Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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frames of City Councilman Added to the
List of Accused Boodlors.
OfTor to Fight on tlio floor
of tlio clmmhor Itcaorcl of
R Ijlvoly Adjourned
The people who failed to attend la t night's
Adjourned council mooting missed a picnic.
The meeting was for the purpose of nolect-
Ing the registrars and flxlne upon the places
where they would sit prior to the holding of
thu November election. It was supposed
that there would bo no charges of boodle or
trips to tha forbidden portion of tbo city.
located In the vicinity of Ninth street , and
consequently Messrs. Bechel , Blumor ,
Brunor , ChafTec , Donnelly and Madscn &b-
son ted themselves.
Soon after the calling of the roll , Mr.
Morearty , the chairman of the committee on
Judiciary , reported that he hod not com
pleted the list of registrars , but was ready to
submit a partial report. In addition to his
regular report ho stated thiit Wlllliim Ander
son and D. P. Angel had been named us
proper persons to sit in the Eighth ward. Ho
did not think so , and had substituted m their
Btoad tbo natncs of John II. Butler and James
II. Barnes. The report was ado ; ted , mid the
following places for registry were an
nounced :
AVIicro to
I'irstVnrd First district , 819 .South Seventh ;
Pocniid district , bill I.t-avenworth ; Third dls-
trlrt , - : Fourth dlstrlut. - ;
I'lrth district. H17 Pacific street ; Sl.Uh district ,
1119 ! ciHli Mxth street ; Kevuntli district. Oil
I'luri'u street : Klglith district , lii > * cull'n hall
on South Thirteenth street ; Ninth dlstrlut ,
I o2fcoiitli Sixth street ; Tenth district , DIB
Itiuicrnft-itreca ; Eleventh district , -.TI7 Houth
frM'cnmt Ward First district. Decker's shop ,
71'- South 'I hlrtrimtli street ; Hocoml dlstrlft.
Jleckur'ssture , l.V.'l Lmivcnworth street ; Third
rtl.stric-t , llowuU's.171.r > I.ouvonwurtli street ;
iMHirth district , ! ! lKlI ! < cavuiiurortlistroQt ; Fifth
dUtrlct , sal l.uavenworth street : Sixth dis
trict , 1-iW Smith Sixteenth street ; Seventh dis
trict , 1U.VJ Smith Sixteenth street ; Klghtli dls-
tr.ct. KttJ South Thirteenth btreut : Ninth
( llstr ot. Ainsuow block , smith of Williams
struct ; Tenth district , mirihuunt cornerTwun-
tleth mid Martha streets : Eleventh district ,
northwest , corner Twentieth and Oastollar
streets ; Twelfth district , southwest corner
Fifteenth und Vlnton streets ; Thirteenth dis
trict , Thli teontli und Vulloy slrouts ; Four
teenth district , Twenty-foul th street uolweon
yliiton aim Uonlovunf , Woods' store.
Third wiird Klrst district. , VH North Tenth
street ; b'utund district. " 01 North Fourteenth
e'.ret't ; Third district , 13tt : Dodge street ;
Finirth d. strict , Derhy hotel : Fifth district.
211 North Tenth street ; Sixth district , Furls
hotel : Seventh district , . ° II'J ' South Eleventh
utrcel ; Kluhtli district , Kaglo house : Ninth
district , i'arr'.s drug store.
Fourth ward- First district , Houser's cigar
store , 31V ! North Sixteenth street : Hncomt
fllstrlct. Swift A Ottens dms ; store , 213 North
Twenty-llfth street : Third district , Tl/.ard
budding. Twenty-fourth und Davenport
ntreets ; Fourth district , nortl.oust corner
Sevenlventh and Dout-lns streets : Fifth
district , clear store , 1505 Farnani Btreut ; Sixth
district. V , . J. Hughes' druBstoru , Twenty-
fourth and Furnam ntreets : Seventh district ,
No. 5 onslne hmiso , 715 South Twenty-seventh
etreot : Klahth district. Twenty-third and
Hiirnoy. IIIWM tennis hnlldlim : Ninth district ,
Ioriin house. 4'i ! South Eighteenth street ;
Tenth dlstrlut. Oa < ly ft llradon'.s grocery , I H la
Bt. Mury'.s uvonno ; Eleventh district , Wolf
Itros. .t Co.'s huinoss btoiu , 703 South Six
Fifth Ward-First district , 3721 Sherman
CLVUIIIIO ; Sr-cund district , I'JIi North Sixteenth
htreot. KrllliiK's hull : Third district , 1C01 Shor-
innn HVUIIIIO : Fourth district , 1418 Sherman
RVUIIIIU ; Fifth district , HIM Shorninn avenue ;
Sixth iiuir.ct , ttt- North Sixteenth street ;
Suvcnl h district , KB North Sixteenth atreot ;
Klchth illstrlet. " - : Ninth district.
IVwTVubster" street ; Tenth dUtrlct , SOS North
Sixteenth street ; Eleventh district , 1718 Casa
Hl.\tii Ward First district , l vcoum hall ;
Soeonil district , Meyer's grocery ; Third dls-
trlot , 1SI > Military uvonno ; Fourth district ,
northeast corner Twenty-fourth anil Mandor-
gonstreets : Fifth district'Ml Saunilcrs street :
Sixth dUtrl , Stevens' grocery. Thirty-third
anil 1'nrlter streets ; Seventh district , republi
can club room. Twenty-sixth and Lake streets ;
Eighth illstrlct , Schroodor's drug store ,
Twenty-sixth and lllondo streets ; Ninth dis
trict , fri'ssv's drug store , Twenty-fourth and
I * ko stn'nta ; Tenth district , 1017 North
Tweiity-eliiiith street ; Elnvcntli district. 1410
North Twenty-fourth street ; Twelfth district ,
13."iO North Twentloth street.
Seventh Ward-First district , 28in Lonvon-
worth street : Second district , law I'ark uvo
nno ; Thiid district. 1307 1'arl ; avenue ; 1 < mirth
district , 17.2 .South Twenty-ninth street : ! If th
dlstrlet. southwest corner Twenty-eighth and
Oik : streets ; r = lxth district , 1212 Turk uveiiuo ;
Seventh district , IIVJJ I'ark avenue.
Eighth Ward-First district. 2DJ2 Hamilton
troet ; Suuuml district. 1102 North Twenty-
fourth street ; Third district. 11)14 ) Cumins
trcot ; Fourth district , 11)21 ) UnmliiK street ;
fifth district. 2418 Oumlnc street ; sixth dls
trlet. 'Jioa C'umliiR street ; Seventh district , 002
North Nineteenth street.
Ninth Ward First dlstrlet. northwest corner -
nor Thirtv-second and Oumlng street ; Second
district , northeast corner Fortieth mid Ham
ilton streets : Third district. Troxlor's. l < orty-
thlrd und Farnam streets ; l-ourth district ,
322 : California street ; Fifth district , club
linns ? . Twenty-ninth and Farnam str-jets ;
Sixth district , Uuteher shop , Thirty-first ana
and I > eaveiiworth streets.
Couldn't Avoid It.
Just then tlio ton members tnought they
were going to got rxway , but they were mis
taken , for the ghost of tno furnlturo deal
made Its appcar&uco , nnd it was n healthy
nnd vigorous ono. For moro than an hour
every bmlv had n merry timo.
Mr. Osthoft brought on tbo trouble by ask
ing for additional nntnos. Ho stated thut
Tuesday night It hod boon charged that
Messrs. lUirdlsh , Conway and Moroarty had
been charged with bavin * ? soon some of the
good inoiioy that was brought to Omaha by
the Kotcham Kurnlturo company. Mr. IJavls
had nainod these three men and had given
the Information that other mon had boon
caught in the same not. Ho demanded that
Mr. Davis should furnish the names of the
other councilraon. A motion to adjourn was
lost during the storm of oxcitomont.
Mr. DavU said that Mr. Spocht. had named
the mon , and if ho. Specht , did not furnish
them Saturday night they would bo pro-
Mr. Osthoff wanted to lionr the names nt
once. Ho did not linow but ho might bo
charged with having received furnlturo
money , and U so wanted time to prepare for
the battle.
Mr. Specht assured Mr. Osthoff that ho
Was not ono of the audited.
This relieved the gentleman from the
Plfth , but Mr. Conway did not fuel as onsy.
Ho had a word to say nnd said it uftor this
style ; "Why did ho pick out three Micks <
If'ho has other mon lot him nauio them nnd
not play tlio part of n a d coward. 1 want
to give Mr. Spocht ouo thing to understand.
1 go to the burnt district when I please , nnd
lie does not hnvo to pay nuy of my bills. "
"If Mr. Specht Is a contloman ho will clva
the nuuics now , " remarked President
Lowry ,
Mr. Spocht replied by saying that the
mooting was call-"J 'iv the purpojo of lizliiK
the plncoi ot roglst lilon , but that Saturday
night ho would bo ou hand with the nuuics
nnd the proofs.
"Mr. Specht , do I understand that yon
refuse to give tbo uamosl" questioned Mr.
"Saturday nlcht you shall Uavo Uiotn , "
quietly responded Mr. Si > ocht.
Blorcnrty A ahi8t Sitcuht.
Mr. Moroarty then took n band , nnd wulU-
Ing towards Mr. Specht said :
"You uro a coward. You do not have the
courage to name tlio men. Only n dastardly
coward would resort to such low , contomp-
1 blblo tactics. "
" 1 am not a cownnl , " said Mr. Spocht as
bo Jumped to his foot , grasped the buck of n
chair and advanced toward Mr , Moronrty.
"I will prove moro than YOU will want to
lionr , and I will also prove that you nro the
cowaru. "
Tha two mon were within four foot of onoh
other when the aorgeaut-at-aruia Interfered
nod remarked. "Gentlemen , you cannot tight
In this room. "
The president pounded for order , and da *
Glared thut no light could take placo.
Half a dozen councllmcn arose mid watched
lor the first blow to bo struck.
The two mon retreated to their respective
eats , Mr. Morearty muttering , "Ho U n
d--d coward. "
Mr. Bpecut adviied Mr. Morearty to bo
1 Saturday night and Uayo an attor-
ney , as ho Intended to provo all of the
charges ,
Mr. Oithoft advised peace. Ho said ho on-
Joycd the meeting Mnca ho had boon ntiurcd
thrtt ho was not ono of the guilty mon.
Hoiinil to llnvo tin * Nninps.
Mr. Cooper Insisted that thottamoa should
bo tnadn public In order that the parties
might know what they had to defend. Ho
said thtit If Mr. Specht would not mfiko the
dlsclosuro.1 Mr. Davis should bo compound to
do KO , providing ho know who tbo alleged
boodtors were.
Mr. McLcarlo tried to pour oil on the
troubled waters by Intimating that the meet
ing was not called for the purpose of a
row. Ho thought that any member
of the council who would arise In
open session nod cell nnothm' member
( i coward was a coward himself. Ho know
that Mr. Specht would name the mon whan
the proper tlmo came , and ho did not bellovo
any person could compel him to do so boforo.
Ho also thought that the papers hud suld too
much. Their reports hod reflected upon the
council to such nn extent that It was n .stand
ing dlsgraco to bolonc to the body. Ho
wanted to see the charges sifted nnd prom
ised to help convict and punish cacii and
every guilty man.
Mr. Lowry .stated that as long as the
names were kept from the public suspicion
rested upon every member of the council.
Mr. Ostnoff had heard that Mr.
Specht had given the names of the other
accused to Mr. Davis , nnd If Mr. Specht
would not furnish them to the council , ho ,
Osthoff , would Insist that Mr. Davis nnmo
the mon. If they could bo named It was a
cowardly trick n'ot to do so.
DnvlH Ouvc llio Xii
" didn't ' nnmothomlnstnlght Mr
"Why you , ,
Davis I'1 asked Mr , Morearty.
Mr. Davis explained that In the excitement
ho did not think of It. It was not because ho
wanted to shield any person.
"Ha ! " responded Mr. Cotiway.
"If thu gentleman impucns my stntotncnt I
will wait till Saturday tilgbt , " replied Mr.
Davi .
"Mr. Davis Is a gentleman and no member
quostlous-any statement that ho makes , " Interrupted
terruptod Mr. Osthoff.
"I know that 1 am a gentleman without
being told of the fact , " answered Mr. Davis ,
"and I want to tell the council that the great
cry nf boodle usually starts In the council.
It will continue as long us members accuse
other members , and the sooner you find this
out the better. "
It did not look as thoucn tbo names would
bo forthcoming , so Mr. Cooper asked that the
council vote upon whether they should bo
given up or withheld until Saturday night.
A voted " "
majority "yev"
"Now lot us have thew , " exclaimed Mr.
Again Mr. Spocht refused.
Mr. Davis was called. Ho arose and made
the statement that Mr. Specht had told htm
that Messrs. Bruner nnd Blumor were in the
deal and had received money from the
ICetcham Furniture company. It was also
understood that Mr. Olson had received a
share of the swag.
This satisfied everybody nnd n motion to
adjourn carried without a dissenting voto.
DinciiHsion Ilcforo the American
Clicmiunl Society.
IC/iffciuo / Tribune. }
To the Editor of The Tribune Sir : I have
just seen the report in your Issue of Sept. 3
of the discussion nt the Washington meeting
of the American Chemical Society , AUK. Ib ,
relative to the use of carbonate of ammonia
in baking powders.
This report is incomplete nnd incorrect la
many particulars , nnd as the paper which pre
cipitated the discussion was read by mo and
was based upon my own experiments , I de
sire to niuno certain corrections In the inter
est of the truth and for the benefit of the
largo number of your readers to whom the
question Is one of great moment.
The paper as read before the society re
lated that ammonia in baking powdo'is re
tained in the bread by reason of its nfllnity
to thn gluten.The consensus of opinion as
expressed during the discussion was against
the use of carbonate of ummonia in baking
nnivder with the onlv exnantlon of Dr. Mc-
Murtrio , who is now an employe of a baking
powder company uhich uses"carbouato of
ammonia in Its baking powder.
Of the other parties mentioned as having
tahon part in the discussion were Prof , Dr.
Barker of the University of Pennsylvania ,
who is the president of the society nnd ono
of our highest authorities. In answer to a
pleading by Prof. McMurtrio that only small
quantities of nmmonia were used in baking
powders , he stntnd : "No matter how small
the quantity , I must decline to bo dosed med
ically without my consent when taking my
moats. "
Dr. E. H. Bnrtloy. formerly chemist of the
Brooklyn Board of Health and professor of
chemistry at the Long Island college , like
wise named , did not , I believe , tuko active
part in the discussion , but is already on rec
ord as strongly opposed to the use of ammo
nium carbocato in baking powders.
Dr. Richardson volunteered only the ques
tion whether the Hour used in tbo experi
ments was of good quality , of which I as
sured nim by stntine that , it was the best
and the ( lour used in ray family.
Prof. Mullet was not present.
Your article is misleading in so far as it
pivos the Impression that ammonia disappears
on baking. My actual tests agree with those
made by others , showing that ammonia re
mains in the bread. My investigations simply
assign.a ucw cause for its retention.
Now York Tribune , September 17,1SUI.
Note Dr. ISndomami , the writer of this
communication , is well known in scientific
circles , and was for twelve years chemist of
the Now York Board of Health.
The baking powder company above re
ferred to Is the Uoynl Baking Powder com
pany of Now York.
And the employe , Dr. William MeMutrio ,
who defends that company's use of ammonia ,
is their much advertised government au
There is no such 'ofllco known under our
government as that of government or United
States government chemist.
Secretary of AVur I'roctor Visits
Pint to Army Posts. "
Hon. Hod lloid K. Proctor , secretary oftuv ,
arrived In Omaha at 1 o'clock yes
tcrday afternoon in a special train
consisting of a Pullman and t General
Manager Burl's private cnr. Ho
wns accompanied by Governor Page of Ver
mont and bis son , bonutor Mundorson , Hon.
C5 , W. B. Dorsoy , General Bncholdor , quar
ter master general of tbo army ; General
Brooke , Colonel Hughes , Major Schwan ,
Lieutenant Hoe , Lieutenant Howard , LW. .
Wesscls , Mr. Hannon and Mr. Partridge.
The party wus mot at the Webster street
depot by Air. J. N. II. Patrick nnd Mr. Kob-
ort Patrick , nnd escorted at once to Mr. Pat
rick's carriage which was in waiting. They
were driven rapidly to the beautiful Patrick
residence iu Happy Hollow , where a number
of prominent citizens had gathered to accord
the distinguished visitors hearty reception.
Dinner was served immediately after the
arrival of the party and then the guests were
taken fora drive to the principal points of
interest about the city.
The secretary and his party will leave on
tbo regular train of the Milwaukee nt Gi'JO
this evening for the east and will go at once
to Washington , having completed a partial
tour of tbo military posts in the department
of the Platto. They visited Forts Uoblr.son
nnd Nlobrara before startinir for Omaha , beIng -
Ing uccoriipnnlod there oy General Brooke
and stuff.
AVoHtern Pensions.
WASHINGTON. I ) . C.Sopt. 23. | Special Tele
gram to TUB BISK. I The following list of pen
sions grautod is roporled by TIIK BKB and
HxamlnerBureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original John M. Rapor.
Joseph W. Holg , William Gorbort , Kiehart !
Vun Busklrk , Gu tnvo Schnrdt , Valentino
Paulus , Peter Weber , John \ \ . Hudson , Wil
liam U. Shoup , Willhim K. KUton. Addi
tional James D. Hoynolds. Incroaie
Knooh Walker. Helssiio Enos Studooakor.
Iowa : Original Francis Dottier. William
M. Johnosso , Olios C. Gardner , William K ,
Wlsnor , Bryan Connor. Azur Barton , Nelson
W , Krnory , William F. .Tones , John H. Col-
liimvorth , John Baal , Joseph Whlppie , Wil
liam \ Harris , William H. Clark , William
B. Tower. John Schurbutnmer , Dominic ! ; W.
Latr. Additional Jamcn Watt , Juhn C.
Mnthoiiy. CJt-orgo W. Meyers. Increase-
Thomas ICllldurlT , Henry O. Ayor. Alien B.
Blanchard. Artomus W. Katon , William K.
Gladwln , William II. H. Bartlott. Original
widows , etc. Barbara Augst , mother ; Mary
K , Baldwin , Margaret E. Jennings , Jnrali M
Jeer , Catharine Gullck , mother ; ASHOR Gib
son , mother ; Itobocc.i Enatlcld , mother'
AluilrU L. Hawley , Ulitaboth O'Bryuu.
Misunderstanding in Regard to the Grant
Monument Ceremonies.
Gigantic Shaft tn Ho llcnrcd to the
Memory of Columbus Dosorlp-
lion oT tlio t'ro-
poHotl Work.
CHICAHO Ili'iieitr or TIIE BIE : , t
CHICAGO , 111. , tiopt. 'J3. f
It appears there bat been a misund erstand-
tiR In curtain quarters regarding the invl-
otions to various organization ) to tnko part
u the ceremonies attendant upon ttio unveil-
tig of the ( Jrunt monument in thU city Oc-
obcr 7. To avoid such mUundcratundlncs
the trustees hnva sent out n general itivita *
ion to all grand army post * of the country to
ho present anil take part In the exercises. In
addition to this the trustee ) Invlto nil socie
ties of votarans and Sons of Veterans and all
uniformed military ana civic societies
throughout the United States to bo present
on that day.
JlcrrYcrniuth , Germany's ' world's fair
commissioner , inn selected as n site for Ger
many's oniclal building a plat n little north
mid west of thin selected by Great Britain
and Immediately north of Mexico's location.
On the southeast corner of Washington
and State streets will be reared the granil
monument to the memory of Columbus. It
will be no towering shaft of urunito or gigan
tic statue of the great discoverer. It will bean
an immense business and ollk-o building- ,
sixteen stories high , with 100 feet frontage
on State ana 00 on Washington street , and
will cost $1,000,000. It will bo built In ttio
Spanish style of architecture and will bo
called "Tho Columbus. " Over the entrance
will bo placed a statue of Columbus In
bronze nlno feet In height. It will represent
the discoverer In the act of taking possession
of the now worla. Above the eleventh and
sixteenth stories will bo cornices which will
bo decorated with Spanish medallions and
coats-of-arms. On two sides of the main on-
Lranco will bo placed two memorial tablets
in bronze. On the south tablet will bo placed
the following inscription : "Erected in honor
of Columbus , In the vear 1SW , being the -100th
anniversary of the discovery of America. "
On the opp'oslco tablet will bo : ' 'Christopher
Columbus Horn tit Genoa in 14 : ! . " > ; discov
ered America on the 1'JtU a ay of October ,
1402 ; died at Vulladolld on the 120th day of
May , ItiOli. "
Toronto capitalists are said to bo negotiat
ing for a ninoty-nlno year lease of the south-
cast corner of i'ark How and Michigan avenue -
nuo for a hotel building to cost $1,000,000.
At the fifty-second annual session of the
Hook river conference of the Methodist Epls-
cspal church , which began its labors at
Joliet this morning , there are a lot of minis
ters wearing lightning rods In anticipation of
a oossiblo strouo coming their way
who'n the voting begins for dele
gates to the general church conference ,
to meet in Omaha next May. Six delegates
will represent tno Hock Htver conference ,
while six times six men uro willing , oven
anxious , to servo iu this capacity. Here is
what a prominent delegate gives as his prog
nostication : "Either Her. Dr. Curtis of the
Western Avenue church in Chicago or Hev.
Frank lj. Bristol will lead the delegation.
Dr. W. A. Spencer will go to Ouiaha and
Presiding Elder Trusdell will give up his
oflico for one of more nouor and less work in
this connection. The two presiding elders
now in ofllco will bo among the six named by
the conference. There is a possibility of one
prominent Chicago pastor being included in
the number. "
To hoar 1,000,000 voices slug the
chorus when the world's /air buildings are
dedicated Is a novel proposition advanced by
Horace Dumars of New York City. Ho sug
gests that while the opening chorus of two
thousand voices is being sung in Chicago , it
shall also bo sung in every city in America
and throughout the world.
The western railroads have taken up the
question of issuing passes during Ib'J'J and an
effort is being made to secure nn agreement
that such favors shall bo extended only to
employes of thu railway companies. Move
ments in this direction are started every
year , but this time the question is brought
up about three months ahead of time. The
nearest that the roads ever came to restrict
ing the issue of free transportation was the
agreement for 1891 , which was broken by
half the roads before it hud been in force
for a week. After this it lapsed into n stnto
of complete svncopo. It is yet lee early to
say what will bo agreed toor / Ib'J'i , but His
safe to say that everybody who is entitled to
passes , and many who have no claim what
ever , will find no difllculty in procuring
Paul Wolf , ono of the associate editors of
the Illinois Staats Zoltuntls in deep trouble.
Miss Mav Kramer , a beautiful young woman
whom Wolf is reported to have lived with
while roprcsenting tbo New York Staats iCoi-
tung at the national capital , took a dose of
laudanum yesterday. "Wo wore not aware
of Mr. Wolf's intimacy with
her in Washington , " said an
oftlclal of tbo Staats Zcitung today.
"When ho came hero , three weeks ago , to
outer upon the duties of his now position , ho
brought his local wlfo with him. After re
maining a few days she returned to Now
York to attend to her father's ' electrical busi
ness during his stay in Europe. Wolf will
probably sever his connection with this paper
at once. "
Chicago Germans are today celebrating the
100th anniversary of Carl Theodora Kteruar ,
the poet hero.
The following western people are in the
At the Auditorium T. J. Stone , Sioux
City , In.
At the Leland Mr. and Mrs. II. I ) . Jones ,
Council Bluffs : T. McCosh. Burlington , la.
At. the Wellington II. S. Ford , Omaha ;
E. L. Meshlor , E. C. Smith. Lincoln.
At the Grand Pacitio E. P. Ham , E. T.
Koch , Cedar Kaplds , In. ; IJ. A. McAllister ,
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cobb , Omaha ; W. E.
Cody , Sioux City , la.
At the Palmer II. L. Goodrich , Cedar
Rapids , la. ; George A. Keolino , Wyoming ;
W. C. Welch , Creston , la.
At the Fremont W. L Honch , Muscatlno ,
la. ; J. U. Shauor , Cedar Haplds , la. ; Miss
E. J. Ulue. Miss A. U. Poole , Miss G. Levo- , Hurllngion , la. ; W. P. Duwov , Yank-
ton. S. D.j Mr. and Mrs. A. E. WelU ,
At the Sherman George M. Brown ,
Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baldwin , Lin
coln ; Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bowman , Odobolt ,
In..I. ; W. Hunchcn , Hot Springs , S. D.
J. W. Squires , Council BU'fN capitalist , is
at the Auditorium on his way to Now York ,
Boston and other eastern cities on business.
Ho expects to bo absent about a mouth.
Fred Bcnzlngor of Omana U at the Palmer
on Dls way to visit friends In Hornellsvillo ,
Why co to Kuropo for Champagne when
thereli a bolter arttclq at homo. Try Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne.
U.H.I If.t
IMoUHCd "Witll till ) I'OHtOfllOC.
Colonel W. J. Pollock of Washington , D.
C. , ana Major Clarkson wore In the city yes
terday. The local postolllco and its oCliclals
was given a scrutinizing examination and
everything faund to bo satisfactory.
Colonel Pollock said that he was surprised
at our very eQlcleut frco delivery system ,
which , considering our population , was fully
equal to that of our older sister on the hill.
Major Clarksou requested him to grant per
mission to increase the carriers , but
this ho refused to do , saying that
considering the eftlclency of the sorvlco with
the present force , ho failed to percolvo a good
reason for such an Increase.
The local malls going over the Hock Island
will hereafter bo sent via Albright and
through tbo Omaha ofllco as heretofore.
The chaugo will go into effect Monday ,
Gorman Dny.
The committee on general arrangements
consisting of Frank Itumpert , Franz Stom-
mor and Otto Furtz of Plattdoutschor vorolu ;
Joseph Probst , Franz Schulicr and Martin
Spooitlor of Trou Bund lodge No. 53 , and
GUI Wordomau and llormaa Tronklo of
Court Teutonla No. 191 'independent ' Order
of Forresters , appointed. , to prepare fora
grand gain tiny and celebration on October 0 ,
are actively engaged tn mhUtng nil prepara
tions and the chance * nrfrttUt Tunsday , October -
tobor 0 , will bo a rod letter day with the Gor
man citizens of South Omaha.
' '
W. P. Wells was nrrojloU about II o'clock
yesterday ovcnlnj ? for stealing food from iho
barn of James Tobin , on employe of the J. B.
WatklnV Lumber company. Toblti had sus
pected Wells of being the tlilof for * omo Unto
and \vn laying for him with n gun , and as
coon as Wells opened thq burn door he lot fly
at him. Ho had been plvccUho tip and Wells
was nabbed in his flight ;
Alliance .Moo
Citizens' nlllanco No. II hold n meeting
Tuesday evening , Gcorgo Hayworth presid
Hon. Joseph Edgorton , Harry Easton and
T. C. Kelsey mada addresses eulogistic of
the independent party mid Its leaders. Last
evening's mooting was the opening gun iu
tha campaign.
The Magic City independents will hold
those meetings weekly.
Notes Around tlio Vards.
The local market was 10 cents higher than
ICnnias City today.
Moore Bros , and F. B. Chadwlck had largo
shipments on Iho market from Fort Collins ,
The best prlco nald at Kansas City yesterday -
day was ft.'Jo ' , and out of 8,000 , hogs less than
MJO sold better than J4.75.
Hocolpts from January I to date nro 3842l >
cattle , lOir > , U ! hogs , lOy.OI.'i sheep , 5,403
liorsos and mules , showing a loss of ( iO.uT'J
cattle , a loss of 10.VIS4 hogs , a gain of ' . " , ir > a7
sheep and ugam of 2,4'M liorsos and mules , as
compared with lbK ! ) .
Hecolpts for the week ending September
21 , were 20OtT , > cattle , 15HShogs ( , l.ilSl sheep.
Wl horses , compared with 15 , 745 cattle , 19 , .21
liogs , JVCi sheep and ! ! 7y horses last week and
iy't cattle , aO.IVM hogs , 4'J4a , sheep and 107
worses for the cot responding week last year.
Notes About the City.
Ed Knln has returned from Chicago.
J. Burns of Platte Center was In the city
Mrs. J. W. Sipo and children left this
morning for Dexter , la. , for a visit to rela
A. B. Van Xandt and J. L. Hall of Ewing
were chaperoned about the city yesterday by
friends ,
Mrs. J. Bennett and daughter loft last
evening to attend the wedding of a relative
in Guthrie , la.
Messrs. Savage , Hobinson. Shcvlin , Glas
gow and Smith will go as delegates from hereto
to the republican convention in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodmansco and son , after
n pleasant visit with Mrs. Christ , returned
to their homo in Cheyenne , Wyo. , yesterday.
A meeting was held in St. Agnes' hall.
Twenty-third and Q streets , last evening to
make nrriuicemcnts for thr annual fair to beheld
hold in October.
O. F. Strvkes , of the Union Stock yards
force returned from Peoria , 111. , with Mrs.
Stryltor , who has been visiting her parents
for several mouths.
Honora , infant daughter of John and Mary
Berry. Thirty-second anrHC streets , died lost
evening and will bo buried , at 10 o'clock to
morrow in St. Mary's comotery.
Mrs. Martha S. McDanlel and Mrs. George
Smith of Clinton , la. , mother and sister of
Dorsey MaDaniol , arrived In the city today
and will spend two weeks with him.
Nancy E. Bridgofarmqr has brousht a suit
in Justice Breen's court against W. F. Bauer ,
claiming $200 damages. Her dutiful spouse
Imbibed ito freely of BauePs tanglefoot , and
foil Into the strong arms' of the law , hence
the suit. ,
William II. Webster , examiner of the Civil
Service bureau , was herd yesterday after
noon , and before leaving ho Increased the
local examining committee- from thseo to six
persons. The now examiners tire J. W. Dis-
brau , J. CtijcaUeu and Miss Viola Cuftln.
W. Burns was in a"pugillstlc frame of
mind yesterday morning , and went about
until he found M. Sweeney , who proceeded
to gratify his desire for n scrap. Mis.
Sweeney interfered and tried to stop hostili
ties wbnn Burns smashed her over the head
with a stick , caujiiitr a doup Both
parties tiled counter charges and Oltlcor
Hanson ran them both in. Judge King will
listen to their tale of woo this morning.
For Inebriety
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. John J. Caldwell , BaltimoroMd.says :
"It has proven by experiment and experi
ence to bo highly benoticiul in inebriety and
mental troubles. "
Omaha's 1'ostoIIioc.
Colonel Pollock , the government inspector ,
who was in the city yesterday investigating
the practical workings of the free mail de
livery , completed his work last evening and
returned to Washington. Ho expressed him
self us highly pleased with the satisfactory
manner in which the Omaha ofllco was con
ducted , and complimented Postmaster
Clarkson on the eflleioncy of the service.
Ho was of the opinion that the sorvlco ren
dered was sufileiont , and declined to locoru-
uicnd any increase in the forco.
Inurination I-'roe.
Do you know that any old sere or cut can
bo absolutely cured by the intelligent use ot
Haller's Barbed Wire Llnlmont. Bo merci
ful to your horse and try it.
Mnrriae { Licenses
The following licenses were issued today
by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and Address. Age ,
I Cliiirlus A. I'lunders , Omaha "Jl
1 Nolllu M. iiyoni , Uinuha M
I John \V. lmdon : , Omaha -S
1 Nolllo E. llurroU , Omaha 2.1
J Oliver Tonison , Tuber , la Ill
1 KlsIaJ. Uhode , Tabur. la SJ
Goiiiler'sMaglolioaaacno ' .Vafors. Curosal
headaches in 'JO minute * . At all dr
Iiiildin ! < ; Permits.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
S. 1' ' , Sorensen , Hi story frame cottage
' . ' 7th and Suward streets $1,0.10
Tlireo minor puniilcs 50D
Total tlW ! )
DoWltt's Little Early KISOH for tha llvar
Xu'.lcet nf flat line * or ( M nndtrthn head , fifty
ctntt ; each adtltttnnal Hue ten cent :
I1AL1)\V5 ) > Fiiik , i\2od , ! yiir. ) : . on Sfoptom-
bt-r 2V , IsoI. Kin.'unil H' tumbor 21.
No. K. I'
Tmvm : 50 , OK -
Alt members of T'liiiiO'lorlRo ' No , M , Knights
nf 1'ytlihi-t , will asuinbor ) at I'ythlnn hull
Thursday evening ut 7 | vm. to nttond the
funural of our lute lirotlror. I'rank Htililwin.
U. K , UAKTKII , O. r.
C. II. WANK. K. of It. aiuLS.
Mel'lIKltSON George A.-IHZO 2 years and S
months , -on of Mr. and Mri-Aiidnnv Mol'litT-
MMI. died St | it- 1 , ( if lu'ns ; fovur. I'tmorul
from ri'tldonee. 4'ud and 1'lorco Btrenls , in 3
p. in. Thursday , bopt. 2 > , Lo Mt. Hope eome-
Vanilla A Of perfect purity.
Lemon - Of erroat utronglh.
Almond If Economy In their U30
Rose etc. J Flavor as clollcatoly
and dollclously no the froah fruit
Our stock this season is by far the largest and best we have ever
produced , In buying Boys' Clothing , workmanship is the important
thing. A'good piece of cloth may be spoiled in making. We manu
facture our own goods and aim to make a stylish , serviceable article at
no greater cost than is usually paid for inferior grades. This week \ve
call attention to a line of School Suits , ages 6 to 14 , at $3 , $3.50 , $3.75
and $4. Every prudent buyer ought to see them before purchasing.
They will be on sale all week. Boys' Long Pant Suits , special bargain
lines at $8 , $9 and $10. Remember , we have 'the largest store , the
largest stock to select from , and no goods sold which we cannot safely
1409 DOUGLAS ST. ,
OfTlcn boars from 0 a. in. to S p. m. Sunday
from 10 n. m. to 1 p. in ,
Specialists in Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Ulood
t3f Consnltntion nt oflico or by mail frpp
Medicines ftent by mail or express , pecnroly
packed , frco from oboorvntion. Guarantees to
cnro quickly , safely and permanently.
The most \videljr nnd favorably known special
ists in the United Btatea. Tlieir long experience ,
remarkable nkill nud universal micce.i9 in the
treatment and cnro of Nervous , Chronic nnd Sur
gical Diceases , entitle theeo ominout phyHiciiuw
to the foil confidence of the Rlllicted every where.
They guarantee :
awful ( "IfectH of early vice and the uumerona OTUB
I hat follow m its train.
speedily , completely and permanently cored.
ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treat
ctiaranti-od curud it > ; out puin or detention
from bnsintis.
nently nnd successfully cured iu every CUFO.
torrha-n , Keminal Weakness , Lost Manhood ,
NiKht Kinisnione , Decayed FncultioH , Kemnln
Weakness nnd all delicate disorders peculiar to
cither POX positively cured , us well as all func
tional disorders that result from youthful follies
or the oxcesa of mnture yoaro.
Guaranteed permanently cnr ° d ,
removal complete , without cut
ting , caustic or dilatation. Cnro effected at
home by patient without a momenta pain or
Plli n The nwfnl effects of early
ACllfO UUI C yjcn which brint-s orsnnic
wenkneKB , destroyinK both mind nnd Ixxly , with
all its dreaded ills , permanently cared.
fife RaHc Address these who liavoimpar-
Lfl o. Ocllo ci , themeolves by improper in
dulgence nnd solitary habits , which ruin both
rnlnd and body , uuuttlnt ; thorn for business ,
study or tnarriaso.
MA1UUE1) ) MEN' , or these entering on that
happy life , nwuru of physical debility , quickly
J55"8encl C cents postaso for celebrated , works
on Chronic , Nervous and Delicnto IipeaM > s.
Thoneand ? cured. tSA friendly letter or call
may savu yon fntnro sulTprinij and shnmn , nnd
add nolden years to life. fr7"No letter answered
unltw accompanied by I ceuta iu stamps.
Addroas , cr call on
I4O9 Douglas St. ,
Pimples on the Paca |
Breaking Out |
Bkln Trontles |
Little Sore ] | EotSkla )
Bolbi Blotohsil
Gold 8i > TOi | Bud Breath |
Bori , Mtnth or Lips |
If you ufTiT from OUT of
thn e ijrmptom * , ' " *
Wo nn-d not toll TOM I'Jit you . -i- ; , , --f
incMllcino , toeruure frn l"m ' " " 'i tft ? Vr.e { ,
nnl/'knawn inndtclno'tnut will IhorouBhly crtjili-
Mt'i tint polun from tHe ? ' " . " ' ' * ' JV * ? "
.I , , , ,
To.inlrugirt t. or write to .
00. . 40 W * t llrourt ur , .Ncif \ ork Cllj. .
. .
- . . . i t . . " § % *
FOIMVr.K 1IV UU J.X , t 00. und SHKR
MAN ft Met'ONNH.l. muha.
Wo Mncl tlio marTPlniiii Krfnrli CALTHO8 frrr , nml n
IrKtil KUarnnttMitliatC'ALTiinil will
HT I > Il4. .
Use it and fay if satisfied ,
itlr.M.VON MOHL CO. ,
S4U 4n > rl < lt U , OiirUiiU , ( Iklo.
i'ho Best Pill On Eartli *
Dr. IlnWx Llttlo
V K ltililo J'lllu act
ly T t rroraptlT oa
the 1,1 VUH , Kill.
NI-v.Sim : < l IIOWIILS ,
1'ovcru unj ( 'oldn ,
clvanilni ; tbu ireti'm tbnr *
ouxhly anil they cur *
habitual conatipatlon.
They nro tuiwr cuatixt ,
do not grlpo , rery
omall , ciuy to toke , ouo
rill rt doeo , uud cro
purely vo < ; otnblo. HS i > lll.ilao < "jh via ) . 1'er.
.Wt dlzettlon frllii i their uso. Tfccy A UNO.
lutlaru Itorointiii'liilftl I ) ) ' Lend III u B
ilclniiM. for iitlo liy ilrun i u or tout by
X5 ccntn u rial orOIor Jl.OU. AdJroj )
! aa Francisco , Cat. Chicago , Ul
K nh ii \ ( to. . Cor. lilt ) and OouvUi Hit
J A. Fuller A I'n. . Cor llth nn < l IK > iuln > 3tl.
A I ) . Fuit'jr ' It Co. . Council llluttj. la.
To be Advanced Oct. 1 to Par ,
Second Somi-Aunual Dividend of 20 Ots. Per Share , Payable in October.
Stock of the Georgia-Alabama Investment & Deveiopment Co ,
CVIl'TT.IA STOVH , $4 , > HOO01t.
$ tO citcli , ] > ttr ritlnc. I'tillVi / < l otirt Suhji'ct to no .tHcnni > n > ntn.
Geii. Benj , F. Uutler of Massachusetts , President.
Hon. Janus W. Hyatt , Late Trea * . U. S. , Treasurer.
Ocn. IJE.VJ. F. lli'Tf-Ell of Mnianchunetts. lion. .I.NO. 11 < : < > ui > ov , cv-Onrernor of Co.irul.i.
Hon. hoiiA.N IL Itoor nf Ar'xnn.tni. Hun. lltfii II. MHKlllT of WiiilitiintMii , I ) . C.
J. W. r.\SEUHN'K , Cashier Merchants A. Miners' Hon. K. K. MANN , snpt C. A SI. It. U. of N. II.
Ilfxiik. TnllRpion. ( in. K. U. TltUK. CnMi f. S. Tni.Tiiiry. Wmlilnitton , l > . C.
Hun. .IAS. W , HVATT. ux-Tronsof L' . 8. , of Conn. Hon. Hubt. l > Taylor. cx-iovorni > r of Tunn.
QM > . C. S-roriKU ) . l'rc . N. V. Con. Co. of N. V. P.K.lUtuTS.vIri ! pro < Ark. UA , T. Cn.Ulllo Hiick , Ark ,
Tuns C. SMITH , I'rus. 17th Wnnl Hank , llrooklyn. K Y. ItuiiKltrsu.v. I'ros. K. Nnt. llnnk.Ki'nrripyNeb.
I * . M. SA.NKOIID , I'ren. llnnk of Noir Cnstlo , of Kr > Hon. C. 11. ScoviM.Kof Now York Cltx. N. Y.
International Trust Co. , Transfer Agents , 45 Milk Street , Boston , Mass.
30,000 , Shares Only now offered to the Public 84,00 Per Share
Until Oct. 1st , if not Previously Taken , at ,
AH stock iHircluwtl during Ilic month of September \\l\l \ rocelvo tlio Orlober div-
Idnnd of 20 cent * per share. Transfer books close ut midnight THURSDAY , Octo-
1st , for the pn } incut of the dividend.
Only : UUOO ) shnres olTerpd nnd when sold the slock will be entirely withdrawn
from sale , listed on the exchanges , nnd price advanced to pur.
The directors of the ( iconda-Alalmmu Investment and Development Company
linre decided to oiler to the public the b iliutcn of the stock of the company remaining
unsold : i,00 ( ) ( ) shares until Oct. 1. ut $ . < )0 ) per share.
On that date the Innixfor honks of the company will he closed for the payment ol
the October dividend und the stock li > ted on the several exchanges and price advanced
to par.
par.Checks for tlio October dividend of 2O cents per share will bo mnilod
in Cc obor to all st ckh 1 lors of record Oct. Is * , nnd all stock purchased In
September will roc -"ivo tuo October dividend.
As but 3O.OOO shures romahi unsold , and , when taken , the oitlro
issue will have boon disposed of , ap jlications for st jck in September will
bo filled in the t rdor rocaived until Oct. 1 , and all subscr.ptions in excess of
this amount w il bo returned to the subscrlbDrs.
No orders will ba rooolvod at the present prio3 of S4.0O per shnro after
12 o'clock midnight Oct 1 , and all orders for stock should bd mulled a ? soon
as possible , and in no ovant later thnn several dayj prior to that data to
insure delivery at present price of $4.OO per shnro.
A I.I , O/tlt.-CltS FOH STOCK AXIi i'HOSJi'Kt'TUSKS A31. . 1 UK
1033 W Street , , 3STEB.
SOUTHKHN OFKIOKS. Tnlliipoosn. Ilnrnlson County , ( in NI3W VOIIK OKFlfKS. 11Vnll t. , roonii 31
nnil IK. 1IOSTON OKKIPKS , ' . ' 11 Wanhlnvtun St. . roomt 8 , B nnd IU. I'lllliA DKhl'll IA OKK1OW , rouiir.111
llrevcl Ilullillnt' . I'ltOVIDKNI'K OKFK'i : . riiiim 1 , llullur Kxi'linnuj. Clllt AGO OKK1CH. room III ; ) , .Stock
Kxrhanco lliilUllnv. HAl.TIMiJllK OKK1CK. room ) , Hunk of llaltlniiiru Hii.lillnK. CINCINNATI OKKICK ,
IlUVlnKBt. ST. LOL'lb OKr'ICK , 720 Clivntuut ut. KOUK1O.V OKr'ICKti , No. 2 , Tokonliousu UulldliiKs ,
I.oiulou , I'.u
t"Blghty-pago Illustrated Pro'psctus of Tallapoosa , Stock Prospect
us of Company a-jd Plat of City , with Fr co List ot Building Lotp , Mineral
Maps of the Section , Englnpors' Roporte , &c. , msiilod free on application to
any of the abovo-namod offlcos of iho company.
What Present Stockholders Say :
TAUiAl'UOSA , ! . . Anjr , 2L , 18511.
We , tlie undersigned , stockholders of the ( ieorgiu-Alubamu Investment and De
velopment Company , beins In the City of TnllnptxHii for the purpose of inve > tlgiatiii ( ;
the properties of the Company , und the accuracy of the statements miiile regarding
tlicir vnlno nnd earning capacity , and tlio location , athaiilages and dovelopmciil or
tlio city , hereby tcxt'ify :
First , Thut wo Iliitl each and every stntcnipnt inailo. l > y HIP Company in llieir
printed mailer regarding HIP City of Tallapoosa , the iiiauiifactiiriiii ; Industries ,
liiiililini ; developments under way , anil properly anil prospects ot the Company much
within thu facts as now existing" _
Secninl , Th it t we II ml ( ho actual situation at Tallapiiosa Is much nnderstatoil ,
rather titan overstated liy ( he Company , in every particular , all representations inailo
beliitr fully vorlllcd hy investigation oa the Krounu , anil many advanta ( n of1 great lin-
port'iife . ' .ot lu'lnjj inentloiuMt cillipr In their prospectus or ether prinleil iiiatler ; in
fact , we lind the sitnaMoii at Tallapoosa in every res-pott much more promising ami far
better than we had reason to expect from tlo ; slatcmciils m.ido l > y Iho Coinpany Iu
thfir various puhlicatinns.
Wllliiiiii U ( iroone. I'holin , N V. K McKnrlnntl , IlnrrUburi ? . I'n.
Krntik W I'IIKU. Hoclii-ftor. N V. .Mrn. ( ieor.'o K McKnrliunl. llarrhliiiri ; , l'i
K I'Sovcrhlll , Ncwntk. N V. Mri * M ( i Nurtdii.Htownrlhtnwn , 1'u.
1. It Millfont. Altilnii. N V. Frnnk Hliiiii * . ( irnlton , .Mn i ,
Kri'U II Ijnnrnitvr , Srrnrme. N V. lx > uln W Klein. Ki'iikuk. In.
Jnu llank'H , VVunliliiut"ii. DC. Frank 8 Allun. Nn Viirk , N V.
I'ruf < linrln U linrdon. riillmlclplita , I' . \V 11 Spouncr , llu-tiiii , Mnaii.
Cliurle > Wrlultt. I'lillnilrlphlu , I'u. II llHuxton. I'lilln'lblplilii. ' I'u.
( iCITKuI * IlilXlt ) . Itlmoi. N V. Kdwnril ( li'iicli. iirnntii ) , N J.
ClmrU-s 1' Mnyi WKstiliiKtiin , I ) C. CC .Morrtinii , riituiuliht. !
( ici.rKoK. I'nrlrr. Orniiite , N J. J J lluiluler. Uulncy , Mich.
C I , llniu'h , I.pliiinini. l't : Mrpliun IiBullion. Iliilntli , .Mhuv.
11 Krnnk llnnil Wi ltiiirr , N .1. Ci'dmuS lloncti , Klitln. III.
AI Ijiinborii , I'hllnili'lphln. I'n. U IHIIhiKiii. WHynu , 111. .
It U Jiini'i. Knt I'rovKloncu. It I. J II Alk'n. fhli-ni ; . ! . 111.
Ilr ItoburtO N lnn. llny niia N J. K II I'lmrlH. Clilenuo. III.
Miniin Iliii-kliiuhuin. llnltliuort.Mil. I.J llu.ll , 1'ruvlilcnrr It I.
Jnliica MQirUi'li , lloitim , Mua > . A r I'Dur , rctnrMbiiru , Vn
I'rank I.fdnuril. Nurnnlk. I't. U Kb llurton , 1'lattgiuoutli. Net ) .
( , i-.ri0 U MurrUuii.Nrw York , N V.
PRED'K E. TURNEH. General Western Agent. . 167 DcarBorn St. . CHICAGO. III.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Many jetrt' oipcrlenca. A regular eradualo In luadlclo * at Clplotam iliow Ii < tlll trontlng llli tin
Kraitcit iucceii all Nor ou , Chronic and I'rlrnts Illiuaiat. A iwriuiuant curu iiuarsnlood for I nt rrh
fiperm torrbo , Ix > it Manliood , H mtn \Ve kniu . Nlirhl I/JHM , Impolrnej. flrphllh. airl.-turi , oml
dliMic-sof ttiullloo. . ) . Skln nd Urinary Or ni. N II. I Bunrantra t.O ) tor UTerj c e I unUertako onil f Ute
to cure Coniultatlon free. Hook ( Mjitirloi o ( Ufu ) iunl frva. OBlou boun-U n. ui. to 8 i > . tn.
10 am. to 13 in. bead tamp for roplr.
. . - Others U
L comparison „ are nlow or
t-nKAU. ittuticiluKtry
It I'on lrute ( Ilo.
lluvri. Cures.
All Uru Uti.
H "m/ir * nuriililtin llnlill
| /
< LJ _ LS/ ( Olo20iJ yi
Rub Q lame back
with Pond'o Extract.