THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY HEl'TEMBER 20 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. SPORTS OF WANING SUMMER , Jack Davis and Billy Woods to Oollldo Tomorrow Night. A SAO CASE OF BASE BALL DELIRIUM Omnliti'n Fancy Canines The Bakers' limlgct Wllli DOR and Oun nd IJroozy Local O , tomorrow night Is the night when Jack Davit , Oma ha's heavy weight pugilist , and Billy Woods , Denver's as pirant lor champion ship honors , moot , Is It I Well , it wit ) bo light , there's no doubt about that , nnd Jack's hundreds of admirers hero will anxiously await news of the result. Tlio battla Is to take place In tlio Pacific club , San Francisco , and is for n purse of $ , ' ,500 , and no light outsldo of those between Corbott and Jackson , Kil- rain and Codfroy and Dempsey and La Blanche , has created moro excitement and speculation among the fancy of the coast than this. They are banking on a great battle , and probably will not bo disappointed. Call- fornlans have soon Davis perform , and consequently quently bavo a very healthy regard for him. They saw the pride of the coast , Joe ClioynskI , narrowly escape de-feat at his hands , In fact , it is claimed , and on good grounds too , that it was not the long arms nnd knotty dukes of the doughty Bohemian that pulled out that purse for him , but tbo pong which announces the beginning and cndlnir of each round. The manipulation or this bud been so admirably arranged that It Ingeniously prolonged the three minutes in which Choynski was getting - ting iho best of it , and abroviatcd the period In which the Omaha man was proving him self a hara citizen. In the fifth round Jack had his man done , ha was groggy and help less , and one moro punch would have orovon a sure enough narcotic , but just as Davis was about to hand it to him , the gong sounded , fully three-quarters of a minute before tlmo wns up. This proved Choynski's salvation. The allotment of a little extra time for rest enabled Joo's friends to shape him up won derfully , and from that on ho fought the battle out on different tactics from those which marued his movements from the beginning. Davis had started in on _ xtt'0 ' hurricane style , nnd Choynski being unprepared - prepared for such treatment had the hands of a comparatively unknown man , would surely have been beaten had it not boon for the unmistakable warning ho received In the filth. After that ho stood off and allowed Davis to outright himself , then at the oppor tune moment , .sailed in nnd cut on the kibosh. In the nrst Ilvo rounds it was Greek against Creole , Choynski fighting in much the sumo style as Davis. However , be that as It may , tbo club patrons are all ugog over the coutllct of tomorrow night. ' Up to yiithlu the past week Davis has been n prime * farorlte at till the rosorts.andas a result thcro has been but little betting , the Woods fol lowers demanding preposterous odds. In the last few days , though , there has been a narked change and the sentiment prevails that Woods Is a very likely young fellow and that his chances nro not nearly so meagre as at first supposed. Ho is training at Sansalito. along with Hoddy Gallagher , who is preparing lor his fight with Young Mitchell , mid the reports have been coming In that ho is showing up in wonderful form. Being a healthy , robust youth , ho takes nat ural Iv to training , and Is said to bo. so far as physical preparation goes' , perfection itself , btlil those reports have not begot sufllcient -i Confidence among Billy's supporters to lu , - ll uco thorn to lay much money In fact , none at all on oven terms on iho outcome. Davis still remains close at hU quarters on the Jose road quietly fitting himself lor a Jtnock-out condition , under tha intelligent laentorship of his brother Charles , Danny rJeocilinm nnd Australian Billy Smith , who Whipped Tom AlcCarty last Tuesday night. It goes without saylug that he Is in line fettle , nnd that when ho stops into the rlnir tomorrow night ho will bo lit to lleht for a roan's llfo. Just before leaving for tbo Slope Jack tola the writer that of all the fights bo bad ever been in , this Is the ono ho wanted to win. It is more money than either man has over fought for , nnd the feeling between them is not exactly of a dovo-liko character. In any event , somebody Is going to got hurt , but Jack is my choice for a winner. It Was a Killer. The reorganization of the Omaha ball club lias done moro to damage the interests in the gam * in this city than any ono ether thing- , excepting the wrecking of tbo old club in July. After this had boon accomplished , and it was ascertained beyond any manner of doubt that the members of the old club could not bo retained , the game should have boon dropped , absolutely , for the rest of the soa- Bon. This was tbo urgent advice of TUB BEE , and the probable results wcro specific ally pointed out. The linportunatlon of President KrautholT and the ether clubs , prevailed , however , and the ill-advised echumo was pushed forwara. This was made possible , though , only bv the promised aid of Ily Hnch of the Minneapolis club , Dicif Mulcahy of the Sioux Cltys , President Glllolto of tbo Mllwuukcos Pros. Pack ard and John Speas of the Kan sas Citys. Thoio gentlemen put flown their natros for f.VX ) ouch , then the city was canvassed nnd about fl.MW was raised. Tills latter subscription , however , was all that over materialized with the exception of n couple of hundred dollars from Sioux City , nnd Denver's and Kansas City's full quota. Shortly subsequent Mluno- npolls threw up the sponge and Hach refused to put up a penny of his Omaha subS - S < jcriptlon ; then Milwaukee Jumped to the American , and Glllotto wont back on his do nation , and the result was that the Omaha club found Itself subsisting on wind In loss than three weeks after its advent into llfo. ( The Inevitable consequence was iho complcto collupso of ton days ago. The only wonder is. that manager Load ley was enabled to keep the club in existence as long as ho did. This % vas a bltlor and oxpcnsivoexporlonco to sev eral local parties , and tboy now sco the folly of the undertaking at the start. But it is too late for lamentations or regret. Tbo work lias been done and there Is a nuciber of orstwhllo rank enthusiasts In the oport who wouldn't touch It again with a ton-foot polo. They wore honest nnd earnest In their rfforts to rehabilitate the Rnmo hero , though , and are entitled to the fullest mcas- Uro of credit. They hoped to sustain the reputation of tbo town as being a Ilvo and prosperous burg and able to maintain nny Dutornriso in which it entered , ana It Is a pity tboy failed. Mr. Hach and Mr. Gillette , us a grand denouement to the muddle , will bo made to show In tbo courts why the amounts subscribed by them are not collect- rjblo. Tlio 1'lot Continue * to Thicken. From the tone of iho base ball press throughout the west the prospects for a now kjsooiation out this way next year looks slim ludood. President Spoas and the stockholders pf the Kauoas City club nro already casting their lines far a berth somewhere next sea- ton , nnd they claim that tbo bars to the American association will bo lot down for them. Spoa has had several conferences with thu boss dunderhead , Chris Von dor Abe , of tbo association In the last wcolr , and professes much Jubilation over the chances lor his club. Tbo St. Louis papershowever , flo not Justify Johnulo's elation. The Globe- Democrat says ; "President Speas of the Kansas City club arrived. In St. Louis yesterday morning and Witnessed thogamo between the Baltimore * nd Browns from President Von dor Abo's box. Ho came hero to arrange for a series of exhibition games between the Browns and Kansas Cltys , to DO played after the close of tbo championship season , and Incidentally to ascertain what chance there was for Kansas City to accuro an American association fran- chlio. The datcj for the ( jamns were arranged , and ho wan given to understand that , In the qvent of St , LouU and Baltimore withdrawing from the association to enter the league , Kanias City would have a chance 10 enter the charmed clrcio. " 1 > roai this it would seem that tu < cowboys chances nr0 not overly brilliant , for It Ii extremely tromoly problematical wher thcro will bo any addition * to the toaguo In another year. Tbo The St , Louis Hopubllo oven goes farther and pokes all sorts ot fun n Kansas City nnd her base b.M ruplrntlons , and says tbat the vlllapo on the Knw has no show for a plae < In the rmoclatlon as long as Chicago and Brooklyn remain on earth , nnd wants to know what Ii tbo matter with Omaha , Lin coln , Sioux City nnd other metropolitan western cities. Thcio pleasantries had a bad effect on the Kansas City Times' young man. and ho Irately declares that "tho Ho- public knows no rnoro about what Is going to happen in the bate ball world than a Kansas coyote , nnd when President Speas says that Kansas City has a chance to gat in the Amor lean association bo very probably knows what ho Is talking about. " Another stack of whites , ploaso. The Hniuicr IJnso Hall Mess. The Don Qulxoto war in the Western asso ciation Is being still llorcoly waged. To the cranks familiar with ah the phases of tbo campaign it has been an amusing ono , but the grand flnalo Is most ludicrous , Tbo once powerful (1) ( ) organization has nctuallv scopet away until but two clubs remain , that is , but two clubs which will finish the season , Kansas City ana Sioux City. Slnco the flnal bust up of the Omaha club , Denver has been arbitrarily and unjustly kicked out into the cold world. However , she claims that she Is still In the light and her team will report dally on their grounds for each game sched uled there , and If she llnds no loam there to do her battle , the game will bo hers 0 to 0 , according to all rules and regulation ? . Presi dent Packard declares that his team will bo kept intact and all salaries paid in full to the legitimate close of the season , and that at the end bo will claim the pen nant , and It looks as if his claim must stand. Ho cannot loose a gamu under the pres ent status of things , and the eleven straight games scbodulod for Denver will give thorn the championship by a clear mar gin. Packard declares that if there is a post season or world's championship series played with the National league winners It must bo played with his team. On the other hand Kansas City and Sioux City are determined to play out the remaining games between them selves and the team that coir03 out with the best percentage shall bo awarded the championship , nnd have the call on the world's series with the champions of the league. Johnnto Speas nnd Count Mulcahy say that Denver should have boon built somewhere in Kansas or Iowa If she wanted to romalu'.in the Western asso ciation until the termination of tbo season of 1891 , nnd Packard gets b.iok nt them with the assertion that neither ono of those states would make a good suburb for Denver. Was there over such another moss in base bain Slnco writing the above Sioux City finished the season hlono by herself , and Mr. Mul cahy will award his team the pennant as soon ho can have ono mado. Kansas City has Joined Denver in the grand kicking match , but Mulcahy Is on top. Two Sets of Clininploii < ) . Sioux Ulty claims that she has made ar rangements to play the Chicagos n series of games during the reign of the corn palacn. Anson , however , denies this , but says ho will , in all probability , moot the western champions , in case an underatatrfing is not reached with the American association. In .such an event ho would prefer a whnck at the champion association team. If no settle ment is effected with tbo latter bed } ' , however - over , how will the winners of the Western association bo determined upon. Denver , by the system of forfeited names she is now enJoying - Joying , must certainly emerge from the strife at the close of the season with tno highest percentage of won games , which will give her the pennant. Bui Kansas City and the Corn Huskcrs have played out the season all by their lonclies , and Sioux City de clares that she has now the bunt ing. It is a stupendous problem , and the great board of mis-control can alone figure out the solution. But it is a shabby way , In any event , to treat the second big gest base bail organization on earth , isn't Itt .As it now looks thcro are bound to bo two sets of Western association champions. Tom Cole's III ; ; Venture. Madison Square Garden , Now York , Sept. 1(5. ( To the Sporting Editor of the Bun : As 1 told you when in Minneapolis nt the Fitz- simmons-Hall light that I was going to have the greatest sis-day bicycle race over run in the world. You see I am hero and bavo closed the contract for the garden and have evorytuing In line shape for tbo big ovcnt. I huvo tbo following crack entries from this country and Europe , us follows : Thomas English , North Shields , England ; Willie Wood.Nortn SheldsEnglandThoraas ! ; Battensly , Now Castle , England ; W. Lamb , Now Castle , England ; Alfred Ilobb , Bir mingham , England ; Arthur Uobb , Birming ham , England ; George Edlln , Coventry. England : E. Oxborrow , Coventry , England ; Fred Allard , Coventry , England ; Fred Hawker , Leicester. England ; Richard Hawaii , Leicester. England ; Jules Dubois , Paris , Franco ; M. J. Mediugcr , Paris , France ; Louis Cattoroau , Angers , Franco ; Charles Torrent. Dijon , Franco ; J. D. Lums- den , Aberdeen , Scotland : W. Stage , Abor- dcen.Scotland ; W. J. O'Flonngon.TIpperary , IrelandjPatrlo MurtinCounty Clnro.Iroland ; John S. Prince , Boston , America ; Lieut. Ed. Reading , Fort Omaha , America ; W. J. Morgan , Portland , Ore. , America ; Albert Schock , Chicago , America ; Charles Ashin- ger , Oklobomn , America ; Eddie McDowell , Philadelphia , America. This makes the greatest Held of racing men over entered for a single professional raco. The track will bo tbo some size as that in the Coliseum in your city , but the turns will bo raised four inches to the foot , which will make this track much faster. The race starts October IS , at 12:05 : midnight. If possible a six-day race will bo arranged with Iho most of those won for Omaha sometime In December , that is if I can offer sufllcient Inducements for them to go so far wost. Yours truly , TOM ECK. Croat Danes In Oinalin. Hal McCord , through Charlie Sabins of the Diamond , who is unquestionably the best lo cal authority on the Gorman mastiff , has Just imported a magnificent specimen of thi * royal brood , at a cost of $150. "Thoros , " Is a tiger striped great Dane , ten months old , thirty- flvo inches on the shoulder , stick measure , and weighs 150 pounds. Ho if n superb ani- maland possibly the superior of any Great Dane owned in this part of the country. There are but three other specimens of the thorough bred Gorman mastiff owned in this city beside Thoros , Dan Allen by Pluto , out of Jeannette , Is owned by JacK Morrison. Ho Is a line follow. Ho is sixteen months old , thirty-flvc Inches at the shoulder and weighs ISO pounds. Nnnon , n beautiful blue bitch , by Major out of Juno , is tbo property of Charllo Sabins. She Is thirty-four and one- half on tbo shoulder , weighs 140 pounds and Is not qulto fourteen months old. The other dog , a white and black , and also a splendid specimen is owned by Charlie Kosters. This Is the dog brought over from Germany by Fred Krug this summer , but his pedigree 1s not at hand. Ttio Knnncl Club's Work. The Omaha Kennel club , notwithstanding itbas not been heard from In any measurable extent recently , is still in a healthful and nourishing condition. Now members are being admitted every week and by next spring the organization will bo strong enough to Justify something elaborate In tbo bench show lino. There has been a noticeable growth In the interest of fine dogs slnco the organization was formed , and ovcrv effort will bo made to maintain and increase thu feeling. There Is no fancy in the world that gives greater pleasure than dogs , and they may bo made to pay well. In fact , there Is money In broodlnir dogs for market , and con siderable fortunes bavo boon made in the business. But , of course , It Is with this as with everything else Intelligence and pains taking effort are essential to success. Miscellaneous Ijoual Sports. From the present abundance of water in all tbo lakes and streams , sportsmen are counting on great geese and duck shooting this fall. Pat Allen , formerly of this city , fought Gcorgo Lear at Loadvlllo last Wednesday night and knocked him out alter a terrifllo battle of sixteen rounds. The Omaha Pot Stock association has ap pointed a committee to take the preliminary itops toward an exhibition some tlmo during bo winter , probably in.December. Teal shooting Is fairly good , mornings and evenings , ut most all of the adjacent waters. 3orao fairly good bags have been made at Houoycrook , Honoshoo and Cut-off lakes. J. 1C Burkettof the Roadster club reports that the formation of a similar organization will lw cffoctod In the IllulK nnd that nn In torcstlnp exchange of mooting * will bo tha consequence. Jack Davis ha * boon tendered nn offer o 1,000 to moot the winner of tbo Glbson-Wil Hams fight , which takes place nt Oedon this month , nnd win or loose with Woods toinor row night , ho says ho will accept. Pat Klllon. formerly of St. Paul , but who now resides In Now \ork , wrltos his old backer , Ed. Uothory of thi city , that ho wll win his fight wltb Bob Ferguson , October 10 , or rotlro from the ring forovor. A. Kcrner Is the proprietor ot ono of the best bred pointers , Jupiter Bong , owned In Omaha. Ilo Is by Devonshire Sam , out o MyQueon , with the blood of the great Cham plon Sensation coursing through bis vnlns. Ed. Krug escorted n party of lohtbyologlcn artists down to Nlsnabotna last Tuosdnr nnd on Wednesday they made a famous catch of bass , Mr. Krug himself landing a "buto" that weighed fojr pounds and thrco quarters. Major Marshal of Council Bluffs Is organ Izlngn party of Omaha nnd Council Bluffs sportsmen for n raid ngninst the door.grouse geese nnd ducks In the wilderness of north Minnesota , the party to start the last week in this month. The report that the Jacks have como In is erroneous. The birds rarely drop down hero before the last of September. The trouble Is that the average gunner who goes a11 old those days doesn't know a Wilson Jack from a yellow-leg or tip-tall. The late Danlol S. Parmeleo was a sporti- nnn of the old school. Ho was n charter member of the original Omaha Gun club , along with Judge Kennedy nnd ether well known old citizens , and was an export with either shotgun or riflo. The closing fall meeting of the Union Park Trotting and Running association will beheld hold at the Council Bluffs cnurso , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday , October 20 , 2) ) , 23 nnd SM. There will bo n grand list of entries nnd four days of good sport. Polo Simpson , nn Inveterate sportsman , has Just roturncd from n hunt in the north western part of the state. Ho reports the prospects for the approaching wild fowl sea son to bo unpreccdontedly good , as already there has been nn unusual incoming of teal and mallard. Billy Thompson , Frank Wlthnell and Warren Finch of this city , nnd Al Lomax and Bob Douglas of Lexington spent several days camning last week near tbo latter place. They returned Saturday with n wagon load of game , including 121 chicken ; and any quantity of smaller gitmo. It is no moro than Just to Fred Fuller testate state that bo made his scores at the late tournament of the Schutzonveroin under un favorable circumstances. Ho had been suf fering from a cold for a week , and on the last day , whan ho shot till race with John Pelty , was nervous nnd unsteady. Mr. Ful ler will insist on another crack at the cham pion before the 'now boirius to fly. Jncx Prince , tbo bicyclist , has turned up in Dos Molncs , nnd tbo first coal train Is liable to bring him hero. The Register says of him : "John S. Prince , known to all wheelmen as the champion long distance rider of the world , was the central llguro of a group of wheelmen who assembled at tno fair grounds track Sunday morning. Just for exercise Mr. Prince rode around the track with the Dav enport boys , ono of the latter taking the place of another as bo became winded or tired. Thus the champion tired out the whole crowd ono by ono , and then after bis last competitor dropped out h < * gave an exhibition of fast riding. His endurance was wonderful , tbo exertion scarcely producing an irregularity in his breathing , but leaving him as fresh and chipper as a spring chicken after a rain. " Snorts or tlic Charlie Horse. St. Louis has released Catcher Doll Dar ling. ling.King King Gaffnoy has boon appointed on the league's umpire start. Dan Shannon has again donned a base ball uniform , and is making his customary ono and two errors daily. Dad Clarke , slnco ho landed in Oawcgo the last time , has boon as dead to the base ball world as if ho was under tbo sod. The Milwaukee * broke the record of run getting for tnls year the other day , securing thirty-three runs off Dan Shannon's Wash ington gang. Frank Ward , who played such a stiff game for the late lamented Millers , has failed to keep pace with tho. Pittsburg Smoked Ital ians and was released last. week. . Deacon GriQln has finally faded from view at Washington , and thus another of the old Omaha team has mot bis reward. Sandy was n star out bore , but bo didn't shins long in the orient. Schrivor , the old Milwaukee catcher , Is doing about tbo host back stop work in the league. Victory , the delivery end of the old battery , is up with the big ones too. Out of six games ho has lost but one. What is tbo matter with Cooneyl He hasn't taken part in the last half dozen games played bv Chicago Dublon has boon playing short. It is probable , however , that the in- | ury Snapper Nava received last week was moro lasting in its effects than was at first supposed. The Kansas City-Sioux City series for the Western association championship closed according to Mulcaby's edict last Fri day , according to an agreement between themselves. Denver will go on , however , to tbo legitimate close of the season , and claim every game for which she was originally scheduled. Bob Lcadloy said the sight of a man pas- ng the hat around in the grand stand at Sioux City for subscriptions to helo out Dmaba was a picture that made him blush. But it was true , nnd quarters and dimes and nickels wcro deposited in the cady to the tune of $18.75 , but Manager Bob refused to accept them ! After tno season is finished representatives from Hastings , Fremont , Plnttsmouth , Beatrice - rice , Kearney , Grand Island , Nebraska City and Blair will moot for the purpose of seeing what can bo done towards organizing a state ouguo for next season. Omaha might as well ; ot in line , for the prospects for professional jail next season are poor indeed. Kansas Glty has demonstrated her knowl edge of llrst-chm ball players by the on- rngomont of big Sam Dungnn and Pitcher 5toii | of the disbanded Otnahas. Dungan since his connection with the two clubs has lullt up a batting average of .3&0 and leads .ho Western association. His Holding , too , ins boon par excellence itself. Stein , ton , bus done extraordinary work In the box , and , with tbo exception of his first game in Kan sas City aix weeks ago , has never bcon nit in a single game for moro than eight hits. The Cowboys have undoubtedly a strong man la tbo ox-Cbicagoan. or the Wheel. S. J. Rumol Is very ill at bis homo. H. K. Smith is wrestling an attack with of typbo-malaria. Eddie Gygor has taken to the wheel again and the active ranks hall him with dolight. W. J. Morris loaves this week for an ex- ended trip through the Dakota * and U'yom- ng. ng.Runs Runs for today : Omaha Wheel club to Waterloo ; Tourist wheelmen to Louis ville. F. H. Slofkin of the Omaha Wheel club ms a now bugle call which ho terms the 'dinner call. " it should bo board to bo ap- ireclatcd. The Omaha Wheel club spent list Sunday at Calhoun returning to thu city about 1 > 'clockquito a number turned out and on- eyed the run immensely , The several wheeling organizations arj .aking advantage of thcso beautiful moon- Ight nights in a manner which makes the old timer thijik ot the happy days of the Dodge Street club houso. J. Henry Cartmnn of the Tourists will ofllclato as referee at the Missouri Valley races which will occur October 14. J. Henry s the right man for the place , as his oxpor- ouco and thorough knowledge of amateur racing make him un ideal tcfoieo. James E. Uborsolo , the popular vice presi dent ot the Omaha Wheel Club , has { Joined .ho . ranks of the benedicts. Wednesday evening ot this week Miss Fannlo Hlckok bocuino Mrs. J. E. Eborsolc. Immediately after the ceremony the happy pair took the ruin for tbo east wboro they will spend their louoymoon. Tbo best wishes of the entire ocal wheel fraternity accompany them. The Tourist Wheelmen paraded down to Missouri Valley lo-tt Sunday ' and spent the day as the guoits of the 'Missouri Valley iVheol club. The boyx received a royal wcl- : omo at tbo hands of their hoiu and speak ilgbly of tbo Missouri Valley Wheel club as ontort&luers. Should the boys from the Valley over make Omaha a visit they will Ind the Tourist Wheelmen with welcoming mnds to receive them. Use Halter's German fills , tbo great co n tlpatlon and liver regulator. Till : VOl'.VO TJf'/tjj/U/M. / 1 t nt A 1.11(5 IjCNJKYIt. Jamrs'htcnmln \ ! Ittt'y. Thorol little girl , don'tferyl They have broken ybvrt doll , I know ; And your tea lol'bato And your play boU4o , too , Are things of long ntroV But childish trouble * will soon pass by ; Thorol little girl , don't'cirFl n , Thorol little girl , don'tery ! They have broken your state , I know ; And the glad , wild/ways Ot your sohi ilgirtUnys Are things of lotr ago\ But llfo and lava will inoa como by ; There ! little girl , don't cry 1 Thorol little girl , donH'cry I They have broken yoilr heart , I know ; And the rainbow gleams Of your youthful dreamj Are things of long ago ; But heaven holds all for which you sigh ; There 1 ttttloglrl , don't cry 1 Sim Hail Him There. Harper's Young People : There was once a mother who was tonJ of pointing her moral lectures with practical Illustrations down from the dallv lifo of her children. And the children showed they understood the forcoof this method of Instruction. Ono day a discussion arose In the nursery. Will said n thing was so , Mabol said it wasn't , "But If 1 say It's so , ills so. " said Will. "Saying a thing is so doesn't make It so , " answered Mabel , stoutly. "Now suppose you say you're a good boy , that doesn't make you one , does it ! " CiruuniHtnnurs Alter Case * . Young Father I am amazed , shooltcd , my dear , to hear you say you intend to give the baby some paregoric , Don't you know pare goric Is opium , nnd opium stunts the growth. enfeebles tbo constitution , weakens the brain , destroys tbo nerves aiul produces rickets marasmus , consumption , Insanity and death I Young Mother Horrors ! I never heard a word about that. I won't give the little ducky darling a drop , nr. Indeed. But some thing must bo done to .top his yelling. You carry him a while. Father ( after an hour's steady stamping with the squalling intant ) Wiiero in thun der is that paregoric. A Maid itt ( ho Wlncimv. A'ew Yarh lltraW. There's n pretty maiden over the way Who smiles when she sees mo hero at my work , And she keeps mo hard at it from morning till night , For with such a monitor how can I shirk. She has golden hair and pearly teeth : Her eyes are the shade of heaven's own bluo. Don't think I'm in danger , for I confess I am most fifty ; she Isn't two. The Big Hoy. Now York Herald : "Totnmv , " said his motbor reprovingly , "I should thfnk you'd bo ashamed to bo In the same class with boys who nro so much smaller than yourself.1' "Well , mother , " replied importurabloTom , "I look upon the matter In a different light altogether. It really Hatters my vanity to see how proud the small boys are to bo In the same class with a big boy like mo. " A Yomipf Skeptic. Plttsburs Bulletin : Arohl9 ( mindful of a vociferous little slstor ) Mamma , is it true that babies in Japan never , , pry ! Mamma That's what wo are told , dear. Archie ( omphatically-yriion ) what's the use of sending missionaries a place where the kids are all angels ! - | A Mistake. Epoch : Teacher ( in 'grammor class ) Tommy , correct the sentence 'I kissed Susan ' onct. ' r-4 Tommy ( promptly ) I kissed Susan twict. ' Where ThejrGo. Washington Star : "J6hnny , " said the minister severely , "do you know where little boys who swim on Sunday'fo ' ; ! " "O , most any place whero'tboy ' ain't likely to bo no women passin' , " wasj the reply. In a Storm. Good News : Anxious M6ther What In the world did you do during that terrible thunderstorm I Little Dick I got under a tree. "Horrors ! Don't you know n tree is a most dangerous place in a thunderstorm ! " "O , I Jumped out every time it tnuaderod. " G. ) to the Head. O. mamma , " exclaimed little Johnnie , "tho trees in our yard are coning balcihoadcd ! " IJU'IKTIKS. Mrs. Scripture Rov. Mr. Glimmer hides bis light under a bushel , I think. Miss Vlnny Garrish How wasteful 1 A pint would moro tnan hide it. "Bruddors. " quoth Rov. Poindoxtor Cran berry , "I has my 'pinion of do man wet holds ais hymnbook upside down an1 portends tcr read it while the plato is bain ? passed. " Tbo Naw Rector I find the work In this parish very interesting indeed. Miss A. I should think you might ; there are ten un married girls to every man in the congrega tion. tion.Chorister Chorister And how did you enjoy our singing this morning , deacon ) Deacon Way- back Never hotter , never bettor ; I've got such a cold in my head I can't hoar a thing. Jboristor .smiles the laint , sweet smllo of St. Lawrence. "Johnny , " said an Arizona father to his loneful son a few Sundays ago , "What is the strongest religious denomination In Arizona ? " " 1 don't Itnotv . " " I'm , daddy. "Wby. astou- shod at your Ignorance. " "I know which u thu weakest" "Which one ? " "Tho Bap tist. " "Why so. " "Lack of facilities. Ari zona is such a dry territory you know. Seel" A queer story Is told of quite a prominent Philadelphia Episcopal clergyman and his mrsimony. His Hock have been accustomed o giving their pastor use of a handsome louse on Spruce street nnd n salary of $4,000 or f.1,000 in addition. This gentleman's faul ty is small , however , nnd with an oya fur business ho decided to take less spacious quarters nnd rent the Spruce street bouso to others. This ho did , and is now living in a $700 house in West Philadelphia while ho draws 31,500 rent for the city house. An Irish train was carrying in a compart- nout of the third class a clergyman anu flvo or six ragmuftlns ; the rascals , to annoy the ninistor kept up scofllng at religion and toll- ni ; disagreeable stories. Tbo good man en dured it allhearing it nil without answering , vithout being moved. Arrived at his Jour ney's end , ho remarked to thorn : "Wo shall neet again , my children. " "Why shall wo meet again I" asked the loader of the band. 'Because I am prison chaplain , " was the re ply.Durintr Durintr Bishop Newman's missionary trip around the world awhile agp , he spent tome line In India. One uiy a Jplof , natlvu pas tors were called together to jjfenr the bishop's views on the best methods qt carrying on ivaugolical work. Natlvo"convorts , accord- ng to the missionaries , aro'frpt to think tnoy enow Just what to do and tiff perfectly quai led to got along withoutidvlco. ) [ ( Bishop Bowman began his talk , bn't 'was constantly ntorruptcd by the nuth'o' ' brethren who umpod up ono after anotlfnf'to remark that boy thought this or that would bo prefora- lo. "Now look hero. " linitly exclaimed the jishop , losing his patience1 ftlHltlo , "if any of ou think you cjn conduct'tUts ' meeting hot- or than I can , will you please rise. " There vas silence for n momortti < ns the bishop ; lanccd around the room. "Then four of the > rotbren gravely rose nild * waited to bo counted. ' > ? The MluhlKanifttylo. Mlchipan Patter ( pruying ) And , moreover , wo thiuik. Thtftf for tlio bonofl- conco which hna permitted us to com- iloto the liulf-milo racetrack in ho state , upon which , by Thy gmco nnd ho uuuorior uiuttlo of out horses , wo rust wo will uchlovo signal triumphs. And , moreover Doneon Rocka ( Intorruptlnc ) Thut'u what , brother1 My roan three-year-old villPastor Pastor ( continuing his prayer ) Aim vo would ask that Thou wilt strengthen > ur dear brother , Deacon Rocks , that to may bear up under thu burden of his lisanpointmout when our own claybank lorso beats his ronti niul wins at u rogu- ur walk-away , as Thou lno\voat ho is ully able to do. The Ideal Summer Drink. Soterlaa Glngor Ale Excelsior Springs Tim Fort Itoblitflon. The llrst Know of the season vultod us last Monday ovonlnp. Just n few flakes , but It was snow all the same. The now officers' quarter * nro all under roof and cnclwod , nnd two of the double sots nnd ono Hold officer's sot nro nearly ready tor occupancy , The ofllcor1 now mess building is nearly completed , and the carpenters nro now add. ing n porch connecting with that of iho club room , rendering it possible for ono to go from the ono to the other without braving the ulo- men Is. Sergeant Donahue of Company C , Eighth Infantry , nearly lost ono of bis children re cently. His little boy , Wllllo , about 4 years , was playing with n colored boy named walk er , about 0 years of ago. The latter found a pistol nmong ' .ho effects of n party who wat moving Into some vacant rooms , and pointing it nt Wllllo , exploded It. The ball entered the forehead Just above tbo eye , coming out near the top of his head , which Is very much swollen and his fnco poivdur burned. It H thought and hoped that the injury will not result fatally. T. G. Harris , the post wheelwright , is mourning the loss of some of his household pets. Ho had , until today , an old squirrel nnd live little ones. The old mother squirrel gnawed her way through the cage and loft with her family. They are frolicking amongst the trees nnd ono cnn got very close to them , but , Ilko tbo Irishman's lloa , when you put vour hand on them they're not there. The old leu houso. which fell to pieces a while ago , has boon entirely removed and preparations are being made to build a now ouo. ouo.Tbo Tbo post hospital Is receiving a now coat of paint , and Is also having a kitchen added to it. Both Improvements wore vary much needed. Tha auction sale of surplus public animals disposed of forty-ono mules and eight horses. Mr. James Mcbhano of Omatm bought nine teen mules. Ho also bought Lieutenant Colonel Smith's team of carriage horses at private sale. Mr. F. Wolcott of Glen Uock , Wyo. , was a buyer to the oxtout of nluo mules nnd ono horse. Troop E , Ninth cavalry , had n norse acci dentally shot at pistol practice lastweek. . The ball entered the Jaw , and passing out of the mouth , struck the ground within a foot of Captain Olmstod , who was marking the scores. Lieutenant Colonel Smith , Eighth Infantry , is taking a month's leave of absence. Kort Sidney. Orders have bjon racolvo.l hero transfer ring company I Twenty-first Infantry , of llcered by Captain Spurgiu nnd Lieutenants Trultt and van Doman. from this post to Fort Haudall , S. D. Tno past wcok has been devoted to thorough nnd complete instruction in field exercises. Practice marches , duty as ad vance , roar guard , flankers , etc. , together with considerable outpost duty , have placed the command in splendid condition for a cam paign. A detachment of twenty-live recruits from David's Island , N. Y. H. , under command of Captain Whitney , Eighth infantry , has ar rived. Ten men have boon assigned to com panies at this post and tbo remaining fifteen to company D , Twontv-firat Infantry , sta tioned at Fort Du Chosno , Utah. ' Corporal Danlol C. Scott , company A , Twenty-first Infantry , after a vary short ill ness died in the post hospital hero on the evening of the 7th. The funeral services conducted by Kev. E. Lee Flock , were held in the post hall early on tno mornine of the Uth , immediately aitor which the remains wcro escorted to tbo depot , and sent to Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , for interment , as the government has no burial ground hero. Lieutenant Bailey of this post has been de tailed for dutv ' at the military academy West Point , N. Y. Tha companies here are all experimenting with the Buizocott field oven which is des tined to supercede the old dutch oven which has been In use In the army for many years. The Inventor of this admirable article is a pnvnto In the Fifth cavalry and is stationed ut Fort Supply , I. T. Corporal George Whlttaker , Company A , Twenty-first Infantry has been discharged the service or the Unito'l States under the provisions of general order No. 80 A , G. O. IbUO. IbUO.Acting Acting Hospital Steward Samuel A. Leo pold has returned to duty at this post from detatchod service at Fort Randall , S. D. By order of the war department the order directing First Lieutenant Harry Bailey , Twenty-first infantry , to 'oport for duty to the superintendent United States military ac.idcray , West Point , N. Y. , has been re voked. O. O No. 19S , A. G. O. , C. S. transfers Second Lieutenant Almon L. Parmostor from Company A to Company K , Twenty- first infantry , and Seco.ia Lieutenant Charles G. Dvvyer from Company 1C to Company A. Lieutenant Dwyer reported hero foi duty on the 31st ultimo , and U now in command of Company A , Twenty-first infantry. Pnncipal Musician Charles LiMar , Twen ty-first infantry , has reported from furlough for duty , nnd on the 1st Inst. conducted the band in ono of the most delightful concerts of the season. Mrs. Jorcelyn , wife of Captain Z. P. Jorco- lyn , Twenty-hrst Infantry , who recently ar rived from Fort Douglas , Utah , Joined her husband hero last week. Mrs. Jorcolyn has peon visiting various pleasure resorts in Col orado. Lieutenant Wlllson Y , Stamper , regimen tal recruiting officer , Twenty-first infantry , loft hero this week for Lincoln , Nob. , where no will establish n recruiting rendezvous for the Twenty-first Infantry , Ho will establish an additional rendezvous at Grand Island , Neb. Sergeant John Mara , Company E , and Private Ludwlg Grimnotz , Company C , Twenty-first infantry , will oo on duty nt the Lincoln rendezvous , nnd Carporal Michael Kelly , Company C , nnd Privaio Frank Leo , Company H , Twenty-first Infantry , at the Grand Island rendezvous. All recruits en listed will bo sent hero without delay. THE SBI'IS.V HT.taKa. Only a baby , Kissed nnd caressed , Gently hold to a mother's breast. Onlv n child , Toddling alone , Brightening now its happy homo. Onlv a boy , Trudging to school. Governed now by a sterner rule. Only n youth , Living In dreams. Full of promise lite now scorn's. Only a man. Battling with lifo. Shared in now by n loving wife. Onlv a father , Burdened with oaro , Silver threads In dark brown hair. Only a grnyboard , Toddling again , Growing old and full of pain. Only a mound , O'orgrown with grass , Dreams unrealized rest at last. La Duo's Periodical Pills. Tills Kroncli remedy nets dlructlr upon llio iconora tire uruuiif anil rurei nupiirexlop. of the munioj K or three fur fanil cnn ho mulled , oboulil not lie meil ilurlnx prexnnnojr. Jobbora , driiKglit * nnd i tie public luppltod by ( juaUman Drug Co , , Oiuulia. WOODS' . THE PENETRATING IFQUIC ! PLASTER. -l ULlCK. others U AND THE ! & comparison are ( low or _ _ . . _ ff DKAU. If nuffcrlogtry JE A DJ-WOOD'S ' PLASTER. k It Penetrate * , Uv- lluves , C'ures. All Druggist * . A HKNUiNB MICUOUK KlU.BUIs KlllD'S ( IKUM KltADlCATOK Cures all UUeue < Docnusa U kills tha microbe or scrm. Put up nnJ ratallod In 2 , III mid I ) sites , the latKTJh , itallnni. Bent anrwhera prepalilon rucolptof prlca or U O , I ) , WoltsuBO Koaritntea to euro. Tha public , trailo and IpbDers upplloU by the Goodman DriiK < ! . , McCormlck A I.unit. Omalin ; C. A. Mclchor. lliiwiird Myers and K. J. Eferkurn. South Uniauai A. U. Kuilur ami M I' . Kills. Council Ilium. I CURE FITS ! Wh n I say euro I iouottB aarn rely tostapllieut far a tlmo and then bare them return e iln. I wun a radical euro. I h t a nndo the dlsauo of 1'ITH , El'I. UJl'SV or VALUNO 8IOKNK8S a llf IonK stuJj. I wsrnnt ray remadjr to cure tbo wont CAMS. Decauto cihurs bin fslkxl Is no reuon for Dot uovr reotinng a cnn. 8 nii at onea far a tnutlsa an < ) a Fm Itattla of my Infallible remwjj. ( lire KiprvM and I'M * Office. II. U. JIOOT. .U. C. . Ib3 1'oiirl bt. , N. Y. 09VD1HD AS A1HO 3QVK The UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS that the Behr Bros. & Go's. PIANOS Hiuc attained , nnd ( ho high praise ( hey luuo cilcileil from the world's MOST UK- NOtt'NEI ) ARTISTS , from the press nnd from n public long prejudiced In furor ol oliler ninkcs , It Is safe to iissumo Unit the Instrument must lie possessed of UNCOJI < MOX ATTRIIUnT.S. ATTRIIUnT.S.MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. , Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska. Established rS66. ANEW INVENTION Artificial tooth without plates , and removable bridge work. The only reliable method for holding the teeth In the mouth without their dropping while o.itlii ! ? . speaKlne , singing or when nsloop. Ministers , public speakers , lawyers and actors are requested to Investigate this system. system.OAUTION , No other ofllco In the city or county has the right , nordo they know how to make this patented work. I have soon rod the solo right from Ilr. Tliroukinorteii , No , CLASPS 444 rilxtli Avontio. Now York , who patented It Fob. 11 , - 1 X ) . t Persons desiring p irtlal sot of tooth are roiiuostod to call and see specimens of this kind of work anil Jiidgo for themselves. Prices for this kind of work are within the reach of all. All this work fully warranted. Wo huvo the WONnnilKUi ; LOCAL ANESTIIH- TIO for the palnlns extraction f tooth anil make NO EXTRA CHARGE for using ft AMU sot of tooth on rubber for Jo. Gold and other lllngn at lowest prices. Dr , ROLAND W. BAILEY , DENTIST OFFICES THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK. TELEPHONE , 1O88. - 16TH and FARNAM STS. , OMAHA ARE YOU BUILDING ? We Invite Comparison of Quality and Prices of Modern Hardware. Jas. Morton Son & Go , NO CURB. ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Manjr rear'experience. A rrgulnr graduate In raudlclno u diploma * how. I mill treating fttli tha Etentent BUCCOU nil Nerrous , Chronic ami 1'rlrato Ulaearii. A permanent euro Kuarnntood for Cntarrli hpormntorrlioen , Io t Manhood , Seminal Wenknoa * , Night I.mies , Impotcncy , Syphilis , Stricture , and nil aiaeasssof the nicoit , Skin and Urlimrr Orcnm. N. 11. I tiunranteelJO ) tar ovorr case I unilcrtakp nml fall to cure. Consultation free Hook ( Mysteries of Llfo ) aunt free. OUloa liouri 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. buncluf 10 a iii. to 12 m. Send stamp for reply , ClIICHESTEH'S ENOUCH. R D CROSS THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE Thu onljr Snfc , Kiirr , nJ rtlMBIj Till for l l . [ > Hille > , uk Urnlit lot Cilld/il.r I KnglUk IHan'm I Araiul In Ilr.I nJ GaU oicullla flatM wllb LJ | rltboa. Tct.o no olllf r klttd. Rtfiit fu6ihlwi itl an J Imitolio 111 in pultboftrd Lotpi , rlok r&pp < fl , iri * dnnKrr u rounterT , It * . At Krof liti , or wni nf _ . - , - " - " . . . ' - - . - - , " ' , - - - - - . " - - - Krtlaul3rimtlmoaUtlAOI "itriitr frr | > HHIcr for l.uillt * tntttttr b/ return .VlfclL 10.OOU TotllmoollJl. * * mi l-nfir. CHICHCSTCn CHEMICAL CO. , MndUnn . Hqiiure . . . , . . . bold br all L.H-U ! llruBBl.U. Scud usl , $2 or 8 ! ! for n box of linn candles nii'l l iii-liiH ) ( , uhlclnvo nlllnonil you immediately by express to nny part of the country. A box of Sweetmeats AS A GIFT is Iho CORRECT THING "anil always APPRECIATED. Our'rt never fall to B ! < O entire satisfaction. Address , LDUFF , Buffering from tba itfocts < V jroulliful erron mrhr decay , wanting neakriFM , lort manhood , etc. I will send tYaluable trvulUa iMalixl ) couulnlnj fuUparticulars for bomo cure , iM"of charna A. pl nJia nwdleal rjrk t auould u > readbyiven man wrho Is nerr at and < lbtltat ! 4i , Addrort I'roC I' . C. IT IVLlilt , raoodui , Cuim > F r CURES 4 D 4 R Ooldi in the 4M G He&d (0 ( C , ty ont pplici lion , 03 0 03f t * Ctt&rrh f > en In a vtry thort (0M ( * 0 y.o 0 > - o : t-1 H t1Q Hr HP Q J J * Conorrhonti , _ , Riid/.Riir rr/inort curou In 2UT by tlio I'roncii Iternuly oii- tltlm ! tlio KINO. It cllssulvui uguliKt anil In absorbed Into too Inllamu J parts. Will rufutid tnonoy U It dooi not euro or CHUSOI xtrioUire , Uenllumon , hero is a rullabto urtuliv LI a paokaso or 'J for Jper man prepaid , lio- CormlcU k LiinU Omulia , ONLY FREE REHEDY. * leA4 rt r4. lrUt Urff4. 4 Mr * r..t ir ti n. . . i win giKii > wna tha : f ji ImU.I ) IUKK la y lulfeier It l k irlulilc anil Utlinx Cure. A'ltlitttW ' 8. - U.l > iW MbSt.CliKUiutiX )