Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA .DAILY r , SEPTEMBER 18 , 189 ] .
The Slayer of Alien Jones Finds a Sharer of
Hit Joys ,
In the Hhndow or tlio Onllown Ncnl
Will Wed n Woman of tlio
Half World Tlio
Plans bnvo been laid for ttio presentation ,
at the Douglas county Jnli In n few days , of a
dnimn of "Lovo and Law , " the llko of which
has novcr boon attempted , with ono oxcop-
tlon , on tlio mlmlo stage or In real llfo. The
cllmitx of the play will bo tbo marriage of a
condemned murderer and salt contested thief
end ox-convict to a disreputable woman who
lias clung to him through all his troubles and
it willing to clasp his hand , rod with the Innocent -
nocont blood of two holplcsa old people , and
swear to love , honor and obey him until
death , directed by ttio strong arm of the law ,
doth them part.
Ed. Ncnl , the murderer of Allan and Dor-
ojhy Jonesla to bo married In a few days to a
woman of the town known as Joscpnino
Clarice , Mid the story of tbclr wooing Is un
equalled In the annals of lovo.
f Tbo devotion that some women hnvo for
unworthy mon Is proverbial. This Is noticed
among pcoplo In all walks of llfo , but the
lower the two sexes sink In the social scale ,
the more closely clings the woman.
Tdls is peculiarly illustrated In the case of
Ed Ncnl. Shortly nftor his arrest and re
turn to this city , and after ho was confined
In the county jail , a woman of tbo town ,
Josopulno Clarke , appeared upon the scene.
She talked with him through the
bars nnd offered words of on-
couragcmont bolu to tlio nccusou
nnd to his attorneys. Long before the case
was called for trial In the district court this
woman not only rendered valuable assistance
in the way of looking up testimony , but even
wont farther and out of her own sinful oarn-
ingj pnl-J many of the bills Incident to the
trial. When the case was called , each day
eha was an Interested spectator , occupying a
front scat within the bar and as near tbo
prisoner as possible. After each session o'
the court she followed him to tbo Jail door ,
and after the man was locked in his cell , sbo
would stand under his window for hours at
a tune , talklncr in a low tone of
voice , trying to chcor up the murderer -
deror of Allan nnd Dorothy J ones.
a" * When the sentence was pronounced that Ed
Ncnl should hang October 0 , Josephine
Clarke ! > were that it should not be. She at
once sot uuout to secure evidence establish
ing his innocence , but so far sbo has not been
Jlor Ijoncly Vi ll.
Since the date that a stern Judge declared
that Ncnl must hang ns the penally for tbo
taking of two lives , Josophluo Clarke ha < s
boon a nightly visitor at the county Jail , and
nny person who cares to visit the gloomy
_ quarters between the hours of 7 and 8
o'clock on any evening will find her sitting
upon the curbstone on the soutb sldo
of the court house , intently gazing up nt tbu
grated window In the northeast corner of the
fall , behind which is conllnod her Ideal of a
man. It makes no difference whether there
is drifting snow , cutting sleet or drenching
rain , at the hour above named tbo woman is
always true to her trust and Is always
For n tlmo Sheriff Boyd looked upon this
as a plot to concoct a plan for liberating his
prisoner , but aft < ir watching her for u num
ber of nights ho concluded that It was the In-
auo freak of a love mnd woman and slnco
that tlmo sbo has been allowed to carry on
Lor love-making with her murderer lever
without molestation , though she has never
been permitted to approach the building.
For months the woman baa been a contrib
utor to Neal's comfort nnd has done much to
relieve bin prison llfo of Its unpleasant fea
tures. During tbo early part of his conllno-
mont his Sunday dinners wcru furnished by
her hands , nnd.cach Sabbath day u delicately
browned chicken and other delicacies were
out to his coll. This continued for some
tlmo after his conviction and until ho was
placed under charge of the death watch.
After that ho was not allowed to cat food
prepared by other hands than those of the
jail cook. The outside supply was cut oft
from tbo condemned man , but
each Sunday two shining sil
ver dollars have bcqn left at tba
Jail ofllco , with the request that they bo
pent tn the preparation of a good dinner for
Noal. Not only has the woman done this for
Ed Neal , but sbo has looked after his raiment
and his cleanliness for months. She has kept
him supplied with white shirts , undershirts ,
drawers and socks , and each week she pays
bis laundry bill.
In the Jail it Is the custom , nnd ono as old
&s the Jail Itself , that prisoners are composed
to shave once each week. The work Is usually
done bv some "trusty" about the plnco , but
In Nenl's case "trusties" are not allowed
to put a blade to bis face for
fear of some accident. In order
that ho may not go with an uncropped beard.
the woman each week contributes 50 cents to
pay a barber for scraping his cnln. This
tnonoy i.s distributed among the Omaha Dor-
bers by Jailor Ilorrlgan , and It Is info to say
that there Is hardly n tonsorlal gentleman In
the city who has not placed his razor against
Noal'b Jugular , as no barber is allowed to
shave him twice In succession , no matter
What may liahis reputation as a careful man.
Determined to Wed.
Some weeks npo'tho Clarke woman decided
to reform , cease living n llfo of sin , rent n
cottage , und whether Ncnl lived or died
become a respectable woman. She oven de
cided to do more than this. If Neal lived
fcho would bo true to him , and if ho died she
Would put nu the weeds of widowhood nnd
return to her parents. Sno consulted Father
Klggo of the Catholic church upon tbo sub
ject of marrying Noal. That reverend gentleman -
tloman saw no legal objection , out the pros
pective groom had wandered faraway from
the , teachings of the church nnd
would have to bo continued before
the clergyman would agreed to perform
a ceremony. Neal was consulted in the
promises and filed no objections to uniting
ngnln with the church. In fact , he was as
anxious as nny ono for tbo wedding to go on ,
even if ho could not bo with his bride. The
religious rltos were duly administered to the
pondtmmud man and ho was tauou into the
Sheriff Boya was soon and his consent oh-
ialnod. ho stating that ho saw no reason why
Ncnl should not marry If bo so dosirnd ,
olthouch ho Informed the party who
interceded that Ed nnd Josephine
would have to forego the time honored cus
tom of Joining hands , Neal would hnvo to
land behind the bare , while bis brldo would
liavostand upon the brick pavement two
ptorlos below or In the Jnll corridor at the
Active preparations for the wedding have
boon made and It Is believed that it will take
jplaco within , a few days.
About the Pronpoctlvo Brldo.
Years ago a young man and bis bride loft
tholr eastern homes and sottiod m iho south
ern portion of Illinois. Whllo fortune smiled
Upon him , ho roared n family
consisting of two sons and throe
daughters. The llttlo town wtioro the
couple had settled grow to bo a city , and as
tlmo passed on , the husband and father
watched ever his possessions uutll ho was
counted as cue of the majt wealthy men
ID that section.
The youngest daughter , Josephine , was at
the tlmo this story begins , twelve years ago ,
n happy blonde maiden of 17 summers. Sbo
- wm the pot of the family and a favorite of
xu * ho towi' . Although wild and wayward , she
was innocent of the ways of the wicked
World. Her education had not been nog-
looted and she bad been civon every accom
plishment that wealth and position could af
ford. Llko most girls of that ago Josopbluo
bad a lover , a young man who had been her
nssoclate from Infancy. Ho was all that
could have boon expected of a lever , but ttlll
bo did not come up to tbo father's Ideas
Of u son-in-law. Tbo young man was refused
JulmlttancO to the borne of hi * sweetheart ,
but In that case , ns in n.any others , love
laughed at locksmiths. CUndoitlno moot-
- lnt ? § wore held at thohomes of mutual friends
M Uie young couple uutll llually the itoru
parents learned of the llttlo love affairs j\nd
decided to put on end to such thing * . Tbo
daughter was notified that she would bo aont
to 8u Louis nnd placed In a convent to complete -
ploto her education.
She was placed In the convent , confirmed
tn the Catholic belief and entered
upon n life of socluMon. I'or n tlmo ,
this bolng a change , was agreeable ,
but It soon became distasteful and the girl
prepared to escape. Ono dark , rainy night
Rho toro her bedding into strips , constructed
n rope , and fastening ono end to the bedstead
slid from tno second story to the ground.
Having saved n few dollars from the liberal
monthly stipend allowed by her parents , sno
bought n tlckot to Denver , Col. , where she
bad friends. Upon her arrival in that city ,
she sought employment , but failed.
Ignored Her I < 'nthcr' Pica.
Ono morning in looking -over the papers ,
her eyes dropped upon on advertisement
written by nor father , requesting her to coma
homo nnd all would bo forgiven. In the aatno
column of iho newspaper was a notice which
stated that the county recorder of Park
county wanted a copyist. After debating
the matter In her own mind for some time
the young woman concluded to turn her back
uixm her homo nnd accept the position. Shoat
at once answered the advertisement of the
Park county official nnd two days later re
ceived a letter stating that bar services
would bo accepted and that she would re
ceived WO per month. Tho'next morning ,
borrowing $10 from her friend , she started
for Fuirplay , n little town of 700 Inhabitants
In the mining districts of Colorado , 117 miles
southwest of Denver , on . the mountain
division of the Denver & Santa Fe railroad.
There she remained for several months , In
the moan tlmo forming the acquaintance of
the railroad ngcnt , n young man who had re
cently came from the east , It was a case of
love at ilrsl sight , notwithstanding the fact
that the agent was engaged to a very
estimable young lady inono of the
eastern cities. The love affair pro
gressed rnpidly , and as Is frequently the case ,
the girl's affection was stronger than her dis
cretion. She listened to his pleadings and
was wronged.
A few montus later Josephine wont to Den
ver , where she found employment in ndry
goods store , but the story of her wrongs fol
lowed her and she was discharged.
About tnls time Josephine con
cluded to return homo. Sbo wrote
her parents that she was married
and happy and the mother of a bouncing boy.
The ngod parents nt homo replied and
bogged tb"ir daughter to return. The Fair-
pluy agent had agreed to accompany her and
assume the role of husband , but prior to the
completing of the arrangements ho changed
his uilud and
9f nrriod the Other Girl.
This caused a change In the programme , and
the woman wrote homo stating that her hus
band had died and that It would bo Impossi
ble to make tbo trip. In order to cheer the
hearts of tbo old folks at homo the photo
graph Of a Denver infant was secured from
n photographer and sent with a letter , In
which the daughter stated that ns soon as
the first shock of giiof caused by her widow
hood had passed , she would return to the
parental roof. Tbo father upon receipt
of this letter Immediately wrote the daughter
tnat ho would Journey to Denver to accom
pany her homo. Not wanting him to know
the true condition of affairs and to tnrow
him off the track , she loft Dcnvor and came
to Omaha , where for five years she bai bean
an inmate of a Ninth strcot house of ill
repute and known to the world as Joe
The Murderer's Identity.
After his arrest Neal told various conflict
ing stories of nls family connect
ions all of them , on investi
gation proved false. Ho was a
boaster of the crimes ho bad committed , and
all of bis confessions in this respect were
voritied , but no facts touching his identity
could bo learned. Ho told once that ho was
an Illinois boy.and the Clarke woman's story
seems to corroborate this statement , but no
confession has boon secured from Neal. Ho
has told of his father and mother , but says
ho will dlo without letting them know of his
career. He has kept his own counsel and If
nny ono in Omaha knows of his homo llfo it
U Josop'ilno ' Clarke , his promised brido.
The Clarke woman has boon making desperate -
ate attempts to secure Noul's release. Before
the authorities put a stop to her communica
tions with him by notes she filled every letter
with maudlin expressions of undying love
Intermingled with promises of what sno
would do tosecure his release. She ar
ranged with an inmate of the jail to assault
ono of tbo Jailors and secure Neal's ' release ,
but the loiter was intercepted by Jailor
Dorrigan and the scheme nipped in tbo bud.
All plans , for his release having failed , she
is now determined to marry her murderous
There is n prospect , of course , that Neal
may not hang , but the chances are now nil
against him. Tbo supreme court , now in
session , will pass upon the motion for a now
trial , the granting ot which Is the condemned
man's only hope.
Arrnnciuc for the Hanging.
Sheriff Boyd said yesterday that ho had
not taken any stops in the way of making the
preparations for the execution of Ed Neal on
October 9.
The rope was bought nearly ono year ngo
and would bo ready at any time. ThU imple
ment that will prove an important factor in
assisting to send the murderer before his
Maker was manufactured by a Cincinnati
man whoso business is to manufacture such
ropes. For twenty years this man has been
engaged In tbo trade and succeeded his
father who followed the same occupation
until his death , which occurred sovoral'yoars
ago.Tho rope that will bo slipped about
Noal's nock is
three-quarters of
an inch in thickness , eighteen feet
in length , Is of the softest hemp
and is as pllablo as silk. It i *
provided with the regulation hangman's
Knot , intended to fit closely nnd securely
under the loft oar of the victim.Vhoh
drawn tight it will fit as comfortably as a
kid glove
The enclosures will bo built Just south of
the court house and will bo of closely fitted
lumber , with substantial braces at tbo top
and bottom. This enclosure will bo about
twenty foot square and sixteen foot high.
The gallows will bo erected In the center , of
0x0 pine timbers , braced , with a heavy cross
bar ovur the top. The trap will bo In tbo
platform directly beneath and will bo worked
by n lover which will bo controlled by tbo
sheriff. Keporters and Invited guests , , com
prising court officials , physicians and sheriffs
ot adjoining counties will bo given seats
on the platform. Tno hour for the execu
tion has not bean fixed , but it
will bo between-10 o'clock In the morning
and 4 in the afternoon.
Nenl's Lmst Toilet.
In the matter of Noal's dross there will be
no attempt at display. Ho will wear n suit
of black , a white shirt , collar-loss
and low shoes. Ho will bo led out of
the east door ot tbo Jail , around tho'cornor of
the building and into the enclosure and up
the steps to tbo platform , which will bo
sovcnfout , above the ground. Upon reachIng -
Ing tbo plnco Noal's arms and logs will be
pinioned , the black can , a long silk affair ,
will bo drawn over his head , after which the
noose will bo adjusted , and upon the word
bolng given , the trap will bo sprung and an
other human being will bo sent to eternity ,
As soon as the physicians pronounce life ex
tinct tbo body will bo out down , placed tn u
plain coflln and turned over to the man's
friends , should any appear and claim the re
mains. If there are uono , interment will bo
In the potter's ' field at county expense.
"Love Finds a Wayl' a drama v/hich gives
Miss Katlo Putnam only * fair opportunity to
display Her talents as a comedienne , was
made known at the Farnam street theater
lost evening. There U little in the play to
warrant extended notice , being conventional
In plot and uninteresting in dramatic con
Misi Putnam , however , showed that t > bo
was a careful , conscientious actress , trained
in a' school which has given to tbo stage
many actor * of raoro than average ability. . .
The supporting company has boon well
selected , Mr. Gardner , Mr. Hart , Mr. Coltor ,
Mr. Mortimer and Miss Wilder bolng
Judiciously cast.
Miss Putnam , however. U handicapped by
her musical director , who relies more UIKUI
his voice to gain perfect phrasing and tempo
than upon his ability as u trained loader of
un orchestra , bis commands being board In
all parts of the nouso.
Tonight "Old Curiosity Shop" will bo the
bill , Instead of "Eruia , the Elf , " as previously
Use llallor's Gorman Pills , the treat co n
stlpatloa and llvor regulator.
Injunction Secttrod Against the Commis
sioners Galling the Election.
Democrats JIopo to Itltlo to Victory
OH the laruto llotwccn the Towns
How the Cnso Now
DAKOTA Crrr.Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BBS. ] Too county commis
sioners of this county were today called In
session by the clerk to Issue a call for the
second election on tlio relocation of tbo county
seat. Upon their convening they were im
mediately served with on injunction Issued
by District Judge Norm restraining them
from calling snld election. The hearing day
was sot for September 22 at I'oncn. The In
junction was based on a writ of error In
which traud and Illegal proceedings by the
commissioners are charged In Issuing the call
for the lint election.
The South Sioux City residents , who nro
clamoring for the prize , were sorely dlsgrun-
tied when they found no call could bo Issued ,
ns tbo democrats have been pooling county
politics with this matter wiln sorao hope of
In this connection the democratic county
primary for thU precinct , to elect delegates
to the county convention at Jackson , Satur
day , met yesterday. There was a largo
number present nnd all matters were over
looked witti a view of downing K. B. Wil
bur , who is a candidate for county Judgo.
Not a Wilbur delegate was elected and bo is
now practically out of tbo raco. The demo
cratic slate ns now made out Is : Treasurer ,
C. J. O'Connor ; clerk , J. P. Twohlg ; sher
iff , William Kyan ; sunarlntcndont , L.
Krlach ; Judge , John Williams. The inde
pendents' counly to bo hold
September 121 nnd the republican October 10.
Ncbrat-ka IjiithorniiH In Session.
BKATIHCK , NOD. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKK.I Thosocond aay of the
Lutheran synod of Nebraska began Its ses-
riou in the Luthnran church of this oltj- .
Kov. J. C. Jacoby of Nebraska City is presi
dent , Hov.V. . C. McCool of Ponca , secre
tary ; Kov. Luther M. Kubns of Omaha , sta
tistical secretary , and Mr. J. P. Wilholmy of
Omaha , treasurer. Kov. L. 1' . Luddon
of Lincoln delivered the address
to homo missions. About a hundred and fifty
mombors-nro In attendance The work rop-
sonts tbo operations of the English Lutheran
church In Nebraska and parts of Missouri ,
Colorado , Kansas nnd South Dakota. So
rnpidly has the work of this church grown
that two now bodies hnvo been formed from
this synod. They are the Kooky Mountain
synod and the German synod of Nebraska.
Omaha Is represented by Kcvs. A. J. Turkic ,
W. H. Kuhns , D.D. , C. Huber , Mr. J. F.
Wllhelrav , Rev. Luther M. ICunns , Captain
John A. Swobo and Kov. J. G. Grlfllth.
At Its morning session tbo Nebraska synod
raised $5,000 for the Gorman seminary at
Chicago. ' Tbo report of iho delegation to the
general synod showed that tbo follou Ing do
nations bad boon made : At Washington ,
D. C. , a homo for the ngod ministers of tbo
church. At Colorado Springs , ten acres
were given to establish a Lutheran Minis-
tors' homo for invalids. Kov. Luther M.
Kubns of Omaha presented the report of the
committee of the traveling secretary. It
showed that sixty-threo congregations bad
boon supplied with preachers during the year
and cloven vacancies had been iillod. Three
candidates for ministerial orders are being
examined by the committee on education and
examination. The total indebtedness of the
synod for the year is $62,272.54. Kev. A. J.
Turkic of Omaha delivered an address on
foreign missions. Ttio statistical secretary
reported 135 churches and stations In connec
tion with > the synod. Iho death of Kov.
William Toolo , late rnombor of the synod ,
was announced , and Kovs. Groun miller , Sick-
man and Schnur were appointed to express
the sorrow of the synod at the bereavement.
Successful Kiicumpment.
NOMII PJATTI : , Neb. , Sept. 17 [ Special
to THE BuB.J Camp Logan is voted by all to
bo the finest camp that bos ever been pitched
at a reunion in this state. It consists of about
400 tents occupying a parallelogram of level
prairlo. Tno avenues are broad , running
east and west , with electric lights at short ,
Intervals the entire length of the camp. The
tents are pitched in double rows fronting
north and south on the various
streets. The headquarters of ttio
various officers nro pitched at the east end
of the camp , wlnlo still east of these the
ground is occupied by sutler's tents , booths ,
dunce halls , swings and other places of
amusement. A broad avenue runs north and
south through the center of the camp and
two largo water tanks of 700 gallons capacity
each are located on this avenue , which are
supplied witn water from the city water
The camp Is under the charge of District
Commander Steward and a corps of district
officers. In front of the commander's head
quarters n ling staff hai been raised , from
which flouts the stars and stripes , and around
this stift : has boon erected a rostrum sixty
feet square. Hero Iho main cnmptircs will
bo hold nnd the speaking will tnko place each
The veterans nro pouring in toaay by
wagon and train loads.
Sunrlso guns.
7uo : u. in. llroakfast call.
U:00 : u , in. ( Minrd mount ; sick call.
0:1)0 : ) n. in. Mooting of thostntoorganizations
itt tholr respective headquarters , and
Women's Relief Corns.
10ii : : ) a. in. I'atrlotlc addresses at the grand
IS in. Dinner call.
L'ilK ) p. in. Arrival and procession of Sher
man lluiniiiurd. hoadud by Cuptnlu 1) . F.
'J'JO : p. m. Capture of Jolt Davis.
l:0'J ! : p. in. Supper.
7'M ; p. in. ( Jump I'M re lit grand pavllllon.
Tomorrow the grand parade will take plnco
at 10 o'clock and at 2:30 : o'clock the sham bat-
tla at the fair grounds will occur.
Ho IB no Candidate.
FuLr.isiiTo.v , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TJIK BEE. ! Hon. George D. Meik-
lojobn arrived homo this evening. In an In-
tordlow with Tun BEE correspondent , who
Informed him that bis frlondt throughout the
state , and the press in particular , were urg
ing and using his name for the position of
supreme judge , ho emphatically and Irrevoc
ably declared that under no consideration
would ho become a candidate. Ho went so
far as to state that In cave ho was nominated
ho would not accept and If ho were elected
ho would never qualify. Ho Is In earnest in
thU matter and desires lib friends to under
stand that ho moans It.
General Van Wyulc nt Columbus.
Coi.UMiiua , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEI : . ] Hon. C. H. Van Wyck
of Nebraska City addressed a crowd of 3,000
pcoplo at the fair grounds In this city today.
The " -year-old race was won by Judge
Tburston , owned by D. T. dates , Albion
In two straight heats. Time : 3:33tf : and
3:04. : The free-for-all race was won by
Sailor Boy. Ttmo : 3:43) : and 2:43Jf. :
Tno fair closes tomorrow. Thus far it baa
bctm very succoisful.
Oinnhn Presbytery's Action.
LTONS , Nob. , Sept. 17. ( Special to THE
UKK.I The Omaha presbytery closed last
evening after a two day's Interesting session.
Tbo loading question before tbo session ,
asldo from the regular business , was the re
vision of the confession of faith. A committee -
too of llvo was appointed to report on the revision -
vision , which was adopted by the presbytery
after a few changes. This report , as now
adopted , goes to tbo next general assembly
fo * final action.
AVI 11 Moot In Oiunhn.
Bi.Aiit , Nob. , Sept. 17. ( Special Telegram
toTiiu BKK. ] The republican Judicial cen
tral committee of tba Third Judicial district
met hero today and called a convention to beheld
hold in Omaha Monday , October 5 , at 3
o'clock . .
p. in.
_ _
Hound for Oinnhn Under Arrest.
Ciu-nronu , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Tola-
grain to TIIK Bun. | Ira Htephenson , Charles
Stevens , A. Shuck and A. Dunworthy were
arrested by Deputy ( Jolted. States Manual
Jnck.ion on a complnInl"Aworn out by Llou-
tenant Ladd of Fort iltdblnson for having
tolon government Koodf. . The stolen prop-
arty was found In tholr ikmcmlon and they
were taken to Omaha Itftt' night.
Many Veteran * 1'rcflont.
LYONS , Nob. , Sept. lj. ( Special to Tnn
BB. ] Thosocond day'pf ' the Grand Army
of the Kopubllo of Hurt" county was a grand
success. The town Was 'astir early In the
morning with people preparing for the great
crowd anticipated. About 'J a. m. teams bo-
gnn to co mo In from tha- adjacent country.
The trains from the norland south brought
many old soldiers and their friends.
Company II ot Toknuiah , with Captain C ,
F. Bock , arrived about noon and were mot nt
the depot by a largo delegation of citizens.
At noon the crowd was estimated at " ,000.
Nearly everybody brought dinner and nta in
picnic stylo. Judge W. F. Norrlsof tbo Sev
enth Judicial district was to speak nt 2 p. m.
but the wind was too strong In the crovo for
any speaking to bo hoard.
After the wind had subsided toward evenIng -
Ing Hov. Dr. Wncclur of South Omaha and
Judge W. F. Norrls delivered speeches nt
the camp. At 3 a m. a larco audlonco ns-
somblod at the rink to see ' 'The Contodorato
Spy" played by the Sous of Veterans of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Crowds nt Cnnip Dnvlu.
VAUMUUSO , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Spaclnl Tel
egram to TUB Bin.j Though the wind was
a little higher and the dust more plentiful
than was desired , the day has passed very
pleasantly to tboso In attendance nt the
reunion at Camp Davis. Comrades
Wheeler of Osccoln nnd Grimes of
Lincoln entertained the crowd at the
afternoon mooting after wtilcti there was u
dress uarndo. Tlio flames of tbo evening
en nip lire were fed by Comrades Bank nnd
Houdorshot of Raymond. Orinlnnnd Johnson
of this place and several others from neigh
boring towns.
Word was received today that Governor
Thayer would arrive tomorrow morning , also
Department Commander Teeter and Adjii taut
General Cole , besides a largo number
from Lincoln who have not been hero yet. A
grand street parade is to he ono of the fea
tures of to-morrow's ' programme , Sherman
post Is to bo reorganized and a Women's Ko-
hef Corps added.
Fiery Phunonionon.
FIIKMOXT , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special to TUB
BKK. ] Horlow Goff. livlnc Just north of the
city on tbo Broad street grade , witnessed a
very strange spectacle last night about 9:30 :
Ho was Just preparing for bed when a
brilliant Hash of light attracted his attention.
Ho glanced quickly out of his chamber win
dow and behold a ball of tire of dazzling bril
liance on the opposite sideof the road and a
few rods to the north. Mr. Goff summoned
bis wlfo nnd both enjoyed the rare sight.
Mr. Goff describes the ball of lire ns bolng
about the slto of a pock measure and of ex-
trarno brilliance , even inoro brilliant than an
arc electric light. It was moving from Iho
southeast to the northwest and was ap
parently only about twenty feet from the
ground. f .
Loxo PINE , Nob. , Supt. 17. [ Special to
THE BKE.I A number Of 'tho merchants nnd
business mon of this town have organized a
stock company for the purpose of construct
ing nnd maintaining ff sanitarium at this
pluco. It has boon noticed that among the
many Cbautanquans who , ixithed in the water
bore there were some who found relief and
euro for rheumatic troubles , also for Indiges
tion , liver complaints , etc. Facts of this kind
came from so ninny sourcosi that H. P. Me-
Knight , M. D. , bad an ajalysis made of the
water from throe of thojlifloront springs on
the Chautauqua grounds. The analysts was
made by an export chemist In the laboratory
of Alee & Penfold of Onlaha. Ho states that
it is the ourest water * , ho over examined , it
containing only 4-10D,000 of animal matter.
Fill m ore County's .
GEXKVANob. , Sept. ! 1l7. ) Special Tele
gram to Tim BcE.J Fully 8,000 people at
tended the Fillmore county fair today and
they were amply rewarded for tholr trouble
In coming. The display was simply grand in
all departments and would have done credit
to n larger city. The management is happy
tonight , ns today's crowd makes the fair a
success linanctally.
The races were watched by the Immense
throng with n aroat deal of interest nnd the
lovers of horse racing were treated to some
good sport.
Sentenced Tor Two Years.
FHEMONT , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Sncclal to Tnn
BEE. | Judge Marshall held u short session
of district court today. Ed. Jensen , who
was captured in this citv n few days ago and
lodged in Jail on the cbnrgo of stealing $ .13
from H. W. Brown nt Hooper , while assist
ing at threshing. VVncn arraigned In court
today Jensen plead guilty to grand larceny
and waa sentenced to twoyears in the peni
tentiary. .
Patriotic Pupils.
PI.VTTSWOUTH , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEU.J This morning the
stars and stripes were raised above tbo High
school building. Tbo pupils observed the
patriotic occasion with appropriate exorcises.
Magnificent l < 'nrnt Produce.
Euvoon , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKB. ] Gospor county's fair
opened this morning. Tbo exhibit of farm
produce Is magnificent. Good races will beheld
held each day.
Olio 'Minute.
Ono minutes tlmo often makes n great dif
ference a ono minute remedy for bronchitis ,
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , of
course Is n blessing. Cubeb Cough Cure Is
such n remedy. For sale by all druggists.
Cubeb Cough Cure Ono minuto.
Two minor permits , aggregating $50 , were
Issued by the superintendent of buildings
The enso against Ofllcor Vance Fields for
assaulting young George Doano on August
20 was hoard In the police court yesterday
afternoon. All the testimony wns taken , but
the arguments were postponed until 11 a. m.
Fred Hallcr , the waiter who stole some
Jewelry from his landlady at 1017 Chicago
strcot a week or so ago , had a hearing before
Judge Holsloy yoHtorday afternoon and was
bound over to the district court In the sum of
flUO. Friends furnished the ball at onco.
For Schllfz boor apniy to R. R. Grotto
Important WntoV Decision
Judge Irvlno has rond'qrM ' n decision that
will prova of Interest to tbo water using pub
lic. iji ,
W. T. Walker , residing at Nineteenth and
Davenport streets , is a 't'onsumor ' of city
water. About July 1 , when the water tax
became duo , both Wnlltor and his wife were
away from homo , and did not return until
some days later. In thO.mbnntlnio an agent
of the company shut off , the waUirin the pipe
loading to the houso. tjpbu Mr. Walker's
return ho tendered the rental and demanded
that the water bo turned on. Tbo company refused -
fused nnd In tnrn made a demand. They
asked that an additional | L bo paid as a lino.
ThU Walker refused ! : to pay and at
once brought suit In , .tho district court.
Yesterday Judiro Irvine Issued a writ
of mandamus compelling the company to at
once turn on tbo water without the payment
of the extra dollar tax or lino.
Do Witt's Little Early uison ; only pilloto
euro sick headache and raguiata the bc , < li
Got a Had Full.
George Schafor , a driver for the People's
laundry , fell down the elevator shaft In the
Farnam strcot theater about 3:15 : o'clock ' yes
terday afternoon und was quito badly In
jured ,
The laundryman hud gene up to the dressIng -
Ing room floor to got some bundles of clothIng -
Ing , Tbo place bointr rather dark ho did not
see tha Hhaft and stepped Into It. In falling
ho dtruck his head against the wall , which
Stunned him.
His head , arms and thighs were terribly
bruised. Tba patrol wagon was railed and
convoyed tho.Hufforur to his home , 2120 North
Twenty-second street , whore physicians
were celled and the bruUoa dressed.
Like the luscious bivalve who is continually getting "into the soup" at church
festivals , are to be bought in ths months that contain the "R. " liver think of that
before ? This , the first fall month with an "r" in its make-up , brings with it the
necessity of a medium-weight garment. Cool mornings , cool evenings , and some
whole days are cool enough to render one of these garments indispensiblc. If you're a good , solid
business man and want a" garment for business , \vc \ can suit you. If you're a professional man and
want a garment to look well and hold its shape , we've got it. If your cloth ? s arc seedy and you want
a garment to cover up your shabby Prince Albert , Oscar , we'll part with one. If you want a garment
to turn inside out and show a handsome lining as you promenade on the "avc , " it's right here you'll
find it , and if you're an Anglomaniac and want a top coat like they"weahin Lunnun , " take our elevator
for second floor ; you'll find"it. . Want to know what they cost ?
< pt-J ( OtJ Silk faced or plain , as you like , three shades to select from , that you don't
have to leave Omaha to find selling for eight or ten dollars.
. fO J wth ; fme twilled lining that you'd willingly pay eleven dollars for if we'd ask it.
.V-Jw of fine that for and fit ' have
very Kersey garments style , shape , colorings you'll
hard work to equal under fifteen dollars.
"I Gives you the pick of a dozen lines of as fme gar-
J. j mcnts as any tailor gets up when he tries his best.
"Want to know more about 'em ? Drop in.
Oooks' Congress Called Because of a Jelly
Cake Fight.
No Trace Discovered of the Oinnhn.
Girls "Who Were Supposed to H ivo
Keen DrugRod and
Cnicxoo , 111. , Sopt. 17. I
The burning and now national question ,
"What is a Jelly cake ! " which originated at
the Sangaraon county fair , has resulted In
the calling of the first national congress of
cooks ever held. This has boon determined
by a conference of a number of contestants
for the jelly cake premium hold at Sprlne-
ficld. Tbo congress is to bo divided into
three sections , ono of which shall bo com
posed of professional bakers , another of pro
fessional caterers , nnd another for amateur
coo'.is or housewives. In the course of
lengthy resolutions adopted it ii declared to
bo the purpose of the congress to consider
and recommend for state and county fairs
in the United States a complete
classification of the various kinds of bread ,
cakes. Jellies , pickles , pantry stores , etc.
Mrs. Samuel J. Willott , Jr. . of SpringBcld ,
who made ono of the angel food cakes in the
000 Jelly cakes exhibited , ana was awarded
the premium , has not yet rocoivcd the piano
nrijn hut Smmtnr Slinlov M. Rullom has
taken the cake , which has been presented to
him by the firm which offered the premium.
All knowledge of the young Maremo itnd
Miller girls , who were drugged and brought
here by Morolli , the Omaha barber , is domed
at 1832 VVabash avonuo. The house U an old-
fashioned , dingy-looking structure , standing
back from the sidewalk. In the basement is
a saloon , run by Dunn & Dwyor. Dwyer
said that no ono had been there Inquiring for
nny elrls. The house , ho said , has not boon
occupied in several months.
The owners of the famous trotting stallion ,
Axtell , feel that on Injustice was done them
by the Associated Press in sending out from
hero a special dispatch from Indianapolis in
regard to the horse. The dispatch quoted
tbo chairman of the state tax commission as
sayingthat instead ' of paying SIO.,000 for the
horse , as allege'd , his owners had only paid
$50,000 ; that ho had a touch of lameness and
that for these reasons the commission had
fixed his taxable value at S15.0UO. Colonel
John W. Couley of this city , ono of the
owners of the horse , declares those state
ments uttorlv false. Ho says the animal nc-
unlly cost his owners S10S.OOO. Of this sum
$50,01)0 ) was paid In cash and the remainder
as principal nnd Interest on tno deferred pay-
nionts ; that the horse Is not nnd has not
been lame , and that In duo tlmo ho will bo
brought before the publlo to show his won
derful trotting powers.
The touto of Chicago's mammoth drainage
canal from Bridgeport to Joliet Is now com
pletely determined und all that remains to bo
done before the actual work of construction
can bo begun is the condemnation of the
lands through which the canal will pass.
Fort Shorldan is to have a battery of artll-
lory. General Miles has Issued orders com-
mundlne light battery ( > , of tbo Fim artil
lery , now stationed at Fort Ulloy , Kan. , to
proceed at once to Fort Shorldan. This is the
first niovo toward getting several artillery
companies stationed at tbo fort , nnd it Is con
fidently expected that a dozen cannon ot re
spectable size will bo at the post whoa the
world's fair opens.
Folger A. Blgelow , a young artist , was In
stantly klllod In his father's residence , M.I'J
Prulrib avenue , last evening , by the acci
dental discharge of a revolver in the bands of
Anthony it. Courtney , a companion. Biiro-
low had bought a now revolver and Courtney
was examining It. Ho pointed it at the wall
and snapped tbo hammer several tlmoi , but
the cartridges failed to explode. Ho raised
the hummer again , intending to remove the
cylinder and see where the trouble was. As
Blgolow walked up In front of the weapon ,
Courtney's thumb slipped from the hamtuor ,
and In a minute tm frlond was dead with a
bullet In his heart.
The contestants for prize ? In the national
army shooting tournament have all returned
to their respective posts. Of the army rlllo
team , borgeants Hose , F. D. Powell , "N. Hny
and Corporal J. O. IIolou received tbo gold
medals for the fourhlghoU scores. The other
six. Sergeants Qulnn , Lutz , Uauiioy , O'Brien
and Gorhardt and Corporal Dronoy , rocoivcd
the silver medals. Of tbo army carbine team ,
Sergeants H. [ leaner , J. T. Jalnson , M ,
Hobrer and Corporal M. L. Mitchell were
presented with the gold modnU , and Ser
geants F. E. Ley , O. J. Honry. F. Kan kin.
J. Holtmon , Captain W. U. Hell and Prlvato
J. B. Folov rocolvqd the silver medals , In
the distinguished marksman class , Sergeant
B. Merwln and Blacksmith Allolser got tbo
Sold medals , and Sergeant W. Davis nnd
Corporals S. W. Sweluhart and P. M. Hake
silver medals. The Spjuldiug gold modal for
the greatest score ut bullsoyo firing at all
ranges was awarded to Lieutenant Col
onel HotchkUs of the Illinois Na
tional guard. Lieutenant O'Brien was
the recipient of the Herald gold
modal and the Shlrloy gold modal for the
officer making the hlghoit total skirmish rec
ord und the hlchoit slnglo skirmish run.
Lieutenant W. N. Hughes took the Trlbuno
gold modiil for the officer making the great
est number of bnllscycs at ! > 00 , SOO and 500
Sirds , and Lieutenant Uajusoy tbo Inter *
cean gold medal for a similar score at 200 ,
SOO , r > 00 and COO yards. Sergeant Koio was
the lualty winner of both the Herald and
Trlbuno purses of $100 each for the unlisted
competitor making the highest total skirmish
score. The Intor-ocean pur > o of $100 for the
enlisted competitor imikine the greatest num ;
bor of bullsoyos at L'OO , 300 and COO yards
went to Sergeant Austin. Sergeant Morwiu
won the ICIrk purse of ? oO for the enlisted
competitor malting the best individual .sklrm-
isn run. Corporal Van Scoiko nnd Sergeant
Qulnn cot an eighteen months nnd a year's
subscription respectively to the Kansas City
Times for work at the 1.000-ynrd range. Many
small prizes olforod by business houses were
If the request of the North Packing and
Provision company of Boston bo nccodod to
by Secretory Husk , that permission be siven
to ship products from Boston to Europe , the
"Hub" will soon nave become a rival of Chicago
cage in this respect. It is admitted that the
firm has asked for and expects to rcceivo
such permission , and it is expected that
within n short time a chief mieroscopist nnd
the necessary assistants will be appointed by
the Department of Agriculture. The
North company has boon receiving urgent
dispatches from Germany since the removal
of tbo embargo on American pork asking It
to puck goods for export.
The Grant monument committee has re
ceived tbo following letter :
Wo acknowledge tlio recolptof an Invitation
to bo present at tlio ceremony and to pnrtlel-
p-itu In the parade attending ; tlio unvollln ; ; of
the stiituo ut General U. b. Grant und taUu
great pleasure In accepting the same. Wo are
glad to have nn opportunity to thus ovpross
our love and rovorunco for the great num. Wo
will Imvoa. full turnaiiUif all members. I'lciiso
have our place In line assigned to us. Very
truly yours , 1C. l.uo I'HANCK ,
Secretary ov-Oonfodoruto Association.
Arrangements have been made for the at
tendance of the revenue cutters Michigan ,
Fcssondcn and Johnson.
Chief Justice Fuller presided at an organ
ization mooting at the Lolaud of the Illinois
branch of the Mury Washington association.
The national president , Mrs. Wnito , widow
of the late cnlof justice , came to Chicago
some days ago and made the preliminary ar
Elcin Birch , ono of the heirs to n largo
fortune loft by an uncle , and who has rela
tives In Washington who believe bo was
burned In the Haymarket hotel last spring ,
not only escaped incineration , but according
to a letter received from him is doing well
in North Dakota. Ho was not known in Chicago
cage as Blrcb , but as Charlie Vernou.
"Albert G. Lane , now county superintend
ent of schools , was last evening elected su
perintendent of the city schools , to succeed
George K. Howland , resigned.
The following western people nro In the
At the Grand Pacific Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B.
Fish , Miss Gertrude Strykor , Lincoln ; Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur S. Potter , Miss Allco Dav
enport , Omaha ; D. T. Hodges , Sioux City ,
In. ; rvK. Burmolstor , O don , U. T.
At/the Lolaud Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Fletcher ,
Cedar Hapids , la. ; A. C. Bergen , Sioux
City , In.
At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. A. K.
BurKO , Forgo , N. D. ; Edgar H. Scott ,
Omaha ; C. A. Gnernsoo , Wyoming.
At the Wellington Arthur Johnson ,
Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Ulovor , Obey-
on no , Wyo.
At the Palmer Mr. and Mrs. H. It. NIsv
lov , Fremont
At the Tromont- . nnd Mrs. J. E. Ueod ,
Miss Ijams of Omaha is at the Richelieu on
her way homo from the east , whcro she lias
been spending the summer. F. A.
1'nrentn Head ThU.
July and August are anxious months for
mothers who carefully watch ever their llttlo
onus. Hot days and frequent clmngos of
temperature are liable to produce cholera
mornus. How satisfactory It should bo for
parents toltnow that Hallor's Pain Paralyzpr
is both a pleasant and effective remedy for
all summer complaints. It soothes und re
lieves all pain nnd griping and always affects
a complete cure.
WASHINGTON , D. C.Sopt. 17. ( Special Telegram -
gram to THE BKE.-Thofollowlngllstof | pen-
sloni granted is reported by THE BUB and
Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original Stephen Landon , Jef
ferson I tram lord , Owen C , Hancock , James
M. Fodico , Hall A. Turrlll. Kobort Lang. Al
fred Hawkins , Madison E. Parks , Irving D.
Smith , William S. Davenport , Charles W.
Reynolds , Marvin U. Reynolds , Milton
Bates. Additional Herman A. Hoppo , Ed
ward Hollabaueh. Increase John Adams.
Helssue John F. Erarv.
Iowa original Houry McGcn , Albert Jon-
nl'igs , Luke Sawyer , Barney Leonard ,
JJseph Crow , Jnrod Hill , Thomas H. Qulnn ,
Ernstus ( > . Chose , James McNeill Carrot t ,
Sylvauus While , Henry S. Wilson , John E.
Eaton , Henderson Manners , John Durgon
Thomas A. Black , John Dawson , Silos F ,
Carpenter , Samuel Burgo , Ebcnco/.or B ,
Hogonboom. Culvln Wllcox , Lutliur M ,
Fogug , William L. Dlnsmoro. Additional ;
Joseph Householder , Joslah Stewart , John
Stondnour. Slon Cramblttt. Increases Wil
liam CotTman , Loren Uoblnson , Wil
liam (1. Baker , Isaac Grinith ,
Alphous Henry , Walter C. Burgess , John M.
Thomas. James M , Swisher , Thomas J. Do-
ford , William E. Newman , George Sholl-
hnrt , Lcandor Glllaspy , John McCov , John
T. Alexander , Uolsjuo Hobort Henko. Ho-
Issue nnd increase Warren Patrick. Original
widows -Mary Cole , mother ; Lydla Esther
Knight , mother.
South Dakota : Original Marccllus B ,
Kout , William Kollott , George It. Austin ,
Ctinrins Kobortaon. John Trotter , Richard P.
Biookaw , John R. McNeil , Joseph Gray.
Additional George Stombuugb.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Uuers ,
Erie and Nicklo Plata Accused of Diverting
Much Trfflo.
Chairman Hlaucluird DUllkcH to Inter
fere on Account of the Prosperous
Condition of Ilnllroml Busi
ness In the JCnst.
CIIICAOO , III. , Sopt. 17. Complaint has
been made to Chairman Blanchnrd of the
Central Traffic association by no- less than
five different companies that oast-bound rates
on provisions nnd oats are bolng manipulated
by certain of tholr competitors. The roads
complained of are the Erie and the Nickel
Plato. The complaining companies nro tbo
Michigan Central , Lake Shore , Chicago &
Grand Trunic , Baltimore & Ohio and Penn
sylvania. Every ono of thcao roads claims
to have lost business thro Jgh the manipula
tion of rates , the charge being that n very
material diversion of trafllc has been caused
by a 5-cont cut on provisions and n U-cont cut
on oats.
In his reply to some of the complaining
llnoi Chairman Blancuard says that while
ho has not boon furnished with any proof of
the alleged irregular practices , be Is con
vinced from Information received from other
sources that the charges nro not without
foundation. Ho has consulted with Chair
man Goddard .of the Trunk Line association
about the matter nnd suggests that , a meeting
of the interested lines bo called for the pur
pose of taking action looking to their own
protection. It happous , however , that , the
majority of the Intoiostcd lines nro nverao to
any such proceedings at this time for fear
that the agitation of the matter may lead
to the cutting of other rates. This
season of prosperity , Just now
opening up for the lailroads ,
Is recorded In the light , of n long felt want ,
and tbo ono thing which the conservatlva
lines wish most to avoid , is a demoralization
of rates which would simply ruin the pres
ent bright prospects ot big earnings during
the rest of the year. It U not yet settled
whether the mooting will bo called or not
The Chicago & Alton Is having Its innings
in the little game with iLs eastern connection ) * .
Slnco the roads In the Western Passenger
association refused to ] oin the eastern lines
in making reduced rntus for homo visitors
excursions to points in Michigan , Indiana
and Ohio , efforts hnvo bean mada to inuuco
the Chicago & Alton to make such rates. The
company has boon uoMllod that homo visit- ,
ors' excursions will bo run by the Ohio &
Mississippi , the Jacksonville Southern and
the Wabasb. The Alton rofuaos to take nuy
It owes no allegiance to the Western Pns-
songor association but It bus no intention of
lending n helping hand to the roads that have
boycotted it for the past live months. An
Alton official said today that no reduced rates
would bo made by his company. It is under
stood that tbo board of rulings of the Cen
tral Traffic association and Trunk Line asso
ciation is arranging for another nicotine to
bo held probably next wnck , when motions
will bo made to discontinue the boycott , Some
of the lines that need the Alton's aid to make
their homo visitors excursions a success ,
realize that the boycott is n two edged sword ,
und they have no further nso for It.
Muni Tnko ofTltH Ulnorn.
CiiicAno , III. , Sopt. 17 , A decree entered
by Judge Collins this morning In the suit
brought by Frnd Harvey restrains the AtcuL-
son , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad company
from running or operating dining cars upon
its roads west of the Missouri river. Harvey
has a number of eating houses along tno line
of the defendant's road nnd bad a contract to
supply Its passengers with meals and lunch.
But , ho assorts , in violation of iho contract ,
the company undertook to run dining cant
from Chicago to Denver to compote with tha
Rock Island road. The Injunction procured
by Harvey perpetually enjoins the roud from
Interfering with complainant's ' business and
from refusing to atop at his eating establish
ments , which ha claims cost over $ 100,000. ,
Pozzoni'a Complexion Powder produces a
soft end beautiful akin ; it combines every
element of.bonuty and purity.
Flavorm *
- Of perfect purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Almond | Economy In tholr usa
Rosoetc.rj Flavor na delicately
and dollcloualy no the froah fruit * !