Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Billy Woods of Denver Ounquera th
Brawny Omaha Gladiator.
nnd Oonipioy Olvn t
Mil In Inhibition Unit WiiNii't
IlllliMl Unolo AIIHC Headed
I'or tlio I'ennaiit.
SAN FnAxcidco , Cnl , , Sept. 21. [ Specln ,
Tolocram to THE Bm.J : The great battle between -
twoen Billy Woods of Denver and Jack Davis
of Omaha , a fight to A finish , tooK place to
night before the Pucllio Athlotlu club. Up
wards of 4,000 persons witnessed the contest ,
which , by the way , has attracted moro Inter
est than any light In this pity smco the Jack-
son-Corbott mooting. At an early hour long
botoro the advertised timj for the contest to
commence , the hn < l was crowded with sportIng -
Ing men. Nearly every western city was re
M. J. Sullivan noted ns master of ceremonies -
monies , while Jack Dompsov , the Nonpareil ,
oniciatcd ns referee. Davis was seconded by
the naughty Bob Flt/.simmons and Danny
Ncodham , champions In their respective
classes. Woods' seconds worn Bat Master-
son of Denver , Martin Murphy nnd Paddy
Gorman. Seldom has such an aggregation
been found concentrated In a ring buforo In
The sports predicted that , the light would
not last over ten rounds. Betting was lively
during the day , although the wagers were
mostly small. At Coroett's headquarters
Davis sold in the pools nt 100 to SO , and there
were plenty of figures on both
stdos of the houso. Davis got his backing
larcoly owing to his light with Choynskl.
There was a preliminary event , n six-
round go between Mick McCarthy and Mnr-
tin McCnffory. It was a regular wrestling
match mid McCatTcry was not in it. Two
young fellows followed in n friendly setto
and then the principals of the big event wore
called by the mister of ceremonies.
Then the Plf-ln licKm.
When Jack Dempsey nppoared there was
loud cheering nnd prolonged applause. Some
one proposed three cheers nnd the 4,000
sports wont wild. Davis stepped Into the
ring lirst , looking fine as silk. Ho weighed
175 pounds. Woods came on with n hop ,
skip and jump , and looked as hard as leather.
His weight was ISO pounds.
First round Tlmo was called at 3:20.
After some feinting Woods landed n light
right band body blow. After moro fiddling ,
Woods led , and slipping around Davis' nock
nearly wont to the lloor.
Second round Davis landed his right on
Woods' ear ; the latter broke ground , but
Davis failed to catch him. Davis urged him
to thu ropes , playing his right on Woods'
ribs. A loft drive lauded on Woods' nose ,
with red.
Third Hound Davis several times- rushed
Woods to the ropes , but returned each tlmo
to the center of tbo ring , having inillctod but
little , damngo.
Fourth Hound Woods led a straight loft ,
falling short , as Jid Davis' right for the
body. Woods landed n good loft on Davis'
cheek and got in return a sounding loft on
the cheek. Several rallies followed , Woods
cleverly ducking.
.Jack Mount HuHinoM-t.
Fifth Hound Woods' left glanced from
Davis' jaw. Davis got in his loft on the face
nnd the right on the ribs in quick succession.
Woods twice again landed on Davis' jaw , the
latter ducking vainly ; then rallied and returned -
turned a counlo of hot ones on the jaw , slag-
goring Woods.
Sixth Hound Davis led , falling short ;
.then stopped rush , with aloft cross-counter.
The men wero'iibw gelling lo oioso quarters ,
but taking no chances. Woods led with bis
loft and Davis uppercut Him ; Woods clung to
the corners and scorned disposed to clinch.
Seventh Hound Woods countered with
his left on the jaw and dodged an ugly swing.
Woods parried and landed a short loft on the
point of the jaw , 'staggering Davis. The lat
ter rushed to catch his nimble opponent , but
his swings generally fell short , though near
tbo close of the round ho landed two hot ones ?
Eighth Hound Woods was sent to tbo
ground twice with a right swmgas the round
Hilly Plnyed Possum.
The ninth opened with Davis chasing
Woods around the ring on a run , Woods hid
ing bis face nnd Davis landing his right on
the back of th.o nock. Woods suddenly re-
tallalcd with his right on the juw , dazing
Davis for n minute. They then slugged each
other al cloao range unlll bolh were erogcy ,
hammering each other about the head , Woods
with half arm drives and Davis upper culling
with his right. Woods caught him ns the
gone sounded nnd Davis wont down , half
rose , then fell nnd wns carried to his corner.
Tenth Hound- Davis recovered quickly
nnd rushed Woods nrounu the -ring gamely ,
Oisayihg to land his powerful right nnd
going to the lloor with his own effort. Ho
succeeded in stopping Woods' drives for his
law and puzzled tho-Jattor.
Eleventh Hound Davis slipped tolho lloor
In his own corner from Iho effects of Wooos"
two-handed drives. Ho wns dazed and
bloodliiff freely from the loft eye and mouth.
He appeared blinded with blood , but played
richt for Woods' Jaw , making the Intier
wary. The round closed with Woods smashIng -
Ing Davis In the mouth with his right.
This Settled It ,
Twelfth Hound Woods appeared tired , but
moro conlldenl ; Davis shaky , but game ,
laughing us Wood * brought blood from the
Injured eye with right hand smashes. Ho
frequently essayed his right , but Woods
avoided him.
Thirteenth Hound Woods showed a swell
ing on thn left check , but otherwise was un
banned. Davis landed on his jaw lightly
with his loft. Woods caught Davis on tbo
head with n tight smash , sending him to ono
Unco. As ho rose Woods sent him to
the ropes , smashing his helpless opponent
with his right. Davis was unable to respond
nnd nppoared to bo bangiug on the ropes.
Fltzsimmons rushed Into the ring nnd n light
was narrowly avoided between Woods and
tbo wrathy Now Zoalandor. who claimed a
foul. Donverltos sldod with their mnu , and
the ring wns soon filled wllh struggling , excited -
cited men. Dempsey endeavored vainly to
restore order. The pohoo then entered the
ring and Davis announcing ho would glvo up
tbo light , the referee pronounced In favor of
Charged of Kotil ,
It was claimed thai Woods struck Dnvli
nearly five seconds nf tor the gong slruck In
the critical ninth round , but the foul , If such
It wns , wns condoned by Davis' seconds
allowing the flght to go on , The confusion
was such nt the time that few of the specta
tors board the sound of tbo gong. Opinions
dlffor as to wbothor or not Davis was act
ually over tno ropes when AVoods struck him
in the lost round , but tha dccUIon of the
referee was agalntt this. Davis wns pun-
Ubod badly. Woods was little marked.
Undo C3ot Awny from Ills Now York
Hoodoo nnd Wins.
CIXCINXATI , O. , Sept. 21 , The game was
won by Chicago in the ninth Inning on a
little weak hit by Schrivor , an error by
; Lathnm nml two sacrifices. The umpire
was very uusfttlifnotory. Attendance , 8SJ.
Score :
Cincinnati . , . ,3 0001000 0 4
Chicago . ,0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 S 5
rUlt * ! A'1"0',11'1 ' ' 7 | cl" < ; aRO. 0. Krrors :
ft ' . '
Cincinnati , : UhloiiKO , . lUtlcrios : Ithlnos.
Muilano and Harrington ! llutuhlnson nnd
Bobrlvur. Klttrldgo. Harncd ruin : Olncln-
uutl , 1 ; Olik'ugo , t ,
BOSTON , Mos . , Sopt. 21. Inks could not
bold out in the way be bopan today , and in
tha lost two mnlngi the Bostons did nearly
all their batting , while at the tame time his
support wout'to plocro. Score .
notion . 0 00000051 8
llrooklyn . OU0001000 1
Hits : lloiton,8 : Brooklyn , I ; Errors : lieu-
ton. It Hrooklyn , 4. nUerlo ! Suloy , Koilyi
Ink * . T. Daly. Earned rum : Hoston , 2 ;
Brooklyn , L
Nw YOHK , Sopt. ai. Tbo NowVorks
( Tore beaten by Philadelphia in a wrotohod
content , KwliiK wrenched his nrm In the
second and Uuslo pitched out the farce.
Clnrko and Hurroll changed places In the
fourth Inning but did no ? oo < ' . Score :
Now York a inoooo2i-o
I'hiiudoipbla. . . . . . . 2 n r > t o n i 3 U
lilts : New York. IS : Philadelphia. 12. Er
ror * : Now Yifrk. in I'lilliidolplilu , ( V. Iliillur *
les : llurroll , Ewlug. Ulnrkn und KuslQI ( llon-
son and I-elds. Karned runs : Now York , 4 ;
Philadelphia , S.
? riiin.s ) ; DOWNED THU JONAHS.
I'tTTsm.'ito , PH. , Sept. 'Jl. The Cleveland *
won today by timely hilling ( n tno ninth in-
nlnir. ' .rho game was very exciting and
closely contested , tjcoro.
PltLshnr ? OOOOQ3OO 0 ! 1
Cleveland 0 U 0 I a 1 0 0 I ft
Hits : I'ltUliurg. 0 : Cleveland , 7. Errors :
I'ltlsburs. 4s Cleveland. 4. llattcrlM : llald-
w n and Mllliir ; YOIIIIK amiInimer. . Eat tied
runs : Pitlsburg , I : Uluvelnnd , 1.
National l.oncuc Mtiindlni ; .
Playo-1 Won. Ixjst. i'or Ct.
Ohlcnpo 1W 77 4S .nifi
lloston I'-'J 74 M .W
Now York- III ! ( V > fil . (
I'hlladoluhli 121 ( M M . ' . .M
Uluvolntid ILH AT 71 . ' )
llrooklyn. . , 1 1 M Oil Ml
I'lttsbur/ 12. ' ( SI 71 -W !
Cincinnati 12.1 49 70 : Xi
Killcn Give : tlio Itoston
Tou li Dent.
Mn.WArKF.n , Wls. , Sopt. 21. Killcn pitched
n great game for Milwaukee today , shutting
out Boston with only ono hit a single by
Duffy. Ho was klven perfect support nnd
the visitors wuro not in the game. Score :
Milwaukee . 0 0 0 0 n 0 1 1 II 6
llostnn . 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ) I ) 0 U
lilts : Milwaukee , 10 ; Huston , II. Krrors :
Milwaukee. 0 ; Itoston , 4. ll-iiiorlcs : Killcn
and ( Irlmi llnddnclc and Murphy. Karned
runs : Milwaukee , 2.
WII.I.IE llll.l.V M'Oll.I.'H HAY.
ST. Lot'i , Mo. , Sept. 21. The Browns and
Wnshlngtons played the most interesting
game of the series today. The Browns won
because the visitors were unable to locate
Mcttill's delivery , Darkness caused the
game lo bo called ft the end of the seventh.
Score :
st. IOUM ! . : i oiiioo-o
Washington . 0 0 o o It o o : i
lilts : ft. Lous , i ) ; Washington , 7. Krrors :
HI. Louis. 2 ; Washington , 7. Kattcrlot : Mc-
(1111 and jtoylo : roroiimn und McOultc.
Knrned Knris : st , J.ouls , 1 : Washington , 1.
fouisvn.r.R , ICy. , Sept. 21. The Ath.ctlcs
were unable to bat FitxRorald in their last
ganm of the season with Louisville today nnd
were shut out. Score :
Louisville . - . . 1 4
Athletics . 0 0 0 0 0 n 00
Hits : Louisville. 9 : Athletics , 2. Krrors :
Louisville , li Athletics , 2. Hnttcrlcs : Fit/-
Kornld and Cahlll ; Wuybing and Cro-H. Karned
runs : None. _
American AwHouiation Stntidlni ; .
I'lnyo'J. Won. l.ojt. I'or Ct
floston . 124 85 S9 .KM
St. Louis . 12 ! ) 8'i 47 .KM
Itnltltnoro . 121 7 57 .MO
Athletics . V-.l CC Kt -113
Columlm ; . Kll ( il 70 .4IJO
Milwaukee . 127 57 70 .41 ! )
Lonlsvlllo . 12.S fiO 73 H9I
Wasli.ngton . 123 41 81 .B28
AViim Ironi Ilcntrlcc.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Spelcnl Tele
gram to TUB Bci : . ] Hastings won the first
game of tbo series with Beatrice by tbo score
ofTtoJ. * The game was very exciting , and
the result filled the hearts of tbo Hastings
fans \vtth joy. The "Third City" on the Beatrice -
atrico players' uniforms proved a hoodoo.
Score :
Hustings . 2 0100040 * 7
llentrlvo . 0 01300200 0
Earned runs : Hastings. 5. Errors : Hast
ings. 7 ; lioatrlco , C- Stolen bases : Hustings.
0 ; Itcatrlcc. B. Struuk out : llv Kliich , 5 ; by
Cnstone. 4. Homo rim : Kennedy. Itatteries :
Finch and Abbott : C'astono and Jones. Um
pire : Itexton.
srjsiw IUXG.
Pool llooni AVnr TellliiR on the At
tendance at Gravesend.
'GltAVESEND H.VCn TllAOK , L. I. , Sept. 21.
Racing was continued here today before ono
of tno smallest crowds of the meolliif ? . This
wus accounted for in a measure by Iho fact.
that Monday Is generally an off day In rac
ing circles , out the war between the pool
rooms and tbo track also bad something to do
with it
first race , purse 11,000 , for 2-year-olds , soil
ing , live furlongs. Eleven starters ; Wih :
.Jim , 11)7(5 ( to 2) ) , won easily by two IcncthH
from Laughing Water , ! ) : ) (7 ( to 1) ) , who beat
Cottonadu. 110" (15 ( to J ) , a liond for second
money. Time : l:02U. :
Meeoml race , purse SI.OJO , for 2-year-olds ,
selling , live furloncs. Fifuion starters :
Peruvian , who got oft In tbo front ranic , at
once opuncn up a RHP of two lengths nnd led
Into the stretch vhen Annie Queen nml
Kurnlsb nttomiited to close on him. It WHS
useless , and 1'eruvlan. IW (20 ( to 1) ) , won by
three pnrts of a length from Furnish , 103 (21) ( ) to
I ) , who beat Annlu Queen , 103 (4 ( to 1) ) , two
lengths for the place. Time : lttt :
' 1 bird race , purse tl.OiHi , mlle and ono fur
long. Tour starters : Madslonu , 110 (9 ( to 2) ) ,
won easily by three lengths from Senorlta. 107
Cl tuo ) , who Dent King Crab , 110 (9 to 2) . u half
length for thu place. Tlmo : l:5i. :
Kourth race , purse $ l,0ilii , for two-year-olds ,
six furlongs. Nine starters : After a good
race Madrid. OS (4 ( to 5) ) , won by n bead from
I'anhiindle. 101 ( IU to I ) , who beat Take Hack ,
lls I9lo 2) ) , two lengths for tbo place. Time :
llii' : $ .
l 'lfth race , purse $1,00 ; , for threo-yotir-olds ,
one mile. Twelve starters : India Hubbcir
was the lirst to show at the start and led fern
n quarter , where lie gave way to llullevne.
The latter piloted thu Held to the stretch ,
where tlJero was u general closing up. In the
last furlong all bunds went to the whip and
hqully , 10 ! ) ( C to 1) ) , drew out und won by three
parts of a length from Santa Anna , 109(10to ( I ) ,
who beat Trinity. 1U5 ( S to 1) ) , a neck for the
plneo. Tlmo : l:4t. :
Sixth race , ono mlle and a sixteenth. Fif
teen starters : Lady I'lilslfor took up the run
ning and piloted thu Held to the htretrn whim
Hoodlum , 110 ( "i to I ) . Ciirno with a rush and
won by a nock from Lady 1'ulslfer , IU9l5to ( I ) ,
who boat I'alostliuMU (4 ( to 1) ) , head for
place. Tlmo : ir > OH.
Seventh riico , ono mllo. Three starters :
llacluo took thu lead when the ( lag foil nnd
after making all tlio running looked all over
ti winner in the stroteh. then Uaelno onscd up
and I'leknlukor , 103(7 ( to 10) ) , enmo.strong at tlio
llnlsh and boat Urielnc. 110(0 ( to5) ) . ahead wlillu
lulla lllackburii. 119 (4 ( to l.l , was third , two
lengths away. Time : iM'ijj.
- \K \ tit Ijiitonin.
CINCINNATI , O.Sont.Ul. Beautiful weather
nnd u fast track favoro-1 the sport at Latonla
today. About 8,000 people were present.
Favorites won In tbo lirst , third and sixth
races , nnd non-favorites won In the other
three races.
Klrst race , sollins. purse , for'J-yonr-olds and
upwards , that Inivo run nnd not won at this
meeting , mile nnd twenty yards. Tun htarl-
prs : llnrry Wuldun. 101 (4 ( to 5) ) , won easily by
half a length from Hist Lap. lei , (8 ( to 1) ) , a ueelt
in front of Yunzant , IW (7 ( to 1) ) , tlilrd. Time :
Second race , purse for maiden 2-year-olds ,
four nnd one-half fnrloncs , Nine starters. In
the lust twenty yards under whip unit spur
UroHt llopeB , 10J (7 ( tu V ) , reached out and won
by half a neck with The Queen , IB ! a ) to S ) , second
end , half a loiiKth In front ot UuiiKiiroo , miG
to 1) ) third. Time ; 57.1 * ;
Third raoo.Hulllntf pnrso f or 3-y oar-olds that
htivu won three or moro races ut this meeting ,
ono mlle and llftyynrds. Kour starters :
Tuniuln , 100 (7tolU ( ) , won by n length from
Patrick , Km (4 ( to 1) ) second , half a length In
front of llob Forsytho , HO ( 'JO to 1) ) , third.
Time : l:4iiJ. !
Kuiirth race , purse for : i-yoar-olds nnd up
wards , one milu. Six starters : Annn.Ul (3 ( to
I ) , won uiiblly by u length from KU Klndlg. lirj
U to 1) ) , sncond , n lunsth from Gurus , UT ( . ' to 1) ) ,
third. Tlino : l:4iy. : '
1'lfIh moo , n free handicap sweepstakes for
S-yuar-olilH , hlx ( nrlonK * . Six starters :
JudKo lluuhos , iai(4 ( to i ) , won with tbo utmost
" " ' , ' * L J1' ' " . le ? tli with .Mllo. 01 ( S to 1) .
Sixth race. purse for 3-year-olds and up
ward * , one mile. Seven starters : Uudolph.
Uoiinoed tlio HI n cur.
CINCINNATI , O , , Sept , 31. Tbo executive
committee of the Latonla Jockey club a week
ago ordered tbo Urannon brother * and Jerry
Wornoora ot Arbucklo building , Brooklyn ,
N. Y. , to produce the horse Tanuor , jointly
owned by them , at Latonla today , and they
failed to do It. The committee , by virtue of
authority vested in It , today officially and
formally oxpellml the Brannou brothers nnd
Jarry Worn berg and the horse Tanner from
tbo turf forever. This they did on tbo bollof
that T nnor personated Polk Budget nnd
fraudulently won a race ut Latonla on Sup-
tomber 7 ot the pitxseat meeting.
Ti-noU Itotwcon Thrni.
iNDiiCKMutscK , la. , Sopt. 21. Allcrtoa
wont another mlle in'JOQl ; , { today , thus put-
ling nn end to nil dispute ns to the Bullion's
championship. Tbo quarters were rnlod nt
, i , . ; .
The Independence Driving Park associa
tion today made n proposition to match Nanoy
Hanks , Nelson nnd Allorlon for n purse of
$10,000 , nrt entrance foe , the money to bo di
vided as Doblo nnd Nelson may agree ; the
race to take place over this traok botwecn
October II ) nud November 10. Word has
been received saying that Doblo nccopUs.
Nelson bus not boon heard from.
Onii Ku-iiH , Mich. , Sopt. 21. C. W.
Williams , owner of Allcrlon , Im.s declined
tbo proposition of Dnn J. Leathers of thU
city to run Allorton ngnlnsi Nelson in this
city for $ . " > ,0J. ( ) Ho makes n proposition to
pet Nelson , Allerton nnd Nnncv Hanks to
gether on the Independence track for n purse
of $10,000. Leathers lu reply ngrees to the
proposed contest for $10,000 , but Insists on
the Ornnd Unpids track.
Rnrfleld i'nrlc Itnce.fl.
Cim-AOo , 111. , Sopt. 21 Gnrfleld Park
races. Track fast.
I-'irnt rniio. tbri'ii-fourlhs of n mlle : I.onc-
broeck won. Klldnro second , Miss Mary third.
Time : IliJ. :
Second rnci1. ono mile : I'ultl Rosa won.
Duster second , I'pmnn third. Time : li-Kl' } .
Third race , one und one-eighth mlle * : ( liildo
won , Nero second , Ormonde third. Time :
I"M : } { ,
I'ourth race , ono and one-elglitli tnlle.s : Xed
won. Couirton second , ICoyal Flush thlid.
lime : l:4i' : : ' | .
Fifth race , ono mlle and sixty yards : Clot-
uwuy won , Hock .second , Gooilb've third. Time :
Klxth race , three duurtcrs of n mile : Guy-
lord won , lAiosccoml , Kan Kins third. Time :
Tips for Today.
These horses have boon picked as good
things for today :
1. Ilcrthu Cashier.
2. lion Air Hopeful. .
: i. Dr. Niive Mil.
-I. DimeiiHter Double Long.
fi. Co crity Citmetlior.
0. Clunit I'anvutte.
1. Duke of MIIpltus-3'y ' Lisbon.
2. Crutkshank-ltlg Man.
U. Aloha Dniijurven.
4. Kd lure Tom Stevens.
5. KllzlniKb l < eo t'tirineii.
G , Queenlu Trowhrld-jo Vedette.
KS < > l''til'OKT.
-till nt It.
. I'KoitiA , 111. , Sept. 21. In the record-
breaking contests nt Lake View Park
today , Zimmerman of the Now York
Athlotlu club rode to reduce the
American llvo mile record. Ho rode n
tmlo In 2.IK ) 4 f > nnd two miles in 5:1 : , ' } 4.5 ;
three miles in Tll'J-"i : ! ; foiu- miles in 10:07 ,
nnd live miles in 12 : .VM-f > , thus breaking Iho
record for three , four and llvo miles. Tlio
previous record was 13:44 : I- , " ) . Zimmerman
nnd Murphy nlso reduced tbo world's mile
tandem record from 2:27 : lo 2:2-1 : 1-5.
itiinlon Delcutcd At ; " I" .
Nnw WivrsiiNsTiit , B. C. , Sept. 21. The
sculling race between Hanlon and McLean
for ? 200 a side took place today on Frnzicr
river. Thn course was three miles with u
turn , and McLean had 500 yards start. Hun-
Ion beat his record , but failed to overtake
McLean , who won by three lengths. The
latler's lime was 1:20 and Hanlon's l'J:22 .
That Checker Unco.
Cmc.uio , III. , Sopl. 21. In the Barkor-
Ueed checker contest today bolh games were
drawn. The Fife openings wore used. The
score slands : Barker , 4 ; Hoed , 0 ; drawn , 10.
Hallway HmploycH MJIHS Meetinj ; .
A inusa mooting of all railway employes
has bcou called for this evening at
Central hall , 107 South Fourteenth street.
The meotiiii ; will bo under the nuspioies of
tbo Omaha railway employes club and is
called for the purpose of explaining the ob
jects of tbo institution. Mr. Uooiy of Min
neapolis , the orcnnizer of the association ,
will bo present nnd oxplan its workings and
and purposes.
StcniiiHliip Arrivals.
At Brumerhavon Tbo 'Elder from ! Ntiw
York. ' ' "
At Now York Tlio Citc'issi , from Glas
gow.At Ar.lworp-Tbo Frtoaland , from Now
At Now York The Allor , from-Bremen.
l.iliclcd the Itntt
Los AXCIKUIS , Cnl. , Sopt. 21. A second
libel has been filed against the Chilian
steamer Ilata at San Dioco by the United
Stales marshal for $200,000 for danngea sus
tained In bringing the vessel back from
Chill , The case will como up in the United
States court today
Mr. Ferguson Oet.i n Jol ) .
K , Sept. 21. Sir James Ferguson ,
political secretary of the foreign olllco , has
boon appointed to the olllco of postmaster
general , vacant through the deaih'of Hnikcs.
Sniuido of n WH'o Murderer.
CLKVELAXD , O. , Sept. 21. Fred Kummeron ,
a wife murderer , this morning committed
suicide in j'lil by hanging himself to n water
pipe in his cell.
Moro trouble is tbro.itciiod nt Ilricovlllo
over tbo employment of convicts' In'tbo mines.
Ex-CoiiRressman W. \VliIUhorn of Ten
nessee died nt his homo nl-Columbia , aged CD
Extriiordlnury lilqli tides have Inundated
thousands o' acres lu part Ions of Nova
Kurlons .sales raged ut llerwlek. on Tweed
Northumberland , and many vessels wuro
I'p to date the 4i ! percent bonds redeemed
amount to f I.I Mi , 4 MX The amount , extended Is
The brewers' war nt Chleatjo still continues.
All hruneis have mot the ? : > rate and u further
reduction Is looked for.
William Korrel , probably the most eminent
meteorologist In thn world , died nt .Mayllolu ,
Ivan. Ho wns horn In IHI7.
The sixth annual con volition of the Switch
men's Mutual Aid association convened in se
cret session at I'lilladclpliln.
The fairground * stables at Dallas , Tex
burned and nineteen thoroughbred horses
valued nt ovur JOW ! , perished lu tlie.llameu.
The national convention of the councillors ,
eomniaudors anil subordinate councils of the
Orderof I'nlted American Merchants ononed
at Troy , X. V.
An International congress to dlicnss tha
causes of accidents to workmen nnd tliu bust
means to prevent thu same , assembled ut
Idirno , Switzerland ,
The third of " . "
performance "I.ohonzrln" w s
given at Paris , but the dmnonstr.-itloii of thn
populace wns not u.s thruatuiiing u upon the
previous occasions.
Tbo members of the Reolojlcal congress. 103
In number , who have been mukliiK a tour of
l ollowstono park , arrived ut Denver and to
day Will start for the cast.
The Order of Railway Conductors Is In ses
sion nt Umlsvlllo. Ky. , with 100 ilnluffntes and
400 visitors. An effort will Co made toeonsoll-
datu with the brotherhood.
About twenty Chinamen snouknd across the
river from Canada lo Detroit under guidance
of a wliltii man. Kluvcn huve been arrested
and will bo returned ut once.
Kdwni-d Ward and Joslo Hunter , whllo cm-
. oyliis u moonlight stroll nt Washington park.
Kansas Olty , nuto held up by a miiskud nouro
nml robbed of their valuable * .
Mrs. Doll Uuthhun. a wealthy widow of Duf-
ralo. N. > . .bus mysteriously dlsnnpourud , and
her friends four that In a lit of temporary
insanity sbo has taken her own life.
The Tennessee legislature adjourned. Out-
N dopf piisslnir nn npirarUoniuunt bill glvlnu
tliu democrat- , savor * ! now souls , thu session
walnut fruitful of IniporUnt results.
W. \Vynloop leaves Deliver for Africa to
inspect the cold mines referred to in Ulder
llu gard'H "KliiK Solomon's Mines. " An Kn-
fllth mining syndicate pays his expenses.
President Harrison nutburUod the sulo of.
the doud and down timber on thn Indian res
ervation lands In WIsooniln. Thu proceeds of
the bulo will bo expended for the benulllof the
Uhlppawru Indians.
United States Minister Grant hollovos that
American peru products will soon be admitted
IntoAubUo-llunsary. but say.s no definite
action can bu taken until parliament meets
later In thu.season.
Charles llotrnrd , who confessed that bn
attmnntua to wreck the Pennsylvania limited
} n Indiana ln t woolc. w s taken to Crown
roInt , Ind. , for trlnl , convlctoU ud sentenced
to ton years In th penitentiary.
The SUtu dupitrtment rooolrod a dispatch
from the United Stutes cousul at Matnmoras.
Jlux. . tttatlnff that Qarcla und his purty of
revolutionists are olojoly pursued und u de
cisive engagement IH expected today.
Thoonlcers of the United BUtoi Bavltua.
I < onn nnd llulldlna company of tit. Paul ,
Minn. , Indlztmntly deny the publlshod itatu-
mont that they bad boon notlQud lo refrain
fro01 tramaotlug busluai * In Manuchusolts ,
Drunken Farmer ' nt York Gets Into
Serious Trouble ,
Prnlint'ly Saved I'rotii n Violent
Dcatli ' > VUi ) Htnmlillns of His ns tlin Weapon
VOIIK , Nob. , Sept. 21. ( Special to Tun
HKK.J Last night Captain liorrignl , n farm
laborer working for l \ D. Urady of Houston ,
mounted n horsennd came to this city , where
ho succeeded In gottiug very drunk. Ho
coinlnoncod amusing himself by running bis
horse on the sidewalks and through .streets ,
Ho was ordered to desist by Policeman
Carey , hut defied him , mid said that no of-
ileer rou'.d arrest him.
Ho put the spurs to his animal nnd started
his amusement again , whereupon Curey
opened fro upon him. At the second shot the
horse fell ami the rider was captured and
taken to lull. This morning ho was balled
out by Hrady. Strange as It may seem , the
horse wns not bit by the ofllcor's shots , but
stumbled and fell Just as Ibo second report
rang out ,
ihno County II
I , Nob. , Sopt. 21. iSpocial Telegram
to Tun HEK. | The Sallno county republican
convention met' hero today , Highly-live
delegates wore present and nominations wo TO
madu amidst great enthusiasm. The convon
tiou met In Warren's opera house mid at 3
o'clock p. m. was called to order by Chair-
inntiV. II. Clrlmtn. E. C. Stevens of Western
was made secretary. After the credentials
were received the temporary organization
was made permanent. A notion was made
und unanimously carried that Judge , T. W.
Morris be requested to name the delegates to
both state aim Judicial conventions ,
Ho named the folio wing : State convention
-Hon. ( Jcorgo H. Hastings , T. C. Cnllahan ,
.T. D. Popo. r'red.Soo. Dr. .1. V. Hcghtol , Kd
Loci , K. MeUoupall , H. P. Kim. , J. H.
Grimm , .1. W. Dawes , . ) . L. Tidball , H. M.
Wells , C. W. Hippie. L. O. Weatoot. .Indi-
cial convention : S. L. Andrews , J. It. John
son , C. Durns.s.f\V. Dawes , .1. D. Popo. H.
Wbitcomb , .lohn .1. Ack , A. Wilcox , .1. E.
Doano , A. .1. Justice , L. O. Wostcntt ,
A. Hiihor , J. Warren , Milton Slavln.
The following county ticket was named :
Clerk , Frank Williams ; treasurer , Kmil
Shirk ; countv judge , II. H. Heudeo ; sheriff , Iarlon ; clerk of the district court. A.
N. Dodson ; superintendent of schools , Prof.
Jennings ; coroner , Dr. Ituuloninn ; surveyor ,
Prof. Drown : commissioner , M. Aid. J. H.
Grimm of Wllbor was again re-elected chair
man of the central committee. After adopt
ing a solid platform and passing resolutions
commending the course ot the republican
party tbo convention adjourned.
Kort Nlnhrnrn inspected.
VAMJNTI.VC , Nplj , , Supt. 2l.-fbpeclal Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] A special bringing
Secretary Proctor , Senator Manderson , Gov-
rnor P.igo of Vermont , General Brooke and- .
others arrived thU iif ornoon en route to Fort
Niobrara. Arrrt'ilig there , the usual salute
was fired. SU"orly | afterward Colonel Sumner -
nor , Sixth cavalry , commanding the post ,
ordered out the entire command , and live
troops of his own regiment nnd two com
panies of tbo Ejghth infantry appeared for
inspection ana review. About an hour was
spent , in goinfe Vhrouch the different evolu
tions , when thtfeommnud was dismissed and
an informal reception followed nt
Colonel Simmer's quarters. Secretarv
Proctor and I . Senator Manderson took
especial interest'Tn troop L , commanded
by First Lieutenant Uravo , Sixth cavalry ,
who put them through the different evolu
tion's mounted and on foot , to thu surprise of
these gentlemen on the rapid progress and
military uppoiminuo presented ! The entire
post was Inspectcd'ahd Colonel Sumner was
comp.limented piUtuo. condition of nis post
and command. They loft at 8:30 : this even
ing. *
Allinnuo Convention Work.
OSCT.OI.A , Ne/i. / , Sept. 21. [ Special to THE
Bin.J : The independents hold their county
convention Saturday nnd the following can
didates were nominated : County judge , W.
E. Hurst ; treasurer , N. Mackin ; sheriff , Sid
ney Miller ; clerk , S. L. Qurllngamo ; coroner ,
W. E. Jsickil ; superintendent. W. 1C. ICop-
nor ; surveyor , W. O. Barnes ; clerk of the
district court. B. F. Brown ; commissioner ,
David Marquis. The great effort of the con
vention was to down I. D. Chamberlain , and
they think tu'oy have boon successful. They
say not ono ol his candidates has boon nomi
nated , and It is no matter who the men arc If
they are only anti-Chamberlnln.
In Ki-tlititiK Trim.
F.u.i-s CITX , Nob. , Sopt. 21 , ISpocial Tele
gram to THE BKE. | The Iticbardson county
republicans mot in convention in this city to
day and placed n strong ticket in tbo field.
Everything was harmonious from tbo start.
Following is the ticket : U. W. Marsh , treas
urer ; K. O. Lewis , county clerk ;
J- K. Wilchlto , county judge ;
C. L. Metz , clerk of the district court ; 'S.
Witman , superintendent ; W. P. Focus ,
shorilT : H. G. Stavcr , coroner. The conven
tion Instructed the "delegation to the stnto
convention for M. B. liooso for suui-omo
jiulgo. A vigorous fight will bo made to
elect the entire ticket.
Strpy : County Kcpuhlicnnn.
P.irn.i.iox , Nob. ' . Sept. 'Jl. ( Special Tele
gram to TIIK BBK. ] Sarpy county repub
licans met in mass convention today and
elected the following delegates to the state
convention : William Uobinson , H. F. Clarke ,
A. L. Spearman and S. O. Salisbury. Judi
cial : C , L. Hoover , 1) . L , Morrisrn , Henry
Goottseh nnd I. D. Clarke. Tha judicial dele
gates were Instructed to oppose an indorse
ment of any of thu candidates nominated by
the alliance convention. The state delegates
were Instructed for House.
Pri'imratloiiH Completed.
BUOKIIS Bow , Nub. , Sopt. 21. ( Special
Telegram to Tin : BBK. ] CuUor county's fair
opens hero tomorrow and a good attendance
is anticipated. Many exhibits nro already
here. Almost any time today could bo seen
immense pumpkins or" other largo vegetables
Doing hauled through the city on the way to
the tair ground , Where the exhibits are beiiic
put in place. The prizes offered in the speed
ring are attracting quite u number of fast
horses. Five caliid in this afternoon nnd
moro uro oxpccuxTtUmorrow.
HVAXXIS , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnn.1 Tha republican conven
tion met at Hyniinis today , and nominated
thn following ticket : E. Stilson , county
judge ; Dan Evans , sheriff ; Dr. T. J. Hoi-
comb , corounr ; L. D. Weaver , treasurer ; A.
Cowlos. cleric ; A. V. Coblo , supirintundout ;
H , H. Dilllnger , surveyor. The convention
was harmonious.
York County's Corn Crop.
YibiiK , Nob. , Sept. 21. ( Special to TIIK
BKK. | A special from this city that ap
peared in yestortSjIs. edition of TIIK Bins in
regard to the bnso corn crop of York
county , stated , I i the ncronxo was 15,771.
Thai is u mislaid ) , fl'ho county has tn round
11 euros 1V,771 ) aorelof corn in splendid con
dition go no rally , that will yieldan Immense
. -
crop. _
No IjvUlRiiui ) nf Guilt. Girtf Neb. , Sept , 31. [ Special
Telegram to TIIEUKK.J Marlow Blngor , the
man charged with stealing US from V. Wei-
dorbolt of Hamburg , "wws given a bearing
this afternoon and discharged. There was no
evidence of
Holt County IN In It.
Nob. , Sept , 21. [ Spoclal Telegram -
gram to TUB BKB. ] Holt county U to bo fn
the Nobrntka ad vortlilnc train and conildors
it a splendid scheme. W. O. Matboivj has
been selected as tbo representative from this
locality. _
Farmcrx Nocd Help.
BIIOKKN r > o\v , Nou. , SopUUl. [ Special Tel-
ognuu toTiis BUE. ] Farm bandt are much
uoodod In Oiutcr county , Farmer * are not
nhlo to procure sufUelout help to care foi
their grain. There U still n great deal ol
wheat In the shock. Farmers nro offering
f 1.50 n dar nnd board or 91 for man nnd team.
Threshing will last till December.
Wheat Is yielding beyond expectations ,
soiuo going AS hi ah ns forty-llvo bushels per
ncrc , nnd It * will nvorngo thirty bushels
throughout the county. If frost holds oft fern
n week the corn crop will bo snfo.
Kruclvod \VccpliiK Water.
WEBPIXO WATKII , Nob. , Sopt. SI. [ Spoclnl
to Tun HRK. ] Tbo remains of MM , . ( nines
Johnson , who wns killed nt Lincoln last oven-
Imr In n runaway accident , nrrlvod hero
today nnd were mot bv ft Inrgo crowd of
friends of tlio family. ' 'I ho body wns taken
In charge nnd escorted by members of tbo
Mnsonfo order to Iho Into residence , ono nnd
one-half mllns south of Weoplnir Water.
The funeral will occur tomorrow. The
family l.s well known hero and the and acci
dent h n shook to the entire community.
\Vork of OoliimtniH1 Convention * .
Coi.mims ; , Nob. . Sent. 21. [ Special Tele
gram toTitnHni : . ) Both the republican nnd
democratic judicial conventions were held
here today. Tlio republicans unanimously
nominated A. M. Post of this city and Wil
liam Marshall of Fremont , thu present in
cumbents. The other party nominated J. J.
Sullivan of "this city nnd C. Hollcnbcck of
Fremont. The city is full of delegates
Will llcuovrr.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. UK Owing to the
prevalence of rumors concerning the Illness
of John Fitzgerald , president of the Irish Na
tional league , bis physician has made a state
ment to thn effect , that while his patient is In
n very feeble state from tlio results of cere
bral coiiL'cstion. yet nil ncllvo symptoms nro
gone and ho will recover.
Tlili'ves nt Vorlc.
YoiticNob. , Sopt. m. ( Special to Tnr.
Bui : . I The city Is Infested with a gang of
potty thieves who uro stealing everything
they can lay their hands on. Flowers ,
chickens , bams from smoke houses , etc. , have
been purloined , and the latest effort of the
gang was to break Into the Union I'acilio
depot. They only succeeded lu securing n
few cents.
Dr. Hamilton'Funeral. ! .
PBN-HKII , Neb. , Sopt. 31. fSpccial to Tnr
BKn.J-Hov. Dr. Hamilton , who forllfty-
fouryoarj has boon a missionary nmonc the
Indians of this section and the founder of
several old missions , was buried yesterday.
Ho was in many respects n wonderful man.
An Old HfNldcnt Dead.
WKKI-IXO WATBII , Neb , , Sept. 21. fSpccial
toTin : BUB. ) MIM. Jonn Marshall , an old
resident of this locality , died Saturday. The
remains were interred today.
AsotKtiinent of "Work for the Mctlio-
diHtMinister. . - ! .
The North Nebraska Methodist conference
concluded its deliberations last night , or this
morning rather , at 1 o'clock , after a very
long und busy session.
The pastors will leave today for ttclr
Holds of labor , and Bishop Goodsell will go
lo Lincoln lo hold the South I'mtto center-
cn < : e.
Following arc Ibo appointments made by
the bishop for the ensuing year. These
places loft blank nro to bo supplied :
Klkhorn Valley district , Jlov. David Mar
que tie. presiding Klder , ISellgh ; llurtli-tt.
- : llnltluficek , - ; Hloutnlield , V. It.
Hum : Urolgliton. C. M. Grllllth ; Klsln. -
Kmerlek , Wllllnin Stunner : F.wlng. K. T.
CuorKo ; Lone Tree. - ; Nellgb. William
Liorst ; rxuwnian'H Grove , - : Nlobntrn.
- - ! North ollgh. - ; Oakdale , .John
I ! rows : O'Neill and Inland , 0. O. Wll-
> on : Osinan and Warsaw , to bo
annulled : I'a'Idock ami Miiineol.i , N. II.
ItlueUmer : Page , 1) . Hlnln : I'oiersbur. ' . W. H.
I'hulps ; Pierce. - j 1'lalnvlow , - ; I'laln-
ylpw circuit. K , K. Hosini.n : Kesurvatlon Jlls-
i'on , - ; Tlldon and Aloadow Grove , W. A.
Wilson. It. K. Nenl left without nn nppulnt-
aiMit to attend school ,
Grand Island district J. K. Mooro. prc.sldln"
; Idcr. Grand Island ; Albion , W. M. Worley ;
\lblon c.rcult , - ; Ilollsrace , Oalro and
ward , I ) T. Oliolt ; St. Paul , 'll. A. 'ita'rtnn :
Seotlsi. W. A. Dnvlrs ; Sllvi-r Creolf , - :
Wood Itlvor , - . Georjre W. Martin , chap
lain State Industrial .school. Kearney ; A. I , .
Mlekol , missionary to Mexico.
Norfolk nisi riot. J. II. Mnvflnld. presldiiiB
older : Alllns. J. It , Genrhiirt : H incrofu - ;
llccmor. A. W. Holison ; lllulr. II. it. Mlllard :
Colerldgi ! . ; Oral'J. . Churlus : Dakota
City , 1) ) . \ \ , AIcGrueunr : Deuatnr , .1. H. Kra/.or :
Homer. II. W. l.'onlcy ; Huinphroy. - ; Kon-
nard. A. J. Yoiiti ; Lot'-.l. A. High ; Lvons. .1.
. 1'rlost ; Madison. J. L. St. Claire ; Norfolk ,
J. W. JennliiK : Unulmd and West
I'olut. - ; I'KDtlor. J. W. Miller : I'llRor ,
Plane Center , - ; Poneu , J. II. Johnson ;
Hanilolph. O. A. Luce ; St. James , W. II , ( Jar-
tor ; South Sioux City mid ( 'ovlnelon. - ;
iituiitoii. I ) . O. Wlnsblp ; Teknmab. If. O. Day-
boll : Vacuum nnd Herman. William Ksplln ;
Wakellold , - ; WiirnorsvllliWavno. .
11. C. Meyers : Winner , .1. H. Urooks ; Winsido.
W. H. I.Inn. K. A. Whltwaiii , prlnelpal North
Nebraska Nornm1. suliool.
Omaha District T. C. Clcnrlennin ? . prcsln-
Ins elder ; Arlington and Nlelii-rsou , T. W.
jMiuJiows : Klkhorn , Henry Trozoiiii : Kreinont.
J. W. Itoblnsou ; Gri'tna , - ; Hoopor. o.sar
Kggleston ; Muplevtl' ' . J. T. Crooks ; North
Hond. I'oler CUrkc : Oniaha , I-'Irst clmrcb , I' .
S. Merrill : Custollar street ehnreb ,
C. 11. Allen : llnnscoin Park , (3.
M , llrown ; Moiinioutb Park chinch , T. W.
llross ; Suwnrn , II. A , Cruno ; t-onth Tenth
Htrcut , Alfred llod''ottSouthwest ; ehnreb ,
timrlo : < Hnnveloy ; Trlnltv. W. 1C. lluuns ; Wus-
loy L'hnpnl. - : Pupilllnn. II. h. Powers ;
I'urplo , Oana Thomas lllthell ; Ulchlleld ,
- : Itlehlaud. .1. K. A. Klcharty ; Shnvlor ,
I > . II. Kdillollntto : S.'nlmor. J. T. Knuokuy :
Siiuth Oninlin. AlbrlKlU clnirob. W. Van
Iturun : N Mreut eliurcli. ( ' . N Duwaon ;
Sprinuflfld. William Underwood : Yulloy , 1C ,
y. Crawford.
J. W. Hhauk. editor Nebraska
Advocate ; . l. R KiisUn , nsilslnut editor.
C'liarli-s W. Savldjje , Ilnuiieliil asunt for
North Nolir.'isKii ominiiry at Uimtral city ; J ,
J. Iliiribtiry. mlsslomiry lo China ; N. I , .
Uutlirlo. mlsslonnry to Arl/una.
C. D. Day. inlssioniiry tu Wvomlni ; . A. H.
Henry , W. II , Slauzhlor. George II. Muln , K. K.
Wilson. It. J. C'ocliinir. loft without uppolnt-
ments to attend
"Men and Women" teaches lessons of self-
denial , of noble self-sacrillce , of love , which
appeal strongly to the real men nnd women
sitting beneath its spell , and higher stand
ards of living unconsciously result , in such
plays rolluion finds her chiofost ally for they
emphasize the truths thai for 1,000 years
have possessed the world ,
In tbo first act of the play , which was pro
duced last evening at Boyd's to a magnillccnt night audience , there nro two proposals
of marriage both vofusod ; two Incipient
proposals both uncournced ; ona business
failure ; ono defalcation ; ono fight , on the
stage , fisticuffs ; ono suicide off tliu stage ;
the presentation of a valentine ; u criminal's
confession of guilt , nnd a betrothal.
Wllh this vivacious and healthily lively
opening "Men and Women" slilrls 6lT on n
C'iroor of the most exciting character.
There am no bad women In the play , thanks
to the authors. All are good , some of them
angels. But there are n good many bnd men ,
who , in the final moments of thu play , roach
the gram ! climacteric by confessions of crime
donn in yonthfol days when the blood ran
hot , and their tin id forgiveness by the parlies
in interest. And they co forth to now
created lives with thu benediction of the
Nar.nrono ringing in their oars.
Tlicro is one scene in thu play which would
make nny drama stand out from the long list
of Iho commonplace , ll is a midnight meet
ing of the directors of tbo Jefferson National
bank culled to discuss the precarious condi
tion of tlio bank und its possible closing on
tha morrow. The defalcation of a lot of
bonds u known. Suspicion points tn the as
sistant cashier as the thief. Then comes his
cross-examination by the counsel of tlio bank
( bis enemy ) und Toatmry's Indignant
When Paby nru nick , we c vo h r Cutoria ,
When stw wo a Child , * lie cried for Castorla ,
When she became MI.M , she clung to Cutorta ,
When * h In J Children , she garo them Castorla.
denial. Governor Hodman , nn ox-
convict , rlson from n prlnoti cell
nt Auburn to the executive of a great state ,
offers to loan the niono.v that shall tldo the
bank over , the refusal to accept It , nil work
ing up to rroscott's ( the cashier ) silent con
fession , is crispy nnd sharply Interesting. It
touches Just the fringe of tragedy , and ihon ,
to cap the climax , Preseott tenders Ills hand
cuffed nnnds to tno ofllcor ; tbo guilty man nt
last Is found. All this bit comes with n sort
of solemn dignity niter the excited Interview
1'roscott hns bad with his llunncco , Agnes ,
nnd the curtain closes out n picture that Is
rnro in dramatic nrt.
It l.s Indeed n plonsuro to testify to the
merits of the excellent organization now pro
ducing "Men and Women" at Boyd's.
Throughout , Iho nlcast possible discrimina
tion bos boon shown In the ftolocllon of tbo
players nnd they lvo n beautifully rounded
Mr. Henry Untton plays an open handed
Hebrew gentlemen , Israel Cohenthe president
of Iho bank delightfully. In fact , ho pre
sents lo the stage n new figure 5 high-
minded , genllOiJiinly Jew , nnd it is
singularly refreshing to see him ns ho does
exist In the world nnd not ns "Snm'l of
1'osen" would hnvo us bollcvo.
William Prescott , the cashier , wns well
plnyod by Byron Douglas , n now comer in
our midst , mid in manner and method siig-
ousted Henry Millet , formerly with the
Frohmans. Mr. Chnrlos Macitny made n
proat deal out of young Soubury , Iho hot
headed youth , ready to light nt the drop of
the tint when It eamo to n question of his
honor. Mr. Theodore Hamilton ns CSovornor
Kndman , has n wonderfully sympathetic
r olco Und his rending in net ono was
n gem of purest diction. In manner and
make-up ho looked every inch n commanding
llgurc , such ns you llnd in these western
states nt the bond of the government. Mr.
Charles Ciotthold , a .sterling actor , plavod the
villain , Calvin bteadmnn. with n nonchalance
that showed the true artist.
Miss Esther Ijyon ns Agnes , n Dickens
typo of woman , plaved the part with con
summate ability. The intense sentimental
ity of the partis html to deal with , but there
never WHS the least show of overacting here ,
nnd the lady scored thn triumph of the ovoa-
ing. The other female characters nro won
derfully well taken whllo the mnlo members
of the eust show themselves actors deserving
of Individual n.cntion.
HAS A UK ; .ion.
ItlllldnildlMl GotldUNH Will l > H8.q Oil
Many Kail SiiltH.
Ouco moro the Omaha lawyer has reasons
for being glad. His fnUJiarvost Is on In good
shape and Iho indications are that ho will
garner u bountiful crop , which means an
abundance of fees and n now overcoat.
The September term of tbo district court
opened yesterday morning , and from
now until Christmas the court rooms
will bo the drawing cards for the
judges , the lawyers and the litigants. Tlio
hour wns 11:30 : when Judges Hopowcll , Davis ,
Kstullo and Ferguson ascended the bench in
room No. 1 in the court houso. ShorilT Bovd
in a clear tone remarked , ' 'Hcaryol Ho'ar
ye ! The honorable. Iho dislricl court of
Douglas count is now opou "
Quid aud'-JoO attorneys hold possession ot
the room whllo Judge Ferguson announced
that the bailiffs had boon appointed. They
am the snmo gentlemen who were on duty
last term and will bo in attendance/ upon the
sumo judges.
The following bar commiitoo was an
nounced : Howard B. Smith , Guy K. C.
Head. Charles H. Marplo , Warren Swit/.ler
and T. H. Tiffany.
According to the usual custom tbo docket
was not called on the lirst day of the term ,
but today all of tbo courts will' got oown
to blislnsss.
Judge Estollo will handle criminal business
and will occupy Iho largo room in Iho court
Judge Ferguson will bold forth in room No.
2 und Judge Irvine in room No. : i in tno
county building. Both gentlemen will work
on the jury docket.
Judge Davis will hoar jury cases in Tbo
Bee building , while Judges Doano , Hopowcll
and Wakeloy will preside over the onuity
The general docket Is almost as largo as
last term. It contains ,401 ! cases. Thu lirst
case for trial Is Lewis Lowry et al. against
James W. Davis ot al. , mid tbu last , T. K.
Jabob.s against ( Jlou Ji. Hodson ot al.
After making the usual announcements
Judges Davis and Estollo devoted the morn
ing to getting the trial juries ready for the
term. Ninety Jurors had been summoned
and rorly-six responded to their names. Of
this number , sixlecn wanlod to be excused.
Some of them wont but moro staid and will
servo the county at S3 per day.
C. N. Deltz was lute in arriving , but ho
pleaded that ho was not foolim ? well nnd was
excused. George P. Bemis who arrived in
company with Mr. Dcitz , offered Iho sumo
excuse , bul it would not go , so ho ureod that
ho ba-J private business. Tills
excuse wns no better than Iho
tbo other and these parties .having business
witli Mr. Bemis can llnd him nt the cour
house during business hours. Jerry O'Brien ,
a man 70 years of asrc , was on crutches and
was assisted up the stairs by two men. Ho
was allowed lo return to his home. John F.
Potler , a lad of 17 years , had been drawn ,
but was excused , and the Judges wonder how
his name got into the box , ns ho declared
upon his oath that he had never voted.
The motion docket will bo called today ,
and each Saturday during the term will bo
devoted to handing down decisions.
As in days of yore , Friday will bo divorce
day , the dav on which the courts will hoar
pleas for the dissolution of the bonds of mat
rimony that tie mistnatod couples together.
The crimnl call for the week Is as follows ;
Tuesday William Hilto. assault and bat
tery ; Harry Miller , assault ; Satn II. Good
win , assault with intent to kill.
Wednesday Joseph Regan , larceny from
the person ; Carl Bloomnuist , assault and bat
tery ; William Hiues , robucry ; Lewis Hlbb-
lor , Keeping liquor to bo disposed of on Sun-
Thursday Thomas Hague , forgery ; W. A.
Arhous , forgery ; Samuel Pearson , lorgery ;
I'j. Jorgcnsen , forgery.
Carl Bluinquist , charged with assault and
battery plo.uloii guilty before Judge Eslollo
nnd was lined $ 'i nnd costs
Sam Goodwin , Iho colored man who slruck
n comrade over the bond wllh a tout pin
when Cooper & Bailey's circus wns in town ,
was arraigned nnd pleaded not guilty to Iho
ctiurco of assnull and battery. His case was
continued and ho wns remanded to jail to
await trial.
J. H. Van Cluster bus brought suit to com
pel James H. Johnson to call n meeting of
t lie stockholders ot the Nebraska Mortgage
nnd Loan company for Ibo purpose of elect
ing ofliccrs to manage the concern , Judge
Irvine 1ms Issued a mandamus und will bear
the arguments next Saturday. At ono time
Van Cluster was the prc.-tldbnt of the com
pany , hut claims that Johnson nnd other
.stockholders conspired nnd froze him out.
Ho now uss ! tbo court to glvo him n show lo
got back und take care of his stock.
The now Methodist church nt Alliance Is
nearly completed ,
The kick of n horse broke tlio jnw of Ed.
Duncan of Wilcox.
Kov. A. W. Henry has severed his connec
tion with the Christian church nt Vordon.
The Seventh district republican judicial
convention will bo held nt Geneva next Fri
llev. U D.Volls has accepted a call to tbo
pastorate of thu Presbyterian church of
C. C. Little , a business man of Holdrege , Is
suffering from a broken log ns the result of a
horse's kick.
Miss Mary Slert of Mlllard became frigbi-
oned bocausb her liorsoi starlni to run and
jumped from the wagon , breaking her log.
A Illtlo daughter of Jack Uobblns , living
leu inilos northwest of Ashluud , while piny-
lug on the edge of the railroad track , wus
struck by n freight train , crushing In a plocu
of tbo skull. There Is , however , a slight
chance for the child's recovery.
Tuo Grand Island Times , which wai olojod
upon a mortgage , hni boon ravivod by the
Dank of Comaiercu and C. U. P. Williams
has been placed in charge of the paper , of
which ho wns the founder years ngo. Mr.
Williams U an all around good now paper
man and will undoubtedly place thu Times on
Its toet once more.
Karl Owen. Jathos Martin and Akron
Hughs , three Shloldey boys , 111 years old ,
loft their paternal roof and secretly planned
their escape out of the neighborhood , Tbolr
parents were out In loarch of morn nil night ,
und found thorn peacefully snoozing al tbo
house of n relative of ono of Iho boys nl
Carlton. They planned lo sou a Illtlo of tbo
world , but consented to roturu homo and do
bettor in the future.
Mr. Popplotoa's ' Report oa tlio Condition of
tbo School 1'uad.
Ono Ilcuomiiioiidntlnii Adopted lion.
tlno Work of tl o llonnl
of Hdiicntlnn nt luist ,
Mr. I'opploton presented a v
report nt. the mooting of the Hoard of KIU | < M.
cation last nlglit upon the question of th > )
feasibility of moolini ; the expanse * of thti
school district without resort to direct city
The report nlaceil the nmoutit of the tloilci'
Jnnunry 1 , ISM , without any levy in IS1 ) . ' , nt
On the strength of the delicti the coniinit-
too concluded to recommend llml the board
defer docUlon on the question of asking for a
tnx levy until the tlino nrrlvos for mnlui.i . ;
niipltcntlon for suuli levy to the council.
The committee offered several rocommei.-
dntlons , tbo principal ono of which contein
plates the raising of the nvoruRu of the mim
bor of pupils per toucher from lust year s
nvonigoof thirty-four to forty , which meat
uro It was estimated would result in 11 saving
of $ ' . 17,000 over the present system botwce.i
now und January 1 , 1SIUI.
This portion of the report was presented HI
the form of n resolution and adopted.
Mr. (5. M. Hitchcock , who has Hold tin
Hoard of Education n school slto out In liif
ndditlon , ashed the hoard to allow him 1 |
slsip the grading on the east sldo of the school
slto. The agreement tnado called for n cut of
cloven foot below the present grade. Mr
Hitchcock wants to bo relieved from makiinr
nbout half of this cut. Ho frankly ndmitte , !
that ho wanted to save a few hundred dollars
on the Job. Ttio boird : failed to tuUo any
nclion on the request.
Superintendent Fitzpatrick reported tliu
closing of n rented room nt the I'aeilio school
mid the transfer of some of the pupils to tin )
main building. The report was npprovoil
mid further use ot the renteu bulldinp dts-
pcnscd with.
The superintendent of buildings recom
mended a long list of repairs needed at tlio
various schools. The report was cussed and
discussed for an hour , mid dually referred to
the committee on buildings mid property
with power to act.
An estimate in favor of Contractor Mongo-
doht for JII.-I70 , for work on the Kellom
school was allowed.
A long petition asklnir the board to rcrou-
sidcr its action in the election of a janitor for
the Central Park school was referred to tlio
committee on boating and ventilatlop. The
lanitor elect's ' plea for continuance in hit
position was referred to tliu saino committee.
The petition of property owners asking for
an appropriation of W > toward the grading
of Park nvonuo cast of the Fnrnam street
school brought out it discussion which
showed that the hoard has a claim of SlO.OOtf
against tlio city for pronorty taken for tl : .
opening of the street. The matter was referred
forred to the committee on public property
and buildings mid Judiciary.
President Goodman was Instructed to
confer with tlio Coliseum malingers rolativi
to a children's day at the coming industrial
The committee on buildings ami proportj
was instructed to confer with the City couii-
cil with a vlow to having tbo water malno
extended to the now school in Hitchcock's ad
The salary of the lonelier of drawing was
llxcd nt $01)0 ) per.vmir , that of thu teacher of
calisthenics at ? IUOO and that of the teacher
of music nlI-IA ( ) .
The Hiph school committco reported the
scale of salaries for the ensuing yonr. making
n few minor changes. Prof. IJoals' salary
was reduced from $1,500 lo$1,200 , Prof. How
ard's salary raised from $1,100 to $1,200 , and
that of E. J. Kclaoy and Mary K. San ford
reduced from $1,000 to $900. The report was
The special committee appointed lo devise
means for relieving the overcrowded condi
tion of tbo Hicb school reported in fftvor of
the following plnn : The session of the High
school shall coutinuo until 11:110 : o'clock in tbo
afternoon instead of until 'J o'clock as at pres
ent. Tno touchers of the High school shall bo
divided into three divisions ; ono division
shall tench from' ) o'clock until 2 p. m. , with
the same recesses as nt present ; the second
division shall tench from ! l until 10 : ; ! , " > nnd
from 12S5 : until ! t0 : : ! ; tlio third division shall
tench from 10:10 : toil0 : : ! with a half hour's
intermission for lunch. In this uny only
two-ibirds of tbo tenebcr.s will bo teaching nt
any ono time nnd yet each ono will loach the
same number of hours us nl present. This
will render It unnocossnry to use the small
rooms unfit for use which nro required nt
present. The report was adopted.
The board decided to pay one-fourth of the
cost of the now election booths , and nt llIO : !
o'clock adjourned ( Until next Monday night ,
when n meeting will bo held to discuss ,
among other matters , a bond proposition to
bo presented at the coming general election.
NI3\IAS 1) 12 ATI \VAItItANT. .
Shertir Ttoyd'N Ollluial Notion of tlio
Supreme Court's Klinlin .
Sheriff Boyd received a communication yes
terday from Judiro Cobb thai Is of considerable
importance to Kd Ncal , tha murderer , who is
now confined in the county Jail.
Thu document in question is Iho death
warrant , and while it is not lengthy or bur
dened with legal phrases , it speaks right to
thu point. It states that Iho supreme court
bits passed upon the case nnd us there is no
reason for legal Interference , com > iund.s Iho
sheriff to hang Ncal on Octoonr 9 , between
tlio hours of'.I o'clock ' in the forenoon mid 5
in tbo afternoon.
Nual knows nothing about the receipt of
ttiQ warrant and probably will not bo olllclally
informed of Its contents until a day or two
bcforn tbo execution whim It will bo rend teA
At lloyd's Now theater for three nights
and Saturday matinco.commcnclng Thursday
evening next , Mr. .1. 1C. Kmmol will present
"Fritz in Ireland" with Its new Und beauti
ful scenery ami many novel features. Mr.
Kmmot Intends that the revival of this
popular play shall bo augmented by the very
llnost scenic and mechanical afflicts that tliu
play has yet had , and to that end ho bus em
ployed the first sccnlo artists In Amorlcu.
Among the features offered inFrit / In
Ireland" nrn a mammoth church organ ,
n Swiss zither quartette , and n real Irish
jaunting car and donkey. Four inlant
choristers will assist In thu musical portion
of thu entertainment. The sale of seats will
open Wednesday morning.
Attention Veteran Firemen.
There will bo a mealing of the Veteran
Fireman's association on Tuesday evening ,
September 22 , at 8 p. m. at police court
rooms. A lull nttondanco Is requested.
J. DO.NNKI.I.V , Seo'y.
Boils and Pimples
Are nature's rllnrts lo rlimlimlo polMim friim
thn blood. Tills iv.sult may IO aceoinpllsliud
much moia ullpetiially. as well as ngitiealily.
througli Hut proper excretory chumiuli , by
tha use ul Ayrr'.s Sarsapanlla.
" Kor doveral years I wns troulilcd with
boils and carbuncles , In cnstlnu about fur a
remedy , It occurred lo me that Ayur's H-iraa-
pailllu Imd been used lu my fatlier'.i family ,
with excellent aucccis , and I thought that
what good for the father would also ha
good for the son. Three or four bottlei of
this medicine entirely cured mo , and I have
not since lu morn than two ymrs bad a
boll , pimple , or nny other eruptive' trouble.
I ran conscientiously speak In the highest
terms of Aycrs Haratparilln , und many
years' experience In the drug business en.
aides me to ipeak Iniullluciitly. " 0. M.
Ilalfleld , I'armlnnil , Ind ,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Dtt. J , O. AVER 6c CO. , Z.owoil , Mafia.
I'rlci $1 ; lU tottlM , iVvttb ti * kettle