8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEJE , OTHUBSDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1801 , WEARERS OF WHITE RIBBONS Nebraska's ' Women Temporancs Workers in 'Ihjlr Seventeenth Annual Session. DR , DURYEA SCORED IN A RESOLUTION , ItcminlNunnuc of the I in to I'roliMiltlnu Campaign .Mud. ) u Mutter of Kcuord Nnn lity Men 'Jet a The state convention of the Nebraska ( Voman's Christian Temperance Union Is now fully under way at the First Methodist church , and is attended by about iUJ ! dele gates. By means of Jnpanoio parasols and potted plants and festooning of curds , forming a long ribbon that ran thioo times around the gallery of the auditorium , and banners stationed at various points throughout the house , the convention room presented a itriiting and peculiar appearunco today. The auditorium was divided Into sections representing the dlstiiets of the Woman's Christian Tempor.mco Union in the lute. Hach delegation was assigned u cer tain number of pows r ml these sections were designated by c.ird banners abo'ut 10xli inches in size" with the name of the district printed upon them. The president , Mrs. Mary A. Hitchcock of Fremont : the vice president , Mrs. Caroline M. Woodard of Smvurd ; the corresponding secretary , Mrs. Octavia II. Jones of Hast ings , the let-online secretary , Miss ISlla M. Watson of Bellwond , and the trcasuier , Mrs. Mary M. Luntry of Omaha were nil present and wore roadv for their ofllcial duties. After the consecration mooting , which bo- Ban at ! l o'clocK and lasted half an hour , the regular business of the opening session was taken tip The secretary load the reports of rcvcral committee meetings that had been held during the past iear. Dr. Dtirycnualn. . Considerable discussion arose over the adoption of a resolution passed by the oxeoti- tlvocommitteo with reforcncu to .something I ) Uuryea bad been reported to have said. The executive committee h.is hoard that fir. Duryoa hud s'lld that the Woman's ChristianTemperance union had endeavored to break down the reputation of Omaha by circulating false reports with regard to elec tion frauds and outrages nt the polls. The committee passed the resolution llatly con tradicting the statement and administering n scathing robuku to Dr. Duryoa for making It. Some of the ladies thought the language was rather harsh. Others held that If Ur. Duryca had used the language initiated to him the resolution passed by the executive committee should be adopted bv the conven tion. tion.Mrs. Mrs. Clark of Omaha stated that Dr. Duryca had explained his language in the newspapers by saying that he had reference to somoof the prominent Woman's Christian Temperance union spcaicers who did not re side in Nebraska. Mrs. Clark thought , how ever , that the resolution was nil right , and the executive committee ought to be upheld in its notion. "I think wo might pray for Dr. Duryca , " suggested ono of tno delegates , "that is , if there are any of us who have grace enough to co so. " > "I have , " said ono of the secretaries of the convention. The report , resolution and all , were adopted , The minutes of a number of meetings hold by the executive and other committees were read and approved. \Vcnrern of the Queue. The pages wcro Churlio Wong , Leo Goon , Ieo Leon and Leo You. They could not understand the instruction and ro- ciucsts of the president and .several of tno Oinuhn ladies had to coach the polite young- wearers of the queue in the performance of their work. The bland Mongolians were not slow , however , in catching the drift of the business and they became qtiltn proficient in distributing programmes , envelopes , etc. , be fore the morning session closed. The report of the goncinl olllcors' mooting In July was read by the secretary and adopted. Ilopnrtcis AVore in Ir. Homo of the ladies wanted to re quest Tin : Dm : and vVorld-Ilorald to linvo copies of their papers on sale at tlio church so that the delegates might get them. Ono lady said that the convention should know something about how the papers pro posed to treat the convention before sending thorn such a request. Dr. Merrill was present and assured the Indies that they need have no fears as to the correctness and completeness of the reports that would appear in Tin : Bin : . The Metho dist , conference just closed had been llborallv end correctly reported lu Tin : Biu : all through , be said , and ho thought the Womcu's ' Christian Temperance union would receive the same treatment. 3U-8. I5HKJIB Will Sponk. A communication from Mrs. John S. Briggs of Omaha , ona of the leading lady of the World's Columbian managers ox posi tion , was read. Mrs. Briggs suggested that nho would bo pleased to confer with the Woman's ' Christian Temperance union con cerning the interests of the organization at the Woiid's fair. The convention then de cided to glvo Mrs. Briggs an opportunity to speak before the convention at - p. in. on Thursday. The committee on enrollment of delegates then called for the credential cortitlcatcs. Tim credentials committed reported that thcro were 110 delegates and twenty-eight ex-oRleio members present. The entertainment committee announced that lunch would bo served at the First Christian church. Some amusing remarks were made with regard to the manner ot handing in names uf delegates. Misc Hiploy of Kearney said : "Madam 1'rosidont : I would like to sug gest that the ladles drop the custom of sign- lug tltoir pet names when they are conduct ing business matters In this organization ho would tiavo mndo himself ridiculous by calling her Queen Kitty. " At I o'clock the convention adjourned for lunch. [ AdilroHH oT ilia President. The afternoon session of the Women's Christian Temperance union began at 3 o'clock and the llrst important matter taken ill ) was the annual address of the president , Airs. M. A. Hitchcock of Fremont. MM. Hitchcock said that the membership had 11,101 In the stato. Shu suggested thnt If each member would got ono more member nml an honorary memucr the number could cosily bo run up to over 10,000. The president deplored the scorning negligence of some of the ofllcors and said that much harm had come to the cause by the apathy of some who had accepted im portant positions In the organization. Bho commended the work done by Mrs. An- pie F. Newman of Lincoln. Mrs. S. C. V. Upton had done excellent work , she said , at the last session of the legislature , but the power ol corrupt political machinery had de feated her efforts In getting tin-ouch tno leg islature the acts sought for by tlio organisa tion. "Usoyour Influence , the men say to us , " eald tlio president. "Wo will time the bal lot , if you please , and lot you have the lullu- tfiico. " [ Applause. ] The work doao bv Mrs. Dr. Bryant of Omaha among the Chinamen of the city , was warmly commended by the president. Mrs. llitchcoult then spoke of the Union Worker , the onielal state paper of ttio Women's Christian Temperance union , pub lished at Hastings and edited by Mrs. Octavlo 11. Jones , bhu commended the paper to all tlio members as bo I tigorthy of liberal sup port. Among tlio Children. The president said th.it the work ot scctir- Ing signatures ot tub children upon the Loyal Tompuranco legion cards tiad been pushed cnorgetica.lv and over -1,000 cards had bocn This work wouul bo .continued all the cunts sent to the Womoii's Tuui | > or- nnco union bulldliig nt tlio Columbian expo sition , BpcalUiiK of tlio vvorlc done among tlio ilroutli stricken pcoplo lust wlutur , Mr-i. llltclicoclc mild tliui slio liiul boon iilmost cntlroly oiiHAcod In rellof work for four months ami tbut tbo various unions In these liarts of tlio stiito not alTooted by tbo drouth lini ) aouo excellent work. lu conclusion Mrs , Hitchcock snU itvai 10 u a tovccj ) over thu dcfuct cf Prohibt * tlon.Lot the dead past bury Its derul" said tbo spcaltor , "Lot us ( , 'lrd tip our loins nnd tircsa oo , taklni ? tticso bcitutlful words by Fiancoi K. Wlllnrd M our motto. She anyi : 'Tlio Lord has not civon mo the snlrlt of fcnr , but of love , nnd of a sound mind. " ' In her recommendations the president said : "I would remind the members of this orcrani- zutlon that modest nnd correct styles of dress nnd pure morals po liana In hand. " Bho ald the many fantastic and Immodest styles ot dross , the gorgeous headgear and other vanities should bo studiously avoided bv the members of the Women's Christian Tern- potMnco union. The president's address was Indorsed by n rising vote. Fraternal greeting from the Woman's Homo and Foreign Missionary Society of the Nebraska Synod of the Lutheran church wcro presented by Kov.V. . U. McKuno of Ponca. The grectln Mvrro thankfully re- colved and the committee on f rnfrnnl groot- hit's was instructed to ruturn the courtesy. Mothers' a At 2i'0 ! the mother's nioetinp wns con- dueled by Mrs. Watson 1) ) . .Smith. After MM. .Smith had read a scripture ic.sson nnd Mrs. Mary Clument Loavitt hail niTorod prayer , Mrs. Hev. .1. M. French read n paper upon. the dangers that threaten the girls of American homes. Mrs French thoupht the competent mother should no tireless In her olTorts to ueop the girls In the w.iv of rectitude nnd purity. The lack of industrial training and much excite ment in pursuit of social pleasures was also n .soiirco of tlargor. The insidious llcnd known as the seducer , Was pointed out as the cause of n va-"t amount of sin nnd .sorrow and shame. Mrs. French said that it was un necessary to oxapgcrato the impurities of men. Tiioy wcro bad enoucli. Miss Kiploy of Kearney upolco upon the subject , saying that the youni ; women should bo thoroughly impressed with the idea thnt they sl'ould not permit young men to tnko u ml no personal hhcrttcs with thorn , such as taking thum by the arm und laying their hands on their shoulders , etc. She thought that the girls were considerably to blntno for the sinftilncss of men. The inon wcro not thu only sinners on earth by n long deal. Miss Hiploy was applauded. Mrs. C ! . II. Webster read n paper upon "Women's Sphere. " The piper was full of good points and wns applauded. Ilillot : a Curo. Mrs. nicelow of 'Lincoln said that the vices of society could only bo cured by giv ing the women the b.Ulot. Kov. Mrs. Anderson of Omaha asked Mrs. Higclovv wboio thu outcast woman of society would bo when the high moral mothers anil slsturs were marching up to the polls. She was of the opinion that the vicious outcast nnd degraded women would bu Jostling the pure woman In a race to get to the polls. Mrs. Uigolow answered the question by saving that there wcro moro good women than bad ones , nnd thcruforo the balance of power would bo thrown toward the right. Kov. Mrs. Andrews said that good women outnumbered the bad women just as the good men outnumbered the bad ones. Half ailo en of the delegates were upon their foot in an Instant to deny the .statement thnt there were as many good mon ns good women in proportion to the number in each icx. It seemed to bo the opinion ofn number of the delegates that the men were a rnthor tough lot. Otio lady said that the bad men usually cot into office , and if the women had thu ballot that sort of business would bo stopped. Mrs. L'lork nroto and said that she thought the discussion was drifting clear away from the topic under consideration. The question box was then opened. Save tlio Hoys Too. Dr. Lnngton was called upon to answer the question as to whether the same precaution should bo taken to protect the metals of hoys as to protect the morals ot the girls. The lady said that when she contemplated the temptations and pit falls that were constantly found in the path way of the boys , she really wondcrod that any boy over grow tip to pure manhood. She thought that the fathers should have their eyes opened to the terrible temptations that meet their boys on every hnna , und both mo hers and fathers should make greater effort to keep the boys out of the way of evil contamination. The question box was well filled and many important matters were discussed in a very interesting manner. Miss Ilornck of the Deaconess Homo nnd Hospital was introduced and spoke to the convention. i'ho reports of the treasurer anil the secre taries were read and approved. The session adjourned nt ft o'clock. DclofintcN Present. Following nro the delegates present : Kliit District 3Irs. Joiiine ! ' . Hnlincs , Mrs. I.ueliidn II. Kusaoll , Airs. Sarah J. Itumll'-'o , Tecnmsuli ; Mrs. AllcuJ. Ducr. I'nuncu City : Mrs. Drmlna 1' . l.liin , Table Kock ; Mrs. Uoni V. WlicMofk. llo.itrlco ; MKs Annlo Cialg , llltioPprlncs ; Mr . I.eo Uumiliuham , Liberty ; Miss Annlo IJoudy. Mrs. Aiinio II , Kdu.irds , Beatrice ; Mis. .Mailo G. Forclyce , Auburn ; Mis. Hello 110'iop , btollii. second district .Mrs. II. M. J. Cooley , picil- dunti Mi3. M , f , Wuriir-r , . ' t. I'aul ; Mrs. Sophia Yort , I'lilon : Mrs. H. M. Wclntyro. L'nadllln : Mrs. A. M. Di-iin. Cu lo ; Mrs M. I.ciiinlt , ' . I'l.illbiiiouth : Miss Ollvo Oass , I'lattsinnnth ; .Mis. I'luico , Victoria : MID S. .1. Uiddle , U'n- : BHW ; MiU . I Mcadvlllo , Hazel Doll ; Mis. K. Davis , Lincoln ; Xrs. .TuIU 12. Mackntt , Uncoln ; Mii. i : . M. r.xlur. Yiinkuo Hill : Mrs. S.V. . I'luld. Kusl Lincoln ; Mis. / . A. Wilson , MM. Uaiollno A. Jones , Lincoln ; Mis. 0. W. ( 'owloi. .Nohiaska Uity. Thlnl DMrlot-Mis. G. W. Clark , Omaha ; MrI' . S. filbbs. OralRi .Mrs. W. O Honors , Snrliullold ; Mrs. M. J , Andnnvs , Omaha ; Mrs. A , II. I'lorco of Tikuinuh : L. O. Illackman , IliioklnaliuiiiMis. ; . M. .1 , lliclnirdson , Mrs. IX M. C'orolle , U. II. Ilcnnott. licor o II. Webster , Omaha ; I. . II Louis , Arlington ; Miss Llz/lu M. JohnsDii , bonth Omaha ; Airs. II U. Halo , Craig ; Mis. W. It. timlth , Omalm ; .Mrs. Oeor u t'lovvoll , Blair : Mrs. It. A. Saltortluld , Spilnz- liold ; Mrs. M. 11. Ornlg , Cralir. ronrtli DMrlct Mis. M. Ilrtisor , Cnliiinbns ; Mis. l.oona Ivoarns , Mnad ; Mis. y. T. Atonic. Krumonl : Mrs. U. 13. WycKolV , Wuhoo ; MIM. Mtiry Wulls , Maullun : Mis. Kiiiina Ulddell , David City ; Mrs. L. M. 1'ooK. Cl.il ks ; Mrs. II. ,1 , Gollo ; MtmloGiovo ; Mrs. S. M. l.uo. Wuhnu ; Mrs. L. May- ' ' ' ' " ' ' - . . . Nmth lioiidi Mrs.'A.'u.'ila'ird"'c'oiitral C ty : Mis Laurii Camp. Ashland : .Mis. Maty \\utson. llolluootl ; Miss licity Lott , Suiiirlso ; Mrs. 11 L. Doan , North Bend ; Mrs. II. 13. t'hmop , \ alpainlso , fifth tllstrli-t , Mis , M. S. I'titimm , chair man ; Mr.1 N. IJllI , Kdeur ; Mrs. AI. M. Tnrnor , Titiinhull ; Mrs. T. M. Wrlyht , 1'alr- inont ; Mrs 1' . U. Juntx. , Tohlas ; Mis , I' . A : I'ulini'r. I'nlrHuld ; Mis. H. 1) . Andersen , Dowitt. Mlnnlo Skeeh , Hardy ; Puvcnport. Sixth District Mis. I * S. rortrnson , York ; Aim. Knto B. Nnrlhiip , orl > ; Mrn. Carilu lleiild , Os cola ; Mrs. t' . A. Yunhorii , Stnuns- \ } \ \ \ SMrs \ , I.Iz/lo Hlckman , tiovvuid ; Miss Mnttln Woolvvaril , Sovvurd ; Mrs , Annlo Down- In ! . ' , Wiieu ; Mra. Thomas llarKnr , Ilonudlct ; Mis. A I'oddlns , York ; Miss Wlnfied I'urun- aon. Yoik ; Mrs. Carrie Bowles , Mllford. hovonth District Mrs. Mary Y.Wnod , I'onoa : AIiM. No'llo ' Murr , Allen ; MIH. Kiln MuQiillkuii Sprinu-Hunk : Mrs. Union N. ( irllhth , CrolRh- ton : Mrs. A , M. Hlkhart , ijtantnn ; Mrs. Kuto I'lilhl , O.ikdalo ; Allss Mlnnlo llruvvn , OaUkalo ; Mrs. O. A. Wyokuir , Tlldcn ; Mrs. Kucliuul liiiinin , Hiirln Hum ; . Clshlli District-Mrs , f , . 13. Ilalloy , Oovvloi ; Airs. L. S. C Braliullold , Itud Cloud ; .Mrs. .Me- Alllilur. Mrs , i < , II. C.issol , Hustings ; .Mrs. J L. Hay/lott , Kcnosaw , N'lnih District -Mis. II. II. OrolT. chilrman : Airs. A II Smlili , Diiiilphan : Mrs. 13. J. Curtis , lir ind Uland : Mm. 1C. M. Hi > ndorson , Allilon. Ti'iith Dlstili-t Mrs. I * O. llruwn , eliulrinan ; Mis. I'.va Ui'lmur , llroUcn llinv ; Mrs. It. J. Loi'khtut , Iliiikon How ; Miss Alary A. Klnloy , Koitinuy. MIM Band , Kournov. iiovuntil : DlstrlotMrs A. Wlloy. chairman. Hartley : Mrs , L. Kinsman , llcitvur City ; Mis f-nriih If. Olinstuail. Hemllov ; MrNutUu Duty , Wuiiut.ii Miss Olio Aicl'eak , Wilson- vlllo , Tuolfih District-Mrs. Dtistln , chairman ; Mrs. L. H. Illuukbiirn , Atklnsun ; Airs , .1 p AlantlcU , AliuHorth , Mrs. Laur.i I'ntnum , Ptuarti Allss Hello Wisdom , Inman ; Mrs. O. AI. Leader , Chadron. .Mrs. Lonvltt'H Mrs. Mary Clement Lcavltt , who has been around the world ns a Women' Christian Temperance union missionary , spoka last night nt the First Mothodlst church to n largo nudlcuco , The lady Is thoroughly in formed with regard to the work of enlighten ing nnd reforming heathen nnd pagan na tions nnd particularly with reference- the progress nnd need of temperance work among the pcoplo of nearly every nation on tlio fnco ot the globo. Her address was thoughtful , earnest nnd masterly. It was exceptionally frco from acrimonious and vindictive assertions. The lady impresses her audiences as being n thor ough Christian woman possessed of an over mastering doalro to carry truth nnd purity to all the pcoplo that Inhabit the earth. KveryhiHly ivnou'4 that nt this season the blood is filled with Impurities , tlio accumulation of months of close conllnotncnt in poorly ventilated stores workshops nnd tenements. A Utilise Impuri ties anil every trace of scroful.i , salt rheum , or other diseases may bo expelled by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , the host blood purifier over produced. It Is the only medicine of which " 100doses onu dollar" is true. The stiitomont in ln t evening's Worlil-IIoriihl und Uii : : Hint tlio purl- net-ship existing between Henry A. Kustiniin nnd Thonins t' . Ilrainnrd in the hotel business in Omaha , Nob. , hntl boon dissolved is incorrect nnd without nny nuthority whntovcr. THOMAS i , ' . DKAIXAUD. WOltKS OF 'JHIOVO.MKN. . MiHslonury Society of the Imthcrnii Cliuruh in Active Session. The sosslon yesterday morning of the state society nnd of the Woman's Homo nnd Foreign Missionary Society of the Nebraska Synod of the Lutheran church Was taken up by the reports of oftlcori and standing coinmtotcs , reports of the dele gates from the branch societies. The report of the treasurer showed re ceipts during the year amounting to $ .VJI..V > , with disbursements amounting to $ TiiJ.ir. ( ! Tlio momboiship is 'A" . and the reports showed that tlio society and its branches throughout the state is in n nourishing eon.ii- tion. tion.Tho The verbal reports made by the delegates from the various branch societies showed an encouraging condition existing in the affairs of thj woman's sociotv. The resolution proposed bv the synodical committee was adopted as follows : "Koiolvcd , That each auxiliary society nnd young people's society shall bo limited to two voting delegates , and that each chil dren's bind shall bo toproscntca by its super intendent or leader. " Following the reports of delegates , came the prayer service led by Mrs. Kimmol of To- kamah , the subject being "rompornncc. " Following this was a gcnor.il tiisctission , during which many suggestions wcro made concerning the USD of milo ho.xes. At noon the ladies were regaled at lunch prepared in the parlors of the church by the members of the local society , The afternoon session was opened by the usual devotional exercises. Mrs. Urifllth , the dolcuato to the general convention held at Canton last May , presented her report , making mention of everything of interest to the missionary workers. A paper on "How Shall We Train Our Workers ! " was nronarcd bv Mrs. 1'iinl Horsh of Omaha , and read by Mrs. .1. S. Octwoiler. Mrs. C.V. . Baker of Auburn road a p.ipor entitled "How Shall Wo Train Our Members ? " The discussion was closed by Mrs. .r. W. Kimmcl reading a paper on "How Shall \Vo Train Our Committees ! " These papers had all been carefully pre pared , and the largo audience enjoyed thu discussion. A missionary society in session and led by Mrs \V. A. Pike of Lincoln , occupied the next hour. The ide.x wns to show Just hewn n well organised mission society should bo conducted. Greetings from Kov. H. II. Wobcr and Kov. S. U. Uarnitz were road and after n short prayer service conducted by Mrs. O. II. Albright ot Lincoln , the session ad journed. The beautiful church was well filled at the evening session , which was opened by an organ voluntary by Mr. Oscar Goodman. A great white banner was stretched in front of the organ loft , on whicn was p.ilntad a tabulated statement of thu work of tno Lutherans in all lands. The totals showed that iS,9J ! , " > ministers were engaged In to.ich- ing the Lutheran doctrines , with -10,000 charches and no , I O.ftiS baptl/od members. A bible ready by Mrs , O ear M. Kastorday nnd an essay bv Mrs. W. L. Komsbcivr o'f Uontrico , entitled "Improvement for Christ vs .Self-Iinprovomont" were the principal features of the service. Today tno convention will hold throe sessions - sions and llnish up their work. J'nrcntH Kcutl This. July nnd August nro anxious months for mothers who carefully watch over their little ones. Hot days nnd frequent chunges of temperature are liable to produce cholera mortms. How satisfactory it should bo for pnri'iitstoknow that Ilallur's I'aln I'.ir.iljv.cr is both a pleasant and ofToctivo romcdy for all summer complaints. It soothes and ro- llovcs all pain and griping and always effects a complete cure. e J. J. Johnson & Co. have removed their coil : olllco to ± 20 S. 15th street. The riorno Mutual Insurance coin jinny ot California , a joint stock compuny , one of the oldest nnd strongest of the Cnli- fornin companies , will outer the sUttus of Kntioiis nnd Nebraska under the man agement of Mr. F. W. Young at Denver , Colo. , ns soon ns the necessary papers , now on the way , can bo lilod with the in- btiranuo departments. I1A.1CVUST KXCUIISIOXS SOUTH. Via the U'nlKihli It. U. On September 20 the Wai-ash will sell round trip tickets good for , ' ! 0 days to points In Arkansas , Toxiii , Louisiana , Tennessee , Mississippi , Alabama and Georgia. For rates , tickets and full in formation call on or write. G. N. CLAYTOX , Agent , 1502 Farnnm st. , Omaha , Nob. Homo VlHitorH * lOxctirslons , The lines of the Western I'assongor asso ciation resolved not to join the Central Trafllo association in making reduced rates for homo visitors' excursions to points In Michigan , Indiana nnd Ohio , but ono by ono they nro mooting competition of outsldo linos. The object of the western roads In refusing to join In tnoso excursions was to avoid ilomor- nlUatlon , The Indicitlons nro thnt they will have the domoraliratlon without any protlt as it is now too late to bring the pcoplo out by an announcement of low rates. The reduced rates will undoubtedly apply from the Missouri river , but there Is no probability of the reduction extending west of that line , us the trausmlssoiiri association decided against tlio making of such rates on the ground that the western association hud rotusod to adopt them. o Our i ) lor the Drink llntitt. Tno John Holiday Kmnody company , of Hurlnigton , la. , cuarantues to euro thu drink habit and dvpsomanm. Homo treatment. Komody Hiiro. Ingredient ! ) harmless. I'cr bottle , postpaid , with full directions , I'ino. No testimonials published , and correspond- cneo kept inviolate.Vo have used our own medicine. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , HE HAS LIVED FOR IRELAND , Michael Davltr , the Champion of Hotua Kulo Visiting in Omaha. RECUPERATED ON THE PACIFIC COAST Ills Hrokcn Health Mended by FVcc- UOIII'H Invigorating ; llrec/.cs I'lcnHnnt Clint on Ills I'cr- sontil A mi Irs and 1'liuin. Miclmcl Davitt , tto great Irish clminplon is In the city , the guest of Thomas Hrciinnii Mr. O.ivltt has been taking n rest , nuclei orders from his physician' , and is now on his return to Ireland to renew the light foi the roliuf of an oppressed people. The distinguished agitator accorded n Her representative an midlcnco yesterday after noon. Ilu stated that lib vacation hud done him a world of good , and ltuluc.1 ho showei it , although ho ' la by no menus a picture o health and vl0o'r. It Is hardly probable that ho ever will be , as his incarceration of nlno long yunrs In jail and the vigorous worn o : the host years of his llfo In the Interests of the Irish pcoplo liavo sadly undormlncd his former robust constitution. "Wticn I left Iioland , the 1st of last May , " ho said , "I know that the place for mo was on the Pacific co.ist. I had boon there be fore , so the result has not surprised mo. I have devoted my vacation to absolute rest , and have made no addresses and taken no part whatever In politics. Thcro is nothing of polltic.il importance attaching to my visit hero. I am simply on my way home , and stopped here to see my old friend llrunnan and give the children a chance to rest , as the trip is a long and tedious one. Thcro Is no ono \\lth mo but my wife and two children. I will bo ready for vork as soon ua 1 reach homo , and will again buckle on the harness for the coming campaign. Next year Is the general election , anil of course it will not , bo isnown until the lust moment \ \ bother the election will bo held In the spring or fall. That rests entirely with Ijord Salisbury , and bo will un doubtedly dissolve parliament when ho con siders the outlook the most favorable for the success of Ms psrtv. Homo rule will of couiso tie the princiiial Issue , and I expect to see Gladstone returned. The idea is strengthening with the British pcoplo that homo rule is not only better for the Irish , but for the interest of the English people as well. " "How about Irish immigration is itdimin- ishing1 } "It is , from necessity. Thcro aren't ns many to come. Wo want to keep our people at homo. Tha heavy emigration" the past lew years has been mostly from our young people , those to whom , had they remained llieto , wo would have looked for our increase in population. " "Uy the wav , this Isn't your lirst visit to Omaha , Mr. Davittl" "Ob , no. This is the third time I have boon here , and I want to say that I see a surprising change since my llrst visit hero in IhbO. I was also hero in 1S > S . The representatives of the Irish pco plo who have been hero have no causa to complain of their treatment. Omaha has done much for Ireland. Your people have treated us most hospitably and we have been treated with the utmost fair ness by the picas of this plionomliml city. Ves , I luivo jood reason to remember Omaha , for during a former visit here I lay llatonmyback for twcnty-ono days , very sick with n fover. Indeed , it was noiuini ! but the cnioful nursini ; I received nt the Croigliton house , and the skilllul attention of the doctor that brought mo through alive. "I must run down to Lincoln in the mornIng - Ing and see Mr. John Fitzgerald. I wouldn't feel right to bo so near him and go back to Ireland without calling on him. " "When do you continue your journey i" "Tomorrow nicht wo leave hero for the cost. 1 am sorry that I can't say anything that would bo of interest to Tun BBI : read ers , but I nm not luclurinir , as I told you be fore , nor submitting topolitlc.il interviews at tills tinio. 1 came hero to rest , and have kept out ot everything like political activity at the imperative direction of my physicians. No , I don't suppose I am go ing buck for another term In jail , but I must confess that during the past few years I have felt sometimes as if I would rather enjoy a short confinement , though I don't want another nine years' siege. "I would have been glad to moot my many friends hero ' ' ald Mr. Davitt , "and I would like to no n inombcrctt to them. " Ho cordially extended his loft hand at parting , ana the breeze significantly Hut- tered the empty sleeve upon the other side. Good Cooking Is ono of the chief blessings of every homo. To always insure good custar.ls , pudilincs , MIUCO , etc. . use dull Bordcn "ICngl " Brand ( Jomdensod Mill : . Directions on tie label. Sold by your grocer and druggist. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty Eatlnff. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness , Nausea , DrowBlncsg , Dau Tastoft In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Pain tn the Sldo , -JTuuriu javiut. They regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE ! DOCTOR Those C'olcbiitcd WEIR'S Pills arc a 1'otUli e Cure tor MeL I Cunttlpatlun. ftniull , plcnu. * unt and n fuTorllo \ lth the * luillcK. Soil 111 Knflf\ni | for Is.- I Hit , In America fur ! 2. < - . Get- Ihtm frum jour Pru Uts , cr- wna to U. II , I'.OOtl'.ll A > . , ; I'or S.ilo tjy KUUN & CO. ami SIIHU- MAN .t McCONNHUj. Omaha From the ! "Pacific Journal. " "A it liivoutlon lias Iici-ii inailn liylr. Tutt t Neiv York. Jin lias proilnccil nlilcli linlit ( ! ftnntnro tn ) irrrrrtlonltiirlH ; ) iistiiitiiiH'iiinlj-aiiillsiiTfri'tlj : liiirinlcio. . ' i'rlco , SI. ) Hh , at ) & 41 1'nrk 1-lnco , N. Y "THERE ARE MOlllES - IIX I ? l LJr f I nyllMnrmvol ra ! i l , W l t D'it ) , Fllo , Moll , " , Ditllit , Anil , tU s n < l ! h r f. ttl. pr tinv them ttont * by LUID | | ) ( BM lUllY'S MlirllUH CANHIK.S In tour Itomi. CU..U , Kiln , , Ac DM BH liyKY'S IIYIiRONArillllllL I'AS- TILLLS ( ur con.'iuUtu.likiQu. | SvU Vy ill Prvul.u. FOR MEM OHLY lyur Kr lorfJ , Tarli loUrgfU. | ii t tl t fouiii ) poUUt * cut * . Irtiliiliifr > f lid th rccit-t ( ie tfli | ) Hi I K to any iuf * ( rrcr. ISo liumbuif , tut a relutlf , r tno - iicutcurt AJJitii J. 1) . UUUat , UtM , Midi. [ iwentions , 'leetti without plati'i , removably lrld.e ; worU. "lr ) Thruiti. murtrn's Dttunt. " .No dropping diirtii of pluti1biti ; nnytliln you like ; teeth rci.vlii llrni lust tnu thinfi > r inlnlhUrs. I nvvin un t pu'ilif ' sn a < .or I'r tea a littln n > < ro than r > 'i' ' r Iin M , n Him n-.ir'i of all Dr lUiluy I' < > t s ins UIPII > K r 1:1,1 toUuMihti KilKii'i- ' ty ulllcu. tlurJ lluur 1'txtou bioi u , l' tiii. KICK MAW "There's only n few of us loft. " It's characteristic of rich mon lobe saving * Thnt's the wny they got In thnt condition. ' Toclny wo of'-rllii-co hundred silk and wool Sack Suits of a fifteen dollar value ( you'll be five dvJvu's richer when VOU bUy ono ) at POOH , MAN. This weeK wo offer nt special snlo three hundred Snck Suits in flood , serviceable mnterlnls , n suit thnt you will look Illco a millionaire In , and forgot your poverty at BEGGAR MAN. Whether it's necessity or Inzlnoss thnt prompts you to follow this peculiar prpfoa- ! prpfoaso sion and beg enough cold cash to ten-dollar suit . You'll . , , try , , . buy n - ol us. look so swell you'll get proud nnti gO to VVOIC | > 'rlo ] value is fiftcon and tlio price THIEF. No man can safely pursue kleptomanlactlvlty ( hurt your jaw ? ) unless ho bo well dressed. Buy a now suit of us this week and you'll find business "picking up. " The price ? That's DQCTOB , . Your pntlonts don't want you to come inton sick room with thnt old suit on. If you don't buy n new ono pretty soon your' pntiont-3 will qet out of pntlonco txncl you will bo out or patients. This week you can buy n fifteen -dollar suit Tor LAWYER , If your aim is to rise so you cnn stand on the top round of the ladder of fnme don't try it with shabby clothes on your bnck. H won't work. Ono of our silk nncl wool sacks will boost you up another round. Tnis week they're MERCHANT. If you're n business man it's hardly necessary to cnll your attention to the neces sity of dressing well. Silk nncl wool business suits this week at our store go for CHIEF.No No matter whether you nre Chief of Police , Chief Clerk of the Weather , Chief of some noted tribe of noble red men or "chief cook and bottle washer" in some hash emporium , we urge you to take n-tvantngeof our grentsaleof Sack Suits tins week ot THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY CIIVPS all dfeonlrrs of Iho Stomach , I.her , Howe ! * , Klilcnys 1'liiiWer , NCTVOIH sonsc , IjOjs uf ApuoUtc. Hun Inclic. Constipation , CostivciKS ) , liiligesll m , ness , l'cior , 1'ile * , I'tc , , nnil rcuJors the system less liable to contract HAT\VAY'S PIfjJ/3 nro cure for this complaint. They tone up the Internal i-'orotlons to faiths' action , nxtoro itrunzth to the itnm.'itih , ' 111(1 ( on i'lu ' ) It t > nurfnnii In fuutlu-j- " . I'rlcp'J'cn bov. Sold by nil druggist * , or mulled by KADWAY & CO. , Hi Warren Street , Now Voile , on iccolptof price. Iionvoa a Hellenic nml T.uitlni ; Odor After r ! ne. IfunnWo topromroStrANDovIlET.ri BO.AP Fond ZJ IH Mumps mid receive ucalia by return mail. JAS. S. KBRK & CO. , Chicago. RI'nniAT. . Fhanrton HollB Waltz ( the pop- nlarSociety'nltz > pent I'Kni : to nnvono Bond ing uuthreo wrappornof Bhnmlnn Hclla&o.ip. SiTid lOo in etutaim for sumplo bottle S/wmlon / VMs 1'trjume. Harper'sMagazine FOR OCTOBER. Cairo iti Uy Con tn-icc FoniinoroVocilson. . Part First Handsomely llliibtratcd. The best nncl most interesting description of the Egyptian Capital , yet written. The Art Student's League of New York. Hy Dr. .John C. Van D Uo. Illustrated from drawings by pupils of the bdiool. A Couriers Ride. Written anil Illustrated by Frank I ) . .Mil.'ot. Glimpses of U'estern Architec ture. St. Fnul ntul Minnenpolis. Ity Mont- . Illustrated. Common-sense in \\y \ Helen II. ( I'anlrnw. A brief popular pa nor on borne of the recent triumphs of practical surgery- Plantagcncl London : the People. y Wnltcr Ill-Mint. Illustrated. An in teresting oxpohiliou of the trades , oc cupations , amusements , festivals , and homo life of the people of modhuval London. Charlis Dick fits Letters to Mlkic Collins. Second Installment , treating of Charles Dickon's Sojourn in Paris la the winter - tor of 1865-00. 186500.FICTION. FICTION. AN UNFINISHED STORY. Ily Ulch- nr.I llnr.llMg I .nls. A I.KUUNI ) OF SONOKA. ) IMIui'fiir.lo { Hiintliorne. -AN IMPKUATiVK DUTY. Hy IV. 1) ) . Hotu'lU. Pnrt Four. PKTKK IHKTSt N. Written nml IlIus'nitDil by ( Ji'iii'b'o Da .Mmirlur. Part Five. POKM& rilY WILL I1F DONK. Hy .lolin Hay. INTBUPHKTKI ) . Hy Anllim \V. \ Wriy. I'ho usual KDITOUIAL DF.PART- MKN""S , conducted b ) ( iourgu William Citi'lK , William Dt-an HuuclU ami ( 'harloDiulky Wnnii-r. riioUTKHAHY NOTKS by Liinroiito lltilton. Subhcrlption prioo ? 1 per year. Harper & Brothers , Publishers , Nuw York City. AMUSEMENTS. fvw " ] ; , ; ! ITf ! ' TlinrsJay , Sept. n faATl'ItDAV. IN ii Illustrated with Mngnlfluont Pi'cnlc KlVeets nncl Koullstlo Not u. tics liiulmllns FOUR INFANT CHORISTERS , A 23ITHSR QUARTET - ANII \ - MAMMOTH CHURCH ORQAN. 1'rlcci Puiqtiot niiil inrqiiet circle ? 5o : uid $1 : b.ileony fiO.1 mid T. > e ; jriilUiy'f. ' . HoN sliuots opun Wednesday iiininlns. A teach V.tturil.iy Matinee until furtli > r nntloo tlirro nil ) bo iMuauntod two piln of line Opur.k dlas c3 , 1. k'lliL'3 uicli : , to tliu holders of aunt tlukuti. 1-ARNAM STRHIiT TIIIiATHR. One Week Coiiiiiu > iiriii with Simiia ) Jlnt- iucc , Scut.0. . The Cient Altislcal Coniody , OJHB.B.K. . . . Hntlioly Now..StioniirIli'ttirTliiii ! : Kvor. 1'opular price * . . 1"'C' , J.'ic' , IWe , 5Jo , TJC. Miitlnuo AVe < lni's < lay and S.itcudity. BATTLE ! HETWI.I'N MAN AND HORSE. THIS THURSDAY NIGHT. Omaha Guards Armory. C'.ipllol Avc. , bc'twccMi Kill ncl Hlh St . Prof. Norton B. Smith Will litindlo and mibdno Ilu ; famous Imported French Sta io" : > , Prod Lament - mont , Oivnod by Mr. l' . r. Mm i III. Ho i ° nlno yo.irs old anil him iicvur DOOM liar- liohso I ol ilriM'n. ANo 0 wild \lrloils hoi-i" , (1. ( A liiancl Strncclv. Mini \ " llniso. lion't miss tMscoiitost. Adinlsiloii ii'in. Itusc'iM'il heals , Me * . Hut ( illlci ) upon ilui liu- the ilay for the hiilu Of IC"-OI\ll ! hOICtl. No I'Xtia I'lriln'CI. GRAND Opera House T srr. 27111. 2 PcrforiiUHCCs Matlnco ill" l"i Mn-liL utHI.- : , it UNCLE'S DARLING- A Romanoajf Alaska , I'rlccs'IP. . Me and , V ) cents , ! 100 ( 'noil rc-.or\I'd si-it's fur i-'ir. c-aeli. T A UNA r's-i-KTirr : FnTvriJi. : : Ono wcolc cumiiiuiicliu Sunday Supt. ' . ' 7 , EILEEN OPERA CO. In the all Amuiluan ( Jnurn El I LA EX JEX M. 00 people In I ho cast -SO I'lipnliU' prlcus IV , ' . ' - , : tjr and Me , DIME EDEN MtJSEE I'ormir Ilth and I'limim Hlrci-ls. CHI. O. II StUUIMtldui lliiKiriirirshiuill.UKl Uulilf with his fuiiMin- mill Afik-aii iulk- > . AI.I.IH IIAMII/iON , ( urn.Hint Till ! LINKS "ketch Arll-u UUSTu.N l\Cl.l M IUUM rf | HI , In Tull > i > UJ I uiiifctl ) lirniim. ' THUl . Dl , V' < > I ION. " AilmlHi'iiN Duo Hlii 0ji | n li.ilij from In I I i P in- nvituIl.liii.iKv > Kjuei liuml. UO v t ' ' - MOORE'S Lonvcnwortli , Kan. , 0-lo-90. Dr. J. D. Mouro My Dour Sir' I hnva been subject to sk'fc hcndncho all my lifo. Over two yetirs itfjo 1 beuan UH'ng Mooro's Tree of Lifo for it , mid I have never had : i ease of siclc buadiiolio since , except when I was at ono end of the road and the mudicino nt the otlir on d. It is worth inoro than inuiioy to mo. I heartily coiniuoiKl It to all sullerlug with side hoaclaoho. Yours trulv. \V. 15. K'iLR , Pastor First Baptist Church. Stooro'j'l'roo of l.lfo n ponltlfo corn for KltlnoT nil l.lror Coiuplilnt mil all l > ul tfliu i 0) . Dosilt pay CoiiilMr wltun ) oil cin uralDr mill. Moora'l Trocluf I.lfJ. thuOruiL l.lfj Ho in It ! DOCTOR " "McGHEWj T1JK SI'MOlALklST Sixteen Voirs ICtporlcnca In tlio Troitmsnt of I forms of Skin llHl'i-in ninl I'oiiinlH IMioiuu l.uilloj from 2 to 4 only. Truitiiionl liy uirriHiomloii | > OUico , M and K.iruxu Sti. , Onuiha , Neb , Kntr.uiLO un iMtliur utruat _ _ _ . T. M.I. IV .OI Kt ll-h OKII.VrAU oitHAM , ( in M.UJIC u , nr.u i iriin. : " ll niitii'M Tun , Piiniil , ii , Krrck- II-K , VI , th I .iLliwIUi-linnilBkla 11 in ry Mi mi ? ! * on . l iiuiv , ami ikr lil I" "I'll. It li u < il thu tirl of 10 tfllN. lntl I M 10 llUI 111) ) , 1,1 , H lllktOlfl tolKltllllllllKITOIV . . . . r , nut , ifi 1C of Minlliii iiiinif. Drlu A hulll "in ! to A ' irilii'liiut ton . . . . .immiml Mlou * rnnil1 ! ! ! it.iii nMli * ltiu > tlinilllful t'f * H Ilio kln | niiir | - HOIK" Kiii liior All | llUlsWlsIS bill ijthi y < ioutH IH& tm In tliu I'lilt. * ! Mfttv * CanAilnH nml I unlii1 IHlli.1 IIOi'l.'I H I1 ! in r tr lii. il Jonn Kt N. T. _ _ sqnppL3AND toERICANCONSERVATORYOHIOAGOf , riuriirniomii , imiiA i'viik > 'iM H. Ill lu. I th.i i.l Mull. In. n .1.1 in . | . ' r ii > 'IrilB hue sciooi un.uii.m4 | J J. iii J. i'v lltrinrtLUI f v ! ' : : ? ' , ' - lilrilUr ' ' , ' * SCHOOLSJJt WEHTWOBTH " AP'i'IST FEMALES "B Mil. ( VlU ytiOcjfni l IHh. 1514 ELIZABETH AULL SEMINARY , A < Iriitlinllomerih'ol for 10 Yuunc Ladle j n n x.i I JOI-MI eilntntlonl l.luiilne tlutlc * ilie > Cjmrltlc U | I o * Ulcr . l J I ) ,