THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , ffjRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 , 1801. SPEGIRL NOTICES , . VO TIII K rot.UMNa AnVKUTMKMK.NTH 15 fiO p m , for the rrcnlng nnd until 8 W V m. , for the morning or hundnir udl- tonf All lUrrllfcmi-nU In tlioo columns 3ccntin word flri > tlni > otll n nnit 1" < cfntun word tliorptiftfr orll tier linn pi r month Nu mlrrrtlFOmont Inkrn for HUH tlmnjjcoiitn for Itmnr t Intortlnn Trrnnomh In nclTOiifp liiltlnli , UriirpK , ftniholo. dp cncli count nn n wont All adTprtl cmentu nuint riincnn rPCUtlTPljr Adtrrtliprn , by tpqut lliiK a nntnbprcil check , cnn Imro Ihelr nn wprf ndiltpd to n mini lierrd lollcr In cntu nf Till. Ill > Annwors DO ml ilrcMCd will tie ilollrcrcil on prceciitnlloa of tli8 clicck _ _ _ TJUANf HOrMI'K'iVA7 ' > VKim' XC > dill 1 1 KSK J > ctiiinni lll tnlnkin o" the nbovo conilllloni nllliiifollowln | hiiiilnrfi Imii" who nrp mithor- l d to Inkn t pcelfll nollcdd nt tbo inuio rates a8 can Imlmd nt thfiinnln nITICP _ Soiilli fimnlia llrnrch OHIoo No 2023 N street , JnlinW lloll plmrmnclDt llth nnd Mn nn ntrcct < H II I-nMiniTorth , rimrinnclnt HltrimilnR lrcot W .1 HiiKliP * I'liamiailiit < UI N Iftti trcpt. C K fnttorlleld , I'linrmarl t , 1T19 rppt llnuhri riinrmnrj Jtth nnd Fnrnnm ; ' < ) > miff , etc. , ttflnpn ii \M n wiiKw AS nmnnitlnii hotispkpnix'r In wldowur < fnmlly Vrlinroa m-rvint Is kppl or smnlt liotnli IilKliPut rnforcncvii Mrs I , Wldtnoy , ZWI Cullmio ( Irnvo ore Klnt 12. Clilcaxo , III _ M8M tt' _ -\VAMHrTtV Yt.N ( ! I.ADV POSITION IN -rVolIltc' iiniid pcnnmn nml cnn furnlih k'ood ref ercnrui Address C I , lieu MM3 ! 87 * _ A TiwKKiii'ru : : : WITH KIIIST n-Aus TITV JVroferencos want ) n iioMtlon Adilrcait II w ! , lleo \v\N'iin : POSITION WITH t MtuTAKiu ) : : by llr t rlani innn ; nlno ycnri opcrlcmco H2.I , fB , luiimll Illntli ' PM'W 28' A HY I'UArTIPAIj ISNIILVUKIt AND MACIIIN JVlBt Aildrisi II Ii2 , 11(0 M'JO.1 .JO * WAvi 1:11 : SIITA-IIOMIV A ( .000 ro\rn A limn iiiaku hlniiolf ernpriilly iiM-ful nnd know liow to r infer Iiorocn nnd i own lluvo KIIIM ! rpfcr cntet Aildrcss II f/l , Onmh i lluo. W,7 25' A WANTKO , HITtJATION HV A M AHUIII ! ) MAN J\no n com Innnn Inn Kond tmnd wltli horsi-n nnd wllllnirt" uinko lilnimilf ii-pfnl wife wfll nlno work nt Ilitht < > rk ortnnn will bunrd hlm pf | If ilesltnl Jlavo Kooil tlly roferoncf ) Address , IMA ) , lln- * \ \ \STI.DHITl AT ION in ASr.\PBUIKNCiil : tPiulipr In iiollclt onlcrii fur irlinol tiook pub liprn ( itipUohPKt of rufLrditos Addfeni hick rlll North l.onp Neb Slii-.fl' A"-iv ; A WIDOW37 M\HS : OK AOK TIIOM N V iiponlllon n IioiiBiikvoppr In wldowur H fain- ilr ( Ity jirutcrroil Itnphl Llty. a ) , | WANTIID MAM : HUM' . f. ite , rec to i of 'itt column on this jii ; B WAN'IlID-MOIlALIUJUNd MAN toll PAY J'lnu I position , rnro oponlntf to rl ht party little money required , and referentes Adilrcsn C i Iloo MHU25- 3 > WANI'KI ) CAPAIILK SUIISCIttlM'ION HOOK > mnn to Miporlntend intents lor nutr inibllcntlon Must bn a hustler 'I Ills position H worth fj KM llrst ii'ar t'M ruinlrcd for stoclc carried Ad ilreasf I Hee MJI1 21 * p--OANVA'-siiis : WASTHD A i KW aonnMi.N J for city work 1131'axton lllock 1) WANT A HAUIIKIt IMMUDIATKIiY ML' T Jie | llrst class tolored or whlto Address W II Jaikson 61) ( ourt street , lleatrlce Neb OH 21 * . . T > WAN ! I'D ( HMII ) ' 1AILOK ON PA VIS AM. ) J'vents sternly work and Hood W.IKOS John Olson , York Neb 'J2I 21' p PA VIS ANI ) VKST MAKIHI WANTKOMIJJ T ) "sTrMXJHAPIIHHAM ) HOOK ICKKPKU instate aije , experience , salary J. Lncoy , c-aro car rltr No 0 U.'O . ! 1 > \\r\\ANTIOO KH'.NIS IMMKDIATP.I.Y. $100 J 'per day or n good commission Particulars f rue Address l.x < olalor Mfg Co , l.u Crosse , WIs 88320 * T > WaNTI'D 2MKNOP COOI ) AIDUKS ) AI. 1 > nry itnil loinmlsslua IWJ Howard Motropoll tan Mfg Co UijJ.'i * i WAN rit > IIAUItliU AT ON ( II , NOD I'Klt 4 ' dnv Mrst ilass workman only Joo'tunimond , Point Neb N > i."i M'WSPAPKU HUSILKH WANTKD AD 'driss is llh references , II M ciro lleo 87024 v , \\rni > . KOUUUHJSO MIV : AITI'MHNK jl for steady work Saturdays durlni ; the winter Musthaio jjood roftreiues as to rella blllty and falthfulneas Addri SB II & . ' , Hue.MSfiO MSfiO . ' 5 l.\l'KHIiNCil : : ) .MII.KKU , ( 2itiist 84J 24 * T > WAM'KI ) ATONf'K , 10 COHVICi : MAICKIl- * , J'10 roofers 12nriilro ) at Vcstern Cornice \\o rks , til South llth striet MbW ) 11 T > \\AMKD-ONII MAN IN l.M.HY LAHOI ! J ) | iuslnoss house , factory and shop to sell cheap lotn on comml slon Cnit between 7 4) nnd 8 p m Morton T Culver , HIM I nrnnm ntrtet , Havana I luar ntoro. fit ) OI2 " | > WAM KI > , fSA MO.S 111 ANI ) IAPKNSKS hOll J'snlesmen In every count ) In thu I' S , camples X outlltf'ie no pxporlpnio nrie nry yearly con tracts made tlnest and easiest hullini ; KOO < | S man ufactnred Send stamps nnd for full nartlcu laro , U Converse , J2 Ilermonstorcostor , Mass 'l > _ \\A.Vlii : > , hALKbMANThS SALAUYOIICOM J'mlHsiiui to handle the new paU nt chemlenl Ink rrn lnK pencil , the crentest i-elllnK novelty ever produced eniHeslnk thoroni.hly In tuo seconds , no nhrnslon nf paper , J.1XI to .ViO percent protlt , ono ntent suit H amounted to fM In six dais another IU In two hours Wo want one. concral nkont In inch ntulu nnd ten Itorv lor terms nnd full par ticulars Hddrois tlio Monrou Krnser Mf Co I.v CrosKC WU bf > J T > MPN OK tJOOD AIIlliSi : 'III SK.LL OOODS J'on Inntallmenta. Aincrleanrluicer Co lUfJ Howard MtV'Ji n , .0 > 1 } WAMIID SO PALiSMi.V : : ' ! ( ) ' CVIlllY AS A .l * lde line our 'Cash on Delivery" iluar , with cold Illled watch , blK pay O. O D ClKar Co , Wins ton , N I 8lj 7 WAN'I HI ) . OOOD CANVA SKHS AT SIMillll JJscwIiiK miichlnu olllce , lllti DoiiKlns street HIOM * . v. etc. , etc t > > \ > nf Jilit en'umn nil tills pa n WAN TnooNn TTix iii vi-Y FN V Ktriic'.lonn and keep books , > JJUO month Wo Kuwork l.lfo bullilluit MJ 21 -mill , Kill OKNKHAL IIOtltfllWOUK , ( liit : man or Danu , famllyiof three , cuttaxo , call cos H ' "Jlli t. O \\AMII : ) cool ) , M\r : ( , IUL , IN PAMILY of three IV } | Sheriniui itvenun MtUii'JT r.lHL l-Olt ( iliNICUAIilIOl < 4i\MUIC : Mt'sr ' bouood took mutter and Ironer , Apply before 1 p in , , ' 102 Capitol Aenne M S M J5 C-WAN'i'KD. tiiui. { on ( ; IMH\I : : , work miiHt ho a food cook , Kood WIILOS to proper permin , 15.'J iilreet v.'t 25 * WANTKI ) , ! OOI ) CIHL , ( iKVIIltL HOtTSi : \ > ork Mis James lluynos , U2I .S 2Uth street in i M i tiiitii.iir \ : : : WOMAN 'io TAKK V > up work that Is entliuly new Address in.I , Iloo C \\ANTHD oiui. rou ti.MitAi ; : : , \\ork , i\2 \ s 'oth street C-COOK WANTHD AT ItlB CAPITOL AIIN'IM : 81034 * WANTKD , ( UOD COOK AND LAUNDH1 S -Uht .Mv0 ! J5 * -WA.N1KD. \ . A ( ' ( tMI'Kl'KNTdlHL \ 'Kood took nnd laundreit * Hoferences ruQiilred Mrs U ljnlord ! lUlii south Wth street Ult l-'Oll HUNT IlOUfiUS. tin > t\tn. \ rte. , tte ( up o/ list ( oitiinii Stonvonloncu Apply 15-1 blierinan avenue .Mtui ; T CHTTAOK. CHI NOUI'II I7TII Btroet , Call afternoons MSill 27 * _ iw tinoo 'io itsca I broiiin ibrUk ) , > ery nlie. JiilU. 18 room 'JiOO t H ruoint llrstclaii fluMWand 11500 .1 lUroonm , f muu and IIS.UO Omaha Heal i : lnto and Trust Co , I Iloo building I'v Hll UK.ST. OKOOM COrrAIlK , IMPUOVK J 'ments.fiiiiilshudor uururnlkhud.MJ boUth street W2 ! 7a iuuM ) COITAUI : , cm AND CISIKUN JL'water In tiouse , lartfti lawn , east front , unuulro licit door niSJIthst Vll.'l- 7 HVK HOOM HOUSI : ron HKM- , J 'st. TA'rOll 11K.NT SHOOM ILAT. IIIUCK , SliJ a'Ijikusl. with all modern lonvmiloncon It K Cole , Lonllnonlul block , urfftunt bottlluf narks l Hilt HKM'.OL'll UKH1DKNCK , 1IU H 10th st 'Aiplyl' , H liliiultur. < Now \ ork 1.1 to M7U ) U . TTV-M.AT 7 UOOMS WITH IIAMIK , ANI ) ALL /oilier con\enlonces In Una condition , M ) Call al toru'UI South lOlnvtreen ( Juorgo Clousor b71 iS rOH HKNT , HKSIDKNCK No"S15 WKH-sTKlT J 'street ! nrpati and ( urulturo for sala Apply oil lirumlses , U Ojknnip 7 1 i ) ' B CONVKN1KNT TllllKU ANI ) tOUll UOOM houses , bti a. 18th street T\-Hm IlKNT. A VIIOOM IIOUSK , IJ15 OA8S 4/street. J Jubuion , 1J'I larnnm 7JUZi' V ANI ) S UOOM HOUSK , SJld CAPITOL AV- 'onua , 7JlOU- 1"HOOM CQTTAIIK. WITH KVKIIY MOHKHN J toiiTiinlitiicB. Apply IW1 ttberuiam nvo MTUI B-IK VOL'ISU 1O ItK.VI1 A HOtSli Oil lurv , ou II , ti Col , foiilln utal blovk. All illOOM 110l'SK3llOJW lOIU.OO. . /twit r < ldvnc B li la city. Uoad lui't Co IU llw tunning VjJ roii D-rOll IlKNTi NKW DOU1ILK HIIIfK HOUSIIS , No J7W and S7US ( arnnm strict , with brick sta ble Warren .M lloirers , 1WI l Ksrnam street _ i-Tii ) un.vr norsi : m UOOMS ALLMODKUN Iniprovements I } per month , Unit nnd tarnim , Dutnr K Ihomas "Al ( Oil IlKNT , HIX HOOM KLATl 1IATH , KTC , llolbrook. 4 lieu bulldlnit til \-HJII UK.ST. r.rim1 IUJOM IIIUCK not' i : , I 'nil ronvenlencp" hardwood llnlsh , nnd In the In 't repair Do Fi'usloti Immediately 2MU llulf ItowArd Arply on premises or U L Tzsrhiirk , llou oltlco MIB 1A-NKW 7 UOOM IIOUSK , ( ONVKS'IKNCKS , linear Hanscotn park lii'inlra ' 2711 Hickory _ | _ | D-l-Oll HUNT III rilDKNCKS ALL Ulobo Loan Hud Trust Co , s w cor loth A Doduo D-IO-ltOOM IllllfK IIWKLLINfJ ALL COSVKN Icncen , convonli'iit to city , tMti ( Netherlon Hall. Ilnom 3H > Ist Nat hank 'M D-I-Olt ItK.ST , 10 HOOM IIOl'HK ALL MODK'IN Imiirovemeiits larito him , IW ) fool lawn 2i > th nnd Popidctonnvcnue Inquire lluckert A Mellon nld 117 South 15th fi.M -SKVKHAL IIOfMKS OK 4 ANI ) & HOOMSl newly papered , city nnd well water , from H up , I'i ' block on motor John Strukel. b.11 N 32nd st 11211' _ _ _ "n- HIl Hr.NT , 9HOOM IIHICK HOUSK WITH -I-Manto grounds Apply to Ml'J St Mary avenue M711 n-KH-TY HOUSKS AND 1 LATS AT ISHKATLY J roduccd prices U. t llutts , JII Puxton block n-Mll HKST , 10 UOOM M.AT SPIIAM 1IKAT , .1 'Doiiulai ncur Jltli , ennulro Llndniilst Jlo S 1'ith .fit _ _ K < > ii iTTN i T'uTi.NTsiTfii ) 1 ui rcittt , etc. , fee too of nst column on Mit lJii month 71557' 17-Mw IIKN rocioiimt i , KLIXIANP g UOOM 1 Jhrlrk , 21111 nnd Irird one tdock from Cu'iitnit ' Btroet motor KS Ilioo Olson , JUt N \ Llfo 17 Kill UlisT Ml KI.Y HMIVISIIKO COOL I Brooms nt norlhenst corner ICth nnd Hownrel , latin around bulhllng , from 17 to JJO ( X ) a month Kill HI..NT , Kl.KDA.N r 1 LHMHIIl : ! ) lll so Hth UUll i : , i.Aiti.i : HOOMH , u > ) .Noiinr ism IT'-TIIK ST CLAIIt KUUOPKAN HOT Mi , C'Oll l-'I3th nnd Dod c , will nmko low rntes for rooms b ) thu neik or mouth with or without bourd BMJ FUllNISIII-l ) UUO3IS AM ) r.OAKO. fur rnfn , ttc. , ttt in i ot nut column on t/ifi / i > vjt. " st UlfNfdTlKiflioOM ANiruOAUU , 210 N 17T1I 17-llOOM WITH OU WITHOUT 1IOAIU ) PHI J vnto family. &JUN I''lli ' at . ' 0' IT" " PLKASA.ST HOOMS WITH IIOAIll ) 2211 J11 nrn itn ' .in Jl ) ' 17 NK ILY : n'liMsnri ) UOOMS AND DAY I bonrd 18.1 1 nrwim street Mtil5 2S * TTlTjAT El ) HOOMS AM ) IIOAIll ) 2022 HAHN'nY. II ( ol5' 17-1 UHNISHKD UOOMS & HOAIU ) 2UI1 Ilarney ' JL' 15.'OJ * Kt ) H It K XT 1 fdo ; l SU XKU1IM S11 hit rurrota , etc , teetop of frtt eiituni'i ' on tliti p ( < ; G-t HOOMS 1 Oil IIOIISKKKKPINa , GJI 8 Ir11 st , bet Jnck on nnd Lcavenworth 71320 * -MX uNiiniNismi : > HOOMS IN SUITS OF three , modern Improvements 002 S 30th st UH27I -2 Hto.vr HOOMS , loii LIAVI.NWOHTII : : bsii 23' -SUITI : o i ouit fs iiitMsnni ) HOOMS rou housekeeping , to unnll family. 1701 Webster st rou UKNP i HOOMS ro SMALL KAM- G Ily , with njl convcnlenees for housekeeping In qulro 101 i Pierce st % l 1JOAUDINO. 1'tirrntC' ' , etc tee fop nfixt / ! column on (7iftnye ( , -nniArosKMwiKK. . ot ( oot ) board nicer rooms conveniences , rites and location It cannot bo uxcullod Mrs Horn prop M81b Uil KOll llI XT-JaTOKKS AM ) OKKICKS. tni Kifrx , rtc , cef tr/finf T < J culioiiit > niits ( / " \\lth or without nnncr , tormerly occupied by 'Iho lleo PubllBldnit Co , Ulli 1 arnim street The liulMlnir tins a ilreproof cement basement , complete Bteiini heating Mxturcs , niter on nil the floors , k'na , etc Apply at the olllco of Tlm lleo Uia _ iUNI : suiri : or OKI-IOKS WITH I.AUOK J lire proof \ ault water motor power nonnected : KOod tnsurnnco on Jewelry , cond terms to right party Wlthnull bulhltiiK. 15th and Harney T J.M1HT AIUY IIASKMKNT , 8TKAM IIKAT , JKOIII ! for nny business , WllUnoll bulldlm ; . 16th and llnrney. U17 Jo * "I-l-Olt HUNT IN MHK. M5II , UOOM 24x100 , 1 formerly ociuplcd by postonico lies ! room unit location In city. Address A , b 'Ihoinas , \ iirkb78.3 b78.3 { l-IOIl UII.NT , Or I ll'B HOOM. LAMU : 1II.OCIC , corner I ( th and .lackson streets Ml 11 I-S1OHKS iolt HUM' IN GHANI ) OPKItA lllouse bnlldlni ; K. J Hutcllllo , 3111 Irst Nntloimt Ihink InilMlujr . B/J \VAMKD ' 1O HUNT. J or rtttrt , tte , , rrc lit i of ' nl rolilinii imf/il-i / -WANnlANolctTl ! vnult ( * l\o location 'nnd ' terms Address I ) Hayes manager Muscntlno M , V T. Co , MiiHcattne , la M'J.ll . ' 8 ' WA.NTKI ) . A 00(11) ( IKlUhK , 9 OH 10 UOOMS , with modern lmprn\ements 'n ileslrablo loca tion Address.Uth particulars , ! ) , llnvos , Musea- line In M'lli 23 ' _ _ K' OINTLIMAN : : AND wins WA.STASMAIJ , , nlcol ) furnished hoiiko In Kood locality forilor 3 months Address II 60 , lice 34524 * - ( HC.VI I.KMAN AND WIPK WA.NTKI ) A C OH 7 room cottiigo furnished ortunfurnlshcd ; monerd eonvenlences Call on or address W fXJi New Vork I. If i' 84 - HOOM not'si : WITH HATH AND .MOD crn tmpiorementH no basement C A Mono- hill 111) ) and 113 S tilth Mil KWA.NTIH ) , SMAI.l. H'HM HKD COITAOH , rooma furnl liOil for light housekeeplni ; or tioard with prlvnto famll ) , references. AddriAs II A ) , lleo 7W Ji * _ - ( OTTAHK Wl 1 H MODHHN CONVIJNIIINCITS , handy to S Y l.lfo hltlK , no children , runt not to exceed fJiOO Adilrcss II 20 , lleo U-i 1'or ratit , etc. , rte top it ! t rufnmn nn Hid page. -11 1 H Lo.K , HUNTAl. tal block l Jl I IIOUM : * > , H.ATS ANIIblOHKS lOlTllKNIMN J-iatt part * of the city. Parrotto , 10th and DodKO HU.I SJJ _ hl'0 1 1 A G K. 1 1 rule' , tte . / < lo f rut cnu ! iii n tliti i < tigs. M-OMK T , CilKAPKhl' AND Illlal' STOUAUI ! bouse la city Williams i Cross , l.'II llarnoy IW _ -CI.KAN , Dll\ AND P1IIVATK SIOHllli : OP furniture. Ouialm Blovu Ucpalr Works. 1.M7 Douillas "Ulsji _ WAN FiTiwriT iiu\ % I'orratet. etc . reti > ) i f frtt rnlumn nn thl * AJ WANTKlTASKCONir IIN II II-I lTv'l 1 1 net The Connonder toriiet profernd Ad dress H J llrown , P O box Mi , Nt Paul , Neh AT-WANTKD. KIIKSIl JKIISKY COW ADIIHK H i > with ilOBCrlptlon nnd price. U td , lleo II 10 2ti * AT-HIUiJIIUItK IHHUlllT , fcOU > i S'lOIIKD 1 > \\ell.s , HH tnrnnm mreet ' . < J ( KOlt hAIilJ KUKXITUUK. Tor ntff , etc , tee to nf fit column nn inn juige OPAUI.oTr atlTl-K" CAHi'Ss , faflViSWAV piano , ut a Bairlllco. IbUJ Cldc.iKO M.U3 2S * " -v-oit HAi.iI - NK-K'TAJT oit- - . i-iiKAP A houiubuld furnlluru al 1UI8 Duunlns it root G.II l''OUHAMJ IUK8is\VA ; OXSirrO t'orttt-ni.tte. , ite lui | ofImt cutumnoti ! / > jxiga 1) "VQ\\ \ BAI.K , AN KXCKi.r.KNr YOUNIJ 1 horto , good for any purpose. Imiulro 411 South lutii street. vrtrt' | ) -KAM1I.V ItOllbK 1011 8AI.K , SlNOIiK IllllY I vrsor carrlaiio t'unis Can fiirnuh any kind of horeo ih'elruit Cull alt' I ) AVoodnurtb It Co , or address T J Houilui ; . I'nllniuu , .Seb 1UJ TirsIujn : .MiHCiJi7i7Ax'ious. : J urni'M. etc. , tea too of knl roluiiiu OH Uili | xij . -r6uHAiii : , OAII UIA ! > biiAVINGS OM'AIIA Q lloi rsctorr , KuBt Onmha. JIJW nW "SAIiK LAW I.lllllAIlV , CIHSAP. HHt Qc h cull 13 llaiuk-o bulldluiJ. Wi 3D QcQ Foil WALK , A r I liar CLAbS MIL01I IO\V Q Perfectly vvnlla Inqulro nt 11)1 North ItHh lrcet. lON SAKk J4xI8 INSlDKi 18 W. SHOW CASK , h. ImiuUo UK CavllOt Tt. tfiH -MIHOICIjIj/VNKOUS. Continue * ! . Q-KlNILI.Nt ) > FOH HAI.K CHKAP AT OMAHA kindling factory rnctory with Omaha llox fno lory , KnutOmnlm .MSJ7 ( ) SAI.K IIM TONS ICK. IIOUSKI ) ON g ; trnck In Council llliins ( lltbcrt Ilros MSV1 I Q-7HOOM IiniTSK AND LOT I- Oil "Af.K ON pair Iprinn , llurilotlo strpot , Clifton Mill HO Soiilli 1lth street Tor nifri . ttc. , ree fop of < rat roliinui on t/iM " " R AHTIH18 WANTI'.I ) TO C1IVK OtJIl KIMC- trlc lluht prints n trial. Orders lilted promptly at lowest prices 'Ihollcycr 1'ortrnll Co Kansas City Mo MOT 0 It. ' 1(1001) PASTUHK 1011 HOHSK3 T MUltllAY n OM : 1101TLK op TONTI WILL DKVKLOP J itlio l > u t flviIii.ho5 In thirty ilnyn , or money rn fundedrprtcu , ( ] , will beautify the complexion nnd cum conMiinptlon , npnd tamii for tlriular. Mrs Ilr Miller , lill WabailinTCtiuc , ChlcnKU , III C97 li ( 1J-\JA9SACJIS TltKATMKNI' . KMiCTKOTlIKIl JinmllnUi" tcnlpanil linlr trontnient. muiilcuru and chiropodist Mrs PosMIVHS IStli.WUUnell blk W7 K 17PHOI.STKIII.NO , KUUNITLltK POLSIIKI1 and miUtro ca renovated Peterson , IIW N 18th tlrrot .Ml 17 25' 11-IIOHSK IIANCII Kll. IIIIANI ) IT HOIISKS J Valid colts fed nnd cared for ilurlnx the winter , slOLk c died for anil dcllrcred fed hay , corn , oats Mrnw cut feed nlno . " 00 acres of corn stalks to feud In during the day tlmo plcntrof Imrn nnd shed room In case of storm 2 uillcx south of outh Omaha , on 21th nt , reasonable charuci , prlcolUt at m > olllce , room r 1l Paxton block telephone lOJl , or [ iildrun mo lieurno (1 Unas , South Oimihn , 720 OH cnvntvov VM\S. Tor rnffi , etf , tee fop of Krtt oolumn nn lhl S- brnted clnlrroynnt nnd trnnco inudlutn , 4Uti N II. th st I.ndlct I Hunts , 11 M'.CT.'b' ' C MU3 NANNIE V WAIIIHIV CI.AIUVOVANT Orclluble business medium , llfth year at H'JN KHli IKW _ C AHHIVAIj 1'ATItOHIIIVA11V WONDIIUKIII. i 'revelntlons llmllenitos the world .Mri I > r M I.i'trnve , deail triinco clnlrvoyiint nutrolOKlnt , pnlmtst nnd llfu renter telM your llfo from the iraillo to Krivo unites the pcpnr-iti'd , causes mar- rlii o with the ono you lovo. tolla where you will Miccced nnd In uhnt butneHn beit adapted for , lias the cehibriitcd IVyptlnn brt'ii'tptnto for link nnd to destroy bail Inlluuncci. euros Ills Intoinpurniico ami all prltatutomplnluts with IMIISSUKO bathi nnd alcohol treatment beml tl , lock of hnlr. mime nnd date of birth and receive ntuirnto llfo chart , 1 cents In stnmps for clrculnr , cl es Initials ut ono you will marry , al o photos of same Oltlco 1007 tioiith lllh strict , llrsl lloor , houn.'Jn in toll p , in Come one , como all , and bo convinced nf IhU wonderful oracle. MSUJ O 1' " vTllS KIIT PALMIST AM ) OIPSY KOKTUNi : teller 'lolls pnst A future from lines of the hnnd Lndlcsonly. WJN 21th ; hall door on Indlnnn nvo ( WO 5 * _ Jl ASS AOK , ItATIIS , UTC. ror ratet _ , etc / - > ' < ' ' _ f fir t column on tlifi Mige M.IOI ) O l" , i : SMITH. HI ! CAPITOI. AVKNUi : . -Lzdlloor Alcohol , sulphuric and acn baths. . M63I27 * Tor nttff , ftr , net ( < > ' nl column o U IiAUY OK 34 , 11I1IOIIT , ARUKnAHI , ! ! : UK- lined , strmuer In Omiha , wl hcs durlUK brief htny In clt ) to meet KPntlemna nltli Ilku liuiilltlcn- Iloii5 who would have leisure to nhoir her the < Ity' ' attend uvenlni. entertainment Hcfercnces Address 1141 , lleo. UlTi-.U * MUSIC , AIIT AND li.VXGUAGE. tnra'r * etc. , ret toant frU column on tint ' Itocliestcr , N. Y. 'I horouph Instruction by mall , Includliu manual , render and .speed book , $100 ; ) Hooks supplied for solf-lnstructlon , iMiirrnvcd synousls for J cent stamp. MUI1 5 * TrKHMAN CLASS AT 1HK OMAHA bCHOOI. ' of Muile counnoncos October 1 Children , Saturdays from J OJ to 4 00 , and \Vednemln > s from 4 UU to SOOp m. Adulta , Tuosdayi and Fridays , T < 0 to S > U p m The teacher of this branch. Mrs Thereto Merges. Is thoroiiKh , unit tomes highly recommended from Kuropcnn colleges Tor pur tlciilnrs and prlvnto lessons , Inquire of I. A Torrent , director Y. M 0 A. bldx M0fl 30 * Y -OMAHA KINDUIMlAIirilN KAI.T , TKIIM ; commuuces Sept" . Uvulyu ( irUllth9,2UXi Unvenpt. UU SJ1 \r-PHOK CHAHI.KS PF.rEHSKN , PIANO V1O lln , zither and guitar ; muslo studio DO ) Sheely block M 3SI ( CO * T 1IK1OHKIIL7YINO A PIANO KXAMINK T1IK ' new sculo Kliuball piano. A. Hospo.l51J Douglas 1110 \T ( SKOHOK K ( lin.I.KNIIHCIC , 11ANJO ' teacher ; with IIospo or Ibid Chicago stroot. 943 _ MOXKV 'JO LOAN ICCALi KSTAl'K. Forntten.etc. , sfctnonf I rat column on this page. " " " \\r-TO LOAN , ON v western Iowa farms nndclt > property K. K lllnuer , 1510 1 arnaiu. 7UO O10' Yir-H B IHKYKASTKHNilONKY,200N.Y. 1,11 B V Ml.73 " \\r-MONKY ON HAND TO LOAN ON 1HIST * * mortiiaKO on Omaha clt ) propoi ty. Chns W. Halnu ) , 115 Omaha Nat bunk bldjr. U19 \\r-MONKY ' 1O LOAN ON OMAI1 V PIIOPKIITY , ' fidelity Trust company , hiI4 1-nrimm UU TIT MOll'lGAGK LOANS.J. /ITTLK.OH N. Y K ' T PlJ \\r-CKN'l HAL LOAN ANDTHUbTCO 11I5K 1ILDO V DM \V-LOANS. W. M. HAHUI8H20,1 IlKNZIKU11LIC ' * i)15 ) A\r ANT110NYLOAN AND THUS T CO , 318 N. Y 'i Lite , lend at low rates for choice soonrlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property. Sill \ TrPKH OKNT KIHSr MOUTH AC IJLOANS lllchardC Patterson. U07 N Y Llfo. 1)17 ) TIT" HIIILDINO LOVNS 0 TO 7 1'KH C'ICNT : NO i * additional charKes for comnilsalnn or nttor noy'a fees. W. II .Metklu , blrst .Nntlonil bank bldu UI8 NKV TO IjO AN OHTTKIjS. . I 01 nttf-i. clc. , etf fop of nrtt column on tlii * XLOANS , tr.'J N. Y. L1KK , U. -MOH1U3 1(5 ( OJ' XMONKY TO UAN HY II -MAHTKUS ON houHehoht Koodii , pianos , ortzana , tiorsea , mules , warohouo receipts , etc , at the lowest poasiiilo rates without publicity or removal of property 'lime nrr.uiKCd to suit borrower My loans are BO arranged tlmt you cnn make a payment nt nny tlmo and roducu both tbo principal and Interest You will find It to your ndvuntnco to xen mo If you want n loan , or If more convenient cull up tale jihna 1021 nnd your business can bo nrrnnucd at home Money always on hand , no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates II F Masters room 4 , Wlthnell block15th and Harney ta If. ' I VMONKY IO LOAN , JO. U ) AND 'JO II VYS ON -iVfurnlture , cto Dulf Uroe i , H 20 , CuntlnontsI hlk SIN'KSS O1IANCKS. CLIJAN STOCK OK DUUC8 AM ) MX- turo , InvolcIiiK about fj.OUO 00 , In loadliiK hotel In onoof the leadlUK elllos In lown Address box ! W.I Crcston , la. M'J.U ' VIOH SAL1I.A KlUbT CLASS STOCK OP OK.N'f. L indue 111 Kood eonntry town , Kood trade ; reason for xellln : , poor health , no trade wanted ; wllliMvo time on part Address lib ) , Omah i lleo. btt ) W AV-Toil SALK , IllK IlKbT LOCATION IN Nil- I brniika for a youui ; attorney It I * Staple , Hart lett. Neb 877Mf V OH SALK , CHOP HOUhi : DOINfl A OlMH ) L business , reisons for selllnK owner has other business. Binall capital ro'iulrcd ' Address 111.7 Iloo UlJAi * V MWSPAPKII i.ivn YOUMI NI'.WSPAPKII 1 man I1U1 or f-IX ) cnn learn of chance of llfotlino by addrciBliiK U 67. euro Iloo ta7l-2l V-H > U hAI.K WASIIINti'ION CHOP IIOI.'M ; 1 Doln uood biiNlni'ss ' On account of owner boliiK iltk HiUI lAiiienworth st. .MiJISJi * \ ' > OU SALK , II.UK ! A IN. l.NTKHKbT IN lllivr evening paper In statu only democratic paper In county , must soil , other buklness Address quick H 47 llee. Ms.'u it * V HK-51'AUHANT Kll hALIJ , HOOD CHAM'K 1 for ( omubody Mrs. lloober , UU Sherman av . V-hOU HAI.K , T1IK CANADIAN KM1-1.OV.MKNT X otiico , bettor known us Mrs llri'Ka s 'Ihu wry best business In thu ntuto In particular * emoulro 8HV , B Utn MWI 01 _ \ ' Wn 8AI.B , ItAUDWAIlH BI'OCK ANI ) bulhlliiK III county sent town In Nobrnika. Cloud crops , iiood trade , clean ntock. Knrnlturo stock can bo add d. Tenement orur ttnrn Ad- dres. \ . < S. lice. _ Mil 13 5J' Y'-HU HAI.K , TltADK Oil KXOllA.S'UH Kril'AIt llslied buslnen. 1' . O hot 6H I''Q H i\\3 : 1 1 A XO h , r/ roil . . . . _ . . / Improved property lleiinwu A Co. MWif ? y Tv.VNTKIriMPub"vKlT V'AHM lr ! EASY fJfin Nebraska , will oichange nu eleiiitnl resl denco In heart of Denver , Col , property new. nil modoru luiprovemants. ulocltla tranilt , 0 rooms , corner , rents for 179) per yvar Addruu Dr. K. U lllrney , 1UJ Arupabou it. Itauver , Col. 838 XI' / ilM ) bTOCK OK HAIIDWAUK , OOOI > TOWN , 'Jiploiidld buslnottt tiurt caih , balaaou vood Und K , F lllngcr , lil'J l nmm 7VI : > ' Z- WILL THADK. "A f KLKdANT SOU A UK plmao for ahorsoor lot , Adilrtsi All , Uuo UuoW W ) rou K CantfAUM , Jin - K.\CIANIK ! , A M.IW ) HTOl'K OK OK.V Jernl merchandise * . WllnXko Oninhn pni | 1tty nl ! ! actual Tallin If you wIMi lo HU Intn bmlnei" , heroH your cbnucc. ftofxlsnnw on tlm sholms atom } ( if the best Undid * point * In tha slate Submit oilers V tjonncnschelu , West Point , .Nob 27 \V.\NTKI ) TO TIIAUK TIIIlKIt IIIIAI'TIU'I , ts In Piioblo. Cole , nr > WI lot * InVe t Hall Inko , ono lot In Mor o A ltriiner' nililt nil clear , MM ) plumbum imn llltnr < nnn § ti > am heatlntf fora Kood clctr lot In Omaha M K tree , lir.'O Capitol nvr > . JIH2JJ7 rCI.KAV STOCK OK ( IKNKItAI.MIIHKi WII.I. / take real estate and money llox ' "Jo , Frankfort , Ind 718 Ol' y-IK YOU IIAVI : j-itxw oii KOOO woiint OK /JOmaha property whlih you wlso to convert Into merchandise , lonio and see mo M t ) llartlett , VII N V l.lfo 88777 r/-lK YOU HAVi : ANY KAIIM < * . LANDS CITY /-'property or merchandise , address tieo .1.1'aul , IWJ Karnnm ntrect. AtHfl O17 IllltSKS AND TAHMS KOH 1'HOI'KIU'V IN ur vicinity. Call Iloonuat.llroim II I'd it ) 06 / - . ) IN FHANKIiIN ANI ) HIIKRMAN filial. Nub to trade to r clear Omaha or Council lllutfs property J II lllee , ttn Main st Council lllulfs l-'Olt SAIjK HISAIj H 1'or mto , etc. , ret top of frit column on Mils Fo * 1 1 "s Auf ioT'w ivnfitNr"i o WA IM ntovicT * farms , 4U 14) ) , 0 to I 100 ncriM uront bnrnnlii' . ah < o 1 UJO Improved farms In Niihra ka und Month Dakota , ( MX ) to U&00. K K lllnuor , l.MJ Karnnm street 5W Si , ' 1 ? O t ' H CIIO1CI1 KAIIMH IN WKSTUIIN IOWA JL for sale , 120 acrei , two nf Hit ) ncre each , ono of 7W aerei , all Improved W II Krldler owner , ! > \J \ 1'uxtou lllock. Uiimlin 17OH HAMS Olt THADi : rOU NKMHA KA LANDS 1 valimblo wholeinlo bn lnont property In Kanmii City , Mo AddreiK owner , A II Canthorn , l.lndell hotel 'H I.ouli Mo 87"i ' 'I' _ lllll SAI.K. A IIAllttAIN , M ) TltADKSi 611 7ii 1 ucroi In Hamilton count ) , niljolnlnu thu 1'latte lln , KI ncro pnoturo well fenced 100 ncret In cultl vntton nmnll honio and barn Can ulvo Iminedlato pottesslon . ' mlleH north Mnninette I'rlco ill W perntreor ftitlOOOO lorms half cull , balance on lime at 7 per eent Am now llvlnit In Denver nnd hnvo no nso for this farm hentii oner It very low , K K Atklni , owner , 1511 l < arlmer st , Denver IM i AsrciiA.vcK'ioor.i'Ai.or IN itr. . _ J addition at 5100 only 3 loft , new motor will | this addition , stehtly lot 2 blocks to motor JHAI Van lleuren , Donxlns nnd 14th Ms 4JO 01U 17OH SALK , 10 ACHKS OF HtUIT LAM ) , I'i ' JinI'es cast of Council IlluHs Address C s Lef forta. fU'J Mrt avenue. Council lllnifs 801 O W 17OH SALK LOTS IN CULVI5IPS SUII , ONLY tKO. -L 810 cash and tlO per month , Interest only 0 per cent , title perfect , abstract tree street * Krnded , sldewalkd built , trees planted Morton T Culver , 1400 iMirnani street. HoomO Ml OU 17011 SAI.i : AT A HAHOAtN , LOT ll ! IILOCIC I - LY. . U Shelby's first addition to South Oinalin bmall payment donn , balance monthly If desired Inquire O. H r < ncluick Omaha Hue M | 33 _ FOR SALI-CIIIAP : , TKIIMS KASY , A TKN acru subdivision In North Omaha , one block from proposed ottcnslon of electric motor line , Htreets graded , sidewalk * built , nnliiLinnbcred. Morton T Cul\er , 14Ui * 1 nrnam Htreet Ml oil 17O11 SOLTH OMAHA PIIOI'MIITIB1 * . 11USINKS9 , -L trackaire or residence , KO to the leading leal es tale dealers In hoiith Omaha , Kd Johnston .V Co , corner 24th nnd N rjtreett f.T NK I1I.OCK UtOM 1 1 , I'll , AND TIIItKi : blocks south of Kountxu IMace , you c\n buy i six room house at cost on ensy payments nnd you can lcn e the lot for fifty yenrs , if you want * K. Shaw , 613 bo. llith Blrout M M _ OU SAbR-ON KASY TP.HMrf , 1 STONI ! KIWI- deuces ; nil modern lulprovcmonts , will tnko Hood city or fnrm property In part payment. Clarke. Ill board of trade M92I 17011 8AI.i-i\SY : TIJKM * . UOMKd rOU * 7W J fl OOOfl..W.H.MXInnil up 'inko small clear piop- crty lu part piyment U. ( i Wallace , llrown blocK , li.tli and DouKlis i'SJ 17OH SAL1 ! 10 000 ACHKS 0001) PAHMINl ) LANDS L nt Krent Bacrltlco In middle nnd western part of Nebraska. Coo. II. Peterson , 141. ! b Ulll at Omaha ( ,21 o5 ! IHlUSSUAIvl VG. Fet rate * , etc. set top of rst column on i/if / < orio' . US s tlon Kuarnntcod. 873 ' . ' p WANTBI ) , A UltBl-CliASH Mlf.UNKIlY v trlmmer for Omuha Address U 64 , lieu 871 25 MISS MINNICIC WILT , ninklni ; parlors fcept. 23lli. lloomsM7-OW llro n block , corner and Dougloa _ CM O17 NiJAUKMKMd ' 10 Dlii TN fumllloa eolleltud. Miss Sturdy , JO bUth si. 1II01 * J.OST. eotrMes , etc , ree top of frit column on tilts rage " " T OST. JLJono live In hills Hmlcr please return to 512 bonth nth and receive liberal reward. J. W TOT DID 25' KOUXD. for raffs , etc. , sec top offiist column -in f/ifn vaye. vaye.w r PAJCIN UP , OVK uin ) DKHOHNIU ) co w , i w -L Shank , fi.'d nml DodKe Wi 54 HA1K ( JOODS. For rate * , etc. , > cc top of fittl column oil tltto vane. r AitoK bTocic iNTvnitiTSvVdr : THIIAT- JUrlcal wlm and beards a specialty. Wl s tuviina , swltchCB , hair chains , etc , In stock nnd to order. Mail ordciH solicited Davles , 111 S 15th at , Omaha 1'U STKAM ltlSX ( > V'7vTO . l"ot ratrt , etc. , see top of flrft column on tlili BHDS TICKS ANI > PILLOWS WAbHllD : 1 IIAT.X. eritboiiiiht. Mall orders promptly Illlod WorK called for Adellvcrod trank Anson.llst A I rauklln. 1'ATKXT SOljIOlTOKS. Foi tate * , etc , teetnp offlnt columnon thtin ifli I > ATINT : LAW YKits AND boi.ici roils , < w JL Siica A. Co. lleo building Omaha , Nub Ilranch olMco nt WashiiiKton , 1) C Consultation free. For i < tten , etc. , fee top of flrst column ontMjpa'je. " " ' r FHKl'Vo\1M LOAN : Y ) N watches , Jewelry , otc l-nnmir nt MUJ7 0 JJWJSLISKS. roraatti , etc. , fee tup of first column on tin * i age AblT PAlD Km OIiV ) OOLI ) ( 'AllSON HankH , Itoom M , darker block. Omnhn 1 1 OUTTL.KHV U 111X1)1X0. _ /"or latest , etc. , rc top of flul column i n thin t nue. Kw\QVH bv\b \ ± an $ S uround to Underlain ! A to , 1IW b Hlh nt. 8J1 DOCTOR McGREW , THE SI ? EplAtaST } Sixteen Yean Hxperlonco lo llio Treatment of at forio df t > kln Dlsca < oi and Komi'lo soiHoi I.adlM ( from 2 to 4 only Troatmunt by'ijorreipondono- Otllco , 14 and Far mm St ] . , Omaha , Not ) . Eutrance on either street , Il'o Offer 1'uii a Jte * tr/ife/t JCnture * Hafrty to Hfe of Mother unil 67. If a1. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jloli Confinement of lit J'ulu , Jlurror unUJIltl : . Afteruilnffonebottloof aialber'a PrlrnJ'M lulfvnsl bui little painnnd did not expertf nco that w akn- afterward uiual In tucli ca f . Un. ANSIK tUOH , Lamar , Mo. , Jan. 13th , 1S9I , Hint liy exprcM. cliarno prtpald , on receipt of price , tS \ ) per bottle. U k to MolheroaalliKl free. IHtAUl'IKI.U llIiCJIILA'l'OU CO. ) ATLANTA , < ! A , OLD UY AU. UIIUOUISTS. A peculiar fact with refer ence to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical is that Discovery , , , unlike sarsaparillas and other blood medicines , which are said to be good for the blood in March , April and May , the " Discovery" works equally well all the year round , and in all cases of blood-taints or humors , no matter what their name or nature. It's the cheapest blood- purifier sold through drug gists. gists.Why Why ? Because it's sold on a peculiar plan > and you only pay for the good you get.Can Can you ask more ? " Golden Medical Discov ery " is a concentrated vege table extract , put up in large bottles ; contains no alcohol to inebriate , no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; is pleasant to the taste , and equally good for adults or children. The " Discovery" cures all Skin , Scalp and Scrofulous affections Eczema Tetter , as , , Salt-rheum , Fever-sores , White Swellings , Hip - joint disease and kindred ailments. i A Written Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE or w . . . . . . MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent and not a patching up. Caio treated n > o years linvo nerir socn n symptom since. Ily dcscrlblnu co o fully wo can treat you by mall , anil wo plvo the name strong cuarantoo to euro or icfund nil money. Thcuowho prufcrtocomohiro for treatment can do so and wo wilt pay rallruad faro both ways and hotel bills whllo bore If wo fall to cure. Wo chnlloniro the world for n ca o that our MACilO IlfcMKDY * 111 not euro , rlto for full particulars ami RctthooTlilrnco. Wo know that you are skeptical , juitly so , too , nl the most onil mat phylclanshitro noTor been able to glTO moro than ttmporary relief. In our n o years' pi aetko wltn the MAOIO 1U.MI 1) Y It tmi been moit dincult to o\ereomn the prrjiid'ces OKnlnjt all so-called specifics. Hut under our strong guarantee you rhould not hckltato to try this remedy. You take no chanie of U lnff } our money. Wo uuar- antuo to euro or re fund every dolhr , nnd ns wo hare a reputation to protect , also flmnelal linckinirot 1300- 000Itlspcrfoctlyeafoto alt who mill try the treat ment. Horetoforeyou hive hi en putting up and paying out your money for different troatrients n-ul although yoaarqnotjotcurcdnoonolms paid biekyourmon. oy. Donotwaitoanymoromoiicyunlllyou tryos. Old chronic , deep BcatolenioJ cured In 50 to 90 days. In- veituratn our flnanclal etandlnic , our reputation 11 business men. Wrlto us for names and addreeaos oC those o have cured who hire clven permission to ro- fortotbun. It costs you only postajo to dothlsilt will s\vo j ou a world of sutTcrlnr ; from mental otr.iin , and If 5 ou uro married what may your offaprl'iff surfer tlnouRhjonrownjiogllBenco. It yoursymptomanro eoro throat , mucous jiatchea In mouth , rhaumatlsm In bonca and jolntu , hair falling out , eruptions on any rortof the body , Reeling of frrncral depression , pilnl In beadorbones , you havono tlmo to wnsto. These who are constantly taking mercury an 1 potash should discontinue It. Constantuso of IheAOdrutr * wllteuiely bring sores and eating uleorsln thaund. Don't fall to wrltt. All eorrespondenre sent rualed In plain cnvcl. opes.Votnvltothomo t rigid Investigation aad will do all In our power to nld you In It. Address , COOK JtK3IEDi' CO. , Omittia , Kcbnifka , OITlco 13th nnd 1 arnnm. second floor , entrance 13th 1. FOR'MEN" ONLY , 500 lor a o isa of Loss or FalUns Munhoo.1 , Qenoralor Norvou ? Uoblllty , waaltnosa of boclyor mind , tha eiTacU ot errora or oi ceBseg lu old or young that we cannot cur a. We guarantee evorv cuso or rotvinJ orary dollar. Ftvo days trial treatment SI , full course $5. Percentlbla b3nafltj ro\llz3cl in three daysBy mall , saouroly paclcjl from observation. Otflo < * opoi iintlt 0 n. n COOK HEMKDY f't . O vf \ 'A NEB. LADIES ONLY MARIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Sifoati-1 niHUIUCerttainot a aay or money rohmdod Price hv mill ' 52 Soilel from , obiarvatlon COOK REMEDY CO. . Omini. Ner > | Buffering from the aftccts o' _ _ . youthful erro4 onrly decay , wostlnir wosknesj , lost manhood , etc. I will Mtul n valuable trentlso Oualed ) containing fullpnrtlculara for h'jrao cure. Fill : ! , of cbarso Aaplemlld inodlcal writ ; should lia read by over ) mail who Is iicrr m nnd debilitated. Addrors Vrof. F. C. IT WTiKU. Itloodus. Coun RH1LWHYT1MBGHRD Mr. KoniMVftlcr'n ticltor. An IntortMtlng and liistruotlvo fo.-Uuro of TUB SUNDAY UKR Is n letter wrlttoii by Mr. Koaowntor descriptive of Uorlln , tbo capital of Ooriuany's vast empire. In It Is ropro * ducod on Interview with Dr. Theodore Itnrth , a prominent and Influential inombor of ttio rolclistag on a subject of Importance ) to America , nnnioly , tbo repeal of tlio prohibi tory Brain dittlot , Our ( jcriiian MtuloM will bo especially intorottod In tlio account ( ? lvoii of tlio "Junkers , " or Impoverished noble- mon. 1'roin this letter It tippcar tlmt tlio ( ionium farmers ate eratlunlly opening their o.vcs to the ilccoptions that have boon practiced on them by lilsmiuck nnd hh followers , \\lio have systematically sottKlit by misrepresentation to oxclmla Aincrloan products solely for the ucnollt of the wcnlthv and to the uetumcnt of the ugtlcultural classes. Tlia Intense lintrod onRCiulorod npnlnU McKlnloy In Uurnmny , the ImponUinff dHlii- tURrntlon of the democrats , the crying need ot nil the ucoplo for 'ho cheapening of the cost of living and the llmlln of employ ment for the vast nrmv of tlio unemployed are all described In Mr. Kosowuter's own perspicuous st > lo. 1'hero Is nlso some vnltiii- bio information recording the municipal management of llorlln , how It la I'Rhted nnd piivod nnd the Ilimncial condition of thu city and Its mode of conducting business. Uuro lor tlio Drink HnliK. Tlio John Holiday Umnodv company , of nurlincton , In. , gunr.tntoo * to cine the drink habit and ilpsoninma Homo treatment. Hemody sure IiiRrodlcnls harmless. 1'or bottle , postpaid , with full directions , $ J.r > t > . No testimonials published , nnd correspond ence kept tnvlolnlo.oluvousoilour own mcdiclno. IIAHVUST KXCUIISIONS SOUTH. Via tlio Wnlinsli It. U. On Sontombor 29 the Wnb.tsh will soil round trip tiolcols tjood for III ) days to points in Arkiinmis , TOXHI , Louibiittm , Tennessee , Mississippi , Alab.uua and Georgia. For nttes , tickets and full In formation cull on or writo. G. N. CLAYTON' , Agent , 1502 Fnrnain st. , Onuihti , Nob. NO iiot'K KOI ; oiiiinn ; ( . He Must Spend His lilt'o lit ( lie Sibci-ln "Minns. J. L ) . Nathnnson , secretary of the Jewish alliance of this city , has received a letter from liabbl 11 A. Lcrner of Mlshnltzn , In Hussion Poland , cancelnlng Sumuol Gerber , the rosldout of Omaha who lottirned to his homo In Poland for tlio purnoso of bringing the family to this country nnd who was solrou by government ofllcors , tluoun into piUon nnd nftcrwaid sent Siberia The announcement of that fact in Tin : fli.c , giving tlio particulars , oxeitecl the Ilobicw population and Mr. Nnthunson wrote to IJtisMn for uaittctilats of the affair and advice as to what uiigk < < Do done in the matter. The letter referred to recites tbo facts as already published in TUB Hi K and stated fill thcr Unit Gerboi's nnost was caused by his violation of a Russian law which requires that when a subject of the czar has absented himself for three yoais from his homo a no- tlco shall bo published in the ofllclal paper of the dlsttlct , calling upon tlio absent subject to return to hia homo. If ho does not appear in answer to this sum mons tie Is considered ns an escaped convict and is subject to arrest wherever found. Geibor was appaientlv ignorant of this law and only learned of it when ho reached his homo. He lit once escaped across the German frontier , but was captuiod nnd brought back. Ho was then thrown Into prison and sentenced to exile in Siberia. Ills property , about $ J,000 , was not confis cated , however , but was turned over to his wife. The letter nlso stales that before Gerber migrated to Amorici ho waswoll-to-uo , bolng a storekeeper , but ho lost his propoi ty in some wav and then came to the United States. IJabbl Lerner states in conclusion that there Is no hope of releasing Clorber from nis imprisonment ns his action was lu plain v tolatlon of the law. De Witt's Little Early Uisers , bostpill. Half Pare Incursions I'Jnut. The Ohio & Mibsibsippi railway will boll tielcot-i from St. Louis to Winches ter , Stuunton nnd points in Virginia , Kentucky , Tennessee , Georgia and Florida , September 21) ) , at one faro for round trip , good for return 30 days. For particulars address A. G. Ljtlo , G.W.P. A. , O. & M. tty. , 105 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. IBPIIOVHESI Ite OitOlill 01 tte 4CE FOR 15 YEARS Allusori of TVI'nWHITnilS luvo felt tlio necessity of tholr bulnn' linprovod. You will Iliu-1. In tlm Tlio latest nnil liostVo cliilin ; nnd lnsneo tlon mid tilal Drove It. "I'lio Most Dnr.iblo In AIlKninoiit. I/islost Uunnliitf , nnd Most hllont Alllyi > cloiinud lu Ion seconds vltliout soiling tiio liniids. bond for out iloKiiu. The Smith 1'rcnilor Tine Wrllor Co. , H. MIHV : , Maiiator. Uy'i 1'iirn-itii stronU Uni.ihi , Nob. I > HOPOSAl.b TOR Tllh UltlXmON Ol' SchMi ( | llullilln s nnd btonni Ijontln Io- ) Piirtinnnt of thu Interior. Olllco of Iiidliin Af fairs , \\ashliin'toii. I ) . ( J.Sent. 11th , IH'II ' - beiticd pioposils. onilorscd "PioDosals foi oroctlon of scliool litilldliiRS nnd 1 US. " us tlio c.iso inn v be , nnd nililressod to the Commissioner of Indian Air.ilrsnslilii - ' - lou. 1) . O , will bo rucolvod minis ollloo until ono o'clock p. in. of Tliurstlav , Uctolici Hlh. lilll , foi Hit ) orPLtlon of tlio following Hcliool bnllillnx" ' , \ ITlilrtcon : ( I I ) fraiiioday-suhnol luilldliiKs I on tlio Itosolind iti'servatlon , H 1) ) ; H nu tlio I'lno KliUo HiNorv.itlon , b. H ; mid I on tlio I'lioyomiu Hlvei Iti aorvitlou , S D. Tlilrtoeu ( I.I ) fraiuo liitluslrial lott.iKcs 4 on llio HiHobinl Iti'sorvatlou , S I ) , rt on tbo I'lno KUi o Itosci million , S , I ) . , anil one on the I'lieyeiino Itivel Uoserutlon. . . I ) . Onit hos pital biillilliiL' on thu Crow ( 'runic Itosorvallnu , S I ) . OnobrlcU ussuiiihly building , ono brick hospital luilldlni ; , ono brick lunndry Inilldln- , uild ono brick holler bouse , nil at the I'lno Klclno Agomy , S I' , as per the pinna anil snoclllciitlons wliloli may lie n\iiiiilnuil ut tun olllcos of tlio ' Press and Uakntun , " of Ynnli- 011 b I ) , tlio Hon. " of Umnb.i , Noli , tun Hiillilurs lloird nf Tradu. " 101 Tth aniK cd ir streets. St Paul , Minn . and al Iho I'lno Klcluo Agency H. I ) . , tint Itnsuhud A onoy , r- I ) , tlio ( hnymiiio Hl > ur A enoy. I'oi t llennult , S | ) . , and tlio flow Ori'uV Aeuuuy , Crnwl'ruuk , rII. . Illds are also Invltid for the lioatins of thuso nssuinhlv , hospital and laundry bnlbllnmby ml'iins of Hte.nni nisi ) sopar.ite. bids tor Inint- Itirf tlm present bonnllnkbvhool hiHIilliuts nt Pine Hlilgo Aueney by me.-uia of stoiun. 111(1- ( ( lors will bo reiilroil | lo submit Hiip.iir.itu Illds foroauh liillillni ( , and st.ilu thu length of tlmo I > roposcil to ho conHiimcd In tliolr uoiis.trtie- tlon UEUTIIIKD OIHTKI Kni'h hid must hu accompanied by a certified obeolt or draft upon homo L'nltud ' btali-n doposltorv or sol- Mint natloniil bank , in thu > futility of the nh- I'lence of thu bidder , muilo p ivaUtu In tlio ordurof thu CoiniiilHslonor of ludliiu Alfulrn. for at luiistmK t'Kii CKST of the amount of the which oheuk in drafl will l.n for- fulteil to thu I'nltod Status Ir IMSII any hlddur or bldilurs ruoolvliiK an award Hhall f.ill to promptly oxecnto a contract with KIHM ! nnd Hiilllclent KIIIntlu i. ( itberwlsu to ho rulurned to Ihu bidder Itldn accomp.inloil by cash lu linn of u certlllod obock will not lie eomlilerncl. The rluhl l reserved to rujoot uny or all hliU , or any part of any hid , If diunind for tlm boat Interest of thu burvlco U V Ill.l.l. At'tliiK t'ommUslonur Hl'i'l''lt.M ' "JOSEPH GILLOTT'S" ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIJ FXPOSITIOH , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. A llrllllnnt Konturr. In theSttviHT lira will appear a brilliant loUcr from the pen of the well known Wash ington correspondent , Mr. I'miik G. Cnrrou. tor , containing Interviews with Senator Sherman. Mr. Carpenter has Just recently visited the residence of the distinguished statesman at Mniullold , O. , of which ho gives it graphic description , describing it ns nn Idoil homo , lloro ho was regaled with chatty reminiscences running back to the days of President I'liink 1 Marco " "d listened to the Mows on men and measures given uitcrnnro to by a innn who has plnvcd n nioro or less iiromlnent imtt In the history of our country for upwards of fortvcats The tariff , free colnngo , reciprocity tuiatles wl'h foiolgn counlrlos , our national banning system , thu story of the resumption of shvor payn.ents , tbo present condition nnd pros l > ccts for the futuio of the fnrmlng class , tlio third party movement and the Inllatlon Ideas of today are an touched upon Inn masterly manner. Theie is not a dull line In the letter , there bolng Interspersed hero nnd thoio Intotestlng Incidents and amusing stories regarding men who hnvo enacted Important roles In both honils pharos. Mr Carpenter has already won IruireU hero nnd nbioad as u keen observer and slnmilnrlj elTectlvo dcscilptlvo writer , nnd In wilting up his Interviews with Semi- tor Sherman ho lias surpassed his previous omlnentlv suscossful etfotts In this direction. In fact the impnitanco of the subject seems to have almost Inspired tils fncili ) pcti This letter will bo a great treat for leaders of Tun llEi : Stand Your Orouinl. When MMI niiUo up your mind to tnko Ilood'slSai sup u ilia , do not ho Induced to buy some other preparation instead. Cleiksmay claim that "ours Is as good ns Hood's" nnd all that , but the peculiar meilt of Hood's Sar saparilln c.innot bo eiiunlled Thewfow have nothliigto do with substitutes nnd tnslstupon having Hood's h.u saparilln , the best blotil purlller and building up mouiclne. Wo have just teeohod n full line of all wool ingrains which wo will poll at 67 Jo. S. A. OuniMM ) , 111U Douglas , Furniture and shades. Grand llntry Into Oin.ilii. Oil and nftor July ISO , IS'll ' , the Chicago cage , Milwaulceo i\s Su I'.iul liaiUvny company will inn all of Ha trains in anil out of the union depot , Omaha , No more annoyance caused by tranHforrlug and switching at Council UlulTs , Solid vcstibulcu trains , consisting of now I'nlnco sloolng ] cars , free ptirlor chair cars , oloir'uit coaches , and the llnost dluliiir cars In the world , all heated by steam and lighted throughout , by elec tric lights The now evening express with "electric lights in every berth" now loaves Omaha daily at ii.20 p in. arriving at Chicago at I ) : JO a. m. in time for all eastern connections. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501 Farnnm street (1 ( [ Barker block ) , J. K. Pii F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt. I4.'S ' place. ) on locont Soptouibor I4. ! 01 irk tsclson to II W llomott , lots 5 anil 0. llonsoii'ssnb.w il D ami M M .Mull mlul to Trunk Leo. lot IS. block IN , frontli Om ihu.w ( I . . ldi)0 ) Anna I'oriUan to \ \ .1 Wngmiur. ot nl. lots IT , IS anil ll > , block 3 , I.OKIIII I'l.ieo , < I c d. . . . . . . 1 W .1 Wajonur niulnlfotn AUB Iloli'n , lots 1 nnil U , biooU 1 , Vim ItuiiriMi llomliti wd. . . . . 700 W \YuKonoi nndlfo to } " , I. Pi-cKli nn. lot li hlolik . ' , Van Huron IlolKlits.w il aT5 T M Ullaon to 11 L I'hnnibnrliiln , lots II , nnil I'- , block I. Armour I'laco.wd. i.coa G \S ( ' Dorsuy , J A Snlllvmi , lots 10 and U , block J , U i : Mnyno's Hist add to Vallof.w il. ! ? n Ilo ursniul xrlfo tnJ A Ilovorly , lot 11 lilnck 4f , fir uulvlew. w d COO \V K Human and \\lfo to K U Ilium , lot , ! . block U. Urch ird lllll.wd . a , wo ll.i.tli is .lottur and wife to T .1 Ku'Kor. lot woroo IT , block 1 , .letter's second add to bouth Oininn.\\ : . roe Jos Doplta and wlfo to Jos Torsi , lot H , block I. flrst add to So Onmliii , \ \ d Oinalin li fc T Co to O \ \ l'artill ( e , w 0) ) feoMot-'l , block i : > , bhull's -ml add , i | c d . . . . . . . . . . \VStouloiind nlfo to M J and 1C A Kyun , w .11) ) feat of < i 'U fi-ot lots f > and 0 , block 40. So Om iliav d 1,005 Willui-d Scott and nlfo to O II 1'iyno. lot 0 , lilockn. llaUerl'iiico. lot U block s.'s add. lotii , Kit Unood , lots" II and I. , block P. KodlrU's sub. w d . . . . B.10J Tldollty Ti nst Cole Wtll.ird bcott , o 'i lot ! ! nnd w Vi lot 1 , block 10 , Isaacs A. Holdon's -idd. wd T.8JO G II I'liync and wife to Illurd Srott , w 412-Jfi'iitof o 44J-.Il ) feotlot ID , II iwus' adU.wd 4.1JO Total J U7..0J I > uoi > osAiiS TOU Tin : IKIUTION ; : oi' school llulldlnss t ) . S Indian bun lo l , - Clio yen m ; Ul\cr Auenu ) . South Dakolu T > r- < .st City , bontb , S I ) . Stpt. Kith , ! | . - > ali < d propo-i ils. i > iiilorsod " 1'ioiiosnls for thoenic- tlon of si'liool linlliliiiguixl ndilrosiod lo tun undersigned , nt Tcnusl I'lly , bouth OIIKOI.I , \ \ 111 bo roeolvuil lit this auoney until iino o'clock p. m. , of Octobci llitii , lull , for rn'ctlng on tlie new sltonf this aguncy , tlnoo ( ifruno ) school buildings , as pur plans and spcclllc.iUoin which limy b uMimlncd at the olllcos of the "Tnin 1'rcss" of I'iiirro , Soiltli Diikolu. and tlio "I'lt'vs and Dukiitaii. " of VaiiKton , S I ) . ; the 'liftof Diiialin , Nub. and al thih auoni'y. iiliideis will bo ruquliuil lo submit suimralu bids foi each biilldlnx , and ht no tlio length of tlmu pioiiosud to bo con sumed In thi'Ir constriti lion CK.II rim n C'ui ' ( KS n tun bid must 1)0 ) accompanied by n ( ortlllod chock , or draft upon Home United Slates depository , or solvent national bank , In HID vicinity of tliti lesldoncoof the lilddtir , Hindu pajahlii In llm order of lliu I'ommls- Hlonerof I mil in AtValrs. for at least rrVK I-KII UhsT of tlio amount of the proposal , whU b chick or draft will bo forfeited to the Uiillod States In case any buliloi or bidders iccclvln an award shall fall to piomptly oxecutea cnn li.ictvllh t-'ood and Hiilllulciit siirutius. other- \\iioto bo loliliiiiiil to tlio bidder. Illils u > - conipanlcd liy cash In licii of a lerllllcd checic will not lioeonslilciuil Tlio lUhl Is rcs'ii \ od torojrotany 01 ill Dlds , 01 any part of any bid. If doomed for the best Inter est of the sui v Ice Tor fin tin i Information as to location of bnildliiK'-1. meiuib of transport i- tlnii. labor , uti. , nplilj to I' T. 1' , I' S. s'-'Id 'UM Indian A gout. - S 1 Olt IIUILDIM1 MAl'KltlALS Tnlti'd htitos Indian Service , 1'lno Itld u A inoy , South DaUoti , Seiiombnr | U , Ib'JI - Sealed proposils , imduncd " 1'roposali for Iliilldlng M itorhils" ind adilrossod to the imUmslgmtd at I'lnu ltiUo Auoncv , shiiiiiou tonnty , South Dnkoti , will bo roc-olved at , tills aiioiioy until I o'clock p in. of Oclolx r I , 1SJI , for furnisliliuami dollvurliu' at Hits .IKCIIUV a vai loty ot building inatorials. consisting of luiaboi , doors , windows , slilnnlos , p ilnts , oils , liardwaro , etc. , a full lUt and ( losci Inllon of whli h m iv bo obtalnud by nnpllciillon to the iiiidorslgnud , lllddurs will lie I0iilred | to stale specifically In their bids thu uroposuil price of undi artli'lo olTi'ivd for tloliM'rv undorii contract i'hu I Ulit Is rnsoi veil to 10- Joi'l any or all bids or any p irt of any bid , If dumni'd for the best Interest ot the. soi vl < o. ( urtllled ciieoks Tiohbld must bo nc < om jianled by u curlllloil check or draft iiou hoinii United Stutai duposllory orsolvont nti- tlonal bank In tlio \ iLlinty of tlio icslduni u of llio blddor , Hindu piyablu lo tlio order of HID coiiunlsslonur of Indian affairs , for al lo ist ft per runt of the amount of the iiioposul , wbicli ihockor drift will bo forfoltml to tlm l.'nlteit btiua In U.IHO any Indiliii or bidders rocim ing an award Hhnll fall to promptly ovccuto u contract with good and NUtllulutit surottcs , othurwHu to be rotiiinud ! ihu bidder Ilids HULomp inlcd by eaNh In llou of n tortlfiud clit ck ll | not hu conslilercd Tor furtliur lu- formiilion apuly to c'uptaln ' I1 ( ! . 1'ennuy , 1'nlteil Stilus army , aelliu IJlillo'l ' Hlitos Inillun agent. _ Hid Jilt , M TJUoi'OhALS TOIt Ll'Mlinil , blll.NOLCH Jbrloks , piilntH , luirdwnre , glam , etc. I' ' H. Indian Soivlco , Om ihu and Wltinubugo Acoiii ! } , Nob.liiiioliuo and Tlinr.stou county. Neb Soptouibor fitli , U'JI Sujlod pro- | io ! ilu Liulorsiid 1'roposiilH for Inmboi. iihlii * ali-s ulo . ' aa llio imo may bo. and addrorfsoil to llio iiiiUiirsUnud al Wlnnubago , Dakota lounty , Niiliraslia , will bo received at tin * iiKoncy until I u'ulooK , p. in. of Uotobui .lit. H it. for furnlhliliu and delivering at tliU .u'ont-y about ' - MiOOout assortud liim'jcr ; 4iil - XXHliin.'lus ) ; Tliioordi Ui window a ; lii.ww DrUlcj 1UU b.irruls ilmii ; paints , ImrdHiire. gliiHt , uto. a full list and description of whluh muy bo ibtulnud by nppllo itlon to lliu nndorslsned. Illddorx wilt be ruiinlrud to Hlato In tliolr bids thu proposed prlc.u ot uaun artlulu ilfurud for doll very under a contricl 'llio rUlit h ro.orvod to roleet any or nil bids , or any part of any bid. If tluoiim I fur Hie bust In- lurtstof thu hiirvlco Oortillixl chocks l.nuh Did miiHt bo iiccoinpiinlod by iium tilled cl.ook or draft upon itomu I'nltoil ' stitino diiposltory oraolMint niitlonil bunk In tlio vicinity of tin ) ruslilunco of the blddei. miido nnyubln to the order of tlio loiiiiuliiiiliiiiur of Indian utfalrn , for at leant ft pur uunl of thu amount of tbu nropos-ii , whlnh rlioo' ' or draft will tm for feited to thi ) Ihilt'Ml htntiIn uiuu any btddor or blddorn rocolrliu an award * liall f'lll to liroiuplly xu iitu u < on l met with goml and Kiilllclent. unrt'tloa , othurwiio to hu rulurnud lo tlm bidder llliH iifeuiiuuinlud by oanh lu lieu of a curllllud vliorK will mil bo conililurod Tor further Information tippy to 11OI1KII I' II , AbllLKV U ri. Indian