Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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All Evidence of the S. V , White Failure
Swept Away ,
QitnntlllnH of lDi\tt \ U'licnt
Thrown on the .Market Cnuwcil
Home Very
Iluni' Scntlinciit.
OntCAno , 111. , Soot. 22. Tlicro was no evi
dences In any trailing pits this morning nr In
fact ( lilt-lux tin ) moil of the session , of the
crash with which S. V. Whlto .t ( 'o. . wont
clown yesterday. In fact ( luring a Rood portion
tion of thu nosslon both who.-it anil corn were
itrong. Aflor opening lit , or above yestor-
tlay'H closing prices tlicro were advances
until Iho prlro rencho'1 ' wcro nbont thosn pro-
ralllni' before the Whlto fallnro. Thun cnino
a period of ( Inline" ) and weakness and finally
RHlumpIn which marked doellncs were recorded -
corded , knocking off nil the previous ml vancos
anil more , anil thu close In all of the articles
dealt In nn the floor wa at or near tbo bottom
tom jirli'cs at thu day. Provisions nnllko the
Corcii1 'oro weak throughout the session.
li ! iilior whi'at , which closed ut Wlo yester
day , opened at from 990 to IUV. anil with mori-
minor reactions sold up to il.Oil's , saxged < > IT
InW'iP. ' firmed npsonip , but In the last hour
broke badly tofiS'8e ' , with a fall of 2c accoul-
Ing to tin1 flgutes of the iluy and olosod at the
bottom The H ! imp writ duo to late IOWPT
cables , the weakness In corn and the fact that
the avallablohiippty on both eo'isls had In
creased over : i,001iO ( ) lin. during thu past
week. A good deal of long wheat was thrown
on the market and thn boar ncntlincnl bec'.imo
vorv aggressive. All the lauo cables teported
lower markets abroad except at Antwerp.
Tim trailing In corn was somewhat spas
modic. It opened active , strong and higher.
Tin1 demand was lar-'i-ly for Octooor. and
urlnrlpally from Now York. opening at 4'lvc '
ngalnst Tic , the- closing pi leu yesterday. There
was mi Iriogular advance to.M'nC. ' September
wns ( julct but utrong and sold the saino as Oe-
tobcr In one-fourth of a cent premium against
nno-fonrlli of a centdlsciiuntyesterday. In
the aflrrnoon an iitti'inpt was made to close
out home of Whsto's Hopteiubcr corn Hhlch
was mil liquidated yesti-tday for feat of
furllirrili morall/lng the market. The crowd ,
however , was on the lookout for this inovci
nml sonic of tlic early buyers attempting at
the same time to leall/e llielr pro tits , the ro-
inlt was a decided break , October going down
to 4lc and September receding fioin one-
fointh of a cent promlum toone-elghth of a
tent discount orH'ie. / . but closlnir ul. thu
bottom One feature strengthening tills niiir-
lu-t uas a telegram from Charles Connsolinan ,
who Is now In New Vork , saying thai not a
bushel of cash coin held by the clliiuowlll
come Into the market , but nil will bo bhlppcd
s originally designed.
Oats advanced some oany with wheat and
torn , but weakened later and closed at hot-
torn prices. 1'iovlslons were weak through
out the ness on. cspe'-lally during the last
hour , but llrmod up n llttlo at the close. Com
pared with yesterday's final figures , porlt
shows a losstof K'io ' ; lard from lOc to KiJcj
ribs from lOo to 1'J'Jc. '
The leiining futures l.uinod as follows :
September. . I 7K
I > eccmbir. . . m ?
Sluy 1 W
COIIN No. 2 Wm
fjeplcmber. . m BOM
October 4'Jln J'.i 4'.I '
Mny 4a > 42 > fi
OATH -No. S 4azr.TC
September. . zr.T-C
October 161 ! <
Slny 30JJ
Jlos 1-oiiK
Oetobcr. . . . . 10374 10 37'l ' ! 10 ITU ,
Decembnr . . 10 lA IU li7'- 10 SIJ lu ; CL
Jnniinry. . . . 12 12 V 'i
October I ! 80 I1BO c r.71- fi 70
December. . . li K ) I1 , < JU n w n MI
.Iiinn.iry. . . . 7 ( W 700 C'JU ' u w
Clctuber r M
November. . i > ' .11
Jaiuiury. . . , ( i 7ft t ; K >
Cash quotnllons were as follows :
l''l.oun htoadv and unchanged.
AViuiAT No. stiriui : ; No. 3
prlng wheat , H7Sb7sc ( ! ; No. ! ! red. We.
COIIN No. J , 4Uc.
OATH-NO. P,2iHfftai'e ; No. ' , ' whlto , 'JS3' e ;
No. II white , "aiiiSi'/ ' .
HVK No. a. Me. ) '
UAiu.nv No. 2iCc : No. 3 f. o. b..47jfic ( ; No.
i f. o. b. , , 'lh-aise. -
FI.A.X.SEI : ! ) No. 1 , O'UJc.
TIMOTIIV SIKII : I'rlinc. tl.l"lI8.
1'oilic Mess pork , per bbl , JlO.OOiJIfl.O.'i :
lard , per ewt. . $ ( ! .7U ; short ribs sides ( loom ; ) .
KU ii7.0" > ; shoulders ( hn\c > il ) . I.G2iaC7i ! short
Clear sides ( bo\cdl. $7.7tffi7.MI. )
WIIIHKEV IUllller.s' llnlshud goods , per gal ,
* 1.1 is
SUIIAH Cut loaf , iincliangcd.
Receipts mid shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the I'roduco o.vchango today the butter
market was oasler : fancy creamery , 22'i(5 ( >
EJ' ' c ; wcsturii , 20322c : solnotoil dairy , Kttl'Ju ;
urdln.iry. 13QHic. Kggs. I7i'i@l8'ic.
New Vork 'Markets.
NEW YOIIK , Sept.2.1. Ki.ouil Receipts , 23.M7
packages ; experts liW : ) barrels , 1,1,5 sacks :
inaikct unchanged and onsy ; sales , 2:1,200 :
liarrelst low extras , nikVTM..l ' ; fair to fancy ,
14.25,1,5.05 : Minneapolis clear , il.2.Vit4.iO ! : Mln-
ntupolls natuiits. tl.iufflj.c,0 ! : wlntor wheat ,
Jew grades , Ulitl 25 : U'ltonts. * I.V ! > SJ5 25 :
Uralghts , JI.US5.2i ( ( ; iyo mixtures , ; J..4VSI K\
WIIIIAT ICvcvlpts. 2ir- : ) u 1m ; o.iports , iuy,750
im ; sates , : ifi-NOiUbu ) of futures : 3I2.UJO bu of
root. Spot market lower : modoratuly actho ;
Trie sellers : No. 2 rod , SI ( )3'4 ) ' In store and olo-
vatoi : ll.OI'iMl.Ki' , alloatj tl.OI'B@l.07'4 f. o.
K ; No. 3 led , Jl.tO : iingradod red , twl5cafl,07" :
No. I northern , Jl.OS" ! 1 , : No. 1 hard to ur-
rlve.ifl.ijUi. Optionsopcnud 'l ' o lilghor on
bullish ut'htcrn leports that thcio was no dry
wuatlmrln the iioithwest-alTectlng the winter
wheat Mil-ding ; declined IVM'iO on lo\\cr c-a-
Idrs ana i-ll'ortsof foiolgnors to resell cargoes
lioiojtilosod steady ut 'iftliio ' under vustur-
iluy and moderately active. No. 3
red. t-eptomher , fl.DU OI.OO , closing
I.H > 4 : Octoher. Jl.OU , , closing ll.OI'ii '
Nimimbcr. * l.ilii ai.u7'J. closing Jl.00\i lo- )
comher , Jl.i.734ii4l.uO -lt. l ( . closing $ | . ( S ; .Jan
uary. 11.00' , ® ! 10 * ; , closing jl.oti'i ; l.'obruary . ,
rj'lill'F1'1111-1'- ' " * . Closing Sl.iiU : March ,
tU.ttl.14. closliigl.ii : : May , II.I3HOI.I5 S. clos
ing 71.1 Pp.
1U f I nsettlcd and lower : wcstorn. 075ji\
| . - - r : No. 2 , Mllwaukci- 74o.
llynK MAi.T-Oaitadaconntiy made , Jl.OJ
CiMiv-KcoctntR , K\W \ > hu ; o.xports. KX )
bu ; ( ales. 11,7(1 ( hu of futures ; 33I.OJO hu.
nf spot. Spot markol llriimr , nearly actlvo-
a 2 , iiOffl-jtl'ioliiolovator ' '
: 5'JUillca'lloat : tin ;
graded iiilxed fiQilo | ; No. 2 whlto file.
Options linn , eorly at un advance of 'ao tol'.o ;
as a ruuctlon f mm yestuiday's doprosslon , bo-
ciiino dull and stonily , 'sffl o olV , closing
, . . . . . . ; n
i. - - . . - j . . * " ' , , . , closing 5Pao ;
May. ( iHttiSIM. ' . olosmg 51 ' e.
OATS Iteculpts , ioi , 50 hu ; exports , 31
ll.liuS.llt-'s' ! ! ft'-f-OOo hu. of rutiiruH. und
lli.ixn bu of hpot. Spot nunkut llrmor ;
inodcratuly active. Options llrmor , inoilor-
-iA > i , > Vullotl stll ll"l > ' ' W53isood to choice ,
lloi-rt-Kiirty qulot.i stall' , coinnion to choice ,
U'.MkJlllW ( ; f'aelllo const. lU.OIKailI.lJO.
riiiKKB-Oplloiis iiponi-il Hteiuly , 10 to 1.1
polntKi closed steady at U.1 to CO points
clowns siih'H. ( , n.500 bags , InolndlngSoutuiu -
Jit-r. * il.4tK.JU.liij Dctober. OW.HOIS.S'ii Novom-
her , tll.lU'dcll.IH ' ! Decembei , flO.U.iill.93i IVb-
riinry , 1II.IJ ; March , JIU.Otx'Bll.M ; May , III.10 :
. "lu. dull , , iiomliiiili , 'alr cargoes , li'.Mj
i , til.-I. - (
. 'iiAii-ltawIn ' demand : sivlos , f/l | hogsheads
nnd ,1,01,1 hags Muscovado hu test at Ue : l.'bS
liogslieniU und lii'.i ; : IIIIWH bO tidt iit ll-15c :
rollncd tlrni , good denmnil.
ItVK I'lrm
4 Opcneit strong mm advanced
_ . ! . Quiet ,
TAI.I.OW tJcarco , llrm.
Tuni'KNTiM : ( jutut iind oaslor nt 37MC.'lSo.
Kiliis-rirni ! western , SjiaaiSio < ) } ; roeelnta , 0-
8V.1 jiackugi-H.
I'oiiK QulBt. steady ! ohl niesis , HO , "
now mesa , tl'.OivSU'.5J ; c.xtra prime ,
11. A ,
OUT MKITH-Kirmt pickled hollies , Oo ! plok-
U'd tdiDuldem. U' ' ci pltklcd hams , luiilftllc. Kasyi short clear , M'ptcmbcr ,
I.Aiiii-l.mTcr , closing wo.iU ; moderately nc
tlvoi western steam. K.I5 : tierces at J7.07ll 4
T.17 > i ! options ball's , ( UOO tlercos ; October ,
J7.a i,7.r. ' , cloning nt 17,03 tukudi liccombor.
I7.IUJ ] IS , clinlmt ut (7.13 asliOilt January.
U yulot , fuucjr utocdy ! western dairy ,
wnstnrn crcruncry , ir/aao ; noitcrn
factory , IWI.'iUo.
CiiKME-yuleti fnncjr , flrnii western. caSiJcj
part sklniK. 4t7Ve.
I'm IiiD.v-Diili : Atnorlenn. fliS.noam2.V
( 'ori'CiiDull ] flriui lake , Heptomber and
October , * r..4i )
Itnt > Plrnii domestic. < * l. 5.
Tix-Stoudy , inodcrato dciniinil ; straits ,
City Markets.
KANHAH CITV. Mo. , Popt. 2) ) . n.nmt-Ptrnrty
mid nnchithgt'di patent , I'J.iVW..TOj extra -
tra fanuyf . ! io.9&i fancy , Ji.0jaa.l5j choice ,
. „ No. 2 hard. cash. Me bid !
September , no bids ; No. S red. cash , HI'Jc.
uoux ritcadyj No. 'J , cash , 47e ; September.
DATs-Lower ; No. 2 , cash 2.Vio bid ; Sep
tember , lijyo bid.
IlAY-Hteady and goods' timothy , f'.OO :
fancy pr.'ilrle. ! ( UOs good to choice , lo.OOO
5.V > : low grades , { l.uo l M.
llitTTBli-Stoadvand unchanged : creamcrv.
iN'/t''lc ; dairy , I''UICc ; store packed , llttl-c ;
packing , lOiil'.V.
icons Htoadv at Me.
itKCtllT.S Wlieat , 87,400s corn , 2,400i oats ,
Sini'MUNts Wheat , 2,900s oats , none.
MlmifMtpollHVIiont "Market.
MtNNiiAi' , Minn . S-opt K ) . The wheat
market was stoadv with ory small lluctua-
tlons and few trulers on thu hoard. Kvory-
hody except cash sellers were out on
tin- streets getting ready for the great hanulo
and they wanted to In- bill could not got away
until noon when tin-chamber adjourned. December -
comber wheat was lu good supply and lower
with a fair milling. Hlevalor companies
were nliob.uyors. No. t northern oUI mosllv
M'i'ittr.'c. eliHo : No. t northorii , ycntember ,
S'l ' e : October , 90'ie : December , til'ir ' , on
track , Ul'ic ' ; No. 2 northern , on track , 7ic. !
Wls. , Sept 23. rtoun Un-
WilKAT-Qiilot ; No. 2 spring on track , cash ,
WiMOi ! ! Dceomher. IKJc ; No. 1 nOrtliL-rn. ! )7c. )
UniiN Uniut ; No. II. on track , cash , iV.'liJVIc.
OATS-I Inn : No. V. while , on track , Me.
HAIIMV : t-'lrm ; t-ontt-mher. Klc.
ItVK-julet ( ; No. 1 In Hlore , S8e ,
I'llOVIHIoSS yilll-t.
1'oiiK January , { 12.55.
HKi'KM'TS 1'loiir , ir > ,000 ; wheat , C7.000 : bar-
lev. ! )7MO. )
hiiii'MC.NTH I'lour , 10,000 ; n heat , 9,300 ; harley -
loy , I l.bOD. _
Iilvrrpool "Markets.
Ijivriti'ooi. Hept. i.-i : WIIKTQulet : hold
ers otror moderatoly. Callforul'i No. 1. fcs il'jd
( ri'-s 10d ) ior cental : led Western spring. "Jsa
U'/id. '
U'id.COIIN Qulot and lower ; mixed western , 5s
11 ! { d percental.
I < AIIU I'rlmo western , . ' 13s per cwt
St. Ijonis "Markets.
IIOHK-JI .17 .
I.AIIII } ( i.7. " > .
AVlllSKBV JI.13 ,
Tolcilo Grain Slnrker.
TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 23. WHEAT Weak ;
cash. Ui"iC.
COIIN lnll ) ; cash , .Vtc.
OATS Quiet ; caah. ilOc.
Cincinnati Markets.
CINCINNATI. O. , Hout. 2.1. WHEAT Lower
to soil : No 2 roil , ! KVau7e.
COIIN Lower : No. "mixed , OSUoOc.
New YOIIK , Pont. SJ.-Tho determined at
tempt to manipulate the money maiket
yesterday and again this morning , proved a
coniolnto failure. The market this morning
was still uoaK under the pressure to soil from
both hulls and boars al the oponlng , and the
first sales were made at declines from last
ovonmg'.s figures of from ouc-elghth of 1 per
cent to sovcn-elghths of 1 per cent. The mar
ket gathered strength Immediately under the
early demand but later the efforts of depres
sion became folt. Prices .slowly dropped in shares while many scored material de
clines. The downward movement lasted until
well Into the forenoon when money began to
bo odcicd mor : freely and rates oused up to 2
per cent at the close , wlillo there was no lack
of funds to loan at any llmo of the day.
The ( iould Mocks were weak and scored
losses. The buying of the afternoon and
especially the last hour , was very spirited
Chicago opor.itots appearing again In the
market as purchasers of their favorites , and
Iliirllngton , Wheeling & I/ako Erie , I/acka-
wanna and Northern 1'aclflu preferred showed
the greatest strength. The market closed
ac-tlAo and strong at Iho highest prices of the
day. The dual changes are generally frae-
llonal gains , but Atohlson rose l't percent on
a veiy largo business , Iliirllngton l'a jior cent ,
anil. Heading 1 tier cent. Among the low
prlco Hh.iios . , Lake Krlo Ik Woatoru and
.Southern 1'aclflu were especially prominent
for st length , the latter rising 2 per cent.
Government bonds hnvo been dull ami easy.
State bonds have been dull and steady.
Tlio following are ino closing iiuotallons for
Iho leading .stocks on the Now \ ork stock ex
change today :
Northern I'uelrlc pfd 774 Orexon H. U S U. N. . 2i' ,
IMMJimvcr .lUiiir. . 2UMU. | II. W
North * entern . Ull _ | It. ( i. W. ptd _
The total sales of stoelts today were VW.G.'fJ
shuros Inuludlng : Atehlson 7..0.VI ; Canada
clllo Mall. 30.090 ; Klchmond Wust I'olnt ,
( l.(12.-i ( : St. Paul , 44,875 ; Union Pacific , 20,700 ;
Western Union , 4,212.
Financial Itcvlcw.
New YOIIK , Sept , 2.I. The Post says : All
signs point now to tighter money , both hero
and lu I'urono. Tomorrow the llank of Kng-
liind will uuilonhti-dly advancolts minimum
dlHConnt r.ite. Twentv-llvo percent was hid
for call money Just after the olosoof the board
yestcrdny , and this morilng | a uiiind $ lt)00.0 ) n
was loaned In oxchaiuo for (1 ( percent. Of It Is true that the exorbitant rate re
sults from the needs of the brokoisaml operators -
ators who have only second rate collateral to
put up. lint It should bo remembered that
the hoom in the cheap stocks Is blinking into
thoactUo inarkot u largo contingent of ex
actly thU class of borrowers.
Now York'Money Marknt.
NEW YOIIK. Sept. 21. MO.NKV ON OAi.r ,
Kaslcr , raiulng from 2 to R per cent ; last loan ,
1 per cent : closing offered at 2 percent.
PlIIMK MKIKUNril.C 1'AI'Klt 541j7l | ] ICr CCIlt.
STKIII.IMI KxuitNIIKQuiet und Hteiuly at
tl.bO'i for Bl.xty-uay bills und fl.SJli for de
The following were the closing prices on
bonds :
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sept. 23 , Clearings , ( ( , -
NKW YOIIK. Sept. 51. llank clearings today ,
17IMIUS ! ; balances , tO.U77.017.
llAi.TiMour. Mil. , Kept.Hank olearlngs
today , t.MTj TIO ; balanced , jr. " . ' , W. Itutu , Oiicr
1'lllI.AliRi.i-niA , PH. . uupt. KL-llank flouring *
today , lUiXii Kitj balances , t2,20lU74. Money.
4Cll { per cont.
OINCIKNATI , O. . Sept. 23. Money , easy at 0
per cent , New\orU exchange , iJo dUcount.
L'loiirliigs , l.H3iX ; ) , La. , b'cjt 13. Cloarluxn
. . Now York exchange. Me : hank , Mo ;
commercial , II..W per tl , ( > 0i ) discount.
ST. Louis , .Mo. , Popt. 2L-rioitrltiRs : today.
11, balances , } 20. " > ,28I. .Money , 7'iW ' pur
cent. Now Vork exchange. 23o discount.
rillCAOO , III , , Sept. EL Money , 6 per cont.
Hank clearings. fl4.07li.VCl ! Now \ ork exchange -
change , ( We dl count. Hlnrllng exchange weak
at4.M for sixty-day bills nnd sight drafts ,
llosTO.v , Mns . , Hept 23-Ilank cloiirlngs
today. tl8.OdO.ii.Wj baUnocs , Jl,7IHH4. Uutu for
money , 2'4 ' percent : uxoli.ingoon Now Vork ,
I' . " ' , per cent discount per f 1,0JO.
Iloston Htoolc Market
tlosTON , Mass. , Hopt. 2. ) The following were
the elosliu prices on stuoks on Iho Iloston
stock market today :
AlrliisonX TnTn-ka.T"4i ! ' ( Atlantic 154
lli ton \ .Mlnnr . .Ml lio-ton , V .Mont IS1 !
llosloii A Mnlne . ,17'J l Cnlumct , V Hecln..57l
nil , llnr AUiiln. . . | i U Frnnklln \ ' <
Knttern It It. is ! I2I Kenrnarne ! " !
Kltehburglt K . . . 71 ! ( li-eeolft 40
Flint .Vl'ero M M Hiintn Fu Copper. . . . .V.
Flint \ 1'ero 11 pfd HI Tnumraek 17.1
MIIM Centrnl in llojlon Innd Co
Mo * . Con com S7Si ( Hnn Dleuo I.nnd Co ,
N V. AN ling . . . . ll'jVe.l ' Kndl.nndCo.
illitColonr IH7 . Hell Telephone. I6H
WK Central com. . . . VI l.niimon S'tore S
Allolley M Co ( nnw ) . IVi 11 If II r 19
Ijonilon Mtouk .Mnrkot.
. . Sept. 2) ) . The followlnj worn tlio
London stock ' ( notation * closing at I p , m. :
ronsnls iHohcy . ' .u II In Illinois Central IU7' <
Consols nccoimt .VI II li > | .Mexlc nordlnnrr. . . .11' *
U H. l < lain Ht. I'nnl common . . . 7tiU
f H H < nil .New Vorkrcntrnl. . . 1I4H
N V I'0. . Hnts : i'.Hi'eiin-rlviinhi ( | 6ii4
Cnn.idlnn I'nelllc. . . . V. Itendlng 2m
Krle Mex. Cent new la. . . .
MOSEY 'i percent. Unto of discount In the
oiion mnrkot for short bills. 2 * percent ! for
three mouths' bills , 'J per cent.
Hank ol'IOnulaiul Ilnlllon ,
LONDON , Sept. 2 : > . Amount of bullion with-
dr.iwn by the llank of Kngland on h.ilanco
loday , t'127,0XI , lncludliigJL'100,000 United Stales
gold bold by the bank.
PAIIIO. Sept. 2J. Three per cent rontoi 06f
lOc for the account ,
Denver Miinii Stocks.
nF.NVF.ll , Colo. , Popt. 2L Total sales. 1,000.
shares , i'ho following are Iho closliis mining
iiuotallons : _
ofnny. . ' . ' : , illnniilng Lode . 'J' l
Amity . Ji | Wlmlu . IU
llnimkok Corabello i'ji llallnrnt Smuggler. . 10
llntei Hunter . ( i ! Argoniuit . 15
HroHuloir . lU' ' l Illg Indlnn . A
Ciilllopo . li IlllgSU . 7
Cn h . riuinlln.1 . fii ! )
Clay County . 120 | Centiiry . 'M
( Jettynlmrg . 18t < 'Ilnlnond ' ) II . 12 > f
Hold Iliiek . 1,8 Denver Oii \ Oil .
I.cavenudrlh . 'Kmtnom ' . 48
I.lttleltule . 111 ! IliildTreiisuro . 74
Mny Mntcim | | . US .Ironclad . ULg
Mntchlesj . John Jay . 3 5
Ore . 10-I ' .liifltlce . \'iH \
Pay ItocK . 2M Morning lillui .
Piu/ler 2 'nrk Con 15
Heed Natlonnl. . . . 83 Potoal 3
Ulttlto 103
Sun FrnnclMCo Milling Quotations.
SAN I'ltANCisco. Cal. . Sept. 1.1. The ofllclal
eloslnu ijuotatlons for mining stooka today
were as follows :
Now York Allnini ; Quotations.
NEW YORK , Sept. 2.I. The following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
Alice no Homestaku IOM
Acliimi con I'.10 ' HomMlver : io'J '
Aspen 'MO Iron Silver 110
Crown I'olnt l.V ) I'lyniouth 175
Deadwood Hij .Standard 115
Gould A Curry no Union con 2tf
St. IjouiH Miiiliif ; StookR.
ST. I.ouis , Mo. , Sept. sa. Sales In mlnlns
stocks were not very niimorous today :
Adams IVHI I Uontroso I'lnccr. . . . 3- <
American nettle. . . . 2H ! M. llreen 4lli
Artec ft SllveniKO HO
Kllznlictli lfili ( Small Hopes 0. !
crn1ilto ; M S2JO Vuinn 35i
Hope W )
Now York Dry Goods Market.
Niw YOIIK. Sept 21. In the dry coeds mar
ket prints and Klnuhains are Kcttlntf scarce.
Lancastorsfaplo chocks aio advanced to 7)40 )
a yard , In prices may not bo hluhor ,
liut they are not lilioly to ho loner. The jou-
ulnj ; tr.ulo was hottnr today. JJusluoss with
the south shows Improvement.
Havana Markets.
HAVANA , ? opt. 2a. Spanish gold , $2.23 , O
SUIIAH Quiet , yesterday 10.000 haps con-
trlfiiKals. 05 to 0:1 : do rees polarization \\cro
sold utM.UiJ gold peniulntal.
Oil Market.
pur quarter.
Tuiil'KNTlNE Sl'llllTS 2Ss per cwt.
Truilum' Tnlk.
CiiiCAno. lll.Hopt. 2:1. : Cnnnsolman .t Day to
CocKicll llrolhois : The Innvs In wheat inado
an attonipt to hull the market at the opening
Inthofacoof lower foreign quotations and
continued excellent harvostcondltlons on this
side The attonipt to iiaiiuiior was .short
lived , as the second cahlos woio still lower.
Estimated locelpts were liberal , Atlantic
clo.irancex or wheat enl > 451,000 bushels and
llr.idst reel's ronartod blocks Incii'ased
3,08JK)0 ( ) on both coasts. Docoinbor wheat
wasstnhboinly pojKod at yesterday's closing
prices until IIIOSSIIKOS from Now York expected
a losalo of u cargo of wheat Intended for
Franco at u price that netted the xcllcr 7o pur
tm moro than If ovpoitcd. Wlionthe peg broke
the prices slid ilonn and Htoiipcd only
buying against puts. The market hlill looks
wo.ik and Ill > u sullini ; lower tomorrow. Corn ,
llkohoat advanced on liberal Npuuulatlvc-
biiylns for a reaction haco-J on reports that
fanners' dullvorlcs were very light , llecolv-
IIIK houses , however , were frco sellers at the
advance and shippers' orders .sconiod pretty
well tilled for the tlmo holnK. Provisions
started out Htrong with heavy buyIng -
Ing of the October imxlnct by lead-
Idg paokois who afterwaids tunica sellers
for December delivery Inlluonccd hy lurgor
receipts of hogs at western points and weak
siirioundlui ; markets. The weather Is too
hot for nrolltablo packing operations and
local traders put out liberal shot t lines on the
early advance , pressing their advantage as
corn and wheat declined. A fin tlior broaic Is
liable to bring out some good M/od sales by
commission houses on stop oidois.
CmcAO.0. III. , Sopt. 23. Konnott , Hopkins ft
Co. toS. A. JluWhortur : i-omo trudurs who
sold yesterday In expectation that the \\hlto
failure would cause a big break , loasonlng
this forenoon that , uucaiiso It did not decline.
It was bound to go higher , covered their short
contracts and took the long bldo for u turn.
They bought It up to $1.00 for December. 1'lnd-
Ing that late cables came in loner and that
thuro suomcd to bo llttlo export inquiry , long
wnoat began to go overboard In largo quanti
ties. The big boars who have boon bulling
It short on rallies for homo days olTured It
freely and thooloito wasueak al the bottom.
There has been so much sentimental buying
on sensation. . i European advices and no llillo
short Moiling by boars who were afraid to
li'iok ' iholroplnlon thai the spocul.itlvo sltuu-
tlon looks very weak and considerably lower
price * boem proliable. The demand for cash
corn by receiving houses to III ! eastern
and uxpoit orders has boon t > o
hu.ivy for the past twenty-four hours
that a sulJbtantlal ruoovory 8iicecodol : yos-
tuiiluy's bad break , Whan this demand hud
been satisfied there was a lonowud pressure to
sell. It Is claimed that the oxtromuly dry
weather of the past ten days has put the now
crop in Bploiullil condition and that largo
quantities of excellent No. 3 will bo marketed
ne.\t month. It Is believed this will largely
take the placn commercially of old
corn and materially reduce the price
of the latter. The outlook seems to
wairant lower prices for all options.
1'rovlslons have been actively raided by the
boars today , and they encountered so llttlo
opposition as to onconrago a general belief In
still lonur prices. It Is argued that old .stocks
will boon bo practically unsaleable except at
greatly lodticod prices and that boss will bo
marketed moro fruuly as corn declines.
\ \ hetherthlslownftliusltuallonls correct
tlmo will determine , but the general \ > oakiiuss
has discounted holders , and If this should
lead to liquidation wo may got qulto a break
In pit-visions notwithstanding the Indications
of hotter prices later In the season ( or now
Ciuc'.UO , 111. . Snot. 23. Schwartz , Dupoo .V
McCo/mlok to R 0. StuuU > t Co. : Wheat
op < < iii d 11 rm and for an hour wax strong , then
got mill and thuio began to bo felt the o Heels
o ! vt"itorilay'.s failure. I'liblos were weak ,
buslnobi WIIH light , but by all odds the Im
portant mlliiuuco wiis Iho liquid , itlou which
inovltuhly follows the collapse of any Im
portant bull miiiilpulailon. The signs are for
a continuation of thU long drawn out weak
ness , The largo purchases matlo hy corn
khlppors yusterday opened the prlco si rone.
It was teen apparent , houovor , that thu
banks anfl others who had been carrying the
whlto line were holler * . Thu uloso bhowinl the
entlro uilvanco lost.
I'rovl.slons oiened | steady , dually suffered n
severe decline at the close , fork Mnnveil a
Iwnof aoc , lard of K'c. ri > of lOc. Ouihldu
liohleis wuro dlxconraged Dy the ronnlt of the
corn manipulation and packers woru made e\1
cceillngly bearish bv the corn piospoct. Wo
are Inclined to Lollovu that thu ulfeeU of
Tuesday's failure will be full for sumo time
to come.
I'liu ' AIIO. Sept. 2.1.r. . (1 ( Logan A Co. . to the
llryan Commission comiiany llecember wheat
opened utOUe ! , buld up to ( I.OOii , uud cloaud
atOS'ic. ' ThooArl strciiKlh wnion llglit ro-
colpts i , St. LoiiU and other u infer wheat
polnn , good \ifiri'iirili | < Mikt llulnth and dry
wcathor throughuut , the xouthwuit. The de
cline later wasoHVoak nml lower conllni'iital
cables anil tolcgraiiis from llrsl cliiM llnanr-lal
houses ad aotlvi nt'y marki-t and
that Iho Hank ot l.'iuland woillii advance Its
rate of Interest tomorrow. Tight money Is
too Important n factor In the ipeculatlvo
world to bo Ignored. Tlicro Is nothing
new regarding tib | Whlto failure , but H
will talio n day or two to diivolopo.
Corn opent'il strong on goon general buying.
( Josslp towards thn ( oloso saldi "It WIIH only
t-hotts covoilnc.- Tim shipping d cm aim is
good and rccolvets now sav tln bulk of
rceolpts have becri rucolvoil. No fo.ilu'ro to
oils , a verv light liml trade In thi'm. Pro
visions very weak , jmi'kvrs are ready snllors
on i.ll llrm spots.'e must have bettor buy
ing to keep prices where they aro.
UM.IIIA i.irn SHHIH M.iniiKrs.
OMAHA , "ont. 2.1.
OATTf.K-oniclal rocolpts of oattlo. SMI
us romnarod with 2,111) yostcrdav and ; iCH :
WoiIiiMdiiv of lust WOUK. Oll'crliigs largely
ranpers. generally very common. Market
dull and weak , hut prices not quotahly dliror-
ent from yesterday on beef steels and
biltcnor Block. Desirable feeders In acllvo
dumnnd and stronger : common grades un-
Huils-Olllclal receipts of hogs , 2.071 , as
compared with 4.150 yesterday and 2,111
Wednesday of last wi-ok. The market
opened steady on host heavy and medium
weight hogs , closed slower and luc lower on
common light and mUeil stutV , with M'veral
loads unsold. Light , f 1.7'uil. ' . > . " > ; heavy , } 4.UO
® 5.IO ; mixed. } I.M > ai.OO.
HliKnt1 Olllelal receipts of ihcop none ,
as compirod with 1WI yesterday and none
Wednesday of last week. Demand falri
prices 10i 20u lower than last wuok.
Hcoolpts und llsimltion oi'Stook.
Onh'lal rocolpfs and disposition of slo"lc as
shown by the hooks of the Union Slock Yard *
company for the twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock , ) ) . m. , Hoptcmhor 2.1 , 1BJI :
Chicago Ijlvo Stock Mnrkct.
ClHCAOC , 111. , Sopt. S3. [ Special to
Tin : Ilr.iil Tno receipts for the III HI three
days of tilts weak look small by oompatlson
with the piovlous week , a deeroaio of 18.0W
head being noted , but that they have fully
equalled the demand Is evident enough from
the fact that values have remained
In a state of extreme weakness
for everything ' that Is not good
enough to meet the roiiilromontiof | exporters ,
The advance from * Ill'-i ' to 14o In the London
quotation has e.illed out u somewhat in
creased Inquiry for prime heavy beeves and
has Initial ted a ullghlly llrmor touo to the
market for that/ particular olass , but other
grades of cattle have remained dull at the
lowest prlci-s df last week. Toilay'H
trading was 'principally at from
11,50 tp * 2.r : > i for cows ; j.25 to
$100 for stooKnrs and fuodorB ; i.1.53 to J5.25 for
hhlpnlng and droKtOd beef Moors al SI : I5 to
iJ.7.1 for Toxans.11111 ! from M.oo to Jl 25 for
westerns. The ONITDIIIO raniroof quotations
were from JI.U ) tcyfiun Only one lot brought
the oiitHldo pilciU fci.35 , nor were there many
trades Lolow JI.MI. ' 'Thuro ' was continued fair
activity In the dPtrmnd for Htooitors ami feed
ers , counlrv ImyurS having been attracted by
the prevailing lir * urtcoj. Calves wore In
largo supply und' it Cro ue.ik at f rum f 2.00 to
Tlio hoj market' wni firmer today for all
grades , the receipt not mooting oxpoelatlons.
Oo union were ubt wuntod at any advance ,
butfalrto choice gftiioially told 5o higher than
on ' 1 nosday and noli ! moro f reoly. The bent
heavy und medium weights were In demand
at from J5.45 to U.W ) ami choice light fetched
J5.II5 to t.vio from which figures sales ran nonn
to from tl.4'J ' ( o fl.'X ) for poor slulT and to from
i2.0 to fl,25 for llttlo plgu , culls and coniiiiou
L'rassers. ' 1 ho quality of the rucolptu showed
Illtlo or no Improvement , light ana ordinary
mixed lots comprising the gre.itur part of the
20,1100 ho.s In the puns. repoits : CATTI.K Ite-
colpls , 15,01X1 ; ahlpmentH. 4,500 ; market fairly
active. Natives utrong , others wuador.
1'rlmoiiatlvo steers KOwLU ; othorj. M 'Ma
5.3) ) ; common K75ai.1V Texans , l2..l a4.7J ;
Btoelii'l-s * , ' .50fM.75 ; good imtlvi-n U.WIM.
lloilrt ItoeolptJ. 20,000 : bhlnmonts , tu.ooii
market moderately active , Iriugular ; rough
and common (4 ( U'iil.75 ' ; ml.xcd anil
} I.H > if > .IO ; prime heavy und butchers'
weights , ( V25U5U ) : prime llcht , Jl 5' ;
bi-coud eluss * l.'iOai.75 : plira Jl.ifHil.iV
SllKEl' ItocelptH , 7,000 : shipments4.000 ;
lambs blow and lower ; native owes , f.'l.45i4
4.50 ; wcsten.s. t < .Ui(4 , ' , > ) ; lambs. ll,505.15 ;
lui.xed and
New York Mvc Stock .Markot.
Nsw Vo UK , bi'Dt. 2J. HEHVEB l
.1,607 linuil , Including nlnotj-sovcn cars for
salt- . Market dull ; shada oasler. N. ll\t
teer , M.C. > it5.75 tier ewt , ; hulls and cows ,
fl..l.vsw,50 ; dressed lieof. tondy at "U'.i'iO poi
pound : shlnnictit'i today , 747 bcovos and 7,005
( HiaftoM of ncof.
CALVES -Hoei'lpld , I.IlTlhoail ; mnrkot slronc
and ' 40 nor pound lownr ; voais , 55.0J417.5H per
pwt , ; grnOM , JiO J.eS'i ' ; buttonnllk calves ,
I2.7 : > M.OO.
HllKKI' liocrlpto. 0.557 head ; market shailo
firmer for renlly rholco lambs , but low :
slu-ep , M..W15.00 ; per owl ; laniln , * UiOiA'.Mj (
drpssed mutton , dull at JI.GOilJ UO ; dressed
linnlio , steady at7il'J14e. ( '
lions IJpcolpto , M85 liead. Including Soars
for sale ; market steady at f5.10IP.Si ) per ewt
KaiiH\H City Mvfl Stouk Slarkctt.
KANSAS CITIMo. . , Sept , 2.1 0 irrr.n Kn-
celnls , 5UIU ; uhlpments , 3r.'i1 : ; inarkot steady
steers , } .I.VO5.7V 'ow-t , ILiMttiTSj slockors
and feeder" , JJ.Oin l.75.
lloas-lli-colpts , 7,730 : shlnnients , I.POO : mar-
kut , host , strong , others weak ; bulk , $1.05 ®
4.15 ; all grades , M.25'iM..K ' ) .
HiiRKP Itecelpt.s , i : > U ; Rhlpmcnts , 3SO ; mar
ket steady. _
M.S r/H.v I'.ICKIXU Jxriiusrx.
CoiiHidcrnlilo IlL-croiiHo In ( lie I'rotlttut
In ( Jimmy nml Qunllty.
CISTINVATI. O. . Supt. 23. ISpt'fla1 Ti-logram
to Tun Hun.I Tomorrow's I'rlco Current will
say : Tln > total western packing for the week
was Ii5.iii0agaln ; t 110,0 0 the iireceedlng week
and' ' .1,000last year. I'rom March I the total
is 3.5SJ.OJO against 7M5,000 last vfar. The
quality has not Improved. The leading places
compare as follows :
u.n.iii.i : ji.titKirn.
CHAII Ai'i'f.ES 1'cr bbl , f',50.
CANTAi.ourHS 1'er dotl UO.
I'EACIIIS : California fieo stone , slnglo case
lots , $1.25 ; ten ease lots Jl.'JO ; Michigan , per
basket , ( ! 5c ; bushel. t-.OO.
OliAl'E.s Homo giown. I0-lb basket , 25fWOc :
.Muscat , pcrenite , fl. 5T1.5Ji * Itoso 1'oru , tl.50 ;
Tokay and Cornehon , jl.75.
1'earsCalifornia varieties , $ . ' .25.
1'i.u.MH California , gros and llnngarlan ,
prunes , JI.2.ViiI.rOi ( iorinan ' . ' . " > .
Ai'i' I'ur bbl , choice eating , fc'.2.'i'J.50.
OltAWlKS I'er bov , Impoited. < Ci.50ia7.UO.
WATP.HMEI.O.NS Kancy , crated. 15c.
I.nMONS 1'cr bov. J7.00 ; fancy Maori , W.OO.
HANANAS Tor bunch , JiOJ i' . ' . . ' for good
shipping stock.S
S Capo Cod , per bbl , J9.00.
Omaha Milling company. Kollancc , I'atent ,
J2.UOJ Invincible. Patent. JiSO ; I.ono Star. Su-
iierlatlve , M.5J ; fnowllake , i.MO ; Pitney fam
ily. J..OO.
1C. T. D.ivls Mil ) compiny. No. 1 and Cioam
High l'atontf..S5 : Itluu 1) . and Ked P. , $ .M.O ;
I , Ion and Ilawkeyo , J.-.tO ; Koyal No. 10 , Special
I'atent. J.1.03 ; Minnesota and DaLota , I'ntont ,
J2.0J : Kansas Hard Wheat , Patent. U..GO ; No-
braslca Stialghts. K..W.
S. P , Oilman's Hold Medal.f2.8D ; Snow Whlto ;
JiM ; Pnowflake. $ . ' .10 ; low grade , JI.UO ; Queen
of the Pantry , S.V.U ; Minnesota Superlative ,
# 2.bO ; bran , $1J..0 ( ; chopped feed , KS.01.
The following nuotatlons represent the
prices at which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stated :
OMONS lloino grown , 405Uo per bu.
CEI.UHV Per do/ . , , ' ! 5c.
TOMATOES Per bu , , 75c.
OAIIIIAIJI : Homo grown , le nor Ib.
HE KN.S Navy , .5rxa'.tl5 per bu.
POTATOES Local growers are supplying the
demand almost exclusively ut S-Kii J5o per bu.
Swr.ET PoTATons Jersey , J5.00 per bbl. , homegrown
grown "a per Ib.
Country Produce.
Krn < ! Market weak at K'.c.
I'oui.Titr .Market weak ; receipts llglit.
About thu outside on fonlR and chickens Is
$2.75 and small chickens have sold us low us
$2.01 and good sl/.ea at } . ' . . " > i.
llUTTUit The best country butter , coed
onongh for city trade , sells at 15lo ! ! ; pauKcia'
stock , He.
Use Hallor's Ucrman t'ills , the great co n
stipation and liver regulator.
The Lyceum Uramatio company in "Truo
Devotion" is making a distinct hit mid the
company is composed of clover artists. The
lady cornctlbt and the Links inalco a very
strong bill at the Eden Musco this week.
"Eileen , " n now opera by a competent cast ,
will bo the iittractlon nt the Farnatn street
theater next week , opciitnir Sunday. The
company includes Amy Leslie , Margaret
Newton , Emma HuntlnRton , James T. Kelly ,
William McDonald , Charles Uabcock , i' .
Barnorvitz , and n chorus of thirty-flve. The
opera is beautifully mounted and costumed
and promise * to bo a great success on the
J. 1C. Emmet begins n three night's en
gagement nt Boyd's now thontor Thursday
evening , in "fritz in Ireland , " a play in
which his father nciiuired fame mid fortune * .
Mr. Emmotsooks the judgment of theater
goers upon his own merits as n star , not upon
the merits possessed by his father. He is
laboring hard to justify the expectations of
his friends that ho has nullity , mid the press
throughout the country concedes that lie Is
upon the high road to success. His company
is the strongest yet seen in the play and the
spectacular effects nro said to bo very beauti
ful. Seats now on salo.
Hoyd's now theater will present three fine
attractions next week , as follows ; The
Mestayor-Vnugun company in the farco-
comedy , "Tho Grab-Bag , " on Sunday and
Monday evenings ; Charles Hoyt's comedy ,
"A Trip to Chinatown , " on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings , and frank Daniels
in "Little Puck" on Thursday , Friday , Sat
urday and Sunday.
The charming young actress , Hattie Born-
nrd Chase , will appear nt the Grand Oporn
house on next Sunday afternoon nml evening
in "Uncle's Darling , " a play written ex
pressly for hor. Miss Chase in her songs ,
dances and banlo playing is said to bo very
captivating. The famous Golden Gate
quartottu will also appear with the com
The U. S covevninent are using larpo num
bers of'tho Improved Howe scales. Bordcn
&t Sellcck Co. , agents , Chicago , 111.
Will AVorlc lor Oiiuilin.
Colonel C. It. Scott will go to Denver next
week to Attend the Colorado republican state
convention in the interest of Omaha's claims
for the location of the next republican na
tional convention.
Expressions of the Denver press indicate
that the Colorado republicans look on
Omaha's claims vorv Uindly und Colonel
Scott thinks that ho will have no difficulty in
securing the passage by the convention of it
resolution endorsing Omaha's claims for tlio
national convention.
Ttio Iiiiti-Ht Conundrum.
Wnv Is Hallor's S.irsapanlln and Hurdoclc
lllto the most popular soap of the day.
Decauso they both cleanse the skin and
leuvo it both soft and velvety ,
Mary Hyan has returned to her Dubuque
home from Uoehcster , N. V. , where she was
detained for impersonating u nun. She denounces -
nounces thu statements that she left tbo
sisterhood because of $1,000 willed to her by
n priest ana that Mio was trying to ccuro
funds , by fraud , to establish a school.
' SPECIFIC Is a remedy which
SWIFT'S ntlvunco of medical science ,
,113 It has hccn expelling Mlcrobl from ( ho
blood , anil curing the worst discuses for
CO years , nml It Is only recently that the
medical world have concluded that
to euro disease is to force out the baccllll
throuch the 1'OHHS OF TI1K SKIN.
Never Fails to do this ,
AN I > 'n. ' W , 0. CfiTii ! , J-Mllor of the
_ ' I JliiKh'idiiirgNetti ) . tit lloydton , Vii ,
EuITOffl wjnlliBtlielint liMiuciillnly rtllev-
' "
\ rd from an ab em whlih forimil Infill . aid uiiii'il Inlento pnln. slinukt choking
Mm. lie Could lint mallow > ohil foul , iiml \ \ * In
a moit [ mlnfal londlilon. Ilc FJH ihiit ho timk only
Ihiie tottkt , and tlut U rlTictiu a comjilclu cure.
TrcalUo on Ulood anil bku > DliMxi'i'i mailed free.
Oiualia Tent & Awn
ing Oo , ,
Vine * , hntmnnoks , oil nnd
riitilierclnthliiir Send for
entnlniiiie. II I.I rnriinm.
A. II. Fcrri o & Co. M , 0. Daxon ,
Umi DoiUo Stroi't , lllcyclen old on monthly
Bciul for our
nml prices. I'nrnim t. , OmMi
Ackennau Brothers & Ilointzo ,
Printers , binders , clc < < tr uper < , blank book m 11111-
1110 Howard itfsel , ( Im.ilii.
rnorjf > toxi < .
ryanOommlssionOo A. S. MoWhorter
llroVeri , sraln , prorldnn llnora li , llennl nf Tr44
und > to [ > it N y , , llrokrrj. I'rlTiito nlti
lildu I'rhalewlrochl- to New York , rhlrnid
rauo , m and St. l.ouls Canhginla
New Yutk. bo ll | ! lit.
Cockroll Bros I f. 0. Swartz & Co , ,
llrokrr * nndomti buyer * . Itrokerrdrnln I'rnriflMil
Prlvnte wires lo Ni-w etc I'rivnte wire loft ,
\ork , Cldfntto , A ( it Ixnilsniuiriilesitn lloein
LoiiH. 10-13 llomd of 7 ll.mrdof I'rnOf nmiHia.
Irndc. | Ktclmnueltld it. V
Rector & Wilholmy Oo Clark-Andrcefcn
CoMOllinniLIncKionSts irardwaru Oo ,
13th and llnrney. Cir.nhn
Oraalm. Neti
Pttxton & Omaha Sato &Inm
Iron Works , Works ,
Wrousht nnd cnut Iron
Iiiilldliig work , eiuliH" . Mnnnf r-Ore nnd hurnUi
brix work , ucnernl i proof i iies. nuln. Iml !
foundry , nnd nnrl , . Iron Milliter * nil *
lilxrkmnitli worn. U 1' I tlio r onpe < ( I An *
Ity and I7lh St. dreen , llth t Jmkion t
Her & Oj , , R. R. Grotte ,
I.lnnor Slerehnnli , Importer nnd Jobber of
1113 llaruey Mreet , Wine * and Uquorp
Mamiractnr'r * Kennndj'n lO.Mand III ? . ' rarimin t.
in : t India Ilitlors
L. Kirscht & Oo , , Frick & Horbortq
Whole iilollquor Dcnl'rs
407-WJ3. IflthSt. (01 ( 10th
G. W. Douglass & Co John A Wukofiolil ,
Imported , A inerlean Tort
Ilnrdirood Iumber , hind ( omcnt. Ml In an'
keo ll > dr.iulle lemeit
13IU North I niidi iilney White
Charles R. Lee , Louis Bradford ,
HanlHond Itiinlior , wood
cnriot | and Lumber , lbiieceiui > nt ctck
Pill ami Douglas.
0. A. Stonehill , I , Obcrfolder & Co. ,
.Millinery , .Votloii .CIo.iki Importers anil . ! < dd > cr > lo
IHc. .Millinery
llll-lISP IClhSt , Oiualia
Max Meyer & Bro Oo A. Hospo , Jr. ,
MTg Jeweler * , dealers In I'Uncn. Artlit * '
mnsU'.U Initruiiienti. . Materlulitc. : .
I'arnaiu and 10th. ! . ' > ! , I llouula * Street
Platt & Co. ,
Oyster' , Klsh and Cclcr/ ,
3111 South 10th Bt
David Cole Manager.
Oonsjlidatod Tank
Line Oo.
Ucllned and liihrlontliiK
olU. axlu Krenit ) , etc.
K. II. Until , Manax'ur.
niotildlnK . llrnnc'ior I Illli e
lice , Uth and I/unl M.I. llooiu 4.'I lleo lluddln ? .
U. S. Wind E-igiiio oc
A. L. Strang & Son ? ,
Pump Cb.
IOJMOOI rarnani Street.
Halllday Wind .Mllh.
'Jh and ' . ' .1)limi'i Stietit.
. Neb.
. . ' Omaha.
i.r. I toss , nctliiK inaiiH 'r
Consolidated Oofleo
Company ,
lUaud Mil ) llarnor St ,
Oiualia , Nub.
TO VS. IIIL LI Alt 1)8 ,
II. Hardy Oo. , The Bruuswiok-
'oyK , dnIK a Ilium * , Balko-Oollondcr Oo. ,
anoy Kuodi , hoimetui Illlllaiil inerehandlio
1-hlliK Kuodi , ililld- Million : i\Iurol.
enN carrhiKes. < U7uiS loth Street ,
rarnani Street. Uinahii.
A. D. Bojor & Oo , I Hunter Greeni §'j ICiehnnso llulldhu , i llulldlnc ,
Houth Unmhn. South Omnhn.
Miss Kiln Joseph loft vcstordny for
land , I'olo. , where Hhu v , Id teach In thopubll9
school ? during the coining year
. IriiKBi ) > i
hottlo of ' ( be only '
' rion jMiioniiui reineil ) for all'
. the ummtiiruldisthiirgciunil
I nrivutu < [ men iinil tlio
dehilitiitlnt ; wcnkuchb peiullttf
to woini'ii , H eurn In a few
lilaj-B without the uld or
, publicity of a doctor
\'fhe Inftrnal .Imrru an Cure
Milliiifiu'lured by
.The Evans Chtraicai C
Now Jho Cheapest.
Bend for i
, . .
iirlilnny fi.rlninlllnmiiy niil. i nd i 1/ulU ur'u kai
UK HUT UltllULItf CO. , iltl'Jt ' Mcxart int. , Iblu
B rr rln frora
TO WEAK MEN g < iructi erroA c/ /
* urly ilocuy , WMtlnz wettkn'-i . l" t manhood , etc.
1 wfil kcml a valuable truutUu ( M-aliMli coutalulm
fullr rtlcuiar for h-imo euro , Vni'.K of chsrgo
& ijjluii'lld ' medical /ork i khuuld > > u rend by im
mail li" i Ii'-rr ui ant dolillttaU'd. A'ldier *
Vroft V. V. I'f IVLUII. MouUu * . Cuillla