Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMA1IA DAIIA' HJEPTEMBEK 18 , 1801 ,
Official Settlement of the Western Associa
tion Championship Season.
"Will Moot Agnltt Next Ootoher Now
York Downs CliloiiRo nH Usual
IIoHloti Won KiiBlly
from Columbus.
r , Mo. , Sept. 17. rtoprcsonta-
tlvcs of tlio Western Base Unll nssoclntlon
mot In special session here todny. The meet-
Insr was a sccrot ono. At Its conclusion Mr.
Iluckonburgcr of Sioux City , who hail acted
ns sccrotnry , Imndod the following report of
the mooting to the Associated press ropro-
ecntatlvo :
ICANsts Crrr. Mo. , Sept. 17. At a mooting
of the Western association held at the Mid
land hotel September 17 , 18H. ! at 3 p.m.
there wore present : Denver , by D. S. Pack
ard , nrcsldonf Omnho , liy W. II. MeCord ,
president ; Sioux City , by II. E. Mulcaby
nnd C. M. Buckcnborgcr ; end Kansas City.
Ijy John W. Spoils ami E. It. Martin. The
Denver club moved that the season of IS'Jl
bo doorucd nnd declared closed September 1 ! ! ,
18'JI , otO p. m. The motion wns carried.
Yeas : Denver , Sioux City , Omaha. Nnys :
Kansas City. . . , .
It was resolved that the association should
remain intact ana that each of the clubs bo
declared In full standlnir. The Oiimha club
announced Itself In full life , with no thought
of disbanding. The mooting adjourned to
tbo regular annual mooting In October next.
After the mooting the president announced
Jho averages of the several clubs nnd under
this announcement the Sioux City club
lands as the oennnnt winner.
Mr. Spoas objected to closing the season
nnd wanted to further contest the pennant
race , but ho was outvoted. Of course the
, Biotix City club wanted to close so as to In-
euro Its position. Omaha was anxious to bo
relieved of forfeited games at Denver and
the Denver club insisted that in Justice to It
no championship games should bo played
olsowiicra when It was having none at homo.
The many demands of tlio Kansas City
club for additional games to settle the rela
tive merits of that and the Sioux City club
Dually roused Mr. Mulcaby to consent to a
series of exhibition games to bo played at
Kansas City on Saturday ati'i Liundny next ,
and at other noints hereafter to bo agreed on.
Secretary Young was notified that'Sloux City
ns the winner of the championship of the
Western association was ready to play the
world's championship series with the winners
of the pennant of the National Icaguo.
'Jlioy Oon't-Mlcc It.
Kansas City protested against the decision
of the meeting and wilt anneal to the Na
tional Hoard of Control. The Kansas City
management holds that the season should
continue so long as any clubs survive , and
that the championship should bo fought by
the survivors.
DKNVKII , Colo. , Sept. 17. The report re
ceived hero tonight from Kansas City that a
mooting of the Western association had been
hold thcro todnv , at which D. C. Packard ,
president of tlio Denver club , was present ,
nnd that tlio season had been closed and the
pennant awarded to Sioux City , was a great
Bilrpriso to Mr. Packard and Manager Sim
W. Cantrii. Both these gentlemen are
In this city , and neither were In attendance
upon the reported Kansas City mooting1.
They are very Indignant about the matter ,
and declare that the entire affair is a scheme
of the Kansas City , Sioux City and Omaha
clubs to "do up'1 the Denver club. They de
clare that they are ready to play out the sea
son and nro holding their men for this pur
Telegrams wore sent by Mr. Packard to
night to N. E. Young , president of the Na
tional league , and L. C. Krauthoff , president
of the Western association , notifying them
that ho had never boon notified of the Kansas
City meeting nor was ho present aa reported ,
and ttint ho will contest any club claiming
the pennant lor the reason that the Delivers
have won more and lost less games than any
other club in the association. .
League aiagnatcfl Trying to Break Up
tlio Association. -
MK\V YOIIK , Sopt. 17. A carnival of base
ball mystery was begun hy the league mag
nates last night. This morning they mot in
parlor E , Fifth Avoiiuo hotel. Their objoot
jirunnrily is to goi'rkl of the Amorfcan asso
ciation if they can , but 1C they cannot , to lay
out a policy lor the establishment of a truce
between the rival organizations.
John T. Brush ot Indianapolis , the bare
mention of whoso nntno strikes terror to the
association's heart , reached the Hoffman
house last night. Ho was mot by M. Stan
ley Robinson of Cleveland , who , until the
arrival of his brother , Frank D. Robinson ,
will look out for the interests of the Cleve
land club. Charles II. Byrne of tlio Brooktvn
club was also there. Suddenly the trio dis
appeared In the crowd and the base ball pub
lic will bo compelled to wait In nnsponsc
dntll tholr momentous labors arc llimbod.
It is an open secret that Frank Robinson
has been at wprlc on Henry Von 'dor Horst
to persuade the latter to bring the Baltimore
club Into the league. Mr. Byrne has been
toying with Chris Von der Aho to , according
to a morning paper , accomplish the snmo end
with the St. Louis. They are very likely to
succeed. If they do the association will be
come nn easy prey for the Icaguo. The same
"system" used last fall In wiping out the
Players' league is now bcim ; tried on the
association. In case the present scheme
falls , the league will continue Its "po.ico
committee" until such time as their ends
shall have been accomplished. A. II. Sodon
of the Boston club is also In town.
The delegates to the National league moot
ing , after witnessing the game at Polo
grounds , reassembled tonight at the Fifth
Avenue hotel nnd at the close of the session ,
as a matter of course , President Young said
there was no news for publication.
John Day said no business was transacted
and that the delegates wore only talking matters -
tors over.
It scorns that the commlttoo appointed bv
the league to confer with the association ro-
gardlng a settlement , Messrs. Byrne , Hart
and Brush , reported that they had
accompllsod nothing , The association people
nro so fearful of treachery In their own
ranks that they ho.sltato to permit a committee -
too to consult with tbo league. It is said on
good authority that tun league never had anv
norlous designs on Baltimore and St. Louis.
Those cities would not play In the league.
Besides If thov did jump there are plenty of
other good cities ready to go into the associa
The debate hinges upon the advisability of
conferring with tlio American association.
The Boston men , Connnt and Sodon , are
known to bo opposed to n compromise and
nro backed up by Now York , Nearly nil
the other clubs nro thought to bo
In , favor of n compromise. Only two
or three of the clubs nro making money
this year nnd the rest nro anxious for pcaco
Brooklyn nnd Chicago nro Just n trlllo
uorvous about the association's ' threat to play
twenty-live cent games In these cities.
The situation in Boston Is peculiar , The
league club is uot making money. The asso
ciation club , which many bcllovo to bo the
best In the country , is proving too much for
the triumvirs. Perhaps the Boston league
club will have to como down to"J. > cents.
Colonel John Kodgors would like to bavo n
monopoly of the game In Philadelphia , but
his case is not as serious ns that of Boston.
Thora will oo another meeting tomorrow.
A'.tT/O.V/lfi KK.taUK.
Uuolo Hnsn't Broken That Now
York Hoodoo Yet.
NEW YOUK , Sept , 17. The Giants , as usual ,
defeated the Cblcagoa todny In the first game
of the final aeries at tbo Polo grounds. Both
toanu played earnestly , the Cilnnta winning
by bunching hits in the second Inntug ,
Score ;
Now York 0 31000000 3
Chicago. , 0 00000010 1
Hits : Now York , 81 Chicago , 0. Krrow :
Now York , li Chicago.llattnrlr * : Kuilo and
Uuokloy : Victory and Shrlvor. Earnud runt ;
New York , Jj Chicago , I.
BOSTON , Mail. , Sept. 17. The Pittsburgh
Vwo iuiicoaiful lu buuchUitr hiU today and
had the gnmq won easily until the ninth In-
nine , when a succession of bad errors allowed
the Bostons to tie the score. The game was
called on account of darkness. Hcoro :
llonton ZOO 7
WltHblirS 1030002100-7
lilts : lloston. II ; PltUliunt. II. Krrors : Hot-
ton , 2 ; I'lttftliurg , n. Iliittorlosr Hlnloy and
Onnrol : Oulvlti and Miller. Earned runs : llos-
( on , ' . ' ! i'lttxlinrif. 4.
PiiiLAUKMiriA , Pa. , Sept. 17. The Phillies
out-batted Cincinnati todny nnd won handily.
1'lilladoiplilii 1 II 0 I ) 0 0 2 0 0-I (
Cincinnati. . . . , 110001010-4
tills : I'lilludollihlii , Kit Cincinnati , n. Krror.i :
I'lillndclpliln , 4 ; Cincinnati , L . llnttorlps :
Olensnn. ( Irniillch nnd llrown ! Crane. Mill *
lane nnd HnmiiKlon. I'nrncd runs : I'hlln-
dclplilii.1 ! Cincinnati , I.
w.utn'.s iMsAi'potj-TME.vr- .
BIIOOKI.YN , N. Y. , Sopt. 17. The lirook-
Ivns wore defeated bv Cleveland today
through the errors of Daly , Plncknoy and
Kiv. Score :
llrooklyn. . . 0 0 fi
Ulnvdami 0
Illtn : llrooklyn , 11 : Cleveland , 8. Krrors :
llrooklyn. 4 : Cleveland , 'U Hnttcrlcs ; Inks
uml Daly ; YOIIIIB mill /.Immor. Karncd runs :
llruoklyn , 1 { .Cleveland , I ,
National League standing. .
I'layod. Won. fx > st for Ct ,
Chlcairo iaj 70 40 .Oil
HoMon. ISO 70 M .WCI
Now Yorir. , in ( VI M KA
I'bllnrioluhln 110 ( CI M 'ttl
Olovolnnd ir > iVJ Cc ) < < IH
rittslHirg 123 fil IH Af\ \
lliooklvn 12J S3 M Ml
Cliiclnriut 12 * 48 71 .TO
AMKHlC.lff .tS
St. Louis Knslly Octs A way With the
ST. Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 17. It was a pitch
ers' battle today , Kottgor having the of
it nt critical stages of the gamo. A double play
by Lyons and Comlsitoy lu the flrst saved the
gaino for the lire wns. Score :
St. Louis 0 B
Athletics 0 0000002 0 2
Hits : St. Louis 0 ; Athletics 0. Krrors : Ku
Louis 7 ; Athletics , , ' ! . llatterles : Kottgernnd
Iloyle ; Uowman nnd Cross.
coi.uMiitis WASN'T is IT.
Cot.UMiitw , O , Soot. 17. Boston outplayed
Columbus at every point todny and won
bands down. Score :
Columbus 0 0020040 0 0
lloston . - 13
lilts : Columbus , fi : lloston. 14. Krrors :
Columbus , 7 : lloston , 2 , llatterles : Twltchell
and DOWMJ ; Ilulliniuon and Murphy. Earned
runs : Columbus1 ; lloston,2.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Sept. 17. History re
peated itself today nnd again the Baltimorcs
were bcaton by their numerous errors aud
Milwaukee's hard hitting. Score :
Milwaukee 2 1C
lifiltlmoro 0 01002300 ti
lilts : Milwaukee. 17 : Haltlmore , 8. Errors :
Milwaukee. 4 ; Haltlmore , 10 , Batteries : Klllen
und Vanillin ; Hciil.v , Van Hultrun and Town-
send. Karned runs : Milwaukee , 5 ; Haiti-
more , 2.
Louisvn.u : , Ky. , Sept. 17. Louisvillos
hits nnd Washington errors came together
nnd the homo team won easily. The visitors
mudo two runs In the ninth which were prc-
pentcd by St rat ton. Donovan has been
signed by Washington. Score :
Louisville 0 2020200 * fi
Washington 000000002 2
lilts : Louisville , 8 ; Washington , 10. Errors :
Louisville. 2 : Washington , 4. llatterles : Strut-
ton and Oahlll : Carsny und Siitultll'o. Earned
runs : Louisville. 2 ; Washington , 2.
American Assouiatioa Ktandlni ; .
1'la.voO. Won. l.ojt 1'er Ct
Hoston IL'l 81 37 .KU
St. Louis 124 7 ! ) 45 .KI7
Ilaltlmora 121 Kl 50 A'I7
Athletics 124 G5 50 Mi
Columbus i2ti m an .4V ( >
Mllwuukeo Kll , V > C8 .447
Loulsvlllo 122 4r > 78 'JTft
Wustnnston 120 40 80 JU3
Beatrice Gottin to Uc a Champion
Team AlHO.
BBATHICR , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Tolo-
grarn to Tin : BEH. | The Beatrice and Hast
ings clubs played the first of n series of three
games here today. The homo team put up
thobest , game over seen at Fairview park ,
and but for n misunderstanding of a rule on
passed balls that as many bases could betaken
taken as thn runner could got , It would have
been a shut out for tbo Hustlers. The Beat
rice fans nro wild over tno victory , as they
win the state' championship if tuoy take ono
moro of the present series , having taken
three out of four from the Froinonts. Score :
Beatrice . . . . . . . . 510200GO 2-15
Hastings . 0 00100000 1
Hnttorlos : Hoatrlco , Castono and Jones ;
Hastings , llolirer and Abbot. Struck out : Uy
Koliror , 2 ; by Onstono , ; ) . liases on balls :
Holirer , 2 ; Cjistonc. 1. llasu hits : Ileatrlco
11 ; Hustings. 1. Two-base lilts : Jones , Ken
nedy , Taylor , ( Datonond , ( Jnrv. Krrors :
Hastings , 7 ; Ucatrlco , I. Sacrifice hits : Jones'
Mnhlor. Double play : Holirer to Suhonat.
Time of game : Quo hour and forty minutes.
Umpire : Uhlman.
liorwo Apiece.
'LcsrAits , la. , Sept. 17. [ Spocinl Telegram
to THE BEE.J The homo team defeated the
Now Hampton club today 13 to 0. The visit
ors were outplayed at every point. Now
Hampton is the lirst amateur club to defeat
Lumars this year , which it did last Saturday.
OrchnrdH Won the Second.
LYONS , Neb. , Sopt. 17. ( Special to Tun
Bun. | The second game between the S. O.
Orchards of Omaha and the Lyons team was
called at 3:110. : The play was interesting nnd
exciting all the wuy through. The Orchards
won by 19 to 0.
Will Stop the
La. , Sept. . 17. There Is
considcrablo excitement In sporting circles
over the grand jury's reported Interference
with the McCarty- Warren tight , which takes
place before the Olympic club next Tuesday
night , The Olympic club had begun to-con-
gratulato Itself that everything was In
smooth running order. The state law per
mits of glove contests before regularly char
tered atnlotlc clubs.
The present grand jury , which has only
been In existence two weeks , is , .however , n
vary moral body nnd has started In on pn/.o
lights without much delay. The outlook is
that the grand Jury will make Its report to
morrow and will call upon the proper
authorities to stop the McCarthy-Warren
light. _
Foot Hull.
The second game of foot ball between the
undergraduate college boys , assisted by n
few of tholr graduate friends , ana the team
from the Young Men's Christian association ,
will take place at the base ball 'grounds , at 4
p. in. today. The former game had many
good points , nnd this ono promises to bo far
bettor. ,
Y. M.O. A. 1'osltton. College MOM.
llutldluk . Hlght end . Hoagland
llowlo . Klfhl tuolclo . Morsman
llurr . Itlght guard . I'ntrlolt
Thomns . Coutur . Itralnard
Maxwell . LoftKilurd . Thomas
1'oieimui. . . . Loft tackle . \VlM ! > n
rii-kerlns. . Left end . Drown
Hill . Uuartnr baulc . Cuwln
Hiehlim . UlKlitluUf buok . Doanu
OsKooil . Loflhulf back . W. Itustln
Tullleld . . . .1'tilllmck . . r. Uustln
VXlTKlt IS ItK.lTll ,
Forbade to AInrry u Young Couple
Kill ThoniHolvcH.
WOODIANP , Cal. , Sopt. 17. The lifeless
bodies of MUs May Adams and J , W. Mont
gomery wore found this morning with n re
volver nnd bottle of poison lying beside thorn.
Both were stiot through the brain. It Is
thought Montgomery llrst shot Miss Adams
and then himself. Miss Adams was the
daughter of nn ox-tnombor of the legislature
and Montgomery the son of Judge Montgom
ery of Stockton. The supposition is that the
clime was committed because of the refusal
of the lady's paronU to penult the marriage.
Norway's flections.
CIWISTJANA , Sopt. 17. The elections for
members of the storthing ( Norwegian par
liament ) which bavo been In progress for
some time past , have reached the lint series
and will conclude in December. The returns
up to tbo present from tblrty-olght constit
uencies show the election of twenty members
of the left , adhering to Premier Stoon'a pol-
loy ; flvo laombors ol the right , supporting
ex-Promler Slang , In union with Sweden ,
and. thirteen members of the moderatu party ,
who Incline towards Stooa.
Both Parties to the Qrcat War Koap tip
Tholr Lick.
Ncbrnnkn'fl Fnlr Ground COIIMOB
ilrniv .Many People Good
Offered Thorn AffnlrH on
Kastcrn TraukH.
UACH THICK , L. I. , Sopt. 17.
The association was npnln favored with per
fect weather , nnd the track was In magnifi
cent shnpo. The attendance showed n slight
decrease and most of thosn who wcro present
wandered around in n disconsolate sort ot a
1'lrst race , pnrsu (1,000. iionnltloa nnd allow
ance' ) , six furlongs. Nine stnrtors : When
oncoHtrnlKhteniMl nut Major Homo , U' ' (2 ( to I ) ,
tool ; the lead ami hold It to the end , winning
by a IciiKtli and u half. Tormentor , 11'-H ( to I ) ,
limit Itosn , ui : (8 ( u > 1) ) , a lonsth for the placo.
Time : Il5'f. : '
O QCond race , handicap , mile and -one-six-
tconlli. Ponrslnrtera : IvIlilnor.O'i ( . " > toS ) . took
the lead piisslng tliu Htand , iiid was nuvor
luMidud , winning wnll In hand by a length and
n half ! ricnlckor. lin < 0 to A ) , beat Homer. Km ,
( d to I ) , half n length for second placo. Time :
1I8 : .
Third race , the Algeria .stakos for 2-voar-
olds , Hfurlongs. ! . Seven starters : In the last
furlong they went to the whip nnd after an
oxelllns lltilsh dirt Giinn , IIS Cto 1) ) , won by a
halt leniilli. tlio Mlml colt , 11B (10 ( to 1) ) , buatliiR
J > : impllghlur , US ( ' < to' ' ) . n neck for the uucond
inoimy. Time : 1:15.
I'ourth race , thn Pulton stakes , for 3-yoar-
olds , mlle nun onc-'iunrter. ' Mix startrrs :
1'essaJa , ll.'i c ; to II , won with ease by two
lengths ; Iteokon , 112 ( : i to I ) , boat Hey Del Key ,
112 (8 ( to 1) ) for the jilaup. Time : 2:0 : ! > : i-5.
Pit ill race , purse * I,000 , for maiden 2-year-
olds , soiling allowances , live furloiiRs. Six
teen starters : After a brisk llitlsh the
Holmdol colt , 103 (3) ( to 1) ) , won by n head from
ilocy , lii(3 : ( to 1) ) , who beat I'anwny , OJCJtol ) ,
a lioail for second rnonoy. Time : iff : ) .
Sixth race , purse 8I.UOO , snllinj ; allqwnnccs ,
nix furloiiKs. Fourteen stnrtors : In ( ho last
f urlotiK Dime was n general closing up and nil
went to tin ) whip. After nn exulting llnlsh
llustccd. KM (3 ( to 1) ) , won by u length fiom
Sirocco , ICO (7 ( to 1) ) , who beat Contribution , 111
( . ' to 2) ) , a ncok for second monoy. Time : lilali.
Fnlr Sport at Ijntonin.
CIXCIX.VATI , O. , Sopt. 17. There was a fair
crowd Mid moderately good sport. The track
was lu fair condition , thougu rather dusty.
The finish of the second race was very close
and many thought that Tarquln had won.
Three races were won by favorites , two by
horses that were pretty well backed and ono
the second , by a long shot. Mr. Stone will
sell most of his stable , including Kingman ,
on Saturday , September 20.
First race , purse for maiden 3-year-olds , ono
mile. Klovon.starters : Anna , lot (10 ( to D.won
without dllllculty by two lengths from Lln-
don Smoke. 107 (3 ( to 1) ) , who boat I'onifrot , 112
( - ' > $ to 1) ) , a length for tlie place. Time : 1:4:1. : :
Fourth race , the Clifton stakes for 3-yonr-
ole , ono mlle nnd ono-slxtconth Flvo start-
era. Vale 'III led Into the stretch and made a
desperate dlTort to win but Whitney , 103 (4 ( to f > ) ,
comlniipUmInsltleeiillnmont of tlio victory
by three parts of a lonuth , while Vale ' 01.1US
CJVi to 1) ) , boat Ilorkn , 10:1 : ( fl to 1) ) , for the place
by nil equal distance. Time : 1:40. :
Fifth race , purse for 2-yenr-olrts , flvo nnd
one-half furlongs. EightHtartors : ' 1 ho Hero ,
110 (4 ( to 5) ) . won by half a length fiom Faluro ,
113 ( ll'.i ' to 1) ) , second , a half length before llng-
nor. n (3D ( to 1) ) . Time : 1OOW. :
Sixth r.icc. purse for 2-year-olds , flvo and
one-half furloiiBs. Eleven starters : W U , 110
( S to 1) ) , won by alcrifith and : i half , Mrs Peek ,
107 (4 ( to 1) ) . second , half a length before Judge
Jewell , 100(8 ( tel ) , third. Time : 1-.OUS5.
Flyers nt Syracuse.
STUACUSH , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKU. | With the exception of a
a very high wind , everything was favorable
for races today.
The unflnlsliod 2:22 : pace of yesterday was
won by Fred 1C In -'VVJ : , I'rlnce T tilliK ; second
end money , A. K. Davis third and Hilly Mc-
Oracfton fourth.
In the 2:3.1 : trot Joe won first , third and
fourth heats , Rebel Maiden won tlio second ,
Artisan took third * monoV and Kll foiittn.
Time : 2.J2 : , 210 : ; ( . 2:3211. : 2S2. :
In tho325 ; trot Idavan won In three straight
heats , Prince Mc.Mulum second , Frank 11
third. jKovuSceloy fourth. Time : 2:24y.2:24H. : :
Three minute 3-year-old trot : Tulit won In
three stralifht , with Orena second , and the
thlul nnd fourth money was divided between
Fullorlon Hey and llonnlo's First. The race
wn.s for be > > c two In throo. Time : U : , " > l. 2.V1. ; " "
In the yearling trot , be.t two In throe ,
Annie 1'lxloy wop In two straights. George
Tuesday second and Harry T distanced In the
second heat. Time : HilGM. ! ) : l.r > .
In the running half mile and repeat , Jim
Tucker WIIH distanced badlv. Kate ( Jliusu v.on
the llrst lieat lu I'JJ ' ! niul then took sixth pliico
in the next heat , which was won by Little Joe
In 49.
The last boat was run after sundown and
tbo race was postponed , to bo continued to
morrow at 10 o'clock. G. W. Uoach of Au
burn , Nob. , starter.
County KIIOCH.
Pi.ATTSMoimr , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKE.J The attendance at
the Cass county fair today was very largo
and tbo exciting events in the speed depart
ment gratified the enthusiastic visitors to
their bent , The 355 trotting race brought
out three good trotters , nnd after closo' and
exciting finishes , Belle Ilolstoln won In the
straight heats with Edwin O. second and
Lord Caffroy third. Best , time : 2:53. :
ThoUentlomon'sKoadstors was won by Jalco
Vnllory's Little Maud , Fitzgerald's , Joe F.
second , Uilmoro's Rattier third , George Voss'
Bay Belle fourth. Best time : 3:00. :
The milo running race wa very oxcltlng
and called forth the most enthusiasm. Frank
Clapp won the first and third boats and the
racy , Trick second , Tommy Jonas third.
Best time : 1:50. :
Owing to the very high wind that pro-
vullcd the time inado in each of the races was
very pood.
The balloon ascension and the perilous parachute -
achuto dosconslon was performed to the sat
isfaction of the crowd nftor the races. To
morrow's events nro : Free-for-all trot :
Johnny Bagns , Ben B , McMnhon , Lord Cnflf-
roy , Hox. Half milo dash : Tommy Jones ,
Frank Clnpp , Nottio S , Trick. Bicycle race
and baleen ascension.
North I'lntto's Proi'i'iunnic.
NoicTit PI.ATTK , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BIIK.J The weather has
been tno finest of tbo week and nearly 5,000
people were nt tbo fair grounds during the
afternoon :
The froe-for-all pacing adjourned from yes-
tenlay wiu won by Cricket In tno heats
todny :
Cricket . 22111
KodStar. . 1 l s 2 1
Time : 2:40 : , Sao : , 28. : 2:40 : , 2:40. :
Hunnlni ; race , half mlle and repeat :
nlllv lll > i'od . 311
Francis , Jr . 122
I'hnntom . 2 U 3
Snlcm . l dls.
Time : M. COSi , 1:02. :
Frut-for-all running race :
Natural . 1 1
VoMitor . , . 2 2
Time : 84 > J , l ,
Tomorrow will bo the boat day of the fair.
Paul Vundurvoort has Just arrived.
OIilo Hroodoi-H' Jtnccs.
CI.EVKIAXH , O. , Sopt. 17. It was a bad
day for favorites at the Cleveland track.
Tobasco was the only ono that got a raco.
Tun truck was line but the weather perfect
for racing. Francops , a 5 to 1 favorite in the
UtO : : class was distanced In the second heat.
2'iO : elnss , trottlne , nurse J.MIO : Jlyrtlo U
won , On met Bocond , Maitglo Monrou tlilid.
llusttline ; 2:2li : ,
2:17class : , trottlne , nurse tVX ) : Tobnsco won ,
flold Leaf fcecond , Hurry Noblu tlilid. Heat
time : 2in'j. :
Ki > all7.atlon stakesstallionsSXclass ; ! ) , value
J.VKJdintlnlshed ) : Curallold won , Altarsecond.
llust time ; * i:20. :
ItncUoyo stukes for 4-yoar-oUls , value $500 :
Ely Itliui won , Lizotto second. Host tlrnet
Gonovn's Hip Day.
QKXF.VA , Nob. , Soot. 17. [ Spocinl Tolo-
gtara toTim BKK. ] Today's races were well
attended nnd resulted :
"First rnco , 3:00 : olasi : Harry O won , Mlko
Snruguu buuoud , Dasliow third , Tluiui 3StiV ;
Tlirce-your-oldu : Annlo M won. La Oratl-
tuao second , Harry Utinoun third. AJIco Mo-
dlum fourth. Tlmot 2SI : , 2iM. 2:3ft. :
Itnnnintt race , half mlle , bo t two In three :
A. U. Tucker tint , Luoy Jnlmion second ,
llruco third , Uottom fourth. Tlnoi 63'i , 6US.
Garllolcl 1'jirlc Itcuults.
CHICAGO , III , , Sept. 17 , Garllold Partt ro-
suits. Track fast.
Ir'Jrut race , throo-qutrtenotaiulto ; Vedotta
won , r.ojnnd roeoMlClnth ( < rliio II third , Time
IMOf. _
Second rape , mllii nnd a sixteenth ! Oood-
bye won. PllurlM' second , Arnndel third.
llino : li.V.'V ' , liirji *
Thlr.l rnco , nillv.pnd .nn pluhth : Kpnwpoil
won , lirookwood RCcoiid , itonnlo llyrd third
Time : : . - . ? . n d *
Fourth rni'o , flflnuiirslxteonths of n mlle
I-rcil Taral won , Mv unuon second. Woodcraft
third. Time : lrfi" : : ' *
Flftn rate , llVunflBlilln of a mllot Oncor
I.sabolla won. Queen Olivia second. Hot ) Fran-
els third , : ,
Sixth rare. threu-ii * rturs of a mllt > : Mado-
lln won. Kock smHiml , Sailor Hey third.
Time : IHO. \ _ _ _ _ _
. 'llilril Day.
'PiTTsnt'im , Pa-i Sopt. 17. Over 3,000
people attended 'tli'tf- races at Homowood
Driving park todity 'Tlio ' weather was brlghl
and warm nnd the track was very fast. Al
the events were hotly contested nnd ex
First race , 2:13 : class , trotting , purse JTOO :
Miss Alice won , .T. II. Hlehnnlson second
Walter K. third , llrst time : SiIBU.
Secoml race. 2:20 : oliiss , pacing , purse > . > 00 :
Miss llriico won , Shnucr Hccond , Hullo 1'otlcr
third. Hesttlmo : 2:21i. : !
Third riico , 2:2:1 : : class , trottlns , tin MO JOOO :
Dnndy won , Hen Davis second. Host time :
Inilliinn Trotters.
Uusimu.t : . Ind , , Sopt. 10. The largosl
crowd over In nttondmtco hero was present
nt Uivorsldo Park today.
SilM pace. Lady Vie won , .lack Shlcl sccoml ,
Tllllollorr third. Host time : 2I7. !
Free-for-all puce. tuy ( I. won. Telegram
second. Major Wonder third. Ilosttlmu : 2:13't. :
2'J7 : trot. Itosii U won. Hi-il llrooku suconu ,
Oration third. Host lllno : 2i2. :
2-year-old Htaku for pacers. Henry F won.
Lucy 1'an sccoml. Hcsttlmo : 2:31. :
Tips for Today.
These horses have boon chosen as very
likely to win today :
1. Quotation John 0.
2. Frank Klsman Lady Claxton.
3. lion Air Cams.
4. Kll Klmlls-Koyainartor.
0. Strathmuld Tilly . " . .
1. Fltz Ieo Xoko Hardy.
! . Curler H Itlmlnl.
3. Ormlti lllnok Hart.
4. Fred Taral Ernest Itaca.
C. Crutksliank Freedom.
0. Lewis Clark Oakdale.
Destruction of an Old Tlino Imml-
innrk Other Ii"lros.
MEMnn.s , Tonu. , Sbp.t. 10. The Memphis
theater , the oldest theater In the city , nnd
ono of the oldest in the south , was completely
destroyed by flrojat 4 o'clock this morning.
The theater was Owned by Mr. Jacob Fried
man of Boston , and was under the manage
ment 01 Mr. Ellis Luebccic of this city. The
loss is about " " -tr OOO and Coinsurance34,500.
Other losses to occupants of the building , on
which there was no Insurance , amount
to $2,000. The Janitor and property
men , who sleep in the building , narrowly
csoapcd with tholr lives. The lire was of
incendiary origin. The theatre was built in
1858 , nnd was lor over thirty years tbo resort
of the wealth and fashion of tbo city. The
boards have been trJdcJon bv the most cele
brated actors , actresses und singers of this
country and Europe , Including the elder
Booth , Edwin Booth , flarrott , Adams , For
rest , Barry , Sulliv > t'n.E. L. Davenport , llay-
mend , Russell , Charlotte Cushmau , Mod-
Joska , Khea , Langlry , RIstori , Borntmrdc.
Lotta , Abbott and allibho bright stars of the
three last . * ,
POUTLAND , Ore. , Sept. 17. Fire last even
ing destroyed the rapnir buildings of the
Southern Pacific Jcar' shops , tocothor with
four coaches nnd .several thousand foot of
lumber. Loss nbortt'flO.OOO.
Tuonrn , Wis , , Soitil7. Lusk & Hudson's
mill is burning at ntlQnlgutnnd unless the
wind changes the Yvjwlo town is likely to bo
burned. ( S ,
CHICAGO , III. , Sftpu 18. At nbout 1 : M this
morning dn alarm pffiro was turned in for
a blaze in the rear of the building at 175
Monrob street , oci'ilntud by Wyckoff , Sea-
mans & Benedict , ihc\V. J. Jefferson Print
ing company and othpr firms. At 1:30 : a four-
olevcn alarm was -Blinded nnd 'tha ' lira has
now spread from " thb'tjasijtnenHo thp roof ,
Janidson & * "Mbarpyptiifer3. } Blooragron ,
Bros. & Co. , electrotype founders , were the
other occupants of thp building. The lire is
under control but Itds impossible to giro an
accurate account. The loss will probably bo
over $30,000.
svurnriXQ PMtir TMST ,
Burlington Kmploycs Uollovcd to Hnvo
Alct Death in Wyoming.
BUFFALO , Wyo. , Sept. 17. [ Special to THE
BKC.J About seven weeks ago a few mem
bers of the Burlington & Missouri surveying
party at work in thaStlnklng Wntor country
in the Big Horn basin , between Buffalo and
the Yellowstone park , separated from the
main body and undertook the hazardous feat
of running a line through the Big Horn
canon. Since they entered the wild trorgo
nothing has boon hoard from them nnd their
comrades are greatly concerned about their
Save In winter , when the roaring river is
partially frozen over , no'ono has been known
to successfully traverse this canon. Many
have attempted It nnd paid for their foolhardiness -
hardiness with their ] Jvcs. Others have
been glad to return tolho point of entrance
after losing overytnlng but the clothes they
woro. In view of thcso incts it is not strange
that fears should bo entertained that the
venturesome party have mot with some
serious mishap.
Westerners In Now iTork.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sopt. 17 [ Special to THE BKI.J :
Mr. H. Cohen , buyer for Levy , Cohen &
Co. , Omaha , Nob. , is hero buying clothing.
Ho is nt Earl's hotel.
The Misses Isabella and Sarah Fleming of
McGregor , In. , sailed away ou the Travo of
the North Gorman Lloyd line , for Bremen
last Tuesday.
Mr. A. T.'Way of Burlington , is at the
continental hotel.
Dos Moines folks here nro : T. M. Pnrle ,
Continental hotel ; W. T. Hay ward , same ho-
tcl ; Miss Hlght , Grand Central hotel.
Mr. C. T. , Mr. H. D. nmt Mr. L. L.
Kountzc , nil Omuba gentlemen , are at the
Hotel Brunswick.
Mr. G. C. Walker of Burlington , Is at
Earl's hotel.
Mrs. Chas. Iiayward of Rapid City , Is at
the Hotel Barthnldi.
Mr. J. W. Paddock of Omaha , is at the
Fifth Avenue hotel.
Veterans at North IMattc.
NOIITII PIATTK , Neb , Sept 17. "Special
Telegram to Tun BRU. ] Today has been the
liveliest of the rouuioiiu Tbo town nnd camp
nro packed. A grand'y'arado took place this
forenoon , led by thp'j.jfotorans. The North
Platte fire department out In uniform
nnd every line of bqslijcss was represented
in onu of the flno t. trtules display * over wit
nessed In the city. Mirny of tbo displays
wore very unique.
Tno nftornoon wrfc spent by the veterans
ou the fair ground nndA lively sham battle
took place nt4 p. in. , Ij ? which the stars anil
stripes were taken ( ifU > r a dospornto strug
gle. Tonight JI.OOOTpc/n'lo / nro gathered at
the camp ground listening to Chaplain Lo lor.
Senator Van Wyko'nmved ' nt 10 o'clock and
will take part In tomorrow1 * programme.
Alter u Horse Thief.
YOHK , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BUB. ] A ilno black mare with a saddle -
dlo was stolen friniftbo barn of Ocorgo
Mitchell at Ilondersoinlast ulght. The sup-
oosod thlof roglstorod at Henderson a few
nights ago as W. Leonard , Ban Antonio ,
Tox. Uo l about lx foot toll , weight lid )
pounds , und wears a cowbow hat. A reward
of $70 In offnrod.
I jo It Kor Omaha.
DisAUWooi ) , S. D. , Sept 17 ( Special Telo-
Brum toTiie BBK.J The Dendwood odvor-
tlslnc ere train , consisting of twenty-two
caw of ere taken from as many different
mlnos , loft hero for Omaha this afternoon ,
Itoprosontatlve inlno ownera and tnombora
of the Deadwood Board of Trndo accom
panied the tram , The estimated value of the
llliiok Diphtheria.
YORK , Nab. , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BUB. ] Blnck diphtheria has roado its
appearance In this oil/ . Every precaution
Has been taUoa to prevent the scourge from
Attorney General Miller EubmiU a Brief in
the Lottery Oases.
United HtntOH Malta Cannot Ho Used
an n Net to Aid the Ooinimny
to Catch Suukora Seine
Good Point H.
WASIIINIITOX , I ) . C. , Sopt. 17. The ease of
the Unltod States against John L. Kapler ,
nnd the two CASCS of the Unltod Stales vs
George Dupreo , will como up for nruutnontat
tno October term of the United States supreme
premo court. Each of these cajcs is an ap
plication for the discharge , by writ of habeas
corpus , from arrest for an alleged violation of
tbo anti-lottery legislation of the Unltod
States. The charge against Kapler and
against Dupreo , in ono Indictment , was the
mailing of n newspaper containing nn adver
tisement of tbo Louisiana lottery , and the
other Indictment was for the mulling of n
letter concerning the lottery. The Judgment
of the lower court was against the defend
ants and the cases were appealed to the supreme
premo couit.
Attorney General Miller has prepared the
brlof , which ho will submit lu behalf of tlio
government when the cases nro heard , and
ho has given It out for publication.
His brief stntos that nearly lit teen years
ago the exact question mooted In thcso cases ,
arising in the same way , was fully consid
ered and unanimously decided by the supreme
premo court. Since that time the principle
of that decision had boon accepted by the
people , by congress , by the executive officers
of the govnrnmont nnd by the courts ns the
settled law of the land. In making this de
cision the court said : "Tho only question
for our determination relates to the constitu
tionality of the act , nnd of that wo have no
doubt. "
Ordinarily , under such circumstances , the
attorney general says , it would seem that
the question of the constitutionality of the
legislation involved should bo doomed set
tled. It seems , however , otherwise. The
revenues poured into the coffers of the
Louisiana Lottery company by Its witless
victims are too largo to bo surrendered with
out another struggle *
As was to bo expected In such n cause , the
main effort of the counsel for the petitioners
in each , , of the briefs scorns to bo to becloud
the issue. To this end their entire
arguments assume that the refusal of
the general government to bo the in
strument for'tho circulation of lot
tery literature is tbO sumo ns
forbidding the publication or circulation of
such litornturo ; that the only escape from
the violation of the prohibition in the first
amendment to the federal constitution against
malting "a law abridging the freedom of the
press , " is for every olllcial of tbo Postoftlco
department to heroine the servant nnd every
carrier the errand boy of the Louisiana Lot
tery company. They totally ignore the fact
in at the solo effect of the act of congress Is
that the general government , Its ofllcors , em
ployes and agency shall in no way aid or
abet this business ; that its mnUbags nnd thu
hands of its servants shall not be used In
spreading and manipulating snares for its
unwary victims ; that it simply says to federal -
oral officials , ' 'Hands off. "
Kegardlnc the assumption of counsel for
defense that the right to operate a lottery
is one of the fundamental rights of man , like
the right to exorcise a profession , ns a physi
cian , or a trade , as a lauiidryman , the attor
ney general says : "It would seem hardly
worth while to spend time upon nn argument
resting upon such assumption. If it can bo
demonstrated that to prey upon one's ' fellow
uioa by moans of a lottery Is a fundamental
human right , the Dccaloguo nnd the Sermon
on the Mount , not to mention the Declaration
of Independence , ought to bo rewritten nt
onco. "
With reference to the contention of coun
sel , that the only plausible defense of tbo
lottery legislation is , that lottery is alleged
to bo of an immoral nnd injurious tendency ,
the attorney general says , that in doing this
ho again assumes as his"fundamental proposi
tion that Inasmuch us congress cannot .pass n
law directly suppressing lotteries in the
state , therefore it cannot indirectly suppress
tliem , and therefore it must aid them in the
transaction cf their business through the
' "In brief , " says the attorney general , "I
maintain , without fear of successful contra
diction , that whatever acts or enterprises
congress bos the power to make criminal
in the District of Columbia , or the torrl-
tories , it may refuse directly or Indirectly
to old , oncourngo or abet in any stile , with
out violating any obligation either to citiion
or stato. Any state may inako the practice
of this lottery company or oven the posses
sion of Its tickets within its borders with in
tent to sell , a crime. In the exercise of this
power of legislation in regard to the malls ,
as in the exercise of many of its other legis
lative powers , the attorney general holds
that congress bos n very broad discretion us
to whether it shall act at all , and If so ,
when , nnd to what extent nnd for what
purpose shall it net.
The attorney general then argues to show
thatcon'gross has the undoubted right to
legislate for tlio common good nnd says :
"Suppose n postal telcgragh should bo es
tablished , is it true that the United Stutcs
Government would bo under obligations to
transmit over its tolegsaph lines messages in
reference to all business or practice not In-
dfctablo at common law or not known to the
law books ns main m so. Could it not rafuso
to transmit telegrams boldly relating to
gambling transactions , trading upon mar-
irlns In wheat or stocks , or negotiating tbo
imrchaso and snlo of lottery tickets. Or in
regard to any oilier business which , In the
ox-orcisn of a sound discretion , congress
might declare to bo contra bones mores.
" 1 submit that no Judicial decision has
lieon cited , that it is my belief that none can
bo found , denying to congress the power
with reference to the mall with which wo
ire contending. "
Kcgnrding counsel's ' proposition , that the
lottery statute Is unconstitutional because It
is a law abridging the freedom of the press
nnd is therefore at variance with the llrst
amendment ol the constitution , the nttornoy
general submits that no question under the
llrst amendment of the constitution is In
ssno in this case , nor can it bean
an Issue , so far as the Louisiana
ottory la concerned , until a stat
ute shall bo passed forbidding , not
merely thu circulation of papers , carrying Its
idvertisomonts through the mails , but for
bidding the circulation of such newspapers
hrough any agenoy whatever. The real
sane , argues the nttornoy general , is
whether the United States government Is
compelled to become the agent of tbU lottery
Upou the the theory of the petitioners' nr-
gumont , nil postal regulations by which let-
era nro given precedence over newspapers in
.ho malls , oven In time of carriagn and dis
tribution , nro invalid. This Is certainly a
discrimination against the newspapers. It Is
abridging the freedom of the press , Thoro-
'oro the prccodenco given to letters , pro
vided for In the regulations , over nowspa-
papers Is intolerable , is a violation of the first
miondmentof the constitution , and calls for
In conclusion the attorney general says :
'My understanding Is that the decisions not
only of ths | rourt , but generally , hold that
where H number of nota nro designated In the
statute as constituting n particular crime ,
and ns to genie of such nets tha U.clslation Is
unauthorized , the courts cannot bo required
o select outnueh acts as are within the nu-
horlty of the legislature aud enforce the
aw as to thorn , rejecting it ns to the others.
Until I Ibul Knit.
WASHI.NOTOX , D. C. , Sopt. 17. The opinion
s gaining ground ihoro that the postponed
Ibol suit against the Chilian steamer I Into ,
low set for trial at San Diego , Cat. , on the
5th , will bo prosooutod by the government ,
although a further postponement may bo had
wforo tbecaio procoods.
Invited to Attend the Pair.
WASUIKOTO.V , D. 0. , Sept. 17. The presi
dent todny received a delegation of promi
nent citizens from Augusta , ( in. , who Invited
him to attend the ftxposltlon to bo hold In
that city next November. The president
thanked them nnd said , whether ho could
accept the Invitation or not ho could not say ,
ns very Important matters demanded his at
tention from now on until tbo mooting of
congress , _
i\oi..i.\n in// , r/n.v/f rir/t'u
Humors That Kn lim ! ContoinplntoH
Taking Possession of Hawaii.
WAHIIIXOTOX , D , C. , Sept , 17. Souor Colso
Cnlsar Marono , a well known Italian-Ameri
ca ti residing hero and acting ns the ngont In
this country of tbo national party of Hawaii ,
today laid before the president n letter re
ceived from a correspondent in Honolulu ,
nssortlng that ICngland Is now planning to
take possession of the kingdom. The writer
said thatsomo action on the part of the United
btntos Is necessary , that thu queen Is favor
able to the Hrltlsh interests nnd ready to
countenance tlio inovo when mudo.
The president was Interested by the letter
and asked Senor Mnrcno to communicate
with Secretary Blalnc. .
Ilond Statement.
WASiii.NnToX , D. C. , Sept. 17. The -1' ' per
cent bonds received nt the treasury depart
ment today for continuance at S per cent
amounted tofS7,000 , making the total amount
so far continued ? J 1,810100. . Tboyt \ per
cents presented nt the department today for
redemption aggregated $ - ! ' , > , MO , nnd the
amount presented nt the Now York sub-
treasury yesterday aggregated $ . " 17,000 , mak
ing the total redemptions thus far $1 1'J1'J,0 , * > 0.
ill nk Failure. ,
WASIIINOTOK , D. C. , Sopt. 17. The comp
troller of the currency has been informed of
the suspension of the Klo Grnudo National
bank of Laredo , Tox. , and of Its being placed
in tlio bauds of n bank oxnminer. Tlio fail-
tire of the bank Is duo to a lack of business
nnd to other causes. The depositors will be
paid in full , nnd. Judging from the informa
tion now with the comptroller , all the bank's
obligations will bo met In timo.
Iowa Cill/.ciiH'Colllde ' with n ItnrlliiK-
ton Train nt Vinton.
VIXTOX , la. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BKK.J At 10 o'clock this morning
John Brubakor nnd Kobort Aylwood of this
city attempted to cross In front of n north
bound Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern
passenger train In n wagon. The cngino
struck the vehicle , smashing It to kindling
wood nnd instantly killing both men.
I'olk County Alliance McetM.
DKS MOIXKS , In. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIIJ Bin.j : Tbo Polk county farm
ers' nlltanco hold a plcnlo on the state fall-
grounds today , which was largely attended.
Addresses were mndo by President furrow
of the stats alliance , State Lecturer Sargent
nnd others. The Farmers' Alliance und In
dustrial union will celebrate In a ( similar
manner tomorrow , to bo addressed by Presi
dent Polk of the National alliance and Gen
eral J. Weaver.
Death from Oasollno.
Cmnn Uu'ins. In. , Sopt. 17. ( Special Telegram -
ogram to Tun linn. ] While Mrs. F. M.
Brown was engaged In filllnc ; tbo gasoline
stove today her lit tlo 2-yoar-old son ran be
tween her and the stove , couslnir her to spill
the nuid , a quantity of which struch the little -
tlo follow in the face and going down his
throat , death resulting before medical as
sistance could bo summoned.
Killed with a Flat-iron.
KKOKUK , la. , Sopt. 17. Henry Nye and
Isaac Nyriclt got into a fight at a dance at
Marysvillc , Mo. , Tuesday night , Nye strik
ing Nyrick lu the temple with a fiat-iron ,
from the effect of which ho died this morn
ing. Nye escaped.
lo\vn RnptlKts in ( Session.
Four MAHISO.V , la. , Sept , 17. The Iowa
Baptist association is holding a session here.
Kov. Amos Johnson of Kcokulc was chosen
moJerator. J , W. Washington of Burlington
delivered the annual sermon.
Clubbed to Death.
LYOXS , la. , Sopt. 17. Henry Limbeck , n
teamster of Clinton , resisted arrest and was
clubbed by Officer Frazer of that city today.
Limbeck died this morning. An inquest will
bo hold over his remains.
General Aljjcr nt Ottuimva.
OTTUMWA , la. , Sept. 17. General Algor
addressed 3,000 , veterans nnd visitors nt the
Coal Palace today.
Why the MisRlfiBi ) > | ) l Alliances Pro
pose to Giro Up Their Charters.
WKST POINT , Miss. , Sept. 17. A call was
issued today by the president of the West
Point , sub-ulllanco for n special mooting , to
bo hold at once , nnd when the body moots
the only business transacted will be the
passing of n resolution giving up the charter.
The members of this sub-alllnnca are almost
unanimous in their determination to glvo up
the charter nnd got out of tlio atmosphere of
Macuno and McDowell und the number of
equally misguided nnd disappointed politi
cians who are using the order to disrupt the
democratic party. This action is the first of
n scries of similar acts upon the part of
many other sub-nlliancos , which moans the
dissolution of the alliance throughout the
Italy bus recognl/od the provisional govern
ment of Chill.
John T. Hay , charged with steullnflOD.ono
In scrip from the state of Kansas , has been
acquitted of the ( iliargp.
It Is leported that fifty workmen have boon
killed through the collapse of a tunnel on the
line of a now railway , near Trieste.
M. Uouvler , the minister of llnanco of
1'ranco , was married In Purls to Margurlto
I'oiiimcronl. the widow of Duduyol.
The piiynmnts by thoTrousury ilupiirtinont
on account of pensions HO fur during the
month of Suptembur atrgrcguto ? lIG'.7li0. ) !
A spoulul from Austin , Tox. . suys Oovornor
lliug refined to Inti-rfi'ro further In the Dick
Duncan case und ho will hang ut Kaglo 1'ass
A t-ottlor named Wostorlumhof Now Ptoek-
holin , .Manitoba , while Ins.inei" chopped the
head oil' his 3-yuur-oId daughter with u
broad-ax ,
The governor of Okliihomu has toluvrunhcd
the prrsldcnt asking for a delay In tliuopen-
Ingof the Indian reservations In tlio eastern
part of that territory ,
Di'nnls Sullivan wns lodged In Jail lust nl ht
ut 1'lco. Colo. , for holng drunk , lie set lire to
the building , whloliras destroyed , while ho
WUB burned to u crisp.
A rebellion In the valley of tno Vang-lso-
Kluni ! , China , Is Immlnont , Many snl/uros of
arms and dynamlto conxlunod tobvcrol hoclo-
tles tluiro have boon made ,
A nuniburnf Inlurestlug add rinses were iln-
llverud at the session of the Church unity
conforencu ut CliluiiEO un.l the muetliiK closed
lust night with dinotlonal services ,
MIchuel Trolnor , night watchman In thn
tolntuinploy of WlBRliis. I oiry .t Co..and . Urn
Missouri I'nollle llnllroud company at St. Louis
was numisslnuted. No cause Is known for the
I'x-SumutorTubor of Colorado has rnciilvod
an older from thu miprumo court of S\a\\ua \ \
clvlni : him possession of tliu Santa l.dhvlno
gold mine , ovtir whluh ho has hud thrcu yours'
rillKUtlon ,
L. L. I'oik , president of thn National farmers'
ulliuncn , ( lontod the rcpoit that ho narrowly
osuupoil from a coat of tar and fonihurit ut thn
hands of un unrnRed crowd of ox-union bol-
dlnrsat Wichita , K in.
Kov. Arthur Newman , pustorof the I'rnsiby-
tiirlnti cinircli at llrldnliiiinpton. loni ; Ipjlund ,
N y. . WUH ninrrlnil to Miss Isabella llunip-
Htuud at tliu homo of thu brldu'o puiuntn In
III r.vanston , III. , thU morning.
A sonsatlonal otory comes from California ,
to thu ulfoot that convicts In the state prison
ntbun Qulntim bud madooveiy urruiuitniiuit
to blow thu prlhon np with dynunilto und
cueapc. The plot , howuvur. was discovered In
time to prevent tlm consummation of tlio con-
viols' plans.
Tlm supreme court of Colorado bus rofusu'l
to grunt \V. 11. DavUu mipersoileas , ami the
niun will bo ImiiKod between thin und Sunday
mornlnir iinlou the sovornor Intorfori's , wtiich
U not Ilkuly. Davis while drunk In I'uoblo
lust January murdered hl mother und a man
named Arnold.
.Tho appraisers nnpolntcd by Judge Aldnn of
tlio district court of Wyiindotto county , Kiui-
ni , to ascertain the value of tlio aiwntfi of the
Bimpondod i'ir.t National bank of ICitnsus
City. ICun. . have Hied tholr report. The assets
are appraised at ll.flsO. TUo llubltltlos of the
banic uro UI.OM.
Oolonel Kiug of Memphis Will in All Prob
ability Stretch Hemp ,
Stern nnd Unrolcnf IIIK Juntlco In Ten *
nessco riucno In the Courf
AN liun Its HcntonueVnn
MtiMiMii ? , Toiin. , Sept , 17. Unless the
supreme court shall Interfere in his behalf
Colonel II. Clay King will bo hanged In this
city on November (1 ( next for the murder of
David H. Poston on March 10 last ,
The chapter In the Hfo of Colonel King , so
far n thu criminal court of Shelby county-is
concerned , was closed today when JuOgoJ J.
J , Duboiso of the criminal court , nftor a
loncthy opinion , said : "Lot the motion bo
overruled. "
The crime for which II. Clay King stands
convicted Is too fresh in the minds of the
puoplo to need rehearsing in detail. Between
10 and 11 o'clock on the morning of the 10th
of last March Colonel King stopped from a
doorway on Main street , opposite Court
House square , and shot down Lawyer Dnvld
H. Poston , who wns hurrying to the court
housoon Important business. Ho died u few
hours later. King at once gave himself up
nnd wns committed to jail without ball and
his trial , a few months ttioroaftor , lasted
thirty-two days , thu longest nnd most cele
brated criminal trial In the history of the
country. The Jury pfter nearly two days'
deliberation brought In n verdict of guilty of
A now trial was applied for , and this morn
ing Judge Duboiso delivered his opinion , over
ruling the motion.
Every exception In the prisoner's behalf
was overruled. King sat perfectly stolid
witli a broad fan pressed tight against his
lips. Judge Green , King's attorney , cxceptod
to the judgmontof the court in overruling the
There was another pause of n innuito ,
when Judge Duboiso , looking up from the
manuscript ho had been rearranging , said :
"Lot the prisoner como forward"
Instantly Colonel King rose from his chair
nnd with a nervous but llxed nnd immovable
countenance stepped u row paces toward the
bench and looked steadfastly in the Judge's
face. In a distinct voice the JnJgo said : "It
Is the judgment of this court that you , 11.
Clav King , shall bo committed to the body
of the county Jail nnd there safely kept by
the sheriff until the Oth day of November ,
IS'Jl , when , between thu hours of 10 a. m. and
f p. m. the sheriff shall , within iho jail , or an
enclosure adjacent to the Jail , take you to a
gallows , therein constructed , nnd hang you
by the neck until , \ou are dead. "
The prisoner stood as a statue through the
dread ordeal of words , and when tlio court
had finished ho turned on his heels and
walked llrmly back to bl.s chair.
Major Wntuerford then arose and said that
an appeal would bo taken to tliu supreme
court. '
Colonel King , botwcen two deputies , wns
token bade to Jail.
' J.VW/C'/.VO 3I01STU11K.
Government Ilninmakcrs nt 101 Pnso ,
Te.MiH A liulloon ANceiinion.
Er , PASO , Tox. , Sopt. 17. The government
rainmakers have everything in readiness for
the great test tomorrow. At 4 o'clock this
afternoon John T. Ellis of the expedition
wont up in a balloon two miles to measure
the humidity of the atmosphere. The balloon
bounded upward when turned loose nnd Up
into the blue skies it went until It looked
llko a huge bird. When it tvas up one milo n
number of explosions wcro set oft on the
ground. The balloon foil in the mountains
thirteen miles from thu city nnd neither thu
balloon or occupant have been heard from.
Since the heavy explosions this afternoon
heavy dark clouds have gathered above
Mount Franklin , from which point the bom
bardment took place.
Mr. Ellis , of the rain-making party , who
wont up in n balloon to measure the humidity
of the atmosphere , lm returned to the city.
Sensational reports sent out by special corre
spondents that ho was lost in the mountains
aud hurt are not true.
K Accident.
Vinoixu CITV , Nov. , Sopt. 17. This morn
ing the crosstioad pump cngino nt the Alta
mine broke down. The pump rod broke ut
the surface , und going down thn shaft , car
ried everything with it to the water level.
Five men wcro at the opening station on the
1'JOU-foot , level nud it Ill-it
, - , was at supposed
that they had been killed , but a signal wns
soon recuivod announcing their safety.
They wore brought up this nftornoon. A
large part ot the shaft is a wreck , but the
damage will oo repaired for less than $10,000.
Tanks were nt once put in and the water will
bo held until the pump is ' repaired , which
will bo in about ton days.
Workln ; ; WOIIICII'H Union.
The ladles who mot ono week ngo nnd took
the Initiatory sfcops looking to the organiza
tion of u Working Women's union hold nn-
other mooting last night. The attendance
was unusually largo and considerable Inter
est was displayed. Mesdames Hugh , Carol ) ,
Wood and Downs were appointed a coinmlt-
tco on constitution and by-laws with instruc
tions to report nt the next mooting.
Held for
J. C. Pnuloy was arraigned in police court
yesterday and waived a preliminary exam
ination. Ho was bound over to the district
court In > SOO ball , which could not bo fur
nished , and thu prisoner was sent to the
county Jail. At 1 o'cloci ; this morning Smith
\vns resting easily and grout hopes for his
recovery nro entertained.
Drove Over a OlilM.
Charles Peterson wns arrested last evening
nnd charged with reckless driving. Peterson
was turning the corn or of Suvonth nnd
Klovonth street und IMH over the young son
of Peter Hanson ,
Tha child wns badly crushed about the
thighs , besides suffering severe bruises nbout
the la-ad.
To Niiuucoil n TilloT.
CiiATTANoonA , Toiin , , Sopt. 17.Chns. . J.
Kirschner of Toledo , O. , wni tJila.v elected
supreme treasurer of the Catliolio Knights of
Amnrlca , -ucoeod dofaultlug Treasurer
O'Drlcn , whoso stealings amounted to a
lttloovorri,030. !
jMnnlorml hy
NIIVADA , Cal. , Sopt. 17. - > . Galavottl ,
superintendent of the Dorbca drift mine , was
murdered by highwaymen tills morning
while coming to this city with $ r > ,000 , In a
gold bar. Several uquads under the sheriff
huvn started for the scene of tliu murder.
1'oranl of Kvldonuc.
HKI.PAST , Sept. 17. William Allen , the
leading witness for the crown against Mr.
Edward DoCobaln. M. P. , who was arrested
yesterday ohnrzod with soiling obnccno pic-
lures , was discharged today , no case being
proven njalnst Him. _
GKNivt : , Nob. , Sent , 17. ( Special Tel-
opium to Tin ) BKH.JTho nlilunco Judicial
convention mot here todny nnd nominated W.
G. Hastings of Wllbor for Judge of the Sev
enth Judicial district.
1'KUXON.l I , I' . ! ll.l ( iltAVUS.
lion. K. P. Pottlgrow of Sioux Falls , S. D. ,
Unltod Slatoj senator from that state , U
stopping at the Paxton ,
William Whltobrond returned yesterday
from Newcastle , Wyo. , where ho had been
on n businuss trip of sovcrul wooks' duration.
General William Loose of Lincoln called ,
upon TIIK HER ycitcrduy. Ho thinks Edger *
ton will bo elected and doubts that Koasi
may bo nominated by the republicans.