Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA JLJ.EK J'lUJJAY ' , HJffil'TJilMJBMK 18 , 1801.
Dolhcredby Onrrlcr In any part oftho Cltr.
HimlncM Office . No. 4.1
Editor . No. 83
Jin OK .I
N. Y. P. CO.
Council HlufTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 04 Sopp block.
If you want water In your yard or house
go to lilxby1 * , 302 Mcrrlnm block.
A mnrrljgo license was Issued yesterday to
K. a. Fisher mid Daisy Mitchell , both or thl
Ernest Francko nnd Mrs. KcglnnCill , both
of Omaha , were mnrrlcd yesterday by Jus
tice Cones.
Tbora will ho n concert this evening nt tbo
Epworth Methodist church , corner of Avo-
feUo II and Twciity-llfth street.
The "Married Ladles' Social society" will
liavo cukes on sale Saturday ut Mr. llado-
lott'n. corner Seventh ana Uroadway , also at
Mr. Zolar's , Upper Orondway.
The plnco of holding the republican caucus
In ttio Fifth ward has been changed from
Charles Shields' store to Mundcl's store ,
corner of Seventeenth street nnd Fourth
The funeral of John Dnlton , who was run
over by the Burlington switch engine , tooK
plnco yesterday afternoon from tno family
residence at the corner of Fifteenth street
rnd First avenue.
An attempt was rondo nt burglary night
before last , the residence of M. I' . Kills
being the victim. The midnight visitors
were heard bv the proprietor , who met them
half way. When they found they wore dls-
covered they lied ,
All charter members of the Ladles' Auxil
iary of the Union Veteran Legion will meet
this evening In Castle ball for the purpose of
Instituting the now lodge and installing the
ofllccrs. Encampment No. 8. Union Veteran
LcL'Ion , will also meet wit them.
A -number of laalcs will nrrivo In the city
this morning from Perry for the purpose of
Instituting a ternplo of the Pythian Sister
hood. The ceremony will take place this
evening at Castle hall , and all knights and
ladles whoso numc.s uro enrolled are 10-
quested to be at tno hall at S o'clock sharp.
A very small pill , but a very good ono. Do
Witt's Llttlo Early Ulsors.
The Reason Why
\Vo hnvo marked our goods nt plain
nmiutfiiulurcMi' prices is that wo are fjo-
Inu out of business. Our time hero is
limited and wo uro willing to dispose of
our iroods without a cent of profit as
rapidly us we can employ help to wait on
customers. Everybody who visits Our
Btoro can see what poods cost find all
must bo sold at cost. Furniture , carpets ,
cooking and heating stoves , bedding at
actual cost ; many goods less than cost.
Call curly before the stock is broken.
MornlnjiHltlc. *
The I ruth of the matter is that Morn-
inirHido is as pretty a place naturally as
onb can find for a homo , and th'it it" has
boon laid out to the best advantage pos-
niblo , and is being rapidly improved.
Jacob Neumayr returned yesterday from a
European trip.
L. A. Dovino and family have returned
Irom a trip to the cost.
M. J. Sullivan nnd wife leave in a few
days for n trip to Madison , S. D.
Miss Elsie Sayles returned yesterday from
n visit with Iriends in Mt. Pleasant.
The Howe Scales , the only scale 'vlth pro
tected bearings. No eheclc rods. Cata
logues of Bordcn & Selleck Co. , Agts. , Chicago
cage , 111. _
Platted last year. Land cleared and
grubbed , fetrcots laid out and paved ,
houses built , sidewalk built , city
water put in , streets ordered paved.
A year from now the whole
addition will bo a beautiful park ,
well built up with fine houses and with
till modern conveniences.
Still In the
Miss Ragsdtilo's millinery opening will
occur next Wednesday and Thursday ,
Boptcinbnr 211 anil 2-1 , 337 Broadway.
Frank Trimblontty , Baldwin blktcl 303
Doctors Meet.
The Medical Society of the Missouri Vnl-
loy held its oponipg session last evening in
tlio court room of the federal building. It
had boon tbo Intention of tbo society to meet
in the parlors of the Grand hotel , but the at
tendance proved to bo so far ahead ot the
most sanguine expectations that tno change
of locution wns decided upon.
Tbo following Is n list of the arrivals up to
the hour of adjournment last evening ; S.
Stewart , South Omaha ; F. S. Thomas. Coun
cil BlulTs ; T. B. Lacey , Council BlulTs ; E.
Houston , Stanbcrry , Mo. ; J. M. Richmond ,
St. Joseph , Mo. , F. L. Brockctt , Shcnandoah ;
P. Bacon , Omahu ; C. II. Pinnov , Council
BlulTs ; M. L. Illldroth , Lyons , Neb. ;
John Green , Council BlnlTs ; S. H.
Milieu , Clnrinda ; Charles Inches , Schuv-
lor , Nob. ; li. F. Orummer , Omaha ; .1. P ,
Lord , Omnlm ; A. D , Nosblt , Teiiamali. Nob. ;
A. B. Somcr , Omaha ; F. A. Unit. Butler ,
Nob. ; A. J. Mnn&lleld. Asblnnd , Nob. ; U. M.
Stone , Omaha ; J , F. White , Council BlnlTs ;
II. W. Hyde , Omaha ; W. J. Brownwrigg ,
Pcrisa ; D. Mncra , Council Bluffs ; J. U. lc-
tiisc , Omnlm ; S. ( ! rover Burnett , Kunsas
City ; F. W. Houghton. Council BlulTs ; M ,
F. Woymann , St. Joseph : C. W. Hargons ,
uouncu limns ; w. n. ( juristic , Omaha ; u. U.
llnrr. Council BlulTs ; U. 1. MnttIcoOinaha ;
1'vJlimllft Porterllold , Atlantic H. C. Moore ,
Omnlm ; George Wilkinson t Omaha ; J. H.
Cleaver , Council BlulTs ; J. U. Wicks. Schuv-
lor , Nob. ; V. H. CofTmnn , Omahn ; Gertrude
Cuscndo , Omaha ; Eleanor Stallard Dalley ,
Omaha ; Joseph Novolle , Omnlm ; J. C. Hob-
orison , Council BlulTs ; E. E. Womcrsloy ,
Omaha ; George Freomnn , Omaha ; A. A.
Parker , Omaha ; H. L. Howltson , Omaha ;
W. U. Lavender , Omaha ; J. M. McManlgnl ,
Omaha ; W. F , Mllrov , Omaha ; Vernon
L. Troynor , Council Bluffs ; K. Gllmoro ,
Omaha ; W. F. Pierce , Cnrsou ; MnryStrong ,
Omahn-J. ; C , Waterman , Council BlufTs ;
Ada Bowenson , Koyuolds , Nob. ; J. M.
O'Connnll , Ponca , Neb. ; H. GlfTord , Omaha.
The first thing on tlio programme was a
paper on "Psoudo Exports In Lunacy" by
lr. S , Grover Burnett of Kansas nty. ft
was a soJlhlng.critlclsm of the present cus
tom thnt prevails in the courts of allowing
nttornoys to bring forth auyoiio who tins
been nblo to secure n diploma from
nny sort of a medical institute-
and Introduce him on the witness
stand ns a "medical expert" In nny branch
that happened to bo in quo\tlon. He took
the ground thnt In cases where insanity was
the qustton , no onu should bo allowed to bo
put on the stand ns nn export unless ho hntl
been living among Insane patients nnd hnd
secured the Insight which comes only from
tha closest examination Into tbo peculiarities
of the victims themselves. Ho also thought
tbo question whether n witness was an exporter
or not should bo decided bv the com t anil not
by the attorney who liad tbosubpooaaUsucd ,
Ho sustained Ins position ny citing a number
of Instances in which the evil effects of the
present system were shown ,
Tbo reading of tha paper wns followed
by a discussion which was participated
In by Dr . Thomas , Payne , Stone and
Ciapcn , This was followed by an intorestlnc
paper on "Neurasthenia Tieatod by the
Keoly Method. "
Dr. J. F.Vhlto gave an Interesting talk In
regard to "Gratuities Wrongly Bestowed , "
nftor vrlilcti the society adjourned to the
Grand hotel , where a inngulilccnt banquet
had been prepared for them. At the close of
the banquet proper , a numoor of toasts worn
responded to , Dr. Donald Macrao of this city
noting us toast master.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers. Cost little
pill over mado. Cure constipation every
timo. Nona equal , Use them now.
; Moriitiiisl < Ii\
The strecta uro ordered paved.
Democrats Promlsa to Kick Up a Very
Lively How.
Toilny Will Wltiicsun StrHRcle Among
tlic Untcrrlllcd IIostH Wliloli
May Split the
The democrats of Pottnwattnmlo county
\vlll hold their convention today. The dis
sensions which nroso In the rank and tlto of
the party lost Tuesday evening have cccn
steadily growing every since , until n genuine
war scorns likely to break out , W. H. ICncp-
her , who Is looking with longing oycs nt the
trcasurorsblp , Is going to make trouble If the
statements of some of the old democratic
war horses are to bo believed. The delega
tion which was elected the other night from
the Second ward at the city building Is said
to bo unanimously In his favor , nnd Kncpher
is quoted us saying that If ho doesn't have
twelve votes from that ward alone ho won't
go into the convention nt all. The delegation
which was selected by tbo dissatisfied demo
crats in the same ward Is going to tnako a
frantic struuglo for recognition from the con
vention , and Knopher Is also quoted ns tay-
Ing that if the convention recognizes the up
starts at ttio expanse of his regulars , ho has
a lot of good friends who will pull their
knives out of their pockets and co In for gore ,
metaphorically speaking. The prospects for
war are accordingly very flattering.
Tno contest for shcrlfT is a badly mixed up
affair , ana tltno nlono can toll how It will bo
unraveled. Three candidates nro mentioned
prominently from outcido the city , viz : A.
H. Hooker of Avoca , J. T. Hazcn and J. P.
Stuhr of Minden. Hooker is O'Neill's dep
uty at Avoca. nnd ho consequently has some
thing of an advantage In the way of experi
ence. Ho Is said to have spiked fully half of
the delegates outsldo of the city , while
neither of the others have tnoro than half a
dozen or so that they can bo sure of. Charley
Walters of this city is dolnc considerable
wire-pulling of a more or less qulot nature ,
but there are a number of delegates from
Council Bluffs who say they will vote for a
republican sheriff In profe'rcnco to1 him.
A democrat who has the reputation of keen
ing thoroughly abreast of tno times In" polit
ical matters , furnished tbo following information
mation to a BUB reporter yesterday in regard
ro the candidates whoso names wll bo
brought bcforo ttio party for nomination to
the various offices : William Gronwcg has a
monopoly on all senatorial aspirations that
are to bo found in tbo democratic party , so
far as Is known. The candidates for the leg
islature nro moro numerous. W. H. Wore ,
K. W. Bilggs , A. W. Wyman , J. W. Horn-
steil , J. B. Jolmnnsen and S. 0. Underwood
have covetous eyes on the office , nnd oven Lu
cius Wells is said to bo willing to exchange
tbo business of selling self-binders for that of
making laws. Those who have signified tholr
willingness to accept the nomination of
sheriff nro C. D. Walters , Lars Jensen , A. I { .
Hooker , John P. Stuhr , John T. Ilazen and
Gcorgo C. Wise. Several weeks ago Chief of
Police Cary was known to nave an eye on the
ofllce , but recently bis remarks have been
few and made only to his iutlmalo friends.
The same democrat states that Mr. Cary is
holding UD his lightning rod and praying ns
hard as bo knows how that It may bo struck.
For county treasurer the following are In
the Hold : W. D. Hardin , J. B. Matthews ,
Brooks Head , Knopher , A. T. Hlco , F. W.
Spetman and John Plumer. Thcro are but
two candidates for countv superintendent of
schools. O. H. Marsh and J. K. Cooper. Dr.
J. C. Waterman is the only ono who wants
the ofllco of coroner. For county surveyor
L. P. Judson nnd F. Stimson are the candi-
datci. Two members of the Board of Super
visors go out this fall , Alexander Oslor
nnd Charles Alexander. The latter
is a canilldato for re-election , nnd
witU him are J. K. Wilmot , John
Williams , J. H. Black ar.d D. A. Colo. Of
all this amount of democratic talent n good
share must bo disappointed. Republicans
are taking advantage of this fact , and are
mailing a canvass of the situation with a
vlow to making something moro between
now mm next Saturday , when the republi
can primaries are to bo held. The squabble
in tbo democratic ranks have convinced tbo
republican leaders that now is their chance
toslldo in aud win some of the plums thorn-
The Lintest Conundrum.
Wny Is Hallor's Snrsaparilla nnd Burdock
Ilka tbo most popular soap of the day.
Because they both clonnso ttio skin and
leave it both soft and velvety.
Preparations nro being mn.dc for the
an mm I display at the Council Blufl's
mihlnory parlors , 820 Broadway , and
Misses S'prink & Foaron promises the
ladies of this city and vicinity somc-
thinir thtit will ayrcenhly surprise them.
Having quito a few of the ladies'
Swiss and lisle vebts on hand yet wo
have decided to run them another week
at the sacrifice price.
Ladies light weight ribbed cotton
vests , -lc.
Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests ( shaped ) ,
9c , or ; i for Si5e.
Ladles medium weight Swiss vests ,
former price 2oe , now 17c.
Lust but the best bargain , ladies'
Egyptian liblo vests , 45c goods , for 2oc.
At the Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la.
City water in front of every lot.
Good Deal of Trouble , Considering.
Theodore Bray commenced n suit in the
superior court In 1888 against Mason Wise to
collect $110 for a horse which belonged to
Wad Cary and which had been seized by
Wise to pay for his keeping. The suit was
tried be.foro Judge Ajlosworth nnd a verdict
for 25 rents was rendered In favor of the
plaintiff. The outcome of the cnso was un
satisfactory to the nttornoys and the case
was appealed to the supreme courf.Tho
papers have just been received from tbo
suproino court , with the court's decision
marked "affirmed. " Bray's nttornoys will
now proceed to collect their judgment of 25
Dcllolntis mill llcnlttiliil.
Sotcrlan Ulngcr Ale Excelsior SprSgs
Co.'s. _
Good Morning-side.
Table Linens anil
When in search of a nice tnblo coverer
or table napkins , or anything in the way
of iiiubliiis stop into the Boston Store ,
Council BlulTs. They are headquarters
for ovorvthing in that lino. Our low
prices always lorul. A pleasure to show
goods. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la ,
Boll * Robinson , concert , pinnisto anil
toucher. Studio , 410 Broadway.
A quiet wedding took place yesterday
afternoon at II o'clock at tbo residence of A.
P. Langmado. Tbo parties were Clnronco B.
Kundlott of Concoru , N. II. , nnu Miss Flor
ence Langmadc. The brldo has prowu up In
this city and has a host of friends who will
uniteIn extending congratulations , The
groom U a young man of high cbaructar and
education ami U a graduate of West Point
military academy.
The use of calomel for derangements of the
llvor has ruined many n line constitution.
Tliobo who , for similar troubles , bavo tried
Ayer'a pills testify to their efficacy in thor
oughly remedying tbo malady without injury
to the system. _
The addition of two public
SwaiiBon music company , 335 Broad
way. _
Fnlso lloport.
A report was circulated all over the city
yesterday that Prof. D. W. AIcDornild had
died at bis home in Winnipeg , Canada , from
nn attack of pneumonia. The Information
professed to como through a telegram re
ceived by Prof. Southwick of the Deaf nnd
Dumb Institute. Prof. Southwick was ocn
yesterday afternoon , nnd stated that Uo had
received no telegram at all from Prof. Me-
Dormld , and that the only Information ho
had had concerning him was a letter which
stated that ho had bcon 111 but wni rapidly
recovering. How tbo report originated is a
mystery. _
Mrs. Whitlow's soothing syrup for chll-
prcu teething softens the gums aud allays al
daJn , 25 cents a bottlo.
Fine bathing nt Lake Manawa. Sum
mer has j-oturncrt and every afternoon
nnd evening hundreds are taking advan
tage of the line bathing.
-Don't visit It without taking n stroll
through Graham park.
FamoiiH Cnsc.
Attorney General Stone finished his brief
yesterday in the famous case of tno United
States against the DCS Molncs River Naviga
tion company , which has been In the supreme
court for the last twcnty-tlvo years. It is
massive uccumont of about 120 typo written
pages , nnd tolls the story of the case at con
siderable length. A bout 110,000 acres of land
were given by the United States government
to the state of Iowa on condition that
the state should mnko certain Im
provements along the Dos Molncs river.
The state turned over the lana to n com
pany known ns the DCS Moines Klver Navi
gation company with the same conditions.
Too company took the land nnd sold It , but
neglected to muko the required Improve
ments. Fiom that tlmo to this the govern
ment has been trying to oust the settlers who
claim the land by tight of deed from tha
stato. The case will como UD for final
ing on the third Monday In October bcforo
the suprnmo court at Washington. The land
In question is now valued nt $4,000,000 , nnd
tbo case Is consequently of great Importance.
Information Free.
Do you know that any old sore or cut can
bo absolutely cured by the Intelligent use of
Huller's Barbed Wlro Liniment ? Bo merci
ful to your horse and try it.
Now fall goods , finest line in the city ,
just received at Roller's the tailor's , illO
Picnic at Manhattan beach. Rountl
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , 60c ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
Candidate for Coroner.
The friends of Dr. J. I. Allen have been
pushing him to tbo front the past few days In
tbo race for tbo coroncrsblp and a great deal
of quiet work has been done in his behalf.
The indications now are that ho will come
out first best in the raco. Ho will go out of
town with nt least twenty-five votes , and ho
also has a large number of adherents in the
country districts. Dr. Allen is well known
In this citv , where ho has a hirgo ana lucra
tive praotlce. Ho Is In nil ways well lUtod
for the position , nnd if elected will no doubt
fill tbo ofllco acceptably.
Beautiful Morningsido.
A Cliiuioc.
A chance not to bo had every day , for
this or while they last the Boston Store ,
Council BlulTs , will olTor 5,000 yards fine
French satino , beautiful patterns , at the
ridiculous price of lOc a yard , as cheap
as calico , taking the width into consid
eration : for qualitv every ono knows a
French satino. BOSTOtf STORE ,
Council UluITs.
Lots sold on monthly payments at low
interest _
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
145. High graue work a specialty !
Two "BurlliiBtou" IlDyn "Settle a Dif
ference ill tlio Hoped Arcn.ii.
The general headquarters building of the
B. & M. railway is assuming a very "sporty"
tone and holds within its wMs several
patrons of the various popular sports. Tbo
base ball crank is too numerous to mention
and tbo devotees of tbo kindred sports of
bunting and fishing are nume-ous enough to ,
entertain the cntho force with accounts of
their wonderful adventures , but it was not
until yesterday that it became Known that
tbo headquarters also boasted a brace of full
fledged prize lighters. This fact would not
have leaked out then but for the very dilapi
dated appearance of Frank liasmusson , a
young man about 18 yours old , employed in
the tilograph office , better known as
"Uassv , " nud Fred Johnson , n clnrk In the
general freight office , about , tbo same ago ,
and called "Curly" for short.
Uassy tried In vain to hide n varie
gated optlo nnd a swelling on his
left check the size of a lion's ccg , decked in
several colors , while Curly were bis hat per
ched Jauntily over his forehead which was
decorated with a projection done in sombre
The appearance of those two ambitious
youths naturally excited n great deal of sus
picion nnd the truth of tbo matter leaked out
during the day.
Monday night thcso two kids , accompanied
bj Charles Boyd of the general manager's of
fice , Ted Tousland , George Guild nnd Al
Shook of tbo freight tariff oillco , Slko Os-
berne of the treasurer's office and another
clerk whoso name could not bo learned , wont
across the Douglas Street bridge to the Iowa
slda. Hero n twenty-four foot ring was
staked out and tha doughty principals were
prepared for the bloody fray.
Boyd , Tousland nnd Osborno nctod n * seconds
ends for Hasrausson , while Guild and tbo
naiiidlcss party performed tbo bunio scrvlco
for Johnson. Shook acted as referee.
The principals stepped Into the ring stripped -
pod to the waist and each had blood in his
oyo. Time was culled and they wont at it
savagely with bare knuckles. The contest
lasted ton snort rounds and the decision of
the referee was In favor of Uusmussen. " "
After the victor nnd the vanquished had
been sponged off the party returned to this
city and nil swore secrecy.
As far as could bo learned the conflict was
merely for fho purpose cf settling who was
the best mail , but thcro Is u growing suspi
cion about ttiQ headquarters that there is an
affair of the heart at the bottom of the busi
ness. _ _
Lincoln Olllccr.s 8\vo p Down on n
llusy roiintcrt'ulKM- .
A few days ago Deputy United States
Marshals. M. Mcllck iiriostud a young man
named Clark in Lincoln for passing counter
feit money nt the fair. Clark had n uonring
before n United States commissioner nnd was
bound over for trial In tbo sum of 1,000.
Marshal Mellck picked up n clew when
Clark was uriostcd and started out to locate
the plant where tbo bogus coin was being
An arrest made yesterday afternoon shows
how successful they woro.
In a little slab shanty among thn willows
near Hast Omaha David Enslow was found
yesterday afternoon by the United States
marshal and Defective Charles Crow nnd
placed under arrest charged with making
counterfeit coin.
Quito n number of moulds and some metals
used In the manufacture of tbo money were
also found and confiscated by the marshal.
The story of the capture Is nn Interesting
one and reflects credit , upon the onicers who
worked tno case up. The prisoner U con
fined In the county jail , along with hU pul
DoWItt'3 Little borly ftisors ; best llttlo
pills fordyspopsla , &our stomach , badbrpatb.
How to Obtain n Fair Complexion by
Natural Moans.
The lutural Carlsbad Bprmlol Salt ( powder
form ) , Is an excellent Apiirlunt. LuxuUvo and
Diuretic. It clears tlio completion and nurl-
tlt's tliu blooJ. It U easily soluble , pleasant
to t ko and permanent In action. Tlio genu
ine product of the Carlsbad i-prlnKs js Import
ed In round bottles. Huoh bottle IIUH tbo
Hlu'imturoof "Klsnor & Jlcndclbou Co. , Nuw
York , " on the nock.
of tttdjNfhtli ' ] Itcndy for
tlio CainpnlKH'
The Ninth Ward ItcnUbllbnn club reorgan
ized last evening In Its hall at Twenty-ninth
nnd Farnnm for the cotnlni' campaign. The
first thing they done WM to clcst ofllcors ,
which was accomplished after something of
' '
a row.
The officers clcc are W. I. Klerstcad ,
present ; B. P. Lavls ) , vlCo president ; C. J ,
Johnson , treasurer : Jcromo Coulttir , secre
tary ; Charles J. D'Jout'ncl ! Janitor.
Thn president announced thnt the ward
commtttccmcn to whom , wan delegated the
work ot naming the delegates from the Ninth
ward to the state convention preferred to
have tha club select them , and a commilfco
consisting of Messrs , Drxvn , Free and John
son was appointed to bring In a list of names
to bo balloted for by tbo club.
The committee selected the following dele
gates Dr. S. D. Mercer , Frank Hansom , W.
I. Klorstead , D. J.O'Donohtio , P. K. Winters.
Alternates M. G. Frcc.C.J. Johnson , Simon
Troslor , F. M. Kills , A. O. Edwards. The
above named gentlemen wore unanimously
selected to be reported to tbo county central
A resolution was adopted asking the Park
commissioner to accupt the offer of Charles
Turner of twenty lots between Farnam and
Dodge and Thirty-first street and Thirty-first
nvontiM at $ lr > 00 per lot , ns tbo adjoining
property owners had agreed In that event to
purchase an additional fifty feet nnd present
it to tbo commissioners as nn addition to the
park ; nnd that the next big park bo purchased
In the northern part of tbo city.
Several members of the Sixth ward club
were present and spoke In favor of the jubi
lee to be held In Exposition ball October 17.
A committee , consisting of Messrs. Palmer ,
'Prosier and Pcttlt , was appointed to assist
thCm in selling tickets.
Mr. O'Donobuo was appointed a committee
ot ono to secure the loan ot chairs from the
Heal Ettiito exchange.
ftns decided to bold the meetings of the
club overv Thursday evening , and tuis meet
ing adjourned for ono week.
Fourth A\nf > l llcpnlilluaiiR.
A largo number of the republicans of the
Fourth ward attended the meeting of the
Fourth Ward Republican club nt Judge
Anderson's ofllco last night.
Tbo action of the county central commit-
the body is the great mission of SWIFT'S
SPECIFIC. Microbi cannot exist iu the
blood whenfi ijis properly taken ; as
it promplli J forces them out , nnd
cures the patient. It lias relieved thousands
in a few days who Lad suffered for years.
Mn. F. Z. NELSON , a prominent and
wealthy citizen of Fremont , Nebraska ,
Buffeted for years vrilh SCROFULA , and
it continued to grow worse in spite of all
treatment. Finally , Four Uottlcs of
jjcurcd him. lie writes : "Words
Uare inadequate to express my
gratitude and favorable opinion of
Treatise un Blood aud 8Kln Dlccnscs mailed frcu
Drawer 3. Atlanta. C
National Bank
Oillccrs nnrt Directors llonryW Yatoi. 1'rosldontj
Lewis S. Hoed. Vlco President : C. y. MiiurlceV. .
V. .Morse , John B. Collins , H. C. Cushlcl , ' , J. N. II.
I'atrlck , W. 11. S. llimlius , Cashier.
Corner ltli nnd Knrnnm Sts ,
General liunkint ; Business Transacted.
5.ECDR. lE
CAPITALS : 100.000.00
L'ritish Medical Journal.
" The best beverage"
DOCTOR These UekbroUd
I'llli are a 1'utfUlri ) Cure for Kick ;
ACKER'S HcuJachc , s and :
Cunitlimtlon. hi lull. plct .I
lint and n fuTorllo nltltlic >
Imllce , Sol I In EnRUnj for ! > . ;
P1HK I > M , , In Alnortca for BSc. Get ;
UK. inroin , your Iru ) Et t3 , or ;
icrul toT. . II. HOOKKl A (0. ,
l llro * < l > ; , N York. !
For S.ilo by KITIIN & CO. nnd SHER
MAN & McCONNKLU , 'Omaha
IKIIcluua , tparkl'.r'r , nrd
uppetliliiR. Bold bjr ill
. , diulrra..Watx ) iitljul
\ , -1'icturo Hook and cords
O.JiIlIUF8. * . "
i fcr- . -
For insect bites
use Pond'1 ' s Extract.
Corner 10th and Mason Streets.
Now tmlldlnir , now furnlturo , every thin ? flrit
claim ; llnost lucnllun In tlio cltyj nil modern lin-
iirovciiiuntc Steam Hunt , ( inn ) Cull llollsi Until
and llnrlcrhhop In connection ! Kloctrlo nnd Cnblo
Cars to nny part of Uio cltr. ' 1'ry us nnd bo con-
vlncoil Unit wo lm\o Mm bust liouno for tlio moiioy
west ot Chicago. Itutuifromll.UJtu II.0 per dajr.
You can Become
A Tcaclier ,
A Bookkeeper ,
A Stenographer ,
A Typewriter.
too In selecting the county dologntlou to the
stiUo convention wan endorsed ,
I'roMdcnt StidborotiKh nmiouncoil for the
Inlormntlon of tbo club ttntt the county con
vention would probnblv bo called on Oc *
tobor 12.
Captain WooJ rcgnlcd the Rfithcrlnf ; by
reciting the MclCclgbnu cpisodo nt thoClranit
Island oncnmpincnt , after which the club nd-
loui'ncil for ono week.
I'lrst Wnrrt Knllitrc.
Thcrovn , to linva been n mooting of the
First wnrd roinibllcans nt Arlon bull ,
Klcvonth nnd Plorco streets , lust nlcrht. but
owlr.p to the small numtor nrcsont the inoot-
liiK was postponed until some duy next
No gripping , no nauson. no pnin when
BoWltt's Llttlo Early Hlsors nro tnlcon
Small pill. Sato pill. Dost pill.
OT2.ur.iv *
ICxnnilnatloiiH of WltncsspH DOCK Not
Make It Ajtponr In n Hotter Ijlulit.
OTTAWA , On' , Sept. 17. The Printing
bureau Investigation was continued today.
O. Ucachoinlcr of Montreal , showed that
Sonocal , the Huporlntcndcnt , obtained nluoty
coininlsslons from his llrtn on $ (300 ( worth of
orders ,
F. Henolt , president of the Montreal Con-
scrvativo assoclntloti In 18S7 , invo evidence-
as to rccolvlnr ; a $1,500 check for election
purposes , made out by ttio Dominion Typo
Tbo opposition wanted to examine the ro.
porter who took the notes In into Now Eng
land company-LaProsso suit to show tbnt
J. Hrooks Young , n roccnt witness , had mndo
n dllTcrcnt statement about the much tallied
of loiter from Clmplo.ui to Young. The con
servatives objected to the admission of such
evidence , aim tturmc tno discussion n woni.v
war took plnco between Lister and Foster ,
minister of finance. Lister suld that Foster
know thnt Young hnd given In eliminating
evidence In the trial nt Montreal. Fester de
nied this , but Lister reiterated , when Foster
angrily appealed to the conunlttuo to bo pro *
toctad from .such blackguardism. Lister
llimil.v took It back and Foster peacefully ac
( Josjlcr's MnglcUea'taonoVnfor * . Ouroial
headaches in " ( J mlnUtcj. At all
Wlltli trade llcbt road wagon , 120 Ibs , fur
S .futy bicycle , ladles' . 110 AM-IIIIO D.
Xl'KKT Columbra bicycle. fW Inch , In per
fect order , " 111 tr.iue for good rllle , ! 12
calibre. O. A. Atklnt , Council llliiirs , la.
ANTED Two blaeltsinltbs at Keys llros. '
Currlniro factory. Council HlulTs.
> uj SAM : A nlco quiet buggy horse ! or
will trade for a draught borso. Call utT ,
Colo's. 82ri Avc. T.
Mrst-class harnossimiknr at
WWANTKD tot' . O. Ucppo. linopciiu , In.
171OU KENT Nicely furnished front room
-L with or without hoard. Horcrcnces. 1109
1'ourth avenue.
OIjAIItVOYANOE. mind reading or I'sy-
vliometiy. Dlboii es of all kind diagnosed
and treated with hot baths nnd massage.
All letters promptly nnsneicd. Oillco liouri ,
1) ) a in. to 1(1 ( p. in. No. U- " . avenue K , near cor.
15tb street.
Aso and IfiJ aero farm. Largo list. Johnson
k Vim fatten.
WANTED At Oniml hotel , woman pastry
cook. Good wages. Also fuinlsb an
" \X ANTED At Grand botol.cbainberinalds ;
IT Rood wages for those comin well recom
ANTED Two peed girl * at Emmett
W bouse , No. l.M.'south Sl\tb sticet.
I7IOR SALE or Kent-Garden land with
-13 houses , by J. U. Ulcc , 101 Main St. , Council
I ) In ITs.
Of Council Bluffs.
DniECTOiiB I. A. Miller. P. O. Olciison , E. It.
Shut-art , K. E. H'irt , J. D. Edmiindson. Cliurlcs
H. Illinium. Transact general banking husl-
ncss. largest eiItul : ) and surplus of any bank
in Houtbwesterii Iowa.
raid Un Cnpltnl $100,000
Odc ! t orgnnlrcil bank In tlio city. Korclitn nnd
domestic ctcliniDto nnd loci ! iccurltlo . l peclnl
Attention paid to lolluctlons. Account * nf linllvld-
uiiH , bunks , banker * nnd corporation * solicit ! ) 1.
Correspondence Invltod.
U1X > . 1' . SANKOUI ) . I'ronldont.
A. W. HUJKMAN , Casfiler.
A. T. IUCK , Assistant Cashier ,
Gun bo reached from unv ot tbo dopoti on
Conducted by the Sister * of Oluirlty , 11. V. M ,
TKIUIS 1'or board unil tuition , oniUr.iuIng
nil brunches of u finished olunation foryu mt ;
ladles , $ ? . " > for busslon or IIvu months , com-
inoncliiK llrst Moiida ) In Hoiitombor and Kou-
rnary , rosnecllvuly. Forfuither jurtlouUrj
lllWrOM >
St. Francis Academy > Connull Illuira. In.
Council Bluffs. In.
N. W. TAYLOR , Manager.
Special iittciitlon glvon to
BollH , LJurffliir Alarms , Announciutors
niul Inciuulosconc Wiring.
14 N- Main St. , Council BlulTs.
Funeral Director and Emtalmor ,
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
Jl. ailAIII. A SON , i'U01"d.
1O1B ancl 1017 BroacUvatj.
Kitlmatos furnlnhod nn nil klniH of ( iulvnnliol
Iron Cornlcu Work. Iron Hooflnir , htoro fronts an I
Copper Work. Arllitlo work u upodaltr. Corrdi *
pondunconolicltod from points JOj mlbi from Co nil
til HluHa omlOiimhu.
Board $2.
Expenses Low.
Send for Circular.
W. S. Paulson ,
Council Bluffs.
Reliable Clothiers.
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas.Streets.
Fall and Winter Suits , made by our own factory , for men
of fashion , for men of business , and for men of leisure. They
are suits that will gracefully become any one of you , and the
most astonishing feature you'll notice about them will be the
extremely low prices marked on the dangling tickets. We'll
show you many new fabrics in suitings this "fall. WE'LL FIT
YOU I'KRi'ECT , ou GIVE YOU THE SUIT. If you've got a suit in
mind for the near future , you'll detect no mistakes in the
make-up of this line.
Yoni Men's , Youths' , Boys' and Children's Clotliii.
Excellent styles this fall. No slight visible in the manu
facture of garments for this department. Wu KNOW that boys
make men. We'll start you right in point of dress. All suits
on this floor arc money-savers to economists. They've got the
style to " 'em , " the fit's perfect , and th"e price often less than
paid for slop-shop. BOYS , bring your MOTHERS , and MOTHERS ,
bring your BOYS , and see how neat and how cheap you can befitted
fitted out from a first-class stock.
We Devote to Overcoats.
* .
The best light in the city. Our present stock of fall weight ,
medium weight , dress and general wear Overcoats you'll visjt
the ends of the earth and locate no finer or better assortment ,
and our prices , like quality and style , WILL HEAR well the light
of day.
equally well prepared for you. Come early , come often and
come in numbers.
Browning , Kin Co. ,
S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas.
G. A. Schoedsack , Proprietor , Offices 621 firoadwny , Council
Bluffs and 1621 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rofinlsli goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Merchants who Imvo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of any churautor can Imvfc
them rcdyoil nnd finished equal to now.
nd mobt approved machineryatest ut leas cost than you over p.ild bafo.'o.