0 THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE , WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Failure of White & Oo. Caused Demorali zation in the Fits. PARTIAL RECOVERY OCCURRED SHORTLY. Corn Most AlTcQlcil l y tlic Tcmpor- nry 1'nnlu HH n Corner In Jills Ocrcnl Hnsiiltotl In the Trouble. CHICAGO , III. , Pcpt. 22. The nlmultnncous announcement of tlio Now York Stock Kx- clmno and the Chicago Hoard of Trndu of the fulluro of the IniiKciUbllnhcd , wnll known anil wotlthy Now Vork cotnnilsslon firm of H. V. While k Co. , with Its brunch hoiiso In Chicago , nt the opening of hilAlncas thl.s morning , o > ur- hnilowcd all other Hums of MOWS und ctitiscu Instant ( loniorntlzntlon In nil of the tnidlng pits Including grains und hog product ! ) . Tlio panlo wns nhurt lived , howuvur , and after n pnrtlul recovery the markets be came comparatively stoutly though generally nt n lower raiigu than that of yesterday und the pits assumed their normal appearance. Nevertheless , the fueling was very nervous a net the tone weak , and traders were on tip- tnu , rca'Iy to run at the first sign of danger. Itnrnor was more or less husy with the iinmcs of ono or two prominent local houses who were known to have u.xccutcd largo commis sions for the broken Ilrin , hut they prnvod groundless , for when the clearing liou.su sliuet came out at noon It showed no ono In default except White & Co. Corn was the moat alTouted as It was In an nltomot incomer the September and October futures of that cereal that the broken nrm tras forced to the wall December wlir.it started with .sales at anywhere between from 084'oto ? WUo against tl.OiJi at the cloio yn - tcrday , but as sales for the account of the broken firm were not heavy the market ral lied gradually to OO R , but the following was nervous nnd , on the receipt of a cubic siylir'i : that the llerlln market was demoralized and 4o lower , broku to UUc. It rallied to IKi'ic , brolce again to I'.if , and closed ensv at that iirlce. for ii opened tumultuously exulted - ulted with sales all the way from 4"5c ! to lOJic , against iTil-'io at the oloso yesterday , brokers who had dealu with Whlto & Co. making haste to close them out. The olTorlnga were Immense , being absorbed chiefly by receivers and shippers , but the market stood well ul tlio reduction under the Immense load of olTorlngs , and after a time advanced to 49 ? > e. The market fluctuated for Borne time between 4Ue to 4HJc ! , ttion advanced to 4'JJio ' and closed at 4IJ ! c for September , In which the malndeal was closed yesterday at Kic. ! opened today at IH'Jo ' to 5Jc. and touched < 8.ic ! , hut closed at 4'J'fic. ' ' Oats were quiet and weak In sympathy with corn , but closed steady at a reduction of only from one-o.ghth . of a cent to one-fourth of a cent compared with yesterday. Hog products were less affected than wheat and corn , ns White & Co. , had only Email lines In them , and after fluctuating within a moder ate range , eloicd with Insignificant changes from yesterday's last prices. The lead.113 futures ranged as follows : AUTICI.ES. num. i.ow. CI.OHK. WHEAT-NO , s September. . I M t KA ( M IK'ecmbcr. . . uo May I oijjcsi iwH 105i CoiiN No , 2 Beptcmber. . tsmv to October - - & toml ml Mny 4SH 42 ! i OATS -No. 2 ft'iilombcr. . wj < ; October 27 27 ? Mny 3UH Cash quotations were as follows : KI.OUK Steady and nnchatiKcd. WHEAT No. 2 sunns wheat , 08o ; No. 2 rod , Kic. ! COIIN NO. 2 , 49c. OATS No. ? , 21) ) 0. ItVE-No. 2 , 87J4o. HAiir.KY No. 2 , ( J4@fi5o , Kr.AXBEEI ) No. I , Illc. TIMOTHY BUEii-I'rlmo. $1.20. I'OIIK Mess pnrk , per hbl , JI0.35 : lard , per cwt. . iO.bOQl5.82ii ; short rlhs sides ( loose ) , l7.007.10. WIHSKKY Distiller,1 finished goods , per sal. . * 1.18. Hccclpts and bhlpmonts today were as fol lows : On the Produce exchange today the butter market was dull and unchanged ; fancy creamery , 'H'.KeilHat ' line western , 2 > S4'ilc : Jlno dairy , ! Gl8u ; ordinary. 14JM3e. Eggs , 17JiOlbJc. ! New Vork Markets. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 22. Kr.ouit Receipts , .19,571 packages ; exports , 3,58t barrels , 2U03 sacks ; market llrm , moderately active ; sales , 27,200 barrels ; low extras , $ l.iva4.'ir ( ; fair to fancy , t4.2YSTi.OJ : .Minneapolis clear , 4I.2.V34.UO ; .Min neapolis uatcnts. * l.HKi ! 3. < ; 0 ; winter wheat , low grades , l.iri4.2.-i ; natents. J4.5oa.vr > ; straights , $ I.COiS5.-i.2.'i ; rye mixtures , $2.45I.K ) . COHN MKAI < Quiet und steady ; yellow west ern , f.'l.i.ViJC.'J.M.'i. WIIKAT Uecolpts , 3111,700 hu ; export ? , 482.42B lii ; sales , 2,5(1.0JO ( hu of futures ; oTd.UJU bu of onot. Spntmarkot active but lower ; No. 2 reel , tl.OA In store nnd elevator : * l.04J'iJl.cc alloat ; * 1.05JI.07U ! f. o.b. ; No. 3 rod.tl.02'iungraded ; rod , UlclBII.UHJS ; No. I northern to arrive. JI.OIJ ( < S1.077 ; No. 1 hard to arrive.fl.08i ! ! l,08 . Op tions were much depressed and l'/i < (41u ( lower ut the opening on the H. 'V. Whlto & Co failure , but when It became known that ho was about oven on his deals In wheat there wns a reaction of live-eights to Eovon-elghths of a cent , however , a verv ner vous feeling developed later on tho'fear of further trouble growing out of the diffi culty and prices soon settled again ® ? o. There was afterwards ti fcchlo reaction qf oiio-oluhth to one-fourth of a cent and the close was steady at ljo ? to ? { under yostor- ituv. u < o. 2 red , i-'optomber , fl.fi.V3i.oo , closing tl.tnU ; Oclolier. * l.o : ! i1.0il > i. closing fl.O.V,5 ; November. Il.ll71.08. closing Ji.on.i December. * l.iH'i1.00 ' i , closing ( l.uSV ; .Tan- nry , JI.10I.I" ! , closing Jl.IO'i ; February , closing II. 12 ; .March. oloslngtl.iaU ; Mny , (1,14 tfil.l.'i5 * . closing fl.l4i. UVK Dull and unchnngod ; western. OSo. llAltl.KV No. 2 , 7i ) 7.lie. ! CoilN-Uccelpts. W.V.'OJ bu ; exports. 132,522 bu ; sales , lHj4,00 ( > bu of futures : 5U4.0.JO bu of spot. Spot market active , weaker ; No. 2 , fiOo In elevator ; OMtfllenlloult ungraded mixed , Miifflflljio ; options werieonorally demoralized on the \\hllo \ failure and throwing over his long corn , fluctuated frequently nnd closed * \ > . | L iv/tiui IMI mii\.riin iti mi. , . . . . , . , . . , . _ December ; Heptomher , ADfiJOVc , closing SOSJo ; Ootobor , 57)JS ) ( ) . ' > 'ii1. closing fts'io ; November , 6,4t : > 7io. ! closing 57) ) o ; December , Klii-VIUc , closing 54'4o ; January , 5li.12Jo ! ! , closliiL-Wo. OATH Itecelpts , 2l7iOO : bu : exports. J.IMKI lll.'tK ) . ) bu 'of spot. Bpot market'feeling iiulot. Options moderately active and easier : 34Ut ; Sp . . western , WKCJo ; whtto western. aaU9o ; V Ohlcaco. : ? * ( iWlo. shipping , $ a53Bood ; to choice , . .J.'A'.V- ? . * ! " ' ' O.ny st"to. common to choice , I12.0ixajin.00:1'aclilo : const , $ i4JKxaiii.oo. Cof-KijE-Optlons opened steady , unchanged to 15 points up ; closed weak at 5 to 20 mi hits flown ; sales , S4.500 bags. Including ; Hoptom- ber. * l4.20 | 4.tO : ; October. Ji8.75it.oo : : Novem ber , } ,0.i ti 12.00 ; Decombor. Ill.avnui.W ; Jaiiu- nry , tll.il. ll.7S.Marchtll.UOl.ni ; | ; Mayfil.ltu < ail.40 ; July. u.H ) : spot Itl duli , ; fair cargoes - goes , JI..M : ho. 7.114,73. SwiAU-llaw. quiet , btoady ; roflned , fairly uetlyo and firm , MoiAKSK8-NowOrlcnn , Qrr.i ! good dcmnnd. KICK ( Jooil demand ; firm. rETiioi.KUU Olieiicd steady , declined threo- clehth of a cent In the early trading , then ad vanced moon buying orders from thu west nnd closed llrm. Pennsylvania oil , 60io ; highest , 6UWc ! lowest , 69i/o ; closing , 60 0. October option , opening , ftSSc ; highest , AUUo ; lowest , 5Hie ! ; closing , K > Ho. Total vales , bJ- 000 barrels. CorroNBCKD OIL Quiet. TAI.I.OW 1'lrm. KOSIN Qulett steady. Timi'KNTiNK steady nt 38'isijo , Kiis ( ( 1'lrm ; western , 2J4iAIio ) ; receipts , 7- 024 packages. Wool. Qulot , sfoadyt domestic fleece , 30 ® flOe ; pulled , 2b'Wa ; Texas , 1724o. TOIIK Quiet , hteady ; old mess. flO.75Ull.25 : new moss , tl2.0012.5J ; extra prime , $11.CO ® OUT MEATS Dull , wenit ; pickled bellies , Oo per Ib.t nlcklctl shoulders , OHOJ pickled Imiuu , ioCilOtie. _ MiD ii.KS Sfoadyi short clear , September , IM'IIII Diillt woHtorn stoain. J7.15 bid ; tnlot , MO tien'ei at * 7.1M > 7.174 ! | options sales , 5.NH ) tlercun ; b'eptumhvr , 17.10 ; October. f7.l4U7.l5 ; closing ntr7.)4 ) bid ; Pccember. f7.2ia7.23 , elos- Inunt f7.5 ; January. 7.'JI 7.x ; . eloslng ut | 7.2i ; Jununry , f7.Uti | 3 , closing utn.Kl LUTiuii-Quiet , easy ; wosturn dairy , 134JIto ; crcnincry , lViI. ( : , ' > oi wcitern factory. K Quloti fancy , firm ; wcitern , 6Q9'oi ' { pnrt Hklmsc. . I'm IIIONDull ; American , Hfi.dOOlA2 : > . CoriruI'lrni ! lake , September , and Octo ber , 12.10. I.EAli-Klrni ! domestic. II.5H { . Tl.x Steady , unclmnKcdi straits , 170.03. _ Kansas City Mnrltcts. KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Popt , M. Fr.otm Anttvc , steady nnd unchanged ; patent , f3.WXlnOj ex tra fancy , f j.i/a3.2& ; fancy , J2.0.va'-.15 ; choice , U. ' Vil2,00. WIIKAT I/iwcr : No. 3 hard , c.nh , no bids ; Septomhor , 8.1o hid : No. 3 rod. cauli , no bids. COIIN Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 4Uo bid ; Hoiilem- her , 4. * > c hid. OATS I.owor ; No , 2 , cash Mtio bid ; Sep tember.llUc. . IlAv-Htoady nnd unchnnited ; timothy , tf.OO ; fancy prairie , .ffi.io ; uood to choice , f..OOO 5.W ; low Krndcs. ( I.IO I.SJ. I't.AXHF.Ei ) Steady nt Me. HrJTTBit Steady and unchanged ; creamery. IMJ'.Mc ; dnlry. 1'J ICe ; store packed , llttl c ; packing , I0&12e. Kdfis .Stonily to weak nt lf > c. HP.CKIITS Wheat , VIKu ; corn , 1,000 ; oats , II. (00. Hnip.MK.NT3 Wheat , 30,900 ; corn. 3,700 ; oats , 34,700. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Titvcrpoot Alnrkotn. MVEIIPOOU HoiU 'Ji WiiBAT-Stendv ; de- mnnd poor ; holders olTor moderately. Califor nia No. I. Us IHidlZWs lOSitl percental : Ncv2 red winter. SsOCs Id. Hocolpts of wheat for the past three days wera 437.0JO centals , In- cludlni ; 101,000 American , COIIN Qu.'et ' and lower ; mixed western , Gi per cental. IlecelptH of corn for the past throe days were "U.'oo centals. lUco.v I.OIIK clear , 45 Ihs , Dfls per cwt. TAM.OW I'lne American , ' . ' ( is 6d per cwt. Olncliiiuul 'Miirket . CINCINNATI. O. , Sept. 22. WIIKAT Lower ; No. 2 red , Me. COIIN f.ower : No. Smlxed.&MiCOe. OATS Irregular , lower ; No. 2 mixed , 30 ® ' . 30'je. . 1'lrm ; II.1S. i > Ill\vniifccc Ornln Mnrkot. MILWAUKEE , Wis. . Sept 21. . WHEAT Quiet ; No.tt spring. ca < thl3u ; December , Ilk' . OoltN Easy ; No. I ) , cash. f > 0c. OATS-gtojdy ; No. ' . ' , white , 29 > 5c. nriiiticnpolls Or.11 ii Market. Mix.NKAi'Ol.tt ) . Minn..Sent 22. WilEAT-FIrm ; close : Na t hard , track , tu c ; No. t northern , Hoptombor , HJ5.ie : on traoV , Ul.'ic ; No. 2 north ern , on track , b8' ' c. Tolctlo < irnlti .Market. Tor.Koo , O. , Sept. ax WHEAT Aotlro and stuauy ; cash. Wic. ) ! STOCKS AMI JtUXDS. NEW VOUK , Soot. 22. The stosk market for the llrst time In many weeks showed a re actionary temper today nnd mostof the stocks traded In are lower than last evcnlnq as tlio result of the day's opcratlon-s. Whan It was nnnounced that the old and powerful firm of S. V. Whlto & Co. was unable to moot Its on- KitKonicnts there was a rush to sell , but when It was explained that the failure was entirely on account of a deal In corn and had nothing to do with the stock market n bettor feeling was seen , "The buying was ehockod for the tlmoliolnz , however , and the hoara wont In to make the most of the atTatr. There was In addition to this considerable manipulation of money rates today and loans were mndo as IIRI | | as 12 per cent while all offerings were withdrawn at the close nnd bidders were offering 25 per cent , though tills was after lenJers had with drawn from the oxchanzo and every ono who really wanted to borrow had boon supolled. The boars used their most strenuous efforts to force values lower , but a good demand confronted them at every donllno and prices yielded very slowly after the llrst scare In the early dealings. The mnrkot opened at Irregular chnnzcs from last ovenlng's prices and while Union Pacific was upKj per cent. Northwest ern wns down three-fourths of 1 per rent. The active stocks were moro prominent than usual of late and the losses in them were remark- aldy uniform , ranging generally from 1 to 2 per cent , the latter In Reading. Among thu specialties , there were some sharp advances and * the Plttsburg , Cincinnati & St , Louis common rose 4 per cent and the pre ferred nearly U per cent , retaining the most Improvement at the close. More confidence was shown In the afternoon hut. the rally was confined to fractional amounts. Sugar was es pecially weak. The market finally closed rather heavy nftor the rally with most stocks at or near tlio lower prices of the day. The final changes of note Included Atchlson , li per cent ; Mis souri 1'aellloand Heading. 1U tier cent ; Sugar , 1 ! . per cent'lllg ; Four , Iturllncton , North western , Lake Shore , Now England and Wheeling each 1 per cent. Cordage being 1U percent. Government bonds have been dull nnd steady. Ktato bonds have boon dull and firm , The following are the closing quotations for Iho leading stocks on the Now Vork stock exchange - change today : The total sales of stocks today were 2.'i,220 shares Including' : Atchlson 70.807 ; Canada Southern , 5.7CO : UhlcagoGa'i , 10,510 ; Delaware , I.aokawanna & Western. If.tlhO ; Krlo. 15,178 ; Louisville & Nashvllc. 11,200 ; Missouri iWlllc , 2.Hloi : ; Northwcstprii. 7il8 : ; North American , 31.59) ) ; Northern I'aclfle , ajtia : ; Norihorn 1'a- clllo preferred , GH.MM ; Itoading. 3HOfU : Klch- mend & West 1'olnt , 8,110 : Toxns .V 1'ueille , : t.llS ; St. Paul , 58,200 : Union 1'acllle , 31.52U ; Western Linlon , 7ttU ; Wabash , 3,170. Fliuuiclal Kcvlc\v. NEW YOIIK. Sept. 22. The I'ost says : The general Munition outside of the grain market Is so peculiar , and Its way sensitive , that a long continued advantage at such a rate as that of the last few days would make a col- lupso of some kind at least possible. However , It Is apt to be n fruitless tasic to apply the ordinary processor lo lo to a bull market , and there has boon no bull market In recent years whoso underlying factors have been so dltllcult to locate and measure. Now York Money Mnrkot. New YOIIK. Sept. 22. MONKV OM OAM. Closed ranging from 5 to 12 percent ; last , loan , 5 per cent ; closing with no offerings at2ii per cent. I'lttMK MKUOVNTII.K PAPEit-AWnH percent. STKiir.tNd RxoiiANnE AoMvu hut steady at fl.SOii for sixty-day bills and Jl.SJ'.i ' for de mand. The .following were the closing prices on bonds : Financial Notes. ICANSAS OITV , Mo. , Sept. SS.-Olonrlngs , f | , . .titXtJ. , . ' NKW OUI.KASS. La. , Sept. 21.-Clearings , f li ! > S , Qolt NKW VOIIK. Sept , 23. Hank clearings today , * alS40UO ) balances , t7.J73.6UO. lUr.Tnjour Md. , Sopt. 22. Clearings todny , J.MtN-styi ; balances. fUW.88'1. Hate , 0 per cont. I'liii.ADKi.riiiA , Pa. . Hopt. 8 ? . Clearings to day. tr.Mr.i.UlU ; balances , il,749m Money. 43 4H per cent. CINCINNATI O. , Sopt. 22. Money 3'.JQO per pent. New York exchange , 25 < iiioo ; dUcouut. Clearings , II.MXU'.V ) , ST. I.OUIK , Mo. , ? cnt. 2i-0learlngs todny. U302i4U : ! balances , * 107,40.Money , BOS per cant. Now Vork exchange , 12o discount. IlosTo.v , .Mas. , gept. 22. Clearings today , fKMIV-TO ; baluucc * , ll.ib'J.Wi Hate fur uiouuy , 2' ' < per cent ) orchanuo on Now York , 15iu ! discount to par. OlflPAdo , 111. , Kept. S2. Money fjulot nnd tin- chnnircd At 0 per cont. Clearings , fl3t lnoo ) ; New York oxchnneo , COHTOo discount. Sterling oxrhango weak nl J4.HI for slxty-dny lllls und tl.84 for l ht drafts. Stook Alarkct N , Mn-n. , Sopt. 32. Tlio following were the closing price * on stocks on the lloalou stock market todny : Ijondoit Htoolc .Market , LONDON , Pept. ! . Tlio following were the London slock > ) uotatlons closing at t p. m. : Coiiiol * money | i | I.VHij Krle necomli , loj ( Conjoin account..1)4 ) 15-111 Illinois Contra ! 10 > U U.H.4 isoVt Mujclcanorrtlnnry. . . .111 U..s.4i < 10) ) Ht. I'uul 011111111011. . N. V. r. At ) , lints. . . 41 New VurktVntrnI . . 115 Cnnnillnn I'aclllc V ! ' . ( I'cnnnylvnnln ! * > ' Krlu. . . si llcniltng 23 liAitStr.vKii n ii-icd. : MO.NEV ! J per cent. Kato of discount In the open market for short hills. MUffiSSJ per rent ; three months' hlllx , Z r&'i , percent. Jlank ori'jiiir.luittl litilllnn. ' I/ONIIOM , Sept 22. Amount of bullion with drawn from the Hank of Kiiiflnml on balance today , r4iK ( ) , Inoludlng i''W.noo for Now York. The bank sold rJ50OW In United Slates gold today , Par In HcntcH. 1'Aiitp , Sept. 22. Three per cent rentes f8f ! for the account. Denver Mlinilt ; StoukH. i. Colo. , Sept. 22. Total sales , 10,300 , shares , 'Iho following are the closing mining ( | iiotatlons ! Francisco Mining QuotntloiiH. SAN KIIANCISCO. Cal. , Sept. 2 ? . The ofllelal closing riuotallons for mining stocks today wory as followti : New York Mining Quotntionn. NEW YOIIK. Sept. 22. The following are the closing mining stuck quotations : Alice. ioo Iron Hllvcr 120 AdnniH con H"0 " Ontario 38.V ) AKpcn ; iou I'lymoutti 175 Chollnr 160 Sierru Nevada 275 Doailwood UK ) Stnndurd 120 Halo A Norcrosa. . . . 170 Union con. . . . . . 225 Homestnko 'U5U Yellow Jackctt 115 lIornHllvor 340 Uoston Wool ninrkct. II08TON , Mass. , Sept. 22. The demand for wools has been steady. The sales of the week have been qulto largo. Prices nave been very been steady : No. 1 combing selling at a : @ 40c ; line delaine , 34'loe for Ohio : We for Michigan. Unwashed combing wools liavo been In fair demand at 22-2'/o for one-iiuartor blood ; 2 < ® 2So for threo-utghths blood ; territory wools have been In good demand , line selling atlttffWWe : line medium. ri"@r > 3e ; medium. KJffl 63c : Texas , California and Oregon wools have been quiet ; pulled wools selling at 'WOlflo for super : 222J.'i-o for extra ; Australian wools have been firm. Foreign carpet wools have been steady. Havana Markets. 0 HAVANA , Sept. S3. Spanish gold , J2.3J © RxciiANOF.-Qulet. 1 SUQAU Quiet , nothing done ; holders firm. Foreign Oil market. LONDON , Sept. 22. CALCUTTA LINSEED 41s lOJSd per quarter. LiNsr.ED otr lOi Od@10s lOJjd per cwt. Tuni'ENTiNE KpiritH , 2ts ? M per cwt. Traders' Talk. OHICAOO. 111.Sept. 22.--Counsolman & Day to Cocurell llrothers : The public announce ment by the secretary of the board that S. V. Whlto & Co. requested all their trades ceased at the opening created a marko : ! sensation today , and changed the touo from buoyancy to depression. Wheat opened at put prices and the buying against the privileges by scalpers gave prices n , tomperary rally. The suspended llrm seemed to have wheat largely bought for December and sold for .May and until those contracts had been replaced speculators were not In clined to make now ventures , after Ho'eloelc the second eablo receipts the London market advanced , 1'arls a shade higher , Antwerp steady , Liverpool lower with a poor demand llerlln demoralised by bulls unlondliii. . On this news selling became general , prices broke to Insldo figures , closing steady and lighter. Estimated receipts for tomorrow and 240,000 bushels taken for export In Now York. The confidence of holders has received a notabio shock and we think the news of today will bring ti good many selling orders tomorrow. Corn jvas all'ected more than wheat by the suspension , as the firm has been the principal representative ol the eastern bull clique. On the opening decline the ship ping houses were very heavy buyers of near deliveries which caused active buying of late futures by local scalpers to cause short sales and worked a partial recovery , but ono can see no tendency toward a permanent advance In October corn. May firmed on a scattering buying for long account. Provisions were dull but resisted an early attack by bear speculators , but recovered on a good shipping demand for meats and closed with an upward tendency. CmcAno , Sept. 22. SwarU , Dupreo&McCor- mlok to K. C. .Swart ? A Co. : Of course the overshadowing Inlluonco toduy In wheat as In everything else was the failure hero and In Now York of that concern whloh was most prominent In the corn deal. The olToot was tl.o natural one lower prices. December wheat , ivhleh sold Monday at $1.03j , sold bo- tween'JUJi.0 ' antl OSTio and closed 0c. ! ) The or dinary routine of circumstances were without Inlluenco. There was a decrease In imsaauo of 7.W.OOO Imsliols. hxport clearances were lib eral und about WM.uou bushels. Hull fulluro In ono Inevitably results In bull discouragement In all the grain pits. The lluctuatlons today , considering the el rcumstances , were moderate. Wo believe , however , that the failure of the corn manipulators will result In tedious liqui dation all over the lloor. In corn the results of the New York collapse was more direct. September dropped about 4c , October about He. There was some recovery before the oloso. Shippers bought considerably ou tlio decline. The prospect , however. Is that the bull enthu siasm has gone for good. The enor mous amount of corn moving toward Now York will make that market panicky. Now York cannot got very weak without af fecting Chicago. Provisions snowed at the close a llttlo loss , a trilling loss , however. Hear prospects are made more certain by this disastrous result to bull manipulation In corn. CtiiOAOo. 111. , Sept. a. ' . Koiinett , Hopkins & Co. to S. A. McWhortor : There was not so much carbonlo air and gas In the market at any time today as yesterday. With tlio foam blown nwav tracers could morn clearly see the actual situation und rolled thereon. Tlio Whlto failure wns the principal tuple of tlio day , Out that It did not materially alTeet wheat was evident from the fact that It was down loon the curb before the fulluro was made public. General rugrot was expressed that a man of .Mr. Uhlto'H good sense and high character should have undertaken the deal that ended so dlaaslrously It Is believed that ho und his following have been Identified with the manipulation of wheat und a more natural market will result for a time. There Is no sign of a lot up In re ceipts , Clearances for t-omo days past huvo fallen elf , but engagements for export today huvo been quite liberal. It Is believed that lower prices will prevail for n few days. Khorts absorbed the oilorlngs of September and October corn on soft spots nil day Ion" and It Is now pretty well eliminated. There WUH iiUogood buying by shipper * * , one llrm ulono having taken l.WJ.WJ bushulx. It Is luunl for receivers to carry stocks for [ convenience ut other lake ports than Chicago. Latterly this practice lain ueen abandoned , but with tlio breaking of the corner It Is Ilkoly tube again resumed , The decline In values has nlso greatly stimulated the export Iradoandlt will have a tendency to cheek receipts for the present. This may olfbot the oirect of closing up so largo u short Intert'st und prevent ma terially lower prices until there lias been u further readjustment of conditions Oats have been weak und In sympathy , but lookiillko a purchase on these llttlo breaks. In provisions the bears tried to raid the mar ket at the opening on the supposition that K would follow corn , put the oirerlngs were quietly absorbed by t'ood Durtlc * unU prices recovered oa llyJ\J \ n would not Undo on the short xldn oxer-ilfif f rood r.tlllc , believing in considerably liiflBof. rallies bye and bye. o.ii. < jf..i i.iraviruvK .inUK/ITS. H' . OMAHA , Soot , 22. UATTMi-OnlclnUrlcolptl nf cnttlo. 2.1M , ns comuarod wlljiXA4l | yestordav anil 3,0(17 ( Tuoidar of lii woflk. The bulk of the offerings xvoriLcows nnd fenders , nccf leers were slow nrilCwcak. Cows duli ; and wonk at lOo loeerGood feeders stro IIR. Others unchanged.J ; lions Olllelal rooolDls of hogs , 4,075 ns compared with ICTVeslerdixy nnd ! I,4.11 same day of lust wpijte. Market nctlvo nnd n ' ' Rhndo higher tlmii Monday nil Round. Everything sold vonTly. Hulk nt l4.imtiM.00. Light. W.75a\00i lioavy , awmIOi Ulflod < , , .s .oo.-- - HIIKKP Oniclal receipts of ihoop 1,384 , ns comp.trcd with I.iiM yesterday and nonn Tuesday of last week. Market nctlvo and steady. Itcuclptn nnil DlhiioHltloii ofStoulc. Official receipt * and UUpoiltloii of sloak ni shown by the books of the Union Stock Yardi company for thu twenty-four hours ending at 9 o'clock , p. m. , September 22 , 1SJ1 : IlKCKll'Td Kcprcseivtatlvc Sales. STKEIIS. No. Av. Pr. No , Av. l'r. No Av. I'r. 1..1240 W.BO 12. . 1017 M TO 1S70 IM S..H55 U G5 18. 1262 4 00 COWS. 2.1. . 700 1 Ki 0. 1059 185 soii ICI 11 IOKI I > Ii. . 1 75 . . ii2 : > JIM 0. . net 1 W 2fi. . OM 105 netwo II. . wo 1 75 21. . IVIl 200 ' 0:10 : 1 75 1. It 00 200 Si ! 012 1 HO 1. . I01),1 ) 200 H. 1101 I R } ia. . 7KI 2 10 1. . OdO 1. . 1180 2 15 OD.-I 1 85 0. . 005 2 15 1IEIFEUS. ETOOKKHS AND FEEDKIU. 10. . 8IU 255 14. 075 2fiO 24. . KIT 2 CO 23 .10XI 2 IK ) 28. . KM 2 ( 05. .1007 200 4. 1 0 2 05 1. .1030 : too 2 75 20. 1071 325 31. . 008 2 75 12. .1107 530 CALVES. 30. . 210 2 50 1. . 150 300 : i. , : tto 2 50 a. . 200 300 17. . 320 2 75 205 325 IIUM.S. 4..122/ ai 1..1I40 180 I. . 11110 1 70 2..1370 180 1..1500 1 75 I..1480 1(0 i..iro i 80 1..1220 200 YEAHL1NG3. 27. . 730 2 65 TTKSTEIIN CATTI.B. No. Av. Pr. 28 COWB 028 tl 00 VO steers 1153 3 00 28 steers , Wyomlns-Teras 1187 28 steers , Colorado-Toxus 3003 GO 21 steers , Colorado-Texas 1112 75 47 steers , Colorado-Texas. . . ' 1105 75 Crimes A : Co. 4 feeders 1000 15 4 feeders 11CO 25 6 feeders - . . , ; inoi 05 1 feeder. - . . > 1180 (15 ( 1 feeder. 1270 CM SO feeders , . . , 1040 5 27 feeders 1020 70 Chamberlain & > loty. ) Chlcnco Idvo Stock Market. CHICAOC , III. , Sept. 22. [ Special Tolesrarn to THK HKK. ] So far this week tlio receipts of cattle have been about r..uoo head loss than for the same time last week. Ordinarily so marked a decrease would have resulted In u pronounced advance , but It has hud no oll'eet beyond Importing to the market u slightly steadier tone. Doth local and eastern buyers took ud vnntacobl the overstocked condition of the market ln'tsi.ircek ' and bought heavily , consequently tlijy will want comparatively few cattle this week , and should oven thu same rate of decrease In Biipulles be maintained HnaJ dmihtfiil that there would bo any .vyry radical Improvement In prices. All elasSivero liouKhtspiriiiKlv : and Hollers wore un.it/ln / to push uu prices u llttlo bit. Hangers eonstltiiiod about two-thirds nf the arrivals , ulilf-n Ineluded1,000 natives , S.OOO westerns and Vf L Te.vnns. The estimated quotations were /rnm Jl.lKI to JH.-HJ for natives , J.I.7. ' . tofl.r > . " > for westerns and * ! . - ' : > to f.l. 10 for Texans. The huFjtof the natives were weighed at from fl.M ) to J'J for cows and hulls and at from W.f to f-VUl-'for steers.Vesteri.ssold principally at from CI.2J to { l.v : > and I I.OJ to tlMMvoro the pojniliir prices forToxans. Homo of the fresh arrivals and several bunches that were hold over from last week romMiioJ un- old. v i The poor ( inalltjj of today's offerliiKs In hoji w.is the eaiiHO oCltc'J , a little profanity amonv IniyorH. they llwllni ; It utterly Imposslhlo to 1111 tliclr orders wltli the grade of ho s tliov were lioklns for. Only a small percentage of the receipts Krado'l better than coinmon , and while a few loads of eholee fetched from VU.'i toV47 ! ( , prices polow t.M5 took the greater nart ; Indeed the luovalllnK llgmes were from fl.80 to fi. ! . ' > for heavy and lrom(4OJ to * . ' > .WJ for llirhl welEhts. Many sales were made around } liO , and common Krassera and thin nljjs sold ut from * ; ,00 tofl.Va. Trade ilrugKuil from the outset and not all the olferlnKS were taken. The ttvonliiK Journal repottsl UATTM : Uo- colpts , 1'i.OOj ; shipments , -1,000 ; market slow , steady to lower ; prices for natives , * .l.oxi : .V73 ; no extra steers on sale ; other * . & 150 < isl.rr ) : Texnns , : ' , tiai.50 ; ( : r.inxcrs . , JI.-1031.M ! good native COWH , t..iYiiA''J. lions ItecelnU , 1A.OOO ; shipments , B.OOO ; market dull ; common and packers lower ; others stonily to HtronKirough and common heavy , tt.MU.WRood packer ! ) , tl.bOSt.V 10 ; iirlino heavy and 'butcher * ' weights , M.ioa \W : jirlmo light , JO.003.VJvi second class light , i4.ivtVi.00. HIIEEI- Receipts , 4,000 : shipments , 3,000 ; lambs slow and lower ; native owes , Ji.7.Vi6 4.50 ; Hestoruh , tl.UO ; lambs. fi.7.VSMO. : KuiiHiiN City Ijivu Mfouii. Mnrkots. KANSAS GJIV , Mo. , Scot. 2 * . ' . OATTLU UB- eolitirV)0 ) ) ! * hpmoiitn ( , l.MOl mnrkr.t ilcady to lowon tpora. M.H.Vit.W : cows , ll.S.vaa.70 ; ilookcM nnil feeder * . $ * .oo W.7S. lions ItecolnM. 8.1201 shlnnicnti , IM ; mar- f t'v ' 'wS ' IOW ° r ! ' * ' < 6S1 > 79' ' "u BrfttlCl' ! Piir.r'p llecclptK. LSMi ihlpments , l.COO ; mar ket steady . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ht. liOitlH Iilvo Htook "Mnrkct. ST. Lout * . Ma , Sent , S'-r'A-n.t-llocolpti. H.SOO ; thlnmrntn. 800 1 murket oaiy ; nn- tlvCM , ( I.8UW > .CU | Texans and Indlnn ? . U.404& 3C\ 3Clions llecclpti * . .1,000 : shipments , 4M ; mar ket stiiadyi heavy. I.VIlKSS.'u ; mixed , 4,70 415.10 ! llKht , tJ.OOai.l5. ( O. M//.I trilOLKSAtK MAHHKTH. KrcHh CltAlt Al'l'l.Ks 1'cr bbl , $ 'ifA ( UNTAt.out'KS-rer doi , f 1.00. ' I'r.At.'HKs-UallfornlaUrawfords. slnRlo ca < o lots , f I.MI ten caio lots , JI.VO ; .Michigan , per bnfdtct , Mo ; liushol. 12.00 , UIIAVRS lloinu Brown , 10-lb basket , 30ct 2.1- Ib basket , lots , vsc ; Muscat , per crate , tl.iH ; Ko9o 1'oru , SI.W. TearsUallfornla varlotlos. K.SJ. I'l.UMB C'ftllfornln , gros and llunearlan , prunes , ( l.'J.Vil.wi ; Corman prunes , (1.V5. Ai'i't.r.s 1'er bbl , KJiMffli. ! * ! . OiiANlis : I'er box , Imported , tUXi&7,00. ( ) WATKIIMKLONH Kiiney , crated. I5c. LEMONS Tor box. 10.60 ; fancy Maori , JS.OO. HAN-ANAS 1'er bunch , * : ' .00 < A2.iO for good shipping stock. C'ltAMiKHiilKSCapo Cod , per bbl , 19.00. Flour. Omaha Mllllnc company. Itollancc. Patent , J-.W ; luvlnelhlc * . I'atont. JifO ; l.nno Star. Su perlative , fiW ; Snowllake , 1-.10 ; Fnney Fam ily. if..OO. It. T. Davis Mill company. No. 1 and Cream IliKh ratont , } ; ' .M : llluo I ) , and Ked R , $ ' . > .ixi ; I/Ion and llawkeyo. W.40 ; Itoyal No. 10 , Special Talent , W.OO ; .Minnesota ana DaUota , I'ntenI , { 2.UJ ; Kausas Ilnrd Wheat , I'atenU f'.fiO ; Ne braska StralKhts. $ J.'iO. S. R Oilman's Cold Mcda1.f2.81 ; Snow White ; W.M : Snowllake. $ . ' .10 ; low grade , * I.HD ; Queen of the I'antry , if'.DJ ; Minnesota Superlative , J2.80 ; bran , tU.10 ; chopped fond. t'it.Ol. Arojotnlles. The following nuotatlons represent the prices at which choice slock Is billed out on orders unless otherwise stated : ONIONS Homo grown , 40ffi50o per bu. OEI.KHV Per doICic. . TOMATOSH Per hu. , 73ct. OAIIIIAOK llomegrnwn , Ic per Ib. llKANH Navy , fc..G'JO.n.per bu. I'OTATOES Local crowers are supplying the demand almost exclusively at VQnr > u per hu. SWKKT POTATOES Jersey , $5.00 per hul. , homegrown grown 2c per Ib , Country I'rotliice. Enns Market weak at l(5o. ( 1'oui.Tiiv JIarket weak ; receipts light. Ahout thooutsltleon fowls nnd chickens Is & .7. > and small chickens have sold as low as J-.OJ and good sizes at.5) ) . UtJTTKH The best country butter , eood enough for city trade , sells atl513c ; puckers' stock , U'c. JOlt.V A. MCSHAVE. KIIANK O Co.VDO.f McShane & Condon , INVESTMENT BANKERS , 300 S. 13th St. , First National Bank Bail I ing , Omaha , Nob. Deal In stock * , bonds , s ourUloi , coim3rclil pt per , etc NoKotlato loaai on linprjraJ O.uihi rji estate. Short tlras loaai , oa banlt ( took , or oht pprored collateral lecarlt ) HUMPHREYS' i'Ecirica arorclcntincnllynnd cnref ully prepared tirescrlptloni ; used for many years la prlTatopractlce with auccesnandforovcr thirty years used by thepeoplo. Every olnglo Spo- clflo u a apeclnl euro for the dlseaso named. These Specifics euro without drugging , purg- ln or reducing the ej-stpm , nnd are In ( net and deed Uioiiovorolgn remedies of tlio World * LUT or riiiNX-irit. KOS. CCKCS. rmcrx. 1 F Tcra ( Congestion , Inflammation. . . . * 25 J Woruii , Worm Fever , Worm Colic , . ! is 3 Crylutf Collc.orTrcthlnKof Infants .VS 4 ntiirrhcn , ofChlldrenorAdulln. . , .75 O Ilr entory. Griping , llillous Colic ! i5 Cfiolorn .niorliiH , Vomiting US _ J C'rouu , CoiiKh , Difficult lln-athlntc. . . . 14 Halt Rheum , Erynlyclni"Eruptloai. 15 KhoiiinatlHin , Itbcumntlcl'nlnii. . . . 1(1 Fever nnd Acne , Chills , JIahirla. . . . Tiled , llllndorlJlc " I III ! lillduey 1M .SO " ' ' ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' 58 KananaJleiirilty . . . . . . . . . . . itO JJrlnaryVciilncm , WcttlncDcd. . . * IHsciXBesof thellcurtl'nliltatlon-l. 00 Bold by Druggist * , or tent postpaid on receipt of price. Dn. HUHninETS1 MANUAL , ( Ml paRcs ) rlcfily bound In cloth nnd Bold , mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Oor. William and John Streets , New York. SPECD Fl OS- OTI333XI. tonves a Hellenic nnil I.nstlnir Odor After Uilnff. If nnnblo to procnro HnANnov BEI.T.B SOAP send Sjtln stomps nnd rocolvo acako by return mnll. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. HI'EOIAT. . Shandon Tlpllo Waltz ( the pop- nlar Society Waltz ) pent FICKU to nnyono BondIng - Ing us three wrappora of Bhandon Dolls Bonp. Pond lOo in stamps for enmplo bottle StanJon Utlli I'crjumt. 5 r.ifl B D BLOOD I Pimple * on the Taoo | Breaking Oat | Bkln Troubles ! . llttlo Bores i Hat Skin ) Bolls I Blotone | Gold Borei ) Bad Breath ) Bore Houtb. or Llp | It you lutttr from ny of tine yinptoiii * , to' " LOOD Ww 1(1 IITIr * * * * * . , . i HIT * you ever n d inercuryI H / * ? , ui attention at.tho . tliiiel Zplvo your clt the needed . : \Van' ! _ ! . . lnutt . . * „ . > lu / rVf you q tlin ro bluo.1 fr ci * IsSVJ&SSSSJSKi S FOUS.VI.K IIY ICUIIN .t CO , and BIIEH iIAN & .MeCONNELU Omalia. I'lto'i Hcmcdr 'or Catarrh Ii tlio licit , liask'tl to Uco , and Chcaputt. Bold IIT drueulnta or M-'nt bjr miill , We. K T. liiuvltUie , WarrcB , I'o. OMAHA iJfllK < uutiul/lo a DIRECTORY. WXIXGS A XI ) TEXTS. Omnha Tent & AwnIng - Ing Oo , , I'liiitf. linmmnrkiroll nml riitilirr clothing. Ht < nd for catalogue. 111.1 Knrnnm. HAGS AXD Bom5s Omaha Bag Oo. ImpurtorK nml Matiufno * turorn , Flour 5 ok , linrlnps and Twine. niCYCLKS. A. II. Porrljo & Oo. M. 0 , Daxon. 1104 DodRO Street. Illcyclos oM on monthly pnymcntn. Send for our catalogue nnd prices. "IOmnh HOOK HINDERS 7'vl TlOXJiliS Ackorman Brotliors & Hcintzo , Printers , binders , eloctrotniori , blank book raanu- faeturori. 1110 Howard tlroot , Omnha. MOOTS AXD SJIOKS JiOXES JiUTCIIEIlS John L. Wilkie , Louis Holler , Omaha p.iior | bo * factory llutrlirrs nnd I'ncker , iiI7-iil'.l ; : DouKlni. 'loola nnd mippllo.i. Hoof Orders | ironiitly | nileil. ho ? nnd heo | > cnslnai. lllii-IIIH .t ck < on * troou CAKJilAOJSS , VUGG1ES , ETC. W. T. Scamaii , Oiimha'a Largeat Variety WAGONS AND CA11IHAGIC3. CAltl'ETS. CLOTU1XO. Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gihnoro & Buhl , Cnrncla , oil. cloth * mat- Mnnufncturera and tlMK' , cur'nln K0od , otc \Vliolo nlo Clothiers , IMIDoUKlna street 11011 llnrney ( treot. CIGARS. West & Fritscher , Mnniifnctnrcs flnecliinra , jobbers of leaf tnbncco. 1011 Knrnnm Stroat. COAL , COKE , ETC. Omaha Coal , Ooke & , Ooutant & Squires , Limo Cj , , lliird nnd soft coal ship Hard and not ! coal. 8. K. 1309 pers. Karnam street cor. treoto. lo'th and Douglas Omaha. FURNITURE AXD CARPETS. GEXT'S FURXISIIIXG GOODS. J. T , Eobinson Notion Oo. ContV flirnhllliu KOOdi , m'l'K colubratod linind "liuokikln" oVc'rallH , l > niit > , HhlrtH , coiH : , etc. Cor. Utli and HUH urd rtta. GLASS , PA1XT , OIL AXD DRUGS. 313 South 10th Et Dnvlil Cole Mannjor. OILS. OonsDlidatod Tank Line Oo. Itctlned nnd lubricating oils , nxle Krcnse , etc. JV * wtt It. II. lluth , Manager. PROD UCE , COMMISSION. 1 ; M. A. Disbrow & Oo , Bolm Sash & DoorOo Manufncturon of sash. Manufacturers of mould" ( I ( idrs. till n els and Ings , blind ) , doors , etc. mouldings , llrnncli of Ollleii : tlce , 12th nnd Itnrd Sts. Itooin 42'1 lice llulldln ? . TEA , COFFEE , SPICES. Consolidated OofTeo Company , 1414 and lllli llnrnoy St. , Omaha , Neb. 2V YS. MILLIARDS. H. Hardy Oo , , Tlie Brunswiok- Toys , ilolli , nib u inn , Balko-Oollonder Oo , , ' fancy goods , house fnr- lillllard nii'rclmnill.ie. nl lilciK gooda , child- .Snlnon tuture * . renS carrlngo. 407,4011 H. Hllli Ntruot , 1311) ) Farnam Street. Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED A. D. Boyer & Oo , , IIuntor& Green. 6-W llichanffo llulldlng , COKxchniiuoIlidldlnir , South Omahn , South Omnha. Miss Ella Joseph loft yesterday for I-ovp- lunil , Colo. , whoroshc will teach In thopuhllo schools duriiii ? the coming COMMISSION MERCHANT , Noe. 2 and 4 Shannon St. . nooms CO & CO. CHICAGO. Flnl-ehi 'facllltl rortlionindlln ) nf hlpmprit nf ( Jriilii. KlfId and Kin * HW.III. Ite7i'rinci' fora lizi'li wo and Amcrlcnn K * < 'hango Natloimlllanig. Rub sprained limbo with Pond's Extract. ' WANTED Total luiues of CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL vw . .KBrw DIHTRICTU , WATER COMPANIES , ST. H.R.COMPANIES , Ul UurrfipoinUlicu tullcilxd. N.W.HAnniS&COMPANY.Banker IOH-'OO ' rjearnorn airoot , CMICAQ . 15 Wa'l Otreot. NEW YOltlO 7O Btota SU. QOSTOfi ,