Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Discount Rates Hardened Materially Dur
ing the Past Weok.
New Sonlli AVnlcs Loan Nut UniUtil- |
Mlcilly HiiL'ccsfiritl-Mtioli Ilinioiilty
Hxpcrlcnccil In I'lnclnir tlio
li rjG Amount.
LONDON , Sept. 20. Discount rntcs hard
ened during the past week , being quoted nt
E ' per cent for three months , f ho tlomnnd
for cold continues for Oormany nnil Now
York , nml the drain Is regarded with much
uticnslncsi , as some check upon the with
drawal of bullion for the United Stntcs hns
been placed by the Bank of England , which
has raised the selling prlco of eagles to 70s Od
per ounce. The demand has Been mainly re
stricted to the butsldo market , but the fact
that JCJ 10,000 was drawn from the Hank of
England for Now York yesterday is held to
preclude tv further rupld outflow. A rlso In
the bank rate Is therefore within prospect.
The Now South Wales loan of1,500,000
was Issued on Thursday. Over JL'4,000,000
was taken at JK5 per cent mul 11 syndicate
nftorward took up the balance. The quali
fied success of the loan will discourage
colonial Issues. The stock exchange Is now
doing a splendid business , the transactions
of the past wcok being the largest reported
forsotno time past. As usual ttiu energy of
the American department vitalized the other
departments making affairs lively throughout
the house. Croakers about n reaction
nrtor the recent rapid advnnco were disap
pointed. The markets generally will re
quire some time to adjust themselves to the
now level of values , but during the present
period of advance every sign of n relapse has
been mot by fresh buying , xvhlch has sus
tained the boom.
The animation in American railway secur
ities bus shown no symptom of lessening.
The volume of dealings during the week was
imtnonso on both homo and New York or
ders. Prices opened rather low yesterday ,
but uctlva buying was icsuined when
the amount of gold going to Now
York became known. It Is reasoned
that the How of gold to the United States In
payment of wheat Imports will heighten the
tendency to speculation and otherwise glvo
an Impetus to Wall street dealings.
The week's variations in prices of Ameri
can railway securities include the following
Increases : Wabash preferred and Denver < Sc
Klo Grande preferred -V/i per cent each ;
Atohlson , 4 per cent ; Denver & Hlo Grundo
common , Now York , Ontario & Western ,
Lane Shore , Louisville & Nashville , North
ern I'acillo preferred and New York ,
Pennsylvania Si Ohio llrst mortgage ,
2 % per cent each ; Ohio & Mississippi
and Wabash debentures , % per cent each ;
Control Pacilic shares , a per cent ; Norfolk &
AVcstorn preferred , 1 % nor cent ; Union
Pacific shares , 1 percent ; Mexican Central ,
J per cent ; Erie and Now York Central , IJf
per cent each ; Illinois Central , 1 } per cent ;
Bt. Paul common , 3-ft per cent ; Kondlnc , 3K
percent. Canadian railway seen rltie uoro
llrm ; Grand Trunk first preferred rt o 7 er
cent on the week ana second and thltv pre
ferred 5 per ctnt cacli.
British railway securities fluctuated ;
Brlghtons declined 3 per cent on the week
nnd Southeastern 2J per cent , while Chat-
hams advanced % per cent. Among the
miscellaneous securities the feature was the
rlso in cable shares , Anglo-American ndvanc-
inp 1J " per cent , Allsopps dropped 'J per cent
on tho" weeK ; Bells asbestos % per cent nnd
KioTlntos nnd Primntivl nitrates % per
cent ouch. Considerable business was done
in mining shares in which there was a
general advance ; South African shares
gained % toyt \ per cent. Among the miscel
laneous securities , the feature was the rlso
in cable shares , Anglo-American advancing
\yt per cent and commercial 9) per cunt. *
Ilnvnnn Market Itcvlcw.
f i HAVANA , Sopt. 20. It was very quiet yes
terday In the sugar market. During the
wcok some holders decided to sell , accepting
n reduction in prices they have asked , but
the majority of them are still very firm.
Stocks are scarce.
MoiAS3ns SIIOAU Hogular to good polari
zation , $3.H ! f@3.riO gold per quintal ; mus
covado nominal ; centrifugal , 03 to 00 degrees
polarization , in hogsheads , bags and boxes ,
J3.U5@UU.f ! ) gold per quintal. Stocks in
warehouse at Havana and Matanzas , 28 boxes ,
800,000 bogs , 415 hogsheads. Receipts from
September 10 to 10 , JiSl.OOO bags. Exports
during the wool.30,000 bags , 51X5 hogsheads.
Sales during the week , 4,037 bags.
BACOX 512.25 cold per cwt.
BiiTTEit Superior American , 52.50 gold per
Fi.ouu American , | 12.50@13.00 gold per
JKIIKHD nrjEF fS.OO per quintal.
HAMS American sugar cured , $1.00 gold
per quintal for northern , $10.00@10.50 for
LAW > In kegs , $10.50'bold per quintal ;
In tins , ? 0.00@10.00.
POTATOES American , $3.12 gold per bar
rel. Shocks nnd hoops nominal.
BIUNS White navy , ? 0.00@0.50 gold per
CIIHWI.VO Ton vcco $24.00 gold per quintal.
Exc'HAxnn Steady.
SPANISH Qotu ? 2.3r2.88.
On the Paris llourso.
PATHS Sept. 20. Since the Mityleno scare
lit the bcginlng of the wei-k , prices on the
bourse have been steady. Credit fancier in
creased \X francs , while 3 per cent rentes
decreased 5 centimes ; Hlo Tlno 3f nnd
Bank of Franco Si f. The reported cooperation
tion of the credit fonclor in the now Hussion
loan is of doubtful authenticity. The schema
to make Paris a sua front by the construc
tion of n ship canal has boon killed oy uu ad
verse report of the official commission ,
On the Horlin ItourNC.
Br.nuN , Sopt. 20. Business on the bourse
was quiet during the week. Bank , mines
and industrial securities were weaker. The
final quotations Include ; Prussian , 104.80 ;
Deutsche Bank , 144.50 ; Mexican Os , 87.10 ;
Hochumcr , 114 ; Harponor , 181 ; roubles , 215 ;
abort exchange on London , 20.0.f : ! ; long exchange -
change ' on London , ; private discount ,
On ilia Fraiilcf.irt.
FIUXKFOHT. Sept. 20. On the bourse dur
ing the week there were limited dealings ,
though the tendency was higher. The final
quotations include : Italian , 80.40 ; Portu
guese , 61 ; Spanish , 7I.10 ! ; Russian , 07.S10 ;
ihort exchange on London. 20.33 ; private
discount , ! 1J .
Wool I'rlccH.
LON-DO.V , Sept. 20. At yesterday's wool
Bales in addition to oftcrlngs detailed , the
following was offered : Queensland , JXK )
bales ; scoured Is ; scoured , locks and pieces
7 > .f < g d ; greasy , niflgOJtfa ; greasy , locks
and pieces , 2 ( < 7 d.
tur iiw n'uor.Kt.i r.i.v.inKKTs.
anil I'rnvtolona ,
MuTTOS-Choico dressed mutton. So : racks
of mutton , lie ; saddles of mutton. lOc ; breasts.
M mutton , Jo : 1m of mutton. I2o.
V ' esu I'ouK-Pork loins. 8Jo ! ; tenderloins.
lloimro ribs. Bo ; HlionKhTH , tllio ; hooks , 4u ,
trlniiKlnBS ° < Ji V ok bones , 2 o ; droned lie s.
Olio ; cloiinod pigs' feet , per doz. . BOc ; rough
"mo oiinoO p KH' fcot , per doz , , 30e.
HAiiBAOK-Smokod sausage. 7ci bologna , 4e ;
blood 8iiussu < ' - < * iollvur : sausngo , 4o } ; head
eliVoso , 4V "t fresli pork auiago ( links ) , 7oi
pork BttiiaRo , ( bulk ) , 0Jo ! ; smoked pork
go.Biio ; Fraiikfiirtausago.7VtOiimokuu ( !
iionil choi'so. fiJius , I'oilBh sausage. 7oj ( { Knob
lauch biviwtiK Tiic ; toiiBuo sausage , Do ; sum-
IUThoabovA > rIccs arc for lots of fifty pounds
nnd upwunUi u loss quantity u half cent
EF-8leers. 500 to X ) Ibs.
aie n * ' . t * > < 8tour(1' | uo l , ° , K)9 ) -
Sgo. uit vo 0 > i7 o : cows ami heifers 400 to
WO iu * average , native. MJUo ; wetiorn cows ,
iSAio ; hlndrtuartoiB. steers , loijoi blndnimr-
terV , ciw , Co ; forouuartors , steurs , flo ; fore-
quliiMUiluJr' ? CUTS-nolls. 8)oi ) { beef tenaor.
loliisT fresh , ISo : B rloln butts. So ; boneless
itrliw. 7 tei trlulolm > . 7ot rounds , fie ) rounds ,
( BhanUoin.riHei rounds ( shiiiik ami rui"Poia
K I tinnolwH run" ' " . < oi chucks , . ] " , ' :
$ K1 halves , * 'W' ' Jjl , beef
lolui No.l Utccr ) , JU ° . u wius No,2Hoi
beef loins No. n , 80 ; hoof rll ) , < VJSo ! beef ribs
No , I , Mel Hwcotbroadfi , per do * . , 7Jc ; brains ,
per doz. , oOcj Ul < lnoy. . nuuh , lie ; ox lulls , each ,
Itc ; live is , each. I3c ; beef hearts , each , &ci bcof
tongues , each , 43c.
HMOKKD JlEATs-Siuar cured Uam , 14 to 10
lb. average , lOlic ; hatii , 20 to Si lb. average ,
IVt liamn , 10 to 12 lb. iivenmc , lO'io ; limn * . H to
B lb. avcrago ( pig hams ) , llc ( sklnnerl sllclnu
hams , lu'iu ; idiuuldcrs , 7c ; California Imins ,
( picnic ) , 7Uc ; clear bruaKfaat bitcon , narrow
( trips , lie ; clear breakfast bacon , wide
strips , lliic ; bonuloss breakfast bacon backs ,
Diiu ; bonuii'ss hams , UVic ; Khun ntilced
rolls ( ham ronltitto ! . 6'ie ; dried bcofimms
( sctsHe ) ( : dried bcuf Insldcs and ktiucklea ,
He ; dried beef hams , ouisldu pieces , 7Uci
dried beef regular ( clods ) , D'-iet sinnkeil beef
tongues ( per dozen ) . J7.0J : special bams. 12 to
l.'ilb. average , liyo ! special boneless break
fast bacon , 1'l'vc ' ; HClculed drlud bcuf hams ,
Insldcs and kin Jkles , lie ; soleclcd wldo clear
breakfast bacon , 12Ue. . ,
Ditv HALTED MCAT& Fancy Httlit weight
short clears , 8 ? o ; Ion ? clears , 7'io ; short
clears , Ho ; short ribs , 7'ic ; shoulders , Oe ; clear
backs , 8jc. ? . . ,
SSIOKKII ; MKATI Dry Silt Ourod-Rincy
light weight bacon short clears , uiie ; bacon
xjiort rib" , 8e ; bacon short clears , bic ? ; bacon
Io'nicloars , ; io ; bacon clour backs , Uc ! bacon
shoulders CVc.
llAiniKi.ii : > I'OIIK AND HF.RF Family porx ,
til.fidt back pork. JU.UO ; sbortcut clear pork ,
tM.Uoaifl.UJ : boneless pig pork ( fancy ) , JlS.UO ;
uxtrn moss bcuf , WOJ ; jilato beef , * ? .fiO | extra
plutu beef , tiM : extra family bcof ( boneless ) ,
slU.UO ; rolled beef ( bonelcssi , JiO.OO ; rump butts ,
PIO POIIK llonolcss llarrols , 200 Ibs. , each
(18.00 ; half biirrulfl , JIU llw. , o ich iOW : ijuar-
tcr barrulJi , f > J Ibs. , each li.W ) ; eighth barrela ,
23 Ibs. . each . .
Oir.s Prime lard oil ( winter strained ) . 5lc ;
extra lard oil ( winter strained ) , lilu ; extra No.
I Iitrd oil. 4Ic ; No. 1 lard oil , IClc ; No. 2 lard oil ,
We : pure neat's foot oil. 470 ; pure tallow oil ,
I'lCKI.KI ) llBBP TONOUKS-Ilbls , IJJ.01 ; lltlf
bbls. , 1'JO ' Ibs , , 4I1.M ; quarter bbls. , M Ibs. . W.5J ;
eighth bbls. , 2t Ibs. , tl.uu.
MWKBT I'lUKLKDSl'AitBUliiS Tierces , 810 Ibs. ,
JU.Ml : barrois , M ) IDs. , S.O.OO ; ! 5 burrola , 10U
Ibs. , $ \5.
I < Aiti-Compouud ) , per lb , . tierce b.isls , B.'ie ;
pure leaf , per lb. tleico hauls , 8c ; puiolard.
jiurlb. iluivu basis , Hu : kettle renduied leaf
lard , per lb , tlorco busts , Ulic. ,
Ili/TTUHt.Ni : Creamery , per lb , lOHc : choice
dairy , per lb , 17'Jc ; ilairy , pcrlb , 13'Jc.
Swmr : I'lUKLKti MHATS Hams , tierces , flic ? ;
sliouldois ( N. V. cut ) tlerou , O' o ; bullies
tierces , U'Sc ' ; California ham , tierces , G c ,
bt'cf ham , bbls. , 3ia. > U.
HKX EmutT oi' HEKF 1-oz. Jars , 1 , 3 or C
do/uri In a box , tkiUpordiu. ; 2-oi. Jars , 1 , 2 or.'I
dozun Iu a box , $1,20 ; 4ojars , 1 01 2doz. lit a
bo.v , 87.7."i ; 8-o/ . jars , 1 doIn a bo.x , JU.M ; 10-
oz. Jars , ! i doz. In a box ,
I'Bi'TosiXBU KxTKACTOt' Itnr.f-1-oz. Jars , l ,
II or 0 doIn a box , $ ; i2i ; 2-oz. jars , 1.2 or II doz.
In n box , tl.'ia ; 4-oz. Jats. I or 2 doz. In a box.
J7.7. > ; 8-oz. Jars , 1 doIn a box , SI4.f > j ; Iti-oz ,
jars , ! 5 doz. In a box. J27.C.O.
Ciinncd Dlcatn.
Dry Ooufls.
HEAVY HHOWN COTTONS Atltintle A , 74e ! ;
Atlantic II , flSc ! : Atlnntiu I ) , OJic ; Atlantic 1' .
Oo : Aurora U , " > o ; Huek's head , ti' c ; Cabot W ,
0ie ! ! DarlliiKton. 0ic ? ; banner's No. 1 , ' , 4Hc.
lir.KACHED COTTONS Herklev cambric. No.
00. UUc ; Host Yet , OVJej llliieKstoiio AA , T9 c ;
Hutter Ulnth XX , 4'e : Cabot , 7 ? e : DwlRlit
Anchor , ! ) u ; Dlamoiio W shrunk , 0ic ! : Kllorton
W H , 71ic.
1'iNi : Ititow.v COTTONS Atlantic , LL , fie ; Au
rora II , fi' u : Aurora H , CJic ; Arrow Ilrand , Cc :
Atlas O M II , 7'Je ; Chlc.isaw A H. Gi'.c ; Clieeso
Cloth , lo : Clifton KP , 5' c ; I'epporcll U , U'ic ' ;
1'apporoll K. 40-Inch , 7u : LunK'lon G 13. Uc ; , Iron , 74C.
HDENIMS Net Ainoskeajr , 0 oz. , lOMc ; York ,
Camlet. I2o : Kverott , standard , I"i5c ; An-
clever , ilia ; Forest H. 0. , Kite : Haymakers ,
7Hc ; Old \'ork , XX. 10'Jo ; Old Vork. XXX ,
llite : Lawrence , 250. lle : Lawrcncn. 2ai,131Jc ;
Liiwroncc , I ) oz. , IVAa ; fancy stripes and
checks Wo : Utica Nonpareil. llic ! ; Hosnllnd ,
8Mo ; Second to None , O' e ; 'Irurup Card , 7 . 5c.
I'ni.NTS Funeles Kduystonc , do : Windsor ,
Oc : Ilatnllton , do ; Steel Itlvcr , fiiic ; Utimitpo ,
4cs St. Le or. fiiJc. Shlrtlnscs Jlartha Wa-ili-
ItiKton. tc ; Allen,4c : Alurrlninc , J'/Jci Turkey
reds Fountain. Cc : Garner , GJJc ; OreUolu ,
Si'ic : Hcrlln. Vic.
WiOANS Not Thistle. 7Jic ; Red Cross , 7c :
Out-Own , ! R .
, COLORED OAMiiincs Crown , 4J5e : Red Star.
4VJc : Slitiwmut , 4i5o. Rolled Clover , 5io ? ;
Slater. Gyc ; high colors , le extra.
CHASH Statcns' II. 10iii.6J4o : Stevens' I ) ,
18-ln. , 'ic : Stevens' A. 10-ln. . 7Uo ; Stevens' I' ,
IS-ln. , 8u ; Stevens' M , 18-ln. , Bo ; Slovens' N , 2J-
ln. . Oo : Stevens'NN , ! S-In. . Wo ; Stevens'SHT.
20-ln. , l-'o : blunuhud , lo extra ; Snowlluko , per
ct. lb. . ISite : Iloone , pr. et , lb. , 14o ; Peerless , 07
tolls , pefcase , $7.50.
> ? tv , i itpiiiail. Juytu.
Nut. I'oppuroll. 43-ln. , lOiJc ; Popnoroti , fe-4 ,
18o ; I'eiiuoiull , 0-4 , 20o ; 1'oppcrell , 1U-4 , I'-i'/io ;
lloston. 5-4,12 o : Hoston , b-J , 2Jc ; Uoston , IM ,
225e ! ; Hoston , 10-1 , 25c ; Utlcu , 48-ln. , 13o ; Utica ,
flS-ln. , 17 e ; Utica , 7B-ln , , 24n ; Utica , hO-ln.'JCo ;
22'c ; lloston , 0-4 , 2Jc ; lloston" , 10-1 ,
2/o ' ; Utica. 8-1 , 24c ; Utiea , ! l-4 , L'Oe ;
Utica , II , 28'/ie. Illcacliod Cottons Kiirtnors'
( Jholce , o ; First Call , 55io ; Kltchvlllc , 7c :
Krultof the Loom. 8 0 ; Homo lltin. 7 o ; Hill
Humpor Idem , 8ljc ; Harvest , Oe ; Hope , 734C ;
llonsokeeper , 8Ho ; Kins I'hllllpcatrjirlc.l./Jc ;
LaiiKdon G II , Va : LonsimlP , Hiioi Lonsdalo
cambric , lO o ; Now York Mills , 11e ! ; Oak
i.awn , 7c ; Pride of Laundry , 6'ic ; Warwick ,
dross , 8)40 ) ; Lancaster , Ko : Glenalro. b'ie ' ;
\Vhltvnton , clross , 8 ? c ; York Vitvoiltn , dross ,
8u ; OAloutta , dress , tu ) : Normundle , dross , 8c ;
Lulccslor. Ue.
I'lti.NTa-lndlso Blno-Net
- Martha Wnsh-
inittuii , Ra ; Amorloun , & > 4a : Arnold. 5 , ' c ; Ar
nold 11. lonttolotnOWobtlfel A , ll'/Jc : Amana
A , lU5c ; Gold Ticket. 10o ; Hamilton , f.iSo ;
Alien Pinks , 80 ; Allen Uhumbriiy.fio ; Gloticcs-
ter. n'ic. '
WAIH- Not llibb. colored , 2H5o ;
lllbb. white , 18iJo : Peerless , colored ,
2U5o ; Peerless , white , iSlio ; Rockford -
ford , colored , 22c ; Hockford , wiiltc. Wo :
COIIRBT JKANS Not , AndroscoBKlu. 7Jio :
Amor can. THe : lloston. 7J4'o ; lllddeford , 04'o ? !
Norfolk. n ? c : Kockport. OJic.
GismiAMS-AmoslioaB , 7 o : Amoskoac.
dress. 8Hv ; Hates. 0'
Stark. Ill oz. , IMic ,
SiuiiTiNn , CIIECKR Invincible , r > ! Jo ; Klor-
OIICL' , Bijo ; Crawford , 80 ; Otis. She ; 1'ark ,
100'p , 15o : Caludouiu X , Oljc ; Caledonia XX ,
lO'/ic. '
OIIKVOITB AVInncconnot , 7c ! : Whlttcnton ,
Stater. So : Amoskeap , sttlpes. hjjo : Anioskeatr.
iilulilsUiic ; Si < a Island. HK'f'd , 12ic ! ; Sea Isle
llk'fd. 12ijo : Kdlnburp. Oo.
TICKIMIS Ouklutid. A. 0c ! ; Oakland. O,7e ;
AmosUoiir. A 0 A , Wto ; Ilurwlek , bk'f'd HII-
dls. UM fiinoy. 0ic. !
HATTS Ilco U7 rolls In hale , 11.73 ; Mohawk ,
.YMb bale , percent lb , 10io. ! Rlppor , 50-lb
bale , per cent lb , 11 ! } . Rockfotd. No. if , per
cent lb. r.'lio. Ilorwyn DlnKonul , 18o. SprltiB-
tlold , 12Uc.
CUTTOXAIIKR York Nankin , 10je ! ; Everett , 8-
oz. ihc ; EtKln , g-oz. Ibc ; Flat Rook , 8-or , ll-o ;
Lowlston , 10-oz. ! MHo : Muplo Hill , I5o : Wubasb ,
15e ; Corksurow casslmure,2-'Hc.
IlEii.s-LlKht ; brass. Imnd , dm. 70o ; P. 8. < t
\V. , ills , 4'juj Kentucky cow , 70 per conl dis
HI.OCKR Stanley Rule and Level company's
mnv llHt , Me.
Ilot/ra-l'utontdoor bolts , Ivcs * . ds. ! M-lOo ;
lliiACKS-Q. 9. linens , dl , 40-10c.
lliiAUKCTb-rinlnsliulf , Japanned , dls , 60-10o ;
fancy shelf Tuscan , bronzed , ills , OOc.
llurrs llraxs. wrouKlit , ill * , 70cj loose pin
cast , ills , 70o ; loose pin , Japunnod , dls. Co-io-
ipo ; loose pins. Japanned , wrought , dls , 03o.
\\rouRlit Iruii Narrow ( ant jolni. ll ht nar
row fast joint , broad fast Joint , broad loose
Joint , table biittu , back llnps. oto. , recillar In-
fclilu 1 1 Ind. llBht Inside blind , wroiuht lee o
pin. llvht loose pin , 70 per cents spring and
Lank butts , Goer , I5oClark ; blind butts , 75-
ICo.OARTKHS lloJ , SOci plato and shallow sock-
ts , fCc.
4 iJiiAiN Trace , OSJ-IO-S , nor pair. not. 40o :
trace , Ct { Aniorloan. per ualr. not , i'lo : Uurmau
halter cutUu , lint of December 31 , Wl , ilU , 50-
lUo ; Amurlcuu lialtur otiulu , lut of December
01 , 1M ( RO-lOci German cell chain , list of Do
cornbor 'II , lf > SI , W-lOci Iron Jaok chain , OJoi
brass jack chain , COo ,
UIIALK White , per grois , Me ; blue , per gross ,
COCKH , IliiAss RICK , now list , July Itf , 1RSO ,
dU , Klobe. now list. July 10. IBM ) . Iliiuor cocks ,
now list , July 10 , 1M > 0. plain bibbs , now list.
July in , 188) ) , nlo and bcor , now Hit , July 10 ,
l&MO , WO. *
Con-Kn Mii.T.i-rnrl < or'i board nnd box , ills.
COo ; American ICntcrprlAoMamifacturlngcom *
patiy , Me.
CoMl'ASSKS. DtvtliRiiii , KTC. Com passes , dls ,
CO-lOc ; dividers , dls , M-lOo : callipers , ills. Me.
clean clipper , t.MVtulswortli ; , dls 2-)0 ; clip
por..oo. .
C'ltow IlAtts Cast steel , per IU 4 : > ot tcol
poltils , 4c. | (
Ctm.Kiiv John Husscll Cutlery company's
not list :
Dooit LOCKS. ETC. List prices as revised
December : i9 , I8'0 ' , less . per cent ! I'nd-
locks Russell .V Irwln , Jlallory.Vhcclcr fi
Co. , Norwich Lock Miuiufiictiirlnz company ,
William Wllrox .V Co. . ni-w list , dls We.
DIIAWINO KNIVES P. S. W. Co. , dls TOcj ad
justable , dls 20c.
FOURS Hay , imuinro and snadlnj ? , ills CO-10-
lOo : plated. A I , Rognrs tt Ilros , & ) c.
FiiuiTS AND JEM.V PIIK NES Enterprise Man
ufacturing company , dls 2Jo.
Fitv I'AMt-Itiirnlsh list as follows , dls 70o ;
Nos. 0 , pnrdoei.K ( ) ! I. J.1.73 ; 2. H.'JSt ! l. J4.75 ; 4 ,
! 3Bi ! 5 , JO.K ) ; 0. $7.0 ; 7 , * ' . > : Acmr. ills C"c.
Ditlt.r.s AMI Dittt.i. STOCKS Miller's Falls.
broat. e.ich JI.OO , dig Mo.
Koil llFATKits Dover , per iloz , J1.50 ; Ad-
vaticc , $1.2. ' ) .
FAUCETS I'm ry patent petroleum , dls 0 ;
Enterprise , Bulf-mOiisurliiK , per dotM.W dls
2. > ci Victor sclf-moasiirlng , per doz , WU.UO , ills
2 , " > c.
c.I'RM.on I'r.ATBs Dls Oe.
Fif.Bs lluavcr and DIsston's , dlsCO-10 ; horse
rasps. Hollar Itros. , ds ! 0.
Or.un I'OTS Tin and i'iiamolo'1. dls 2. ) ,
HAMMRim Maydolo , dls2.iuMttgnetlo ; tacks ,
No. 10 , tl.OO ! Atha. dlsSOo.
CitAii Ai'i't.ES Per bbl , $ J.MW.OO. ( (
C'ANTAt.OUI'lIS Per do/ . JI.O'KSI.2. " ) .
I'nACiiBS C'allfornl.'i Crawfords. sliiftlo case
lots , JI.'J. ' . ; ton case lots , $ I.IU ; Michigan , per
b isket , ( Wo.
OH\PBS Homo prown , in-lb baskets , 3 , " > a ;
2'i-lb baskets lots , aoj&r.'o ; Muscat , per crate ,
$1.0X21.7.1 ; Koso Poru. f l.'L19l.a9.
1'KAits Oallfornl.i Ilartlctt , $2.73 ; other Cal
ifornia Varieties. J2.2.va2..W.
I'MJMS California , pros and Hungarian
prunes. JI.W ) ; Gorman prunes , $1 35.
Ai'i'i.EB-ror bbl. tiivasfiO.
OIIANIIUS Per box. Imported. } 0.50.
WATF.HMito.vs : Fanev , crated. IWJlSc.
LKMO.VS Per box , $0.00 ; fancy Maori. ! S.OO.
IIANANAR POP bi.ucli , R.OOtt'.SO for good
ahlppltiK stock ,
CltANiiuuitlKS Oapo Oed , per bbl , * 9.0010.00 ;
Wisconsin Hell and HiiRle , per bbl. , M.73.
Omaha MIllliiR fompany. Reliance. Patent ,
t2.W ! ; Invltiflblo. Piitcnt. H2.M ; Lone Star. Su
perlative , J2.50 ; Snuwllake , $ , ' .10 ; Fancy Fam
ily. $2.01
II. T. Davis Mill company. No 1 and Cream
High Patent , $ J.65 ; llluo I ) , and Red F. . S2.0J ;
Llonnnd IlawKnvc , $ -.40 ; Royal No. 10 , Spe
cial Patent. $ .1.0) ) ; Minnesota and Dakota.
Patent , J2.00 ; Kansas Hard Wheat , Patent.
$2.W ( : Nebraska Straights , I2.M.
S. F. Oilman's Gold Metal. JJ.80 ; Snow White ,
fZfl'i ; Snowlluko , $ MO ; low grade. tl.lW ; Queen
of the Pantrv. { . ' . ! ) ( ) ; Minnesota Speculative ,
12.80 ; bran , 13.bO ; chopped feed , 8.2.00.
Ve ilullos. ; )
Tno following quotations represent the
prices at wblch choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stated :
ONIONS Homo grown , 403'Jo per bu.
CEr.Eitv Per doz. , Iljc.
TOMATOKS Per bu. , $ I.OJ.
OAIIIIAOB Homo crown , lo perlb.
11EANS Na\-y , 8..5aa2.C3 ( per bu.
PoTATOES Local growers are supplying the
doninnd almost ixcluslvoly atavsa.10 per bu.
SWEET POTATOES Jersey , to.50 per bbl.
Country I'roiluce.
Eons Market steady at 10IO'/ie. '
1'oui/mv Market weak ; receipts llpht.
About 1.110 outsldu on old fowls and chickens Is
$2.73 and small chickens have sold as low as
$2.00 and good sl/os at $2.50 ; good ducks , 8J.OD.
HUTTEii The best country butter , good
enough for city trade , sells at 13AlCe ; packers'
stock , Il < ai2c.
ymrs OFJCIIK xoitTiiirissT.
Horton & Dawson of Unadilla have lost
100 head of blooded hogs in the past two
weeks from nasal catarrh.
Five well known Harvard citizens can
thank their lucky stars thut they nro in the
laud of the llvinp. Whllo crossing tno Elkhorn -
horn tracks in a buggy M. V. Corri. T. II.
Bennett , O. A. Horsog. W. T. Perry and H.
C. Brown wove strucic by a cur. The bugfe'y
was demolished , but all the occupants
escaped injury except Mr. Perry , who was
slightly bruised.
The Httlo daughter of Harvey Branhard of
Furnas county got a bean In ono of her oars.
It became : really swollen from tbo moisture
nnd the child suffered great agony until re
lieved by a surgical operation , which was
necessary for the removal of the bean.
Wahoo schools started the school year with
053 pupils and fifteen teachers.
Louis Lightninc of Geneva has started for
Central America on a bicycle , Ho expects to
engage in missionary work.
In the absence of tholr pastor thoCongro-
gatlonalists of Aurora selected a lady mem
ber to read the sermon on Sunday.
Whllo nn old man and his wife were cross
ing a bridge near Auburn , their team became -
came frightened by n train and plunged off
the bridge into the creek fifteen feet bolow.
Strange to say , no damage resulted.
Hugh Lyou , a farmer living flvo miles
from Unadilla , was bitten by u rattlesnake ,
but his Ufa was saved by prompt medical
The Grand Island Times has been closed on
a chattel mortcape. Blon Cole , its editor ,
claims to have sunk $3,8UO In the enterprise.
A man calling himself "Rev. C. ( I. Scott"
wont from Friend to Palmyra us a candidate
for the pastorate of the Baptist church. Ho
preached several sermons ana created a
favorable Impression , Ho borrowed of Mr.
II. O. McCart about $80 worth of mactlo lan
tern slides for the purpose of illustrating a
Iccturo which ho proposed giving. Ho disap
peared shortly afterwards , taking the slides
with him. Part of them wore found to have
boon loft as security for a hotel bill at Grand
Island and the balance were recovered from
the rooms ot the Young Men's Christian
association In that city.
Leo Hall , n lJ-ycar-old ! Bayard boy , was
thrown ever the head of a bucking broncho
and sustained a compound fracture of the loft
Miss Estella Wisncr , living In MoPherson
county , had a narrow escape from drowning
In tno Dismal last week. Wishing to cross
tno stream to got some plums she mounted
a horse nnd started to ford the stream , mak
ing tbo trip iu safety until tbo north bank
was reached , whore , the bank being steep
and slippeiy , thohorso missed his footing and
fell upon her , both Iving in the water. The
horse struggled to his feet and made a mad
rush for the bank again , she clinging to him ,
her foot having become fastened In the stir
rup , when ho again slipped ana fell with her
In tbo water In the same position a& before.
Her brother , E. E. Wlsner , had rcauncd her
by this time , and. releasing nor , carried her
upon the bank. She sustained no injury be
yond the wetting midscaro.
Thnro nro119 chlldrnn In the Davenport
Orphans' homo.
Pearls nro being fished out of Coon river
near Lake City.
Colored voters of ICookuk have organized a
Lincoln Republican club.
Chaplain C. F. Williams of the Fort Madi
son penitentiary has resigned.
Over BOO hogs were exhibited at the state
fair , every known bread being represented.
Ole Jackson , a doKortor from the regular
army , has been captured on a farm in
O'Brien county.
The little child of Charles H. Graham of
Ida Grove was run ever by a wagon loaded
with hay ami seriously injured.
Lyons business men , who nro interested in
having the high bridge there pay them divi
dends , have formed a combine and will not
bay produce from Illinois growers If it comes
to the city by the ferryboat instead of tbo
A man selling patent collar and cuff irons
for $ 0 , getting $ 'j down and a written con
tract for the balance , worked the housekeep
ers in the northeast part of Dos Moinos. No
delivery has been made yet , und probably
never will bo.
A farmer near Waterloo owns a calf that
Is quiet a freak. It has a perfectly farmed
body except that from the shoulders two
heads grow. Each head Is perfectly shaped
and the two necks are of equal length , The
animal Is not over three inches iu length.
At the republican convention of the Fif
teenth senatorial district hem at ICnoxvlllo
J , 1C , Cathcart , a Union county farmer , was
nominated ,
At Audubon two show fakirs were fined
125 and costs and made to disgorge fans
which they had swindled some of the deni
zens of tbut town out of.
Life is almost a ImrJeu for L. K. Walker
< ffjree liftle kilferissoiled Hjeir Gli
Vid didn't ' kipWlj&t to do ;
fill aJWise old friend
* W\er/se \ / lillle kitten , washed % ir
Quickx | v nis
= T- / *
TVere as brigtyexr d soft SvS
The Cheapest and Best Medicine for Family Use in the World.
Instantly stops the most excruciating pilns ; never falls to giro case to the snITorcr ; .1 fuT applications
net llko mnxlc , causing the pnln to Instantly ntop.
A Cure for all Bowel Complaints.
Internally tnken In doses of from thirty to sixty drops In half a tumbler of water will euro In n few min
utes Cramps , Spanun. Sour Stomach , Colic , Flatulence , Heartburn , Languor , Fainting Spells , CI10LRUA
OHI1IJS , DIAH ItllOKADYSBNTKUV. Sick Huidiche , N.iuioi , Vomiting Noryoiunajj , dluaploiinou
Malaria , nnd all Internal pains arising from chan o of diet or water or othorcausoj.
60 Cents a Bottlo. SoU by Druggists.
of Princeton , Scott county. At the present
term of court in JJnvonport ho is being sued
for alimony Dy his divorced wife and his
latest wife also sues for a divorce.
J. A. Lyons , auditor of state , Is after the
"Ono Year Benefit Association of Boston , "
represented in Iowa by Dr. F. Wallace Abbott
of Taunton , Mass. , who Is attempting to or
ganize local circles of Uio order. Ho has been
stopped by Mr. Lyons because the associa
tion has never received any authority to do
business in Iowa.
David Kaeger was thrown into Jail at
Davenport for drunkenness nnd while in his
cell sovoral'companions robbed him of $300 in
paper money which , he had secreted in his
underclothing. Only J73 of the amount was
recovered , the ether prisoners after finding
they were detected wantonly destroying the
the balance.
DoWitt's Little fc'ariy Risers ; host little
pills for dyspepsia , pour stomach , badbroatb.7
Significance of Dummy Clocks.
Now York World : There are few who
1mvo not scon the ordinary sign of u
jott'olcran immense irritation of a
watch hanging ever the front of the
( r
But it is safe toSay , that the number
who have detocte'd anything curious
in those small sipns is very , very small.
At 8:18 : p. m. otiApril , 14 , 1805 , Abra-
nam Lincoln was.assassinatod in Ford's
theater , Washington , by John Wilicos
Booth Since that fatal night every ono
of these watch sitfns that has gone from
the factory of the only man who makes
them has shown the hour of 8:18. :
The man in question says : I was then
working on a sign for Jeweler Adams ,
who kept a store on Broadway across
the street from Stewart's. Ho came
running in while I was at work ana told
mo the news. "Paint those hands at
the hour Lincoln was shot , that the deed
may never be forgotten , " ho said , point
ing to the sign I was making for him. I
did so. Since then every watch sign
that has gone out of hero has boon let
tered the sumo as that ono.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when
DoWitt's Little Early Risers are taken
Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
A Woman with a Distinct Power ,
Mrs. John Winston , an Indianapolis
woman , has received an onaowment
that gives her advantages ever her sisters -
tors which cannot bo calculated. She
has a voice with an echo , and when she
speaks to her husband or children , .what
she says is repeated three or four times
The power of a curtain lecture repeated
three or four times with a single effort ,
when delivered at 2 o'clock in the morn
ing , must bo apparent. A man would
either reform or take to the woods.
And what supariorlty Mrs. Win
ston must feel at a sowing circle when
her turn at the. neighborhood gossip
comes. For a woman to have the equiv
alent of four tongues is certainly a rare
advantage over her sistorswho have but
ono , if it is : in the middle.
The IjiUest Conundrum.
Wny is Ilaller's Sursapanlla nnd Burdock
llko the most popular soap of the day.
Because they both cleanse tbo skin and
leave It both soft and velvoty.
A Curious Sentence.
The following curious sentence , "Sator
aropo tenet opera rotar" is pretty bad
Latin , but may bo freely translated : "I
cease from ray work ; the eowor will
wear away his wheels. " It has those
peculiarities :
First It spoils backward and forward
the samo.
Second The first letter of each word
spoils the llrst word.
Third The second letter of each word
spells the second word , and so on with
the third , fourtland , Hfth.
Fourth The tlasb letters , road back
ward , spell the fjj'st word ; the next to
the last , the eijf.ond word , and so on
throughout. na
Fifth Thoronro _ just as many letters
in each word a tTToro are words.
Rheumatism is caused by a poisonous acid
In the blood nnd yields to Ayor's ' Pills. Many
cases which seonrchronic and hopeless , have
been completely cu eJ by this medicine. It
will cost but iittlo to try what effect the Pills
may have In your case. Wo predict success.
TIio 1'olks.
The undortak'6)1 who furnished Mrs.
Folk's coffin perlprinod the siuno service
for President ' 4iftlk forty-throe years
ago. The caskoti < wns of what undertak
ers call the "mpharoh" style , which is
reserved for "state occasions. " It vyns
of rod cedar , with copper linings and
silver trimmings , supported by Norman
columns covered with black broadcloth.
It is said that President Folk's will will
bo declared void by the courts , which
will thus defeat his intention of entail
ing hla property on his innlo heirs for
ever , in ease the will Is broken the
property will go to the children of Col
onel M. T. Polk , representing his
brother , Marshall Polk ; the children of
Ills brother. Colonel William Polk , who
reside in Now York and North Carolina
lina ; the children of his nlstor , Mrs.
Walker , living In Columbia , Tonn. , and
of his sister , Mrs , Richmond , residing in
West Tennessee.
Oust how nn alterative medicine cleanses
the sytiom is an open Question ; but that
Aysr's Sarsaparlllu docs "produce a radical
change in the blood is well attested on ull
sides. It is evorvwtioru considered the best
remedy lor blood disorder * .
The Jews said ' 'shalum" peace. The
Greeks , "ehairo" bo glad. The Rom
ans , "valo" and "salvo1' bo strong and
bo healthy. The Genoese said "Sninto
o guadagno" health and gain. The Ne
apolitans , "Crescoto in sanita' ' grow in
pioty. The Russians say "rab vash"
your slave , and "kholop vash" your
serf. The French say "Comment vous
portoz-vousV" how do you carry your-
solf'r1 The Germans , ' 'Wio gehtsV"
how goes it ? "Lioben sio wohl" live
well. The Italians , "Como staj" ' how
do you stand ? The Chinese , "How is
your stomachV" The Egyptians. "How
do swoat'i" ' The "How
you English , do
you do ? " The Yankees , "How dy"r" '
Agate bearing scales , colToa milli with fee
power , grocers refrigerators , butter coolers
catalogue of Borden & Bollock Co. , Chicago.
Take on a Proper Name.
Now York Sun : "Oh , girly girls ,
with sunny curls , and eyes blue as the
kies , and lots of lovely things the pool
i ngs , say , won't you , just the same ,
a ko on a proper name , and drop , kor-
flop , Bessie and Essio. and Mattie and
Hattie , nnd Sallie and Lallio , and Mollie
and Pollio , and Jennie and Konnlo , and
Lizzie and Izzio , and Maggie and
Aggie , and Lottio and Dottle , and
Annioand Fannie , and Ettioand Holtio ,
and Gertie and Fiirtio , and Gracie and
Macio , and Cassio nnd Lussle , ' and Bot-
tie and Nettie , and Rottio and Pottio ,
and FJossio and Bessie , and Winnie and
Minnie , and so at length ? May the
gods give us strength never to call you
by thcso namoj at all ! Oh , girly girls ,
with sunny curls , etc. "
"A stitch in time saves nine , " and if you
take Hood's Sarsaparilla now It may save
months of future possible sickness.
A ! \ew
There is a girl ton years old near
Pittsburg1 , Ponn. , who speaks in a
language only of her own invention ,
though she roads and understands Eng
lish. The single person who can trans
late the peculiar tongue is nn older
sister. A portion of her vocabulary is
as follows : "Chy-chy-kyk , " a colt ;
"sola , " angry ; "phatotaplonsuro or
fun ; "tooky , tuba , " a strong rope ;
"meli. " mamma ; "boloh , " papa ; "popo
tikoa , " to swing to and fro. Certain
philologists a-obtudying this now speech
with the hope of discovering sorao facts
us to the origin of languugo.
Small in size , great iu resultt ; DoWitt's
Little Enrlv Risers. Best pill for constipa
tion , best for sick headache , best , for sour
The ColTee Crop.
The annual coffee crop of the wo rile is
estimated at ever 11,000,000,000 pounds ,
worth at first hands $1:13,000,000. : This
enormous quantity is grown on islands
between the parallels of 30 ° . north , and
30 ° south latitude , mainly in British
India and the neighboring islands , in
Liberia and ether parts of Africa , in the
West Intlos , Mexico , Central America
and Brazil. The domestic consumption
of the United States amounts to 501,132-
100 pounds , which is valued hero at $71-
1-10,000 , and of which ! )0 ) ] > or cent comes
from countries geographically belonging
to this continent.
Do Witt's Little Early Uisors , bostpilU
The longest bridge ncross the Danube
is ] ,000 foot in length , the Waterloo
bridge ever the Tlmmos is 1,210 foot , the
Westminster bridge ever the Thiunos is
1,220 foot , the Saratov bridpo ncross the
V olgn is 'l,772.foot , and the Freiburg in
Switzerland 1,095 foot. Ono-lmlf million
dollars is to bo expended in improving
nnd extending the approaches to the
Brooklyn bridge on the Now York side.
Iu usefulness it oxccods thorn nil.
DoWltt'a Little Early Uisore for the Hvor
A Flower ol' Many Colors.
A wonJorful ilowor has boon discov
ered on the isthmus of Tohauntopoc. Its
chief peculiarity is the habit of chang
ing Its colors during the night. In the
morning it is white , when the sun is at
its zenith it is rod , and at night it is
bluo. The red , white and blue Ilowor
grows on a tree about the size of a guava
tree , and only at noon does it glvo out
any perfume.
DoWitt's Little Early Itisers ; only pill to
euro sick hoaductio and regumto the liecols.
Jim Shonl boasts of the biggest loot in
Putnam county , Florida. It is fourteen
and ono-half Inches long and requires a
No. 17 shoo. Ho never were a pair of
storo-bought fclioos.
For Schlltz beer apply to tt. ft. Grotto
McShane & Condon ,
300 & 13th St. , First National Danlt BulU
Ing , Omaha , Nob.
Real In utoclci , bomli , aoojrllloi , contnircUl p >
per , uto. Nujotlattt loan * u.t I lurarJl Om'ii rn
eitatu. Short tlmo loan * , on bank dock , or oU
pprutcil collateral luciull )
Manufacturers' !
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo ,
Importers nn < l Manuf.ic-
Flour Sicks llurlnps ami
Twine ,
A. II. PorriTo & Oo. M , 0 , Daxon ,
HH1 ( Dodge Strojt nicrcloi cold on monthlr
payment * .
Sonil tor our cntiloguo
nnil prices. 1 < W < Karnini st , , Orrmh
Ackernian Brothers & Hointzo ,
Printers , binder * , cloetrntrpoM , blank booic manu
facturer ! .
111(1 ( Howard utroot , Omnhn.
W. T , Seaman ,
Omahft's T.nrdcat Vurloty
Omaha Oarpct Co , . Gilmore & Ruhl ,
Cnrnoln , oil. clotlu mit-
tliiK' , cur'ntn Manufacturers nnd
Kooih.oto . Wholoalo Clothlcri ,
1511 Douglas etroot 1109 Hnrnor street.
West & Pritscber ,
Mnniifnctures fine clsiu.i ,
Jobbers of leaf t.ib.icco.
1011 Karnam Slroot ,
Meyer & Uro Uo A. nospo , Jr. ,
'f's jeweler * , dealers In Pianos , Ortans , Artlttt *
etc. , MnterlnN , Ktc ,
Karnani and Idtli. 1511 Douglas Street
Platt & Oo. ,
Oysters , Fish nnd Celery ,
.11 ! ) South 10th Bt
David Cole .Mnniwor.
Oonsjlidatod Tank
Line Oo.
Hcllncd nnd lubricating
oIN , nxlo Krensu , etc.
It. 11. Ituth , Mnnnxur.
Ribbel & Smith , S-hroodsr & Oo , ,
Dealers In country prod Cauli liuycr ) butter nn1
uce , fruits , vegetable * , t'K'u'H , nnd com *
CU- . mlHiluu mercli.ints.
CU1207 Howard Street. I'.l South llth Street.
Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Howard Street. Produce , fruits of all
Write for price * on but
ter , CBKS poultry , and klndi , oysters ,
KU1I10. 13th ruul 11 unify Streets.
Kirscbbraun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark& Oo. ,
llutter , chcoie , e ( g
nutter , cges and poultry.
poultry untl Kamo.
1209 Howard Street. CO'J South lilh Htrcct.
Bates & Oo. ,
Country produce , fruits ,
YCKCtrMes , groccri1 spo-
claltlei. teas , spices , ute.
1I7-41J S. llthSt.
Carpenter Paper Co , , Omaha Eubber Oo , ,
Curry n full stock of Manufacturers and Job
printing , wrapping nnd bers all kinds rubber
wrltltiR paper , cnnl pn- Kood * .
| > r , etc. 1WO Tarnnin Street.
Emerson Seed Oo , James Hughes ,
Seed Krowcn , rto.ilors In Stoves repair * of all kinds
gunlcn , Krnss , grain and Cookn and Heaters
tree seetls. for nlo.
421-421 South IStli. 1078. Mtli Street.
Consolidated Oofico
Company ,
1414 nnd 1IIU Ilnnioy St. ,
Omnlm , Neb.
H. Hardy Co. , ThoBrunswiok-
Toys clolK n II ) urns , Balke-Oollonder Co. ,
fnnoy goodi , housofiir- Milliard merchandise.
nl lilng goods , chllil- Million IKtnroi.r
renN cnrrinKe * . 4U7 , 4WH. lUtlibtrout.
13I'J Kurnam Street. OnuUin.
A. D. Boyer & Oo , , Hunter & Greoat
g.K ) Kxchango UO lltrliiinio llulldlng ,
Bouth Umnlm , South Omnhn.
Miss Ella Joseph loft yesterday for Loveland -
land , Uolo. , wliero she will tcaoli In tha public
schools durniB tbo coiniiiK your.
Nos. 108,110 and 1I2N. llthSt ,
Manufacturers of Iron and Steel Ribbon
Yard and Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most arllstlo and durable fence In thfl
market. Manufacturers'agents for Archi
tectural Iron work of all kinds , and fort ha
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire.
Call it Factory and tee tamplei.
Stnil for Catiloguet and Prlcef ,
Total I UBI of CITIES ,
w -a * m u Efiv DISTRICTS , WATER
Corr il > on'1fnco sollclttij.
KH-iflS Dearborn ntroet , CHICAGO-
IS Wa'l Street. NEW YOltK *
70ttUt Ot-UOIiTOU.