TJtLE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEJGKSESDAY SEPTEMBER 23. 1891. ttio SPEGIRL NOTICES , VBUT1 KMKNTS TTt ) TUFSE COI.t'MNH will \ > f tutirti until IS W p m fur thr rrnnlnff nnd nntll ft W p m. , fur the niornlnir or bnndaymll tone All dTfrtlKc mrnfi < In O > p cenlnmnn Jrcntu word frrt IciKprti' n nnd IVj crnU B word tlicrrafter erR HflHie I'T month Nfi nrtri'rtlKrniriit tnkrn fur { ( m than r > nt for tin * flrpt Insertion Trrnncn h lit advnnc * . Inltlulu flciirr * pyniboln rtr mru count ROB word All dTM-tlnenipnU niimt rnnron K-ctitJ elr AdTPrtlnerti by mini-Mine a nnmln-n-d chetk. rnn have tholr n wnrf addrrnn-d lo a nnm K-red letter In care of Tiir nrr An wrr i > o ad Orp F.ed will be delivered on pn-noutstlon of the rbcek. TJrfilnmnii wll tirtakrn on'Hie nborn condition * Hi tlinfiilliiwliif nuMnpim liotiw-a who RTF nutbor- lird lo | B P HM etui notice * nt the name rates DH can Jie hnd at thr main oUIrr . . . . Fotilh Omaha Hrar-cn Olllix. No 2C23 iitrect , Mnlrr lilnrk John % V ll ll. pharmnrlnt. lltli and Manon trort H II Karimworth J'hnrmaclnt 7IH Punilnc utrcpt W 3 IIiiKhrn riiarmarlKt nn K irth utrei't. r V. Bnttertiold , I'hormiirliit , 1T18 lavcnworth itrrct Ilngli n i'hat-niary ! 4th nnd tarnnrn _ I'DI win , ttc rtttopot ii-ii ( iinmn on Uif jape W ANTJIf ) 1-OSlTION Ab CLKKK IK A FI1WT A claiw imipery. IS j-tinri' experience Addrei-n B A -WANTED an UATION- AN KXI-KIHKNCKU JMcaHmr to solicit orders for school book ptiu Ushers , cnn irlvrbest nf inference * Address lock box a North Loup , Nub B4MI * L-WANTKD , F.NGAGEMEVTS TO DO DUEbS nmklhtc In families Miss 1 ouhR 212 N17tli _ tHY _ -HY A wmtnvsvr YKAHU or AOK FHOM N Y . a poiltlon an lionsi kwpor In widower fam lly City preferred Hupld City B I ) . , llox - Aim. 9 rosmo.v AS ooArmniN JIY colored nmn Good referouccB Addres ll 48 IVAM'lill 31AIJ : 1 nrrrtlfx. tic. * et tn > of ml ci.ltitnn nn IM 7x1 ; ' T > WA.NTnirA"MALE KUItbU AT ONPK SS2 JLlNorth Mtiettenth. MB85 2C- BVANTKI > , KXIT.UTF.NC'KII TLOTHINIJ salcHmnn to take orders for the Inrcest merchant tnllorltiK entabllshinent In America r-alary or torn trlBBlon paid Ulrhard 1417 1 nrnam MBJ2 33 * E-WANTKII , FOUR YOITNO MEN ATTENDING school for steady work t-nturdays during the winter Must have coed referem es a to rella lilllty urul fulthfuliiess Address II52 lleoMBfO MBfO id p-WAMFD , AN ACTIVE INDU8TUIOUS MAN JJMust ho sober , steady nod reliable Permanent employnii-nt and L'tiod salary for suitable man 4iri llee building. MSjlWB- T > AGKMfc 15 TO flO I'EIl DAY COLLECTING J- > small plutures for us to copy and enlarge satis Utuctlou guaranteed and H H outtlt free A Dunne * Co , tt , Hondo struct f e ork MB. . 21 * -MEN WANTED. SAI.AUY AND EXPENSES l -rnmient placu applj at once llrown Ilros Co . nurserymen , Chlcauo M8J.'i 23 * 3 > - -n&Wl'EUMONTHBALAUYANn 'exK | > ii"ps to special representntlvcB In every county No experience necessary Ability to fol low Instruitlons re < inlre only fettmdy omploy- inent Send slnnip for full particulars and contract Address \\orccsterlenuleund MTc Co , J2 Her nmn st Worcester Muss T > -\\lJOKFEllAf.iMS BIG MONEY INEACLf J > stve territory Our new patent sales sell nt rlt'lit In CITV or country New ncelits llrnt In tleld ituallKettliicrlch One niient In one day cleared 181. . t-odinyou ratiilot'tie free Alpine Safe com pans WU.71 ! Clark street , Cliiclnnutl O Tj-DHUrt CLKIIKS WANTED TIIIUTEEN I'O -OsltlciiiN ri'iuiv for ncri'ptanec Appl J to Hutch liiMiu 2MI1 Davenport t B.T 22o B ' -EXI'EUIENCED M1LKEU , 4lj3N | 24th st. 843 24 * WANTED 1'AIIM HAND MA J WHO CAN B drheteam M F. Martin , 704 N. 17th streit - \ \ , GOOD HOLICITOU l-OUGUOCI.UY B-\\ANTED Hetzel Ilros 24th nnd Cumlng MB2I p-WAVl ED.TWO AOENab I'UOM f ST. 0010 * 1 W 00 -l > ] ier month Address nt ooco , II II Dlngman , No 82 North 22d street , 1'lttHburg , 1'u No attention paid to postal curds. M823 a * WAVTKDATONCE , 10 CORNICE MAKEIt1- , 10 riiiifnra Enquire at \ \ esturn Cornice WorJ. CI4 South 34th stri-et MbOO 27 13 w AM EH E.M'EHiENCED SALLBMAN- WHO JJ nnderstands the china nnd glassnurerotulltrode ne other need apply Address , 1411) ) harnarast bl.l Si * WAN1 JD - ONE MAN IN EVEHY LAltGE B liuslnrnslionsr , fnctorrnnd nhnp < o soil cheap ' lotxoii inninilHHloiia Call liotwcen 7M nnd B p m " SlortoilTCulvnr , HOC Jnrnnm Btrnet , Uavotin Clear Btoro. 613 012 B WANTED , rS A MONTH ATa > EXPENSES FOU snUhincn In every county tn the U. S.i Mimjileu & outtlt free , no eriierlenco uncesflnry ; yearly con tracts made : tlnest nnd easiest selling good ! man ufnctured Send stamps nnd for full nnrtlcu lars , E Converse , S. Hermon st , Worcester , Mass ( 7 \ \ ANTED SALESMAN ON SAI.AUY OU COMmission B mission to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novelty ever produced , erases Ink thoroughly In twp seconds no nbnislon of pnper , 2IJ ) to UO per cent profit one ngent's sales amounted to K M In six days , another M2 In two hours Wo want one general agent In each state nnd territory 1-or terms nnd full par ticulars address thu Monroe Eraser Mfg Co . La Crosse \VI b8B B-MEN OF GOOD ADDUESS TO SELL GOODS on Installments Amnrlcitn \ \ ringer Co , Ilr09 Howard MB5i. s 50 * WANTED 20 SALESMEN TO CAIlllY AS A side line our "Cash on Delivery" cigar , with pold tilled watch , big pay. CO I ) Clear Co , Wins ton.N C. S4j 'BT t GOOD CANVA SEHS AT BINGEH , | nc machine odlce , I51li DoiiElas Btroot. 850 B2"i WANTED l HJKLiP. I nr rater , ctr , fee top < > ! first n > liun oil this j it C-OIltl. WANTED FOK GUNKKAL HOUSE work , nmnll fnmlly 1 H No i-Uth Bt MW.4 : , , ! C COOK WANTED AT I'Jffi. CAI'lTOL AVUNUE WANTBD , GOODGIUti U < faMALL FAMILY b. IDtli et. b41 2U r T /1-WANTK1) , GOOD COOK AND \JHfH b. 1) ) Ml S1WO 24' -WANTED GIKL 1 OH GENEKAL IIOI'hEI rrork. ItJti N I'.lth ' Bt , 6.17 ) C-WANTKD , A ROOD GlllL AS Nl'K&I ] S1A1D Cull lioforo 1 o'clock 2IUI Cupltul uve MblT1 Cwi VVAN'IED , GIIUj FOlt GENKKAL HODsE work Mrs I ) II Goodrich , 11171'ark nventto S1B31 S4 G I WANTED. GIUL , FOU GENEIW.1. ork In fmully ot two , must be a food rook , 11 mornings , 1,01 S , 2Btli street B07 tOU GENEUAL IIOUbEWOUIC Si16 V. rarnani 605 S : ) * -G1HL KK ) (5KNEKAL HOUbEWOHK IN small fuiully , 1311 North 2. > lh st. near Howard nt 017 C-WANTKD A COMI'KTKNTOIUL. MUST HE iioud rook niul laundress llnfcroncps required Mrs. It E. Onylord , IMC boutu Kith street U roil KENT HOUSES. 01 ratts. etc. , ft tup of Trxc roinmit ottUif * i age. \-FOT HUNT l > JIOOM8 1713 N 14tli stri-oL ' Wli S3 * rj NKW6 IIOOM COTTAOK , S S1ST AVENt'B , J-/neur Cnsttillarst. , rent ( III pur month Co opi't- utlve Land unrt Lot Co. , JUT N Iiitti Bt blO St ) l 1VK HOOM IIOL'BE FOU HEM' , 1U151KI11CAB t RIS D - KKNT , A C HOOM HOUtiE , 1HI5 CAHs trvot , J Joliuson. 1 < ! I 1-arniuu. 7Sll'i ) ' D-l OU HKMA HOOD 6-IIOOM HOUbK. 18 Chi.rlesHt. Inquire nt 3014 Charles 710-2 Bo AND 3 HOOM HOUbl ! , 2alB CAl'lTOL AV eiiuc nt 018 * \-CHOOM COTTAGE. WITH EVUHY MODEHN /Limvenlent e Appl } 1UI bhermnm avi > M701 D-A MUST CLA S 1IOA1IDINU I1OIISE NOW dotnK a Kood business , luqulru alb bo 12th trcut MC7& 2i * Tk-10 HOOM I1HICK HOUSE. MODKHN , TKNTV J-'nIxth onrt lioiluo. Kcys coU'npttol avc Ci sa D-KOH KKNT NICE A'ISB HOOH HOUbE , DavontiortuearSd , UUEES A Hill , 1108 Furnam \-lB18 .SOITII IfiTH bTUEET , IwlUGK MUKIM 'house i-oft and cltr water MMb > B-rOH HUNT NEW DOt'HLK 11I11CK UOUbKS , No zTWJanrt STOa Juruiim Btrm-t , with brick dta llo. \ \ urren M. Honors , 1X31 ( J J Ftrnani t7Mt.MMO MMO J > DWELLING , 1017 DODOE , bUlTED.KOH roomers tind boarders. Tl-HIH HUNT HOUSE 10 HOOMB ALLMOIIUKN 'Improvruients , tso per mouth , Kiud and I urcam. Ik'xter 1. Tbomas 79 } DFOH KCNT. BIX HOOM n.ATi BATU , ETC. , ( UUJ. Ilolbrook , 4 , Il o bulldlnc. ill 7 \ - H > Il UK.NT. EIGHT IIOOM IIUICK HOUpC , J-/all tx'uveulonrrs. hard wuod tluUh , and In thu liost rtpatr possession tuimedlatulj tt10 ! Half Howard Apply on cramlsoa or U U. Tauhni. k , lieu onioo iltw 1 \ - -llKM HUICK UOU K. HCKN Itrl'll HT.AIO , J-'tooduru tmproremeuts , KO. O It. E. & 1 ro. , Uoom t lieu. M41I _ 7-liX H KKNT K-IIOOM FLAT , 111C1CK , ttSt 'laise st. with all uioduru cuuvvuleuce * . II K. Cole , Continental block , or tausl but I Hue works I-KOHKKNT OUK IICSIUKNI'K , 1113 & . 10th at 5 Apply C ti Klguttw * No"orkUftt MTUU E VOl W1HII It ) HKNT A TuJtJHK OU * tore , sw U K L.'oli , CouttnotitsJ block. but FOR 11KNT-HOU8I2S. Continued. D-a. < AND frJKKTM IIDl'SHS HOJU TO lit.OO , IK-HI rculnrnce fiat * ID city. Mead Inv't. Co , 441 lle Imiminr * _ D-rxiH UKJ.T , lo-iiciow noren AUMODK'IN IrDnrovmnrata Innrr tmrn , HI ) font lawn SHtb nncl I'opplrton avenue Inqulrr Ouckert & McDon am 817 south lHli Kt mU"iK OF 4 AND ItOO.MS /nrwiv pmn rp < t , city and won water fr ra 18 up ; block * on motor John strukcl , 31 .V Knd 7U ItOOM HOti-K , roKVRKIENCUP 'near llanscom park Inquire ZTI1 Hickory BIO IT * oit itmiT. KiumiUNCiK ALL I-AIITH crrr Glulic Loan and Trust Co. , * . w cut JGth & Ikidce 782 _ _ _ \-10lUKJM 1IH1CK mVKUJNft ALL CONVKN Jt-'l convenient to eltr , 150 DO Ncthcrton Hall UoomKulnt > nt Imnk ! fi8 - FOH KKNT , IMIOOM IIHIC'K llOtl K WITH law cruund Apply to aim tit. Mary > avenue -mil HOUbK-AND PLATS AT GUEATLY reduced prices G r lluttn Jll 1 'a it on hlock b > 62l * _ -JOB KKNT. 10HOOM FLAT " -TEAM HEAT Douglas mar 2 < th enquire Lludqulsl.SIC b Ittli FOR in : vi r Tor ralctsrlc. , rrt. ton tif mi mlitmn on this page Poll UKXT bcfoilKh iKIOANT P HOOM brlik zutli aim linrt ! otic block Irom Cumins street motor , J3S Then Olscu , 204 N 1 Lite MKU - KL HNlhUED KOOMS , 11 < U2 AND 1DOJ KAU.N AM K month . 71521 * ruiiNisiitni nooJia BM SOUTH II > TU - J street M7W E tOIt ItKNT MCELV KTHNIIUED COOI. roonm lit noitliuint corni-r ll.tli nnd Howard lawn arouud hulldltic from tT to f20 OU u nioutli nioutliun un E-HUl HKN1. ELEGANT 1 LUNlSUED HOOMS UH bo 1 ith Ca.1 i4 ! -rUHNlSHED KHONT KOOWi2 SOUTH 2TTU AVE Oil" 23 * -NICE , LAHC.E HOOMH , 800 NOHUT IPTH M 710 St. * THE HI OLAIH ErilOI'EAJS HOTEL COH l.'lth nnd Dodire will make low rates for rooms l > y the week or mouth with or n Ithout board SIC rfjOOMS AM ) IJOAltD. For rcitrx , etc. , we to > of < rn * co unw oil t/if pygi. KtI UNIMIBlTiuiOM WITJ * HOAlllT"KVKUY F convi-nlDiicc Locution duMrnblo ItcfiTeuti's rt-qulrud Icrms t2LOO pcrnouth Addri'iH 11 M Ik'tl F MCKLY FUItM HEl ) ItOOMS AM ) DAY oard. IEX Karntim titrcut MM5 Tf llKATXl ) BiKMS AND I1OAKIJ 50VK HAUKRY 17-lir l'HIATE TAMILV , TI1UKB OU Mlt'Il J choice boarders bou c new , naiKlsomely fur nlshed 520 N Sid Btn-ct fld T ? FL UMSUED HOOMS 4 1JOAHD 2011 Harnoy i ; isjo. JFoiTlTllNT KOO.MSUXrUJl.MSIlJiD Formica , etc. , tcetop of firtt cnlum'i on this p IDS G n HOOMS Km UOtJSEKEEl'ING , CU S 17TU at bet Jncknon and Ixiavenworth 718 22 * --J UNI UUNISHKJ ) 110OMS 'VVli'n ALCOVE , first Hoer ( .Ij fa 2Sth Bt Ml SI * - OF FOL'll UNI'I itNISUED HOOMb I Oil housekeeping , to email family 1704 Vi ebstcr st. FOU KENT 3 UOOMS TO A SMALL FAM lly , with all conveniences for housekeeping In quire 10131'lcrco st W4 BOARDING. ForraUt , etc fee ton of fira column on thin vage. 1'LTi.LMAN IIOUfcE , 131ouoDGEri OU GOOD board nicer rooms , convcnlemes rates and location It cannot he excelled 31r Horn prop 3181k OJ1- Toil JIL.NT STOKKS AMJ OI''F1C12S. I'm rntee. etc. . tef too of ' n' column on t/tt > -Y-OIl IIEKT. THE 4 STOUY IIKICK UUILDING -InIth or without power formerly occupied by The ll e 1'ubliKhlriK Co DIC Farnnra street. The bulldlnc has a fireproof cement basement complete ntenm heatlne flxtures , water on ull the floors CUB , etc Apuly at the oHIco of The llee U1B T FOU KENT , OFFICE IIOOM. LANGE IJLOCK , J corner liltli and Jackson utrewls. 084 24 T JOU ItENT Oil SALE , MY BUILDING ON i-Joucs St. . bet.loth llth G.A.LludqnhitJll > b ISth KM 1 hTOUES I OH KENT IN GRAND Ql'KKA -LllouBo bulldlUR F J. SutL-llITe , "J14 lltet National Hank building tfflil A AX ! CD TO KENT. J or rates , ete , , xeelonn' < nt column onthl * raos GENTLEM AN AND wfFK WA NT A BM AliT * , nicely furnished house In Rood locality forG or 8 months. Address 1J M , lleo 64j-24 * WANTED A 6 Oil 7 IIOOM COTTAGE FUIl nlshed or unfurnished , modern conveniences Auply MS Now York Life 848 8 IIOOM HOUbE WITH HATH AM ) MOD ern Improvements , no basemeut C. A. fetone- hlll 11G and 116 b 604 fr WANTED , SMALL FU11N1SUED COTTAGE JVrooiim furnished for light housekeeping or board with private family ; references. Address 1) 28. Hue 7UO-JM * COTTAGE \nill MODEUN CONVENIENCES , handy to N' Y children , rent not to exceed 125 UO Address II 0 , Uea t2U ! RKXTAXi AGENCY. . rtc. , fee tni > of rut rolumU nil tlitu 71005. HE COLE , IICNTA tal block Mil L-UOUbES. FLATS AND HTOIIES FOU IlKNT IN all parti of thu city I'urrottu , loth uud Dodge STORAGE. } o > ralet , etc. , tee tou of tr < t riilitrun on thl * none. M OLDEST. CHKAriWT AND HEST bTOHAGE house lu cltr Williams i. Cross , 1U Uarnoy CLEAN DltVAND I'UIVATH BTOHAGE Of furniture Omaha Stove Hopalr Works 1207 DouKlus. 1 < U > S21 WANl'KD TO BUY. rorratex. etc. , teetopnf flnl column on this pips \r--\VANi'ED " TibusiTr J-i for lush , 2USJ Grant btreot 1IOUGHT , fa OLD , bTOUED 1 > Wells , 1111 I arnum street UU4 POR SAX.I2 FUUNlTUim /"orrates. etc , , rr tn of fnl rultimn on tm JMOC -Km SALE CHEAl-i A NICE LOT OF hounubold furulture at 1916 Douglas street Kit FOR SALij : llOilhES.'XVAGONS.ETa tin tetms , etc. . "f tnu otli'tt tuluini on tun itayt T > -FOU BALE , A FIUST CLASS , MHcii COW 1 1'erfectly centlo Jnqulrp st 1424 North IKth street MBIil _ _ 1FOU HALE , J1LACK S1AUE , 6 YEAUS OLD 11UU Ibn , Apply 2012 , runmru SI. drug storx < K&-SI _ I7-11OOM WITH Olt WITHOUT IIOAUII , I'UI vale family. WON l th at BU4 24 * YFAM1I.Y HOUSE FOU BALE , SINGLE JUUV -L cru or carriage teams. Can furnish uny kind of horse desired Call nt C. II Woodworth & Co. , or address T J Humlne , Cnlhoim , ! Seb VUJ FOU SAJjK > llSCElil4ANtoUS. : I or rale * , etc. , nee ( OJMJ/ nt coluinit thin -KINmJlNGl-iriAj5 : CIIKAI * AT lMAlIA klndllne fautory t actorjr , with Ouiaha llox tue- tory East Outuha .Mii7 /"V-JOU bALE LOW IONS 1OE , HOUSED ON Wtruik In Council llluns Ullburt llros -7 UOUU IIOUHE AND LOT 1-OU bALE ON easy terms , llurdc-ttu atreet , Clifton Hill 110 Bouth lllh ntrliet M7B5 2U * _ - I1ION SAFKS4X28 INMDE ; IC-tT bUOW CASE , IBInhlnh. luqulru lOliCupUol nvo CTb A FIIICT Cl AbS Ul'lllUUT I'lANU 'iNQUIUE 3U i-o | 3th Btroet. Mti74 S4 * _ THOUOUGJtnUED MASTIFF I'Ul-s. 3S40 HE cutur stmet , Omaha. 674 B Sf Furratt * . etc * tee top afnnt column on tm -IlALUNnSS I-OS1TIYKL.1 crilEin NO illS take about U , send for descriptive circular Ad dre "Antl-llald , " box ? J3. ItaT DH > rt , la. AIIT1STS WAN7'EII TO GIVE OUll ELEO- trlc IlKht prlui * a trial Order * tilled promptly ut lowest prlieii The lleyer 1'onrult Co _ Ksuiu City , Ale JdCT u-io * 1J-ONK UO1TLE OF TONTl WILL BEVELOl' JVtho bust fire Inchec tn thirty days , or money re funded price , 12 , will beautify the complexion aud cure consumption send stamp for circular Mrs llr JllllurJ4l WubasuuTcnua , Chicago , III.C87 C87 ! * T > - MASSAGE TUKATMENT , -Lkmal baths sculp and liulr treatment , manlour * and chlrupodlit. Mts l u l,31iS S lilU.Wlthuull blk , - fl'HOLSTEUINa Vt.llMTi.KE I'OLSIIEU na Ui ltri > esruQUT wa. I'ulunuu , 1UC K 18th Uu U U447 K * SI 1SCEL.I-.ANEOITS. Continued. "IJ HOIISR UANCH ( SI , IIUAND 4 T HOUSES -IX nd colts fed and cared for durlnr llio wlnt r slock called for and delivered fed hay corn oata straw cut feed also HMO acre * of corn stalks to feed In dnrlnjr the day time , plenty of barn and shed-room In case of storm 3 miles south of South Omaha on 24th st reasonable charges price list At my unice room mi 1'axlon block telephone inyl , or addrrn me George U GBDB. South Omaha. 730 Ol -WANTED , ( IENTLF.MAN UOOJ1-MATF. IN quire nt 114 3 inth CM K-OOOD 1'AHTL'UE FOIl HOUStS 1 MUUUAY ww Klt SATISFACTOUY INFOUMATION AI10IT business nnd lore aflalrf eousult Mrs Stever 401. Illth street MWiV24 * \llf\OVANTS. . Fiirrate * , etc. , tee top of ftrtt column on thli pijs - M US NANM K V WAHHEN CL AtuVoi A"NT SM reliable business medium , lltth roar , at 11UN. loth van SA1IIUVAL KXTHAOUlllN'AHV WOVDEIUTL revelations I Imlli'iincK the world Mrs Dr M 1 < prove ill lid trance clairvoyant nslrologlst , palmist nnd life render tells your lift * from the cradle to gravot unites the M-paratpd rmiws nmr rlniro with tlin onu you lovei lulls whom TUU will nuctwed anil In what business I"1" ' adapted lor. lias the i-clttbrntod Egyptian brunitplate lor Hick and to destroy bud Inlluenrpn cures Ills , Intemperance nnd all private complnlnts with masKaue hut In and alcohol treatment , bend 12 , lock of half , namn nnclilate of birth and rerdvo ntcttrnte life chart 2 rents In stamps for circular elves Initials of onn vou will marry nlco photos nf same OfDro 1DU7 Bouthllth street , first floor- hears , H n m toll p m Come one como all aud be convinced of this womlorf ulirncli ! MSoa 01 * C SI US TOUT PALMIST AND OH'frr FOHTUNK k'toller Tells pnst & future from lines nf the hand Laillcs ouly. UXE N 24th hall door on Indlntni ave H12 O 6' CJ-AHUIVKD I'HOl MONTKHOIIK THK CKLW- Olirnti'd clairvoyant nnd trance medium , 4fX > N Intli at Lumen tl l.'i'iilitJ. . HH 23 * MASSAGE. KA'J'HS. KTC. For rates ttr t < of first column on WiU" " aae ' ' 'F MADAME SMITIl'l.nT'cAPITOL AVENCK i Sd floor Alcohol sulphuric and sea bathsM8SI M8SI 27 * I'ISItSONALi 7"or rn'ft , rtc . tee tnt > n mj rnfumn " till * i OCR. * - nhouts of .lolin I'nrl will please address A L. Wlloox Madison > eti l 22 * MUSIC , AllT AM ) l AXGPAGC. J11 rti'ri , etc. , " * lee of flni column on 111njt V TiiK ( isoooiiiiY yciiooL or SIEMKJHA ' ] ili ) Hnchester , N V IhorotiKU liiHtructluna by nmll Inchnllnc mnntinl rcnrcr and | ici d hook. tlOOO Hooka Hiippllfrt frr self Instruction En ( . rm f < l i-J nopflls for 2 cent nuunp Mb-M r. -TTOMAUA KINDEHGAIITKN PALL TEKM \ coinmeucesbei > t7 Evelyi UrltllthKAt < Oti Davinpt B Wl * V-5'I'OF ' CHAHLEI'ETEllSEN. . I'lANO V1O- i lln. zither uud cultar , music Bttidlo .W bhcoly block M ! ISO W Y-BI ) lU'VING A I'lANCI E.VAMIN1 ! THE new scale Klmball piano A Uospc.1513 Douclus. 1)10 ) V' GKOUBK F OELliKNnKCIC 11A > teacher , with Ilospe or lolo Culcago Btroot. SIOXEV TO liOAA JtCAL CST A'i K. Fo > ratcs.ctCn see top of Jrst culumn on tfifc pope. Tt'l' ' TO IX > AN ON EASTEHN NEllHASKA AND * > western low u farms and clt ) property E F IllUBcr 15IS ) Fnrnam T.X ) Ol'J * TV-1I B IHEY.EASTEKNJiONEr.aXiX Y.L1FE \Tr-MOVEY ON HAND TO I/AN ON' FIIWT ii mortcaeo on Omaha etty propoity. Chas W Unliif ) ,115 Uiimho Nat bank bldg U19 T\f MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAUA THOPEKTY ' i Fidelity Trust company , llil * 1 aruam all TTfr-MOIlTGAEXOANSJ D ZITTLE.9U N YL. > SI12 \T7 CENTHAL LOAN AND THUdT CO 13EE11LDG V > VW W LOANS W M UAUUlS.U O.ritENZIEll I1LK. Ulu TKT ANT11ONY LOAN AND TKU5T CO SIR N T * ' I.11C , loud at low rntt'a for chplca security on NelirasUa or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property DIG TV OPKK CENT I-IUST MOnTGAQE "LOANS < > Klchard q 1'ittterson. i)07 ) K. r IMe U17 \TT UUIIJJING OiUANS G TO 7 I'JJIt CE T , NO ' ' additional clmrses lor tommlsslnn or nttor noy's fuus. W. 11.toltlo , l-1r t National hank bide 'JIB MONifiV TO LOAN Oil \TTKUS. J or rates , elc , se' tnu of tr i rolumnnu thli JXIJK. X -LOANS , 023 N. Y LIFU , K. A. MOUH1S 135 O2 * MONEY TO LOAN 11Y B F MASTEHS ON household goods , pianos , organs horses , mules , wnreliouHt ; recelptx etc , at the lowest possible rntos without publicity or removal of property Tlmo nrransed to Bult borrower , MyJoaua are so arranged that ron can make a pnymrnt ut any tlmo and reduce both the principal and Interest. You will find It to your advantage to see me If you want a loan , or If more convenient call up tele phne 1U21 uud your business can be arranged at homo Money always on band , no delay , no publicity , lowest rates U F Musters , room < , Wlthnell block , 15th jind Ilarnei tn 1)21 ) "V MONEY 1O LOAN 30 00 AND DO DAYS ON -iVf umiture , etc , 1'uO drecu , H 20 , Continental lilt its HUSIXKSS CIIAXCES. For rates , etc. , tee tnp of ' rat roltimn on t/if / patn. V rOIt bALE WASHINGTON 01161' rioUSK 1 Dolnz good biiBlnpHs Ou account of owner being sick lUKt Jjeavenworth ht MSI8 2j * "XT' FOU bALK , BAUGAIN INTEltEbT IN 11E3T i evening paper In ntutr , only democratic paper In county must sell , other business Address quick li 47 Beu M820-20 * KMl BALE CIGARS. CONFKCT1ONEHY cheap for cash , peed business. 03 Month luth street M787 ' . ' 4' HESTAUHANT ? OH bALE GOOD CHANCE for eomobody Mrs. Goober , 11112 Hhormnn ave -VT-WANTEI ) A GOOD UnBINKSS 1AN WITH L nliout ( I3UU ) ) two thousand dollara lor a pnrtnor lu a miumlucturlui ; liuulncag that pays numl nnnimllr Ut to luo per tent ou the Invvstmun' 11 M , care Ouiulia lieu 7 l ! f * V It'll bALK TUB CANADIAN EMl'LOTMKNT X ottitc , hotter known UB Mrs llruga e Tlie verv lH > Ht huslni-is lu the btuto. lu partlculnrj unqulru 51JI , b 1 ah KVM Ol V 11 > 1' bAUI , HAUDWAICE MOCK I liulldliiK In county unt town la NebriiHtu , Good crops good trade , iU > un Btott. Kurulturo mock can ho mlded Tuuemuut ovur store Ad clrus. \ , 45. Hoe _ MJII9 fc-JU * V COUNTHV 11ANK OPENINC I1EST IN JBtuui prtimluni uirrlcultural county sufo and fixtures for finhi , Rood building lease chunp. owner movlnz far eouth. Durr llollleman , An teluio. Nub. Bfli l' _ - TOH KA1.U. TKADK OB KXCIIANpK , KSTAI1- llshi d liuslnosi 1' O box 018 - MMI ron nxonANGi . Fiirratc * , etc. , tee lop ofjrxt column on tfitt itnot. Z WANTKI ) . "tJirHOVBD TAKM IS KABT- cm .Niliriiskii will exchaneo un ultvj&ut res ) uonce lu lii'urt of Denver , Col. , property new , nil inudtrn Improvuments , electric .transit , U rooms corner rents for fT2U per your r * 1 lllrney lU'J Arapahou st Denver , Col b3s > ! 4 * WANTED 1O TRADE IHUUE lUZAUTIFUL lots tu 1'm'blo , Colu. . seven lots la \ \ out Bait I iku , one lot In Mornu & llruncr'n add ; all clear , BUD plumbers cus titters ana BIU&IU lioutlnK for a peed clear lot lu Omaha M U. Free , lu2U Capitol uve. Blh28 S ! I7.0UU STOCK Oh HAHDWAHK , GOOD , splendid busluoHs part ( .ash , balance good laud , E I' lllnger. 161W 1 urnam 7U1 2C oitbAIjOIt : TUADE , IIAI.P INlTClti T IN best job printing aud book blndlnc cstabllshm nt lu Mfiuhls ] , li'uu Call ur v ite ) , U h , V , LJfo 13 * - KAUM LAND AN'D'CITV 1QTb 1X111 Omahu propuny U K Colu , Cunttneural block' 17 CUEAN bTtCK OF QENK11AJL MUHB , /-JtnUu real estate una nioney llox"Jj , I'mnLfort , Ind 710-OJ * r/-lFOU I1AVK ANV KAHMS , . /-'property or merchandise , uddreae Oea J. 1'aul , 16UJ ) Furnnm Mrout. 31M8 O17 _ f/ WILL TUADE. AN JSLKOANT 80CA1UJ fJuluuu lor a horse ur u lot. Address A * l , lleo ' 400 _ UOltbKS AND FAItSIS FOIl I'itOl'KUTV IN Ouiiihu ur Tloiulty. Call Itouui itU.llro n Hide -SU Ot _ LAND IN FllANKLIN AND bHEUUAN COUN- tl s , Neb to trade for clear Omaha or Council Ilium property J 11. Hire , 11U Main at. Council lllun * A11OT 01 J'OU MAIaK ltC\lj ESTAl'iS. Fur rat , ( tc. , tet (071 of fnt column on this rou ALE. "ACKEsoK rumr LAND. X uill k east of Council llluns- Address C b. Il f cru , bU9 ltr > t avciiuo , ronocll IlluO * 8U3 O ! U TXIl BALE 100 WKSTEllN IOWA IMl'BOVKl ) J- farms ; 4U. CO , BO to 1.109 acres front tiarcalus , also l.UOU Improved farms ID Nebraska anfl boutb. Dakota , t UU to R.WU K F Utogor , 1UU Karnam street. POPK CHOICE KAUMS IN WKSTEUN IOWA -L for sale 1 J ucrcs. too of 1UO acrescaou , one of 760 acres cli tmprovwl W B. KriCier owner , 6U I' xt9a UJocfc , ymalia. SAVING LABOaiXEANUNESS. tLr HO n SALilS Jlli J-SIATK. Cnntlnned. rum BALK A IUTH.AIN f THANKS , MI 71) ) J acrra In Hamilton count ! ndjolnlne the finite linn .UAI nnrp < | mstnr ell fenind 1UO acrra In mill ration nnialt hunne nnd ba-n Ian Rive Inimiidlatc posscFiion 2 nillrn north .Marqtirttu J'rlco fll.UU pvrncrcor IG.UUUOU If nut half ra h baluuco on time at 7 per cent Am now llvlnc lu Denver mid have tin une for thin farm honcinm < r It rrry low FK Alklna , owner 1611 Lnrlniur n. , Dcuvur tU T rilAACK TOf.ET A 1XT IN II. HI STUKKT LA addition at KM only 8 left new motor Mill pnin thin addition nlEhtly lot : bltrcks to motor f.S.U \an llmircn , IkiURlan and 14th ntn iW-Oll ) TOll SAUUll < IN CLLVEIt' Ht'II ONLY ISO -I fiucunh nnd flO per month Inlurvst only C per cent title perfect abxtrutt frtf > Btrectn cradrd. nldewalkn built , treeo planted Morton T lulrcr , 14ir , h arnam Hlmit. Hoom G M1-OII A llAllOAtS LOT in IIUK-K 4 \V I * Shelby t llrnt nildltlun to bouth Omaha Hnmll pnymcnt flown Imlnnco monthly If deRlrnd Inquire G 11 ItncliuiL Oninlin lleo M1S.H lon bAi.K-rniAi' : TKIIMS KASA 11 J- acre nubdlInlon In North Oinnliu one block fniui proponed uxtennion of elULtrli motor line ptrcelH irrndt d , nldewalkB liullt unlncnnihert'd Morton T Culver 1 IOC 1 ur/iuni ntruut 642 olZ 1'HOl'KltriKi SOUTH OMAHA FOU trncknenor resident u po to the leudine runl f tnte dealers lo south Ouuhn Johnston A. Co corner 24lh nnd JBtreetn. . K ! ON'K nuCK FHOM iirra AND TUUEK blocks Houth of Kouutze 1'lnce , ) ou can buy a six room lions' * lit o t on easy payments and you can lim.ti'tlii'lot fur tlfty } ears If you want ( " t Hhuw lilS Bo lUh street. M .V3 ! ITOU SAL1V-ON EAiY TKHMS S STONI.1 dencvn ull modern lmpro\cit.entii will tuke Rood city or furm property In part payment ClnrLc lu hoard of trailo MVJ1 l OU ALb-KASY TKUM'i IldMIW 1 OK f700 J ei.UlO fi lHJ.f l.UX ) and up Tnki- small clear | ) ro | > - crty tn part puymcntr G.nlhito , Iiro n block Kith nnd Uoui-'lnf itT. FOUSA1.K 10000ACUKSOOOI ) PAItMlNB LANDS at crcat sacrlllce In middle neil western purt of ebrutikit Gto 11 I'otorson , 1I1J fe Uth st. Omnhn G24 eli SSS iLAlClNG / or rater , etc . tcr tnu of nit column on itilt I ss milking parlors Sept , 2Bth llooms Xfi-Ml llrowu block corner lltth nnd l > otiRlus KM O17 NGAGKJIENTfa TO DO TWESMlAKlNf. IN lamlllc-D BOllcltvd Alias Sturdy , J2U b L'uth st 11101' HAUL GOOOt , . etc..see itiiffir t column mithts T AUGUST STOCK IN" K.STIHK WUfcT TIIKAT J-Jrltal WKS ) and Ircards a specialty Wlps banes BWlti hen liulr ctiuliiB , etc. . * ln. stock and to order Mail orders solicited lljvk'e 111 b l.Mh Kt Omiiha Bill STEAM KUXOVATOK. For rales , etc. , ace top f > f $ $ } column im tills TICKS AND PILLOWUVAbllKri KKAT l BiniS ern boueht. Mall order * promptly tilled Worn culled for & . delivered KrunV. Alison , list A } rnnklln rA.TJ-.NT SOI ICITOIIS. Forratcs , el ? . , ecefjip of rtrnt columnnn thdjtigs PATENT LAWYKUb ASl ) SOLICITOUS G W Sues A Co. . Hoc liutldlnK-OnmUa N b Branch office at Washington , II U Consultation free i'ATTlflllNS AMI yorritex etc , , KC lop off rut rnfumn ontliis i ? BANDEHSON COHNEK ISTil AND JACKSON -LV I i. 033-s.W- rorrnic * . etc. , Hsctnp tif finrflilitmn on Hifs jjtoc. MO1IL1 ! 1.OANS MONKV ON DIAMONDS , watches , Jewelry etc. 1511 ( F urnnrr st IWj" For acilr.K , etc. , tec tori of first column on this i age PA1 ! > 1-OU OLD OOLD CA11SON d , CASH ISunkt , IKiom . (0. Darker hliick. Omaha Uil L.O.ST. foirztcx , etc. , fee ( op of frst column on till * i aat -Letlioot nt Capitol avonun ana l&th vrlll return to lleo office and avoid trouble S.M.S. GIUXDING. Tcr rates , etc. , s r top n'first cidtinin n this j nop. SEND Vouil SClShOUS UAZOIlC iTC./TO HE crouna to Undurlnnd i Co. luo fa 14th st 851 RR1LWRY TIME GRRD LGBVOI ICillCAQO. IIUKLINGTON & Q Arrival Omnha. I Depot 10th nnd Mason SU I Omaha. , ml Denver Day ExnreiJ. . . . | .O > p m Dcadwood Kxproas , 4 to p m 7.1U p m . . Denver Express 9 , U a m 1.10 p m ! . . .Itenver Krproji Dullv . i > OU p m ulio p uig . Lincoln Llmttod , . . . . 11 .U a IK 815am ! . . . .Lincoln L < icul 1.20 p 111 Ijttnvu * 1 - U , S1 J .t U 11 Arrlvoi Omaha. Depot Itlth nuil MasonBU. t'Ji ) a ml Human CUT l > ar TramI'M p m j p mllC , U. Mght CTP via U. I' Tram C.45 a m Leave ] UNION 1'ACiriC , Arrive Omaha. Union DepoUOth and Mnrey Bts Oma'ia. luUla m . . , D nver Express I 400 p m .15 p m . . .uverland Flyer 9 li p m H-Wo m Beatrice aud rulrtlold 7 00 p m BBOp m 1'acltlc Express. | 1125a m Ix-uvol | CHICAGO , U. Lit I-AUIKIU. Arnvoi .Omaha. lUnlou depot , lUtli A. Marcy Hti Omaha. ' iOOOaniig * * . . .Atlantic Express . . - , ? l.5j p m 4 05 p m 11 Veitlbule Exp.ois . o 1 lo p m ClOpmr s . . Ntglit Kxuroii . . -2 ! t > .40 a m ? , 3 U > p m . . 1JJO p m Sioux City Expr iwHEx. Sunday ) 12 JO p m 6 < Spm St. I > ul ( Vlmited. . . iii a in ti.16 p ui'llancroft I'HJHUIUIOL < ( lit MunlttTli & 45 a m I -irriroj - Omaha. I Depot lath and VSutiitor Htv I Omaua 1UJU a ml ft. l.ouliKipres > k.JU a m VJU p ml tit. Loult 'expruts 110 p m Leaves K C. , HT JUt It C. II I Arrives Trapifor * Union Depot. Omuoll lllugs iTransfor luo am , .Kansai I'Hy Day Exprius. , b 6.1 ! p m l ) < j p m ! kausas City Night Exprois I e 41 a m CHICAGO It. Li Arrlvon Tronfer I Union Dapot Council Ulufls. Transfer t.iU p m. Mcht Express . V30 a m 1020 a m . Atlantic Expres ! t i p tu iJQ p ml . VeatlbulB Limited I18U1 pin Leaves I H1OU.X CITV A 1'AflFlti j Arrival Ininserl Union Depot Counell HluBa. [ Transfer 7 4i a m I..HluuxOlty Accommodation . .lluuo p m 130 p tnj HL 1'aul tixprens. . . .j tup a m Leavai l"UtAUO&N01tTiIW aTBIlMlj Arnvui Trnnsterl Unliui Dupot , council lllnffi ITraniior LoartM CUK AQO , UL V.L'N A UUINCV Arrives TrsJisfw t nlon Itupot , Council lllugs. tl ranstar * a a a . i.lilcacu Uxpreu . . . . too p m 10.U1 p tu , Chicaffo Kxpreu i 40 a m Hi , U8HOU Local , | 15 a a Boils and Pimples Art1 nature' * effort * to rllmlimtr poUon from the blood This result may tie accomiilislipd much more cni-cttmlly , as well as agreeably. UiroiiRli tlje proiwr exerelnrjr chuotcls , by tlio uu ol Aycr's Sunaparllla. Tor several years I was troubled with bolls and carbuncles. In casting about for a remedy , It occurred to me that Ajcr's Sarsaparilla - parilla had bccti uied In my father's family , w Ith excellent success , and I thuught Unit what was peed for thr father would rtNo Uo good for the son Three or four bottles ol this medicine entirely cured me , and 1 have not since in more than two yean had a boll , pimple , or an } other eruptive trouble. 1 can cim'cirtitloiuly sM-ak | In the highest terms of Ayer' < ftmaparllla , and many } ears' OXIKTIOIICP in the drug business en. ables me to sK'ak | Intelllccutly. " C. M. Ilatfield , Farmland , Ind. Ayer's Sarsaparfila rnirxitEi > nr DR. J. C. AT R & CO. , Lowell , MPJ.J I'rlcc tl : ill liotll , $1 Wurth * 5 a bottls- MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE Leaven worth , Kan. , C-15-90. Dr. J. B. Moore My Dear Sir : I have been subject to biclc headache all my life. Over two years ago 1 borjan using Moore's Tiee of Life for it , and I have noer bad a case of sick boadacbe slnco , except when I was at one end ol the road and the medicine at the othr on d. It is worth more than money to me. I heartily commend it to all suffering ; with sirk headache. Yours trulv. W. B. KILE , Pastor First Baptist Church. Moore's Tree of Llfo a poittlvs core for iCldnai and Liver Complaint and all b uod dIiD.jc > > lioeil : pay tosuller wnan you can urelny uslaz MoorD'J Tr eaf Llfa , tuoQruit Life Itaiuodrt "SAJTATiVO , " tlif * Vt uudtir ul Spanter Hcmedy , Is sold n Ith a A rlttnm.unrnntcc to cure all 1'crvons Ills cases. Bach as Wcik Memo-y. LDK of Bralu Power headache , WaUefulneea , Lost Mar hood Wrvmif ness , Las Bltudc. all drains and Before &Atter Use. IUSA of power of the Photographed from life. GcncxaUvc Organs , lu cither sex. caused by over-ezertjon , youthful IndencreUons. or tlie cicetsUc use of tobacco , opium , or sumulauu , v hlch ultimately leid to InOnnlty , Consumption and Insanity I'm up In convenient form to carrv In the vest jiockct. Price SI a pickets , or 6 for 13 With cvcrj fS order we plve a written cuuruntee to euro or refund the money. Scut by mall to any address. Circular tree. ncntlun thlf paper Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO , Branch Office for U. E. A. 417 Dearborn Street. rniCAOO. ILL. FOBJ&AM IN OMAHA. NEB. , BY Unhn &Co _ Corl3tli , & Doul s.St . J A. t illcr ( A CoM Cor 14th 4. .Douglas Bts. A D Foster * evi. Co-innl Illulrn Ifc. PKOPOSALS THU EKFCTIOM OP School liulldlngs and fateam IloutlnK Do- partinunt of the lutcilor , Olllco of Indian Af- fnlrsUBliinstou. . 1) ) . C. , Sept. Hth , Ml. ) faeaii-cl proposals i'iidor < ied "I'rouo-mls for ereetlcm tif sulinol buildings nnd steam lieat- 1115. ' nt. tlie euse muj * he , and addressed to the CoinrnlBstntior of Indian Affairs , Wanblnc- ton. I > O , will be received nt tills oilieo until one o'clock : p in of Tliuradav , Ottolier 8th. 18'U. for the erection of the following suliool buildings , viz . Thirteen (1J ( ) fraiuoduy-sehool bulldinsb Ion the Itosebud Itcser\ntlon. b D ; B on tlie I'lnu Illdge UeHDrrutlon , S. I ) ; nnd 1 on the Cheyenne Klver Jtesurvatlon , S D Thirteen (1,1) ( ) frnmu Industrial cottugcs-4 on tbo Uosubud\atin ( , b J ) ; B on tiio I'liie KIOKO Kesorvntlon , S. IJ. , and one on tlie Cliejrenno IJlitr llesen atlon. b I ) Uno hos- nltal bulldlnc on the Crow Crook Keser * ution , b I ) . One brick assembly building , one brick hospital uulldlnc , onu brick laundry liulialns , and one brick boiler IIOUHB , all at the I'luu Illdze Agouey , b I ) . , us per the plans and snociUcutious which may bo examined nt too olliOes of the "Press and DuUotnn , " of Yank- on b. I ) . , the "Jloc. " of Oinahii , Nob. , tne Uulld ors Ho ird of Trade , " cor 7th nnd Oudur streets St. Paul , Minn . and at tliu I'lnu ICldgo Agency b U. . the Hosebud Auuncy , b 11 . the Cheyenne Kivor Asency Port llentiott. S 1) . . nud the Crott Orook Aceney , Craw Creek , b I ) lilds are also Invited for the licutlnc of these assumblv , hoBDltal und laundry bulIdluSH by muftis of Rteam ; also supurate lilds for liont- Inp tlio present hoarding school buildings at Pine Itldgp Asancy by : neans of steam Itld- ftors will bo required to hithinlt Huyurnto bids fet each building , and state thu length of time proposed to bo consumed In thulr construc tion CEiiTiPiciiC'iil.rKR.-Kiicli bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft tiponsurau United Slutes dppositorr. orsol- A cut national bank , in the \ lolnity of tlio res idence of the bidder , made pivablu to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at must HVTG rut CEKT of tlie amount of the proposal , which check or draft Will bo foi- feltodto tlio t'nltod btates it cuse any bidder or bidders receiving nn award sbull fall to promptly execute u contract with Rood and hitllloient wuretlc's. otherwise to bo returned to the bidder Hids accompanied by cash in lieu of u ctn tilled chock will lint buconsldort-d. The right IK J ( erred to reject nny or all bids. o' any part of any bid , if doomed for tlio best Interest of the service B V UELT. Acting Commissioner bl5U"ltM UOl'OftALS roil LDalllEK , SHINGLES bricks , paints , hardware , glass , etc. t * b Indian brrvlce , Omaha aud Wiiinebugo Agency , Nob. , Winnobago and Thttrstou county Neb. boptomborfith , Ihlil Sealed pro posals endorsed "Proiiosalu for lumber , Kliln- glos etc. , ' us tlio Lnso may be , unU addressed to thu undersigned at Wlnnohngo Dakota county , Nebraska , will bo recohcd at this UKiHU'y until 1 o'clock , p m . of October .Id , 1UU1. for furnlbhlng aud dell\ering at this aeoucy about iOO feet assorted lumber ; 4U - 500 shingles : TS doors , Gs winilous , 1G,000 brick , 1UO barrolnUmo ; paints , hardware , glass , etc. a full list and description of which maybe obtained by application to the utidorslgund llldders will bu requliod to slate specillcally in thulr bins tile proposed price of oacli article uffered for delivery under u contract. The right Is nuerved to reject any or all bids , or uiiv part of auj bid , if dnemud for the bust In terest of the service. Cortlliod checks Kaon bid must be accompanied by a certified checker or draft upon some I nitud htnics depository orsoHentnutlonpl bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payubln to the ordoroftho conunlsslonei of Itulluu uffnlrH , for at least fi per cent of the amount of the nroiosalvhlnh ] check or draft will be foi- foltttd to the United btates In case any bidder or bidders receiving un award shall full to promptly execute n contract \Utli good and Butlicliint sureties , otherwise to bo returned to thn biddur Itlds accompanied by cash lu lieu. of a uortlliud check will not beooiiKlduied I "or further luforniution appy to KOHKUT H Ablil.Cr. U. a. Indian ngenu bUd-l'lt-M UOI > OSAtS I'OKUDILDING .MATERIALS United btates Indian barvlcc , Pine Uldgo Acenuy , South Dakota , buptemhur U , lhil. ! heuli'd proposals , endorsed "Proposals tor itulldlng Materials" and addressed to the undersigned at Pine lildge Aginv ) bhunnon county , bouth Dakota , will lie received at this uceiicy until i o'clock p. m of October l , IB'JI ' , fur fiifnlsliltig und delivering ut this agency a variety of building materials. cousbiung of lumber , doors , windows , Bhtnclos , paints , ell . linrdwarc etc. , u full list and description of which may be obtained by application to the undersigned. Ulddorn will be required to biiito spHclUoally in their bids thu proposed price of each urtlelu ottered far dell\ery und or u contract. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids , or any part of uny bid , U doomed for the best Interest of the service. Certified chucks. I.ach bid must be accom panied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent na tional bank in the vicinity of the rusldtuicu ot the bidder , made payable to thu order of thu coniinUslunor of iudlun affairs , for at least & percent of thu amount of the proposal , which check or draft will b forfeited to the United titatet in case any bidder or bidden receiving an award shall fall to promptly oxuouto & contract with good and mimuloLt sureties otherwise to bo returned to the bidder Hldx accompanied by cash in lieu ot u certified check will not be considered. I'or further In formation apulr to Uaptuln C , CJ Penney. I nitud btates artny , totlnn tnltod ntutog Indian uf ut , fiad ill Id DOING QUITE WKLU Sncnk Thlerrn Report 7 heir Bttnlnrsi nn 1'lok.lnc t > p Conntdrrnlilr. Sneak thlo\es nro evidently abroad In the land , nnd tbo.r sooni to bo Rottlnp ; along in tholr unlawful avocation Tulrlr welL M. Hosonticrg's plnco at 410 South Tooth street was entered by ouo of thum Mon- clnv afternoon , anil the proprietor li out to the extent of llltoou nolid cold rings aud three watches. William Odoll's room nt 110S South lltlr- toontu street was visited und a suit of clothes taken. Mrs. L. 1. MoCorah lost a pocket hook con- tninltig ffi in money and a ring chock nn Flf tocnth street between Dodge nud Capitol ncnue. . A colored woman was eon to pick It up and the police are after her. TrauK Kozak , a tailor , had a pair of rants stolen from his establishment nt Ml boutn Fourteenth sin-el by n rap-picker n ho visited the place yesterday nf toruoou. Gennral .lo oph Arthur , contrnctinj ; frcipht ngcnt of the Milwaukee road.roturnnd yestor- dav from n moutb's vacation.Bpout in the rural districts of southern Js'obruskii. A Written GuBrsnlcclo CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our cure Is iiermiuicnt and not a i nlehlnp uji. Cnsos treated flvp yt-ut-s RITD hova iirvir seen a symptom since. 1'r d scrililncca olully wo can trial von Vy moll , nnd wo Rlro tliu samp mmnj : cuarantru to euro or refund all monpr. The o wbo jjri'fer to com * hero for treatment can do so mid wo vrlll > ajrallnmd faro l > nlh vavs and lintel lillU while hero If wo fall tn euro , chsllenpo the vnirld f or a caw that our MAGIC nUY III not euro. Arllr for full jiartlcuUrs nnd ho oTldcnro. Vo know that you are skeptic * ! , juitly so , toj , as the moat eminent | < hyrlclMiili norrlnenalilptoclrc nioro tlian tcnuwrurr relief In our Uvoyc nrs' jiractlee * Un tlio SlAHIP 111 JiII.DY It has heon moit diricult to overcome thKjircJtid res itraln-it all aiHcallnl si ina. Hut under our utronc cuarnntio } on si ould not liwltntc to try this nmedy. \ ou take no chance of Joslnp y our money. We giiar ante * ) to euro or refund every dollar , nnd ns wo hare a reputation to protact , nlso nnancl&l tacUtnc of SCC- 000 , Itltpcrfoctlysnfiito nil who will try the treat ment. Hun tof oroyou hMrc Iraen imttlntr up and | > aj Ir R out your monry for dmcrcnt tnmtnients anil nlthoucli you are not yet cured iionno has pild back your mon. ey lie not waste nny mo-o money until you try us. Old chronic , deep stated inset currdiu SO to 90 day * In * Ttctlcatoour nnanclul standing , our reputation as builnejs nu n. Mrlto-us for names and nddnrars nf thoio wo hnvo cured w ho linro ( rlrcn pormbslpn to n- for to them. It cobts 3 ou only postnso to dothlult will save 3 ou u world nt sunirlnR Irom mental strain , and If you nro marrind what may your offspring suiter through your own netrllccnco. If your y mptomi nro soio throat , tnueous patches In mouth , rheumatism In liont a and julnu , hair f nlllnir out. eruptions on nny port of thohody.feollnif of Kcnornl depression , imlni in head or hones , you hat olio tlmo to waste. Thoiie who nro eoruiuuitly tnkln ? mercury nnJ potashEliould dUeontlnuait. Constnut me of theio flrur < willsunilr brtnir sores nnd en-tliif ; uletnln the ind. Don'tfall to writs. AllcorreJ ontlenro stntsealtdln iilnlncnrel oic < . TVo invltu tlie most rlRid inYcsllcaUaunndwlU do nil In nur powpr to nld you In It. Addresn. COOK JlXXElir CO. , Omaha , Olllco 13th nnd Fnrniun. second fla r. uutnuice 13thEt FOR MEN ONLY. S > 500 lor a case ofLoiS or Faillne General or Ixorvous UebUity , woakuesj of bodyor mind , the ejects of errorj or ex cesses in old or jrouns that we cannot care. We guarantee everv cuse or relani ever ? dollar. Five davs trial treatment SI , full course 5 Perceptible baiiaflt ? roallzsa in three days BynialL sacurely packed observation Orlio * mien tmt't 3 n. n COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NCR LADIES ONLY MARIP ITEMALETIE&UL.ATOR , Safe and ulnUIUCerttixtnot a a ay or money refundel Price bv mall S2 Sealei from obss-vatioa COOK REMEDY CO. . Omana Nen La Due's PariodioalPills. This French remedy acts directly upon the genera ttve organs and cures supire | loB of the monies 12 or tliree for fnnd can bo mallen Biionld not ho used during pregnancy Jobbers druggists and 1 he public supplied by Goodman Drue CO. , Omaha. PHYSIGIuNS , SURGEONS and SPECItLISTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Office honrR from B a. m. to 8 p. m. Bantlny from 10 a. m to 1 p. m. Bimcialifitfi in Chronic , Nervous , Bkin and Blood K Cansnltntion at office or by mnll fren. Medicines Bent br mail or express , Becuroly packed , free from observation. Guarantees to cure quickly , safely nnd permanently. The moot widely nnd favorably known special ists in the Dnitnd States. Their long flxporiunce , remarkable fikill anil universe. ] puccoaa in the treatment and cam of Sorvonn , Chronic nnd Bur- FTical OisnaBeB. entitle thran eminent phyuiciunB to the f nil con&donco of the uflhctod every whore They Bnarnnteo : A CEETAIK AKD POSITIVE CUBE for the nwfnl oflBCtfi of narl ) vice und thonumeroaB evils that follow in its train. PBFVATE , BLOOD A1O ) BEIN DISEASES speedily , rompl' ely nnd iwrmauoutly cared. KEBVOUB DEBILITY AKD SEXUAL DIS- OBDEBB lield readily to tueir Bkiilfnl troat- tnent. PILES , FISTULA AKD BECTAL ULCEBS cnarnntmd cured without pain or detention from business. EYDEOCELE AKD VABICOCELE ixinnn- nently nnd Buccessfally cured in over ; case. BYPHILI8 , GONOUUHCEA , GLEET , Bimrma- toirhmn. Seminal Wcakneas , Lost Manhood , Nlplit Emifisionn , Docajed FucnltieR , I'liiniUe WeaLnms and nil delicatn diBorcinrs iwculiar to either nez p < witivoly cured , ON well n nil func tional disorderfi thut result from youtlif ul follies or the excess of mature } ears. Qfrinflirp Gnnrnnteed jwrmnnpntly cm d , Oil II/IUI o rumoval compluto , without nit- tiiiR , caustic or dilatation. Cure ufTuctod at bamn by patient without B momouU puiu or annoyauco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQnro Pliro The awful offectw of early OUI ti l/UI B Tlcn which brines ornnio wpnkni'RS , dentroyinR both mind and liody , with all 1U dreaded ills , pormnnontly cured. Hre RpitC Addreas these who linro impar- VI o. UGllo oj tliomsolveH bj improper in dulgence and feolitarr hubitH , which ruin both mind und body , unfitting them for business , BtndyornmtriOKu. MAKHIED MEN , or those cmtnrinc on tlmt bappy life , aware of physical debility , quickly ussuted. C3 ? Bend 6 conta jxwtacn for celebrated works nn Chronic , Nervous aud Delicate ISPUKOS. ! Thonbands cnred. try A friendly letter or cull may savn yon futnre unffitrliiR utiu slmtne , and add pohlnn years to life. fSKTNn letter answorad nnleiw Dccompaniiid by 4 couth in Btoiups. Addrues , cr cell on DBS. BETTS & BETTS , I4O9 Douglas St. , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. D 0 CTOR-.McGrKiE W THE BPKOlAtilBT liteeu Tcan Erperlenea to tu * Tre-ntraoot of tl furi&s of PRIVATE DISEASES Skin Dlieatei and Kem le Dlsaaiei Lodloi tram z to 4 ouly Treatment bf oorrujpuinluuci Offic * , 14 aui Kama01 Bt : . , Omaha , Nub , tnUauc * OB ULur sUuel. K AL.UO AO NOT13S. Cnnductnrn Wnlllng n > r Onoi-rnl Jinn- BRcr Clnrk 1'crounnt .Mention , Tlio Union Pacific conductors arc UU In the city but wore not In scuilon yestordnr. They nre waltltip the arrival of General MnnnRur Clarit In the city for the purpose of laying some matter * before him for adjust ment. Since the mooting of the proud division of the Order of Ruihviiy oinirtuutors ut St. Louis the conductors hnvo an umod D now iilnco lu the buMuim of rulhtav systoms. Previous to that mt-etliip the order wnt n noiit4lliliip orfrnulr.ntldti mid was nioroly a Roolal institution with no jmrtipular object In Us cxlitarce At that nicotltiF , howwcr , tno clauio jiroblbltlnR the ordur from partirlpatini ; In nny manner in strikes was striclion out und n systam of locul poxerumcnt , slnnlur in nmno ruspcctn lo that of tno tinrlnocr i' brotherhood , was ndopted Each mllway s\ stem hits a grievance comtnU- too composed of the c.hnirmnn ot tlio priovanco coinmlltpo of enrb division This Ronoral prievnnco commltteo bus thojiouor to order UBlriUo of the conductors of the entire sysUim nnd tins jurisdiction oer matters - tors of dlfToreneo nrisltip at nnv paint on thu svttom betwt-ou the tr.uti mid the olllcials of the company In this respect It differs from the rules povornltiR tno onphuHirs. , who are bound not to outer into u striUo unless It is sanctioned b.tho . chief of the cutiro order. The members ol the Order of Conductors now In session constitute this pen- oral grievance committee und they liu\o several mtUUTs ticforo thorn for consideration nnd which will bo brought to the ntteutlou of the management of tno road Per that reason they uro waiting for Mr Chirk No difllculty IB anticipated in ar riving nt u satisfactory bottlumunt of till Ulf- forencos , ns tue 'neu hnvo unhuundcrl conli- donee in Mr Ularlc's fnlrncEs und his well known desire to settle nil disputes in u ponco- uble manner The committee has orcauwod by electing the follnuing oQirers ( X C ICiser of Onialm , chalimnn , .1 ,1 Kisslulc , Dou\er , vice chair man , N U McBridu , Grund Island , sucro- uud treasurer. Mr. Hollrpg Stntrinciit. General Manager Holdropo of the B & M denies that ttiero has boon nny effort made on the part of that rood to "throw every thing for Lincoln" or nnv other town Ho stales that the road tins no preference for one plnco over another aud cannot afforn to huvo , aud f urthcrmoro that no agent has over Imd nny Instructions to work for one pluca in preference to nnotner. Ho nlso says that the rates from tno Black Hills to Omaha ana Lincoln uoro adjusted several mouths ago on a satisfactory basis una that he has board no complaint since that time ou that score. Noted und I'crbonnls. P P. Murray , traveling passenger agent of the Michigan Central , C H Duxburj of the Baltimore & Ohio , nnd , T. H. Jugoo of the West Shore , graced Omaha with their pres ence yesterday. frank Moutmoroucv. for some years sten ographer in the oftico of General Pi eight Agent Crosbv of the B & M. , aied Monday of consumption The remains will bo es corted to Burlington , In. , by Georgn \V Loomis , J B Reynolds , George Martin nud Trod Moutmoreury , u brother of the de ceased. The ElUhorn will run a special train from Omuhn to Norfolk on Friday next , leaving hero nt 7:45 : n m. and returning , leav Norfolk at 7.20 p. m. The train will ho pu on for the accommodation of those \ \ ho \ \ ish to attend the North Nebraska fair and also to see tbo boot sugar factory at that point. Thn Bnarci of Trade is making preparations to attend m a body An Old Timer. Mr. H. E. Tickers of San rrancUco , Is ono of the old tlmo traveling muu , having been on tne road since liefoio the east und west were joined by ttio gloat continental railway lines. The following incident was related by him to a follow traveler as ono of the most important in hi career. "Last summer 1 was troubled with cramping pains ia the stomach nnd bowels for about four weeks to such nn extent that I was unable to attend to business. I tried throe doctors' prescrip tions without receiving uny tellef and hud just about come to the conclusion that the time had come for mo to "pass in rav chips. " when my attention was called to Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera uud Diarrhoaa Remedy , After using the Ileraeay for four dnv B , I vvai as sound nnd well as over and have not hud nny return of tno complaint hince. 1 bollevo It saved inv life " 25 uud 51) ) cent bottles for sale by druggists. HAH VEST ixcnnsioxs SOUTH. Via the Wnlmsli R. K. On September 29 the "Wtibiish will sell round trip tickets good for ISO days to poitTls in Arkansas Texns , Louisiana , Tonneasoe , Mississippi , Alabama nud Georgia. For rntos , tickets und full in formation call on or write. G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , 1502 Paranm bt , , Oinahu , .Nob. C Grand Entry Imo Omnhn. . On and uflor July 30 , 1891 , tlio Chicago cage , Milwaukee < te St Paul Hallway company will run all of its truina in and out of the union depot , Omaha No more annoyance caused by transferring and switching at Council Bluffs. Solid vestibuled trains , consisting of now Pftlaco slooplng cars , f roe parlor chair cars , olerant coaohes , and the finest dining cars in the world , all Leatod by steam and lighted throughout by oloo- tric lights. The new evening express with "oloctric lights in every borth" now leaves Oiuuha daily at 0.20 p m. arriving at Chicago at ! ) : ! ! 0 a. m. in ttuie for all eastern connections. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at 1501 Farnam htroet 'Barker ' block ) , 3. E. PIIKSTON , F. A. NASH , C. Pass. Agrt Gen Agt THE HI2AL.TV MAUICIiT. TNbrttDMENTb pluuoa on record Si-ptombor JL iJ IS'U ' : H Dalluv und wlfo to.T A. Itrudloy , n 0 ? ( if H l.lllnth T and 8. liloulc 6 , linnnne- immt iiHsoulntlun ufld w d . . t 3,1109 A \V Wllcox und wlfi * to U. C. blunts , lot-- ' , block 12 , Oiuuliii VIon , w tl . . 2,0,0 r K. llulcli to M 1 Ourllolis lotJ tindn , liloeU 14 , Illslilitnn I'.uuu , u U 1 J W llrj-nn and wltu to I'utrluk Lund ooiiiiuiny , lot 4 , liUckr.l , OurtlmKu.H d 2'J50 L L ItulchtoM K. Garlluhs lotH 4 und ft. block II , lllcliliind 1'liic-c , iic d . 1 J. T. Crnli : und wlfu to Dlinu bitvliiRK tmnl. . lotr > , blouk 4 , und lot'J , block 1 , Mnym s niHl , w d . 1 A M C'ollott und wife to 1' C Collutt. u u lot H.bloolc 14.U V Hmlth'Kiidd , w d. a .1 W 1'oli-y und wlfo to.I J , Morttn u it lot HI. lilouk 7. DruUe'B udl. V , d. . . . 4,030 11. r Oudy und wlfo to 0 II. Lanu , lot 10 , bluuU M , Kountzu I'luuu , n d. . O. ! > 00 Total . . . . . . .8 1B.I.M IMfROVEllliSI the ORUE11 of lit ACE FOR 15 YEARS AUuBorn of TVrEWHITnUS hum felt the niHicBHity ot thulr Ucliis Improved i ou will llni In tliu < -2 Typewriter rJTlie Tlie lutuit und licit. Wo ulaliuf und Inanoo tlon und trlul urovo it "Tlio Mont Duralilo lu AtlpntnenU l.UMlusit Hunnlnj ; , and Mokt Hllout. Ail true clounoil in tun nnconU8 vltUuut no'ltne thu hundg be nil for cutuloeuo. Tlio Huiltli 1'remler Typp Wrltr Co. K. M MATIIKW , Manager I'aruum utroet , Uuiaba , NsU.