , where ho has completed his
historical researches and studies for the details -
tails of his Venetian spectacle , which
will bo given nt tbo Olympia in
London in November. Ho thinks
the spectacle will bo his master-
worn and will far surpass "Xero , " or any of
his previous productions. It will bo in six
scenes. Two acts will bo historical as well
as romantic , dealing with the laller part of
Iho fourteenlh cenlury. The accessories will
Include 1'JO gondolas , Iwonty-four largo
barges , Doges of Venice , over 140 Venetian
gondoliers , a troop of forty famous mimic
artists , sixty Venetian seronaderj , 200 chor
isters and n ballet of 300.
AVI11 Siil : Soon.
Ho sails September 30 for Now York nnd
will bo in Philadelphia October 12 at the
oponlngof Iho spccacloof "Nero , " now per-
fdrmlng'tn assoclalion with Barnum's show.
It is announced that Dr. Antonio Dvorak
has been offered and accepted the post of
director of the National Censor , 'ntory of
Music of America , founded by Mrs. Thur-
oer's efforls.
The amount of spice glvon in Ibo London
papers lo Iho discussion of drunkenness and
lls cures , is ex-traordinary , hundreds and
hundreds of letters being printed. The most
distinguished men lawyers , doclors , nlorgy-
mon all mix up in the controversy about
Dr. ICooloy of Dwight , 111. , who nis cured so
main thousand drunkards of America. Ho
has been overwhelmed wilh visitors. Ho
sinrtcd today for Ireland lo sludy iho ques
tion there.
George , tbo famous ornng outang of Iho
London zoo , is dead. Ho only survived his
oampanlon , Sally , iho world icnowncd chim
panzee , n few days.
Mine. Albanland MissGwco Domlnn were
received by iho queen at B&lmoral Septem
ber IS.
I saw Dr. Thompson , one of iho pope's '
physicians , who wns in London yoslorday.
The pope is In excellent health ,
Wlillo Iho train , which meets at Hamburg ,
iho American steamer , was pulling out of the
Waterloo depot this morning , David M.
Dosson , 00 years old , n diamond merchant of
Now York , fainted An American doctor on
iho train examined him and announced ihttt
ho was dying of heart disease. Chief Inspector
specter King nnd n sergeant lifted him onto
Iba platform but bo died nt onco. His body
was removed to Iho Lnmbcih morgue ,
/M/.I.M-.S / ) / / / / , . ! 1' .
It Will Do Ono of the IllchcHt niul
Most Unique nt the \\orl-Pn I'air.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sopl. 0. A morning paper
says : Germany will not only have a great
Imperial display of her arts and Industries at
the World's fair , but she will have a special
exhibit of her cuitoms and pooplo. This
special exhibit will bo m a German vlllago
on which over tJOO.OOO 1s to bo expended
under the direction of Dr. Ulrlch Jnbn , n
protege of I'rof. Vircbow , iho Gorman scien
Dr. Jalin and Herr Wormulh , Imperial
commissioners from Germany , appeared be
fore the ways and means committee yester
day to arrange for this feature. Bain ? dU-
linclivo In iuolf , Ibo village will have to go
on the midway plauanco. The intention Ute
to reproduce , on scientific lines , Gcrrnnnlo
customs and life , from primitive umos down
lo Iho preicnt , and to show the ethnology and
nrcha-oloirv of Germanv. The projectoisof
the display guarantee to spend nearly JJ.V- )
000 on the scheme , and the ( mines of lls back
ers insures its value as a historical rcproaun *
Gould on Iho .Missouri Piiclfli ; .
NEW YohK , Sept. SO.--Tho Daily Slock-
holder , u financial newspaper , prluts un m-
t mow with Jay Gouid In whim be says
t > " current dividend of the Missouri Parifla
1 ojid bo deferred , nj tbo earnings of iho
rend do not Justify its l suanco this quarter.
Gould declared thnt the poor crops last yo r
nnd the combination of the roads
whereby the Missouri Pactllo was uelng de
prived of gram tr.iflle was the cnuso of the
falling oft In-thocnrningv Ho further said
thct the completion of n connecting link H
being pushed that will cnnhl" the delivery
of wheat and other grain nt New Orleans
for export over the Missouri Pncllloiind
Iron .Mountain nt the same prlco as other
roads cnn lay It down nt Chicago.
co i / . > / i rtrtcs.
I-'IKUCCH from tin ; COIISIIH Ollloc In-
tcresllni ; Dala.
W * IIIXOTOS , I ) . C. , Sopt. 2(1. ( The census
officers today Issued a bulletin of the coal
producl of Ihe United Slates. Il shows lhal
Iho coal product of the United States had n
totnl of 141,323,513 short ions in Iho census
year , nnd was valued al iho mines , before
nnv ej.pen es for shipment , nl ftio,22t1 ; , : < .M.
The nverniro value of all saleable grades of
anthracite was ? l r.s per ton , at the mines ,
nnd iho nvumgo of bituminous coal was H'.i '
cenls per short Ion. nl Iho mines.
In IssO Iho totnl product , including 2V > H.-
S12 shoit ions ot anthracite , nnd 4 , .11,75
short tons of bituminous conl. The value of
the entile product wns JW.iHiVt'.M. The prod
ucts Increased U ? IK5 per cent during Iho
decade and Ihn totnl value OT M per cent.
The total number of persons engaged in the
industry is 2li'i , . ' > .V.i. who received , in Iho ng-
gregale , SlOO.lsO.yas wages.
It \ \ 118 II StllM'CSH.
WtMiis-oTov , D. C. , Sept. 20. Major
Eugene F. Weldell , special ngent of Iho
general land oftlco , today telegraphed Iho
secretary of tbo Interior from Gulhrlo , O. T. ,
lhat neither the location nor situation nl
Chandler Is as bad as reported , that Spocinl
Agent Scott Ilonn , writes that there is
enough good Innd for business. The water
supply was only temporarily exhausted by
Iho rushing In of so many people wilh counl-
less horses to water ; that is all right now
and tuo howl comes chiefly from disappointed
lot speculators who did not intend to locate
thero. Ho says also , the editor of ilie
Gulhrle paper , after personal inspection , tins
written n fuvornolo article nbout the location
of the now county seats and thnt there has
been n strong effort made evidently to pick a
Haw In this very successful government busi
ness by disaffected and unprincipled men.
Silver Coinage.
WASIIIVOTOV , D. C. , Sent. 20. Owing lo
Iho fact thai Iho coinage of stanunrd silver
dollars was , by law , stooped on the 1st of
July ( e\cept Ihnt of the trade dollar bullion ,
about $3,000,000 in nil , which Is now in
progress ) , the shipment to the mines of
standard silver dollars now depends almost
entirely on the amount of silver certificates
or Ireasury noles prcsenied for redemption.
In Iho absence of ability to ship silver dollar
lar , the dopartmenl in response lo requisi
tions for silver coin , Is sending out lariro
amounts of frnctional silver coin as Iho most
convenient substitute for silver dollars.
Our Serd-Gro\viiif ; Karnii.
WASHINGTON- . C. , Sopl , 20.Tho roporl
of Iho census bureau shows lhat there nro
MO farms in the United Stales , wilh a tolnl
of 1G9.SH ncics , dovoled entirely lo seed
Appointed Siipir Inspector.
WtsmxoTox , D. C. , Sopl. 2j. David Koss
of Oglesby , I'l. , has been nppomlod ns Irens-
ury Inspector , under Uio sugar bounty act.
7/.I.VO/.VO yoo ( teen ron m.w.
Severn ! People OniiKcroiisly 111 From
the Vtctiiilt oT 11 Fool's .Joke.
PLAIN FIELD , Conn. , Sept. 20. There is
much oxcitomenthore over on affair that
promises to result fatally lo several residents
of ihis place. Lust night a soclaolo , dance
and supper were given in the public hnll by
p.artles from Central vlllago nnd Moosup ,
\V. F. Picket the Mossup caterer , furnishing
the supper. All enjoyed n good time unlit
the supper was neirly over when suddenly
several young ladles complained of Doing
sick , nnd in n shorter time than can bo told ,
Iho whole labln fullero rolling
about In great acony. The local phy
sicians were ouicklv called , nnd for a
time It look-id ns though twonly-fivo persons
nt least would die. Dr. Davis found lhat
quantities or croton oil had been placed in
Iho coffee , Iho supposition being lhal It was
put there to harm the caterer. This belief is
strengthened by the fact lhal Mr. Piokel's
harness was found to bo cut in several places.
Mr. Picket drank the coffee and nt prosonl
his condition is considered very dangerous.
Captain Hall , s"5 years ot ago , and owner of
the hall , Is also dangerously ill. Among Ihoso
who are considered fatuity ill nro James H.
Shea , James Galvin. Charles Douglass , A. C.
Tllllnnhast , Chris Johnson , Kennedy
and G. Mastcrman. Thus far nothing has
been learned of the miscreant who performed
the not.
Jtvxxrxa - / > / ; o//.v.
Wild Scenes in the Cities of Okla
GuTintic , Okl. , Sept , 20. The scenes in
ttm city equal iho opening day. Several
thousand pcopto who have located claims
have como here lo file on Ihoir lands nnd ob
tain rest from days nnd nlghls ex
perience on Iho prairie. Gambling games of
every doscriplion are running wide open. On
ono corner a Salvation Army man is holding
forth , nnd diroclly across Iho slrccl Is n
crap Inblo crowded wilh anxious play
ers. Mayor Spongier has strengthened iho
police force so lhat there Is very little rowdy
ism ind disorder. A man who has just como
in from the new town site ot Chandler says
thai Iho surjoyors have not yet completed
their work. It is very piobablo that Gover
nor Stcolo would let the peopla In waiting
rush for lots some time tomorrow. There are
enough already staked out to give each per
son ono lot , unit alter the survey has been
completed ho v/lll call another rush for the
bamneo. The ground is so rough that the
work of surveying proceeds very slowly.
Colonel AVilHOn , a Prominent Indl-
anliui , Called to Illn Huwaril ,
IjiFiTKTTP , Ind. , Sept. 2(5.-Colonel ( WII-
lamC. Wilson died this morning nt lOiHO
o'clock at the Lnhr tiouio of nervous prostra
tion'and softening of Iho brnin. Colonel
Wilson was born in Crnwfordsvlilo ,
November 22 , IbJT. In llsiO ho be
gun Iho pracllco of law hero. In
Ib5l ho formed a partnership wilh the
lulo Judge George Garten of Chlcneo , which
continued until iho Utter removed to Chi
cago. Mr. Wilson entered the nrmy In April ,
iMil , ns a pnvalu in iho Tenth Indiana regi
ment , but was made captain a few days later ,
and then promoted to major. Ho pnrtlcl.
patud in the Wesl Virginia campaign nnd was
wounded at tbo batilo of Hu-li Mountain.
I.Htor no was made colonel ot the One Hun
dred nnd Twcnly-llflh regiment. In lsi7-0
lie was postmaster of this city. Ho was de
feated for R tat o senator on tbo greenback
ticket in ! > " ' ' , nnd for attorney general of Ibis
slate on the republican ticket In Ibr. .
Hon. .lotin D. llounrd.
Dfi.i'Tii , Minn. , Sept. 20. Hon. John D ,
Howard , a pioneer senator , dlod tonay. Ho
was a native of Connecticut and cnmo to
this section in 1NV ) . Pivn sons and ono
daughter survive hli.i , bis wife having died
two vears ago. His property is variously
estimated at between tlr.OO,0 < JO and fa.WU.OOO ,
a lar.-e shurn of which Is In cash. It is
understood that the bulk of hli property is
loft to hU youuResl sou , J. L. Howard , who
U a doitf mute uud is now at school at Wash
ington , D. c.
- . *
lni.lneni TronlileM.
AsruKKr Sept JO. Tbo old ( Inn of Fuch's
of ibis city has failed The failure U under
stood tii bu duo to disastrous speculations in
coffee- , wool and South American securities.
Pointers n3 to How Englatul's Political
Pomlulntn Will Swing.
Though in the E ironing of L'fo ' He Pighta
To Maintain Supremacy Thay Have Pasieil
Many Rjd'ctl ' Measures.
Ilcllct ol'tlio I'nHl CIIHI Asiito liy Ono
iiciiicnt : VVhlli : iho Olliur
to Old
lCojVrlofillVtl > iiJam' Gnnlnn Hnmr'f 1
Loxitov , tjept. "il. iNoir Yorit Herald
Cable Spuclnl to Tim BIK. : | Mr. UladEtona
will once moro Jump Into the political arena
the coming week. Knclishmcn of M panic *
mlmIro his vitality nnd like hU pluck. Hero
ho Is nt the age of s2 with most of his old ns-
socialos from I'eol to Disraeli in ttieir
pr.ivci , lianiinurlny away ns hard
as over. Ho has recovered this
year from nn Illness which would hnvo killed
many young men. Shaken by severe domes
tic bereavement nnd cruelly mauled by in-
llucn/a ho will once moro set the populace
aflie at Newcastle nnd prnctlcully start the
campaign for the ponoral election , for that
is the great event to which the men of every
class are now looking forward.
Already candidates on both sides from
nearly every constituency in the country
liavo been chosen. It is like the year before
the presidential election with America.
There mny bo a dark norse or two destined
to como to the front , but in the muln the
entries are complete and we know the past
record connected with them. The torlcs
profess to bo very confident of victory ,
and the Gladstonlnns are full of hope
and spirit. The latter have the most
popular chief , for Lord Salisbury is not
popular anil perhaps has never sotmht to be.
Ho prefers to llvo out of the public cyo. No
ono has over caught him swinging the nxo
for the amusement ot the crown. Ho is a
great man , nothing moro , whereas Gladstone
lias a vivid personalty that counts for much ,
in such n struggle that Is now before us unU
which will win.
In Favor of the IjllicrnlH.
In my opinion , speaking impartially , the
liberals linrc a very good chance for success.
They start with between sixty and seventy
nationalists' scats , of which they are quito
secure. That handicaps the conservatives
heavily. The llborcl secoaors neutralized
this force nt tbo last election. It Is most
probable that tholr strength will bo
greatly reduced next time. The Inevit
able tendency Is for deserters to
return to tno true fold. The men ,
who are now in parliament may remain tmo
to Lord Hartington. Appearances indicate
another great swing of the rni"llllUIIIi which
will plnco the "grand old mnn ' once moro la
ofllco. The conservatives have tried hard to
maintain their ground in public favor. They
have passed nil soils of measures which nro
essentially raalcal , but their advantage is
Many tories aro'aggrieved nt the sacrifice
of principles made bv their lenders. The
radicals are not won over because they pre
fer to go to the old stand for wiiros which
the opposition profess to soil. Thus thcro I *
n certain loss and n very uncertain gain.
Tno ministry has been very close. It has
taken In no men of wealth , and family in-
lluenco has DPOU the only passports to it ,
whereas tbo liberals nro throwing off these
relics of the past and are striking into now
fields altogether. Gladstone will bo Justified
in the vote of conlldorco , which means to
strike at Newcastle. Ho may again ho
soundly boatca , but it will take all the con
servatives kaow to do it ,
For , Omaha nnd Vicinity Generally fair ;
slight change In temperature.
For Missouri Fair ; southerly winds ;
slight changes in temperature.
For Iowa Light local showers , except la
extreme southeast portion ; fair weather ;
southerly winds ; slightly clear In eastern ,
stationary temperature in the western per
tion.For South Dakota Light local showers in
eastern ; fair Incstcrn portion ; variable
winds , becoming westerly ; clear but Monday
For Nebraska- Light local shouori ; south
erly winds , becoming variable , warmer in
northwest ; stationary temperature in south
east portion.
For KrnsasLocal showers ; southorlv
winds , becoming variable ; stationary tem
perature , except in western portion , warmer.
For Colorado Local stiowors , vunablo
winds ; clear by Monday morning.
WASIIIMJTUN , D. C. , Sept 'JO - The barometer -
otor has fallen In most districts cast of the
Hooky mountains , nnd it is Iho lowest north
of Minnesota , where ! there is disturbance ot
moderate onorgv moving eastward. Local
showers are reported on the south Atlantic
coust nnd from Texas , northward to Minnesota
seta and D.iltoU , but clear weuthor continues
generally throughout the regions oust of the
Mississippi. It is clear in tlm lower la o re
gion nnd the rt'g'on northwest of Montana.
It is warmer In the middle Atlantic coast ,
and In the central Mississippi valley \ve t-
wurd to the Kocky mountains. Warm and
generally clear weather will continue in the
mlddlo Atlantic states and the Ohio vnlloy ,
and in the Interior of the southern states.
tiK.V.irOK C.I ///A M/t'CKAAOH.
CoinplicatioiiH in tin ) Florida hcnntor *
ial Troubles.
Pr.Nstroi.A , Fin. , Sept. sn.- The 1'ensncola
Dally News will publish tomorrow morning
a special from Tallahassee giving complica
tions of tha scnatoriul .situation. Secretary
of State Crawford refuses to attest the com
mission of ex-Congressman Davidson , ap
pointed by Governor Fleming to succeed
Senator Call. Crawford is an old
line whig , and says the great
seal ot tuu state of which ho is custo
dian , shbll never ndorn any certificate for
Cull's successor without it is Call himself.
The Florida supreme court will convene on
the Kith proximo , and the governor will
apply for n mandamus to compel compliance
with the constitutional requirements provid
ing that the secretary of Htatii shall nttn < > t all
commissions issued by the executive. Many
people of Tuilnhimoo uollovo that Secretary
Crawford will go to Jail rather than obey the
inundate , If iiuuod uy trio aupromo court , and
Cull mon nro confident of forcing iho secre
tary lo nttofct Davidson's appointment.
1'iro Itceoril. is , Sept. 'M.Wright's colton mill
at IvJCiiov , Mutton , wan today dftwugod by
Jho to me cxicut of JUW.OW ,