Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1891, Part Two, Page 9, Image 9

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' 1 !
Special -Bargains in
Silks , Velvets , Black
and Colored Dress
Black Gros Grain Silk , fully war
ranted , SI ; regular price , $1.35.
Royal Armuro Silk , warranted to give
good wear , $1 ; worth $1.60.
Failles in black and colors , regular
price $1.25 ; Monday , 88c.
Short lengths In Colored Gros Grain
Silk , worth from $1.60 to $2 yard ; on
Monday to close , 75c yard.
A big line of Silk Velvets , In all the
now shades , at $1 yard , cheap at $1 60.
Special bargains in Black Silk Vel
vets at SOe , Ooc , $1 and upward to the
finest Black Silk Velvets in the market.
Plaid Surahs suitable for children's
dresses , worth from $1 to $1.35 yard ; on
Monday to close , G5c yard.
Drapery Silk , SOc , ; worth $1.25.
Drapery Silk , C5c ; worth $1.
| Special Bargains
in Black Dress Goods.
30 inch black cashmere , 25C.
30 Inch black cashmere , 29c.
38 inch black cashmere , 33c.
30 inch all wool hcnrlettn , 49o.
38 inch all wool Henrietta , Goc.
40 inch all wool honriottn'G9c. ,
40 inch all wool henrlotta , 7oc.
40 inch all wool henrletta , 8oc.
38 Inch all wool , silk linish Henrietta ,
40 inch all wool , silk finish Henrietta ,
4G inch nil wool , silk finish hcnriottn ,
40 inch nil wool , silk finish Henrietta ,
81.12 } .
40 inch all wool , silk finish Henrietta ,
38 inch silk warp honriotta , S1.35.
40 Inch silk warp honriottn , 81.50.
42 inch silk warp honrietta , $1.75.
40 inch silk warp honrietta , $1.85.
40 inch silk warp honriotta , $1.95.
40 inch camel's hair serge , 75c.
40 Inch camel's hair serge , & 7c.
42 inch camel's hair serge , Ooc. .
40 Inch camel's hair serge , $1.10.
40 inch camel's hair serge , 81.25.
30 inch all wool sorgo. 4c. ! )
T > 8 Inch all wool bergo , 59c.
40 inch all wool serge , C9c.
42 inch all wool serge , 75c.
40 inch all wool serge , Soc ,
38-inch black and white s.lrjpo , 33c.
38-Inch black and white stripe , 48c.
44-inch black and white stripe , 75c.
40-inch black and white stripe , 95c.
38-inch black and white plaid , 33e.
38-insh black and white plaid , 48c.
40-Inch black and white plaid , G9c.
42-inch black and white plaid , 75c.
40-inch black and white plaid , 85c.
42-Inch black polka dot , OSc.
r 41-inch black polka dot , 81.
44-inch black polk.x dot , $1.10.
38-Inch black figures , Soc.
40-inch black figures , 95c.
42-Inch black figures , 31.
42-Inch black figures , $1.25.
Our Flannel stock is very complete ,
prices ranging from Hoc to 95c yard.
Broadcloths in all grades from 6Sc to
$2.75 per yard.
Colored Dress Goods.
27-inch half wool cashmere , lOc.
34-Inch half wool cashmere , 15c.
30-Inch half wool cashmere , 20c.
38-Inch half wool cashmere , 25c.
lU-lnch half wool cashmere , 35c.
oil-inch all wool honriotta , 3'Je.
88-inch all wool henriotta , 49c.
40-inch all wool honriotta , 69c.
40-inch all wool honrlot a , Ooc.
40-inch silk finish Henrietta , 8Se.
40-inch bilk linish honriotta , $1.
8G-inch all-wool serge 49c.
88-inch all-wool serge 69c.
40-Inch nil-wool serge ( We.
14-inch all-wool serge 7oc.
40-Inch all-wool serge 85c.
27-Inch Saxony plaid suiting 17c.
80-inch fancy plaid suiting 25c.
60-inch fancy plaid suiting 87jc.
30-inch all-wool fancy plaids 45c.
88-inch all-wool fancy plaids 49c.
40-inch all-wool fancy plaids 69c.
40-Inch all-wool fancy plaids OOc.
40-Inch all-wool fancy plaids 75o.
80-Inch all-wool llannoi 3oe.
88-Inch all-wool llannoi 89c.
40-Inch all-wool llannoi 45c.
40-inch all-wool llannoi 60c.
61-inch all-wool tlannol 49c.
64-inch all-wool llannel & 6c.
64-inch all-wool flannel ( ioc.
64-inch all-wool llannoi 75c.
54-Inch all-wool broadcloth SSc.
51-Inch all-wool broadcloth Ooc ,
54-inch all-wool broadcloth $1.25.
54-Inch all-wool broadcloth $2,25.
27-inch gray Astrachan plush 87c.
30-inch gray Astrachan plush OOc.
32-Inch gray Astrachali plush Ooe ,
50-Inch black crushed plush $1.23.
62-inch black crushed plush 81.75.
51-Inch cream Astrachan plush $3.25.
64-inch cream Astruelmn plush j 1.25.
v 61-Inch white Astrachan plush 81,50.
Largo line of line pictures in the latest
fctylos of frames at half regular price.
Vor n present nothing nicer.
Have you scon our fine 76u brass tip
ped bamboo OUSOH.
Complete line of extension tables , bed
room suit3 , parlor Bulls , plush rockers ,
eido boards , folding beds uud Ucsko.
Linen Department.
This department j-ou will now find on
main iloor in our new building. Our
slock of linens is much larger nnd bet
tor assorted than ovor. Nolo some of
our special bargains which you can not
mutch m price or quallly :
All linen fringed Tray Cloths , 25c.
II cmslllchcd linen Tray Clolhs , 35c.
Hemstitched and open work Tray
Clo ths , 50c each.
E xtra fine Tray Cloths , $1.00 each.
All linen fringed Splashers , 2oe each.
5-4 Lunch Cloths , plain white , extra
quail tv. 89c each.
0-1 Lunch Cloths , plain white , extra
quality , 9Sc each.
2,000 plain while nnd fancy colored ,
open work , plain and fancy fringed ,
: > lain colored and broche , Bureau ,
Stand or Table Scarfs , an immense
variety to select from , at 25o , 35c , 40c ,
iOc. 09c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.39 ,
$1.60 , $1.05 , $1.75 and $2.00 each.
Fancy colored nnd fringed Scarfing ,
) y the yard , 2oc a yard.
Fancy bordered and fringed Lunch
'Jloths , 8-4 , $1.00 ; S-10 , $1.25 , and 8-12 ,
$1.50 each.
Turkey Red and Cardinal Clolhs in
all sizes.
Wo have just opened a very fine line
of Linen Diapers.
18 inch , $2.00 for a piece of 10 yards.
20 inch , $2.50 for a piece of 10 yards.
22 inch , $3.00 for a piece of 10 yards.
24 inch , $3.60 for a piece of 10 yards.
27 inch. $4.60 for a piece of 10 yards.
Wo have taken great care in selecting
our Table Linen and Napkins. We im
port these direct.
02-inch Bleached Damask , G5c yard.
I Napkins lo match , $1.50 dozen.
} Dinner Napkins to match , $3 dozen.
00-inch Bleached Damask , 75c yard.
i Napkins to match , $1.50 dozen.
62-inch Bleached Damask , 75c yard.
t Napkins to match , * 2 dozen.
GG-inch very fine Bleached Damask ,
85c yard.
I Napkins to match , $2.25 dozen.
i Dinner Napkins to match $3.50
OS-inch Bleached Damask , $1 yard.
22-inch Napkins to match , $2.60 dozen.
72-inch Bleached Damask , $1 yard.
S Napkins to match , $2.25 dozen.
J Napkins to match , $3.50 dozen : v
OS-inch extra Bleached Damask , $1.25
3 Napkins to match , $3.50 dozen.
S Napkins to match , $ G.60 dozen.
02-inch Silver Bleached Damask , 76c
5 Napkins lo match , $1.75 dozen.
03-inch Silver Bleached Damnsk , 85c
S Napkins to match , $1.88 dozen.
These patterns are confined to us in
Omaha. Call and look them ovor.
Wo are showing ever GO different pat
terns in Cream Damask , plain or colored
border , from Ioc a yard upwards.
All Linen Bleached Damask , 35cyard.
00-inch Turkey Red Damask , 25c yard.
GO-lnch Turkey Rod and Green Dam
ask , 800 yard.
GO-lnch best grade Turkey Red Dam
ask , reduced to 45c yard.
You can't ' nfiorJ lo pass Haydens' on
linens if you nro an economical buyer.
Our Hue of towels , napkins , crashes
bleached and unbleached butcher's linen
and fronting linen is the largest in the
Bed Spreads.
Just received another invoice of cro
chet bed spreads right direct from the
1 case white bed spreads OSc ,
1 case white bed spreads 75c.
4 cases white bed spreads SI.
2 cases while bed spreads $1.19.
1 case while bed spreads $1.60.
2 cases while bed spreads $2.
1 case colored bed spreads 81.
Examine nnd compare them is nil wo
Cotton Batting.
Now is the time to buy your cotton bat
ting and you should bo'vory careful in
buying the same. Wo will open any of
our batts and show you how each roll is
made into one largo shoot. Wo handle no
filled balls and no shoddy batts. Exam
ine them carefully ns there nro a
great many filled batts offered in this
citv as first class cotton batting.
Wo place on sale Monday 100 bales of
cotton balls , 7c a roll , or four rolls for
100 cases of clean snow while cotton
baits , lOc roll , or three rolls for 25c.
75 bales of cotton batts 12ju toll.
100 cases very fine clean white colton
batts 15c roll.
Have you seen our stock of Blankets ?
Have you posted yourself on our prices
of Blanket * ?
Do you intend to buy any Blankets
this season ?
On Monday wo place on sale 100 pair
of 10-4 heavy White Wool Blankets at
$1.98 a pair. They are cheap well
worth SJ a pair.
Muslin and Sheeting.
In this department } -ou find all the
loading brands , nil the different widths ,
nt the lowest prices.
Toys ,
Wo nro opening now toys dully.
Special sale oh dolls tomorrow. Wo are
showing a grout many now articles In
this dopartiucut.
How is This ?
One case ol gent's heavy scarlet all
wool dratvcre , no shirts in this lot , while
they last only 50c per pair.
1 cute of gent's heavy Camel hair
shirts and drawers only 50o each. Can
not be duplicated elsewhere for less than
1 case gents' heavy Tuxedo natural
grays , woven sinrts and drawers only
75c each.
1 case gents' all 'wool natural grays or
camel s hair shirts and drawers only
$1.00 each , n bargain at $1.50
In the finer makes of underwear wo
carry the largest line In Omaha at the
lowest prices. On Monday wo will
make special prices on children's under
1 case of ladies' heavy jersey ribbed
vests long sleeves , onlv 2oc each , worth
1 case of ladies' natural gray vests
and pants only 60c , worth 75c.
1 case of ladies' natural gray all wool
vests and panls only OSc , worth $1.25
1 case ladles' cashmere hose only 25c
per pair , reduced from 40c.
1 case of children's cashmere hose ,
merino heels and toes , only 15c per pair ,
worth 25c.
100 doz. boys' heavy cotton fast black
hose only 25c per pair , worth 40c.
Special sale of corsets Monday.
1 case of Bcso standard saxony only Gc
per skein.
100 Ibs. of best quality factory yarn
only Se per skein , worth 12jc.
Ice wool 4c per ball.
On Monday
Ladles' , Children's and Gents' fall
and winter underwear at prices that
will certainly induce you to buy now.
M any of these goods wo will bo unable
to duplicate later on. .
Cloak Department.
Special for Monday only.
Children's .Cloaks , Raritan's plaid
cloaking with cape , sites , 4 , 0 , 8 , 10 , 12
years , $3 all sizes.
Children's Cloaks , Raritan's plaid
cloaking , half shoulder capo , sizes , 4 , G ,
8 , 10 , 12 years. $3.50 all sizes.
Children's Cloaks , fancy plaid cloak
ing , double capo , sizes 4 , 0 , 8 , 10 , 12
years , $4 all sizes. These are all now
goods , nnd of the latest stylos.
Ladies' Vest Jackot,80-inchcs Iongf5.
Ladies'Bcdford cord reefer Astrachan
fur rovers , liO-inches long , SS.
Ladies' beaver Reefer , black hare fur
rovers , 30-inchcs long , $7.50.
Ladies' black glace Refers , black hare
fur rovers faced back with satin , $10.
Ladies' Newmarkets , all sizes , $1.9S.
Ladies' Newmarkets , all si'/cs , $2.50.
Ladies' Newmarkets , all sizes , $3 lo
Misses' Reefer , rolling collar,12,14 , 10
years. $2 , $2.50 to $15.
Children's Jackets , sizes 4 , G , 8,10
years , $1.50. $1.75 , $2 to 310.
Long Cashmere Cloak , embroidery on
capo nnd skirt , $2.
Short Plush Coat , Grotchon waist , in
all shades , $1.
Short Cashmere Coat , Grotchen
waist , embroidery capo and skirt 82.
Short plain Eiderdown flannel coat ,
Grotchon waist , $3.
Handkerchief Dep't.
Chlldron'sschool Handkerchiefslc,3c ,
Ladies'fancy and white Handkerchiefs
oc , 8c , lOc.
Ladies' hemstitched , embroidered
Handkerchiefs Oc , 12c , 16c , 19c , 25c ;
worth 15c to 50c.
Ladies' hemstitched initial Handker
chiefs only 15c , worth 25c.
Special values this week on Pocket
Books , at 5c , lOc , 15c , 19c , 2oc , 49c , G5c.
Latest Novelties in
Di ress Trimmings.
Colors and Jot Passamontorios.
Nail Head Passaraontories.
Jet Fringes and Braid Trimmings.
Nail Heads , all sizes.
Buttons ! Buttons !
Buttons !
Our Immense nnd well selected slock
of plain and fancy , square and oblong
shaped Pearls is the most complete in
the city nnd at our usual popular prices.
Art Department.
Special value In felt scarfs finely em
broidered nt 59c , 75o , OSc.
Felt table covers , 75c , 9Sc , $1.25 , $1.49 ,
worth $1.25 to $2.60.
Baby felt carriage robes at Soc , $1.00.
Fringed linen doylies 2c , 5c , 8c , 10o ,
worth 5e to IBc.
Linen dresser scarfs 19c , 25c , 35c , 49c ,
worth 35o to 85e.
Fringed tray cloths 12c , 19c , 25e , 35c ,
worth IBc to 60c.
Embroidery silk 5c per doz spools.
Books and Stationery.
School Tablets 3c , 7c. lOc ; worth 5c to
Blank Bootes 3c , So , lOc , 15o.
Good Envelopes nt 2Jo per package.
Good Note Paper at 15c i ream.
Good Load Pencils at 5c per dozen.
Playing Cards at Oc , lOc , 15c , 2oc , 35c.
Groceries ,
Letting Down the
Now ovaporntedjraspborrics , 171c.
New evaporated California apricots ,
12jc. f
New evaporates California peaches ,
lOc. 1
New California Vrni3ln cured prunes ,
Imported common Turkish prunes , Oc.
California pitted plums , 17jc.
California dried grapes , Sc.
Imported Valencia raisins , 8c.
Im porlcd seedless raisin ? , 121c.
California loose muscuted raisins , lOc.
Those arc all now nnd the finest that
money can buy.
3 po'und can now California apricots ,
put up in pure granulated sugar syrup ,
most delicious fruit , 17jc. *
Wo have cheaper apricots , 12Jc and
15c. if you want them.
3 pound can now California peaches in
pure granulated sugar syrup , lOc.
Wo have a very fine Baltimore peach
Ioc. i
Very fine blood red salmon , lOc per ,
can ; they nro delicious.
Sardines , 5c.
Mustard Sardines , lOc.
2-pound can .very fine Gooseberries ,
2-pound can Blackberries , 7c.
2-pound can raspberries , put up in
pure granulaled syrup , 17c.
2-pound can strawberries in pure
sugar syrup , 17jc.
3-pound can now California Egg
Plums , 12jc ,
3-pound can California Green Gngo
Plums , 12c.
3-pound can 'nfcw California Damson
Plums , 12Jc.
Full Cream Cheese , lOc.
Brick , He.- . * * - * * . ' - * -
Tmportod Swiss Cheese , 15c.
Sugar cured picnic Hams , 7ic.
Boneless Hams , 10 c.
Sugar cured Breakfast Bacon , lOc.
Sugar cured hams , heavy , 9c.
Bologna Sausage , 5c ,
Liver Sausage , 5c.
Soda Crackers , oc.
Oyster Crackers , 5c.
Sweet Chocolate , 5c.
Premium Chocolate , 17ic.
20-pound puil very fine fruit Jolly , SOc
Imported chow chow 15c per pound.
Imported mixed pickles 15c per quart.
Imported olives 3oc quarl ; they nro
very fine , would bo cheap at 75c.
Soapona 3ic per package.
All kinds of Wash powder 3Jc package.
7 bars best laundry soap 2oc.
Polled ham oi ? .
Potted ox tongue 5c.
Deviled ham oc. .
Candy Made to Order
Wo have fitted up a candy factory in
our basement , with Harry Druco , the
well known candy maker In charge , and
are prepared to furnish fresh made can
dy at bottom prices.
Wo quote a few.
Log Cabin mixed at 8c per Ib.
London mixed at lOc per Ib.
Cream mixed at lee per Ib.
Pure cream caramels at 17ic per Ib.
A fine line of candies at 25c per Ib.
Opera caramels ut-30c per Ib.
Cream wafers at 80o per Ib.
Hand made bonbons and chocolates at
40c per Ib.
Wo invilo all Iho ladles lo come and
sco the candies made.
"Tea and Coffee De
partment. "
Special for Monday in tea and coffee.
Wo have A very nice cracked Java for
. Golden Rio 24o and 28c.
Combination Java 27jc.
Pcaborry SOc.
Best old Gov. Java 3oc.
Wo have just received a lot of now
teas which wo sell nt these very low
prices :
A line sundrioil Japan , a delicious
drinker , 19c.
Choice 35c.
Very best for 48o.
Uncolorcd Jnpanj29c and 3Sc.
Best private grown Japan SOc.
Moyuno gunpowder 40c.
Pin head SOc antl70c.
Carpets and Draperies.
Now designs in ingrain carpets just
received at lOc , 25c , 35c and 40c , worth
SOc , 45c , SOc and COc yard.
Late hlylos of standard extra super all
wool carpets at .35c , GOc , Coc and OSc ,
worth from 76c lo 90e.
Three-ply afl wool ingrain GOc and 75c ,
worth $1.00.
Brussels carpet 50c , GOo and 75c , worth
from 75o to $1.00.
Best fire frame body Brussels OSc ,
worth $1.85.
Special bargains in velvet carpet at
$1.00 , worth $1.05.
Moquols $1.10 , worth $1.05.
Full line of A'xmlnstors and Wiltons
in the latest deblgns and patterns at the
lowest prices.
4-1. (1-1 ( and 8-4 floor oil cloth ns low as
23c yard.
Closing prices on matting nt Ioc wus
SOc , matting J8o was 35c , matting 20c
was 40c.
Trunks and Valises.
Always on sate at bottom figures.
Largest line in the city and lowest
House Furnishing
Goods Department.
Cups and saucers 2c each ; these are
not chipped or cracked , but the best ,
White granite nude diiyier plates 3c
Pic plates 2c each.
Hotel bakers ICcpcrdoz.
Hotel individual butters 20c per dozen.
Double thick hotel goblets Ooc per doz.
Wash bowl and pitchers 29 jc each.
Slop jars 82c each.
Sauce dishes 2c each.
Ice cream dishes 2c each.
Tumblers 2ic each.
Wino glasses 3c each.
Soap dishes 2c each.
Lamp chimneys 5c each.
J gallon glass ivater pitchers 19c each.
Salt and popper 8c each.
Castor bo'ltlcs 6c each.
Curry combs 6c.
Lamp burners 5c.
Ten strainers 5c.
French blacking 5c.
Salt boxes oc. .
Towel racks 5c.
Largo bottle of glue 6c.
Egg beaters oc. " " "
Soup ladles 5c.
Bread toasters 5c.
Bird cage hooks 5c.
Funnels 5c.
Scrub brushes oc.
Milk pans 5c.
0 hat and coat hooks Sc.
Brush cases , 5c.
Covered tin pails , 6c.
Hammers , 5c.
4 porcelain wheel bed castors , 5c.
1 ot dippers , 5c.
Cream pitchers , oc.
Butter dishes , 5c.
Spoon holders , oc.
Sugar bowls , oc.
48 sheets of shelf paper , 6c.
Apple corers , 5c. ,
Can openers , 5c.
Hair curlers. 5c.
Pie lifters , 5c.
Butcher knives , 5c.
Just received , a full line of chinaplain ,
white and decorated. In open stoclc you
can buy in any quantity nt 50 per cent
cheaper than you over bought before.
100 piece English dinner setsdecrratcd
112 piece English dinner sets , decor
ated , $8,95.
Toilet sots , very fine decoration , 82.97.
Flower Pots.
2-inch pots at Jc each.
3-inch pots at 2c each.
4-inch pots at 3e enqh.
5-inch pots at tic each.
G-inch pots at 7c each.
7-inch pots at lOc each , 3 for 23o.
S-inch pots at 12c each.
9-inch pots at Ioc each.
The saucers goes with the pots at the
above price from 4-lnch to 9-inch.
Hanging baskets 16c nnd 25c each.
2-qunrt Boston bean pots Ioc.
4-quart Boston bean pots 25c.
An imported engraved blown glass
Wino Decanter 20c , worth S2.50.
A now nyvclty , the Perpetual Full
Glass , lOc.
Log Hanging Basket 2oc , worth $1.5 $ .
J and i gallon jars for jams and jol
lies , 5c each.
Furniture Dep't.
Our business in this department in
creases every day. Wo are happy ever
the result and cannot complain in the
least about dull trade. Our largo ,
well lighted room , fine display of all
kinds of furniture , nnd the very reason
able prices is the secret of the whole
thing. Specials for this week :
Just received a car load of fine bed
steads. The best finish iu the world ,
and the best made , all sizes ,
Bedsteads at $2.
Bedsteads at $2.35.
Bedsteads at $3.25.
Bedsteads at $3.85.
Bedsteads at $4.25.
These are regular jobbers' prices. Wo
can do this as wo bought direct from the
Drug Department.
Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound , 75c ,
Hood's Sarsaparllla , 75c.
Indian Sngwn,7oc.
Kennedy's Medical Discovery , $1.15.
Dr. Miles' Norvlno,76c.
Maltino plain and with Cod Liver Oil.
Vinegar Blltors , 75c.
Burdok Blood Hitlers , 75c.
Fig Syrup. 40c.
Mailed Milk , largo , 75c.
Small ; 40c.
Ely's Cream Balm , 40c.
Hall's Catarrh Cure , OOc.
Sanford's Catarrh Cure , 75c.
Extractor Malt , 76c.
Giirllolil To.i20e.
Beef , Iron and Wino. 60i- .
Kennedy's Prairie Weed 75c.
Parker's Hair Balsam 4lc. (
Tlsslen'a Hair Grower 75c.
Scott's Emulsion 76c.
Liobig's Beef Extract 800.
Armour's Beef Extract Hoc ,
Cudahy's Beef Extract SSc.
Down go the prices on To'.let ' Soap ? .
All of Kirk's fine Toilet Soap , 3 cakes
in a box and a Turkish * buth oioth , for
Center Tables.
G5 different styles , solid oak nnd ash ,
rub linish , latest styles , ranging from
$1.60 up.
Before you buy sou ours ,
The prompt umlcrlnMiiituf tlio iitso toatl\crtl-poiir liii lnr niirt Incren o our mull ordfT
Jppartiiicnt. We know our price * nro tlio \\ocnrrytliolarcottstook to j-clpi't from.
\V uiiiirniiti'iMiitlsfiictloii or iiionov rcfmiilctl , imil In iviltlltlon to nil tint we will iimKo any
snerllko tolmltioo people to clve ii4ii trull piirchsiM' .
It Is ltnpo Mlito for 11 Hiniill tiii lncss to buy gooiN chenp , so It U emy to eo tlio nioro uusM
ncsR wo ilo tlio cheaper wo CUM nail , v
In addition to tlno Iwliieimiont't o offer nn opportunity to cot a valuable testimonial ol ,
our great ik'slto to win your jjoodlllunil putroiuiKO , Hour In tnliul
$57,41)1.60 ) TO BE GIVEN AWAY.
Tin : rou.owiNo is run LISTS
1 Upright Hand Carved Wegman Piano , the best 31,103 00
1 Bridgeport Organ 156 Wl
1 Cabin Passage to Europe and Return. Harry E.Moort's , Agent , Omaha 140 00
1 Solid Gold Elgin Walch 13500
1 Hammond Tvpc-Writer. 310 S. 10th st-cet 10000
1 Preds Drill , Mollno , Milburn & Sloddnrd Co So 00
1 Swan Baby Carriage 85 00
1 Seal Plush Sacquo M 00
1 Billow & Doup's Best Hair Mnttrcf ? 75 00
1 Month's Board nt Hotnl Dcllono , best In Omaha 75 00
1 Road Wagon from Columbus Buggy Co 75 00
1 Round Trip to Chicago via C. , M. & . St. P. R. H 2o 00
1 Imported Marble Wntorbury Clock 45 00
1 Palmetto Tent , Omaha Tcot and Awning Co. , Omaha 20 00
1 Crayon Portrait Hey n 25 00
1 Music Box 25 00
1 Full Course Rnthbun's Omaha Business College 50 00
1 Round Trip to St. Louis , via Wabash Railway 25 00
1 Gents' Overcoat , satin lined . " 35 00
1 Boys' Safety Bioycle 35
1 Pair Dresden Vases 26
1 Round Trip lo Denver , via B. & M. R. R 25 00
1 Bcnary Guitar 50 00
1 Pair Silk Curtains , Irimmings complete 75 0J (
1 SlrousB < t Sons' Fine China Tea Sot 35 00
1 Standard Stamping Co. Fine Water Cooler 45 00
1 Wheeling Pottery Co. Dinner Sot 50 00
1 Chelsea Pottery Co , Dinner Set 40 00
1 Abraham French & Co. French China Dinner Sot 100 00
1 Round Trip to Colorado Springs , viaGrcat Rock Island Route 25 00
1 Slubonvillo Potlorv Co. Toilet Set 20 00
1 Vodroy Bros. Toilo't Sot 25
1 Knowfes , Taylor & Knowles Tea Set 2. )
1 P. H. Leonard Tea Sot , 35 00
1 Round Trip to Hot Springs , Ark. , via Missouri Pacific 60 00
1 Plush Reefer i 25 00
1 Handsome Carving Sot in case 2. ) 00
1 Rochester Chandelier , 0 lights 60 00
1 Silk Upholslcred Swinging Chair. 25 00
1 Edward Miller Parlor Lamp 25 00
1 Wisconsin Sideboard Refrigeralor , oak linish 75 00
1 Wallace & Sons Onyx Table Piano Lamp , 60 00
1 Lane Mfg. Co. Banquet Lamp 25 00
1 Bowman , Manning & Co. , Pearl Agate Dining Sot 40 00
1 Aldrich Mfg. Co. Complete Kitchen Set in copper 30 00
1 Stranski Complete Kitchen Set in blue enameled ware 40 00
1 Central Stamping Co. Kitchen Set in tin , 15 00
1 Kohlcr Havsen & Co. Kitchen Set , Hint ware 35 00
1 Empire Wringer 10 00
1 Season Ticket and Instructions to Nntatorium 25 00
1 Rovnl Worchestcr Vase 40 00
1 Pair Terra Cotla Full Bust Statues English Dude and Lady 100 00
Mocking Bird from Max Geislor 30 00
Electric Gas Lighter from Western Electric Supply Co 15 00
Seal Cap , genuine 25 00
Fine Trunk 20 00
Elegant Picture in frame 40 00
pair California Blankets 20 00
Milton Rogers iSs Sons Only Now Process Gasoline Stove 24 00
Perpetual Sw ing Cradle 10 00
Keg Austin'b Crack Shot Powder 10 00
Pair Holland Vases 80 00
Set Chambers'Encyclopedia , 12 vole in library 25 00
Dcmorest Sewing Machine 0500
Fine Tab e Cloth and Napkins to match 10 00
Pair Hungarian Vases 35 00
Silver Fruit Stand 30 OQ
1 Silver Castor 16 00
1 Handsome Bisque Bust 38 00
1 Peerless Edition of Parallel Bible 20 00
1 Black Gros Grain Silk Dross Pattern 25 00
1 Spencer & Barnes Bed Room Set 35 00
1 Matoon Oak Sideboardt . " 45'00 '
1 Slar Combination Bookcase and Desk , in oak 35 00
1 Hall Tree- ; . . - : 20 00
1 Gilbert Bros' . Horn Otlomun ; N. IGth St 1000
1 W. T. Seaman's Road Cart , from Omaha's largest- variety of wagons
and buggies 25 00
1 Gilbert Bros'Mounted Pea Fowl ; N. 16th St 3500
1 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 10 00
1 Elegant Ostrich Fan 25 00
1 Ton AnlhrnciloCoal JO 00
1 Roger , Smith & Co. . Moridan , Conn. , Satin Engraved Silver Tea Sot
and truy. Set of 6 pieces 100 00
1 Elegant Ansonin Clock Co. Bronze Tableaux 25 00
1 Elegant Silver Water Sot. Piorpont Mfg. Co 125 00
1 Pair of Elegant Lomalro Opera Glasses 25 00
1 Pair Solid Gold Spectacles 10 00
1 Plush Rocker 1500
1 Western Washing Machine 10 00
1 Fairbanks' Famil y Scale , the world's standard 15 00
1 Fine Loatlier Vniiso 10 OQ
1 Infants' Long Cloak 10 00
1 Misses'Fine Cloak 1500
1 Ladies' Hat 1000
1 Piece of Our Own Canton Flannel . " . 10 00
1 Japanese Umbrella Stand 16 00
1 Marseilles Bed Spread GOO
1 Glass Water Set 6 00
1 Vorv fine Brass Bird Cage 6 00
1 Kitchen Cabinet 6 00
1 Pair Down Pillows ( Omaha MattrnbsCo's ) : . . . 1000
1 O'lllco Chair ( Murphy & Wasoy's ) 10 00
1 Hoosier Drill Co's Grain Drill 85 00
5 Pairs Williams , Van Arnam & Hart's Men's Fine Calf Hand Sowed
Shoes at So pair 25 00
5 Pairs Williams , Van Arnams & Hart's Ladies' Hand Sowed Kid Shoes
at $5 pair 25 00
3 Pairs American Rubber Co's Pure Gum Sporting Boots at 60.50 pair 19 60
1 Pair Royal Sanitary Gray Blan Icots 10 00
1 Pair best Capital Citv White Blankets 10 00
1 Pair Morced's woolen mills California White Blankets 16 00
1 Pair best 12-J Davenport woolen mills Sanitary Gray Blankets 10 00
1 Ely. Collins v-c Halo best Down Comforts 15 00
1 Super"Marshall & Co. Fine Linen Table Cloth , napkins to malch 15 00
1 Plush Lap Robe 10 00
1 Fur Lap Kobe 15 00
1 pair Horse Blankets 7 60
1 Wool Lap Hobo 6 00
1 dozen J Dinner Napkins 5 00
1 Best Sateen Comfort 5 00
1 Ladies''Silk Skirt ( Muudt Mfg Co. ) 15 00
1 Infants'Long Silk Embroidered Cloak , Monopole Silk Embroldoiy
Works 2500
1 L-idics1 Winchester Shawl. Harris Mfg. Co 10 00
1 Ladies' Highland Shawl , Harris Mfg. Co 15 00
1 Ladies' Reversible Beaver Shawl , Suydon Mfg. Co 20 00
1 Ladles' Jersey Jacket , Nonpareil Jersey Co - . 10 00
1 Ladies' Newmarket , velvet trimmed t 75 00
1 Ladies' Newmarket velvet trimmed , 60 00
1 Gentleman's Smoking Jacket 25 00
1 Satin Worcester Corset 5 00
1 Ladies' Silk Umbrella 10 1)0 )
1 Suit Ladies' Silk Underwear 10 00
1 Pair Ladles'Black S.Ik Hose 6 ( K )
1 Elegant Sofa Pillow 26 00
1 Hall Fire I'roof Safe 60 00
1 Sot Rogers Bros. 1847 Knives nnd Forks , 12 each 12 00
1 Heavy 18 K Solid Gold Band Ring 12 00
1 Fine Bibque Doll 18 00
1 Edward Oil Burner 4000
5 Thousand pair Ladles' Real Kid Gloves 6000 00
5 Thousand pair Gent's Silic 'Suspenders 6000 00
6 Thousand CnrriaguWhtps 5000 00
6 Thousand pairs Rogers' Stool SI' 0 ars , nickel plated 6000 00
5 Thousand Fine Stoo * Engravings 6000 00
5 Thousand Annual Subscriptions to Weekly Bee , now subscripts only.6000 00
6 Thousand Annual Subscriplions lo Weekly World-Herald , no < v BUbs.only , 5000 00
6 Thousand Books of best authors ' . . 6000 00
2,500 Annual Subscriptions lo Nebraska Tribune ( Gorman ) oOOO 00
6 Thousand 8-lb. Boxes Choice Candy 600000
1 Churchill Pump Co's Pump No. 83 7 60
1 Caddy Climax Plug Tbeaco ' 12 00
Boys' Overcoat , 10 00
. Uovs' Fine Kilt Sulo 10 00
1 Boys' Fine Suit.t 10 00
1 Men's Fine Satin Lined full Dress Suit 60 00
1 Round Trip to Hot Springs , S. D. , by B. & M. R. R. , only Pullman route
to that point , . , ,
1 Plimton Wagon , oto , 600 00
1 Plimton Wagon , etc 600 00
1 Pllmlon Wagon , ole 600 00
1 Bbl. R. T. Davis Milling Co. Royal No. 10 Flour , 7 00
1 Ladies Aslrachan Cape 25 CO
Additional gifts will bo added to this list.
OMAHA , Nob. , Aug. 23 , 181)1. ) Referring to the above list of gooks advestlsod
by Hayden Bros , to bo given away t o their customers , wo are thorougly satisfied
that and representation they may make will be carefully and honestly fulfilled.
IIAYUblN BllOS , - - - - - OMA.11A NEB ,