Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Ho Put Tommy Warren to Sloop With Five
Ounce Pillows.
Cnl Iiml tlio Host or It nil the
Jline Unolo AIIHO in Trot-
tlii ) ; Ajjnln Other
Nn\v OIU.F.A.VSI , Sept. 2-J.
whipped Tommy
Wnrron before
nearlv 4,000 persons
nt the Olympic
club rooms tonight.
Warren nnd Mc
Carthy uro two of
the foremost men
In tholr class. It
was apprehended
that on account of
grand Jury Indict-
_ menu ngnlnst the
principals , the match wouldnot como off ,
but the Olympic club Is secure in its quar
terly bnxlnt ? matches in ns much as the state
law allows contests with flvo ounce gloves In
regularly chartered organizations.
McCarthy and Warren were Instructed by
the referee that a decision would bo made
when it became apparent that ono or the
other's chance to win had passed. This now
feature In ring encounters will bo appreci
ated by all. The principals weighed nt the
club rooms at ft o'clock this nftcrnoon under
the 118-pound limit. The purse for which the
men contended was il.KOO , of which JI.'JOO
gros to the winner and ? 3)0 ( ) to the losor.
MiiHtcr.s of tlio Fi-lit.
John Duffy was referee. John Dixon , master -
tor of ceremonies , mndo n speech , saying the
contest about to take place was not n prize
fight , but n contest for points. Haley nnd
Kobinson seconded Warren , nnd O'Mcara
nnd Brown seconded McCarthy. The con
test was n stubborn one throughout the
ftwenty-ono rounds. In the ninth round Mc
Carthy seemed to hnvo tbo best of it , Wnrron
bolni : very tired. From this titno McCartny
tad matters his own way , though he received
some punishment in return for the thumping
lie gave his opponent. In the sixteenth
round Warren was severely punished and in
In each round thereafter. In the twentieth
round ho was knocked down und was only
Raved by time being called. In the twcnty-
llrst round Warren ngaiu wont down nnd
was counted out.
Story of tlio Battle.
It was ono of the prettiest and gamiest
/outlier-weight battles over seen In the
Promptly nt 9 p. m. the gong sounded for
the llrst round. Both mon displuvcd great
cleverness from the start. McChrtliv hod
the longer reach , and showed up stro'ngor ,
and both of these qualities told nil Uiioufh
the light. Warren displayed his usual won
derful .skill In ducking , but McCarthy
finally found a way to stop the dodging
by torrillo upper cuts with his
loft. Notwithstanding this , War
ren found moans to escape punishment
until In the froquontlv recurring clinches , ho
ran county to McCarthy's clover richt and
opened a gap over his oyo. McCarthy's loft
also drew blood from Warren's mouth and
Thus the tight stood up to the tenth round
and from that time out McCarthy was general -
oral euouzh to keep playing upon the
wounded parts. This was .easy , as Warrou
did most of the rushing nnd McCarthy's '
longer roach enabled him to counter on the
vulnerable parts.
Wnrrcn Mndo n Showing.
Between the tenth'and twelfth rounds
Wnrron rallied n great deal. Ho stopped n
jmmbor of vicious upper cuts' with his elbow ,
foundvi"m wn.V lo McCarthy's heart nnd
irtomacu wltirnTs-lCft mid 'swung his right on
his nock. Loss of bl6TMLbow'dvo"i made him
weak , and his blows scaffoly moved Mc
Carthy , who kept Warrerr',8. wounds open
nna landed often enough to sK tuo little
Callfornlan to madness and keep him growing -
ing weaker all the tlmo. -s
McCarthy's constant battering ; finally bad
the desired effect. Warren lost his science
ps ho lost his strength , rushed madly , struck
aimlessly and wore himself out. Ho wont
tlown frequently in thu twontiotb round , as
often from pushes as from punches , and ho
was nearly out when the gong signalled the ,
close of that round.
, When lie came up for the twenty-first
round the light was plainly hopeless. Mc
Carthy countered with right ana loft as ho
nishod In arid Wnrron went down on nil
fours' lie , tried hard to struggle up , as
olgiit seconds wcro culled , but fell forward
'on his hands and was counted out. McCarthy
escaped without n scratch. „
Undo if , TrotUni ; Kljht Along to tlio
Wire Now.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 23. Chicago nad no
trouble In winning today's game , un error
giving Cincinnati its only run. Bases on
balls were developed into winning runs by
the visitors. Score :
Cincinnati . 0 1
Uhlcaco . 0 0 0 0 S 1 0 1 * 4
Hits ! Cincinnati. 4 : Chicago , 7. Errors :
Cincinnati. S : Chicago. 'L llattorlos : Khlnos
nnd Keennn ; Vickury and Schrlvcr. Earned
ruiist Chlcapo , 1 ,
BOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. 02. No Brooklyn
player got beyond second base. The Bos
tons by three hits and good base running
won the game. Score :
Uoston . 0 00 1 0020 3
llrnoklyn . o 0
Hits : Hoston , tl ; Urooklyn. 4 : Errors : Hos-
ton , 1 ; UrooKlyn , L' . Butteries : Nichols und *
llennntt : Lovutt and KIiulow. Earned runs :
Hoston. - .
NKW YOIIK , Sopt. 22. The Now York and
Philadelphia teams played tivo games nt the
Polo grounds today , each winning one. Score :
Now Vork . , 0 . 'I
I'hlUdelphla. . . 101 4
lilts : Now York. 0 ; I'hlliulolphla. 8. Er
rors : Now " prk.4 : rhiladolpiila. a Itattor-
less Welch and U'ltonrko ; Gleason and Klolds.
turned runs : Now York , ' . ' ; 1'hllndelHhtn , 1.
Second game :
Now York. . . 0-11
I'hlludolphln . 0 5
lllu : Now Vork , 14 : I'hllndulphhi. 0. Er
rors : Now York , 2j 1'hlludoluhta. 2. Hat
ter cs : CoiiKhlln nnd O'ltourkiKspor. . Kllnif
IV.11.1.1l0tt ; ! ! > . > ' knruocl runs : Now York. 0 :
I'lilludelphln , 'L
PiTTsiiuitii , Pa , , Sept , 22. Cleveland won
today's game by superior Holding nnd hard
hitting , while the homo team could not touch
Vlau when hits were ueoded. Score :
I'lUsbnrR. , . 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 2
Cleveland . t. . . 0 5
' Hits : I'lttsburg. 0 ; Cleveland , II. Errors :
'H'st'iirB. ! l : Cluvolund. L Itatiorlca : King
ami Miller ; Man anil.immor. . Eatnoo" runs :
VlltaUuig , S : UloveliMul. l.
_ . . I'layeil. Won. Lost. I'or Ct.
Ohloaso . ISO 7S 43 .010
75 M
Now Yorlc 118 W 63
J'tjlluiloluliU , . . . . 125 W 57 528
Cleveland l'.1 ! ) M 71 AW
Hrooklyu , . , , 121 gj 70
1'ltuuurir. , 120 54 71
Olucinnati , 1' " ] 49 77
Bt. I.ouls SiiccecdH Iu Getting ; tlio Lmit
irom tlio HonntnrH.
ST. Loins , Mo , , Sept. 23. Uy n aeries of
error * oil the part of the vuitors and lucUy
batting stroaU by tbo homo team , the latter
ucccodod in the lereatli inning Iu forging
ahead and cinching the game in tbo eighth
inning. Both teams played poorly. Score :
ft. LOUI 9 3-13
WiuUlnntou 0 0 1 0 U 8 0 03
nitt ; St. I.oulm ITi Washington , 7. Krrorti
Bt. Uult , : WathlnKton , 8. llatterlos : Itctl-
Bor.llurroll and llojrloi Uarsoy mid Jlcdulro ,
i. rnd liuu ! tit , Louis , 61Va hluilou. 4.
Wl . , S i > t , 2JIloiton wet
todav hy coupling her bits with Mllwaukoo'i
errors. Score :
Mllwailkca 3
Boston 20000301 * "t >
HIM : Milwaukee. T : Hoston. It. Errors :
Milwaukee. ( I : Hoston , 0. llallerlesi Davles
nnd ( Irlmt O'llrlen nnd Murphy , Karncd
runs ! Mllwnilkpc , 1 ; Hoston , 2.
Cnt.fMiifi > , O. , Sent. 22. Columbus out-
balled and oul-ploycd Baltimore toduy nnd
won handily. The hatting of Johnson nnd
O'Kourko wcro the feature. Score :
Colliinhiin 1 0 0 0 . ' ! 0 I 2 0-10
Hitltlinoto 2 0 1 U II U I ) 0 2-H
lilts : ( liiinhtis. IS ; Ilaltlniore , ft. Trrois !
ColiiinliilM. il : lliiltltnoro , 4. llatterles I.olpor
and Doniilinoi llcnly nnd Itohl'ison , Kurnod
runs : Columbus , 0 ; lialtlniore , 4.
I'lavo u Won. l.nit I'or Ct
Hoitton . 12.1 M
SI. lnnis . l.'O HI 47M .KM
llaltlmord . . 12. * > l > 7 M JM
Athlntlct . f.ll 10 .Ml
coiuinims . r : 70 .470
Milwaukee . 123 . " > ' 71
Ixiitlxrllle . 124 . ' > ) 7S
Wiishio ton . I''ii 41 85
Clininliins ] .Still.
Siorx CITV , In. , Sept. 2-,1. In ntioxhlbitlon
game loday the Sioux City pennant winners
defeated the Kansas City ex-champions by n
score of 1 ( to U. -
How They 1'lnlnlioil.
Appended will bo found the batting and
Holding averages of the four Western asso
ciation loams as they stood nt the close of tlio
season , September lit. Big Sam Dungan of
the Omahas is second on the batting list ,
with White Wings Tobeiiu a notch nhead of
him. If the games last week wcro figured In
the table Dungnn would lead with nn nvor-
npo of , 'M'l.
Mnruilnk' . ' - ' ! > . . . <
Ilourur. rt. . . . . . 171
.Smith. It. . vn . .111
Stuiirni ) . II ) 1017 2S .308
CnrpontiT , ,1U. . . , ire. .24.1
riekett.M 2 < 'J .VIM .fll.l
Wll.'on.c , IKI 2. ) .IM . 'MS
( iunnon , c : v > < .an
towdors. p 14
Swnrtiol , p 11
Itnnuli.p 114lV .524 'M
I'l-nra. | i , . 4lV
Tratlley , o . .183
DIIIIKUII , cf . . : ! .IKIi
Wliltchcnil , ni. .144 .SU )
KlunnnKHii. tb. . .27' ' '
McClvllnn,2b. . . .vu
Floliln , c . , .Vtt
.smith , p. . . . . .213 .y.a
WrlKlit.rf. . . . . .341 .881
McNnbb , p . ,13J . 'J.5
.217 .87U
Unit , p . .S24.mi 9.VI
Htflu. p .mi
Tcbcnn , cf 27 .ilk )
llcnnl. us 1S1 .mi ;
Hum * , rl. . . . . .S7.t
O'Connor , c. .304 i)3l )
Wcrrlck , 2li. . .221 . .mi
> 1tHjarr , MS .UI7
Wllmin , c . ' .C.7
Kennedy , p. . ' .III
Konrnler , p. '
( illllllllKl , |
.231 . ' . ( I !
uu , rf , . . . .32i .KB
, c . .262 . ' .ttt
Dolnti. | i. . . . .1C7I1IIUU
AMONG I11K A.1l < LTEUIt ! > .
Wlmt'B tin * Ulattor Now ?
HASTIXOS , Neb. , Sept. 22. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HiK. : j The Beatrice ball toniu
loft for homo today. They refusea to play
with Hastings as " they claim that yesterday's
game was stolen "from thorn. [ lasting pep-
plo claim that they were afraid to finish the
series us they might lose their clulm to the
state championship.
BnATitici ? , Neb , , Sopt. 122. [ Special Toio-
gramito.Tiifi' BIE. : ) The .Beatrice base ball
club returned homo from Hastings tonight
disgusted , and having refused to play out
the sorlos of tbrpo games on account of the
unfnir treatment nccroded them on the
diamond. As n guarantee that their leaving
was not from fear of losing the games the
following challenge was issued this'evening :
We h&JSky challenge the Hustings bull club
to piny iStd of three jrnmes nt Lincoln ,
olthor ThnrsdTiyr-ili"j y null Saturday of
this week , or MondnyTl'ii i'iy ' " . ' " ' . .jyediies ; .
ilay of next week , for a pnrsS \ . * -2P'il-Sido ;
nnd the entire cute receipts , or for ho K to
rocolplH onlv. lint tlin purse to bo Included
preferred. Tiie malinger of vucli club nnd
ono disinterested purtrto nurco on tln < um-
piro. It to ha distinctly undorstond tliat , tlio
Runio men will play ns wcro In tlio Rnnio nt
lInstlnKsyestoriln.v. If nceeplod. money will
be dopositoit In tiny Lincoln bunk that inny
ba dcslKimtcd , If ncceptud for this ueuk ,
must liu inndo the "I ; it for next week , not
Inter tliin : the 13. U. K. JONKS , Captain , *
Flvo hundred dollars was raised here in
thirty mlnutos lust evening to be used ns n
purse when" tbo result of yesterday's parao
was telegraphed and a statement inndo ns to
the homo club's recaption tit Hastings. It
must bo either put up or shut tip.
Good ( jtimo nt Km < ; r on.
STIUHA.V , la. , Sopt. 2i ! . | Special to TIIK
BEK.I S trail an and Emerson played nn in
teresting gnmo of ball on tha letter's grounds
yesterday afternoon. The baltery work on
Doth sides was very flno , Wcathorhcad strik-
iuc ; out nineteen mon nnd Atkinson thirteen.
Following is the score :
Zh. . . . 0001 Roberts , Ib. . 1 2 10 0 2
Vnan'iVI' . Ib I 7 0 llellwoocl. If. 1 2 0 U 1
W'tlirrhM.p. 1 1 0 G Xnndcrs.Jb. . 0 0 U 1 2
K. I'ntrlck , c. 0 2 I'.i 0 Atkinson , p. . 12150
( ) . I' u : i o u Dttllnrt.c. . . 0 U It & 0
AppU' Sbajr.itii 0 1 U 4 0
Cnr > on , rf. . . 0 1 o 0 C'rliia\rcll,2b. 00002
Crawfurtl. lib. 001 Kucrott , of. . 00100
Oaborn , as , . . 1 1 0 llujer , if. . . . 0 U 1 0 0
" "
Tolnls 4 11 ! 7 9 7 TotHls . "i" 21 15 7
Kmrrflon. . * 4
Strnlinm 3
Umpire : I'rcucb.
Sl&JtKS OF Sl'OllT.
HnstiiiKH IMnrksincn.
HASTIXOS , Nob. . Sop't , 23. [ Specinl Tele-
grnm to TUB BEB.J Tho.annual tournament
of the Hastings ( Juu club began here today
under auspicious circumstances. A largo
number of sportsmen from abroad uro in at
tendance. About twenty matches were shot
today. F. S. Crablll of this city made the
best record , getting twonty-nlno out of a
possible thirty , The tournament will con
tinue three days.
Tnlont Striken Ono Good Day'nt the
[ > atloniu Triu.'K.
CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 2d. The Ltitonln race
track was fast today , Tlfty-slx horses wcro
entered iu six races und 11 Hy started. Tbo
favorites won in four races. Second choice
unl'imls won tno second and tourtti races. Iu
the second race r.lttlo Scissors , nn oven
favorite or better , cniuo in last. The Judges
called Porter , her jockey , and O. T. Johnson ,
her owner , to the stand anainvoitlgatca the
case nnd decided that it was all right , though ,
the decision was not uiadu known till after
the tlftu race.
I'lrsl race , lolling , purse for 2-ycar-olds nnd
upwards Unit huvu not won two race * ut this
muutliiK , ono tulle und fifty yards. Nine
stnrtonii llurthn , llo (4 ( tu5icniuoln winner
aimlly tiy fourionuths wUlifashlur , 114 (7 ( to 3) ) ,
nocniid anotialn front ot Colonel Whuatluy ,
104IS ( toll , third , Tlmu : 1:45U. :
Hucoml ruuo , snllliic , ourso for a-yunr-olds
and upwards , un mlle mid sorunty yurdi.
Hovcu htartors : Laura Do.xoy , IDj ( j to li , won
by two luiigtlu with ( .lutcry , fut (10 ( toll , linlf n
luiiRtli Iu front of Uou Air , 113 (7 ( to I ) third.
Tlimi : 1I47V >
Third rnco , n free hnndluup swiupjtaken for
a-jour-ohU und upwatdi , one mlle nnd * hlx-
senth. blxiturtursi Kthul. 107(3 ( to I ) , won
> 4 lly by twolenstths from Itrandoletto , 07 | 4
to Ij , who trut lUisuiUM , 1 ( S to 1) ) , a 1100 for
thu place. Tliuat l:4rt : .
1-ourth ruco , Klmbull Mtakos fur 2-rc r-old
colt * , six rurloiiK * . bavt > n kUrturs , Chief Jut-
114 ( < loll , won vr nunglhfrODi ) IrUn L'hlot
lit ( t to Ik. uttcoim , a ueok In idvanco of Con
tent. llllUtoll , third. Time. laiMl.
t'lflli raqn , purno for maiden rtlllet S-jr jir.
old * , four Jurlonm. Cluvcn tnrtor . Juxlu
llollu. IOJ13 to U won Busily ujr two louitth *
from Uullot , 101 | S to 1) ) . coud , h l ( it louglh
Ill ndvnncoof lllaok lloautjr. 1W J to 1) ) , third.
Tlmo. is H
Hixth rnco , nnrso for maiden fllllcs 2-ycnr-
olds , four furious * . Ten slnrters. rnuretlt * . IKI
( M toft1 , was In tlio bunch until Mm ronohml tlio
turn when .shiul.irted llho n swallow to thrt
front nnd won by four lengths , Empress
Frederick. 11.117to. . ) , second , a scant lentli
In advance of Alllo W , ll.l < : i to 1) ) , Ililril , Tlmo ,
Annual 31 cut or Natinnul Itrccdorn.
CI.EVKI.O. | . , Sept. 2'J. The nnnunl
meeting of the National Association of Trot
ting Ilorso Ilreedors was held today at
Cleveland Driving park , Thcnivoro nix
slalto rnces. Following nro the summnrloj :
Stallion roiirosenlntlvo stakes , for 'S-yoar-
olds , foals of li&Uoiltflhio to il:00 : elus , value
lftl ! Mambrliiojnucii won. Tlmet WM'i ' ,
Stallion roronirsontatlvo stakes. f < ir4-jroar-
Olds. foils : of Isn7 ollclblo to 2.U : claSK. vuluo
I-VJ ) : National won , Gertrude second , Klyrlim
thin ) , Hest tlmo :
National trolling slro slakes for foals of
IS&Sonly by MliilllonsyiitiscrlbiHi for. March IP ,
tsf. whoso RUI have novcr hoalon Jt.'Watll-
year-old or under valno * I.IA > ! Jllnnca llrsl ,
I'.itroncss BucondVlllounliby third. , llt-jl
Unit1'i : ! ( .
Annual nursery stakoiforS-ycAr-tdils , foais
of Ifss , valno 3115 ! Hod-Hot won , Time :
-'ill' . .
Stakes for S-yiiar-olils , of IWi1 * , by
Mlalllons on y whose uouinvo novur bcaton
Ji'J.'iat.'l-yoar-old or under , rulilo JJ70 : ini-
xliado I'atulicn uon. Tlliieill'i. : . '
Kvnrott House Htakcs for il-yeilr-olds , by
Htalljons only whoso sot havo' Hevur been
lioiti'irJa' : > att-yoar-oll ; or under vnlno" * IS."i ,
K'co Hist , Ol.ioiiilng second. Kent tlmo.'SiaiU.
In the annual Nnrtury stnl.t'S rnUtO J''To.
fnril-yciir-olflrf. Hod Illrd was oxcn'cd. In tlio
.Invciillo sl.iiccs , value iJtt , for a-yiSiir-olds ,
Nuitottii was excused. In tlio HtaUcs for
: i-yoir-olds : by st illlons whoau sot havu , never
beaten l':45 : at il-year-olil or under value tlW
1'reu was uxuusud. In thn stuko for 2-year-
olds , viiliiof2u. ) , Templar was excused.
Dny nt Ornvoaenil.
OiuVESEND ll cr. THACK , L. L , Sopt. 22.
Haclng was continued here today before n
crowd of ubout four thousand persons. The
track was Iu shape , the putr'tcd for
the different events good , nud the racing was
quite exciting.
I'lrst race , purse 11,030. flcllhi" , .l-year-olds.
six furionz.s. Klclltuon stnrtarsr-Contrlliu-
lion. 117 ( S toW , won by u longlh Troin Oold
Dollar. IKifJU toll , second , Lima , 1011(12 ( to 1) ) .
third. Tlmo : IM : .
.SeuDiul riico , unifo $1,000 , for ninidonS-yoiir-
old . live and a half furlonuM. Klftt'un start
ers : Kpilnsawav. 111 ! 115to I ) , won by two
IciiKtliB from Cllnty C , IDS (12 ( to 1) ) . Glamor , IDS
( ; > Ui2) ) , third , Tlmu : liMH'i. - .
Third , the Clinton stakus.-.for 3-yo'nr-
old lllllos. with $ I,2. > U added , Ono mlln nnd n
furlong. Starters : JM Tosea ; 11U ( I to 4) ) ;
Kuckon , II ! ) (1(1 ( ( to 5) ) . La Tosca"/iy rt by n
lo'nitth. Time : 1 : . > ( ' , ' . "
i'onrtli , the Woodlawn handicap , "with
$ l. . " > 00 addud , ono mUu and thrco-slxlccntlis ,
Savon stutters : Slr.Iohn , 10H2 toll , won by u
head , winlo Ma torloJe , lot (6 ( to 1) ) , Iwat-Miibol
( < lenn , 1W ( TJ to 1) ) , out of second money. Time :
2:02K. :
Fifth race , tiureo 21,009. soiling , one mile nnd
a fourlone. Nine starters ! Knlsoin , 112 ( S to 1) ) ,
won : Uuslecd. t 0(2 ( to 1) ) , second ; Miss Belle ,
un ( . " > to 1) ) . tlnrd. Tinio : hs''i.
Slxtli rnco. purse ? ! . ( )00. ) for -year-oIds and
upwards , uunaltles and allowances , ono mile
niula slxtounth. Starters : llurniuda , 112 (1 (
to y ) ; 1'otur , sr.MKIto.l ) : Cancan , 02(20 ( to 1) ) .
Cancan won by a head from lluruiuda , 1'oter
third. Tlmo : llu : ? . ; .
at Sioux Falls.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. . Sept. 22.r4Spccial [
Tolegrnm to THE BKE.J The lirst exhibition
of public racing on the now kite shaped track
built for thu stcto fair took place here today.
A very strong wind prevented good time from
being made :
First race , tlio stallion trot , these innklng
thuM > ui > on In South Dakota eligible. There
wuio snvon tmtrles und live to start :
.1. Call well iW Contervllle 1 ! ) I 3 2
lllack Joe of Aberdeen 2 2321
I.lttloMlltoof Sioux Falls It 1212
Wlllliiin I'emtof Kodlleld ( Us.
King I'utuhun of Sioux Falls. . . . dls. .
Tinio : 3i. as , : i , : ! ' /t yy.
Unrkneis Inturvenlns the race was post
poned , l.lttlo Mtlco of Sioux Fulls i the
Tlio2TO : pico was won by Motto as follows :
Motto of Lake II en ton . . . .I 1 1
Lulu H. Hookli 2 3 II
Woll-n-liiMtl of f.omnrs 422
Hilly Spraguoof ICumpcsku 344
JoJoofSt.P.ini dls.
Time ; 3oK.gti. 28 .
Playcil for a Blc Pot.
Sioux P.U.W , S. U , Sept. 22.--Spccial |
Tologrnm to THE BEE. ] Ono of 'tho'features
of the opening day of "tho ? state fair now in
progress hero was the $1,000 gnmo ot basuh'all
played between Sioux Falls nnd St. Cloud ,
Minn. Both nines bad old-time leaguers nnd
the western country had been scoured
thoroughly to secure good players. Poormnn
of Sioux City , Howe and If cofo of Lemurs
nnd Morrisy of Milwaukee were iu the local
nine nnd succeeded in winning the como.
Score :
Sioux F/ilu 300001 5 b 2 0
St Olouil , o 1-U 3 o 0 o l 0 4
Earned ninsi Sioux Fulls. 3 : Et. Cloud. S.
llomocufnr : Hunnln ; and Koofc. Stolen
ti ! t-s : Sioux Fulls , 10 : St. Olond.2. Bases on
lialls : Olfllowe. 1 ; off Ohutu.O. Struck out :
Uy Howe. 11 ; by Chute , 4. 1'nSiOd balls :
Kccfo , 1 ; Shoule , a
Garlleld Park Knees.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 2i Garflold Parlc re
sults , track fast :
First race , ono mlle : Tuko of Mllpltas won ,
Willow second , Osrlo third. Tlmo : l:4Sy. :
Second race , iilnc-stxtvcnths of n mlle :
Queen Alta won , lllg Man secondCrnlVshank
third. Tlmo : ! > 7.
Tlilrd nice , mlle und throo-slxtcenths : Mury
Muliowan won. Aloha second , Longllxht
thlid. Tlmu : 2om. :
Fourth race , three-quarters'of n mlle :
Klldaro won. OakUalo necoucl , Tom Slovens
third. Tlmu : 1:1. : > M.
Fifth racu. throo-nuarters of a mile : Gov
ernor Hess wonMay Illossom second , 1'ltzhut'h
Leo third. Time : l\4U. \
Sixth raco. one mlle : Quoonlo Trowbrldso
won. Happy Day second. Tom Jones third.
Tlmo : 1U3J5.
Iloosicr Atlrnotiona.
CAMiiuiDdK CITV , Ind. , Sept. 22. The rac
ing today was good , attendance fair , and
track perfect. The following is the summary :
2:40 : trot , purse 8V)0. ) Dun Muco won , Rlvor-
rldo second. Nlthird. . Hast lime : 2:35. :
2M : pneo , purse JMO. Hob Tnylor. tlrst.
llURur sncond , DoJannott third , Clint Kill'
fourth. Sautollo distnnuod , Tusco distanced.
Ilssttlmo : 2:20U. :
Thrco-yciir-old tiot. unfinished. Holmont
I'rlnco won , Rvanvullno bRcond , Major third ,
Clorlno fourth. Ilusttlmu : 2:19. :
Tomorrow Nelson will go to boat his
record of 2:10. :
Tips TOP Touuy. _ |
Hero nro some horses that look llko.suro
things : . . T"
1. Olark-Muud 11.
2. Tilly J John Winkle.
3. Muttlo Allen Uunbearor. ,
4. Hob , 'orsytho-Canu. ' ,
5. Fllllde ( Jrocnorloli.
C/llOAllO. . i
1. Drake Ilarnoy. , .
2. lllc Three Kxporlonco.
: i. Little Hook Invorcauld , , >
4. Whlttler-J. II. Freed.
6. l.uunder Wlnslow.
0. Newciistlu MoMurtry. >
IJntlly UouoinpOHoil Uoily" Found
IrvltiRton YostPrdny.
An unknown man wus found lying in an
Irrigating dltcti west of Irvlngton yostcrduy.
Coroner Harrlgau was sent for. Ha found
the body in n badly decomposcd-uqridltio'n
* ud decided to hold nn inquest at onco. A
jury was sworn nnd viewed the body nnd n
verdict that the deceased came to his death
from natural cuvso ? was returned. >
The body was removed to u barn near by
nnd the burial will bo today at' the expanse
ot Douglas county. As the roinnlns were o
badly decomposed It was impossible to iden
tify them , and the coroner will not bo able to ,
ascertain tbo cause of death.
North Dnkotn I'rnlrlo Fire. '
N. U. , Sopt. 23. The flro which
swept ever the Sioux reservation Saturday
proves to' have burned every thine lit' the
shapeof hay , wheat In slacki null Iho rAufo
from the Caunon Ball river to Moroau river.
Will Knlertaln.
The ladles. ' auxiliary of tbo Omaha turn-
voi-cln will giro nn entertainment at 'Ocr-
mania ball this ovenlng. Tbo entortnlnmont
will bo an intoroiting and pleading ono and
will bo followed by a bull.
Uosjlor'sMaulolloiUacno Wafora. Curoul
heailachca In 0 inluutQi. At all dru Uti
Fron nintlnno fur Olilldivn.
All children accompanied by tholr
pnronts this nttornoim nt the Pnrniuii
Ktroot thoutor mnllnoo will bo wltnlttixl
( rou , AdulU 25 cunU. Ronurvod sunti.
Strange Inotdonl in Postal Matton DJ-
voldneif nt Fremont.
T. .1. IJrou-ntlcliKAssixiiltnil l > y nn Unknown -
known 'llaji Wlillo Knrouto lo
] | | H lloniijjjXbout Jlldnljjlit
; , \O\VH Notes.
PHICMOXT , Nob. , Sept. 22. fSpcclal
ToloRratn lo Tun URK. ] A str.iniro Incident
In postal matters came lo light here today.
Dory Cool , n farmer of Saundora county ,
living n few miles south of Fremont , came to
the city after his mall and ono of the letters
handed him at tbo postoflloj was from his
former sweetheart , Miss Harris , written at
Port Bryan , III. The strnngo part of It Is.
tlmtBlnco the loiter wiw written Mr. Cool
and Miss Harris tiuvo bean married and they
hnvo children several years old. The letter
U'as written MuyS , 1S75. and was just sixteen
years , four months und thirteen days roach-
\DK \ Its destination. Just xvtioro It has been
nil this tlmo can only bo conjectured , but It
bin been at the Dead Hotter ofllco for ono
plnco us ovtdonccd by the stamps on It.
Secretary 1'routor t I''ort Itotilusoii.
Four HonixsoN. Nob. , Soot. 2.J. [ Special
Tolegrnm to Tiiu Bii.J : : The following dis
tinguished party arrived here at noon today :
Secretary of U'ur 1'roetor of Vermont , Gov
ernor Pugo of Voruiont and bis eon. Senator
Mnndoi-son , the ( { uartormuslor general of the
United States uriny.Drlgadlcr General HrooUo
Colonel W. 13. Hutches , chief quartermaster
of tbo department ; Major Schwan , assistant
adjutant general ; Licutonant Hoc , aldo to
General llroolto ; Lloutcnant Howard , Mr.
Partridge , solicitor of the Department of
State ; Mr. Wolt/ell of Omaha and Mr. Flan-
nan , the stenographer. They \vcro received
with an artillery salute , after * which the
troops were turned out und dismounted for
parade and review. Tlio cavalry wore then
turned out mounted and wont through
battalion evolutions , winding up with charges ,
both In line and by companies.
Private Charles Miudlcton of troop P ,
Ninth cavalry , collided with another mounted
trooper in the charge and was carried to the
hospital In an unconscious condition. It is
foarcd ho has concussion of the brain. The
party will leave hero about 8 p. m. and intend
to roach Omaha about 8 .tomorrow.
Very Fliittrrlnu Prospects.
BnoKF.x Bow , Neb. , Sept. 22. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Uuc.J Custor county's
Jnlr opened hero today. 'Tho nttondanco was
not largo , but up to the average for the llrst
day. There are ever 200 entries of
farm produce , the Huest over soon in this
section. The corn exhibit is exceptionally
fine and the quality is'.ab'ovo ho nvorago of
former years. In the cattjo department there
are ever forty thor6ughbrpd short horns , be
sides a largo number of good grade cattlo.
Over 100 of hogs are entered , Poland
China's predomlnajejjvlth some Bcrkshlrcs
and Chester wnltns rtTho display of horses
nro largely in excess of any , former year , both
in number and quality.
Fifteen stallions urj entered , consisting of
Clydesdales. Engllshshtro , coach Cleveland
bays and English hackaoys , all imported
stock. These animals are the center of at
traction for the . -hero today. In
the speed ring thdto ro dvpr thirty entries
altogether. There itre trotters , hero from
Pawnee City , Grand ( Island , Cailaway , Ord
and other places , watting lias already com
menced. -6 * .
nso Acaln.
Gciuxn , Nob. , riopt ; 23. [ Special to TUB
BEK.J The celebrated Kingen cattle coso
will comu up agillirOctobur ( ! in the United
States district court' ' ut _ Cheyenne , Wyo. ,
where WUUam. , i Dn"Js now ' confined , In
tboshapoofun application 'for a writ j of ,
* '
habeas corpus . ' Th9''nll6satlon or basis of
the application , is the method employed by
the Wyoming oBlcers In malting Kingcn's
a i rest. The attorneys for Kingon claim his
release of this ground. The symiTatRy of the
people in tbls section of-Nobraska Is not , and
never has boon , IS erroneously stated by cat
tle. owners of the adjoining state , and as In
the case of KinchMcICinney's arrest , tno
officers will exercise their duty whenever
called upon , but it is considered that Kingon
was apprehended in a needlessly illegal way.
tabbed In the Buck.
GIUXD ISIAND , Nob. , Sept. 22. [ Special
Telegram toTnn BEK , ! L.ast night , whlloon
his way home in the vicinity of the B. & AL
depot , T. J. Brown Held , special agent for the
Farmers' Union Insurance company , was severely -
voroly stabbed in the back by an unknown
man. Mr. Brownflold can give no descrip
tion of bis assailant nnd can assign no reason
for his murderous attack. The affair oc
curred about midnight , and the streets being
deserted , the scoundrel made bis escape
without detection.
STANTOX , Nob. , Sept. 22. [ Special to TUB
Br.EJ Tlio republicans bold u delegate con
vention Saturday afternoon and elected J.
Kborhnrt , II. Hick and C , A. Yost as do'lo-
gntes to the state convention and M. U.
Young nnd C. L. Lamb and E. C. Newman
to attend the judicial convention. The dele
gates to the state convention will bo for M.
B. Hooso for supreme Judge , nnd these to the
judicial convention forV. . F. Norrls for
district judgo. _
Yorlt'B Alumni Fnlr.
YOUK , Neb. , Sopt. -Special [ to Tun
BEE. 1 The annual York county fair com
menced today and will coutlnuo until Satur
day. The society is Jubilant ever the pros
pect that tills will rxcell any previous year
03 u success. A largo number of nntrios
hnvo boon made thU oai'ly , and the show of
stock will bo Immense. A spaclal feature
will bo the racing , as a largo number of
speedy horses nro hero from abroad.
Illuo Springs' Waterworks.
BLUB Sritixos , NOD. , Sopt. 22. [ Special to
Tun Bnr. | The city council this morning
awarded the contrast for putting in the
waterworks here to Shepard & Co. of BoaL-
rico for SSIJOO , payable iu city bonds at par
viilno , It is to bo u stand pipe system.
\Vork will bo commenced immediately and
tbo whole system will bo completed and in
operation within throe months.
TKKAMAA , Nob. , i& & . 22. [ Special Tolo-
grain to Tin : BBe.J-f ust night burglars
effected an outranc ? Lo(1Jaclc .t Uogor'a hard
ware stoio and curried off tliocaih drawer ,
containing ubout $ lb"v > They also broke into
tbo depot and drilled aavarul holed Iu the snfo
without gattlng if'oiion. They were evi
dently frightened aWaV before tlnishing their
work. tri ii
Scotia i Itizoii Injured.
SCOTIA , Nob. , Sep 'jj. ' [ Spicial Telegram
to THE BEB. | O. J. , Wright , n prominent
eltUon , mat with aXorlous It not fatal acci
dent about noon todim While on top of his
windmill tower ho 'ulippod and fell to the
ground , about tu'ontjj'iljve feet. Ho was in
sensible when discovered lying un the
. ' ' '
ground. _
l'roibyJory ) In Session.
s , Nob. , SbQty Z ! . [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tu : BUE.J The sessions of the
Hastings presbytery began tonight with
about tlfty ministers und olden In attend-
auco , Judge O. IK Howott , the rollrlng
moderator , dullvorod tha oponliii ; addroai.
Norlblk Syndluntn'iiVorc. ! .
NOIIVOI.K , Neb , , Sopt.V3. . [ Special Telegram -
gram toTiiK BUK.J A big deal was consum
mated toduy whuroby a syudlcuto purchuiod
a verv valuable portion of the original town
situ of Alcoru Hot Spring * , Wyo.
Vtirk'H Gun Cluli.
YOIIK , Nob. , Sept. 23.--Spoclal ( to TIIK
BHK. ] A gun club UM boon orgunUoil In
ihU city and grouiuU llttod up for tliu uiom-
t > or ' uto. _ _ _
Troubled by Thlnvo * .
YOKK , Neb , , Sept , ! M. iHnoclal to Tun
BHK. ) L.ust ulflit lLo ra > iaouo of C. C.
( Junior was entered by a thluf , who offct'lod
nn ontrnnro throuKh n window. Mr , ( 'nslor'i
imnti , contAlnlng fit ) , were rnrrlod off. Noth
ing wns dliinrned.
Nolirankn Luther in Hjnoil.
IIKITIIICK , Neh , , Hopt , -Hpoclnl ( Tole
grnm to TIIK UKIS.JTho hiithorau nynod of
NoDrnskn closed ( Is notion Insl evening
iv 1 th tbo election of thu following ofllrnM for
the ensuing year KovV , I , . Ituinhiinr of
llontrli-e , prc.shlenl ! Uov.V. . O. Mnt'ool of
1'oncn , sciM-otnrv ! Itov. h. M , Kiilinn of
Omnhiiatiitistlenl seorotnry ; Hnv. ! ' , W.
Wllhulmy of Omnhn , tronsiiror ! llov. C
lluhornf Omnhii , tnivciim , ' eorotiiry. Tim
next session of ihn xytiod will ho hulil nt
POIIKI In September , I81U.
Coiuity'M l-'ulr Opniinil.
i : , Nob. , Sept . -Special [ Telegram -
gram to I'm : BIK.i ; The ( Ingo county fair
opened hero today under the most favornhlo
nusplcc.s. The rxhlhlts Httrp.iKs In niiinhor
nnd quality these of any piovloim nxhlbllloti
ovnr hold licrc. Tomorrow will begin the
speed trlnlt , In which several oxccllotit races
nro promised.
/Viirlblk Itoer Vnu't Hnrncd.
Nouroi.w , Neb. , Sept. 2-i. ( Special Tele-
griim to TnnBiin.I The StorSt liar beer
vault located In'Norfolk was partially hurnoil
today. Had It not been for the timely old of
the llro department It would have been a
total loss. The loK\ns It Is will bo $ JOO ,
intKOK O.V Till : aUUTIUritHTKHS.
AVIIil Krnl/jlit / Crnnlitifl Into n I'nHHnii-
eer't'rnin Near Ilevrrly.
CIIDAII Hii-iiis. lo. , Sept , 22. , "SpocIal
Telegram to Tin : BBC. ! A wild freight on
the Chicago tc * Northwestern railroad crashoil
Into n passenger train near Beverly , n few
miles out from this < 'lty this morning. The
engines are both total wrecks nnd some of
tno other cars were badly damaged. Out
side of severe bruises no ono was badly hurt ,
ft is not known where tlio ultimo lies. Trains
are running on tima tonight.
AHijor Mo liin Icy In I own.
Buni.lNOTOv , In. , Sopt. 22. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.ii.1 William McKmloy , Jr. ,
reached this city at ( i:20 : this evening en
route tor Ottumwa , where ho addrotscs an
Immense concourse of republicans nt the
celebrated Coal pahico. Ho was accompanied
by a committee of citizens headed by Presi
dent Manning of the Coal palace , who had
gone to Chicago to meet the noted statesman.
The party was in charge of C. G. Wilson of
-Burlington. .
A party of Burlington citizens were taken
aboard who extended to Major McKlnlov a
welcome upon this , his ilrs > t entrance Into
Iowa. After a brief delay the train pro
ceeded to Ottumwa where it will arrive at
8:20 : this ovoning.
Conference SPH > IOII Closed.
Four Donne , la. , Sept. 22. [ Special Tel
egram to THIS BCE.J The busiest session in
the history of Methodist Kpiscopal North
west annual conference closed here today.
Chonjkeo was selected us the place of meet
ing for next year. Resolutions were passed
commending the efforts to close the Colum
bian exposition on Sunday , endorsing the
movement looking forward to no Sunday
work for railway men , endorsing the pro
hibitory policy ol the state , deprecating the
use of tobacco and favoring the disciplining
of members of the conference who used it.
The conference's assistance WHS extended to
the University of the Northwest at Sioux
City and Wilmot Whitllold elected chancellor.
Not a Pnyint ; Institution.
CIIKATO.V , la. , Sopt. 22. [ Special Telegram
to Tap BEI.J : Kocout meetings of the Blue
Grass Palace directors havct developed the
fact that tlio institution , in spite of its scries
of succd-sb-ful expositions , is $0,000 in debt.
Althought the Palace association has $2,000
on dQposlt nt the First Na'ionnl bank here ,
the institution refuses to cash checks , claim
ing limy owe the banlr the full amount now
dn dcpqsit. It is believed that matters
mav bo'satlsfaclorily'adjusted soon and all
oollgnlions paid in full.
Jirahk Carbolic Acid ,
iNDEi'EN.pnxci : , ' " la" . , Sept. 22. Uichard'
Edgcrlon , ohe of the oldest citizens of this
county , was poisoned tonight while sitting
by thu corpse of his eldest daughter. Ho ox-
pcrioncod a faint feeling and called for
liquor. By .mistake . his wife gave him u dose
of carbolic acid , lie died in about ten min
Iowa Unlvcrsiilists In Session.
WATBIILOO. .In. , Sept. 22. The Univor-
sallsts of Iowa are holding tholr fourth an
nual convention in this city. Many clergy
men from all parts of the state uro iu atten
dance as well as numerous lay delegates :
A'Jitl'S Ol' YJtSTJSItDsll' .
Cashier Llvesoy of the Pennsylvania state
trensury has roaiEnud.
The Eleventh division of Ilio Itallwny Mall
clerks Is In ui. ' a'ou tit Washington , I ) . O.
The day's session of the Tsiitionul Olfiar
MuUor's union has been hold tit InUtanuDolIs ,
Advlcos from Odoasn report u stead v niovo- westward of Imniunso bodies of Itns liin
Holland proposes to enforce military .ser
vice , the sumo us It exists in other European
George Weins. In an altercation , voslcnlay
struck Joseph SheHeld ( with his lUt , killing
him Instantly.
A woman , sunnospd to be tlio mlsslni : Tklro ,
Kothtmrn of Chluu o , committed suicldo In
the Niagara river.
The Austrian cabinet has decided to In
crease the military budget G,000OOJ llorlns und
to strengthen the Austrian army.
A cablegram received at the navy depart
ment from Admiral Italimp announces thu ar
rival at Yokohama of the Charleston.
Northniibt gales liuvo heen doliis n great
deiil of damuze on the Knv'lKh and HcottNli
const. HhlpiiliiB bussiilTerud beverely.
The blcnnliil inoctlnc of the American 1'nti-
loKleal soolcty and the congress ot Ameri
can physicians are In .session ut Washington.
TheJonlon-lteasloy fend Hiirodsbuni.
Ky. , lias been settled and the sovormir will
not bo under the necessity of sundlnjt troops
Health authorities at Klllmrn , Kmlniid. nre
luvpstlRutln ; thu death of a man who died
I hero with every sytntom of thu Asiatic
Inlu Itloburdsoii , un omployo of the I'.irk
hotulutllol .Spilns. Art ; . , jnnipeil fiom th'j
suvonth tory of thit structure nnd was In
stantly klllud.
Crlo Orldo died the Dili of lust August Ills
death occasioned no suspicion ut thu time.
Ills wife has confessed that she secretly
poUoncd him.
Iv. A. 1'obert" , a imnnlnentnlnnter. wiisshot
from amtnish nnd killed Ijy unknown parties
near Itobprl'x Station , Tuv. There Is no cine
to who commuted the deed.
Notion has been plvi-n In the Ontario honin
of commons that Inipuiiohiiiunt uroccudliiEH
would bti Instltuto.l iiRiilnst J. u. Unhurt ,
Iiostmusicr'cenernl of that province.
Thn oorri-'snoiidenoo botwuon ox-Troiisiirur
Hardily nnd Auditor Ceneral AldOiimmart
nnd Uanhlur l.ovsey of I'tinnsvlvanla hna lionii
mudo iiuUtlu and does not rullocl to the credit
ot thu last two olllulitls.
Advices from I'ortuguuso ( lulnniv any that
a Krjnch mission In that region tins sulTereil
an nttuuk from natives , who klllud tun at
tache * of the mission. A I'urtiiKuuiugiiiitaat
has boon fiunt to piinUh the ( iDcndors
A dispatch from Olulwltz. I'runslnn-Sllusln.
states that a collUlnu bus ouuurrud on thu
railroad rniinfetln ? Dolncrowy with Wolbroili ,
near th UtH lan frontier , butwuun two pun *
Kungur triiins. Ten persons \tero klllud und
many WLTO rnjurcd.
Tui ) RrHiidduliu of linden has mhdo a puoch
In which tirodlutlons of uouiliiit war abound ,
und JiiivHiIoh-Jio Intlnuiui that Gurmuny
must HKuIn nnsheath the Htrord acalnst an
enemy whk-h has not iirolltUu ' ) > defeat. 'I hu
( .peeolrhas eioalfd ! ; n ut oVuIli iniMil.
AUrleot from Constniillimiil * say thu cov-
urnorof Vuniuii und all the T.irUsh . olllolaU
Imru llotl from Hnnu , the liitnr.onli hiocap -
turod lloduldu und iilurm prevails It
bulnicfoarod Hint thu InaiirKcnts will iidvnncu
to Mccorx unt. proclulm uu Arab caliph.
In ilio Cyolomi'H I'ntli.
Ouiiir , S , . , Sopt. ! W. Now * hai Ju t
reuchfd here thut ft iornndo lrucli the north
ern part of Daunt county , South Dakota , nnd
turned Into MlnnoiOtu , uuroollng buildings
blowing down banii nuU callorlng grain
ItHOkt , _
Ilollrr llinn Ilio
Koterlan lilinfor Ale KxeelMor Spring *
Co. ' § .
Queer Khul ofu Cull.
Ar Tix Minn. , Sept. ! M. A cow belonging
toSam Druiuur , llvlnv on ttio outtUlrn o (
thiii-lly , gave blrlh oa Fnd y tin wonder
One-half ot the boJjr ro atublu4 a calf Mid the
olliortm'f ' n liMr. Tim t ll rmotiililiti llm
ni'itondiiRn of n wer mid tha timid li Int'llncil
tn b on ttio liilinnn order. Tint O.VM urn
nary hliM'K nnd very norlmis looldntr , nml onn
Inritn hnrii nlnml Ihrrn IIICIIIM IOIIK iimtniilm
from ltn < fnri'lioitit , Tim fruult hits Mvn ln ,
timid In front nml two liohlni ) , nml nil mil Im
mod wlllt I lie xroitloxt of OASP ,
Hnli't'liui dliiitci' Ale ,
In inndo nt l < xflrl or Hpilnii ( , Mo ,
Cinivc'iilliMi til' ( tin NoliriiNldi liiitlicr-
IIIIN lldiiu1 unit l > 'tn < 'l ii HiKiliily.
The twolftli ntiniml I'onvcntloii of llm
WomiinS Homo nml KorolRii Mlssloiniry nn <
cloty of the Nobriul < it nytiod of Iho l.tilhnrnii
ohurrh was ooiniiinnooil nt KotinUo Moiniir-
Inl ohiirch nt 'JW : ! o'l'loi'U yailonlny iiflornoon
nnd 'Vlll I'ontlniio In Kossloil thlro ,
DcloKitton nro ( irustuil from till purls of the
ntntc , und nn Inlorosllng inudlliiK of tliu no
ddy 14 ( 'XIH'OtOd.
The diato olllrors of tlirt soulolr nrni Mr .
.1. U. Orlnilh , Oiiiulm , prosldont ; .M.M. ( I. II.
Alhrlghl , l.lnuoln , Vlfu prr.sldcuti Miss Mu-
tllda lelnunrliitf , Oiniihn , recording scon- )
tnryt Mrs , h. ! ' , M. Kiutonlny , l.lncoln. uor-
ronpondluir leurolury , Mr.i , C. ,1. limit ,
Lincoln , treasurer.
The iiflornoon * o * loti was devoted lo
tlio receiving of ereileiitlil : nnd the tisiinl
iiocessnty | irolliiiliiurv work of tlio conven
tion ,
The ovniilng Mcsslon wnn oonoil | ) by nn or
gan volunturV und followed u.v nn iiddrnss of
walcomo by AIM. A. .I. TnrKli1 , who mild i
' In boliiilf of this church nml Iho Woman's
Homo nml I'YiroiKii Mlsitloiuiry * ooloty I extend -
tend to you n hearty neleomu. I wnlroinii
yon to tno city , lo our homes , to nil I ho cheer
hiul comlorts wo can glvo you , ( Ironl honor
U con furred upon us , coming us you do with
such rich experiences of illvlno favor to iiliin
for groainr ofllclonoy In ndvnnolng ( Jlirlst'n
kingdom. "
Mr. Tnrklo siiilii ( ) nt Konm longlli of the
work of the VVoman's Missionary nodaty
and closed by iiKaln bidding nil prosunl 11
hearty welcome ,
Mrs. Oscar M. Kastordny of Lincoln mndo
the response , Shooald : "An wo onlor your
beautiful church , greotrd with the word of
welcome over your nltar , I am stiro our glnil
anticipations will ho moro than verified. On
behalf of the convention 1 thank you for
your warm , hearty words of welcome. "
A hymn was then Kiing , which was fol
lowed by the president's address , Mm.
Grifllth flpoko of past meeting of Iho society
and of Iho work accomplished In the yoarjust
gene bv. She then mapped out in carofnl
terms the work to bo accomplished by the
present session , which U of much Importance
to the society alone ,
Mrs. Grlllltli then appointed the following
oonumttcos : On letters nnd papers Mrs.
Lydia Bender , Mrs. ClauioofVoit Point
and Miss Swanson of Tokamah , On reports
of ofllcors and Hlnndlni ; committees Mr * . J.
W. Kimmol , Mrs. C. Itakermul Miss l.iirson
of Nebraska Oily. Auditing Miss Lilly
Urunpo nnd Mrs. M. L , MollcU. On resolu
tions Mrs Kasterday , ftlr.s. McCool ilud
Mrs. Brlsby. On last year's nilriiites Mrs.
G. II. Albright nnd Airs. lYorlchs. Noml-
natinc commlttoo Mo'dnmos W , A. Plku , E.
Jnel and ,1. C. Ximmcr ,
At the conclusion of the mooting n recep
tion was tendered the social. } . In the parlors
of the church.
Ut-o Haller's Gorman 1'ills the
- , grout co n
stipallun and liver regulator.
This ovenlng the prosent. successful en
gagement of Charles Krohmau's company In
DoMillo and Bolnsco's great piny. "Men nnd
Women , ' " nt Boyd's ' , will close.
J. 1C. Emmot Is mooting everywhere with
success. At an immense outlay ho has staged
"Fritz in Ireland , " ns it was never mounted
jo fore. Scenery , panoramic in design and
beauty , roiircsonting the most beautiful
spots along the Hhlno and by the Lakes of
ICillarnoy , amid both of which spots the ac
tion of the play is laid , has been i > nintod es
pecially for the present tour. Now musiu
las bcon prepared , while the old fainillaruiw
' The Lullaby , " "Tho Shamrock , " "What is
L.ovoi" etc. , are retained. The compimynur-
rounding Mr. Utmnot Is said to be a partlcu-
arly slrong one , .many of the situations in the
ilay requiring special character acting. Mr.
Emmet appears for four performances nt
Boyd's now theater commencing Thursday
evening. A special matinee will bo given
Saturday afternoon at which two line Aude-
nero opera glosses will bo given nway to the
jolliers of lucky numbers.
Tomorrow night Prof. Smith , the renowned
lorso trainer wtio has been entertaining our
citizens and lovers of the" equine race nt Iho
Jmalm Guards' armory , will do battle with
ho famous imported French stallion "Fred
L.amont. " This beautiful oreaturo Is the
> ropurty of C. K. Merrill &nd is ! ) years old
ind has never bcon harnessed or driven , so
hat a struggle will surely take place , and
, ho question is who will conquer , the man or
ho horse ! _ _
DoWltt's Little Karly Risers ; boat llttlo
illls fordyspepila , sour stomach , badbroath.
\VllH Adi ,
iropj/rff/'it / 1831 1'y Jtima Gnrtn-i ( ttnn'tt. 1
SAV ST.V.DOII , ( via Gnlvoston , Tex. )
Sept. 22. [ By Mexican Cable to the Herald
Special to Tin : BKK. ] The reports about
ho assassination of General Louls Bozran ,
n-eaidunt of Honduras , uro utterly false.
I'hoy und other rumors of a sjmilar character
are propogated by Gimtomnlcan ngoiils with
a view to discrediting the Snlvadorlnn
; ovornmcnt and manufacturing public opin-
on against it.
Doyen know 1'iat any old sere or cut can
> o absolutely ouwd by the intelligent use of
lallcr's BaibodViro' Linlmont. Bo morel-
ul to your horse und tryit
AVII1 lniu-i > Tonight.
At a meeting of the Veteran Dromon hold
n the police court rooms last evening the In
vitation to attorn ! the farewell ball of thu
Delugo'Hoso company ot Hascall's tmll to
night wus accepted. The mcmbors ot the as
sociation will 'attend In full uniform Messrs.
Tuggart. Fishorand RothoU/ worn appointed
n conunlitco to accept the silver trumpet of
fered to the association by the Dolugu com
A full attendance of the Vc toriin Dromon
Is desired.
_ _
Small In sl/e , gront In results ; DoWitt's
Lltllo Eurly Ittsors. Best pill forconstlpi
lion , bp.s-t for sick headache , best for sour
Will Ho Hurried Today.
The funeral of Clinrlei riipgort will tnko
plnre toilay from the residence of a brother
of the deceased ut Iho corner of Seventeenth
and Jackson. Iiiturnicnt will bo In the Holy
S-'peJchuro comutury *
JLJJ " ' - No otll ( > r ii"-1"1-1110 "vc"
' /
Er'JOOtl S jil.icoil before thu public
B _ deuce ao lhnroii hly ns lloml'it H.'ir.s.v
S jurllla. 1'roin n small iH-jjInnliiK tliH
ineillrliw ua.s te.-ullly
fOA % iii : K
EnGClUliir ntulrapidlyIncreiurdIn
* | K > pularlty until now It has the Uirgwl
B O nalo of nny prciaiatlim | of IU kind.
licciiuii ) It constantly | > ro\lng
that It posieises poiltho limit , niid
does acconiillihvliat | Is claimed fur It.
'Dili infill '
llli'l' ( H.II
. It prriKiretl hy n
lYiullur CoMililniilliiii , rr iiur-
lluii nml I'roin * known only to
IMIWIT ut all tha
Ingtrdlvnu mwl H iHlalncd.
nil UT T thu wmntr ) | Mtlf > - to
wondi'tfiil liit-nt durUeil
frmn I' If you ntf > > r frum
One Dollar
l r
in of Ooiidttolln ; tUllwAr
M y bo Wlioll ? OluageJ
Ifnlli'll HliUt'd ( JrniKl
fury HnM to n0
AtTflitulnw mi Invi mention Con-
.tlnllii ) ( M of tlio
Jirr , Mrt. , Hep : ! M. Another sou.
ftitllonnl dovelnpmniil In tl o wcitom rultwny
\tnrld l < n irupinod inlti > o Htiilo * Rrand Jury
InviKliKiilliiii of tlio 'lY.miinUviiirl iissoc-ln-
II0II lit TollrtUit , llltorillltO Ai'onL Ifrntnli.
liter * | > tluil ! In UMVII I'nnituClty forTo-
piildi ttiu mil of itio weak. It li unlit tlml In-
ilh'tlnenU will nurnlr U riiturnuil nicaltut
( 'linlniinn Hmllli mill tliu Load tninie nillclnn
of nil tlio roam In tliu iiin > cl.itlon. 'I'hoy mete
to be I'lmrKOil with inMiitniiilnif n tunt niut
pool ,
If n cnni U mndd ntrulnv imoelntlon It
will prolwlily I'liuio 11 emmnoio nnnliilllniltm
at llm proM'tit nyituni f rMuliii-lltiK railway
minium In Ainurli-n
M. ICnlKlii , Ronurrt' ' Iruni ) mnnngor , nml S.
II. KnlKtit , itnnornl ( rulfht nirtmt of Mn-
\VnlNioli rntlwnjr. nml M J , -oioilnn. . rjnn
ni rr nl thin iiliiro til the U iiKh Wn1 i
fnit freight line , worn hull tud t idny ity il. . j
fiilornl itrmiil Jury under tno Intorvuito coin-
iiiurun Inw. TlitiyiiM ch.ii.wdvltli CIVIIIK'
rulmtut on froltfht InlU to IIII'KO shippers.
It It null ) Unit tint Inform , illon which lo.l to
nn Inillulinnnt furiilMii 1 by ntiUchuracd
mnplovo of tliu ruini di puriiiioiit of tlio
Wnlmili rriitil at Si. loult 'I'lio sumo 0:11- :
jiloyo li mild to hnvo furnl icil the Itifornm-
ilon Hint toil to the liull intent of Trnfllo
MnrnRor Knlitlit of Iho Wo > nsh rend nml .1.
M. M. Kuliliir in Hprlnp eld. III. , n short
Hum n o , Mr. K.ihlor Is a umnhor of a lurco
llniirliitf null Hun m SU 1,0 , M.
'I'hopw li oiily olio snoclUi itlon In the in-
illolinnnt. The Instrument set * forth that It
npprnr * from thu L-vlumico hat thn Doctjott
] Jrv ( looilfl company of thli place has boon u
liuiivy Miltiporoiurtho IIIHM of the defend-
liii In nml In consideration o that fuel the do-
fomlniilft pftld to tliooompai y a robuton year
BITO of fc'iT't In vlolittlou of tl'n laws coulroll-
liitf ItiturstuU' eoiiitni'ri'o.
Not HltOOCHHl'lll.
Cllicino , III. , Sept. S3. T ill was the day
HxoJ for the homo visitor * fxetirsions lnmi- (
u rated litho Trilllc nsjoclatton.
They hnvo not been n HUH ? * is owing to tlio
rufuant of the Western T'a isoiiRor associa
tion to co-opcriilo with their eastern commo
tions In carrying out the pluu , CJunoral I'as-
sender AKIIIII ItnxKlo.s of this Michigan Cen
tral .Mild today , "Kor twont t yours thoio has
not bpun a land scoki M Or harvest
excursion Kotton iti | oy these Westbrn
rends that eastern lines did not
accommodate thoin with lew rnto-u AVIiun
they inuko the Unit request for low rules , so
that Homo of thoio puoplo cim rot urn to thnlr
old hoinot on n visit , it 11 rofnscd. The
Michigan I'ngsniiKcr nhsorlrtlon has already
adopted resolutions rcquo * tine our wiwtorn
broth mi to doslst from usklng us to holt )
them out In the fntnro. "
The rate war on west Lour -I traftlo brtwcon
the Now KtiKhind seaboard and northwest
ern points fohtliincs. Tlio N'orthorn Steam
ship company , operated by ho ( trout North
ern railway , announce toi > y the following
laliu and rail rates from liiy ton and common
points to St. Paul iiml Mln apolltt In ufTect
September " 0 : Firt class 2 cents , soi-ond
. ' 17 conLs. third iin cents , four ! , tlfth and sixth
i0 ! ci-nts. This basis Is 8 juts lower than
that Just put Into olTcct intho National
Despatch line via Sr.rniii Considerable
cuilosity is foil as to ivhuth-- the latter line
will make a fnrtlicr reduc Inn and wliotlirr
the ( Janadlan I'ncillo nml ooo lines wilt
airain nlush the all rail rat us Certainly , the
I'aul roads will i mUo no nttomjit
to meet till * sort of compotili ) u
HJIH a New
QcorRo Hale , chlof of tbo Uiums City lira
dopnrtment , and an Inventor ot tire appar
atus used nil ever the countr ; ras prcsontud
Chlof ( ! alllian with an liiproved nickla
plated Halo collar for hU hoi e. Chief Ualli-
gnu will have the collar pu iu service at
onro and II for his now horse ruccutly
purchased by the commlsslotcr ! .
In reading over tlio lite my Ufims of
the week , I fouiul not inu'.i ' to interest
me , until my eye c.-uiplit slight of nu
article licjulctl "t/ .i/s' D > < m. ' linn-
inu my fliirprlse to Iiml it c . ( led up with
n recommendation 'to ino l > r. I'Jcrca'a
Pleasant I'cllots. Ncv rl u-lf , hcinj ;
n prcnt pufTerur from slrl lif'jilnclic , I
tlctermliicil to try tlimn , aii < to > ry fjront
joy , 1 found prompt rollrf , : mtl by tholr
protracted use , n compli'ii ' immiiiiity
from such ntlncks. 1'iioeN J'ellols
often euro Bick liundaclie n MI hour.
They are gently laxative or nctlvely
cathartic , nccordlnj ; to p vof \ dose.
As n plensniit laxative , ti V : one each
night on retiring. For nd ills , four net
ns nn nctive , yet piin1 : < . crulmrtlc.
Cnuse no griping or slc'.iip s. Be't
Liver Pill ever innile. Sin'i ' < ' 3t , Che.ip-
eU , Knslcst to take. For 'onstlpntlon ,
Iudlge.stlou and I'.llloua . .ttnclsp , they
lave no cqnnl.
Manufactured nt lho Cln nlcnl Labo
ratory Of the WOIH. 'l ' 'I9CBN8AIIY '
Street , lluHalo , N. Y.
! ILH ,
EDCrjR. IBH'&rJOl JLA55T5.
National bank
IH. . I KI' 'JIA"A N l.'ll
Cnplial iOUOOO
Surplus , -3OUO
onicrrt mill IMfwIorllturr W
l * l > . ll * l. Vlra I'ru.Wwit. I
V M.HIO. Julin ( * . l' .lllin , H ( ' llMl * . J. N-
I'.UI.k. W II ri. . Iliiitlivt , 1'iwlil'ir
TIIK 11 { ON 1 -\NK.
Ci.rniT Illb mi.l lutiu.
llutlun < 4
VTf"w. ! fiiiTM fc ! tiif""i IMI
r I ' . ' ' Ua < ' * ' * i
Uui I M O I * R t M . - . l * u U