THJE OMAHA DAILY BEE , JflilDAY SEPTEMBER 25 , 1891. THEY HAVE CHOSEN OFFICERS , l obraaka Women's Christian Temperance Union's Loaders for tlio Yean ยง OME VERY INTERESTING PROCEEDINGS , Prlzo I'loturo Awnrtlcil Sonic Rntliu- fllnfltlu Addresses Sirs. Mnry A. Illloliuock Ilo-plccU'tl I'lo dent The Day's Itoiitlno. About the nrst thing taken up yesterday frornlng by tbo Vvoman'n Christian Temper- BIICO Union w w the report of the commlttoo on rovlilon of the constitution and by-laws. Sovornl Important amendments were recommended by the commlttoo. A lengthy discussion ato'ie over tbo reten tion of county presidents us delegates to the state convontlons. The county presidents tvoro retained as delegates , The matter of sending delegates to the no tional convention was a subject of discussion. The rule has been that districts having a paid up membership of 500 1mvo n right to n delegate In the national convention. The dlicusslon arose over ttio effort to secure rep resentation for thoio districts wblcb have not MX ) members In good standing. Mrs. Woodward favored the Idea of per mitting tbo district not having ! > oo delegates to have n ropicicntatlon In the national con vention by paying a sum equal to the name n-s tbo dues of 5ut ) members. The substitute of fered by Alis. Woodward was adoptod. A I'ifttirc 1'reSOntUtiOII. Tbo commlttoo appointed to audit the ac counts of the Union Worker reported tbo number of subscribers sent in by the various Unions. The premium for tbo largest number of subscriptions fell to the Cowlos union. The premium offered by the Union Worker was a lumluomcly framed and artistically executed portrait of Frances E. Wlllard. Mrs. Mary Clement Lcavltt was re- guested to present the portrait to Mrs. L. E. Baker , president , of tbo Cowles union. Mrs. Baker stopned forward and Mrs. Loavltt made a very appropriate poccb in presenting the portrait. The lady first said u good word for tbo state Woman's Christian Temperance union paper , and then poke of fie appropriateness of the presenta tion. She eulogized the llfo and work of tbo noble loader of the Woman's Christian Tom- porancu union , Miss Frances E. VVillard. Mrs. L. E Baker responded in a very touching uddross. Sbo said that she should { alto the picture back to Webster county and nroMont it to the Woman's Christian Temperance union there with the assurance that It would oo an inspiration and n blessing to them. Mrs. Baker sold that many of the ladles who bad sent in the sub scriptions ro-dded at Hod Cloud and the portrait trait would probably bo presented to them nt that place. After Mrs. Bnkor had finished her ml- flross the ladles sang , "Blessed bn tlo ; tie that binds our hearts in Christian lovj. " Mrs. BtaUellold of Hod Cloud arose and Bald that she would certainly oppose the Idea of accepting the portrait entirely for the Ked Cloud union. She thought that the union workers down In that part of the state could adopt tbo itinerant plan and send the pictuiu all around the county. The president then introduced Mr. Jung Choc , u Chinaman , who is beinic educated by the Women's Christian Temperance union tor missionary work in his own country. Annual Election. The annual election of ofllcors was then taken up. The roll was first called to ascer tain the exact number of delegates present. Those who had not paid their dues In full were requested by roiolutlou to pay up before they loft the convention. Mrs. Ada M. Blttenbonderof Lincoln , was requested to take tbo chair and conduct the election. The total number of delegates present was 151 ! and throu visitors making the number 159. Mrs. Louvitt being ono of the vUltors her self , moved that the visitors who had been granted tliu privileges of the convention , bo not allowed a vote in the election. By general consent of the delegates that was agreed to. Tolli'rs were appointed and the first ballot , according to a rule of the organization , was on Informal ono. Just as the ballot had closed the clock on the High school proclaimed the hour of 1'J. Mrs. Licuvltt was asked to lead In the noon tide prayer. After the supplication the loll era rot lied to count the ballots. The result of ttio informal ballot for president was as follows : Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock , 100 ; Mrs. Jennie E. Holmes , 8 : Mrs. C. M. Woodward , 17 ; Mrs. Bolln BIgolow , a , Mrs. Upton , 4 ; Mrs. Zeni Wilson , 1 ; Mrs. Cooley , 4 ; Mrs. Ada Blttonbondor , 8 ; Mrs. O. II. Jouos , 1 ; Mrs. Ferguson , L1. Tim convention then adjourned to take lunch. Lie Nallfd. Dr. P. S. Merrill sold yesterday to a BBE reporter tlmt tuo statement In the World- Herald tothoofTect that ho had spoken in an uncomplimentary manner of Tint UBK'S ro- of the Motbodlst conference before the \ Voman's Christian Temperance union was absolutely false. "What I said before tbo Woman's Chris tian Tomnoranco Union about THIS HUB'S report of the Methodist conference was of a commendatory and complimentary nature and any statement to the contrary Is without foundation , " said Dr. Merrill emphatically. Afternoon Session. Mrs. Balloy of Cowlos lead In dovotlonal exorcises Inimedlutolv aftnr the convention had boon called to order at 1:80. : The first formal ballot In the election" president was then ordoicd. Kov H. L. Powers of Grand Island was Introduced to the conference. Mr. Hartlgan of Fiomont , a loading worker connected with the Fioinout was also Introduced and snoko briefly Mr , II. B. Blttonbonder , husband to Mrs Ida Blttenbondor , was Introduced and greeted the convention in behalf of the proS - S hlbltton party. The ballot for president resulted in the election of M . M. A. Hitchcock of C'romont for prosldout of the Nohraska Women's Christian Temperance union. Mrs. Ilitchcocic wiis oicorted to the chair 0od was Krcotcd by applause. She thanked the convention for the honor conferred nnd promised tlmt SUQ would do nil In her power for the good of the orpaulzu- tlon. World's Fair BlnttorH. Mrs. John S. Brlpgs of Omahn was then Introduced nnd addressed the convention ro- RardliiK the work of the Board of Lady managers of the Columbian exposition. She expressed n hope that the ladles of Nebraska would ace to it that Nebraska should take her plnco ninoiiK the foremost states of the union in the great exposition. Mrs. HrijfBs was given a vote of thanks for her address. Mrs. C. M. Woodward of Seward was then ' . She thanked elected vlro prosldont-nt-lai'KO. the convention fortho honor. Mrs. Octnvia II. Jones of Hastings was elected corrospondlnR secretary. Kov. Mr. Hodgotts of Omaha , Mrs. McCoy , & loading tomuoranco worker of New York , nud Kov. Mr. Henderson of the United 1'resbytorlan ohiiroli of Omaha , were Intro- ducod'to the convontlon. Miss Klla M. Watson of Uollwood wat elected recording secretary , aim Mrs. M. M. Luutry of Omaha treasurer. This completed the election of all the general oDicors. DoU'KUtCH. WHU roforcuco to the election of delegate * to the national convention Mrs. Lantrr said that there were but two districts , the fourth una the b'lftti , that had a right by reason of n autllclcnt membership to elect their own delegates to tha national convention. l Ttio Fourth district had elected Miss Mary Wutsou of Delhvood as Its delegate from that , thu banner district of Nebraska. The convention confirmed the election of Mlis WatsonMrs. . H. S. Doan of North Jlend was i-onllrmod a the alternate for the l-Vurth district. Mrs. I. A. Troyor of Porohastor bad boon elected as the uelegato to represent the Fifth district. Her election was confirmed. Mrs , S. T , Corey of Crete was coullrmod M the alternate delegate for the Fifth district. Nominations for the four remaining dole- Bates and ono delegate at largo were then timdo DV the different district * MII ! were iluctod by the couvontlon. Au lutuuno dulro to ruprojout Npbratkt In the National Woman's Christian Temperance union convention scorned to bo quite univer sal among the ladles nnd some voryonerKJtlc work was done for the different candidates before the Informal ballot was taken. The following ladles weio elected ; Mrs. Wilson of the Second , Mrs , Covoll of the Third. Mrs. Harrison of the Sixth and Mrs. Downing of tbo Eighth district ; They will attend the tiex * national convon tlon nt Hoston next November. The nltor- nntos cloctod were Mrs. Whcelock , MM. Band , Mrs. Cooley nnd Mrs. Oustln. Mlis Klla Watson was olectmi n delegate to the Methodist conference at Lincoln to carry greetings to that body. Mrs. Cooley was clue toil a delegate to carry .similar greet ings to the Homo Missionary convention at Lincoln. Mrs. Richardson was elected ns n delegate to ben fraternal greetings to the West Nebraska .Method In conference at North Platte next weak. Mrs. Ida Moore of Davenport was elected as delegate ut largo to the national conven tion. Mrs. Moore Is state superintendent of the Young Woman's Christian Temperance union nf Nebraska , Mrs. A. Wilev was elected as the alternate delegate at large. Mrs. Hitchcock , the president , stated that It would probably bo Impossible to complete all the business that should have boon pre sented to the convontlon Several of the ladles were obliged to go homo and business would bavo to bo greatly rushed In order to got through on Friday at 0:30- : rnrcntM Itcnd Tills. .Inly nnd August are anxious montns for mothers who carefully watch over their llttlo ohus , Hot days and frequent changes of temperature nro lltxblo to produce cholera mornus. How satisfactory It should bo for parents to know that Hailor's Pain I'.ir.tly/cr is both a pleasant nnd efTcctlvo remedy for all summer complaints. H soothes and ro- llovos all pain nnd griping and always ollects n complete cure , TOOK 1101 OH ON UATS. Mosslo AVado Couldn't Stand to bo Talked About. Bessie Wade , a good looking young mulatto girl , living at SOS North Thirteenth street , sought to cross to the evergreen shore Dy the rough on rats route about noon yester day but a double gcaicd stomach pump beaded her off before she bad gene very far. Bessie Is sweet on Julius Alexander , a pot tor In the Continental block , nnd tno fool ing Is reciprocal. It Is charged Jim Turner , who works In n Fourteenth street saloon , although a married man , lias circulated stories derogatory to the character of Bessie , whereat she bocatno despondent , and finally decided to bo re venged on everybody by joining the silent majority. With that Idea in view she de voured a largo dose of rough on rats , but the gnawing at her vitals was moro than she had figured on , and she gave tbo whole thing nway. A stomach pump was brought and Bcsslo concluded she would stay In this vale of tears a whllo longer. James Turner c.illod nt THE BHE ofllco 1 nst nlphtnnd denied that ho had ever sought the love of Bessie Wade , nor had ho circulated any stories about nor. His denial is best given In his card , bora : To the Public : In yesterday's paper I waft accused ( and that falsely ) of circulating stories derogatory to the reputation of Miss Hosslii Wade. I wish to state emphatically that 1 have always treated the ladvnlththo greatest respect und have yet tlio Urst tlmo to -s.iy anything that would blacken her reputa tion. If she lias been Informed differently It been done Dy cvll-mlndod norsonf. whoso only deslro to break the very peaceable lola- tumspYlstliiK In my family. 1 am a married man , onloying the full confidence of my wife nnd I have never boon guilty of an act that would mitigate the trust , nnd I positively deny having said a harmful word or sought to gain any favors from the estimable Indy. JAMES TuicMiii. The Ijiitost Conundrum. Why is Hallor's Sarsapanlla and Burdock llko the most popular soap of the day. Because they both cloinso the skin and leave it both soft and velvety. KXCUHU for thn Cautoen. OMAHA , Sept , 21 To the Editor of TUB Hin : : Allow mo to point out the ether side of the army canteen question. You consider it an unmitigated evil , which should bo abel ished. Now , what would bo tno rosultl The rotutn of proviou" conditions Scores of hell boles in the immediate vicinity of forts I Which of the two is the boat ! I bollove you should view the matter from the saipo stand point ns you do prohibition. You know that bv ptoulbltion you will not abolish the use of liquor ; you know that by prohibition you take the trntllo out of the control of the authorities ; you know that by prohibition you place the tralllc Into the hands of Irresponsible , vicious und lawless element. You will do the same by abolishing the canteen. The tralllc U under army control and supervision in the canteens , abolish them nnd you create a multitude of boll holes. You can't make teetotalers out or our uoys in uiue oy nuousniiig too can teens , but only drive them from respectable tosorts into disreputable. Cui bonol Civiu VN. Ono Minute. Ono mtnuto tlmo often makes a great dif ference a ono minute remedy for bronchitis , choking up of tno throat , lungs , etc. , of course Is a olosslng. Cubeb Cough Cure is such u remedy. For sale by oil druggists. Cubeb Cough Cuie One minute. They're Alter Burns. "Sober" Burns , alias John Mclutyro was picked up in the Third wardJuno ! i9 , for dis turbing tbo peace and threatening to trans plant some fragile flowers which bloom there to the other shoro. Ho resisted arrest and tried to shoot Officers Klssnno anil Meals. Ho snapped his gun at Ivissauo , but for some rosaou it failed to go off. For his previous demonstrations ho was sent up for ninety days and was released Sunday morning. lie was picked up again yesterday nnd a com plaint filed against him charging assault with Intent to commit murder , The author ities believe that they have a sura case against him , und will bo able to send Mr. Uurns , alias Mclntyro Llncolnward. Most complexion powders have n vulgar gluro , but I'ozzonl's ' Is a true boautlllor , wbono olTocts nro lasting. Plrnt Wuril OrmoerjUH. The democrats of the First ward nold a mooting at tbo corner of Touth and Hickory streets last evening t\nd orgnnl/ed the First Ward Democratic club , with ttio following onicors : President , Guorgo Bertrand ; vice president , John /.oilers ; secretary , F , Uood ; treasurer , A. Frtcko. The primary object of the organization U to familiarize the demo- ocrats of the First ward with the now Aus tralian ballot law. The president nnd secretary - tary were instructed to secure speakers for the first regular mooting of the club , which will take place Thursday evening , October 1. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething gives quiet , helpful lost. ' . ' 5 cents a uottlo. _ Now I'MrtMiiiMi. At a short bossion of tlio lira nnd ollco commissioners hold yesterday , the board ap pointed eleven now llromun. Hero is the list : George W McKrny , transferred from the police force : Horace L. Pourman , "Null- lam II. Knrnost , K. M. Williams , E. b. Flagg , William Itauoy , John J. Coadv , Joseph Hoffman , Grant Fox , I. B. Loomls und Oliver Morrell. These men will ho ordered to report for duty aa fast as they nro needed. ( jesjIor'sMngloUoadacne Wafers. Cuvsal ncadncb.cs In 0 uilnutoj. At all druu'hUti Kutal 1'anlo In 11 Clmroli. J \CKSONVII LB , Fla. , Sopt. Jl. Just before midnight last night a paulo occurred in Har mony Baptist church ( colored ) , caused by thu lights going out. Ono woman was killed nnd three others received fatal Injuries. About twenty people were seriously cuubod nnd orulsod. A very small pill , but a very good one. Do WlU'i Llttlo Karly Utsors. Mooting , fho adjourned mooting ; of the Omaha Man ufacturers' * association will bo held at the Omaha Bulldori' and Traders' exchange , room 'JOT in the New Yorlc Lifo bulldlug , on Saturday afternoon , September ' . ' 0 , at U o'clock. SAM UBBS , President. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Itison for tha llvor. WORKOF AN ORGANIZED GANG , Officials Unable to Apprehend the Authors of Numerous Robbodos. YORK SWARMING WITH THIEVES , Detectives Industriously Knsnccd on the llpccnt Depot lluojlttry Otlior Nebraska NUWH ol' Interest. YOUK , Nob. , Sept. St. [ Special to Tnn Br.n. ] Yesterday afternoon the residence of J. 1' . Mlllor was entered whllo the family wore absent and n watch , Indies' nook chain and some money was stolon. There scorns to bo an organized cang of thieves working this county. In the past two weeks thcro has boon six residence- : ! , two depots , two post- oftlcos and three or four stores robbed of various sums and articles in this neighbor hood , Tno officers .are trying to apprehend the gmltv persons , but as yet have been unsuc cessful. Two detectives are hero from Lin coln working up the B. St M. depot robbery , but have only succeeded In tracing the thieves to the business center of town , whoio they lost all trace of them. Sovoriil Attractive Kontitrr * . Oiu.nvss , Neb. , Sept. 24. [ Special to Tun Bnt.J Great preparations nro onlng made for the Harlan county fair , to bo hold at this place from September 'J8 to October 1 Inclusive. The chief attraction will bo a corn carnival with two largo and beautiful corn palaces. An armv of men are busy night and day getting the grounds and pal aces roidv. A grand street parade will bo n feature of the attraction on two days. Each township In tbo county will bo represented in the parade with a wagon trimmed with corn and small grains. All the merchants of Orleans will have wagons in the parado. There will bo a two days' shoot on Septem ber 29 and 30 at blue rocks nnu live birds. Every olTort will bo made to make the shoot n success. Large purses Will bo offered. Other attractions will bo a baby show and bicycle and horse races. Alliance Favored Democrats. DAKOTA. CITV , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bui : . ] The farmers' alli ance in convention in this place today nom inated tbo following county ticket : Treas urer , Barney ( Jrtbblo ; clerk , William Mor gan ; Sheriff , M. M. Beaconi : superintend ent , Miss Mollie Baker ; commissioner , A. I' . The olllccs of surveyor and coroner were loft vacant. All the nominees were former dem ocrats. It was thought atone stage in the proceedings that a ticket would bo nominated that the lopublicans would endorse , as with the parties Joined , the democratic majority of ; il > 0 could bo ovorcomo. There is dissatisfac tion in the alllauco ranks over the outcome. Itaiii IntciTcrrcd with the Fair. BEITIUCF , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bnu.l The Uago county fail- was very largely attended this morning , excelling - celling that of any previous day. About 11 o'clock a dmzllnpr rain sot In which has con tinued with vaiylng Intervals all the after noon , as a consequence the races announced for today aio postponed until tomorrow. They will comprise a 2:13 : trot for $100 , 2:20 : trot for $1.10 , 2:35 : trot for $150 aud a free-for all trot for SJOO. A largo number of line en tries are made for each race. Daw on Couniy'rt Pair. LEXISQTOV , Nob. , Sept. 24. [ Special to THE BEB.J Dawson county fair opened yesterday with a largo attendance. The exhibits of agricultural products is grand. Enormous vegetables and fruits and splendid grain are exhibited. These exhibits nro especially Interesting owing to the fact that Dawson county's calamity shriokers woro. a short time ago , asking aid. The best horses In the sUto are stabled on the grounds and the speed programme promises to bo especially interesting. Ncliruskii'H Native Wealth. Nonioi.ic , Neb. , Sept. 24. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEK. I The second day of the North Nebraska District fair closed after a veiy successful show. The speed purses were competed for by a. nice string of step pers , good tiiuo being made. Tomorrow will bo tuo best day of the fair and with good weather , will bring an enormous crowd. The best horses will start tomorrow. The display of agriculture aud stock was never so good in northern Nebraska. Successful In Every AVny. CITY , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special to Tin ; BiiE.l The interest in the success of the county fair still continues. Over 500 plates of fruits were entered up to last evening. The display will excel that of any piovious year. All other exhibits aio superior to past years. Governor Thayer arrived yesterday nftnrnoou and delivered an excellent uddross at the fair giounds this forenoon. Friday will bo a big day. MntlNoii Coiinty'H Success. MUHSOX , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele gram to THE HUE. ] The Madison county fair has boon extended until Saturday. The display is the finest In quality and the great est in quantity of any previous fair over hold in this county. Nearly 1,500 people were on the grounds this afternoon. Mrs Pratto made a stirring alliance speech , severely roasting the democratic aud repub lican parties. Temporary Injunction Dcsolvod. DVKOTV Cnv , Nob. , t > opt. 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKH.J District Judge Nor- rls today dissolved the temporary injunction secured against the calling of a second spe cial election on the relocation of tno county seat. The commissioners moot tomoiuow and will endeavor to call the election If Dakota Ulty does not Interfere. Klnnvood UhanCH. ; Ei.Mwoon , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special to Tur BEE. ] The local postofllco was moved last night into a building on D streut. Kov. C. Alton , the newly appointed postmaster , will take charge of the onico on October 1. A. U. Mavllold , the former postmaster , has taken full charge of the Elmwood Eebo. Now Jail Required. NEiiiusKi CITY , Nob. , Sept , 21. ( Special to Tun Bui : J The county commissioners have decided that the construction of a now Jail Is necessary , and will place the proposi tion before ttio people to vote upon at the November election. The building will cost about $3,000 and Is badl.v needed. I'reshytery'H BuHsion Closed. II3Tliis , Nob. , Sopt. 21. ( Special Telegram - gram to TUB BUB. ] The session of the Hastings presbytery closed today. In the forenoon the revision of the confession o : faith-was discussed and a resolution favoring it passed , lu the uftornoou the presbytery adjourned. tsehraflUn City's Speed NBIWASKA. CITV , Neb , Sopt. 21. [ Special to Tun BBK.J The director's of tbo Nobraski City Driving Park association tmvo con eluded to bold meetings October U , 15 and HI. Already over $1,000 In purses have boon secured aud u successful racing event Is antic paled. _ Crops In Good Condition. Mimso.v , Nob. , Sept. 14. [ Special Telegram gram to TUB DEB. ] Thoontlro crop of corn is beyond the roach of frost. The quality will bo oottor than any crop slnco ttio momorablu year of 18SI. The average yield hero will bo not lois than forty bushels per ncro. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chilli Iliirned to Dentil. LKMXOTO.V , Nob. , Sept , 21. [ Special to TUB BEK. ] Llttlo Al , son of Dave Marshall , an oinployo at the Coruland hotel , was burned so seriously that ho died yesterday afternoon. The child sot tire to hU clotblug la BOino unknown way. County Dumocrntn. Wfcsr POINT , Noo. , Sopt. SM.- Special to TUB BKK.J Political matters In Cumin ? couuty , from a democratic standpoint , are . . Interesting. Last winter when this , the Eighth jualelal district , was formed , it was called "Crawford't'UUtrlot. " In honor of Judge J C. Crawford , nnd up to thli morning the democratic nomination no * been concecdcd to him , but lion. T. M. Franco now publicly nnnouncoV that ho Is a candi date for tho'oftlcc. ThU announcement has demoralized the judgo.and upset his moro Ht partial friends. Tomorrow the prccirTflts will hold their caucuses to elect dclcgntovto the county con vention , which will bo hold bora on Satur day , to elect tha delegates to tbo judicial con vontlon at Ponder on S Rtombor 'J9. Holt County'siVlitc Kxhlblt. O'Nmu , Nob. , Sopt. 2l.-Spoclal | Tele gram to TUB BnE.J--Thd third rtay of the Holt county fair has been n decided success. The agricultural exhibits and lloral attrac tions nro very iltie but the display of stock Is small. Tonight the members of the society metnt the court house and elected ofllcors for the ensuing year. They nro : W. Howen of Atkinson , president : Samuel Stores , Kmmot , secretary ; H. Ilodgklns of Lconln , ttoas- uror ; C.V , Cole of Cbambors , vice-presi dent. Directors Nell Bioininn , K. P. Hicks , Milton Doollttlo , Peter Caublo , Charles Blaln , Arrangements were made to collect the products for the advertising train nnd W. J. Oobbs selected to go as Holt county's representative. The question of changing the fair society Into the Nebraska lion Palace and Exposition was discussed nnd the foundation laid for the same. Tomorrow promises to bo the best day of tbo fair and altogether It will bo n success. Democrats of tin ; Tcnlli. HASTI\CIS , Nob. , riopt. 21. [ Special Tele gram to THE UKE. ] The deinocr.tts of the Tenth district mot here In convon tlon today. It , B. WahUnilst , chairman of the central committee , calloJ tbo convontlon to order. All the counties were teprosontcd. The nominations nro : G. W. Tlbbots of Adams , moderator ; K. L. Adams of Konr- noy , secretary ; Hon. It. A. Bnttv of Hast ings , judge : U B. WnblqliHtof Hastings , reelected - elected chairman of the central commlttoo ; Uan Sullivan , secretary. Slight Uln/.o at Wallace. WU.I.ACE , Nob. , Sopt. 31. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEC.J A small blaze which migiit have proved a disastrous fire was smothered by a bucket brigade here tonight. The flro started in n rookery occupied as of- llcos nnd a shoo shop In the principal street. Prompt action nnd plenty of wntor'prevcntcd much damage. Sullivan , tlio shoo maker , loses most of his eflects. The building was dnninged $ W. It was Insuicd. Not lleprcHciitcd. NKIIIIISKA. Cirv , Neb. , Sopt. 21. ISpoclal Telegram to TUB BEITho : ] local branch of the State Business Men's ' association was unnblo to ralso Otoo county's assessment and this county vtill not bo represented on the great advertising train. Jl.lTTLU WIl'll A J'AXTllKlt. A New York Anlninl Dealer Nearly Jjoses His LH'e. NEW YoniC , Sopt. 24. Donald Burns traveled for fifteen years with Barnum's cir cus. Ho now has an ossablishmont at 115 ioosovelt street. Ho supplies animals to circuses and menageries , and has in stock a particularly largo and' ferocious panther. When Burns reached his store at 7l0 : ! a. in. yesterday , John Mlllor , au employe , wus standing outside. "Oh , Mr. Burns , the fyinthor b loose , " ho cilod. "Well , wo'll have to got him back in the cage , " said the old animal trainer. "You get fc mo a roDO. " With a piece of clothes line arranged with , a running iioose at ouo end 'Burns entered the stoio. The panther sat on top of his capo licking his paws. With a quick move ment Burns throw the lasso. It missed and the panther made a leap for the trainer , who stopped out and closod'thb door. Peering thiough a window Burus saw tbo panther making around the place , scaring the other animals terribly. Ho squeezed his paw be tween the iron bars of cages and shook them. A little nonkoy soiyed the paw. Ho lived about two minutes , but the scratch on the paw ouragrd the animal. Ho began n war dance in the center of the room and the other animals howled. Finally ho went back to the top of his cage and Burnu decided to make another olTort to lasso him. "Now , when 1 yell you open the door. " ho said to Mlllor , "then crab the end of the rope nnd pull with mo when I toll you to. " The door opened softly aeain and Mr. Burns throw the lasso. When the animal saw the rope coming ho throw up his loft paw and the noose dropped over bis bead and paw. "John ! John ! open the door , " yelled Burns. "I've got him ; come and help mo , " But John's courage tailed him and dcspito Burns' yells for help no ono wont to nis as sistance. A crowd gathered around the door , but no ono entered. Miller rushed about on the outside like a cra/y man. "When 1 found that Miller would not como in , " said Mr. Burns yesterday , "I braced myself for the struggle that I know was coming. The animal was a year old and hud just been brought from India. I figured on his pulling from mo , like nil panthers , but the lasso caught under the shonldcr and ho did not feel it so much around the neck. I pulled hard and strong and so did the panther for a moment or two , but in the twinkling of nn eye ho scorned to shrink his body up and slipped out of the noose , i picked u pun iron lloorscrapor and jumped aside as soon as ho leaped for mo , I tried to hit tno beast with the scraper but missed him. Then wo fenced aiound the room , the panther leaping for mo and I endeavoring to hit him. I soi/ed a box of pepper and tried to throw some in his eyes , but I could not connect. I had n dog up stairs and kent calling him , but ho was tightly chained. Fully fifteen minutes passed in this way. The cages , barrels and otlinr obstructions in the room served to protect mo. When the panther Jumped I would dndgo behind ono of tho.-o and ho would go over mv head. , "Finally 1 got n paper Illo from the desk. It was only a little piecaof Iron work about six inches long , but I felt a bit stronger when 1 got that In my Hands. "Then I lost my footing in trying to prod the brute and bo was on mo in a second. Ho caught mo In the arm above the elbow. I jabuod ttio spindle into his side and he lot go nnd leaped to the other end of the room , The blood spurted out of tbo hole I had made In his sido. Wo came together again and before wo separated I was bitten in several places. Luckily for mo the panther was not an old ono and the tooth were not long. They were long enough to tear the Ilesh terribly , ttiough. "I was getting weald frprn loss of blood when a policeman from , the Oak streat siution opoucd the door and closed 1U I had the panther by the throat , nut ho was work ing out of my grusp. I ejlod again for help and two longshoremen cnino to my rescue. They beat the pantbqr oit nnd with poles handed In from the outsida wo drove the boast Into his cugo again' . , " Mr. Burns was bjdly Jneetatod about the body , aud his face , too , showed the marks of tho'dosporato struggle. Mlllor Is out of a job. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of porfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - of great strength. Economy In tholrusa Almond [ RoseetC.rJ Favor | aa delicately and dollclously aa the fresh fruit. CONTINENTAL. Our stock this season is by far the largest and best we have ever Droducccl , In buying Boys' Clothing , workmanship is the important thing. A good piece of cloth may be spoiled in making. We manu- : acture our own goods and aim to make a stylish , serviceable article at no greater cost than is usually paid for inferior grades. This week we call attention to a line of School Suits , ages 6 to 14 , at $3 , $3.50 , $3.75 and $4. Every prudent buyer ought to see them before purchasing. 1 hey will be on sale all week. Boys' Long Pant Suits , special bargain .ines at $8 , $9 and $10. Remember , we have the largest store , the largest stock to select from , and no goods sold which we cannot safely recommend. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE. FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO. SCRIBNER'S FOR. OCTOBER. THE GREAT STREET HUNTING AMERICAN ROBERT LOUIS STEV THE BIOGRAPHY OF SERIES. The Oorso BIG GAME. ByAitCU- ENSON'S SERIAL AN OYSTER. By En- Ronio. By W. W. SroitY IHALU Kouuith. IHus- THE WRECKER. Il AVAitD L.Vn.sox. . Il Illustrated by Trio. tnitod by B. FitOST. lustrated bv WM. HUM : . lustrated. THE NEW LAKE IN THE DESERT , by Major J. W. PO\VILL \ ; CARLYLE'S POLITICS , by E. O. MAHTUV ; POEMS , by EDITH M. THO.MA& , LAMI-MAN , Mu.NMUTruiCK , Mrs. Doitit ; THE POINT OP VIEW. Etc. , Etc. 25 Cents a Number , $3.00 a year. CHARLHS SCONHK'S SONS , Publishers , New YorK. AV ; ' rojtii't , AKMKI * The Monitor Mliintonoinnh Will Soon lie in the Harbor. Nnw YOIIK , Sopt. 24. Now Yorlc barber will bavo its llrst armed protector about October 1. Tlio monltorMiantononiah lacks only the placlnp of two frreat guns in the 'oro turret to bo complete. The puns are done , and are already on dock of thj Monitor ns she Ho * at a dock In tbo Brooklyn navy yard. Sbo Is to bo placed in commission at ) nce , ovnn if tbo work is not entirely com pleted. The nnlsblni ; touches can bo put on nter. The bltj turreted monitor has aloiif ; liistory. She was one of tbo fleet of Iron clads limit toward the cloao of the civil war after the model of the famous little monitor , it the time Uncle Sam had for the second : imo In bis history , the most powerful navy ; n the wet Id , and the Miantonomon was the most formidable shin in it. Since then she jas boon practically rebuilt twice , and is now nn extremely formidable ship. Sbo is a battle ship in ono sense of the word , for there is no ship of war allont In any water , which she could not meet witb some chnncu of victory. Hut she Is primarily ri harbor defense ship. Her business is not to co out Lo moot , an enemy in other waters , but to ho in wait for an approaching foe. To such a fee she would give a welcome worthy of her llaj , ' . for in every respect except her armor , she is powerfully modern. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when OoWitt's Little Early Uisors are taken Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. I'UKYmt'W .SK/ > ' . ! . Emperor William Would Not Benin Hostilities UnlcsH Forced To. Losno.v , Sopt. 21. The Standard's VIonnn correspondent records a discussion which was carried on at the table of Archduke Al- brccht during the Austrian military manoou- vi cs , as to whether itwaswlso to allow n known enemy to complete preparations for war or whether it was not preferable to force a conflict. "No names were mentioned , " says the correspondent , "but all understood that Husstn was meant. Emperor \Vllliam said emphatically "J stiongly believe that the enormous re sponsibility which modern warfare Imposes must override all military theories. 1 would not begin war if conscious tlmt , by delaying It , I could secttro a slnglo year , nay slnglo n.onth , of peace by trusting In tbo success ol my peed cause. " the changes ara equal on botli sides , there is much to bo pained bv having several months of peace. "Tho king of s > a\ony expressed himself to the same ellect , pointing out instances where dmlomacv nnd averted an apparently Inevit able conflict. ' Archduke Albreoht also dilated upon tbo enormous responsibility of forcing u war , In vlow of the murderous perfection of modern weapons , " The correspondent says Emperor William's remarks made a deep impression on the high rank Gorman and Ituhslan officers present. Excelsior Spring * Co.8 Sotermn Ginger Ale. p AVill Mnrry u InpiuieiG Prince. Bi.xniiAMTON , N. Y. , Sopt. ai. Miss Coia Dunn , a handsome blbndo of this city , is soon to become n prince s of ono. of tbo largest provinces In Japan. Prlnco Josako ICnt/.u- in.ita Is a young Jnpanoso .student of Cornell university. Ho is of medium height and very Intellectual , though not considered band- somo. Miss Dunn It a nloco of CJ. W. Dunn , a member of the republican state committee nnd a well-known politician , at present hold ing tbo position of postmaster nt Blngbam- ton. The prince , who ban boon at the uni versity preparing himself as a civil engineer , has boon called homo to Japan by the serious lllnqss of bis father. When bo returns , how ever , It will bo aj u Benedict , carrying D.ick with him n youns and attractive American brldo to the land of Mowers. The prlnco.who is ut present in tills city , U an excellent con versationalist on all subjects , speaking Eng lish perfectly. Ho Is much uttacbod to bis liaiuUomo American M mi ceo , who Is the reci pient of numerous congratulations. Tbo prince's wealth Is said to bo great and his faintly nave boon for years In dlroct favor wltti the Mikado , Horn Valley Halhvny. -K , Wyo. , Kept. Ul Today articles of Incorporation of tbo Illg Horn Valley rail way were filed nt the ofhco of the stnto sec- rotary. The organizers uro W. W. Dudley , Hlchmond , Ind. ; E. M. Dawson , Unltlmonv Louis T. MIchiner. Sholbyvlllo , 1ml. ; Ebon U. Crane , Norman T. Howe , Isow I'orUJohu ; \V. Howbart , St. Albnns , Vt. ; Carroll T. Herbert , lioJ Bank , N. J. ; Joint St. Cialr , I'hlladolphin , 1M. The road is > o bo constructed from some point west of Caspar , through ttio Dig Horn valley to the headwaters of Clurkosfork rUer , Park countv , Mont. , und the capital for tbls U M,000WO. NO GUR.FL ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Manf yc r ' oxpnrlonco. A regular Rrmlunto In modlclno ta dlploums show I.i still treating llh the ( treated nuecpsi all Norrous , Chronic nnd I'rlvnto Hlteinps. A pcrmmiiint uura Kiiuruntcpil for Catarrh Spermatorrhoea , Lost Mnnhooil , Seminal Woakno s , NlKlit Lnisca , Impotnnc ? , Syphilis , Htrlcturo , tinil ill diseases of thu Iltootl , Skin aad Urlnurj Orvnns. N II. I uunrnntco & 'OJ for uvory casn 1 umlcrtako nn < l full to cure. Consultation ( no Hook ( Mysterlus ol Life ) aunt frco. ( Jllloo liutiri B u. in. to 8 p ui. Humlar 10 a in. to 12 m. Send atamp for reply. AMUSEMENTS. Ne\v Theater KNIGHTS. Tlmrohv Snnf 24 IlhUlNMNO 1 HlllbUll ) , OLJ't. ' L t nn SATURDAY. J. EL. in Ireland IHusti.iton with Miisiilficont. Scenic niects and Hoallitlo Novoltlc * Including POUR INFANT CHORISTERS , A ZITHER QUARTET AND A MAMMOTH CHURCH ORGAN. I'llooi Purquot nnd par < | iiot olrclu 7. > o and 81 : b.ilumy Mi- ) and 7fto : jrnlloiy 2" > u. llovshpotsopoiiVodnosiluy morning. Atcncli Hntunln7 Mntlnco until furtUsr notlco tliuro nil ) bo presented two pulrs uf line Opem ( ilnHioa , li leiisoi oich , to the lioldem of seat ticket * . ( Jonorrlioent. Gteat and IeiietH't"lieoii curou lu 2day by the Trench Itumouy on- tltlod the ICING. K dissolves nsulnst , iimt Is absorbed Into tno liilt.unud parts. Will refund money If ft does not euro or c.iuso * striotnro. Uontlomun , here H : i reliable article. J.I a paokaso or U for > per mail prepaid. Mo- Uormlclc & Lund , Omaha WO O'L'iiXJAl. Iiftovox n Dcllcoto nnd I.uMlngr Odor Aft i * Thine. Ifunnhln toprocnroBirANnownpU. * ) BOAP Bond Zictu stamps anil ruculvo a cake by return mnll. JAS. S.KIRK & CO. , Chicago. . . Bhnndon Jlolli Walt * ( tlio pop- MliirOonloty WfllU ) Botit THI'.K to nnyorio Bond ing iiHttireo wnipporsof filmndnn Jlollsfionp. stnid lOo in stamps for eampla bottle Slutrdan Iiell3 1'trjume. _ _ _ _ _ Lo Duo's PorlodioalPllIa . Tills French -omoilr nota illrei tlx upon thn Konort Uro ortiant nnd MUCH siippronolop of the menim tint tlireo for ? > , nnil run l < o mulled aiiould not l > u usodilurlnu priiK'nanoy lohhora ilriiKVht-i nnd ) ho public supplied uy ( Juodnmn liriiu Co Omnlm. : DOCTOR Tbcia Uulubrattia KMUl.IBll' Pllli uroul'oaUUo Guru for HlcL ; lAGKER'S llruJuulip , lIllluu.ucM , and ! Uou > tll > utlon. Sniull , lilfnn.t I PURE ant and n Cuvarlto " 1111 the *" . Rul 1 In > : nl-iiHl for Jo. ; i PINK Hvt.,1" America for aSc. del ; them from your DrungliU , or ; tend to IT , II. I1UOECK * ( O. , ; ; PILLS. 46 U .t llrmjw.f , > Urk. i 1'or Silo by KUIIN & CO. and MAN & McC'ONNKI.U Oinuli.i SCHOOLS ANDCOLrjKGKS. _ Ffw YOllic I I Iil'f A l7V AdA I ) HM V , Uol.lU.\ViiiniiT , II H..A.M , ( Jornwall , N V UENTRAL COLLEGE WK ELIZ , AUU FEMALE SEMINARY- B J IS JjIMNTON. Pre ldcut WEHTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY a Hiiti-.1' . " * 'isi er'nl ' i't-r I'Uus Uomolr for Caturrli U tlio licit , l&ultut tu Ueo , uiul Ulicapcet. Sold hTdruKBl't * nr Mint 1 > T mall , COc. K. T. lloiultluu , Watrou , To. AMUSEMENTS. Now ThoaLor 2 cNJS ! ? > nSiiiitoy , September 2711 THE I'lOXIlMlS 01' ' FA lit hOMKDl' < , The MESTAYER-VAUGHN COMPANY 7n lliclr JM ts Or , Prohibition. TIIK MtANH TIll'AWSAUJOIttf. \ . T1IK INIMITAItMS MHSTAl'KK. ruder the Direction of M. It. IATTA. Prices 1'arqut't anil I'lttqttut circle , ? r > c and $1 Itnl- rony , frJc und 75ulullery , 25c. Mot alieet open Suturdiy FARNAM STREET THEATER. Ono Week t'onuiKiiiciii Uli Sunday Mnt- inee , Sopt. 20. The Great Mits'cul C'ompdy , OHEIEK. Hntlroly Now. Stronger , Ilt'tti'i'Tlnin l < vnr. 1'optilar pi lees , I IL- , aVlJc , 3Je , Tlo. Slutlnoo Woilnesdny und S.itittdny. WAltNAM STUCK 1' TltrATl-It. ' Ono week coninionulns Sunday Sopt. U7 , EILEEN OPERA CO. In the all American Oimt.i El I Lx JEX K N. M pcoiilo In thn east M I'opulitr prlcos , i" > e , ! ! " > c. .Oo and fiOo. HETWKEN MAN AND HORSE. THIS THURSDAY NIGH11. Omaha Guards Armory. Capitol Ave , butwcpn 17lh und isth Sis , Prof. Norton B. Smith Will hanillo and xubduo thu famous Imported Fronoh Sta HOD , Prccl Lament - mont , On nod by Mr. C. n. Morrlll. He I ? nine yo.irs old and linsnin-er uoan liur- nt'x n I or dm on Also U wild \ liMons lioiiu il. A Unvwl ttiiiKKU' . Man > s llortiu Don't miss thlt contcit Admission "to , Itunorvcd nualM , Me . Ilnx ollli.'d open diirln ; ; the 'lay for tlio s.ilti of rosoi veil Heats , No ovtru char ; ; < > . Opera House SUNDAY SEPT. 2 2 Performances . . UNCLE'S DARLING- A Romanc9of Alaska , _ I'nces , U.H' . 'l-'io and M cnuts. UOO KIIOI ! rpscru'iUeuls fur 'J.'ic. nidi. Hut Hhoutiopun ut U a m. Hiiturday. DIMS"BDEH MUSEE I iirnor IIUi indl'ninuiu htruotH. l ui * U II > ( u.ll'.KIdei ' llikltunril'H bi'outand ( Juldi' . wltli liN fiiiiiDiis Suiitli Afiluun lelim. Al.l.ti : HA.MIJ/lov , ( . .nintint TIIK I.ISICMkotili ArtM UOSTON I.VtKI'M | ) UAM\TK' TO. , In Taltinlt' * Ciinifily Drninri , -TUUl-1 DKV'U'riCJM' * Ailrnliilun , Uno Illniu. Ujiin Dally fioiu to I IU p nv